path: root/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/config.lua
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authorNorbert Preining <>2021-09-20 03:02:23 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-09-20 03:02:23 +0000
commitc9fcf97bc045a9d020980c33b6c7c1ee5aedef99 (patch)
treebf74a43623e081cad4b72a752730aeff86b7c5cf /macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/config.lua
parent996c9b239bde82dc3ef3e5b69cd525e87fdb61a8 (diff)
CTAN sync 202109200302
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/config.lua')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/config.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/config.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e6db0cb63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/config.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+--- Reads configuration files into a Lua table.
+-- Understands INI files, classic Unix config files, and simple
+-- delimited columns of values. See @{|the Guide}
+-- # test.config
+-- # Read timeout in seconds
+-- read.timeout=10
+-- # Write timeout in seconds
+-- write.timeout=5
+-- #acceptable ports
+-- ports = 1002,1003,1004
+-- -- readconfig.lua
+-- local config = require 'config'
+-- local t = 'test.config'
+-- print(pretty.write(t))
+-- ### output #####
+-- {
+-- ports = {
+-- 1002,
+-- 1003,
+-- 1004
+-- },
+-- write_timeout = 5,
+-- read_timeout = 10
+-- }
+-- @module pl.config
+local type,tonumber,ipairs,io, table = _G.type,_G.tonumber,_G.ipairs,,_G.table
+local function split(s,re)
+ local res = {}
+ local t_insert = table.insert
+ re = '[^'']+'
+ for k in s:gmatch(re) do t_insert(res,k) end
+ return res
+local function strip(s)
+ return s:gsub('^%s+',''):gsub('%s+$','')
+local function strip_quotes (s)
+ return s:gsub("['\"](.*)['\"]",'%1')
+local config = {}
+--- like io.lines(), but allows for lines to be continued with '\'.
+-- @param file a file-like object (anything where read() returns the next line) or a filename.
+-- Defaults to stardard input.
+-- @return an iterator over the lines, or nil
+-- @return error 'not a file-like object' or 'file is nil'
+function config.lines(file)
+ local f,openf,err
+ local line = ''
+ if type(file) == 'string' then
+ f,err =,'r')
+ if not f then return nil,err end
+ openf = true
+ else
+ f = file or io.stdin
+ if not then return nil, 'not a file-like object' end
+ end
+ if not f then return nil, 'file is nil' end
+ return function()
+ local l = f:read()
+ while l do
+ -- only for non-blank lines that don't begin with either ';' or '#'
+ if l:match '%S' and not l:match '^%s*[;#]' then
+ -- does the line end with '\'?
+ local i = l:find '\\%s*$'
+ if i then -- if so,
+ line = line..l:sub(1,i-1)
+ elseif line == '' then
+ return l
+ else
+ l = line..l
+ line = ''
+ return l
+ end
+ end
+ l = f:read()
+ end
+ if openf then f:close() end
+ end
+--- read a configuration file into a table
+-- @param file either a file-like object or a string, which must be a filename
+-- @tab[opt] cnfg a configuration table that may contain these fields:
+-- * `smart` try to deduce what kind of config file we have (default false)
+-- * `variabilize` make names into valid Lua identifiers (default true)
+-- * `convert_numbers` try to convert values into numbers (default true)
+-- * `trim_space` ensure that there is no starting or trailing whitespace with values (default true)
+-- * `trim_quotes` remove quotes from strings (default false)
+-- * `list_delim` delimiter to use when separating columns (default ',')
+-- * `keysep` separator between key and value pairs (default '=')
+-- @return a table containing items, or `nil`
+-- @return error message (same as @{config.lines}
+ local auto
+ local iter,err = config.lines(file)
+ if not iter then return nil,err end
+ local line = iter()
+ cnfg = cnfg or {}
+ if then
+ auto = true
+ if line:match '^[^=]+=' then
+ cnfg.keysep = '='
+ elseif line:match '^[^:]+:' then
+ cnfg.keysep = ':'
+ cnfg.list_delim = ':'
+ elseif line:match '^%S+%s+' then
+ cnfg.keysep = ' '
+ -- more than two columns assume that it's a space-delimited list
+ -- cf /etc/fstab with /etc/ssh/ssh_config
+ if line:match '^%S+%s+%S+%s+%S+' then
+ cnfg.list_delim = ' '
+ end
+ cnfg.variabilize = false
+ end
+ end
+ local function check_cnfg (var,def)
+ local val = cnfg[var]
+ if val == nil then return def else return val end
+ end
+ local initial_digits = '^[%d%+%-]'
+ local t = {}
+ local top_t = t
+ local variabilize = check_cnfg ('variabilize',true)
+ local list_delim = check_cnfg('list_delim',',')
+ local convert_numbers = check_cnfg('convert_numbers',true)
+ local convert_boolean = check_cnfg('convert_boolean',false)
+ local trim_space = check_cnfg('trim_space',true)
+ local trim_quotes = check_cnfg('trim_quotes',false)
+ local ignore_assign = check_cnfg('ignore_assign',false)
+ local keysep = check_cnfg('keysep','=')
+ local keypat = keysep == ' ' and '%s+' or '%s*'..keysep..'%s*'
+ if list_delim == ' ' then list_delim = '%s+' end
+ local function process_name(key)
+ if variabilize then
+ key = key:gsub('[^%w]','_')
+ end
+ return key
+ end
+ local function process_value(value)
+ if list_delim and value:find(list_delim) then
+ value = split(value,list_delim)
+ for i,v in ipairs(value) do
+ value[i] = process_value(v)
+ end
+ elseif convert_numbers and value:find(initial_digits) then
+ local val = tonumber(value)
+ if not val and value:match ' kB$' then
+ value = value:gsub(' kB','')
+ val = tonumber(value)
+ end
+ if val then value = val end
+ elseif convert_boolean and value == 'true' then
+ return true
+ elseif convert_boolean and value == 'false' then
+ return false
+ end
+ if type(value) == 'string' then
+ if trim_space then value = strip(value) end
+ if not trim_quotes and auto and value:match '^"' then
+ trim_quotes = true
+ end
+ if trim_quotes then value = strip_quotes(value) end
+ end
+ return value
+ end
+ while line do
+ if line:find('^%[') then -- section!
+ local section = process_name(line:match('%[([^%]]+)%]'))
+ t = top_t
+ t[section] = {}
+ t = t[section]
+ else
+ line = line:gsub('^%s*','')
+ local i1,i2 = line:find(keypat)
+ if i1 and not ignore_assign then -- key,value assignment
+ local key = process_name(line:sub(1,i1-1))
+ local value = process_value(line:sub(i2+1))
+ t[key] = value
+ else -- a plain list of values...
+ t[#t+1] = process_value(line)
+ end
+ end
+ line = iter()
+ end
+ return top_t
+return config