path: root/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/text.lua
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authorNorbert Preining <>2021-09-20 03:02:23 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-09-20 03:02:23 +0000
commitc9fcf97bc045a9d020980c33b6c7c1ee5aedef99 (patch)
treebf74a43623e081cad4b72a752730aeff86b7c5cf /macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/text.lua
parent996c9b239bde82dc3ef3e5b69cd525e87fdb61a8 (diff)
CTAN sync 202109200302
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/text.lua')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/text.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/text.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e626e86cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/text.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+--- Text processing utilities.
+-- This provides a Template class (modeled after the same from the Python
+-- libraries, see string.Template). It also provides similar functions to those
+-- found in the textwrap module.
+-- See @{|the Guide}.
+-- Calling `text.format_operator()` overloads the % operator for strings to give Python/Ruby style formated output.
+-- This is extended to also do template-like substitution for map-like data.
+-- > require 'pl.text'.format_operator()
+-- > = '%s = %5.3f' % {'PI',math.pi}
+-- PI = 3.142
+-- > = '$name = $value' % {name='dog',value='Pluto'}
+-- dog = Pluto
+-- Dependencies: `pl.utils`, `pl.types`
+-- @module pl.text
+local gsub = string.gsub
+local concat,append = table.concat,table.insert
+local utils = require 'pl.utils'
+local bind1,usplit,assert_arg = utils.bind1,utils.split,utils.assert_arg
+local is_callable = require 'pl.types'.is_callable
+local unpack = utils.unpack
+local text = {}
+local function makelist(l)
+ return setmetatable(l, require('pl.List'))
+local function lstrip(str) return (str:gsub('^%s+','')) end
+local function strip(str) return (lstrip(str):gsub('%s+$','')) end
+local function split(s,delim) return makelist(usplit(s,delim)) end
+local function imap(f,t,...)
+ local res = {}
+ for i = 1,#t do res[i] = f(t[i],...) end
+ return res
+local function _indent (s,sp)
+ local sl = split(s,'\n')
+ return concat(imap(bind1('..',sp),sl),'\n')..'\n'
+--- indent a multiline string.
+-- @param s the string
+-- @param n the size of the indent
+-- @param ch the character to use when indenting (default ' ')
+-- @return indented string
+function text.indent (s,n,ch)
+ assert_arg(1,s,'string')
+ assert_arg(2,n,'number')
+ return _indent(s,string.rep(ch or ' ',n))
+--- dedent a multiline string by removing any initial indent.
+-- useful when working with [[..]] strings.
+-- @param s the string
+-- @return a string with initial indent zero.
+function text.dedent (s)
+ assert_arg(1,s,'string')
+ local sl = split(s,'\n')
+ local _,i2 = (#sl>0 and sl[1] or ''):find('^%s*')
+ sl = imap(string.sub,sl,i2+1)
+ return concat(sl,'\n')..'\n'
+--- format a paragraph into lines so that they fit into a line width.
+-- It will not break long words, so lines can be over the length
+-- to that extent.
+-- @param s the string
+-- @param width the margin width, default 70
+-- @return a list of lines (List object)
+-- @see pl.List
+function text.wrap (s,width)
+ assert_arg(1,s,'string')
+ width = width or 70
+ s = s:gsub('\n',' ')
+ local i,nxt = 1
+ local lines,line = {}
+ while i < #s do
+ nxt = i+width
+ if s:find("[%w']",nxt) then -- inside a word
+ nxt = s:find('%W',nxt+1) -- so find word boundary
+ end
+ line = s:sub(i,nxt)
+ i = i + #line
+ append(lines,strip(line))
+ end
+ return makelist(lines)
+--- format a paragraph so that it fits into a line width.
+-- @param s the string
+-- @param width the margin width, default 70
+-- @return a string
+-- @see wrap
+function text.fill (s,width)
+ return concat(text.wrap(s,width),'\n') .. '\n'
+local Template = {}
+text.Template = Template
+Template.__index = Template
+setmetatable(Template, {
+ __call = function(obj,tmpl)
+ return
+ end})
+ assert_arg(1,tmpl,'string')
+ local res = {}
+ res.tmpl = tmpl
+ setmetatable(res,Template)
+ return res
+local function _substitute(s,tbl,safe)
+ local subst
+ if is_callable(tbl) then
+ subst = tbl
+ else
+ function subst(f)
+ local s = tbl[f]
+ if not s then
+ if safe then
+ return f
+ else
+ error("not present in table "..f)
+ end
+ else
+ return s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local res = gsub(s,'%${([%w_]+)}',subst)
+ return (gsub(res,'%$([%w_]+)',subst))
+--- substitute values into a template, throwing an error.
+-- This will throw an error if no name is found.
+-- @param tbl a table of name-value pairs.
+function Template:substitute(tbl)
+ assert_arg(1,tbl,'table')
+ return _substitute(self.tmpl,tbl,false)
+--- substitute values into a template.
+-- This version just passes unknown names through.
+-- @param tbl a table of name-value pairs.
+function Template:safe_substitute(tbl)
+ assert_arg(1,tbl,'table')
+ return _substitute(self.tmpl,tbl,true)
+--- substitute values into a template, preserving indentation. <br>
+-- If the value is a multiline string _or_ a template, it will insert
+-- the lines at the correct indentation. <br>
+-- Furthermore, if a template, then that template will be subsituted
+-- using the same table.
+-- @param tbl a table of name-value pairs.
+function Template:indent_substitute(tbl)
+ assert_arg(1,tbl,'table')
+ if not self.strings then
+ self.strings = split(self.tmpl,'\n')
+ end
+ -- the idea is to substitute line by line, grabbing any spaces as
+ -- well as the $var. If the value to be substituted contains newlines,
+ -- then we split that into lines and adjust the indent before inserting.
+ local function subst(line)
+ return line:gsub('(%s*)%$([%w_]+)',function(sp,f)
+ local subtmpl
+ local s = tbl[f]
+ if not s then error("not present in table "..f) end
+ if getmetatable(s) == Template then
+ subtmpl = s
+ s = s.tmpl
+ else
+ s = tostring(s)
+ end
+ if s:find '\n' then
+ s = _indent(s,sp)
+ end
+ if subtmpl then return _substitute(s,tbl)
+ else return s
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ local lines = imap(subst,self.strings)
+ return concat(lines,'\n')..'\n'
+------- Python-style formatting operator ------
+-- (see <a href="">the lua-users wiki</a>) --
+function text.format_operator()
+ local format = string.format
+ -- a more forgiving version of string.format, which applies
+ -- tostring() to any value with a %s format.
+ local function formatx (fmt,...)
+ local args = {...}
+ local i = 1
+ for p in fmt:gmatch('%%.') do
+ if p == '%s' and type(args[i]) ~= 'string' then
+ args[i] = tostring(args[i])
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ return format(fmt,unpack(args))
+ end
+ local function basic_subst(s,t)
+ return (s:gsub('%$([%w_]+)',t))
+ end
+ -- Note this goes further than the original, and will allow these cases:
+ -- 1. a single value
+ -- 2. a list of values
+ -- 3. a map of var=value pairs
+ -- 4. a function, as in gsub
+ -- For the second two cases, it uses $-variable substituion.
+ getmetatable("").__mod = function(a, b)
+ if b == nil then
+ return a
+ elseif type(b) == "table" and getmetatable(b) == nil then
+ if #b == 0 then -- assume a map-like table
+ return _substitute(a,b,true)
+ else
+ return formatx(a,unpack(b))
+ end
+ elseif type(b) == 'function' then
+ return basic_subst(a,b)
+ else
+ return formatx(a,b)
+ end
+ end
+return text