path: root/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-domobject.lua
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-domobject.lua
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-domobject.lua')
1 files changed, 529 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-domobject.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-domobject.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a410885e04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/luaxml/luaxml-domobject.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+--- DOM module for LuaXML
+-- @module luaxml-domobject
+-- @author Michal Hoftich <
+local dom = {}
+local xml = require("luaxml-mod-xml")
+local handler = require("luaxml-mod-handler")
+local css_query = require("luaxml-cssquery")
+local void = {area = true, base = true, br = true, col = true, hr = true, img = true, input = true, link = true, meta = true, param = true}
+local escapes = {
+ [">"] = "&gt;",
+ ["<"] = "&lt;",
+ ["&"] = "&amp;",
+ ['"'] = "&quot;",
+ ["'"] = "&#39;",
+ ["`"] = "&#x60;"
+local function escape(search, text)
+ return text:gsub(search, function(ch)
+ return escapes[ch] or ""
+ end)
+local function escape_element(text)
+ return escape("([<>&])", text)
+local function escape_attr(text)
+ return escape("([<>&\"'`])", text)
+local actions = {
+ TEXT = {text = "%s"},
+ COMMENT = {start = "<!-- ", text = "%s", stop = " -->"},
+ ELEMENT = {start = "<%s%s>", stop = "</%s>", void = "<%s%s />"},
+ DECL = {start = "<?%s %s?>"},
+ PI = {start = "<?%s %s?>"},
+ DTD = {start = "<!DOCTYPE ", text = "%s" , stop=">"},
+ CDATA = {start = "<![CDATA[", text = "%s", stop ="]]>"}
+--- It serializes the DOM object back to the XML.
+-- This function is mainly used for internal purposes, it is better to
+-- use the `DOM_Object:serialize()`.
+-- @param parser DOM object
+-- @param current Element which should be serialized
+-- @param level
+-- @param output
+-- @return table Table with XML strings. It can be concenated using table.concat() function to get XML string corresponding to the DOM_Object.
+local function serialize_dom(parser, current,level, output)
+ local output = output or {}
+ local function get_action(typ, action)
+ local ac = actions[typ] or {}
+ local format = ac[action] or ""
+ return format
+ end
+ local function insert(format, ...)
+ table.insert(output, string.format(format, ...))
+ end
+ local function prepare_attributes(attr)
+ local t = {}
+ local attr = attr or {}
+ for k, v in pairs(attr) do
+ t[#t+1] = string.format("%s='%s'", k, escape_attr(v))
+ end
+ if #t == 0 then return "" end
+ -- add space before attributes
+ return " " .. table.concat(t, " ")
+ end
+ local function start(typ, el, attr)
+ local format = get_action(typ, "start")
+ insert(format, el, prepare_attributes(attr))
+ end
+ local function text(typ, text)
+ local format = get_action(typ, "text")
+ insert(format, escape_element(text))
+ end
+ local function stop(typ, el)
+ local format = get_action(typ, "stop")
+ insert(format,el)
+ end
+ local level = level or 0
+ local spaces = string.rep(" ",level)
+ local root= current or parser._handler.root
+ local name = root._name or "unnamed"
+ local xtype = root._type or "untyped"
+ local text_content = root._text or ""
+ local attributes = root._attr or {}
+ -- if xtype == "TEXT" then
+ -- print(spaces .."TEXT : " .. root._text)
+ -- elseif xtype == "COMMENT" then
+ -- print(spaces .. "Comment : ".. root._text)
+ -- else
+ -- print(spaces .. xtype .. " : " .. name)
+ -- end
+ -- for k, v in pairs(attributes) do
+ -- print(spaces .. " ".. k.."="..v)
+ -- end
+ if xtype == "DTD" then
+ text_content = string.format('%s %s "%s" "%s"', name, attributes["_type"] or "", attributes._name, attributes._uri )
+ -- remove unused fields
+ text_content = text_content:gsub('"nil"','')
+ text_content = text_content:gsub('%s*$','')
+ attributes = {}
+ elseif xtype == "ELEMENT" and void[name] and #current._children < 1 then
+ local format = get_action(xtype, "void")
+ insert(format, name, prepare_attributes(attributes))
+ return output
+ elseif xtype == "PI" then
+ -- it contains spurious _text attribute
+ attributes["_text"] = nil
+ elseif xtype == "DECL" and name =="xml" then
+ -- the xml declaration attributes must be in a correct order
+ insert("<?xml version='%s' encoding='%s' ?>", attributes.version, attributes.encoding)
+ return output
+ end
+ start(xtype, name, attributes)
+ text(xtype,text_content)
+ local children = root._children or {}
+ for _, child in ipairs(children) do
+ output = serialize_dom(parser,child, level + 1, output)
+ end
+ stop(xtype, name)
+ return output
+--- XML parsing function
+-- Parse the XML text and create the DOM object.
+-- @return DOM_Object
+local parse = function(
+ xmltext --- String to be parsed
+ )
+ local domHandler = handler.domHandler()
+ --- @type DOM_Object
+ local DOM_Object = xml.xmlParser(domHandler)
+ -- preserve whitespace
+ DOM_Object.options.stripWS = nil
+ DOM_Object:parse(xmltext)
+ DOM_Object.current = DOM_Object._handler.root
+ DOM_Object.__index = DOM_Object
+ DOM_Object.css_query = css_query()
+ local function save_methods(element)
+ setmetatable(element,DOM_Object)
+ local children = element._children or {}
+ for _, x in ipairs(children) do
+ save_methods(x)
+ end
+ end
+ local parser = setmetatable({}, DOM_Object)
+ --- Returns root element of the DOM_Object
+ -- @return DOM_Object
+ function DOM_Object:root_node()
+ return self._handler.root
+ end
+ --- Get current node type
+ -- @param el [optional] node to get the type of
+ function DOM_Object:get_node_type(
+ el --- [optional] element to test
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ return el._type
+ end
+ --- Test if the current node is an element.
+ -- You can pass different element as parameter
+ -- @return boolean
+ function DOM_Object:is_element(
+ el --- [optional] element to test
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ return self:get_node_type(el) == "ELEMENT" -- @bool
+ end
+ --- Test if current node is text
+ -- @return boolean
+ function DOM_Object:is_text(
+ el --- [optional] element to test
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ return self:get_node_type(el) == "TEXT"
+ end
+ local lower = string.lower
+ --- Return name of the current element
+ -- @return string
+ function DOM_Object:get_element_name(
+ el --- [optional] element to test
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ return el._name or "unnamed"
+ end
+ --- Get value of an attribute
+ -- @return string
+ function DOM_Object:get_attribute(
+ name --- Attribute name
+ )
+ local el = self
+ if self:is_element(el) then
+ local attr = el._attr or {}
+ return attr[name]
+ end
+ end
+ --- Set value of an attribute
+ -- @return boolean
+ function DOM_Object:set_attribute(
+ name --- Attribute name
+ , value --- Value to be set
+ )
+ local el = self
+ if self:is_element(el) then
+ el._attr[name] = value
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ --- Serialize the current node back to XML
+ -- @return string
+ function DOM_Object:serialize(
+ current --- [optional] element to be serialized
+ )
+ local current = current
+ -- if no current element is added and self is not plain parser object
+ -- (_type is then nil), use the current object as serialized root
+ if not current and self._type then
+ current = self
+ end
+ return table.concat(serialize_dom(self, current))
+ end
+ --- Get text content from the node and all of it's children
+ -- @return string
+ function DOM_Object:get_text(
+ current --- [optional] element which should be converted to text
+ )
+ local current = current or self
+ local text = {}
+ if current:is_text() then return current._text or "" end
+ for _, el in ipairs(current:get_children()) do
+ if el:is_text() then
+ text[#text+1] = el._text or ""
+ elseif el:is_element() then
+ text[#text+1] = el:get_text()
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat(text)
+ end
+ --- Retrieve elements from the given path.
+ -- The path is list of elements separated by space,
+ -- starting from the top element of the current element
+ -- @return table of elements which match the path
+ function DOM_Object:get_path(
+ path --- path to be traversed
+ , current --- [optional] element which should be traversed. Default element is the root element of the DOM_Object
+ )
+ local function traverse_path(path_elements, current, t)
+ local t = t or {}
+ if #path_elements == 0 then
+ -- for _, x in ipairs(current._children or {}) do
+ -- table.insert(t,x)
+ -- end
+ table.insert(t,current)
+ return t
+ end
+ local current_path = table.remove(path_elements, 1)
+ for _, x in ipairs(self:get_children(current)) do
+ if self:is_element(x) then
+ local name = string.lower(self:get_element_name(x))
+ if name == current_path then
+ t = traverse_path(path_elements, x, t)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+ end
+ local current = current or self:root_node() -- self._handler.root
+ local path_elements = {}
+ local path = string.lower(path)
+ for el in path:gmatch("([^%s]+)") do table.insert(path_elements, el) end
+ return traverse_path(path_elements, current)
+ end
+ --- Select elements chidlren using CSS selector syntax
+ -- @return table with elements matching the selector.
+ function DOM_Object:query_selector(
+ selector --- String using the CSS selector syntax
+ )
+ local css_query = self.css_query
+ local css_parts = css_query:prepare_selector(selector)
+ return css_query:get_selector_path(self, css_parts)
+ end
+ --- Get table with children of the current element
+ -- @return table with children of the selected element
+ function DOM_Object:get_children(
+ el --- [optional] element to be selected
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ local children = el._children or {}
+ return children
+ end
+ --- Get the parent element
+ -- @return DOM_Object parent element
+ function DOM_Object:get_parent(
+ el --- [optional] element to be selected
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ return el._parent
+ end
+ --- Execute function on the current element and all it's children elements.
+ -- The traversing of child elements of a given node can be disabled when the executed
+ -- function returns false.
+ -- @return nothing
+ function DOM_Object:traverse_elements(
+ fn, --- function which will be executed on the current element and all it's children
+ current --- [optional] element to be selected
+ )
+ local current = current or self --
+ -- Following situation may happen when this method is called directly on the parsed object
+ if not current:get_node_type() then
+ current = self:root_node()
+ end
+ local status = true
+ if self:is_element(current) or self:get_node_type(current) == "ROOT"then
+ local status = fn(current)
+ -- don't traverse child nodes when the user function return false
+ if status ~= false then
+ for _, child in ipairs(self:get_children(current)) do
+ self:traverse_elements(fn, child)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --- Execute function on list of elements returned by DOM_Object:get_path()
+ function DOM_Object:traverse_node_list(
+ nodelist --- table with nodes selected by DOM_Object:get_path()
+ , fn --- function to be executed
+ )
+ local nodelist = nodelist or {}
+ for _, node in ipairs(nodelist) do
+ for _, element in ipairs(node._children) do
+ fn(element)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --- Replace the current node with new one
+ -- @return boolean, message
+ function DOM_Object:replace_node(
+ new --- element which should replace the current element
+ )
+ local old = self
+ local parent = self:get_parent(old)
+ local id,msg = self:find_element_pos( old)
+ if id then
+ parent._children[id] = new
+ return true
+ end
+ return false, msg
+ end
+ --- Add child node to the current node
+ function DOM_Object:add_child_node(
+ child, --- element to be inserted as a current node child
+ position --- [optional] position at which should the node be inserted
+ )
+ local parent = self
+ child._parent = parent
+ if position then
+ table.insert(parent._children, position, child)
+ else
+ table.insert(parent._children, child)
+ end
+ end
+ --- Create copy of the current node
+ -- @return DOM_Object element
+ function DOM_Object:copy_node(
+ element --- [optional] element to be copied
+ )
+ local element = element or self
+ local t = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(element) do
+ if type(v) == "table" and k~="_parent" then
+ t[k] = self:copy_node(v)
+ else
+ t[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ save_methods(t)
+ return t
+ end
+ --- Create a new element
+ -- @return DOM_Object element
+ function DOM_Object:create_element(
+ name, -- New tag name
+ attributes, -- Table with attributes
+ parent -- [optional] element which should be saved as the element's parent
+ )
+ local parent = parent or self
+ local new = {}
+ new._type = "ELEMENT"
+ new._name = name
+ new._attr = attributes or {}
+ new._children = {}
+ new._parent = parent
+ save_methods(new)
+ return new
+ end
+ --- Create new text node
+ -- @return DOM_Object text object
+ function DOM_Object:create_text_node(
+ text, -- string
+ parent -- [optional] element which should be saved as the element's parent
+ )
+ local parent = parent or self
+ local new = {}
+ new._type = "TEXT"
+ new._parent = parent
+ new._text = text
+ save_methods(new)
+ return new
+ end
+ --- Delete current node
+ function DOM_Object:remove_node(
+ element -- [optional] element to be removed
+ )
+ local element = element or self
+ local parent = self:get_parent(element)
+ local pos = self:find_element_pos(element)
+ -- if pos then table.remove(parent._children, pos) end
+ if pos then
+ -- table.remove(parent._children, pos)
+ parent._children[pos] = setmetatable({_type = "removed"}, DOM_Object)
+ end
+ end
+ --- Find the element position in the current node list
+ -- @return integer position of the current element in the element table
+ function DOM_Object:find_element_pos(
+ el -- [optional] element which should be looked up
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ local parent = self:get_parent(el)
+ if not self:is_element(parent) and self:get_node_type(parent) ~= "ROOT" then return nil, "The parent isn't element" end
+ for i, x in ipairs(parent._children) do
+ if x == el then return i end
+ end
+ return false, "Cannot find element"
+ end
+ --- Get node list which current node is part of
+ -- @return table with elements
+ function DOM_Object:get_siblings(
+ el -- [optional] element for which the sibling element list should be retrieved
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ local parent = el:get_parent()
+ if parent:is_element() then
+ return parent:get_children()
+ end
+ end
+ --- Get sibling node of the current node
+ -- @param change Distance from the current node
+ -- @return DOM_Object node
+ function DOM_Object:get_sibling_node( change)
+ local el = self
+ local pos = el:find_element_pos()
+ local siblings = el:get_siblings()
+ if pos and siblings then
+ return siblings[pos + change]
+ end
+ end
+ --- Get next node
+ -- @return DOM_Object node
+ function DOM_Object:get_next_node(
+ el --- [optional] node to be used
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ return el:get_sibling_node(1)
+ end
+ --- Get previous node
+ -- @return DOM_Object node
+ function DOM_Object:get_prev_node(
+ el -- [optional] node to be used
+ )
+ local el = el or self
+ return el:get_sibling_node(-1)
+ end
+ -- include the methods to all xml nodes
+ save_methods(parser._handler.root)
+ -- parser:
+ return parser
+--- @export
+return {
+ parse = parse,
+ serialize_dom= serialize_dom