path: root/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/luatex/generic/lualibs
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/generic/lualibs')
-rw-r--r--macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs.pdfbin0 -> 80996 bytes
38 files changed, 25981 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/LICENSE b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d159169d10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/NEWS b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66ee05e8cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ History of the lualibs package
+2019/08/11 v2.67/
+ * sync with Context current as of 2019/08/11
+2019/07/04 v2.66/
+ * sync with Context current as of 2019/07/04
+ * changed kpse initialization to avoid conflicts with latex-dev format
+2019/05/18 v2.65/
+ * sync with Context current as of 2019/05/18
+2019/02/14 v2.64/
+ * sync with Context beta as of 2019/02/14
+2019/01/28 v2.63/
+ * sync with Context beta as of 2019/01/28
+2019/01/28 v2.62/
+ * sync with Context beta as of 2018/12/19
+2018/10/18 v2.61/
+ * sync with Context beta as of 2018-10-18
+2018/09/20 v2.6/
+ * sync with Context beta as of 2018-09-20
+2017/02/01 v2.5/
+ * sync with Context beta as of 2017-02-01
+2016/04/06 v2.4/
+ * sync with Context beta as of 2016-04-06
+ * basic maintenance
+ * include util-fil.lua, a fontloader requirement, in the extended
+ collection
+2015/12/02 v2.3/
+ * sync with Context beta as of 2015-11-19
+ * basic maintenance
+2014/05/05 v2.2/
+ * sync with Context beta as of 2014-07-26
+ * remove util-env.lua
+2013/31/03 v2.1a/
+ * sync with Context beta as of 2013-12-30
+2013/11/03 v2.1/
+ * sync with Context beta as of 2013-11-01
+ * add l-gzip
+2013/07/23 v2.0c/
+ * sync with Context beta as of 2013-07-14
+2013/05/18 v2.0/
+ * sync with Context beta as of 2013.04.29 20:30
+ * merge with mtx-package
+ * split in basic and extended collection, allowing for partial
+ loading
+ * include additional files from Context
+ * drop module() in favor of locals
+2012/10/19 v0.9/
+ * sync with ConTeXt beta 2012.10.17
+ * move some files to util-* prefix
+ * add util-sto util-lua util-sto util-jsn
+2011/01/20 v0.96
+ * Fix computability with lfs in luatex 0.65
+2010/06/28 v0.95
+ * don't use kpse.set_program_name(), people loading lualibs with texlua
+ should set it themselves, to avoid possible clashes
+ * drop deprecated functions and aliases
+ * update the documentation
+2010/05/28 v0.94
+ * sync with ConTeXt beta 2010.05.20, adding new functions used
+ by luaotfload
+2010/05/10 v0.93
+ * renamed the package from luaextra to lualibs
+ * now a separate package (previously part of the luatextra bundle)
+2010/01/10 v0.92
+ * making the file loadable without luatextra (useful for lua scripts)
+ * fixing typo in localize_sep
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b89ca40fb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# The Lualibs Package
+VERSION: 2.67
+DATE: 2019-08-11
+Lualibs is a collection of Lua modules useful for general programming.
+This work is based on Lua modules shipped with ConTeXt, to make them available
+for use independent of ConTeXt.
+This package has been developed by the LuaLaTeX development team on
+The current version has been build by Ulrike Fischer on
+<>. The date equals the date of the context files.
+See the 'NEWS' file for version history.
+## Installation
+1. If you are using TeX Live 2010 or later use 'tlmgr install lualibs'.
+ With miktex, use the miktex console.
+ Alternatively, use your (TeX or Linux) distribution's package management
+ system.
+ 1. Grab on CTAN.
+ 2. Unzip it at the root of one or your TDS trees.
+ 3. You may need to update some filename database after this, see your TeX
+ distribution's manual for details.
+## Manifest
+### Source files:
+| file | TDS location
+| lualibs.dtx |source/luatex/lualibs/lualibs.dtx
+| lualibs-boolean.lua |tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-boolean.lua
+| lualibs-compat.lua |tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-compat.lua
+| lualibs-dir.lua |tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-dir.lua
+| lualibs-file.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-file.lua
+| lualibs-gzip.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-gzip.lua
+| lualibs-function.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-function.lua
+| lualibs-io.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-io.lua
+| lualibs-lpeg.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-lpeg.lua
+| lualibs-lua.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-lua.lua
+| lualibs-math.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-math.lua
+| lualibs-md5.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-md5.lua
+| lualibs-number.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-number.lua
+| lualibs-os.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-os.lua
+| lualibs-package.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-package.lua
+| lualibs-set.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-set.lua
+| lualibs-string.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-string.lua
+| lualibs-table.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-table.lua
+| lualibs-trac-inf.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-trac-inf.lua
+| lualibs-unicode.lua\* | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-unicode.lua
+| lualibs-url.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-url.lua
+| lualibs-util-deb.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-util-deb.lua
+| lualibs-util-dim.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-util-dim.lua
+| lualibs-util-jsn.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-util-jsn.lua
+| lualibs-util-lua.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-util-lua.lua
+| lualibs-util-prs.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-util-prs.lua
+| lualibs-util-sta.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-util-sta.lua
+| lualibs-util-sto.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-util-sto.lua
+| lualibs-util-str.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-util-str.lua
+| lualibs-util-tab.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-util-tab.lua
+| lualibs-util-tpl.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-util-tpl.lua
+| LICENSE | doc/luatex/lualibs/LICENSE
+| NEWS | doc/luatex/lualibs/NEWS
+| README | doc/luatex/lualibs/README
+\* the file has been modified to enable the unicode library again
+### Derived files:
+| file | TDS location
+| lualibs.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs.lua
+| lualibs-basic.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-basic.lua
+| lualibs-basic-merged.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-basic-merged.lua
+| lualibs-extended.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-extended.lua
+| lualibs-extended-merged.lua | tex/luatex/lualibs/lualibs-extended-merged.lua
+| lualibs.pdf | doc/luatex/lualibs/lualibs.pdf
+## License and Copyright
+As a derived work of Context, this work and the derived files are under the
+GNU GPL v.2.0 license.
+The full text of the license is included in the file LICENSE.
+The files taken from Context (lualibs-*.lua) are copyright PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt
+Development Team.
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-basic-merged.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-basic-merged.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0cb07cea2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-basic-merged.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,5640 @@
+-- merged file : lualibs-basic-merged.lua
+-- parent file : lualibs-basic.lua
+-- merge date : Tue Aug 13 20:13:08 2019
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lua']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local next,type,tonumber=next,type,tonumber
+if LUAVERSION<5.2 and jit then
+if not lpeg then
+ lpeg=require("lpeg")
+if loadstring then
+ local loadnormal=load
+ function load(first,...)
+ if type(first)=="string" then
+ return loadstring(first,...)
+ else
+ return loadnormal(first,...)
+ end
+ end
+ loadstring=load
+if not ipairs then
+ local function iterate(a,i)
+ i=i+1
+ local v=a[i]
+ if v~=nil then
+ return i,v
+ end
+ end
+ function ipairs(a)
+ return iterate,a,0
+ end
+if not pairs then
+ function pairs(t)
+ return next,t
+ end
+if not table.unpack then
+ table.unpack=_G.unpack
+elseif not unpack then
+ _G.unpack=table.unpack
+if not package.loaders then
+ package.loaders=package.searchers
+local print,select,tostring=print,select,tostring
+local inspectors={}
+function setinspector(kind,inspector)
+ inspectors[kind]=inspector
+function inspect(...)
+ for s=1,select("#",...) do
+ local value=select(s,...)
+ if value==nil then
+ print("nil")
+ else
+ local done=false
+ local kind=type(value)
+ local inspector=inspectors[kind]
+ if inspector then
+ done=inspector(value)
+ if done then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ for kind,inspector in next,inspectors do
+ done=inspector(value)
+ if done then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not done then
+ print(tostring(value))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local dummy=function() end
+function optionalrequire(...)
+ local ok,result=xpcall(require,dummy,...)
+ if ok then
+ return result
+ end
+if lua then
+ lua.mask=load([[τεχ = 1]]) and "utf" or "ascii"
+local flush=io.flush
+if flush then
+ local execute=os.execute if execute then function os.execute(...) flush() return execute(...) end end
+ local exec=os.exec if exec then function os.exec (...) flush() return exec (...) end end
+ local spawn=os.spawn if spawn then function os.spawn (...) flush() return spawn (...) end end
+ local popen=io.popen if popen then function io.popen (...) flush() return popen (...) end end
+FFISUPPORTED=type(ffi)=="table" and ffi.os~="" and ffi.arch~="" and ffi.load
+if not FFISUPPORTED then
+ local okay;okay,ffi=pcall(require,"ffi")
+ FFISUPPORTED=type(ffi)=="table" and ffi.os~="" and ffi.arch~="" and ffi.load
+if not FFISUPPORTED then
+ ffi=nil
+elseif not ffi.number then
+ ffi.number=tonumber
+if LUAVERSION>5.3 then
+if status and os.setenv then
+ os.setenv("engine",string.lower(status.luatex_engine or "unknown"))
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-package']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local type=type
+local gsub,format,find=string.gsub,string.format,string.find
+local insert,remove=table.insert,table.remove
+local P,S,Cs,lpegmatch=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.match
+local package=package
+local searchers=package.searchers or package.loaders
+local filejoin=file and file.join or function(path,name) return path.."/" end
+local isreadable=file and file.is_readable or function(name) local if f then f:close() return true end end
+local addsuffix=file and file.addsuffix or function(name,suffix) return name.."."..suffix end
+local function cleanpath(path)
+ return path
+local pattern=Cs((((1-S("\\/"))^0*(S("\\/")^1/"/"))^0*(P(".")^1/"/"+P(1))^1)*-1)
+local function lualibfile(name)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,name) or name
+local offset=luarocks and 1 or 0
+local helpers=package.helpers or {
+ cleanpath=cleanpath,
+ lualibfile=lualibfile,
+ trace=false,
+ report=function(...) print(format(...)) end,
+ builtin={
+ ["preload table"]=searchers[1+offset],
+ ["path specification"]=searchers[2+offset],
+ ["cpath specification"]=searchers[3+offset],
+ ["all in one fallback"]=searchers[4+offset],
+ },
+ methods={},
+ sequence={
+ "already loaded",
+ "preload table",
+ "qualified path",
+ "lua extra list",
+ "lib extra list",
+ "path specification",
+ "cpath specification",
+ "all in one fallback",
+ "not loaded",
+ }
+local methods=helpers.methods
+local builtin=helpers.builtin
+local extraluapaths={}
+local extralibpaths={}
+local luapaths=nil
+local libpaths=nil
+local oldluapath=nil
+local oldlibpath=nil
+local nofextralua=-1
+local nofextralib=-1
+local nofpathlua=-1
+local nofpathlib=-1
+local function listpaths(what,paths)
+ local nofpaths=#paths
+ if nofpaths>0 then
+ for i=1,nofpaths do
+"using %s path %i: %s",what,i,paths[i])
+ end
+ else
+"no %s paths defined",what)
+ end
+ return nofpaths
+local function getextraluapaths()
+ if helpers.trace and #extraluapaths~=nofextralua then
+ nofextralua=listpaths("extra lua",extraluapaths)
+ end
+ return extraluapaths
+local function getextralibpaths()
+ if helpers.trace and #extralibpaths~=nofextralib then
+ nofextralib=listpaths("extra lib",extralibpaths)
+ end
+ return extralibpaths
+local function getluapaths()
+ local luapath=package.path or ""
+ if oldluapath~=luapath then
+ luapaths=file.splitpath(luapath,";")
+ oldluapath=luapath
+ nofpathlua=-1
+ end
+ if helpers.trace and #luapaths~=nofpathlua then
+ nofpathlua=listpaths("builtin lua",luapaths)
+ end
+ return luapaths
+local function getlibpaths()
+ local libpath=package.cpath or ""
+ if oldlibpath~=libpath then
+ libpaths=file.splitpath(libpath,";")
+ oldlibpath=libpath
+ nofpathlib=-1
+ end
+ if helpers.trace and #libpaths~=nofpathlib then
+ nofpathlib=listpaths("builtin lib",libpaths)
+ end
+ return libpaths
+local hashes={
+ lua={},
+ lib={},
+local function registerpath(tag,what,target,...)
+ local pathlist={... }
+ local cleanpath=helpers.cleanpath
+ local trace=helpers.trace
+ local
+ local hash=hashes[what]
+ local function add(path)
+ local path=cleanpath(path)
+ if not hash[path] then
+ target[#target+1]=path
+ hash[path]=true
+ if trace then
+ report("registered %s path %s: %s",tag,#target,path)
+ end
+ else
+ if trace then
+ report("duplicate %s path: %s",tag,path)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for p=1,#pathlist do
+ local path=pathlist[p]
+ if type(path)=="table" then
+ for i=1,#path do
+ add(path[i])
+ end
+ else
+ add(path)
+ end
+ end
+local function pushpath(tag,what,target,path)
+ local path=helpers.cleanpath(path)
+ insert(target,1,path)
+ if helpers.trace then
+"pushing %s path in front: %s",tag,path)
+ end
+local function poppath(tag,what,target)
+ local path=remove(target,1)
+ if helpers.trace then
+ if path then
+"popping %s path from front: %s",tag,path)
+ else
+"no %s path to pop",tag)
+ end
+ end
+function package.extraluapath(...)
+ registerpath("extra lua","lua",extraluapaths,...)
+function package.pushluapath(path)
+ pushpath("extra lua","lua",extraluapaths,path)
+function package.popluapath()
+ poppath("extra lua","lua",extraluapaths)
+function package.extralibpath(...)
+ registerpath("extra lib","lib",extralibpaths,...)
+function package.pushlibpath(path)
+ pushpath("extra lib","lib",extralibpaths,path)
+function package.poplibpath()
+ poppath("extra lib","lua",extralibpaths)
+local function loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
+ local base=gsub(rawname,"%.","_")
+ local init="luaopen_"..gsub(base,"%.","_")
+ if helpers.trace then
+"calling loadlib with '%s' with init '%s'",resolved,init)
+ end
+ return package.loadlib(resolved,init)
+local function loadedbypath(name,rawname,paths,islib,what)
+ local trace=helpers.trace
+ for p=1,#paths do
+ local path=paths[p]
+ local resolved=filejoin(path,name)
+ if trace then
+"%s path, identifying '%s' on '%s'",what,name,path)
+ end
+ if isreadable(resolved) then
+ if trace then
+"%s path, '%s' found on '%s'",what,name,resolved)
+ end
+ if islib then
+ return loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
+ else
+ return loadfile(resolved)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function loadedbyname(name,rawname)
+ if find(name,"^/") or find(name,"^[a-zA-Z]:/") then
+ local trace=helpers.trace
+ if trace then
+"qualified name, identifying '%s'",what,name)
+ end
+ if isreadable(name) then
+ if trace then
+"qualified name, '%s' found",what,name)
+ end
+ return loadfile(name)
+ end
+ end
+methods["already loaded"]=function(name)
+ return package.loaded[name]
+methods["preload table"]=function(name)
+ return builtin["preload table"](name)
+methods["qualified path"]=function(name)
+ return loadedbyname(addsuffix(lualibfile(name),"lua"),name)
+methods["lua extra list"]=function(name)
+ return loadedbypath(addsuffix(lualibfile(name),"lua"),name,getextraluapaths(),false,"lua")
+methods["lib extra list"]=function(name)
+ return loadedbypath(addsuffix(lualibfile(name),os.libsuffix),name,getextralibpaths(),true,"lib")
+methods["path specification"]=function(name)
+ getluapaths()
+ return builtin["path specification"](name)
+methods["cpath specification"]=function(name)
+ getlibpaths()
+ return builtin["cpath specification"](name)
+methods["all in one fallback"]=function(name)
+ return builtin["all in one fallback"](name)
+methods["not loaded"]=function(name)
+ if helpers.trace then
+"unable to locate '%s'",name or "?")
+ end
+ return nil
+local level=0
+local used={}
+function helpers.loaded(name)
+ local sequence=helpers.sequence
+ level=level+1
+ for i=1,#sequence do
+ local method=sequence[i]
+ if helpers.trace then
+"%s, level '%s', method '%s', name '%s'","locating",level,method,name)
+ end
+ local result,rest=methods[method](name)
+ if type(result)=="function" then
+ if helpers.trace then
+"%s, level '%s', method '%s', name '%s'","found",level,method,name)
+ end
+ if helpers.traceused then
+ used[#used+1]={ level=level,name=name }
+ end
+ level=level-1
+ return result,rest
+ end
+ end
+ level=level-1
+ return nil
+function helpers.showused()
+ local n=#used
+ if n>0 then
+"%s libraries loaded:",n)
+ for i=1,n do
+ local u=used[i]
+"%i %a",u.level,
+ end
+ end
+function helpers.unload(name)
+ if helpers.trace then
+ if package.loaded[name] then
+"unloading, name '%s', %s",name,"done")
+ else
+"unloading, name '%s', %s",name,"not loaded")
+ end
+ end
+ package.loaded[name]=nil
+if context then
+ package.path=""
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lpeg']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local lpeg=lpeg
+if not lpeg.print then function lpeg.print(...) print(lpeg.pcode(...)) end end
+local type,next,tostring=type,next,tostring
+local byte,char,gmatch,format=string.byte,string.char,string.gmatch,string.format
+local floor=math.floor
+local P,R,S,V,Ct,C,Cs,Cc,Cp,Cmt=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.V,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Cmt
+local lpegtype,lpegmatch,lpegprint=lpeg.type,lpeg.match,lpeg.print
+if setinspector then
+ setinspector("lpeg",function(v) if lpegtype(v) then lpegprint(v) return true end end)
+lpeg.patterns=lpeg.patterns or {}
+local patterns=lpeg.patterns
+local anything=P(1)
+local endofstring=P(-1)
+local alwaysmatched=P(true)
+local sign=S('+-')
+local zero=P('0')
+local digit=R('09')
+local digits=digit^1
+local octdigit=R("07")
+local octdigits=octdigit^1
+local lowercase=R("az")
+local uppercase=R("AZ")
+local underscore=P("_")
+local hexdigit=digit+lowercase+uppercase
+local hexdigits=hexdigit^1
+local cr,lf,crlf=P("\r"),P("\n"),P("\r\n")
+local newline=P("\r")*(P("\n")+P(true))+P("\n")
+local escaped=P("\\")*anything
+local squote=P("'")
+local dquote=P('"')
+local space=P(" ")
+local period=P(".")
+local comma=P(",")
+local utfbom_32_be=P('\000\000\254\255')
+local utfbom_32_le=P('\255\254\000\000')
+local utfbom_16_be=P('\254\255')
+local utfbom_16_le=P('\255\254')
+local utfbom_8=P('\239\187\191')
+local utfbom=utfbom_32_be+utfbom_32_le+utfbom_16_be+utfbom_16_le+utfbom_8
+local utftype=utfbom_32_be*Cc("utf-32-be")+utfbom_32_le*Cc("utf-32-le")+utfbom_16_be*Cc("utf-16-be")+utfbom_16_le*Cc("utf-16-le")+utfbom_8*Cc("utf-8")+alwaysmatched*Cc("utf-8")
+local utfstricttype=utfbom_32_be*Cc("utf-32-be")+utfbom_32_le*Cc("utf-32-le")+utfbom_16_be*Cc("utf-16-be")+utfbom_16_le*Cc("utf-16-le")+utfbom_8*Cc("utf-8")
+local utfoffset=utfbom_32_be*Cc(4)+utfbom_32_le*Cc(4)+utfbom_16_be*Cc(2)+utfbom_16_le*Cc(2)+utfbom_8*Cc(3)+Cc(0)
+local utf8next=R("\128\191")
+local utf8char=patterns.utf8one+patterns.utf8two+patterns.utf8three+patterns.utf8four
+local validutf8char=utf8char^0*endofstring*Cc(true)+Cc(false)
+local utf8character=P(1)*R("\128\191")^0
+local eol=S("\n\r")
+local spacer=S(" \t\f\v")
+local whitespace=eol+spacer
+local nonspacer=1-spacer
+local nonwhitespace=1-whitespace
+local stripper=spacer^0*C((spacer^0*nonspacer^1)^0)
+local fullstripper=whitespace^0*C((whitespace^0*nonwhitespace^1)^0)
+local collapser=Cs(spacer^0/""*nonspacer^0*((spacer^0/" "*nonspacer^1)^0))
+local nospacer=Cs((whitespace^1/""+nonwhitespace^1)^0)
+local b_collapser=Cs(whitespace^0/""*(nonwhitespace^1+whitespace^1/" ")^0)
+local e_collapser=Cs((whitespace^1*endofstring/""+nonwhitespace^1+whitespace^1/" ")^0)
+local m_collapser=Cs((nonwhitespace^1+whitespace^1/" ")^0)
+local b_stripper=Cs(spacer^0/""*(nonspacer^1+spacer^1/" ")^0)
+local e_stripper=Cs((spacer^1*endofstring/""+nonspacer^1+spacer^1/" ")^0)
+local m_stripper=Cs((nonspacer^1+spacer^1/" ")^0)
+patterns.longtostring=Cs(whitespace^0/""*((patterns.quoted+nonwhitespace^1+whitespace^1/""*(endofstring+Cc(" ")))^0))
+function anywhere(pattern)
+ return (1-P(pattern))^0*P(pattern)
+function lpeg.instringchecker(p)
+ p=anywhere(p)
+ return function(str)
+ return lpegmatch(p,str) and true or false
+ end
+function lpeg.splitter(pattern,action)
+ if action then
+ return (((1-P(pattern))^1)/action+1)^0
+ else
+ return (Cs((1-P(pattern))^1)+1)^0
+ end
+function lpeg.tsplitter(pattern,action)
+ if action then
+ return Ct((((1-P(pattern))^1)/action+1)^0)
+ else
+ return Ct((Cs((1-P(pattern))^1)+1)^0)
+ end
+local splitters_s,splitters_m,splitters_t={},{},{}
+local function splitat(separator,single)
+ local splitter=(single and splitters_s[separator]) or splitters_m[separator]
+ if not splitter then
+ separator=P(separator)
+ local other=C((1-separator)^0)
+ if single then
+ local any=anything
+ splitter=other*(separator*C(any^0)+"")
+ splitters_s[separator]=splitter
+ else
+ splitter=other*(separator*other)^0
+ splitters_m[separator]=splitter
+ end
+ end
+ return splitter
+local function tsplitat(separator)
+ local splitter=splitters_t[separator]
+ if not splitter then
+ splitter=Ct(splitat(separator))
+ splitters_t[separator]=splitter
+ end
+ return splitter
+function string.splitup(str,separator)
+ if not separator then
+ separator=","
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(splitters_m[separator] or splitat(separator),str)
+local cache={}
+function lpeg.split(separator,str)
+ local c=cache[separator]
+ if not c then
+ c=tsplitat(separator)
+ cache[separator]=c
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(c,str)
+function string.split(str,separator)
+ if separator then
+ local c=cache[separator]
+ if not c then
+ c=tsplitat(separator)
+ cache[separator]=c
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(c,str)
+ else
+ return { str }
+ end
+local spacing=patterns.spacer^0*newline
+local empty=spacing*Cc("")
+local nonempty=Cs((1-spacing)^1)*spacing^-1
+local content=(empty+nonempty)^1
+local linesplitter=tsplitat(newline)
+function string.splitlines(str)
+ return lpegmatch(linesplitter,str)
+local cache={}
+function lpeg.checkedsplit(separator,str)
+ local c=cache[separator]
+ if not c then
+ separator=P(separator)
+ local other=C((1-separator)^1)
+ c=Ct(separator^0*other*(separator^1*other)^0)
+ cache[separator]=c
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(c,str)
+function string.checkedsplit(str,separator)
+ local c=cache[separator]
+ if not c then
+ separator=P(separator)
+ local other=C((1-separator)^1)
+ c=Ct(separator^0*other*(separator^1*other)^0)
+ cache[separator]=c
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(c,str)
+local function f2(s) local c1,c2=byte(s,1,2) return c1*64+c2-12416 end
+local function f3(s) local c1,c2,c3=byte(s,1,3) return (c1*64+c2)*64+c3-925824 end
+local function f4(s) local c1,c2,c3,c4=byte(s,1,4) return ((c1*64+c2)*64+c3)*64+c4-63447168 end
+local utf8byte=patterns.utf8one/byte+patterns.utf8two/f2+patterns.utf8three/f3+patterns.utf8four/f4
+local cache={}
+function lpeg.stripper(str)
+ if type(str)=="string" then
+ local s=cache[str]
+ if not s then
+ s=Cs(((S(str)^1)/""+1)^0)
+ cache[str]=s
+ end
+ return s
+ else
+ return Cs(((str^1)/""+1)^0)
+ end
+local cache={}
+function lpeg.keeper(str)
+ if type(str)=="string" then
+ local s=cache[str]
+ if not s then
+ s=Cs((((1-S(str))^1)/""+1)^0)
+ cache[str]=s
+ end
+ return s
+ else
+ return Cs((((1-str)^1)/""+1)^0)
+ end
+function lpeg.frontstripper(str)
+ return (P(str)+P(true))*Cs(anything^0)
+function lpeg.endstripper(str)
+ return Cs((1-P(str)*endofstring)^0)
+function lpeg.replacer(one,two,makefunction,isutf)
+ local pattern
+ local u=isutf and utf8char or 1
+ if type(one)=="table" then
+ local no=#one
+ local p=P(false)
+ if no==0 then
+ for k,v in next,one do
+ p=p+P(k)/v
+ end
+ pattern=Cs((p+u)^0)
+ elseif no==1 then
+ local o=one[1]
+ one,two=P(o[1]),o[2]
+ pattern=Cs((one/two+u)^0)
+ else
+ for i=1,no do
+ local o=one[i]
+ p=p+P(o[1])/o[2]
+ end
+ pattern=Cs((p+u)^0)
+ end
+ else
+ pattern=Cs((P(one)/(two or "")+u)^0)
+ end
+ if makefunction then
+ return function(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ end
+ else
+ return pattern
+ end
+function lpeg.finder(lst,makefunction,isutf)
+ local pattern
+ if type(lst)=="table" then
+ pattern=P(false)
+ if #lst==0 then
+ for k,v in next,lst do
+ pattern=pattern+P(k)
+ end
+ else
+ for i=1,#lst do
+ pattern=pattern+P(lst[i])
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ pattern=P(lst)
+ end
+ if isutf then
+ pattern=((utf8char or 1)-pattern)^0*pattern
+ else
+ pattern=(1-pattern)^0*pattern
+ end
+ if makefunction then
+ return function(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ end
+ else
+ return pattern
+ end
+local splitters_f,splitters_s={},{}
+function lpeg.firstofsplit(separator)
+ local splitter=splitters_f[separator]
+ if not splitter then
+ local pattern=P(separator)
+ splitter=C((1-pattern)^0)
+ splitters_f[separator]=splitter
+ end
+ return splitter
+function lpeg.secondofsplit(separator)
+ local splitter=splitters_s[separator]
+ if not splitter then
+ local pattern=P(separator)
+ splitter=(1-pattern)^0*pattern*C(anything^0)
+ splitters_s[separator]=splitter
+ end
+ return splitter
+local splitters_s,splitters_p={},{}
+function lpeg.beforesuffix(separator)
+ local splitter=splitters_s[separator]
+ if not splitter then
+ local pattern=P(separator)
+ splitter=C((1-pattern)^0)*pattern*endofstring
+ splitters_s[separator]=splitter
+ end
+ return splitter
+function lpeg.afterprefix(separator)
+ local splitter=splitters_p[separator]
+ if not splitter then
+ local pattern=P(separator)
+ splitter=pattern*C(anything^0)
+ splitters_p[separator]=splitter
+ end
+ return splitter
+function lpeg.balancer(left,right)
+ left,right=P(left),P(right)
+ return P { left*((1-left-right)+V(1))^0*right }
+function lpeg.counter(pattern,action)
+ local n=0
+ local pattern=(P(pattern)/function() n=n+1 end+anything)^0
+ if action then
+ return function(str) n=0;lpegmatch(pattern,str);action(n) end
+ else
+ return function(str) n=0;lpegmatch(pattern,str);return n end
+ end
+function lpeg.is_lpeg(p)
+ return p and lpegtype(p)=="pattern"
+function lpeg.oneof(list,...)
+ if type(list)~="table" then
+ list={ list,... }
+ end
+ local p=P(list[1])
+ for l=2,#list do
+ p=p+P(list[l])
+ end
+ return p
+local sort=table.sort
+local function copyindexed(old)
+ local new={}
+ for i=1,#old do
+ new[i]=old
+ end
+ return new
+local function sortedkeys(tab)
+ local keys,s={},0
+ for key,_ in next,tab do
+ s=s+1
+ keys[s]=key
+ end
+ sort(keys)
+ return keys
+function lpeg.append(list,pp,delayed,checked)
+ local p=pp
+ if #list>0 then
+ local keys=copyindexed(list)
+ sort(keys)
+ for i=#keys,1,-1 do
+ local k=keys[i]
+ if p then
+ p=P(k)+p
+ else
+ p=P(k)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif delayed then
+ local keys=sortedkeys(list)
+ if p then
+ for i=1,#keys,1 do
+ local k=keys[i]
+ local v=list[k]
+ p=P(k)/list+p
+ end
+ else
+ for i=1,#keys do
+ local k=keys[i]
+ local v=list[k]
+ if p then
+ p=P(k)+p
+ else
+ p=P(k)
+ end
+ end
+ if p then
+ p=p/list
+ end
+ end
+ elseif checked then
+ local keys=sortedkeys(list)
+ for i=1,#keys do
+ local k=keys[i]
+ local v=list[k]
+ if p then
+ if k==v then
+ p=P(k)+p
+ else
+ p=P(k)/v+p
+ end
+ else
+ if k==v then
+ p=P(k)
+ else
+ p=P(k)/v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local keys=sortedkeys(list)
+ for i=1,#keys do
+ local k=keys[i]
+ local v=list[k]
+ if p then
+ p=P(k)/v+p
+ else
+ p=P(k)/v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return p
+local p_false=P(false)
+local p_true=P(true)
+local lower=utf and utf.lower or string.lower
+local upper=utf and utf.upper or string.upper
+function lpeg.setutfcasers(l,u)
+ lower=l or lower
+ upper=u or upper
+local function make1(t,rest)
+ local p=p_false
+ local keys=sortedkeys(t)
+ for i=1,#keys do
+ local k=keys[i]
+ if k~="" then
+ local v=t[k]
+ if v==true then
+ p=p+P(k)*p_true
+ elseif v==false then
+ else
+ p=p+P(k)*make1(v,v[""])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if rest then
+ p=p+p_true
+ end
+ return p
+local function make2(t,rest)
+ local p=p_false
+ local keys=sortedkeys(t)
+ for i=1,#keys do
+ local k=keys[i]
+ if k~="" then
+ local v=t[k]
+ if v==true then
+ p=p+(P(lower(k))+P(upper(k)))*p_true
+ elseif v==false then
+ else
+ p=p+(P(lower(k))+P(upper(k)))*make2(v,v[""])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if rest then
+ p=p+p_true
+ end
+ return p
+local function utfchartabletopattern(list,insensitive)
+ local tree={}
+ local n=#list
+ if n==0 then
+ for s in next,list do
+ local t=tree
+ local p,pk
+ for c in gmatch(s,".") do
+ if t==true then
+ t={ [c]=true,[""]=true }
+ p[pk]=t
+ p=t
+ t=false
+ elseif t==false then
+ t={ [c]=false }
+ p[pk]=t
+ p=t
+ t=false
+ else
+ local tc=t[c]
+ if not tc then
+ tc=false
+ t[c]=false
+ end
+ p=t
+ t=tc
+ end
+ pk=c
+ end
+ if t==false then
+ p[pk]=true
+ elseif t==true then
+ else
+ t[""]=true
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for i=1,n do
+ local s=list[i]
+ local t=tree
+ local p,pk
+ for c in gmatch(s,".") do
+ if t==true then
+ t={ [c]=true,[""]=true }
+ p[pk]=t
+ p=t
+ t=false
+ elseif t==false then
+ t={ [c]=false }
+ p[pk]=t
+ p=t
+ t=false
+ else
+ local tc=t[c]
+ if not tc then
+ tc=false
+ t[c]=false
+ end
+ p=t
+ t=tc
+ end
+ pk=c
+ end
+ if t==false then
+ p[pk]=true
+ elseif t==true then
+ else
+ t[""]=true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return (insensitive and make2 or make1)(tree)
+function lpeg.utfreplacer(list,insensitive)
+ local pattern=Cs((utfchartabletopattern(list,insensitive)/list+utf8character)^0)
+ return function(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str) or str
+ end
+local function nextstep(n,step,result)
+ local m=n%step
+ local d=floor(n/step)
+ if d>0 then
+ local v=V(tostring(step))
+ local s=result.start
+ for i=1,d do
+ if s then
+ s=v*s
+ else
+ s=v
+ end
+ end
+ result.start=s
+ end
+ if step>1 and result.start then
+ local v=V(tostring(step/2))
+ result[tostring(step)]=v*v
+ end
+ if step>0 then
+ return nextstep(m,step/2,result)
+ else
+ return result
+ end
+function lpeg.times(pattern,n)
+ return P(nextstep(n,2^16,{ "start",["1"]=pattern }))
+ local trailingzeros=zero^0*-digit
+ local stripper=Cs((
+ digits*(
+ period*trailingzeros/""+period*(digit-trailingzeros)^1*(trailingzeros/"")
+ )+1
+ )^0)
+ lpeg.patterns.stripzeros=stripper
+ local nonzero=digit-zero
+ local trailingzeros=zero^1*endofstring
+ local stripper=Cs((1-period)^0*(
+ period*trailingzeros/""+period*(nonzero^1+(trailingzeros/"")+zero^1)^0+endofstring
+ ))
+ lpeg.patterns.stripzero=stripper
+local byte_to_HEX={}
+local byte_to_hex={}
+local byte_to_dec={}
+local hex_to_byte={}
+for i=0,255 do
+ local H=format("%02X",i)
+ local h=format("%02x",i)
+ local d=format("%03i",i)
+ local c=char(i)
+ byte_to_HEX[c]=H
+ byte_to_hex[c]=h
+ byte_to_dec[c]=d
+ hex_to_byte[h]=c
+ hex_to_byte[H]=c
+local hextobyte=P(2)/hex_to_byte
+local bytetoHEX=P(1)/byte_to_HEX
+local bytetohex=P(1)/byte_to_hex
+local bytetodec=P(1)/byte_to_dec
+local hextobytes=Cs(hextobyte^0)
+local bytestoHEX=Cs(bytetoHEX^0)
+local bytestohex=Cs(bytetohex^0)
+local bytestodec=Cs(bytetodec^0)
+function string.toHEX(s)
+ if not s or s=="" then
+ return s
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(bytestoHEX,s)
+ end
+function string.tohex(s)
+ if not s or s=="" then
+ return s
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(bytestohex,s)
+ end
+function string.todec(s)
+ if not s or s=="" then
+ return s
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(bytestodec,s)
+ end
+function string.tobytes(s)
+ if not s or s=="" then
+ return s
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(hextobytes,s)
+ end
+local patterns={}
+local function containsws(what)
+ local p=patterns[what]
+ if not p then
+ local p1=P(what)*(whitespace+endofstring)*Cc(true)
+ local p2=whitespace*P(p1)
+ p=P(p1)+P(1-p2)^0*p2+Cc(false)
+ patterns[what]=p
+ end
+ return p
+function string.containsws(str,what)
+ return lpegmatch(patterns[what] or containsws(what),str)
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-functions']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+functions=functions or {}
+function functions.dummy() end
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-string']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local string=string
+local sub,gmatch,format,char,byte,rep,lower=string.sub,string.gmatch,string.format,string.char,string.byte,string.rep,string.lower
+local lpegmatch,patterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
+local P,S,C,Ct,Cc,Cs=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cs
+local unquoted=patterns.squote*C(patterns.nosquote)*patterns.squote+patterns.dquote*C(patterns.nodquote)*patterns.dquote
+function string.unquoted(str)
+ return lpegmatch(unquoted,str) or str
+function string.quoted(str)
+ return format("%q",str)
+function string.count(str,pattern)
+ local n=0
+ for _ in gmatch(str,pattern) do
+ n=n+1
+ end
+ return n
+function string.limit(str,n,sentinel)
+ if #str>n then
+ sentinel=sentinel or "..."
+ return sub(str,1,(n-#sentinel))..sentinel
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+local stripper=patterns.stripper
+local fullstripper=patterns.fullstripper
+local collapser=patterns.collapser
+local nospacer=patterns.nospacer
+local longtostring=patterns.longtostring
+function string.strip(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(stripper,str) or ""
+function string.fullstrip(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(fullstripper,str) or ""
+function string.collapsespaces(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(collapser,str) or ""
+function string.nospaces(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(nospacer,str) or ""
+function string.longtostring(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(longtostring,str) or ""
+local pattern=P(" ")^0*P(-1)
+function string.is_empty(str)
+ if not str or str=="" then
+ return true
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str) and true or false
+ end
+local anything=patterns.anything
+local moreescapes=Cc("%")*S(".-+%?()[]*$^{}")
+local allescapes=Cc("%")*S(".-+%?()[]*")
+local someescapes=Cc("%")*S(".-+%()[]")
+local matchescapes=Cc(".")*S("*?")
+local pattern_m=Cs ((moreescapes+anything )^0 )
+local pattern_a=Cs ((allescapes+anything )^0 )
+local pattern_b=Cs ((someescapes+matchescapes+anything )^0 )
+local pattern_c=Cs (Cc("^")*(someescapes+matchescapes+anything )^0*Cc("$") )
+function string.escapedpattern(str,simple)
+ return lpegmatch(simple and pattern_b or pattern_a,str)
+function string.topattern(str,lowercase,strict)
+ if str=="" or type(str)~="string" then
+ return ".*"
+ elseif strict=="all" then
+ str=lpegmatch(pattern_m,str)
+ elseif strict then
+ str=lpegmatch(pattern_c,str)
+ else
+ str=lpegmatch(pattern_b,str)
+ end
+ if lowercase then
+ return lower(str)
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+function string.valid(str,default)
+ return (type(str)=="string" and str~="" and str) or default or nil
+string.itself=function(s) return s end
+local pattern_c=Ct(C(1)^0)
+local pattern_b=Ct((C(1)/byte)^0)
+function string.totable(str,bytes)
+ return lpegmatch(bytes and pattern_b or pattern_c,str)
+local replacer=lpeg.replacer("@","%%")
+function string.tformat(fmt,...)
+ return format(lpegmatch(replacer,fmt),...)
+if not string.bytetable then
+ local limit=5000
+ function string.bytetable(str)
+ local n=#str
+ if n>limit then
+ local t={ byte(str,1,limit) }
+ for i=limit+1,n do
+ t[i]=byte(str,i)
+ end
+ return t
+ else
+ return { byte(str,1,n) }
+ end
+ end
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-table']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local type,next,tostring,tonumber,select=type,next,tostring,tonumber,select
+local table,string=table,string
+local concat,sort=table.concat,table.sort
+local format,lower,dump=string.format,string.lower,string.dump
+local getmetatable,setmetatable=getmetatable,setmetatable
+local lpegmatch,patterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
+local floor=math.floor
+local stripper=patterns.stripper
+function table.getn(t)
+ return t and #t
+function table.strip(tab)
+ local lst={}
+ local l=0
+ for i=1,#tab do
+ local s=lpegmatch(stripper,tab[i]) or ""
+ if s=="" then
+ else
+ l=l+1
+ lst[l]=s
+ end
+ end
+ return lst
+function table.keys(t)
+ if t then
+ local keys={}
+ local k=0
+ for key in next,t do
+ k=k+1
+ keys[k]=key
+ end
+ return keys
+ else
+ return {}
+ end
+local function compare(a,b)
+ local ta=type(a)
+ if ta=="number" then
+ local tb=type(b)
+ if ta==tb then
+ return a<b
+ elseif tb=="string" then
+ return tostring(a)<b
+ end
+ elseif ta=="string" then
+ local tb=type(b)
+ if ta==tb then
+ return a<b
+ else
+ return a<tostring(b)
+ end
+ end
+ return tostring(a)<tostring(b)
+local function sortedkeys(tab)
+ if tab then
+ local srt={}
+ local category=0
+ local s=0
+ for key in next,tab do
+ s=s+1
+ srt[s]=key
+ if category~=3 then
+ local tkey=type(key)
+ if category==1 then
+ if tkey~="string" then
+ category=3
+ end
+ elseif category==2 then
+ if tkey~="number" then
+ category=3
+ end
+ else
+ if tkey=="string" then
+ category=1
+ elseif tkey=="number" then
+ category=2
+ else
+ category=3
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if s<2 then
+ elseif category==3 then
+ sort(srt,compare)
+ else
+ sort(srt)
+ end
+ return srt
+ else
+ return {}
+ end
+local function sortedhashonly(tab)
+ if tab then
+ local srt={}
+ local s=0
+ for key in next,tab do
+ if type(key)=="string" then
+ s=s+1
+ srt[s]=key
+ end
+ end
+ if s>1 then
+ sort(srt)
+ end
+ return srt
+ else
+ return {}
+ end
+local function sortedindexonly(tab)
+ if tab then
+ local srt={}
+ local s=0
+ for key in next,tab do
+ if type(key)=="number" then
+ s=s+1
+ srt[s]=key
+ end
+ end
+ if s>1 then
+ sort(srt)
+ end
+ return srt
+ else
+ return {}
+ end
+local function sortedhashkeys(tab,cmp)
+ if tab then
+ local srt={}
+ local s=0
+ for key in next,tab do
+ if key then
+ s=s+1
+ srt[s]=key
+ end
+ end
+ if s>1 then
+ sort(srt,cmp)
+ end
+ return srt
+ else
+ return {}
+ end
+function table.allkeys(t)
+ local keys={}
+ for k,v in next,t do
+ for k in next,v do
+ keys[k]=true
+ end
+ end
+ return sortedkeys(keys)
+local function nothing() end
+local function sortedhash(t,cmp)
+ if t then
+ local s
+ if cmp then
+ s=sortedhashkeys(t,function(a,b) return cmp(t,a,b) end)
+ else
+ s=sortedkeys(t)
+ end
+ local m=#s
+ if m==1 then
+ return next,t
+ elseif m>0 then
+ local n=0
+ return function()
+ if n<m then
+ n=n+1
+ local k=s[n]
+ return k,t[k]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return nothing
+function table.append(t,list)
+ local n=#t
+ for i=1,#list do
+ n=n+1
+ t[n]=list[i]
+ end
+ return t
+function table.prepend(t,list)
+ local nl=#list
+ local nt=nl+#t
+ for i=#t,1,-1 do
+ t[nt]=t[i]
+ nt=nt-1
+ end
+ for i=1,#list do
+ t[i]=list[i]
+ end
+ return t
+function table.merge(t,...)
+ if not t then
+ t={}
+ end
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ for k,v in next,(select(i,...)) do
+ t[k]=v
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+function table.merged(...)
+ local t={}
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ for k,v in next,(select(i,...)) do
+ t[k]=v
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+function table.imerge(t,...)
+ local nt=#t
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ local nst=select(i,...)
+ for j=1,#nst do
+ nt=nt+1
+ t[nt]=nst[j]
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+function table.imerged(...)
+ local tmp={}
+ local ntmp=0
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ local nst=select(i,...)
+ for j=1,#nst do
+ ntmp=ntmp+1
+ tmp[ntmp]=nst[j]
+ end
+ end
+ return tmp
+local function fastcopy(old,metatabletoo)
+ if old then
+ local new={}
+ for k,v in next,old do
+ if type(v)=="table" then
+ new[k]=fastcopy(v,metatabletoo)
+ else
+ new[k]=v
+ end
+ end
+ if metatabletoo then
+ local mt=getmetatable(old)
+ if mt then
+ setmetatable(new,mt)
+ end
+ end
+ return new
+ else
+ return {}
+ end
+local function copy(t,tables)
+ if not tables then
+ tables={}
+ end
+ local tcopy={}
+ if not tables[t] then
+ tables[t]=tcopy
+ end
+ for i,v in next,t do
+ if type(i)=="table" then
+ if tables[i] then
+ i=tables[i]
+ else
+ i=copy(i,tables)
+ end
+ end
+ if type(v)~="table" then
+ tcopy[i]=v
+ elseif tables[v] then
+ tcopy[i]=tables[v]
+ else
+ tcopy[i]=copy(v,tables)
+ end
+ end
+ local mt=getmetatable(t)
+ if mt then
+ setmetatable(tcopy,mt)
+ end
+ return tcopy
+function table.derive(parent)
+ local child={}
+ if parent then
+ setmetatable(child,{ __index=parent })
+ end
+ return child
+function table.tohash(t,value)
+ local h={}
+ if t then
+ if value==nil then value=true end
+ for _,v in next,t do
+ h[v]=value
+ end
+ end
+ return h
+function table.fromhash(t)
+ local hsh={}
+ local h=0
+ for k,v in next,t do
+ if v then
+ h=h+1
+ hsh[h]=k
+ end
+ end
+ return hsh
+local noquotes,hexify,handle,compact,inline,functions,metacheck
+local reserved=table.tohash {
+ 'and','break','do','else','elseif','end','false','for','function','if',
+ 'in','local','nil','not','or','repeat','return','then','true','until','while',
+ 'NaN','goto',
+local function is_simple_table(t,hexify)
+ local nt=#t
+ if nt>0 then
+ local n=0
+ for _,v in next,t do
+ n=n+1
+ if type(v)=="table" then
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ local haszero=rawget(t,0)
+ if n==nt then
+ local tt={}
+ for i=1,nt do
+ local v=t[i]
+ local tv=type(v)
+ if tv=="number" then
+ if hexify then
+ tt[i]=format("0x%X",v)
+ else
+ tt[i]=v
+ end
+ elseif tv=="string" then
+ tt[i]=format("%q",v)
+ elseif tv=="boolean" then
+ tt[i]=v and "true" or "false"
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ return tt
+ elseif haszero and (n==nt+1) then
+ local tt={}
+ for i=0,nt do
+ local v=t[i]
+ local tv=type(v)
+ if tv=="number" then
+ if hexify then
+ tt[i+1]=format("0x%X",v)
+ else
+ tt[i+1]=v
+ end
+ elseif tv=="string" then
+ tt[i+1]=format("%q",v)
+ elseif tv=="boolean" then
+ tt[i+1]=v and "true" or "false"
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ tt[1]="[0] = "[1]
+ return tt
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+local propername=patterns.propername
+local function dummy() end
+local function do_serialize(root,name,depth,level,indexed)
+ if level>0 then
+ depth=depth.." "
+ if indexed then
+ handle(format("%s{",depth))
+ else
+ local tn=type(name)
+ if tn=="number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s[0x%X]={",depth,name))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s[%s]={",depth,name))
+ end
+ elseif tn=="string" then
+ if noquotes and not reserved[name] and lpegmatch(propername,name) then
+ handle(format("%s%s={",depth,name))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s[%q]={",depth,name))
+ end
+ elseif tn=="boolean" then
+ handle(format("%s[%s]={",depth,name and "true" or "false"))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s{",depth))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if root and next(root)~=nil then
+ local first=nil
+ local last=0
+ if compact then
+ last=#root
+ for k=1,last do
+ if rawget(root,k)==nil then
+ last=k-1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if last>0 then
+ first=1
+ end
+ end
+ local sk=sortedkeys(root)
+ for i=1,#sk do
+ local k=sk[i]
+ local v=root[k]
+ local tv=type(v)
+ local tk=type(k)
+ if compact and first and tk=="number" and k>=first and k<=last then
+ if tv=="number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s 0x%X,",depth,v))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s %s,",depth,v))
+ end
+ elseif tv=="string" then
+ handle(format("%s %q,",depth,v))
+ elseif tv=="table" then
+ if next(v)==nil then
+ handle(format("%s {},",depth))
+ elseif inline then
+ local st=is_simple_table(v,hexify)
+ if st then
+ handle(format("%s { %s },",depth,concat(st,", ")))
+ else
+ do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1,true)
+ end
+ else
+ do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1,true)
+ end
+ elseif tv=="boolean" then
+ handle(format("%s %s,",depth,v and "true" or "false"))
+ elseif tv=="function" then
+ if functions then
+ handle(format('%s load(%q),',depth,dump(v)))
+ else
+ handle(format('%s "function",',depth))
+ end
+ else
+ handle(format("%s %q,",depth,tostring(v)))
+ end
+ elseif k=="__p__" then
+ if false then
+ handle(format("%s __p__=nil,",depth))
+ end
+ elseif tv=="number" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [0x%X]=0x%X,",depth,k,v))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k,v))
+ end
+ elseif tk=="boolean" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=0x%X,",depth,k and "true" or "false",v))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k and "true" or "false",v))
+ end
+ elseif tk~="string" then
+ elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s %s=0x%X,",depth,k,v))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s %s=%s,",depth,k,v))
+ end
+ else
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [%q]=0x%X,",depth,k,v))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%q]=%s,",depth,k,v))
+ end
+ end
+ elseif tv=="string" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [0x%X]=%q,",depth,k,v))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k,v))
+ end
+ elseif tk=="boolean" then
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k and "true" or "false",v))
+ elseif tk~="string" then
+ elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+ handle(format("%s %s=%q,",depth,k,v))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%q]=%q,",depth,k,v))
+ end
+ elseif tv=="table" then
+ if next(v)==nil then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [0x%X]={},",depth,k))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%s]={},",depth,k))
+ end
+ elseif tk=="boolean" then
+ handle(format("%s [%s]={},",depth,k and "true" or "false"))
+ elseif tk~="string" then
+ elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+ handle(format("%s %s={},",depth,k))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%q]={},",depth,k))
+ end
+ elseif inline then
+ local st=is_simple_table(v,hexify)
+ if st then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [0x%X]={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", ")))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%s]={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", ")))
+ end
+ elseif tk=="boolean" then
+ handle(format("%s [%s]={ %s },",depth,k and "true" or "false",concat(st,", ")))
+ elseif tk~="string" then
+ elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+ handle(format("%s %s={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", ")))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%q]={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", ")))
+ end
+ else
+ do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1)
+ end
+ else
+ do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1)
+ end
+ elseif tv=="boolean" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [0x%X]=%s,",depth,k,v and "true" or "false"))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k,v and "true" or "false"))
+ end
+ elseif tk=="boolean" then
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,tostring(k),v and "true" or "false"))
+ elseif tk~="string" then
+ elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+ handle(format("%s %s=%s,",depth,k,v and "true" or "false"))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%q]=%s,",depth,k,v and "true" or "false"))
+ end
+ elseif tv=="function" then
+ if functions then
+ local getinfo=debug and debug.getinfo
+ if getinfo then
+ local f=getinfo(v).what=="C" and dump(dummy) or dump(v)
+ if tk=="number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [0x%X]=load(%q),",depth,k,f))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=load(%q),",depth,k,f))
+ end
+ elseif tk=="boolean" then
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=load(%q),",depth,k and "true" or "false",f))
+ elseif tk~="string" then
+ elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+ handle(format("%s %s=load(%q),",depth,k,f))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%q]=load(%q),",depth,k,f))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if tk=="number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [0x%X]=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
+ end
+ elseif tk=="boolean" then
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k and "true" or "false",tostring(v)))
+ elseif tk~="string" then
+ elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+ handle(format("%s %s=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%q]=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if level>0 then
+ handle(format("%s},",depth))
+ end
+local function serialize(_handle,root,name,specification)
+ local tname=type(name)
+ if type(specification)=="table" then
+ noquotes=specification.noquotes
+ hexify=specification.hexify
+ handle=_handle or specification.handle or print
+ functions=specification.functions
+ compact=specification.compact
+ inline=specification.inline and compact
+ metacheck=specification.metacheck
+ if functions==nil then
+ functions=true
+ end
+ if compact==nil then
+ compact=true
+ end
+ if inline==nil then
+ inline=compact
+ end
+ if metacheck==nil then
+ metacheck=true
+ end
+ else
+ noquotes=false
+ hexify=false
+ handle=_handle or print
+ compact=true
+ inline=true
+ functions=true
+ metacheck=true
+ end
+ if tname=="string" then
+ if name=="return" then
+ handle("return {")
+ else
+ handle(name.."={")
+ end
+ elseif tname=="number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("[0x%X]={",name))
+ else
+ handle("[""]={")
+ end
+ elseif tname=="boolean" then
+ if name then
+ handle("return {")
+ else
+ handle("{")
+ end
+ else
+ handle("t={")
+ end
+ if root then
+ if metacheck and getmetatable(root) then
+ local dummy=root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_
+ root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_=nil
+ end
+ if next(root)~=nil then
+ do_serialize(root,name,"",0)
+ end
+ end
+ handle("}")
+function table.serialize(root,name,specification)
+ local t={}
+ local n=0
+ local function flush(s)
+ n=n+1
+ t[n]=s
+ end
+ serialize(flush,root,name,specification)
+ return concat(t,"\n")
+local maxtab=2*1024
+function table.tofile(filename,root,name,specification)
+ local,'w')
+ if f then
+ if maxtab>1 then
+ local t={}
+ local n=0
+ local function flush(s)
+ n=n+1
+ t[n]=s
+ if n>maxtab then
+ f:write(concat(t,"\n"),"\n")
+ t={}
+ n=0
+ end
+ end
+ serialize(flush,root,name,specification)
+ f:write(concat(t,"\n"),"\n")
+ else
+ local function flush(s)
+ f:write(s,"\n")
+ end
+ serialize(flush,root,name,specification)
+ end
+ f:close()
+ io.flush()
+ end
+local function flattened(t,f,depth)
+ if f==nil then
+ f={}
+ depth=0xFFFF
+ elseif tonumber(f) then
+ depth=f
+ f={}
+ elseif not depth then
+ depth=0xFFFF
+ end
+ for k,v in next,t do
+ if type(k)~="number" then
+ if depth>0 and type(v)=="table" then
+ flattened(v,f,depth-1)
+ else
+ f[#f+1]=v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for k=1,#t do
+ local v=t[k]
+ if depth>0 and type(v)=="table" then
+ flattened(v,f,depth-1)
+ else
+ f[#f+1]=v
+ end
+ end
+ return f
+local function collapsed(t,f,h)
+ if f==nil then
+ f={}
+ h={}
+ end
+ for k=1,#t do
+ local v=t[k]
+ if type(v)=="table" then
+ collapsed(v,f,h)
+ elseif not h[v] then
+ f[#f+1]=v
+ h[v]=true
+ end
+ end
+ return f
+local function collapsedhash(t,h)
+ if h==nil then
+ h={}
+ end
+ for k=1,#t do
+ local v=t[k]
+ if type(v)=="table" then
+ collapsedhash(v,h)
+ else
+ h[v]=true
+ end
+ end
+ return h
+local function unnest(t,f)
+ if not f then
+ f={}
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local v=t[i]
+ if type(v)=="table" then
+ if type(v[1])=="table" then
+ unnest(v,f)
+ else
+ f[#f+1]=v
+ end
+ else
+ f[#f+1]=v
+ end
+ end
+ return f
+function table.unnest(t)
+ return unnest(t)
+local function are_equal(a,b,n,m)
+ if a==b then
+ return true
+ elseif a and b and #a==#b then
+ if not n then
+ n=1
+ end
+ if not m then
+ m=#a
+ end
+ for i=n,m do
+ local ai,bi=a[i],b[i]
+ if ai==bi then
+ elseif type(ai)=="table" and type(bi)=="table" then
+ if not are_equal(ai,bi) then
+ return false
+ end
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+local function identical(a,b)
+ if a~=b then
+ for ka,va in next,a do
+ local vb=b[ka]
+ if va==vb then
+ elseif type(va)=="table" and type(vb)=="table" then
+ if not identical(va,vb) then
+ return false
+ end
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+local function sparse(old,nest,keeptables)
+ local new={}
+ for k,v in next,old do
+ if not (v=="" or v==false) then
+ if nest and type(v)=="table" then
+ v=sparse(v,nest)
+ if keeptables or next(v)~=nil then
+ new[k]=v
+ end
+ else
+ new[k]=v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return new
+function table.compact(t)
+ return sparse(t,true,true)
+function table.contains(t,v)
+ if t then
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i]==v then
+ return i
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function table.count(t)
+ local n=0
+ for k,v in next,t do
+ n=n+1
+ end
+ return n
+function table.swapped(t,s)
+ local n={}
+ if s then
+ for k,v in next,s do
+ n[k]=v
+ end
+ end
+ for k,v in next,t do
+ n[v]=k
+ end
+ return n
+function table.hashed(t)
+ for i=1,#t do
+ t[t[i]]=i
+ end
+ return t
+function table.mirrored(t)
+ local n={}
+ for k,v in next,t do
+ n[v]=k
+ n[k]=v
+ end
+ return n
+function table.reversed(t)
+ if t then
+ local tt={}
+ local tn=#t
+ if tn>0 then
+ local ttn=0
+ for i=tn,1,-1 do
+ ttn=ttn+1
+ tt[ttn]=t[i]
+ end
+ end
+ return tt
+ end
+function table.reverse(t)
+ if t then
+ local n=#t
+ local m=n+1
+ for i=1,floor(n/2) do
+ local j=m-i
+ t[i],t[j]=t[j],t[i]
+ end
+ return t
+ end
+local function sequenced(t,sep,simple)
+ if not t then
+ return ""
+ elseif type(t)~="table" then
+ return t
+ end
+ local n=#t
+ local s={}
+ if n>0 then
+ for i=1,n do
+ local v=t[i]
+ if type(v)=="table" then
+ s[i]="{"..sequenced(v,sep,simple).."}"
+ else
+ s[i]=tostring(t[i])
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ n=0
+ for k,v in sortedhash(t) do
+ if simple then
+ if v==true then
+ n=n+1
+ s[n]=k
+ elseif v and v~="" then
+ n=n+1
+ if type(v)=="table" then
+ s[n]=k.."={"..sequenced(v,sep,simple).."}"
+ else
+ s[n]=k.."="..tostring(v)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ n=n+1
+ if type(v)=="table" then
+ s[n]=k.."={"..sequenced(v,sep,simple).."}"
+ else
+ s[n]=k.."="..tostring(v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if sep==true then
+ return "{ "..concat(s,", ").." }"
+ else
+ return concat(s,sep or " | ")
+ end
+function table.print(t,...)
+ if type(t)~="table" then
+ print(tostring(t))
+ else
+ serialize(print,t,...)
+ end
+if setinspector then
+ setinspector("table",function(v) if type(v)=="table" then serialize(print,v,"table") return true end end)
+function table.sub(t,i,j)
+ return { unpack(t,i,j) }
+function table.is_empty(t)
+ return not t or next(t)==nil
+function table.has_one_entry(t)
+ return t and next(t,next(t))==nil
+function table.loweredkeys(t)
+ local l={}
+ for k,v in next,t do
+ l[lower(k)]=v
+ end
+ return l
+function table.unique(old)
+ local hash={}
+ local new={}
+ local n=0
+ for i=1,#old do
+ local oi=old[i]
+ if not hash[oi] then
+ n=n+1
+ new[n]=oi
+ hash[oi]=true
+ end
+ end
+ return new
+function table.sorted(t,...)
+ sort(t,...)
+ return t
+function table.values(t,s)
+ if t then
+ local values={}
+ local keys={}
+ local v=0
+ for key,value in next,t do
+ if not keys[value] then
+ v=v+1
+ values[v]=value
+ keys[k]=key
+ end
+ end
+ if s then
+ sort(values)
+ end
+ return values
+ else
+ return {}
+ end
+function table.filtered(t,pattern,sort,cmp)
+ if t and type(pattern)=="string" then
+ if sort then
+ local s
+ if cmp then
+ s=sortedhashkeys(t,function(a,b) return cmp(t,a,b) end)
+ else
+ s=sortedkeys(t)
+ end
+ local n=0
+ local m=#s
+ local function kv(s)
+ while n<m do
+ n=n+1
+ local k=s[n]
+ if find(k,pattern) then
+ return k,t[k]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return kv,s
+ else
+ local n=next(t)
+ local function iterator()
+ while n~=nil do
+ local k=n
+ n=next(t,k)
+ if find(k,pattern) then
+ return k,t[k]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return iterator,t
+ end
+ else
+ return nothing
+ end
+if not table.move then
+ function table.move(a1,f,e,t,a2)
+ if a2 and a1~=a2 then
+ for i=f,e do
+ a2[t]=a1[i]
+ t=t+1
+ end
+ return a2
+ else
+ t=t+e-f
+ for i=e,f,-1 do
+ a1[t]=a1[i]
+ t=t-1
+ end
+ return a1
+ end
+ end
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-boolean']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local type,tonumber=type,tonumber
+boolean=boolean or {}
+local boolean=boolean
+function boolean.tonumber(b)
+ if b then return 1 else return 0 end
+function toboolean(str,tolerant)
+ if str==nil then
+ return false
+ elseif str==false then
+ return false
+ elseif str==true then
+ return true
+ elseif str=="true" then
+ return true
+ elseif str=="false" then
+ return false
+ elseif not tolerant then
+ return false
+ elseif str==0 then
+ return false
+ elseif (tonumber(str) or 0)>0 then
+ return true
+ else
+ return str=="yes" or str=="on" or str=="t"
+ end
+function string.booleanstring(str)
+ if str=="0" then
+ return false
+ elseif str=="1" then
+ return true
+ elseif str=="" then
+ return false
+ elseif str=="false" then
+ return false
+ elseif str=="true" then
+ return true
+ elseif (tonumber(str) or 0)>0 then
+ return true
+ else
+ return str=="yes" or str=="on" or str=="t"
+ end
+function string.is_boolean(str,default,strict)
+ if type(str)=="string" then
+ if str=="true" or str=="yes" or str=="on" or str=="t" or (not strict and str=="1") then
+ return true
+ elseif str=="false" or str=="no" or str=="off" or str=="f" or (not strict and str=="0") then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return default
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-number']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local tostring,tonumber=tostring,tonumber
+local format,floor,match,rep=string.format,math.floor,string.match,string.rep
+local concat,insert=table.concat,table.insert
+local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
+local floor=math.floor
+number=number or {}
+local number=number
+if bit32 then
+ local bextract=bit32.extract
+ local t={
+ "0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0",
+ "0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0",
+ "0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0",
+ "0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0",
+ }
+ function number.tobitstring(b,m,w)
+ if not w then
+ w=32
+ end
+ local n=w
+ for i=0,w-1 do
+ local v=bextract(b,i)
+ local k=w-i
+ if v==1 then
+ n=k
+ t[k]="1"
+ else
+ t[k]="0"
+ end
+ end
+ if w then
+ return concat(t,"",1,w)
+ elseif m then
+ m=33-m*8
+ if m<1 then
+ m=1
+ end
+ return concat(t,"",1,m)
+ elseif n<8 then
+ return concat(t)
+ elseif n<16 then
+ return concat(t,"",9)
+ elseif n<24 then
+ return concat(t,"",17)
+ else
+ return concat(t,"",25)
+ end
+ end
+ function number.tobitstring(n,m)
+ if n>0 then
+ local t={}
+ while n>0 do
+ insert(t,1,n%2>0 and 1 or 0)
+ n=floor(n/2)
+ end
+ local nn=8-#t%8
+ if nn>0 and nn<8 then
+ for i=1,nn do
+ insert(t,1,0)
+ end
+ end
+ if m then
+ m=m*8-#t
+ if m>0 then
+ insert(t,1,rep("0",m))
+ end
+ end
+ return concat(t)
+ elseif m then
+ rep("00000000",m)
+ else
+ return "00000000"
+ end
+ end
+function number.valid(str,default)
+ return tonumber(str) or default or nil
+function number.toevenhex(n)
+ local s=format("%X",n)
+ if #s%2==0 then
+ return s
+ else
+ return "0"..s
+ end
+function number.bytetodecimal(b)
+ local d=floor(b*100/255+0.5)
+ if d>100 then
+ return 100
+ elseif d<-100 then
+ return -100
+ else
+ return d
+ end
+function number.decimaltobyte(d)
+ local b=floor(d*255/100+0.5)
+ if b>255 then
+ return 255
+ elseif b<-255 then
+ return -255
+ else
+ return b
+ end
+function number.idiv(i,d)
+ return floor(i/d)
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-math']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+if not math.ceiling then
+ math.ceiling=math.ceil
+if not math.round then
+ local floor=math.floor
+ function math.round(x) return floor(x+0.5) end
+if not math.div then
+ local floor=math.floor
+ function math.div(n,m) return floor(n/m) end
+if not math.mod then
+ function math.mod(n,m) return n%m end
+if not math.sind then
+ local sin,cos,tan=math.sin,math.cos,math.tan
+ local pipi=2*math.pi/360
+ function math.sind(d) return sin(d*pipi) end
+ function math.cosd(d) return cos(d*pipi) end
+ function math.tand(d) return tan(d*pipi) end
+if not math.odd then
+ function math.odd (n) return n%2~=0 end
+ function math.even(n) return n%2==0 end
+if not math.cosh then
+ local exp=math.exp
+ function math.cosh(x)
+ local xx=exp(x)
+ return (xx+1/xx)/2
+ end
+ function math.sinh(x)
+ local xx=exp(x)
+ return (xx-1/xx)/2
+ end
+ function math.tanh(x)
+ local xx=exp(x)
+ return (xx-1/xx)/(xx+1/xx)
+ end
+if not math.pow then
+ function math.pow(x,y)
+ return x^y
+ end
+if not math.atan2 then
+ math.atan2=math.atan
+if not math.ldexp then
+ function math.ldexp(x,e)
+ return x*2.0^e
+ end
+if not math.log10 then
+ local log=math.log
+ function math.log10(x)
+ return log(x,10)
+ end
+if not math.type then
+ function math.type()
+ return "float"
+ end
+if not math.tointeger then
+ math.mininteger=-0x4FFFFFFFFFFF
+ math.maxinteger=0x4FFFFFFFFFFF
+ local floor=math.floor
+ function math.tointeger(n)
+ local f=floor(n)
+ return f==n and f or nil
+ end
+if not math.ult then
+ local floor=math.floor
+ function math.tointeger(m,n)
+ return floor(m)<floor(n)
+ end
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-io']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local io=io
+local open,flush,write,,io.flush,io.write,
+local byte,find,gsub,format=string.byte,string.find,string.gsub,string.format
+local concat=table.concat
+local type=type
+if string.find(os.getenv("PATH"),";",1,true) then
+ io.fileseparator,io.pathseparator="\\",";"
+ io.fileseparator,io.pathseparator="/",":"
+local large=0x01000000
+local medium=0x00100000
+local small=0x00020000
+local function readall(f)
+ local size=f:seek("end")
+ if size>0 then
+ f:seek("set",0)
+ return f:read(size)
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+function io.loaddata(filename,textmode)
+ local f=open(filename,(textmode and 'r') or 'rb')
+ if f then
+ local size=f:seek("end")
+ local data=nil
+ if size>0 then
+ f:seek("set",0)
+ data=f:read(size)
+ end
+ f:close()
+ return data
+ end
+function io.copydata(source,target,action)
+ local f=open(source,"rb")
+ if f then
+ local g=open(target,"wb")
+ if g then
+ local size=f:seek("end")
+ if size>0 then
+ f:seek("set",0)
+ local data=f:read(size)
+ if action then
+ data=action(data)
+ end
+ if data then
+ g:write(data)
+ end
+ end
+ g:close()
+ end
+ f:close()
+ flush()
+ end
+function io.savedata(filename,data,joiner)
+ local f=open(filename,"wb")
+ if f then
+ if type(data)=="table" then
+ f:write(concat(data,joiner or ""))
+ elseif type(data)=="function" then
+ data(f)
+ else
+ f:write(data or "")
+ end
+ f:close()
+ flush()
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+if fio and fio.readline then
+ local readline=fio.readline
+ function io.loadlines(filename,n)
+ local f=open(filename,'r')
+ if not f then
+ elseif n then
+ local lines={}
+ for i=1,n do
+ local line=readline(f)
+ if line then
+ lines[i]=line
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ f:close()
+ lines=concat(lines,"\n")
+ if #lines>0 then
+ return lines
+ end
+ else
+ local line=readline(f)
+ f:close()
+ if line and #line>0 then
+ return line
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function io.loadlines(filename,n)
+ local f=open(filename,'r')
+ if not f then
+ elseif n then
+ local lines={}
+ for i=1,n do
+ local line=f:read("*lines")
+ if line then
+ lines[i]=line
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ f:close()
+ lines=concat(lines,"\n")
+ if #lines>0 then
+ return lines
+ end
+ else
+ local line=f:read("*line") or ""
+ f:close()
+ if #line>0 then
+ return line
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function io.loadchunk(filename,n)
+ local f=open(filename,'rb')
+ if f then
+ local data=f:read(n or 1024)
+ f:close()
+ if #data>0 then
+ return data
+ end
+ end
+function io.exists(filename)
+ local f=open(filename)
+ if f==nil then
+ return false
+ else
+ f:close()
+ return true
+ end
+function io.size(filename)
+ local f=open(filename)
+ if f==nil then
+ return 0
+ else
+ local s=f:seek("end")
+ f:close()
+ return s
+ end
+local function noflines(f)
+ if type(f)=="string" then
+ local f=open(filename)
+ if f then
+ local n=f and noflines(f) or 0
+ f:close()
+ return n
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+ else
+ local n=0
+ for _ in f:lines() do
+ n=n+1
+ end
+ f:seek('set',0)
+ return n
+ end
+local nextchar={
+ [ 4]=function(f)
+ return f:read(1,1,1,1)
+ end,
+ [ 2]=function(f)
+ return f:read(1,1)
+ end,
+ [ 1]=function(f)
+ return f:read(1)
+ end,
+ [-2]=function(f)
+ local a,b=f:read(1,1)
+ return b,a
+ end,
+ [-4]=function(f)
+ local a,b,c,d=f:read(1,1,1,1)
+ return d,c,b,a
+ end
+function io.characters(f,n)
+ if f then
+ return nextchar[n or 1],f
+ end
+local nextbyte={
+ [4]=function(f)
+ local a,b,c,d=f:read(1,1,1,1)
+ if d then
+ return byte(a),byte(b),byte(c),byte(d)
+ end
+ end,
+ [3]=function(f)
+ local a,b,c=f:read(1,1,1)
+ if b then
+ return byte(a),byte(b),byte(c)
+ end
+ end,
+ [2]=function(f)
+ local a,b=f:read(1,1)
+ if b then
+ return byte(a),byte(b)
+ end
+ end,
+ [1]=function (f)
+ local a=f:read(1)
+ if a then
+ return byte(a)
+ end
+ end,
+ [-2]=function (f)
+ local a,b=f:read(1,1)
+ if b then
+ return byte(b),byte(a)
+ end
+ end,
+ [-3]=function(f)
+ local a,b,c=f:read(1,1,1)
+ if b then
+ return byte(c),byte(b),byte(a)
+ end
+ end,
+ [-4]=function(f)
+ local a,b,c,d=f:read(1,1,1,1)
+ if d then
+ return byte(d),byte(c),byte(b),byte(a)
+ end
+ end
+function io.bytes(f,n)
+ if f then
+ return nextbyte[n or 1],f
+ else
+ return nil,nil
+ end
+function io.ask(question,default,options)
+ while true do
+ write(question)
+ if options then
+ write(format(" [%s]",concat(options,"|")))
+ end
+ if default then
+ write(format(" [%s]",default))
+ end
+ write(format(" "))
+ flush()
+ local answer=read()
+ answer=gsub(answer,"^%s*(.*)%s*$","%1")
+ if answer=="" and default then
+ return default
+ elseif not options then
+ return answer
+ else
+ for k=1,#options do
+ if options[k]==answer then
+ return answer
+ end
+ end
+ local pattern="^"..answer
+ for k=1,#options do
+ local v=options[k]
+ if find(v,pattern) then
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function readnumber(f,n,m)
+ if m then
+ f:seek("set",n)
+ n=m
+ end
+ if n==1 then
+ return byte(f:read(1))
+ elseif n==2 then
+ local a,b=byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+ return 0x100*a+b
+ elseif n==3 then
+ local a,b,c=byte(f:read(3),1,3)
+ return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c
+ elseif n==4 then
+ local a,b,c,d=byte(f:read(4),1,4)
+ return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d
+ elseif n==8 then
+ local a,b=readnumber(f,4),readnumber(f,4)
+ return 0x100*a+b
+ elseif n==12 then
+ local a,b,c=readnumber(f,4),readnumber(f,4),readnumber(f,4)
+ return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c
+ elseif n==-2 then
+ local b,a=byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+ return 0x100*a+b
+ elseif n==-3 then
+ local c,b,a=byte(f:read(3),1,3)
+ return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c
+ elseif n==-4 then
+ local d,c,b,a=byte(f:read(4),1,4)
+ return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d
+ elseif n==-8 then
+ local h,g,f,e,d,c,b,a=byte(f:read(8),1,8)
+ return 0x100000000000000*a+0x1000000000000*b+0x10000000000*c+0x100000000*d+0x1000000*e+0x10000*f+0x100*g+h
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+function io.readstring(f,n,m)
+ if m then
+ f:seek("set",n)
+ n=m
+ end
+ local str=gsub(f:read(n),"\000","")
+ return str
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-os']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local os=os
+local date,,os.time
+local find,format,gsub,upper,gmatch=string.find,string.format,string.gsub,string.upper,string.gmatch
+local concat=table.concat
+local random,ceil,randomseed=math.random,math.ceil,math.randomseed
+local rawget,rawset,type,getmetatable,setmetatable,tonumber,tostring=rawget,rawset,type,getmetatable,setmetatable,tonumber,tostring
+ local selfdir=os.selfdir
+ if selfdir=="" then
+ selfdir=nil
+ end
+ if not selfdir then
+ if arg then
+ for i=1,#arg do
+ local a=arg[i]
+ if find(a,"^%-%-[c:]*texmfbinpath=") then
+ selfdir=gsub(a,"^.-=","")
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not selfdir then
+ selfdir=os.selfbin or "luatex"
+ if find(selfdir,"[/\\]") then
+ selfdir=gsub(selfdir,"[/\\][^/\\]*$","")
+ elseif os.getenv then
+ local path=os.getenv("PATH")
+ local name=gsub(selfdir,"^.*[/\\][^/\\]","")
+ local patt="[^:]+"
+ if os.type=="windows" then
+ patt="[^;]+"
+ name=name..".exe"
+ end
+ local isfile
+ if lfs then
+ local attributes=lfs.attributes
+ isfile=function(name)
+ local a=attributes(name,"mode")
+ return a=="file" or a=="link" or nil
+ end
+ else
+ local
+ isfile=function(name)
+ local f=open(name)
+ if f then
+ f:close()
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for p in gmatch(path,patt) do
+ if isfile(p.."/" then
+ selfdir=p
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ os.selfdir=selfdir or "."
+ end
+math.initialseed=tonumber(string.sub(string.reverse(tostring(ceil(socket and socket.gettime()*10000 or time()))),1,6))
+if not os.__getenv__ then
+ os.__getenv__=os.getenv
+ os.__setenv__=os.setenv
+ if os.env then
+ local osgetenv=os.getenv
+ local ossetenv=os.setenv
+ local osenv=os.env local _=osenv.PATH
+ function os.setenv(k,v)
+ if v==nil then
+ v=""
+ end
+ local K=upper(k)
+ osenv[K]=v
+ if type(v)=="table" then
+ v=concat(v,";")
+ end
+ ossetenv(K,v)
+ end
+ function os.getenv(k)
+ local K=upper(k)
+ local v=osenv[K] or osenv[k] or osgetenv(K) or osgetenv(k)
+ if v=="" then
+ return nil
+ else
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local ossetenv=os.setenv
+ local osgetenv=os.getenv
+ local osenv={}
+ function os.setenv(k,v)
+ if v==nil then
+ v=""
+ end
+ local K=upper(k)
+ osenv[K]=v
+ end
+ function os.getenv(k)
+ local K=upper(k)
+ local v=osenv[K] or osgetenv(K) or osgetenv(k)
+ if v=="" then
+ return nil
+ else
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+ local function __index(t,k)
+ return os.getenv(k)
+ end
+ local function __newindex(t,k,v)
+ os.setenv(k,v)
+ end
+ os.env={}
+ setmetatable(os.env,{ __index=__index,__newindex=__newindex } )
+ end
+local execute=os.execute
+local iopopen=io.popen
+local function resultof(command)
+ local handle=iopopen(command,"r")
+ if handle then
+ local result=handle:read("*all") or ""
+ handle:close()
+ return result
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+function os.pipeto(command)
+ return iopopen(command,"w")
+if not io.fileseparator then
+ if find(os.getenv("PATH"),";",1,true) then
+ io.fileseparator,io.pathseparator,os.type="\\",";",os.type or "windows"
+ else
+ io.fileseparator,io.pathseparator,os.type="/",":",os.type or "unix"
+ end
+os.type=os.type or (io.pathseparator==";" and "windows") or "unix" or (os.type=="windows" and "mswin" ) or "linux"
+if os.type=="windows" then
+ os.libsuffix,os.binsuffix,os.binsuffixes='dll','exe',{ 'exe','cmd','bat' }
+ os.libsuffix,os.binsuffix,os.binsuffixes='so','',{ '' }
+local launchers={
+ windows="start %s",
+ macosx="open %s",
+ unix="xdg-open %s &> /dev/null &",
+function os.launch(str)
+ local command=format(launchers[] or launchers.unix,str)
+ execute(command)
+local gettimeofday=os.gettimeofday or os.clock
+local startuptime=gettimeofday()
+function os.runtime()
+ return gettimeofday()-startuptime
+local resolvers=os.resolvers or {}
+setmetatable(os,{ __index=function(t,k)
+ local r=resolvers[k]
+ return r and r(t,k) or nil
+end })
+local name, or "linux",os.getenv("MTX_PLATFORM") or ""
+if platform~="" then
+ os.platform=platform
+elseif os.type=="windows" then
+ function resolvers.platform(t,k)
+ local architecture=os.getenv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") or ""
+ local platform=""
+ if find(architecture,"AMD64",1,true) then
+ platform="win64"
+ else
+ platform="mswin"
+ end
+ os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
+ os.platform=platform
+ return platform
+ end
+elseif name=="linux" then
+ function resolvers.platform(t,k)
+ local architecture=os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") or resultof("uname -m") or ""
+ local platform=os.getenv("MTX_PLATFORM") or ""
+ local musl=find(os.selfdir or "","linuxmusl")
+ if platform~="" then
+ elseif find(architecture,"x86_64",1,true) then
+ platform=musl and "linuxmusl" or "linux-64"
+ elseif find(architecture,"ppc",1,true) then
+ platform="linux-ppc"
+ else
+ platform=musl and "linuxmusl" or "linux"
+ end
+ os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
+ os.platform=platform
+ return platform
+ end
+elseif name=="macosx" then
+ function resolvers.platform(t,k)
+ local architecture=resultof("echo $HOSTTYPE") or ""
+ local platform=""
+ if architecture=="" then
+ platform="osx-intel"
+ elseif find(architecture,"i386",1,true) then
+ platform="osx-intel"
+ elseif find(architecture,"x86_64",1,true) then
+ platform="osx-64"
+ else
+ platform="osx-ppc"
+ end
+ os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
+ os.platform=platform
+ return platform
+ end
+elseif name=="sunos" then
+ function resolvers.platform(t,k)
+ local architecture=resultof("uname -m") or ""
+ local platform=""
+ if find(architecture,"sparc",1,true) then
+ platform="solaris-sparc"
+ else
+ platform="solaris-intel"
+ end
+ os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
+ os.platform=platform
+ return platform
+ end
+elseif name=="freebsd" then
+ function resolvers.platform(t,k)
+ local architecture=resultof("uname -m") or ""
+ local platform=""
+ if find(architecture,"amd64",1,true) then
+ platform="freebsd-amd64"
+ else
+ platform="freebsd"
+ end
+ os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
+ os.platform=platform
+ return platform
+ end
+elseif name=="kfreebsd" then
+ function resolvers.platform(t,k)
+ local architecture=os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") or resultof("uname -m") or ""
+ local platform=""
+ if find(architecture,"x86_64",1,true) then
+ platform="kfreebsd-amd64"
+ else
+ platform="kfreebsd-i386"
+ end
+ os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
+ os.platform=platform
+ return platform
+ end
+ function resolvers.platform(t,k)
+ local platform="linux"
+ os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
+ os.platform=platform
+ return platform
+ end
+os.newline=name=="windows" and "\013\010" or "\010"
+function resolvers.bits(t,k)
+ local bits=find(os.platform,"64",1,true) and 64 or 32
+ os.bits=bits
+ return bits
+local t={ 8,9,"a","b" }
+function os.uuid()
+ return format("%04x%04x-4%03x-%s%03x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x",
+ random(0xFFFF),random(0xFFFF),
+ random(0x0FFF),
+ t[ceil(random(4))] or 8,random(0x0FFF),
+ random(0xFFFF),
+ random(0xFFFF),random(0xFFFF),random(0xFFFF)
+ )
+local d
+function os.timezone(delta)
+ d=d or tonumber(tonumber(date("%H")-date("!%H")))
+ if delta then
+ if d>0 then
+ return format("+%02i:00",d)
+ else
+ return format("-%02i:00",-d)
+ end
+ else
+ return 1
+ end
+local timeformat=format("%%s%s",os.timezone(true))
+local dateformat="!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+local lasttime=nil
+local lastdate=nil
+function os.fulltime(t,default)
+ t=t and tonumber(t) or 0
+ if t>0 then
+ elseif default then
+ return default
+ else
+ t=time()
+ end
+ if t~=lasttime then
+ lasttime=t
+ lastdate=format(timeformat,date(dateformat))
+ end
+ return lastdate
+local dateformat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+local lasttime=nil
+local lastdate=nil
+function os.localtime(t,default)
+ t=t and tonumber(t) or 0
+ if t>0 then
+ elseif default then
+ return default
+ else
+ t=time()
+ end
+ if t~=lasttime then
+ lasttime=t
+ lastdate=date(dateformat,t)
+ end
+ return lastdate
+function os.converttime(t,default)
+ local t=tonumber(t)
+ if t and t>0 then
+ return date(dateformat,t)
+ else
+ return default or "-"
+ end
+local memory={}
+local function which(filename)
+ local fullname=memory[filename]
+ if fullname==nil then
+ local suffix=file.suffix(filename)
+ local suffixes=suffix=="" and os.binsuffixes or { suffix }
+ for directory in gmatch(os.getenv("PATH"),"[^""]+") do
+ local df=file.join(directory,filename)
+ for i=1,#suffixes do
+ local dfs=file.addsuffix(df,suffixes[i])
+ if io.exists(dfs) then
+ fullname=dfs
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not fullname then
+ fullname=false
+ end
+ memory[filename]=fullname
+ end
+ return fullname
+ return date("!*t")
+ return date("!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+if not os.sleep then
+ local socket=socket
+ function os.sleep(n)
+ if not socket then
+ socket=require("socket")
+ end
+ socket.sleep(n)
+ end
+local function isleapyear(year)
+ return (year%4==0) and (year%100~=0 or year%400==0)
+local days={ 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 }
+local function nofdays(year,month)
+ if not month then
+ return isleapyear(year) and 365 or 364
+ else
+ return month==2 and isleapyear(year) and 29 or days[month]
+ end
+function os.weekday(day,month,year)
+ return date("%w",time { year=year,month=month,day=day })+1
+function os.validdate(year,month,day)
+ if month<1 then
+ month=1
+ elseif month>12 then
+ month=12
+ end
+ if day<1 then
+ day=1
+ else
+ local max=nofdays(year,month)
+ if day>max then
+ day=max
+ end
+ end
+ return year,month,day
+local osexit=os.exit
+local exitcode=nil
+function os.setexitcode(code)
+ exitcode=code
+function os.exit(c)
+ if exitcode~=nil then
+ return osexit(exitcode)
+ end
+ if c~=nil then
+ return osexit(c)
+ end
+ return osexit()
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-file']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+file=file or {}
+local file=file
+if not lfs then
+ lfs=optionalrequire("lfs")
+local insert,concat=table.insert,table.concat
+local match,find,gmatch=string.match,string.find,string.gmatch
+local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
+local getcurrentdir,attributes=lfs.currentdir,lfs.attributes
+local checkedsplit=string.checkedsplit
+local P,R,S,C,Cs,Cp,Cc,Ct=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Ct
+local attributes=lfs.attributes
+function lfs.isdir(name)
+ return attributes(name,"mode")=="directory"
+function lfs.isfile(name)
+ local a=attributes(name,"mode")
+ return a=="file" or a=="link" or nil
+function lfs.isfound(name)
+ local a=attributes(name,"mode")
+ return (a=="file" or a=="link") and name or nil
+if sandbox then
+ sandbox.redefine(lfs.isfile,"lfs.isfile")
+ sandbox.redefine(lfs.isdir,"lfs.isdir")
+ sandbox.redefine(lfs.isfound,"lfs.isfound")
+local colon=P(":")
+local period=P(".")
+local periods=P("..")
+local fwslash=P("/")
+local bwslash=P("\\")
+local slashes=S("\\/")
+local noperiod=1-period
+local noslashes=1-slashes
+local name=noperiod^1
+local suffix=period/""*(1-period-slashes)^1*-1
+local pattern=C((1-(slashes^1*noslashes^1*-1))^1)*P(1)
+local function pathpart(name,default)
+ return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or default or ""
+local pattern=(noslashes^0*slashes)^1*C(noslashes^1)*-1
+local function basename(name)
+ return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or name
+local pattern=(noslashes^0*slashes^1)^0*Cs((1-suffix)^1)*suffix^0
+local function nameonly(name)
+ return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or name
+local pattern=(noslashes^0*slashes)^0*(noperiod^1*period)^1*C(noperiod^1)*-1
+local function suffixonly(name)
+ return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or ""
+local pattern=(noslashes^0*slashes)^0*noperiod^1*((period*C(noperiod^1))^1)*-1+Cc("")
+local function suffixesonly(name)
+ if name then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,name)
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+local drive=C(R("az","AZ"))*colon
+local path=C((noslashes^0*slashes)^0)
+local suffix=period*C(P(1-period)^0*P(-1))
+local base=C((1-suffix)^0)
+local rest=C(P(1)^0)
+local pattern_a=drive*path*base*suffix
+local pattern_b=path*base*suffix
+local pattern_c=C(drive*path)*C(base*suffix)
+local pattern_d=path*rest
+function file.splitname(str,splitdrive)
+ if not str then
+ elseif splitdrive then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_a,str)
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str)
+ end
+function file.splitbase(str)
+ if str then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_d,str)
+ else
+ return "",str
+ end
+function file.nametotable(str,splitdrive)
+ if str then
+ local path,drive,subpath,name,base,suffix=lpegmatch(pattern_c,str)
+ if splitdrive then
+ return {
+ path=path,
+ drive=drive,
+ subpath=subpath,
+ name=name,
+ base=base,
+ suffix=suffix,
+ }
+ else
+ return {
+ path=path,
+ name=name,
+ base=base,
+ suffix=suffix,
+ }
+ end
+ end
+local pattern=Cs(((period*(1-period-slashes)^1*-1)/""+1)^1)
+function file.removesuffix(name)
+ return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name)
+local suffix=period/""*(1-period-slashes)^1*-1
+local pattern=Cs((noslashes^0*slashes^1)^0*((1-suffix)^1))*Cs(suffix)
+function file.addsuffix(filename,suffix,criterium)
+ if not filename or not suffix or suffix=="" then
+ return filename
+ elseif criterium==true then
+ return filename.."."..suffix
+ elseif not criterium then
+ local n,s=lpegmatch(pattern,filename)
+ if not s or s=="" then
+ return filename.."."..suffix
+ else
+ return filename
+ end
+ else
+ local n,s=lpegmatch(pattern,filename)
+ if s and s~="" then
+ local t=type(criterium)
+ if t=="table" then
+ for i=1,#criterium do
+ if s==criterium[i] then
+ return filename
+ end
+ end
+ elseif t=="string" then
+ if s==criterium then
+ return filename
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return (n or filename).."."..suffix
+ end
+local suffix=period*(1-period-slashes)^1*-1
+local pattern=Cs((1-suffix)^0)
+function file.replacesuffix(name,suffix)
+ if name and suffix and suffix~="" then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,name).."."..suffix
+ else
+ return name
+ end
+local reslasher=lpeg.replacer(P("\\"),"/")
+function file.reslash(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(reslasher,str)
+if lfs.isreadablefile and lfs.iswritablefile then
+ file.is_readable=lfs.isreadablefile
+ file.is_writable=lfs.iswritablefile
+ function file.is_writable(name)
+ if not name then
+ elseif lfs.isdir(name) then
+ name=name.."/m_t_x_t_e_s_t.tmp"
+ local,"wb")
+ if f then
+ f:close()
+ os.remove(name)
+ return true
+ end
+ elseif lfs.isfile(name) then
+ local,"ab")
+ if f then
+ f:close()
+ return true
+ end
+ else
+ local,"ab")
+ if f then
+ f:close()
+ os.remove(name)
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ local readable=P("r")*Cc(true)
+ function file.is_readable(name)
+ if name then
+ local a=attributes(name)
+ return a and lpegmatch(readable,a.permissions) or false
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+function file.size(name)
+ if name then
+ local a=attributes(name)
+ return a and a.size or 0
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+function file.splitpath(str,separator)
+ return str and checkedsplit(lpegmatch(reslasher,str),separator or io.pathseparator)
+function file.joinpath(tab,separator)
+ return tab and concat(tab,separator or io.pathseparator)
+local someslash=S("\\/")
+local stripper=Cs(P(fwslash)^0/""*reslasher)
+local isnetwork=someslash*someslash*(1-someslash)+(1-fwslash-colon)^1*colon
+local isroot=fwslash^1*-1
+local hasroot=fwslash^1
+local reslasher=lpeg.replacer(S("\\/"),"/")
+local deslasher=lpeg.replacer(S("\\/")^1,"/")
+function file.join(one,two,three,...)
+ if not two then
+ return one=="" and one or lpegmatch(reslasher,one)
+ end
+ if one=="" then
+ return lpegmatch(stripper,three and concat({ two,three,... },"/") or two)
+ end
+ if lpegmatch(isnetwork,one) then
+ local one=lpegmatch(reslasher,one)
+ local two=lpegmatch(deslasher,three and concat({ two,three,... },"/") or two)
+ if lpegmatch(hasroot,two) then
+ return one..two
+ else
+ return one.."/"..two
+ end
+ elseif lpegmatch(isroot,one) then
+ local two=lpegmatch(deslasher,three and concat({ two,three,... },"/") or two)
+ if lpegmatch(hasroot,two) then
+ return two
+ else
+ return "/"..two
+ end
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(deslasher,concat({ one,two,three,... },"/"))
+ end
+local drivespec=R("az","AZ")^1*colon
+local anchors=fwslash+drivespec
+local untouched=periods+(1-period)^1*P(-1)
+local mswindrive=Cs(drivespec*(bwslash/"/"+fwslash)^0)
+local mswinuncpath=(bwslash+fwslash)*(bwslash+fwslash)*Cc("//")
+local splitstarter=(mswindrive+mswinuncpath+Cc(false))*Ct(lpeg.splitat(S("/\\")^1))
+local absolute=fwslash
+function file.collapsepath(str,anchor)
+ if not str then
+ return
+ end
+ if anchor==true and not lpegmatch(anchors,str) then
+ str=getcurrentdir().."/"..str
+ end
+ if str=="" or str=="." then
+ return "."
+ elseif lpegmatch(untouched,str) then
+ return lpegmatch(reslasher,str)
+ end
+ local starter,oldelements=lpegmatch(splitstarter,str)
+ local newelements={}
+ local i=#oldelements
+ while i>0 do
+ local element=oldelements[i]
+ if element=='.' then
+ elseif element=='..' then
+ local n=i-1
+ while n>0 do
+ local element=oldelements[n]
+ if element~='..' and element~='.' then
+ oldelements[n]='.'
+ break
+ else
+ n=n-1
+ end
+ end
+ if n<1 then
+ insert(newelements,1,'..')
+ end
+ elseif element~="" then
+ insert(newelements,1,element)
+ end
+ i=i-1
+ end
+ if #newelements==0 then
+ return starter or "."
+ elseif starter then
+ return starter..concat(newelements,'/')
+ elseif lpegmatch(absolute,str) then
+ return "/"..concat(newelements,'/')
+ else
+ newelements=concat(newelements,'/')
+ if anchor=="." and find(str,"^%./") then
+ return "./"..newelements
+ else
+ return newelements
+ end
+ end
+local validchars=R("az","09","AZ","--","..")
+local pattern_a=lpeg.replacer(1-validchars)
+local pattern_a=Cs((validchars+P(1)/"-")^1)
+local whatever=P("-")^0/""
+local pattern_b=Cs(whatever*(1-whatever*-1)^1)
+function file.robustname(str,strict)
+ if str then
+ str=lpegmatch(pattern_a,str) or str
+ if strict then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str) or str
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+ end
+local loaddata=io.loaddata
+local savedata=io.savedata
+function file.copy(oldname,newname)
+ if oldname and newname then
+ local data=loaddata(oldname)
+ if data and data~="" then
+ savedata(newname,data)
+ end
+ end
+local letter=R("az","AZ")+S("_-+")
+local separator=P("://")
+local qualified=period^0*fwslash+letter*colon+letter^1*separator+letter^1*fwslash
+local rootbased=fwslash+letter*colon
+function file.is_qualified_path(filename)
+ return filename and lpegmatch(qualified,filename)~=nil
+function file.is_rootbased_path(filename)
+ return filename and lpegmatch(rootbased,filename)~=nil
+function file.strip(name,dir)
+ if name then
+ local b,a=match(name,"^(.-)"..dir.."(.*)$")
+ return a~="" and a or name
+ end
+function lfs.mkdirs(path)
+ local full=""
+ for sub in gmatch(path,"(/*[^\\/]+)") do
+ full=full..sub
+ lfs.mkdir(full)
+ end
+function file.withinbase(path)
+ local l=0
+ if not find(path,"^/") then
+ path="/"..path
+ end
+ for dir in gmatch(path,"/([^/]+)") do
+ if dir==".." then
+ l=l-1
+ elseif dir~="." then
+ l=l+1
+ end
+ if l<0 then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+local symlinkattributes=lfs.symlinkattributes
+function lfs.readlink(name)
+ return symlinkattributes(name,"target") or nil
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-gzip']={
+ version=1.001,
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+if not gzip then
+ return
+local suffix,suffixes=file.suffix,file.suffixes
+function gzip.load(filename)
+ local,"rb")
+ if not f then
+ elseif suffix(filename)=="gz" then
+ f:close()
+ local,"rb")
+ if g then
+ local str=g:read("*all")
+ g:close()
+ return str
+ end
+ else
+ local str=f:read("*all")
+ f:close()
+ return str
+ end
+ if suffix(filename)~="gz" then
+ filename=filename..".gz"
+ end
+ local,"wb")
+ if f then
+ local s=zlib.compress(data or "",9,nil,15+16)
+ f:write(s)
+ f:close()
+ return #s
+ end
+function gzip.suffix(filename)
+ local suffix,extra=suffixes(filename)
+ local gzipped=extra=="gz"
+ return suffix,gzipped
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-md5']={
+ version=1.001,
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+if not md5 then
+ md5=optionalrequire("md5")
+if not md5 then
+ md5={
+ sum=function(str) print("error: md5 is not loaded (sum ignored)") return str end,
+ sumhexa=function(str) print("error: md5 is not loaded (sumhexa ignored)") return str end,
+ }
+local md5,file=md5,file
+local gsub=string.gsub
+ local patterns=lpeg and lpeg.patterns
+ if patterns then
+ local bytestoHEX=patterns.bytestoHEX
+ local bytestohex=patterns.bytestohex
+ local bytestodec=patterns.bytestodec
+ local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
+ local md5sum=md5.sum
+ if not md5.HEX then function md5.HEX(str) if str then return lpegmatch(bytestoHEX,md5sum(str)) end end end
+ if not md5.hex then function md5.hex(str) if str then return lpegmatch(bytestohex,md5sum(str)) end end end
+ if not md5.dec then function md5.dec(str) if str then return lpegmatch(bytestodec,md5sum(str)) end end end
+ md5.sumhexa=md5.hex
+ md5.sumHEXA=md5.HEX
+ end
+function file.needsupdating(oldname,newname,threshold)
+ local oldtime=lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
+ if oldtime then
+ local newtime=lfs.attributes(newname,"modification")
+ if not newtime then
+ return true
+ elseif newtime>=oldtime then
+ return false
+ elseif oldtime-newtime<(threshold or 1) then
+ return false
+ else
+ return true
+ end
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function file.syncmtimes(oldname,newname)
+ local oldtime=lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
+ if oldtime and lfs.isfile(newname) then
+ lfs.touch(newname,oldtime,oldtime)
+ end
+function file.checksum(name)
+ if md5 then
+ local data=io.loaddata(name)
+ if data then
+ return md5.HEX(data)
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+function file.loadchecksum(name)
+ if md5 then
+ local data=io.loaddata(name..".md5")
+ return data and (gsub(data,"%s",""))
+ end
+ return nil
+function file.savechecksum(name,checksum)
+ if not checksum then checksum=file.checksum(name) end
+ if checksum then
+ io.savedata(name..".md5",checksum)
+ return checksum
+ end
+ return nil
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-dir']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local type,select=type,select
+local find,gmatch,match,gsub,sub=string.find,string.gmatch,string.match,string.gsub,string.sub
+local concat,insert,remove,unpack=table.concat,table.insert,table.remove,table.unpack
+local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
+local P,S,R,C,Cc,Cs,Ct,Cv,V=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cv,lpeg.V
+dir=dir or {}
+local dir=dir
+local lfs=lfs
+local attributes=lfs.attributes
+local walkdir=lfs.dir
+local isdir=lfs.isdir
+local isfile=lfs.isfile
+local currentdir=lfs.currentdir
+local chdir=lfs.chdir
+local mkdir=lfs.mkdir
+local onwindows=os.type=="windows" or find(os.getenv("PATH"),";",1,true)
+if onwindows then
+ local tricky=S("/\\")*P(-1)
+ isdir=function(name)
+ if lpegmatch(tricky,name) then
+ return attributes(name,"mode")=="directory"
+ else
+ return attributes(name.."/.","mode")=="directory"
+ end
+ end
+ isfile=function(name)
+ return attributes(name,"mode")=="file"
+ end
+ lfs.isdir=isdir
+ lfs.isfile=isfile
+ isdir=function(name)
+ return attributes(name,"mode")=="directory"
+ end
+ isfile=function(name)
+ return attributes(name,"mode")=="file"
+ end
+ lfs.isdir=isdir
+ lfs.isfile=isfile
+function dir.current()
+ return (gsub(currentdir(),"\\","/"))
+local function glob_pattern_function(path,patt,recurse,action)
+ if isdir(path) then
+ local usedpath
+ if path=="/" then
+ usedpath="/."
+ elseif not find(path,"/$") then
+ usedpath=path.."/."
+ path=path.."/"
+ else
+ usedpath=path
+ end
+ local dirs
+ local nofdirs=0
+ for name,mode,size,time in walkdir(usedpath) do
+ if name~="." and name~=".." then
+ local
+ if mode==nil then
+ mode=attributes(full,'mode')
+ end
+ if mode=='file' then
+ if not patt or find(full,patt) then
+ action(full,size,time)
+ end
+ elseif recurse and mode=="directory" then
+ if dirs then
+ nofdirs=nofdirs+1
+ dirs[nofdirs]=full
+ else
+ nofdirs=1
+ dirs={ full }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if dirs then
+ for i=1,nofdirs do
+ glob_pattern_function(dirs[i],patt,recurse,action)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function glob_pattern_table(path,patt,recurse,result)
+ if not result then
+ result={}
+ end
+ local usedpath
+ if path=="/" then
+ usedpath="/."
+ elseif not find(path,"/$") then
+ usedpath=path.."/."
+ path=path.."/"
+ else
+ usedpath=path
+ end
+ local dirs
+ local nofdirs=0
+ local noffiles=#result
+ for name,mode in walkdir(usedpath) do
+ if name~="." and name~=".." then
+ local
+ if mode==nil then
+ mode=attributes(full,'mode')
+ end
+ if mode=='file' then
+ if not patt or find(full,patt) then
+ noffiles=noffiles+1
+ result[noffiles]=full
+ end
+ elseif recurse and mode=="directory" then
+ if dirs then
+ nofdirs=nofdirs+1
+ dirs[nofdirs]=full
+ else
+ nofdirs=1
+ dirs={ full }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if dirs then
+ for i=1,nofdirs do
+ glob_pattern_table(dirs[i],patt,recurse,result)
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+local function globpattern(path,patt,recurse,method)
+ local kind=type(method)
+ if patt and sub(patt,1,-3)==path then
+ patt=false
+ end
+ local okay=isdir(path)
+ if kind=="function" then
+ return okay and glob_pattern_function(path,patt,recurse,method) or {}
+ elseif kind=="table" then
+ return okay and glob_pattern_table(path,patt,recurse,method) or method
+ else
+ return okay and glob_pattern_table(path,patt,recurse,{}) or {}
+ end
+local function collectpattern(path,patt,recurse,result)
+ local ok,scanner
+ result=result or {}
+ if path=="/" then
+ ok,scanner,first=xpcall(function() return walkdir(path..".") end,function() end)
+ else
+ ok,scanner,first=xpcall(function() return walkdir(path) end,function() end)
+ end
+ if ok and type(scanner)=="function" then
+ if not find(path,"/$") then
+ path=path..'/'
+ end
+ for name in scanner,first do
+ if name=="." then
+ elseif name==".." then
+ else
+ local
+ local attr=attributes(full)
+ local mode=attr.mode
+ if mode=='file' then
+ if find(full,patt) then
+ result[name]=attr
+ end
+ elseif recurse and mode=="directory" then
+ attr.list=collectpattern(full,patt,recurse)
+ result[name]=attr
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+local separator,pattern
+if onwindows then
+ local slash=S("/\\")/"/"
+ pattern={
+ [1]=(Cs(P(".")+slash^1)+Cs(R("az","AZ")*P(":")*slash^0)+Cc("./"))*V(2)*V(3),
+ [2]=Cs(((1-S("*?/\\"))^0*slash)^0),
+ [3]=Cs(P(1)^0)
+ }
+ pattern={
+ [1]=(C(P(".")+P("/")^1)+Cc("./"))*V(2)*V(3),
+ [2]=C(((1-S("*?/"))^0*P("/"))^0),
+ [3]=C(P(1)^0)
+ }
+local filter=Cs ((
+ P("**")/".*"+P("*")/"[^/]*"+P("?")/"[^/]"+P(".")/"%%."+P("+")/"%%+"+P("-")/"%%-"+P(1)
+)^0 )
+local function glob(str,t)
+ if type(t)=="function" then
+ if type(str)=="table" then
+ for s=1,#str do
+ glob(str[s],t)
+ end
+ elseif isfile(str) then
+ t(str)
+ else
+ local root,path,base=lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ if root and path and base then
+ local recurse=find(base,"**",1,true)
+ local start=root..path
+ local result=lpegmatch(filter,start..base)
+ globpattern(start,result,recurse,t)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if type(str)=="table" then
+ local t=t or {}
+ for s=1,#str do
+ glob(str[s],t)
+ end
+ return t
+ elseif isfile(str) then
+ if t then
+ t[#t+1]=str
+ return t
+ else
+ return { str }
+ end
+ else
+ local root,path,base=lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ if root and path and base then
+ local recurse=find(base,"**",1,true)
+ local start=root..path
+ local result=lpegmatch(filter,start..base)
+ return globpattern(start,result,recurse,t)
+ else
+ return {}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function globfiles(path,recurse,func,files)
+ if type(func)=="string" then
+ local s=func
+ func=function(name) return find(name,s) end
+ end
+ files=files or {}
+ local noffiles=#files
+ for name,mode in walkdir(path) do
+ if find(name,"^%.") then
+ else
+ if mode==nil then
+ mode=attributes(name,'mode')
+ end
+ if mode=="directory" then
+ if recurse then
+ globfiles(path.."/",recurse,func,files)
+ end
+ elseif mode=="file" then
+ if not func or func(name) then
+ noffiles=noffiles+1
+ files[noffiles]=path.."/"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return files
+local function globdirs(path,recurse,func,files)
+ if type(func)=="string" then
+ local s=func
+ func=function(name) return find(name,s) end
+ end
+ files=files or {}
+ local noffiles=#files
+ for name,mode in walkdir(path) do
+ if find(name,"^%.") then
+ else
+ if mode==nil then
+ mode=attributes(name,'mode')
+ end
+ if mode=="directory" then
+ if not func or func(name) then
+ noffiles=noffiles+1
+ files[noffiles]=path.."/"
+ if recurse then
+ globdirs(path.."/",recurse,func,files)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return files
+ return concat(glob(pattern),"\n")
+local make_indeed=true
+if onwindows then
+ function dir.mkdirs(...)
+ local n=select("#",...)
+ local str
+ if n==1 then
+ str=select(1,...)
+ if isdir(str) then
+ return str,true
+ end
+ else
+ str=""
+ for i=1,n do
+ local s=select(i,...)
+ if s=="" then
+ elseif str=="" then
+ str=s
+ else
+ str=str.."/"..s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local pth=""
+ local drive=false
+ local first,middle,last=match(str,"^(//)(//*)(.*)$")
+ if first then
+ else
+ first,last=match(str,"^(//)/*(.-)$")
+ if first then
+ middle,last=match(str,"([^/]+)/+(.-)$")
+ if middle then
+ pth="//"..middle
+ else
+ pth="//"..last
+ last=""
+ end
+ else
+ first,middle,last=match(str,"^([a-zA-Z]:)(/*)(.-)$")
+ if first then
+ pth,drive=first..middle,true
+ else
+ middle,last=match(str,"^(/*)(.-)$")
+ if not middle then
+ last=str
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for s in gmatch(last,"[^/]+") do
+ if pth=="" then
+ pth=s
+ elseif drive then
+ pth,drive=pth..s,false
+ else
+ pth=pth.."/"..s
+ end
+ if make_indeed and not isdir(pth) then
+ mkdir(pth)
+ end
+ end
+ return pth,(isdir(pth)==true)
+ end
+ function dir.mkdirs(...)
+ local n=select("#",...)
+ local str,pth
+ if n==1 then
+ str=select(1,...)
+ if isdir(str) then
+ return str,true
+ end
+ else
+ str=""
+ for i=1,n do
+ local s=select(i,...)
+ if s and s~="" then
+ if str~="" then
+ str=str.."/"..s
+ else
+ str=s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ str=gsub(str,"/+","/")
+ if find(str,"^/") then
+ pth="/"
+ for s in gmatch(str,"[^/]+") do
+ local first=(pth=="/")
+ if first then
+ pth=pth..s
+ else
+ pth=pth.."/"..s
+ end
+ if make_indeed and not first and not isdir(pth) then
+ mkdir(pth)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ pth="."
+ for s in gmatch(str,"[^/]+") do
+ pth=pth.."/"..s
+ if make_indeed and not isdir(pth) then
+ mkdir(pth)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return pth,(isdir(pth)==true)
+ end
+ local chdir=sandbox and sandbox.original(chdir) or chdir
+ if onwindows then
+ local xcurrentdir=dir.current
+ function dir.expandname(str)
+ local first,nothing,last=match(str,"^(//)(//*)(.*)$")
+ if first then
+ first=xcurrentdir().."/"
+ end
+ if not first then
+ first,last=match(str,"^(//)/*(.*)$")
+ end
+ if not first then
+ first,last=match(str,"^([a-zA-Z]:)(.*)$")
+ if first and not find(last,"^/") then
+ local d=currentdir()
+ if chdir(first) then
+ first=xcurrentdir()
+ end
+ chdir(d)
+ end
+ end
+ if not first then
+ first,last=xcurrentdir(),str
+ end
+ last=gsub(last,"//","/")
+ last=gsub(last,"/%./","/")
+ last=gsub(last,"^/*","")
+ first=gsub(first,"/*$","")
+ if last=="" or last=="." then
+ return first
+ else
+ return first.."/"..last
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ function dir.expandname(str)
+ if not find(str,"^/") then
+ str=currentdir().."/"..str
+ end
+ str=gsub(str,"//","/")
+ str=gsub(str,"/%./","/")
+ str=gsub(str,"(.)/%.$","%1")
+ return str
+ end
+ end
+local stack={}
+function dir.push(newdir)
+ local curdir=currentdir()
+ insert(stack,curdir)
+ if newdir and newdir~="" and chdir(newdir) then
+ return newdir
+ else
+ return curdir
+ end
+function dir.pop()
+ local d=remove(stack)
+ if d then
+ chdir(d)
+ end
+ return d
+local function found(...)
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ local path=select(i,...)
+ local kind=type(path)
+ if kind=="string" then
+ if isdir(path) then
+ return path
+ end
+ elseif kind=="table" then
+ local path=found(unpack(path))
+ if path then
+ return path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-unicode']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+utf=utf or {}
+if not string.utfcharacters then
+ local gmatch=string.gmatch
+ function string.characters(str)
+ return gmatch(str,".[\128-\191]*")
+ end
+local type=type
+local char,byte,format,sub,gmatch=string.char,string.byte,string.format,string.sub,string.gmatch
+local concat=table.concat
+local P,C,R,Cs,Ct,Cmt,Cc,Carg,Cp=lpeg.P,lpeg.C,lpeg.R,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cmt,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cp
+local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
+local patterns=lpeg.patterns
+local tabletopattern=lpeg.utfchartabletopattern
+local bytepairs=string.bytepairs
+local finder=lpeg.finder
+local replacer=lpeg.replacer
+local p_utftype=patterns.utftype
+local p_utfstricttype=patterns.utfstricttype
+local p_utfoffset=patterns.utfoffset
+local p_utf8character=patterns.utf8character
+local p_utf8char=patterns.utf8char
+local p_utf8byte=patterns.utf8byte
+local p_utfbom=patterns.utfbom
+local p_newline=patterns.newline
+local p_whitespace=patterns.whitespace
+if not utf.char then
+ utf.char=string.utfcharacter or (utf8 and utf8.char)
+ if not utf.char then
+ local char=string.char
+ if bit32 then
+ local rshift=bit32.rshift
+ function utf.char(n)
+ if n<0x80 then
+ return char(n)
+ elseif n<0x800 then
+ return char(
+ 0xC0+rshift(n,6),
+ 0x80+(n%0x40)
+ )
+ elseif n<0x10000 then
+ return char(
+ 0xE0+rshift(n,12),
+ 0x80+(rshift(n,6)%0x40),
+ 0x80+(n%0x40)
+ )
+ elseif n<0x200000 then
+ return char(
+ 0xF0+rshift(n,18),
+ 0x80+(rshift(n,12)%0x40),
+ 0x80+(rshift(n,6)%0x40),
+ 0x80+(n%0x40)
+ )
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local floor=math.floor
+ function utf.char(n)
+ if n<0x80 then
+ return char(n)
+ elseif n<0x800 then
+ return char(
+ 0xC0+floor(n/0x40),
+ 0x80+(n%0x40)
+ )
+ elseif n<0x10000 then
+ return char(
+ 0xE0+floor(n/0x1000),
+ 0x80+(floor(n/0x40)%0x40),
+ 0x80+(n%0x40)
+ )
+ elseif n<0x200000 then
+ return char(
+ 0xF0+floor(n/0x40000),
+ 0x80+(floor(n/0x1000)%0x40),
+ 0x80+(floor(n/0x40)%0x40),
+ 0x80+(n%0x40)
+ )
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+if not utf.byte then
+ utf.byte=string.utfvalue or (utf8 and utf8.codepoint)
+ if not utf.byte then
+ function utf.byte(c)
+ return lpegmatch(p_utf8byte,c)
+ end
+ end
+local utfchar,utfbyte=utf.char,utf.byte
+function utf.filetype(data)
+ return data and lpegmatch(p_utftype,data) or "unknown"
+local toentities=Cs (
+ (
+ patterns.utf8one+(
+ patterns.utf8two+patterns.utf8three+patterns.utf8four
+ )/function(s) local b=utfbyte(s) if b<127 then return s else return format("&#%X;",b) end end
+ )^0
+function utf.toentities(str)
+ return lpegmatch(toentities,str)
+local one=P(1)
+local two=C(1)*C(1)
+local four=C(R(utfchar(0xD8),utfchar(0xFF)))*C(1)*C(1)*C(1)
+local pattern=P("\254\255")*Cs((
+ four/function(a,b,c,d)
+ local ab=0xFF*byte(a)+byte(b)
+ local cd=0xFF*byte(c)+byte(d)
+ return utfchar((ab-0xD800)*0x400+(cd-0xDC00)+0x10000)
+ end+two/function(a,b)
+ return utfchar(byte(a)*256+byte(b))
+ end+one
+ )^1 )+P("\255\254")*Cs((
+ four/function(b,a,d,c)
+ local ab=0xFF*byte(a)+byte(b)
+ local cd=0xFF*byte(c)+byte(d)
+ return utfchar((ab-0xD800)*0x400+(cd-0xDC00)+0x10000)
+ end+two/function(b,a)
+ return utfchar(byte(a)*256+byte(b))
+ end+one
+ )^1 )
+function string.toutf(s)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,s) or s
+local validatedutf=Cs (
+ (
+ patterns.utf8one+patterns.utf8two+patterns.utf8three+patterns.utf8four+P(1)/"�"
+ )^0
+function utf.is_valid(str)
+ return type(str)=="string" and lpegmatch(validatedutf,str) or false
+if not utf.len then
+ utf.len=string.utflength or (utf8 and utf8.len)
+ if not utf.len then
+ local n,f=0,1
+ local utfcharcounter=patterns.utfbom^-1*Cmt (
+ Cc(1)*patterns.utf8one^1+Cc(2)*patterns.utf8two^1+Cc(3)*patterns.utf8three^1+Cc(4)*patterns.utf8four^1,
+ function(_,t,d)
+ n=n+(t-f)/d
+ f=t
+ return true
+ end
+ )^0
+ function utf.len(str)
+ n,f=0,1
+ lpegmatch(utfcharcounter,str or "")
+ return n
+ end
+ end
+if not utf.sub then
+ local utflength=utf.length
+ local b,e,n,first,last=0,0,0,0,0
+ local function slide_zero(s,p)
+ n=n+1
+ if n>=last then
+ e=p-1
+ else
+ return p
+ end
+ end
+ local function slide_one(s,p)
+ n=n+1
+ if n==first then
+ b=p
+ end
+ if n>=last then
+ e=p-1
+ else
+ return p
+ end
+ end
+ local function slide_two(s,p)
+ n=n+1
+ if n==first then
+ b=p
+ else
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ local pattern_zero=Cmt(p_utf8character,slide_zero)^0
+ local pattern_one=Cmt(p_utf8character,slide_one )^0
+ local pattern_two=Cmt(p_utf8character,slide_two )^0
+ local pattern_first=C(p_utf8character)
+ function utf.sub(str,start,stop)
+ if not start then
+ return str
+ end
+ if start==0 then
+ start=1
+ end
+ if not stop then
+ if start<0 then
+ local l=utflength(str)
+ start=l+start
+ else
+ start=start-1
+ end
+ b,n,first=0,0,start
+ lpegmatch(pattern_two,str)
+ if n>=first then
+ return sub(str,b)
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+ end
+ if start<0 or stop<0 then
+ local l=utf.length(str)
+ if start<0 then
+ start=l+start
+ if start<=0 then
+ start=1
+ else
+ start=start+1
+ end
+ end
+ if stop<0 then
+ stop=l+stop
+ if stop==0 then
+ stop=1
+ else
+ stop=stop+1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if start==1 and stop==1 then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_first,str) or ""
+ elseif start>stop then
+ return ""
+ elseif start>1 then
+ b,e,n,first,last=0,0,0,start-1,stop
+ lpegmatch(pattern_one,str)
+ if n>=first and e==0 then
+ e=#str
+ end
+ return sub(str,b,e)
+ else
+ b,e,n,last=1,0,0,stop
+ lpegmatch(pattern_zero,str)
+ if e==0 then
+ e=#str
+ end
+ return sub(str,b,e)
+ end
+ end
+function utf.remapper(mapping,option,action)
+ local variant=type(mapping)
+ if variant=="table" then
+ action=action or mapping
+ if option=="dynamic" then
+ local pattern=false
+ table.setmetatablenewindex(mapping,function(t,k,v) rawset(t,k,v) pattern=false end)
+ return function(str)
+ if not str or str=="" then
+ return ""
+ else
+ if not pattern then
+ pattern=Cs((tabletopattern(mapping)/action+p_utf8character)^0)
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif option=="pattern" then
+ return Cs((tabletopattern(mapping)/action+p_utf8character)^0)
+ else
+ local pattern=Cs((tabletopattern(mapping)/action+p_utf8character)^0)
+ return function(str)
+ if not str or str=="" then
+ return ""
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ end
+ end,pattern
+ end
+ elseif variant=="function" then
+ if option=="pattern" then
+ return Cs((p_utf8character/mapping+p_utf8character)^0)
+ else
+ local pattern=Cs((p_utf8character/mapping+p_utf8character)^0)
+ return function(str)
+ if not str or str=="" then
+ return ""
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ end
+ end,pattern
+ end
+ else
+ return function(str)
+ return str or ""
+ end
+ end
+function utf.replacer(t)
+ local r=replacer(t,false,false,true)
+ return function(str)
+ return lpegmatch(r,str)
+ end
+function utf.subtituter(t)
+ local f=finder (t)
+ local r=replacer(t,false,false,true)
+ return function(str)
+ local i=lpegmatch(f,str)
+ if not i then
+ return str
+ elseif i>#str then
+ return str
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(r,str)
+ end
+ end
+local utflinesplitter=p_utfbom^-1*lpeg.tsplitat(p_newline)
+local utfcharsplitter_ows=p_utfbom^-1*Ct(C(p_utf8character)^0)
+local utfcharsplitter_iws=p_utfbom^-1*Ct((p_whitespace^1+C(p_utf8character))^0)
+local utfcharsplitter_raw=Ct(C(p_utf8character)^0)
+function utf.splitlines(str)
+ return lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,str or "")
+function utf.split(str,ignorewhitespace)
+ if ignorewhitespace then
+ return lpegmatch(utfcharsplitter_iws,str or "")
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(utfcharsplitter_ows,str or "")
+ end
+function utf.totable(str)
+ return lpegmatch(utfcharsplitter_raw,str)
+function utf.magic(f)
+ local str=f:read(4) or ""
+ local off=lpegmatch(p_utfoffset,str)
+ if off<4 then
+ f:seek('set',off)
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(p_utftype,str)
+local utf16_to_utf8_be,utf16_to_utf8_le
+local utf32_to_utf8_be,utf32_to_utf8_le
+local utf_16_be_getbom=patterns.utfbom_16_be^-1
+local utf_16_le_getbom=patterns.utfbom_16_le^-1
+local utf_32_be_getbom=patterns.utfbom_32_be^-1
+local utf_32_le_getbom=patterns.utfbom_32_le^-1
+local utf_16_be_linesplitter=utf_16_be_getbom*lpeg.tsplitat(patterns.utf_16_be_nl)
+local utf_16_le_linesplitter=utf_16_le_getbom*lpeg.tsplitat(patterns.utf_16_le_nl)
+local utf_32_be_linesplitter=utf_32_be_getbom*lpeg.tsplitat(patterns.utf_32_be_nl)
+local utf_32_le_linesplitter=utf_32_le_getbom*lpeg.tsplitat(patterns.utf_32_le_nl)
+local more=0
+local p_utf16_to_utf8_be=C(1)*C(1)/function(left,right)
+ local now=256*byte(left)+byte(right)
+ if more>0 then
+ now=(more-0xD800)*0x400+(now-0xDC00)+0x10000
+ more=0
+ return utfchar(now)
+ elseif now>=0xD800 and now<=0xDBFF then
+ more=now
+ return ""
+ else
+ return utfchar(now)
+ end
+local p_utf16_to_utf8_le=C(1)*C(1)/function(right,left)
+ local now=256*byte(left)+byte(right)
+ if more>0 then
+ now=(more-0xD800)*0x400+(now-0xDC00)+0x10000
+ more=0
+ return utfchar(now)
+ elseif now>=0xD800 and now<=0xDBFF then
+ more=now
+ return ""
+ else
+ return utfchar(now)
+ end
+local p_utf32_to_utf8_be=C(1)*C(1)*C(1)*C(1)/function(a,b,c,d)
+ return utfchar(256*256*256*byte(a)+256*256*byte(b)+256*byte(c)+byte(d))
+local p_utf32_to_utf8_le=C(1)*C(1)*C(1)*C(1)/function(a,b,c,d)
+ return utfchar(256*256*256*byte(d)+256*256*byte(c)+256*byte(b)+byte(a))
+p_utf16_to_utf8_be=P(true)/function() more=0 end*utf_16_be_getbom*Cs(p_utf16_to_utf8_be^0)
+p_utf16_to_utf8_le=P(true)/function() more=0 end*utf_16_le_getbom*Cs(p_utf16_to_utf8_le^0)
+p_utf32_to_utf8_be=P(true)/function() more=0 end*utf_32_be_getbom*Cs(p_utf32_to_utf8_be^0)
+p_utf32_to_utf8_le=P(true)/function() more=0 end*utf_32_le_getbom*Cs(p_utf32_to_utf8_le^0)
+ if s and s~="" then
+ return lpegmatch(p_utf16_to_utf8_be,s)
+ else
+ return s
+ end
+local utf16_to_utf8_be_t=function(t)
+ if not t then
+ return nil
+ elseif type(t)=="string" then
+ t=lpegmatch(utf_16_be_linesplitter,t)
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local s=t[i]
+ if s~="" then
+ t[i]=lpegmatch(p_utf16_to_utf8_be,s)
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+ if s and s~="" then
+ return lpegmatch(p_utf16_to_utf8_le,s)
+ else
+ return s
+ end
+local utf16_to_utf8_le_t=function(t)
+ if not t then
+ return nil
+ elseif type(t)=="string" then
+ t=lpegmatch(utf_16_le_linesplitter,t)
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local s=t[i]
+ if s~="" then
+ t[i]=lpegmatch(p_utf16_to_utf8_le,s)
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+ if s and s~="" then
+ return lpegmatch(p_utf32_to_utf8_be,s)
+ else
+ return s
+ end
+local utf32_to_utf8_be_t=function(t)
+ if not t then
+ return nil
+ elseif type(t)=="string" then
+ t=lpegmatch(utf_32_be_linesplitter,t)
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local s=t[i]
+ if s~="" then
+ t[i]=lpegmatch(p_utf32_to_utf8_be,s)
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+ if s and s~="" then
+ return lpegmatch(p_utf32_to_utf8_le,s)
+ else
+ return s
+ end
+local utf32_to_utf8_le_t=function(t)
+ if not t then
+ return nil
+ elseif type(t)=="string" then
+ t=lpegmatch(utf_32_le_linesplitter,t)
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local s=t[i]
+ if s~="" then
+ t[i]=lpegmatch(p_utf32_to_utf8_le,s)
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+function utf.utf8_to_utf8_t(t)
+ return type(t)=="string" and lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,t) or t
+function utf.utf16_to_utf8_t(t,endian)
+ return endian and utf16_to_utf8_be_t(t) or utf16_to_utf8_le_t(t) or t
+function utf.utf32_to_utf8_t(t,endian)
+ return endian and utf32_to_utf8_be_t(t) or utf32_to_utf8_le_t(t) or t
+local function little(b)
+ if b<0x10000 then
+ return char(b%256,rshift(b,8))
+ else
+ b=b-0x10000
+ local b1=rshift(b,10)+0xD800
+ local b2=b%1024+0xDC00
+ return char(b1%256,rshift(b1,8),b2%256,rshift(b2,8))
+ end
+local function big(b)
+ if b<0x10000 then
+ return char(rshift(b,8),b%256)
+ else
+ b=b-0x10000
+ local b1=rshift(b,10)+0xD800
+ local b2=b%1024+0xDC00
+ return char(rshift(b1,8),b1%256,rshift(b2,8),b2%256)
+ end
+local l_remap=Cs((p_utf8byte/little+P(1)/"")^0)
+local b_remap=Cs((p_utf8byte/big+P(1)/"")^0)
+local function utf8_to_utf16_be(str,nobom)
+ if nobom then
+ return lpegmatch(b_remap,str)
+ else
+ return char(254,255)..lpegmatch(b_remap,str)
+ end
+local function utf8_to_utf16_le(str,nobom)
+ if nobom then
+ return lpegmatch(l_remap,str)
+ else
+ return char(255,254)..lpegmatch(l_remap,str)
+ end
+function utf.utf8_to_utf16(str,littleendian,nobom)
+ if littleendian then
+ return utf8_to_utf16_le(str,nobom)
+ else
+ return utf8_to_utf16_be(str,nobom)
+ end
+local pattern=Cs (
+ (p_utf8byte/function(unicode ) return format("0x%04X",unicode) end)*(p_utf8byte*Carg(1)/function(unicode,separator) return format("%s0x%04X",separator,unicode) end)^0
+function utf.tocodes(str,separator)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,separator or " ")
+function utf.ustring(s)
+ return format("U+%05X",type(s)=="number" and s or utfbyte(s))
+function utf.xstring(s)
+ return format("0x%05X",type(s)=="number" and s or utfbyte(s))
+function utf.toeight(str)
+ if not str or str=="" then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local utftype=lpegmatch(p_utfstricttype,str)
+ if utftype=="utf-8" then
+ return sub(str,4)
+ elseif utftype=="utf-16-be" then
+ return utf16_to_utf8_be(str)
+ elseif utftype=="utf-16-le" then
+ return utf16_to_utf8_le(str)
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+ local p_nany=p_utf8character/""
+ local cache={}
+ function utf.count(str,what)
+ if type(what)=="string" then
+ local p=cache[what]
+ if not p then
+ p=Cs((P(what)/" "+p_nany)^0)
+ cache[p]=p
+ end
+ return #lpegmatch(p,str)
+ else
+ return #lpegmatch(Cs((P(what)/" "+p_nany)^0),str)
+ end
+ end
+if not string.utfvalues then
+ local find=string.find
+ local dummy=function()
+ end
+ function string.utfvalues(str)
+ local n=#str
+ if n==0 then
+ return dummy
+ elseif n==1 then
+ return function() return utfbyte(str) end
+ else
+ local p=1
+ return function()
+ local b,e=find(str,".[\128-\191]*",p)
+ if b then
+ p=e+1
+ return utfbyte(sub(str,b,e))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function utf.chrlen(u)
+ return
+ (u<0x80 and 1) or
+ (u<0xE0 and 2) or
+ (u<0xF0 and 3) or
+ (u<0xF8 and 4) or
+ (u<0xFC and 5) or
+ (u<0xFE and 6) or 0
+if bit32 then
+ local extract=bit32.extract
+ local char=string.char
+ function utf.toutf32string(n)
+ if n<=0xFF then
+ return
+ char(n).."\000\000\000"
+ elseif n<=0xFFFF then
+ return
+ char(extract(n,0,8))..char(extract(n,8,8)).."\000\000"
+ elseif n<=0xFFFFFF then
+ return
+ char(extract(n,0,8))..char(extract(n,8,8))..char(extract(n,16,8)).."\000"
+ else
+ return
+ char(extract(n,0,8))..char(extract(n,8,8))..char(extract(n,16,8))..char(extract(n,24,8))
+ end
+ end
+local len=utf.len
+local rep=rep
+function string.utfpadd(s,n)
+ if n and n~=0 then
+ local l=len(s)
+ if n>0 then
+ local d=n-l
+ if d>0 then
+ return rep(c or " ",d)..s
+ end
+ else
+ local d=- n-l
+ if d>0 then
+ return s..rep(c or " ",d)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return s
+ local utfcharacters=utf.characters or string.utfcharacters
+ local utfchar=utf.char or string.utfcharacter
+ lpeg.UP=P
+ if utfcharacters then
+ function lpeg.US(str)
+ local p=P(false)
+ for uc in utfcharacters(str) do
+ p=p+P(uc)
+ end
+ return p
+ end
+ else
+ function lpeg.US(str)
+ local p=P(false)
+ local f=function(uc)
+ p=p+P(uc)
+ end
+ lpegmatch((p_utf8char/f)^0,str)
+ return p
+ end
+ end
+ local range=p_utf8byte*p_utf8byte+Cc(false)
+ function lpeg.UR(str,more)
+ local first,last
+ if type(str)=="number" then
+ first=str
+ last=more or first
+ else
+ first,last=lpegmatch(range,str)
+ if not last then
+ return P(str)
+ end
+ end
+ if first==last then
+ return P(str)
+ end
+ if not utfchar then
+ utfchar=utf.char
+ end
+ if utfchar and (last-first<8) then
+ local p=P(false)
+ for i=first,last do
+ p=p+P(utfchar(i))
+ end
+ return p
+ else
+ local f=function(b)
+ return b>=first and b<=last
+ end
+ return p_utf8byte/f
+ end
+ end
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-url']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local char,format,byte=string.char,string.format,string.byte
+local concat=table.concat
+local tonumber,type,next=tonumber,type,next
+local P,C,R,S,Cs,Cc,Ct,Cf,Cg,V=lpeg.P,lpeg.C,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cf,lpeg.Cg,lpeg.V
+local lpegmatch,lpegpatterns,replacer=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns,lpeg.replacer
+local sortedhash=table.sortedhash
+url=url or {}
+local url=url
+local unescapes={}
+local escapes={}
+setmetatable(unescapes,{ __index=function(t,k)
+ local v=char(tonumber(k,16))
+ t[k]=v
+ return v
+end })
+setmetatable(escapes,{ __index=function(t,k)
+ local v=format("%%%02X",byte(k))
+ t[k]=v
+ return v
+end })
+local colon=P(":")
+local qmark=P("?")
+local hash=P("#")
+local slash=P("/")
+local atsign=P("@")
+local percent=P("%")
+local endofstring=P(-1)
+local hexdigit=R("09","AF","af")
+local plus=P("+")
+local nothing=Cc("")
+local okay=R("09","AZ","az")+S("-_.,:=+*~!'()@&$")
+local escapedchar=(percent*C(hexdigit*hexdigit))/unescapes
+local unescapedchar=P(1)/escapes
+local escaped=(plus/" ")+escapedchar
+local noslash=P("/")/""
+local plustospace=P("+")/" "
+local decoder=Cs((
+ plustospace+escapedchar+P("\r\n")/"\n"+P(1)
+ )^0 )
+local encoder=Cs((
+ R("09","AZ","az")^1+S("-./_")^1+P(" ")/"+"+P("\n")/"\r\n"+unescapedchar
+ )^0 )
+function url.decode (str) return str and lpegmatch(decoder,str) or str end
+function url.encode (str) return str and lpegmatch(encoder,str) or str end
+function url.unescape(str) return str and lpegmatch(unescaper,str) or str end
+local schemestr=Cs((escaped+(1-colon-slash-qmark-hash))^2)
+local authoritystr=Cs((escaped+(1- slash-qmark-hash))^0)
+local pathstr=Cs((escaped+(1- qmark-hash))^0)
+local querystr=Cs(((1- hash))^0)
+local fragmentstr=Cs((escaped+(1- endofstring))^0)
+local scheme=schemestr*colon+nothing
+local authority=slash*slash*authoritystr+nothing
+local path=slash*pathstr+nothing
+local query=qmark*querystr+nothing
+local fragment=hash*fragmentstr+nothing
+local validurl=scheme*authority*path*query*fragment
+local parser=Ct(validurl)
+local escaper=Cs((R("09","AZ","az")^1+P(" ")/"%%20"+S("-./_:")^1+P(1)/escapes)^0)
+local unescaper=Cs((escapedchar+1)^0)
+local getcleaner=Cs((P("+++")/"%%2B"+P("+")/"%%20"+P(1))^1)
+function url.unescapeget(str)
+ return lpegmatch(getcleaner,str)
+local function split(str)
+ return (type(str)=="string" and lpegmatch(parser,str)) or str
+local isscheme=schemestr*colon*slash*slash
+local function hasscheme(str)
+ if str then
+ local scheme=lpegmatch(isscheme,str)
+ return scheme~="" and scheme or false
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+local rootletter=R("az","AZ")+S("_-+")
+local separator=P("://")
+local qualified=P(".")^0*P("/")+rootletter*P(":")+rootletter^1*separator+rootletter^1*P("/")
+local rootbased=P("/")+rootletter*P(":")
+local barswapper=replacer("|",":")
+local backslashswapper=replacer("\\","/")
+local equal=P("=")
+local amp=P("&")
+local key=Cs(((plustospace+escapedchar+1)-equal )^0)
+local value=Cs(((plustospace+escapedchar+1)-amp-endofstring)^0)
+local splitquery=Cf (Ct("")*P { "sequence",
+ sequence=V("pair")*(amp*V("pair"))^0,
+ pair=Cg(key*equal*value),
+local userpart=(1-atsign-colon)^1
+local serverpart=(1-colon)^1
+local splitauthority=((Cs(userpart)*colon*Cs(userpart)+Cs(userpart)*Cc(nil))*atsign+Cc(nil)*Cc(nil))*Cs(serverpart)*(colon*(serverpart/tonumber)+Cc(nil))
+local function hashed(str)
+ if not str or str=="" then
+ return {
+ scheme="invalid",
+ original=str,
+ }
+ end
+ local detailed=split(str)
+ local rawscheme=""
+ local rawquery=""
+ local somescheme=false
+ local somequery=false
+ if detailed then
+ rawscheme=detailed[1]
+ rawquery=detailed[4]
+ somescheme=rawscheme~=""
+ somequery=rawquery~=""
+ end
+ if not somescheme and not somequery then
+ return {
+ scheme="file",
+ authority="",
+ path=str,
+ query="",
+ fragment="",
+ original=str,
+ noscheme=true,
+ filename=str,
+ }
+ end
+ local authority=detailed[2]
+ local path=detailed[3]
+ local filename
+ local username
+ local password
+ local host
+ local port
+ if authority~="" then
+ username,password,host,port=lpegmatch(splitauthority,authority)
+ end
+ if authority=="" then
+ filename=path
+ elseif path=="" then
+ filename=""
+ else
+ filename=authority.."/"..path
+ end
+ return {
+ scheme=rawscheme,
+ authority=authority,
+ path=path,
+ query=lpegmatch(unescaper,rawquery),
+ queries=lpegmatch(splitquery,rawquery),
+ fragment=detailed[5],
+ original=str,
+ noscheme=false,
+ filename=filename,
+ host=host,
+ port=port,
+ }
+function url.addscheme(str,scheme)
+ if hasscheme(str) then
+ return str
+ elseif not scheme then
+ return "file:///"..str
+ else
+ return scheme..":///"..str
+ end
+function url.construct(hash)
+ local result,r={},0
+ local scheme=hash.scheme
+ local authority=hash.authority
+ local path=hash.path
+ local queries=hash.queries
+ local fragment=hash.fragment
+ if scheme and scheme~="" then
+ r=r+1;result[r]=lpegmatch(escaper,scheme)
+ r=r+1;result[r]="://"
+ end
+ if authority and authority~="" then
+ r=r+1;result[r]=lpegmatch(escaper,authority)
+ end
+ if path and path~="" then
+ r=r+1;result[r]="/"
+ r=r+1;result[r]=lpegmatch(escaper,path)
+ end
+ if queries then
+ local done=false
+ for k,v in sortedhash(queries) do
+ r=r+1;result[r]=done and "&" or "?"
+ r=r+1;result[r]=lpegmatch(escaper,k)
+ r=r+1;result[r]="="
+ r=r+1;result[r]=lpegmatch(escaper,v)
+ done=true
+ end
+ end
+ if fragment and fragment~="" then
+ r=r+1;result[r]="#"
+ r=r+1;result[r]=lpegmatch(escaper,fragment)
+ end
+ return concat(result)
+local pattern=Cs(slash^-1/""*R("az","AZ")*((S(":|")/":")+P(":"))*slash*P(1)^0)
+function url.filename(filename)
+ local spec=hashed(filename)
+ local path=spec.path
+ return (spec.scheme=="file" and path and lpegmatch(pattern,path)) or filename
+local function escapestring(str)
+ return lpegmatch(escaper,str)
+function url.query(str)
+ if type(str)=="string" then
+ return lpegmatch(splitquery,str) or ""
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+function url.toquery(data)
+ local td=type(data)
+ if td=="string" then
+ return #str and escape(data) or nil
+ elseif td=="table" then
+ if next(data) then
+ local t={}
+ for k,v in next,data do
+ t[#t+1]=format("%s=%s",k,escapestring(v))
+ end
+ return concat(t,"&")
+ end
+ else
+ end
+local pattern=Cs(noslash^0*(1-noslash*P(-1))^0)
+function url.barepath(path)
+ if not path or path=="" then
+ return ""
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,path)
+ end
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-set']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+set=set or {}
+local nums={}
+local tabs={}
+local concat=table.concat
+local next,type=next,type
+function set.tonumber(t)
+ if next(t) then
+ local s=""
+ for k,v in next,t do
+ if v then
+ s=s.." "..k
+ end
+ end
+ local n=nums[s]
+ if not n then
+ n=#tabs+1
+ tabs[n]=t
+ nums[s]=n
+ end
+ return n
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+function set.totable(n)
+ if n==0 then
+ return {}
+ else
+ return tabs[n] or {}
+ end
+function set.tolist(n)
+ if n==0 or not tabs[n] then
+ return ""
+ else
+ local t,n={},0
+ for k,v in next,tabs[n] do
+ if v then
+ n=n+1
+ t[n]=k
+ end
+ end
+ return concat(t," ")
+ end
+function set.contains(n,s)
+ if type(n)=="table" then
+ return n[s]
+ elseif n==0 then
+ return false
+ else
+ local t=tabs[n]
+ return t and t[s]
+ end
+end -- closure
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-boolean.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-boolean.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f18d4c003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-boolean.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-boolean'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local type, tonumber = type, tonumber
+boolean = boolean or { }
+local boolean = boolean
+function boolean.tonumber(b)
+ if b then return 1 else return 0 end -- test and return or return
+function toboolean(str,tolerant) -- global
+ if str == nil then
+ return false
+ elseif str == false then
+ return false
+ elseif str == true then
+ return true
+ elseif str == "true" then
+ return true
+ elseif str == "false" then
+ return false
+ elseif not tolerant then
+ return false
+ elseif str == 0 then
+ return false
+ elseif (tonumber(str) or 0) > 0 then
+ return true
+ else
+ return str == "yes" or str == "on" or str == "t"
+ end
+string.toboolean = toboolean
+function string.booleanstring(str)
+ if str == "0" then
+ return false
+ elseif str == "1" then
+ return true
+ elseif str == "" then
+ return false
+ elseif str == "false" then
+ return false
+ elseif str == "true" then
+ return true
+ elseif (tonumber(str) or 0) > 0 then
+ return true
+ else
+ return str == "yes" or str == "on" or str == "t"
+ end
+function string.is_boolean(str,default,strict)
+ if type(str) == "string" then
+ if str == "true" or str == "yes" or str == "on" or str == "t" or (not strict and str == "1") then
+ return true
+ elseif str == "false" or str == "no" or str == "off" or str == "f" or (not strict and str == "0") then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return default
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-compat.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-compat.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..707f26b8b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-compat.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env texlua
+lualibs = lualibs or { }
+local stringgsub = string.gsub
+local stringlower = string.lower
+local next = next
+local Ct, splitat = lpeg.Ct, lpeg.splitat
+Needed by legacy luat-dum.lua.
+table.reverse_hash = function (h)
+ local r = { }
+ for k,v in next, h do
+ r[v] = stringlower(stringgsub(k," ",""))
+ end
+ return r
+Needed by legacy font-otn.lua.
+lpeg.splitters = { [" "] = Ct(splitat" ") }
+Needed by legacy font-nms.lua.
+file.split_path = file.splitpath
+file.collapse_path = file.collapsepath
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-dir.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-dir.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..325039cb1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-dir.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-dir'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- todo: dir.expandname will be sped up and merged with cleanpath and collapsepath
+-- todo: keep track of currentdir (chdir, pushdir, popdir)
+local type, select = type, select
+local find, gmatch, match, gsub, sub = string.find, string.gmatch, string.match, string.gsub, string.sub
+local concat, insert, remove, unpack = table.concat, table.insert, table.remove, table.unpack
+local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+local P, S, R, C, Cc, Cs, Ct, Cv, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cv, lpeg.V
+dir = dir or { }
+local dir = dir
+local lfs = lfs
+local attributes = lfs.attributes
+local walkdir = lfs.dir
+local isdir = lfs.isdir -- not robust, will be overloaded anyway
+local isfile = lfs.isfile -- not robust, will be overloaded anyway
+local currentdir = lfs.currentdir
+local chdir = lfs.chdir
+local mkdir = lfs.mkdir
+local onwindows = os.type == "windows" or find(os.getenv("PATH"),";",1,true)
+-- in case we load outside luatex
+if onwindows then
+ -- lfs.isdir does not like trailing /
+ -- lfs.dir accepts trailing /
+ local tricky = S("/\\") * P(-1)
+ isdir = function(name)
+ if lpegmatch(tricky,name) then
+ return attributes(name,"mode") == "directory"
+ else
+ return attributes(name.."/.","mode") == "directory"
+ end
+ end
+ isfile = function(name)
+ return attributes(name,"mode") == "file"
+ end
+ lfs.isdir = isdir
+ lfs.isfile = isfile
+ isdir = function(name)
+ return attributes(name,"mode") == "directory"
+ end
+ isfile = function(name)
+ return attributes(name,"mode") == "file"
+ end
+ lfs.isdir = isdir
+ lfs.isfile = isfile
+-- handy
+function dir.current()
+ return (gsub(currentdir(),"\\","/"))
+-- The next one is somewhat optimized but still slow but it's a pitty that the iterator
+-- doesn't return a mode too.
+local function glob_pattern_function(path,patt,recurse,action)
+ if isdir(path) then
+ local usedpath
+ if path == "/" then
+ usedpath = "/."
+ elseif not find(path,"/$") then
+ usedpath = path .. "/."
+ path = path .. "/"
+ else
+ usedpath = path
+ end
+ local dirs
+ local nofdirs = 0
+ for name, mode, size, time in walkdir(usedpath) do
+ if name ~= "." and name ~= ".." then
+ local full = path .. name
+ if mode == nil then
+ mode = attributes(full,'mode')
+ end
+ if mode == 'file' then
+ if not patt or find(full,patt) then
+ action(full,size,time)
+ end
+ elseif recurse and mode == "directory" then
+ if dirs then
+ nofdirs = nofdirs + 1
+ dirs[nofdirs] = full
+ else
+ nofdirs = 1
+ dirs = { full }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if dirs then
+ for i=1,nofdirs do
+ glob_pattern_function(dirs[i],patt,recurse,action)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function glob_pattern_table(path,patt,recurse,result)
+ if not result then
+ result = { }
+ end
+ local usedpath
+ if path == "/" then
+ usedpath = "/."
+ elseif not find(path,"/$") then
+ usedpath = path .. "/."
+ path = path .. "/"
+ else
+ usedpath = path
+ end
+ local dirs
+ local nofdirs = 0
+ local noffiles = #result
+ for name, mode in walkdir(usedpath) do
+ if name ~= "." and name ~= ".." then
+ local full = path .. name
+ if mode == nil then
+ mode = attributes(full,'mode')
+ end
+ if mode == 'file' then
+ if not patt or find(full,patt) then
+ noffiles = noffiles + 1
+ result[noffiles] = full
+ end
+ elseif recurse and mode == "directory" then
+ if dirs then
+ nofdirs = nofdirs + 1
+ dirs[nofdirs] = full
+ else
+ nofdirs = 1
+ dirs = { full }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if dirs then
+ for i=1,nofdirs do
+ glob_pattern_table(dirs[i],patt,recurse,result)
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+local function globpattern(path,patt,recurse,method)
+ local kind = type(method)
+ if patt and sub(patt,1,-3) == path then
+ patt = false
+ end
+ local okay = isdir(path)
+ if kind == "function" then
+ return okay and glob_pattern_function(path,patt,recurse,method) or { }
+ elseif kind == "table" then
+ return okay and glob_pattern_table(path,patt,recurse,method) or method
+ else
+ return okay and glob_pattern_table(path,patt,recurse,{ }) or { }
+ end
+dir.globpattern = globpattern
+-- never or seldom used so far:
+local function collectpattern(path,patt,recurse,result)
+ local ok, scanner
+ result = result or { }
+ if path == "/" then
+ ok, scanner, first = xpcall(function() return walkdir(path..".") end, function() end) -- kepler safe
+ else
+ ok, scanner, first = xpcall(function() return walkdir(path) end, function() end) -- kepler safe
+ end
+ if ok and type(scanner) == "function" then
+ if not find(path,"/$") then
+ path = path .. '/'
+ end
+ for name in scanner, first do -- cna be optimized
+ if name == "." then
+ -- skip
+ elseif name == ".." then
+ -- skip
+ else
+ local full = path .. name
+ local attr = attributes(full)
+ local mode = attr.mode
+ if mode == 'file' then
+ if find(full,patt) then
+ result[name] = attr
+ end
+ elseif recurse and mode == "directory" then
+ attr.list = collectpattern(full,patt,recurse)
+ result[name] = attr
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+dir.collectpattern = collectpattern
+local separator, pattern
+if onwindows then -- we could sanitize here
+ local slash = S("/\\") / "/"
+-- pattern = Ct {
+ pattern = {
+ [1] = (Cs(P(".") + slash^1) + Cs(R("az","AZ") * P(":") * slash^0) + Cc("./")) * V(2) * V(3),
+ [2] = Cs(((1-S("*?/\\"))^0 * slash)^0),
+ [3] = Cs(P(1)^0)
+ }
+else -- assume unix
+-- pattern = Ct {
+ pattern = {
+ [1] = (C(P(".") + P("/")^1) + Cc("./")) * V(2) * V(3),
+ [2] = C(((1-S("*?/"))^0 * P("/"))^0),
+ [3] = C(P(1)^0)
+ }
+local filter = Cs ( (
+ P("**") / ".*" +
+ P("*") / "[^/]*" +
+ P("?") / "[^/]" +
+ P(".") / "%%." +
+ P("+") / "%%+" +
+ P("-") / "%%-" +
+ P(1)
+)^0 )
+local function glob(str,t)
+ if type(t) == "function" then
+ if type(str) == "table" then
+ for s=1,#str do
+ glob(str[s],t)
+ end
+ elseif isfile(str) then
+ t(str)
+ else
+ local root, path, base = lpegmatch(pattern,str) -- we could use the file splitter
+ if root and path and base then
+ local recurse = find(base,"**",1,true) -- find(base,"%*%*")
+ local start = root .. path
+ local result = lpegmatch(filter,start .. base)
+ globpattern(start,result,recurse,t)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if type(str) == "table" then
+ local t = t or { }
+ for s=1,#str do
+ glob(str[s],t)
+ end
+ return t
+ elseif isfile(str) then
+ if t then
+ t[#t+1] = str
+ return t
+ else
+ return { str }
+ end
+ else
+ local root, path, base = lpegmatch(pattern,str) -- we could use the file splitter
+ if root and path and base then
+ local recurse = find(base,"**",1,true) -- find(base,"%*%*")
+ local start = root .. path
+ local result = lpegmatch(filter,start .. base)
+ return globpattern(start,result,recurse,t)
+ else
+ return { }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+dir.glob = glob
+-- local c = os.clock()
+-- local t = dir.glob("e:/**")
+-- local t = dir.glob("t:/sources/**")
+-- local t = dir.glob("t:/**")
+-- print(os.clock()-c,#t)
+-- for i=1,3000 do print(t[i]) end
+-- for i=1,10 do print(t[i]) end
+-- list = dir.glob("**/*.tif")
+-- list = dir.glob("/**/*.tif")
+-- list = dir.glob("./**/*.tif")
+-- list = dir.glob("oeps/**/*.tif")
+-- list = dir.glob("/oeps/**/*.tif")
+local function globfiles(path,recurse,func,files) -- func == pattern or function
+ if type(func) == "string" then
+ local s = func
+ func = function(name) return find(name,s) end
+ end
+ files = files or { }
+ local noffiles = #files
+ for name, mode in walkdir(path) do
+ if find(name,"^%.") then
+ --- skip
+ else
+ if mode == nil then
+ mode = attributes(name,'mode')
+ end
+ if mode == "directory" then
+ if recurse then
+ globfiles(path .. "/" .. name,recurse,func,files)
+ end
+ elseif mode == "file" then
+ if not func or func(name) then
+ noffiles = noffiles + 1
+ files[noffiles] = path .. "/" .. name
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return files
+dir.globfiles = globfiles
+local function globdirs(path,recurse,func,files) -- func == pattern or function
+ if type(func) == "string" then
+ local s = func
+ func = function(name) return find(name,s) end
+ end
+ files = files or { }
+ local noffiles = #files
+ for name, mode in walkdir(path) do
+ if find(name,"^%.") then
+ --- skip
+ else
+ if mode == nil then
+ mode = attributes(name,'mode')
+ end
+ if mode == "directory" then
+ if not func or func(name) then
+ noffiles = noffiles + 1
+ files[noffiles] = path .. "/" .. name
+ if recurse then
+ globdirs(path .. "/" .. name,recurse,func,files)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return files
+dir.globdirs = globdirs
+-- inspect(globdirs("e:/tmp"))
+-- t = dir.glob("c:/data/develop/context/sources/**/????-*.tex")
+-- t = dir.glob("c:/data/develop/tex/texmf/**/*.tex")
+-- t = dir.glob("c:/data/develop/context/texmf/**/*.tex")
+-- t = dir.glob("f:/minimal/tex/**/*")
+-- print("f:/minimal/tex/**/*"))
+-- print("*.tex"))
+ return concat(glob(pattern),"\n")
+-- mkdirs("temp")
+-- mkdirs("a/b/c")
+-- mkdirs(".","/a/b/c")
+-- mkdirs("a","b","c")
+local make_indeed = true -- false
+if onwindows then
+ function dir.mkdirs(...)
+ local n = select("#",...)
+ local str
+ if n == 1 then
+ str = select(1,...)
+ if isdir(str) then
+ return str, true
+ end
+ else
+ str = ""
+ for i=1,n do
+ local s = select(i,...)
+ if s == "" then
+ -- skip
+ elseif str == "" then
+ str = s
+ else
+ str = str .. "/" .. s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local pth = ""
+ local drive = false
+ local first, middle, last = match(str,"^(//)(//*)(.*)$")
+ if first then
+ -- empty network path == local path
+ else
+ first, last = match(str,"^(//)/*(.-)$")
+ if first then
+ middle, last = match(str,"([^/]+)/+(.-)$")
+ if middle then
+ pth = "//" .. middle
+ else
+ pth = "//" .. last
+ last = ""
+ end
+ else
+ first, middle, last = match(str,"^([a-zA-Z]:)(/*)(.-)$")
+ if first then
+ pth, drive = first .. middle, true
+ else
+ middle, last = match(str,"^(/*)(.-)$")
+ if not middle then
+ last = str
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for s in gmatch(last,"[^/]+") do
+ if pth == "" then
+ pth = s
+ elseif drive then
+ pth, drive = pth .. s, false
+ else
+ pth = pth .. "/" .. s
+ end
+ if make_indeed and not isdir(pth) then
+ mkdir(pth)
+ end
+ end
+ return pth, (isdir(pth) == true)
+ end
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("","","a","c"))
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("a"))
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("a:"))
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("a:/b/c"))
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("a:b/c"))
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("a:/bbb/c"))
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("/a/b/c"))
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("/aaa/b/c"))
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("//a/b/c"))
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("///a/b/c"))
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("a/bbb//ccc/"))
+ function dir.mkdirs(...)
+ local n = select("#",...)
+ local str, pth
+ if n == 1 then
+ str = select(1,...)
+ if isdir(str) then
+ return str, true
+ end
+ else
+ str = ""
+ for i=1,n do
+ local s = select(i,...)
+ if s and s ~= "" then -- we catch nil and false
+ if str ~= "" then
+ str = str .. "/" .. s
+ else
+ str = s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ str = gsub(str,"/+","/")
+ if find(str,"^/") then
+ pth = "/"
+ for s in gmatch(str,"[^/]+") do
+ local first = (pth == "/")
+ if first then
+ pth = pth .. s
+ else
+ pth = pth .. "/" .. s
+ end
+ if make_indeed and not first and not isdir(pth) then
+ mkdir(pth)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ pth = "."
+ for s in gmatch(str,"[^/]+") do
+ pth = pth .. "/" .. s
+ if make_indeed and not isdir(pth) then
+ mkdir(pth)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return pth, (isdir(pth) == true)
+ end
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("","","a","c"))
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("a"))
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("/a/b/c"))
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("/aaa/b/c"))
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("//a/b/c"))
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("///a/b/c"))
+ -- print(dir.mkdirs("a/bbb//ccc/"))
+dir.makedirs = dir.mkdirs
+ -- we can only define it here as it uses dir.chdir and we also need to
+ -- make sure we use the non sandboxed variant because otherwise we get
+ -- into a recursive loop due to usage of expandname in the file resolver
+ local chdir = sandbox and sandbox.original(chdir) or chdir
+ if onwindows then
+ local xcurrentdir = dir.current
+ function dir.expandname(str) -- will be merged with cleanpath and collapsepath\
+ local first, nothing, last = match(str,"^(//)(//*)(.*)$")
+ if first then
+ first = xcurrentdir() .. "/" -- xcurrentdir sanitizes
+ end
+ if not first then
+ first, last = match(str,"^(//)/*(.*)$")
+ end
+ if not first then
+ first, last = match(str,"^([a-zA-Z]:)(.*)$")
+ if first and not find(last,"^/") then
+ local d = currentdir() -- push / pop
+ if chdir(first) then
+ first = xcurrentdir() -- xcurrentdir sanitizes
+ end
+ chdir(d)
+ end
+ end
+ if not first then
+ first, last = xcurrentdir(), str
+ end
+ last = gsub(last,"//","/")
+ last = gsub(last,"/%./","/")
+ last = gsub(last,"^/*","")
+ first = gsub(first,"/*$","")
+ if last == "" or last == "." then
+ return first
+ else
+ return first .. "/" .. last
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ function dir.expandname(str) -- will be merged with cleanpath and collapsepath
+ if not find(str,"^/") then
+ str = currentdir() .. "/" .. str
+ end
+ str = gsub(str,"//","/")
+ str = gsub(str,"/%./","/")
+ str = gsub(str,"(.)/%.$","%1")
+ return str
+ end
+ end
+file.expandname = dir.expandname -- for convenience
+local stack = { }
+function dir.push(newdir)
+ local curdir = currentdir()
+ insert(stack,curdir)
+ if newdir and newdir ~= "" and chdir(newdir) then
+ return newdir
+ else
+ return curdir
+ end
+function dir.pop()
+ local d = remove(stack)
+ if d then
+ chdir(d)
+ end
+ return d
+local function found(...) -- can have nil entries
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ local path = select(i,...)
+ local kind = type(path)
+ if kind == "string" then
+ if isdir(path) then
+ return path
+ end
+ elseif kind == "table" then
+ -- here we asume no holes, i.e. an indexed table
+ local path = found(unpack(path))
+ if path then
+ return path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- return nil -- if we want print("crappath") to show something
+dir.found = found
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-extended-merged.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-extended-merged.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3fecf2c3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-extended-merged.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,4194 @@
+-- merged file : lualibs-extended-merged.lua
+-- parent file : lualibs-extended.lua
+-- merge date : Tue Aug 13 20:12:59 2019
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+utilities=utilities or {}
+utilities.strings=utilities.strings or {}
+local strings=utilities.strings
+local format,gsub,rep,sub,find=string.format,string.gsub,string.rep,string.sub,string.find
+local load,dump=load,string.dump
+local tonumber,type,tostring,next,setmetatable=tonumber,type,tostring,next,setmetatable
+local unpack,concat=table.unpack,table.concat
+local P,V,C,S,R,Ct,Cs,Cp,Carg,Cc=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.C,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cc
+local patterns,lpegmatch=lpeg.patterns,lpeg.match
+local utfchar,utfbyte,utflen=utf.char,utf.byte,utf.len
+local loadstripped=function(str,shortcuts)
+ if shortcuts then
+ return load(dump(load(str),true),nil,nil,shortcuts)
+ else
+ return load(dump(load(str),true))
+ end
+if not number then number={} end
+local stripzero=patterns.stripzero
+local stripzeros=patterns.stripzeros
+local newline=patterns.newline
+local endofstring=patterns.endofstring
+local anything=patterns.anything
+local whitespace=patterns.whitespace
+local spacer=patterns.spacer
+local spaceortab=patterns.spaceortab
+local digit=patterns.digit
+local sign=patterns.sign
+local period=patterns.period
+local ptf=1/65536
+local bpf=(7200/7227)/65536
+local function points(n)
+ if n==0 then
+ return "0pt"
+ end
+ n=tonumber(n)
+ if not n or n==0 then
+ return "0pt"
+ end
+ n=n*ptf
+ if n%1==0 then
+ return format("%ipt",n)
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(stripzeros,format("%.5fpt",n))
+local function basepoints(n)
+ if n==0 then
+ return "0pt"
+ end
+ n=tonumber(n)
+ if not n or n==0 then
+ return "0pt"
+ end
+ n=n*bpf
+ if n%1==0 then
+ return format("%ibp",n)
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(stripzeros,format("%.5fbp",n))
+local rubish=spaceortab^0*newline
+local anyrubish=spaceortab+newline
+local stripped=(spaceortab^1/"")*newline
+local leading=rubish^0/""
+local trailing=(anyrubish^1*endofstring)/""
+local redundant=rubish^3/"\n"
+local pattern=Cs(leading*(trailing+redundant+stripped+anything)^0)
+function strings.collapsecrlf(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+local repeaters={}
+function strings.newrepeater(str,offset)
+ offset=offset or 0
+ local s=repeaters[str]
+ if not s then
+ s={}
+ repeaters[str]=s
+ end
+ local t=s[offset]
+ if t then
+ return t
+ end
+ t={}
+ setmetatable(t,{ __index=function(t,k)
+ if not k then
+ return ""
+ end
+ local n=k+offset
+ local s=n>0 and rep(str,n) or ""
+ t[k]=s
+ return s
+ end })
+ s[offset]=t
+ return t
+local extra,tab,start=0,0,4,0
+local nspaces=strings.newrepeater(" ")
+local pattern=Carg(1)/function(t)
+ extra,tab,start=0,t or 7,1
+ end*Cs((
+ Cp()*
+ local current=(position-start+1)+extra
+ local spaces=tab-(current-1)%tab
+ if spaces>0 then
+ extra=extra+spaces-1
+ return nspaces[spaces]
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+ end+newline*Cp()/function(position)
+ extra,start=0,position
+ end+anything
+ )^1)
+function strings.tabtospace(str,tab)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,tab or 7)
+function string.utfpadding(s,n)
+ if not n or n==0 then
+ return ""
+ end
+ local l=utflen(s)
+ if n>0 then
+ return nspaces[n-l]
+ else
+ return nspaces[-n-l]
+ end
+local optionalspace=spacer^0
+local nospace=optionalspace/""
+local endofline=nospace*newline
+local stripend=(whitespace^1*endofstring)/""
+local normalline=(nospace*((1-optionalspace*(newline+endofstring))^1)*nospace)
+local stripempty=endofline^1/""
+local normalempty=endofline^1
+local singleempty=endofline*(endofline^0/"")
+local doubleempty=endofline*endofline^-1*(endofline^0/"")
+local stripstart=stripempty^0
+local intospace=whitespace^1/" "
+local noleading=whitespace^1/""
+local notrailing=noleading*endofstring
+local p_prune_normal=Cs (stripstart*(stripend+normalline+normalempty )^0 )
+local p_prune_collapse=Cs (stripstart*(stripend+normalline+doubleempty )^0 )
+local p_prune_noempty=Cs (stripstart*(stripend+normalline+singleempty )^0 )
+local p_prune_intospace=Cs (noleading*(notrailing+intospace+1 )^0 )
+local p_retain_normal=Cs ((normalline+normalempty )^0 )
+local p_retain_collapse=Cs ((normalline+doubleempty )^0 )
+local p_retain_noempty=Cs ((normalline+singleempty )^0 )
+local striplinepatterns={
+ ["prune"]=p_prune_normal,
+ ["prune and collapse"]=p_prune_collapse,
+ ["prune and no empty"]=p_prune_noempty,
+ ["prune and to space"]=p_prune_intospace,
+ ["retain"]=p_retain_normal,
+ ["retain and collapse"]=p_retain_collapse,
+ ["retain and no empty"]=p_retain_noempty,
+ ["collapse"]=patterns.collapser,
+setmetatable(striplinepatterns,{ __index=function(t,k) return p_prune_collapse end })
+function strings.striplines(str,how)
+ return str and lpegmatch(striplinepatterns[how],str) or str
+function strings.collapse(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(p_prune_intospace,str) or str
+function strings.nice(str)
+ str=gsub(str,"[:%-+_]+"," ")
+ return str
+local n=0
+local sequenced=table.sequenced
+function string.autodouble(s,sep)
+ if s==nil then
+ return '""'
+ end
+ local t=type(s)
+ if t=="number" then
+ return tostring(s)
+ end
+ if t=="table" then
+ return ('"'..sequenced(s,sep or ",")..'"')
+ end
+ return ('"'..tostring(s)..'"')
+function string.autosingle(s,sep)
+ if s==nil then
+ return "''"
+ end
+ local t=type(s)
+ if t=="number" then
+ return tostring(s)
+ end
+ if t=="table" then
+ return ("'"..sequenced(s,sep or ",").."'")
+ end
+ return ("'"..tostring(s).."'")
+local tracedchars={ [0]=
+ "[null]","[soh]","[stx]","[etx]","[eot]","[enq]","[ack]","[bel]",
+ "[bs]","[ht]","[lf]","[vt]","[ff]","[cr]","[so]","[si]",
+ "[dle]","[dc1]","[dc2]","[dc3]","[dc4]","[nak]","[syn]","[etb]",
+ "[can]","[em]","[sub]","[esc]","[fs]","[gs]","[rs]","[us]",
+ "[space]",
+function string.tracedchar(b)
+ if type(b)=="number" then
+ return tracedchars[b] or (utfchar(b).." (U+"..format("%05X",b)..")")
+ else
+ local c=utfbyte(b)
+ return tracedchars[c] or (b.." (U+"..(c and format("%05X",c) or "?????")..")")
+ end
+function number.signed(i)
+ if i>0 then
+ return "+",i
+ else
+ return "-",-i
+ end
+local two=digit*digit
+local three=two*digit
+local prefix=(Carg(1)*three)^1
+local splitter=Cs (
+ (((1-(three^1*period))^1+C(three))*prefix+C((1-period)^1))*(anything/""*Carg(2))*C(2)
+local splitter3=Cs (
+ three*prefix*endofstring+two*prefix*endofstring+digit*prefix*endofstring+three+two+digit
+function number.formatted(n,sep1,sep2)
+ if sep1==false then
+ if type(n)=="number" then
+ n=tostring(n)
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(splitter3,n,1,sep2 or ".")
+ else
+ if type(n)=="number" then
+ n=format("%0.2f",n)
+ end
+ if sep1==true then
+ return lpegmatch(splitter,n,1,".",",")
+ elseif sep1=="." then
+ return lpegmatch(splitter,n,1,sep1,sep2 or ",")
+ elseif sep1=="," then
+ return lpegmatch(splitter,n,1,sep1,sep2 or ".")
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(splitter,n,1,sep1 or ",",sep2 or ".")
+ end
+ end
+local p=Cs(
+ P("-")^0*(P("0")^1/"")^0*(1-period)^0*(period*P("0")^1*endofstring/""+period^0)*P(1-P("0")^1*endofstring)^0
+ )
+function number.compactfloat(n,fmt)
+ if n==0 then
+ return "0"
+ elseif n==1 then
+ return "1"
+ end
+ n=lpegmatch(p,format(fmt or "%0.3f",n))
+ if n=="." or n=="" or n=="-" then
+ return "0"
+ end
+ return n
+local zero=P("0")^1/""
+local plus=P("+")/""
+local minus=P("-")
+local separator=period
+local trailing=zero^1*#S("eE")
+local exponent=(S("eE")*(plus+Cs((minus*zero^0*endofstring)/"")+minus)*zero^0*(endofstring*Cc("0")+anything^1))
+local pattern_a=Cs(minus^0*digit^1*(separator/""*trailing+separator*(trailing+digit)^0)*exponent)
+local pattern_b=Cs((exponent+anything)^0)
+function number.sparseexponent(f,n)
+ if not n then
+ n=f
+ f="%e"
+ end
+ local tn=type(n)
+ if tn=="string" then
+ local m=tonumber(n)
+ if m then
+ return lpegmatch((f=="%e" or f=="%E") and pattern_a or pattern_b,format(f,m))
+ end
+ elseif tn=="number" then
+ return lpegmatch((f=="%e" or f=="%E") and pattern_a or pattern_b,format(f,n))
+ end
+ return tostring(n)
+local hf={}
+local hs={}
+setmetatable(hf,{ __index=function(t,k)
+ local v="%."..k.."f"
+ t[k]=v
+ return v
+end } )
+setmetatable(hs,{ __index=function(t,k)
+ local v="%"..k.."s"
+ t[k]=v
+ return v
+end } )
+function number.formattedfloat(n,b,a)
+ local s=format(hf[a],n)
+ local l=(b or 0)+(a or 0)+1
+ if #s<l then
+ return format(hs[l],s)
+ else
+ return s
+ end
+local template=[[
+return function(%s) return %s end
+local pattern=Cs(Cc('"')*(
+ (1-S('"\\\n\r'))^1+P('"')/'\\"'+P('\\')/'\\\\'+P('\n')/'\\n'+P('\r')/'\\r'
+function string.escapedquotes(s)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,s)
+local preamble=""
+local environment={
+ global=global or _G,
+ lpeg=lpeg,
+ type=type,
+ tostring=tostring,
+ tonumber=tonumber,
+ format=string.format,
+ concat=table.concat,
+ signed=number.signed,
+ points=number.points,
+ basepoints=number.basepoints,
+ utfchar=utf.char,
+ utfbyte=utf.byte,
+ lpegmatch=lpeg.match,
+ nspaces=string.nspaces,
+ utfpadding=string.utfpadding,
+ tracedchar=string.tracedchar,
+ autosingle=string.autosingle,
+ autodouble=string.autodouble,
+ sequenced=table.sequenced,
+ formattednumber=number.formatted,
+ sparseexponent=number.sparseexponent,
+ formattedfloat=number.formattedfloat,
+ stripzero=patterns.stripzero,
+ stripzeros=patterns.stripzeros,
+ escapedquotes=string.escapedquotes,
+ FORMAT=string.f9,
+local arguments={ "a1" }
+setmetatable(arguments,{ __index=function(t,k)
+ local v=t[k-1]..",a"..k
+ t[k]=v
+ return v
+ end
+local prefix_any=C((sign+space+period+digit)^0)
+local prefix_sub=(C((sign+digit)^0)+Cc(0))*period*(C((sign+digit)^0)+Cc(0))
+local prefix_tab=P("{")*C((1-P("}"))^0)*P("}")+C((1-R("az","AZ","09","%%"))^0)
+local format_s=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("format('%%%ss',a%s)",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("(a%s or '')",n)
+ end
+local format_S=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("format('%%%ss',tostring(a%s))",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("tostring(a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_right=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ f=tonumber(f)
+ if not f or f==0 then
+ return format("(a%s or '')",n)
+ elseif f>0 then
+ return format("utfpadding(a%s,%i)..a%s",n,f,n)
+ else
+ return format("a%s..utfpadding(a%s,%i)",n,n,f)
+ end
+local format_left=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ f=tonumber(f)
+ if not f or f==0 then
+ return format("(a%s or '')",n)
+ end
+ if f<0 then
+ return format("utfpadding(a%s,%i)..a%s",n,-f,n)
+ else
+ return format("a%s..utfpadding(a%s,%i)",n,n,-f)
+ end
+local format_q=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("(a%s ~= nil and format('%%q',tostring(a%s)) or '')",n,n)
+local format_Q=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("escapedquotes(tostring(a%s))",n)
+local format_i=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("format('%%%si',a%s)",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('%%i',a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_d=format_i
+local format_I=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%s%%%si',signed(a%s))",f,n)
+local format_f=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sf',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_F=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if not f or f=="" then
+ return format("(((a%s > -0.0000000005 and a%s < 0.0000000005) and '0') or format((a%s %% 1 == 0) and '%%i' or '%%.9f',a%s))",n,n,n,n)
+ else
+ return format("format((a%s %% 1 == 0) and '%%i' or '%%%sf',a%s)",n,f,n)
+ end
+local format_k=function(b,a)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("formattedfloat(a%s,%s,%s)",n,b or 0,a or 0)
+local format_g=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sg',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_G=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sG',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_e=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%se',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_E=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sE',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_j=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("sparseexponent('%%%se',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_J=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("sparseexponent('%%%sE',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_x=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sx',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_X=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%sX',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_o=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%so',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_c=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("utfchar(a%s)",n)
+local format_C=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("tracedchar(a%s)",n)
+local format_r=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ return format("format('%%%s.0f',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_h=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f=="-" then
+ f=sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('0x%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
+ end
+local format_H=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f=="-" then
+ f=sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('0x%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
+ end
+local format_u=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f=="-" then
+ f=sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('u+%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
+ end
+local format_U=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f=="-" then
+ f=sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('U+%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
+ end
+local format_p=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("points(a%s)",n)
+local format_b=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("basepoints(a%s)",n)
+local format_t=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("concat(a%s,%q)",n,f)
+ else
+ return format("concat(a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_T=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("sequenced(a%s,%q)",n,f)
+ else
+ return format("sequenced(a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_l=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("(a%s and 'true' or 'false')",n)
+local format_L=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("(a%s and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')",n)
+local format_n=function()
+ n=n+1
+ return format("((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s) or tostring(a%s))",n,n,n)
+local format_N=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if not f or f=="" then
+ f=".9"
+ end
+ return format("(((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s)) or lpegmatch(stripzero,format('%%%sf',a%s)))",n,n,f,n)
+local format_a=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("autosingle(a%s,%q)",n,f)
+ else
+ return format("autosingle(a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_A=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if f and f~="" then
+ return format("autodouble(a%s,%q)",n,f)
+ else
+ return format("autodouble(a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_w=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ f=tonumber(f)
+ if f then
+ return format("nspaces[%s+a%s]",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("nspaces[a%s]",n)
+ end
+local format_W=function(f)
+ return format("nspaces[%s]",tonumber(f) or 0)
+local format_m=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if not f or f=="" then
+ f=","
+ end
+ if f=="0" then
+ return format([[formattednumber(a%s,false)]],n)
+ else
+ return format([[formattednumber(a%s,%q,".")]],n,f)
+ end
+local format_M=function(f)
+ n=n+1
+ if not f or f=="" then
+ f="."
+ end
+ if f=="0" then
+ return format([[formattednumber(a%s,false)]],n)
+ else
+ return format([[formattednumber(a%s,%q,",")]],n,f)
+ end
+local format_z=function(f)
+ n=n+(tonumber(f) or 1)
+ return "''"
+local format_rest=function(s)
+ return format("%q",s)
+local format_extension=function(extensions,f,name)
+ local extension=extensions[name] or "tostring(%s)"
+ local f=tonumber(f) or 1
+ local w=find(extension,"%.%.%.")
+ if w then
+ if f==0 then
+ extension=gsub(extension,"%.%.%.","")
+ return extension
+ elseif f==1 then
+ extension=gsub(extension,"%.%.%.","%%s")
+ n=n+1
+ local a="a"..n
+ return format(extension,a,a)
+ elseif f<0 then
+ local a="a"..(n+f+1)
+ return format(extension,a,a)
+ else
+ extension=gsub(extension,"%.%.%.",rep("%%s,",f-1).."%%s")
+ local t={}
+ for i=1,f do
+ n=n+1
+ t[i]="a"..n
+ end
+ return format(extension,unpack(t))
+ end
+ else
+ extension=gsub(extension,"%%s",function()
+ n=n+1
+ return "a"..n
+ end)
+ return extension
+ end
+local builder=Cs { "start",
+ start=(
+ (
+ P("%")/""*(
+ V("!")
+ )+V("*")
+ )*(endofstring+Carg(1))
+ )^0,
+ ["s"]=(prefix_any*P("s"))/format_s,
+ ["q"]=(prefix_any*P("q"))/format_q,
+ ["i"]=(prefix_any*P("i"))/format_i,
+ ["d"]=(prefix_any*P("d"))/format_d,
+ ["f"]=(prefix_any*P("f"))/format_f,
+ ["F"]=(prefix_any*P("F"))/format_F,
+ ["g"]=(prefix_any*P("g"))/format_g,
+ ["G"]=(prefix_any*P("G"))/format_G,
+ ["e"]=(prefix_any*P("e"))/format_e,
+ ["E"]=(prefix_any*P("E"))/format_E,
+ ["x"]=(prefix_any*P("x"))/format_x,
+ ["X"]=(prefix_any*P("X"))/format_X,
+ ["o"]=(prefix_any*P("o"))/format_o,
+ ["S"]=(prefix_any*P("S"))/format_S,
+ ["Q"]=(prefix_any*P("Q"))/format_Q,
+ ["n"]=(prefix_any*P("n"))/format_n,
+ ["N"]=(prefix_any*P("N"))/format_N,
+ ["k"]=(prefix_sub*P("k"))/format_k,
+ ["c"]=(prefix_any*P("c"))/format_c,
+ ["C"]=(prefix_any*P("C"))/format_C,
+ ["r"]=(prefix_any*P("r"))/format_r,
+ ["h"]=(prefix_any*P("h"))/format_h,
+ ["H"]=(prefix_any*P("H"))/format_H,
+ ["u"]=(prefix_any*P("u"))/format_u,
+ ["U"]=(prefix_any*P("U"))/format_U,
+ ["p"]=(prefix_any*P("p"))/format_p,
+ ["b"]=(prefix_any*P("b"))/format_b,
+ ["t"]=(prefix_tab*P("t"))/format_t,
+ ["T"]=(prefix_tab*P("T"))/format_T,
+ ["l"]=(prefix_any*P("l"))/format_l,
+ ["L"]=(prefix_any*P("L"))/format_L,
+ ["I"]=(prefix_any*P("I"))/format_I,
+ ["w"]=(prefix_any*P("w"))/format_w,
+ ["W"]=(prefix_any*P("W"))/format_W,
+ ["j"]=(prefix_any*P("j"))/format_j,
+ ["J"]=(prefix_any*P("J"))/format_J,
+ ["m"]=(prefix_any*P("m"))/format_m,
+ ["M"]=(prefix_any*P("M"))/format_M,
+ ["z"]=(prefix_any*P("z"))/format_z,
+ ["a"]=(prefix_any*P("a"))/format_a,
+ ["A"]=(prefix_any*P("A"))/format_A,
+ ["<"]=(prefix_any*P("<"))/format_left,
+ [">"]=(prefix_any*P(">"))/format_right,
+ ["*"]=Cs(((1-P("%"))^1+P("%%")/"%%")^1)/format_rest,
+ ["?"]=Cs(((1-P("%"))^1 )^1)/format_rest,
+ ["!"]=Carg(2)*prefix_any*P("!")*C((1-P("!"))^1)*P("!")/format_extension,
+local xx=setmetatable({},{ __index=function(t,k) local v=format("%02x",k) t[k]=v return v end })
+local XX=setmetatable({},{ __index=function(t,k) local v=format("%02X",k) t[k]=v return v end })
+local preset={
+ ["%02x"]=function(n) return xx[n] end,
+ ["%02X"]=function(n) return XX[n] end,
+local direct=P("%")*(sign+space+period+digit)^0*S("sqidfgGeExXo")*endofstring/[[local format = string.format return function(str) return format("%0",str) end]]
+local function make(t,str)
+ local f=preset[str]
+ if f then
+ return f
+ end
+ local p=lpegmatch(direct,str)
+ if p then
+ f=loadstripped(p)()
+ else
+ n=0
+ p=lpegmatch(builder,str,1,t._connector_,t._extensions_)
+ if n>0 then
+ p=format(template,preamble,t._preamble_,arguments[n],p)
+ f=loadstripped(p,t._environment_)()
+ else
+ f=function() return str end
+ end
+ end
+ t[str]=f
+ return f
+local function use(t,fmt,...)
+ return t[fmt](...)
+ local e={}
+ for k,v in next,environment do
+ e[k]=v
+ end
+ local t={
+ _type_="formatter",
+ _connector_=noconcat and "," or "..",
+ _extensions_={},
+ _preamble_="",
+ _environment_=e,
+ }
+ setmetatable(t,{ __index=make,__call=use })
+ return t
+string.formatter=function(str,...) return formatters[str](...) end
+local function add(t,name,template,preamble)
+ if type(t)=="table" and t._type_=="formatter" then
+ t._extensions_[name]=template or "%s"
+ if type(preamble)=="string" then
+ t._preamble_=preamble.."\n"..t._preamble_
+ elseif type(preamble)=="table" then
+ for k,v in next,preamble do
+ t._environment_[k]=v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+add(formatters,"xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],{ xmlescape=patterns.xmlescape })
+add(formatters,"tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],{ texescape=patterns.texescape })
+add(formatters,"lua",[[lpegmatch(luaescape,%s)]],{ luaescape=patterns.luaescape })
+local dquote=patterns.dquote
+local equote=patterns.escaped+dquote/'\\"'+1
+local cquote=Cc('"')
+local pattern=Cs(dquote*(equote-P(-2))^0*dquote)
+function string.optionalquoted(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str) or str
+local pattern=Cs((newline/(os.newline or "\r")+1)^0)
+function string.replacenewlines(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+function strings.newcollector()
+ local result,r={},0
+ return
+ function(fmt,str,...)
+ r=r+1
+ result[r]=str==nil and fmt or formatters[fmt](str,...)
+ end,
+ function(connector)
+ if result then
+ local str=concat(result,connector)
+ result,r={},0
+ return str
+ end
+ end
+local f_16_16=formatters["%0.5N"]
+function number.to16dot16(n)
+ return f_16_16(n/65536.0)
+if not string.explode then
+ local tsplitat=lpeg.tsplitat
+ local p_utf=patterns.utf8character
+ local p_check=C(p_utf)*(P("+")*Cc(true))^0
+ local p_split=Ct(C(p_utf)^0)
+ local p_space=Ct((C(1-P(" ")^1)+P(" ")^1)^0)
+ function string.explode(str,symbol)
+ if symbol=="" then
+ return lpegmatch(p_split,str)
+ elseif symbol then
+ local a,b=lpegmatch(p_check,symbol)
+ if b then
+ return lpegmatch(tsplitat(P(a)^1),str)
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(tsplitat(a),str)
+ end
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(p_space,str)
+ end
+ end
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-fil']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local byte=string.byte
+local char=string.char
+utilities=utilities or {}
+local files={}
+local zerobased={}
+ local,"rb")
+ if f then
+ zerobased[f]=zb or false
+ end
+ return f
+function files.close(f)
+ zerobased[f]=nil
+ f:close()
+function files.size(f)
+ local current=f:seek()
+ local size=f:seek("end")
+ f:seek("set",current)
+ return size
+function files.setposition(f,n)
+ if zerobased[f] then
+ f:seek("set",n)
+ else
+ f:seek("set",n-1)
+ end
+function files.getposition(f)
+ if zerobased[f] then
+ return f:seek()
+ else
+ return f:seek()+1
+ end
+function files.look(f,n,chars)
+ local p=f:seek()
+ local s=f:read(n)
+ f:seek("set",p)
+ if chars then
+ return s
+ else
+ return byte(s,1,#s)
+ end
+function files.skip(f,n)
+ if n==1 then
+ f:read(n)
+ else
+ f:seek("set",f:seek()+n)
+ end
+function files.readbyte(f)
+ return byte(f:read(1))
+function files.readbytes(f,n)
+ return byte(f:read(n),1,n)
+function files.readbytetable(f,n)
+ local s=f:read(n or 1)
+ return { byte(s,1,#s) }
+function files.readchar(f)
+ return f:read(1)
+function files.readstring(f,n)
+ return f:read(n or 1)
+function files.readinteger1(f)
+ local n=byte(f:read(1))
+ if n>=0x80 then
+ return n-0x100
+ else
+ return n
+ end
+function files.readcardinal2(f)
+ local a,b=byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+ return 0x100*a+b
+function files.readcardinal2le(f)
+ local b,a=byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+ return 0x100*a+b
+function files.readinteger2(f)
+ local a,b=byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+ if a>=0x80 then
+ return 0x100*a+b-0x10000
+ else
+ return 0x100*a+b
+ end
+function files.readinteger2le(f)
+ local b,a=byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+ if a>=0x80 then
+ return 0x100*a+b-0x10000
+ else
+ return 0x100*a+b
+ end
+function files.readcardinal3(f)
+ local a,b,c=byte(f:read(3),1,3)
+ return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c
+function files.readcardinal3le(f)
+ local c,b,a=byte(f:read(3),1,3)
+ return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c
+function files.readinteger3(f)
+ local a,b,c=byte(f:read(3),1,3)
+ if a>=0x80 then
+ return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c-0x1000000
+ else
+ return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c
+ end
+function files.readinteger3le(f)
+ local c,b,a=byte(f:read(3),1,3)
+ if a>=0x80 then
+ return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c-0x1000000
+ else
+ return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c
+ end
+function files.readcardinal4(f)
+ local a,b,c,d=byte(f:read(4),1,4)
+ return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d
+function files.readcardinal4le(f)
+ local d,c,b,a=byte(f:read(4),1,4)
+ return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d
+function files.readinteger4(f)
+ local a,b,c,d=byte(f:read(4),1,4)
+ if a>=0x80 then
+ return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d-0x100000000
+ else
+ return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d
+ end
+function files.readinteger4le(f)
+ local d,c,b,a=byte(f:read(4),1,4)
+ if a>=0x80 then
+ return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d-0x100000000
+ else
+ return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d
+ end
+function files.readfixed2(f)
+ local a,b=byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+ if a>=0x80 then
+ return (a-0x100)+b/0x100
+ else
+ return (a )+b/0x100
+ end
+function files.readfixed4(f)
+ local a,b,c,d=byte(f:read(4),1,4)
+ if a>=0x80 then
+ return (0x100*a+b-0x10000)+(0x100*c+d)/0x10000
+ else
+ return (0x100*a+b )+(0x100*c+d)/0x10000
+ end
+if bit32 then
+ local extract=bit32.extract
+ local
+ function files.read2dot14(f)
+ local a,b=byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+ if a>=0x80 then
+ local n=-(0x100*a+b)
+ return-(extract(n,14,2)+(band(n,0x3FFF)/16384.0))
+ else
+ local n=0x100*a+b
+ return (extract(n,14,2)+(band(n,0x3FFF)/16384.0))
+ end
+ end
+function files.skipshort(f,n)
+ f:read(2*(n or 1))
+function files.skiplong(f,n)
+ f:read(4*(n or 1))
+if bit32 then
+ local rshift=bit32.rshift
+ function files.writecardinal2(f,n)
+ local a=char(n%256)
+ n=rshift(n,8)
+ local b=char(n%256)
+ f:write(b,a)
+ end
+ local floor=math.floor
+ function files.writecardinal2(f,n)
+ local a=char(n%256)
+ n=floor(n/256)
+ local b=char(n%256)
+ f:write(b,a)
+ end
+function files.writecardinal4(f,n)
+ local a=char(n%256)
+ n=rshift(n,8)
+ local b=char(n%256)
+ n=rshift(n,8)
+ local c=char(n%256)
+ n=rshift(n,8)
+ local d=char(n%256)
+ f:write(d,c,b,a)
+function files.writestring(f,s)
+ f:write(char(byte(s,1,#s)))
+function files.writebyte(f,b)
+ f:write(char(b))
+if fio and fio.readcardinal1 then
+ files.readcardinal1=fio.readcardinal1
+ files.readcardinal2=fio.readcardinal2
+ files.readcardinal3=fio.readcardinal3
+ files.readcardinal4=fio.readcardinal4
+ files.readinteger1=fio.readinteger1
+ files.readinteger2=fio.readinteger2
+ files.readinteger3=fio.readinteger3
+ files.readinteger4=fio.readinteger4
+ files.readfixed2=fio.readfixed2
+ files.readfixed4=fio.readfixed4
+ files.read2dot14=fio.read2dot14
+ files.setposition=fio.setposition
+ files.getposition=fio.getposition
+ files.readbyte=files.readcardinal1
+ files.readsignedbyte=files.readinteger1
+ files.readcardinal=files.readcardinal1
+ files.readinteger=files.readinteger1
+ local skipposition=fio.skipposition
+ files.skipposition=skipposition
+ files.readbytes=fio.readbytes
+ files.readbytetable=fio.readbytetable
+ function files.skipshort(f,n)
+ skipposition(f,2*(n or 1))
+ end
+ function files.skiplong(f,n)
+ skipposition(f,4*(n or 1))
+ end
+if fio and fio.readcardinaltable then
+ files.readcardinaltable=fio.readcardinaltable
+ files.readintegertable=fio.readintegertable
+ local readcardinal1=files.readcardinal1
+ local readcardinal2=files.readcardinal2
+ local readcardinal3=files.readcardinal3
+ local readcardinal4=files.readcardinal4
+ function files.readcardinaltable(f,n,b)
+ local t={}
+ if b==1 then for i=1,n do t[i]=readcardinal1(f) end
+ elseif b==2 then for i=1,n do t[i]=readcardinal2(f) end
+ elseif b==3 then for i=1,n do t[i]=readcardinal3(f) end
+ elseif b==4 then for i=1,n do t[i]=readcardinal4(f) end end
+ return t
+ end
+ local readinteger1=files.readinteger1
+ local readinteger2=files.readinteger2
+ local readinteger3=files.readinteger3
+ local readinteger4=files.readinteger4
+ function files.readintegertable(f,n,b)
+ local t={}
+ if b==1 then for i=1,n do t[i]=readinteger1(f) end
+ elseif b==2 then for i=1,n do t[i]=readinteger2(f) end
+ elseif b==3 then for i=1,n do t[i]=readinteger3(f) end
+ elseif b==4 then for i=1,n do t[i]=readinteger4(f) end end
+ return t
+ end
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-tab']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+utilities=utilities or {}
+utilities.tables=utilities.tables or {}
+local tables=utilities.tables
+local format,gmatch,gsub,sub=string.format,string.gmatch,string.gsub,string.sub
+local concat,insert,remove,sort=table.concat,table.insert,table.remove,table.sort
+local setmetatable,getmetatable,tonumber,tostring,rawget=setmetatable,getmetatable,tonumber,tostring,rawget
+local type,next,rawset,tonumber,tostring,load,select=type,next,rawset,tonumber,tostring,load,select
+local lpegmatch,P,Cs,Cc=lpeg.match,lpeg.P,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc
+local sortedkeys,sortedpairs=table.sortedkeys,table.sortedpairs
+local formatters=string.formatters
+local utftoeight=utf.toeight
+local splitter=lpeg.tsplitat(".")
+function utilities.tables.definetable(target,nofirst,nolast)
+ local composed=nil
+ local t={}
+ local snippets=lpegmatch(splitter,target)
+ for i=1,#snippets-(nolast and 1 or 0) do
+ local name=snippets[i]
+ if composed then
+ composed=composed.."."
+ t[#t+1]=formatters["if not %s then %s = { } end"](composed,composed)
+ else
+ composed=name
+ if not nofirst then
+ t[#t+1]=formatters["%s = %s or { }"](composed,composed)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if composed then
+ if nolast then
+ composed=composed.."."..snippets[#snippets]
+ end
+ return concat(t,"\n"),composed
+ else
+ return "",target
+ end
+function tables.definedtable(...)
+ local t=_G
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ local li=select(i,...)
+ local tl=t[li]
+ if not tl then
+ tl={}
+ t[li]=tl
+ end
+ t=tl
+ end
+ return t
+function tables.accesstable(target,root)
+ local t=root or _G
+ for name in gmatch(target,"([^%.]+)") do
+ t=t[name]
+ if not t then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+function tables.migratetable(target,v,root)
+ local t=root or _G
+ local names=lpegmatch(splitter,target)
+ for i=1,#names-1 do
+ local name=names[i]
+ t[name]=t[name] or {}
+ t=t[name]
+ if not t then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ t[names[#names]]=v
+function tables.removevalue(t,value)
+ if value then
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i]==value then
+ remove(t,i)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function tables.replacevalue(t,oldvalue,newvalue)
+ if oldvalue and newvalue then
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i]==oldvalue then
+ t[i]=newvalue
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function tables.insertbeforevalue(t,value,extra)
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i]==extra then
+ remove(t,i)
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i]==value then
+ insert(t,i,extra)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ insert(t,1,extra)
+function tables.insertaftervalue(t,value,extra)
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i]==extra then
+ remove(t,i)
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i]==value then
+ insert(t,i+1,extra)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ insert(t,#t+1,extra)
+local escape=Cs(Cc('"')*((P('"')/'""'+P(1))^0)*Cc('"'))
+function table.tocsv(t,specification)
+ if t and #t>0 then
+ local result={}
+ local r={}
+ specification=specification or {}
+ local fields=specification.fields
+ if type(fields)~="string" then
+ fields=sortedkeys(t[1])
+ end
+ local separator=specification.separator or ","
+ local noffields=#fields
+ if specification.preamble==true then
+ for f=1,noffields do
+ r[f]=lpegmatch(escape,tostring(fields[f]))
+ end
+ result[1]=concat(r,separator)
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local ti=t[i]
+ for f=1,noffields do
+ local field=ti[fields[f]]
+ if type(field)=="string" then
+ r[f]=lpegmatch(escape,field)
+ else
+ r[f]=tostring(field)
+ end
+ end
+ result[i+1]=concat(r,separator)
+ end
+ return concat(result,"\n")
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+local nspaces=utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ")
+local function toxml(t,d,result,step)
+ local r=#result
+ for k,v in sortedpairs(t) do
+ local s=nspaces[d]
+ local tk=type(k)
+ local tv=type(v)
+ if tv=="table" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ r=r+1 result[r]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>"](s,k)
+ toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
+ r=r+1 result[r]=formatters["%s</entry>"](s,k)
+ else
+ r=r+1 result[r]=formatters["%s<%s>"](s,k)
+ toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
+ r=r+1 result[r]=formatters["%s</%s>"](s,k)
+ end
+ elseif tv=="string" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ r=r+1 result[r]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>%!xml!</entry>"](s,k,v,k)
+ else
+ r=r+1 result[r]=formatters["%s<%s>%!xml!</%s>"](s,k,v,k)
+ end
+ elseif tk=="number" then
+ r=r+1 result[r]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>%S</entry>"](s,k,v,k)
+ else
+ r=r+1 result[r]=formatters["%s<%s>%S</%s>"](s,k,v,k)
+ end
+ end
+function table.toxml(t,specification)
+ specification=specification or {}
+ local
+ local noroot=name==false
+ local result=(specification.nobanner or noroot) and {} or { "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>" }
+ local indent=specification.indent or 0
+ local spaces=specification.spaces or 1
+ if noroot then
+ toxml(t,indent,result,spaces)
+ else
+ toxml({ [name or "data"]=t },indent,result,spaces)
+ end
+ return concat(result,"\n")
+function tables.encapsulate(core,capsule,protect)
+ if type(capsule)~="table" then
+ protect=true
+ capsule={}
+ end
+ for key,value in next,core do
+ if capsule[key] then
+ print(formatters["\ninvalid %s %a in %a"]("inheritance",key,core))
+ os.exit()
+ else
+ capsule[key]=value
+ end
+ end
+ if protect then
+ for key,value in next,core do
+ core[key]=nil
+ end
+ setmetatable(core,{
+ __index=capsule,
+ __newindex=function(t,key,value)
+ if capsule[key] then
+ print(formatters["\ninvalid %s %a' in %a"]("overload",key,core))
+ os.exit()
+ else
+ rawset(t,key,value)
+ end
+ end
+ } )
+ end
+local f_hashed_string=formatters["[%Q]=%Q,"]
+local f_hashed_number=formatters["[%Q]=%s,"]
+local f_hashed_boolean=formatters["[%Q]=%l,"]
+local f_hashed_table=formatters["[%Q]="]
+local f_indexed_string=formatters["[%s]=%Q,"]
+local f_indexed_number=formatters["[%s]=%s,"]
+local f_indexed_boolean=formatters["[%s]=%l,"]
+local f_indexed_table=formatters["[%s]="]
+local f_ordered_string=formatters["%Q,"]
+local f_ordered_number=formatters["%s,"]
+local f_ordered_boolean=formatters["%l,"]
+function table.fastserialize(t,prefix)
+ local r={ type(prefix)=="string" and prefix or "return" }
+ local m=1
+ local function fastserialize(t,outer)
+ local n=#t
+ m=m+1
+ r[m]="{"
+ if n>0 then
+ for i=0,n do
+ local v=t[i]
+ local tv=type(v)
+ if tv=="string" then
+ m=m+1 r[m]=f_ordered_string(v)
+ elseif tv=="number" then
+ m=m+1 r[m]=f_ordered_number(v)
+ elseif tv=="table" then
+ fastserialize(v)
+ elseif tv=="boolean" then
+ m=m+1 r[m]=f_ordered_boolean(v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for k,v in next,t do
+ local tk=type(k)
+ if tk=="number" then
+ if k>n or k<0 then
+ local tv=type(v)
+ if tv=="string" then
+ m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_string(k,v)
+ elseif tv=="number" then
+ m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_number(k,v)
+ elseif tv=="table" then
+ m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_table(k)
+ fastserialize(v)
+ elseif tv=="boolean" then
+ m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_boolean(k,v)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local tv=type(v)
+ if tv=="string" then
+ m=m+1 r[m]=f_hashed_string(k,v)
+ elseif tv=="number" then
+ m=m+1 r[m]=f_hashed_number(k,v)
+ elseif tv=="table" then
+ m=m+1 r[m]=f_hashed_table(k)
+ fastserialize(v)
+ elseif tv=="boolean" then
+ m=m+1 r[m]=f_hashed_boolean(k,v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ m=m+1
+ if outer then
+ r[m]="}"
+ else
+ r[m]="},"
+ end
+ return r
+ end
+ return concat(fastserialize(t,true))
+function table.deserialize(str)
+ if not str or str=="" then
+ return
+ end
+ local code=load(str)
+ if not code then
+ return
+ end
+ code=code()
+ if not code then
+ return
+ end
+ return code
+function table.load(filename,loader)
+ if filename then
+ local t=(loader or io.loaddata)(filename)
+ if t and t~="" then
+ local t=utftoeight(t)
+ t=load(t)
+ if type(t)=="function" then
+ t=t()
+ if type(t)=="table" then
+ return t
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ io.savedata(filename,table.serialize(t,n==nil and true or n,...))
+local f_key_value=formatters["%s=%q"]
+local f_add_table=formatters[" {%t},\n"]
+local f_return_table=formatters["return {\n%t}"]
+local function slowdrop(t)
+ local r={}
+ local l={}
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local ti=t[i]
+ local j=0
+ for k,v in next,ti do
+ j=j+1
+ l[j]=f_key_value(k,v)
+ end
+ r[i]=f_add_table(l)
+ end
+ return f_return_table(r)
+local function fastdrop(t)
+ local r={ "return {\n" }
+ local m=1
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local ti=t[i]
+ m=m+1 r[m]=" {"
+ for k,v in next,ti do
+ m=m+1 r[m]=f_key_value(k,v)
+ end
+ m=m+1 r[m]="},\n"
+ end
+ m=m+1
+ r[m]="}"
+ return concat(r)
+function table.drop(t,slow)
+ if #t==0 then
+ return "return { }"
+ elseif slow==true then
+ return slowdrop(t)
+ else
+ return fastdrop(t)
+ end
+local selfmapper={ __index=function(t,k) t[k]=k return k end }
+function table.twowaymapper(t)
+ if not t then
+ t={}
+ else
+ local zero=rawget(t,0)
+ for i=zero and 0 or 1,#t do
+ local ti=t[i]
+ if ti then
+ local i=tostring(i)
+ t[i]=ti
+ t[ti]=i
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ setmetatable(t,selfmapper)
+ return t
+local f_start_key_idx=formatters["%w{"]
+local f_start_key_num=formatters["%w[%s]={"]
+local f_start_key_str=formatters["%w[%q]={"]
+local f_start_key_boo=formatters["%w[%l]={"]
+local f_start_key_nop=formatters["%w{"]
+local f_stop=formatters["%w},"]
+local f_key_num_value_num=formatters["%w[%s]=%s,"]
+local f_key_str_value_num=formatters["%w[%Q]=%s,"]
+local f_key_boo_value_num=formatters["%w[%l]=%s,"]
+local f_key_num_value_str=formatters["%w[%s]=%Q,"]
+local f_key_str_value_str=formatters["%w[%Q]=%Q,"]
+local f_key_boo_value_str=formatters["%w[%l]=%Q,"]
+local f_key_num_value_boo=formatters["%w[%s]=%l,"]
+local f_key_str_value_boo=formatters["%w[%Q]=%l,"]
+local f_key_boo_value_boo=formatters["%w[%l]=%l,"]
+local f_key_num_value_not=formatters["%w[%s]={},"]
+local f_key_str_value_not=formatters["%w[%Q]={},"]
+local f_key_boo_value_not=formatters["%w[%l]={},"]
+local f_key_num_value_seq=formatters["%w[%s]={ %, t },"]
+local f_key_str_value_seq=formatters["%w[%Q]={ %, t },"]
+local f_key_boo_value_seq=formatters["%w[%l]={ %, t },"]
+local f_val_num=formatters["%w%s,"]
+local f_val_str=formatters["%w%Q,"]
+local f_val_boo=formatters["%w%l,"]
+local f_val_not=formatters["%w{},"]
+local f_val_seq=formatters["%w{ %, t },"]
+local f_fin_seq=formatters[" %, t }"]
+local f_table_return=formatters["return {"]
+local f_table_name=formatters["%s={"]
+local f_table_direct=formatters["{"]
+local f_table_entry=formatters["[%Q]={"]
+local f_table_finish=formatters["}"]
+local spaces=utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ")
+local original_serialize=table.serialize
+local is_simple_table=table.is_simple_table
+local function serialize(root,name,specification)
+ if type(specification)=="table" then
+ return original_serialize(root,name,specification)
+ end
+ local t
+ local n=1
+ local unknown=false
+ local function do_serialize(root,name,depth,level,indexed)
+ if level>0 then
+ n=n+1
+ if indexed then
+ t[n]=f_start_key_idx(depth)
+ else
+ local tn=type(name)
+ if tn=="number" then
+ t[n]=f_start_key_num(depth,name)
+ elseif tn=="string" then
+ t[n]=f_start_key_str(depth,name)
+ elseif tn=="boolean" then
+ t[n]=f_start_key_boo(depth,name)
+ else
+ t[n]=f_start_key_nop(depth)
+ end
+ end
+ depth=depth+1
+ end
+ if root and next(root)~=nil then
+ local first=nil
+ local last=#root
+ if last>0 then
+ for k=1,last do
+ if rawget(root,k)==nil then
+ last=k-1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if last>0 then
+ first=1
+ end
+ end
+ local sk=sortedkeys(root)
+ for i=1,#sk do
+ local k=sk[i]
+ local v=root[k]
+ local tv=type(v)
+ local tk=type(k)
+ if first and tk=="number" and k<=last and k>=first then
+ if tv=="number" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_num(depth,v)
+ elseif tv=="string" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_str(depth,v)
+ elseif tv=="table" then
+ if next(v)==nil then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_not(depth)
+ else
+ local st=is_simple_table(v)
+ if st then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_seq(depth,st)
+ else
+ do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1,true)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif tv=="boolean" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_boo(depth,v)
+ elseif unknown then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_str(depth,tostring(v))
+ end
+ elseif tv=="number" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_num(depth,k,v)
+ elseif tk=="string" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_num(depth,k,v)
+ elseif tk=="boolean" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_num(depth,k,v)
+ elseif unknown then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_num(depth,tostring(k),v)
+ end
+ elseif tv=="string" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_str(depth,k,v)
+ elseif tk=="string" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_str(depth,k,v)
+ elseif tk=="boolean" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_str(depth,k,v)
+ elseif unknown then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_str(depth,tostring(k),v)
+ end
+ elseif tv=="table" then
+ if next(v)==nil then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_not(depth,k)
+ elseif tk=="string" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_not(depth,k)
+ elseif tk=="boolean" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_not(depth,k)
+ elseif unknown then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_not(depth,tostring(k))
+ end
+ else
+ local st=is_simple_table(v)
+ if not st then
+ do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1)
+ elseif tk=="number" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_seq(depth,k,st)
+ elseif tk=="string" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_seq(depth,k,st)
+ elseif tk=="boolean" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_seq(depth,k,st)
+ elseif unknown then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_seq(depth,tostring(k),st)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif tv=="boolean" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_boo(depth,k,v)
+ elseif tk=="string" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_boo(depth,k,v)
+ elseif tk=="boolean" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_boo(depth,k,v)
+ elseif unknown then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_boo(depth,tostring(k),v)
+ end
+ else
+ if tk=="number" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_str(depth,k,tostring(v))
+ elseif tk=="string" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_str(depth,k,tostring(v))
+ elseif tk=="boolean" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_str(depth,k,tostring(v))
+ elseif unknown then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_str(depth,tostring(k),tostring(v))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if level>0 then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_stop(depth-1)
+ end
+ end
+ local tname=type(name)
+ if tname=="string" then
+ if name=="return" then
+ t={ f_table_return() }
+ else
+ t={ f_table_name(name) }
+ end
+ elseif tname=="number" then
+ t={ f_table_entry(name) }
+ elseif tname=="boolean" then
+ if name then
+ t={ f_table_return() }
+ else
+ t={ f_table_direct() }
+ end
+ else
+ t={ f_table_name("t") }
+ end
+ if root then
+ if getmetatable(root) then
+ local dummy=root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_
+ root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_=nil
+ end
+ if next(root)~=nil then
+ local st=is_simple_table(root)
+ if st then
+ return t[1]..f_fin_seq(st)
+ else
+ do_serialize(root,name,1,0)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ n=n+1
+ t[n]=f_table_finish()
+ return concat(t,"\n")
+if setinspector then
+ setinspector("table",function(v)
+ if type(v)=="table" then
+ print(serialize(v,"table",{ metacheck=false }))
+ return true
+ end
+ end)
+local mt={
+ __newindex=function(t,k,v)
+ local n=t.last+1
+ t.last=n
+ t.list[n]=k
+ t.hash[k]=v
+ end,
+ __index=function(t,k)
+ return t.hash[k]
+ end,
+ __len=function(t)
+ return t.last
+ end,
+function table.orderedhash()
+ return setmetatable({ list={},hash={},last=0 },mt)
+function table.ordered(t)
+ local n=t.last
+ if n>0 then
+ local l=t.list
+ local i=1
+ local h=t.hash
+ local f=function()
+ if i<=n then
+ local k=i
+ local v=h[l[k]]
+ i=i+1
+ return k,v
+ end
+ end
+ return f,1,h[l[1]]
+ else
+ return function() end
+ end
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-sto']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local setmetatable,getmetatable,rawset,type=setmetatable,getmetatable,rawset,type
+utilities=utilities or {} or {}
+function storage.mark(t)
+ if not t then
+ print("\nfatal error: storage cannot be marked\n")
+ os.exit()
+ return
+ end
+ local m=getmetatable(t)
+ if not m then
+ m={}
+ setmetatable(t,m)
+ end
+ m.__storage__=true
+ return t
+function storage.allocate(t)
+ t=t or {}
+ local m=getmetatable(t)
+ if not m then
+ m={}
+ setmetatable(t,m)
+ end
+ m.__storage__=true
+ return t
+function storage.marked(t)
+ local m=getmetatable(t)
+ return m and m.__storage__
+function storage.checked(t)
+ if not t then
+ report("\nfatal error: storage has not been allocated\n")
+ os.exit()
+ return
+ end
+ return t
+function storage.setinitializer(data,initialize)
+ local m=getmetatable(data) or {}
+ m.__index=function(data,k)
+ m.__index=nil
+ initialize()
+ return data[k]
+ end
+ setmetatable(data,m)
+local keyisvalue={ __index=function(t,k)
+ t[k]=k
+ return k
+end }
+function storage.sparse(t)
+ t=t or {}
+ setmetatable(t,keyisvalue)
+ return t
+local function f_empty () return "" end
+local function f_self (t,k) t[k]=k return k end
+local function f_table (t,k) local v={} t[k]=v return v end
+local function f_number(t,k) t[k]=0 return 0 end
+local function f_ignore() end
+local f_index={
+ ["empty"]=f_empty,
+ ["self"]=f_self,
+ ["table"]=f_table,
+ ["number"]=f_number,
+function table.setmetatableindex(t,f)
+ if type(t)~="table" then
+ f,t=t,{}
+ end
+ local m=getmetatable(t)
+ local i=f_index[f] or f
+ if m then
+ m.__index=i
+ else
+ setmetatable(t,{ __index=i })
+ end
+ return t
+local f_index={
+ ["ignore"]=f_ignore,
+function table.setmetatablenewindex(t,f)
+ if type(t)~="table" then
+ f,t=t,{}
+ end
+ local m=getmetatable(t)
+ local i=f_index[f] or f
+ if m then
+ m.__newindex=i
+ else
+ setmetatable(t,{ __newindex=i })
+ end
+ return t
+function table.setmetatablecall(t,f)
+ if type(t)~="table" then
+ f,t=t,{}
+ end
+ local m=getmetatable(t)
+ if m then
+ m.__call=f
+ else
+ setmetatable(t,{ __call=f })
+ end
+ return t
+function table.setmetatableindices(t,f,n,c)
+ if type(t)~="table" then
+ f,t=t,{}
+ end
+ local m=getmetatable(t)
+ local i=f_index[f] or f
+ if m then
+ m.__index=i
+ m.__newindex=n
+ m.__call=c
+ else
+ setmetatable(t,{
+ __index=i,
+ __newindex=n,
+ __call=c,
+ })
+ end
+ return t
+function table.setmetatablekey(t,key,value)
+ local m=getmetatable(t)
+ if not m then
+ m={}
+ setmetatable(t,m)
+ end
+ m[key]=value
+ return t
+function table.getmetatablekey(t,key,value)
+ local m=getmetatable(t)
+ return m and m[key]
+function table.makeweak(t)
+ if not t then
+ t={}
+ end
+ local m=getmetatable(t)
+ if m then
+ m.__mode="v"
+ else
+ setmetatable(t,{ __mode="v" })
+ end
+ return t
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-prs']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local lpeg,table,string=lpeg,table,string
+local P,R,V,S,C,Ct,Cs,Carg,Cc,Cg,Cf,Cp=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.V,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cg,lpeg.Cf,lpeg.Cp
+local lpegmatch,lpegpatterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
+local concat,gmatch,find=table.concat,string.gmatch,string.find
+local tostring,type,next,rawset=tostring,type,next,rawset
+local mod,div=math.mod,math.div
+utilities=utilities or {}
+local parsers=utilities.parsers or {}
+local patterns=parsers.patterns or {}
+local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
+local sortedhash=table.sortedhash
+local sortedkeys=table.sortedkeys
+local tohash=table.tohash
+local hashes={}
+local digit=R("09")
+local space=P(' ')
+local equal=P("=")
+local colon=P(":")
+local comma=P(",")
+local lbrace=P("{")
+local rbrace=P("}")
+local lparent=P("(")
+local rparent=P(")")
+local lbracket=P("[")
+local rbracket=P("]")
+local period=S(".")
+local punctuation=S(".,:;")
+local spacer=lpegpatterns.spacer
+local whitespace=lpegpatterns.whitespace
+local newline=lpegpatterns.newline
+local anything=lpegpatterns.anything
+local endofstring=lpegpatterns.endofstring
+local nobrace=1-(lbrace+rbrace )
+local noparent=1-(lparent+rparent)
+local nobracket=1-(lbracket+rbracket)
+local escape,left,right=P("\\"),P('{'),P('}')
+lpegpatterns.balanced=P {
+ [1]=((escape*(left+right))+(1-(left+right))+V(2))^0,
+ [2]=left*V(1)*right
+local nestedbraces=P { lbrace*(nobrace+V(1))^0*rbrace }
+local nestedparents=P { lparent*(noparent+V(1))^0*rparent }
+local nestedbrackets=P { lbracket*(nobracket+V(1))^0*rbracket }
+local spaces=space^0
+local argument=Cs((lbrace/"")*((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*(rbrace/""))
+local content=(1-endofstring)^0
+local value=lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace+C((nestedbraces+(1-comma))^0)
+local key=C((1-equal-comma)^1)
+local pattern_a=(space+comma)^0*(key*equal*value+key*C(""))
+local pattern_c=(space+comma)^0*(key*equal*value)
+local pattern_d=(space+comma)^0*(key*(equal+colon)*value+key*C(""))
+local key=C((1-space-equal-comma)^1)
+local pattern_b=spaces*comma^0*spaces*(key*((spaces*equal*spaces*value)+C("")))
+local hash={}
+local function set(key,value)
+ hash[key]=value
+local pattern_a_s=(pattern_a/set)^1
+local pattern_b_s=(pattern_b/set)^1
+local pattern_c_s=(pattern_c/set)^1
+local pattern_d_s=(pattern_d/set)^1
+function parsers.make_settings_to_hash_pattern(set,how)
+ if how=="strict" then
+ return (pattern_c/set)^1
+ elseif how=="tolerant" then
+ return (pattern_b/set)^1
+ else
+ return (pattern_a/set)^1
+ end
+function parsers.settings_to_hash(str,existing)
+ if not str or str=="" then
+ return {}
+ elseif type(str)=="table" then
+ if existing then
+ for k,v in next,str do
+ existing[k]=v
+ end
+ return exiting
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+ else
+ hash=existing or {}
+ lpegmatch(pattern_a_s,str)
+ return hash
+ end
+function parsers.settings_to_hash_colon_too(str)
+ if not str or str=="" then
+ return {}
+ elseif type(str)=="table" then
+ return str
+ else
+ hash={}
+ lpegmatch(pattern_d_s,str)
+ return hash
+ end
+function parsers.settings_to_hash_tolerant(str,existing)
+ if not str or str=="" then
+ return {}
+ elseif type(str)=="table" then
+ if existing then
+ for k,v in next,str do
+ existing[k]=v
+ end
+ return exiting
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+ else
+ hash=existing or {}
+ lpegmatch(pattern_b_s,str)
+ return hash
+ end
+function parsers.settings_to_hash_strict(str,existing)
+ if not str or str=="" then
+ return nil
+ elseif type(str)=="table" then
+ if existing then
+ for k,v in next,str do
+ existing[k]=v
+ end
+ return exiting
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+ elseif str and str~="" then
+ hash=existing or {}
+ lpegmatch(pattern_c_s,str)
+ return next(hash) and hash
+ end
+local separator=comma*space^0
+local value=lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace+C((nestedbraces+(1-comma))^0)
+local pattern=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
+function parsers.settings_to_array(str,strict)
+ if not str or str=="" then
+ return {}
+ elseif type(str)=="table" then
+ return str
+ elseif strict then
+ if find(str,"{",1,true) then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ else
+ return { str }
+ end
+ elseif find(str,",",1,true) then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ else
+ return { str }
+ end
+function parsers.settings_to_numbers(str)
+ if not str or str=="" then
+ return {}
+ end
+ if type(str)=="table" then
+ elseif find(str,",",1,true) then
+ str=lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ else
+ return { tonumber(str) }
+ end
+ for i=1,#str do
+ str[i]=tonumber(str[i])
+ end
+ return str
+local value=lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace+C((nestedbraces+nestedbrackets+nestedparents+(1-comma))^0)
+local pattern=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
+function parsers.settings_to_array_obey_fences(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+local cache_a={}
+local cache_b={}
+function parsers.groupedsplitat(symbol,withaction)
+ if not symbol then
+ symbol=","
+ end
+ local pattern=(withaction and cache_b or cache_a)[symbol]
+ if not pattern then
+ local symbols=S(symbol)
+ local separator=space^0*symbols*space^0
+ local value=lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace+C((nestedbraces+(1-(space^0*(symbols+P(-1)))))^0)
+ if withaction then
+ local withvalue=Carg(1)*value/function(f,s) return f(s) end
+ pattern=spaces*withvalue*(separator*withvalue)^0
+ cache_b[symbol]=pattern
+ else
+ pattern=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
+ cache_a[symbol]=pattern
+ end
+ end
+ return pattern
+local pattern_a=parsers.groupedsplitat(",",false)
+local pattern_b=parsers.groupedsplitat(",",true)
+function parsers.stripped_settings_to_array(str)
+ if not str or str=="" then
+ return {}
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_a,str)
+ end
+function parsers.process_stripped_settings(str,action)
+ if not str or str=="" then
+ return {}
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str,1,action)
+ end
+local function set(t,v)
+ t[#t+1]=v
+local value=P(Carg(1)*value)/set
+local pattern=value*(separator*value)^0*Carg(1)
+function parsers.add_settings_to_array(t,str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str,nil,t)
+function parsers.hash_to_string(h,separator,yes,no,strict,omit)
+ if h then
+ local t={}
+ local tn=0
+ local s=sortedkeys(h)
+ omit=omit and tohash(omit)
+ for i=1,#s do
+ local key=s[i]
+ if not omit or not omit[key] then
+ local value=h[key]
+ if type(value)=="boolean" then
+ if yes and no then
+ if value then
+ tn=tn+1
+ t[tn]=key..'='..yes
+ elseif not strict then
+ tn=tn+1
+ t[tn]=key..'='
+ end
+ elseif value or not strict then
+ tn=tn+1
+ t[tn]=key..'='..tostring(value)
+ end
+ else
+ tn=tn+1
+ t[tn]=key..'='..value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return concat(t,separator or ",")
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+function parsers.array_to_string(a,separator)
+ if a then
+ return concat(a,separator or ",")
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+local pattern=Cf(Ct("")*Cg(C((1-S(", "))^1)*S(", ")^0*Cc(true))^1,rawset)
+function parsers.settings_to_set(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(pattern,str) or {}
+ local v=k and lpegmatch(pattern,k) or {}
+ t[k]=v
+ return v
+function parsers.simple_hash_to_string(h,separator)
+ local t={}
+ local tn=0
+ for k,v in sortedhash(h) do
+ if v then
+ tn=tn+1
+ t[tn]=k
+ end
+ end
+ return concat(t,separator or ",")
+local str=Cs(lpegpatterns.unquoted)+C((1-whitespace-equal)^1)
+local setting=Cf(Carg(1)*(whitespace^0*Cg(str*whitespace^0*(equal*whitespace^0*str+Cc(""))))^1,rawset)
+local splitter=setting^1
+function parsers.options_to_hash(str,target)
+ return str and lpegmatch(splitter,str,1,target or {}) or {}
+local splitter=lpeg.tsplitat(" ")
+function parsers.options_to_array(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(splitter,str) or {}
+local value=P(lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace)+C(digit^1*lparent*(noparent+nestedparents)^1*rparent)+C((nestedbraces+(1-comma))^1)
+local pattern_a=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
+local function repeater(n,str)
+ if not n then
+ return str
+ else
+ local s=lpegmatch(pattern_a,str)
+ if n==1 then
+ return unpack(s)
+ else
+ local t={}
+ local tn=0
+ for i=1,n do
+ for j=1,#s do
+ tn=tn+1
+ t[tn]=s[j]
+ end
+ end
+ return unpack(t)
+ end
+ end
+local value=P(lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace)+(C(digit^1)/tonumber*lparent*Cs((noparent+nestedparents)^1)*rparent)/repeater+C((nestedbraces+(1-comma))^1)
+local pattern_b=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
+function parsers.settings_to_array_with_repeat(str,expand)
+ if expand then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str) or {}
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_a,str) or {}
+ end
+local value=lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace
+local pattern=Ct((space+value)^0)
+function parsers.arguments_to_table(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+function parsers.getparameters(self,class,parentclass,settings)
+ local sc=self[class]
+ if not sc then
+ sc={}
+ self[class]=sc
+ if parentclass then
+ local sp=self[parentclass]
+ if not sp then
+ sp={}
+ self[parentclass]=sp
+ end
+ setmetatableindex(sc,sp)
+ end
+ end
+ parsers.settings_to_hash(settings,sc)
+function parsers.listitem(str)
+ return gmatch(str,"[^, ]+")
+local pattern=Cs { "start",
+ start=V("one")+V("two")+V("three"),
+ rest=(Cc(",")*V("thousand"))^0*(P(".")+endofstring)*anything^0,
+ thousand=digit*digit*digit,
+ one=digit*V("rest"),
+ two=digit*digit*V("rest"),
+ three=V("thousand")*V("rest"),
+function parsers.splitthousands(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str) or str
+local optionalwhitespace=whitespace^0
+local dquote=P('"')
+local equal=P('=')
+local escape=P('\\')
+local separator=S(' ,')
+local key=C((1-equal)^1)
+local value=dquote*C((1-dquote-escape*dquote)^0)*dquote
+local pattern=Cf(Ct("")*(Cg(key*equal*value)*separator^0)^1,rawset)^0*P(-1)
+function parsers.keq_to_hash(str)
+ if str and str~="" then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ else
+ return {}
+ end
+local defaultspecification={ separator=",",quote='"' }
+function parsers.csvsplitter(specification)
+ specification=specification and setmetatableindex(specification,defaultspecification) or defaultspecification
+ local separator=specification.separator
+ local quotechar=specification.quote
+ local separator=S(separator~="" and separator or ",")
+ local whatever=C((1-separator-newline)^0)
+ if quotechar and quotechar~="" then
+ local quotedata=nil
+ for chr in gmatch(quotechar,".") do
+ local quotechar=P(chr)
+ local quoteword=quotechar*C((1-quotechar)^0)*quotechar
+ if quotedata then
+ quotedata=quotedata+quoteword
+ else
+ quotedata=quoteword
+ end
+ end
+ whatever=quotedata+whatever
+ end
+ local parser=Ct((Ct(whatever*(separator*whatever)^0)*S("\n\r")^1)^0 )
+ return function(data)
+ return lpegmatch(parser,data)
+ end
+function parsers.rfc4180splitter(specification)
+ specification=specification and setmetatableindex(specification,defaultspecification) or defaultspecification
+ local separator=specification.separator
+ local quotechar=P(specification.quote)
+ local dquotechar=quotechar*quotechar
+ local separator=S(separator~="" and separator or ",")
+ local escaped=quotechar*Cs((dquotechar+(1-quotechar))^0)*quotechar
+ local non_escaped=C((1-quotechar-newline-separator)^1)
+ local field=escaped+non_escaped+Cc("")
+ local record=Ct(field*(separator*field)^1)
+ local headerline=record*Cp()
+ local morerecords=(newline^(specification.strict and -1 or 1)*record)^0
+ local headeryes=Ct(morerecords)
+ local headernop=Ct(record*morerecords)
+ return function(data,getheader)
+ if getheader then
+ local header,position=lpegmatch(headerline,data)
+ local data=lpegmatch(headeryes,data,position)
+ return data,header
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(headernop,data)
+ end
+ end
+local function ranger(first,last,n,action)
+ if not first then
+ elseif last==true then
+ for i=first,n or first do
+ action(i)
+ end
+ elseif last then
+ for i=first,last do
+ action(i)
+ end
+ else
+ action(first)
+ end
+local cardinal=lpegpatterns.cardinal/tonumber
+local spacers=lpegpatterns.spacer^0
+local endofstring=lpegpatterns.endofstring
+local stepper=spacers*(cardinal*(spacers*S(":-")*spacers*(cardinal+Cc(true) )+Cc(false) )*Carg(1)*Carg(2)/ranger*S(", ")^0 )^1
+local stepper=spacers*(cardinal*(spacers*S(":-")*spacers*(cardinal+(P("*")+endofstring)*Cc(true) )+Cc(false) )*Carg(1)*Carg(2)/ranger*S(", ")^0 )^1*endofstring
+function parsers.stepper(str,n,action)
+ if type(n)=="function" then
+ lpegmatch(stepper,str,1,false,n or print)
+ else
+ lpegmatch(stepper,str,1,n,action or print)
+ end
+local pattern_math=Cs((P("%")/"\\percent "+P("^")*Cc("{")*lpegpatterns.integer*Cc("}")+anything)^0)
+local pattern_text=Cs((P("%")/"\\percent "+(P("^")/"\\high")*Cc("{")*lpegpatterns.integer*Cc("}")+anything)^0)
+function parsers.unittotex(str,textmode)
+ return lpegmatch(textmode and pattern_text or pattern_math,str)
+local pattern=Cs((P("^")/"<sup>"*lpegpatterns.integer*Cc("</sup>")+anything)^0)
+function parsers.unittoxml(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+local cache={}
+local dummy=function() end
+ local separator=P(k)
+ local value=(1-separator)^0
+ local pattern=spaces*C(value)*separator^0*Cp()
+ t[k]=pattern
+ return pattern
+local commalistiterator=cache[","]
+function parsers.iterator(str,separator)
+ local n=#str
+ if n==0 then
+ return dummy
+ else
+ local pattern=separator and cache[separator] or commalistiterator
+ local p=1
+ return function()
+ if p<=n then
+ local s,e=lpegmatch(pattern,str,p)
+ if e then
+ p=e
+ return s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function initialize(t,name)
+ local source=t[name]
+ if source then
+ local result={}
+ for k,v in next,t[name] do
+ result[k]=v
+ end
+ return result
+ else
+ return {}
+ end
+local function fetch(t,name)
+ return t[name] or {}
+local function process(result,more)
+ for k,v in next,more do
+ result[k]=v
+ end
+ return result
+local name=C((1-S(", "))^1)
+local parser=(Carg(1)*name/initialize)*(S(", ")^1*(Carg(1)*name/fetch))^0
+local merge=Cf(parser,process)
+function parsers.mergehashes(hash,list)
+ return lpegmatch(merge,list,1,hash)
+function parsers.runtime(time)
+ if not time then
+ time=os.runtime()
+ end
+ local days=div(time,24*60*60)
+ time=mod(time,24*60*60)
+ local hours=div(time,60*60)
+ time=mod(time,60*60)
+ local minutes=div(time,60)
+ local seconds=mod(time,60)
+ return days,hours,minutes,seconds
+local spacing=whitespace^0
+local apply=P("->")
+local method=C((1-apply)^1)
+local token=lbrace*C((1-rbrace)^1)*rbrace+C(anything^1)
+local pattern=spacing*(method*spacing*apply+Carg(1))*spacing*token
+function parsers.splitmethod(str,default)
+ if str then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,default or false)
+ else
+ return default or false,""
+ end
+local p_year=lpegpatterns.digit^4/tonumber
+local pattern=Cf(Ct("")*(
+ (Cg(Cc("year")*p_year)*S("-/")*Cg(Cc("month")*cardinal)*S("-/")*Cg(Cc("day")*cardinal)
+ )+(Cg(Cc("day")*cardinal)*S("-/")*Cg(Cc("month")*cardinal)*S("-/")*Cg(Cc("year")*p_year)
+ )
+ )*P(" ")*Cg(Cc("hour")*cardinal)*P(":")*Cg(Cc("min")*cardinal)*(P(":")*Cg(Cc("sec")*cardinal))^-1
+function parsers.totime(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-dim']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="support for dimensions",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local format,match,gsub,type,setmetatable=string.format,string.match,string.gsub,type,setmetatable
+local P,S,R,Cc,C,lpegmatch=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.C,lpeg.match
+local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
+local formatters=string.formatters
+local texget=tex and tex.get or function() return 65536*10*100 end
+local p_stripzeros=lpeg.patterns.stripzeros
+number=number or {}
+local number=number
+number.tonumberf=function(n) return lpegmatch(p_stripzeros,format("%.20f",n)) end
+number.tonumberg=function(n) return format("%.20g",n) end
+local dimenfactors=allocate {
+ ["pt"]=1/65536,
+ ["in"]=(100/7227)/65536,
+ ["cm"]=(254/7227)/65536,
+ ["mm"]=(2540/7227)/65536,
+ ["sp"]=1,
+ ["bp"]=(7200/7227)/65536,
+ ["pc"]=(1/12)/65536,
+ ["dd"]=(1157/1238)/65536,
+ ["cc"]=(1157/14856)/65536,
+ ["nd"]=(20320/21681)/65536,
+ ["nc"]=(5080/65043)/65536
+local f_none=formatters["%s%s"]
+local f_true=formatters["%0.5F%s"]
+local function numbertodimen(n,unit,fmt)
+ if type(n)=='string' then
+ return n
+ else
+ unit=unit or 'pt'
+ n=n*dimenfactors[unit]
+ if not fmt then
+ fmt=f_none(n,unit)
+ elseif fmt==true then
+ fmt=f_true(n,unit)
+ else
+ return formatters[fmt](n,unit)
+ end
+ end
+function number.topoints (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"pt",fmt) end
+function number.toinches (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"in",fmt) end
+function number.tocentimeters (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"cm",fmt) end
+function number.tomillimeters (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"mm",fmt) end
+function number.toscaledpoints(n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"sp",fmt) end
+function number.toscaledpoints(n) return n.."sp" end
+function number.tobasepoints (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"bp",fmt) end
+function number.topicas (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n "pc",fmt) end
+function number.todidots (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"dd",fmt) end
+function number.tociceros (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"cc",fmt) end
+function number.tonewdidots (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"nd",fmt) end
+function number.tonewciceros (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"nc",fmt) end
+local amount=(S("+-")^0*R("09")^0*P(".")^0*R("09")^0)+Cc("0")
+local unit=R("az")^1+P("%")
+local dimenpair=amount/tonumber*(unit^1/dimenfactors+Cc(1))
+local splitter=amount/tonumber*C(unit^1)
+function number.splitdimen(str)
+ return lpegmatch(splitter,str)
+ return false
+local stringtodimen
+local amount=S("+-")^0*R("09")^0*S(".,")^0*R("09")^0
+local unit=P("pt")+P("cm")+P("mm")+P("sp")+P("bp")+P("in")+P("pc")+P("dd")+P("cc")+P("nd")+P("nc")
+local validdimen=amount*unit
+local dimensions={}
+function dimensions.__add(a,b)
+ local ta,tb=type(a),type(b)
+ if ta=="string" then a=stringtodimen(a) elseif ta=="table" then a=a[1] end
+ if tb=="string" then b=stringtodimen(b) elseif tb=="table" then b=b[1] end
+ return setmetatable({ a+b },dimensions)
+function dimensions.__sub(a,b)
+ local ta,tb=type(a),type(b)
+ if ta=="string" then a=stringtodimen(a) elseif ta=="table" then a=a[1] end
+ if tb=="string" then b=stringtodimen(b) elseif tb=="table" then b=b[1] end
+ return setmetatable({ a-b },dimensions)
+function dimensions.__mul(a,b)
+ local ta,tb=type(a),type(b)
+ if ta=="string" then a=stringtodimen(a) elseif ta=="table" then a=a[1] end
+ if tb=="string" then b=stringtodimen(b) elseif tb=="table" then b=b[1] end
+ return setmetatable({ a*b },dimensions)
+function dimensions.__div(a,b)
+ local ta,tb=type(a),type(b)
+ if ta=="string" then a=stringtodimen(a) elseif ta=="table" then a=a[1] end
+ if tb=="string" then b=stringtodimen(b) elseif tb=="table" then b=b[1] end
+ return setmetatable({ a/b },dimensions)
+function dimensions.__unm(a)
+ local ta=type(a)
+ if ta=="string" then a=stringtodimen(a) elseif ta=="table" then a=a[1] end
+ return setmetatable({-a },dimensions)
+function dimensions.__lt(a,b)
+ return a[1]<b[1]
+function dimensions.__eq(a,b)
+ return a[1]==b[1]
+function dimensions.__tostring(a)
+ return a[1]/65536 .."pt"
+function dimensions.__index(tab,key)
+ local d=dimenfactors[key]
+ if not d then
+ error("illegal property of dimen: "..key)
+ d=1
+ end
+ return 1/d
+ dimenfactors["ex"]=4*1/65536
+ dimenfactors["em"]=10*1/65536
+local known={} setmetatable(known,{ __mode="v" })
+function dimen(a)
+ if a then
+ local ta=type(a)
+ if ta=="string" then
+ local k=known[a]
+ if k then
+ a=k
+ else
+ local value,unit=lpegmatch(dimenpair,a)
+ if value and unit then
+ k=value/unit
+ else
+ k=0
+ end
+ known[a]=k
+ a=k
+ end
+ elseif ta=="table" then
+ a=a[1]
+ end
+ return setmetatable({ a },dimensions)
+ else
+ return setmetatable({ 0 },dimensions)
+ end
+function string.todimen(str)
+ local t=type(str)
+ if t=="number" then
+ return str
+ else
+ local k=known[str]
+ if not k then
+ if t=="string" then
+ local value,unit=lpegmatch(dimenpair,str)
+ if value and unit then
+ k=value/unit
+ else
+ k=0
+ end
+ else
+ k=0
+ end
+ known[str]=k
+ end
+ return k
+ end
+function number.toscaled(d)
+ return format("%0.5f",d/0x10000)
+function number.percent(n,d)
+ d=d or texget("hsize")
+ if type(d)=="string" then
+ d=stringtodimen(d)
+ end
+ return (n/100)*d
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-jsn']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to m-json.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local P,V,R,S,C,Cc,Cs,Ct,Cf,Cg=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cf,lpeg.Cg
+local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
+local format,gsub=string.format,string.gsub
+local formatters=string.formatters
+local utfchar=utf.char
+local concat,sortedkeys=table.concat,table.sortedkeys
+local tonumber,tostring,rawset,type,next=tonumber,tostring,rawset,type,next
+local json=utilities.json or {}
+ local lbrace=P("{")
+ local rbrace=P("}")
+ local lparent=P("[")
+ local rparent=P("]")
+ local comma=P(",")
+ local colon=P(":")
+ local dquote=P('"')
+ local whitespace=lpeg.patterns.whitespace
+ local optionalws=whitespace^0
+ local escapes={
+ ["b"]="\010",
+ ["f"]="\014",
+ ["n"]="\n",
+ ["r"]="\r",
+ ["t"]="\t",
+ }
+ local escape_un=P("\\u")/""*(C(R("09","AF","af")^-4)/function(s)
+ return utfchar(tonumber(s,16))
+ end)
+ local escape_bs=P([[\]])/""*(P(1)/escapes)
+ local jstring=dquote*Cs((escape_un+escape_bs+(1-dquote))^0)*dquote
+ local jtrue=P("true")*Cc(true)
+ local jfalse=P("false")*Cc(false)
+ local jnull=P("null")*Cc(nil)
+ local jnumber=(1-whitespace-rparent-rbrace-comma)^1/tonumber
+ local key=jstring
+ local jsonconverter={ "value",
+ hash=lbrace*Cf(Ct("")*(V("pair")*(comma*V("pair"))^0+optionalws),rawset)*rbrace,
+ pair=Cg(optionalws*key*optionalws*colon*V("value")),
+ array=Ct(lparent*(V("value")*(comma*V("value"))^0+optionalws)*rparent),
+ value=optionalws*(jstring+V("hash")+V("array")+jtrue+jfalse+jnull+jnumber)*optionalws,
+ }
+ function json.tolua(str)
+ return lpegmatch(jsonconverter,str)
+ end
+ function json.load(filename)
+ local data=io.loaddata(filename)
+ if data then
+ return lpegmatch(jsonconverter,data)
+ end
+ end
+ local escaper
+ local f_start_hash=formatters[ '%w{' ]
+ local f_start_array=formatters[ '%w[' ]
+ local f_start_hash_new=formatters[ "\n"..'%w{' ]
+ local f_start_array_new=formatters[ "\n"..'%w[' ]
+ local f_start_hash_key=formatters[ "\n"..'%w"%s" : {' ]
+ local f_start_array_key=formatters[ "\n"..'%w"%s" : [' ]
+ local f_stop_hash=formatters[ "\n"..'%w}' ]
+ local f_stop_array=formatters[ "\n"..'%w]' ]
+ local f_key_val_seq=formatters[ "\n"..'%w"%s" : %s' ]
+ local f_key_val_str=formatters[ "\n"..'%w"%s" : "%s"' ]
+ local f_key_val_num=f_key_val_seq
+ local f_key_val_yes=formatters[ "\n"..'%w"%s" : true' ]
+ local f_key_val_nop=formatters[ "\n"..'%w"%s" : false' ]
+ local f_key_val_null=formatters[ "\n"..'%w"%s" : null' ]
+ local f_val_num=formatters[ "\n"..'%w%s' ]
+ local f_val_str=formatters[ "\n"..'%w"%s"' ]
+ local f_val_yes=formatters[ "\n"..'%wtrue' ]
+ local f_val_nop=formatters[ "\n"..'%wfalse' ]
+ local f_val_null=formatters[ "\n"..'%wnull' ]
+ local f_val_empty=formatters[ "\n"..'%w{ }' ]
+ local f_val_seq=f_val_num
+ local t={}
+ local n=0
+ local function is_simple_table(tt)
+ local l=#tt
+ if l>0 then
+ for i=1,l do
+ if type(tt[i])=="table" then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ local nn=n
+ n=n+1 t[n]="[ "
+ for i=1,l do
+ if i>1 then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=", "
+ end
+ local v=tt[i]
+ local tv=type(v)
+ if tv=="number" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=v
+ elseif tv=="string" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]='"'
+ n=n+1 t[n]=lpegmatch(escaper,v) or v
+ n=n+1 t[n]='"'
+ elseif tv=="boolean" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=v and "true" or "false"
+ elseif v then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=tostring(v)
+ else
+ n=n+1 t[n]="null"
+ end
+ end
+ n=n+1 t[n]=" ]"
+ local s=concat(t,"",nn+1,n)
+ n=nn
+ return s
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ local function tojsonpp(root,name,depth,level,size)
+ if root then
+ local indexed=size>0
+ n=n+1
+ if level==0 then
+ if indexed then
+ t[n]=f_start_array(depth)
+ else
+ t[n]=f_start_hash(depth)
+ end
+ elseif name then
+ if tn=="string" then
+ name=lpegmatch(escaper,name) or name
+ elseif tn~="number" then
+ name=tostring(name)
+ end
+ if indexed then
+ t[n]=f_start_array_key(depth,name)
+ else
+ t[n]=f_start_hash_key(depth,name)
+ end
+ else
+ if indexed then
+ t[n]=f_start_array_new(depth)
+ else
+ t[n]=f_start_hash_new(depth)
+ end
+ end
+ depth=depth+1
+ if indexed then
+ for i=1,size do
+ if i>1 then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=","
+ end
+ local v=root[i]
+ local tv=type(v)
+ if tv=="number" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_num(depth,v)
+ elseif tv=="string" then
+ v=lpegmatch(escaper,v) or v
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_str(depth,v)
+ elseif tv=="table" then
+ if next(v) then
+ local st=is_simple_table(v)
+ if st then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_seq(depth,st)
+ else
+ tojsonpp(v,nil,depth,level+1,#v)
+ end
+ else
+ n=n+1
+ t[n]=f_val_empty(depth)
+ end
+ elseif tv=="boolean" then
+ n=n+1
+ if v then
+ t[n]=f_val_yes(depth,v)
+ else
+ t[n]=f_val_nop(depth,v)
+ end
+ else
+ n=n+1
+ t[n]=f_val_null(depth)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif next(root) then
+ local sk=sortedkeys(root)
+ for i=1,#sk do
+ if i>1 then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=","
+ end
+ local k=sk[i]
+ local v=root[k]
+ local tv=type(v)
+ local tk=type(k)
+ if tv=="number" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_val_num(depth,k,v)
+ elseif tk=="string" then
+ k=lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_val_num(depth,k,v)
+ end
+ elseif tv=="string" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ v=lpegmatch(escaper,v) or v
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_val_str(depth,k,v)
+ elseif tk=="string" then
+ k=lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k
+ v=lpegmatch(escaper,v) or v
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_val_str(depth,k,v)
+ end
+ elseif tv=="table" then
+ local l=#v
+ if l>0 then
+ local st=is_simple_table(v)
+ if not st then
+ tojsonpp(v,k,depth,level+1,l)
+ elseif tk=="number" then
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_val_seq(depth,k,st)
+ elseif tk=="string" then
+ k=lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k
+ n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_val_seq(depth,k,st)
+ end
+ elseif next(v) then
+ tojsonpp(v,k,depth,level+1,0)
+ end
+ elseif tv=="boolean" then
+ if tk=="number" then
+ n=n+1
+ if v then
+ t[n]=f_key_val_yes(depth,k)
+ else
+ t[n]=f_key_val_nop(depth,k)
+ end
+ elseif tk=="string" then
+ k=lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k
+ n=n+1
+ if v then
+ t[n]=f_key_val_yes(depth,k)
+ else
+ t[n]=f_key_val_nop(depth,k)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if tk=="number" then
+ n=n+1
+ t[n]=f_key_val_null(depth,k)
+ elseif tk=="string" then
+ k=lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k
+ n=n+1
+ t[n]=f_key_val_null(depth,k)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ n=n+1
+ if indexed then
+ t[n]=f_stop_array(depth-1)
+ else
+ t[n]=f_stop_hash(depth-1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function tojson(value,n)
+ local kind=type(value)
+ if kind=="table" then
+ local done=false
+ local size=#value
+ if size==0 then
+ for k,v in next,value do
+ if done then
+ n=n+1;t[n]=',"'
+ else
+ n=n+1;t[n]='{"'
+ done=true
+ end
+ n=n+1;t[n]=lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k
+ n=n+1;t[n]='":'
+ t,n=tojson(v,n)
+ end
+ if done then
+ n=n+1;t[n]="}"
+ else
+ n=n+1;t[n]="{}"
+ end
+ elseif size==1 then
+ n=n+1;t[n]="["
+ t,n=tojson(value[1],n)
+ n=n+1;t[n]="]"
+ else
+ for i=1,size do
+ if done then
+ n=n+1;t[n]=","
+ else
+ n=n+1;t[n]="["
+ done=true
+ end
+ t,n=tojson(value[i],n)
+ end
+ n=n+1;t[n]="]"
+ end
+ elseif kind=="string" then
+ n=n+1;t[n]='"'
+ n=n+1;t[n]=lpegmatch(escaper,value) or value
+ n=n+1;t[n]='"'
+ elseif kind=="number" then
+ n=n+1;t[n]=value
+ elseif kind=="boolean" then
+ n=n+1;t[n]=tostring(value)
+ else
+ n=n+1;t[n]="null"
+ end
+ return t,n
+ end
+ local function jsontostring(value,pretty)
+ local kind=type(value)
+ if kind=="table" then
+ if not escaper then
+ local escapes={
+ ["\\"]="\\u005C",
+ ["\""]="\\u0022",
+ }
+ for i=0,0x1F do
+ escapes[utfchar(i)]=format("\\u%04X",i)
+ end
+ escaper=Cs((
+ (R('\0\x20')+S('\"\\'))/escapes+P(1)
+ )^1 )
+ end
+ t={}
+ n=0
+ if pretty then
+ tojsonpp(value,name,0,0,#value)
+ value=concat(t,"",1,n)
+ else
+ t,n=tojson(value,0)
+ value=concat(t,"",1,n)
+ end
+ t=nil
+ n=0
+ return value
+ elseif kind=="string" or kind=="number" then
+ return lpegmatch(escaper,value) or value
+ else
+ return tostring(value)
+ end
+ end
+ json.tostring=jsontostring
+ function json.tojson(value)
+ return jsontostring(value,true)
+ end
+return json
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['trac-inf']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to trac-inf.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local type,tonumber,select=type,tonumber,select
+local format,lower,find=string.format,string.lower,string.find
+local concat=table.concat
+local clock=os.gettimeofday or os.clock
+local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
+local serialize=table.serialize
+local formatters=string.formatters
+statistics=statistics or {}
+local statistics=statistics
+local statusinfo,n,registered,timers={},0,{},{}
+ local v={ timing=0,loadtime=0,offset=0 }
+ t[k]=v
+ return v
+local function hastiming(instance)
+ return instance and timers[instance]
+local function resettiming(instance)
+ timers[instance or "notimer"]={ timing=0,loadtime=0,offset=0 }
+local ticks=clock
+local seconds=function(n) return n or 0 end
+local function starttiming(instance,reset)
+ local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
+ local it=timer.timing
+ if reset then
+ it=0
+ timer.loadtime=0
+ end
+ if it==0 then
+ timer.starttime=ticks()
+ if not timer.loadtime then
+ timer.loadtime=0
+ end
+ end
+ timer.timing=it+1
+local function stoptiming(instance)
+ local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
+ local it=timer.timing
+ if it>1 then
+ timer.timing=it-1
+ else
+ local starttime=timer.starttime
+ if starttime and starttime>0 then
+ local stoptime=ticks()
+ local loadtime=stoptime-starttime
+ timer.stoptime=stoptime
+ timer.loadtime=timer.loadtime+loadtime
+ timer.timing=0
+ timer.starttime=0
+ return loadtime
+ end
+ end
+ return 0
+local function benchmarktimer(instance)
+ local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
+ local it=timer.timing
+ if it>1 then
+ timer.timing=it-1
+ else
+ local starttime=timer.starttime
+ if starttime and starttime>0 then
+ timer.offset=ticks()-starttime
+ else
+ timer.offset=0
+ end
+ end
+local function elapsed(instance)
+ if type(instance)=="number" then
+ return instance
+ else
+ local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
+ return timer and seconds(timer.loadtime-2*(timer.offset or 0)) or 0
+ end
+local function currenttime(instance)
+ if type(instance)=="number" then
+ return instance
+ else
+ local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
+ local it=timer.timing
+ if it>1 then
+ else
+ local starttime=timer.starttime
+ if starttime and starttime>0 then
+ return seconds(timer.loadtime+ticks()-starttime-2*(timer.offset or 0))
+ end
+ end
+ return 0
+ end
+local function elapsedtime(instance)
+ return format("%0.3f",elapsed(instance))
+local function elapsedindeed(instance)
+ return elapsed(instance)>statistics.threshold
+local function elapsedseconds(instance,rest)
+ if elapsedindeed(instance) then
+ return format("%0.3f seconds %s",elapsed(instance),rest or "")
+ end
+function statistics.register(tag,fnc)
+ if statistics.enable and type(fnc)=="function" then
+ local rt=registered[tag] or (#statusinfo+1)
+ statusinfo[rt]={ tag,fnc }
+ registered[tag]=rt
+ if #tag>n then n=#tag end
+ end
+local report=logs.reporter("mkiv lua stats")
+ if statistics.enable then
+ local register=statistics.register
+ register("used platform",function()
+ return format("%s, type: %s, binary subtree: %s",
+ os.platform or "unknown",os.type or "unknown",environment.texos or "unknown")
+ end)
+ if LUATEXENGINE=="luametatex" then
+ register("used engine",function()
+ return format("%s version %s, functionality level %s, format id %s",
+ end)
+ else
+ register("used engine",function()
+ return format("%s version %s with functionality level %s, banner: %s",
+ end)
+ end
+ register("control sequences",function()
+ return format("%s of %s + %s",status.cs_count,status.hash_size,status.hash_extra)
+ end)
+ register("callbacks",statistics.callbacks)
+ if TEXENGINE=="luajittex" and JITSUPPORTED then
+ local jitstatus=jit.status
+ if jitstatus then
+ local jitstatus={ jitstatus() }
+ if jitstatus[1] then
+ register("luajit options",concat(jitstatus," ",2))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ register("lua properties",function()
+ local hashchar=tonumber(status.luatex_hashchars)
+ local mask=lua.mask or "ascii"
+ return format("engine: %s %s, used memory: %s, hash chars: min(%i,40), symbol mask: %s (%s)",
+ jit and "luajit" or "lua",
+ statistics.memused(),
+ hashchar and 2^hashchar or "unknown",
+ mask,
+ mask=="utf" and "τεχ" or "tex")
+ end)
+ register("runtime",statistics.runtime)
+ logs.newline()
+ for i=1,#statusinfo do
+ local s=statusinfo[i]
+ local r=s[2]()
+ if r then
+ report("%s: %s",s[1],r)
+ end
+ end
+ statistics.enable=false
+ end
+function statistics.memused()
+ local round=math.round or math.floor
+ return format("%s MB, ctx: %s MB, max: %s MB)",
+ round(collectgarbage("count")/1000),
+ round(status.luastate_bytes/1000000),
+ status.luastate_bytes_max and round(status.luastate_bytes_max/1000000) or "unknown"
+ )
+function statistics.formatruntime(runtime)
+ return format("%s seconds",runtime)
+function statistics.runtime()
+ stoptiming(statistics)
+ local runtime=lua.getruntime and lua.getruntime() or elapsedtime(statistics)
+ return statistics.formatruntime(runtime)
+local report=logs.reporter("system")
+function statistics.timed(action,all)
+ starttiming("run")
+ action()
+ stoptiming("run")
+ local runtime=tonumber(elapsedtime("run"))
+ if all then
+ local alltime=tonumber(lua.getruntime and lua.getruntime() or elapsedtime(statistics))
+ if alltime and alltime>0 then
+ report("total runtime: %0.3f seconds of %0.3f seconds",runtime,alltime)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ report("total runtime: %0.3f seconds",runtime)
+function statistics.tracefunction(base,tag,...)
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ local name=select(i,...)
+ local stat={}
+ local func=base[name]
+ setmetatableindex(stat,function(t,k) t[k]=0 return 0 end)
+ base[name]=function(n,k,v) stat[k]=stat[k]+1 return func(n,k,v) end
+ statistics.register(formatters["%s.%s"](tag,name),function() return serialize(stat,"calls") end)
+ end
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-lua']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ comment="the strip code is written by Peter Cawley",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local rep,sub,byte,dump,format=string.rep,string.sub,string.byte,string.dump,string.format
+local load,loadfile,type,collectgarbage=load,loadfile,type,collectgarbage
+utilities=utilities or {}
+utilities.lua=utilities.lua or {}
+local luautilities=utilities.lua
+local report_lua=logs.reporter("system","lua")
+local report_mem=logs.reporter("system","lua memory")
+local tracestripping=false
+local tracememory=false
+local strippedchunks={}
+ tma="tma",
+ tmc=(CONTEXTLMTXMODE and CONTEXTLMTXMODE>0 and "tmd") or (jit and "tmb") or "tmc",
+ lua="lua",
+ luc=(CONTEXTLMTXMODE and CONTEXTLMTXMODE>0 and "lud") or (jit and "lub") or "luc",
+ lui="lui",
+ luv="luv",
+ luj="luj",
+ tua="tua",
+ tuc="tuc",
+local function register(name)
+ if tracestripping then
+ report_lua("stripped bytecode from %a",name or "unknown")
+ end
+ strippedchunks[#strippedchunks+1]=name
+ luautilities.nofstrippedchunks=luautilities.nofstrippedchunks+1
+local function stupidcompile(luafile,lucfile,strip)
+ local code=io.loaddata(luafile)
+ if code and code~="" then
+ code=load(code)
+ if code then
+ code=dump(code,strip and luautilities.stripcode or luautilities.alwaysstripcode)
+ if code and code~="" then
+ register(name)
+ io.savedata(lucfile,code)
+ return true,0
+ end
+ else
+ report_lua("fatal error %a in file %a",1,luafile)
+ end
+ else
+ report_lua("fatal error %a in file %a",2,luafile)
+ end
+ return false,0
+function luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,forcestrip,name,macros)
+ name=name or fullname
+ if macros then
+ macros=lua.macros
+ end
+ local code,message
+ if macros then
+ code,message=macros.loaded(fullname,true,false)
+ else
+ code,message=loadfile(fullname)
+ end
+ if code then
+ code()
+ else
+ report_lua("loading of file %a failed:\n\t%s",fullname,message or "no message")
+ code,message=loadfile(fullname)
+ end
+ if forcestrip and luautilities.stripcode then
+ if type(forcestrip)=="function" then
+ forcestrip=forcestrip(fullname)
+ end
+ if forcestrip or luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
+ register(name)
+ return load(dump(code,true)),0
+ else
+ return code,0
+ end
+ elseif luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
+ register(name)
+ return load(dump(code,true)),0
+ else
+ return code,0
+ end
+function luautilities.strippedloadstring(code,name,forcestrip)
+ local code,message=load(code)
+ if not code then
+ report_lua("loading of file %a failed:\n\t%s",name,message or "no message")
+ end
+ if forcestrip and luautilities.stripcode or luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
+ register(name)
+ return load(dump(code,true)),0
+ else
+ return code,0
+ end
+function luautilities.loadstring(code,name)
+ local code,message=load(code)
+ if not code then
+ report_lua("loading of file %a failed:\n\t%s",name,message or "no message")
+ end
+ return code,0
+function luautilities.compile(luafile,lucfile,cleanup,strip,fallback)
+ report_lua("compiling %a into %a",luafile,lucfile)
+ os.remove(lucfile)
+ local done=stupidcompile(luafile,lucfile,strip~=false)
+ if done then
+ report_lua("dumping %a into %a stripped",luafile,lucfile)
+ if cleanup==true and lfs.isfile(lucfile) and lfs.isfile(luafile) then
+ report_lua("removing %a",luafile)
+ os.remove(luafile)
+ end
+ end
+ return done
+function luautilities.loadstripped(...)
+ local l=load(...)
+ if l then
+ return load(dump(l,true))
+ end
+local finalizers={}
+ __gc=function(t)
+ for i=1,#t do
+ pcall(t[i])
+ end
+ end
+} )
+function luautilities.registerfinalizer(f)
+ finalizers[#finalizers+1]=f
+function luautilities.checkmemory(previous,threshold,trace)
+ local current=collectgarbage("count")
+ if previous then
+ local checked=(threshold or 64)*1024
+ local delta=current-previous
+ if current-previous>checked then
+ collectgarbage("collect")
+ local afterwards=collectgarbage("count")
+ if trace or tracememory then
+ report_mem("previous %r MB, current %r MB, delta %r MB, threshold %r MB, afterwards %r MB",
+ previous/1024,current/1024,delta/1024,threshold,afterwards)
+ end
+ return afterwards
+ elseif trace or tracememory then
+ report_mem("previous %r MB, current %r MB, delta %r MB, threshold %r MB",
+ previous/1024,current/1024,delta/1024,threshold)
+ end
+ end
+ return current
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-deb']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local type,next,tostring,tonumber=type,next,tostring,tonumber
+local format,find,sub,gsub=string.format,string.find,string.sub,string.gsub
+local insert,remove,sort=table.insert,table.remove,table.sort
+local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
+utilities=utilities or {}
+local debugger=utilities.debugger or {}
+local report=logs.reporter("debugger")
+local ticks=os.gettimeofday or os.clock
+local seconds=function(n) return n or 0 end
+local overhead=0
+local dummycalls=10*1000
+local nesting=0
+local names={}
+local initialize=false
+if lua.getpreciseticks then
+ initialize=function()
+ ticks=lua.getpreciseticks
+ seconds=lua.getpreciseseconds
+ initialize=false
+ end
+elseif not (FFISUPPORTED and ffi) then
+elseif os.type=="windows" then
+ initialize=function()
+ local kernel=ffilib("kernel32","system")
+ if kernel then
+ local tonumber=ffi.number or tonumber
+ ffi.cdef[[
+ int QueryPerformanceFrequency(int64_t *lpFrequency);
+ int QueryPerformanceCounter(int64_t *lpPerformanceCount);
+ ]]
+ local"__int64[1]")
+ ticks=function()
+ if kernel.QueryPerformanceCounter(target)==1 then
+ return tonumber(target[0])
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+ end
+ local"__int64[1]")
+ seconds=function(ticks)
+ if kernel.QueryPerformanceFrequency(target)==1 then
+ return ticks/tonumber(target[0])
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ initialize=false
+ end
+elseif os.type=="unix" then
+ initialize=function()
+ local C=ffi.C
+ local tonumber=ffi.number or tonumber
+ ffi.cdef [[
+ /* what a mess */
+ typedef int clk_id_t;
+ typedef struct timespec { long sec; long nsec; } ctx_timespec;
+ int clock_gettime(clk_id_t timerid, struct timespec *t);
+ ]]
+ local"ctx_timespec[?]",1)
+ ticks=function ()
+ C.clock_gettime(clock,target)
+ return tonumber(target[0].sec*1000000000+target[0].nsec)
+ end
+ seconds=function(ticks)
+ return ticks/1000000000
+ end
+ initialize=false
+ end
+ local v=setmetatableindex(function(t,source)
+ local v=setmetatableindex(function(t,line)
+ local v={ total=0,count=0,nesting=0 }
+ t[line]=v
+ return v
+ end)
+ t[source]=v
+ return v
+ end)
+ t[name]=v
+ return v
+local getinfo=nil
+local sethook=nil
+local function hook(where)
+ local f=getinfo(2,"nSl")
+ if f then
+ local source=f.short_src
+ if not source then
+ return
+ end
+ local line=f.linedefined or 0
+ local
+ if not name then
+ local what=f.what
+ if what=="C" then
+ name="<anonymous>"
+ else
+ name=f.namewhat or what or "<unknown>"
+ end
+ end
+ local data=names[name][source][line]
+ if where=="call" then
+ local nesting=data.nesting
+ if nesting==0 then
+ data.count=data.count+1
+ insert(data,ticks())
+ data.nesting=1
+ else
+ data.nesting=nesting+1
+ end
+ elseif where=="return" then
+ local nesting=data.nesting
+ if nesting==1 then
+ local t=remove(data)
+ if t then
+ end
+ data.nesting=0
+ else
+ data.nesting=nesting-1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function debugger.showstats(printer,threshold)
+ local printer=printer or report
+ local calls=0
+ local functions=0
+ local dataset={}
+ local length=0
+ local realtime=0
+ local totaltime=0
+ local threshold=threshold or 0
+ for name,sources in next,names do
+ for source,lines in next,sources do
+ for line,data in next,lines do
+ local count=data.count
+ if count>threshold then
+ if #name>length then
+ length=#name
+ end
+ local
+ local real=total
+ if real>0 then
+ real=total-(count*overhead/dummycalls)
+ if real<0 then
+ real=0
+ end
+ realtime=realtime+real
+ end
+ totaltime=totaltime+total
+ if line<0 then
+ line=0
+ end
+ dataset[#dataset+1]={ real,total,count,name,source,line }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ sort(dataset,function(a,b)
+ if a[1]==b[1] then
+ if a[2]==b[2] then
+ if a[3]==b[3] then
+ if a[4]==b[4] then
+ if a[5]==b[5] then
+ return a[6]<b[6]
+ else
+ return a[5]<b[5]
+ end
+ else
+ return a[4]<b[4]
+ end
+ else
+ return b[3]<a[3]
+ end
+ else
+ return b[2]<a[2]
+ end
+ else
+ return b[1]<a[1]
+ end
+ end)
+ if length>50 then
+ length=50
+ end
+ local fmt=string.formatters["%4.9k s %3.3k %% %4.9k s %3.3k %% %8i # %-"..length.."s %4i %s"]
+ for i=1,#dataset do
+ local data=dataset[i]
+ local real=data[1]
+ local total=data[2]
+ local count=data[3]
+ local name=data[4]
+ local source=data[5]
+ local line=data[6]
+ calls=calls+count
+ functions=functions+1
+ name=gsub(name,"%s+"," ")
+ if #name>length then
+ name=sub(name,1,length)
+ end
+ printer(fmt(seconds(total),100*total/totaltime,seconds(real),100*real/realtime,count,name,line,source))
+ end
+ printer("")
+ printer(format("functions : %i",functions))
+ printer(format("calls : %i",calls))
+ printer(format("overhead : %f",seconds(overhead/1000)))
+local function getdebug()
+ if sethook and getinfo then
+ return
+ end
+ if not debug then
+ local okay
+ okay,debug=pcall(require,"debug")
+ end
+ if type(debug)~="table" then
+ return
+ end
+ getinfo=debug.getinfo
+ sethook=debug.sethook
+ if type(getinfo)~="function" then
+ getinfo=nil
+ end
+ if type(sethook)~="function" then
+ sethook=nil
+ end
+function debugger.savestats(filename,threshold)
+ local,'w')
+ if f then
+ debugger.showstats(function(str) f:write(str,"\n") end,threshold)
+ f:close()
+ end
+function debugger.enable()
+ getdebug()
+ if sethook and getinfo and nesting==0 then
+ running=true
+ if initialize then
+ initialize()
+ end
+ sethook(hook,"cr")
+ local function dummy() end
+ local t=ticks()
+ for i=1,dummycalls do
+ dummy()
+ end
+ overhead=ticks()-t
+ end
+ if nesting>0 then
+ nesting=nesting+1
+ end
+function debugger.disable()
+ if nesting>0 then
+ nesting=nesting-1
+ end
+ if sethook and getinfo and nesting==0 then
+ sethook()
+ end
+local function showtraceback(rep)
+ getdebug()
+ if getinfo then
+ local level=2
+ local reporter=rep or report
+ while true do
+ local info=getinfo(level,"Sl")
+ if not info then
+ break
+ elseif info.what=="C" then
+ reporter("%2i : %s",level-1,"C function")
+ else
+ reporter("%2i : %s : %s",level-1,info.short_src,info.currentline)
+ end
+ level=level+1
+ end
+ end
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-tpl']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+utilities.templates=utilities.templates or {}
+local templates=utilities.templates
+local trace_template=false trackers.register("templates.trace",function(v) trace_template=v end)
+local report_template=logs.reporter("template")
+local tostring,next=tostring,next
+local format,sub,byte=string.format,string.sub,string.byte
+local P,C,R,Cs,Cc,Carg,lpegmatch,lpegpatterns=lpeg.P,lpeg.C,lpeg.R,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
+local replacer
+local function replacekey(k,t,how,recursive)
+ local v=t[k]
+ if not v then
+ if trace_template then
+ report_template("unknown key %a",k)
+ end
+ return ""
+ else
+ v=tostring(v)
+ if trace_template then
+ report_template("setting key %a to value %a",k,v)
+ end
+ if recursive then
+ return lpegmatch(replacer,v,1,t,how,recursive)
+ else
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+local sqlescape=lpeg.replacer {
+ { "'","''" },
+ { "\\","\\\\" },
+ { "\r\n","\\n" },
+ { "\r","\\n" },
+local sqlquoted=Cs(Cc("'")*sqlescape*Cc("'"))
+local luaescape=lpegpatterns.luaescape
+local escapers={
+ lua=function(s)
+ return lpegmatch(luaescape,s)
+ end,
+ sql=function(s)
+ return lpegmatch(sqlescape,s)
+ end,
+local quotedescapers={
+ lua=function(s)
+ return format("%q",s)
+ end,
+ sql=function(s)
+ return lpegmatch(sqlquoted,s)
+ end,
+local luaescaper=escapers.lua
+local quotedluaescaper=quotedescapers.lua
+local function replacekeyunquoted(s,t,how,recurse)
+ if how==false then
+ return replacekey(s,t,how,recurse)
+ else
+ local escaper=how and escapers[how] or luaescaper
+ return escaper(replacekey(s,t,how,recurse))
+ end
+local function replacekeyquoted(s,t,how,recurse)
+ if how==false then
+ return replacekey(s,t,how,recurse)
+ else
+ local escaper=how and quotedescapers[how] or quotedluaescaper
+ return escaper(replacekey(s,t,how,recurse))
+ end
+local function replaceoptional(l,m,r,t,how,recurse)
+ local v=t[l]
+ return v and v~="" and lpegmatch(replacer,r,1,t,how or "lua",recurse or false) or ""
+local single=P("%")
+local double=P("%%")
+local lquoted=P("%[")
+local rquoted=P("]%")
+local lquotedq=P("%(")
+local rquotedq=P(")%")
+local escape=double/'%%'
+local nosingle=single/''
+local nodouble=double/''
+local nolquoted=lquoted/''
+local norquoted=rquoted/''
+local nolquotedq=lquotedq/''
+local norquotedq=rquotedq/''
+local noloptional=P("%?")/''
+local noroptional=P("?%")/''
+local nomoptional=P(":")/''
+local args=Carg(1)*Carg(2)*Carg(3)
+local key=nosingle*((C((1-nosingle )^1)*args)/replacekey )*nosingle
+local quoted=nolquotedq*((C((1-norquotedq )^1)*args)/replacekeyquoted )*norquotedq
+local unquoted=nolquoted*((C((1-norquoted )^1)*args)/replacekeyunquoted)*norquoted
+local optional=noloptional*((C((1-nomoptional)^1)*nomoptional*C((1-noroptional)^1)*args)/replaceoptional)*noroptional
+local any=P(1)
+ replacer=Cs((unquoted+quoted+escape+optional+key+any)^0)
+local function replace(str,mapping,how,recurse)
+ if mapping and str then
+ return lpegmatch(replacer,str,1,mapping,how or "lua",recurse or false) or str
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+function templates.replacer(str,how,recurse)
+ return function(mapping)
+ return lpegmatch(replacer,str,1,mapping,how or "lua",recurse or false) or str
+ end
+function templates.load(filename,mapping,how,recurse)
+ local data=io.loaddata(filename) or ""
+ if mapping and next(mapping) then
+ return replace(data,mapping,how,recurse)
+ else
+ return data
+ end
+function templates.resolve(t,mapping,how,recurse)
+ if not mapping then
+ mapping=t
+ end
+ for k,v in next,t do
+ t[k]=replace(v,mapping,how,recurse)
+ end
+ return t
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-sta']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to util-ini.mkiv",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local insert,remove,fastcopy,concat=table.insert,table.remove,table.fastcopy,table.concat
+local format=string.format
+local select,tostring=select,tostring
+local trace_stacker=false trackers.register("stacker.resolve",function(v) trace_stacker=v end)
+local stacker=stacker or {}
+local function start(s,t,first,last)
+ if s.mode=="switch" then
+ local n=tostring(t[last])
+ if trace_stacker then
+"start: %s",n)
+ end
+ return n
+ else
+ local r={}
+ for i=first,last do
+ r[#r+1]=tostring(t[i])
+ end
+ local n=concat(r," ")
+ if trace_stacker then
+"start: %s",n)
+ end
+ return n
+ end
+local function stop(s,t,first,last)
+ if s.mode=="switch" then
+ local n=tostring(false)
+ if trace_stacker then
+"stop: %s",n)
+ end
+ return n
+ else
+ local r={}
+ for i=last,first,-1 do
+ r[#r+1]=tostring(false)
+ end
+ local n=concat(r," ")
+ if trace_stacker then
+"stop: %s",n)
+ end
+ return n
+ end
+local function change(s,t1,first1,last1,t2,first2,last2)
+ if s.mode=="switch" then
+ local n=tostring(t2[last2])
+ if trace_stacker then
+"change: %s",n)
+ end
+ return n
+ else
+ local r={}
+ for i=last1,first1,-1 do
+ r[#r+1]=tostring(false)
+ end
+ local n=concat(r," ")
+ for i=first2,last2 do
+ r[#r+1]=tostring(t2[i])
+ end
+ if trace_stacker then
+"change: %s",n)
+ end
+ return n
+ end
+ local report=logs.reporter("stacker",name or nil)
+ local s
+ local stack={}
+ local list={}
+ local ids={}
+ local hash={}
+ local hashing=true
+ local function push(...)
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ insert(stack,(select(i,...)))
+ end
+ if hashing then
+ local c=concat(stack,"|")
+ local n=hash[c]
+ if not n then
+ n=#list+1
+ hash[c]=n
+ list[n]=fastcopy(stack)
+ end
+ insert(ids,n)
+ return n
+ else
+ local n=#list+1
+ list[n]=fastcopy(stack)
+ insert(ids,n)
+ return n
+ end
+ end
+ local function pop()
+ remove(stack)
+ remove(ids)
+ return ids[#ids] or s.unset or -1
+ end
+ local function clean()
+ if #stack==0 then
+ if trace_stacker then
+"%s list entries, %s stack entries",#list,#stack)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local tops={}
+ local top=nil
+ local switch=nil
+ local function resolve_reset(mode)
+ if #tops>0 then
+ report("resetting %s left-over states of %a",#tops,name)
+ end
+ tops={}
+ top=nil
+ switch=nil
+ end
+ local function resolve_begin(mode)
+ if mode then
+ switch=mode=="switch"
+ else
+ switch=s.mode=="switch"
+ end
+ top={ switch=switch }
+ insert(tops,top)
+ end
+ local function resolve_step(ti)
+ local result=nil
+ local noftop=top and #top or 0
+ if ti>0 then
+ local current=list[ti]
+ if current then
+ local noflist=#current
+ local nofsame=0
+ if noflist>noftop then
+ for i=1,noflist do
+ if current[i]==top[i] then
+ nofsame=i
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for i=1,noflist do
+ if current[i]==top[i] then
+ nofsame=i
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local plus=nofsame+1
+ if plus<=noftop then
+ if plus<=noflist then
+ if switch then
+ result=s.change(s,top,plus,noftop,current,nofsame,noflist)
+ else
+ result=s.change(s,top,plus,noftop,current,plus,noflist)
+ end
+ else
+ if switch then
+ result=s.change(s,top,plus,noftop,current,nofsame,noflist)
+ else
+ result=s.stop(s,top,plus,noftop)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif plus<=noflist then
+ if switch then
+ result=s.start(s,current,nofsame,noflist)
+ else
+ result=s.start(s,current,plus,noflist)
+ end
+ end
+ top=current
+ else
+ if 1<=noftop then
+ result=s.stop(s,top,1,noftop)
+ end
+ top={}
+ end
+ return result
+ else
+ if 1<=noftop then
+ result=s.stop(s,top,1,noftop)
+ end
+ top={}
+ return result
+ end
+ end
+ local function resolve_end()
+ if #tops>0 then
+ local result=s.stop(s,top,1,#top)
+ remove(tops)
+ top=tops[#tops]
+ switch=top and top.switch
+ return result
+ end
+ end
+ local function resolve(t)
+ resolve_begin()
+ for i=1,#t do
+ resolve_step(t[i])
+ end
+ resolve_end()
+ end
+ s={
+ name=name or "unknown",
+ unset=-1,
+ report=report,
+ start=start,
+ stop=stop,
+ change=change,
+ push=push,
+ pop=pop,
+ clean=clean,
+ resolve=resolve,
+ resolve_begin=resolve_begin,
+ resolve_step=resolve_step,
+ resolve_end=resolve_end,
+ resolve_reset=resolve_reset,
+ }
+ return s
+end -- closure
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-file.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-file.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b039a4386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-file.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-file'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- needs a cleanup
+file = file or { }
+local file = file
+if not lfs then
+ lfs = optionalrequire("lfs")
+-- -- see later
+-- if not lfs then
+-- lfs = {
+-- getcurrentdir = function()
+-- return "."
+-- end,
+-- attributes = function()
+-- return nil
+-- end,
+-- isfile = function(name)
+-- local f =,'rb')
+-- if f then
+-- f:close()
+-- return true
+-- end
+-- end,
+-- isdir = function(name)
+-- print("you need to load lfs")
+-- return false
+-- end
+-- }
+-- elseif not lfs.isfile then
+-- local attributes = lfs.attributes
+-- function lfs.isdir(name)
+-- return attributes(name,"mode") == "directory"
+-- end
+-- function lfs.isfile(name)
+-- return attributes(name,"mode") == "file"
+-- end
+-- -- function lfs.isdir(name)
+-- -- local a = attributes(name)
+-- -- return a and a.mode == "directory"
+-- -- end
+-- -- function lfs.isfile(name)
+-- -- local a = attributes(name)
+-- -- return a and a.mode == "file"
+-- -- end
+-- end
+local insert, concat = table.insert, table.concat
+local match, find, gmatch = string.match, string.find, string.gmatch
+local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+local getcurrentdir, attributes = lfs.currentdir, lfs.attributes
+local checkedsplit = string.checkedsplit
+local P, R, S, C, Cs, Cp, Cc, Ct = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct
+-- better this way:
+local attributes = lfs.attributes
+function lfs.isdir(name)
+ return attributes(name,"mode") == "directory"
+function lfs.isfile(name)
+ local a = attributes(name,"mode")
+ return a == "file" or a == "link" or nil
+function lfs.isfound(name)
+ local a = attributes(name,"mode")
+ return (a == "file" or a == "link") and name or nil
+if sandbox then
+ sandbox.redefine(lfs.isfile,"lfs.isfile")
+ sandbox.redefine(lfs.isdir, "lfs.isdir")
+ sandbox.redefine(lfs.isfound, "lfs.isfound")
+local colon = P(":")
+local period = P(".")
+local periods = P("..")
+local fwslash = P("/")
+local bwslash = P("\\")
+local slashes = S("\\/")
+local noperiod = 1-period
+local noslashes = 1-slashes
+local name = noperiod^1
+local suffix = period/"" * (1-period-slashes)^1 * -1
+----- pattern = C((noslashes^0 * slashes^1)^1)
+local pattern = C((1 - (slashes^1 * noslashes^1 * -1))^1) * P(1) -- there must be a more efficient way
+local function pathpart(name,default)
+ return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or default or ""
+local pattern = (noslashes^0 * slashes)^1 * C(noslashes^1) * -1
+local function basename(name)
+ return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or name
+-- print(pathpart("file"))
+-- print(pathpart("dir/file"))
+-- print(pathpart("/dir/file"))
+-- print(basename("file"))
+-- print(basename("dir/file"))
+-- print(basename("/dir/file"))
+local pattern = (noslashes^0 * slashes^1)^0 * Cs((1-suffix)^1) * suffix^0
+local function nameonly(name)
+ return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or name
+local pattern = (noslashes^0 * slashes)^0 * (noperiod^1 * period)^1 * C(noperiod^1) * -1
+local function suffixonly(name)
+ return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or ""
+local pattern = (noslashes^0 * slashes)^0 * noperiod^1 * ((period * C(noperiod^1))^1) * -1 + Cc("")
+local function suffixesonly(name)
+ if name then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,name)
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+file.pathpart = pathpart
+file.basename = basename
+file.nameonly = nameonly
+file.suffixonly = suffixonly
+file.suffix = suffixonly
+file.suffixesonly = suffixesonly
+file.suffixes = suffixesonly
+file.dirname = pathpart -- obsolete
+file.extname = suffixonly -- obsolete
+-- actually these are schemes
+local drive = C(R("az","AZ")) * colon
+local path = C((noslashes^0 * slashes)^0)
+local suffix = period * C(P(1-period)^0 * P(-1))
+local base = C((1-suffix)^0)
+local rest = C(P(1)^0)
+drive = drive + Cc("")
+path = path + Cc("")
+base = base + Cc("")
+suffix = suffix + Cc("")
+local pattern_a = drive * path * base * suffix
+local pattern_b = path * base * suffix
+local pattern_c = C(drive * path) * C(base * suffix) -- trick: two extra captures
+local pattern_d = path * rest
+function file.splitname(str,splitdrive)
+ if not str then
+ -- error
+ elseif splitdrive then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_a,str) -- returns drive, path, base, suffix
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str) -- returns path, base, suffix
+ end
+function file.splitbase(str)
+ if str then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_d,str) -- returns path, base+suffix (path has / appended, might change at some point)
+ else
+ return "", str -- assume no path
+ end
+---- stripslash = C((1 - P("/")^1*P(-1))^0)
+function file.nametotable(str,splitdrive)
+ if str then
+ local path, drive, subpath, name, base, suffix = lpegmatch(pattern_c,str)
+ -- if path ~= "" then
+ -- path = lpegmatch(stripslash,path) -- unfortunate hack, maybe this becomes default
+ -- end
+ if splitdrive then
+ return {
+ path = path,
+ drive = drive,
+ subpath = subpath,
+ name = name,
+ base = base,
+ suffix = suffix,
+ }
+ else
+ return {
+ path = path,
+ name = name,
+ base = base,
+ suffix = suffix,
+ }
+ end
+ end
+-- print(file.splitname("file"))
+-- print(file.splitname("dir/file"))
+-- print(file.splitname("/dir/file"))
+-- print(file.splitname("file"))
+-- print(file.splitname("dir/file"))
+-- print(file.splitname("/dir/file"))
+-- inspect(file.nametotable("file.ext"))
+-- inspect(file.nametotable("dir/file.ext"))
+-- inspect(file.nametotable("/dir/file.ext"))
+-- inspect(file.nametotable("file.ext"))
+-- inspect(file.nametotable("dir/file.ext"))
+-- inspect(file.nametotable("/dir/file.ext"))
+----- pattern = Cs(((period * noperiod^1 * -1) / "" + 1)^1)
+local pattern = Cs(((period * (1-period-slashes)^1 * -1) / "" + 1)^1)
+function file.removesuffix(name)
+ return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name)
+-- local pattern = (noslashes^0 * slashes)^0 * (noperiod^1 * period)^1 * Cp() * noperiod^1 * -1
+-- function file.addsuffix(name, suffix)
+-- local p = lpegmatch(pattern,name)
+-- if p then
+-- return name
+-- else
+-- return name .. "." .. suffix
+-- end
+-- end
+local suffix = period/"" * (1-period-slashes)^1 * -1
+local pattern = Cs((noslashes^0 * slashes^1)^0 * ((1-suffix)^1)) * Cs(suffix)
+function file.addsuffix(filename,suffix,criterium)
+ if not filename or not suffix or suffix == "" then
+ return filename
+ elseif criterium == true then
+ return filename .. "." .. suffix
+ elseif not criterium then
+ local n, s = lpegmatch(pattern,filename)
+ if not s or s == "" then
+ return filename .. "." .. suffix
+ else
+ return filename
+ end
+ else
+ local n, s = lpegmatch(pattern,filename)
+ if s and s ~= "" then
+ local t = type(criterium)
+ if t == "table" then
+ -- keep if in criterium
+ for i=1,#criterium do
+ if s == criterium[i] then
+ return filename
+ end
+ end
+ elseif t == "string" then
+ -- keep if criterium
+ if s == criterium then
+ return filename
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return (n or filename) .. "." .. suffix
+ end
+-- print("1 " .. file.addsuffix("name","new") .. " ->")
+-- print("2 " .. file.addsuffix("name.old","new") .. " -> name.old")
+-- print("3 " .. file.addsuffix("name.old","new",true) .. " ->")
+-- print("4 " .. file.addsuffix("name.old","new","new") .. " ->")
+-- print("5 " .. file.addsuffix("name.old","new","old") .. " -> name.old")
+-- print("6 " .. file.addsuffix("name.old","new","foo") .. " ->")
+-- print("7 " .. file.addsuffix("name.old","new",{"foo","bar"}) .. " ->")
+-- print("8 " .. file.addsuffix("name.old","new",{"old","bar"}) .. " -> name.old")
+local suffix = period * (1-period-slashes)^1 * -1
+local pattern = Cs((1-suffix)^0)
+function file.replacesuffix(name,suffix)
+ if name and suffix and suffix ~= "" then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,name) .. "." .. suffix
+ else
+ return name
+ end
+local reslasher = lpeg.replacer(P("\\"),"/")
+function file.reslash(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(reslasher,str)
+-- We should be able to use:
+-- local writable = P(1) * P("w") * Cc(true)
+-- function file.is_writable(name)
+-- local a = attributes(name) or attributes(pathpart(name,"."))
+-- return a and lpegmatch(writable,a.permissions) or false
+-- end
+-- But after some testing Taco and I came up with the more robust
+-- variant:
+if lfs.isreadablefile and lfs.iswritablefile then
+ file.is_readable = lfs.isreadablefile
+ file.is_writable = lfs.iswritablefile
+ function file.is_writable(name)
+ if not name then
+ -- error
+ elseif lfs.isdir(name) then
+ name = name .. "/m_t_x_t_e_s_t.tmp"
+ local f =,"wb")
+ if f then
+ f:close()
+ os.remove(name)
+ return true
+ end
+ elseif lfs.isfile(name) then
+ local f =,"ab")
+ if f then
+ f:close()
+ return true
+ end
+ else
+ local f =,"ab")
+ if f then
+ f:close()
+ os.remove(name)
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ local readable = P("r") * Cc(true)
+ function file.is_readable(name)
+ if name then
+ local a = attributes(name)
+ return a and lpegmatch(readable,a.permissions) or false
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+file.isreadable = file.is_readable -- depricated
+file.iswritable = file.is_writable -- depricated
+function file.size(name)
+ if name then
+ local a = attributes(name)
+ return a and a.size or 0
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+function file.splitpath(str,separator) -- string .. reslash is a bonus (we could do a direct split)
+ return str and checkedsplit(lpegmatch(reslasher,str),separator or io.pathseparator)
+function file.joinpath(tab,separator) -- table
+ return tab and concat(tab,separator or io.pathseparator) -- can have trailing //
+local someslash = S("\\/")
+local stripper = Cs(P(fwslash)^0/"" * reslasher)
+local isnetwork = someslash * someslash * (1-someslash)
+ + (1-fwslash-colon)^1 * colon
+local isroot = fwslash^1 * -1
+local hasroot = fwslash^1
+local reslasher = lpeg.replacer(S("\\/"),"/")
+local deslasher = lpeg.replacer(S("\\/")^1,"/")
+-- If we have a network or prefix then there is a change that we end up with two
+-- // in the middle ... we could prevent this if we (1) expand prefixes: and (2)
+-- split and rebuild as url. Of course we could assume no network paths (which
+-- makes sense) adn assume either mapped drives (windows) or mounts (unix) but
+-- then we still have to deal with urls ... anyhow, multiple // are never a real
+-- problem but just ugly.
+-- function file.join(...)
+-- local lst = { ... }
+-- local one = lst[1]
+-- if lpegmatch(isnetwork,one) then
+-- local one = lpegmatch(reslasher,one)
+-- local two = lpegmatch(deslasher,concat(lst,"/",2))
+-- if lpegmatch(hasroot,two) then
+-- return one .. two
+-- else
+-- return one .. "/" .. two
+-- end
+-- elseif lpegmatch(isroot,one) then
+-- local two = lpegmatch(deslasher,concat(lst,"/",2))
+-- if lpegmatch(hasroot,two) then
+-- return two
+-- else
+-- return "/" .. two
+-- end
+-- elseif one == "" then
+-- return lpegmatch(stripper,concat(lst,"/",2))
+-- else
+-- return lpegmatch(deslasher,concat(lst,"/"))
+-- end
+-- end
+function file.join(one, two, three, ...)
+ if not two then
+ return one == "" and one or lpegmatch(reslasher,one)
+ end
+ if one == "" then
+ return lpegmatch(stripper,three and concat({ two, three, ... },"/") or two)
+ end
+ if lpegmatch(isnetwork,one) then
+ local one = lpegmatch(reslasher,one)
+ local two = lpegmatch(deslasher,three and concat({ two, three, ... },"/") or two)
+ if lpegmatch(hasroot,two) then
+ return one .. two
+ else
+ return one .. "/" .. two
+ end
+ elseif lpegmatch(isroot,one) then
+ local two = lpegmatch(deslasher,three and concat({ two, three, ... },"/") or two)
+ if lpegmatch(hasroot,two) then
+ return two
+ else
+ return "/" .. two
+ end
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(deslasher,concat({ one, two, three, ... },"/"))
+ end
+-- or we can use this:
+-- function file.join(...)
+-- local n = select("#",...)
+-- local one = select(1,...)
+-- if n == 1 then
+-- return one == "" and one or lpegmatch(stripper,one)
+-- end
+-- if one == "" then
+-- return lpegmatch(stripper,n > 2 and concat({ ... },"/",2) or select(2,...))
+-- end
+-- if lpegmatch(isnetwork,one) then
+-- local one = lpegmatch(reslasher,one)
+-- local two = lpegmatch(deslasher,n > 2 and concat({ ... },"/",2) or select(2,...))
+-- if lpegmatch(hasroot,two) then
+-- return one .. two
+-- else
+-- return one .. "/" .. two
+-- end
+-- elseif lpegmatch(isroot,one) then
+-- local two = lpegmatch(deslasher,n > 2 and concat({ ... },"/",2) or select(2,...))
+-- if lpegmatch(hasroot,two) then
+-- return two
+-- else
+-- return "/" .. two
+-- end
+-- else
+-- return lpegmatch(deslasher,concat({ ... },"/"))
+-- end
+-- end
+-- print(file.join("c:/whatever"))
+-- print(file.join("c:/whatever","name"))
+-- print(file.join("//","/y"))
+-- print(file.join("/","/y"))
+-- print(file.join("","/y"))
+-- print(file.join("/x/","/y"))
+-- print(file.join("x/","/y"))
+-- print(file.join("http://","/y"))
+-- print(file.join("http://a","/y"))
+-- print(file.join("http:///a","/y"))
+-- print(file.join("//nas-1","/y"))
+-- print(file.join("//nas-1/a/b/c","/y"))
+-- print(file.join("\\\\nas-1\\a\\b\\c","\\y"))
+-- The previous one fails on "a.b/c" so Taco came up with a split based
+-- variant. After some skyping we got it sort of compatible with the old
+-- one. After that the anchoring to currentdir was added in a better way.
+-- Of course there are some optimizations too. Finally we had to deal with
+-- windows drive prefixes and things like sys://. Eventually gsubs and
+-- finds were replaced by lpegs.
+local drivespec = R("az","AZ")^1 * colon
+local anchors = fwslash
+ + drivespec
+local untouched = periods
+ + (1-period)^1 * P(-1)
+local mswindrive = Cs(drivespec * (bwslash/"/" + fwslash)^0)
+local mswinuncpath = (bwslash + fwslash) * (bwslash + fwslash) * Cc("//")
+local splitstarter = (mswindrive + mswinuncpath + Cc(false))
+ * Ct(lpeg.splitat(S("/\\")^1))
+local absolute = fwslash
+function file.collapsepath(str,anchor) -- anchor: false|nil, true, "."
+ if not str then
+ return
+ end
+ if anchor == true and not lpegmatch(anchors,str) then
+ str = getcurrentdir() .. "/" .. str
+ end
+ if str == "" or str =="." then
+ return "."
+ elseif lpegmatch(untouched,str) then
+ return lpegmatch(reslasher,str)
+ end
+ local starter, oldelements = lpegmatch(splitstarter,str)
+ local newelements = { }
+ local i = #oldelements
+ while i > 0 do
+ local element = oldelements[i]
+ if element == '.' then
+ -- do nothing
+ elseif element == '..' then
+ local n = i - 1
+ while n > 0 do
+ local element = oldelements[n]
+ if element ~= '..' and element ~= '.' then
+ oldelements[n] = '.'
+ break
+ else
+ n = n - 1
+ end
+ end
+ if n < 1 then
+ insert(newelements,1,'..')
+ end
+ elseif element ~= "" then
+ insert(newelements,1,element)
+ end
+ i = i - 1
+ end
+ if #newelements == 0 then
+ return starter or "."
+ elseif starter then
+ return starter .. concat(newelements, '/')
+ elseif lpegmatch(absolute,str) then
+ return "/" .. concat(newelements,'/')
+ else
+ newelements = concat(newelements, '/')
+ if anchor == "." and find(str,"^%./") then
+ return "./" .. newelements
+ else
+ return newelements
+ end
+ end
+-- local function test(str,...)
+-- print(string.format("%-20s %-15s %-30s %-20s",str,file.collapsepath(str),file.collapsepath(str,true),file.collapsepath(str,".")))
+-- end
+-- test("a/b.c/d") test("b.c/d") test("b.c/..")
+-- test("/") test("c:/..") test("sys://..")
+-- test("") test("./") test(".") test("..") test("./..") test("../..")
+-- test("a") test("./a") test("/a") test("a/../..")
+-- test("a/./b/..") test("a/aa/../b/bb") test("a/.././././b/..") test("a/./././b/..")
+-- test("a/b/c/../..") test("./a/b/c/../..") test("a/b/c/../..")
+-- test("./a")
+-- test([[\\a.b.c\d\e]])
+local validchars = R("az","09","AZ","--","..")
+local pattern_a = lpeg.replacer(1-validchars)
+local pattern_a = Cs((validchars + P(1)/"-")^1)
+local whatever = P("-")^0 / ""
+local pattern_b = Cs(whatever * (1 - whatever * -1)^1)
+function file.robustname(str,strict)
+ if str then
+ str = lpegmatch(pattern_a,str) or str
+ if strict then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str) or str -- two step is cleaner (less backtracking)
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+ end
+local loaddata = io.loaddata
+local savedata = io.savedata
+file.readdata = loaddata
+file.savedata = savedata
+function file.copy(oldname,newname)
+ if oldname and newname then
+ local data = loaddata(oldname)
+ if data and data ~= "" then
+ savedata(newname,data)
+ end
+ end
+-- also rewrite previous
+local letter = R("az","AZ") + S("_-+")
+local separator = P("://")
+local qualified = period^0 * fwslash
+ + letter * colon
+ + letter^1 * separator
+ + letter^1 * fwslash
+local rootbased = fwslash
+ + letter * colon
+lpeg.patterns.qualified = qualified
+lpeg.patterns.rootbased = rootbased
+-- ./name ../name /name c: :// name/name
+function file.is_qualified_path(filename)
+ return filename and lpegmatch(qualified,filename) ~= nil
+function file.is_rootbased_path(filename)
+ return filename and lpegmatch(rootbased,filename) ~= nil
+-- function test(t) for k, v in next, t do print(v, "=>", file.splitname(v)) end end
+-- test { "c:", "c:/aa", "c:/aa/bb", "c:/aa/bb/cc", "c:/aa/bb/cc.dd", "c:/aa/bb/" }
+-- test { "c:", "c:aa", "c:aa/bb", "c:aa/bb/cc", "c:aa/bb/cc.dd", "c:aa/bb/" }
+-- test { "/aa", "/aa/bb", "/aa/bb/cc", "/aa/bb/cc.dd", "/aa/bb/" }
+-- test { "aa", "aa/bb", "aa/bb/cc", "aa/bb/cc.dd", "aa/bb/" }
+-- -- maybe:
+-- if os.type == "windows" then
+-- local currentdir = getcurrentdir
+-- function getcurrentdir()
+-- return lpegmatch(reslasher,currentdir())
+-- end
+-- end
+-- for myself:
+function file.strip(name,dir)
+ if name then
+ local b, a = match(name,"^(.-)" .. dir .. "(.*)$")
+ return a ~= "" and a or name
+ end
+-- local debuglist = {
+-- "pathpart", "basename", "nameonly", "suffixonly", "suffix", "dirname", "extname",
+-- "addsuffix", "removesuffix", "replacesuffix", "join",
+-- "strip","collapsepath", "joinpath", "splitpath",
+-- }
+-- for i=1,#debuglist do
+-- local name = debuglist[i]
+-- local f = file[name]
+-- file[name] = function(...)
+-- print(name,f(...))
+-- return f(...)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- a goodie: a dumb version of mkdirs (not used in context itself, only
+-- in generic usage)
+function lfs.mkdirs(path)
+ local full = ""
+ for sub in gmatch(path,"(/*[^\\/]+)") do -- accepts leading c: and /
+ full = full .. sub
+ -- lfs.isdir("/foo") mistakenly returns true on windows so
+ -- so we don't test and just make as that one is not too picky
+ lfs.mkdir(full)
+ end
+-- here is oen i ran into when messign around with xavante code (keppler project)
+-- where it's called in_base .. no gain in using lpeg here
+function file.withinbase(path) -- don't go beyond root
+ local l = 0
+ if not find(path,"^/") then
+ path = "/" .. path
+ end
+ for dir in gmatch(path,"/([^/]+)") do
+ if dir == ".." then
+ l = l - 1
+ elseif dir ~= "." then
+ l = l + 1
+ end
+ if l < 0 then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+-- not used in context but was in luatex once:
+local symlinkattributes = lfs.symlinkattributes
+function lfs.readlink(name)
+ return symlinkattributes(name,"target") or nil
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-function.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-function.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ded8ceecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-function.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-functions'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+functions = functions or { }
+function functions.dummy() end
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-gzip.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-gzip.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5100e47222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-gzip.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-gzip'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+if not gzip then
+ -- no fallback yet
+ return
+local suffix, suffixes = file.suffix, file.suffixes
+function gzip.load(filename)
+ local f =,"rb")
+ if not f then
+ -- invalid file
+ elseif suffix(filename) == "gz" then
+ f:close()
+ local g =,"rb")
+ if g then
+ local str = g:read("*all")
+ g:close()
+ return str
+ end
+ else
+ local str = f:read("*all")
+ f:close()
+ return str
+ end
+ if suffix(filename) ~= "gz" then
+ filename = filename .. ".gz"
+ end
+ local f =,"wb")
+ if f then
+ local s = zlib.compress(data or "",9,nil,15+16)
+ f:write(s)
+ f:close()
+ return #s
+ end
+function gzip.suffix(filename)
+ local suffix, extra = suffixes(filename)
+ local gzipped = extra == "gz"
+ return suffix, gzipped
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-io.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-io.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa3ad3c4cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-io.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-io'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local io = io
+local open, flush, write, read =, io.flush, io.write,
+local byte, find, gsub, format = string.byte, string.find, string.gsub, string.format
+local concat = table.concat
+----- floor = math.floor
+local type = type
+if string.find(os.getenv("PATH"),";",1,true) then
+ io.fileseparator, io.pathseparator = "\\", ";"
+ io.fileseparator, io.pathseparator = "/" , ":"
+-- local function readall(f)
+-- return f:read("*all")
+-- end
+-- The next one is upto 50% faster on large files and less memory consumption due
+-- to less intermediate large allocations. This phenomena was discussed on the
+-- luatex dev list.
+local large = 0x01000000 -- 2^24 16.777.216
+local medium = 0x00100000 -- 2^20 1.048.576
+local small = 0x00020000 -- 2^17 131.072
+-- local function readall(f)
+-- local size = f:seek("end")
+-- if size == 0 then
+-- return ""
+-- end
+-- f:seek("set",0)
+-- if size < medium then
+-- return f:read('*all')
+-- else
+-- local step = (size > large) and large or (floor(size/(medium)) * small)
+-- local data = { }
+-- while true do
+-- local r = f:read(step)
+-- if not r then
+-- return concat(data)
+-- else
+-- data[#data+1] = r
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+local function readall(f)
+ -- return f:read("*all")
+ local size = f:seek("end")
+ if size > 0 then
+ f:seek("set",0)
+ return f:read(size)
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+io.readall = readall
+function io.loaddata(filename,textmode) -- return nil if empty
+ local f = open(filename,(textmode and 'r') or 'rb')
+ if f then
+ local size = f:seek("end")
+ local data = nil
+ if size > 0 then
+ -- data = f:read("*all")
+ f:seek("set",0)
+ data = f:read(size)
+ end
+ f:close()
+ return data
+ end
+-- function io.copydata(source,target,action)
+-- local f = open(source,"rb")
+-- if f then
+-- local g = open(target,"wb")
+-- if g then
+-- local size = f:seek("end")
+-- if size == 0 then
+-- -- empty
+-- else
+-- f:seek("set",0)
+-- if size < medium then
+-- local data = f:read('*all')
+-- if action then
+-- data = action(data)
+-- end
+-- if data then
+-- g:write(data)
+-- end
+-- else
+-- local step = (size > large) and large or (floor(size/(medium)) * small)
+-- while true do
+-- local data = f:read(step)
+-- if data then
+-- if action then
+-- data = action(data)
+-- end
+-- if data then
+-- g:write(data)
+-- end
+-- else
+-- break
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- g:close()
+-- end
+-- f:close()
+-- flush()
+-- end
+-- end
+function io.copydata(source,target,action)
+ local f = open(source,"rb")
+ if f then
+ local g = open(target,"wb")
+ if g then
+ local size = f:seek("end")
+ if size > 0 then
+ -- local data = f:read('*all')
+ f:seek("set",0)
+ local data = f:read(size)
+ if action then
+ data = action(data)
+ end
+ if data then
+ g:write(data)
+ end
+ end
+ g:close()
+ end
+ f:close()
+ flush()
+ end
+function io.savedata(filename,data,joiner)
+ local f = open(filename,"wb")
+ if f then
+ if type(data) == "table" then
+ f:write(concat(data,joiner or ""))
+ elseif type(data) == "function" then
+ data(f)
+ else
+ f:write(data or "")
+ end
+ f:close()
+ flush()
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+-- we can also chunk this one if needed: io.lines(filename,chunksize,"*l")
+-- ffi.readline
+if fio and fio.readline then
+ local readline = fio.readline
+ function io.loadlines(filename,n) -- return nil if empty
+ local f = open(filename,'r')
+ if not f then
+ -- no file
+ elseif n then
+ local lines = { }
+ for i=1,n do
+ local line = readline(f)
+ if line then
+ lines[i] = line
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ f:close()
+ lines = concat(lines,"\n")
+ if #lines > 0 then
+ return lines
+ end
+ else
+ local line = readline(f)
+ f:close()
+ if line and #line > 0 then
+ return line
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function io.loadlines(filename,n) -- return nil if empty
+ local f = open(filename,'r')
+ if not f then
+ -- no file
+ elseif n then
+ local lines = { }
+ for i=1,n do
+ local line = f:read("*lines")
+ if line then
+ lines[i] = line
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ f:close()
+ lines = concat(lines,"\n")
+ if #lines > 0 then
+ return lines
+ end
+ else
+ local line = f:read("*line") or ""
+ f:close()
+ if #line > 0 then
+ return line
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function io.loadchunk(filename,n)
+ local f = open(filename,'rb')
+ if f then
+ local data = f:read(n or 1024)
+ f:close()
+ if #data > 0 then
+ return data
+ end
+ end
+function io.exists(filename)
+ local f = open(filename)
+ if f == nil then
+ return false
+ else
+ f:close()
+ return true
+ end
+function io.size(filename)
+ local f = open(filename)
+ if f == nil then
+ return 0
+ else
+ local s = f:seek("end")
+ f:close()
+ return s
+ end
+local function noflines(f)
+ if type(f) == "string" then
+ local f = open(filename)
+ if f then
+ local n = f and noflines(f) or 0
+ f:close()
+ return n
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+ else
+ -- todo: load and lpeg
+ local n = 0
+ for _ in f:lines() do
+ n = n + 1
+ end
+ f:seek('set',0)
+ return n
+ end
+io.noflines = noflines
+-- inlined is faster ... beware, better use util-fil
+local nextchar = {
+ [ 4] = function(f)
+ return f:read(1,1,1,1)
+ end,
+ [ 2] = function(f)
+ return f:read(1,1)
+ end,
+ [ 1] = function(f)
+ return f:read(1)
+ end,
+ [-2] = function(f)
+ local a, b = f:read(1,1)
+ return b, a
+ end,
+ [-4] = function(f)
+ local a, b, c, d = f:read(1,1,1,1)
+ return d, c, b, a
+ end
+function io.characters(f,n)
+ if f then
+ return nextchar[n or 1], f
+ end
+local nextbyte = {
+ [4] = function(f)
+ local a, b, c, d = f:read(1,1,1,1)
+ if d then
+ return byte(a), byte(b), byte(c), byte(d)
+ end
+ end,
+ [3] = function(f)
+ local a, b, c = f:read(1,1,1)
+ if b then
+ return byte(a), byte(b), byte(c)
+ end
+ end,
+ [2] = function(f)
+ local a, b = f:read(1,1)
+ if b then
+ return byte(a), byte(b)
+ end
+ end,
+ [1] = function (f)
+ local a = f:read(1)
+ if a then
+ return byte(a)
+ end
+ end,
+ [-2] = function (f)
+ local a, b = f:read(1,1)
+ if b then
+ return byte(b), byte(a)
+ end
+ end,
+ [-3] = function(f)
+ local a, b, c = f:read(1,1,1)
+ if b then
+ return byte(c), byte(b), byte(a)
+ end
+ end,
+ [-4] = function(f)
+ local a, b, c, d = f:read(1,1,1,1)
+ if d then
+ return byte(d), byte(c), byte(b), byte(a)
+ end
+ end
+function io.bytes(f,n)
+ if f then
+ return nextbyte[n or 1], f
+ else
+ return nil, nil
+ end
+function io.ask(question,default,options)
+ while true do
+ write(question)
+ if options then
+ write(format(" [%s]",concat(options,"|")))
+ end
+ if default then
+ write(format(" [%s]",default))
+ end
+ write(format(" "))
+ flush()
+ local answer = read()
+ answer = gsub(answer,"^%s*(.*)%s*$","%1")
+ if answer == "" and default then
+ return default
+ elseif not options then
+ return answer
+ else
+ for k=1,#options do
+ if options[k] == answer then
+ return answer
+ end
+ end
+ local pattern = "^" .. answer
+ for k=1,#options do
+ local v = options[k]
+ if find(v,pattern) then
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function readnumber(f,n,m) -- to be replaced
+ if m then
+ f:seek("set",n)
+ n = m
+ end
+ if n == 1 then
+ return byte(f:read(1))
+ elseif n == 2 then
+ local a, b = byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+ return 0x100 * a + b
+ elseif n == 3 then
+ local a, b, c = byte(f:read(3),1,3)
+ return 0x10000 * a + 0x100 * b + c
+ elseif n == 4 then
+ local a, b, c, d = byte(f:read(4),1,4)
+ return 0x1000000 * a + 0x10000 * b + 0x100 * c + d
+ elseif n == 8 then
+ local a, b = readnumber(f,4), readnumber(f,4)
+ return 0x100 * a + b
+ elseif n == 12 then
+ local a, b, c = readnumber(f,4), readnumber(f,4), readnumber(f,4)
+ return 0x10000 * a + 0x100 * b + c
+ elseif n == -2 then
+ local b, a = byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+ return 0x100 * a + b
+ elseif n == -3 then
+ local c, b, a = byte(f:read(3),1,3)
+ return 0x10000 * a + 0x100 * b + c
+ elseif n == -4 then
+ local d, c, b, a = byte(f:read(4),1,4)
+ return 0x1000000 * a + 0x10000 * b + 0x100*c + d
+ elseif n == -8 then
+ local h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a = byte(f:read(8),1,8)
+ return 0x100000000000000 * a + 0x1000000000000 * b + 0x10000000000 * c + 0x100000000 * d +
+ 0x1000000 * e + 0x10000 * f + 0x100 * g + h
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+io.readnumber = readnumber
+function io.readstring(f,n,m)
+ if m then
+ f:seek("set",n)
+ n = m
+ end
+ local str = gsub(f:read(n),"\000","")
+ return str
+-- This works quite ok:
+-- function io.piped(command,writer)
+-- local pipe = io.popen(command)
+-- -- for line in pipe:lines() do
+-- -- print(line)
+-- -- end
+-- while true do
+-- local line = pipe:read(1)
+-- if not line then
+-- break
+-- elseif line ~= "\n" then
+-- writer(line)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return pipe:close() -- ok, status, (error)code
+-- end
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-lpeg.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-lpeg.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51bc1d3df3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-lpeg.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1196 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-lpeg'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- we can get too many captures (e.g. on largexml files) which makes me wonder
+-- if P(foo)/"" can't be simplfied to N(foo) i.e. some direct instruction to the
+-- lpeg virtual machine to ignore it
+-- lpeg 12 vs lpeg 10: slower compilation, similar parsing speed (i need to check
+-- if i can use new features like capture / 2 and .B (at first sight the xml
+-- parser is some 5% slower)
+-- lpeg.P("abc") is faster than lpeg.P("a") * lpeg.P("b") * lpeg.P("c")
+-- a new lpeg fails on a #(1-P(":")) test and really needs a + P(-1)
+-- move utf -> l-unicode
+-- move string -> l-string or keep it here
+-- lpeg.B : backward without consumption
+-- lpeg.F = getmetatable(lpeg.P(1)).__len : forward without consumption
+lpeg = require("lpeg") -- does lpeg register itself global?
+local lpeg = lpeg
+-- The latest lpeg doesn't have print any more, and even the new ones are not
+-- available by default (only when debug mode is enabled), which is a pitty as
+-- as it helps nailing down bottlenecks. Performance seems comparable: some 10%
+-- slower pattern compilation, same parsing speed, although,
+-- local p = lpeg.C(lpeg.P(1)^0 * lpeg.P(-1))
+-- local a = string.rep("123",100)
+-- lpeg.match(p,a)
+-- seems slower and is also still suboptimal (i.e. a match that runs from begin
+-- to end, one of the cases where string matchers win).
+if not lpeg.print then function lpeg.print(...) print(lpeg.pcode(...)) end end
+-- tracing (only used when we encounter a problem in integration of lpeg in luatex)
+-- some code will move to unicode and string
+-- local lpmatch = lpeg.match
+-- local lpprint = lpeg.print
+-- local lpp = lpeg.P
+-- local lpr = lpeg.R
+-- local lps = lpeg.S
+-- local lpc = lpeg.C
+-- local lpb = lpeg.B
+-- local lpv = lpeg.V
+-- local lpcf = lpeg.Cf
+-- local lpcb = lpeg.Cb
+-- local lpcg = lpeg.Cg
+-- local lpct = lpeg.Ct
+-- local lpcs = lpeg.Cs
+-- local lpcc = lpeg.Cc
+-- local lpcmt = lpeg.Cmt
+-- local lpcarg = lpeg.Carg
+-- function lpeg.match(l,...) print("LPEG MATCH") lpprint(l) return lpmatch(l,...) end
+-- function lpeg.P (l) local p = lpp (l) print("LPEG P =") lpprint(l) return p end
+-- function lpeg.R (l) local p = lpr (l) print("LPEG R =") lpprint(l) return p end
+-- function lpeg.S (l) local p = lps (l) print("LPEG S =") lpprint(l) return p end
+-- function lpeg.C (l) local p = lpc (l) print("LPEG C =") lpprint(l) return p end
+-- function lpeg.B (l) local p = lpb (l) print("LPEG B =") lpprint(l) return p end
+-- function lpeg.V (l) local p = lpv (l) print("LPEG V =") lpprint(l) return p end
+-- function lpeg.Cf (l) local p = lpcf (l) print("LPEG Cf =") lpprint(l) return p end
+-- function lpeg.Cb (l) local p = lpcb (l) print("LPEG Cb =") lpprint(l) return p end
+-- function lpeg.Cg (l) local p = lpcg (l) print("LPEG Cg =") lpprint(l) return p end
+-- function lpeg.Ct (l) local p = lpct (l) print("LPEG Ct =") lpprint(l) return p end
+-- function lpeg.Cs (l) local p = lpcs (l) print("LPEG Cs =") lpprint(l) return p end
+-- function lpeg.Cc (l) local p = lpcc (l) print("LPEG Cc =") lpprint(l) return p end
+-- function lpeg.Cmt (l) local p = lpcmt (l) print("LPEG Cmt =") lpprint(l) return p end
+-- function lpeg.Carg (l) local p = lpcarg(l) print("LPEG Carg =") lpprint(l) return p end
+local type, next, tostring = type, next, tostring
+local byte, char, gmatch, format = string.byte, string.char, string.gmatch, string.format
+----- mod, div = math.mod, math.div
+local floor = math.floor
+local P, R, S, V, Ct, C, Cs, Cc, Cp, Cmt = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Cmt
+local lpegtype, lpegmatch, lpegprint = lpeg.type, lpeg.match, lpeg.print
+-- let's start with an inspector:
+if setinspector then
+ setinspector("lpeg",function(v) if lpegtype(v) then lpegprint(v) return true end end)
+-- Beware, we predefine a bunch of patterns here and one reason for doing so
+-- is that we get consistent behaviour in some of the visualizers.
+lpeg.patterns = lpeg.patterns or { } -- so that we can share
+local patterns = lpeg.patterns
+local anything = P(1)
+local endofstring = P(-1)
+local alwaysmatched = P(true)
+patterns.anything = anything
+patterns.endofstring = endofstring
+patterns.beginofstring = alwaysmatched
+patterns.alwaysmatched = alwaysmatched
+local sign = S('+-')
+local zero = P('0')
+local digit = R('09')
+local digits = digit^1
+local octdigit = R("07")
+local octdigits = octdigit^1
+local lowercase = R("az")
+local uppercase = R("AZ")
+local underscore = P("_")
+local hexdigit = digit + lowercase + uppercase
+local hexdigits = hexdigit^1
+local cr, lf, crlf = P("\r"), P("\n"), P("\r\n")
+----- newline = crlf + S("\r\n") -- cr + lf
+local newline = P("\r") * (P("\n") + P(true)) + P("\n") -- P("\r")^-1 * P("\n")^-1
+local escaped = P("\\") * anything
+local squote = P("'")
+local dquote = P('"')
+local space = P(" ")
+local period = P(".")
+local comma = P(",")
+local utfbom_32_be = P('\000\000\254\255') -- 00 00 FE FF
+local utfbom_32_le = P('\255\254\000\000') -- FF FE 00 00
+local utfbom_16_be = P('\254\255') -- FE FF
+local utfbom_16_le = P('\255\254') -- FF FE
+local utfbom_8 = P('\239\187\191') -- EF BB BF
+local utfbom = utfbom_32_be + utfbom_32_le
+ + utfbom_16_be + utfbom_16_le
+ + utfbom_8
+local utftype = utfbom_32_be * Cc("utf-32-be") + utfbom_32_le * Cc("utf-32-le")
+ + utfbom_16_be * Cc("utf-16-be") + utfbom_16_le * Cc("utf-16-le")
+ + utfbom_8 * Cc("utf-8") + alwaysmatched * Cc("utf-8") -- assume utf8
+local utfstricttype = utfbom_32_be * Cc("utf-32-be") + utfbom_32_le * Cc("utf-32-le")
+ + utfbom_16_be * Cc("utf-16-be") + utfbom_16_le * Cc("utf-16-le")
+ + utfbom_8 * Cc("utf-8")
+local utfoffset = utfbom_32_be * Cc(4) + utfbom_32_le * Cc(4)
+ + utfbom_16_be * Cc(2) + utfbom_16_le * Cc(2)
+ + utfbom_8 * Cc(3) + Cc(0)
+local utf8next = R("\128\191")
+patterns.utfbom_32_be = utfbom_32_be
+patterns.utfbom_32_le = utfbom_32_le
+patterns.utfbom_16_be = utfbom_16_be
+patterns.utfbom_16_le = utfbom_16_le
+patterns.utfbom_8 = utfbom_8
+patterns.utf_16_be_nl = P("\000\r\000\n") + P("\000\r") + P("\000\n") -- P("\000\r") * (P("\000\n") + P(true)) + P("\000\n")
+patterns.utf_16_le_nl = P("\r\000\n\000") + P("\r\000") + P("\n\000") -- P("\r\000") * (P("\n\000") + P(true)) + P("\n\000")
+patterns.utf_32_be_nl = P("\000\000\000\r\000\000\000\n") + P("\000\000\000\r") + P("\000\000\000\n")
+patterns.utf_32_le_nl = P("\r\000\000\000\n\000\000\000") + P("\r\000\000\000") + P("\n\000\000\000")
+patterns.utf8one = R("\000\127")
+patterns.utf8two = R("\194\223") * utf8next
+patterns.utf8three = R("\224\239") * utf8next * utf8next
+patterns.utf8four = R("\240\244") * utf8next * utf8next * utf8next
+patterns.utfbom = utfbom
+patterns.utftype = utftype
+patterns.utfstricttype = utfstricttype
+patterns.utfoffset = utfoffset
+local utf8char = patterns.utf8one + patterns.utf8two + patterns.utf8three + patterns.utf8four
+local validutf8char = utf8char^0 * endofstring * Cc(true) + Cc(false)
+local utf8character = P(1) * R("\128\191")^0 -- unchecked but fast
+patterns.utf8 = utf8char
+patterns.utf8char = utf8char
+patterns.utf8character = utf8character -- this one can be used in most cases so we might use that one
+patterns.validutf8 = validutf8char
+patterns.validutf8char = validutf8char
+local eol = S("\n\r")
+local spacer = S(" \t\f\v") -- + char(0xc2, 0xa0) if we want utf (cf mail roberto)
+local whitespace = eol + spacer
+local nonspacer = 1 - spacer
+local nonwhitespace = 1 - whitespace
+patterns.eol = eol
+patterns.spacer = spacer
+patterns.whitespace = whitespace
+patterns.nonspacer = nonspacer
+patterns.nonwhitespace = nonwhitespace
+local stripper = spacer ^0 * C((spacer ^0 * nonspacer ^1)^0) -- from example by roberto
+local fullstripper = whitespace^0 * C((whitespace^0 * nonwhitespace^1)^0)
+----- collapser = Cs(spacer^0/"" * ((spacer^1 * endofstring / "") + (spacer^1/" ") + P(1))^0)
+local collapser = Cs(spacer^0/"" * nonspacer^0 * ((spacer^0/" " * nonspacer^1)^0))
+local nospacer = Cs((whitespace^1/"" + nonwhitespace^1)^0)
+local b_collapser = Cs( whitespace^0 /"" * (nonwhitespace^1 + whitespace^1/" ")^0)
+local e_collapser = Cs((whitespace^1 * endofstring/"" + nonwhitespace^1 + whitespace^1/" ")^0)
+local m_collapser = Cs( (nonwhitespace^1 + whitespace^1/" ")^0)
+local b_stripper = Cs( spacer^0 /"" * (nonspacer^1 + spacer^1/" ")^0)
+local e_stripper = Cs((spacer^1 * endofstring/"" + nonspacer^1 + spacer^1/" ")^0)
+local m_stripper = Cs( (nonspacer^1 + spacer^1/" ")^0)
+patterns.stripper = stripper
+patterns.fullstripper = fullstripper
+patterns.collapser = collapser
+patterns.nospacer = nospacer
+patterns.b_collapser = b_collapser
+patterns.m_collapser = m_collapser
+patterns.e_collapser = e_collapser
+patterns.b_stripper = b_stripper
+patterns.m_stripper = m_stripper
+patterns.e_stripper = e_stripper
+patterns.lowercase = lowercase
+patterns.uppercase = uppercase
+patterns.letter = patterns.lowercase + patterns.uppercase = space = P("\t")
+patterns.spaceortab = +
+patterns.newline = newline
+patterns.emptyline = newline^1
+patterns.equal = P("=")
+patterns.comma = comma
+patterns.commaspacer = comma * spacer^0
+patterns.period = period
+patterns.colon = P(":")
+patterns.semicolon = P(";")
+patterns.underscore = underscore
+patterns.escaped = escaped
+patterns.squote = squote
+patterns.dquote = dquote
+patterns.nosquote = (escaped + (1-squote))^0
+patterns.nodquote = (escaped + (1-dquote))^0
+patterns.unsingle = (squote/"") * patterns.nosquote * (squote/"") -- will change to C in the middle
+patterns.undouble = (dquote/"") * patterns.nodquote * (dquote/"") -- will change to C in the middle
+patterns.unquoted = patterns.undouble + patterns.unsingle -- more often undouble
+patterns.unspacer = ((patterns.spacer^1)/"")^0
+patterns.singlequoted = squote * patterns.nosquote * squote
+patterns.doublequoted = dquote * patterns.nodquote * dquote
+patterns.quoted = patterns.doublequoted + patterns.singlequoted
+patterns.digit = digit
+patterns.digits = digits
+patterns.octdigit = octdigit
+patterns.octdigits = octdigits
+patterns.hexdigit = hexdigit
+patterns.hexdigits = hexdigits
+patterns.sign = sign
+patterns.cardinal = digits
+patterns.integer = sign^-1 * digits
+patterns.unsigned = digit^0 * period * digits
+patterns.float = sign^-1 * patterns.unsigned
+patterns.cunsigned = digit^0 * comma * digits
+patterns.cpunsigned = digit^0 * (period + comma) * digits
+patterns.cfloat = sign^-1 * patterns.cunsigned
+patterns.cpfloat = sign^-1 * patterns.cpunsigned
+patterns.number = patterns.float + patterns.integer
+patterns.cnumber = patterns.cfloat + patterns.integer
+patterns.cpnumber = patterns.cpfloat + patterns.integer
+patterns.oct = zero * octdigits -- hm is this ok
+patterns.octal = patterns.oct
+patterns.HEX = zero * P("X") * (digit+uppercase)^1
+patterns.hex = zero * P("x") * (digit+lowercase)^1
+patterns.hexadecimal = zero * S("xX") * hexdigits
+patterns.hexafloat = sign^-1
+ * zero * S("xX")
+ * (hexdigit^0 * period * hexdigits + hexdigits * period * hexdigit^0 + hexdigits)
+ * (S("pP") * sign^-1 * hexdigits)^-1
+patterns.decafloat = sign^-1
+ * (digit^0 * period * digits + digits * period * digit^0 + digits)
+ * S("eE") * sign^-1 * digits
+patterns.propername = (uppercase + lowercase + underscore) * (uppercase + lowercase + underscore + digit)^0 * endofstring
+patterns.somecontent = (anything - newline - space)^1 -- (utf8char - newline - space)^1
+patterns.beginline = #(1-newline)
+patterns.longtostring = Cs(whitespace^0/"" * ((patterns.quoted + nonwhitespace^1 + whitespace^1/"" * (endofstring + Cc(" ")))^0))
+-- local function anywhere(pattern) -- slightly adapted from website
+-- return P { P(pattern) + 1 * V(1) }
+-- end
+function anywhere(pattern) -- faster
+ return (1-P(pattern))^0 * P(pattern)
+lpeg.anywhere = anywhere
+function lpeg.instringchecker(p)
+ p = anywhere(p)
+ return function(str)
+ return lpegmatch(p,str) and true or false
+ end
+-- function lpeg.splitter(pattern, action)
+-- return (((1-P(pattern))^1)/action+1)^0
+-- end
+-- function lpeg.tsplitter(pattern, action)
+-- return Ct((((1-P(pattern))^1)/action+1)^0)
+-- end
+function lpeg.splitter(pattern, action)
+ if action then
+ return (((1-P(pattern))^1)/action+1)^0
+ else
+ return (Cs((1-P(pattern))^1)+1)^0
+ end
+function lpeg.tsplitter(pattern, action)
+ if action then
+ return Ct((((1-P(pattern))^1)/action+1)^0)
+ else
+ return Ct((Cs((1-P(pattern))^1)+1)^0)
+ end
+-- probleem: separator can be lpeg and that does not hash too well, but
+-- it's quite okay as the key is then not garbage collected
+local splitters_s, splitters_m, splitters_t = { }, { }, { }
+local function splitat(separator,single)
+ local splitter = (single and splitters_s[separator]) or splitters_m[separator]
+ if not splitter then
+ separator = P(separator)
+ local other = C((1 - separator)^0)
+ if single then
+ local any = anything
+ splitter = other * (separator * C(any^0) + "") -- ?
+ splitters_s[separator] = splitter
+ else
+ splitter = other * (separator * other)^0
+ splitters_m[separator] = splitter
+ end
+ end
+ return splitter
+local function tsplitat(separator)
+ local splitter = splitters_t[separator]
+ if not splitter then
+ splitter = Ct(splitat(separator))
+ splitters_t[separator] = splitter
+ end
+ return splitter
+lpeg.splitat = splitat
+lpeg.tsplitat = tsplitat
+function string.splitup(str,separator)
+ if not separator then
+ separator = ","
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(splitters_m[separator] or splitat(separator),str)
+-- local p = splitat("->",false) print(lpegmatch(p,"oeps->what->more")) -- oeps what more
+-- local p = splitat("->",true) print(lpegmatch(p,"oeps->what->more")) -- oeps what->more
+-- local p = splitat("->",false) print(lpegmatch(p,"oeps")) -- oeps
+-- local p = splitat("->",true) print(lpegmatch(p,"oeps")) -- oeps
+local cache = { }
+function lpeg.split(separator,str)
+ local c = cache[separator]
+ if not c then
+ c = tsplitat(separator)
+ cache[separator] = c
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(c,str)
+function string.split(str,separator)
+ if separator then
+ local c = cache[separator]
+ if not c then
+ c = tsplitat(separator)
+ cache[separator] = c
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(c,str)
+ else
+ return { str }
+ end
+local spacing = patterns.spacer^0 * newline -- sort of strip
+local empty = spacing * Cc("")
+local nonempty = Cs((1-spacing)^1) * spacing^-1
+local content = (empty + nonempty)^1
+patterns.textline = content
+local linesplitter = tsplitat(newline)
+patterns.linesplitter = linesplitter
+function string.splitlines(str)
+ return lpegmatch(linesplitter,str)
+-- lpeg.splitters = cache -- no longer public
+local cache = { }
+function lpeg.checkedsplit(separator,str)
+ local c = cache[separator]
+ if not c then
+ separator = P(separator)
+ local other = C((1 - separator)^1)
+ c = Ct(separator^0 * other * (separator^1 * other)^0)
+ cache[separator] = c
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(c,str)
+function string.checkedsplit(str,separator)
+ local c = cache[separator]
+ if not c then
+ separator = P(separator)
+ local other = C((1 - separator)^1)
+ c = Ct(separator^0 * other * (separator^1 * other)^0)
+ cache[separator] = c
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(c,str)
+-- from roberto's site:
+local function f2(s) local c1, c2 = byte(s,1,2) return c1 * 64 + c2 - 12416 end
+local function f3(s) local c1, c2, c3 = byte(s,1,3) return (c1 * 64 + c2) * 64 + c3 - 925824 end
+local function f4(s) local c1, c2, c3, c4 = byte(s,1,4) return ((c1 * 64 + c2) * 64 + c3) * 64 + c4 - 63447168 end
+local utf8byte = patterns.utf8one/byte + patterns.utf8two/f2 + patterns.utf8three/f3 + patterns.utf8four/f4
+patterns.utf8byte = utf8byte
+--~ local str = " a b c d "
+--~ local s = lpeg.stripper(lpeg.R("az")) print("["..lpegmatch(s,str).."]")
+--~ local s = lpeg.keeper(lpeg.R("az")) print("["..lpegmatch(s,str).."]")
+--~ local s = lpeg.stripper("ab") print("["..lpegmatch(s,str).."]")
+--~ local s = lpeg.keeper("ab") print("["..lpegmatch(s,str).."]")
+local cache = { }
+function lpeg.stripper(str)
+ if type(str) == "string" then
+ local s = cache[str]
+ if not s then
+ s = Cs(((S(str)^1)/"" + 1)^0)
+ cache[str] = s
+ end
+ return s
+ else
+ return Cs(((str^1)/"" + 1)^0)
+ end
+local cache = { }
+function lpeg.keeper(str)
+ if type(str) == "string" then
+ local s = cache[str]
+ if not s then
+ s = Cs((((1-S(str))^1)/"" + 1)^0)
+ cache[str] = s
+ end
+ return s
+ else
+ return Cs((((1-str)^1)/"" + 1)^0)
+ end
+function lpeg.frontstripper(str) -- or pattern (yet undocumented)
+ return (P(str) + P(true)) * Cs(anything^0)
+function lpeg.endstripper(str) -- or pattern (yet undocumented)
+ return Cs((1 - P(str) * endofstring)^0)
+-- Just for fun I looked at the used bytecode and
+-- p = (p and p + pp) or pp gets one more (testset).
+-- todo: cache when string
+function lpeg.replacer(one,two,makefunction,isutf) -- in principle we should sort the keys
+ local pattern
+ local u = isutf and utf8char or 1
+ if type(one) == "table" then
+ local no = #one
+ local p = P(false)
+ if no == 0 then
+ for k, v in next, one do
+ p = p + P(k) / v
+ end
+ pattern = Cs((p + u)^0)
+ elseif no == 1 then
+ local o = one[1]
+ one, two = P(o[1]), o[2]
+ -- pattern = Cs(((1-one)^1 + one/two)^0)
+ pattern = Cs((one/two + u)^0)
+ else
+ for i=1,no do
+ local o = one[i]
+ p = p + P(o[1]) / o[2]
+ end
+ pattern = Cs((p + u)^0)
+ end
+ else
+ pattern = Cs((P(one)/(two or "") + u)^0)
+ end
+ if makefunction then
+ return function(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ end
+ else
+ return pattern
+ end
+-- local pattern1 = P(1-P(pattern))^0 * P(pattern) : test for not nil
+-- local pattern2 = (P(pattern) * Cc(true) + P(1))^0 : test for true (could be faster, but not much)
+function lpeg.finder(lst,makefunction,isutf) -- beware: slower than find with 'patternless finds'
+ local pattern
+ if type(lst) == "table" then
+ pattern = P(false)
+ if #lst == 0 then
+ for k, v in next, lst do
+ pattern = pattern + P(k) -- ignore key, so we can use a replacer table
+ end
+ else
+ for i=1,#lst do
+ pattern = pattern + P(lst[i])
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ pattern = P(lst)
+ end
+ if isutf then
+ pattern = ((utf8char or 1)-pattern)^0 * pattern
+ else
+ pattern = (1-pattern)^0 * pattern
+ end
+ if makefunction then
+ return function(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ end
+ else
+ return pattern
+ end
+-- print(lpeg.match(lpeg.replacer("e","a"),"test test"))
+-- print(lpeg.match(lpeg.replacer{{"e","a"}},"test test"))
+-- print(lpeg.match(lpeg.replacer({ e = "a", t = "x" }),"test test"))
+local splitters_f, splitters_s = { }, { }
+function lpeg.firstofsplit(separator) -- always return value
+ local splitter = splitters_f[separator]
+ if not splitter then
+ local pattern = P(separator)
+ splitter = C((1 - pattern)^0)
+ splitters_f[separator] = splitter
+ end
+ return splitter
+function lpeg.secondofsplit(separator) -- nil if not split
+ local splitter = splitters_s[separator]
+ if not splitter then
+ local pattern = P(separator)
+ splitter = (1 - pattern)^0 * pattern * C(anything^0)
+ splitters_s[separator] = splitter
+ end
+ return splitter
+local splitters_s, splitters_p = { }, { }
+function lpeg.beforesuffix(separator) -- nil if nothing but empty is ok
+ local splitter = splitters_s[separator]
+ if not splitter then
+ local pattern = P(separator)
+ splitter = C((1 - pattern)^0) * pattern * endofstring
+ splitters_s[separator] = splitter
+ end
+ return splitter
+function lpeg.afterprefix(separator) -- nil if nothing but empty is ok
+ local splitter = splitters_p[separator]
+ if not splitter then
+ local pattern = P(separator)
+ splitter = pattern * C(anything^0)
+ splitters_p[separator] = splitter
+ end
+ return splitter
+function lpeg.balancer(left,right)
+ left, right = P(left), P(right)
+ return P { left * ((1 - left - right) + V(1))^0 * right }
+-- print(1,lpegmatch(lpeg.firstofsplit(":"),"bc:de"))
+-- print(2,lpegmatch(lpeg.firstofsplit(":"),":de")) -- empty
+-- print(3,lpegmatch(lpeg.firstofsplit(":"),"bc"))
+-- print(4,lpegmatch(lpeg.secondofsplit(":"),"bc:de"))
+-- print(5,lpegmatch(lpeg.secondofsplit(":"),"bc:")) -- empty
+-- print(6,lpegmatch(lpeg.secondofsplit(":",""),"bc"))
+-- print(7,lpegmatch(lpeg.secondofsplit(":"),"bc"))
+-- print(9,lpegmatch(lpeg.secondofsplit(":","123"),"bc"))
+-- this was slower but lpeg has been sped up in the meantime, so we no longer
+-- use this (still seems somewhat faster on long strings)
+-- local nany = utf8char/""
+-- function lpeg.counter(pattern)
+-- pattern = Cs((P(pattern)/" " + nany)^0)
+-- return function(str)
+-- return #lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+-- end
+-- end
+function lpeg.counter(pattern,action)
+ local n = 0
+ local pattern = (P(pattern) / function() n = n + 1 end + anything)^0
+ ----- pattern = (P(pattern) * (P(true) / function() n = n + 1 end) + anything)^0
+ ----- pattern = (P(pattern) * P(function() n = n + 1 end) + anything)^0
+ if action then
+ return function(str) n = 0 ; lpegmatch(pattern,str) ; action(n) end
+ else
+ return function(str) n = 0 ; lpegmatch(pattern,str) ; return n end
+ end
+-- lpeg.print(lpeg.R("ab","cd","gh"))
+-- lpeg.print(lpeg.P("a","b","c"))
+-- lpeg.print(lpeg.S("a","b","c"))
+-- print(lpeg.count("äáàa",lpeg.P("á") + lpeg.P("à")))
+-- print(lpeg.count("äáàa",lpeg.UP("áà")))
+-- print(lpeg.count("äáàa",lpeg.US("àá")))
+-- print(lpeg.count("äáàa",lpeg.UR("aá")))
+-- print(lpeg.count("äáàa",lpeg.UR("àá")))
+-- print(lpeg.count("äáàa",lpeg.UR(0x0000,0xFFFF)))
+function lpeg.is_lpeg(p)
+ return p and lpegtype(p) == "pattern"
+function lpeg.oneof(list,...) -- lpeg.oneof("elseif","else","if","then") -- assume proper order
+ if type(list) ~= "table" then
+ list = { list, ... }
+ end
+ -- table.sort(list) -- longest match first
+ local p = P(list[1])
+ for l=2,#list do
+ p = p + P(list[l])
+ end
+ return p
+-- For the moment here, but it might move to utilities. Beware, we need to
+-- have the longest keyword first, so 'aaa' comes beforte 'aa' which is why we
+-- loop back from the end cq. prepend.
+local sort = table.sort
+local function copyindexed(old)
+ local new = { }
+ for i=1,#old do
+ new[i] = old
+ end
+ return new
+local function sortedkeys(tab)
+ local keys, s = { }, 0
+ for key,_ in next, tab do
+ s = s + 1
+ keys[s] = key
+ end
+ sort(keys)
+ return keys
+function lpeg.append(list,pp,delayed,checked)
+ local p = pp
+ if #list > 0 then
+ local keys = copyindexed(list)
+ sort(keys)
+ for i=#keys,1,-1 do
+ local k = keys[i]
+ if p then
+ p = P(k) + p
+ else
+ p = P(k)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif delayed then -- hm, it looks like the lpeg parser resolves anyway
+ local keys = sortedkeys(list)
+ if p then
+ for i=1,#keys,1 do
+ local k = keys[i]
+ local v = list[k]
+ p = P(k)/list + p
+ end
+ else
+ for i=1,#keys do
+ local k = keys[i]
+ local v = list[k]
+ if p then
+ p = P(k) + p
+ else
+ p = P(k)
+ end
+ end
+ if p then
+ p = p / list
+ end
+ end
+ elseif checked then
+ -- problem: substitution gives a capture
+ local keys = sortedkeys(list)
+ for i=1,#keys do
+ local k = keys[i]
+ local v = list[k]
+ if p then
+ if k == v then
+ p = P(k) + p
+ else
+ p = P(k)/v + p
+ end
+ else
+ if k == v then
+ p = P(k)
+ else
+ p = P(k)/v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local keys = sortedkeys(list)
+ for i=1,#keys do
+ local k = keys[i]
+ local v = list[k]
+ if p then
+ p = P(k)/v + p
+ else
+ p = P(k)/v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return p
+-- inspect(lpeg.append({ a = "1", aa = "1", aaa = "1" } ,nil,true))
+-- inspect(lpeg.append({ ["degree celsius"] = "1", celsius = "1", degree = "1" } ,nil,true))
+-- function lpeg.exact_match(words,case_insensitive)
+-- local pattern = concat(words)
+-- if case_insensitive then
+-- local pattern = S(upper(characters)) + S(lower(characters))
+-- local list = { }
+-- for i=1,#words do
+-- list[lower(words[i])] = true
+-- end
+-- return Cmt(pattern^1, function(_,i,s)
+-- return list[lower(s)] and i
+-- end)
+-- else
+-- local pattern = S(concat(words))
+-- local list = { }
+-- for i=1,#words do
+-- list[words[i]] = true
+-- end
+-- return Cmt(pattern^1, function(_,i,s)
+-- return list[s] and i
+-- end)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- experiment:
+local p_false = P(false)
+local p_true = P(true)
+-- local function collapse(t,x)
+-- if type(t) ~= "table" then
+-- return t, x
+-- else
+-- local n = next(t)
+-- if n == nil then
+-- return t, x
+-- elseif next(t,n) == nil then
+-- -- one entry
+-- local k = n
+-- local v = t[k]
+-- if type(v) == "table" then
+-- return collapse(v,x..k)
+-- else
+-- return v, x .. k
+-- end
+-- else
+-- local tt = { }
+-- for k, v in next, t do
+-- local vv, kk = collapse(v,k)
+-- tt[kk] = vv
+-- end
+-- return tt, x
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+local lower = utf and utf.lower or string.lower
+local upper = utf and utf.upper or string.upper
+function lpeg.setutfcasers(l,u)
+ lower = l or lower
+ upper = u or upper
+local function make1(t,rest)
+ local p = p_false
+ local keys = sortedkeys(t)
+ for i=1,#keys do
+ local k = keys[i]
+ if k ~= "" then
+ local v = t[k]
+ if v == true then
+ p = p + P(k) * p_true
+ elseif v == false then
+ -- can't happen
+ else
+ p = p + P(k) * make1(v,v[""])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if rest then
+ p = p + p_true
+ end
+ return p
+local function make2(t,rest) -- only ascii
+ local p = p_false
+ local keys = sortedkeys(t)
+ for i=1,#keys do
+ local k = keys[i]
+ if k ~= "" then
+ local v = t[k]
+ if v == true then
+ p = p + (P(lower(k))+P(upper(k))) * p_true
+ elseif v == false then
+ -- can't happen
+ else
+ p = p + (P(lower(k))+P(upper(k))) * make2(v,v[""])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if rest then
+ p = p + p_true
+ end
+ return p
+local function utfchartabletopattern(list,insensitive) -- goes to util-lpg
+ local tree = { }
+ local n = #list
+ if n == 0 then
+ for s in next, list do
+ local t = tree
+ local p, pk
+ for c in gmatch(s,".") do
+ if t == true then
+ t = { [c] = true, [""] = true }
+ p[pk] = t
+ p = t
+ t = false
+ elseif t == false then
+ t = { [c] = false }
+ p[pk] = t
+ p = t
+ t = false
+ else
+ local tc = t[c]
+ if not tc then
+ tc = false
+ t[c] = false
+ end
+ p = t
+ t = tc
+ end
+ pk = c
+ end
+ if t == false then
+ p[pk] = true
+ elseif t == true then
+ -- okay
+ else
+ t[""] = true
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for i=1,n do
+ local s = list[i]
+ local t = tree
+ local p, pk
+ for c in gmatch(s,".") do
+ if t == true then
+ t = { [c] = true, [""] = true }
+ p[pk] = t
+ p = t
+ t = false
+ elseif t == false then
+ t = { [c] = false }
+ p[pk] = t
+ p = t
+ t = false
+ else
+ local tc = t[c]
+ if not tc then
+ tc = false
+ t[c] = false
+ end
+ p = t
+ t = tc
+ end
+ pk = c
+ end
+ if t == false then
+ p[pk] = true
+ elseif t == true then
+ -- okay
+ else
+ t[""] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- collapse(tree,"") -- needs testing, maybe optional, slightly faster because P("x")*P("X") seems slower than P"(xX") (why)
+ -- inspect(tree)
+ return (insensitive and make2 or make1)(tree)
+lpeg.utfchartabletopattern = utfchartabletopattern
+function lpeg.utfreplacer(list,insensitive)
+ local pattern = Cs((utfchartabletopattern(list,insensitive)/list + utf8character)^0)
+ return function(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str) or str
+ end
+-- local t = { "start", "stoep", "staart", "paard" }
+-- local p = lpeg.Cs((lpeg.utfchartabletopattern(t)/string.upper + 1)^1)
+-- local t = { "a", "abc", "ac", "abe", "abxyz", "xy", "bef","aa" }
+-- local p = lpeg.Cs((lpeg.utfchartabletopattern(t)/string.upper + 1)^1)
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p,"a")=="A")
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p,"aa")=="AA")
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p,"aaaa")=="AAAA")
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p,"ac")=="AC")
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p,"bc")=="bc")
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p,"zzbczz")=="zzbczz")
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p,"zzabezz")=="zzABEzz")
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p,"ab")=="Ab")
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p,"abc")=="ABC")
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p,"abe")=="ABE")
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p,"xa")=="xA")
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p,"bx")=="bx")
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p,"bax")=="bAx")
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p,"abxyz")=="ABXYZ")
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p,"foobarbefcrap")=="foobArBEFcrAp")
+-- local t = { ["^"] = 1, ["^^"] = 2, ["^^^"] = 3, ["^^^^"] = 4 }
+-- local p = lpeg.Cs((lpeg.utfchartabletopattern(t)/t + 1)^1)
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p," ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ "))
+-- local t = { ["^^"] = 2, ["^^^"] = 3, ["^^^^"] = 4 }
+-- local p = lpeg.Cs((lpeg.utfchartabletopattern(t)/t + 1)^1)
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(p," ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ "))
+-- lpeg.utfchartabletopattern {
+-- utfchar(0x00A0), -- nbsp
+-- utfchar(0x2000), -- enquad
+-- utfchar(0x2001), -- emquad
+-- utfchar(0x2002), -- enspace
+-- utfchar(0x2003), -- emspace
+-- utfchar(0x2004), -- threeperemspace
+-- utfchar(0x2005), -- fourperemspace
+-- utfchar(0x2006), -- sixperemspace
+-- utfchar(0x2007), -- figurespace
+-- utfchar(0x2008), -- punctuationspace
+-- utfchar(0x2009), -- breakablethinspace
+-- utfchar(0x200A), -- hairspace
+-- utfchar(0x200B), -- zerowidthspace
+-- utfchar(0x202F), -- narrownobreakspace
+-- utfchar(0x205F), -- math thinspace
+-- }
+-- a few handy ones:
+-- faster than find(str,"[\n\r]") when match and # > 7 and always faster when # > 3
+patterns.containseol = lpeg.finder(eol) -- (1-eol)^0 * eol
+-- The next pattern^n variant is based on an approach suggested
+-- by Roberto: constructing a big repetition in chunks.
+-- Being sparse is not needed, and only complicate matters and
+-- the number of redundant entries is not that large.
+local function nextstep(n,step,result)
+ local m = n % step -- mod(n,step)
+ local d = floor(n/step) -- div(n,step)
+ if d > 0 then
+ local v = V(tostring(step))
+ local s = result.start
+ for i=1,d do
+ if s then
+ s = v * s
+ else
+ s = v
+ end
+ end
+ result.start = s
+ end
+ if step > 1 and result.start then
+ local v = V(tostring(step/2))
+ result[tostring(step)] = v * v
+ end
+ if step > 0 then
+ return nextstep(m,step/2,result)
+ else
+ return result
+ end
+function lpeg.times(pattern,n)
+ return P(nextstep(n,2^16,{ "start", ["1"] = pattern }))
+-- local p = lpeg.Cs((1 - lpeg.times(lpeg.P("AB"),25))^1)
+-- local s = "12" .. string.rep("AB",20) .. "34" .. string.rep("AB",30) .. "56"
+-- inspect(p)
+-- print(lpeg.match(p,s))
+-- moved here (before util-str)
+ local trailingzeros = zero^0 * -digit -- suggested by Roberto
+ local stripper = Cs((
+ digits * (
+ period * trailingzeros / ""
+ + period * (digit - trailingzeros)^1 * (trailingzeros / "")
+ ) + 1
+ )^0)
+ lpeg.patterns.stripzeros = stripper -- multiple in string
+ local nonzero = digit - zero
+ local trailingzeros = zero^1 * endofstring
+ local stripper = Cs( (1-period)^0 * (
+ period * trailingzeros/""
+ + period * (nonzero^1 + (trailingzeros/"") + zero^1)^0
+ + endofstring
+ ))
+ lpeg.patterns.stripzero = stripper -- slightly more efficient but expects a float !
+ -- local sample = "bla 11.00 bla 11 bla 0.1100 bla 1.00100 bla 0.00 bla 0.001 bla 1.1100 bla 0.100100100 bla 0.00100100100"
+ -- collectgarbage("collect")
+ -- str = string.rep(sample,10000)
+ -- local ts = os.clock()
+ -- lpegmatch(stripper,str)
+ -- print(#str, os.clock()-ts, lpegmatch(stripper,sample))
+-- for practical reasons we keep this here:
+local byte_to_HEX = { }
+local byte_to_hex = { }
+local byte_to_dec = { } -- for md5
+local hex_to_byte = { }
+for i=0,255 do
+ local H = format("%02X",i)
+ local h = format("%02x",i)
+ local d = format("%03i",i)
+ local c = char(i)
+ byte_to_HEX[c] = H
+ byte_to_hex[c] = h
+ byte_to_dec[c] = d
+ hex_to_byte[h] = c
+ hex_to_byte[H] = c
+local hextobyte = P(2)/hex_to_byte
+local bytetoHEX = P(1)/byte_to_HEX
+local bytetohex = P(1)/byte_to_hex
+local bytetodec = P(1)/byte_to_dec
+local hextobytes = Cs(hextobyte^0)
+local bytestoHEX = Cs(bytetoHEX^0)
+local bytestohex = Cs(bytetohex^0)
+local bytestodec = Cs(bytetodec^0)
+patterns.hextobyte = hextobyte
+patterns.bytetoHEX = bytetoHEX
+patterns.bytetohex = bytetohex
+patterns.bytetodec = bytetodec
+patterns.hextobytes = hextobytes
+patterns.bytestoHEX = bytestoHEX
+patterns.bytestohex = bytestohex
+patterns.bytestodec = bytestodec
+function string.toHEX(s)
+ if not s or s == "" then
+ return s
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(bytestoHEX,s)
+ end
+function string.tohex(s)
+ if not s or s == "" then
+ return s
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(bytestohex,s)
+ end
+function string.todec(s)
+ if not s or s == "" then
+ return s
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(bytestodec,s)
+ end
+function string.tobytes(s)
+ if not s or s == "" then
+ return s
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(hextobytes,s)
+ end
+-- local h = "ADFE0345"
+-- local b = lpegmatch(patterns.hextobytes,h)
+-- print(h,b,string.tohex(b),string.toHEX(b))
+local patterns = { } -- can be made weak
+local function containsws(what)
+ local p = patterns[what]
+ if not p then
+ local p1 = P(what) * (whitespace + endofstring) * Cc(true)
+ local p2 = whitespace * P(p1)
+ p = P(p1) + P(1-p2)^0 * p2 + Cc(false)
+ patterns[what] = p
+ end
+ return p
+lpeg.containsws = containsws
+function string.containsws(str,what)
+ return lpegmatch(patterns[what] or containsws(what),str)
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-lua.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-lua.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e9606e849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-lua.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-lua'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- potential issues with 5.3:
+-- i'm not sure yet if the int/float change is good for luatex
+-- math.min
+-- math.max
+-- tostring
+-- tonumber
+-- utf.*
+-- bit32
+local next, type, tonumber = next, type, tonumber
+-- compatibility hacks and helpers
+LUAMAJORVERSION, LUAMINORVERSION = string.match(_VERSION,"^[^%d]+(%d+)%.(%d+).*$")
+if LUAVERSION < 5.2 and jit then
+ --
+ -- we want loadstring cum suis to behave like 5.2
+ --
+-- lpeg
+if not lpeg then
+ lpeg = require("lpeg")
+-- if utf8 then
+-- utf8lua = utf8
+-- utf8 = nil
+-- end
+-- basics:
+if loadstring then
+ local loadnormal = load
+ function load(first,...)
+ if type(first) == "string" then
+ return loadstring(first,...)
+ else
+ return loadnormal(first,...)
+ end
+ end
+ loadstring = load
+-- table:
+-- At some point it was announced that i[pairs would be dropped, which makes
+-- sense. As we already used the for loop and # in most places the impact on
+-- ConTeXt was not that large; the remaining ipairs already have been replaced.
+-- Hm, actually ipairs was retained, but we no longer use it anyway (nor
+-- pairs).
+-- Just in case, we provide the fallbacks as discussed in Programming
+-- in Lua (
+if not ipairs then
+ -- for k, v in ipairs(t) do ... end
+ -- for k=1,#t do local v = t[k] ... end
+ local function iterate(a,i)
+ i = i + 1
+ local v = a[i]
+ if v ~= nil then
+ return i, v --, nil
+ end
+ end
+ function ipairs(a)
+ return iterate, a, 0
+ end
+if not pairs then
+ -- for k, v in pairs(t) do ... end
+ -- for k, v in next, t do ... end
+ function pairs(t)
+ return next, t -- , nil
+ end
+-- The unpack function has been moved to the table table, and for compatiility
+-- reasons we provide both now.
+if not table.unpack then
+ table.unpack = _G.unpack
+elseif not unpack then
+ _G.unpack = table.unpack
+-- package:
+-- if not package.seachers then
+-- package.searchers = package.loaders -- 5.2
+-- elseif not package.loaders then
+-- package.loaders = package.searchers
+-- end
+if not package.loaders then -- brr, searchers is a special "loadlib function" userdata type
+ package.loaders = package.searchers
+-- moved from util-deb to here:
+local print, select, tostring = print, select, tostring
+local inspectors = { }
+function setinspector(kind,inspector) -- global function
+ inspectors[kind] = inspector
+function inspect(...) -- global function
+ for s=1,select("#",...) do
+ local value = select(s,...)
+ if value == nil then
+ print("nil")
+ else
+ local done = false
+ -- type driven (table)
+ local kind = type(value)
+ local inspector = inspectors[kind]
+ if inspector then
+ done = inspector(value)
+ if done then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ -- whatever driven (token, node, ...)
+ for kind, inspector in next, inspectors do
+ done = inspector(value)
+ if done then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not done then
+ print(tostring(value))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local dummy = function() end
+function optionalrequire(...)
+ local ok, result = xpcall(require,dummy,...)
+ if ok then
+ return result
+ end
+-- nice for non ascii scripts (this might move):
+if lua then
+ lua.mask = load([[τεχ = 1]]) and "utf" or "ascii"
+local flush = io.flush
+if flush then
+ local execute = os.execute if execute then function os.execute(...) flush() return execute(...) end end
+ local exec = os.exec if exec then function os.exec (...) flush() return exec (...) end end
+ local spawn = os.spawn if spawn then function os.spawn (...) flush() return spawn (...) end end
+ local popen = io.popen if popen then function io.popen (...) flush() return popen (...) end end
+-- new
+FFISUPPORTED = type(ffi) == "table" and ffi.os ~= "" and ffi.arch ~= "" and ffi.load
+if not FFISUPPORTED then
+ -- Maybe we should check for LUATEXENGINE but that's also a bit tricky as we still
+ -- can have a weird ffi library laying around. Checking for presence of 'jit' is
+ -- also not robust. So for now we hope for the best.
+ local okay ; okay, ffi = pcall(require,"ffi")
+ FFISUPPORTED = type(ffi) == "table" and ffi.os ~= "" and ffi.arch ~= "" and ffi.load
+if not FFISUPPORTED then
+ ffi = nil
+elseif not ffi.number then
+ ffi.number = tonumber
+-- if not bit32 then -- and utf8 then
+-- -- bit32 = load ( [[ -- replacement code with 5.3 syntax so that 5.2 doesn't bark on it ]] )
+-- bit32 = require("l-bit32")
+-- end
+-- We need this due a bug in luatex socket loading:
+-- local loaded = package.loaded
+-- if not loaded["socket"] then loaded["socket"] = loaded["socket.core"] end
+-- if not loaded["mime"] then loaded["mime"] = loaded["mime.core"] end
+-- if not socket.mime then socket.mime = package.loaded["mime"] end
+-- if not loaded["socket.mime"] then loaded["socket.mime"] = socket.mime end
+-- if not loaded["socket.http"] then loaded["socket.http"] = socket.http end
+-- if not loaded["socket.ftp"] then loaded["socket.ftp"] = socket.ftp end
+-- if not loaded["socket.smtp"] then loaded["socket.smtp"] = socket.smtp end
+-- if not loaded[""] then loaded[""] = end
+-- if not loaded["socket.url"] then loaded["socket.url"] = socket.url end
+if LUAVERSION > 5.3 then
+ -- collectgarbage("collect")
+ -- collectgarbage("generational") -- crashes on unix
+if status and os.setenv then
+ os.setenv("engine",string.lower(status.luatex_engine or "unknown"))
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-math.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-math.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5668a5db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-math.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-math'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+if not math.ceiling then
+ math.ceiling = math.ceil
+if not math.round then
+ local floor = math.floor
+ function math.round(x) return floor(x + 0.5) end
+if not math.div then
+ local floor = math.floor
+ function math.div(n,m) return floor(n/m) end
+if not math.mod then
+ function math.mod(n,m) return n % m end
+if not math.sind then
+ local sin, cos, tan = math.sin, math.cos, math.tan
+ local pipi = 2*math.pi/360
+ function math.sind(d) return sin(d*pipi) end
+ function math.cosd(d) return cos(d*pipi) end
+ function math.tand(d) return tan(d*pipi) end
+if not math.odd then
+ function math.odd (n) return n % 2 ~= 0 end
+ function math.even(n) return n % 2 == 0 end
+if not math.cosh then
+ local exp = math.exp
+ function math.cosh(x)
+ local xx = exp(x)
+ return (xx+1/xx)/2
+ end
+ function math.sinh(x)
+ local xx = exp(x)
+ return (xx-1/xx)/2
+ end
+ function math.tanh(x)
+ local xx = exp(x)
+ return (xx-1/xx)/(xx+1/xx)
+ end
+if not math.pow then
+ function math.pow(x,y)
+ return x^y
+ end
+if not math.atan2 then
+ math.atan2 = math.atan
+if not math.ldexp then
+ function math.ldexp(x,e)
+ return x * 2.0^e
+ end
+-- if not math.frexp then
+-- -- not a oneliner so use a math library instead
+-- function math.frexp(x,e)
+-- -- returns m and e such that x = m2e, e is an integer and the absolute
+-- -- value of m is in the range [0.5, 1) (or zero when x is zero)
+-- end
+-- end
+if not math.log10 then
+ local log = math.log
+ function math.log10(x)
+ return log(x,10)
+ end
+if not math.type then
+ function math.type()
+ return "float"
+ end
+if not math.tointeger then
+ math.mininteger = -0x4FFFFFFFFFFF
+ math.maxinteger = 0x4FFFFFFFFFFF
+ local floor = math.floor
+ function math.tointeger(n)
+ local f = floor(n)
+ return f == n and f or nil
+ end
+if not math.ult then
+ local floor = math.floor
+ function math.tointeger(m,n)
+ -- not ok but i'm not motivated to look into it now
+ return floor(m) < floor(n) -- unsigned comparison needed
+ end
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-md5.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-md5.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6758fa4444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-md5.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-md5'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- This also provides file checksums and checkers.
+if not md5 then
+ md5 = optionalrequire("md5")
+if not md5 then
+ md5 = {
+ sum = function(str) print("error: md5 is not loaded (sum ignored)") return str end,
+ sumhexa = function(str) print("error: md5 is not loaded (sumhexa ignored)") return str end,
+ }
+local md5, file = md5, file
+local gsub = string.gsub
+-- local gsub, format, byte = string.gsub, string.format, string.byte
+-- local function convert(str,fmt)
+-- return (gsub(md5sum(str),".",function(chr) return format(fmt,byte(chr)) end))
+-- end
+-- if not md5.HEX then function md5.HEX(str) return convert(str,"%02X") end end
+-- if not md5.hex then function md5.hex(str) return convert(str,"%02x") end end
+-- if not md5.dec then function md5.dec(str) return convert(str,"%03i") end end
+ local patterns = lpeg and lpeg.patterns
+ if patterns then
+ local bytestoHEX = patterns.bytestoHEX
+ local bytestohex = patterns.bytestohex
+ local bytestodec = patterns.bytestodec
+ local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+ local md5sum = md5.sum
+ if not md5.HEX then function md5.HEX(str) if str then return lpegmatch(bytestoHEX,md5sum(str)) end end end
+ if not md5.hex then function md5.hex(str) if str then return lpegmatch(bytestohex,md5sum(str)) end end end
+ if not md5.dec then function md5.dec(str) if str then return lpegmatch(bytestodec,md5sum(str)) end end end
+ md5.sumhexa = md5.hex
+ md5.sumHEXA = md5.HEX
+ end
+function file.needsupdating(oldname,newname,threshold) -- size modification access change
+ local oldtime = lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
+ if oldtime then
+ local newtime = lfs.attributes(newname,"modification")
+ if not newtime then
+ return true -- no new file, so no updating needed
+ elseif newtime >= oldtime then
+ return false -- new file definitely needs updating
+ elseif oldtime - newtime < (threshold or 1) then
+ return false -- new file is probably still okay
+ else
+ return true -- new file has to be updated
+ end
+ else
+ return false -- no old file, so no updating needed
+ end
+file.needs_updating = file.needsupdating
+function file.syncmtimes(oldname,newname)
+ local oldtime = lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
+ if oldtime and lfs.isfile(newname) then
+ lfs.touch(newname,oldtime,oldtime)
+ end
+function file.checksum(name)
+ if md5 then
+ local data = io.loaddata(name)
+ if data then
+ return md5.HEX(data)
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+function file.loadchecksum(name)
+ if md5 then
+ local data = io.loaddata(name .. ".md5")
+ return data and (gsub(data,"%s",""))
+ end
+ return nil
+function file.savechecksum(name,checksum)
+ if not checksum then checksum = file.checksum(name) end
+ if checksum then
+ io.savedata(name .. ".md5",checksum)
+ return checksum
+ end
+ return nil
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-number.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-number.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9fd2f82f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-number.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-number'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- this module will be replaced when we have the bit library .. the number based sets
+-- might go away
+local tostring, tonumber = tostring, tonumber
+local format, floor, match, rep = string.format, math.floor, string.match, string.rep
+local concat, insert = table.concat, table.insert
+local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+local floor = math.floor
+number = number or { }
+local number = number
+-- begin obsolete code --
+-- if bit32 then
+-- local btest, bor = bit32.btest, bit32.bor
+-- function number.bit(p)
+-- return 2 ^ (p - 1) -- 1-based indexing
+-- end
+-- number.hasbit = btest
+-- number.setbit = bor
+-- function number.setbit(x,p) -- why not bor?
+-- return btest(x,p) and x or x + p
+-- end
+-- function number.clearbit(x,p)
+-- return btest(x,p) and x - p or x
+-- end
+-- else
+-- --
+-- function number.bit(p)
+-- return 2 ^ (p - 1) -- 1-based indexing
+-- end
+-- function number.hasbit(x, p) -- typical call: if hasbit(x, bit(3)) then ...
+-- return x % (p + p) >= p
+-- end
+-- function number.setbit(x, p)
+-- return (x % (p + p) >= p) and x or x + p
+-- end
+-- function number.clearbit(x, p)
+-- return (x % (p + p) >= p) and x - p or x
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end obsolete code --
+-- print(number.tobitstring(8))
+-- print(number.tobitstring(14))
+-- print(number.tobitstring(66))
+-- print(number.tobitstring(0x00))
+-- print(number.tobitstring(0xFF))
+-- print(number.tobitstring(46260767936,4))
+if bit32 then
+ local bextract = bit32.extract
+ local t = {
+ "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0",
+ "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0",
+ "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0",
+ "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0",
+ }
+ function number.tobitstring(b,m,w)
+ if not w then
+ w = 32
+ end
+ local n = w
+ for i=0,w-1 do
+ local v = bextract(b,i)
+ local k = w - i
+ if v == 1 then
+ n = k
+ t[k] = "1"
+ else
+ t[k] = "0"
+ end
+ end
+ if w then
+ return concat(t,"",1,w)
+ elseif m then
+ m = 33 - m * 8
+ if m < 1 then
+ m = 1
+ end
+ return concat(t,"",1,m)
+ elseif n < 8 then
+ return concat(t)
+ elseif n < 16 then
+ return concat(t,"",9)
+ elseif n < 24 then
+ return concat(t,"",17)
+ else
+ return concat(t,"",25)
+ end
+ end
+ function number.tobitstring(n,m)
+ if n > 0 then
+ local t = { }
+ while n > 0 do
+ insert(t,1,n % 2 > 0 and 1 or 0)
+ n = floor(n/2)
+ end
+ local nn = 8 - #t % 8
+ if nn > 0 and nn < 8 then
+ for i=1,nn do
+ insert(t,1,0)
+ end
+ end
+ if m then
+ m = m * 8 - #t
+ if m > 0 then
+ insert(t,1,rep("0",m))
+ end
+ end
+ return concat(t)
+ elseif m then
+ rep("00000000",m)
+ else
+ return "00000000"
+ end
+ end
+function number.valid(str,default)
+ return tonumber(str) or default or nil
+function number.toevenhex(n)
+ local s = format("%X",n)
+ if #s % 2 == 0 then
+ return s
+ else
+ return "0" .. s
+ end
+-- -- a,b,c,d,e,f = number.toset(100101)
+-- --
+-- -- function number.toset(n)
+-- -- return match(tostring(n),"(.?)(.?)(.?)(.?)(.?)(.?)(.?)(.?)")
+-- -- end
+-- --
+-- -- -- the lpeg way is slower on 8 digits, but faster on 4 digits, some 7.5%
+-- -- -- on
+-- --
+-- -- for i=1,1000000 do
+-- -- local a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h = number.toset(12345678)
+-- -- local a,b,c,d = number.toset(1234)
+-- -- local a,b,c = number.toset(123)
+-- -- local a,b,c = number.toset("123")
+-- -- end
+-- local one = lpeg.C(1-lpeg.S('')/tonumber)^1
+-- function number.toset(n)
+-- return lpegmatch(one,tostring(n))
+-- end
+-- -- function number.bits(n,zero)
+-- -- local t, i = { }, (zero and 0) or 1
+-- -- while n > 0 do
+-- -- local m = n % 2
+-- -- if m > 0 then
+-- -- insert(t,1,i)
+-- -- end
+-- -- n = floor(n/2)
+-- -- i = i + 1
+-- -- end
+-- -- return t
+-- -- end
+-- --
+-- -- -- a bit faster
+-- local function bits(n,i,...)
+-- if n > 0 then
+-- local m = n % 2
+-- local n = floor(n/2)
+-- if m > 0 then
+-- return bits(n, i+1, i, ...)
+-- else
+-- return bits(n, i+1, ...)
+-- end
+-- else
+-- return ...
+-- end
+-- end
+-- function number.bits(n)
+-- return { bits(n,1) }
+-- end
+function number.bytetodecimal(b)
+ local d = floor(b * 100 / 255 + 0.5)
+ if d > 100 then
+ return 100
+ elseif d < -100 then
+ return -100
+ else
+ return d
+ end
+function number.decimaltobyte(d)
+ local b = floor(d * 255 / 100 + 0.5)
+ if b > 255 then
+ return 255
+ elseif b < -255 then
+ return -255
+ else
+ return b
+ end
+function number.idiv(i,d)
+ return floor(i/d) -- i//d in 5.3
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-os.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-os.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa04e254df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-os.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-os'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- This file deals with some operating system issues. Please don't bother me
+-- with the pros and cons of operating systems as they all have their flaws
+-- and benefits. Bashing one of them won't help solving problems and fixing
+-- bugs faster and is a waste of time and energy.
+-- path separators: / or \ ... we can use / everywhere
+-- suffixes : dll so exe <none> ... no big deal
+-- quotes : we can use "" in most cases
+-- expansion : unless "" are used * might give side effects
+-- piping/threads : somewhat different for each os
+-- locations : specific user file locations and settings can change over time
+-- os.type : windows | unix (new, we already guessed os.platform)
+-- : windows | msdos | linux | macosx | solaris | .. | generic (new)
+-- os.platform : extended with architecture
+-- os.sleep() => socket.sleep()
+-- math.randomseed(tonumber(string.sub(string.reverse(tostring(math.floor(socket.gettime()*10000))),1,6)))
+local os = os
+local date, time =, os.time
+local find, format, gsub, upper, gmatch = string.find, string.format, string.gsub, string.upper, string.gmatch
+local concat = table.concat
+local random, ceil, randomseed = math.random, math.ceil, math.randomseed
+local rawget, rawset, type, getmetatable, setmetatable, tonumber, tostring = rawget, rawset, type, getmetatable, setmetatable, tonumber, tostring
+-- This check needs to happen real early on. Todo: we can pick it up from the commandline
+-- if we pass --binpath= (which is useful anyway)
+ local selfdir = os.selfdir
+ if selfdir == "" then
+ selfdir = nil
+ end
+ if not selfdir then
+ -- We need a fallback plan so let's see what we get.
+ if arg then
+ -- passed by mtx-context ... saves network access
+ for i=1,#arg do
+ local a = arg[i]
+ if find(a,"^%-%-[c:]*texmfbinpath=") then
+ selfdir = gsub(a,"^.-=","")
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not selfdir then
+ selfdir = os.selfbin or "luatex"
+ if find(selfdir,"[/\\]") then
+ selfdir = gsub(selfdir,"[/\\][^/\\]*$","")
+ elseif os.getenv then
+ local path = os.getenv("PATH")
+ local name = gsub(selfdir,"^.*[/\\][^/\\]","")
+ local patt = "[^:]+"
+ if os.type == "windows" then
+ patt = "[^;]+"
+ name = name .. ".exe"
+ end
+ local isfile
+ if lfs then
+ -- we're okay as lfs is assumed present
+ local attributes = lfs.attributes
+ isfile = function(name)
+ local a = attributes(name,"mode")
+ return a == "file" or a == "link" or nil
+ end
+ else
+ -- we're not okay and much will not work as we miss lfs
+ local open =
+ isfile = function(name)
+ local f = open(name)
+ if f then
+ f:close()
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for p in gmatch(path,patt) do
+ -- possible speedup: there must be tex in 'p'
+ if isfile(p .. "/" .. name) then
+ selfdir = p
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- let's hope we're okay now
+ os.selfdir = selfdir or "."
+ end
+-- print(os.selfdir) os.exit()
+-- The following code permits traversing the environment table, at least in luatex. Internally all
+-- environment names are uppercase.
+-- The randomseed in Lua is not that random, although this depends on the operating system as well
+-- as the binary (Luatex is normally okay). But to be sure we set the seed anyway. It will be better
+-- in Lua 5.4 (according to the announcements.)
+math.initialseed = tonumber(string.sub(string.reverse(tostring(ceil(socket and socket.gettime()*10000 or time()))),1,6))
+if not os.__getenv__ then
+ os.__getenv__ = os.getenv
+ os.__setenv__ = os.setenv
+ if os.env then
+ local osgetenv = os.getenv
+ local ossetenv = os.setenv
+ local osenv = os.env local _ = osenv.PATH -- initialize the table
+ function os.setenv(k,v)
+ if v == nil then
+ v = ""
+ end
+ local K = upper(k)
+ osenv[K] = v
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ v = concat(v,";") -- path
+ end
+ ossetenv(K,v)
+ end
+ function os.getenv(k)
+ local K = upper(k)
+ local v = osenv[K] or osenv[k] or osgetenv(K) or osgetenv(k)
+ if v == "" then
+ return nil
+ else
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local ossetenv = os.setenv
+ local osgetenv = os.getenv
+ local osenv = { }
+ function os.setenv(k,v)
+ if v == nil then
+ v = ""
+ end
+ local K = upper(k)
+ osenv[K] = v
+ end
+ function os.getenv(k)
+ local K = upper(k)
+ local v = osenv[K] or osgetenv(K) or osgetenv(k)
+ if v == "" then
+ return nil
+ else
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+ local function __index(t,k)
+ return os.getenv(k)
+ end
+ local function __newindex(t,k,v)
+ os.setenv(k,v)
+ end
+ os.env = { }
+ setmetatable(os.env, { __index = __index, __newindex = __newindex } )
+ end
+-- end of environment hack
+local execute = os.execute
+local iopopen = io.popen
+local function resultof(command)
+ local handle = iopopen(command,"r") -- already has flush
+ if handle then
+ local result = handle:read("*all") or ""
+ handle:close()
+ return result
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+os.resultof = resultof
+function os.pipeto(command)
+ return iopopen(command,"w") -- already has flush
+if not io.fileseparator then
+ if find(os.getenv("PATH"),";",1,true) then
+ io.fileseparator, io.pathseparator, os.type = "\\", ";", os.type or "windows"
+ else
+ io.fileseparator, io.pathseparator, os.type = "/" , ":", os.type or "unix"
+ end
+os.type = os.type or (io.pathseparator == ";" and "windows") or "unix" = or (os.type == "windows" and "mswin" ) or "linux"
+if os.type == "windows" then
+ os.libsuffix, os.binsuffix, os.binsuffixes = 'dll', 'exe', { 'exe', 'cmd', 'bat' }
+ os.libsuffix, os.binsuffix, os.binsuffixes = 'so', '', { '' }
+local launchers = {
+ windows = "start %s",
+ macosx = "open %s",
+ unix = "xdg-open %s &> /dev/null &",
+function os.launch(str)
+ local command = format(launchers[] or launchers.unix,str)
+ -- todo: pcall
+-- print(command)
+ execute(command)
+local gettimeofday = os.gettimeofday or os.clock
+os.gettimeofday = gettimeofday
+local startuptime = gettimeofday()
+function os.runtime()
+ return gettimeofday() - startuptime
+-- print(os.gettimeofday()-os.time())
+-- os.sleep(1.234)
+-- print (">>",os.runtime())
+-- print("%H:%M:%S",os.gettimeofday()))
+-- print("%H:%M:%S",os.time()))
+-- no need for function anymore as we have more clever code and helpers now
+-- this metatable trickery might as well disappear
+local resolvers = os.resolvers or { }
+os.resolvers = resolvers
+setmetatable(os, { __index = function(t,k)
+ local r = resolvers[k]
+ return r and r(t,k) or nil -- no memoize
+end })
+-- we can use HOSTTYPE on some platforms
+local name, platform = or "linux", os.getenv("MTX_PLATFORM") or ""
+-- local function guess()
+-- local architecture = resultof("uname -m") or ""
+-- if architecture ~= "" then
+-- return architecture
+-- end
+-- architecture = os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") or ""
+-- if architecture ~= "" then
+-- return architecture
+-- end
+-- return resultof("echo $HOSTTYPE") or ""
+-- end
+-- os.bits = 32 | 64
+-- os.uname()
+-- sysname
+-- machine
+-- release
+-- version
+-- nodename
+if platform ~= "" then
+ os.platform = platform
+elseif os.type == "windows" then
+ -- we could set the variable directly, no function needed here
+ -- PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE : binary platform
+ -- PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 : OS platform
+ -- mswin-64 is now win64
+ function resolvers.platform(t,k)
+ local architecture = os.getenv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") or ""
+ local platform = ""
+ if find(architecture,"AMD64",1,true) then
+ platform = "win64"
+ else
+ platform = "mswin"
+ end
+ os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
+ os.platform = platform
+ return platform
+ end
+elseif name == "linux" then
+ function resolvers.platform(t,k)
+ -- we sometimes have HOSTTYPE set so let's check that first
+ local architecture = os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") or resultof("uname -m") or ""
+ local platform = os.getenv("MTX_PLATFORM") or ""
+ local musl = find(os.selfdir or "","linuxmusl")
+ if platform ~= "" then
+ -- we're done
+ elseif find(architecture,"x86_64",1,true) then
+ platform = musl and "linuxmusl" or "linux-64"
+ elseif find(architecture,"ppc",1,true) then
+ platform = "linux-ppc"
+ else
+ platform = musl and "linuxmusl" or "linux"
+ end
+ os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
+ os.platform = platform
+ return platform
+ end
+elseif name == "macosx" then
+ --[[
+ Identifying the architecture of OSX is quite a mess and this
+ is the best we can come up with. For some reason $HOSTTYPE is
+ a kind of pseudo environment variable, not known to the current
+ environment. And yes, uname cannot be trusted either, so there
+ is a change that you end up with a 32 bit run on a 64 bit system.
+ Also, some proper 64 bit intel macs are too cheap (low-end) and
+ therefore not permitted to run the 64 bit kernel.
+ ]]--
+ function resolvers.platform(t,k)
+ -- local platform = ""
+ -- local architecture = os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") or ""
+ -- if architecture == "" then
+ -- architecture = resultof("echo $HOSTTYPE") or ""
+ -- end
+ local architecture = resultof("echo $HOSTTYPE") or ""
+ local platform = ""
+ if architecture == "" then
+ -- print("\nI have no clue what kind of OSX you're running so let's assume an 32 bit intel.\n")
+ platform = "osx-intel"
+ elseif find(architecture,"i386",1,true) then
+ platform = "osx-intel"
+ elseif find(architecture,"x86_64",1,true) then
+ platform = "osx-64"
+ else
+ platform = "osx-ppc"
+ end
+ os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
+ os.platform = platform
+ return platform
+ end
+elseif name == "sunos" then
+ function resolvers.platform(t,k)
+ local architecture = resultof("uname -m") or ""
+ local platform = ""
+ if find(architecture,"sparc",1,true) then
+ platform = "solaris-sparc"
+ else -- if architecture == 'i86pc'
+ platform = "solaris-intel"
+ end
+ os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
+ os.platform = platform
+ return platform
+ end
+elseif name == "freebsd" then
+ function resolvers.platform(t,k)
+ local architecture = resultof("uname -m") or ""
+ local platform = ""
+ if find(architecture,"amd64",1,true) then
+ platform = "freebsd-amd64"
+ else
+ platform = "freebsd"
+ end
+ os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
+ os.platform = platform
+ return platform
+ end
+elseif name == "kfreebsd" then
+ function resolvers.platform(t,k)
+ -- we sometimes have HOSTTYPE set so let's check that first
+ local architecture = os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") or resultof("uname -m") or ""
+ local platform = ""
+ if find(architecture,"x86_64",1,true) then
+ platform = "kfreebsd-amd64"
+ else
+ platform = "kfreebsd-i386"
+ end
+ os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
+ os.platform = platform
+ return platform
+ end
+ -- platform = "linux"
+ -- os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
+ -- os.platform = platform
+ function resolvers.platform(t,k)
+ local platform = "linux"
+ os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
+ os.platform = platform
+ return platform
+ end
+os.newline = name == "windows" and "\013\010" or "\010" -- crlf or lf
+function resolvers.bits(t,k)
+ local bits = find(os.platform,"64",1,true) and 64 or 32
+ os.bits = bits
+ return bits
+-- beware, we set the randomseed
+-- from wikipedia: Version 4 UUIDs use a scheme relying only on random numbers. This algorithm sets the
+-- version number as well as two reserved bits. All other bits are set using a random or pseudorandom
+-- data source. Version 4 UUIDs have the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx with hexadecimal
+-- digits x and hexadecimal digits 8, 9, A, or B for y. e.g. f47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d479.
+-- as we don't call this function too often there is not so much risk on repetition
+local t = { 8, 9, "a", "b" }
+function os.uuid()
+ return format("%04x%04x-4%03x-%s%03x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x",
+ random(0xFFFF),random(0xFFFF),
+ random(0x0FFF),
+ t[ceil(random(4))] or 8,random(0x0FFF),
+ random(0xFFFF),
+ random(0xFFFF),random(0xFFFF),random(0xFFFF)
+ )
+local d
+function os.timezone(delta)
+ d = d or tonumber(tonumber(date("%H")-date("!%H")))
+ if delta then
+ if d > 0 then
+ return format("+%02i:00",d)
+ else
+ return format("-%02i:00",-d)
+ end
+ else
+ return 1
+ end
+local timeformat = format("%%s%s",os.timezone(true))
+local dateformat = "!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+local lasttime = nil
+local lastdate = nil
+function os.fulltime(t,default)
+ t = t and tonumber(t) or 0
+ if t > 0 then
+ -- valid time
+ elseif default then
+ return default
+ else
+ t = time()
+ end
+ if t ~= lasttime then
+ lasttime = t
+ lastdate = format(timeformat,date(dateformat))
+ end
+ return lastdate
+local dateformat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+local lasttime = nil
+local lastdate = nil
+function os.localtime(t,default)
+ t = t and tonumber(t) or 0
+ if t > 0 then
+ -- valid time
+ elseif default then
+ return default
+ else
+ t = time()
+ end
+ if t ~= lasttime then
+ lasttime = t
+ lastdate = date(dateformat,t)
+ end
+ return lastdate
+function os.converttime(t,default)
+ local t = tonumber(t)
+ if t and t > 0 then
+ return date(dateformat,t)
+ else
+ return default or "-"
+ end
+local memory = { }
+local function which(filename)
+ local fullname = memory[filename]
+ if fullname == nil then
+ local suffix = file.suffix(filename)
+ local suffixes = suffix == "" and os.binsuffixes or { suffix }
+ for directory in gmatch(os.getenv("PATH"),"[^" .. io.pathseparator .."]+") do
+ local df = file.join(directory,filename)
+ for i=1,#suffixes do
+ local dfs = file.addsuffix(df,suffixes[i])
+ if io.exists(dfs) then
+ fullname = dfs
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not fullname then
+ fullname = false
+ end
+ memory[filename] = fullname
+ end
+ return fullname
+os.which = which
+os.where = which
+ return date("!*t") -- table with values
+ return date("!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") -- 2011-12-04 14:59:12
+-- if not os.sleep and socket then
+-- os.sleep = socket.sleep
+-- end
+if not os.sleep then
+ local socket = socket
+ function os.sleep(n)
+ if not socket then
+ -- so we delay ... if os.sleep is really needed then one should also
+ -- be sure that socket can be found
+ socket = require("socket")
+ end
+ socket.sleep(n)
+ end
+-- print(os.which("inkscape.exe"))
+-- print(os.which("inkscape"))
+-- print(os.which("gs.exe"))
+-- print(os.which("ps2pdf"))
+-- These are moved from core-con.lua (as I needed them elsewhere).
+local function isleapyear(year) -- timed for bram's cs practicum
+ -- return (year % 400 == 0) or (year % 100 ~= 0 and year % 4 == 0) -- 3:4:1600:1900 = 9.9 : 8.2 : 5.0 : 6.8 (29.9)
+ return (year % 4 == 0) and (year % 100 ~= 0 or year % 400 == 0) -- 3:4:1600:1900 = 5.1 : 6.5 : 8.1 : 10.2 (29.9)
+ -- return (year % 4 == 0) and (year % 400 == 0 or year % 100 ~= 0) -- 3:4:1600:1900 = 5.2 : 8.5 : 6.8 : 10.1 (30.6)
+os.isleapyear = isleapyear
+-- nicer:
+-- local days = {
+-- [false] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 },
+-- [true] = { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }
+-- }
+-- local function nofdays(year,month)
+-- return days[isleapyear(year)][month]
+-- return month == 2 and isleapyear(year) and 29 or days[month]
+-- end
+-- more efficient:
+local days = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }
+local function nofdays(year,month)
+ if not month then
+ return isleapyear(year) and 365 or 364
+ else
+ return month == 2 and isleapyear(year) and 29 or days[month]
+ end
+os.nofdays = nofdays
+function os.weekday(day,month,year)
+ return date("%w",time { year = year, month = month, day = day }) + 1
+function os.validdate(year,month,day)
+ -- we assume that all three values are set
+ -- year is always ok, even if lua has a 1970 time limit
+ if month < 1 then
+ month = 1
+ elseif month > 12 then
+ month = 12
+ end
+ if day < 1 then
+ day = 1
+ else
+ local max = nofdays(year,month)
+ if day > max then
+ day = max
+ end
+ end
+ return year, month, day
+local osexit = os.exit
+local exitcode = nil
+function os.setexitcode(code)
+ exitcode = code
+function os.exit(c)
+ if exitcode ~= nil then
+ return osexit(exitcode)
+ end
+ if c ~= nil then
+ return osexit(c)
+ end
+ return osexit()
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-package.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-package.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0dd71e5eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-package.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-package'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- Code moved from data-lua and changed into a plug-in.
+-- We overload the regular loader. We do so because we operate mostly in
+-- tds and use our own loader code. Alternatively we could use a more
+-- extensive definition of package.path and package.cpath but even then
+-- we're not done. Also, we now have better tracing.
+-- -- local mylib = require("libtest")
+-- -- local mysql = require("luasql.mysql")
+local type = type
+local gsub, format, find = string.gsub, string.format, string.find
+local insert, remove = table.insert, table.remove
+local P, S, Cs, lpegmatch = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.match
+local package = package
+local searchers = package.searchers or package.loaders
+-------.loaders = nil -- old stuff that we don't want
+-------.seeall = nil -- old stuff that we don't want
+-- dummies
+local filejoin = file and file.join or function(path,name) return path .. "/" .. name end
+local isreadable = file and file.is_readable or function(name) local f = if f then f:close() return true end end
+local addsuffix = file and file.addsuffix or function(name,suffix) return name .. "." .. suffix end
+-- local separator, concatinator, placeholder, pathofexecutable, ignorebefore = string.match(package.config,"(.-)\n(.-)\n(.-)\n(.-)\n(.-)\n")
+-- local config = {
+-- separator = separator, -- \ or /
+-- concatinator = concatinator, -- ;
+-- placeholder = placeholder, -- ? becomes name
+-- pathofexecutable = pathofexecutable, -- ! becomes executables dir (on windows)
+-- ignorebefore = ignorebefore, -- - remove all before this when making lua_open
+-- }
+local function cleanpath(path) -- hm, don't we have a helper for this?
+ return path
+local pattern = Cs((((1-S("\\/"))^0 * (S("\\/")^1/"/"))^0 * (P(".")^1/"/"+P(1))^1) * -1)
+local function lualibfile(name)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,name) or name
+local offset = luarocks and 1 or 0 -- todo: also check other extras
+local helpers = package.helpers or {
+ cleanpath = cleanpath,
+ lualibfile = lualibfile,
+ trace = false,
+ report = function(...) print(format(...)) end,
+ builtin = {
+ ["preload table"] = searchers[1+offset], -- special case, built-in libs
+ ["path specification"] = searchers[2+offset],
+ ["cpath specification"] = searchers[3+offset],
+ ["all in one fallback"] = searchers[4+offset], -- special case, combined libs
+ },
+ methods = {
+ },
+ sequence = {
+ "already loaded",
+ "preload table",
+ "qualified path", -- beware, lua itself doesn't handle qualified paths (prepends ./)
+ "lua extra list",
+ "lib extra list",
+ "path specification",
+ "cpath specification",
+ "all in one fallback",
+ "not loaded",
+ }
+package.helpers = helpers
+local methods = helpers.methods
+local builtin = helpers.builtin
+-- extra tds/ctx paths ... a bit of overhead for efficient tracing
+local extraluapaths = { }
+local extralibpaths = { }
+local luapaths = nil -- delayed
+local libpaths = nil -- delayed
+local oldluapath = nil
+local oldlibpath = nil
+local nofextralua = -1
+local nofextralib = -1
+local nofpathlua = -1
+local nofpathlib = -1
+local function listpaths(what,paths)
+ local nofpaths = #paths
+ if nofpaths > 0 then
+ for i=1,nofpaths do
+"using %s path %i: %s",what,i,paths[i])
+ end
+ else
+"no %s paths defined",what)
+ end
+ return nofpaths
+local function getextraluapaths()
+ if helpers.trace and #extraluapaths ~= nofextralua then
+ nofextralua = listpaths("extra lua",extraluapaths)
+ end
+ return extraluapaths
+local function getextralibpaths()
+ if helpers.trace and #extralibpaths ~= nofextralib then
+ nofextralib = listpaths("extra lib",extralibpaths)
+ end
+ return extralibpaths
+local function getluapaths()
+ local luapath = package.path or ""
+ if oldluapath ~= luapath then
+ luapaths = file.splitpath(luapath,";")
+ oldluapath = luapath
+ nofpathlua = -1
+ end
+ if helpers.trace and #luapaths ~= nofpathlua then
+ nofpathlua = listpaths("builtin lua",luapaths)
+ end
+ return luapaths
+local function getlibpaths()
+ local libpath = package.cpath or ""
+ if oldlibpath ~= libpath then
+ libpaths = file.splitpath(libpath,";")
+ oldlibpath = libpath
+ nofpathlib = -1
+ end
+ if helpers.trace and #libpaths ~= nofpathlib then
+ nofpathlib = listpaths("builtin lib",libpaths)
+ end
+ return libpaths
+package.luapaths = getluapaths
+package.libpaths = getlibpaths
+package.extraluapaths = getextraluapaths
+package.extralibpaths = getextralibpaths
+local hashes = {
+ lua = { },
+ lib = { },
+local function registerpath(tag,what,target,...)
+ local pathlist = { ... }
+ local cleanpath = helpers.cleanpath
+ local trace = helpers.trace
+ local report =
+ local hash = hashes[what]
+ --
+ local function add(path)
+ local path = cleanpath(path)
+ if not hash[path] then
+ target[#target+1] = path
+ hash[path] = true
+ if trace then
+ report("registered %s path %s: %s",tag,#target,path)
+ end
+ else
+ if trace then
+ report("duplicate %s path: %s",tag,path)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --
+ for p=1,#pathlist do
+ local path = pathlist[p]
+ if type(path) == "table" then
+ for i=1,#path do
+ add(path[i])
+ end
+ else
+ add(path)
+ end
+ end
+local function pushpath(tag,what,target,path)
+ local path = helpers.cleanpath(path)
+ insert(target,1,path)
+ if helpers.trace then
+"pushing %s path in front: %s",tag,path)
+ end
+local function poppath(tag,what,target)
+ local path = remove(target,1)
+ if helpers.trace then
+ if path then
+"popping %s path from front: %s",tag,path)
+ else
+"no %s path to pop",tag)
+ end
+ end
+helpers.registerpath = registerpath
+function package.extraluapath(...)
+ registerpath("extra lua","lua",extraluapaths,...)
+function package.pushluapath(path)
+ pushpath("extra lua","lua",extraluapaths,path)
+function package.popluapath()
+ poppath("extra lua","lua",extraluapaths)
+function package.extralibpath(...)
+ registerpath("extra lib","lib",extralibpaths,...)
+function package.pushlibpath(path)
+ pushpath("extra lib","lib",extralibpaths,path)
+function package.poplibpath()
+ poppath("extra lib","lua",extralibpaths)
+-- lib loader (used elsewhere)
+local function loadedaslib(resolved,rawname) -- todo: strip all before first -
+ local base = gsub(rawname,"%.","_")
+ -- so, we can do a require("foo/bar") and initialize bar
+ -- local base = gsub(file.basename(rawname),"%.","_")
+ local init = "luaopen_" .. gsub(base,"%.","_")
+ if helpers.trace then
+"calling loadlib with '%s' with init '%s'",resolved,init)
+ end
+ return package.loadlib(resolved,init)
+helpers.loadedaslib = loadedaslib
+-- wrapped and new loaders
+local function loadedbypath(name,rawname,paths,islib,what)
+ local trace = helpers.trace
+ for p=1,#paths do
+ local path = paths[p]
+ local resolved = filejoin(path,name)
+ if trace then
+"%s path, identifying '%s' on '%s'",what,name,path)
+ end
+ if isreadable(resolved) then
+ if trace then
+"%s path, '%s' found on '%s'",what,name,resolved)
+ end
+ if islib then
+ return loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
+ else
+ return loadfile(resolved)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+helpers.loadedbypath = loadedbypath
+local function loadedbyname(name,rawname)
+ if find(name,"^/") or find(name,"^[a-zA-Z]:/") then
+ local trace=helpers.trace
+ if trace then
+"qualified name, identifying '%s'",what,name)
+ end
+ if isreadable(name) then
+ if trace then
+"qualified name, '%s' found",what,name)
+ end
+ return loadfile(name)
+ end
+ end
+helpers.loadedbyname = loadedbyname
+methods["already loaded"] = function(name)
+ return package.loaded[name]
+methods["preload table"] = function(name)
+ return builtin["preload table"](name)
+methods["qualified path"]=function(name)
+ return loadedbyname(addsuffix(lualibfile(name),"lua"),name)
+methods["lua extra list"] = function(name)
+ return loadedbypath(addsuffix(lualibfile(name),"lua"),name,getextraluapaths(),false,"lua")
+methods["lib extra list"] = function(name)
+ return loadedbypath(addsuffix(lualibfile(name),os.libsuffix),name,getextralibpaths(),true, "lib")
+methods["path specification"] = function(name)
+ getluapaths() -- triggers list building and tracing
+ return builtin["path specification"](name)
+methods["cpath specification"] = function(name)
+ getlibpaths() -- triggers list building and tracing
+ return builtin["cpath specification"](name)
+methods["all in one fallback"] = function(name)
+ return builtin["all in one fallback"](name)
+methods["not loaded"] = function(name)
+ if helpers.trace then
+"unable to locate '%s'",name or "?")
+ end
+ return nil
+local level = 0
+local used = { }
+helpers.traceused = false
+function helpers.loaded(name)
+ local sequence = helpers.sequence
+ level = level + 1
+ for i=1,#sequence do
+ local method = sequence[i]
+ if helpers.trace then
+"%s, level '%s', method '%s', name '%s'","locating",level,method,name)
+ end
+ local result, rest = methods[method](name)
+ if type(result) == "function" then
+ if helpers.trace then
+"%s, level '%s', method '%s', name '%s'","found",level,method,name)
+ end
+ if helpers.traceused then
+ used[#used+1] = { level = level, name = name }
+ end
+ level = level - 1
+ return result, rest
+ end
+ end
+ -- safeguard, we never come here
+ level = level - 1
+ return nil
+function helpers.showused()
+ local n = #used
+ if n > 0 then
+"%s libraries loaded:",n)
+ for i=1,n do
+ local u = used[i]
+"%i %a",u.level,
+ end
+ end
+function helpers.unload(name)
+ if helpers.trace then
+ if package.loaded[name] then
+"unloading, name '%s', %s",name,"done")
+ else
+"unloading, name '%s', %s",name,"not loaded")
+ end
+ end
+ package.loaded[name] = nil
+-- overloading require does not work out well so we need to push it in
+-- front ..
+if context then
+ package.path = ""
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-set.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-set.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2370f0139f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-set.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-set'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- This will become obsolete when we have the bitset library embedded.
+set = set or { }
+local nums = { }
+local tabs = { }
+local concat = table.concat
+local next, type = next, type
+set.create = table.tohash
+function set.tonumber(t)
+ if next(t) then
+ local s = ""
+ -- we could save mem by sorting, but it slows down
+ for k, v in next, t do
+ if v then
+ -- why bother about the leading space
+ s = s .. " " .. k
+ end
+ end
+ local n = nums[s]
+ if not n then
+ n = #tabs + 1
+ tabs[n] = t
+ nums[s] = n
+ end
+ return n
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+function set.totable(n)
+ if n == 0 then
+ return { }
+ else
+ return tabs[n] or { }
+ end
+function set.tolist(n)
+ if n == 0 or not tabs[n] then
+ return ""
+ else
+ local t, n = { }, 0
+ for k, v in next, tabs[n] do
+ if v then
+ n = n + 1
+ t[n] = k
+ end
+ end
+ return concat(t," ")
+ end
+function set.contains(n,s)
+ if type(n) == "table" then
+ return n[s]
+ elseif n == 0 then
+ return false
+ else
+ local t = tabs[n]
+ return t and t[s]
+ end
+--~ local c = set.create{'aap','noot','mies'}
+--~ local s = set.tonumber(c)
+--~ local t = set.totable(s)
+--~ print(t['aap'])
+--~ local c = set.create{'zus','wim','jet'}
+--~ local s = set.tonumber(c)
+--~ local t = set.totable(s)
+--~ print(t['aap'])
+--~ print(t['jet'])
+--~ print(set.contains(t,'jet'))
+--~ print(set.contains(t,'aap'))
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-string.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-string.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1dee85e289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-string.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-string'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local string = string
+local sub, gmatch, format, char, byte, rep, lower = string.sub, string.gmatch, string.format, string.char, string.byte, string.rep, string.lower
+local lpegmatch, patterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns
+local P, S, C, Ct, Cc, Cs = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cs
+-- Some functions are already defined in l-lpeg and maybe some from here will
+-- move there (unless we also expose caches).
+-- if not string.split then
+-- function string.split(str,pattern)
+-- local t = { }
+-- if str ~= "" then
+-- local n = 1
+-- for s in gmatch(str..pattern,"(.-)"..pattern) do
+-- t[n] = s
+-- n = n + 1
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return t
+-- end
+-- end
+-- function string.unquoted(str)
+-- return (gsub(str,"^([\"\'])(.*)%1$","%2")) -- interesting pattern
+-- end
+local unquoted = patterns.squote * C(patterns.nosquote) * patterns.squote
+ + patterns.dquote * C(patterns.nodquote) * patterns.dquote
+function string.unquoted(str)
+ return lpegmatch(unquoted,str) or str
+-- print(string.unquoted("test"))
+-- print(string.unquoted([["t\"est"]]))
+-- print(string.unquoted([["t\"est"x]]))
+-- print(string.unquoted("\'test\'"))
+-- print(string.unquoted('"test"'))
+-- print(string.unquoted('"test"'))
+function string.quoted(str)
+ return format("%q",str) -- always double quote
+function string.count(str,pattern) -- variant 3
+ local n = 0
+ for _ in gmatch(str,pattern) do -- not for utf
+ n = n + 1
+ end
+ return n
+function string.limit(str,n,sentinel) -- not utf proof
+ if #str > n then
+ sentinel = sentinel or "..."
+ return sub(str,1,(n-#sentinel)) .. sentinel
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+local stripper = patterns.stripper
+local fullstripper = patterns.fullstripper
+local collapser = patterns.collapser
+local nospacer = patterns.nospacer
+local longtostring = patterns.longtostring
+function string.strip(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(stripper,str) or ""
+function string.fullstrip(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(fullstripper,str) or ""
+function string.collapsespaces(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(collapser,str) or ""
+function string.nospaces(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(nospacer,str) or ""
+function string.longtostring(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(longtostring,str) or ""
+-- function string.is_empty(str)
+-- return not find(str,"%S")
+-- end
+local pattern = P(" ")^0 * P(-1) -- maybe also newlines
+-- patterns.onlyspaces = pattern
+function string.is_empty(str)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ return true
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str) and true or false
+ end
+-- if not string.escapedpattern then
+-- local patterns_escapes = {
+-- ["%"] = "%%",
+-- ["."] = "%.",
+-- ["+"] = "%+", ["-"] = "%-", ["*"] = "%*",
+-- ["["] = "%[", ["]"] = "%]",
+-- ["("] = "%(", [")"] = "%)",
+-- -- ["{"] = "%{", ["}"] = "%}"
+-- -- ["^"] = "%^", ["$"] = "%$",
+-- }
+-- local simple_escapes = {
+-- ["-"] = "%-",
+-- ["."] = "%.",
+-- ["?"] = ".",
+-- ["*"] = ".*",
+-- }
+-- function string.escapedpattern(str,simple)
+-- return (gsub(str,".",simple and simple_escapes or patterns_escapes))
+-- end
+-- function string.topattern(str,lowercase,strict)
+-- if str == "" then
+-- return ".*"
+-- else
+-- str = gsub(str,".",simple_escapes)
+-- if lowercase then
+-- str = lower(str)
+-- end
+-- if strict then
+-- return "^" .. str .. "$"
+-- else
+-- return str
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+--- needs checking
+local anything = patterns.anything
+local moreescapes = Cc("%") * S(".-+%?()[]*$^{}")
+local allescapes = Cc("%") * S(".-+%?()[]*") -- also {} and ^$ ?
+local someescapes = Cc("%") * S(".-+%()[]") -- also {} and ^$ ?
+local matchescapes = Cc(".") * S("*?") -- wildcard and single match
+local pattern_m = Cs ( ( moreescapes + anything )^0 )
+local pattern_a = Cs ( ( allescapes + anything )^0 )
+local pattern_b = Cs ( ( someescapes + matchescapes + anything )^0 )
+local pattern_c = Cs ( Cc("^") * ( someescapes + matchescapes + anything )^0 * Cc("$") )
+function string.escapedpattern(str,simple)
+ return lpegmatch(simple and pattern_b or pattern_a,str)
+function string.topattern(str,lowercase,strict)
+ if str == "" or type(str) ~= "string" then
+ return ".*"
+ elseif strict == "all" then
+ str = lpegmatch(pattern_m,str)
+ elseif strict then
+ str = lpegmatch(pattern_c,str)
+ else
+ str = lpegmatch(pattern_b,str)
+ end
+ if lowercase then
+ return lower(str)
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+-- print(string.escapedpattern("abc*234",true))
+-- print(string.escapedpattern("12+34*.tex",false))
+-- print(string.escapedpattern("12+34*.tex",true))
+-- print(string.topattern ("12+34*.tex",false,false))
+-- print(string.topattern ("12+34*.tex",false,true))
+function string.valid(str,default)
+ return (type(str) == "string" and str ~= "" and str) or default or nil
+-- handy fallback
+string.itself = function(s) return s end
+-- also handy (see utf variant)
+local pattern_c = Ct( C(1) ^0) -- string and not utf !
+local pattern_b = Ct((C(1)/byte)^0)
+function string.totable(str,bytes)
+ return lpegmatch(bytes and pattern_b or pattern_c,str)
+-- handy from within tex:
+local replacer = lpeg.replacer("@","%%") -- Watch the escaped % in lpeg!
+function string.tformat(fmt,...)
+ return format(lpegmatch(replacer,fmt),...)
+-- obsolete names:
+string.quote = string.quoted
+string.unquote = string.unquoted
+-- new
+if not string.bytetable then -- used in font-cff.lua
+ local limit = 5000 -- we can go to 8000 in luajit and much higher in lua if needed
+ function string.bytetable(str) -- from a string
+ local n = #str
+ if n > limit then
+ local t = { byte(str,1,limit) }
+ for i=limit+1,n do
+ t[i] = byte(str,i)
+ end
+ return t
+ else
+ return { byte(str,1,n) }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-table.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-table.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cffdcc23e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-table.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1471 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-table'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local type, next, tostring, tonumber, select = type, next, tostring, tonumber, select
+local table, string = table, string
+local concat, sort = table.concat, table.sort
+local format, lower, dump = string.format, string.lower, string.dump
+local getmetatable, setmetatable = getmetatable, setmetatable
+local lpegmatch, patterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns
+local floor = math.floor
+-- extra functions, some might go (when not used)
+-- we could serialize using %a but that won't work well is in the code we mostly use
+-- floats and as such we get unequality e.g. in version comparisons
+local stripper = patterns.stripper
+function table.getn(t)
+ return t and #t -- for very old times sake
+function table.strip(tab)
+ local lst = { }
+ local l = 0
+ for i=1,#tab do
+ local s = lpegmatch(stripper,tab[i]) or ""
+ if s == "" then
+ -- skip this one
+ else
+ l = l + 1
+ lst[l] = s
+ end
+ end
+ return lst
+function table.keys(t)
+ if t then
+ local keys = { }
+ local k = 0
+ for key in next, t do
+ k = k + 1
+ keys[k] = key
+ end
+ return keys
+ else
+ return { }
+ end
+-- local function compare(a,b)
+-- local ta = type(a) -- needed, else 11 < 2
+-- local tb = type(b) -- needed, else 11 < 2
+-- if ta == tb and ta == "number" then
+-- return a < b
+-- else
+-- return tostring(a) < tostring(b) -- not that efficient
+-- end
+-- end
+-- local function compare(a,b)
+-- local ta = type(a) -- needed, else 11 < 2
+-- local tb = type(b) -- needed, else 11 < 2
+-- if ta == tb and (ta == "number" or ta == "string") then
+-- return a < b
+-- else
+-- return tostring(a) < tostring(b) -- not that efficient
+-- end
+-- end
+-- local function sortedkeys(tab)
+-- if tab then
+-- local srt, category, s = { }, 0, 0 -- 0=unknown 1=string, 2=number 3=mixed
+-- for key in next, tab do
+-- s = s + 1
+-- srt[s] = key
+-- if category == 3 then
+-- -- no further check
+-- else
+-- local tkey = type(key)
+-- if tkey == "string" then
+-- category = (category == 2 and 3) or 1
+-- elseif tkey == "number" then
+-- category = (category == 1 and 3) or 2
+-- else
+-- category = 3
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if category == 0 or category == 3 then
+-- sort(srt,compare)
+-- else
+-- sort(srt)
+-- end
+-- return srt
+-- else
+-- return { }
+-- end
+-- end
+-- local function compare(a,b)
+-- local ta = type(a) -- needed, else 11 < 2
+-- local tb = type(b) -- needed, else 11 < 2
+-- if ta == tb and (ta == "number" or ta == "string") then
+-- return a < b
+-- else
+-- return tostring(a) < tostring(b) -- not that efficient
+-- end
+-- end
+-- local function compare(a,b)
+-- local ta = type(a) -- needed, else 11 < 2
+-- if ta == "number" or ta == "string" then
+-- local tb = type(b) -- needed, else 11 < 2
+-- if ta == tb then
+-- return a < b
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return tostring(a) < tostring(b) -- not that efficient
+-- end
+local function compare(a,b)
+ local ta = type(a) -- needed, else 11 < 2
+ if ta == "number" then
+ local tb = type(b) -- needed, else 11 < 2
+ if ta == tb then
+ return a < b
+ elseif tb == "string" then
+ return tostring(a) < b
+ end
+ elseif ta == "string" then
+ local tb = type(b) -- needed, else 11 < 2
+ if ta == tb then
+ return a < b
+ else
+ return a < tostring(b)
+ end
+ end
+ return tostring(a) < tostring(b) -- not that efficient
+local function sortedkeys(tab)
+ if tab then
+ local srt = { }
+ local category = 0 -- 0=unknown 1=string, 2=number 3=mixed
+ local s = 0
+ for key in next, tab do
+ s = s + 1
+ srt[s] = key
+ if category ~= 3 then
+ local tkey = type(key)
+ if category == 1 then
+ if tkey ~= "string" then
+ category = 3
+ end
+ elseif category == 2 then
+ if tkey ~= "number" then
+ category = 3
+ end
+ else
+ if tkey == "string" then
+ category = 1
+ elseif tkey == "number" then
+ category = 2
+ else
+ category = 3
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if s < 2 then
+ -- nothing to sort
+ elseif category == 3 then
+ sort(srt,compare)
+ else
+ sort(srt)
+ end
+ return srt
+ else
+ return { }
+ end
+local function sortedhashonly(tab)
+ if tab then
+ local srt = { }
+ local s = 0
+ for key in next, tab do
+ if type(key) == "string" then
+ s = s + 1
+ srt[s] = key
+ end
+ end
+ if s > 1 then
+ sort(srt)
+ end
+ return srt
+ else
+ return { }
+ end
+local function sortedindexonly(tab)
+ if tab then
+ local srt = { }
+ local s = 0
+ for key in next, tab do
+ if type(key) == "number" then
+ s = s + 1
+ srt[s] = key
+ end
+ end
+ if s > 1 then
+ sort(srt)
+ end
+ return srt
+ else
+ return { }
+ end
+local function sortedhashkeys(tab,cmp) -- fast one
+ if tab then
+ local srt = { }
+ local s = 0
+ for key in next, tab do
+ if key then
+ s= s + 1
+ srt[s] = key
+ end
+ end
+ if s > 1 then
+ sort(srt,cmp)
+ end
+ return srt
+ else
+ return { }
+ end
+function table.allkeys(t)
+ local keys = { }
+ for k, v in next, t do
+ for k in next, v do
+ keys[k] = true
+ end
+ end
+ return sortedkeys(keys)
+table.sortedkeys = sortedkeys
+table.sortedhashonly = sortedhashonly
+table.sortedindexonly = sortedindexonly
+table.sortedhashkeys = sortedhashkeys
+local function nothing() end
+local function sortedhash(t,cmp)
+ if t then
+ local s
+ if cmp then
+ -- it would be nice if the sort function would accept a third argument (or nicer, an optional first)
+ s = sortedhashkeys(t,function(a,b) return cmp(t,a,b) end)
+ else
+ s = sortedkeys(t) -- the robust one
+ end
+ local m = #s
+ if m == 1 then
+ return next, t
+ elseif m > 0 then
+ local n = 0
+ return function()
+ if n < m then
+ n = n + 1
+ local k = s[n]
+ return k, t[k]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return nothing
+table.sortedhash = sortedhash
+table.sortedpairs = sortedhash -- obsolete
+function table.append(t,list)
+ local n = #t
+ for i=1,#list do
+ n = n + 1
+ t[n] = list[i]
+ end
+ return t
+function table.prepend(t, list)
+ local nl = #list
+ local nt = nl + #t
+ for i=#t,1,-1 do
+ t[nt] = t[i]
+ nt = nt - 1
+ end
+ for i=1,#list do
+ t[i] = list[i]
+ end
+ return t
+-- function table.merge(t, ...) -- first one is target
+-- t = t or { }
+-- local lst = { ... }
+-- for i=1,#lst do
+-- for k, v in next, lst[i] do
+-- t[k] = v
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return t
+-- end
+function table.merge(t, ...) -- first one is target
+ if not t then
+ t = { }
+ end
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ for k, v in next, (select(i,...)) do
+ t[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+-- function table.merged(...)
+-- local tmp, lst = { }, { ... }
+-- for i=1,#lst do
+-- for k, v in next, lst[i] do
+-- tmp[k] = v
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return tmp
+-- end
+function table.merged(...)
+ local t = { }
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ for k, v in next, (select(i,...)) do
+ t[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+-- function table.imerge(t, ...)
+-- local lst, nt = { ... }, #t
+-- for i=1,#lst do
+-- local nst = lst[i]
+-- for j=1,#nst do
+-- nt = nt + 1
+-- t[nt] = nst[j]
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return t
+-- end
+function table.imerge(t, ...)
+ local nt = #t
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ local nst = select(i,...)
+ for j=1,#nst do
+ nt = nt + 1
+ t[nt] = nst[j]
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+-- function table.imerged(...)
+-- local tmp, ntmp, lst = { }, 0, {...}
+-- for i=1,#lst do
+-- local nst = lst[i]
+-- for j=1,#nst do
+-- ntmp = ntmp + 1
+-- tmp[ntmp] = nst[j]
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return tmp
+-- end
+function table.imerged(...)
+ local tmp = { }
+ local ntmp = 0
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ local nst = select(i,...)
+ for j=1,#nst do
+ ntmp = ntmp + 1
+ tmp[ntmp] = nst[j]
+ end
+ end
+ return tmp
+local function fastcopy(old,metatabletoo) -- fast one
+ if old then
+ local new = { }
+ for k, v in next, old do
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ new[k] = fastcopy(v,metatabletoo) -- was just table.copy
+ else
+ new[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ if metatabletoo then
+ -- optional second arg
+ local mt = getmetatable(old)
+ if mt then
+ setmetatable(new,mt)
+ end
+ end
+ return new
+ else
+ return { }
+ end
+-- todo : copy without metatable
+local function copy(t,tables) -- taken from lua wiki, slightly adapted
+ if not tables then
+ tables = { }
+ end
+ local tcopy = { }
+ if not tables[t] then
+ tables[t] = tcopy
+ end
+ for i,v in next, t do -- brrr, what happens with sparse indexed
+ if type(i) == "table" then
+ if tables[i] then
+ i = tables[i]
+ else
+ i = copy(i,tables)
+ end
+ end
+ if type(v) ~= "table" then
+ tcopy[i] = v
+ elseif tables[v] then
+ tcopy[i] = tables[v]
+ else
+ tcopy[i] = copy(v,tables)
+ end
+ end
+ local mt = getmetatable(t)
+ if mt then
+ setmetatable(tcopy,mt)
+ end
+ return tcopy
+table.fastcopy = fastcopy
+table.copy = copy
+function table.derive(parent) -- for the moment not public
+ local child = { }
+ if parent then
+ setmetatable(child,{ __index = parent })
+ end
+ return child
+function table.tohash(t,value)
+ local h = { }
+ if t then
+ if value == nil then value = true end
+ for _, v in next, t do
+ h[v] = value
+ end
+ end
+ return h
+function table.fromhash(t)
+ local hsh = { }
+ local h = 0
+ for k, v in next, t do
+ if v then
+ h = h + 1
+ hsh[h] = k
+ end
+ end
+ return hsh
+local noquotes, hexify, handle, compact, inline, functions, metacheck
+local reserved = table.tohash { -- intercept a language inconvenience: no reserved words as key
+ 'and', 'break', 'do', 'else', 'elseif', 'end', 'false', 'for', 'function', 'if',
+ 'in', 'local', 'nil', 'not', 'or', 'repeat', 'return', 'then', 'true', 'until', 'while',
+ 'NaN', 'goto',
+-- local function is_simple_table(t)
+-- if #t > 0 then
+-- local n = 0
+-- for _,v in next, t do
+-- n = n + 1
+-- end
+-- if n == #t then
+-- local tt, nt = { }, 0
+-- for i=1,#t do
+-- local v = t[i]
+-- local tv = type(v)
+-- if tv == "number" then
+-- nt = nt + 1
+-- if hexify then
+-- tt[nt] = format("0x%X",v)
+-- else
+-- tt[nt] = tostring(v) -- tostring not needed
+-- end
+-- elseif tv == "string" then
+-- nt = nt + 1
+-- tt[nt] = format("%q",v)
+-- elseif tv == "boolean" then
+-- nt = nt + 1
+-- tt[nt] = v and "true" or "false"
+-- else
+-- return nil
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return tt
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return nil
+-- end
+-- local function is_simple_table(t)
+-- local nt = #t
+-- if nt > 0 then
+-- local n = 0
+-- for _,v in next, t do
+-- n = n + 1
+-- -- if type(v) == "table" then
+-- -- return nil
+-- -- end
+-- end
+-- if n == nt then
+-- local tt = { }
+-- for i=1,nt do
+-- local v = t[i]
+-- local tv = type(v)
+-- if tv == "number" then
+-- if hexify then
+-- tt[i] = format("0x%X",v)
+-- else
+-- tt[i] = tostring(v) -- tostring not needed
+-- end
+-- elseif tv == "string" then
+-- tt[i] = format("%q",v)
+-- elseif tv == "boolean" then
+-- tt[i] = v and "true" or "false"
+-- else
+-- return nil
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return tt
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return nil
+-- end
+local function is_simple_table(t,hexify) -- also used in util-tab so maybe public
+ local nt = #t
+ if nt > 0 then
+ local n = 0
+ for _, v in next, t do
+ n = n + 1
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ -- local haszero = t[0]
+ local haszero = rawget(t,0) -- don't trigger meta
+ if n == nt then
+ local tt = { }
+ for i=1,nt do
+ local v = t[i]
+ local tv = type(v)
+ if tv == "number" then
+ -- tt[i] = v -- not needed tostring(v)
+ if hexify then
+ tt[i] = format("0x%X",v)
+ else
+ tt[i] = v -- not needed tostring(v)
+ end
+ elseif tv == "string" then
+ tt[i] = format("%q",v) -- f_string(v)
+ elseif tv == "boolean" then
+ tt[i] = v and "true" or "false"
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ return tt
+ elseif haszero and (n == nt + 1) then
+ local tt = { }
+ for i=0,nt do
+ local v = t[i]
+ local tv = type(v)
+ if tv == "number" then
+ -- tt[i+1] = v -- not needed tostring(v)
+ if hexify then
+ tt[i+1] = format("0x%X",v)
+ else
+ tt[i+1] = v -- not needed tostring(v)
+ end
+ elseif tv == "string" then
+ tt[i+1] = format("%q",v) -- f_string(v)
+ elseif tv == "boolean" then
+ tt[i+1] = v and "true" or "false"
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ tt[1] = "[0] = " .. tt[1]
+ return tt
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+table.is_simple_table = is_simple_table
+-- Because this is a core function of mkiv I moved some function calls
+-- inline.
+-- twice as fast in a test:
+-- local propername = lpeg.P(lpeg.R("AZ","az","__") * lpeg.R("09","AZ","az", "__")^0 * lpeg.P(-1) )
+-- problem: there no good number_to_string converter with the best resolution
+-- probably using .. is faster than format
+-- maybe split in a few cases (yes/no hexify)
+-- todo: %g faster on numbers than %s
+-- we can speed this up with repeaters and formatters but we haven't defined them
+-- yet
+local propername = patterns.propername -- was find(name,"^%a[%w%_]*$")
+local function dummy() end
+local function do_serialize(root,name,depth,level,indexed)
+ if level > 0 then
+ depth = depth .. " "
+ if indexed then
+ handle(format("%s{",depth))
+ else
+ local tn = type(name)
+ if tn == "number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s[0x%X]={",depth,name))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s[%s]={",depth,name))
+ end
+ elseif tn == "string" then
+ if noquotes and not reserved[name] and lpegmatch(propername,name) then
+ handle(format("%s%s={",depth,name))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s[%q]={",depth,name))
+ end
+ elseif tn == "boolean" then
+ handle(format("%s[%s]={",depth,name and "true" or "false"))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s{",depth))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- we could check for k (index) being number (cardinal)
+ if root and next(root) ~= nil then
+ local first = nil
+ local last = 0
+ if compact then
+ last = #root
+ for k=1,last do
+ -- if root[k] == nil then
+ if rawget(root,k) == nil then
+ last = k - 1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if last > 0 then
+ first = 1
+ end
+ end
+ local sk = sortedkeys(root)
+ for i=1,#sk do
+ local k = sk[i]
+ local v = root[k]
+ local tv = type(v)
+ local tk = type(k)
+ if compact and first and tk == "number" and k >= first and k <= last then
+ if tv == "number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s 0x%X,",depth,v))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s %s,",depth,v)) -- %.99g
+ end
+ elseif tv == "string" then
+ handle(format("%s %q,",depth,v))
+ elseif tv == "table" then
+ if next(v) == nil then
+ handle(format("%s {},",depth))
+ elseif inline then -- and #t > 0
+ local st = is_simple_table(v,hexify)
+ if st then
+ handle(format("%s { %s },",depth,concat(st,", ")))
+ else
+ do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1,true)
+ end
+ else
+ do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1,true)
+ end
+ elseif tv == "boolean" then
+ handle(format("%s %s,",depth,v and "true" or "false"))
+ elseif tv == "function" then
+ if functions then
+ handle(format('%s load(%q),',depth,dump(v))) -- maybe strip
+ else
+ handle(format('%s "function",',depth))
+ end
+ else
+ handle(format("%s %q,",depth,tostring(v)))
+ end
+ elseif k == "__p__" then -- parent
+ if false then
+ handle(format("%s __p__=nil,",depth))
+ end
+ elseif tv == "number" then
+ if tk == "number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [0x%X]=0x%X,",depth,k,v))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k,v)) -- %.99g
+ end
+ elseif tk == "boolean" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=0x%X,",depth,k and "true" or "false",v))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k and "true" or "false",v)) -- %.99g
+ end
+ elseif tk ~= "string" then
+ -- ignore
+ elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s %s=0x%X,",depth,k,v))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s %s=%s,",depth,k,v)) -- %.99g
+ end
+ else
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [%q]=0x%X,",depth,k,v))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%q]=%s,",depth,k,v)) -- %.99g
+ end
+ end
+ elseif tv == "string" then
+ if tk == "number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [0x%X]=%q,",depth,k,v))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k,v))
+ end
+ elseif tk == "boolean" then
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k and "true" or "false",v))
+ elseif tk ~= "string" then
+ -- ignore
+ elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+ handle(format("%s %s=%q,",depth,k,v))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%q]=%q,",depth,k,v))
+ end
+ elseif tv == "table" then
+ if next(v) == nil then
+ if tk == "number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [0x%X]={},",depth,k))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%s]={},",depth,k))
+ end
+ elseif tk == "boolean" then
+ handle(format("%s [%s]={},",depth,k and "true" or "false"))
+ elseif tk ~= "string" then
+ -- ignore
+ elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+ handle(format("%s %s={},",depth,k))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%q]={},",depth,k))
+ end
+ elseif inline then
+ local st = is_simple_table(v,hexify)
+ if st then
+ if tk == "number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [0x%X]={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", ")))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%s]={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", ")))
+ end
+ elseif tk == "boolean" then
+ handle(format("%s [%s]={ %s },",depth,k and "true" or "false",concat(st,", ")))
+ elseif tk ~= "string" then
+ -- ignore
+ elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+ handle(format("%s %s={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", ")))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%q]={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", ")))
+ end
+ else
+ do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1)
+ end
+ else
+ do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1)
+ end
+ elseif tv == "boolean" then
+ if tk == "number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [0x%X]=%s,",depth,k,v and "true" or "false"))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k,v and "true" or "false"))
+ end
+ elseif tk == "boolean" then
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,tostring(k),v and "true" or "false"))
+ elseif tk ~= "string" then
+ -- ignore
+ elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+ handle(format("%s %s=%s,",depth,k,v and "true" or "false"))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%q]=%s,",depth,k,v and "true" or "false"))
+ end
+ elseif tv == "function" then
+ if functions then
+ local getinfo = debug and debug.getinfo
+ if getinfo then
+ local f = getinfo(v).what == "C" and dump(dummy) or dump(v) -- maybe strip
+ -- local f = getinfo(v).what == "C" and dump(function(...) return v(...) end) or dump(v) -- maybe strip
+ if tk == "number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [0x%X]=load(%q),",depth,k,f))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=load(%q),",depth,k,f))
+ end
+ elseif tk == "boolean" then
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=load(%q),",depth,k and "true" or "false",f))
+ elseif tk ~= "string" then
+ -- ignore
+ elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+ handle(format("%s %s=load(%q),",depth,k,f))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%q]=load(%q),",depth,k,f))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if tk == "number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("%s [0x%X]=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
+ end
+ elseif tk == "boolean" then
+ handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k and "true" or "false",tostring(v)))
+ elseif tk ~= "string" then
+ -- ignore
+ elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
+ handle(format("%s %s=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
+ else
+ handle(format("%s [%q]=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if level > 0 then
+ handle(format("%s},",depth))
+ end
+-- replacing handle by a direct t[#t+1] = ... (plus test) is not much
+-- faster (0.03 on 1.00 for zapfino.tma)
+local function serialize(_handle,root,name,specification) -- handle wins
+ local tname = type(name)
+ if type(specification) == "table" then
+ noquotes = specification.noquotes
+ hexify = specification.hexify
+ handle = _handle or specification.handle or print
+ functions = specification.functions
+ compact = specification.compact
+ inline = specification.inline and compact
+ metacheck = specification.metacheck
+ if functions == nil then
+ functions = true
+ end
+ if compact == nil then
+ compact = true
+ end
+ if inline == nil then
+ inline = compact
+ end
+ if metacheck == nil then
+ metacheck = true
+ end
+ else
+ noquotes = false
+ hexify = false
+ handle = _handle or print
+ compact = true
+ inline = true
+ functions = true
+ metacheck = true
+ end
+ if tname == "string" then
+ if name == "return" then
+ handle("return {")
+ else
+ handle(name .. "={")
+ end
+ elseif tname == "number" then
+ if hexify then
+ handle(format("[0x%X]={",name))
+ else
+ handle("[" .. name .. "]={")
+ end
+ elseif tname == "boolean" then
+ if name then
+ handle("return {")
+ else
+ handle("{")
+ end
+ else
+ handle("t={")
+ end
+ if root then
+ -- The dummy access will initialize a table that has a delayed initialization
+ -- using a metatable. (maybe explicitly test for metatable). This can crash on
+ -- metatables that check the index against a number.
+ if metacheck and getmetatable(root) then
+ local dummy = root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_
+ root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_ = nil
+ end
+ -- Let's forget about empty tables.
+ if next(root) ~= nil then
+ do_serialize(root,name,"",0)
+ end
+ end
+ handle("}")
+-- A version with formatters is some 20% faster than using format (because formatters are
+-- much faster) but of course, inlining the format using .. is then again faster .. anyway,
+-- as we do some pretty printing as well there is not that much to gain unless we make a
+-- 'fast' ugly variant as well. But, we would have to move the formatter to l-string then.
+-- name:
+-- true : return { }
+-- false : { }
+-- nil : t = { }
+-- string : string = { }
+-- "return" : return { }
+-- number : [number] = { }
+function table.serialize(root,name,specification)
+ local t = { }
+ local n = 0
+ local function flush(s)
+ n = n + 1
+ t[n] = s
+ end
+ serialize(flush,root,name,specification)
+ return concat(t,"\n")
+-- local a = { e = { 1,2,3,4,5,6}, a = 1, b = 2, c = "ccc", d = { a = 1, b = 2, c = "ccc", d = { a = 1, b = 2, c = "ccc" } } }
+-- local t = os.clock()
+-- for i=1,10000 do
+-- table.serialize(a)
+-- end
+-- print(os.clock()-t,table.serialize(a))
+table.tohandle = serialize
+local maxtab = 2*1024
+function table.tofile(filename,root,name,specification)
+ local f =,'w')
+ if f then
+ if maxtab > 1 then
+ local t = { }
+ local n = 0
+ local function flush(s)
+ n = n + 1
+ t[n] = s
+ if n > maxtab then
+ f:write(concat(t,"\n"),"\n") -- hm, write(sometable) should be nice
+ t = { } -- we could recycle t if needed
+ n = 0
+ end
+ end
+ serialize(flush,root,name,specification)
+ f:write(concat(t,"\n"),"\n")
+ else
+ local function flush(s)
+ f:write(s,"\n")
+ end
+ serialize(flush,root,name,specification)
+ end
+ f:close()
+ io.flush()
+ end
+local function flattened(t,f,depth) -- also handles { nil, 1, nil, 2 }
+ if f == nil then
+ f = { }
+ depth = 0xFFFF
+ elseif tonumber(f) then
+ -- assume that only two arguments are given
+ depth = f
+ f = { }
+ elseif not depth then
+ depth = 0xFFFF
+ end
+ for k, v in next, t do
+ if type(k) ~= "number" then
+ if depth > 0 and type(v) == "table" then
+ flattened(v,f,depth-1)
+ else
+ f[#f+1] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for k=1,#t do
+ local v = t[k]
+ if depth > 0 and type(v) == "table" then
+ flattened(v,f,depth-1)
+ else
+ f[#f+1] = v
+ end
+ end
+ return f
+table.flattened = flattened
+local function collapsed(t,f,h)
+ if f == nil then
+ f = { }
+ h = { }
+ end
+ for k=1,#t do
+ local v = t[k]
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ collapsed(v,f,h)
+ elseif not h[v] then
+ f[#f+1] = v
+ h[v] = true
+ end
+ end
+ return f
+local function collapsedhash(t,h)
+ if h == nil then
+ h = { }
+ end
+ for k=1,#t do
+ local v = t[k]
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ collapsedhash(v,h)
+ else
+ h[v] = true
+ end
+ end
+ return h
+table.collapsed = collapsed -- 20% faster than unique(collapsed(t))
+table.collapsedhash = collapsedhash
+local function unnest(t,f) -- only used in mk, for old times sake
+ if not f then -- and only relevant for token lists
+ f = { } -- this one can become obsolete
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local v = t[i]
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ if type(v[1]) == "table" then
+ unnest(v,f)
+ else
+ f[#f+1] = v
+ end
+ else
+ f[#f+1] = v
+ end
+ end
+ return f
+function table.unnest(t) -- bad name
+ return unnest(t)
+local function are_equal(a,b,n,m) -- indexed
+ if a == b then
+ return true
+ elseif a and b and #a == #b then
+ if not n then
+ n = 1
+ end
+ if not m then
+ m = #a
+ end
+ for i=n,m do
+ local ai, bi = a[i], b[i]
+ if ai==bi then
+ -- same
+ elseif type(ai) == "table" and type(bi) == "table" then
+ if not are_equal(ai,bi) then
+ return false
+ end
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+local function identical(a,b) -- assumes same structure
+ if a ~= b then
+ for ka, va in next, a do
+ local vb = b[ka]
+ if va == vb then
+ -- same
+ elseif type(va) == "table" and type(vb) == "table" then
+ if not identical(va,vb) then
+ return false
+ end
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+table.identical = identical
+table.are_equal = are_equal
+local function sparse(old,nest,keeptables)
+ local new = { }
+ for k, v in next, old do
+ if not (v == "" or v == false) then
+ if nest and type(v) == "table" then
+ v = sparse(v,nest)
+ if keeptables or next(v) ~= nil then
+ new[k] = v
+ end
+ else
+ new[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return new
+table.sparse = sparse
+function table.compact(t)
+ return sparse(t,true,true)
+function table.contains(t, v)
+ if t then
+ for i=1, #t do
+ if t[i] == v then
+ return i
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function table.count(t)
+ local n = 0
+ for k, v in next, t do
+ n = n + 1
+ end
+ return n
+function table.swapped(t,s) -- hash, we need to make sure we don't mess up next
+ local n = { }
+ if s then
+ for k, v in next, s do
+ n[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ for k, v in next, t do
+ n[v] = k
+ end
+ return n
+function table.hashed(t) -- list, add hash to index (save because we are not yet mixed
+ for i=1,#t do
+ t[t[i]] = i
+ end
+ return t
+function table.mirrored(t) -- hash, we need to make sure we don't mess up next
+ local n = { }
+ for k, v in next, t do
+ n[v] = k
+ n[k] = v
+ end
+ return n
+function table.reversed(t)
+ if t then
+ local tt = { }
+ local tn = #t
+ if tn > 0 then
+ local ttn = 0
+ for i=tn,1,-1 do
+ ttn = ttn + 1
+ tt[ttn] = t[i]
+ end
+ end
+ return tt
+ end
+function table.reverse(t) -- check with 5.3 ?
+ if t then
+ local n = #t
+ local m = n + 1
+ for i=1,floor(n/2) do -- maybe just n//2
+ local j = m - i
+ t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i]
+ end
+ return t
+ end
+-- This one is for really simple cases where need a hash from a table.
+local function sequenced(t,sep,simple)
+ if not t then
+ return ""
+ elseif type(t) ~= "table" then
+ return t -- handy fallback
+ end
+ local n = #t
+ local s = { }
+ if n > 0 then
+ -- indexed
+ for i=1,n do
+ local v = t[i]
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ s[i] = "{" .. sequenced(v,sep,simple) .. "}"
+ else
+ s[i] = tostring(t[i])
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ -- hashed
+ n = 0
+ for k, v in sortedhash(t) do
+ if simple then
+ if v == true then
+ n = n + 1
+ s[n] = k
+ elseif v and v~= "" then
+ n = n + 1
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ s[n] = k .. "={" .. sequenced(v,sep,simple) .. "}"
+ else
+ s[n] = k .. "=" .. tostring(v)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ n = n + 1
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ s[n] = k .. "={" .. sequenced(v,sep,simple) .. "}"
+ else
+ s[n] = k .. "=" .. tostring(v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if sep == true then
+ return "{ " .. concat(s,", ") .. " }"
+ else
+ return concat(s,sep or " | ")
+ end
+table.sequenced = sequenced
+function table.print(t,...)
+ if type(t) ~= "table" then
+ print(tostring(t))
+ else
+ serialize(print,t,...)
+ end
+if setinspector then
+ setinspector("table",function(v) if type(v) == "table" then serialize(print,v,"table") return true end end)
+-- -- -- obsolete but we keep them for a while and might comment them later -- -- --
+-- roughly: copy-loop : unpack : sub == 0.9 : 0.4 : 0.45 (so in critical apps, use unpack)
+function table.sub(t,i,j)
+ return { unpack(t,i,j) }
+-- slower than #t on indexed tables (#t only returns the size of the numerically indexed slice)
+function table.is_empty(t)
+ return not t or next(t) == nil
+function table.has_one_entry(t)
+ return t and next(t,next(t)) == nil
+-- new (rather basic, not indexed and nested)
+function table.loweredkeys(t) -- maybe utf
+ local l = { }
+ for k, v in next, t do
+ l[lower(k)] = v
+ end
+ return l
+-- new, might move (maybe duplicate)
+function table.unique(old)
+ local hash = { }
+ local new = { }
+ local n = 0
+ for i=1,#old do
+ local oi = old[i]
+ if not hash[oi] then
+ n = n + 1
+ new[n] = oi
+ hash[oi] = true
+ end
+ end
+ return new
+function table.sorted(t,...)
+ sort(t,...)
+ return t -- still sorts in-place
+function table.values(t,s) -- optional sort flag
+ if t then
+ local values = { }
+ local keys = { }
+ local v = 0
+ for key, value in next, t do
+ if not keys[value] then
+ v = v + 1
+ values[v] = value
+ keys[k] = key
+ end
+ end
+ if s then
+ sort(values)
+ end
+ return values
+ else
+ return { }
+ end
+-- maybe this will move to util-tab.lua
+-- for k, v in table.filtered(t,pattern) do ... end
+-- for k, v in table.filtered(t,pattern,true) do ... end
+-- for k, v in table.filtered(t,pattern,true,cmp) do ... end
+function table.filtered(t,pattern,sort,cmp)
+ if t and type(pattern) == "string" then
+ if sort then
+ local s
+ if cmp then
+ -- it would be nice if the sort function would accept a third argument (or nicer, an optional first)
+ s = sortedhashkeys(t,function(a,b) return cmp(t,a,b) end)
+ else
+ s = sortedkeys(t) -- the robust one
+ end
+ local n = 0
+ local m = #s
+ local function kv(s)
+ while n < m do
+ n = n + 1
+ local k = s[n]
+ if find(k,pattern) then
+ return k, t[k]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return kv, s
+ else
+ local n = next(t)
+ local function iterator()
+ while n ~= nil do
+ local k = n
+ n = next(t,k)
+ if find(k,pattern) then
+ return k, t[k]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return iterator, t
+ end
+ else
+ return nothing
+ end
+-- lua 5.3:
+if not table.move then
+ function table.move(a1,f,e,t,a2)
+ if a2 and a1 ~= a2 then
+ for i=f,e do
+ a2[t] = a1[i]
+ t = t + 1
+ end
+ return a2
+ else
+ t = t + e - f
+ for i=e,f,-1 do
+ a1[t] = a1[i]
+ t = t - 1
+ end
+ return a1
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-trac-inf.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-trac-inf.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24ebc52499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-trac-inf.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['trac-inf'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to trac-inf.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- As we want to protect the global tables, we no longer store the timing
+-- in the tables themselves but in a hidden timers table so that we don't
+-- get warnings about assignments. This is more efficient than using rawset
+-- and rawget.
+local type, tonumber, select = type, tonumber, select
+local format, lower, find = string.format, string.lower, string.find
+local concat = table.concat
+local clock = os.gettimeofday or os.clock -- should go in environment
+local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
+local serialize = table.serialize
+local formatters = string.formatters
+statistics = statistics or { }
+local statistics = statistics
+statistics.enable = true
+statistics.threshold = 0.01
+local statusinfo, n, registered, timers = { }, 0, { }, { }
+ local v = { timing = 0, loadtime = 0, offset = 0 }
+ t[k] = v
+ return v
+local function hastiming(instance)
+ return instance and timers[instance]
+local function resettiming(instance)
+ timers[instance or "notimer"] = { timing = 0, loadtime = 0, offset = 0 }
+local ticks = clock
+local seconds = function(n) return n or 0 end
+-- if FFISUPPORTED and ffi and os.type == "windows" then
+-- local okay, kernel = pcall(ffi.load,"kernel32")
+-- if kernel then
+-- local tonumber = ffi.number or tonumber
+-- ffi.cdef[[
+-- int QueryPerformanceFrequency(int64_t *lpFrequency);
+-- int QueryPerformanceCounter(int64_t *lpPerformanceCount);
+-- ]]
+-- local target ="__int64[1]")
+-- ticks = function()
+-- if kernel.QueryPerformanceCounter(target) == 1 then
+-- return tonumber(target[0])
+-- else
+-- return 0
+-- end
+-- end
+-- local target ="__int64[1]")
+-- seconds = function(ticks)
+-- if kernel.QueryPerformanceFrequency(target) == 1 then
+-- return ticks / tonumber(target[0])
+-- else
+-- return 0
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+local function starttiming(instance,reset)
+ local timer = timers[instance or "notimer"]
+ local it = timer.timing
+ if reset then
+ it = 0
+ timer.loadtime = 0
+ end
+ if it == 0 then
+ timer.starttime = ticks()
+ if not timer.loadtime then
+ timer.loadtime = 0
+ end
+ end
+ timer.timing = it + 1
+local function stoptiming(instance)
+ local timer = timers[instance or "notimer"]
+ local it = timer.timing
+ if it > 1 then
+ timer.timing = it - 1
+ else
+ local starttime = timer.starttime
+ if starttime and starttime > 0 then
+ local stoptime = ticks()
+ local loadtime = stoptime - starttime
+ timer.stoptime = stoptime
+ timer.loadtime = timer.loadtime + loadtime
+ timer.timing = 0
+ timer.starttime = 0
+ return loadtime
+ end
+ end
+ return 0
+local function benchmarktimer(instance)
+ local timer = timers[instance or "notimer"]
+ local it = timer.timing
+ if it > 1 then
+ timer.timing = it - 1
+ else
+ local starttime = timer.starttime
+ if starttime and starttime > 0 then
+ timer.offset = ticks() - starttime
+ else
+ timer.offset = 0
+ end
+ end
+local function elapsed(instance)
+ if type(instance) == "number" then
+ return instance
+ else
+ local timer = timers[instance or "notimer"]
+ return timer and seconds(timer.loadtime - 2*(timer.offset or 0)) or 0
+ end
+local function currenttime(instance)
+ if type(instance) == "number" then
+ return instance
+ else
+ local timer = timers[instance or "notimer"]
+ local it = timer.timing
+ if it > 1 then
+ -- whatever
+ else
+ local starttime = timer.starttime
+ if starttime and starttime > 0 then
+ return seconds(timer.loadtime + ticks() - starttime - 2*(timer.offset or 0))
+ end
+ end
+ return 0
+ end
+local function elapsedtime(instance)
+ return format("%0.3f",elapsed(instance))
+local function elapsedindeed(instance)
+ return elapsed(instance) > statistics.threshold
+local function elapsedseconds(instance,rest) -- returns nil if 0 seconds
+ if elapsedindeed(instance) then
+ return format("%0.3f seconds %s", elapsed(instance),rest or "")
+ end
+statistics.hastiming = hastiming
+statistics.resettiming = resettiming
+statistics.starttiming = starttiming
+statistics.stoptiming = stoptiming
+statistics.currenttime = currenttime
+statistics.elapsed = elapsed
+statistics.elapsedtime = elapsedtime
+statistics.elapsedindeed = elapsedindeed
+statistics.elapsedseconds = elapsedseconds
+statistics.benchmarktimer = benchmarktimer
+-- general function .. we might split this module
+function statistics.register(tag,fnc)
+ if statistics.enable and type(fnc) == "function" then
+ local rt = registered[tag] or (#statusinfo + 1)
+ statusinfo[rt] = { tag, fnc }
+ registered[tag] = rt
+ if #tag > n then n = #tag end
+ end
+local report = logs.reporter("mkiv lua stats")
+ if statistics.enable then
+ -- this code will move
+ local register = statistics.register
+ register("used platform", function()
+ return format("%s, type: %s, binary subtree: %s",
+ os.platform or "unknown",os.type or "unknown", environment.texos or "unknown")
+ end)
+ -- register("luatex banner", function()
+ -- return lower(status.banner)
+ -- end)
+ if LUATEXENGINE == "luametatex" then
+ register("used engine", function()
+ return format("%s version %s, functionality level %s, format id %s",
+ end)
+ else
+ register("used engine", function()
+ return format("%s version %s with functionality level %s, banner: %s",
+ end)
+ end
+ register("control sequences", function()
+ return format("%s of %s + %s", status.cs_count, status.hash_size,status.hash_extra)
+ end)
+ register("callbacks", statistics.callbacks)
+ if TEXENGINE == "luajittex" and JITSUPPORTED then
+ local jitstatus = jit.status
+ if jitstatus then
+ local jitstatus = { jitstatus() }
+ if jitstatus[1] then
+ register("luajit options", concat(jitstatus," ",2))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- so far
+ -- collectgarbage("collect")
+ register("lua properties",function()
+ local hashchar = tonumber(status.luatex_hashchars)
+ local mask = lua.mask or "ascii"
+ return format("engine: %s %s, used memory: %s, hash chars: min(%i,40), symbol mask: %s (%s)",
+ jit and "luajit" or "lua",
+ statistics.memused(),
+ hashchar and 2^hashchar or "unknown",
+ mask,
+ mask == "utf" and "τεχ" or "tex")
+ end)
+ register("runtime",statistics.runtime)
+ logs.newline() -- initial newline
+ for i=1,#statusinfo do
+ local s = statusinfo[i]
+ local r = s[2]()
+ if r then
+ report("%s: %s",s[1],r)
+ end
+ end
+ -- logs.newline() -- final newline
+ statistics.enable = false
+ end
+function statistics.memused() -- no math.round yet -)
+ local round = math.round or math.floor
+ return format("%s MB, ctx: %s MB, max: %s MB)",
+ round(collectgarbage("count")/1000),
+ round(status.luastate_bytes/1000000),
+ status.luastate_bytes_max and round(status.luastate_bytes_max/1000000) or "unknown"
+ )
+function statistics.formatruntime(runtime) -- indirect so it can be overloaded and
+ return format("%s seconds", runtime) -- indeed that happens in cure-uti.lua
+function statistics.runtime()
+ stoptiming(statistics)
+ -- stoptiming(statistics) -- somehow we can start the timer twice, but where
+ local runtime = lua.getruntime and lua.getruntime() or elapsedtime(statistics)
+ return statistics.formatruntime(runtime)
+local report = logs.reporter("system")
+function statistics.timed(action,all)
+ starttiming("run")
+ action()
+ stoptiming("run")
+ local runtime = tonumber(elapsedtime("run"))
+ if all then
+ local alltime = tonumber(lua.getruntime and lua.getruntime() or elapsedtime(statistics))
+ if alltime and alltime > 0 then
+ report("total runtime: %0.3f seconds of %0.3f seconds",runtime,alltime)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ report("total runtime: %0.3f seconds",runtime)
+-- goodie
+function statistics.tracefunction(base,tag,...)
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ local name = select(i,...)
+ local stat = { }
+ local func = base[name]
+ setmetatableindex(stat,function(t,k) t[k] = 0 return 0 end)
+ base[name] = function(n,k,v) stat[k] = stat[k] + 1 return func(n,k,v) end
+ statistics.register(formatters["%s.%s"](tag,name),function() return serialize(stat,"calls") end)
+ end
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-unicode.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-unicode.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73d1eb7660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-unicode.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1405 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-unicode'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- floor(b/256) => rshift(b, 8)
+-- floor(b/1024) => rshift(b,10)
+-- in lua 5.3:
+-- utf8.char(···) : concatinated
+-- utf8.charpatt : "[\0-\x7F\xC2-\xF4][\x80-\xBF]*"
+-- : for p, c in do body end
+-- utf8.codepoint(s [, i [, j]])
+-- utf8.len(s [, i])
+-- utf8.offset(s, n [, i])
+-- todo: utf.sub replacement (used in syst-aux)
+-- we put these in the utf namespace:
+-- used : byte char len lower sub upper
+-- not used : dump find format gmatch gfind gsub match rep reverse
+-- utf = utf or (unicode and unicode.utf8) or { }
+-- not supported:
+-- dump, find, format, gfind, gmatch, gsub, lower, match, rep, reverse, upper
+utf = utf or { }
+-- unicode = nil
+if not string.utfcharacters then
+ -- New: this gmatch hack is taken from the Lua 5.2 book. It's about two times slower
+ -- than the built-in string.utfcharacters.
+ local gmatch = string.gmatch
+ function string.characters(str)
+ return gmatch(str,".[\128-\191]*")
+ end
+utf.characters = string.utfcharacters
+-- string.utfvalues
+-- string.utfcharacters
+-- string.characters
+-- string.characterpairs
+-- string.bytes
+-- string.bytepairs
+-- string.utflength
+-- string.utfvalues
+-- string.utfcharacters
+local type = type
+local char, byte, format, sub, gmatch = string.char, string.byte, string.format, string.sub, string.gmatch
+local concat = table.concat
+local P, C, R, Cs, Ct, Cmt, Cc, Carg, Cp = lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.R, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Carg, lpeg.Cp
+local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+local patterns = lpeg.patterns
+local tabletopattern = lpeg.utfchartabletopattern
+local bytepairs = string.bytepairs
+local finder = lpeg.finder
+local replacer = lpeg.replacer
+local p_utftype = patterns.utftype
+local p_utfstricttype = patterns.utfstricttype
+local p_utfoffset = patterns.utfoffset
+local p_utf8character = patterns.utf8character
+local p_utf8char = patterns.utf8char
+local p_utf8byte = patterns.utf8byte
+local p_utfbom = patterns.utfbom
+local p_newline = patterns.newline
+local p_whitespace = patterns.whitespace
+-- if not unicode then
+-- unicode = { utf = utf } -- for a while
+-- end
+if not utf.char then
+ utf.char = string.utfcharacter or (utf8 and utf8.char)
+ if not utf.char then
+ -- no multiples
+ local char = string.char
+ if bit32 then
+ local rshift = bit32.rshift
+ function utf.char(n)
+ if n < 0x80 then
+ -- 0aaaaaaa : 0x80
+ return char(n)
+ elseif n < 0x800 then
+ -- 110bbbaa : 0xC0 : n >> 6
+ -- 10aaaaaa : 0x80 : n & 0x3F
+ return char(
+ 0xC0 + rshift(n,6),
+ 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
+ )
+ elseif n < 0x10000 then
+ -- 1110bbbb : 0xE0 : n >> 12
+ -- 10bbbbaa : 0x80 : (n >> 6) & 0x3F
+ -- 10aaaaaa : 0x80 : n & 0x3F
+ return char(
+ 0xE0 + rshift(n,12),
+ 0x80 + (rshift(n,6) % 0x40),
+ 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
+ )
+ elseif n < 0x200000 then
+ -- 11110ccc : 0xF0 : n >> 18
+ -- 10ccbbbb : 0x80 : (n >> 12) & 0x3F
+ -- 10bbbbaa : 0x80 : (n >> 6) & 0x3F
+ -- 10aaaaaa : 0x80 : n & 0x3F
+ -- dddd : ccccc - 1
+ return char(
+ 0xF0 + rshift(n,18),
+ 0x80 + (rshift(n,12) % 0x40),
+ 0x80 + (rshift(n,6) % 0x40),
+ 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
+ )
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local floor = math.floor
+ function utf.char(n)
+ if n < 0x80 then
+ return char(n)
+ elseif n < 0x800 then
+ return char(
+ 0xC0 + floor(n/0x40),
+ 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
+ )
+ elseif n < 0x10000 then
+ return char(
+ 0xE0 + floor(n/0x1000),
+ 0x80 + (floor(n/0x40) % 0x40),
+ 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
+ )
+ elseif n < 0x200000 then
+ return char(
+ 0xF0 + floor(n/0x40000),
+ 0x80 + (floor(n/0x1000) % 0x40),
+ 0x80 + (floor(n/0x40) % 0x40),
+ 0x80 + (n % 0x40)
+ )
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+if not utf.byte then
+ utf.byte = string.utfvalue or (utf8 and utf8.codepoint)
+ if not utf.byte then
+ function utf.byte(c)
+ return lpegmatch(p_utf8byte,c)
+ end
+ end
+local utfchar, utfbyte = utf.char, utf.byte
+-- As we want to get rid of the (unmaintained) utf library we implement our own
+-- variants (in due time an independent module):
+function utf.filetype(data)
+ return data and lpegmatch(p_utftype,data) or "unknown"
+local toentities = Cs (
+ (
+ patterns.utf8one
+ + (
+ patterns.utf8two
+ + patterns.utf8three
+ + patterns.utf8four
+ ) / function(s) local b = utfbyte(s) if b < 127 then return s else return format("&#%X;",b) end end
+ )^0
+patterns.toentities = toentities
+function utf.toentities(str)
+ return lpegmatch(toentities,str)
+-- local utfchr = { } -- 60K -> 2.638 M extra mem but currently not called that often (on latin)
+-- setmetatable(utfchr, { __index = function(t,k) local v = utfchar(k) t[k] = v return v end } )
+-- collectgarbage("collect")
+-- local u = collectgarbage("count")*1024
+-- local t = os.clock()
+-- for i=1,1000 do
+-- for i=1,600 do
+-- local a = utfchr[i]
+-- end
+-- end
+-- print(os.clock()-t,collectgarbage("count")*1024-u)
+-- collectgarbage("collect")
+-- local t = os.clock()
+-- for i=1,1000 do
+-- for i=1,600 do
+-- local a = utfchar(i)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- print(os.clock()-t,collectgarbage("count")*1024-u)
+-- local byte = string.byte
+-- local utfchar = utf.char
+local one = P(1)
+local two = C(1) * C(1)
+local four = C(R(utfchar(0xD8),utfchar(0xFF))) * C(1) * C(1) * C(1)
+local pattern = P("\254\255") * Cs( (
+ four / function(a,b,c,d)
+ local ab = 0xFF * byte(a) + byte(b)
+ local cd = 0xFF * byte(c) + byte(d)
+ return utfchar((ab-0xD800)*0x400 + (cd-0xDC00) + 0x10000)
+ end
+ + two / function(a,b)
+ return utfchar(byte(a)*256 + byte(b))
+ end
+ + one
+ )^1 )
+ + P("\255\254") * Cs( (
+ four / function(b,a,d,c)
+ local ab = 0xFF * byte(a) + byte(b)
+ local cd = 0xFF * byte(c) + byte(d)
+ return utfchar((ab-0xD800)*0x400 + (cd-0xDC00) + 0x10000)
+ end
+ + two / function(b,a)
+ return utfchar(byte(a)*256 + byte(b))
+ end
+ + one
+ )^1 )
+function string.toutf(s) -- in string namespace
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,s) or s -- todo: utf32
+local validatedutf = Cs (
+ (
+ patterns.utf8one
+ + patterns.utf8two
+ + patterns.utf8three
+ + patterns.utf8four
+ + P(1) / "�"
+ )^0
+patterns.validatedutf = validatedutf
+function utf.is_valid(str)
+ return type(str) == "string" and lpegmatch(validatedutf,str) or false
+if not utf.len then
+ utf.len = string.utflength or (utf8 and utf8.len)
+ if not utf.len then
+ -- -- alternative 1: 0.77
+ --
+ -- local utfcharcounter = utfbom^-1 * Cs((p_utf8character/'!')^0)
+ --
+ -- function utf.len(str)
+ -- return #lpegmatch(utfcharcounter,str or "")
+ -- end
+ --
+ -- -- alternative 2: 1.70
+ --
+ -- local n = 0
+ --
+ -- local utfcharcounter = utfbom^-1 * (p_utf8character/function() n = n + 1 end)^0 -- slow
+ --
+ -- function utf.length(str)
+ -- n = 0
+ -- lpegmatch(utfcharcounter,str or "")
+ -- return n
+ -- end
+ --
+ -- -- alternative 3: 0.24 (native unicode.utf8.len: 0.047)
+ -- local n = 0
+ --
+ -- -- local utfcharcounter = lpeg.patterns.utfbom^-1 * P ( ( Cp() * (
+ -- -- patterns.utf8one ^1 * Cc(1)
+ -- -- + patterns.utf8two ^1 * Cc(2)
+ -- -- + patterns.utf8three^1 * Cc(3)
+ -- -- + patterns.utf8four ^1 * Cc(4) ) * Cp() / function(f,d,t) n = n + (t - f)/d end
+ -- -- )^0 ) -- just as many captures as below
+ --
+ -- -- local utfcharcounter = lpeg.patterns.utfbom^-1 * P ( (
+ -- -- (Cmt(patterns.utf8one ^1,function(_,_,s) n = n + #s return true end))
+ -- -- + (Cmt(patterns.utf8two ^1,function(_,_,s) n = n + #s/2 return true end))
+ -- -- + (Cmt(patterns.utf8three^1,function(_,_,s) n = n + #s/3 return true end))
+ -- -- + (Cmt(patterns.utf8four ^1,function(_,_,s) n = n + #s/4 return true end))
+ -- -- )^0 ) -- not interesting as it creates strings but sometimes faster
+ --
+ -- -- The best so far:
+ --
+ -- local utfcharcounter = utfbom^-1 * P ( (
+ -- Cp() * (patterns.utf8one )^1 * Cp() / function(f,t) n = n + t - f end
+ -- + Cp() * (patterns.utf8two )^1 * Cp() / function(f,t) n = n + (t - f)/2 end
+ -- + Cp() * (patterns.utf8three)^1 * Cp() / function(f,t) n = n + (t - f)/3 end
+ -- + Cp() * (patterns.utf8four )^1 * Cp() / function(f,t) n = n + (t - f)/4 end
+ -- )^0 )
+ -- function utf.len(str)
+ -- n = 0
+ -- lpegmatch(utfcharcounter,str or "")
+ -- return n
+ -- end
+ local n, f = 0, 1
+ local utfcharcounter = patterns.utfbom^-1 * Cmt (
+ Cc(1) * patterns.utf8one ^1
+ + Cc(2) * patterns.utf8two ^1
+ + Cc(3) * patterns.utf8three^1
+ + Cc(4) * patterns.utf8four ^1,
+ function(_,t,d) -- due to Cc no string captures, so faster
+ n = n + (t - f)/d
+ f = t
+ return true
+ end
+ )^0
+ function utf.len(str)
+ n, f = 0, 1
+ lpegmatch(utfcharcounter,str or "")
+ return n
+ end
+ -- -- these are quite a bit slower:
+ -- utfcharcounter = utfbom^-1 * (Cmt(P(1) * R("\128\191")^0, function() n = n + 1 return true end))^0 -- 50+ times slower
+ -- utfcharcounter = utfbom^-1 * (Cmt(P(1), function() n = n + 1 return true end) * R("\128\191")^0)^0 -- 50- times slower
+ end
+utf.length = utf.len
+if not utf.sub then
+ -- inefficient as lpeg just copies ^n
+ -- local function sub(str,start,stop)
+ -- local pattern = p_utf8character^-(start-1) * C(p_utf8character^-(stop-start+1))
+ -- inspect(pattern)
+ -- return lpegmatch(pattern,str) or ""
+ -- end
+ -- local b, e, n, first, last = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ --
+ -- local function slide(s,p)
+ -- n = n + 1
+ -- if n == first then
+ -- b = p
+ -- if not last then
+ -- return nil
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- if n == last then
+ -- e = p
+ -- return nil
+ -- else
+ -- return p
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ --
+ -- local pattern = Cmt(p_utf8character,slide)^0
+ --
+ -- function utf.sub(str,start,stop) -- todo: from the end
+ -- if not start then
+ -- return str
+ -- end
+ -- b, e, n, first, last = 0, 0, 0, start, stop
+ -- lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ -- if not stop then
+ -- return sub(str,b)
+ -- else
+ -- return sub(str,b,e-1)
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- print(utf.sub("Hans Hagen is my name"))
+ -- print(utf.sub("Hans Hagen is my name",5))
+ -- print(utf.sub("Hans Hagen is my name",5,10))
+ local utflength = utf.length
+ -- also negative indices, upto 10 times slower than a c variant
+ local b, e, n, first, last = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ local function slide_zero(s,p)
+ n = n + 1
+ if n >= last then
+ e = p - 1
+ else
+ return p
+ end
+ end
+ local function slide_one(s,p)
+ n = n + 1
+ if n == first then
+ b = p
+ end
+ if n >= last then
+ e = p - 1
+ else
+ return p
+ end
+ end
+ local function slide_two(s,p)
+ n = n + 1
+ if n == first then
+ b = p
+ else
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ local pattern_zero = Cmt(p_utf8character,slide_zero)^0
+ local pattern_one = Cmt(p_utf8character,slide_one )^0
+ local pattern_two = Cmt(p_utf8character,slide_two )^0
+ local pattern_first = C(p_utf8character)
+ function utf.sub(str,start,stop)
+ if not start then
+ return str
+ end
+ if start == 0 then
+ start = 1
+ end
+ if not stop then
+ if start < 0 then
+ local l = utflength(str) -- we can inline this function if needed
+ start = l + start
+ else
+ start = start - 1
+ end
+ b, n, first = 0, 0, start
+ lpegmatch(pattern_two,str)
+ if n >= first then
+ return sub(str,b)
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+ end
+ if start < 0 or stop < 0 then
+ local l = utf.length(str)
+ if start < 0 then
+ start = l + start
+ if start <= 0 then
+ start = 1
+ else
+ start = start + 1
+ end
+ end
+ if stop < 0 then
+ stop = l + stop
+ if stop == 0 then
+ stop = 1
+ else
+ stop = stop + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if start == 1 and stop == 1 then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_first,str) or ""
+ elseif start > stop then
+ return ""
+ elseif start > 1 then
+ b, e, n, first, last = 0, 0, 0, start - 1, stop
+ lpegmatch(pattern_one,str)
+ if n >= first and e == 0 then
+ e = #str
+ end
+ return sub(str,b,e)
+ else
+ b, e, n, last = 1, 0, 0, stop
+ lpegmatch(pattern_zero,str)
+ if e == 0 then
+ e = #str
+ end
+ return sub(str,b,e)
+ end
+ end
+ -- local n = 100000
+ -- local str = string.rep("123456àáâãäå",100)
+ --
+ -- for i=-15,15,1 do
+ -- for j=-15,15,1 do
+ -- if utf.xsub(str,i,j) ~= utf.sub(str,i,j) then
+ -- print("error",i,j,"l>"..utf.xsub(str,i,j),"s>"..utf.sub(str,i,j))
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- if utf.xsub(str,i) ~= utf.sub(str,i) then
+ -- print("error",i,"l>"..utf.xsub(str,i),"s>"..utf.sub(str,i))
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- print(" 1, 7",utf.xsub(str, 1, 7),utf.sub(str, 1, 7))
+ -- print(" 0, 7",utf.xsub(str, 0, 7),utf.sub(str, 0, 7))
+ -- print(" 0, 9",utf.xsub(str, 0, 9),utf.sub(str, 0, 9))
+ -- print(" 4 ",utf.xsub(str, 4 ),utf.sub(str, 4 ))
+ -- print(" 0 ",utf.xsub(str, 0 ),utf.sub(str, 0 ))
+ -- print(" 0, 0",utf.xsub(str, 0, 0),utf.sub(str, 0, 0))
+ -- print(" 4, 4",utf.xsub(str, 4, 4),utf.sub(str, 4, 4))
+ -- print(" 4, 0",utf.xsub(str, 4, 0),utf.sub(str, 4, 0))
+ -- print("-3, 0",utf.xsub(str,-3, 0),utf.sub(str,-3, 0))
+ -- print(" 0,-3",utf.xsub(str, 0,-3),utf.sub(str, 0,-3))
+ -- print(" 5,-3",utf.xsub(str,-5,-3),utf.sub(str,-5,-3))
+ -- print("-3 ",utf.xsub(str,-3 ),utf.sub(str,-3 ))
+-- a replacement for simple gsubs:
+-- function utf.remapper(mapping)
+-- local pattern = Cs((p_utf8character/mapping)^0)
+-- return function(str)
+-- if not str or str == "" then
+-- return ""
+-- else
+-- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+-- end
+-- end, pattern
+-- end
+function utf.remapper(mapping,option,action) -- static also returns a pattern
+ local variant = type(mapping)
+ if variant == "table" then
+ action = action or mapping
+ if option == "dynamic" then
+ local pattern = false
+ table.setmetatablenewindex(mapping,function(t,k,v) rawset(t,k,v) pattern = false end)
+ return function(str)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ return ""
+ else
+ if not pattern then
+ pattern = Cs((tabletopattern(mapping)/action + p_utf8character)^0)
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif option == "pattern" then
+ return Cs((tabletopattern(mapping)/action + p_utf8character)^0)
+ -- elseif option == "static" then
+ else
+ local pattern = Cs((tabletopattern(mapping)/action + p_utf8character)^0)
+ return function(str)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ return ""
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ end
+ end, pattern
+ end
+ elseif variant == "function" then
+ if option == "pattern" then
+ return Cs((p_utf8character/mapping + p_utf8character)^0)
+ else
+ local pattern = Cs((p_utf8character/mapping + p_utf8character)^0)
+ return function(str)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ return ""
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ end
+ end, pattern
+ end
+ else
+ -- is actually an error
+ return function(str)
+ return str or ""
+ end
+ end
+-- local remap = utf.remapper { a = 'd', b = "c", c = "b", d = "a" }
+-- print(remap("abcd 1234 abcd"))
+function utf.replacer(t) -- no precheck, always string builder
+ local r = replacer(t,false,false,true)
+ return function(str)
+ return lpegmatch(r,str)
+ end
+function utf.subtituter(t) -- with precheck and no building if no match
+ local f = finder (t)
+ local r = replacer(t,false,false,true)
+ return function(str)
+ local i = lpegmatch(f,str)
+ if not i then
+ return str
+ elseif i > #str then
+ return str
+ else
+ -- return sub(str,1,i-2) .. lpegmatch(r,str,i-1) -- slower
+ return lpegmatch(r,str)
+ end
+ end
+-- inspect(utf.split("a b c d"))
+-- inspect(utf.split("a b c d",true))
+local utflinesplitter = p_utfbom^-1 * lpeg.tsplitat(p_newline)
+local utfcharsplitter_ows = p_utfbom^-1 * Ct(C(p_utf8character)^0)
+local utfcharsplitter_iws = p_utfbom^-1 * Ct((p_whitespace^1 + C(p_utf8character))^0)
+local utfcharsplitter_raw = Ct(C(p_utf8character)^0)
+patterns.utflinesplitter = utflinesplitter
+function utf.splitlines(str)
+ return lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,str or "")
+function utf.split(str,ignorewhitespace) -- new
+ if ignorewhitespace then
+ return lpegmatch(utfcharsplitter_iws,str or "")
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(utfcharsplitter_ows,str or "")
+ end
+function utf.totable(str) -- keeps bom
+ return lpegmatch(utfcharsplitter_raw,str)
+-- 0 EF BB BF UTF-8
+-- 1 FF FE UTF-16-little-endian
+-- 2 FE FF UTF-16-big-endian
+-- 3 FF FE 00 00 UTF-32-little-endian
+-- 4 00 00 FE FF UTF-32-big-endian
+-- \000 fails in <= 5.0 but is valid in >=5.1 where %z is depricated
+-- = {
+-- [0] = 'utf-8',
+-- [1] = 'utf-16-le',
+-- [2] = 'utf-16-be',
+-- [3] = 'utf-32-le',
+-- [4] = 'utf-32-be'
+-- }
+-- function utf.magic(f)
+-- local str = f:read(4)
+-- if not str then
+-- f:seek('set')
+-- return 0
+-- -- elseif find(str,"^%z%z\254\255") then -- depricated
+-- -- elseif find(str,"^\000\000\254\255") then -- not permitted and bugged
+-- elseif find(str,"\000\000\254\255",1,true) then -- seems to work okay (TH)
+-- return 4
+-- -- elseif find(str,"^\255\254%z%z") then -- depricated
+-- -- elseif find(str,"^\255\254\000\000") then -- not permitted and bugged
+-- elseif find(str,"\255\254\000\000",1,true) then -- seems to work okay (TH)
+-- return 3
+-- elseif find(str,"^\254\255") then
+-- f:seek('set',2)
+-- return 2
+-- elseif find(str,"^\255\254") then
+-- f:seek('set',2)
+-- return 1
+-- elseif find(str,"^\239\187\191") then
+-- f:seek('set',3)
+-- return 0
+-- else
+-- f:seek('set')
+-- return 0
+-- end
+-- end
+function utf.magic(f) -- not used
+ local str = f:read(4) or ""
+ local off = lpegmatch(p_utfoffset,str)
+ if off < 4 then
+ f:seek('set',off)
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(p_utftype,str)
+local utf16_to_utf8_be, utf16_to_utf8_le
+local utf32_to_utf8_be, utf32_to_utf8_le
+local utf_16_be_getbom = patterns.utfbom_16_be^-1
+local utf_16_le_getbom = patterns.utfbom_16_le^-1
+local utf_32_be_getbom = patterns.utfbom_32_be^-1
+local utf_32_le_getbom = patterns.utfbom_32_le^-1
+local utf_16_be_linesplitter = utf_16_be_getbom * lpeg.tsplitat(patterns.utf_16_be_nl)
+local utf_16_le_linesplitter = utf_16_le_getbom * lpeg.tsplitat(patterns.utf_16_le_nl)
+local utf_32_be_linesplitter = utf_32_be_getbom * lpeg.tsplitat(patterns.utf_32_be_nl)
+local utf_32_le_linesplitter = utf_32_le_getbom * lpeg.tsplitat(patterns.utf_32_le_nl)
+-- we have three possibilities: bytepairs (using tables), gmatch (using tables), gsub and
+-- lpeg. Bytepairs are the fastert but as soon as we need to remove bombs and so the gain
+-- is less due to more testing. Also, we seldom have to convert utf16 so we don't care to
+-- much about a few milliseconds more runtime. The lpeg variant is upto 20% slower but
+-- still pretty fast.
+-- for historic resone we keep the bytepairs variants around .. beware they don't grab the
+-- bom like the lpegs do so they're not dropins in the functions that follow
+-- utf16_to_utf8_be = function(s)
+-- if not s then
+-- return nil
+-- elseif s == "" then
+-- return ""
+-- end
+-- local result, r, more = { }, 0, 0
+-- for left, right in bytepairs(s) do
+-- if right then
+-- local now = 256*left + right
+-- if more > 0 then
+-- now = (more-0xD800)*0x400 + (now-0xDC00) + 0x10000 -- the 0x10000 smells wrong
+-- more = 0
+-- r = r + 1
+-- result[r] = utfchar(now)
+-- elseif now >= 0xD800 and now <= 0xDBFF then
+-- more = now
+-- else
+-- r = r + 1
+-- result[r] = utfchar(now)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return concat(result)
+-- end
+-- local utf16_to_utf8_be_t = function(t)
+-- if not t then
+-- return nil
+-- elseif type(t) == "string" then
+-- t = lpegmatch(utf_16_be_linesplitter,t)
+-- end
+-- local result = { } -- we reuse result
+-- for i=1,#t do
+-- local s = t[i]
+-- if s ~= "" then
+-- local r, more = 0, 0
+-- for left, right in bytepairs(s) do
+-- if right then
+-- local now = 256*left + right
+-- if more > 0 then
+-- now = (more-0xD800)*0x400 + (now-0xDC00) + 0x10000
+-- more = 0
+-- r = r + 1
+-- result[r] = utfchar(now)
+-- elseif now >= 0xD800 and now <= 0xDBFF then
+-- more = now
+-- else
+-- r = r + 1
+-- result[r] = utfchar(now)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- t[i] = concat(result,"",1,r) -- we reused tmp, hence t
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return t
+-- end
+-- utf16_to_utf8_le = function(s)
+-- if not s then
+-- return nil
+-- elseif s == "" then
+-- return ""
+-- end
+-- local result, r, more = { }, 0, 0
+-- for left, right in bytepairs(s) do
+-- if right then
+-- local now = 256*right + left
+-- if more > 0 then
+-- now = (more-0xD800)*0x400 + (now-0xDC00) + 0x10000
+-- more = 0
+-- r = r + 1
+-- result[r] = utfchar(now)
+-- elseif now >= 0xD800 and now <= 0xDBFF then
+-- more = now
+-- else
+-- r = r + 1
+-- result[r] = utfchar(now)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return concat(result)
+-- end
+-- local utf16_to_utf8_le_t = function(t)
+-- if not t then
+-- return nil
+-- elseif type(t) == "string" then
+-- t = lpegmatch(utf_16_le_linesplitter,t)
+-- end
+-- local result = { } -- we reuse result
+-- for i=1,#t do
+-- local s = t[i]
+-- if s ~= "" then
+-- local r, more = 0, 0
+-- for left, right in bytepairs(s) do
+-- if right then
+-- local now = 256*right + left
+-- if more > 0 then
+-- now = (more-0xD800)*0x400 + (now-0xDC00) + 0x10000
+-- more = 0
+-- r = r + 1
+-- result[r] = utfchar(now)
+-- elseif now >= 0xD800 and now <= 0xDBFF then
+-- more = now
+-- else
+-- r = r + 1
+-- result[r] = utfchar(now)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- t[i] = concat(result,"",1,r) -- we reused tmp, hence t
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return t
+-- end
+-- local utf32_to_utf8_be_t = function(t)
+-- if not t then
+-- return nil
+-- elseif type(t) == "string" then
+-- t = lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,t)
+-- end
+-- local result = { } -- we reuse result
+-- for i=1,#t do
+-- local r, more = 0, -1
+-- for a,b in bytepairs(t[i]) do
+-- if a and b then
+-- if more < 0 then
+-- more = 256*256*256*a + 256*256*b
+-- else
+-- r = r + 1
+-- result[t] = utfchar(more + 256*a + b)
+-- more = -1
+-- end
+-- else
+-- break
+-- end
+-- end
+-- t[i] = concat(result,"",1,r)
+-- end
+-- return t
+-- end
+-- local utf32_to_utf8_le_t = function(t)
+-- if not t then
+-- return nil
+-- elseif type(t) == "string" then
+-- t = lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,t)
+-- end
+-- local result = { } -- we reuse result
+-- for i=1,#t do
+-- local r, more = 0, -1
+-- for a,b in bytepairs(t[i]) do
+-- if a and b then
+-- if more < 0 then
+-- more = 256*b + a
+-- else
+-- r = r + 1
+-- result[t] = utfchar(more + 256*256*256*b + 256*256*a)
+-- more = -1
+-- end
+-- else
+-- break
+-- end
+-- end
+-- t[i] = concat(result,"",1,r)
+-- end
+-- return t
+-- end
+local more = 0
+local p_utf16_to_utf8_be = C(1) * C(1) /function(left,right)
+ local now = 256*byte(left) + byte(right)
+ if more > 0 then
+ now = (more-0xD800)*0x400 + (now-0xDC00) + 0x10000
+ more = 0
+ return utfchar(now)
+ elseif now >= 0xD800 and now <= 0xDBFF then
+ more = now
+ return "" -- else the c's end up in the stream
+ else
+ return utfchar(now)
+ end
+local p_utf16_to_utf8_le = C(1) * C(1) /function(right,left)
+ local now = 256*byte(left) + byte(right)
+ if more > 0 then
+ now = (more-0xD800)*0x400 + (now-0xDC00) + 0x10000
+ more = 0
+ return utfchar(now)
+ elseif now >= 0xD800 and now <= 0xDBFF then
+ more = now
+ return "" -- else the c's end up in the stream
+ else
+ return utfchar(now)
+ end
+local p_utf32_to_utf8_be = C(1) * C(1) * C(1) * C(1) /function(a,b,c,d)
+ return utfchar(256*256*256*byte(a) + 256*256*byte(b) + 256*byte(c) + byte(d))
+local p_utf32_to_utf8_le = C(1) * C(1) * C(1) * C(1) /function(a,b,c,d)
+ return utfchar(256*256*256*byte(d) + 256*256*byte(c) + 256*byte(b) + byte(a))
+p_utf16_to_utf8_be = P(true) / function() more = 0 end * utf_16_be_getbom * Cs(p_utf16_to_utf8_be^0)
+p_utf16_to_utf8_le = P(true) / function() more = 0 end * utf_16_le_getbom * Cs(p_utf16_to_utf8_le^0)
+p_utf32_to_utf8_be = P(true) / function() more = 0 end * utf_32_be_getbom * Cs(p_utf32_to_utf8_be^0)
+p_utf32_to_utf8_le = P(true) / function() more = 0 end * utf_32_le_getbom * Cs(p_utf32_to_utf8_le^0)
+patterns.utf16_to_utf8_be = p_utf16_to_utf8_be
+patterns.utf16_to_utf8_le = p_utf16_to_utf8_le
+patterns.utf32_to_utf8_be = p_utf32_to_utf8_be
+patterns.utf32_to_utf8_le = p_utf32_to_utf8_le
+utf16_to_utf8_be = function(s)
+ if s and s ~= "" then
+ return lpegmatch(p_utf16_to_utf8_be,s)
+ else
+ return s
+ end
+local utf16_to_utf8_be_t = function(t)
+ if not t then
+ return nil
+ elseif type(t) == "string" then
+ t = lpegmatch(utf_16_be_linesplitter,t)
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local s = t[i]
+ if s ~= "" then
+ t[i] = lpegmatch(p_utf16_to_utf8_be,s)
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+utf16_to_utf8_le = function(s)
+ if s and s ~= "" then
+ return lpegmatch(p_utf16_to_utf8_le,s)
+ else
+ return s
+ end
+local utf16_to_utf8_le_t = function(t)
+ if not t then
+ return nil
+ elseif type(t) == "string" then
+ t = lpegmatch(utf_16_le_linesplitter,t)
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local s = t[i]
+ if s ~= "" then
+ t[i] = lpegmatch(p_utf16_to_utf8_le,s)
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+utf32_to_utf8_be = function(s)
+ if s and s ~= "" then
+ return lpegmatch(p_utf32_to_utf8_be,s)
+ else
+ return s
+ end
+local utf32_to_utf8_be_t = function(t)
+ if not t then
+ return nil
+ elseif type(t) == "string" then
+ t = lpegmatch(utf_32_be_linesplitter,t)
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local s = t[i]
+ if s ~= "" then
+ t[i] = lpegmatch(p_utf32_to_utf8_be,s)
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+utf32_to_utf8_le = function(s)
+ if s and s ~= "" then
+ return lpegmatch(p_utf32_to_utf8_le,s)
+ else
+ return s
+ end
+local utf32_to_utf8_le_t = function(t)
+ if not t then
+ return nil
+ elseif type(t) == "string" then
+ t = lpegmatch(utf_32_le_linesplitter,t)
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local s = t[i]
+ if s ~= "" then
+ t[i] = lpegmatch(p_utf32_to_utf8_le,s)
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+utf.utf16_to_utf8_le_t = utf16_to_utf8_le_t
+utf.utf16_to_utf8_be_t = utf16_to_utf8_be_t
+utf.utf32_to_utf8_le_t = utf32_to_utf8_le_t
+utf.utf32_to_utf8_be_t = utf32_to_utf8_be_t
+utf.utf16_to_utf8_le = utf16_to_utf8_le
+utf.utf16_to_utf8_be = utf16_to_utf8_be
+utf.utf32_to_utf8_le = utf32_to_utf8_le
+utf.utf32_to_utf8_be = utf32_to_utf8_be
+function utf.utf8_to_utf8_t(t)
+ return type(t) == "string" and lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,t) or t
+function utf.utf16_to_utf8_t(t,endian)
+ return endian and utf16_to_utf8_be_t(t) or utf16_to_utf8_le_t(t) or t
+function utf.utf32_to_utf8_t(t,endian)
+ return endian and utf32_to_utf8_be_t(t) or utf32_to_utf8_le_t(t) or t
+local function little(b)
+ if b < 0x10000 then
+ return char(b%256,rshift(b,8))
+ else
+ b = b - 0x10000
+ local b1 = rshift(b,10) + 0xD800
+ local b2 = b%1024 + 0xDC00
+ return char(b1%256,rshift(b1,8),b2%256,rshift(b2,8))
+ end
+local function big(b)
+ if b < 0x10000 then
+ return char(rshift(b,8),b%256)
+ else
+ b = b - 0x10000
+ local b1 = rshift(b,10) + 0xD800
+ local b2 = b%1024 + 0xDC00
+ return char(rshift(b1,8),b1%256,rshift(b2,8),b2%256)
+ end
+local l_remap = Cs((p_utf8byte/little+P(1)/"")^0)
+local b_remap = Cs((p_utf8byte/big +P(1)/"")^0)
+local function utf8_to_utf16_be(str,nobom)
+ if nobom then
+ return lpegmatch(b_remap,str)
+ else
+ return char(254,255) .. lpegmatch(b_remap,str)
+ end
+local function utf8_to_utf16_le(str,nobom)
+ if nobom then
+ return lpegmatch(l_remap,str)
+ else
+ return char(255,254) .. lpegmatch(l_remap,str)
+ end
+utf.utf8_to_utf16_be = utf8_to_utf16_be
+utf.utf8_to_utf16_le = utf8_to_utf16_le
+function utf.utf8_to_utf16(str,littleendian,nobom)
+ if littleendian then
+ return utf8_to_utf16_le(str,nobom)
+ else
+ return utf8_to_utf16_be(str,nobom)
+ end
+local pattern = Cs (
+ (p_utf8byte / function(unicode ) return format( "0x%04X", unicode) end) *
+ (p_utf8byte * Carg(1) / function(unicode,separator) return format("%s0x%04X",separator,unicode) end)^0
+function utf.tocodes(str,separator)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,separator or " ")
+function utf.ustring(s)
+ return format("U+%05X",type(s) == "number" and s or utfbyte(s))
+function utf.xstring(s)
+ return format("0x%05X",type(s) == "number" and s or utfbyte(s))
+function utf.toeight(str)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local utftype = lpegmatch(p_utfstricttype,str)
+ if utftype == "utf-8" then
+ return sub(str,4) -- remove the bom
+ elseif utftype == "utf-16-be" then
+ return utf16_to_utf8_be(str) -- bom gets removed
+ elseif utftype == "utf-16-le" then
+ return utf16_to_utf8_le(str) -- bom gets removed
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+ local p_nany = p_utf8character / ""
+ local cache = { }
+ function utf.count(str,what)
+ if type(what) == "string" then
+ local p = cache[what]
+ if not p then
+ p = Cs((P(what)/" " + p_nany)^0)
+ cache[p] = p
+ end
+ return #lpegmatch(p,str)
+ else -- 4 times slower but still faster than / function
+ return #lpegmatch(Cs((P(what)/" " + p_nany)^0),str)
+ end
+ end
+if not string.utfvalues then
+ -- So, a logical next step is to check for the values variant. It over five times
+ -- slower than the built-in string.utfvalues. I optimized it a bit for n=0,1.
+ ----- wrap, yield, gmatch = coroutine.wrap, coroutine.yield, string.gmatch
+ local find = string.find
+ local dummy = function()
+ -- we share this one
+ end
+ -- function string.utfvalues(str)
+ -- local n = #str
+ -- if n == 0 then
+ -- return wrap(dummy)
+ -- elseif n == 1 then
+ -- return wrap(function() yield(utfbyte(str)) end)
+ -- else
+ -- return wrap(function() for s in gmatch(str,".[\128-\191]*") do
+ -- yield(utfbyte(s))
+ -- end end)
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ --
+ -- faster:
+ function string.utfvalues(str)
+ local n = #str
+ if n == 0 then
+ return dummy
+ elseif n == 1 then
+ return function() return utfbyte(str) end
+ else
+ local p = 1
+ -- local n = #str
+ return function()
+ -- if p <= n then -- slower than the last find
+ local b, e = find(str,".[\128-\191]*",p)
+ if b then
+ p = e + 1
+ return utfbyte(sub(str,b,e))
+ end
+ -- end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- slower:
+ --
+ -- local pattern = C(p_utf8character) * Cp()
+ -- ----- pattern = p_utf8character/utfbyte * Cp()
+ -- ----- pattern = p_utf8byte * Cp()
+ --
+ -- function string.utfvalues(str) -- one of the cases where a find is faster than an lpeg
+ -- local n = #str
+ -- if n == 0 then
+ -- return dummy
+ -- elseif n == 1 then
+ -- return function() return utfbyte(str) end
+ -- else
+ -- local p = 1
+ -- return function()
+ -- local s, e = lpegmatch(pattern,str,p)
+ -- if e then
+ -- p = e
+ -- return utfbyte(s)
+ -- -- return s
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- end
+utf.values = string.utfvalues
+function utf.chrlen(u) -- u is number
+ return
+ (u < 0x80 and 1) or
+ (u < 0xE0 and 2) or
+ (u < 0xF0 and 3) or
+ (u < 0xF8 and 4) or
+ (u < 0xFC and 5) or
+ (u < 0xFE and 6) or 0
+-- hashing saves a little but not that much in practice
+-- local utf32 = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) local v = toutf32(k) t[k] = v return v end)
+if bit32 then
+ local extract = bit32.extract
+ local char = string.char
+ function utf.toutf32string(n)
+ if n <= 0xFF then
+ return
+ char(n) ..
+ "\000\000\000"
+ elseif n <= 0xFFFF then
+ return
+ char(extract(n, 0,8)) ..
+ char(extract(n, 8,8)) ..
+ "\000\000"
+ elseif n <= 0xFFFFFF then
+ return
+ char(extract(n, 0,8)) ..
+ char(extract(n, 8,8)) ..
+ char(extract(n,16,8)) ..
+ "\000"
+ else
+ return
+ char(extract(n, 0,8)) ..
+ char(extract(n, 8,8)) ..
+ char(extract(n,16,8)) ..
+ char(extract(n,24,8))
+ end
+ end
+-- goodie:
+local len = utf.len
+local rep = rep
+function string.utfpadd(s,n)
+ if n and n ~= 0 then
+ local l = len(s)
+ if n > 0 then
+ local d = n - l
+ if d > 0 then
+ return rep(c or " ",d) .. s
+ end
+ else
+ local d = - n - l
+ if d > 0 then
+ return s .. rep(c or " ",d)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return s
+-- goodies
+ local utfcharacters = utf.characters or string.utfcharacters
+ local utfchar = utf.char or string.utfcharacter
+ lpeg.UP = P
+ if utfcharacters then
+ function lpeg.US(str)
+ local p = P(false)
+ for uc in utfcharacters(str) do
+ p = p + P(uc)
+ end
+ return p
+ end
+ else
+ function lpeg.US(str)
+ local p = P(false)
+ local f = function(uc)
+ p = p + P(uc)
+ end
+ lpegmatch((p_utf8char/f)^0,str)
+ return p
+ end
+ end
+ local range = p_utf8byte * p_utf8byte + Cc(false) -- utf8byte is already a capture
+ function lpeg.UR(str,more)
+ local first, last
+ if type(str) == "number" then
+ first = str
+ last = more or first
+ else
+ first, last = lpegmatch(range,str)
+ if not last then
+ return P(str)
+ end
+ end
+ if first == last then
+ return P(str)
+ end
+ if not utfchar then
+ utfchar = utf.char -- maybe delayed
+ end
+ if utfchar and (last - first < 8) then -- a somewhat arbitrary criterium
+ local p = P(false)
+ for i=first,last do
+ p = p + P(utfchar(i))
+ end
+ return p -- nil when invalid range
+ else
+ local f = function(b)
+ return b >= first and b <= last
+ end
+ -- tricky, these nested captures
+ return p_utf8byte / f -- nil when invalid range
+ end
+ end
+ -- print(lpeg.match(lpeg.Cs((C(lpeg.UR("αω"))/{ ["χ"] = "OEPS" })^0),"αωχαω"))
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-url.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-url.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f834d778d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-url.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-url'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local char, format, byte = string.char, string.format, string.byte
+local concat = table.concat
+local tonumber, type, next = tonumber, type, next
+local P, C, R, S, Cs, Cc, Ct, Cf, Cg, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.V
+local lpegmatch, lpegpatterns, replacer = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns, lpeg.replacer
+local sortedhash = table.sortedhash
+-- from wikipedia:
+-- foo://;name=narwhal#nose
+-- \_/ \_______________/ \_________/ \__/ \___/ \_/ \______________________/ \__/
+-- | | | | | | | |
+-- | userinfo hostname port | | query fragment
+-- | \________________________________/\_____________|____|/
+-- scheme | | | |
+-- | authority path | |
+-- | | |
+-- | path interpretable as filename
+-- | ___________|____________ |
+-- / \ / \ |
+-- urn:example:animal:ferret:nose interpretable as extension
+-- also nice: (maybe some day ...)
+url = url or { }
+local url = url
+local unescapes = { }
+local escapes = { }
+setmetatable(unescapes, { __index = function(t,k)
+ local v = char(tonumber(k,16))
+ t[k] = v
+ return v
+end })
+setmetatable(escapes, { __index = function(t,k)
+ local v = format("%%%02X",byte(k))
+ t[k] = v
+ return v
+end })
+-- okay:
+local colon = P(":")
+local qmark = P("?")
+local hash = P("#")
+local slash = P("/")
+local atsign = P("@")
+local percent = P("%")
+local endofstring = P(-1)
+local hexdigit = R("09","AF","af")
+local plus = P("+")
+local nothing = Cc("")
+local okay = R("09","AZ","az") + S("-_.,:=+*~!'()@&$")
+local escapedchar = (percent * C(hexdigit * hexdigit)) / unescapes
+local unescapedchar = P(1) / escapes
+local escaped = (plus / " ") + escapedchar -- so no loc://foo++.tex
+local noslash = P("/") / ""
+local plustospace = P("+")/" "
+local decoder = Cs( (
+ plustospace
+ + escapedchar
+ + P("\r\n")/"\n"
+ + P(1)
+ )^0 )
+local encoder = Cs( (
+ R("09","AZ","az")^1
+ + S("-./_")^1
+ + P(" ")/"+"
+ + P("\n")/"\r\n"
+ + unescapedchar
+ )^0 )
+lpegpatterns.urldecoder = decoder
+lpegpatterns.urlencoder = encoder
+function url.decode (str) return str and lpegmatch(decoder, str) or str end
+function url.encode (str) return str and lpegmatch(encoder, str) or str end
+function url.unescape(str) return str and lpegmatch(unescaper,str) or str end
+-- we assume schemes with more than 1 character (in order to avoid problems with windows disks)
+-- we also assume that when we have a scheme, we also have an authority
+-- maybe we should already split the query (better for unescaping as = & can be part of a value
+local schemestr = Cs((escaped+(1-colon-slash-qmark-hash))^2)
+local authoritystr = Cs((escaped+(1- slash-qmark-hash))^0)
+local pathstr = Cs((escaped+(1- qmark-hash))^0)
+----- querystr = Cs((escaped+(1- hash))^0)
+local querystr = Cs(( (1- hash))^0)
+local fragmentstr = Cs((escaped+(1- endofstring))^0)
+local scheme = schemestr * colon + nothing
+local authority = slash * slash * authoritystr + nothing
+local path = slash * pathstr + nothing
+local query = qmark * querystr + nothing
+local fragment = hash * fragmentstr + nothing
+local validurl = scheme * authority * path * query * fragment
+local parser = Ct(validurl)
+lpegpatterns.url = validurl
+lpegpatterns.urlsplitter = parser
+local escaper = Cs((R("09","AZ","az")^1 + P(" ")/"%%20" + S("-./_:")^1 + P(1) / escapes)^0) -- space happens most
+local unescaper = Cs((escapedchar + 1)^0)
+local getcleaner = Cs((P("+++")/"%%2B" + P("+")/"%%20" + P(1))^1)
+lpegpatterns.urlunescaped = escapedchar
+lpegpatterns.urlescaper = escaper
+lpegpatterns.urlunescaper = unescaper
+lpegpatterns.urlgetcleaner = getcleaner
+function url.unescapeget(str)
+ return lpegmatch(getcleaner,str)
+-- todo: reconsider Ct as we can as well have five return values (saves a table)
+-- so we can have two parsers, one with and one without
+local function split(str)
+ return (type(str) == "string" and lpegmatch(parser,str)) or str
+local isscheme = schemestr * colon * slash * slash -- this test also assumes authority
+local function hasscheme(str)
+ if str then
+ local scheme = lpegmatch(isscheme,str) -- at least one character
+ return scheme ~= "" and scheme or false
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+--~ print(hasscheme("home:"))
+--~ print(hasscheme("home://"))
+-- todo: cache them
+local rootletter = R("az","AZ")
+ + S("_-+")
+local separator = P("://")
+local qualified = P(".")^0 * P("/")
+ + rootletter * P(":")
+ + rootletter^1 * separator
+ + rootletter^1 * P("/")
+local rootbased = P("/")
+ + rootletter * P(":")
+local barswapper = replacer("|",":")
+local backslashswapper = replacer("\\","/")
+-- queries:
+local equal = P("=")
+local amp = P("&")
+local key = Cs(((plustospace + escapedchar + 1) - equal )^0)
+local value = Cs(((plustospace + escapedchar + 1) - amp - endofstring)^0)
+local splitquery = Cf ( Ct("") * P { "sequence",
+ sequence = V("pair") * (amp * V("pair"))^0,
+ pair = Cg(key * equal * value),
+}, rawset)
+-- hasher
+local userpart = (1-atsign-colon)^1
+local serverpart = (1-colon)^1
+local splitauthority = ((Cs(userpart) * colon * Cs(userpart) + Cs(userpart) * Cc(nil)) * atsign + Cc(nil) * Cc(nil))
+ * Cs(serverpart) * (colon * (serverpart/tonumber) + Cc(nil))
+local function hashed(str) -- not yet ok (/test?test)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ return {
+ scheme = "invalid",
+ original = str,
+ }
+ end
+ local detailed = split(str)
+ local rawscheme = ""
+ local rawquery = ""
+ local somescheme = false
+ local somequery = false
+ if detailed then
+ rawscheme = detailed[1]
+ rawquery = detailed[4]
+ somescheme = rawscheme ~= ""
+ somequery = rawquery ~= ""
+ end
+ if not somescheme and not somequery then
+ return {
+ scheme = "file",
+ authority = "",
+ path = str,
+ query = "",
+ fragment = "",
+ original = str,
+ noscheme = true,
+ filename = str,
+ }
+ end
+ -- not always a filename but handy anyway
+ local authority = detailed[2]
+ local path = detailed[3]
+ local filename -- = nil
+ local username -- = nil
+ local password -- = nil
+ local host -- = nil
+ local port -- = nil
+ if authority ~= "" then
+ -- these can be invalid
+ username, password, host, port = lpegmatch(splitauthority,authority)
+ end
+ if authority == "" then
+ filename = path
+ elseif path == "" then
+ filename = ""
+ else
+ -- this one can be can be invalid
+ filename = authority .. "/" .. path
+ end
+ return {
+ scheme = rawscheme,
+ authority = authority,
+ path = path,
+ query = lpegmatch(unescaper,rawquery), -- unescaped, but possible conflict with & and =
+ queries = lpegmatch(splitquery,rawquery), -- split first and then unescaped
+ fragment = detailed[5],
+ original = str,
+ noscheme = false,
+ filename = filename,
+ --
+ host = host,
+ port = port,
+ -- usename = username,
+ -- password = password,
+ }
+-- inspect(hashed())
+-- inspect(hashed(""))
+-- inspect(hashed("template:///test"))
+-- inspect(hashed("template:///test++.whatever"))
+-- inspect(hashed("template:///test%2B%2B.whatever"))
+-- inspect(hashed("template:///test%x.whatever"))
+-- inspect(hashed("tem%2Bplate:///test%x.whatever"))
+-- Here we assume:
+-- files: /// = relative
+-- files: //// = absolute (!)
+--~ table.print(hashed("file://c:/opt/tex/texmf-local")) -- c:/opt/tex/texmf-local
+--~ table.print(hashed("file://opt/tex/texmf-local" )) -- opt/tex/texmf-local
+--~ table.print(hashed("file:///opt/tex/texmf-local" )) -- opt/tex/texmf-local
+--~ table.print(hashed("file:////opt/tex/texmf-local" )) -- /opt/tex/texmf-local
+--~ table.print(hashed("file:///./opt/tex/texmf-local" )) -- ./opt/tex/texmf-local
+--~ table.print(hashed("c:/opt/tex/texmf-local" )) -- c:/opt/tex/texmf-local
+--~ table.print(hashed("opt/tex/texmf-local" )) -- opt/tex/texmf-local
+--~ table.print(hashed("/opt/tex/texmf-local" )) -- /opt/tex/texmf-local
+url.split = split
+url.hasscheme = hasscheme
+url.hashed = hashed
+function url.addscheme(str,scheme) -- no authority
+ if hasscheme(str) then
+ return str
+ elseif not scheme then
+ return "file:///" .. str
+ else
+ return scheme .. ":///" .. str
+ end
+function url.construct(hash) -- dodo: we need to escape !
+ local result, r = { }, 0
+ local scheme = hash.scheme
+ local authority = hash.authority
+ local path = hash.path
+ local queries = hash.queries
+ local fragment = hash.fragment
+ if scheme and scheme ~= "" then
+ r = r + 1 ; result[r] = lpegmatch(escaper,scheme)
+ r = r + 1 ; result[r] = "://"
+ end
+ if authority and authority ~= "" then
+ r = r + 1 ; result[r] = lpegmatch(escaper,authority)
+ end
+ if path and path ~= "" then
+ r = r + 1 ; result[r] = "/"
+ r = r + 1 ; result[r] = lpegmatch(escaper,path)
+ end
+ if queries then
+ local done = false
+ for k, v in sortedhash(queries) do
+ r = r + 1 ; result[r] = done and "&" or "?"
+ r = r + 1 ; result[r] = lpegmatch(escaper,k) -- is this escaped
+ r = r + 1 ; result[r] = "="
+ r = r + 1 ; result[r] = lpegmatch(escaper,v) -- is this escaped
+ done = true
+ end
+ end
+ if fragment and fragment ~= "" then
+ r = r + 1 ; result[r] = "#"
+ r = r + 1 ; result[r] = lpegmatch(escaper,fragment)
+ end
+ return concat(result)
+local pattern = Cs(slash^-1/"" * R("az","AZ") * ((S(":|")/":") + P(":")) * slash * P(1)^0)
+function url.filename(filename)
+ local spec = hashed(filename)
+ local path = spec.path
+ return (spec.scheme == "file" and path and lpegmatch(pattern,path)) or filename
+-- print(url.filename("/c|/test"))
+-- print(url.filename("/c/test"))
+-- print(url.filename("file:///t:/sources/cow.svg"))
+local function escapestring(str)
+ return lpegmatch(escaper,str)
+url.escape = escapestring
+function url.query(str)
+ if type(str) == "string" then
+ return lpegmatch(splitquery,str) or ""
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+function url.toquery(data)
+ local td = type(data)
+ if td == "string" then
+ return #str and escape(data) or nil -- beware of double escaping
+ elseif td == "table" then
+ if next(data) then
+ local t = { }
+ for k, v in next, data do
+ t[#t+1] = format("%s=%s",k,escapestring(v))
+ end
+ return concat(t,"&")
+ end
+ else
+ -- nil is a signal that no query
+ end
+-- /test/ | /test | test/ | test => test
+local pattern = Cs(noslash^0 * (1 - noslash * P(-1))^0)
+function url.barepath(path)
+ if not path or path == "" then
+ return ""
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,path)
+ end
+-- print(url.barepath("/test"),url.barepath("test/"),url.barepath("/test/"),url.barepath("test"))
+-- print(url.barepath("/x/yz"),url.barepath("x/yz/"),url.barepath("/x/yz/"),url.barepath("x/yz"))
+--~ print(url.filename("file:///c:/oeps.txt"))
+--~ print(url.filename("c:/oeps.txt"))
+--~ print(url.filename("file:///oeps.txt"))
+--~ print(url.filename("file:///etc/test.txt"))
+--~ print(url.filename("/oeps.txt"))
+--~ from the spec on the web (sort of):
+--~ local function test(str)
+--~ local t = url.hashed(str)
+--~ t.constructed = url.construct(t)
+--~ print(table.serialize(t))
+--~ end
+--~ inspect(url.hashed(""))
+--~ inspect(url.hashed(""))
+--~ test("sys:///./colo-rgb")
+--~ test("/data/site/output/q2p-develop/resources/ecaboperception4_res/topicresources/58313733/figuur-cow.jpg")
+--~ test("file:///M:/q2p/develop/output/q2p-develop/resources/ecaboperception4_res/topicresources/58313733")
+--~ test("M:/q2p/develop/output/q2p-develop/resources/ecaboperception4_res/topicresources/58313733")
+--~ test("file:///q2p/develop/output/q2p-develop/resources/ecaboperception4_res/topicresources/58313733")
+--~ test("/q2p/develop/output/q2p-develop/resources/ecaboperception4_res/topicresources/58313733")
+--~ test("file:///cow%20with%20spaces")
+--~ test("file:///cow%20with%20spaces.pdf")
+--~ test("cow%20with%20spaces.pdf")
+--~ test("some%20file")
+--~ test("/etc/passwords")
+--~ test("")
+--~ test("file:///c:/oeps.txt")
+--~ test("file:///c|/oeps.txt")
+--~ test("file:///etc/oeps.txt")
+--~ test("file://./etc/oeps.txt")
+--~ test("file:////etc/oeps.txt")
+--~ test("")
+--~ test("")
+--~ test("ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one#what")
+--~ test("")
+--~ test("news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix")
+--~ test("tel:+1-816-555-1212")
+--~ test("telnet://")
+--~ test("urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2")
+--~ test("")
+--~ test("zip:///oeps/")
+--~ test("zip:///oeps/")
+--~ table.print(url.hashed("/test?test"))
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-deb.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-deb.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd94b6d01e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-deb.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-deb'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- the <anonymous> tag is kind of generic and used for functions that are not
+-- bound to a variable, like, node.copy etc (contrary to for instance
+-- node.has_attribute which is bound to a has_attribute local variable in mkiv)
+local type, next, tostring, tonumber = type, next, tostring, tonumber
+local format, find, sub, gsub = string.format, string.find, string.sub, string.gsub
+local insert, remove, sort = table.insert, table.remove, table.sort
+local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
+utilities = utilities or { }
+local debugger = utilities.debugger or { }
+utilities.debugger = debugger
+local report = logs.reporter("debugger")
+local ticks = os.gettimeofday or os.clock
+local seconds = function(n) return n or 0 end
+local overhead = 0
+local dummycalls = 10*1000
+local nesting = 0
+local names = { }
+local initialize = false
+if lua.getpreciseticks then
+ initialize = function()
+ ticks = lua.getpreciseticks
+ seconds = lua.getpreciseseconds
+ initialize = false
+ end
+elseif not (FFISUPPORTED and ffi) then
+ -- we have no precise timer
+elseif os.type == "windows" then
+ initialize = function()
+ local kernel = ffilib("kernel32","system") -- no checking
+ if kernel then
+ local tonumber = ffi.number or tonumber
+ ffi.cdef[[
+ int QueryPerformanceFrequency(int64_t *lpFrequency);
+ int QueryPerformanceCounter(int64_t *lpPerformanceCount);
+ ]]
+ local target ="__int64[1]")
+ ticks = function()
+ if kernel.QueryPerformanceCounter(target) == 1 then
+ return tonumber(target[0])
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+ end
+ local target ="__int64[1]")
+ seconds = function(ticks)
+ if kernel.QueryPerformanceFrequency(target) == 1 then
+ return ticks / tonumber(target[0])
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ initialize = false
+ end
+elseif os.type == "unix" then
+ -- for the values: echo '#include <time.h>' > foo.h; gcc -dM -E foo.h
+ initialize = function()
+ local C = ffi.C
+ local tonumber = ffi.number or tonumber
+ ffi.cdef [[
+ /* what a mess */
+ typedef int clk_id_t;
+ typedef struct timespec { long sec; long nsec; } ctx_timespec;
+ int clock_gettime(clk_id_t timerid, struct timespec *t);
+ ]]
+ local target ="ctx_timespec[?]",1)
+ ticks = function ()
+ C.clock_gettime(clock,target)
+ return tonumber(target[0].sec*1000000000 + target[0].nsec)
+ end
+ seconds = function(ticks)
+ return ticks/1000000000
+ end
+ initialize = false
+ end
+ local v = setmetatableindex(function(t,source)
+ local v = setmetatableindex(function(t,line)
+ local v = { total = 0, count = 0, nesting = 0 }
+ t[line] = v
+ return v
+ end)
+ t[source] = v
+ return v
+ end)
+ t[name] = v
+ return v
+local getinfo = nil
+local sethook = nil
+local function hook(where)
+ local f = getinfo(2,"nSl")
+ if f then
+ local source = f.short_src
+ if not source then
+ return
+ end
+ local line = f.linedefined or 0
+ local name =
+ if not name then
+ local what = f.what
+ if what == "C" then
+ name = "<anonymous>"
+ else
+ name = f.namewhat or what or "<unknown>"
+ end
+ end
+ local data = names[name][source][line]
+ if where == "call" then
+ local nesting = data.nesting
+ if nesting == 0 then
+ data.count = data.count + 1
+ insert(data,ticks())
+ data.nesting = 1
+ else
+ data.nesting = nesting + 1
+ end
+ elseif where == "return" then
+ local nesting = data.nesting
+ if nesting == 1 then
+ local t = remove(data)
+ if t then
+ = + ticks() - t
+ end
+ data.nesting = 0
+ else
+ data.nesting = nesting - 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function debugger.showstats(printer,threshold)
+ local printer = printer or report
+ local calls = 0
+ local functions = 0
+ local dataset = { }
+ local length = 0
+ local realtime = 0
+ local totaltime = 0
+ local threshold = threshold or 0
+ for name, sources in next, names do
+ for source, lines in next, sources do
+ for line, data in next, lines do
+ local count = data.count
+ if count > threshold then
+ if #name > length then
+ length = #name
+ end
+ local total =
+ local real = total
+ if real > 0 then
+ real = total - (count * overhead / dummycalls)
+ if real < 0 then
+ real = 0
+ end
+ realtime = realtime + real
+ end
+ totaltime = totaltime + total
+ if line < 0 then
+ line = 0
+ end
+ -- if name = "a" then
+ -- -- weird name
+ -- end
+ dataset[#dataset+1] = { real, total, count, name, source, line }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ sort(dataset,function(a,b)
+ if a[1] == b[1] then
+ if a[2] == b[2] then
+ if a[3] == b[3] then
+ if a[4] == b[4] then
+ if a[5] == b[5] then
+ return a[6] < b[6]
+ else
+ return a[5] < b[5]
+ end
+ else
+ return a[4] < b[4]
+ end
+ else
+ return b[3] < a[3]
+ end
+ else
+ return b[2] < a[2]
+ end
+ else
+ return b[1] < a[1]
+ end
+ end)
+ if length > 50 then
+ length = 50
+ end
+ local fmt = string.formatters["%4.9k s %3.3k %% %4.9k s %3.3k %% %8i # %-" .. length .. "s %4i %s"]
+ for i=1,#dataset do
+ local data = dataset[i]
+ local real = data[1]
+ local total = data[2]
+ local count = data[3]
+ local name = data[4]
+ local source = data[5]
+ local line = data[6]
+ calls = calls + count
+ functions = functions + 1
+ name = gsub(name,"%s+"," ")
+ if #name > length then
+ name = sub(name,1,length)
+ end
+ printer(fmt(seconds(total),100*total/totaltime,seconds(real),100*real/realtime,count,name,line,source))
+ end
+ printer("")
+ printer(format("functions : %i", functions))
+ printer(format("calls : %i", calls))
+ printer(format("overhead : %f", seconds(overhead/1000)))
+ --"luatex-profile.lua",names)
+local function getdebug()
+ if sethook and getinfo then
+ return
+ end
+ if not debug then
+ local okay
+ okay, debug = pcall(require,"debug")
+ end
+ if type(debug) ~= "table" then
+ return
+ end
+ getinfo = debug.getinfo
+ sethook = debug.sethook
+ if type(getinfo) ~= "function" then
+ getinfo = nil
+ end
+ if type(sethook) ~= "function" then
+ sethook = nil
+ end
+function debugger.savestats(filename,threshold)
+ local f =,'w')
+ if f then
+ debugger.showstats(function(str) f:write(str,"\n") end,threshold)
+ f:close()
+ end
+function debugger.enable()
+ getdebug()
+ if sethook and getinfo and nesting == 0 then
+ running = true
+ if initialize then
+ initialize()
+ end
+ sethook(hook,"cr")
+ local function dummy() end
+ local t = ticks()
+ for i=1,dummycalls do
+ dummy()
+ end
+ overhead = ticks() - t
+ end
+ if nesting > 0 then
+ nesting = nesting + 1
+ end
+function debugger.disable()
+ if nesting > 0 then
+ nesting = nesting - 1
+ end
+ if sethook and getinfo and nesting == 0 then
+ sethook()
+ end
+-- debugger.enable()
+-- print(math.sin(1*.5))
+-- print(math.sin(1*.5))
+-- print(math.sin(1*.5))
+-- print(math.sin(1*.5))
+-- print(math.sin(1*.5))
+-- debugger.disable()
+-- print("")
+-- debugger.showstats()
+-- print("")
+-- debugger.showstats(print,3)
+-- from the lua book:
+local function showtraceback(rep) -- from lua site / adapted
+ getdebug()
+ if getinfo then
+ local level = 2 -- we don't want this function to be reported
+ local reporter = rep or report
+ while true do
+ local info = getinfo(level, "Sl")
+ if not info then
+ break
+ elseif info.what == "C" then
+ reporter("%2i : %s",level-1,"C function")
+ else
+ reporter("%2i : %s : %s",level-1,info.short_src,info.currentline)
+ end
+ level = level + 1
+ end
+ end
+debugger.showtraceback = showtraceback
+-- debug.showtraceback = showtraceback
+-- showtraceback()
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-dim.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-dim.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76b5fd20bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-dim.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-dim'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "support for dimensions",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+<p>Internally <l n='luatex'/> work with scaled point, which are
+represented by integers. However, in practice, at east at the
+<l n='tex'/> end we work with more generic units like points (pt). Going
+from scaled points (numbers) to one of those units can be
+done by using the conversion factors collected in the following
+local format, match, gsub, type, setmetatable = string.format, string.match, string.gsub, type, setmetatable
+local P, S, R, Cc, C, lpegmatch = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.C, lpeg.match
+local allocate =
+local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
+local formatters = string.formatters
+local texget = tex and tex.get or function() return 65536*10*100 end
+local p_stripzeros = lpeg.patterns.stripzeros
+--this might become another namespace
+number = number or { }
+local number = number
+number.tonumberf = function(n) return lpegmatch(p_stripzeros,format("%.20f",n)) end
+number.tonumberg = function(n) return format("%.20g",n) end
+local dimenfactors = allocate {
+ ["pt"] = 1/65536,
+ ["in"] = ( 100/ 7227)/65536,
+ ["cm"] = ( 254/ 7227)/65536,
+ ["mm"] = ( 2540/ 7227)/65536,
+ ["sp"] = 1, -- 65536 sp in 1pt
+ ["bp"] = ( 7200/ 7227)/65536,
+ ["pc"] = ( 1/ 12)/65536,
+ ["dd"] = ( 1157/ 1238)/65536,
+ ["cc"] = ( 1157/14856)/65536,
+ ["nd"] = (20320/21681)/65536,
+ ["nc"] = ( 5080/65043)/65536
+-- print(table.serialize(dimenfactors))
+-- %.99g:
+-- t={
+-- ["bp"]=1.5201782378580324e-005,
+-- ["cc"]=1.1883696112892098e-006,
+-- ["cm"]=5.3628510057769479e-007,
+-- ["dd"]=1.4260435335470516e-005,
+-- ["em"]=0.000152587890625,
+-- ["ex"]=6.103515625e-005,
+-- ["in"]=2.1113586636917117e-007,
+-- ["mm"]=5.3628510057769473e-008,
+-- ["nc"]=1.1917446679504327e-006,
+-- ["nd"]=1.4300936015405194e-005,
+-- ["pc"]=1.2715657552083333e-006,
+-- ["pt"]=1.52587890625e-005,
+-- ["sp"]=1,
+-- }
+-- patched %s and tonumber
+-- t={
+-- ["bp"]=0.00001520178238,
+-- ["cc"]=0.00000118836961,
+-- ["cm"]=0.0000005362851,
+-- ["dd"]=0.00001426043534,
+-- ["em"]=0.00015258789063,
+-- ["ex"]=0.00006103515625,
+-- ["in"]=0.00000021113587,
+-- ["mm"]=0.00000005362851,
+-- ["nc"]=0.00000119174467,
+-- ["nd"]=0.00001430093602,
+-- ["pc"]=0.00000127156576,
+-- ["pt"]=0.00001525878906,
+-- ["sp"]=1,
+-- }
+<p>A conversion function that takes a number, unit (string) and optional
+format (string) is implemented using this table.</p>
+local f_none = formatters["%s%s"]
+local f_true = formatters["%0.5F%s"]
+local function numbertodimen(n,unit,fmt) -- will be redefined later !
+ if type(n) == 'string' then
+ return n
+ else
+ unit = unit or 'pt'
+ n = n * dimenfactors[unit]
+ if not fmt then
+ fmt = f_none(n,unit)
+ elseif fmt == true then
+ fmt = f_true(n,unit)
+ else
+ return formatters[fmt](n,unit)
+ end
+ end
+<p>We collect a bunch of converters in the <type>number</type> namespace.</p>
+number.maxdimen = 1073741823
+number.todimen = numbertodimen
+number.dimenfactors = dimenfactors
+function number.topoints (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"pt",fmt) end
+function number.toinches (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"in",fmt) end
+function number.tocentimeters (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"cm",fmt) end
+function number.tomillimeters (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"mm",fmt) end
+function number.toscaledpoints(n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"sp",fmt) end
+function number.toscaledpoints(n) return n .. "sp" end
+function number.tobasepoints (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"bp",fmt) end
+function number.topicas (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n "pc",fmt) end
+function number.todidots (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"dd",fmt) end
+function number.tociceros (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"cc",fmt) end
+function number.tonewdidots (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"nd",fmt) end
+function number.tonewciceros (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"nc",fmt) end
+<p>More interesting it to implement a (sort of) dimen datatype, one
+that permits calculations too. First we define a function that
+converts a string to scaledpoints. We use <l n='lpeg'/>. We capture
+a number and optionally a unit. When no unit is given a constant
+capture takes place.</p>
+local amount = (S("+-")^0 * R("09")^0 * P(".")^0 * R("09")^0) + Cc("0")
+local unit = R("az")^1 + P("%")
+local dimenpair = amount/tonumber * (unit^1/dimenfactors + Cc(1)) -- tonumber is new
+lpeg.patterns.dimenpair = dimenpair
+local splitter = amount/tonumber * C(unit^1)
+function number.splitdimen(str)
+ return lpegmatch(splitter,str)
+<p>We use a metatable to intercept errors. When no key is found in
+the table with factors, the metatable will be consulted for an
+alternative index function.</p>
+setmetatableindex(dimenfactors, function(t,s)
+ -- error("wrong dimension: " .. (s or "?")) -- better a message
+ return false
+<p>We redefine the following function later on, so we comment it
+here (which saves us bytecodes.</p>
+-- function string.todimen(str)
+-- if type(str) == "number" then
+-- return str
+-- else
+-- local value, unit = lpegmatch(dimenpair,str)
+-- return value/unit
+-- end
+-- end
+-- local stringtodimen = string.todimen
+local stringtodimen -- assigned later (commenting saves bytecode)
+local amount = S("+-")^0 * R("09")^0 * S(".,")^0 * R("09")^0
+local unit = P("pt") + P("cm") + P("mm") + P("sp") + P("bp") + P("in") +
+ P("pc") + P("dd") + P("cc") + P("nd") + P("nc")
+local validdimen = amount * unit
+lpeg.patterns.validdimen = validdimen
+<p>This converter accepts calls like:</p>
+<p>With this in place, we can now implement a proper datatype for dimensions, one
+that permits us to do this:</p>
+s = dimen "10pt" + dimen "20pt" + dimen "200pt"
+ - dimen "100sp" / 10 + "20pt" + "0pt"
+<p>We create a local metatable for this new type:</p>
+local dimensions = { }
+<p>The main (and globally) visible representation of a dimen is defined next: it is
+a one-element table. The unit that is returned from the match is normally a number
+(one of the previously defined factors) but we also accept functions. Later we will
+see why. This function is redefined later.</p>
+-- function dimen(a)
+-- if a then
+-- local ta= type(a)
+-- if ta == "string" then
+-- local value, unit = lpegmatch(pattern,a)
+-- if type(unit) == "function" then
+-- k = value/unit()
+-- else
+-- k = value/unit
+-- end
+-- a = k
+-- elseif ta == "table" then
+-- a = a[1]
+-- end
+-- return setmetatable({ a }, dimensions)
+-- else
+-- return setmetatable({ 0 }, dimensions)
+-- end
+-- end
+<p>This function return a small hash with a metatable attached. It is
+through this metatable that we can do the calculations. We could have
+shared some of the code but for reasons of speed we don't.</p>
+function dimensions.__add(a, b)
+ local ta, tb = type(a), type(b)
+ if ta == "string" then a = stringtodimen(a) elseif ta == "table" then a = a[1] end
+ if tb == "string" then b = stringtodimen(b) elseif tb == "table" then b = b[1] end
+ return setmetatable({ a + b }, dimensions)
+function dimensions.__sub(a, b)
+ local ta, tb = type(a), type(b)
+ if ta == "string" then a = stringtodimen(a) elseif ta == "table" then a = a[1] end
+ if tb == "string" then b = stringtodimen(b) elseif tb == "table" then b = b[1] end
+ return setmetatable({ a - b }, dimensions)
+function dimensions.__mul(a, b)
+ local ta, tb = type(a), type(b)
+ if ta == "string" then a = stringtodimen(a) elseif ta == "table" then a = a[1] end
+ if tb == "string" then b = stringtodimen(b) elseif tb == "table" then b = b[1] end
+ return setmetatable({ a * b }, dimensions)
+function dimensions.__div(a, b)
+ local ta, tb = type(a), type(b)
+ if ta == "string" then a = stringtodimen(a) elseif ta == "table" then a = a[1] end
+ if tb == "string" then b = stringtodimen(b) elseif tb == "table" then b = b[1] end
+ return setmetatable({ a / b }, dimensions)
+function dimensions.__unm(a)
+ local ta = type(a)
+ if ta == "string" then a = stringtodimen(a) elseif ta == "table" then a = a[1] end
+ return setmetatable({ - a }, dimensions)
+<p>It makes no sense to implement the power and modulo function but
+the next two do make sense because they permits is code like:</p>
+local a, b = dimen "10pt", dimen "11pt"
+if a > b then
+ ...
+-- makes no sense: dimensions.__pow and dimensions.__mod
+function dimensions.__lt(a, b)
+ return a[1] < b[1]
+function dimensions.__eq(a, b)
+ return a[1] == b[1]
+<p>We also need to provide a function for conversion to string (so that
+we can print dimensions). We print them as points, just like <l n='tex'/>.</p>
+function dimensions.__tostring(a)
+ return a[1]/65536 .. "pt" -- instead of todimen(a[1])
+<p>Since it does not take much code, we also provide a way to access
+a few accessors</p>
+function dimensions.__index(tab,key)
+ local d = dimenfactors[key]
+ if not d then
+ error("illegal property of dimen: " .. key)
+ d = 1
+ end
+ return 1/d
+<p>In the converter from string to dimension we support functions as
+factors. This is because in <l n='tex'/> we have a few more units:
+<type>ex</type> and <type>em</type>. These are not constant factors but
+depend on the current font. They are not defined by default, but need
+an explicit function call. This is because at the moment that this code
+is loaded, the relevant tables that hold the functions needed may not
+yet be available.</p>
+ dimenfactors["ex"] = 4 * 1/65536 -- 4pt
+ dimenfactors["em"] = 10 * 1/65536 -- 10pt
+-- dimenfactors["%"] = 4 * 1/65536 -- 400pt/100
+<p>The previous code is rather efficient (also thanks to <l n='lpeg'/>) but we
+can speed it up by caching converted dimensions. On my machine (2008) the following
+loop takes about 25.5 seconds.</p>
+for i=1,1000000 do
+ local s = dimen "10pt" + dimen "20pt" + dimen "200pt"
+ - dimen "100sp" / 10 + "20pt" + "0pt"
+<p>When we cache converted strings this becomes 16.3 seconds. In order not
+to waste too much memory on it, we tag the values of the cache as being
+week which mean that the garbage collector will collect them in a next
+sweep. This means that in most cases the speed up is mostly affecting the
+current couple of calculations and as such the speed penalty is small.</p>
+<p>We redefine two previous defined functions that can benefit from
+local known = { } setmetatable(known, { __mode = "v" })
+function dimen(a)
+ if a then
+ local ta= type(a)
+ if ta == "string" then
+ local k = known[a]
+ if k then
+ a = k
+ else
+ local value, unit = lpegmatch(dimenpair,a)
+ if value and unit then
+ k = value/unit -- to be considered: round
+ else
+ k = 0
+ end
+ known[a] = k
+ a = k
+ end
+ elseif ta == "table" then
+ a = a[1]
+ end
+ return setmetatable({ a }, dimensions)
+ else
+ return setmetatable({ 0 }, dimensions)
+ end
+function string.todimen(str) -- maybe use tex.sp when available
+ local t = type(str)
+ if t == "number" then
+ return str
+ else
+ local k = known[str]
+ if not k then
+ if t == "string" then
+ local value, unit = lpegmatch(dimenpair,str)
+ if value and unit then
+ k = value/unit -- to be considered: round
+ else
+ k = 0
+ end
+ else
+ k = 0
+ end
+ known[str] = k
+ end
+ return k
+ end
+-- local known = { }
+-- function string.todimen(str) -- maybe use tex.sp
+-- local k = known[str]
+-- if not k then
+-- k = tex.sp(str)
+-- known[str] = k
+-- end
+-- return k
+-- end
+stringtodimen = string.todimen -- local variable defined earlier
+function number.toscaled(d)
+ return format("%0.5f",d/0x10000) -- 2^16
+<p>In a similar fashion we can define a glue datatype. In that case we
+probably use a hash instead of a one-element table.</p>
+function number.percent(n,d) -- will be cleaned up once luatex 0.30 is out
+ d = d or texget("hsize")
+ if type(d) == "string" then
+ d = stringtodimen(d)
+ end
+ return (n/100) * d
+number["%"] = number.percent
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-fil.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-fil.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d568a2e1fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-fil.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-fil'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local byte = string.byte
+local char = string.char
+-- Here are a few helpers (the starting point were old ones I used for parsing
+-- flac files). In Lua 5.3 we can probably do this better. Some code will move
+-- here.
+utilities = utilities or { }
+local files = { }
+utilities.files = files
+local zerobased = { }
+ local f =,"rb")
+ if f then
+ zerobased[f] = zb or false
+ end
+ return f
+function files.close(f)
+ zerobased[f] = nil
+ f:close()
+function files.size(f)
+ local current = f:seek()
+ local size = f:seek("end")
+ f:seek("set",current)
+ return size
+files.getsize = files.size
+function files.setposition(f,n)
+ if zerobased[f] then
+ f:seek("set",n)
+ else
+ f:seek("set",n - 1)
+ end
+function files.getposition(f)
+ if zerobased[f] then
+ return f:seek()
+ else
+ return f:seek() + 1
+ end
+function files.look(f,n,chars)
+ local p = f:seek()
+ local s = f:read(n)
+ f:seek("set",p)
+ if chars then
+ return s
+ else
+ return byte(s,1,#s)
+ end
+function files.skip(f,n)
+ if n == 1 then
+ f:read(n)
+ else
+ f:seek("set",f:seek()+n)
+ end
+function files.readbyte(f)
+ return byte(f:read(1))
+function files.readbytes(f,n)
+ return byte(f:read(n),1,n)
+function files.readbytetable(f,n)
+ -- return { byte(f:read(n),1,n) }
+ local s = f:read(n or 1)
+ return { byte(s,1,#s) } -- best use the real length
+function files.readchar(f)
+ return f:read(1)
+function files.readstring(f,n)
+ return f:read(n or 1)
+function files.readinteger1(f) -- one byte
+ local n = byte(f:read(1))
+ if n >= 0x80 then
+ return n - 0x100
+ else
+ return n
+ end
+files.readcardinal1 = files.readbyte -- one byte
+files.readcardinal = files.readcardinal1
+files.readinteger = files.readinteger1
+files.readsignedbyte = files.readinteger1
+function files.readcardinal2(f)
+ local a, b = byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+ return 0x100 * a + b
+function files.readcardinal2le(f)
+ local b, a = byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+ return 0x100 * a + b
+function files.readinteger2(f)
+ local a, b = byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+ if a >= 0x80 then
+ return 0x100 * a + b - 0x10000
+ else
+ return 0x100 * a + b
+ end
+function files.readinteger2le(f)
+ local b, a = byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+ if a >= 0x80 then
+ return 0x100 * a + b - 0x10000
+ else
+ return 0x100 * a + b
+ end
+function files.readcardinal3(f)
+ local a, b, c = byte(f:read(3),1,3)
+ return 0x10000 * a + 0x100 * b + c
+function files.readcardinal3le(f)
+ local c, b, a = byte(f:read(3),1,3)
+ return 0x10000 * a + 0x100 * b + c
+function files.readinteger3(f)
+ local a, b, c = byte(f:read(3),1,3)
+ if a >= 0x80 then
+ return 0x10000 * a + 0x100 * b + c - 0x1000000
+ else
+ return 0x10000 * a + 0x100 * b + c
+ end
+function files.readinteger3le(f)
+ local c, b, a = byte(f:read(3),1,3)
+ if a >= 0x80 then
+ return 0x10000 * a + 0x100 * b + c - 0x1000000
+ else
+ return 0x10000 * a + 0x100 * b + c
+ end
+function files.readcardinal4(f)
+ local a, b, c, d = byte(f:read(4),1,4)
+ return 0x1000000 * a + 0x10000 * b + 0x100 * c + d
+function files.readcardinal4le(f)
+ local d, c, b, a = byte(f:read(4),1,4)
+ return 0x1000000 * a + 0x10000 * b + 0x100 * c + d
+function files.readinteger4(f)
+ local a, b, c, d = byte(f:read(4),1,4)
+ if a >= 0x80 then
+ return 0x1000000 * a + 0x10000 * b + 0x100 * c + d - 0x100000000
+ else
+ return 0x1000000 * a + 0x10000 * b + 0x100 * c + d
+ end
+function files.readinteger4le(f)
+ local d, c, b, a = byte(f:read(4),1,4)
+ if a >= 0x80 then
+ return 0x1000000 * a + 0x10000 * b + 0x100 * c + d - 0x100000000
+ else
+ return 0x1000000 * a + 0x10000 * b + 0x100 * c + d
+ end
+-- function files.readfixed2(f)
+-- local a, b = byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+-- if a >= 0x80 then
+-- return (0x100 * a + b - 0x10000)/256.0
+-- else
+-- return (0x100 * a + b)/256.0
+-- end
+-- end
+function files.readfixed2(f)
+ local a, b = byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+ if a >= 0x80 then
+ return (a - 0x100) + b/0x100
+ else
+ return (a ) + b/0x100
+ end
+-- (real) (n>>16) + ((n&0xffff)/65536.0))
+-- function files.readfixed4(f)
+-- local a, b, c, d = byte(f:read(4),1,4)
+-- if a >= 0x80 then
+-- return (0x1000000 * a + 0x10000 * b + 0x100 * c + d - 0x100000000)/65536.0
+-- else
+-- return (0x1000000 * a + 0x10000 * b + 0x100 * c + d)/65536.0
+-- end
+-- end
+function files.readfixed4(f)
+ local a, b, c, d = byte(f:read(4),1,4)
+ if a >= 0x80 then
+ return (0x100 * a + b - 0x10000) + (0x100 * c + d)/0x10000
+ else
+ return (0x100 * a + b ) + (0x100 * c + d)/0x10000
+ end
+-- (real) ((n<<16)>>(16+14)) + ((n&0x3fff)/16384.0))
+if bit32 then
+ local extract = bit32.extract
+ local band =
+ function files.read2dot14(f)
+ local a, b = byte(f:read(2),1,2)
+ if a >= 0x80 then
+ local n = -(0x100 * a + b)
+ return - (extract(n,14,2) + (band(n,0x3FFF) / 16384.0))
+ else
+ local n = 0x100 * a + b
+ return (extract(n,14,2) + (band(n,0x3FFF) / 16384.0))
+ end
+ end
+function files.skipshort(f,n)
+ f:read(2*(n or 1))
+function files.skiplong(f,n)
+ f:read(4*(n or 1))
+-- writers (kind of slow)
+if bit32 then
+ local rshift = bit32.rshift
+ function files.writecardinal2(f,n)
+ local a = char(n % 256)
+ n = rshift(n,8)
+ local b = char(n % 256)
+ f:write(b,a)
+ end
+ local floor = math.floor
+ function files.writecardinal2(f,n)
+ local a = char(n % 256)
+ n = floor(n/256)
+ local b = char(n % 256)
+ f:write(b,a)
+ end
+function files.writecardinal4(f,n)
+ local a = char(n % 256)
+ n = rshift(n,8)
+ local b = char(n % 256)
+ n = rshift(n,8)
+ local c = char(n % 256)
+ n = rshift(n,8)
+ local d = char(n % 256)
+ f:write(d,c,b,a)
+function files.writestring(f,s)
+ f:write(char(byte(s,1,#s)))
+function files.writebyte(f,b)
+ f:write(char(b))
+if fio and fio.readcardinal1 then
+ files.readcardinal1 = fio.readcardinal1
+ files.readcardinal2 = fio.readcardinal2
+ files.readcardinal3 = fio.readcardinal3
+ files.readcardinal4 = fio.readcardinal4
+ files.readinteger1 = fio.readinteger1
+ files.readinteger2 = fio.readinteger2
+ files.readinteger3 = fio.readinteger3
+ files.readinteger4 = fio.readinteger4
+ files.readfixed2 = fio.readfixed2
+ files.readfixed4 = fio.readfixed4
+ files.read2dot14 = fio.read2dot14
+ files.setposition = fio.setposition
+ files.getposition = fio.getposition
+ files.readbyte = files.readcardinal1
+ files.readsignedbyte = files.readinteger1
+ files.readcardinal = files.readcardinal1
+ files.readinteger = files.readinteger1
+ local skipposition = fio.skipposition
+ files.skipposition = skipposition
+ files.readbytes = fio.readbytes
+ files.readbytetable = fio.readbytetable
+ function files.skipshort(f,n)
+ skipposition(f,2*(n or 1))
+ end
+ function files.skiplong(f,n)
+ skipposition(f,4*(n or 1))
+ end
+if fio and fio.readcardinaltable then
+ files.readcardinaltable = fio.readcardinaltable
+ files.readintegertable = fio.readintegertable
+ local readcardinal1 = files.readcardinal1
+ local readcardinal2 = files.readcardinal2
+ local readcardinal3 = files.readcardinal3
+ local readcardinal4 = files.readcardinal4
+ function files.readcardinaltable(f,n,b)
+ local t = { }
+ if b == 1 then for i=1,n do t[i] = readcardinal1(f) end
+ elseif b == 2 then for i=1,n do t[i] = readcardinal2(f) end
+ elseif b == 3 then for i=1,n do t[i] = readcardinal3(f) end
+ elseif b == 4 then for i=1,n do t[i] = readcardinal4(f) end end
+ return t
+ end
+ local readinteger1 = files.readinteger1
+ local readinteger2 = files.readinteger2
+ local readinteger3 = files.readinteger3
+ local readinteger4 = files.readinteger4
+ function files.readintegertable(f,n,b)
+ local t = { }
+ if b == 1 then for i=1,n do t[i] = readinteger1(f) end
+ elseif b == 2 then for i=1,n do t[i] = readinteger2(f) end
+ elseif b == 3 then for i=1,n do t[i] = readinteger3(f) end
+ elseif b == 4 then for i=1,n do t[i] = readinteger4(f) end end
+ return t
+ end
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-jsn.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-jsn.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8da3518979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-jsn.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-jsn'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to m-json.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- Of course we could make a nice complete parser with proper error messages but
+-- as json is generated programmatically errors are systematic and we can assume
+-- a correct stream. If not, we have some fatal error anyway. So, we can just rely
+-- on strings being strings (apart from the unicode escape which is not in 5.1) and
+-- as we first catch known types we just assume that anything else is a number.
+-- Reminder for me: check usage in framework and extend when needed. Also document
+-- it in the cld lib documentation.
+-- Upgraded for handling the somewhat more fax server templates.
+local P, V, R, S, C, Cc, Cs, Ct, Cf, Cg = lpeg.P, lpeg.V, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cg
+local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+local format, gsub = string.format, string.gsub
+local formatters = string.formatters
+local utfchar = utf.char
+local concat, sortedkeys = table.concat, table.sortedkeys
+local tonumber, tostring, rawset, type, next = tonumber, tostring, rawset, type, next
+local json = utilities.json or { }
+utilities.json = json
+ -- \\ \/ \b \f \n \r \t \uHHHH
+ local lbrace = P("{")
+ local rbrace = P("}")
+ local lparent = P("[")
+ local rparent = P("]")
+ local comma = P(",")
+ local colon = P(":")
+ local dquote = P('"')
+ local whitespace = lpeg.patterns.whitespace
+ local optionalws = whitespace^0
+ local escapes = {
+ ["b"] = "\010",
+ ["f"] = "\014",
+ ["n"] = "\n",
+ ["r"] = "\r",
+ ["t"] = "\t",
+ }
+ -- todo: also handle larger utf16
+ local escape_un = P("\\u")/"" * (C(R("09","AF","af")^-4) / function(s)
+ return utfchar(tonumber(s,16))
+ end)
+ local escape_bs = P([[\]]) / "" * (P(1) / escapes) -- if not found then P(1) is returned i.e. the to be escaped char
+ local jstring = dquote * Cs((escape_un + escape_bs + (1-dquote))^0) * dquote
+ local jtrue = P("true") * Cc(true)
+ local jfalse = P("false") * Cc(false)
+ local jnull = P("null") * Cc(nil)
+ local jnumber = (1-whitespace-rparent-rbrace-comma)^1 / tonumber
+ local key = jstring
+ local jsonconverter = { "value",
+ hash = lbrace * Cf(Ct("") * (V("pair") * (comma * V("pair"))^0 + optionalws),rawset) * rbrace,
+ pair = Cg(optionalws * key * optionalws * colon * V("value")),
+ array = Ct(lparent * (V("value") * (comma * V("value"))^0 + optionalws) * rparent),
+ -- value = optionalws * (jstring + V("hash") + V("array") + jtrue + jfalse + jnull + jnumber + #rparent) * optionalws,
+ value = optionalws * (jstring + V("hash") + V("array") + jtrue + jfalse + jnull + jnumber) * optionalws,
+ }
+ -- local jsonconverter = { "value",
+ -- hash = lbrace * Cf(Ct("") * (V("pair") * (comma * V("pair"))^0 + optionalws),rawset) * rbrace,
+ -- pair = Cg(optionalws * V("string") * optionalws * colon * V("value")),
+ -- array = Ct(lparent * (V("value") * (comma * V("value"))^0 + optionalws) * rparent),
+ -- string = jstring,
+ -- value = optionalws * (V("string") + V("hash") + V("array") + jtrue + jfalse + jnull + jnumber) * optionalws,
+ -- }
+ -- lpeg.print(jsonconverter) -- size 181
+ function json.tolua(str)
+ return lpegmatch(jsonconverter,str)
+ end
+ function json.load(filename)
+ local data = io.loaddata(filename)
+ if data then
+ return lpegmatch(jsonconverter,data)
+ end
+ end
+ -- It's pretty bad that JSON doesn't allow the trailing comma ... it's a
+ -- typical example of a spec that then forces all generators to check for
+ -- this. It's a way to make sure programmers keep jobs.
+ local escaper
+ local f_start_hash = formatters[ '%w{' ]
+ local f_start_array = formatters[ '%w[' ]
+ local f_start_hash_new = formatters[ "\n" .. '%w{' ]
+ local f_start_array_new = formatters[ "\n" .. '%w[' ]
+ local f_start_hash_key = formatters[ "\n" .. '%w"%s" : {' ]
+ local f_start_array_key = formatters[ "\n" .. '%w"%s" : [' ]
+ local f_stop_hash = formatters[ "\n" .. '%w}' ]
+ local f_stop_array = formatters[ "\n" .. '%w]' ]
+ local f_key_val_seq = formatters[ "\n" .. '%w"%s" : %s' ]
+ local f_key_val_str = formatters[ "\n" .. '%w"%s" : "%s"' ]
+ local f_key_val_num = f_key_val_seq
+ local f_key_val_yes = formatters[ "\n" .. '%w"%s" : true' ]
+ local f_key_val_nop = formatters[ "\n" .. '%w"%s" : false' ]
+ local f_key_val_null = formatters[ "\n" .. '%w"%s" : null' ]
+ local f_val_num = formatters[ "\n" .. '%w%s' ]
+ local f_val_str = formatters[ "\n" .. '%w"%s"' ]
+ local f_val_yes = formatters[ "\n" .. '%wtrue' ]
+ local f_val_nop = formatters[ "\n" .. '%wfalse' ]
+ local f_val_null = formatters[ "\n" .. '%wnull' ]
+ local f_val_empty = formatters[ "\n" .. '%w{ }' ]
+ local f_val_seq = f_val_num
+ -- no empty tables because unknown if table or hash
+ local t = { }
+ local n = 0
+ local function is_simple_table(tt) -- also used in util-tab so maybe public
+ local l = #tt
+ if l > 0 then
+ for i=1,l do
+ if type(tt[i]) == "table" then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ local nn = n
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = "[ "
+ for i=1,l do
+ if i > 1 then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = ", "
+ end
+ local v = tt[i]
+ local tv = type(v)
+ if tv == "number" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = v
+ elseif tv == "string" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = '"'
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = lpegmatch(escaper,v) or v
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = '"'
+ elseif tv == "boolean" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = v and "true" or "false"
+ elseif v then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = tostring(v)
+ else
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = "null"
+ end
+ end
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = " ]"
+ local s = concat(t,"",nn+1,n)
+ n = nn
+ return s
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ local function tojsonpp(root,name,depth,level,size)
+ if root then
+ local indexed = size > 0
+ n = n + 1
+ if level == 0 then
+ if indexed then
+ t[n] = f_start_array(depth)
+ else
+ t[n] = f_start_hash(depth)
+ end
+ elseif name then
+ if tn == "string" then
+ name = lpegmatch(escaper,name) or name
+ elseif tn ~= "number" then
+ name = tostring(name)
+ end
+ if indexed then
+ t[n] = f_start_array_key(depth,name)
+ else
+ t[n] = f_start_hash_key(depth,name)
+ end
+ else
+ if indexed then
+ t[n] = f_start_array_new(depth)
+ else
+ t[n] = f_start_hash_new(depth)
+ end
+ end
+ depth = depth + 1
+ if indexed then -- indexed
+ for i=1,size do
+ if i > 1 then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = ","
+ end
+ local v = root[i]
+ local tv = type(v)
+ if tv == "number" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_val_num(depth,v)
+ elseif tv == "string" then
+ v = lpegmatch(escaper,v) or v
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_val_str(depth,v)
+ elseif tv == "table" then
+ if next(v) then
+ local st = is_simple_table(v)
+ if st then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_val_seq(depth,st)
+ else
+ tojsonpp(v,nil,depth,level+1,#v)
+ end
+ else
+ n = n + 1
+ t[n] = f_val_empty(depth)
+ end
+ elseif tv == "boolean" then
+ n = n + 1
+ if v then
+ t[n] = f_val_yes(depth,v)
+ else
+ t[n] = f_val_nop(depth,v)
+ end
+ else
+ n = n + 1
+ t[n] = f_val_null(depth)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif next(root) then
+ local sk = sortedkeys(root)
+ for i=1,#sk do
+ if i > 1 then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = ","
+ end
+ local k = sk[i]
+ local v = root[k]
+ local tv = type(v)
+ local tk = type(k)
+ if tv == "number" then
+ if tk == "number" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_val_num(depth,k,v)
+ elseif tk == "string" then
+ k = lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_val_num(depth,k,v)
+ end
+ elseif tv == "string" then
+ if tk == "number" then
+ v = lpegmatch(escaper,v) or v
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_val_str(depth,k,v)
+ elseif tk == "string" then
+ k = lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k
+ v = lpegmatch(escaper,v) or v
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_val_str(depth,k,v)
+ end
+ elseif tv == "table" then
+ local l = #v
+ if l > 0 then
+ local st = is_simple_table(v)
+ if not st then
+ tojsonpp(v,k,depth,level+1,l)
+ elseif tk == "number" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_val_seq(depth,k,st)
+ elseif tk == "string" then
+ k = lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_val_seq(depth,k,st)
+ end
+ elseif next(v) then
+ tojsonpp(v,k,depth,level+1,0)
+ end
+ elseif tv == "boolean" then
+ if tk == "number" then
+ n = n + 1
+ if v then
+ t[n] = f_key_val_yes(depth,k)
+ else
+ t[n] = f_key_val_nop(depth,k)
+ end
+ elseif tk == "string" then
+ k = lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k
+ n = n + 1
+ if v then
+ t[n] = f_key_val_yes(depth,k)
+ else
+ t[n] = f_key_val_nop(depth,k)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if tk == "number" then
+ n = n + 1
+ t[n] = f_key_val_null(depth,k)
+ elseif tk == "string" then
+ k = lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k
+ n = n + 1
+ t[n] = f_key_val_null(depth,k)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ n = n + 1
+ if indexed then
+ t[n] = f_stop_array(depth-1)
+ else
+ t[n] = f_stop_hash(depth-1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function tojson(value,n)
+ local kind = type(value)
+ if kind == "table" then
+ local done = false
+ local size = #value
+ if size == 0 then
+ for k, v in next, value do
+ if done then
+ -- n = n + 1 ; t[n] = ","
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = ',"'
+ else
+ -- n = n + 1 ; t[n] = "{"
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = '{"'
+ done = true
+ end
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = '":'
+ t, n = tojson(v,n)
+ end
+ if done then
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = "}"
+ else
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = "{}"
+ end
+ elseif size == 1 then
+ -- we can optimize for non tables
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = "["
+ t, n = tojson(value[1],n)
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = "]"
+ else
+ for i=1,size do
+ if done then
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = ","
+ else
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = "["
+ done = true
+ end
+ t, n = tojson(value[i],n)
+ end
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = "]"
+ end
+ elseif kind == "string" then
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = '"'
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = lpegmatch(escaper,value) or value
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = '"'
+ elseif kind == "number" then
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = value
+ elseif kind == "boolean" then
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = tostring(value)
+ else
+ n = n + 1 ; t[n] = "null"
+ end
+ return t, n
+ end
+ -- escaping keys can become an option
+ local function jsontostring(value,pretty)
+ -- todo optimize for non table
+ local kind = type(value)
+ if kind == "table" then
+ if not escaper then
+ local escapes = {
+ ["\\"] = "\\u005C",
+ ["\""] = "\\u0022",
+ }
+ for i=0,0x1F do
+ escapes[utfchar(i)] = format("\\u%04X",i)
+ end
+ escaper = Cs( (
+ (R('\0\x20') + S('\"\\')) / escapes
+ + P(1)
+ )^1 )
+ end
+ -- local to the closure (saves wrapping and local functions)
+ t = { }
+ n = 0
+ if pretty then
+ tojsonpp(value,name,0,0,#value)
+ value = concat(t,"",1,n)
+ else
+ t, n = tojson(value,0)
+ value = concat(t,"",1,n)
+ end
+ t = nil
+ n = 0
+ return value
+ elseif kind == "string" or kind == "number" then
+ return lpegmatch(escaper,value) or value
+ else
+ return tostring(value)
+ end
+ end
+ json.tostring = jsontostring
+ function json.tojson(value)
+ return jsontostring(value,true)
+ end
+-- local tmp = [[ { "t\nt t" : "foo bar", "a" : true, "b" : [ 123 , 456E-10, { "a" : true, "b" : [ 123 , 456 ] } ] } ]]
+-- tmp = json.tolua(tmp)
+-- inspect(tmp)
+-- tmp = json.tostring(tmp,true)
+-- inspect(tmp)
+-- tmp = json.tolua(tmp)
+-- inspect(tmp)
+-- tmp = json.tostring(tmp)
+-- inspect(tmp)
+-- inspect(json.tostring(true))
+-- local s = [[\foo"bar"]]
+-- local j = json.tostring { s = s }
+-- local l = json.tolua(j)
+-- inspect(j)
+-- inspect(l)
+-- print(s==l.s)
+return json
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-lua.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-lua.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7e6e4f313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-lua.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-lua'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ comment = "the strip code is written by Peter Cawley",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- we will remove the 5.1 code some day soon
+local rep, sub, byte, dump, format = string.rep, string.sub, string.byte, string.dump, string.format
+local load, loadfile, type, collectgarbage = load, loadfile, type, collectgarbage
+utilities = utilities or {}
+utilities.lua = utilities.lua or { }
+local luautilities = utilities.lua
+local report_lua = logs.reporter("system","lua")
+local report_mem = logs.reporter("system","lua memory")
+local tracestripping = false
+local tracememory = false
+luautilities.stripcode = true -- support stripping when asked for
+luautilities.alwaysstripcode = false -- saves 1 meg on 7 meg compressed format file (2012.08.12)
+luautilities.nofstrippedchunks = 0
+luautilities.nofstrippedbytes = 0
+local strippedchunks = { } -- allocate()
+luautilities.strippedchunks = strippedchunks
+luautilities.suffixes = {
+ tma = "tma",
+ tmc = (CONTEXTLMTXMODE and CONTEXTLMTXMODE > 0 and "tmd") or (jit and "tmb") or "tmc",
+ lua = "lua",
+ luc = (CONTEXTLMTXMODE and CONTEXTLMTXMODE > 0 and "lud") or (jit and "lub") or "luc",
+ lui = "lui",
+ luv = "luv",
+ luj = "luj",
+ tua = "tua",
+ tuc = "tuc",
+-- environment.loadpreprocessedfile can be set to a preprocessor
+local function register(name) -- makes no sense runtime
+ if tracestripping then
+ report_lua("stripped bytecode from %a",name or "unknown")
+ end
+ strippedchunks[#strippedchunks+1] = name
+ luautilities.nofstrippedchunks = luautilities.nofstrippedchunks + 1
+local function stupidcompile(luafile,lucfile,strip)
+ local code = io.loaddata(luafile)
+ if code and code ~= "" then
+ code = load(code)
+ if code then
+ code = dump(code,strip and luautilities.stripcode or luautilities.alwaysstripcode)
+ if code and code ~= "" then
+ register(name)
+ io.savedata(lucfile,code)
+ return true, 0
+ end
+ else
+ report_lua("fatal error %a in file %a",1,luafile)
+ end
+ else
+ report_lua("fatal error %a in file %a",2,luafile)
+ end
+ return false, 0
+-- quite subtle ... doing this wrong incidentally can give more bytes
+function luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,forcestrip,name,macros)
+ -- quite subtle ... doing this wrong incidentally can give more bytes
+ name = name or fullname
+ if macros then
+ macros = lua.macros
+ end
+ local code, message
+ if macros then
+ code, message = macros.loaded(fullname,true,false)
+ else
+ code, message = loadfile(fullname)
+ end
+ if code then
+ code()
+ else
+ report_lua("loading of file %a failed:\n\t%s",fullname,message or "no message")
+ code, message = loadfile(fullname)
+ end
+ if forcestrip and luautilities.stripcode then
+ if type(forcestrip) == "function" then
+ forcestrip = forcestrip(fullname)
+ end
+ if forcestrip or luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
+ register(name)
+ return load(dump(code,true)), 0
+ else
+ return code, 0
+ end
+ elseif luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
+ register(name)
+ return load(dump(code,true)), 0
+ else
+ return code, 0
+ end
+function luautilities.strippedloadstring(code,name,forcestrip) -- not executed
+ local code, message = load(code)
+ if not code then
+ report_lua("loading of file %a failed:\n\t%s",name,message or "no message")
+ end
+ if forcestrip and luautilities.stripcode or luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
+ register(name)
+ return load(dump(code,true)), 0 -- not yet executed
+ else
+ return code, 0
+ end
+function luautilities.loadstring(code,name) -- not executed
+ local code, message = load(code)
+ if not code then
+ report_lua("loading of file %a failed:\n\t%s",name,message or "no message")
+ end
+ return code, 0
+function luautilities.compile(luafile,lucfile,cleanup,strip,fallback) -- defaults: cleanup=false strip=true
+ report_lua("compiling %a into %a",luafile,lucfile)
+ os.remove(lucfile)
+ local done = stupidcompile(luafile,lucfile,strip ~= false)
+ if done then
+ report_lua("dumping %a into %a stripped",luafile,lucfile)
+ if cleanup == true and lfs.isfile(lucfile) and lfs.isfile(luafile) then
+ report_lua("removing %a",luafile)
+ os.remove(luafile)
+ end
+ end
+ return done
+function luautilities.loadstripped(...)
+ local l = load(...)
+ if l then
+ return load(dump(l,true))
+ end
+-- local getmetatable, type = getmetatable, type
+-- local types = { }
+-- function luautilities.registerdatatype(d,name)
+-- types[getmetatable(d)] = name
+-- end
+-- function luautilities.datatype(d)
+-- local t = type(d)
+-- if t == "userdata" then
+-- local m = getmetatable(d)
+-- return m and types[m] or "userdata"
+-- else
+-- return t
+-- end
+-- end
+-- luautilities.registerdatatype(lpeg.P("!"),"lpeg")
+-- print(luautilities.datatype(lpeg.P("oeps")))
+-- These finalizers will only be invoked when we have a proper lua_close
+-- call (which is not happening in luatex tex node yes) or finish with an
+-- os.exit(n,true).
+local finalizers = { }
+setmetatable(finalizers, {
+ __gc = function(t)
+ for i=1,#t do
+ pcall(t[i]) -- let's not crash
+ end
+ end
+} )
+function luautilities.registerfinalizer(f)
+ finalizers[#finalizers+1] = f
+function luautilities.checkmemory(previous,threshold,trace) -- threshold in MB
+ local current = collectgarbage("count")
+ if previous then
+ local checked = (threshold or 64)*1024
+ local delta = current - previous
+ if current - previous > checked then
+ collectgarbage("collect")
+ local afterwards = collectgarbage("count")
+ if trace or tracememory then
+ report_mem("previous %r MB, current %r MB, delta %r MB, threshold %r MB, afterwards %r MB",
+ previous/1024,current/1024,delta/1024,threshold,afterwards)
+ end
+ return afterwards
+ elseif trace or tracememory then
+ report_mem("previous %r MB, current %r MB, delta %r MB, threshold %r MB",
+ previous/1024,current/1024,delta/1024,threshold)
+ end
+ end
+ return current
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-prs.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-prs.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3154bf6c28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-prs.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,804 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-prs'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local lpeg, table, string = lpeg, table, string
+local P, R, V, S, C, Ct, Cs, Carg, Cc, Cg, Cf, Cp = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.V, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Carg, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cp
+local lpegmatch, lpegpatterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns
+local concat, gmatch, find = table.concat, string.gmatch, string.find
+local tostring, type, next, rawset = tostring, type, next, rawset
+local mod, div = math.mod, math.div
+utilities = utilities or {}
+local parsers = utilities.parsers or { }
+utilities.parsers = parsers
+local patterns = parsers.patterns or { }
+parsers.patterns = patterns
+local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
+local sortedhash = table.sortedhash
+local sortedkeys = table.sortedkeys
+local tohash = table.tohash
+local hashes = { }
+parsers.hashes = hashes
+-- we share some patterns
+local digit = R("09")
+local space = P(' ')
+local equal = P("=")
+local colon = P(":")
+local comma = P(",")
+local lbrace = P("{")
+local rbrace = P("}")
+local lparent = P("(")
+local rparent = P(")")
+local lbracket = P("[")
+local rbracket = P("]")
+local period = S(".")
+local punctuation = S(".,:;")
+local spacer = lpegpatterns.spacer
+local whitespace = lpegpatterns.whitespace
+local newline = lpegpatterns.newline
+local anything = lpegpatterns.anything
+local endofstring = lpegpatterns.endofstring
+local nobrace = 1 - (lbrace + rbrace )
+local noparent = 1 - (lparent + rparent)
+local nobracket = 1 - (lbracket + rbracket)
+-- we could use a Cf Cg construct
+local escape, left, right = P("\\"), P('{'), P('}')
+lpegpatterns.balanced = P {
+ [1] = ((escape * (left+right)) + (1 - (left+right)) + V(2))^0,
+ [2] = left * V(1) * right
+local nestedbraces = P { lbrace * (nobrace + V(1))^0 * rbrace }
+local nestedparents = P { lparent * (noparent + V(1))^0 * rparent }
+local nestedbrackets = P { lbracket * (nobracket + V(1))^0 * rbracket }
+local spaces = space^0
+local argument = Cs((lbrace/"") * ((nobrace + nestedbraces)^0) * (rbrace/""))
+local content = (1-endofstring)^0
+lpegpatterns.nestedbraces = nestedbraces -- no capture
+lpegpatterns.nestedparents = nestedparents -- no capture
+lpegpatterns.nested = nestedbraces -- no capture
+lpegpatterns.argument = argument -- argument after e.g. =
+lpegpatterns.content = content -- rest after e.g =
+local value = lbrace * C((nobrace + nestedbraces)^0) * rbrace
+ + C((nestedbraces + (1-comma))^0)
+local key = C((1-equal-comma)^1)
+local pattern_a = (space+comma)^0 * (key * equal * value + key * C(""))
+local pattern_c = (space+comma)^0 * (key * equal * value)
+local pattern_d = (space+comma)^0 * (key * (equal+colon) * value + key * C(""))
+local key = C((1-space-equal-comma)^1)
+local pattern_b = spaces * comma^0 * spaces * (key * ((spaces * equal * spaces * value) + C("")))
+-- "a=1, b=2, c=3, d={a{b,c}d}, e=12345, f=xx{a{b,c}d}xx, g={}" : outer {} removes, leading spaces ignored
+local hash = { }
+local function set(key,value)
+ hash[key] = value
+local pattern_a_s = (pattern_a/set)^1
+local pattern_b_s = (pattern_b/set)^1
+local pattern_c_s = (pattern_c/set)^1
+local pattern_d_s = (pattern_d/set)^1
+patterns.settings_to_hash_a = pattern_a_s
+patterns.settings_to_hash_b = pattern_b_s
+patterns.settings_to_hash_c = pattern_c_s
+patterns.settings_to_hash_d = pattern_d_s
+function parsers.make_settings_to_hash_pattern(set,how)
+ if how == "strict" then
+ return (pattern_c/set)^1
+ elseif how == "tolerant" then
+ return (pattern_b/set)^1
+ else
+ return (pattern_a/set)^1
+ end
+function parsers.settings_to_hash(str,existing)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ return { }
+ elseif type(str) == "table" then
+ if existing then
+ for k, v in next, str do
+ existing[k] = v
+ end
+ return exiting
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+ else
+ hash = existing or { }
+ lpegmatch(pattern_a_s,str)
+ return hash
+ end
+function parsers.settings_to_hash_colon_too(str)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ return { }
+ elseif type(str) == "table" then
+ return str
+ else
+ hash = { }
+ lpegmatch(pattern_d_s,str)
+ return hash
+ end
+function parsers.settings_to_hash_tolerant(str,existing)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ return { }
+ elseif type(str) == "table" then
+ if existing then
+ for k, v in next, str do
+ existing[k] = v
+ end
+ return exiting
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+ else
+ hash = existing or { }
+ lpegmatch(pattern_b_s,str)
+ return hash
+ end
+function parsers.settings_to_hash_strict(str,existing)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ return nil
+ elseif type(str) == "table" then
+ if existing then
+ for k, v in next, str do
+ existing[k] = v
+ end
+ return exiting
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+ elseif str and str ~= "" then
+ hash = existing or { }
+ lpegmatch(pattern_c_s,str)
+ return next(hash) and hash
+ end
+local separator = comma * space^0
+local value = lbrace * C((nobrace + nestedbraces)^0) * rbrace
+ + C((nestedbraces + (1-comma))^0)
+local pattern = spaces * Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
+-- "aap, {noot}, mies" : outer {} removed, leading spaces ignored
+patterns.settings_to_array = pattern
+-- we could use a weak table as cache
+function parsers.settings_to_array(str,strict)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ return { }
+ elseif type(str) == "table" then
+ return str
+ elseif strict then
+ if find(str,"{",1,true) then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ else
+ return { str }
+ end
+ elseif find(str,",",1,true) then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ else
+ return { str }
+ end
+function parsers.settings_to_numbers(str)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ return { }
+ end
+ if type(str) == "table" then
+ -- fall through
+ elseif find(str,",",1,true) then
+ str = lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ else
+ return { tonumber(str) }
+ end
+ for i=1,#str do
+ str[i] = tonumber(str[i])
+ end
+ return str
+local value = lbrace * C((nobrace + nestedbraces)^0) * rbrace
+ + C((nestedbraces + nestedbrackets + nestedparents + (1-comma))^0)
+local pattern = spaces * Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
+function parsers.settings_to_array_obey_fences(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+-- inspect(parsers.settings_to_array_obey_fences("url(http://a,b.c)"))
+-- this one also strips end spaces before separators
+-- "{123} , 456 " -> "123" "456"
+-- local separator = space^0 * comma * space^0
+-- local value = P(lbrace * C((nobrace + nestedbraces)^0) * rbrace)
+-- + C((nestedbraces + (1-(space^0*(comma+P(-1)))))^0)
+-- local withvalue = Carg(1) * value / function(f,s) return f(s) end
+-- local pattern_a = spaces * Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
+-- local pattern_b = spaces * withvalue * (separator*withvalue)^0
+local cache_a = { }
+local cache_b = { }
+function parsers.groupedsplitat(symbol,withaction)
+ if not symbol then
+ symbol = ","
+ end
+ local pattern = (withaction and cache_b or cache_a)[symbol]
+ if not pattern then
+ local symbols = S(symbol)
+ local separator = space^0 * symbols * space^0
+ local value = lbrace * C((nobrace + nestedbraces)^0) * rbrace
+ + C((nestedbraces + (1-(space^0*(symbols+P(-1)))))^0)
+ if withaction then
+ local withvalue = Carg(1) * value / function(f,s) return f(s) end
+ pattern = spaces * withvalue * (separator*withvalue)^0
+ cache_b[symbol] = pattern
+ else
+ pattern = spaces * Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
+ cache_a[symbol] = pattern
+ end
+ end
+ return pattern
+local pattern_a = parsers.groupedsplitat(",",false)
+local pattern_b = parsers.groupedsplitat(",",true)
+function parsers.stripped_settings_to_array(str)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ return { }
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_a,str)
+ end
+function parsers.process_stripped_settings(str,action)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ return { }
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str,1,action)
+ end
+-- parsers.process_stripped_settings("{123} , 456 ",function(s) print("["..s.."]") end)
+-- parsers.process_stripped_settings("123 , 456 ",function(s) print("["..s.."]") end)
+local function set(t,v)
+ t[#t+1] = v
+local value = P(Carg(1)*value) / set
+local pattern = value*(separator*value)^0 * Carg(1)
+function parsers.add_settings_to_array(t,str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str,nil,t)
+function parsers.hash_to_string(h,separator,yes,no,strict,omit)
+ if h then
+ local t = { }
+ local tn = 0
+ local s = sortedkeys(h)
+ omit = omit and tohash(omit)
+ for i=1,#s do
+ local key = s[i]
+ if not omit or not omit[key] then
+ local value = h[key]
+ if type(value) == "boolean" then
+ if yes and no then
+ if value then
+ tn = tn + 1
+ t[tn] = key .. '=' .. yes
+ elseif not strict then
+ tn = tn + 1
+ t[tn] = key .. '=' .. no
+ end
+ elseif value or not strict then
+ tn = tn + 1
+ t[tn] = key .. '=' .. tostring(value)
+ end
+ else
+ tn = tn + 1
+ t[tn] = key .. '=' .. value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return concat(t,separator or ",")
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+function parsers.array_to_string(a,separator)
+ if a then
+ return concat(a,separator or ",")
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+-- function parsers.settings_to_set(str,t) -- tohash? -- todo: lpeg -- duplicate anyway
+-- if str then
+-- t = t or { }
+-- for s in gmatch(str,"[^, ]+") do -- space added
+-- t[s] = true
+-- end
+-- return t
+-- else
+-- return { }
+-- end
+-- end
+local pattern = Cf(Ct("") * Cg(C((1-S(", "))^1) * S(", ")^0 * Cc(true))^1,rawset)
+function parsers.settings_to_set(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(pattern,str) or { }
+hashes.settings_to_set = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) -- experiment, not public
+ local v = k and lpegmatch(pattern,k) or { }
+ t[k] = v
+ return v
+getmetatable(hashes.settings_to_set).__mode = "kv" -- could be an option (maybe sharing makes sense)
+function parsers.simple_hash_to_string(h, separator)
+ local t = { }
+ local tn = 0
+ for k, v in sortedhash(h) do
+ if v then
+ tn = tn + 1
+ t[tn] = k
+ end
+ end
+ return concat(t,separator or ",")
+-- for mtx-context etc: aaaa bbbb cccc=dddd eeee=ffff
+local str = Cs(lpegpatterns.unquoted) + C((1-whitespace-equal)^1)
+local setting = Cf( Carg(1) * (whitespace^0 * Cg(str * whitespace^0 * (equal * whitespace^0 * str + Cc(""))))^1,rawset)
+local splitter = setting^1
+function parsers.options_to_hash(str,target)
+ return str and lpegmatch(splitter,str,1,target or { }) or { }
+local splitter = lpeg.tsplitat(" ")
+function parsers.options_to_array(str)
+ return str and lpegmatch(splitter,str) or { }
+-- for chem (currently one level)
+local value = P(lbrace * C((nobrace + nestedbraces)^0) * rbrace)
+ + C(digit^1 * lparent * (noparent + nestedparents)^1 * rparent)
+ + C((nestedbraces + (1-comma))^1)
+local pattern_a = spaces * Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
+local function repeater(n,str)
+ if not n then
+ return str
+ else
+ local s = lpegmatch(pattern_a,str)
+ if n == 1 then
+ return unpack(s)
+ else
+ local t = { }
+ local tn = 0
+ for i=1,n do
+ for j=1,#s do
+ tn = tn + 1
+ t[tn] = s[j]
+ end
+ end
+ return unpack(t)
+ end
+ end
+local value = P(lbrace * C((nobrace + nestedbraces)^0) * rbrace)
+ + (C(digit^1)/tonumber * lparent * Cs((noparent + nestedparents)^1) * rparent) / repeater
+ + C((nestedbraces + (1-comma))^1)
+local pattern_b = spaces * Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
+function parsers.settings_to_array_with_repeat(str,expand) -- beware: "" => { }
+ if expand then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str) or { }
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(pattern_a,str) or { }
+ end
+local value = lbrace * C((nobrace + nestedbraces)^0) * rbrace
+local pattern = Ct((space + value)^0)
+function parsers.arguments_to_table(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+-- temporary here (unoptimized)
+function parsers.getparameters(self,class,parentclass,settings)
+ local sc = self[class]
+ if not sc then
+ sc = { }
+ self[class] = sc
+ if parentclass then
+ local sp = self[parentclass]
+ if not sp then
+ sp = { }
+ self[parentclass] = sp
+ end
+ setmetatableindex(sc,sp)
+ end
+ end
+ parsers.settings_to_hash(settings,sc)
+function parsers.listitem(str)
+ return gmatch(str,"[^, ]+")
+local pattern = Cs { "start",
+ start = V("one") + V("two") + V("three"),
+ rest = (Cc(",") * V("thousand"))^0 * (P(".") + endofstring) * anything^0,
+ thousand = digit * digit * digit,
+ one = digit * V("rest"),
+ two = digit * digit * V("rest"),
+ three = V("thousand") * V("rest"),
+lpegpatterns.splitthousands = pattern -- maybe better in the parsers namespace ?
+function parsers.splitthousands(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str) or str
+-- print(parsers.splitthousands("11111111111.11"))
+local optionalwhitespace = whitespace^0
+lpegpatterns.words = Ct((Cs((1-punctuation-whitespace)^1) + anything)^1)
+lpegpatterns.sentences = Ct((optionalwhitespace * Cs((1-period)^0 * period))^1)
+lpegpatterns.paragraphs = Ct((optionalwhitespace * Cs((whitespace^1*endofstring/"" + 1 - (spacer^0*newline*newline))^1))^1)
+-- local str = " Word1 word2. \n Word3 word4. \n\n Word5 word6.\n "
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(lpegpatterns.paragraphs,str))
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(lpegpatterns.sentences,str))
+-- inspect(lpegmatch(lpegpatterns.words,str))
+-- handy for k="v" [, ] k="v"
+local dquote = P('"')
+local equal = P('=')
+local escape = P('\\')
+local separator = S(' ,')
+local key = C((1-equal)^1)
+local value = dquote * C((1-dquote-escape*dquote)^0) * dquote
+----- pattern = Cf(Ct("") * Cg(key * equal * value) * separator^0,rawset)^0 * P(-1) -- was wrong
+local pattern = Cf(Ct("") * (Cg(key * equal * value) * separator^0)^1,rawset)^0 * P(-1)
+function parsers.keq_to_hash(str)
+ if str and str ~= "" then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+ else
+ return { }
+ end
+-- inspect(lpeg.match(pattern,[[key="value" foo="bar"]]))
+local defaultspecification = { separator = ",", quote = '"' }
+-- this version accepts multiple separators and quotes as used in the
+-- database module
+function parsers.csvsplitter(specification)
+ specification = specification and setmetatableindex(specification,defaultspecification) or defaultspecification
+ local separator = specification.separator
+ local quotechar = specification.quote
+ local separator = S(separator ~= "" and separator or ",")
+ local whatever = C((1 - separator - newline)^0)
+ if quotechar and quotechar ~= "" then
+ local quotedata = nil
+ for chr in gmatch(quotechar,".") do
+ local quotechar = P(chr)
+ local quoteword = quotechar * C((1 - quotechar)^0) * quotechar
+ if quotedata then
+ quotedata = quotedata + quoteword
+ else
+ quotedata = quoteword
+ end
+ end
+ whatever = quotedata + whatever
+ end
+ local parser = Ct((Ct(whatever * (separator * whatever)^0) * S("\n\r")^1)^0 )
+ return function(data)
+ return lpegmatch(parser,data)
+ end
+-- and this is a slightly patched version of a version posted by Philipp Gesang
+-- local mycsvsplitter = parsers.rfc4180splitter()
+-- local crap = [[
+-- first,second,third,fourth
+-- "1","2","3","4"
+-- "a","b","c","d"
+-- "foo","bar""baz","boogie","xyzzy"
+-- ]]
+-- local list, names = mycsvsplitter(crap,true) inspect(list) inspect(names)
+-- local list, names = mycsvsplitter(crap) inspect(list) inspect(names)
+function parsers.rfc4180splitter(specification)
+ specification = specification and setmetatableindex(specification,defaultspecification) or defaultspecification
+ local separator = specification.separator --> rfc: COMMA
+ local quotechar = P(specification.quote) --> DQUOTE
+ local dquotechar = quotechar * quotechar --> 2DQUOTE
+ / specification.quote
+ local separator = S(separator ~= "" and separator or ",")
+ local escaped = quotechar
+ * Cs((dquotechar + (1 - quotechar))^0)
+ * quotechar
+ local non_escaped = C((1 - quotechar - newline - separator)^1)
+ local field = escaped + non_escaped + Cc("")
+ local record = Ct(field * (separator * field)^1)
+ local headerline = record * Cp()
+ local morerecords = (newline^(specification.strict and -1 or 1) * record)^0
+ local headeryes = Ct(morerecords)
+ local headernop = Ct(record * morerecords)
+ return function(data,getheader)
+ if getheader then
+ local header, position = lpegmatch(headerline,data)
+ local data = lpegmatch(headeryes,data,position)
+ return data, header
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(headernop,data)
+ end
+ end
+-- parsers.stepper("1,7-",9,function(i) print(">>>",i) end)
+-- parsers.stepper("1-3,7,8,9")
+-- parsers.stepper("1-3,6,7",function(i) print(">>>",i) end)
+-- parsers.stepper(" 1 : 3, ,7 ")
+-- parsers.stepper("1:4,9:13,24:*",30)
+local function ranger(first,last,n,action)
+ if not first then
+ -- forget about it
+ elseif last == true then
+ for i=first,n or first do
+ action(i)
+ end
+ elseif last then
+ for i=first,last do
+ action(i)
+ end
+ else
+ action(first)
+ end
+local cardinal = lpegpatterns.cardinal / tonumber
+local spacers = lpegpatterns.spacer^0
+local endofstring = lpegpatterns.endofstring
+local stepper = spacers * ( cardinal * ( spacers * S(":-") * spacers * ( cardinal + Cc(true) ) + Cc(false) )
+ * Carg(1) * Carg(2) / ranger * S(", ")^0 )^1
+local stepper = spacers * ( cardinal * ( spacers * S(":-") * spacers * ( cardinal + (P("*") + endofstring) * Cc(true) ) + Cc(false) )
+ * Carg(1) * Carg(2) / ranger * S(", ")^0 )^1 * endofstring -- we're sort of strict (could do without endofstring)
+function parsers.stepper(str,n,action)
+ if type(n) == "function" then
+ lpegmatch(stepper,str,1,false,n or print)
+ else
+ lpegmatch(stepper,str,1,n,action or print)
+ end
+local pattern_math = Cs((P("%")/"\\percent " + P("^") * Cc("{") * lpegpatterns.integer * Cc("}") + anything)^0)
+local pattern_text = Cs((P("%")/"\\percent " + (P("^")/"\\high") * Cc("{") * lpegpatterns.integer * Cc("}") + anything)^0)
+patterns.unittotex = pattern
+function parsers.unittotex(str,textmode)
+ return lpegmatch(textmode and pattern_text or pattern_math,str)
+local pattern = Cs((P("^") / "<sup>" * lpegpatterns.integer * Cc("</sup>") + anything)^0)
+function parsers.unittoxml(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+-- print(parsers.unittotex("10^-32 %"),utilities.parsers.unittoxml("10^32 %"))
+local cache = { }
+local spaces =^0
+local dummy = function() end
+ local separator = P(k)
+ local value = (1-separator)^0
+ local pattern = spaces * C(value) * separator^0 * Cp()
+ t[k] = pattern
+ return pattern
+local commalistiterator = cache[","]
+function parsers.iterator(str,separator)
+ local n = #str
+ if n == 0 then
+ return dummy
+ else
+ local pattern = separator and cache[separator] or commalistiterator
+ local p = 1
+ return function()
+ if p <= n then
+ local s, e = lpegmatch(pattern,str,p)
+ if e then
+ p = e
+ return s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- for s in parsers.iterator("a b c,b,c") do
+-- print(s)
+-- end
+local function initialize(t,name)
+ local source = t[name]
+ if source then
+ local result = { }
+ for k, v in next, t[name] do
+ result[k] = v
+ end
+ return result
+ else
+ return { }
+ end
+local function fetch(t,name)
+ return t[name] or { }
+local function process(result,more)
+ for k, v in next, more do
+ result[k] = v
+ end
+ return result
+local name = C((1-S(", "))^1)
+local parser = (Carg(1) * name / initialize) * (S(", ")^1 * (Carg(1) * name / fetch))^0
+local merge = Cf(parser,process)
+function parsers.mergehashes(hash,list)
+ return lpegmatch(merge,list,1,hash)
+-- local t = {
+-- aa = { alpha = 1, beta = 2, gamma = 3, },
+-- bb = { alpha = 4, beta = 5, delta = 6, },
+-- cc = { epsilon = 3 },
+-- }
+-- inspect(parsers.mergehashes(t,"aa, bb, cc"))
+function parsers.runtime(time)
+ if not time then
+ time = os.runtime()
+ end
+ local days = div(time,24*60*60)
+ time = mod(time,24*60*60)
+ local hours = div(time,60*60)
+ time = mod(time,60*60)
+ local minutes = div(time,60)
+ local seconds = mod(time,60)
+ return days, hours, minutes, seconds
+local spacing = whitespace^0
+local apply = P("->")
+local method = C((1-apply)^1)
+local token = lbrace * C((1-rbrace)^1) * rbrace + C(anything^1)
+local pattern = spacing * (method * spacing * apply + Carg(1)) * spacing * token
+function parsers.splitmethod(str,default)
+ if str then
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,default or false)
+ else
+ return default or false, ""
+ end
+-- print(parsers.splitmethod(" foo -> {bar} "))
+-- print(parsers.splitmethod("foo->{bar}"))
+-- print(parsers.splitmethod("foo->bar"))
+-- print(parsers.splitmethod("foo"))
+-- print(parsers.splitmethod("{foo}"))
+-- print(parsers.splitmethod())
+local p_year = lpegpatterns.digit^4 / tonumber
+local pattern = Cf( Ct("") *
+ (
+ ( Cg(Cc("year") * p_year)
+ * S("-/") * Cg(Cc("month") * cardinal)
+ * S("-/") * Cg(Cc("day") * cardinal)
+ ) +
+ ( Cg(Cc("day") * cardinal)
+ * S("-/") * Cg(Cc("month") * cardinal)
+ * S("-/") * Cg(Cc("year") * p_year)
+ )
+ )
+ * P(" ") * Cg(Cc("hour") * cardinal)
+ * P(":") * Cg(Cc("min") * cardinal)
+ * (P(":") * Cg(Cc("sec") * cardinal))^-1
+, rawset)
+lpegpatterns.splittime = pattern
+function parsers.totime(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+-- print(os.time(parsers.totime("2019-03-05 12:12:12")))
+-- print(os.time(parsers.totime("2019/03/05 12:12:12")))
+-- print(os.time(parsers.totime("05-03-2019 12:12:12")))
+-- print(os.time(parsers.totime("05/03/2019 12:12:12")))
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-sta.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-sta.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7819395f69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-sta.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-sta'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to util-ini.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local insert, remove, fastcopy, concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.fastcopy, table.concat
+local format = string.format
+local select, tostring = select, tostring
+local trace_stacker = false trackers.register("stacker.resolve", function(v) trace_stacker = v end)
+local stacker = stacker or { }
+utilities.stacker = stacker
+local function start(s,t,first,last)
+ if s.mode == "switch" then
+ local n = tostring(t[last])
+ if trace_stacker then
+"start: %s",n)
+ end
+ return n
+ else
+ local r = { }
+ for i=first,last do
+ r[#r+1] = tostring(t[i])
+ end
+ local n = concat(r," ")
+ if trace_stacker then
+"start: %s",n)
+ end
+ return n
+ end
+local function stop(s,t,first,last)
+ if s.mode == "switch" then
+ local n = tostring(false)
+ if trace_stacker then
+"stop: %s",n)
+ end
+ return n
+ else
+ local r = { }
+ for i=last,first,-1 do
+ r[#r+1] = tostring(false)
+ end
+ local n = concat(r," ")
+ if trace_stacker then
+"stop: %s",n)
+ end
+ return n
+ end
+local function change(s,t1,first1,last1,t2,first2,last2)
+ if s.mode == "switch" then
+ local n = tostring(t2[last2])
+ if trace_stacker then
+"change: %s",n)
+ end
+ return n
+ else
+ local r = { }
+ for i=last1,first1,-1 do
+ r[#r+1] = tostring(false)
+ end
+ local n = concat(r," ")
+ for i=first2,last2 do
+ r[#r+1] = tostring(t2[i])
+ end
+ if trace_stacker then
+"change: %s",n)
+ end
+ return n
+ end
+ local report = logs.reporter("stacker",name or nil)
+ local s
+ local stack = { }
+ local list = { }
+ local ids = { }
+ local hash = { }
+ local hashing = true
+ local function push(...)
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ insert(stack,(select(i,...))) -- watch the ()
+ end
+ if hashing then
+ local c = concat(stack,"|")
+ local n = hash[c]
+ if not n then
+ n = #list+1
+ hash[c] = n
+ list[n] = fastcopy(stack)
+ end
+ insert(ids,n)
+ return n
+ else
+ local n = #list+1
+ list[n] = fastcopy(stack)
+ insert(ids,n)
+ return n
+ end
+ end
+ local function pop()
+ remove(stack)
+ remove(ids)
+ return ids[#ids] or s.unset or -1
+ end
+ local function clean()
+ if #stack == 0 then
+ if trace_stacker then
+"%s list entries, %s stack entries",#list,#stack)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local tops = { }
+ local top = nil
+ local switch = nil
+ local function resolve_reset(mode)
+ if #tops > 0 then
+ report("resetting %s left-over states of %a",#tops,name)
+ end
+ tops = { }
+ top = nil
+ switch = nil
+ end
+ local function resolve_begin(mode)
+ if mode then
+ switch = mode == "switch"
+ else
+ switch = s.mode == "switch"
+ end
+ top = { switch = switch }
+ insert(tops,top)
+ end
+ local function resolve_step(ti) -- keep track of changes outside function !
+ -- todo: optimize for n=1 etc
+ local result = nil
+ local noftop = top and #top or 0
+ if ti > 0 then
+ local current = list[ti]
+ if current then
+ local noflist = #current
+ local nofsame = 0
+ if noflist > noftop then
+ for i=1,noflist do
+ if current[i] == top[i] then
+ nofsame = i
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for i=1,noflist do
+ if current[i] == top[i] then
+ nofsame = i
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local plus = nofsame + 1
+ if plus <= noftop then
+ if plus <= noflist then
+ if switch then
+ result = s.change(s,top,plus,noftop,current,nofsame,noflist)
+ else
+ result = s.change(s,top,plus,noftop,current,plus,noflist)
+ end
+ else
+ if switch then
+ result = s.change(s,top,plus,noftop,current,nofsame,noflist)
+ else
+ result = s.stop(s,top,plus,noftop)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif plus <= noflist then
+ if switch then
+ result = s.start(s,current,nofsame,noflist)
+ else
+ result = s.start(s,current,plus,noflist)
+ end
+ end
+ top = current
+ else
+ if 1 <= noftop then
+ result = s.stop(s,top,1,noftop)
+ end
+ top = { }
+ end
+ return result
+ else
+ if 1 <= noftop then
+ result = s.stop(s,top,1,noftop)
+ end
+ top = { }
+ return result
+ end
+ end
+ local function resolve_end()
+ -- resolve_step(s.unset)
+ if #tops > 0 then -- was #top brrr
+ local result = s.stop(s,top,1,#top)
+ remove(tops)
+ top = tops[#tops]
+ switch = top and top.switch
+ return result
+ end
+ end
+ local function resolve(t)
+ resolve_begin()
+ for i=1,#t do
+ resolve_step(t[i])
+ end
+ resolve_end()
+ end
+ s = {
+ name = name or "unknown",
+ unset = -1,
+ report = report,
+ start = start,
+ stop = stop,
+ change = change,
+ push = push,
+ pop = pop,
+ clean = clean,
+ resolve = resolve,
+ resolve_begin = resolve_begin,
+ resolve_step = resolve_step,
+ resolve_end = resolve_end,
+ resolve_reset = resolve_reset,
+ }
+ return s -- we can overload functions
+-- local s ="demo")
+-- local unset = s.unset
+-- local push = s.push
+-- local pop = s.pop
+-- local t = {
+-- unset,
+-- unset,
+-- push("a"), -- a
+-- push("b","c"), -- a b c
+-- pop(), -- a b
+-- push("d"), -- a b d
+-- pop(), -- a b
+-- unset,
+-- pop(), -- a
+-- pop(), -- b
+-- unset,
+-- unset,
+-- }
+-- s.resolve(t)
+-- demostacker ="demos")
+-- local whatever = {
+-- one = "1 0 0 RG 1 0 0 rg",
+-- two = "1 1 0 RG 1 1 0 rg",
+-- [false] = "0 G 0 g",
+-- }
+-- local concat = table.concat
+-- local pageliteral = nodes.pool.pageliteral
+-- function demostacker.start(s,t,first,last)
+-- local n = whatever[t[last]]
+-- --"start: %s",n)
+-- return pageliteral(n)
+-- end
+-- function demostacker.stop(s,t,first,last)
+-- local n = whatever[false]
+-- --"stop: %s",n)
+-- return pageliteral(n)
+-- end
+-- function demostacker.change(s,t1,first1,last1,t2,first2,last2)
+-- local n = whatever[t2[last2]]
+-- --"change: %s",n)
+-- return pageliteral(n)
+-- end
+-- demostacker.mode = "switch"
+-- local whatever = {
+-- one = "/OC /test1 BDC",
+-- two = "/OC /test2 BDC",
+-- [false] = "EMC",
+-- }
+-- demostacker ="demos")
+-- function demostacker.start(s,t,first,last)
+-- local r = { }
+-- for i=first,last do
+-- r[#r+1] = whatever[t[i]]
+-- end
+-- --"start: %s",concat(r," "))
+-- return pageliteral(concat(r," "))
+-- end
+-- function demostacker.stop(s,t,first,last)
+-- local r = { }
+-- for i=last,first,-1 do
+-- r[#r+1] = whatever[false]
+-- end
+-- --"stop: %s",concat(r," "))
+-- return pageliteral(concat(r," "))
+-- end
+-- function demostacker.change(s,t1,first1,last1,t2,first2,last2)
+-- local r = { }
+-- for i=last1,first1,-1 do
+-- r[#r+1] = whatever[false]
+-- end
+-- for i=first2,last2 do
+-- r[#r+1] = whatever[t2[i]]
+-- end
+-- --"change: %s",concat(r," "))
+-- return pageliteral(concat(r," "))
+-- end
+-- demostacker.mode = "stack"
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-sto.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-sto.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a08d25ced1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-sto.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-sto'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local setmetatable, getmetatable, rawset, type = setmetatable, getmetatable, rawset, type
+utilities = utilities or { } = or { }
+local storage =
+function storage.mark(t)
+ if not t then
+ print("\nfatal error: storage cannot be marked\n")
+ os.exit()
+ return
+ end
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ if not m then
+ m = { }
+ setmetatable(t,m)
+ end
+ m.__storage__ = true
+ return t
+function storage.allocate(t)
+ t = t or { }
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ if not m then
+ m = { }
+ setmetatable(t,m)
+ end
+ m.__storage__ = true
+ return t
+function storage.marked(t)
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ return m and m.__storage__
+function storage.checked(t)
+ if not t then
+ report("\nfatal error: storage has not been allocated\n")
+ os.exit()
+ return
+ end
+ return t
+-- function,name,filename)
+-- local m = getmetatable(parent)
+-- m.__list[name] = filename
+-- end
+-- function
+-- local list = { }
+-- local m = getmetatable(parent) or {
+-- __list = list,
+-- __index = function(t,k)
+-- local l = require(list[k])
+-- t[k] = l
+-- return l
+-- end
+-- }
+-- setmetatable(parent,m)
+-- end
+-- bla = { }
+-- local t = bla.test
+-- table.print(t)
+-- print(t.a)
+function storage.setinitializer(data,initialize)
+ local m = getmetatable(data) or { }
+ m.__index = function(data,k)
+ m.__index = nil -- so that we can access the entries during initializing
+ initialize()
+ return data[k]
+ end
+ setmetatable(data, m)
+local keyisvalue = { __index = function(t,k)
+ t[k] = k
+ return k
+end }
+function storage.sparse(t)
+ t = t or { }
+ setmetatable(t,keyisvalue)
+ return t
+-- table namespace ?
+local function f_empty () return "" end -- t,k
+local function f_self (t,k) t[k] = k return k end
+local function f_table (t,k) local v = { } t[k] = v return v end
+local function f_number(t,k) t[k] = 0 return 0 end -- t,k,v
+local function f_ignore() end -- t,k,v
+local f_index = {
+ ["empty"] = f_empty,
+ ["self"] = f_self,
+ ["table"] = f_table,
+ ["number"] = f_number,
+function table.setmetatableindex(t,f)
+ if type(t) ~= "table" then
+ f, t = t, { }
+ end
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ local i = f_index[f] or f
+ if m then
+ m.__index = i
+ else
+ setmetatable(t,{ __index = i })
+ end
+ return t
+local f_index = {
+ ["ignore"] = f_ignore,
+function table.setmetatablenewindex(t,f)
+ if type(t) ~= "table" then
+ f, t = t, { }
+ end
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ local i = f_index[f] or f
+ if m then
+ m.__newindex = i
+ else
+ setmetatable(t,{ __newindex = i })
+ end
+ return t
+function table.setmetatablecall(t,f)
+ if type(t) ~= "table" then
+ f, t = t, { }
+ end
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ if m then
+ m.__call = f
+ else
+ setmetatable(t,{ __call = f })
+ end
+ return t
+-- the manual is somewhat fuzzy about this but suggests that one can best
+-- set all fields before assigning a metatable
+function table.setmetatableindices(t,f,n,c)
+ if type(t) ~= "table" then
+ f, t = t, { }
+ end
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ local i = f_index[f] or f
+ if m then
+ m.__index = i
+ m.__newindex = n
+ m.__call = c
+ else
+ setmetatable(t,{
+ __index = i,
+ __newindex = n,
+ __call = c,
+ })
+ end
+ return t
+function table.setmetatablekey(t,key,value)
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ if not m then
+ m = { }
+ setmetatable(t,m)
+ end
+ m[key] = value
+ return t
+function table.getmetatablekey(t,key,value)
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ return m and m[key]
+function table.makeweak(t)
+ if not t then
+ t = { }
+ end
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ if m then
+ m.__mode = "v"
+ else
+ setmetatable(t,{ __mode = "v" })
+ end
+ return t
+-- Problem: we have no __next (which is ok as it would probably slow down lua) so
+-- we cannot loop over the keys.
+-- local parametersets = table.autokeys()
+-- = function(t,k) return "OEPS" end
+-- = "SPEO"
+-- parametersets.crap = { a = "a", b = table.autokey { function() return "b" end } }
+-- print(
+-- print(
+-- print(parametersets.crap.b)
+-- print(parametersets.crap.b[1])
+-- function table.autotables(t)
+-- local t = t or { }
+-- local m = getmetatable(t)
+-- if not m then
+-- m = { }
+-- setmetatable(t,m)
+-- end
+-- m.__newindex = function(t,k,p)
+-- local v = { }
+-- local m = {
+-- __index = function(t,k)
+-- local v = p[k]
+-- if type(v) == "function" then
+-- return v(t,k) -- so we can have multiple arguments
+-- else
+-- return v
+-- end
+-- end,
+-- __newindex = function(t,k,v)
+-- p[k] = v
+-- end,
+-- __len = function(t)
+-- return #p
+-- end,
+-- }
+-- setmetatable(v,m)
+-- rawset(t,k,v)
+-- return v
+-- end
+-- m.__index = function(t,k)
+-- local v = { }
+-- t[k] = v -- calls newindex
+-- return v
+-- end
+-- return t
+-- end
+-- function table.autokeys(p)
+-- local t = { }
+-- setmetatable(t, {
+-- __newindex = function(t,k,v)
+-- p[k] = v
+-- end,
+-- __index = function(t,k)
+-- local v = p[k]
+-- if type(v) == "function" then
+-- return v(t,k) -- so we can have multiple arguments
+-- else
+-- return v
+-- end
+-- end,
+-- __len = function(t)
+-- return #p
+-- end,
+-- })
+-- return t
+-- end
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-str.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-str.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad22302df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-str.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1461 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-str'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+utilities = utilities or { }
+utilities.strings = utilities.strings or { }
+local strings = utilities.strings
+local format, gsub, rep, sub, find = string.format, string.gsub, string.rep, string.sub, string.find
+local load, dump = load, string.dump
+local tonumber, type, tostring, next, setmetatable = tonumber, type, tostring, next, setmetatable
+local unpack, concat = table.unpack, table.concat
+local P, V, C, S, R, Ct, Cs, Cp, Carg, Cc = lpeg.P, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Carg, lpeg.Cc
+local patterns, lpegmatch = lpeg.patterns, lpeg.match
+local utfchar, utfbyte, utflen = utf.char, utf.byte, utf.len
+----- loadstripped = utilities.lua.loadstripped
+----- setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
+local loadstripped = function(str,shortcuts)
+ if shortcuts then
+ return load(dump(load(str),true),nil,nil,shortcuts)
+ else
+ return load(dump(load(str),true))
+ end
+-- todo: make a special namespace for the formatter
+if not number then number = { } end -- temp hack for luatex-fonts
+local stripzero = patterns.stripzero
+local stripzeros = patterns.stripzeros
+local newline = patterns.newline
+local endofstring = patterns.endofstring
+local anything = patterns.anything
+local whitespace = patterns.whitespace
+local space =
+local spacer = patterns.spacer
+local spaceortab = patterns.spaceortab
+local digit = patterns.digit
+local sign = patterns.sign
+local period = patterns.period
+-- local function points(n)
+-- n = tonumber(n)
+-- return (not n or n == 0) and "0pt" or lpegmatch(stripzeros,format("%.5fpt",n/65536))
+-- end
+-- local function basepoints(n)
+-- n = tonumber(n)
+-- return (not n or n == 0) and "0bp" or lpegmatch(stripzeros,format("%.5fbp", n*(7200/7227)/65536))
+-- end
+local ptf = 1 / 65536
+local bpf = (7200/7227) / 65536
+local function points(n)
+ if n == 0 then
+ return "0pt"
+ end
+ n = tonumber(n)
+ if not n or n == 0 then
+ return "0pt"
+ end
+ n = n * ptf
+ if n % 1 == 0 then
+ return format("%ipt",n)
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(stripzeros,format("%.5fpt",n)) -- plural as we need to keep the pt
+local function basepoints(n)
+ if n == 0 then
+ return "0pt"
+ end
+ n = tonumber(n)
+ if not n or n == 0 then
+ return "0pt"
+ end
+ n = n * bpf
+ if n % 1 == 0 then
+ return format("%ibp",n)
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(stripzeros,format("%.5fbp",n)) -- plural as we need to keep the pt
+number.points = points
+number.basepoints = basepoints
+-- str = " \n \ntest \n test\ntest "
+-- print("["..string.gsub(string.collapsecrlf(str),"\n","+").."]")
+local rubish = spaceortab^0 * newline
+local anyrubish = spaceortab + newline
+local stripped = (spaceortab^1 / "") * newline
+local leading = rubish^0 / ""
+local trailing = (anyrubish^1 * endofstring) / ""
+local redundant = rubish^3 / "\n"
+local pattern = Cs(leading * (trailing + redundant + stripped + anything)^0)
+function strings.collapsecrlf(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+-- The following functions might end up in another namespace.
+local repeaters = { } -- watch how we also moved the -1 in depth-1 to the creator
+function strings.newrepeater(str,offset)
+ offset = offset or 0
+ local s = repeaters[str]
+ if not s then
+ s = { }
+ repeaters[str] = s
+ end
+ local t = s[offset]
+ if t then
+ return t
+ end
+ t = { }
+ setmetatable(t, { __index = function(t,k)
+ if not k then
+ return ""
+ end
+ local n = k + offset
+ local s = n > 0 and rep(str,n) or ""
+ t[k] = s
+ return s
+ end })
+ s[offset] = t
+ return t
+-- local dashes = strings.newrepeater("--",-1)
+-- print(dashes[2],dashes[3],dashes[1])
+local extra, tab, start = 0, 0, 4, 0
+local nspaces = strings.newrepeater(" ")
+string.nspaces = nspaces
+local pattern =
+ Carg(1) / function(t)
+ extra, tab, start = 0, t or 7, 1
+ end
+ * Cs((
+ Cp() * / function(position)
+ local current = (position - start + 1) + extra
+ local spaces = tab-(current-1) % tab
+ if spaces > 0 then
+ extra = extra + spaces - 1
+ return nspaces[spaces] -- rep(" ",spaces)
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+ end
+ + newline * Cp() / function(position)
+ extra, start = 0, position
+ end
+ + anything
+ )^1)
+function strings.tabtospace(str,tab)
+ -- no real gain in first checking if a \t is there
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,tab or 7)
+function string.utfpadding(s,n)
+ if not n or n == 0 then
+ return ""
+ end
+ local l = utflen(s)
+ if n > 0 then
+ return nspaces[n-l]
+ else
+ return nspaces[-n-l]
+ end
+-- local t = {
+-- "1234567123456712345671234567",
+-- "\tb\tc",
+-- "a\tb\tc",
+-- "aa\tbb\tcc",
+-- "aaa\tbbb\tccc",
+-- "aaaa\tbbbb\tcccc",
+-- "aaaaa\tbbbbb\tccccc",
+-- "aaaaaa\tbbbbbb\tcccccc\n aaaaaa\tbbbbbb\tcccccc",
+-- "one\n two\nxxx three\nxx four\nx five\nsix",
+-- }
+-- for k=1,#t do
+-- print(strings.tabtospace(t[k]))
+-- end
+-- todo: lpeg
+-- function strings.striplong(str) -- strips all leading spaces
+-- str = gsub(str,"^%s*","")
+-- str = gsub(str,"[\n\r]+ *","\n")
+-- return str
+-- end
+local optionalspace = spacer^0
+local nospace = optionalspace/""
+local endofline = nospace * newline
+local stripend = (whitespace^1 * endofstring)/""
+local normalline = (nospace * ((1-optionalspace*(newline+endofstring))^1) * nospace)
+local stripempty = endofline^1/""
+local normalempty = endofline^1
+local singleempty = endofline * (endofline^0/"")
+local doubleempty = endofline * endofline^-1 * (endofline^0/"")
+local stripstart = stripempty^0
+local intospace = whitespace^1/" "
+local noleading = whitespace^1/""
+local notrailing = noleading * endofstring
+local p_prune_normal = Cs ( stripstart * ( stripend + normalline + normalempty )^0 )
+local p_prune_collapse = Cs ( stripstart * ( stripend + normalline + doubleempty )^0 )
+local p_prune_noempty = Cs ( stripstart * ( stripend + normalline + singleempty )^0 )
+local p_prune_intospace = Cs ( noleading * ( notrailing + intospace + 1 )^0 )
+local p_retain_normal = Cs ( ( normalline + normalempty )^0 )
+local p_retain_collapse = Cs ( ( normalline + doubleempty )^0 )
+local p_retain_noempty = Cs ( ( normalline + singleempty )^0 )
+-- function striplines(str,prune,collapse,noempty)
+-- if prune then
+-- if noempty then
+-- return lpegmatch(p_prune_noempty,str) or str
+-- elseif collapse then
+-- return lpegmatch(p_prune_collapse,str) or str
+-- else
+-- return lpegmatch(p_prune_normal,str) or str
+-- end
+-- else
+-- if noempty then
+-- return lpegmatch(p_retain_noempty,str) or str
+-- elseif collapse then
+-- return lpegmatch(p_retain_collapse,str) or str
+-- else
+-- return lpegmatch(p_retain_normal,str) or str
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+local striplinepatterns = {
+ ["prune"] = p_prune_normal,
+ ["prune and collapse"] = p_prune_collapse, -- default
+ ["prune and no empty"] = p_prune_noempty,
+ ["prune and to space"] = p_prune_intospace,
+ ["retain"] = p_retain_normal,
+ ["retain and collapse"] = p_retain_collapse,
+ ["retain and no empty"] = p_retain_noempty,
+ ["collapse"] = patterns.collapser,
+setmetatable(striplinepatterns,{ __index = function(t,k) return p_prune_collapse end })
+strings.striplinepatterns = striplinepatterns
+function strings.striplines(str,how)
+ return str and lpegmatch(striplinepatterns[how],str) or str
+function strings.collapse(str) -- maybe also in strings
+ return str and lpegmatch(p_prune_intospace,str) or str
+-- also see: string.collapsespaces
+strings.striplong = strings.striplines -- for old times sake
+-- local str = table.concat( {
+-- " ",
+-- " aap",
+-- " noot mies",
+-- " ",
+-- " ",
+-- " zus wim jet",
+-- "zus wim jet",
+-- " zus wim jet",
+-- " ",
+-- }, "\n")
+-- local str = table.concat( {
+-- " aaaa",
+-- " bb",
+-- " cccccc",
+-- " ",
+-- }, "\n")
+-- for k, v in table.sortedhash(utilities.strings.striplinepatterns) do
+--"stripper","method: %s, result: [[%s]]",k,utilities.strings.striplines(str,k))
+-- end
+-- inspect(strings.striplong([[
+-- aaaa
+-- bb
+-- cccccc
+-- ]]))
+function strings.nice(str)
+ str = gsub(str,"[:%-+_]+"," ") -- maybe more
+ return str
+-- Work in progress. Interesting is that compared to the built-in this is faster in
+-- luatex than in luajittex where we have a comparable speed. It only makes sense
+-- to use the formatter when a (somewhat) complex format is used a lot. Each formatter
+-- is a function so there is some overhead and not all formatted output is worth that
+-- overhead. Keep in mind that there is an extra function call involved. In principle
+-- we end up with a string concatination so one could inline such a sequence but often
+-- at the cost of less readabinity. So, it's a sort of (visual) compromise. Of course
+-- there is the benefit of more variants. (Concerning the speed: a simple format like
+-- %05fpt is better off with format than with a formatter, but as soon as you put
+-- something in front formatters become faster. Passing the pt as extra argument makes
+-- formatters behave better. Of course this is rather implementation dependent. Also,
+-- when a specific format is only used a few times the overhead in creating it is not
+-- compensated by speed.)
+-- More info can be found in cld-mkiv.pdf so here I stick to a simple list.
+-- integer %...i number
+-- integer %...d number
+-- unsigned %...u number -- not used
+-- character %...c number
+-- hexadecimal %...x number
+-- HEXADECIMAL %...X number
+-- octal %...o number
+-- string %...s string number
+-- float %...f number
+-- checked float %...F number
+-- exponential %...e number
+-- exponential %...E number
+-- stripped e %...j number
+-- stripped E %...J number
+-- autofloat %...g number
+-- autofloat %...G number
+-- utf character %...c number
+-- force tostring %...S any
+-- force tostring %Q any
+-- force tonumber %N number (strip leading zeros)
+-- signed number %I number
+-- rounded number %r number
+-- 0xhexadecimal %...h character number
+-- 0xHEXADECIMAL %...H character number
+-- U+hexadecimal %...u character number
+-- U+HEXADECIMAL %...U character number
+-- points %p number (scaled points)
+-- basepoints %b number (scaled points)
+-- table concat %...t table
+-- table concat %{.}t table
+-- serialize %...T sequenced (no nested tables)
+-- serialize %{.}T sequenced (no nested tables)
+-- boolean (logic) %l boolean
+-- BOOLEAN %L boolean
+-- whitespace %...w number
+-- whitespace %...W (fixed)
+-- automatic %...a 'whatever' (string, table, ...)
+-- automatic %...A "whatever" (string, table, ...)
+-- zap %...z skip
+-- stripped %...N %...N
+-- comma/period real %...m
+-- period/comma real %...M
+-- formatted float %...k n.m
+local n = 0
+-- we are somewhat sloppy in parsing prefixes as it's not that critical
+-- hard to avoid but we can collect them in a private namespace if needed
+-- inline the next two makes no sense as we only use this in logging
+local sequenced = table.sequenced
+function string.autodouble(s,sep)
+ if s == nil then
+ return '""'
+ end
+ local t = type(s)
+ if t == "number" then
+ return tostring(s) -- tostring not really needed
+ end
+ if t == "table" then
+ return ('"' .. sequenced(s,sep or ",") .. '"')
+ end
+ return ('"' .. tostring(s) .. '"')
+function string.autosingle(s,sep)
+ if s == nil then
+ return "''"
+ end
+ local t = type(s)
+ if t == "number" then
+ return tostring(s) -- tostring not really needed
+ end
+ if t == "table" then
+ return ("'" .. sequenced(s,sep or ",") .. "'")
+ end
+ return ("'" .. tostring(s) .. "'")
+local tracedchars = { [0] =
+ -- the regular bunch
+ "[null]", "[soh]", "[stx]", "[etx]", "[eot]", "[enq]", "[ack]", "[bel]",
+ "[bs]", "[ht]", "[lf]", "[vt]", "[ff]", "[cr]", "[so]", "[si]",
+ "[dle]", "[dc1]", "[dc2]", "[dc3]", "[dc4]", "[nak]", "[syn]", "[etb]",
+ "[can]", "[em]", "[sub]", "[esc]", "[fs]", "[gs]", "[rs]", "[us]",
+ -- plus space
+ "[space]", -- 0x20
+string.tracedchars = tracedchars
+strings.tracers = tracedchars
+function string.tracedchar(b)
+ -- todo: table
+ if type(b) == "number" then
+ return tracedchars[b] or (utfchar(b) .. " (U+" .. format("%05X",b) .. ")")
+ else
+ local c = utfbyte(b)
+ return tracedchars[c] or (b .. " (U+" .. (c and format("%05X",c) or "?????") .. ")")
+ end
+function number.signed(i)
+ if i > 0 then
+ return "+", i
+ else
+ return "-", -i
+ end
+-- maybe to util-num
+local two = digit * digit
+local three = two * digit
+local prefix = (Carg(1) * three)^1
+local splitter = Cs (
+ (((1 - (three^1 * period))^1 + C(three)) * prefix + C((1-period)^1))
+ * (anything/"" * Carg(2)) * C(2)
+local splitter3 = Cs (
+ three * prefix * endofstring +
+ two * prefix * endofstring +
+ digit * prefix * endofstring +
+ three +
+ two +
+ digit
+patterns.formattednumber = splitter
+function number.formatted(n,sep1,sep2)
+ if sep1 == false then
+ if type(n) == "number" then
+ n = tostring(n)
+ end
+ return lpegmatch(splitter3,n,1,sep2 or ".")
+ else
+ if type(n) == "number" then
+ n = format("%0.2f",n)
+ end
+ if sep1 == true then
+ return lpegmatch(splitter,n,1,".",",")
+ elseif sep1 == "." then
+ return lpegmatch(splitter,n,1,sep1,sep2 or ",")
+ elseif sep1 == "," then
+ return lpegmatch(splitter,n,1,sep1,sep2 or ".")
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(splitter,n,1,sep1 or ",",sep2 or ".")
+ end
+ end
+-- print(number.formatted(1))
+-- print(number.formatted(12))
+-- print(number.formatted(123))
+-- print(number.formatted(1234))
+-- print(number.formatted(12345))
+-- print(number.formatted(123456))
+-- print(number.formatted(1234567))
+-- print(number.formatted(12345678))
+-- print(number.formatted(12345678,true))
+-- print(number.formatted(1,false))
+-- print(number.formatted(12,false))
+-- print(number.formatted(123,false))
+-- print(number.formatted(1234,false))
+-- print(number.formatted(12345,false))
+-- print(number.formatted(123456,false))
+-- print(number.formatted(1234567,false))
+-- print(number.formatted(12345678,false))
+-- print(number.formatted(1234.56,"!","?"))
+local p = Cs(
+ P("-")^0
+ * (P("0")^1/"")^0
+ * (1-period)^0
+ * (period * P("0")^1 * endofstring/"" + period^0)
+ * P(1-P("0")^1*endofstring)^0
+ )
+function number.compactfloat(n,fmt)
+ if n == 0 then
+ return "0"
+ elseif n == 1 then
+ return "1"
+ end
+ n = lpegmatch(p,format(fmt or "%0.3f",n))
+ if n == "." or n == "" or n == "-" then
+ return "0"
+ end
+ return n
+local zero = P("0")^1 / ""
+local plus = P("+") / ""
+local minus = P("-")
+local separator = period
+local trailing = zero^1 * #S("eE")
+local exponent = (S("eE") * (plus + Cs((minus * zero^0 * endofstring)/"") + minus) * zero^0 * (endofstring * Cc("0") + anything^1))
+local pattern_a = Cs(minus^0 * digit^1 * (separator/"" * trailing + separator * (trailing + digit)^0) * exponent)
+local pattern_b = Cs((exponent + anything)^0)
+function number.sparseexponent(f,n)
+ if not n then
+ n = f
+ f = "%e"
+ end
+ local tn = type(n)
+ if tn == "string" then -- cast to number
+ local m = tonumber(n)
+ if m then
+ return lpegmatch((f == "%e" or f == "%E") and pattern_a or pattern_b,format(f,m))
+ end
+ elseif tn == "number" then
+ return lpegmatch((f == "%e" or f == "%E") and pattern_a or pattern_b,format(f,n))
+ end
+ return tostring(n)
+local hf = { }
+local hs = { }
+setmetatable(hf, { __index = function(t,k)
+ local v = "%." .. k .. "f"
+ t[k] = v
+ return v
+end } )
+setmetatable(hs, { __index = function(t,k)
+ local v = "%" .. k .. "s"
+ t[k] = v
+ return v
+end } )
+function number.formattedfloat(n,b,a)
+ local s = format(hf[a],n)
+ local l = (b or 0) + (a or 0) + 1
+ if #s < l then
+ return format(hs[l],s)
+ else
+ return s
+ end
+local template = [[
+return function(%s) return %s end
+-- this might move
+local pattern = Cs(Cc('"') * (
+ (1-S('"\\\n\r'))^1
+ + P('"') / '\\"'
+ + P('\\') / '\\\\'
+ + P('\n') / '\\n'
+ + P('\r') / '\\r'
+)^0 * Cc('"'))
+patterns.escapedquotes = pattern
+function string.escapedquotes(s)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,s)
+-- print(string.escapedquotes('1\\23\n"'))
+-- but for now here
+local preamble = ""
+local environment = {
+ global = global or _G,
+ lpeg = lpeg,
+ type = type,
+ tostring = tostring,
+ tonumber = tonumber,
+ format = string.format,
+ concat = table.concat,
+ signed = number.signed,
+ points = number.points,
+ basepoints = number.basepoints,
+ utfchar = utf.char,
+ utfbyte = utf.byte,
+ lpegmatch = lpeg.match,
+ nspaces = string.nspaces,
+ utfpadding = string.utfpadding,
+ tracedchar = string.tracedchar,
+ autosingle = string.autosingle,
+ autodouble = string.autodouble,
+ sequenced = table.sequenced,
+ formattednumber = number.formatted,
+ sparseexponent = number.sparseexponent,
+ formattedfloat = number.formattedfloat,
+ stripzero = patterns.stripzero,
+ stripzeros = patterns.stripzeros,
+ escapedquotes = string.escapedquotes,
+ FORMAT = string.f9,
+-- -- --
+local arguments = { "a1" } -- faster than previously used (select(n,...))
+setmetatable(arguments, { __index =
+ function(t,k)
+ local v = t[k-1] .. ",a" .. k
+ t[k] = v
+ return v
+ end
+local prefix_any = C((sign + space + period + digit)^0)
+local prefix_sub = (C((sign + digit)^0) + Cc(0))
+ * period
+ * (C((sign + digit)^0) + Cc(0))
+local prefix_tab = P("{") * C((1-P("}"))^0) * P("}") + C((1-R("az","AZ","09","%%"))^0)
+-- we've split all cases as then we can optimize them (let's omit the fuzzy u)
+-- todo: replace outer formats in next by ..
+local format_s = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ if f and f ~= "" then
+ return format("format('%%%ss',a%s)",f,n)
+ else -- best no tostring in order to stay compatible (.. does a selective tostring too)
+ return format("(a%s or '')",n) -- goodie: nil check
+ end
+local format_S = function(f) -- can be optimized
+ n = n + 1
+ if f and f ~= "" then
+ return format("format('%%%ss',tostring(a%s))",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("tostring(a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_right = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ f = tonumber(f)
+ if not f or f == 0 then
+ return format("(a%s or '')",n)
+ elseif f > 0 then
+ return format("utfpadding(a%s,%i)..a%s",n,f,n)
+ else
+ return format("a%s..utfpadding(a%s,%i)",n,n,f)
+ end
+local format_left = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ f = tonumber(f)
+ if not f or f == 0 then
+ return format("(a%s or '')",n)
+ end
+ if f < 0 then
+ return format("utfpadding(a%s,%i)..a%s",n,-f,n)
+ else
+ return format("a%s..utfpadding(a%s,%i)",n,n,-f)
+ end
+local format_q = function()
+ n = n + 1
+ -- lua 5.3 has a different q than lua 5.2 (which does a tostring on numbers)
+ -- return format("(a%s ~= nil and format('%%q',a%s) or '')",n,n)
+ return format("(a%s ~= nil and format('%%q',tostring(a%s)) or '')",n,n)
+ -- return format("(a%s ~= nil and escapedquotes(tostring(a%s)) or '')",n,n)
+local format_Q = function() -- fast escaping
+ n = n + 1
+-- return format("format('%%q',tostring(a%s))",n)
+ return format("escapedquotes(tostring(a%s))",n)
+local format_i = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ if f and f ~= "" then
+ return format("format('%%%si',a%s)",f,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('%%i',a%s)",n) -- why not just tostring()
+ end
+local format_d = format_i
+local format_I = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("format('%%s%%%si',signed(a%s))",f,n)
+local format_f = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("format('%%%sf',a%s)",f,n)
+-- The next one formats an integer as integer and very small values as zero. This is needed
+-- for pdf backend code.
+-- 1.23 % 1 : 0.23
+-- - 1.23 % 1 : 0.77
+-- We could probably use just %s with integers but who knows what Lua 5.3 will do? So let's
+-- for the moment use %i.
+local format_F = function(f) -- beware, no cast to number
+ n = n + 1
+ if not f or f == "" then
+ return format("(((a%s > -0.0000000005 and a%s < 0.0000000005) and '0') or format((a%s %% 1 == 0) and '%%i' or '%%.9f',a%s))",n,n,n,n)
+ else
+ return format("format((a%s %% 1 == 0) and '%%i' or '%%%sf',a%s)",n,f,n)
+ end
+-- if string.f9 then
+-- format_F = function(f) -- beware, no cast to number
+-- n = n + 1
+-- if not f or f == "" then
+-- return format("(((a%s > -0.0000000005 and a%s < 0.0000000005) and '0') or FORMAT(a%s))",n,n,n,n,n)
+-- else
+-- return format("((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s) or FORMAT(a%s,'%%%sf'))",n,n,n,f)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+local format_k = function(b,a) -- slow
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("formattedfloat(a%s,%s,%s)",n,b or 0,a or 0)
+local format_g = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("format('%%%sg',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_G = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("format('%%%sG',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_e = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("format('%%%se',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_E = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("format('%%%sE',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_j = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("sparseexponent('%%%se',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_J = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("sparseexponent('%%%sE',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_x = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("format('%%%sx',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_X = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("format('%%%sX',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_o = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("format('%%%so',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_c = function()
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("utfchar(a%s)",n)
+local format_C = function()
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("tracedchar(a%s)",n)
+local format_r = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("format('%%%s.0f',a%s)",f,n)
+local format_h = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ if f == "-" then
+ f = sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('0x%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
+ end
+local format_H = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ if f == "-" then
+ f = sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('0x%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
+ end
+local format_u = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ if f == "-" then
+ f = sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('u+%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
+ end
+local format_U = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ if f == "-" then
+ f = sub(f,2)
+ return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
+ else
+ return format("format('U+%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f == "" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
+ end
+local format_p = function()
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("points(a%s)",n)
+local format_b = function()
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("basepoints(a%s)",n)
+local format_t = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ if f and f ~= "" then
+ return format("concat(a%s,%q)",n,f)
+ else
+ return format("concat(a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_T = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ if f and f ~= "" then
+ return format("sequenced(a%s,%q)",n,f)
+ else
+ return format("sequenced(a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_l = function()
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("(a%s and 'true' or 'false')",n)
+local format_L = function()
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("(a%s and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')",n)
+local format_n = function() -- strips leading and trailing zeros and removes .0
+ n = n + 1
+ return format("((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s) or tostring(a%s))",n,n,n)
+-- local format_N = function() -- strips leading and trailing zeros (also accepts string)
+-- n = n + 1
+-- return format("tostring(tonumber(a%s) or a%s)",n,n)
+-- end
+-- local format_N = function(f) -- strips leading and trailing zeros
+-- n = n + 1
+-- -- stripzero (singular) as we only have a number
+-- if not f or f == "" then
+-- return format("(((a%s > -0.0000000005 and a%s < 0.0000000005) and '0') or ((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s)) or lpegmatch(stripzero,format('%%.9f',a%s)))",n,n,n,n,n)
+-- else
+-- return format("(((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s)) or lpegmatch(stripzero,format('%%%sf',a%s)))",n,n,f,n)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- local format_N = function(f) -- strips leading and trailing zeros
+-- n = n + 1
+-- -- stripzero (singular) as we only have a number
+-- if not f or f == "" then
+-- return format("(((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s)) or ((a%s > -0.0000000005 and a%s < 0.0000000005) and '0') or lpegmatch(stripzero,format('%%.9f',a%s)))",n,n,n,n,n)
+-- else
+-- return format("(((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s)) or lpegmatch(stripzero,format('%%%sf',a%s)))",n,n,f,n)
+-- end
+-- end
+local format_N = function(f) -- strips leading and trailing zeros
+ n = n + 1
+ -- stripzero (singular) as we only have a number
+ if not f or f == "" then
+ f = ".9"
+ end -- always a leading number !
+ return format("(((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s)) or lpegmatch(stripzero,format('%%%sf',a%s)))",n,n,f,n)
+local format_a = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ if f and f ~= "" then
+ return format("autosingle(a%s,%q)",n,f)
+ else
+ return format("autosingle(a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_A = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ if f and f ~= "" then
+ return format("autodouble(a%s,%q)",n,f)
+ else
+ return format("autodouble(a%s)",n)
+ end
+local format_w = function(f) -- handy when doing depth related indent
+ n = n + 1
+ f = tonumber(f)
+ if f then -- not that useful
+ return format("nspaces[%s+a%s]",f,n) -- no real need for tonumber
+ else
+ return format("nspaces[a%s]",n) -- no real need for tonumber
+ end
+local format_W = function(f) -- handy when doing depth related indent
+ return format("nspaces[%s]",tonumber(f) or 0)
+local format_m = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ if not f or f == "" then
+ f = ","
+ end
+ if f == "0" then
+ return format([[formattednumber(a%s,false)]],n)
+ else
+ return format([[formattednumber(a%s,%q,".")]],n,f)
+ end
+local format_M = function(f)
+ n = n + 1
+ if not f or f == "" then
+ f = "."
+ end
+ if f == "0" then
+ return format([[formattednumber(a%s,false)]],n)
+ else
+ return format([[formattednumber(a%s,%q,",")]],n,f)
+ end
+local format_z = function(f)
+ n = n + (tonumber(f) or 1)
+ return "''" -- okay, not that efficient to append '' but a special case anyway
+-- local strip
+-- local format_Z = function(f)
+-- n = n + 1
+-- if not f or f == "" then
+-- f = ".9"
+-- end
+-- return format("(((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s)) or (strip and lpegmatch(stripzero,format('%%%sf',a%s))) or format('%%%sf',a%s))",n,n,f,n,f,n)
+-- end
+-- function strings.stripformatterzeros()
+-- strip = true
+-- end
+-- add(formatters,"texexp", [[texexp(...)]], "local texexp = metapost.texexp")
+-- add(formatters,"foo:bar",[[foo(...)]], { foo = function(...) print(...) return "!" end })
+-- print(string.formatters["foo %3!foo:bar! bar"](1,2,3))
+local format_rest = function(s)
+ return format("%q",s) -- catches " and \n and such
+-- local format_extension = function(extensions,f,name)
+-- local extension = extensions[name] or "tostring(%s)"
+-- local f = tonumber(f) or 1
+-- local w = find(extension,"%.%.%.")
+-- if f == 0 then
+-- if w then
+-- extension = gsub(extension,"%.%.%.","")
+-- end
+-- return extension
+-- elseif f == 1 then
+-- if w then
+-- extension = gsub(extension,"%.%.%.","%%s")
+-- end
+-- n = n + 1
+-- local a = "a" .. n
+-- return format(extension,a,a) -- maybe more times?
+-- elseif f < 0 then
+-- local a = "a" .. (n + f + 1)
+-- return format(extension,a,a)
+-- else
+-- if w then
+-- extension = gsub(extension,"%.%.%.",rep("%%s,",f-1).."%%s")
+-- end
+-- -- we could fill an array and then n = n + 1 unpack(t,n,n+f) but as we
+-- -- cache we don't save much and there are hardly any extensions anyway
+-- local t = { }
+-- for i=1,f do
+-- n = n + 1
+-- -- t[#t+1] = "a" .. n
+-- t[i] = "a" .. n
+-- end
+-- return format(extension,unpack(t))
+-- end
+-- end
+local format_extension = function(extensions,f,name)
+ local extension = extensions[name] or "tostring(%s)"
+ local f = tonumber(f) or 1
+ local w = find(extension,"%.%.%.")
+ if w then
+ -- we have a wildcard
+ if f == 0 then
+ extension = gsub(extension,"%.%.%.","")
+ return extension
+ elseif f == 1 then
+ extension = gsub(extension,"%.%.%.","%%s")
+ n = n + 1
+ local a = "a" .. n
+ return format(extension,a,a) -- maybe more times?
+ elseif f < 0 then
+ local a = "a" .. (n + f + 1)
+ return format(extension,a,a)
+ else
+ extension = gsub(extension,"%.%.%.",rep("%%s,",f-1).."%%s")
+ -- we could fill an array and then n = n + 1 unpack(t,n,n+f) but as we
+ -- cache we don't save much and there are hardly any extensions anyway
+ local t = { }
+ for i=1,f do
+ n = n + 1
+ -- t[#t+1] = "a" .. n
+ t[i] = "a" .. n
+ end
+ return format(extension,unpack(t))
+ end
+ else
+ extension = gsub(extension,"%%s",function()
+ n = n + 1
+ return "a" .. n
+ end)
+ return extension
+ end
+-- aA b cC d eE f gG hH iI jJ lL mM N o p qQ r sS tT uU wW xX z
+-- extensions : %!tag!
+-- can be made faster but not called that often
+local builder = Cs { "start",
+ start = (
+ (
+ P("%") / ""
+ * (
+ V("!") -- new
+ + V("s") + V("q")
+ + V("i") + V("d")
+ + V("f") + V("F") + V("g") + V("G") + V("e") + V("E")
+ + V("x") + V("X") + V("o")
+ --
+ + V("c")
+ + V("C")
+ + V("S") -- new
+ + V("Q") -- new
+ + V("n") -- new
+ + V("N") -- new
+ + V("k") -- new
+ --
+ + V("r")
+ + V("h") + V("H") + V("u") + V("U")
+ + V("p") + V("b")
+ + V("t") + V("T")
+ + V("l") + V("L")
+ + V("I")
+ + V("w") -- new
+ + V("W") -- new
+ + V("a") -- new
+ + V("A") -- new
+ + V("j") + V("J") -- stripped e E
+ + V("m") + V("M") -- new (formatted number)
+ + V("z") -- new
+ --
+ + V(">") -- left padding
+ + V("<") -- right padding
+ --
+ -- + V("?") -- ignored, probably messed up %
+ )
+ + V("*")
+ )
+ * (endofstring + Carg(1))
+ )^0,
+ --
+ ["s"] = (prefix_any * P("s")) / format_s, -- %s => regular %s (string)
+ ["q"] = (prefix_any * P("q")) / format_q, -- %q => regular %q (quoted string)
+ ["i"] = (prefix_any * P("i")) / format_i, -- %i => regular %i (integer)
+ ["d"] = (prefix_any * P("d")) / format_d, -- %d => regular %d (integer)
+ ["f"] = (prefix_any * P("f")) / format_f, -- %f => regular %f (float)
+ ["F"] = (prefix_any * P("F")) / format_F, -- %F => regular %f (float) but 0/1 check
+ ["g"] = (prefix_any * P("g")) / format_g, -- %g => regular %g (float)
+ ["G"] = (prefix_any * P("G")) / format_G, -- %G => regular %G (float)
+ ["e"] = (prefix_any * P("e")) / format_e, -- %e => regular %e (float)
+ ["E"] = (prefix_any * P("E")) / format_E, -- %E => regular %E (float)
+ ["x"] = (prefix_any * P("x")) / format_x, -- %x => regular %x (hexadecimal)
+ ["X"] = (prefix_any * P("X")) / format_X, -- %X => regular %X (HEXADECIMAL)
+ ["o"] = (prefix_any * P("o")) / format_o, -- %o => regular %o (octal)
+ --
+ ["S"] = (prefix_any * P("S")) / format_S, -- %S => %s (tostring)
+ ["Q"] = (prefix_any * P("Q")) / format_Q, -- %Q => %q (tostring)
+ ["n"] = (prefix_any * P("n")) / format_n, -- %n => tonumber (strips leading and trailing zeros, as well as .0, expects number)
+ ["N"] = (prefix_any * P("N")) / format_N, -- %N => tonumber (strips leading and trailing zeros, also takes string)
+ ["k"] = (prefix_sub * P("k")) / format_k, -- %k => like f but with n.m
+ ["c"] = (prefix_any * P("c")) / format_c, -- %c => utf character (extension to regular)
+ ["C"] = (prefix_any * P("C")) / format_C, -- %c => U+.... utf character
+ --
+ ["r"] = (prefix_any * P("r")) / format_r, -- %r => round
+ ["h"] = (prefix_any * P("h")) / format_h, -- %h => 0x0a1b2 (when - no 0x) was v
+ ["H"] = (prefix_any * P("H")) / format_H, -- %H => 0x0A1B2 (when - no 0x) was V
+ ["u"] = (prefix_any * P("u")) / format_u, -- %u => u+0a1b2 (when - no u+)
+ ["U"] = (prefix_any * P("U")) / format_U, -- %U => U+0A1B2 (when - no U+)
+ ["p"] = (prefix_any * P("p")) / format_p, -- %p => 12.345pt / maybe: P (and more units)
+ ["b"] = (prefix_any * P("b")) / format_b, -- %b => 12.342bp / maybe: B (and more units)
+ ["t"] = (prefix_tab * P("t")) / format_t, -- %t => concat
+ ["T"] = (prefix_tab * P("T")) / format_T, -- %t => sequenced
+ ["l"] = (prefix_any * P("l")) / format_l, -- %l => boolean
+ ["L"] = (prefix_any * P("L")) / format_L, -- %L => BOOLEAN
+ ["I"] = (prefix_any * P("I")) / format_I, -- %I => signed integer
+ --
+ ["w"] = (prefix_any * P("w")) / format_w, -- %w => n spaces (optional prefix is added)
+ ["W"] = (prefix_any * P("W")) / format_W, -- %W => mandate prefix, no specifier
+ --
+ ["j"] = (prefix_any * P("j")) / format_j, -- %j => %e (float) stripped exponent (irrational)
+ ["J"] = (prefix_any * P("J")) / format_J, -- %J => %E (float) stripped exponent (irrational)
+ --
+ ["m"] = (prefix_any * P("m")) / format_m, -- %m =>,xx (optional prefix instead of .)
+ ["M"] = (prefix_any * P("M")) / format_M, -- %M => xxx,xxx,xxx.xx (optional prefix instead of ,)
+ --
+ ["z"] = (prefix_any * P("z")) / format_z, -- %z => skip n arguments
+ -- ["Z"] = (prefix_any * P("Z")) / format_Z, -- %Z => optionally strip zeros
+ --
+ ["a"] = (prefix_any * P("a")) / format_a, -- %a => '...' (forces tostring)
+ ["A"] = (prefix_any * P("A")) / format_A, -- %A => "..." (forces tostring)
+ --
+ ["<"] = (prefix_any * P("<")) / format_left,
+ [">"] = (prefix_any * P(">")) / format_right,
+ --
+ ["*"] = Cs(((1-P("%"))^1 + P("%%")/"%%")^1) / format_rest, -- rest (including %%)
+ ["?"] = Cs(((1-P("%"))^1 )^1) / format_rest, -- rest (including %%)
+ --
+ ["!"] = Carg(2) * prefix_any * P("!") * C((1-P("!"))^1) * P("!") / format_extension,
+-- We can be clever and only alias what is needed:
+local xx = setmetatable({ }, { __index = function(t,k) local v = format("%02x",k) t[k] = v return v end })
+local XX = setmetatable({ }, { __index = function(t,k) local v = format("%02X",k) t[k] = v return v end })
+local preset = {
+ ["%02x"] = function(n) return xx[n] end,
+ ["%02X"] = function(n) return XX[n] end,
+local direct =
+ P("%") * (sign + space + period + digit)^0 * S("sqidfgGeExXo") * endofstring
+ / [[local format = string.format return function(str) return format("%0",str) end]]
+local function make(t,str)
+ local f = preset[str]
+ if f then
+ return f
+ end
+ local p = lpegmatch(direct,str)
+ if p then
+ -- print("builder 1 >",p)
+ f = loadstripped(p)()
+ else
+ n = 0 -- used in patterns
+ -- p = lpegmatch(builder,str,1,"..",t._extensions_) -- after this we know n
+ p = lpegmatch(builder,str,1,t._connector_,t._extensions_) -- after this we know n
+ if n > 0 then
+ p = format(template,preamble,t._preamble_,arguments[n],p)
+ -- print("builder 2 >",p)
+ f = loadstripped(p,t._environment_)() -- t._environment is not populated (was experiment)
+ else
+ f = function() return str end
+ end
+ end
+ -- if jit then jit.on(f,true) end
+ t[str] = f
+ return f
+-- -- collect periodically
+-- local threshold = 1000 -- max nof cached formats
+-- local function make(t,str)
+-- local f = rawget(t,str)
+-- if f then
+-- return f
+-- end
+-- local parent = t._t_
+-- if parent._n_ > threshold then
+-- local m = { _t_ = parent }
+-- getmetatable(parent).__index = m
+-- setmetatable(m, { __index = make })
+-- else
+-- parent._n_ = parent._n_ + 1
+-- end
+-- local f
+-- local p = lpegmatch(direct,str)
+-- if p then
+-- f = loadstripped(p)()
+-- else
+-- n = 0
+-- p = lpegmatch(builder,str,1,"..",parent._extensions_) -- after this we know n
+-- if n > 0 then
+-- p = format(template,preamble,parent._preamble_,arguments[n],p)
+-- -- print("builder>",p)
+-- f = loadstripped(p)()
+-- else
+-- f = function() return str end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- t[str] = f
+-- return f
+-- end
+local function use(t,fmt,...)
+ return t[fmt](...)
+strings.formatters = { }
+-- we cannot make these tables weak, unless we start using an indirect
+-- table (metatable) in which case we could better keep a count and
+-- clear that table when a threshold is reached
+-- _connector_ is an experiment
+ local e = { } -- better make a copy as we can overload
+ for k, v in next, environment do
+ e[k] = v
+ end
+ local t = {
+ _type_ = "formatter",
+ _connector_ = noconcat and "," or "..",
+ _extensions_ = { },
+ _preamble_ = "",
+ _environment_ = e,
+ }
+ setmetatable(t, { __index = make, __call = use })
+ return t
+local formatters = -- the default instance
+string.formatters = formatters -- in the main string namespace
+string.formatter = function(str,...) return formatters[str](...) end -- sometimes nicer name
+local function add(t,name,template,preamble)
+ if type(t) == "table" and t._type_ == "formatter" then
+ t._extensions_[name] = template or "%s"
+ if type(preamble) == "string" then
+ t._preamble_ = preamble .. "\n" .. t._preamble_ -- so no overload !
+ elseif type(preamble) == "table" then
+ for k, v in next, preamble do
+ t._environment_[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+strings.formatters.add = add
+-- registered in the default instance (should we fall back on this one?)
+patterns.xmlescape = Cs((P("<")/"&lt;" + P(">")/"&gt;" + P("&")/"&amp;" + P('"')/"&quot;" + anything)^0)
+patterns.texescape = Cs((C(S("#$%\\{}"))/"\\%1" + anything)^0)
+patterns.luaescape = Cs(((1-S('"\n'))^1 + P('"')/'\\"' + P('\n')/'\\n"')^0) -- maybe also \0
+patterns.luaquoted = Cs(Cc('"') * ((1-S('"\n'))^1 + P('"')/'\\"' + P('\n')/'\\n"')^0 * Cc('"'))
+-- escaping by lpeg is faster for strings without quotes, slower on a string with quotes, but
+-- faster again when other q-escapables are found (the ones we don't need to escape)
+add(formatters,"xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],{ xmlescape = patterns.xmlescape })
+add(formatters,"tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],{ texescape = patterns.texescape })
+add(formatters,"lua",[[lpegmatch(luaescape,%s)]],{ luaescape = patterns.luaescape })
+-- -- yes or no:
+-- local function make(t,str)
+-- local f
+-- local p = lpegmatch(direct,str)
+-- if p then
+-- f = loadstripped(p)()
+-- else
+-- n = 0
+-- p = lpegmatch(builder,str,1,",") -- after this we know n
+-- if n > 0 then
+-- p = format(template,template_shortcuts,arguments[n],p)
+-- f = loadstripped(p)()
+-- else
+-- f = function() return str end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- t[str] = f
+-- return f
+-- end
+-- local formatteds = string.formatteds or { }
+-- string.formatteds = formatteds
+-- setmetatable(formatteds, { __index = make, __call = use })
+-- This is a somewhat silly one used in commandline reconstruction but the older
+-- method, using a combination of fine, gsub, quoted and unquoted was not that
+-- reliable.
+-- '"foo"bar \"and " whatever"' => "foo\"bar \"and \" whatever"
+-- 'foo"bar \"and " whatever' => "foo\"bar \"and \" whatever"
+local dquote = patterns.dquote -- P('"')
+local equote = patterns.escaped + dquote / '\\"' + 1
+local cquote = Cc('"')
+local pattern =
+ Cs(dquote * (equote - P(-2))^0 * dquote) -- we keep the outer but escape unescaped ones
+ + Cs(cquote * (equote - space)^0 * space * equote^0 * cquote) -- we escape unescaped ones
+function string.optionalquoted(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str) or str
+local pattern = Cs((newline / (os.newline or "\r") + 1)^0)
+function string.replacenewlines(str)
+ return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+function strings.newcollector()
+ local result, r = { }, 0
+ return
+ function(fmt,str,...) -- write
+ r = r + 1
+ result[r] = str == nil and fmt or formatters[fmt](str,...)
+ end,
+ function(connector) -- flush
+ if result then
+ local str = concat(result,connector)
+ result, r = { }, 0
+ return str
+ end
+ end
+local f_16_16 = formatters["%0.5N"]
+function number.to16dot16(n)
+ return f_16_16(n/65536.0)
+if not string.explode then
+ local tsplitat = lpeg.tsplitat
+ local p_utf = patterns.utf8character
+ local p_check = C(p_utf) * (P("+") * Cc(true))^0
+ local p_split = Ct(C(p_utf)^0)
+ local p_space = Ct((C(1-P(" ")^1) + P(" ")^1)^0)
+ function string.explode(str,symbol)
+ if symbol == "" then
+ return lpegmatch(p_split,str)
+ elseif symbol then
+ local a, b = lpegmatch(p_check,symbol)
+ if b then
+ return lpegmatch(tsplitat(P(a)^1),str)
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(tsplitat(a),str)
+ end
+ else
+ return lpegmatch(p_space,str)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-tab.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-tab.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f970d8ace0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-tab.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-tab'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+utilities = utilities or {}
+utilities.tables = utilities.tables or { }
+local tables = utilities.tables
+local format, gmatch, gsub, sub = string.format, string.gmatch, string.gsub, string.sub
+local concat, insert, remove, sort = table.concat, table.insert, table.remove, table.sort
+local setmetatable, getmetatable, tonumber, tostring, rawget = setmetatable, getmetatable, tonumber, tostring, rawget
+local type, next, rawset, tonumber, tostring, load, select = type, next, rawset, tonumber, tostring, load, select
+local lpegmatch, P, Cs, Cc = lpeg.match, lpeg.P, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cc
+local sortedkeys, sortedpairs = table.sortedkeys, table.sortedpairs
+local formatters = string.formatters
+local utftoeight = utf.toeight
+local splitter = lpeg.tsplitat(".")
+function utilities.tables.definetable(target,nofirst,nolast) -- defines undefined tables
+ local composed = nil
+ local t = { }
+ local snippets = lpegmatch(splitter,target)
+ for i=1,#snippets - (nolast and 1 or 0) do
+ local name = snippets[i]
+ if composed then
+ composed = composed .. "." .. name
+ t[#t+1] = formatters["if not %s then %s = { } end"](composed,composed)
+ else
+ composed = name
+ if not nofirst then
+ t[#t+1] = formatters["%s = %s or { }"](composed,composed)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if composed then
+ if nolast then
+ composed = composed .. "." .. snippets[#snippets]
+ end
+ return concat(t,"\n"), composed -- could be shortcut
+ else
+ return "", target
+ end
+-- local t = tables.definedtable("a","b","c","d")
+function tables.definedtable(...)
+ local t = _G
+ for i=1,select("#",...) do
+ local li = select(i,...)
+ local tl = t[li]
+ if not tl then
+ tl = { }
+ t[li] = tl
+ end
+ t = tl
+ end
+ return t
+function tables.accesstable(target,root)
+ local t = root or _G
+ for name in gmatch(target,"([^%.]+)") do
+ t = t[name]
+ if not t then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+function tables.migratetable(target,v,root)
+ local t = root or _G
+ local names = lpegmatch(splitter,target)
+ for i=1,#names-1 do
+ local name = names[i]
+ t[name] = t[name] or { }
+ t = t[name]
+ if not t then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ t[names[#names]] = v
+function tables.removevalue(t,value) -- todo: n
+ if value then
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i] == value then
+ remove(t,i)
+ -- remove all, so no: return
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function tables.replacevalue(t,oldvalue,newvalue)
+ if oldvalue and newvalue then
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i] == oldvalue then
+ t[i] = newvalue
+ -- replace all, so no: return
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function tables.insertbeforevalue(t,value,extra)
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i] == extra then
+ remove(t,i)
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i] == value then
+ insert(t,i,extra)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ insert(t,1,extra)
+function tables.insertaftervalue(t,value,extra)
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i] == extra then
+ remove(t,i)
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i] == value then
+ insert(t,i+1,extra)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ insert(t,#t+1,extra)
+-- experimental
+local escape = Cs(Cc('"') * ((P('"')/'""' + P(1))^0) * Cc('"'))
+function table.tocsv(t,specification)
+ if t and #t > 0 then
+ local result = { }
+ local r = { }
+ specification = specification or { }
+ local fields = specification.fields
+ if type(fields) ~= "string" then
+ fields = sortedkeys(t[1])
+ end
+ local separator = specification.separator or ","
+ local noffields = #fields
+ if specification.preamble == true then
+ for f=1,noffields do
+ r[f] = lpegmatch(escape,tostring(fields[f]))
+ end
+ result[1] = concat(r,separator)
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local ti = t[i]
+ for f=1,noffields do
+ local field = ti[fields[f]]
+ if type(field) == "string" then
+ r[f] = lpegmatch(escape,field)
+ else
+ r[f] = tostring(field)
+ end
+ end
+ -- result[#result+1] = concat(r,separator)
+ result[i+1] = concat(r,separator)
+ end
+ return concat(result,"\n")
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+-- local nspaces = utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ")
+-- local escape = Cs((P("<")/"&lt;" + P(">")/"&gt;" + P("&")/"&amp;" + P(1))^0)
+-- local function toxml(t,d,result,step)
+-- for k, v in sortedpairs(t) do
+-- local s = nspaces[d]
+-- local tk = type(k)
+-- local tv = type(v)
+-- if tv == "table" then
+-- if tk == "number" then
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%s<entry n='%s'>",s,k)
+-- toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%s</entry>",s,k)
+-- else
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%s<%s>",s,k)
+-- toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%s</%s>",s,k)
+-- end
+-- elseif tv == "string" then
+-- if tk == "number" then
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%s<entry n='%s'>%s</entry>",s,k,lpegmatch(escape,v),k)
+-- else
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%s<%s>%s</%s>",s,k,lpegmatch(escape,v),k)
+-- end
+-- elseif tk == "number" then
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%s<entry n='%s'>%s</entry>",s,k,tostring(v),k)
+-- else
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%s<%s>%s</%s>",s,k,tostring(v),k)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- much faster
+local nspaces = utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ")
+local function toxml(t,d,result,step)
+ local r = #result
+ for k, v in sortedpairs(t) do
+ local s = nspaces[d] -- inlining this is somewhat faster but gives more formatters
+ local tk = type(k)
+ local tv = type(v)
+ if tv == "table" then
+ if tk == "number" then
+ r = r + 1 result[r] = formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>"](s,k)
+ toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
+ r = r + 1 result[r] = formatters["%s</entry>"](s,k)
+ else
+ r = r + 1 result[r] = formatters["%s<%s>"](s,k)
+ toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
+ r = r + 1 result[r] = formatters["%s</%s>"](s,k)
+ end
+ elseif tv == "string" then
+ if tk == "number" then
+ r = r + 1 result[r] = formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>%!xml!</entry>"](s,k,v,k)
+ else
+ r = r + 1 result[r] = formatters["%s<%s>%!xml!</%s>"](s,k,v,k)
+ end
+ elseif tk == "number" then
+ r = r + 1 result[r] = formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>%S</entry>"](s,k,v,k)
+ else
+ r = r + 1 result[r] = formatters["%s<%s>%S</%s>"](s,k,v,k)
+ end
+ end
+-- function table.toxml(t,name,nobanner,indent,spaces)
+-- local noroot = name == false
+-- local result = (nobanner or noroot) and { } or { "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>" }
+-- local indent = rep(" ",indent or 0)
+-- local spaces = rep(" ",spaces or 1)
+-- if noroot then
+-- toxml( t, inndent, result, spaces)
+-- else
+-- toxml( { [name or "root"] = t }, indent, result, spaces)
+-- end
+-- return concat(result,"\n")
+-- end
+function table.toxml(t,specification)
+ specification = specification or { }
+ local name =
+ local noroot = name == false
+ local result = (specification.nobanner or noroot) and { } or { "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>" }
+ local indent = specification.indent or 0
+ local spaces = specification.spaces or 1
+ if noroot then
+ toxml( t, indent, result, spaces)
+ else
+ toxml( { [name or "data"] = t }, indent, result, spaces)
+ end
+ return concat(result,"\n")
+-- also experimental
+-- encapsulate(table,utilities.tables)
+-- encapsulate(table,utilities.tables,true)
+-- encapsulate(table,true)
+function tables.encapsulate(core,capsule,protect)
+ if type(capsule) ~= "table" then
+ protect = true
+ capsule = { }
+ end
+ for key, value in next, core do
+ if capsule[key] then
+ print(formatters["\ninvalid %s %a in %a"]("inheritance",key,core))
+ os.exit()
+ else
+ capsule[key] = value
+ end
+ end
+ if protect then
+ for key, value in next, core do
+ core[key] = nil
+ end
+ setmetatable(core, {
+ __index = capsule,
+ __newindex = function(t,key,value)
+ if capsule[key] then
+ print(formatters["\ninvalid %s %a' in %a"]("overload",key,core))
+ os.exit()
+ else
+ rawset(t,key,value)
+ end
+ end
+ } )
+ end
+-- best keep [%q] keys (as we have some in older applications i.e. saving user data (otherwise
+-- we also need to check for reserved words)
+local f_hashed_string = formatters["[%Q]=%Q,"]
+local f_hashed_number = formatters["[%Q]=%s,"]
+local f_hashed_boolean = formatters["[%Q]=%l,"]
+local f_hashed_table = formatters["[%Q]="]
+local f_indexed_string = formatters["[%s]=%Q,"]
+local f_indexed_number = formatters["[%s]=%s,"]
+local f_indexed_boolean = formatters["[%s]=%l,"]
+local f_indexed_table = formatters["[%s]="]
+local f_ordered_string = formatters["%Q,"]
+local f_ordered_number = formatters["%s,"]
+local f_ordered_boolean = formatters["%l,"]
+function table.fastserialize(t,prefix) -- todo, move local function out
+ -- prefix should contain the =
+ -- not sorted
+ -- only number and string indices (currently)
+ local r = { type(prefix) == "string" and prefix or "return" }
+ local m = 1
+ local function fastserialize(t,outer) -- no mixes
+ local n = #t
+ m = m + 1
+ r[m] = "{"
+ if n > 0 then
+ for i=0,n do
+ local v = t[i]
+ local tv = type(v)
+ if tv == "string" then
+ m = m + 1 r[m] = f_ordered_string(v)
+ elseif tv == "number" then
+ m = m + 1 r[m] = f_ordered_number(v)
+ elseif tv == "table" then
+ fastserialize(v)
+ elseif tv == "boolean" then
+ m = m + 1 r[m] = f_ordered_boolean(v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for k, v in next, t do
+ local tk = type(k)
+ if tk == "number" then
+ if k > n or k < 0 then
+ local tv = type(v)
+ if tv == "string" then
+ m = m + 1 r[m] = f_indexed_string(k,v)
+ elseif tv == "number" then
+ m = m + 1 r[m] = f_indexed_number(k,v)
+ elseif tv == "table" then
+ m = m + 1 r[m] = f_indexed_table(k)
+ fastserialize(v)
+ elseif tv == "boolean" then
+ m = m + 1 r[m] = f_indexed_boolean(k,v)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local tv = type(v)
+ if tv == "string" then
+ m = m + 1 r[m] = f_hashed_string(k,v)
+ elseif tv == "number" then
+ m = m + 1 r[m] = f_hashed_number(k,v)
+ elseif tv == "table" then
+ m = m + 1 r[m] = f_hashed_table(k)
+ fastserialize(v)
+ elseif tv == "boolean" then
+ m = m + 1 r[m] = f_hashed_boolean(k,v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ m = m + 1
+ if outer then
+ r[m] = "}"
+ else
+ r[m] = "},"
+ end
+ return r
+ end
+ return concat(fastserialize(t,true))
+function table.deserialize(str)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ return
+ end
+ local code = load(str)
+ if not code then
+ return
+ end
+ code = code()
+ if not code then
+ return
+ end
+ return code
+-- inspect(table.fastserialize { a = 1, b = { 4, { 5, 6 } }, c = { d = 7, e = 'f"g\nh' } })
+function table.load(filename,loader)
+ if filename then
+ local t = (loader or io.loaddata)(filename)
+ if t and t ~= "" then
+ local t = utftoeight(t)
+ t = load(t)
+ if type(t) == "function" then
+ t = t()
+ if type(t) == "table" then
+ return t
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ io.savedata(filename,table.serialize(t,n == nil and true or n,...)) -- no frozen table.serialize
+local f_key_value = formatters["%s=%q"]
+local f_add_table = formatters[" {%t},\n"]
+local f_return_table = formatters["return {\n%t}"]
+local function slowdrop(t) -- maybe less memory (intermediate concat)
+ local r = { }
+ local l = { }
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local ti = t[i]
+ local j = 0
+ for k, v in next, ti do
+ j = j + 1
+ l[j] = f_key_value(k,v)
+ end
+ r[i] = f_add_table(l)
+ end
+ return f_return_table(r)
+local function fastdrop(t)
+ local r = { "return {\n" }
+ local m = 1
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local ti = t[i]
+ m = m + 1 r[m] = " {"
+ for k, v in next, ti do
+ m = m + 1 r[m] = f_key_value(k,v)
+ end
+ m = m + 1 r[m] = "},\n"
+ end
+ m = m + 1
+ r[m] = "}"
+ return concat(r)
+function table.drop(t,slow) -- only { { a=2 }, {a=3} } -- for special cases
+ if #t == 0 then
+ return "return { }"
+ elseif slow == true then
+ return slowdrop(t) -- less memory
+ else
+ return fastdrop(t) -- some 15% faster
+ end
+-- inspect(table.drop({ { a=2 }, {a=3} }))
+-- inspect(table.drop({ { a=2 }, {a=3} },true))
+-- function table.autokey(t,k) -- replaced
+-- local v = { }
+-- t[k] = v
+-- return v
+-- end
+local selfmapper = { __index = function(t,k) t[k] = k return k end }
+function table.twowaymapper(t) -- takes a 0/1 .. n indexed table and returns
+ if not t then -- it with string-numbers as indices + reverse
+ t = { } -- mapping (all strings) .. used in cvs etc but
+ else -- typically a helper that one forgets about
+ local zero = rawget(t,0) -- so it might move someplace else
+ for i=zero and 0 or 1,#t do
+ local ti = t[i] -- t[1] = "one"
+ if ti then
+ local i = tostring(i)
+ t[i] = ti -- t["1"] = "one"
+ t[ti] = i -- t["one"] = "1"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- setmetatableindex(t,"key")
+ setmetatable(t,selfmapper)
+ return t
+-- The next version is somewhat faster, although in practice one will seldom
+-- serialize a lot using this one. Often the above variants are more efficient.
+-- If we would really need this a lot, we could hash q keys, or just not used
+-- indented code.
+-- char-def.lua : 0.53 -> 0.38
+-- husayni.tma : 0.28 -> 0.19
+local f_start_key_idx = formatters["%w{"]
+local f_start_key_num = formatters["%w[%s]={"]
+local f_start_key_str = formatters["%w[%q]={"]
+local f_start_key_boo = formatters["%w[%l]={"]
+local f_start_key_nop = formatters["%w{"]
+local f_stop = formatters["%w},"]
+local f_key_num_value_num = formatters["%w[%s]=%s,"]
+local f_key_str_value_num = formatters["%w[%Q]=%s,"]
+local f_key_boo_value_num = formatters["%w[%l]=%s,"]
+local f_key_num_value_str = formatters["%w[%s]=%Q,"]
+local f_key_str_value_str = formatters["%w[%Q]=%Q,"]
+local f_key_boo_value_str = formatters["%w[%l]=%Q,"]
+local f_key_num_value_boo = formatters["%w[%s]=%l,"]
+local f_key_str_value_boo = formatters["%w[%Q]=%l,"]
+local f_key_boo_value_boo = formatters["%w[%l]=%l,"]
+local f_key_num_value_not = formatters["%w[%s]={},"]
+local f_key_str_value_not = formatters["%w[%Q]={},"]
+local f_key_boo_value_not = formatters["%w[%l]={},"]
+local f_key_num_value_seq = formatters["%w[%s]={ %, t },"]
+local f_key_str_value_seq = formatters["%w[%Q]={ %, t },"]
+local f_key_boo_value_seq = formatters["%w[%l]={ %, t },"]
+local f_val_num = formatters["%w%s,"]
+local f_val_str = formatters["%w%Q,"]
+local f_val_boo = formatters["%w%l,"]
+local f_val_not = formatters["%w{},"]
+local f_val_seq = formatters["%w{ %, t },"]
+local f_fin_seq = formatters[" %, t }"]
+local f_table_return = formatters["return {"]
+local f_table_name = formatters["%s={"]
+local f_table_direct = formatters["{"]
+local f_table_entry = formatters["[%Q]={"]
+local f_table_finish = formatters["}"]
+----- f_string = formatters["%q"]
+local spaces = utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ")
+local original_serialize = table.serialize -- the extensive one, the one we started with
+-- there is still room for optimization: index run, key run, but i need to check with the
+-- latest lua for the value of #n (with holes) .. anyway for tracing purposes we want
+-- indices / keys being sorted, so it will never be real fast
+local is_simple_table = table.is_simple_table
+-- local function is_simple_table(t)
+-- local nt = #t
+-- if nt > 0 then
+-- local n = 0
+-- for _, v in next, t do
+-- n = n + 1
+-- if type(v) == "table" then
+-- return nil
+-- end
+-- end
+-- -- local haszero = t[0]
+-- local haszero = rawget(t,0) -- don't trigger meta
+-- if n == nt then
+-- local tt = { }
+-- for i=1,nt do
+-- local v = t[i]
+-- local tv = type(v)
+-- if tv == "number" then
+-- tt[i] = v -- not needed tostring(v)
+-- elseif tv == "string" then
+-- tt[i] = format("%q",v) -- f_string(v)
+-- elseif tv == "boolean" then
+-- tt[i] = v and "true" or "false"
+-- else
+-- return nil
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return tt
+-- elseif haszero and (n == nt + 1) then
+-- local tt = { }
+-- for i=0,nt do
+-- local v = t[i]
+-- local tv = type(v)
+-- if tv == "number" then
+-- tt[i+1] = v -- not needed tostring(v)
+-- elseif tv == "string" then
+-- tt[i+1] = format("%q",v) -- f_string(v)
+-- elseif tv == "boolean" then
+-- tt[i+1] = v and "true" or "false"
+-- else
+-- return nil
+-- end
+-- end
+-- tt[1] = "[0] = " .. tt[1]
+-- return tt
+-- end
+-- end
+-- return nil
+-- end
+-- In order to overcome the luajit (65K constant) limitation I tried a split approach,
+-- i.e. outputting the first level tables as locals but that failed with large cjk
+-- fonts too so I removed that ... just use luatex instead.
+local function serialize(root,name,specification)
+ if type(specification) == "table" then
+ return original_serialize(root,name,specification) -- the original one
+ end
+ local t -- = { }
+ local n = 1
+ local unknown = false
+ local function do_serialize(root,name,depth,level,indexed)
+ if level > 0 then
+ n = n + 1
+ if indexed then
+ t[n] = f_start_key_idx(depth)
+ else
+ local tn = type(name)
+ if tn == "number" then
+ t[n] = f_start_key_num(depth,name)
+ elseif tn == "string" then
+ t[n] = f_start_key_str(depth,name)
+ elseif tn == "boolean" then
+ t[n] = f_start_key_boo(depth,name)
+ else
+ t[n] = f_start_key_nop(depth)
+ end
+ end
+ depth = depth + 1
+ end
+ -- we could check for k (index) being number (cardinal)
+ if root and next(root) ~= nil then
+ local first = nil
+ local last = #root
+ if last > 0 then
+ for k=1,last do
+ if rawget(root,k) == nil then
+ -- if root[k] == nil then
+ last = k - 1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if last > 0 then
+ first = 1
+ end
+ end
+ local sk = sortedkeys(root)
+ for i=1,#sk do
+ local k = sk[i]
+ local v = root[k]
+ local tv = type(v)
+ local tk = type(k)
+ if first and tk == "number" and k <= last and k >= first then
+ if tv == "number" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_val_num(depth,v)
+ elseif tv == "string" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_val_str(depth,v)
+ elseif tv == "table" then
+ if next(v) == nil then -- tricky as next is unpredictable in a hash
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_val_not(depth)
+ else
+ local st = is_simple_table(v)
+ if st then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_val_seq(depth,st)
+ else
+ do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1,true)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif tv == "boolean" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_val_boo(depth,v)
+ elseif unknown then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_val_str(depth,tostring(v))
+ end
+ elseif tv == "number" then
+ if tk == "number" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_num_value_num(depth,k,v)
+ elseif tk == "string" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_num(depth,k,v)
+ elseif tk == "boolean" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_boo_value_num(depth,k,v)
+ elseif unknown then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_num(depth,tostring(k),v)
+ end
+ elseif tv == "string" then
+ if tk == "number" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_num_value_str(depth,k,v)
+ elseif tk == "string" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_str(depth,k,v)
+ elseif tk == "boolean" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_boo_value_str(depth,k,v)
+ elseif unknown then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_str(depth,tostring(k),v)
+ end
+ elseif tv == "table" then
+ if next(v) == nil then
+ if tk == "number" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_num_value_not(depth,k)
+ elseif tk == "string" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_not(depth,k)
+ elseif tk == "boolean" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_boo_value_not(depth,k)
+ elseif unknown then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_not(depth,tostring(k))
+ end
+ else
+ local st = is_simple_table(v)
+ if not st then
+ do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1)
+ elseif tk == "number" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_num_value_seq(depth,k,st)
+ elseif tk == "string" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_seq(depth,k,st)
+ elseif tk == "boolean" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_boo_value_seq(depth,k,st)
+ elseif unknown then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_seq(depth,tostring(k),st)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif tv == "boolean" then
+ if tk == "number" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_num_value_boo(depth,k,v)
+ elseif tk == "string" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_boo(depth,k,v)
+ elseif tk == "boolean" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_boo_value_boo(depth,k,v)
+ elseif unknown then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_boo(depth,tostring(k),v)
+ end
+ else
+ if tk == "number" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_num_value_str(depth,k,tostring(v))
+ elseif tk == "string" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_str(depth,k,tostring(v))
+ elseif tk == "boolean" then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_boo_value_str(depth,k,tostring(v))
+ elseif unknown then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_key_str_value_str(depth,tostring(k),tostring(v))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if level > 0 then
+ n = n + 1 t[n] = f_stop(depth-1)
+ end
+ end
+ local tname = type(name)
+ if tname == "string" then
+ if name == "return" then
+ t = { f_table_return() }
+ else
+ t = { f_table_name(name) }
+ end
+ elseif tname == "number" then
+ t = { f_table_entry(name) }
+ elseif tname == "boolean" then
+ if name then
+ t = { f_table_return() }
+ else
+ t = { f_table_direct() }
+ end
+ else
+ t = { f_table_name("t") }
+ end
+ if root then
+ -- The dummy access will initialize a table that has a delayed initialization
+ -- using a metatable. (maybe explicitly test for metatable). This can crash on
+ -- metatables that check the index against a number.
+ if getmetatable(root) then -- todo: make this an option, maybe even per subtable
+ local dummy = root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_ -- needed
+ root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_ = nil
+ end
+ -- Let's forget about empty tables.
+ if next(root) ~= nil then
+ local st = is_simple_table(root)
+ if st then
+ return t[1] .. f_fin_seq(st) -- todo: move up and in one go
+ else
+ do_serialize(root,name,1,0)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ n = n + 1
+ t[n] = f_table_finish()
+ return concat(t,"\n")
+table.serialize = serialize
+if setinspector then
+ setinspector("table",function(v)
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ print(serialize(v,"table",{ metacheck = false }))
+ return true
+ end
+ end)
+-- ordered hashes (for now here but in the table namespace):
+-- local t = table.orderedhash()
+-- t["1"] = { "a", "b" }
+-- t["2"] = { }
+-- t["2a"] = { "a", "c", "d" }
+-- for k, v in table.ordered(t) do
+-- ...
+-- end
+local mt = {
+ __newindex = function(t,k,v)
+ local n = t.last + 1
+ t.last = n
+ t.list[n] = k
+ t.hash[k] = v
+ end,
+ __index = function(t,k)
+ return t.hash[k]
+ end,
+ __len = function(t)
+ return t.last
+ end,
+function table.orderedhash()
+ return setmetatable({ list = { }, hash = { }, last = 0 }, mt)
+function table.ordered(t)
+ local n = t.last
+ if n > 0 then
+ local l = t.list
+ local i = 1
+ local h = t.hash
+ local f = function()
+ if i <= n then
+ local k = i
+ local v = h[l[k]]
+ i = i + 1
+ return k, v
+ end
+ end
+ return f, 1, h[l[1]]
+ else
+ return function() end
+ end
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-tpl.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-tpl.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57d7df3a91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs-util-tpl.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-tpl'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- This is experimental code. Coming from dos and windows, I've always used %whatever%
+-- as template variables so let's stick to it. After all, it's easy to parse and stands
+-- out well. A double %% is turned into a regular %.
+utilities.templates = utilities.templates or { }
+local templates = utilities.templates
+local trace_template = false trackers.register("templates.trace",function(v) trace_template = v end)
+local report_template = logs.reporter("template")
+local tostring, next = tostring, next
+local format, sub, byte = string.format, string.sub, string.byte
+local P, C, R, Cs, Cc, Carg, lpegmatch, lpegpatterns = lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.R, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Carg, lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns
+-- todo: make installable
+local replacer
+local function replacekey(k,t,how,recursive)
+ local v = t[k]
+ if not v then
+ if trace_template then
+ report_template("unknown key %a",k)
+ end
+ return ""
+ else
+ v = tostring(v)
+ if trace_template then
+ report_template("setting key %a to value %a",k,v)
+ end
+ if recursive then
+ return lpegmatch(replacer,v,1,t,how,recursive)
+ else
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+local sqlescape = lpeg.replacer {
+ { "'", "''" },
+ { "\\", "\\\\" },
+ { "\r\n", "\\n" },
+ { "\r", "\\n" },
+ -- { "\t", "\\t" },
+local sqlquoted = Cs(Cc("'") * sqlescape * Cc("'"))
+lpegpatterns.sqlescape = sqlescape
+lpegpatterns.sqlquoted = sqlquoted
+-- escapeset : \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9\10\11\12\13\14\15\16\17\18\19\20\21\22\23\24\25\26\27\28\29\30\31\"\\\127
+-- test string: [[1\0\31test23"\\]] .. string.char(19) .. "23"
+-- slow:
+-- local luaescape = lpeg.replacer {
+-- { '"', [[\"]] },
+-- { '\\', [[\\]] },
+-- { R("\0\9") * #R("09"), function(s) return "\\00" .. byte(s) end },
+-- { R("\10\31") * #R("09"), function(s) return "\\0" .. byte(s) end },
+-- { R("\0\31") , function(s) return "\\" .. byte(s) end },
+-- }
+-- slightly faster:
+-- local luaescape = Cs ((
+-- P('"' ) / [[\"]] +
+-- P('\\') / [[\\]] +
+-- Cc("\\00") * (R("\0\9") / byte) * #R("09") +
+-- Cc("\\0") * (R("\10\31") / byte) * #R("09") +
+-- Cc("\\") * (R("\0\31") / byte) +
+-- P(1)
+-- )^0)
+----- xmlescape = lpegpatterns.xmlescape
+----- texescape = lpegpatterns.texescape
+local luaescape = lpegpatterns.luaescape
+----- sqlquoted = lpegpatterns.sqlquoted
+----- luaquoted = lpegpatterns.luaquoted
+local escapers = {
+ lua = function(s)
+ -- return sub(format("%q",s),2,-2)
+ return lpegmatch(luaescape,s)
+ end,
+ sql = function(s)
+ return lpegmatch(sqlescape,s)
+ end,
+local quotedescapers = {
+ lua = function(s)
+ -- return lpegmatch(luaquoted,s)
+ return format("%q",s)
+ end,
+ sql = function(s)
+ return lpegmatch(sqlquoted,s)
+ end,
+local luaescaper = escapers.lua
+local quotedluaescaper = quotedescapers.lua
+local function replacekeyunquoted(s,t,how,recurse) -- ".. \" "
+ if how == false then
+ return replacekey(s,t,how,recurse)
+ else
+ local escaper = how and escapers[how] or luaescaper
+ return escaper(replacekey(s,t,how,recurse))
+ end
+local function replacekeyquoted(s,t,how,recurse) -- ".. \" "
+ if how == false then
+ return replacekey(s,t,how,recurse)
+ else
+ local escaper = how and quotedescapers[how] or quotedluaescaper
+ return escaper(replacekey(s,t,how,recurse))
+ end
+local function replaceoptional(l,m,r,t,how,recurse)
+ local v = t[l]
+ return v and v ~= "" and lpegmatch(replacer,r,1,t,how or "lua",recurse or false) or ""
+local single = P("%") -- test %test% test : resolves test
+local double = P("%%") -- test 10%% test : %% becomes %
+local lquoted = P("%[") -- test '%[test]%' test : resolves to test with escaped "'s
+local rquoted = P("]%") --
+local lquotedq = P("%(") -- test %(test)% test : resolves to 'test' with escaped "'s
+local rquotedq = P(")%") --
+local escape = double / '%%'
+local nosingle = single / ''
+local nodouble = double / ''
+local nolquoted = lquoted / ''
+local norquoted = rquoted / ''
+local nolquotedq = lquotedq / ''
+local norquotedq = rquotedq / ''
+local noloptional = P("%?") / ''
+local noroptional = P("?%") / ''
+local nomoptional = P(":") / ''
+local args = Carg(1) * Carg(2) * Carg(3)
+local key = nosingle * ((C((1-nosingle )^1) * args) / replacekey ) * nosingle
+local quoted = nolquotedq * ((C((1-norquotedq )^1) * args) / replacekeyquoted ) * norquotedq
+local unquoted = nolquoted * ((C((1-norquoted )^1) * args) / replacekeyunquoted) * norquoted
+local optional = noloptional * ((C((1-nomoptional)^1) * nomoptional * C((1-noroptional)^1) * args) / replaceoptional) * noroptional
+local any = P(1)
+ replacer = Cs((unquoted + quoted + escape + optional + key + any)^0)
+local function replace(str,mapping,how,recurse)
+ if mapping and str then
+ return lpegmatch(replacer,str,1,mapping,how or "lua",recurse or false) or str
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+-- print(replace("test '%[x]%' test",{ x = [[a 'x'  a]] }))
+-- print(replace("test '%x%' test",{ x = [[a "x"  a]] }))
+-- print(replace([[test "%[x]%" test]],{ x = [[a "x"  a]] }))
+-- print(replace("test '%[x]%' test",{ x = true }))
+-- print(replace("test '%[x]%' test",{ x = [[a 'x'  a]], y = "oeps" },'sql'))
+-- print(replace("test '%[x]%' test",{ x = [[a '%y%'  a]], y = "oeps" },'sql',true))
+-- print(replace([[test %[x]% test]],{ x = [[a "x"  a]]}))
+-- print(replace([[test %(x)% test]],{ x = [[a "x"  a]]}))
+-- print(replace([[convert %?x: -x "%x%" ?% %?y: -y "%y%" ?%]],{ x = "yes" }))
+templates.replace = replace
+function templates.replacer(str,how,recurse) -- reads nicer
+ return function(mapping)
+ return lpegmatch(replacer,str,1,mapping,how or "lua",recurse or false) or str
+ end
+-- local cmd = templates.replacer([[foo %bar%]]) print(cmd { bar = "foo" })
+function templates.load(filename,mapping,how,recurse)
+ local data = io.loaddata(filename) or ""
+ if mapping and next(mapping) then
+ return replace(data,mapping,how,recurse)
+ else
+ return data
+ end
+function templates.resolve(t,mapping,how,recurse)
+ if not mapping then
+ mapping = t
+ end
+ for k, v in next, t do
+ t[k] = replace(v,mapping,how,recurse)
+ end
+ return t
+-- inspect(utilities.templates.replace("test %one% test", { one = "%two%", two = "two" }))
+-- inspect(utilities.templates.resolve({ one = "%two%", two = "two", three = "%three%" }))
+-- inspect(utilities.templates.replace("test %one% test", { one = "%two%", two = "two" },false,true))
+-- inspect(utilities.templates.replace("test %one% test", { one = "%two%", two = "two" },false))
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs.dtx b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c302400f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/lualibs/lualibs.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% Copyright (C) 2009--2019 by
+% PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+% The LuaLaTeX Dev Team
+% See ConTeXt's mreadme.pdf for the license.
+% This work consists of the main source file lualibs.dtx
+% and the derived files lualibs.lua, lualibs-basic.lua,
+% and lualibs-extended.lua.
+% Unpacking:
+% tex lualibs.dtx
+% Documentation:
+% lualatex lualibs.dtx
+% The class ltxdoc loads the configuration file ltxdoc.cfg
+% if available. Here you can specify further options, e.g.
+% use A4 as paper format:
+% \PassOptionsToClass{a4paper}{article}
+ \def\x{LaTeX2e}%
+\ifcase 0\ifx\install y1\fi\expandafter
+ \ifx\csname processbatchFile\endcsname\relax\else1\fi
+ \ifx\fmtname\x\else 1\fi\relax
+\else\csname fi\endcsname
+\input docstrip.tex
+\Msg{* Installation}
+\Msg{* Package: lualibs 2019-08-11 v2.67 Lua additional functions.}
+This is a generated file.
+Copyright (C) 2009--2018 by
+ PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+ The LuaLaTeX Dev Team
+See ConTeXt's mreadme.pdf for the license.
+This work consists of the main source file lualibs.dtx
+and the derived files lualibs.lua, lualibs-basic.lua,
+and lualibs-extended.lua.
+% The following hacks are to generate a lua file with lua comments starting by
+% -- instead of %%
+\def\MetaPrefix{-- }
+ \MetaPrefix^^J%
+ \MetaPrefix\space End of File `\outFileName'.%
+ \usedir{tex/luatex/lualibs}%
+ \file{lualibs.lua}{\from{lualibs.dtx}{lualibs}}%
+ \usedir{tex/luatex/lualibs}%
+ \file{lualibs-basic.lua}{\from{lualibs.dtx}{basic}}%
+ \usedir{tex/luatex/lualibs}%
+ \file{lualibs-extended.lua}{\from{lualibs.dtx}{extended}}%
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following}
+\Msg{* files into a directory searched by TeX:}
+\Msg{* lualibs.lua, lualibs-basic.lua, lualibs-extended.lua}
+\Msg{* Happy TeXing!}
+ [2019/08/11 v2.67 Lua Libraries.]
+\def\primarycolor{DodgerBlue4} %%-> rgb 16 78 139 | #104e8b
+\def\secondarycolor{Goldenrod4} %%-> rgb 139 105 200 | #8b6914
+ bookmarks=true,
+ colorlinks=true,
+ linkcolor=\primarycolor,
+ urlcolor=\secondarycolor,
+ citecolor=\primarycolor,
+ pdftitle={The lualibs package},
+ pdfsubject={Port of the ConTeXt Lua libraries},
+ pdfauthor={Elie Roux & Philipp Gesang},
+ pdfkeywords={luatex, lualatex, unicode, opentype}
+ Numbers=OldStyle,
+ Ligatures=TeX,
+]{Linux Libertine O}
+\setmonofont [Ligatures=TeX,Scale=MatchLowercase] {Liberation Mono}
+\setsansfont [Ligatures=TeX,Scale=MatchLowercase] {Iwona Medium}
+\newcommand\TEX {\TeX\xspace}
+\newcommand\LATEX {\LaTeX\xspace}
+\newcommand\LUA {Lua\xspace}
+\newcommand\LUATEX {\LuaTeX\xspace}
+\newcommand\CONTEXT {Con\TeX t\xspace}
+ {\ifcsname #1\endcsname\else
+ \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname%
+ {\bgroup#2\csname #1_indeed\endcsname}
+ \expandafter\def\csname #1_indeed\endcsname##1%
+ {##1\egroup}%
+ \fi}
+\definehighlight [fileent][\ttfamily\restoreunderscore] %% files, dirs
+\definehighlight [texmacro][\sffamily\itshape\textbackslash] %% cs
+\definehighlight [luaident][\sffamily\itshape\restoreunderscore] %% lua identifiers
+\definehighlight [identifier][\sffamily] %% names
+\definehighlight [abbrev][\rmfamily\scshape] %% acronyms
+\definehighlight [emphasis][\rmfamily\slshape] %% level 1 emph
+%% we don’t have to grab attention like a child
+\titleformat \part
+ {\normalsize\bfseries}
+ {\movecountertomargin\thepart} \zeropoint {}
+\titleformat \section
+ {\normalsize\scshape}%% no \word; life is full of disappointments
+ {\movecountertomargin\thesection} \zeropoint {}
+\titleformat \subsection
+ {\small\itshape}
+ {\movecountertomargin\thesubsection} \zeropoint {}
+\renewcommand\partname{Part}%% gets rid of the stupid “file” heading
+\renewcommand \cftpartfont {\rmfamily\upshape}
+\renewcommand \cftsecfont {\rmfamily\upshape}
+\renewcommand \cftsubsecfont {\rmfamily\upshape}
+\setlength \cftbeforepartskip {1ex}
+\setlength \cftbeforesecskip {1ex}
+ \DocInput{lualibs.dtx}%
+% \fi
+% \CheckSum{0}
+% \CharacterTable
+% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+% \GetFileInfo{lualibs.drv}
+% \title{The \identifier{lualibs} package}
+% \date{2019/08/11 v2.67}
+% \author{Élie Roux · \email{}\\
+% Philipp Gesang · \email{}\\
+% Ulrike Fischer · \email{}\\
+% }
+% \maketitle
+% \begin{abstract}
+% Additional \LUA functions taken from the \verb|l-*| and \verb|util-*| files
+% of \CONTEXT.
+% For an introduction on this package (among others), please refer
+% to the document \fileent{lualatex-doc.pdf}.
+% \end{abstract}
+% \tableofcontents
+% \part{Package Description}
+% \section{Overview}
+% \LUA is a very minimal language, and it does only have a minimal standard
+% library. The aim of this package is to provide an extended standard library,
+% to be used by various \LUATEX packages. The code is specific to \LUATEX
+% and depends on \LUATEX functions and modules not available in regular lua.
+% \noindent The code is derived from \CONTEXT libraries.
+% \section{Usage}
+% You can either load the \identifier{lualibs} module, which will in turn load
+% one of two sets of libraries provided by this package: |require("lualibs")|, or
+% explicitly load the modules you need, e.g.: |require("lualibs-table")|,
+% please note that some modules depend on others.
+% \subsection{Loading Library Collections}
+% The libraries are split into a \identifier{basic} and an
+% \identifier{extended} collection.
+% Though neither initialization time nor memory consumption will be noticably
+% impacted,\footnote{%
+% Note that in terms of code this is only a small fraction of what
+% \CONTEXT loads with every run.
+% }
+% the \identifier{lualibs} package can skip loading of the latter on demand.
+% The \luaident{config} table needs to be present prior to loading the
+% package for this to work (in the future this may be achieved by an option of
+% \texmacro{usepackage}) for \LATEX users).
+% In the \verb|lualibs| field, set \verb|load_extended| to false:
+% \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim}
+% \directlua{
+% --- 1) create config table safely
+% config = config or { }
+% config.lualibs = config.lualibs or { }
+% --- 2) unset the load_extended entry
+% config.lualibs.load_extended = false
+% --- 3) load the lualibs
+% require "lualibs"
+% }
+% \end{verbatim}\end{quote}
+% However, there is no guarantee that the \identifier{extended} set remains
+% permanently excluded.
+% Re-loading the package at a later point will cancel this option and possibly
+% add the missing libraries.
+% \subsection{Loading libraries Individually}
+% In order to load the \fileent{table} module you would actually have to prepare
+% it as follows:
+% \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim}
+% require"lualibs-lua"
+% require"lualibs-lpeg"
+% require"lualibs-table"
+% \end{verbatim}\end{quote}
+% \noindent
+% If your code is run by the \fileent{texlua} intepreter, you will need to
+% initialize \luaident{kpse} library so that |require()| can find files
+% under \abbrev{texmf} tree: |kpse.set_program_name("luatex")|.
+% \section{Files}
+% The \identifier{lualibs} bundle contains files from two \CONTEXT \LUA
+% library categories: The generic auxiliary functions (original file prefix:
+% |l-|) together form something close to a standard libary. Most of these are
+% extensions of an existing namespace, like for instance |l-table.lua| which
+% adds full-fledged serialization capabilities to the \LUA table library.
+% They were imported under the \identifier{lualibs}-prefix and are contained
+% in the \identifier{basic} collection.
+% (For a list see table~\ref{tab:basic}.)
+% \begin{table}[t]
+% \hrule
+% \centering
+% \caption{The \identifier{basic} set.}
+% \vskip1em
+% \begin{tabular}{l l l}
+% \identifier{lualibs} name & \CONTEXT name & primary purpose \\[1ex]
+% lualibs-lua.lua & l-lua.lua & compatibility \\
+% lualibs-package.lua & l-package.lua & \LUA file loaders \\
+% lualibs-lpeg.lua & l-lpeg.lua & patterns \\
+% lualibs-function.lua & l-function.lua & defines a dummy function \\
+% lualibs-string.lua & l-string.lua & string manipulation \\
+% lualibs-table.lua & l-table.lua & serialization, conversion \\
+% lualibs-boolean.lua & l-boolean.lua & boolean converter \\
+% lualibs-number.lua & l-number.lua & bit operations \\
+% lualibs-math.lua & l-math.lua & math functions \\
+% lualibs-io.lua & l-io.lua & reading and writing files \\
+% lualibs-os.lua & l-os.lua & platform specific code \\
+% lualibs-file.lua & l-file.lua & filesystem operations \\
+% lualibs-gzip.lua & l-gzip.lua & wrapper for \identifier{lgzip} \\
+% lualibs-md5.lua & l-md5.lua & checksum functions \\
+% lualibs-dir.lua & l-dir.lua & directory handling \\
+% lualibs-unicode.lua & l-unicode.lua & utf and unicode \\
+% lualibs-url.lua & l-url.lua & url handling \\
+% lualibs-set.lua & l-set.lua & sets \\[1ex]
+% \end{tabular}
+% \label{tab:basic}
+% \hrule
+% \end{table}
+% The \identifier{extended} category comprises a selection of files mostly from
+% the utilities namespace (|util-|; cf. table~\ref{tab:extended}).
+% Their purpose is more specific and at times quite low-level.
+% Additionally, the file \fileent{trac-inf.lua} has been included because it is
+% essential to some of the code loaded subsequently.
+% \begin{table}[t]
+% \hrule
+% \centering
+% \caption{The \identifier{extended} set.}
+% \vskip1em
+% \begin{tabular}{l l l}
+% \identifier{lualibs} name & \CONTEXT name & primary purpose \\[1ex]
+% lualibs-util-str.lua & util-str.lua & extra |string| functions \\
+% lualibs-util-fil.lua & util-fil.lua & extra |file| functions \\
+% lualibs-util-tab.lua & util-tab.lua & extra |table| functions \\
+% lualibs-util-sto.lua & util-sto.lua & table allocation \\
+% lualibs-util-prs.lua & util-sto.lua & miscellaneous parsers \\
+% lualibs-util-dim.lua & util-dim.lua & conversion between dimensions \\
+% lualibs-trac-inf.lua & trac-inf.lua & timing, statistics \\
+% lualibs-util-lua.lua & util-lua.lua & operations on bytecode \\
+% lualibs-util-deb.lua & util-deb.lua & extra |debug| functionality \\
+% lualibs-util-tpl.lua & util-tpl.lua & templating \\
+% lualibs-util-sta.lua & util-sta.lua & stacker (e.~g. for \abbrev{pdf}) \\
+% lualibs-util-jsn.lua & util-jsn.lua & conversion to and from json \\[1ex]
+% \end{tabular}
+% \label{tab:extended}
+% \hrule
+% \end{table}
+% \section{Packaging}
+% By default, \identifier{lualibs} will not load the libraries individually.
+% Instead, it includes two \emphasis{merged packages} that have been compiled
+% from the original files.
+% This is achieved by means of \identifier{mtx-package}, a script for bundling
+% \LUA code shipped with \CONTEXT.
+% This concatenates the code of several \LUA files into a single file that is
+% both easier to distribute and loading marginally faster.
+% \identifier{mtx-package} ensures that the code from each file gets its
+% own closure and strips newlines and comments, resulting in a smaller payload.
+% Another package that relies on it heavily is the font loader as contained in
+% \identifier{luaotfload} and \identifier{luatex-fonts}.
+% \identifier{Luaotfload}, a port of the \CONTEXT fontloader for Plain and
+% \LATEX, has a hard dependency on the functionality provided by the %
+% \identifier{Lualibs} package. The packages should not be updated independently.
+% If \CONTEXT is installed on the system, the merge files can be created
+% by running:
+% \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim}
+% mtxrun --script package --merge lualibs-basic.lua
+% mtxrun --script package --merge lualibs-extended.lua
+% \end{verbatim}\end{quote}
+% \noindent
+% Of course there is a make target for that:
+% \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim}
+% make merge
+% \end{verbatim}\end{quote}
+% \noindent
+% will take care of assembling the packages from the files distributed with
+% \identifier{lualibs}.
+% For this to work, the syntax of the \LUA file needs to be well-formed:
+% files that should be merged must be included via a function
+% \verb|loadmodule()|.
+% It doesn’t matter if the function actually does something; a dummy will
+% suffice.
+% Also, the argument to \verb|loadmodule()| must be wrapped in parentheses.
+% This rule is quite convenient, actually, since it allows excluding files
+% from the merge while still using \verb|loadmodule()| consistently.
+% \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim}
+% ...
+% loadmodule("my-lua-file.lua") -- <= will be merged
+% loadmodule('my-2nd-file.lua') -- <= will be merged
+% loadmodule "my-3rd-file.lua" -- <= will be ignored
+% ...
+% \end{verbatim}\end{quote}
+% \part{\fileent{lualibs.lua}}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \begin{macrocode}
+lualibs = lualibs or { }
+lualibs.module_info = {
+ name = "lualibs",
+ version = "2.67", --TAGVERSION
+ date = "2019-08-11", --TAGDATE
+ description = "ConTeXt Lua standard libraries.",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL & Elie Roux & Philipp Gesang",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "See ConTeXt's mreadme.pdf for the license",
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The behavior of the lualibs can be configured to some extent.
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item Based on the parameter \verb|lualibs.prefer_merged|, the
+% libraries can be loaded via the included merged packages or
+% the individual files.
+% \item Two classes of libraries are distinguished, mainly because
+% of a similar distinction in \CONTEXT, but also to make
+% loading of the less fundamental functionality optional.
+% While the “basic” collection is always loaded, the
+% configuration setting \verb|lualibs.load_extended| triggers
+% inclusion of the extended collection.
+% \item Verbosity can be increased via the \verb|verbose| switch.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+config = config or { }
+config.lualibs = config.lualibs or { }
+if config.lualibs.prefer_merged ~= nil then
+ lualibs.prefer_merged = config.lualibs.prefer_merged
+ lualibs.prefer_merged = true
+if config.lualibs.load_extended ~= nil then
+ lualibs.load_extended = config.lualibs.load_extended
+ lualibs.load_extended = true
+if config.lualibs.verbose ~= nil then
+ config.lualibs.verbose = config.lualibs.verbose
+ config.lualibs.verbose = false
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The lualibs may be loaded in scripts.
+% To account for the different environment, fallbacks for
+% the luatexbase facilities are installed.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+local dofile = dofile
+local kpsefind_file = kpse.find_file
+local stringformat = string.format
+local texiowrite_nl = texio.write_nl
+local find_file, error, warn, info
+ local _error, _warn, _info
+ if luatexbase and luatexbase.provides_module then
+ _error, _warn, _info = luatexbase.provides_module(lualibs.module_info)
+ else
+ _error, _warn, _info = texiowrite_nl, texiowrite_nl, texiowrite_nl
+ end
+ if lualibs.verbose then
+ error, warn, info = _error, _warn, _info
+ else
+ local dummylogger = function ( ) end
+ error, warn, info = _error, dummylogger, dummylogger
+ end
+ lualibs.error, lualibs.warn, = error, warn, info
+if status.kpse_used == 0 then
+ kpse.set_program_name("luatex")
+find_file = kpsefind_file
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The lualibs load a merged package by default.
+% In order to create one of these, the meta file that includes the
+% libraries must satisfy certain assumptions \verb|mtx-package| makes
+% about the coding style.
+% Most important is that the functions that indicates which files
+% to include must go by the name \verb|loadmodule()|.
+% For this reason we define a \verb|loadmodule()| function as a
+% wrapper around \verb|dofile()|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+local loadmodule = loadmodule or function (name, t)
+ if not t then t = "library" end
+ local filepath = find_file(name, "lua")
+ if not filepath or filepath == "" then
+ warn(stringformat("Could not locate %s “%s”.", t, name))
+ return false
+ end
+ dofile(filepath)
+ return true
+lualibs.loadmodule = loadmodule
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The separation of the “basic” from the “extended” sets coincides
+% with the split into luat-bas.mkiv and luat-lib.mkiv.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+if lualibs.basic_loaded ~= true
+or config.lualibs.force_reload == true
+ loadmodule"lualibs-basic.lua"
+ loadmodule"lualibs-compat.lua" --- restore stuff gone since v1.*
+if lualibs.load_extended == true
+and lualibs.extended_loaded ~= true
+or config.lualibs.force_reload == true
+ loadmodule"lualibs-extended.lua"
+--- This restores the default of loading everything should a package
+--- have requested otherwise. Will be gone once there is a canonical
+--- interface for parameterized loading of libraries.
+config.lualibs.load_extended = true
+-- vim:tw=71:sw=2:ts=2:expandtab
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \part{\fileent{lualibs-basic.lua}}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \begin{macrocode}
+lualibs = lualibs or { }
+local info =
+local loadmodule = lualibs.loadmodule
+local lualibs_basic_module = {
+ name = "lualibs-basic",
+ version = "2.67", --TAGVERSION
+ date = "2019-08-11", --TAGDATE
+ description = "ConTeXt Lua libraries -- basic collection.",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL & Elie Roux & Philipp Gesang",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "See ConTeXt's mreadme.pdf for the license",
+local loaded = false --- track success of package loading
+if lualibs.prefer_merged then
+ info"Loading merged package for collection “basic”."
+ loaded = loadmodule('lualibs-basic-merged.lua')
+ info"Ignoring merged packages."
+ info"Falling back to individual libraries from collection “basic”."
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \verb|mtx-package| expects the files to be included by
+% \verb|loadmodule|.
+% If run on this file, it will create \verb|lualibs-basic-merged.lua|
+% from all the files mentioned in the next block.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+if loaded == false then
+ loadmodule("lualibs-lua.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-package.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-lpeg.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-function.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-string.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-table.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-boolean.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-number.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-math.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-io.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-os.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-file.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-gzip.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-md5.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-dir.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-unicode.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-url.lua")
+ loadmodule("lualibs-set.lua")
+lualibs.basic_loaded = true
+-- vim:tw=71:sw=2:ts=2:expandtab
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \part{\fileent{lualibs-extended.lua}}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \begin{macrocode}
+lualibs = lualibs or { }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Loading the \emph{extended} set requires a tad more effort, but
+% it’s well invested.
+% Since we only want the functionality, we have to simulate parts
+% of a running \CONTEXT environment, above all logging, that some
+% of the more involved libraries cannot be loaded without.
+% Also, one utility file cannot be packaged because it returns a
+% table which would preclude loading of later code.
+% Thus, we remove it from the natural loading chain (it is not
+% critical) and append it at the end.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+local lualibs_extended_module = {
+ name = "lualibs-extended",
+ version = "2.67", --TAGVERSION
+ date = "2019-08-11", --TAGDATE
+ description = "ConTeXt Lua libraries -- extended collection.",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL & Elie Roux & Philipp Gesang",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "See ConTeXt's mreadme.pdf for the license",
+local stringformat = string.format
+local loadmodule = lualibs.loadmodule
+local texiowrite = texio.write
+local texiowrite_nl = texio.write_nl
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here we define some functions that fake the elaborate
+% logging/tracking mechanism Context provides.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+local error, logger, mklog
+if luatexbase and luatexbase.provides_module then
+ --- TODO test how those work out when running tex
+ local __error,_,_,__logger =
+ luatexbase.provides_module(lualibs_extended_module)
+ error = __error
+ logger = __logger
+ mklog = function ( ) return logger end
+ mklog = function (t)
+ local prefix = stringformat("[%s] ", t)
+ return function (...)
+ texiowrite_nl(prefix)
+ texiowrite (stringformat(...))
+ end
+ end
+ error = mklog"ERROR"
+ logger = mklog"INFO"
+local info =
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We temporarily put our own global table in place and restore
+% whatever we overloaded afterwards.
+% \CONTEXT\ modules each have a custom logging mechanism that can be
+% enabled for debugging.
+% In order to fake the presence of this facility we need to define at
+% least the function \verb|logs.reporter|.
+% For now it’s sufficient to make it a reference to \verb|mklog| as
+% defined above.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+local dummy_function = function ( ) end
+local newline = function ( ) texiowrite_nl"" end
+local fake_logs = function (name)
+ return {
+ name = name,
+ enable = dummy_function,
+ disable = dummy_function,
+ reporter = mklog,
+ newline = newline
+ }
+local fake_trackers = function (name)
+ return {
+ name = name,
+ enable = dummy_function,
+ disable = dummy_function,
+ register = mklog,
+ newline = newline,
+ }
+local backup_store = { }
+local fake_context = function ( )
+ if logs then backup_store.logs = logs end
+ if trackers then backup_store.trackers = trackers end
+ logs = fake_logs"logs"
+ trackers = fake_trackers"trackers"
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Restore a backed up logger if appropriate.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+local unfake_context = function ( )
+ if backup_store then
+ local bl, bt = backup_store.logs, backup_store.trackers
+ if bl then logs = bl end
+ if bt then trackers = bt end
+ end
+local loaded = false
+if lualibs.prefer_merged then
+ info"Loading merged package for collection “extended”."
+ loaded = loadmodule('lualibs-extended-merged.lua')
+ info"Ignoring merged packages."
+ info"Falling back to individual libraries from collection “extended”."
+if loaded == false then
+ loadmodule("lualibs-util-str.lua")--- string formatters (fast)
+ loadmodule("lualibs-util-fil.lua")--- extra file helpers
+ loadmodule("lualibs-util-tab.lua")--- extended table operations
+ loadmodule("lualibs-util-sto.lua")--- storage (hash allocation)
+ ----------("lualibs-util-pck.lua")---!packers; necessary?
+ ----------("lualibs-util-seq.lua")---!sequencers (function chaining)
+ ----------("lualibs-util-mrg.lua")---!only relevant in mtx-package
+ loadmodule("lualibs-util-prs.lua")--- miscellaneous parsers; cool. cool cool cool
+ ----------("lualibs-util-fmt.lua")---!column formatter (rarely used)
+ loadmodule("lualibs-util-dim.lua")--- conversions between dimensions
+ loadmodule("lualibs-util-jsn.lua")--- JSON parser
+ ----------("lualibs-trac-set.lua")---!generalization of trackers
+ ----------("lualibs-trac-log.lua")---!logging
+ loadmodule("lualibs-trac-inf.lua")--- timing/statistics
+ loadmodule("lualibs-util-lua.lua")--- operations on lua bytecode
+ loadmodule("lualibs-util-deb.lua")--- extra debugging
+ loadmodule("lualibs-util-tpl.lua")--- templating
+ loadmodule("lualibs-util-sta.lua")--- stacker (for writing pdf)
+unfake_context() --- TODO check if this works at runtime
+lualibs.extended_loaded = true
+-- vim:tw=71:sw=2:ts=2:expandtab
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \Finale
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