path: root/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/dir.lua
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authorNorbert Preining <>2021-09-20 03:02:23 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-09-20 03:02:23 +0000
commitc9fcf97bc045a9d020980c33b6c7c1ee5aedef99 (patch)
treebf74a43623e081cad4b72a752730aeff86b7c5cf /macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/dir.lua
parent996c9b239bde82dc3ef3e5b69cd525e87fdb61a8 (diff)
CTAN sync 202109200302
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/dir.lua')
1 files changed, 524 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/dir.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/dir.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b19c8fc440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/dir.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+--- Listing files in directories and creating/removing directory paths.
+-- Dependencies: `pl.utils`, `pl.path`
+-- Soft Dependencies: `alien`, `ffi` (either are used on Windows for copying/moving files)
+-- @module pl.dir
+local utils = require 'pl.utils'
+local path = require 'pl.path'
+local is_windows = path.is_windows
+local ldir = path.dir
+local mkdir = path.mkdir
+local rmdir = path.rmdir
+local sub = string.sub
+local os,pcall,ipairs,pairs,require,setmetatable = os,pcall,ipairs,pairs,require,setmetatable
+local remove = os.remove
+local append = table.insert
+local assert_arg,assert_string,raise = utils.assert_arg,utils.assert_string,utils.raise
+local exists, isdir = path.exists, path.isdir
+local sep = path.sep
+local dir = {}
+local function makelist(l)
+ return setmetatable(l, require('pl.List'))
+local function assert_dir (n,val)
+ assert_arg(n,val,'string',path.isdir,'not a directory',4)
+local function filemask(mask)
+ mask = utils.escape(path.normcase(mask))
+ return '^'..mask:gsub('%%%*','.*'):gsub('%%%?','.')..'$'
+--- Test whether a file name matches a shell pattern.
+-- Both parameters are case-normalized if operating system is
+-- case-insensitive.
+-- @string filename A file name.
+-- @string pattern A shell pattern. The only special characters are
+-- `'*'` and `'?'`: `'*'` matches any sequence of characters and
+-- `'?'` matches any single character.
+-- @treturn bool
+-- @raise dir and mask must be strings
+function dir.fnmatch(filename,pattern)
+ assert_string(1,filename)
+ assert_string(2,pattern)
+ return path.normcase(filename):find(filemask(pattern)) ~= nil
+--- Return a list of all file names within an array which match a pattern.
+-- @tab filenames An array containing file names.
+-- @string pattern A shell pattern.
+-- @treturn List(string) List of matching file names.
+-- @raise dir and mask must be strings
+function dir.filter(filenames,pattern)
+ assert_arg(1,filenames,'table')
+ assert_string(2,pattern)
+ local res = {}
+ local mask = filemask(pattern)
+ for i,f in ipairs(filenames) do
+ if path.normcase(f):find(mask) then append(res,f) end
+ end
+ return makelist(res)
+local function _listfiles(dirname,filemode,match)
+ local res = {}
+ local check = utils.choose(filemode,path.isfile,path.isdir)
+ if not dirname then dirname = '.' end
+ for f in ldir(dirname) do
+ if f ~= '.' and f ~= '..' then
+ local p = path.join(dirname,f)
+ if check(p) and (not match or match(f)) then
+ append(res,p)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return makelist(res)
+--- return a list of all files in a directory which match a shell pattern.
+-- @string dirname A directory. If not given, all files in current directory are returned.
+-- @string mask A shell pattern. If not given, all files are returned.
+-- @treturn {string} list of files
+-- @raise dirname and mask must be strings
+function dir.getfiles(dirname,mask)
+ assert_dir(1,dirname)
+ if mask then assert_string(2,mask) end
+ local match
+ if mask then
+ mask = filemask(mask)
+ match = function(f)
+ return path.normcase(f):find(mask)
+ end
+ end
+ return _listfiles(dirname,true,match)
+--- return a list of all subdirectories of the directory.
+-- @string dirname A directory
+-- @treturn {string} a list of directories
+-- @raise dir must be a a valid directory
+function dir.getdirectories(dirname)
+ assert_dir(1,dirname)
+ return _listfiles(dirname,false)
+local alien,ffi,ffi_checked,CopyFile,MoveFile,GetLastError,win32_errors,cmd_tmpfile
+local function execute_command(cmd,parms)
+ if not cmd_tmpfile then cmd_tmpfile = path.tmpname () end
+ local err = path.is_windows and ' > ' or ' 2> '
+ cmd = cmd..' '..parms..err..utils.quote_arg(cmd_tmpfile)
+ local ret = utils.execute(cmd)
+ if not ret then
+ local err = (utils.readfile(cmd_tmpfile):gsub('\n(.*)',''))
+ remove(cmd_tmpfile)
+ return false,err
+ else
+ remove(cmd_tmpfile)
+ return true
+ end
+local function find_ffi_copyfile ()
+ if not ffi_checked then
+ ffi_checked = true
+ local res
+ res,alien = pcall(require,'alien')
+ if not res then
+ alien = nil
+ res, ffi = pcall(require,'ffi')
+ end
+ if not res then
+ ffi = nil
+ return
+ end
+ else
+ return
+ end
+ if alien then
+ -- register the Win32 CopyFile and MoveFile functions
+ local kernel = alien.load('kernel32.dll')
+ CopyFile = kernel.CopyFileA
+ CopyFile:types{'string','string','int',ret='int',abi='stdcall'}
+ MoveFile = kernel.MoveFileA
+ MoveFile:types{'string','string',ret='int',abi='stdcall'}
+ GetLastError = kernel.GetLastError
+ GetLastError:types{ret ='int', abi='stdcall'}
+ elseif ffi then
+ ffi.cdef [[
+ int CopyFileA(const char *src, const char *dest, int iovr);
+ int MoveFileA(const char *src, const char *dest);
+ int GetLastError();
+ ]]
+ CopyFile = ffi.C.CopyFileA
+ MoveFile = ffi.C.MoveFileA
+ GetLastError = ffi.C.GetLastError
+ end
+ win32_errors = {
+ }
+local function two_arguments (f1,f2)
+ return utils.quote_arg(f1)..' '..utils.quote_arg(f2)
+local function file_op (is_copy,src,dest,flag)
+ if flag == 1 and path.exists(dest) then
+ return false,"cannot overwrite destination"
+ end
+ if is_windows then
+ -- if we haven't tried to load Alien/LuaJIT FFI before, then do so
+ find_ffi_copyfile()
+ -- fallback if there's no Alien, just use DOS commands *shudder*
+ -- 'rename' involves a copy and then deleting the source.
+ if not CopyFile then
+ if path.is_windows then
+ src = src:gsub("/","\\")
+ dest = dest:gsub("/","\\")
+ end
+ local res, err = execute_command('copy',two_arguments(src,dest))
+ if not res then return false,err end
+ if not is_copy then
+ return execute_command('del',utils.quote_arg(src))
+ end
+ return true
+ else
+ if path.isdir(dest) then
+ dest = path.join(dest,path.basename(src))
+ end
+ local ret
+ if is_copy then ret = CopyFile(src,dest,flag)
+ else ret = MoveFile(src,dest) end
+ if ret == 0 then
+ local err = GetLastError()
+ for name,value in pairs(win32_errors) do
+ if value == err then return false,name end
+ end
+ return false,"Error #"..err
+ else return true
+ end
+ end
+ else -- for Unix, just use cp for now
+ return execute_command(is_copy and 'cp' or 'mv',
+ two_arguments(src,dest))
+ end
+--- copy a file.
+-- @string src source file
+-- @string dest destination file or directory
+-- @bool flag true if you want to force the copy (default)
+-- @treturn bool operation succeeded
+-- @raise src and dest must be strings
+function dir.copyfile (src,dest,flag)
+ assert_string(1,src)
+ assert_string(2,dest)
+ flag = flag==nil or flag
+ return file_op(true,src,dest,flag and 0 or 1)
+--- move a file.
+-- @string src source file
+-- @string dest destination file or directory
+-- @treturn bool operation succeeded
+-- @raise src and dest must be strings
+function dir.movefile (src,dest)
+ assert_string(1,src)
+ assert_string(2,dest)
+ return file_op(false,src,dest,0)
+local function _dirfiles(dirname,attrib)
+ local dirs = {}
+ local files = {}
+ for f in ldir(dirname) do
+ if f ~= '.' and f ~= '..' then
+ local p = path.join(dirname,f)
+ local mode = attrib(p,'mode')
+ if mode=='directory' then
+ append(dirs,f)
+ else
+ append(files,f)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return makelist(dirs), makelist(files)
+--- return an iterator which walks through a directory tree starting at root.
+-- The iterator returns (root,dirs,files)
+-- Note that dirs and files are lists of names (i.e. you must say path.join(root,d)
+-- to get the actual full path)
+-- If bottom_up is false (or not present), then the entries at the current level are returned
+-- before we go deeper. This means that you can modify the returned list of directories before
+-- continuing.
+-- This is a clone of os.walk from the Python libraries.
+-- @string root A starting directory
+-- @bool bottom_up False if we start listing entries immediately.
+-- @bool follow_links follow symbolic links
+-- @return an iterator returning root,dirs,files
+-- @raise root must be a directory
+function dir.walk(root,bottom_up,follow_links)
+ assert_dir(1,root)
+ local attrib
+ if path.is_windows or not follow_links then
+ attrib = path.attrib
+ else
+ attrib = path.link_attrib
+ end
+ local to_scan = { root }
+ local to_return = {}
+ local iter = function()
+ while #to_scan > 0 do
+ local current_root = table.remove(to_scan)
+ local dirs,files = _dirfiles(current_root, attrib)
+ for _, d in ipairs(dirs) do
+ table.insert(to_scan, current_root..path.sep..d)
+ end
+ if not bottom_up then
+ return current_root, dirs, files
+ else
+ table.insert(to_return, { current_root, dirs, files })
+ end
+ end
+ if #to_return > 0 then
+ return utils.unpack(table.remove(to_return))
+ end
+ end
+ return iter
+--- remove a whole directory tree.
+-- Symlinks in the tree will be deleted without following them.
+-- @string fullpath A directory path (must be an actual directory, not a symlink)
+-- @return true or nil
+-- @return error if failed
+-- @raise fullpath must be a string
+function dir.rmtree(fullpath)
+ assert_dir(1,fullpath)
+ if path.islink(fullpath) then return false,'will not follow symlink' end
+ for root,dirs,files in dir.walk(fullpath,true) do
+ if path.islink(root) then
+ -- sub dir is a link, remove link, do not follow
+ if is_windows then
+ -- Windows requires using "rmdir". Deleting the link like a file
+ -- will instead delete all files from the target directory!!
+ local res, err = rmdir(root)
+ if not res then return nil,err .. ": " .. root end
+ else
+ local res, err = remove(root)
+ if not res then return nil,err .. ": " .. root end
+ end
+ else
+ for i,f in ipairs(files) do
+ local res, err = remove(path.join(root,f))
+ if not res then return nil,err .. ": " .. path.join(root,f) end
+ end
+ local res, err = rmdir(root)
+ if not res then return nil,err .. ": " .. root end
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ local dirpat
+ if path.is_windows then
+ dirpat = '(.+)\\[^\\]+$'
+ else
+ dirpat = '(.+)/[^/]+$'
+ end
+ local _makepath
+ function _makepath(p)
+ -- windows root drive case
+ if p:find '^%a:[\\]*$' then
+ return true
+ end
+ if not path.isdir(p) then
+ local subp = p:match(dirpat)
+ if subp then
+ local ok, err = _makepath(subp)
+ if not ok then return nil, err end
+ end
+ return mkdir(p)
+ else
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ --- create a directory path.
+ -- This will create subdirectories as necessary!
+ -- @string p A directory path
+ -- @return true on success, nil + errormsg on failure
+ -- @raise failure to create
+ function dir.makepath (p)
+ assert_string(1,p)
+ if path.is_windows then
+ p = p:gsub("/", "\\")
+ end
+ return _makepath(path.abspath(p))
+ end
+--- clone a directory tree. Will always try to create a new directory structure
+-- if necessary.
+-- @string path1 the base path of the source tree
+-- @string path2 the new base path for the destination
+-- @func file_fun an optional function to apply on all files
+-- @bool verbose an optional boolean to control the verbosity of the output.
+-- It can also be a logging function that behaves like print()
+-- @return true, or nil
+-- @return error message, or list of failed directory creations
+-- @return list of failed file operations
+-- @raise path1 and path2 must be strings
+-- @usage clonetree('.','../backup',copyfile)
+function dir.clonetree (path1,path2,file_fun,verbose)
+ assert_string(1,path1)
+ assert_string(2,path2)
+ if verbose == true then verbose = print end
+ local abspath,normcase,isdir,join = path.abspath,path.normcase,path.isdir,path.join
+ local faildirs,failfiles = {},{}
+ if not isdir(path1) then return raise 'source is not a valid directory' end
+ path1 = abspath(normcase(path1))
+ path2 = abspath(normcase(path2))
+ if verbose then verbose('normalized:',path1,path2) end
+ -- particularly NB that the new path isn't fully contained in the old path
+ if path1 == path2 then return raise "paths are the same" end
+ local _,i2 = path2:find(path1,1,true)
+ if i2 == #path1 and path2:sub(i2+1,i2+1) == path.sep then
+ return raise 'destination is a subdirectory of the source'
+ end
+ local cp = path.common_prefix (path1,path2)
+ local idx = #cp
+ if idx == 0 then -- no common path, but watch out for Windows paths!
+ if path1:sub(2,2) == ':' then idx = 3 end
+ end
+ for root,dirs,files in dir.walk(path1) do
+ local opath = path2..root:sub(idx)
+ if verbose then verbose('paths:',opath,root) end
+ if not isdir(opath) then
+ local ret = dir.makepath(opath)
+ if not ret then append(faildirs,opath) end
+ if verbose then verbose('creating:',opath,ret) end
+ end
+ if file_fun then
+ for i,f in ipairs(files) do
+ local p1 = join(root,f)
+ local p2 = join(opath,f)
+ local ret = file_fun(p1,p2)
+ if not ret then append(failfiles,p2) end
+ if verbose then
+ verbose('files:',p1,p2,ret)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return true,faildirs,failfiles
+-- each entry of the stack is an array with three items:
+-- 1. the name of the directory
+-- 2. the lfs iterator function
+-- 3. the lfs iterator userdata
+local function treeiter(iterstack)
+ local diriter = iterstack[#iterstack]
+ if not diriter then
+ return -- done
+ end
+ local dirname = diriter[1]
+ local entry = diriter[2](diriter[3])
+ if not entry then
+ table.remove(iterstack)
+ return treeiter(iterstack) -- tail-call to try next
+ end
+ if entry ~= "." and entry ~= ".." then
+ entry = dirname .. sep .. entry
+ if exists(entry) then -- Just in case a symlink is broken.
+ local is_dir = isdir(entry)
+ if is_dir then
+ table.insert(iterstack, { entry, ldir(entry) })
+ end
+ return entry, is_dir
+ end
+ end
+ return treeiter(iterstack) -- tail-call to try next
+--- return an iterator over all entries in a directory tree
+-- @string d a directory
+-- @return an iterator giving pathname and mode (true for dir, false otherwise)
+-- @raise d must be a non-empty string
+function dir.dirtree( d )
+ assert( d and d ~= "", "directory parameter is missing or empty" )
+ local last = sub ( d, -1 )
+ if last == sep or last == '/' then
+ d = sub( d, 1, -2 )
+ end
+ local iterstack = { {d, ldir(d)} }
+ return treeiter, iterstack
+--- Recursively returns all the file starting at _path_. It can optionally take a shell pattern and
+-- only returns files that match _shell_pattern_. If a pattern is given it will do a case insensitive search.
+-- @string start_path A directory. If not given, all files in current directory are returned.
+-- @string shell_pattern A shell pattern. If not given, all files are returned.
+-- @treturn List(string) containing all the files found recursively starting at _path_ and filtered by _shell_pattern_.
+-- @raise start_path must be a directory
+function dir.getallfiles( start_path, shell_pattern )
+ assert_dir(1,start_path)
+ shell_pattern = shell_pattern or "*"
+ local files = {}
+ local normcase = path.normcase
+ for filename, mode in dir.dirtree( start_path ) do
+ if not mode then
+ local mask = filemask( shell_pattern )
+ if normcase(filename):find( mask ) then
+ files[#files + 1] = filename
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return makelist(files)
+return dir