path: root/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/luatex/generic/luaxml
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/generic/luaxml')
-rw-r--r--macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml.pdfbin0 -> 98455 bytes
13 files changed, 5134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/README b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/README
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index 0000000000..317a60671f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/README
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+LuaXML is pure lua library for reading and serializing of the XML files. Current release is aimed mainly as support
+for the odsfile package. The documentation was created by automatic conversion of original documentation in the source code.
+In this version, some files not useful for luaTeX were droped.
+LuaXML is installed in TeX distributions, so you don't need to install it yourself. If you want to try the development version,
+then clone this repository and run
+ make install
+Please note that you will need [LDoc]( and
+[dkjson]( Lua modules installed on your system.
+This code is freely distributable under the terms of the Lua license
+ (
+Michal Hoftich
+Version: v0.1h, 2018-12-18
+Original authors: Paul Chakravarti and Manoel Campos (
+If you are interested in the process of development you may observe
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-cssquery.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-cssquery.lua
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index 0000000000..d353a310c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-cssquery.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+--- CSS query module for LuaXML
+-- @module luaxml-cssquery
+-- @author Michal Hoftich <
+local parse_query = require("luaxml-parse-query")
+-- the string.explode function is provided by LuaTeX
+-- this is alternative for stock Lua
+-- source:
+local function string_split(str, sep)
+ local sep, fields = sep or ":", {}
+ local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)
+ str:gsub(pattern, function(c) fields[#fields+1] = c end)
+ return fields
+string.explode = string.explode or string_split
+--- CssQuery constructor
+-- @function cssquery
+-- @return CssQuery object
+local function cssquery()
+ --- @type CssQuery
+ local CssQuery = {}
+ CssQuery.__index = CssQuery
+ CssQuery.__debug = false
+ CssQuery.querylist = {}
+ function CssQuery.debug(self)
+ self.__debug = true
+ end
+ function CssQuery:debug_print(text)
+ if self.__debug then
+ print("[CSS Object]: " .. text)
+ end
+ end
+ --- Calculate CSS specificity of the query
+ -- @param query table created by CssQuery:prepare_selector() function
+ -- @return integer speficity value
+ function CssQuery:calculate_specificity(query)
+ local query = query or {}
+ local specificity = 0
+ for _, item in ipairs(query.query or {}) do
+ for key, value in pairs(item) do
+ if key == "id" then
+ specificity = specificity + 100
+ elseif key == "tag" then
+ specificity = specificity + 1
+ else
+ specificity = specificity + 10
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return specificity
+ end
+ -- save element position in the current siblings list
+ local function make_nth(curr_el)
+ local pos = 0
+ local el_pos = 0
+ -- get current node list
+ local siblings = curr_el:get_siblings()
+ if siblings then
+ for _, other_el in ipairs(siblings) do
+ -- number the elements
+ if other_el:is_element() then
+ pos = pos + 1
+ other_el.nth = pos
+ -- save the current element position
+ if other_el == curr_el then
+ el_pos = pos
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ return el_pos
+ end
+ local function test_first_child(el, nth)
+ local el_pos = el.nth or make_nth(el)
+ return el_pos == 1
+ end
+ -- test element for nth-child selector
+ local function test_nth_child(el, nth)
+ local el_pos = el.nth or make_nth(el)
+ -- we support only the nth-child(number) form
+ return el_pos == tonumber(nth)
+ end
+ --- Test prepared querylist
+ -- @param domobj DOM element to test
+ -- @param querylist [optional] List of queries to test
+ -- @return table with CSS queries, which match the selected DOM element
+ function CssQuery:match_querylist(domobj, querylist)
+ local matches = {}
+ -- querylist can be explicit, saved queries can be used otherwise
+ local querylist = querylist or self.querylist
+ local function test_part(key, value, el)
+ -- print("testing", key, value, el:get_element_name())
+ if key == "tag" then
+ return el:get_element_name() == value
+ elseif key == "id" then
+ local id = el:get_attribute "id"
+ return id and id == value
+ elseif key == "class" then
+ local class = el:get_attribute "class"
+ if not class then return false end
+ local c = {}
+ for part in class:gmatch "([^%s]+)" do
+ c[part] = true
+ end
+ return c[value] == true
+ elseif key == "nth-child" then
+ return test_nth_child(el, value)
+ elseif key == "first-child" then
+ return test_first_child(el, value)
+ end
+ -- TODO: Add more cases
+ -- just return true for not supported selectors
+ return true
+ end
+ local function test_object(query, el)
+ -- test one object in CSS selector
+ local matched = {}
+ for key, value in pairs(query) do
+ matched[#matched+1] = test_part(key, value, el)
+ end
+ if #matched == 0 then return false end
+ for k, v in ipairs(matched) do
+ if v ~= true then return false end
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ local function match_query(query, el)
+ local query = query or {}
+ local object = table.remove(query) -- get current object from the query stack
+ if not object then return true end -- if the query stack is empty, then we can be sure that it matched previous items
+ if not el:is_element() then return false end -- if there is object to test, but current node isn't element, test failed
+ local result = test_object(object, el)
+ if result then
+ return match_query(query, el:get_parent())
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ for _,element in ipairs(querylist) do
+ local query = {}
+ for k,v in ipairs(element.query) do query[k] = v end
+ if #query > 0 then -- don't try to match empty query
+ local result = match_query(query, domobj)
+ if result then matches[#matches+1] = element end
+ end
+ end
+ return matches
+ end
+ --- Get elements that match the selector
+ -- @return table with DOM_Object elements
+ function CssQuery:get_selector_path(
+ domobj, -- DOM_Object
+ selectorlist -- querylist table created using CssQuery:prepare_selector
+ )
+ local nodelist = {}
+ domobj:traverse_elements(function(el)
+ local matches = self:match_querylist(el, selectorlist)
+ self:debug_print("Matching " .. el:get_element_name() .." "..#matches)
+ if #matches > 0 then nodelist[#nodelist+1] = el
+ end
+ end)
+ return nodelist
+ end
+ --- Parse CSS selector to a query table.
+ -- XML namespaces can be supported using
+ -- namespace|element syntax
+ -- @return table querylist
+ function CssQuery:prepare_selector(
+ selector -- string CSS selector query
+ )
+ local querylist = {}
+ local function parse_selector(item)
+ local query = {}
+ -- for i = #item, 1, -1 do
+ -- local part = item[i]
+ for _, part in ipairs(item) do
+ local t = {}
+ for _, atom in ipairs(part) do
+ local key = atom[1]
+ local value = atom[2]
+ -- support for XML namespaces in selectors
+ -- the namespace should be added using "|"
+ -- like namespace|element
+ if key=="tag" then
+ -- LuaXML doesn't support namespaces, so it is necessary
+ -- to match namespace:element
+ value=value:gsub("|", ":")
+ end
+ t[key] = value
+ end
+ query[#query + 1] = t
+ end
+ return query
+ end
+ -- for item in selector:gmatch("([^%s]+)") do
+ -- elements[#elements+1] = parse_selector(item)
+ -- end
+ local parts = parse_query.parse_query(selector) or {}
+ -- several selectors may be separated using ",", we must process them separately
+ local sources = selector:explode(",")
+ for i, part in ipairs(parts) do
+ querylist[#querylist+1] = {query = parse_selector(part), source = sources[i]}
+ end
+ return querylist
+ end
+ --- Add selector to CSS object list of selectors,
+ -- func is called when the selector matches a DOM object
+ -- params is table which will be passed to the func
+ -- @return integer number of elements in the prepared selector
+ function CssQuery:add_selector(
+ selector, -- CSS selector string
+ func, -- function which will be executed on matched elements
+ params -- table with parameters for the function
+ )
+ local selector_list = self:prepare_selector(selector)
+ for k, query in ipairs(selector_list) do
+ query.specificity = self:calculate_specificity(query)
+ query.func = func
+ query.params = params
+ table.insert(self.querylist, query)
+ end
+ self:sort_querylist()
+ return #selector_list
+ end
+ --- Sort selectors according to their specificity
+ -- It is called automatically when the selector is added
+ -- @return querylist table
+ function CssQuery:sort_querylist(
+ querylist -- [optional] querylist table
+ )
+ local querylist = querylist or self.querylist
+ table.sort(self.querylist, function(a,b)
+ return a.specificity > b.specificity
+ end)
+ return querylist
+ end
+ --- It tests list of queries agaings a DOM element and executes the
+ --- coresponding function that is saved for the matched query.
+ -- @return nothing
+ function CssQuery:apply_querylist(
+ domobj, -- DOM element
+ querylist -- querylist table
+ )
+ for _, query in ipairs(querylist) do
+ -- use default empty function which will pass to another match
+ local func = query.func or function() return true end
+ local params = query.params or {}
+ local status = func(domobj, params)
+ -- break the execution when the function return false
+ if status == false then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return setmetatable({}, CssQuery)
+return cssquery
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-domobject.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-domobject.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a410885e04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-domobject.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+--- DOM module for LuaXML
+-- @module luaxml-domobject
+-- @author Michal Hoftich <
+local dom = {}
+local xml = require("luaxml-mod-xml")
+local handler = require("luaxml-mod-handler")
+local css_query = require("luaxml-cssquery")
+local void = {area = true, base = true, br = true, col = true, hr = true, img = true, input = true, link = true, meta = true, param = true}
+local escapes = {
+ [">"] = "&gt;",
+ ["<"] = "&lt;",
+ ["&"] = "&amp;",
+ ['"'] = "&quot;",
+ ["'"] = "&#39;",
+ ["`"] = "&#x60;"
+local function escape(search, text)
+ return text:gsub(search, function(ch)
+ return escapes[ch] or ""
+ end)
+local function escape_element(text)
+ return escape("([<>&])", text)
+local function escape_attr(text)
+ return escape("([<>&\"'`])", text)
+local actions = {
+ TEXT = {text = "%s"},
+ COMMENT = {start = "<!-- ", text = "%s", stop = " -->"},
+ ELEMENT = {start = "<%s%s>", stop = "</%s>", void = "<%s%s />"},
+ DECL = {start = "<?%s %s?>"},
+ PI = {start = "<?%s %s?>"},
+ DTD = {start = "<!DOCTYPE ", text = "%s" , stop=">"},
+ CDATA = {start = "<![CDATA[", text = "%s", stop ="]]>"}
+--- It serializes the DOM object back to the XML.
+-- This function is mainly used for internal purposes, it is better to
+-- use the `DOM_Object:serialize()`.
+-- @param parser DOM object
+-- @param current Element which should be serialized
+-- @param level
+-- @param output
+-- @return table Table with XML strings. It can be concenated using table.concat() function to get XML string corresponding to the DOM_Object.
+local function serialize_dom(parser, current,level, output)
+ local output = output or {}
+ local function get_action(typ, action)
+ local ac = actions[typ] or {}
+ local format = ac[action] or ""
+ return format
+ end
+ local function insert(format, ...)
+ table.insert(output, string.format(format, ...))
+ end
+ local function prepare_attributes(attr)
+ local t = {}
+ local attr = attr or {}
+ for k, v in pairs(attr) do
+ t[#t+1] = string.format("%s='%s'", k, escape_attr(v))
+ end
+ if #t == 0 then return "" end
+ -- add space before attributes
+ return " " .. table.concat(t, " ")
+ end
+ local function start(typ, el, attr)
+ local format = get_action(typ, "start")
+ insert(format, el, prepare_attributes(attr))
+ end
+ local function text(typ, text)
+ local format = get_action(typ, "text")
+ insert(format, escape_element(text))
+ end
+ local function stop(typ, el)
+ local format = get_action(typ, "stop")
+ insert(format,el)
+ end
+ local level = level or 0
+ local spaces = string.rep(" ",level)
+ local root= current or parser._handler.root
+ local name = root._name or "unnamed"
+ local xtype = root._type or "untyped"
+ local text_content = root._text or ""
+ local attributes = root._attr or {}
+ -- if xtype == "TEXT" then
+ -- print(spaces .."TEXT : " .. root._text)
+ -- elseif xtype == "COMMENT" then
+ -- print(spaces .. "Comment : ".. root._text)
+ -- else
+ -- print(spaces .. xtype .. " : " .. name)
+ -- end
+ -- for k, v in pairs(attributes) do
+ -- print(spaces .. " ".. k.."="..v)
+ -- end
+ if xtype == "DTD" then
+ text_content = string.format('%s %s "%s" "%s"', name, attributes["_type"] or "", attributes._name, attributes._uri )
+ -- remove unused fields
+ text_content = text_content:gsub('"nil"','')
+ text_content = text_content:gsub('%s*$','')
+ attributes = {}
+ elseif xtype == "ELEMENT" and void[name] and #current._children < 1 then
+ local format = get_action(xtype, "void")
+ insert(format, name, prepare_attributes(attributes))
+ return output
+ elseif xtype == "PI" then
+ -- it contains spurious _text attribute
+ attributes["_text"] = nil
+ elseif xtype == "DECL" and name =="xml" then
+ -- the xml declaration attributes must be in a correct order
+ insert("<?xml version='%s' encoding='%s' ?>", attributes.version, attributes.encoding)
+ return output
+ end
+ start(xtype, name, attributes)
+ text(xtype,text_content)
+ local children = root._children or {}
+ for _, child in ipairs(children) do
+ output = serialize_dom(parser,child, level + 1, output)
+ end
+ stop(xtype, name)
+ return output
+--- XML parsing function
+-- Parse the XML text and create the DOM object.
+-- @return DOM_Object
+local parse = function(
+ xmltext --- String to be parsed
+ )
+ local domHandler = handler.domHandler()
+ --- @type DOM_Object
+ local DOM_Object = xml.xmlParser(domHandler)
+ -- preserve whitespace
+ DOM_Object.options.stripWS = nil
+ DOM_Object:parse(xmltext)
+ DOM_Object.current = DOM_Object._handler.root
+ DOM_Object.__index = DOM_Object
+ DOM_Object.css_query = css_query()
+ local function save_methods(element)
+ setmetatable(element,DOM_Object)
+ local children = element._children or {}
+ for _, x in ipairs(children) do
+ save_methods(x)
+ end
+ end
+ local parser = setmetatable({}, DOM_Object)
+ --- Returns root element of the DOM_Object
+ -- @return DOM_Object
+ function DOM_Object:root_node()
+ return self._handler.root
+ end
+ --- Get current node type
+ -- @param el [optional] node to get the type of
+ function DOM_Object:get_node_type(
+ el --- [optional] element to test
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ return el._type
+ end
+ --- Test if the current node is an element.
+ -- You can pass different element as parameter
+ -- @return boolean
+ function DOM_Object:is_element(
+ el --- [optional] element to test
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ return self:get_node_type(el) == "ELEMENT" -- @bool
+ end
+ --- Test if current node is text
+ -- @return boolean
+ function DOM_Object:is_text(
+ el --- [optional] element to test
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ return self:get_node_type(el) == "TEXT"
+ end
+ local lower = string.lower
+ --- Return name of the current element
+ -- @return string
+ function DOM_Object:get_element_name(
+ el --- [optional] element to test
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ return el._name or "unnamed"
+ end
+ --- Get value of an attribute
+ -- @return string
+ function DOM_Object:get_attribute(
+ name --- Attribute name
+ )
+ local el = self
+ if self:is_element(el) then
+ local attr = el._attr or {}
+ return attr[name]
+ end
+ end
+ --- Set value of an attribute
+ -- @return boolean
+ function DOM_Object:set_attribute(
+ name --- Attribute name
+ , value --- Value to be set
+ )
+ local el = self
+ if self:is_element(el) then
+ el._attr[name] = value
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ --- Serialize the current node back to XML
+ -- @return string
+ function DOM_Object:serialize(
+ current --- [optional] element to be serialized
+ )
+ local current = current
+ -- if no current element is added and self is not plain parser object
+ -- (_type is then nil), use the current object as serialized root
+ if not current and self._type then
+ current = self
+ end
+ return table.concat(serialize_dom(self, current))
+ end
+ --- Get text content from the node and all of it's children
+ -- @return string
+ function DOM_Object:get_text(
+ current --- [optional] element which should be converted to text
+ )
+ local current = current or self
+ local text = {}
+ if current:is_text() then return current._text or "" end
+ for _, el in ipairs(current:get_children()) do
+ if el:is_text() then
+ text[#text+1] = el._text or ""
+ elseif el:is_element() then
+ text[#text+1] = el:get_text()
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat(text)
+ end
+ --- Retrieve elements from the given path.
+ -- The path is list of elements separated by space,
+ -- starting from the top element of the current element
+ -- @return table of elements which match the path
+ function DOM_Object:get_path(
+ path --- path to be traversed
+ , current --- [optional] element which should be traversed. Default element is the root element of the DOM_Object
+ )
+ local function traverse_path(path_elements, current, t)
+ local t = t or {}
+ if #path_elements == 0 then
+ -- for _, x in ipairs(current._children or {}) do
+ -- table.insert(t,x)
+ -- end
+ table.insert(t,current)
+ return t
+ end
+ local current_path = table.remove(path_elements, 1)
+ for _, x in ipairs(self:get_children(current)) do
+ if self:is_element(x) then
+ local name = string.lower(self:get_element_name(x))
+ if name == current_path then
+ t = traverse_path(path_elements, x, t)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+ end
+ local current = current or self:root_node() -- self._handler.root
+ local path_elements = {}
+ local path = string.lower(path)
+ for el in path:gmatch("([^%s]+)") do table.insert(path_elements, el) end
+ return traverse_path(path_elements, current)
+ end
+ --- Select elements chidlren using CSS selector syntax
+ -- @return table with elements matching the selector.
+ function DOM_Object:query_selector(
+ selector --- String using the CSS selector syntax
+ )
+ local css_query = self.css_query
+ local css_parts = css_query:prepare_selector(selector)
+ return css_query:get_selector_path(self, css_parts)
+ end
+ --- Get table with children of the current element
+ -- @return table with children of the selected element
+ function DOM_Object:get_children(
+ el --- [optional] element to be selected
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ local children = el._children or {}
+ return children
+ end
+ --- Get the parent element
+ -- @return DOM_Object parent element
+ function DOM_Object:get_parent(
+ el --- [optional] element to be selected
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ return el._parent
+ end
+ --- Execute function on the current element and all it's children elements.
+ -- The traversing of child elements of a given node can be disabled when the executed
+ -- function returns false.
+ -- @return nothing
+ function DOM_Object:traverse_elements(
+ fn, --- function which will be executed on the current element and all it's children
+ current --- [optional] element to be selected
+ )
+ local current = current or self --
+ -- Following situation may happen when this method is called directly on the parsed object
+ if not current:get_node_type() then
+ current = self:root_node()
+ end
+ local status = true
+ if self:is_element(current) or self:get_node_type(current) == "ROOT"then
+ local status = fn(current)
+ -- don't traverse child nodes when the user function return false
+ if status ~= false then
+ for _, child in ipairs(self:get_children(current)) do
+ self:traverse_elements(fn, child)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --- Execute function on list of elements returned by DOM_Object:get_path()
+ function DOM_Object:traverse_node_list(
+ nodelist --- table with nodes selected by DOM_Object:get_path()
+ , fn --- function to be executed
+ )
+ local nodelist = nodelist or {}
+ for _, node in ipairs(nodelist) do
+ for _, element in ipairs(node._children) do
+ fn(element)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --- Replace the current node with new one
+ -- @return boolean, message
+ function DOM_Object:replace_node(
+ new --- element which should replace the current element
+ )
+ local old = self
+ local parent = self:get_parent(old)
+ local id,msg = self:find_element_pos( old)
+ if id then
+ parent._children[id] = new
+ return true
+ end
+ return false, msg
+ end
+ --- Add child node to the current node
+ function DOM_Object:add_child_node(
+ child, --- element to be inserted as a current node child
+ position --- [optional] position at which should the node be inserted
+ )
+ local parent = self
+ child._parent = parent
+ if position then
+ table.insert(parent._children, position, child)
+ else
+ table.insert(parent._children, child)
+ end
+ end
+ --- Create copy of the current node
+ -- @return DOM_Object element
+ function DOM_Object:copy_node(
+ element --- [optional] element to be copied
+ )
+ local element = element or self
+ local t = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(element) do
+ if type(v) == "table" and k~="_parent" then
+ t[k] = self:copy_node(v)
+ else
+ t[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ save_methods(t)
+ return t
+ end
+ --- Create a new element
+ -- @return DOM_Object element
+ function DOM_Object:create_element(
+ name, -- New tag name
+ attributes, -- Table with attributes
+ parent -- [optional] element which should be saved as the element's parent
+ )
+ local parent = parent or self
+ local new = {}
+ new._type = "ELEMENT"
+ new._name = name
+ new._attr = attributes or {}
+ new._children = {}
+ new._parent = parent
+ save_methods(new)
+ return new
+ end
+ --- Create new text node
+ -- @return DOM_Object text object
+ function DOM_Object:create_text_node(
+ text, -- string
+ parent -- [optional] element which should be saved as the element's parent
+ )
+ local parent = parent or self
+ local new = {}
+ new._type = "TEXT"
+ new._parent = parent
+ new._text = text
+ save_methods(new)
+ return new
+ end
+ --- Delete current node
+ function DOM_Object:remove_node(
+ element -- [optional] element to be removed
+ )
+ local element = element or self
+ local parent = self:get_parent(element)
+ local pos = self:find_element_pos(element)
+ -- if pos then table.remove(parent._children, pos) end
+ if pos then
+ -- table.remove(parent._children, pos)
+ parent._children[pos] = setmetatable({_type = "removed"}, DOM_Object)
+ end
+ end
+ --- Find the element position in the current node list
+ -- @return integer position of the current element in the element table
+ function DOM_Object:find_element_pos(
+ el -- [optional] element which should be looked up
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ local parent = self:get_parent(el)
+ if not self:is_element(parent) and self:get_node_type(parent) ~= "ROOT" then return nil, "The parent isn't element" end
+ for i, x in ipairs(parent._children) do
+ if x == el then return i end
+ end
+ return false, "Cannot find element"
+ end
+ --- Get node list which current node is part of
+ -- @return table with elements
+ function DOM_Object:get_siblings(
+ el -- [optional] element for which the sibling element list should be retrieved
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ local parent = el:get_parent()
+ if parent:is_element() then
+ return parent:get_children()
+ end
+ end
+ --- Get sibling node of the current node
+ -- @param change Distance from the current node
+ -- @return DOM_Object node
+ function DOM_Object:get_sibling_node( change)
+ local el = self
+ local pos = el:find_element_pos()
+ local siblings = el:get_siblings()
+ if pos and siblings then
+ return siblings[pos + change]
+ end
+ end
+ --- Get next node
+ -- @return DOM_Object node
+ function DOM_Object:get_next_node(
+ el --- [optional] node to be used
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ return el:get_sibling_node(1)
+ end
+ --- Get previous node
+ -- @return DOM_Object node
+ function DOM_Object:get_prev_node(
+ el -- [optional] node to be used
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ return el:get_sibling_node(-1)
+ end
+ -- include the methods to all xml nodes
+ save_methods(parser._handler.root)
+ -- parser:
+ return parser
+--- @export
+return {
+ parse = parse,
+ serialize_dom= serialize_dom
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-entities.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-entities.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd7e6f7156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-entities.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+local M = {}
+local char = unicode and unicode.utf8.char or utf8.char
+local named_entities = require "luaxml-namedentities"
+local hexchartable = {}
+local decchartable = {}
+local function get_named_entity(name)
+ return named_entities[name]
+function M.decode(s)
+ return s:gsub("&([#a-zA-Z0-9]+);?", function(m)
+ -- check if this is named entity first
+ local named = get_named_entity(m)
+ if named then return named end
+ -- check if it is numeric entity
+ local hex, charcode = m:match("#([xX]?)([a-fA-F0-9]+)")
+ -- if the entity is not numeric
+ if not charcode then return
+ "&" .. m .. ";"
+ end
+ local character
+ if hex~="" then
+ character = hexchartable[charcode] or char(tonumber(charcode,16))
+ hexchartable[charcode] = character
+ else
+ character = decchartable[charcode] or char(tonumber(charcode))
+ decchartable[charcode] = character
+ end
+ return character
+ end)
+return M
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-mod-handler.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-mod-handler.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f12a92f71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-mod-handler.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+-- Overview:
+-- =========
+-- Standard XML event handler(s) for XML parser module (xml.lua)
+-- Features:
+-- =========
+-- printHandler - Generate XML event trace
+-- domHandler - Generate DOM-like node tree
+-- simpleTreeHandler - Generate 'simple' node tree
+-- simpleTeXhandler - SAX like handler with support for CSS selectros
+-- API:
+-- ====
+-- Must be called as handler function from xmlParser
+-- and implement XML event callbacks (see xmlParser.lua
+-- for callback API definition)
+-- printHandler:
+-- -------------
+-- printHandler prints event trace for debugging
+-- domHandler:
+-- -----------
+-- domHandler generates a DOM-like node tree structure with
+-- a single ROOT node parent - each node is a table comprising
+-- fields below.
+-- node = { _name = <Element Name>,
+-- _attr = { Node attributes - see callback API },
+-- _parent = <Parent Node>
+-- _children = { List of child nodes - ROOT/NODE only }
+-- }
+-- The dom structure is capable of representing any valid XML document
+-- simpleTreeHandler
+-- -----------------
+-- simpleTreeHandler is a simplified handler which attempts
+-- to generate a more 'natural' table based structure which
+-- supports many common XML formats.
+-- The XML tree structure is mapped directly into a recursive
+-- table structure with node names as keys and child elements
+-- as either a table of values or directly as a string value
+-- for text. Where there is only a single child element this
+-- is inserted as a named key - if there are multiple
+-- elements these are inserted as a vector (in some cases it
+-- may be preferable to always insert elements as a vector
+-- which can be specified on a per element basis in the
+-- options). Attributes are inserted as a child element with
+-- a key of '_attr'.
+-- Only Tag/Text & CDATA elements are processed - all others
+-- are ignored.
+-- This format has some limitations - primarily
+-- * Mixed-Content behaves unpredictably - the relationship
+-- between text elements and embedded tags is lost and
+-- multiple levels of mixed content does not work
+-- * If a leaf element has both a text element and attributes
+-- then the text must be accessed through a vector (to
+-- provide a container for the attribute)
+-- In general however this format is relatively useful.
+-- It is much easier to understand by running some test
+-- data through 'textxml.lua -simpletree' than to read this)
+-- Options
+-- =======
+-- simpleTreeHandler.options.noReduce = { <tag> = bool,.. }
+-- - Nodes not to reduce children vector even if only
+-- one child
+-- domHandler.options.(comment|pi|dtd|decl)Node = bool
+-- - Include/exclude given node types
+-- Usage
+-- =====
+-- Pased as delegate in xmlParser constructor and called
+-- as callback by xmlParser:parse(xml) method.
+-- See textxml.lua for examples
+-- License:
+-- ========
+-- This code is freely distributable under the terms of the Lua license
+-- (<a href=""></a>)
+-- History
+-- =======
+-- $Id: handler.lua,v 2001/11/28 06:11:33 paulc Exp $
+-- $Log: handler.lua,v $
+-- Revision 2001/11/28 06:11:33 paulc
+-- Initial Import
+--@author Paul Chakravarti (<p/>
+---Handler to generate a string prepresentation of a table
+--Convenience function for printHandler (Does not support recursive tables).
+--@param t Table to be parsed
+--@returns Returns a string representation of table
+local M = {}
+local stack = require("luaxml-stack")
+local entities = require("luaxml-entities")
+local function showTable(t)
+ local sep = ''
+ local res = ''
+ if type(t) ~= 'table' then
+ return t
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(t) do
+ if type(v) == 'table' then
+ v = showTable(v)
+ end
+ res = res .. sep .. string.format("%s=%s",k,v)
+ sep = ','
+ end
+ res = '{'..res..'}'
+ return res
+M.showTable = showTable
+---Handler to generate a simple event trace
+local printHandler = function()
+ local obj = {}
+ obj.starttag = function(self,t,a,s,e)
+ io.write("Start : "..t.."\n")
+ if a then
+ for k,v in pairs(a) do
+ io.write(string.format(" + %s='%s'\n",k,v))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ obj.endtag = function(self,t,s,e)
+ io.write("End : "..t.."\n")
+ end
+ obj.text = function(self,t,s,e)
+ io.write("Text : "..t.."\n")
+ end
+ obj.cdata = function(self,t,s,e)
+ io.write("CDATA : "..t.."\n")
+ end
+ obj.comment = function(self,t,s,e)
+ io.write("Comment : "..t.."\n")
+ end
+ obj.dtd = function(self,t,a,s,e)
+ io.write("DTD : "..t.."\n")
+ if a then
+ for k,v in pairs(a) do
+ io.write(string.format(" + %s='%s'\n",k,v))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ obj.pi = function(self,t,a,s,e)
+ io.write("PI : "..t.."\n")
+ if a then
+ for k,v in pairs(a) do
+ io. write(string.format(" + %s='%s'\n",k,v))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ obj.decl = function(self,t,a,s,e)
+ io.write("XML Decl : "..t.."\n")
+ if a then
+ for k,v in pairs(a) do
+ io.write(string.format(" + %s='%s'\n",k,v))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return obj
+M.printHandler = printHandler
+---Handler to generate a lua table from a XML content string
+local function simpleTreeHandler()
+ local obj = {}
+ obj.root = {}
+ obj.stack = {obj.root;n=1}
+ obj.options = {noreduce = {}}
+ obj.reduce = function(self,node,key,parent)
+ -- Recursively remove redundant vectors for nodes
+ -- with single child elements
+ for k,v in pairs(node) do
+ if type(v) == 'table' then
+ self:reduce(v,k,node)
+ end
+ end
+ if #node == 1 and not self.options.noreduce[key] and
+ node._attr == nil then
+ parent[key] = node[1]
+ else
+ node.n = nil
+ end
+ end
+ obj.starttag = function(self,t,a)
+ local node = {}
+ if self.parseAttributes == true then
+ node._attr=a
+ end
+ local current = self.stack[#self.stack]
+ if current[t] then
+ table.insert(current[t],node)
+ else
+ current[t] = {node;n=1}
+ end
+ table.insert(self.stack,node)
+ end
+ obj.endtag = function(self,t,s)
+ local current = self.stack[#self.stack]
+ local prev = self.stack[#self.stack-1]
+ if not prev[t] then
+ error("XML Error - Unmatched Tag ["..s..":"..t.."]\n")
+ end
+ if prev == self.root then
+ -- Once parsing complete recursively reduce tree
+ self:reduce(prev,nil,nil)
+ end
+ table.remove(self.stack)
+ end
+ obj.text = function(self,t)
+ local current = self.stack[#self.stack]
+ table.insert(current,t)
+ end
+ obj.cdata = obj.text
+ return obj
+M.simpleTreeHandler = simpleTreeHandler
+--- domHandler
+local function domHandler()
+ local obj = {}
+ local decode = entities.decode
+ obj.options = {commentNode=1,piNode=1,dtdNode=1,declNode=1}
+ obj.root = { _children = {n=0}, _type = "ROOT" }
+ obj.current = obj.root
+ obj.starttag = function(self,t,a)
+ local newattr
+ if a then
+ newattr = {}
+ for k,v in pairs(a) do
+ newattr[k] = decode(v)
+ end
+ end
+ local node = { _type = 'ELEMENT',
+ _name = t,
+ _attr = newattr,
+ _parent = self.current,
+ _children = {n=0} }
+ table.insert(self.current._children,node)
+ self.current = node
+ end
+ obj.endtag = function(self,t,s)
+ if t ~= self.current._name then
+ error("XML Error - Unmatched Tag ["..s..":"..t.."]\n")
+ end
+ self.current = self.current._parent
+ end
+ obj.text = function(self,t)
+ local node = { _type = "TEXT",
+ _parent = self.current,
+ _text = decode(t) }
+ table.insert(self.current._children,node)
+ end
+ obj.comment = function(self,t)
+ if self.options.commentNode then
+ local node = { _type = "COMMENT",
+ _parent = self.current,
+ _text = t }
+ table.insert(self.current._children,node)
+ end
+ end
+ obj.pi = function(self,t,a)
+ if self.options.piNode then
+ local node = { _type = "PI",
+ _name = t,
+ _attr = a,
+ _parent = self.current }
+ table.insert(self.current._children,node)
+ end
+ end
+ obj.decl = function(self,t,a)
+ if self.options.declNode then
+ local node = { _type = "DECL",
+ _name = t,
+ _attr = a,
+ _parent = self.current }
+ table.insert(self.current._children,node)
+ end
+ end
+ obj.dtd = function(self,t,a)
+ if self.options.dtdNode then
+ local node = { _type = "DTD",
+ _name = t,
+ _attr = a,
+ _parent = self.current }
+ table.insert(self.current._children,node)
+ end
+ end
+ obj.cdata = function(self,t)
+ local node = { _type = "CDATA",
+ _parent = self.current,
+ _text = decode(t) }
+ table.insert(self.current._children,node)
+ end
+ return obj
+M.domHandler = domHandler
+local simpleTeXhandler=function()
+ local obj={}
+ local _stack=stack.Stack:Create()
+ obj.starttag = function(self,t,a,s,e)
+ local tag = {t}
+ local getAtt = function(att)
+ if a[att] then
+ return att.."="..a[att]
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ if type(a) == "table" then
+ table.insert(tag,getAtt("id"))
+ table.insert(tag,getAtt("class"))
+ end
+ _stack:push("<"..table.concat(tag," ")..">")
+ io.write(_stack:join("").."\n")
+-- io.write("Start "..t.."\n" )
+ end
+ obj.endtag = function(self,t,s,e)
+ _stack:pop()
+ -- io.write("End : "..t.."\n")
+ end
+ return obj
+M.simpleTeXhandler = simpleTeXhandler
+return M
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-mod-xml.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-mod-xml.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d99590105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-mod-xml.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+-- module(...,package.seeall)
+-- Overview:
+-- =========
+-- This module provides a non-validating XML stream parser in Lua.
+-- Features:
+-- =========
+-- * Tokenises well-formed XML (relatively robustly)
+-- * Flexible handler based event api (see below)
+-- * Parses all XML Infoset elements - ie.
+-- - Tags
+-- - Text
+-- - Comments
+-- - CDATA
+-- - XML Decl
+-- - Processing Instructions
+-- - DOCTYPE declarations
+-- * Provides limited well-formedness checking
+-- (checks for basic syntax & balanced tags only)
+-- * Flexible whitespace handling (selectable)
+-- * Entity Handling (selectable)
+-- Limitations:
+-- ============
+-- * Non-validating
+-- * No charset handling
+-- * No namespace support
+-- * Shallow well-formedness checking only (fails
+-- to detect most semantic errors)
+-- API:
+-- ====
+-- The parser provides a partially object-oriented API with
+-- functionality split into tokeniser and hanlder components.
+-- The handler instance is passed to the tokeniser and receives
+-- callbacks for each XML element processed (if a suitable handler
+-- function is defined). The API is conceptually similar to the
+-- SAX API but implemented differently.
+-- The following events are generated by the tokeniser
+-- handler:start - Start Tag
+-- handler:end - End Tag
+-- handler:text - Text
+-- handler:decl - XML Declaration
+-- handler:pi - Processing Instruction
+-- handler:comment - Comment
+-- handler:dtd - DOCTYPE definition
+-- handler:cdata - CDATA
+-- The function prototype for all the callback functions is
+-- callback(val,attrs,start,end)
+-- where attrs is a table and val/attrs are overloaded for
+-- specific callbacks - ie.
+-- Callback val attrs (table)
+-- -------- --- -------------
+-- start name { attributes (name=val).. }
+-- end name nil
+-- text <text> nil
+-- cdata <text> nil
+-- decl "xml" { attributes (name=val).. }
+-- pi pi name { attributes (if present)..
+-- _text = <PI Text>
+-- }
+-- comment <text> nil
+-- dtd root element { _root = <Root Element>,
+-- _type = SYSTEM|PUBLIC,
+-- _name = <name>,
+-- _uri = <uri>,
+-- _internal = <internal dtd>
+-- }
+-- (start & end provide the character positions of the start/end
+-- of the element)
+-- XML data is passed to the parser instance through the 'parse'
+-- method (Nore: must be passed a single string currently)
+-- Options
+-- =======
+-- Parser options are controlled through the 'self.options' table.
+-- Available options are -
+-- * stripWS
+-- Strip non-significant whitespace (leading/trailing)
+-- and do not generate events for empty text elements
+-- * expandEntities
+-- Expand entities (standard entities + single char
+-- numeric entities only currently - could be extended
+-- at runtime if suitable DTD parser added elements
+-- to table (see obj._ENTITIES). May also be possible
+-- to expand multibyre entities for UTF-8 only
+-- * errorHandler
+-- Custom error handler function
+-- NOTE: Boolean options must be set to 'nil' not '0'
+-- Usage
+-- =====
+-- Create a handler instance -
+-- h = { start = function(t,a,s,e) .... end,
+-- end = function(t,a,s,e) .... end,
+-- text = function(t,a,s,e) .... end,
+-- cdata = text }
+-- (or use predefined handler - see handler.lua)
+-- Create parser instance -
+-- p = xmlParser(h)
+-- Set options -
+-- p.options.xxxx = nil
+-- Parse XML data -
+-- xmlParser:parse("<?xml... ")
+-- License:
+-- ========
+-- This code is freely distributable under the terms of the Lua license
+-- (
+-- History
+-- =======
+-- Fixed some errors in DTD matching
+-- Added functions serialize and xmlEscape
+-- by Michal Hoftich
+-- 2012/07/26
+-- Added parameter parseAttributes (boolean) in xmlParser.parse method
+-- If true, tag attributtes are parsed. The default value is true.
+-- by Manoel Campos (
+-- $Id: xml.lua,v 2001/11/28 06:11:33 paulc Exp $
+-- $Log: xml.lua,v $
+-- Revision 2001/11/28 06:11:33 paulc
+-- Initial Import
+--@author Paul Chakravarti (<p/>
+local format= string.format
+---Parses a XML string
+--@param handler Handler object to be used to convert the XML string
+--to another formats. @see handler.lua
+local M={}
+local xmlParser = function(handler)
+ local obj = {}
+ -- Public attributes
+ obj.options = {
+ stripWS = 1,
+ expandEntities = 1,
+ errorHandler = function(err,pos)
+ error(format("%s [char=%d]\n",
+ err or "Parse Error",pos))
+ end,
+ }
+ -- Public methods
+ obj.parse = function(self, str, parseAttributes)
+ if parseAttributes == nil then
+ parseAttributes = true
+ end
+ self._handler.parseAttributes = parseAttributes
+ local match,endmatch,pos = 0,0,1
+ local text,endt1,endt2,tagstr,tagname,attrs,starttext,endtext
+ local errstart,errend,extstart,extend
+ while match do
+ -- Get next tag (first pass - fix exceptions below)
+ match,endmatch,text,endt1,tagstr,endt2 = string.find(str,self._XML,pos)
+ if not match then
+ if string.find(str,self._WS,pos) then
+ -- No more text - check document complete
+ if #self._stack ~= 0 then
+ self:_err(self._errstr.incompleteXmlErr,pos)
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ else
+ -- Unparsable text
+ self:_err(self._errstr.xmlErr,pos)
+ end
+ end
+ -- Handle leading text
+ starttext = match
+ endtext = match + string.len(text) - 1
+ match = match + string.len(text)
+ text = self:_parseEntities(self:_stripWS(text))
+ if text ~= "" and self._handler.text then
+ self._handler:text(text,nil,match,endtext)
+ end
+ -- Test for tag type
+ if string.find(string.sub(tagstr,1,5),"?xml%s") then
+ -- XML Declaration
+ match,endmatch,text = string.find(str,self._PI,pos)
+ if not match then
+ self:_err(self._errstr.declErr,pos)
+ end
+ if match ~= 1 then
+ -- Must be at start of doc if present
+ self:_err(self._errstr.declStartErr,pos)
+ end
+ tagname,attrs = self:_parseTag(text)
+ -- TODO: Check attributes are valid
+ -- Check for version (mandatory)
+ if attrs.version == nil then
+ self:_err(self._errstr.declAttrErr,pos)
+ end
+ if self._handler.decl then
+ self._handler:decl(tagname,attrs,match,endmatch)
+ end
+ elseif string.sub(tagstr,1,1) == "?" then
+ -- Processing Instruction
+ match,endmatch,text = string.find(str,self._PI,pos)
+ if not match then
+ self:_err(self._errstr.piErr,pos)
+ end
+ if self._handler.pi then
+ -- Parse PI attributes & text
+ tagname,attrs = self:_parseTag(text)
+ local pi = string.sub(text,string.len(tagname)+1)
+ if pi ~= "" then
+ if attrs then
+ attrs._text = pi
+ else
+ attrs = { _text = pi }
+ end
+ end
+ self._handler:pi(tagname,attrs,match,endmatch)
+ end
+ elseif string.sub(tagstr,1,3) == "!--" then
+ -- Comment
+ match,endmatch,text = string.find(str,self._COMMENT,pos)
+ if not match then
+ self:_err(self._errstr.commentErr,pos)
+ end
+ if self._handler.comment then
+ text = self:_parseEntities(self:_stripWS(text))
+ self._handler:comment(text,next,match,endmatch)
+ end
+ elseif string.sub(tagstr,1,8) == "!DOCTYPE" then
+ -- DTD
+ --match,endmatch,attrs = self:_parseDTD(string,pos)
+ match,endmatch,attrs = self:_parseDTD(str,pos)
+ if not match then
+ self:_err(self._errstr.dtdErr,pos)
+ end
+ if self._handler.dtd then
+ self._handler:dtd(attrs._root,attrs,match,endmatch)
+ end
+ elseif string.sub(tagstr,1,8) == "![CDATA[" then
+ -- CDATA
+ match,endmatch,text = string.find(str,self._CDATA,pos)
+ if not match then
+ self:_err(self._errstr.cdataErr,pos)
+ end
+ if self._handler.cdata then
+ self._handler:cdata(text,nil,match,endmatch)
+ end
+ else
+ -- Normal tag
+ -- Need theck for embedded '>' in attribute value and extend
+ -- match recursively if necessary eg. <tag attr="123>456">
+ while 1 do
+ errstart,errend = string.find(tagstr,self._ATTRERR1)
+ if errend == nil then
+ errstart,errend = string.find(tagstr,self._ATTRERR2)
+ if errend == nil then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ local errorstring = tagstr:sub(errstart, errend)
+ -- it seems that it causes error if an attribute starts with `=`
+ if errorstring:match("^=") then break end
+ extstart,extend,endt2 = string.find(str,self._TAGEXT,endmatch+1)
+ if not extstart then break end
+ tagstr = tagstr .. string.sub(str,endmatch,extend-1)
+ if not match then
+ self:_err(self._errstr.xmlErr,pos)
+ end
+ endmatch = extend
+ end
+ -- Extract tagname/attrs
+ tagname,attrs = self:_parseTag(tagstr)
+ if (endt1=="/") then
+ -- End tag
+ if self._handler.endtag then
+ if attrs then
+ -- Shouldnt have any attributes in endtag
+ self:_err(format("%s (/%s)",
+ self._errstr.endTagErr,
+ tagname)
+ ,pos)
+ end
+ if table.remove(self._stack) ~= tagname then
+ self:_err(format("%s (/%s)",
+ self._errstr.unmatchedTagErr,
+ tagname)
+ ,pos)
+ end
+ self._handler:endtag(tagname,nil,match,endmatch)
+ end
+ else
+ -- Start Tag
+ table.insert(self._stack,tagname)
+ if self._handler.starttag then
+ self._handler:starttag(tagname,attrs,match,endmatch)
+ end
+ -- Self-Closing Tag
+ if (endt2=="/") then
+ table.remove(self._stack)
+ if self._handler.endtag then
+ self._handler:endtag(tagname,nil,match,endmatch)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ pos = endmatch + 1
+ end
+ end
+ -- Private attrobures/functions
+ obj._handler = handler
+ obj._stack = {}
+ obj._XML = '^([^<]*)<(%/?)([^>]-)(%/?)>'
+ obj._ATTR1 = '([%w-:_]+)%s*=%s*"(.-)"'
+ obj._ATTR2 = '([%w-:_]+)%s*=%s*\'(.-)\''
+ obj._CDATA = '<%!%[CDATA%[(.-)%]%]>'
+ obj._PI = '<%?(.-)%?>'
+ obj._COMMENT = '<!%-%-(.-)%-%->'
+ obj._TAG = '^(.-)%s.*'
+ obj._LEADINGWS = '^%s+'
+ obj._TRAILINGWS = '%s+$'
+ obj._WS = '^%s*$'
+ local allowed_element_name_pattern = "[%w_%.%-]+"
+ obj._DTD1 = '<!DOCTYPE%s+(' .. allowed_element_name_pattern .. ')%s+(SYSTEM)%s+["\'](.-)["\']%s*(%b[])%s*>'
+ obj._DTD2 = '<!DOCTYPE%s+(' .. allowed_element_name_pattern .. ')%s+(PUBLIC)%s+["\'](.-)["\']%s+["\'](.-)["\']%s*(%b[])%s*>'
+ obj._DTD3 = '<!DOCTYPE%s+(' .. allowed_element_name_pattern .. ')%s*(%b[])%s*>'
+ obj._DTD4 = '<!DOCTYPE%s+(' .. allowed_element_name_pattern .. ')%s+(SYSTEM)%s+["\'](.-)["\']%s*>'
+ obj._DTD5 = '<!DOCTYPE%s+(' .. allowed_element_name_pattern .. ')%s+(PUBLIC)%s+["\'](.-)["\']%s+["\'](.-)["\']%s*>'
+ obj._DTD6 = '<!DOCTYPE%s+(' .. allowed_element_name_pattern .. ')%s*>'
+ --obj._DTD6 = "<!DOCTYPE%s+(.-)%s+(PUBLIC)%s+[\"'](.-)[\"']%s+[\"'](.-)[\"']%s*>"
+ obj._ATTRERR1 = '=%s*"[^"]*$'
+ obj._ATTRERR2 = '=%s*\'[^\']*$'
+ obj._TAGEXT = '(%/?)>'
+ obj._ENTITIES = { ["&lt;"] = "<",
+ ["&gt;"] = ">",
+ ["&amp;"] = "&",
+ ["&quot;"] = '"',
+ ["&apos;"] = "'",
+ ["&#(%d+);"] = function (x)
+ local d = tonumber(x)
+ if d >= 0 and d < 256 then
+ return string.char(d)
+ else
+ return "&#"..d..";"
+ end
+ end,
+ ["&#x(%x+);"] = function (x)
+ local d = tonumber(x,16)
+ if d >= 0 and d < 256 then
+ return string.char(d)
+ else
+ return "&#x"..x..";"
+ end
+ end,
+ }
+ obj._err = function(self,err,pos)
+ if self.options.errorHandler then
+ self.options.errorHandler(err,pos)
+ end
+ end
+ obj._errstr = { xmlErr = "Error Parsing XML",
+ declErr = "Error Parsing XMLDecl",
+ declStartErr = "XMLDecl not at start of document",
+ declAttrErr = "Invalid XMLDecl attributes",
+ piErr = "Error Parsing Processing Instruction",
+ commentErr = "Error Parsing Comment",
+ cdataErr = "Error Parsing CDATA",
+ dtdErr = "Error Parsing DTD",
+ endTagErr = "End Tag Attributes Invalid",
+ unmatchedTagErr = "Unbalanced Tag",
+ incompleteXmlErr = "Incomplete XML Document",
+ }
+ obj._stripWS = function(self,s)
+ if self.options.stripWS then
+ s = string.gsub(s,'^%s+','')
+ s = string.gsub(s,'%s+$','')
+ end
+ return s
+ end
+ obj._parseEntities = function(self,s)
+ if self.options.expandEntities then
+ --for k,v in self._ENTITIES do
+ for k,v in pairs(self._ENTITIES) do
+ --print (k, v)
+ s = string.gsub(s,k,v)
+ end
+ end
+ return s
+ end
+ obj._parseDTD = function(self,s,pos)
+ -- match,endmatch,root,type,name,uri,internal
+ --print(s.." : "..pos)
+ local m,e,r,t,n,u,i
+ m,e,r,t,n,u = string.find(s,self._DTD5,pos)
+ if m then
+ return m,e,{_root=r,_type=t,_name=n,_uri=u}
+ end
+ m,e,r,t,u,i = string.find(s,self._DTD1,pos)
+ if m then
+ return m,e,{_root=r,_type=t,_uri=u,_internal=i}
+ end
+ m,e,r,t,n,u,i = string.find(s,self._DTD2,pos)
+ if m then
+ return m,e,{_root=r,_type=t,_name=n,_uri=u,_internal=i}
+ end
+ m,e,r,i = string.find(s,self._DTD3,pos)
+ if m then
+ return m,e,{_root=r,_internal=i}
+ end
+ m,e,r,t,u = string.find(s,self._DTD4,pos)
+ if m then
+ return m,e,{_root=r,_type=t,_uri=u}
+ end
+ m,e,r = string.find(s, self._DTD6, pos)
+ if m then
+ return m,e, {_root=r }
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ obj._parseTag = function(self,s)
+ local attrs = {}
+ local tagname = string.gsub(s,self._TAG,'%1')
+ string.gsub(s,self._ATTR1,function (k,v)
+ attrs[string.lower(k)]=self:_parseEntities(v)
+ attrs._ = 1
+ end)
+ string.gsub(s,self._ATTR2,function (k,v)
+ attrs[string.lower(k)]=self:_parseEntities(v)
+ attrs._ = 1
+ end)
+ if attrs._ then
+ attrs._ = nil
+ else
+ attrs = nil
+ end
+ return tagname,attrs
+ end
+ return obj
+M.xmlParser = xmlParser
+local function xmlEscape(s)
+ local t = {['"']="&quot;",["'"]="&apos;",["&"]="&amp;",["<"]="&lt;",[">"]="&gt;"}
+ return string.gsub(s,"([\"'<>&])",t)
+M.xmlEscape = xmlEscape
+local function serialize(tb)
+local function getAttributes(k,v)
+ local i = ""
+ if(type(v["_attr"])=="table") then
+ -- texio.write_nl("attr")
+ for p,n in pairs(v["_attr"]) do
+ i = i ..' '.. p .. '="'..xmlEscape(n)..'"'
+ end
+ --table.remove(v,"_attr")
+ end
+ return i
+ end
+ local function printable(tb, level,currTag)
+ local r ={}
+ local currTag = currTag or ""
+ level = level or 0
+ local spaces = string.rep(' ', level*2)
+ for k,v in pairs(tb) do
+ if type(v) ~= "table" then
+ local ct = k
+ if type(k)=="number" then
+ ct = currTag
+ end
+ if ct == "" then
+ table.insert(r,spaces .. xmlEscape(v).."\n")
+ else
+ local i = getAttributes(k,v)
+ table.insert(r,spaces .. '<'..ct..i..'>'..xmlEscape(v)..'</'..ct..'>'.."\n")
+ end
+ else
+ if k == "_attr" then
+ --table.insert(r,printable(v, level))
+ else
+ if type(k)=="string" then
+ --currTag = k
+ if type(k)=="numeric" then
+ k = currTag
+ end
+ if #v > 1 then
+ table.insert(r,printable(v, level+1,k))
+ else
+ local i = getAttributes(k,v)
+ table.insert(r,spaces.."<"..k..i..">\n")
+ table.insert(r,printable(v, level+1,k))
+ table.insert(r,spaces.."</"..k..">\n")
+ end
+ else
+ local i = getAttributes(k,v)
+ table.insert(r,spaces .. "<"..currTag..i..">\n")
+ --level = level + 1
+ table.insert(r,printable(v, level+1))
+ table.insert(r,spaces .. "</"..currTag..">\n")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat(r,"")
+ end
+ return table.concat({'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',printable(tb)},"\n")
+M.serialize = serialize
+return M
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-namedentities.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-namedentities.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d68692914
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-namedentities.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,2233 @@
+return {
+["NonBreakingSpace"]=" ",
+["VeryThinSpace"]=" ",
+["hairsp"]=" ",
+["emsp13"]=" ",
+["puncsp"]=" ",
+["ensp"]=" ",
+["nbsp"]=" ",
+["nbsp"]=" ",
+["numsp"]=" ",
+["ThinSpace"]=" ",
+["thinsp"]=" ",
+["MediumSpace"]=" ",
+["emsp14"]=" ",
+["emsp"]=" ",
+["ThickSpace"]="  ",
+["Tab"]=" ",
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-parse-query.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-parse-query.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7931fa193f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-parse-query.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+-- Source:
+-- Author: Leaf Corcoran
+local R, S, V, P
+ local _obj_0 = require("lpeg")
+ R, S, V, P = _obj_0.R, _obj_0.S, _obj_0.V, _obj_0.P
+local C, Cs, Ct, Cmt, Cg, Cb, Cc, Cp
+ local _obj_0 = require("lpeg")
+ C, Cs, Ct, Cmt, Cg, Cb, Cc, Cp = _obj_0.C, _obj_0.Cs, _obj_0.Ct, _obj_0.Cmt, _obj_0.Cg, _obj_0.Cb, _obj_0.Cc, _obj_0.Cp
+local alphanum = R("az", "AZ", "09")
+local num = R("09")
+local white = S(" \t\n") ^ 0
+-- this is a deviation from the upstream, we allow ":" in the tag name, because
+-- luaxml doesn't support XML namespaces and elements must be queried using
+-- dom:query_selector("namespace:element")
+local word = (alphanum + S("_-") + S("|")) ^ 1
+local mark
+mark = function(name)
+ return function(...)
+ return {
+ name,
+ ...
+ }
+ end
+local parse_query
+parse_query = function(query)
+ local tag = word / mark("tag")
+ local cls = P(".") * (word / mark("class"))
+ local id = P("#") * (word / mark("id"))
+ local any = P("*") / mark("any")
+ local nth = P(":nth-child(") * C(num ^ 1) * ")" / mark("nth-child")
+ local first = P(":first-child") / mark("first-child")
+ local attr = P("[") * C(word) * P("]") / mark("attr")
+ local selector = Ct((any + nth + first + tag + cls + id + attr) ^ 1)
+ local pq = Ct(selector * (white * selector) ^ 0)
+ local pqs = Ct(pq * (white * P(",") * white * pq) ^ 0)
+ pqs = pqs * (white * -1)
+ return pqs:match(query)
+return {
+ parse_query = parse_query
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-pretty.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-pretty.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44f3183949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-pretty.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+--- Lua pretty printer from <a href=""></a><br/>
+-- This was extracted from utility code in "util.lua".<br/>
+-- 23/02/2001<br/>
+-- Pretty displays a value, properly dealing with tables and cycles
+local displayvalue=
+ function (s)
+ if not s or type(s)=='function' or type(s)=='userdata' then
+ s=tostring(s)
+ elseif type(s)~='number' then
+ s=string.gsub(string.format('%q',s),'^"([^"\']*)"$',"'%1'")
+ end
+ return s
+ end
+local askeystr=
+ function (u,s)
+ if type(u)=='string' and string.find(u,'^[%w_]+$') then return s..u end
+ return '['..displayvalue(u)..']'
+ end
+local horizvec=
+ function (x,n)
+ local o,e='',''
+ for i=1,#x do
+ if type(x[i])=='table' then return end
+ o=o..e..displayvalue(x[i])
+ if string.len(o)>n then return end
+ e=','
+ end
+ return '('..o..')'
+ end
+local horizmap=
+ function (x,n)
+ local o,e='',''
+ for k,v in pairs(x) do
+ if type(v)=='table' then return end
+ o=o..e..askeystr(k,'')..'='..displayvalue(v)
+ if string.len(o)>n then return end
+ e=','
+ end
+ return '{'..o..'}'
+ end
+local M = {}
+local function pretty(p,x,h,q)
+ if not p then p,x='globals',globals() end
+ if type(x)=='table' then
+ if not h then h={} end
+ if h[x] then
+ x=h[x]
+ else
+ if not q then q=p end
+ h[x]=q
+ local s={}
+ for k,v in pairs(x) do table.insert(s,k) end
+ if #s>0 then
+ local n=75-string.len(p)
+ local f=#s==#x and horizvec(x,n)
+ if not f then f=horizmap(x,n) end
+ if not f then
+ table.sort(s,function (a,b)
+ --if tag(a)~=tag(b) then a,b=tag(b),tag(a) end
+ if type(a)~=type(b) then a,b=type(b),type(a) end
+ return a<b
+ end)
+ for i=1,#s do
+ if s[i] then
+ local u=askeystr(s[i],'.')
+ pretty(p..u,x[s[i]],h,q..u)
+ p=string.rep(' ',string.len(p))
+ end
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ x=f
+ else
+ x='{}'
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ x=displayvalue(x)
+ end
+ print(p..' = '..x)
+M.pretty = pretty
+return M
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-stack.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-stack.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c2d83610f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-stack.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+-- Code from
+local M={}
+local Stack = {}
+M.Stack = Stack
+local unpack = table.unpack
+-- Create a Table with stack functions
+function Stack:Create()
+ -- stack table
+ local t = {}
+ -- entry table
+ t._et = {}
+ -- push a value on to the stack
+ function t:push(...)
+ if ... then
+ local targs = {...}
+ -- add values
+ for _,v in pairs(targs) do
+ table.insert(self._et, v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- pop a value from the stack
+ function t:pop(num)
+ -- get num values from stack
+ local num = num or 1
+ -- return table
+ local entries = {}
+ -- get values into entries
+ for i = 1, num do
+ -- get last entry
+ if #self._et ~= 0 then
+ table.insert(entries, self._et[#self._et])
+ -- remove last value
+ table.remove(self._et)
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ -- return unpacked entries
+ return unpack(entries)
+ end
+ -- get entries
+ function t:getn()
+ return #self._et
+ end
+ -- list values
+ function t:list()
+ for i,v in pairs(self._et) do
+ print(i, v)
+ end
+ end
+ function t:join(s)
+ return table.concat(self._et,s)
+ end
+ return t
+return M
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-testxml.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-testxml.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8231642116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-testxml.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+---Simple command line test parser - applies handler[s] specified
+-- to XML file (or STDIN) and dumps results<br/>
+-- $Id: testxml.lua,v 2001/11/28 06:11:33 paulc Exp $<br/>
+-- $Log: testxml.lua,v $<br/>
+-- Revision 2001/11/28 06:11:33 paulc<br/>
+-- Initial Import
+modxml = require('luaxml-mod-xml')
+handler = require('luaxml-mod-handler')
+pretty = require('luaxml-pretty')
+-- Defaults
+_print = nil
+_simpletree = nil
+_dom = nil
+_file = nil
+_xmlrpc = nil
+_debug = nil
+_ws = nil
+_noentity = nil
+_usage = [[
+textxml.lua [-print] [-simpletree] [-dom] [-xmlrpc] [-debug]
+ [-ws] [-noentity] [-help] [file]
+_help = [[
+testxml.lua - Simple command line XML processor
+ -print : Generate event dump (default)
+ -simpletree : Generate simple tree
+ -dom : Generate DOM-like tree
+ -debug : Print debug info (filename/text)
+ -ws : Do not strip whitespace
+ -noentity : Do not expand entities
+ -help : Print help
+ file : XML File (parse stdin in nil)
+index = 1
+local exit = os.exit
+function setOptions(x)
+ if _ws then
+ x.options.stripWS = nil
+ end
+ if _noentity then
+ x.options.expandEntities = nil
+ end
+while arg[index] do
+ --print (arg[index])
+ if (string.sub(arg[index],1,1)=='-') then
+ if arg[index] == "-print" then
+ _print = 1
+ elseif arg[index] == "-simpletree" then
+ _simpletree= 1
+ elseif arg[index] == "-dom" then
+ _dom= 1
+ elseif arg[index] == "-xmlrpc" then
+ _xmlrpc= 1
+ elseif arg[index] == "-debug" then
+ _debug = 1
+ elseif arg[index] == "-ws" then
+ _ws = 1
+ elseif arg[index] == "-noentity" then
+ _noentity = 1
+ elseif arg[index] == "-help" then
+ print(_usage)
+ exit()
+ else
+ print(_usage)
+ exit()
+ end
+ else
+ -- Filename is last argument if present
+ if arg[index+1] then
+ print(_usage)
+ exit()
+ else
+ _file = arg[index]
+ end
+ end
+ index = index + 1
+if _file then
+ print("File",_file)
+ if (_debug) then
+ io.write ( "File: ".._file.."\n" )
+ end
+ --xml = read(openfile(_file,"r"),"*a")
+ local f, e =, "r")
+ if f then
+ xml = f:read("*a")
+ else
+ error(e)
+ end
+ xml ="*a")
+if _debug then
+ io.write ( "----------- XML\n" )
+ io.write (xml.."\n")
+if _print or not (_print or _dom or _simpletree or _print or _xmlrpc) then
+ io.write ( "----------- Print\n" )
+ h = handler.printHandler()
+ x = modxml.xmlParser(h)
+ setOptions(x)
+ x:parse(xml)
+if _simpletree then
+ io.write ( "----------- SimpleTree\n" )
+ h = handler.simpleTreeHandler()
+ x = modxml.xmlParser(h)
+ setOptions(x)
+ x:parse(xml)
+ pretty.pretty('root',h.root)
+if _dom then
+ io.write ( "----------- Dom\n" )
+ h = handler.domHandler()
+ x = modxml.xmlParser(h)
+ setOptions(x)
+ x:parse(xml)
+ pretty.pretty('root',h.root)
+ io.write ( "-----------\n" )
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml.pdf b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f5b986026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml.tex b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ebaba5b4d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,749 @@
+% \usepackage{tgschola,url}
+% Version is defined in the makefile, use default values when compiled directly
+\newcommand\moduleclass[1]{\subsubsection{Class: #1}}
+\newcommand\functionparam[2]{\texttt{#1}: #2\\}
+\newcommand\functionreturn[1]{\textbf{Return: }\\#1\\}
+ \title{The \textsc{LuaXML} library}
+ \author{Paul Chakravarti \and Michal Hoftich}
+ \date{Version \version\\\gitdate}
+ \maketitle
+|LuaXML| is pure lua library for processing and serializing of the |xml| files.
+The base code code has been written by Paul Chakravarti, with minor changes
+which brings Lua 5.3 or HTML 5 support. On top of that, new modules for
+accessing the |xml| files using |DOM| like methods or |CSS|
+selectors\footnote{Thanks to Leaf Corcoran for |CSS selector| parsing code.}
+have been added.
+The documentation is divided to three parts -- first part deals with the |DOM|
+library, second part describes the low-level libraries and the third part is
+original documentation by Paul Chakravarti.
+% Current release is aimed mainly as support for the odsfile package.
+% In first release it was included with the odsfile package,
+% but as it is general library which can be used also with other packages,
+% I decided to distribute it as separate library.
+\section{The \texttt{DOM\_Object} library}
+This library can process a |xml| sources using |DOM| like functions. To load
+it, you need to require |luaxml-domobject.lua| file. The |parse| function
+provided by the library creates \texttt{DOM\_Object} object, which provides several
+methods for processing the |xml| tree.
+local dom = require "luaxml-domobject"
+local document = [[
+ ]]
+-- dom.parse returns the DOM_Object
+local obj = dom.parse(document)
+-- it is possible to call methods on the object
+local root_node = obj:root_node()
+for _, x in ipairs(root_node:get_children()) do
+ print(x:get_element_name())
+The details about available methods can be found in the API docs, section
+\ref{sec:luaxml-domobject}. The above code will load a |xml| document, it will
+get the ROOT element and print all it's children element names. The
+\verb|DOM_Object:get_children| function returns Lua table, so it is possible to
+loop over it using standard table functions.
+dom = require "luaxml-domobject"
+local document = [[
+ ]]
+-- dom.parse returns the DOM_Object
+obj = dom.parse(document)
+-- it is possible to call methods on the object
+local root_node = obj:root_node()
+for _, x in ipairs(root_node:get_children()) do
+ tex.print(x:get_element_name().. "\\par")
+\subsection{Node selection methods}
+There are some other methods for element retrieving.
+\subsubsection{The \texttt{DOM\_Object:get\_path} method}
+If you want to print text content of all child elements of the body element, you can use \verb|DOM_Object:get_path|:
+local path = obj:get_path("html body")
+for _, el in ipairs(path[1]:get_children()) do
+ print(el:get_text())
+The \verb|DOM_Object:get_path| function always return array with all elements
+which match the requested path, even it there is only one such element. In this
+case, it is possible to use standard Lua table indexing to get the first and
+only one matched element and get it's children using
+\verb|DOM_Object:get_children| method. It the children node is an element, it's
+text content is printed using \verb|DOM_Object:get_text|.
+ \begin{luacode*}
+local path = obj:get_path("html body")
+for _, el in ipairs(path[1]:get_children()) do
+ if el:is_element() then
+ tex.print(el:get_text().."\\par")
+ end
+ \end{luacode*}
+\subsubsection{The \texttt{DOM\_Object:query\_selector} method}
+This method uses |CSS selector| syntax to select elements, similarly to JavaScript \textit{jQuery} library.
+for _, el in ipairs(obj:query_selector("h1,p")) do
+ print(el:get_text())
+ \begin{luacode*}
+for _, el in ipairs(obj:query_selector("h1,p")) do
+ tex.print(el:get_text().."\\par")
+ \end{luacode*}
+It supports also |XML| namespaces, using \verb_namespace|element_ syntax.
+\subsection{Element traversing}
+\subsubsection{The \texttt{DOM\_Object:traverse\_elements} method}
+It may be useful to traverse over all elements and apply a function on all of them.
+ print(node:get_text())
+ \begin{luacode*}
+ tex.print(node:get_text().."\\par")
+ \end{luacode*}
+The \verb|get_text| method gets text from all children elements, so the first
+line shows all text contained in the \verb|<html>| element, the second one in
+\verb|<head>| element and so on.
+\subsection{DOM modifications}
+It is possible to add new elements, text nodes, or to remove them.
+local headers = obj:query_selector("h1")
+for _, header in ipairs(headers) do
+ header:remove_node()
+-- query selector returns array, we must retrieve the first element
+-- to get the actual body element
+local body = obj:query_selector("body")[1]
+local paragraph = body:create_element("p", {})
+paragraph:add_child_node(paragraph:create_text_node("This is a second paragraph"))
+for _, el in ipairs(body:get_children()) do
+ if el:is_element() then
+ print(el:get_element_name().. ": ".. el:get_text())
+ end
+In this example, \verb|<h1>| element is being removed from the sample document, and new
+paragraph is added. Two paragraphs should be shown in the output:
+ \begin{luacode*}
+local headers = obj:query_selector("h1")
+-- query selector returns array, we must retrieve the first element
+-- to get the actual body element
+local body = obj:query_selector("body")[1]
+local oldbody = body:copy_node()
+for _, header in ipairs(headers) do
+ header:remove_node()
+local paragraph = body:create_element("p", {})
+paragraph:add_child_node(paragraph:create_text_node("This is a second paragraph"))
+for _, el in ipairs(body:get_children()) do
+if el:is_element() then
+ tex.print(el:get_element_name().. ": ".. el:get_text() .. "\\par")
+ \end{luacode*}
+\section{The \texttt{CssQuery} library}
+This library serves mainly as a support for the
+\texttt{DOM\_Object:query\_selector} function. It also supports adding
+information to the DOM tree.
+\subsection{Example usage}
+local cssobj = require "luaxml-cssquery"
+local domobj = require "luaxml-domobject"
+local xmltext = [[
+<p>Some text, <i>italics</i></p>
+local dom = domobj.parse(xmltext)
+local css = cssobj()
+css:add_selector("h1", function(obj)
+ print("header found: " .. obj:get_text())
+css:add_selector("p", function(obj)
+ print("paragraph found: " .. obj:get_text())
+css:add_selector("i", function(obj)
+ print("found italics: " .. obj:get_text())
+ -- find selectors that match the current element
+ local querylist = css:match_querylist(el)
+ -- add templates to the element
+ css:apply_querylist(el,querylist)
+ \begin{luacode*}
+local cssobj = require "luaxml-cssquery"
+local domobj = require "luaxml-domobject"
+local print = function(s) tex.print(s .. "\\par") end
+local xmltext = [[
+<p>Some text, <i>italics</i></p>
+local dom = domobj.parse(xmltext)
+local css = cssobj()
+css:add_selector("h1", function(obj)
+ print("header found: " .. obj:get_text())
+css:add_selector("p", function(obj)
+ print("paragraph found: " .. obj:get_text())
+css:add_selector("i", function(obj)
+ print("found italics: " .. obj:get_text())
+ -- find selectors that match the current element
+ local querylist = css:match_querylist(el)
+ -- add templates to the element
+ css:apply_querylist(el,querylist)
+ \end{luacode*}
+More complete example may be found in the \texttt{examples} directory in the
+\texttt{LuaXML} source code
+\section{The API documentation}
+\section{Low-level functions usage}
+% The processing is done with several handlers, their usage will be shown in the
+% following section. Full description of handlers is given in the original
+% documentation in section \ref{sec:handlers}.
+% \subsection{Usage examples}
+The original |LuaXML| library provides some low-level functions for |XML| handling.
+First of all, we need to load the libraries:
+xml = require('luaxml-mod-xml')
+handler = require('luaxml-mod-handler')
+The |luaxml-mod-xml| file contains the xml parser and also the serializer. In
+|luaxml-mod-handler|, various handlers for dealing with xml data are defined.
+Handlers transforms the |xml| file to data structures which can be handled from
+the Lua code. More information about handlers can be found in the original
+documentation, section \ref{sec:handlers}.
+\subsection{The simpleTreeHandler}
+sample = [[
+ <d>hello</d>
+ <b>world.</b>
+ <b at="Hi">another</b>
+treehandler = handler.simpleTreeHandler()
+x = xml.xmlParser(treehandler)
+You have to create handler object, using |handler.simpleTreeHandler()| and xml
+parser object using |xml.xmlParser(handler object)|. |simpleTreehandler|
+creates simple table hierarchy, with top root node in |treehandler.root|
+-- pretty printing function
+function printable(tb, level)
+ level = level or 1
+ local spaces = string.rep(' ', level*2)
+ for k,v in pairs(tb) do
+ if type(v) ~= "table" then
+ print(spaces .. k..'='..v)
+ else
+ print(spaces .. k)
+ level = level + 1
+ printable(v, level)
+ end
+ end
+-- print table
+-- print xml serialization of table
+-- direct access to the element
+This code produces the following output:
+ output:
+ a
+ d=hello
+ b
+ 1=world.
+ 2
+ 1=another
+ _attr
+ at=Hi
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <a>
+ <d>hello</d>
+ <b>world.</b>
+ <b at="Hi">
+ another
+ </b>
+ </a>
+ world.
+First part is pretty-printed dump of Lua table structure contained in the handler, the second
+part is |xml| serialized from that table and the last part demonstrates direct access to particular
+Note that |simpleTreeHandler| creates tables that can be easily accessed using
+standard lua functions, but if the xml document is of mixed-content type\footnote{%
+This means that element may contain both children elements and text.}:
+ <b>world</b>
+\noindent then it produces wrong results. It is useful mostly for data |xml| files, not for
+text formats like |xhtml|.
+\subsection{The domHandler}
+% For complex xml documents with mixed content, |domHandler| is capable of representing any valid XML document:
+For complex xml documents, it is best to use the |domHandler|, which creates object which contains all information
+from the |xml| document.
+-- file dom-sample.lua
+-- next line enables scripts called with texlua to use luatex libraries
+function traverseDom(current,level)
+ local level = level or 0
+ local spaces = string.rep(" ",level)
+ local root= current or current.root
+ local name = root._name or "unnamed"
+ local xtype = root._type or "untyped"
+ local attributes = root._attr or {}
+ if xtype == "TEXT" then
+ print(spaces .."TEXT : " .. root._text)
+ else
+ print(spaces .. xtype .. " : " .. name)
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(attributes) do
+ print(spaces .. " ".. k.."="..v)
+ end
+ local children = root._children or {}
+ for _, child in ipairs(children) do
+ traverseDom(child, level + 1)
+ end
+local xml = require('luaxml-mod-xml')
+local handler = require('luaxml-mod-handler')
+local x = '<p>hello <a href="">world</a>, how are you?</p>'
+local domHandler = handler.domHandler()
+local parser = xml.xmlParser(domHandler)
+The ROOT element is stored in |domHandler.root| table, it's child nodes are stored in |_children|
+tables. Node type is saved in |_type| field, if the node type is |ELEMENT|, then |_name| field contains
+element name, |_attr| table contains element attributes. |TEXT| node contains text content in |_text|
+The previous code produces following output in the terminal: % after command
+% |texlua dom-sample.lua| running:
+ROOT : unnamed
+ TEXT : hello
+ href=
+ TEXT : world
+ TEXT : , how are you?
+% With \verb|domHandler|, you can process documents with mixed content, like
+% \verb|xhtml|, so it is a most powerful handler.
+\part{Original \texttt{LuaXML} documentation by Paul Chakravarti}
+\noindent This document was created automatically from the original source code comments using Pandoc\footnote{\url{}}
+This module provides a non-validating XML stream parser in Lua.
+ Tokenises well-formed XML (relatively robustly)
+ Flexible handler based event api (see below)
+ Parses all XML Infoset elements - ie.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item
+ Tags
+ \item
+ Text
+ \item
+ Comments
+ \item
+ \item
+ XML Decl
+ \item
+ Processing Instructions
+ \item
+ DOCTYPE declarations
+ \end{itemize}
+ Provides limited well-formedness checking (checks for basic syntax \&
+ balanced tags only)
+ Flexible whitespace handling (selectable)
+ Entity Handling (selectable)
+ Non-validating
+ No charset handling
+ No namespace support
+ Shallow well-formedness checking only (fails to detect most semantic
+ errors)
+The parser provides a partially object-oriented API with functionality
+split into tokeniser and hanlder components.
+The handler instance is passed to the tokeniser and receives callbacks
+for each XML element processed (if a suitable handler function is
+defined). The API is conceptually similar to the SAX API but implemented
+The following events are generated by the tokeniser
+handler:starttag - Start Tag
+handler:endtag - End Tag
+handler:text - Text
+handler:decl - XML Declaration
+handler:pi - Processing Instruction
+handler:comment - Comment
+handler:dtd - DOCTYPE definition
+handler:cdata - CDATA
+The function prototype for all the callback functions is
+where attrs is a table and val/attrs are overloaded for specific
+callbacks - ie.
+Callback & val & attrs (table)\\
+starttag & name & |{ attributes (name=val).. }|\\
+endtag & name & nil\\
+text & |<text>| & nil\\
+cdata & |<text> | & nil\\
+decl & "xml" & |{ attributes (name=val).. }|\\
+pi & pi name & \begin{verbatim}{ attributes (if present)..
+ _text = <PI Text>
+comment & |<text>| & nil\\
+dtd & root element & \begin{verbatim}{ _root = <Root Element>,
+ _type = SYSTEM|PUBLIC,
+ _name = <name>,
+ _uri = <uri>,
+ _internal = <internal dtd>
+(starttag \& endtag provide the character positions of the start/end of the
+XML data is passed to the parser instance through the `parse' method
+(Note: must be passed as single string currently)
+Parser options are controlled through the `self.options' table.
+Available options are -
+ stripWS
+ Strip non-significant whitespace (leading/trailing) and do not
+ generate events for empty text elements
+ expandEntities
+ Expand entities (standard entities + single char numeric entities only
+ currently - could be extended at runtime if suitable DTD parser added
+ elements to table (see obj.\_ENTITIES). May also be possible to expand
+ multibyre entities for UTF--8 only
+ errorHandler
+ Custom error handler function
+NOTE: Boolean options must be set to `nil' not `0'
+Create a handler instance -
+h = { starttag = function(t,a,s,e) .... end,
+ endtag = function(t,a,s,e) .... end,
+ text = function(t,a,s,e) .... end,
+ cdata = text }
+(or use predefined handler - see luaxml-mod-handler.lua)
+Create parser instance -
+p = xmlParser(h)
+Set options -
+p.options.xxxx = nil
+Parse XML data -
+xmlParser:parse("<?xml... ")
+Standard XML event handler(s) for XML parser module (luaxml-mod-xml.lua)
+printHandler - Generate XML event trace
+domHandler - Generate DOM-like node tree
+simpleTreeHandler - Generate 'simple' node tree
+simpleTeXhandler - SAX like handler with support for CSS selectros
+Must be called as handler function from xmlParser and implement XML
+event callbacks (see xmlParser.lua for callback API definition)
+printHandler prints event trace for debugging
+domHandler generates a DOM-like node tree structure with
+a single ROOT node parent - each node is a table comprising
+fields below.
+node = { _name = <Element Name>,
+ _attr = { Node attributes - see callback API },
+ _parent = <Parent Node>
+ _children = { List of child nodes - ROOT/NODE only }
+ }
+simpleTreeHandler is a simplified handler which attempts to generate a
+more `natural' table based structure which supports many common XML
+The XML tree structure is mapped directly into a recursive table
+structure with node names as keys and child elements as either a table
+of values or directly as a string value for text. Where there is only a
+single child element this is inserted as a named key - if there are
+multiple elements these are inserted as a vector (in some cases it may
+be preferable to always insert elements as a vector which can be
+specified on a per element basis in the options). Attributes are
+inserted as a child element with a key of `\_attr'.
+Only Tag/Text \& CDATA elements are processed - all others are ignored.
+This format has some limitations - primarily
+\item Mixed-Content behaves unpredictably - the relationship between text
+ elements and embedded tags is lost and multiple levels of mixed
+ content does not work
+\item If a leaf element has both a text element and attributes then the text
+ must be accessed through a vector (to provide a container for the
+ attribute)
+In general however this format is relatively useful.
+simpleTreeHandler.options.noReduce = { <tag> = bool,.. }
+ - Nodes not to reduce children vector even if only
+ one child
+domHandler.options.(comment|pi|dtd|decl)Node = bool
+ - Include/exclude given node types
+Pased as delegate in xmlParser constructor and called as callback by
+xmlParser:parse(xml) method.
+This library is fork of LuaXML library originaly created by Paul
+Chakravarti. Some files not needed for use with luatex were droped from the distribution.
+Documentation was converted from original comments in the source code.
+This code is freely distributable under the terms of the Lua license