path: root/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/data.lua
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authorNorbert Preining <>2021-09-20 03:02:23 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-09-20 03:02:23 +0000
commitc9fcf97bc045a9d020980c33b6c7c1ee5aedef99 (patch)
treebf74a43623e081cad4b72a752730aeff86b7c5cf /macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/data.lua
parent996c9b239bde82dc3ef3e5b69cd525e87fdb61a8 (diff)
CTAN sync 202109200302
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/data.lua')
1 files changed, 654 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/data.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/data.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a565ebc9a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/data.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+--- Reading and querying simple tabular data.
+-- 'test.txt'
+-- ==> {{10,20},{2,5},{40,50},fieldnames={'x','y'},delim=','}
+-- Provides a way of creating basic SQL-like queries.
+-- require 'pl'
+-- local d ='xyz.txt')
+-- local q = d:select('x,y,z where x > 3 and z < 2 sort by y')
+-- for x,y,z in q do
+-- print(x,y,z)
+-- end
+-- See @{|the Guide}
+-- Dependencies: `pl.utils`, `pl.array2d` (fallback methods)
+-- @module
+local utils = require 'pl.utils'
+local _DEBUG = rawget(_G,'_DEBUG')
+local patterns,function_arg,usplit,array_tostring = utils.patterns,utils.function_arg,utils.split,utils.array_tostring
+local append,concat = table.insert,table.concat
+local gsub = string.gsub
+local io = io
+local _G,print,type,tonumber,ipairs,setmetatable = _G,print,type,tonumber,ipairs,setmetatable
+local data = {}
+local parse_select
+local function rstrip(s)
+ return (s:gsub('%s+$',''))
+local function strip (s)
+ return (rstrip(s):gsub('^%s*',''))
+-- This gives `l` the standard List metatable,
+-- pulling in the List module.
+local function makelist(l)
+ return setmetatable(l, require('pl.List'))
+local function map(fun,t)
+ local res = {}
+ for i = 1,#t do
+ res[i] = fun(t[i])
+ end
+ return res
+local function split(line,delim,csv,n)
+ local massage
+ -- CSV fields may be double-quoted and may contain commas!
+ if csv and line:match '"' then
+ line = line:gsub('"([^"]+)"',function(str)
+ local s,cnt = str:gsub(',','\001')
+ if cnt > 0 then massage = true end
+ return s
+ end)
+ if massage then
+ massage = function(s) return (s:gsub('\001',',')) end
+ end
+ end
+ local res = (usplit(line,delim,false,n))
+ if csv then
+ -- restore CSV commas-in-fields
+ if massage then res = map(massage,res) end
+ -- in CSV mode trailiing commas are significant!
+ if line:match ',$' then append(res,'') end
+ end
+ return makelist(res)
+local function find(t,v)
+ for i = 1,#t do
+ if v == t[i] then return i end
+ end
+local DataMT = {
+ column_by_name = function(self,name)
+ if type(name) == 'number' then
+ name = '$'
+ end
+ local arr = {}
+ for res in data.query(self,name) do
+ append(arr,res)
+ end
+ return makelist(arr)
+ end,
+ copy_select = function(self,condn)
+ condn = parse_select(condn,self)
+ local iter = data.query(self,condn)
+ local res = {}
+ local row = makelist{iter()}
+ while #row > 0 do
+ append(res,row)
+ row = makelist{iter()}
+ end
+ res.delim = self.delim
+ return,split(condn.fields,','))
+ end,
+ column_names = function(self)
+ return self.fieldnames
+ end,
+local array2d
+DataMT.__index = function(self,name)
+ local f = DataMT[name]
+ if f then return f end
+ if not array2d then
+ array2d = require 'pl.array2d'
+ end
+ return array2d[name]
+--- return a particular column as a list of values (method).
+-- @param name either name of column, or numerical index.
+-- @function Data.column_by_name
+--- return a query iterator on this data (method).
+-- @string condn the query expression
+-- @function
+-- @see data.query
+--- return a row iterator on this data (method).
+-- @string condn the query expression
+-- @function Data.select_row
+--- return a new data object based on this query (method).
+-- @string condn the query expression
+-- @function Data.copy_select
+--- return the field names of this data object (method).
+-- @function Data.column_names
+--- write out a row (method).
+-- @param f file-like object
+-- @function Data.write_row
+--- write data out to file (method).
+-- @param f file-like object
+-- @function Data.write
+-- [guessing delimiter] We check for comma, tab and spaces in that order.
+-- [issue] any other delimiters to be checked?
+local delims = {',', '\t', ' ', ';'}
+local function guess_delim (line)
+ if line=='' then return ' ' end
+ for _,delim in ipairs(delims) do
+ if line:find(delim) then
+ return delim == ' ' and '%s+' or delim
+ end
+ end
+ return ' '
+-- [file parameter] If it's a string, we try open as a filename. If nil, then
+-- either stdin or stdout depending on the mode. Otherwise, check if this is
+-- a file-like object (implements read or write depending)
+local function open_file (f,mode)
+ local opened, err
+ local reading = mode == 'r'
+ if type(f) == 'string' then
+ if f == 'stdin' then
+ f = io.stdin
+ elseif f == 'stdout' then
+ f = io.stdout
+ else
+ f,err =,mode)
+ if not f then return nil,err end
+ opened = true
+ end
+ end
+ if f and ((reading and not or (not reading and not f.write)) then
+ return nil, "not a file-like object"
+ end
+ return f,nil,opened
+--- read a delimited file in a Lua table.
+-- By default, attempts to treat first line as separated list of fieldnames.
+-- @param file a filename or a file-like object
+-- @tab cnfg parsing options
+-- @string cnfg.delim a string pattern to split fields
+-- @array cnfg.fieldnames (i.e. don't read from first line)
+-- @bool cnfg.no_convert (default is to try conversion on first data line)
+-- @tab cnfg.convert table of custom conversion functions with column keys
+-- @int cnfg.numfields indices of columns known to be numbers
+-- @bool cnfg.last_field_collect only split as many fields as fieldnames.
+-- @int cnfg.thousands_dot thousands separator in Excel CSV is '.'
+-- @bool cnfg.csv fields may be double-quoted and contain commas;
+-- Also, empty fields are considered to be equivalent to zero.
+-- @return `data` object, or `nil`
+-- @return error message. May be a file error, 'not a file-like object'
+-- or a conversion error
+ local count,line
+ local D = {}
+ if not cnfg then cnfg = {} end
+ local f,err,opened = open_file(file,'r')
+ if not f then return nil, err end
+ local thousands_dot = cnfg.thousands_dot
+ local csv = cnfg.csv
+ if csv then cnfg.delim = ',' end
+ -- note that using dot as the thousands separator (@thousands_dot)
+ -- requires a special conversion function! For CSV, _empty fields_ are
+ -- considered to default to numerial zeroes.
+ local tonumber = tonumber
+ local function try_number(x)
+ if thousands_dot then x = x:gsub('%.(...)','%1') end
+ if csv and x == '' then x = '0' end
+ local v = tonumber(x)
+ if v == nil then return nil,"not a number" end
+ return v
+ end
+ count = 1
+ line = f:read()
+ if not line then return nil, "empty file" end
+ -- first question: what is the delimiter?
+ D.delim = cnfg.delim and cnfg.delim or guess_delim(line)
+ local delim = D.delim
+ local conversion
+ local numfields = {}
+ local function append_conversion (idx,conv)
+ conversion = conversion or {}
+ append(numfields,idx)
+ append(conversion,conv)
+ end
+ if cnfg.numfields then
+ for _,n in ipairs(cnfg.numfields) do append_conversion(n,try_number) end
+ end
+ -- some space-delimited data starts with a space. This should not be a column,
+ -- although it certainly would be for comma-separated, etc.
+ local stripper
+ if delim == '%s+' and line:find(delim) == 1 then
+ stripper = function(s) return s:gsub('^%s+','') end
+ line = stripper(line)
+ end
+ -- first line will usually be field names. Unless fieldnames are specified,
+ -- we check if it contains purely numerical values for the case of reading
+ -- plain data files.
+ if not cnfg.fieldnames then
+ local fields,nums
+ fields = split(line,delim,csv)
+ if not cnfg.convert then
+ nums = map(tonumber,fields)
+ if #nums == #fields then -- they're ALL numbers!
+ append(D,nums) -- add the first converted row
+ -- and specify conversions for subsequent rows
+ for i = 1,#nums do append_conversion(i,try_number) end
+ else -- we'll try to check numbers just now..
+ nums = nil
+ end
+ else -- [explicit column conversions] (any deduced number conversions will be added)
+ for idx,conv in pairs(cnfg.convert) do append_conversion(idx,conv) end
+ end
+ if nums == nil then
+ cnfg.fieldnames = fields
+ end
+ line = f:read()
+ count = count + 1
+ if stripper then line = stripper(line) end
+ elseif type(cnfg.fieldnames) == 'string' then
+ cnfg.fieldnames = split(cnfg.fieldnames,delim,csv)
+ end
+ local nfields
+ -- at this point, the column headers have been read in. If the first
+ -- row consisted of numbers, it has already been added to the dataset.
+ if cnfg.fieldnames then
+ D.fieldnames = cnfg.fieldnames
+ -- [collecting end field] If @last_field_collect then we'll
+ -- only split as many fields as there are fieldnames
+ if cnfg.last_field_collect then
+ nfields = #D.fieldnames
+ end
+ -- [implicit column conversion] unless @no_convert, we need the numerical field indices
+ -- of the first data row. These can also be specified explicitly by @numfields.
+ if not cnfg.no_convert then
+ local fields = split(line,D.delim,csv,nfields)
+ for i = 1,#fields do
+ if not find(numfields,i) and try_number(fields[i]) then
+ append_conversion(i,try_number)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- keep going until finished
+ while line do
+ if not line:find ('^%s*$') then -- [blank lines] ignore them!
+ if stripper then line = stripper(line) end
+ local fields = split(line,delim,csv,nfields)
+ if conversion then -- there were field conversions...
+ for k = 1,#numfields do
+ local i,conv = numfields[k],conversion[k]
+ local val,err = conv(fields[i])
+ if val == nil then
+ return nil, err..": "..fields[i].." at line "..count
+ else
+ fields[i] = val
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ append(D,fields)
+ end
+ line = f:read()
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ if opened then f:close() end
+ if delim == '%s+' then D.delim = ' ' end
+ if not D.fieldnames then D.fieldnames = {} end
+ return
+local function write_row (data,f,row,delim)
+ data.temp = array_tostring(row,data.temp)
+ f:write(concat(data.temp,delim),'\n')
+function DataMT:write_row(f,row)
+ write_row(self,f,row,self.delim)
+--- write 2D data to a file.
+-- Does not assume that the data has actually been
+-- generated with `new` or `read`.
+-- @param data 2D array
+-- @param file filename or file-like object
+-- @tparam[opt] {string} fieldnames list of fields (optional)
+-- @string[opt='\t'] delim delimiter (default tab)
+-- @return true or nil, error
+function data.write (data,file,fieldnames,delim)
+ local f,err,opened = open_file(file,'w')
+ if not f then return nil, err end
+ if not fieldnames then
+ fieldnames = data.fieldnames
+ end
+ delim = delim or '\t'
+ if fieldnames and #fieldnames > 0 then
+ f:write(concat(fieldnames,delim),'\n')
+ end
+ for i = 1,#data do
+ write_row(data,f,data[i],delim)
+ end
+ if opened then f:close() end
+ return true
+function DataMT:write(file)
+ data.write(self,file,self.fieldnames,self.delim)
+local function massage_fieldnames (fields,copy)
+ -- fieldnames must be valid Lua identifiers; ignore any surrounding padding
+ -- but keep the original fieldnames...
+ for i = 1,#fields do
+ local f = strip(fields[i])
+ copy[i] = f
+ fields[i] = f:gsub('%W','_')
+ end
+--- create a new dataset from a table of rows.
+-- Can specify the fieldnames, else the table must have a field called
+-- 'fieldnames', which is either a string of delimiter-separated names,
+-- or a table of names. <br>
+-- If the table does not have a field called 'delim', then an attempt will be
+-- made to guess it from the fieldnames string, defaults otherwise to tab.
+-- @param d the table.
+-- @tparam[opt] {string} fieldnames optional fieldnames
+-- @return the table.
+function (d,fieldnames)
+ d.fieldnames = d.fieldnames or fieldnames or ''
+ if not d.delim and type(d.fieldnames) == 'string' then
+ d.delim = guess_delim(d.fieldnames)
+ d.fieldnames = split(d.fieldnames,d.delim)
+ end
+ d.fieldnames = makelist(d.fieldnames)
+ d.original_fieldnames = {}
+ massage_fieldnames(d.fieldnames,d.original_fieldnames)
+ setmetatable(d,DataMT)
+ -- a query with just the fieldname will return a sequence
+ -- of values, which seq.copy turns into a table.
+ return d
+local sorted_query = [[
+return function (t)
+ local i = 0
+ local v
+ local ls = {}
+ for i,v in ipairs(t) do
+ if CONDITION then
+ ls[#ls+1] = v
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(ls,function(v1,v2)
+ return SORT_EXPR
+ end)
+ local n = #ls
+ return function()
+ i = i + 1
+ v = ls[i]
+ if i > n then return end
+ return FIELDLIST
+ end
+-- question: is this optimized case actually worth the extra code?
+local simple_query = [[
+return function (t)
+ local n = #t
+ local i = 0
+ local v
+ return function()
+ repeat
+ i = i + 1
+ v = t[i]
+ until i > n or CONDITION
+ if i > n then return end
+ return FIELDLIST
+ end
+local function is_string (s)
+ return type(s) == 'string'
+local field_error
+local function fieldnames_as_string (data)
+ return concat(data.fieldnames,',')
+local function massage_fields(data,f)
+ local idx
+ if f:find '^%d+$' then
+ idx = tonumber(f)
+ else
+ idx = find(data.fieldnames,f)
+ end
+ if idx then
+ return 'v['..idx..']'
+ else
+ field_error = f..' not found in '..fieldnames_as_string(data)
+ return f
+ end
+local function process_select (data,parms)
+ --- preparing fields ----
+ field_error = nil
+ local fields = parms.fields
+ local numfields = fields:find '%$' or #data.fieldnames == 0
+ if fields:find '^%s*%*%s*' then
+ if not numfields then
+ fields = fieldnames_as_string(data)
+ else
+ local ncol = #data[1]
+ fields = {}
+ for i = 1,ncol do append(fields,'$'..i) end
+ fields = concat(fields,',')
+ end
+ end
+ local idpat = patterns.IDEN
+ if numfields then
+ idpat = '%$(%d+)'
+ else
+ -- massage field names to replace non-identifier chars
+ fields = rstrip(fields):gsub('[^,%w]','_')
+ end
+ local massage_fields = utils.bind1(massage_fields,data)
+ local ret = gsub(fields,idpat,massage_fields)
+ if field_error then return nil,field_error end
+ parms.fields = fields
+ parms.proc_fields = ret
+ parms.where = parms.where or 'true'
+ if is_string(parms.where) then
+ parms.where = gsub(parms.where,idpat,massage_fields)
+ field_error = nil
+ end
+ return true
+parse_select = function(s,data)
+ local endp
+ local parms = {}
+ local w1,w2 = s:find('where ')
+ local s1,s2 = s:find('sort by ')
+ if w1 then -- where clause!
+ endp = (s1 or 0)-1
+ parms.where = s:sub(w2+1,endp)
+ end
+ if s1 then -- sort by clause (must be last!)
+ parms.sort_by = s:sub(s2+1)
+ end
+ endp = (w1 or s1 or 0)-1
+ parms.fields = s:sub(1,endp)
+ local status,err = process_select(data,parms)
+ if not status then return nil,err
+ else return parms end
+--- create a query iterator from a select string.
+-- Select string has this format: <br>
+-- FIELDLIST [ where LUA-CONDN [ sort by FIELD] ]<br>
+-- FIELDLIST is a comma-separated list of valid fields, or '*'. <br> <br>
+-- The condition can also be a table, with fields 'fields' (comma-sep string or
+-- table), 'sort_by' (string) and 'where' (Lua expression string or function)
+-- @param data table produced by read
+-- @param condn select string or table
+-- @param context a list of tables to be searched when resolving functions
+-- @param return_row if true, wrap the results in a row table
+-- @return an iterator over the specified fields, or nil
+-- @return an error message
+function data.query(data,condn,context,return_row)
+ local err
+ if is_string(condn) then
+ condn,err = parse_select(condn,data)
+ if not condn then return nil,err end
+ elseif type(condn) == 'table' then
+ if type(condn.fields) == 'table' then
+ condn.fields = concat(condn.fields,',')
+ end
+ if not condn.proc_fields then
+ local status,err = process_select(data,condn)
+ if not status then return nil,err end
+ end
+ else
+ return nil, "condition must be a string or a table"
+ end
+ local query
+ if condn.sort_by then -- use sorted_query
+ query = sorted_query
+ else
+ query = simple_query
+ end
+ local fields = condn.proc_fields or condn.fields
+ if return_row then
+ fields = '{'..fields..'}'
+ end
+ query = query:gsub('FIELDLIST',fields)
+ if is_string(condn.where) then
+ query = query:gsub('CONDITION',condn.where)
+ condn.where = nil
+ else
+ query = query:gsub('CONDITION','_condn(v)')
+ condn.where = function_arg(0,condn.where,'condition.where must be callable')
+ end
+ if condn.sort_by then
+ local expr,sort_var,sort_dir
+ local sort_by = condn.sort_by
+ local i1,i2 = sort_by:find('%s+')
+ if i1 then
+ sort_var,sort_dir = sort_by:sub(1,i1-1),sort_by:sub(i2+1)
+ else
+ sort_var = sort_by
+ sort_dir = 'asc'
+ end
+ if sort_var:match '^%$' then sort_var = sort_var:sub(2) end
+ sort_var = massage_fields(data,sort_var)
+ if field_error then return nil,field_error end
+ if sort_dir == 'asc' then
+ sort_dir = '<'
+ else
+ sort_dir = '>'
+ end
+ expr = ('%s %s %s'):format(sort_var:gsub('v','v1'),sort_dir,sort_var:gsub('v','v2'))
+ query = query:gsub('SORT_EXPR',expr)
+ end
+ if condn.where then
+ query = 'return function(_condn) '..query..' end'
+ end
+ if _DEBUG then print(query) end
+ local fn,err = utils.load(query,'tmp')
+ if not fn then return nil,err end
+ fn = fn() -- get the function
+ if condn.where then
+ fn = fn(condn.where)
+ end
+ local qfun = fn(data)
+ if context then
+ -- [specifying context for condition] @context is a list of tables which are
+ -- 'injected'into the condition's custom context
+ append(context,_G)
+ local lookup = {}
+ utils.setfenv(qfun,lookup)
+ setmetatable(lookup,{
+ __index = function(tbl,key)
+ -- _G.print(tbl,key)
+ for k,t in ipairs(context) do
+ if t[key] then return t[key] end
+ end
+ end
+ })
+ end
+ return qfun
+ = data.query
+DataMT.select_row = function(d,condn,context)
+ return data.query(d,condn,context,true)
+--- Filter input using a query.
+-- @string Q a query string
+-- @param infile filename or file-like object
+-- @param outfile filename or file-like object
+-- @bool dont_fail true if you want to return an error, not just fail
+function data.filter (Q,infile,outfile,dont_fail)
+ local d = or 'stdin')
+ local out = open_file(outfile or 'stdout')
+ local iter,err = d:select(Q)
+ local delim = d.delim
+ if not iter then
+ err = 'error: '..err
+ if dont_fail then
+ return nil,err
+ else
+ utils.quit(1,err)
+ end
+ end
+ while true do
+ local res = {iter()}
+ if #res == 0 then break end
+ out:write(concat(res,delim),'\n')
+ end
+return data