path: root/macros/luatex/generic/chickenize/chickenize.lua
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2021-01-04 03:00:45 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-01-04 03:00:45 +0000
commitb49dd7c340dbe68a28c8a976cd6a1429ca8aafff (patch)
tree1e22dd36991a3910a34ab5c5a8721c51e439a9fd /macros/luatex/generic/chickenize/chickenize.lua
parent1a272a3cba66aebe829cd28965c0e8acc8c44681 (diff)
CTAN sync 202101040300
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/generic/chickenize/chickenize.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 965 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/chickenize/chickenize.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/chickenize/chickenize.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c25aa75b75..0000000000
--- a/macros/luatex/generic/chickenize/chickenize.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,965 +0,0 @@
--- This is file `chickenize.lua',
--- generated with the docstrip utility.
--- The original source files were:
--- chickenize.dtx (with options: `lua')
--- This package is copyright © 2017 Arno L. Trautmann. It may be distributed and/or
--- modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
--- of this license or (at your option) any later version. This work has the LPPL mainten-
--- ance status ‘maintained’.
-local nodeid =
-local nodecopy = node.copy
-local nodenew =
-local nodetail = node.tail
-local nodeslide = node.slide
-local noderemove = node.remove
-local nodetraverseid = node.traverse_id
-local nodeinsertafter = node.insert_after
-local nodeinsertbefore = node.insert_before
-Hhead = nodeid("hhead")
-RULE = nodeid("rule")
-GLUE = nodeid("glue")
-WHAT = nodeid("whatsit")
-COL = node.subtype("pdf_colorstack")
-DISC = nodeid("disc")
-GLYPH = nodeid("glyph")
-GLUE = nodeid("glue")
-HLIST = nodeid("hlist")
-KERN = nodeid("kern")
-PUNCT = nodeid("punct")
-PENALTY = nodeid("penalty")
-PDF_LITERAL = node.subtype("pdf_literal")
-color_push = nodenew(WHAT,COL)
-color_pop = nodenew(WHAT,COL)
-color_push.stack = 0
-color_pop.stack = 0
-color_push.command = 1
-color_pop.command = 2
-chicken_pagenumbers = true
-chickenstring = {}
-chickenstring[1] = "chicken" -- chickenstring is a table, please remeber this!
-chickenizefraction = 0.5
--- set this to a small value to fool somebody, or to see if your text has been read carefully. This is also a great way to lay easter eggs for your own class / package …
-chicken_substitutions = 0 -- value to count the substituted chickens. Makes sense for testing your proofreaders.
-local match = unicode.utf8.match
-chickenize_ignore_word = false
-chickenize_real_stuff = function(i,head)
- while (( == GLYPH) or ( == KERN) or ( == DISC) or ( == HLIST)) do --find end of a word
- =
- end
- chicken = {} -- constructing the node list.
--- Should this be done only once? No, otherwise we lose the freedom to change the string in-document.
--- But it could be done only once each paragraph as in-paragraph changes are not possible!
- chickenstring_tmp = chickenstring[math.random(1,#chickenstring)]
- chicken[0] = nodenew(GLYPH,1) -- only a dummy for the loop
- for i = 1,string.len(chickenstring_tmp) do
- chicken[i] = nodenew(GLYPH,1)
- chicken[i].font = font.current()
- chicken[i-1].next = chicken[i]
- end
- j = 1
- for s in string.utfvalues(chickenstring_tmp) do
- local char = unicode.utf8.char(s)
- chicken[j].char = s
- if match(char,"%s") then
- chicken[j] = nodenew(GLUE)
- chicken[j].width = space
- chicken[j].shrink = shrink
- chicken[j].stretch = stretch
- end
- j = j+1
- end
- nodeslide(chicken[1])
- lang.hyphenate(chicken[1])
- chicken[1] = node.kerning(chicken[1]) -- FIXME: does not work
- chicken[1] = node.ligaturing(chicken[1]) -- dito
- nodeinsertbefore(head,i,chicken[1])
- chicken[1].next = chicken[2] -- seems to be necessary … to be fixed
- chicken[string.len(chickenstring_tmp)].next =
- -- shift lowercase latin letter to uppercase if the original input was an uppercase
- if (chickenize_capital and (chicken[1].char > 96 and chicken[1].char < 123)) then
- chicken[1].char = chicken[1].char - 32
- end
- return head
-chickenize = function(head)
- for i in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,head) do --find start of a word
- -- Random determination of the chickenization of the next word:
- if math.random() > chickenizefraction then
- chickenize_ignore_word = true
- elseif chickencount then
- chicken_substitutions = chicken_substitutions + 1
- end
- if (chickenize_ignore_word == false) then -- normal case: at the beginning of a word, we jump into chickenization
- if (i.char > 64 and i.char < 91) then chickenize_capital = true else chickenize_capital = false end
- head = chickenize_real_stuff(i,head)
- end
--- At the end of the word, the ignoring is reset. New chance for everyone.
- if not(( == GLYPH) or ( == DISC) or ( == PUNCT) or ( == KERN)) then
- chickenize_ignore_word = false
- end
- end
- return head
-local separator = string.rep("=", 28)
-local texiowrite_nl = texio.write_nl
-nicetext = function()
- texiowrite_nl("Output written on "..tex.jobname..".pdf ("..status.total_pages.." chicken,".." eggs).")
- texiowrite_nl(" ")
- texiowrite_nl(separator)
- texiowrite_nl("Hello my dear user,")
- texiowrite_nl("good job, now go outside and enjoy the world!")
- texiowrite_nl(" ")
- texiowrite_nl("And don't forget to feed your chicken!")
- texiowrite_nl(separator .. "\n")
- if chickencount then
- texiowrite_nl("There were "..chicken_substitutions.." substitutions made.")
- texiowrite_nl(separator)
- end
-boustrophedon = function(head)
- rot =,PDF_LITERAL)
- rot2 =,PDF_LITERAL)
- odd = true
- for line in node.traverse_id(0,head) do
- if odd == false then
- w = line.width/65536*0.99625 -- empirical correction factor (?)
- = "-1 0 0 1 "..w.." 0 cm"
- = "-1 0 0 1 "..-w.." 0 cm"
- line.head = node.insert_before(line.head,line.head,nodecopy(rot))
- nodeinsertafter(line.head,nodetail(line.head),nodecopy(rot2))
- odd = true
- else
- odd = false
- end
- end
- return head
-boustrophedon_glyphs = function(head)
- odd = false
- rot = nodenew(WHAT,PDF_LITERAL)
- rot2 = nodenew(WHAT,PDF_LITERAL)
- for line in nodetraverseid(0,head) do
- if odd==true then
- line.dir = "TRT"
- for g in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,line.head) do
- w = -g.width/65536*0.99625
- = "-1 0 0 1 " .. w .." 0 cm"
- = "-1 0 0 1 " .. -w .." 0 cm"
- line.head = node.insert_before(line.head,g,nodecopy(rot))
- nodeinsertafter(line.head,g,nodecopy(rot2))
- end
- odd = false
- else
- line.dir = "TLT"
- odd = true
- end
- end
- return head
-boustrophedon_inverse = function(head)
- rot =,PDF_LITERAL)
- rot2 =,PDF_LITERAL)
- odd = true
- for line in node.traverse_id(0,head) do
- if odd == false then
- w = line.width/65536*0.99625 -- empirical correction factor (?)
- h = line.height/65536*0.99625
- = "-1 0 0 -1 "..w.." "..h.." cm"
- = "-1 0 0 -1 "..-w.." "..0.5*h.." cm"
- line.head = node.insert_before(line.head,line.head,node.copy(rot))
- node.insert_after(line.head,node.tail(line.head),node.copy(rot2))
- odd = true
- else
- odd = false
- end
- end
- return head
-function bubblesort(head)
- for line in nodetraverseid(0,head) do
- for glyph in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,line.head) do
- end
- end
- return head
--- Take care: This will slow down the compilation extremely, by about a factor of 2! Only use for playing around or counting a final version of your document!
-countglyphs = function(head)
- for line in nodetraverseid(0,head) do
- for glyph in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,line.head) do
- glyphnumber = glyphnumber + 1
- if ( then
- if ( == 10) and ( == GLYPH) then
- spacenumber = spacenumber + 1
- end
- counted_glyphs_by_code[glyph.char] = counted_glyphs_by_code[glyph.char] + 1
- end
- end
- end
- return head
-printglyphnumber = function()
- texiowrite_nl("\nNumber of glyphs by character code (only up to 127):")
- for i = 1,127 do --%% FIXME: should allow for more characters, but cannot be printed to console output – print into document?
- texiowrite_nl(string.char(i)..": "..counted_glyphs_by_code[i])
- end
- texiowrite_nl("\nTotal number of glyphs in this document: "..glyphnumber)
- texiowrite_nl("Number of spaces in this document: "..spacenumber)
- texiowrite_nl("Glyphs plus spaces: "..glyphnumber+spacenumber.."\n")
-countwords = function(head)
- for glyph in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,head) do
- if ( == 10) then
- wordnumber = wordnumber + 1
- end
- end
- wordnumber = wordnumber + 1 -- add 1 for the last word in a paragraph which is not found otherwise
- return head
-printwordnumber = function()
- texiowrite_nl("\nNumber of words in this document: "..wordnumber)
-function detectdoublewords(head)
- prevlastword = {} -- array of numbers representing the glyphs
- prevfirstword = {}
- newlastword = {}
- newfirstword = {}
- for line in nodetraverseid(0,head) do
- for g in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,line.head) do
-texio.write_nl("next glyph",#newfirstword+1)
- newfirstword[#newfirstword+1] = g.char
- if ( == 10) then break end
- end
- end
-function printdoublewords()
- texio.write_nl("finished")
-local quotestrings = {
- [171] = true, [172] = true,
- [8216] = true, [8217] = true, [8218] = true,
- [8219] = true, [8220] = true, [8221] = true,
- [8222] = true, [8223] = true,
- [8248] = true, [8249] = true, [8250] = true,
-guttenbergenize_rq = function(head)
- for n in nodetraverseid(nodeid"glyph",head) do
- local i = n.char
- if quotestrings[i] then
- noderemove(head,n)
- end
- end
- return head
-hammertimedelay = 1.2
-local htime_separator = string.rep("=", 30) .. "\n" -- slightly inconsistent with the “nicetext”
-hammertime = function(head)
- if hammerfirst then
- texiowrite_nl(htime_separator)
- texiowrite_nl("============STOP!=============\n")
- texiowrite_nl(htime_separator .. "\n\n\n")
- os.sleep (hammertimedelay*1.5)
- texiowrite_nl(htime_separator .. "\n")
- texiowrite_nl("==========HAMMERTIME==========\n")
- texiowrite_nl(htime_separator .. "\n\n")
- os.sleep (hammertimedelay)
- hammerfirst = false
- else
- os.sleep (hammertimedelay)
- texiowrite_nl(htime_separator)
- texiowrite_nl("======U can't touch this!=====\n")
- texiowrite_nl(htime_separator .. "\n\n")
- os.sleep (hammertimedelay*0.5)
- end
- return head
-itsame = function()
-local mr = function(a,b) rectangle({a*10,b*-10},10,10) end
-color = "1 .6 0"
-for i = 6,9 do mr(i,3) end
-for i = 3,11 do mr(i,4) end
-for i = 3,12 do mr(i,5) end
-for i = 4,8 do mr(i,6) end
-for i = 4,10 do mr(i,7) end
-for i = 1,12 do mr(i,11) end
-for i = 1,12 do mr(i,12) end
-for i = 1,12 do mr(i,13) end
-color = ".3 .5 .2"
-for i = 3,5 do mr(i,3) end mr(8,3)
-mr(2,4) mr(4,4) mr(8,4)
-mr(2,5) mr(4,5) mr(5,5) mr(9,5)
-mr(2,6) mr(3,6) for i = 8,11 do mr(i,6) end
-for i = 3,8 do mr(i,8) end
-for i = 2,11 do mr(i,9) end
-for i = 1,12 do mr(i,10) end
-mr(3,11) mr(10,11)
-for i = 2,4 do mr(i,15) end for i = 9,11 do mr(i,15) end
-for i = 1,4 do mr(i,16) end for i = 9,12 do mr(i,16) end
-color = "1 0 0"
-for i = 4,9 do mr(i,1) end
-for i = 3,12 do mr(i,2) end
-for i = 8,10 do mr(5,i) end
-for i = 5,8 do mr(i,10) end
-mr(8,9) mr(4,11) mr(6,11) mr(7,11) mr(9,11)
-for i = 4,9 do mr(i,12) end
-for i = 3,10 do mr(i,13) end
-for i = 3,5 do mr(i,14) end
-for i = 7,10 do mr(i,14) end
-chickenkernamount = 0
-chickeninvertkerning = false
-function kernmanipulate (head)
- if chickeninvertkerning then -- invert the kerning
- for n in nodetraverseid(11,head) do
- n.kern = -n.kern
- end
- else -- if not, set it to the given value
- for n in nodetraverseid(11,head) do
- n.kern = chickenkernamount
- end
- end
- return head
-leetspeak_onlytext = false
-leettable = {
- [101] = 51, -- E
- [105] = 49, -- I
- [108] = 49, -- L
- [111] = 48, -- O
- [115] = 53, -- S
- [116] = 55, -- T
- [101-32] = 51, -- e
- [105-32] = 49, -- i
- [108-32] = 49, -- l
- [111-32] = 48, -- o
- [115-32] = 53, -- s
- [116-32] = 55, -- t
-leet = function(head)
- for line in nodetraverseid(Hhead,head) do
- for i in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,line.head) do
- if not leetspeak_onlytext or
- node.has_attribute(i,luatexbase.attributes.leetattr)
- then
- if leettable[i.char] then
- i.char = leettable[i.char]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return head
-leftsideright = function(head)
- local factor = 65536/0.99626
- for n in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,head) do
- if (leftsiderightarray[n.char]) then
- shift = nodenew(WHAT,PDF_LITERAL)
- shift2 = nodenew(WHAT,PDF_LITERAL)
- = "q -1 0 0 1 " .. n.width/factor .." 0 cm"
- = "Q 1 0 0 1 " .. n.width/factor .." 0 cm"
- nodeinsertbefore(head,n,shift)
- nodeinsertafter(head,n,shift2)
- end
- end
- return head
-local letterspace_glue = nodenew(nodeid"glue")
-local letterspace_pen = nodenew(nodeid"penalty")
-letterspace_glue.width = tex.sp"0pt"
-letterspace_glue.stretch = tex.sp"0.5pt"
-letterspace_pen.penalty = 10000
-letterspaceadjust = function(head)
- for glyph in nodetraverseid(nodeid"glyph", head) do
- if glyph.prev and ( == nodeid"glyph" or == nodeid"disc" or == nodeid"kern") then
- local g = nodecopy(letterspace_glue)
- nodeinsertbefore(head, glyph, g)
- nodeinsertbefore(head, g, nodecopy(letterspace_pen))
- end
- end
- return head
-textletterspaceadjust = function(head)
- for glyph in nodetraverseid(nodeid"glyph", head) do
- if node.has_attribute(glyph,luatexbase.attributes.letterspaceadjustattr) then
- if glyph.prev and ( =="glyph" or =="disc" or == nodeid"kern") then
- local g = node.copy(letterspace_glue)
- nodeinsertbefore(head, glyph, g)
- nodeinsertbefore(head, g, nodecopy(letterspace_pen))
- end
- end
- end
- luatexbase.remove_from_callback("pre_linebreak_filter","textletterspaceadjust")
- return head
-matrixize = function(head)
- x = {}
- s = nodenew(nodeid"disc")
- for n in nodetraverseid(nodeid"glyph",head) do
- j = n.char
- for m = 0,7 do -- stay ASCII for now
- x[7-m] = nodecopy(n) -- to get the same font etc.
- if (j / (2^(7-m)) < 1) then
- x[7-m].char = 48
- else
- x[7-m].char = 49
- j = j-(2^(7-m))
- end
- nodeinsertbefore(head,n,x[7-m])
- nodeinsertafter(head,x[7-m],nodecopy(s))
- end
- noderemove(head,n)
- end
- return head
-medievalumlaut = function(head)
- local factor = 65536/0.99626
- local org_e_node = nodenew(GLYPH)
- org_e_node.char = 101
- for line in nodetraverseid(0,head) do
- for n in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,line.head) do
- if (n.char == 228 or n.char == 246 or n.char == 252) then
- e_node = nodecopy(org_e_node)
- e_node.font = n.font
- shift = nodenew(WHAT,PDF_LITERAL)
- shift2 = nodenew(WHAT,PDF_LITERAL)
- = "Q 1 0 0 1 " .. e_node.width/factor .." 0 cm"
- nodeinsertafter(head,n,e_node)
- nodeinsertbefore(head,e_node,shift)
- nodeinsertafter(head,e_node,shift2)
- x_node = nodenew(KERN)
- x_node.kern = -e_node.width
- nodeinsertafter(head,shift2,x_node)
- end
- if (n.char == 228) then -- ä
- = "q 0.5 0 0 0.5 " ..
- -n.width/factor*0.85 .." ".. n.height/factor*0.75 .. " cm"
- n.char = 97
- end
- if (n.char == 246) then -- ö
- = "q 0.5 0 0 0.5 " ..
- -n.width/factor*0.75 .." ".. n.height/factor*0.75 .. " cm"
- n.char = 111
- end
- if (n.char == 252) then -- ü
- = "q 0.5 0 0 0.5 " ..
- -n.width/factor*0.75 .." ".. n.height/factor*0.75 .. " cm"
- n.char = 117
- end
- end
- end
- return head
-local separator = string.rep("=", 28)
-local texiowrite_nl = texio.write_nl
-pancaketext = function()
- texiowrite_nl("Output written on "..tex.jobname..".pdf ("..status.total_pages.." chicken,".." eggs).")
- texiowrite_nl(" ")
- texiowrite_nl(separator)
- texiowrite_nl("Soo ... you decided to use \\pancakenize.")
- texiowrite_nl("That means you owe me a pancake!")
- texiowrite_nl(" ")
- texiowrite_nl("(This goes by document, not compilation.)")
- texiowrite_nl(separator.."\n\n")
- texiowrite_nl("Looking forward for my pancake! :)")
- texiowrite_nl("\n\n")
-randomfontslower = 1
-randomfontsupper = 0
-randomfonts = function(head)
- local rfub
- if randomfontsupper > 0 then -- fixme: this should be done only once, no? Or at every paragraph?
- rfub = randomfontsupper -- user-specified value
- else
- rfub = font.max() -- or just take all fonts
- end
- for line in nodetraverseid(Hhead,head) do
- for i in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,line.head) do
- if not(randomfonts_onlytext) or node.has_attribute(i,luatexbase.attributes.randfontsattr) then
- i.font = math.random(randomfontslower,rfub)
- end
- end
- end
- return head
-uclcratio = 0.5 -- ratio between uppercase and lower case
-randomuclc = function(head)
- for i in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,head) do
- if not(randomuclc_onlytext) or node.has_attribute(i,luatexbase.attributes.randuclcattr) then
- if math.random() < uclcratio then
- i.char = tex.uccode[i.char]
- else
- i.char = tex.lccode[i.char]
- end
- end
- end
- return head
-randomchars = function(head)
- for line in nodetraverseid(Hhead,head) do
- for i in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,line.head) do
- i.char = math.floor(math.random()*512)
- end
- end
- return head
-randomcolor_grey = false
-randomcolor_onlytext = false --switch between local and global colorization
-rainbowcolor = false
-grey_lower = 0
-grey_upper = 900
-Rgb_lower = 1
-rGb_lower = 1
-rgB_lower = 1
-Rgb_upper = 254
-rGb_upper = 254
-rgB_upper = 254
-rainbow_step = 0.005
-rainbow_Rgb = 1-rainbow_step -- we start in the red phase
-rainbow_rGb = rainbow_step -- values x must always be 0 < x < 1
-rainbow_rgB = rainbow_step
-rainind = 1 -- 1:red,2:yellow,3:green,4:blue,5:purple
-randomcolorstring = function()
- if randomcolor_grey then
- return (0.001*math.random(grey_lower,grey_upper)).." g"
- elseif rainbowcolor then
- if rainind == 1 then -- red
- rainbow_rGb = rainbow_rGb + rainbow_step
- if rainbow_rGb >= 1-rainbow_step then rainind = 2 end
- elseif rainind == 2 then -- yellow
- rainbow_Rgb = rainbow_Rgb - rainbow_step
- if rainbow_Rgb <= rainbow_step then rainind = 3 end
- elseif rainind == 3 then -- green
- rainbow_rgB = rainbow_rgB + rainbow_step
- rainbow_rGb = rainbow_rGb - rainbow_step
- if rainbow_rGb <= rainbow_step then rainind = 4 end
- elseif rainind == 4 then -- blue
- rainbow_Rgb = rainbow_Rgb + rainbow_step
- if rainbow_Rgb >= 1-rainbow_step then rainind = 5 end
- else -- purple
- rainbow_rgB = rainbow_rgB - rainbow_step
- if rainbow_rgB <= rainbow_step then rainind = 1 end
- end
- return rainbow_Rgb.." "..rainbow_rGb.." "..rainbow_rgB.." rg"
- else
- Rgb = math.random(Rgb_lower,Rgb_upper)/255
- rGb = math.random(rGb_lower,rGb_upper)/255
- rgB = math.random(rgB_lower,rgB_upper)/255
- return Rgb.." "..rGb.." "..rgB.." ".." rg"
- end
-randomcolor = function(head)
- for line in nodetraverseid(0,head) do
- for i in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,line.head) do
- if not(randomcolor_onlytext) or
- (node.has_attribute(i,luatexbase.attributes.randcolorattr))
- then
- = randomcolorstring() -- color or grey string
- line.head = nodeinsertbefore(line.head,i,nodecopy(color_push))
- nodeinsertafter(line.head,i,nodecopy(color_pop))
- end
- end
- end
- return head
-substitutewords_strings = {}
-addtosubstitutions = function(input,output)
- substitutewords_strings[#substitutewords_strings + 1] = {}
- substitutewords_strings[#substitutewords_strings][1] = input
- substitutewords_strings[#substitutewords_strings][2] = output
-substitutewords = function(head)
- for i = 1,#substitutewords_strings do
- head = string.gsub(head,substitutewords_strings[i][1],substitutewords_strings[i][2])
- end
- return head
-suppressonecharbreakpenaltynode =
-suppressonecharbreakpenaltynode.penalty = 10000
-function suppressonecharbreak(head)
- for i in node.traverse_id(GLUE,head) do
- if (( and ( == GLUE)) then
- pen = node.copy(suppressonecharbreakpenaltynode)
- node.insert_after(head,,pen)
- end
- end
- return head
-tabularasa_onlytext = false
-tabularasa = function(head)
- local s = nodenew(nodeid"kern")
- for line in nodetraverseid(nodeid"hlist",head) do
- for n in nodetraverseid(nodeid"glyph",line.head) do
- if not(tabularasa_onlytext) or node.has_attribute(n,luatexbase.attributes.tabularasaattr) then
- s.kern = n.width
- nodeinsertafter(line.list,n,nodecopy(s))
- line.head = noderemove(line.list,n)
- end
- end
- end
- return head
-tanjanize = function(head)
- local s = nodenew(nodeid"kern")
- local m = nodenew(GLYPH,1)
- local use_letter_i = true
- scale = nodenew(WHAT,PDF_LITERAL)
- scale2 = nodenew(WHAT,PDF_LITERAL)
- = "0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 cm"
- = "2 0 0 2 0 0 cm"
- for line in nodetraverseid(nodeid"hlist",head) do
- for n in nodetraverseid(nodeid"glyph",line.head) do
- mimicount = 0
- tmpwidth = 0
- while (( == GLYPH) or ( == 11) or ( == 7) or ( == 0)) do --find end of a word
- =
- mimicount = mimicount + 1
- tmpwidth = tmpwidth + n.width
- end
- mimi = {} -- constructing the node list.
- mimi[0] = nodenew(GLYPH,1) -- only a dummy for the loop
- for i = 1,string.len(mimicount) do
- mimi[i] = nodenew(GLYPH,1)
- mimi[i].font = font.current()
- if(use_letter_i) then mimi[i].char = 109 else mimi[i].char = 105 end
- use_letter_i = not(use_letter_i)
- mimi[i-1].next = mimi[i]
- end
-line.head = nodeinsertbefore(line.head,n,nodecopy(scale))
- s.kern = (tmpwidth*2-n.width)
- nodeinsertafter(line.head,n,nodecopy(s))
- end
- end
- return head
-uppercasecolor_onlytext = false
-uppercasecolor = function (head)
- for line in nodetraverseid(Hhead,head) do
- for upper in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,line.head) do
- if not(uppercasecolor_onlytext) or node.has_attribute(upper,luatexbase.attributes.uppercasecolorattr) then
- if (((upper.char > 64) and (upper.char < 91)) or
- ((upper.char > 57424) and (upper.char < 57451))) then -- for small caps! nice ☺
- = randomcolorstring() -- color or grey string
- line.head = nodeinsertbefore(line.head,upper,nodecopy(color_push))
- nodeinsertafter(line.head,upper,nodecopy(color_pop))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return head
-upsidedown = function(head)
- local factor = 65536/0.99626
- for line in nodetraverseid(Hhead,head) do
- for n in nodetraverseid(GLYPH,line.head) do
- if (upsidedownarray[n.char]) then
- shift = nodenew(WHAT,PDF_LITERAL)
- shift2 = nodenew(WHAT,PDF_LITERAL)
- = "q 1 0 0 -1 0 " .. n.height/factor .." cm"
- = "Q 1 0 0 1 " .. n.width/factor .." 0 cm"
- nodeinsertbefore(head,n,shift)
- nodeinsertafter(head,n,shift2)
- end
- end
- end
- return head
-keeptext = true
-colorexpansion = true
-colorstretch_coloroffset = 0.5
-colorstretch_colorrange = 0.5
-chickenize_rule_bad_height = 4/5 -- height and depth of the rules
-chickenize_rule_bad_depth = 1/5
-colorstretchnumbers = true
-drawstretchthreshold = 0.1
-drawexpansionthreshold = 0.9
-colorstretch = function (head)
- local f = font.getfont(font.current()).characters
- for line in nodetraverseid(Hhead,head) do
- local rule_bad = nodenew(RULE)
- if colorexpansion then -- if also the font expansion should be shown
- local g = line.head
- while not( == GLYPH) and ( do g = end -- find first glyph on line. If line is empty, no glyph:
- if ( == GLYPH) then -- read width only if g is a glyph!
- exp_factor = g.width / f[g.char].width
- exp_color = colorstretch_coloroffset + (1-exp_factor)*10 .. " g"
- rule_bad.width = 0.5*line.width -- we need two rules on each line!
- end
- else
- rule_bad.width = line.width -- only the space expansion should be shown, only one rule
- end
- rule_bad.height = tex.baselineskip.width*chickenize_rule_bad_height -- this should give a better output
- rule_bad.depth = tex.baselineskip.width*chickenize_rule_bad_depth
- local glue_ratio = 0
- if line.glue_order == 0 then
- if line.glue_sign == 1 then
- glue_ratio = colorstretch_colorrange * math.min(line.glue_set,1)
- else
- glue_ratio = -colorstretch_colorrange * math.min(line.glue_set,1)
- end
- end
- = colorstretch_coloroffset + glue_ratio .. " g"
--- set up output
- local p = line.head
- -- a rule to immitate kerning all the way back
- local kern_back = nodenew(RULE)
- kern_back.width = -line.width
- -- if the text should still be displayed, the color and box nodes are inserted additionally
- -- and the head is set to the color node
- if keeptext then
- line.head = nodeinsertbefore(line.head,line.head,nodecopy(color_push))
- else
- node.flush_list(p)
- line.head = nodecopy(color_push)
- end
- nodeinsertafter(line.head,line.head,rule_bad) -- then the rule
- nodeinsertafter(line.head,,nodecopy(color_pop)) -- and then pop!
- tmpnode = nodeinsertafter(line.head,,kern_back)
- -- then a rule with the expansion color
- if colorexpansion then -- if also the stretch/shrink of letters should be shown
- = exp_color
- nodeinsertafter(line.head,tmpnode,nodecopy(color_push))
- nodeinsertafter(line.head,,nodecopy(rule_bad))
- nodeinsertafter(line.head,,nodecopy(color_pop))
- end
- if colorstretchnumbers then
- j = 1
- glue_ratio_output = {}
- for s in string.utfvalues(math.abs(glue_ratio)) do -- using math.abs here gets us rid of the minus sign
- local char = unicode.utf8.char(s)
- glue_ratio_output[j] = nodenew(GLYPH,1)
- glue_ratio_output[j].font = font.current()
- glue_ratio_output[j].char = s
- j = j+1
- end
- if math.abs(glue_ratio) > drawstretchthreshold then
- if glue_ratio < 0 then = "0.99 0 0 rg"
- else = "0 0.99 0 rg" end
- else = "0 0 0 rg"
- end
- nodeinsertafter(line.head,node.tail(line.head),nodecopy(color_push))
- for i = 1,math.min(j-1,7) do
- nodeinsertafter(line.head,node.tail(line.head),glue_ratio_output[i])
- end
- nodeinsertafter(line.head,node.tail(line.head),nodecopy(color_pop))
- end -- end of stretch number insertion
- end
- return head
-function scorpionize_color(head)
- = ".35 .55 .75 rg"
- nodeinsertafter(head,head,nodecopy(color_push))
- nodeinsertafter(head,node.tail(head),nodecopy(color_pop))
- return head
-substlist = {}
-substlist[1488] = 64289
-substlist[1491] = 64290
-substlist[1492] = 64291
-substlist[1499] = 64292
-substlist[1500] = 64293
-substlist[1501] = 64294
-substlist[1512] = 64295
-substlist[1514] = 64296
-function variantjustification(head)
- math.randomseed(1)
- for line in nodetraverseid(nodeid"hhead",head) do
- if (line.glue_sign == 1 and line.glue_order == 0) then -- exclude the last line!
- substitutions_wide = {} -- we store all “expandable” letters of each line
- for n in nodetraverseid(nodeid"glyph",line.head) do
- if (substlist[n.char]) then
- substitutions_wide[#substitutions_wide+1] = n
- end
- end
- line.glue_set = 0 -- deactivate normal glue expansion
- local width = node.dimensions(line.head) -- check the new width of the line
- local goal = line.width
- while (width < goal and #substitutions_wide > 0) do
- x = math.random(#substitutions_wide) -- choose randomly a glyph to be substituted
- oldchar = substitutions_wide[x].char
- substitutions_wide[x].char = substlist[substitutions_wide[x].char] -- substitute by wide letter
- width = node.dimensions(line.head) -- check if the line is too wide
- if width > goal then substitutions_wide[x].char = oldchar break end -- substitute back if the line would be too wide and break out of the loop
- table.remove(substitutions_wide,x) -- if further substitutions have to be done, remove the just substituted node from the list
- end
- end
- end
- return head
-zebracolorarray = {}
-zebracolorarray_bg = {}
-zebracolorarray[1] = "0.1 g"
-zebracolorarray[2] = "0.9 g"
-zebracolorarray_bg[1] = "0.9 g"
-zebracolorarray_bg[2] = "0.1 g"
-function zebranize(head)
- zebracolor = 1
- for line in nodetraverseid(nodeid"hhead",head) do
- if zebracolor == #zebracolorarray then zebracolor = 0 end
- zebracolor = zebracolor + 1
- = zebracolorarray[zebracolor]
- line.head = nodeinsertbefore(line.head,line.head,nodecopy(color_push))
- for n in nodetraverseid(nodeid"glyph",line.head) do
- if then else
- nodeinsertafter(line.head,n,nodecopy(color_pull))
- end
- end
- local rule_zebra = nodenew(RULE)
- rule_zebra.width = line.width
- rule_zebra.height = tex.baselineskip.width*4/5
- rule_zebra.depth = tex.baselineskip.width*1/5
- local kern_back = nodenew(RULE)
- kern_back.width = -line.width
- = zebracolorarray_bg[zebracolor]
- line.head = nodeinsertbefore(line.head,line.head,nodecopy(color_pop))
- line.head = nodeinsertbefore(line.head,line.head,nodecopy(color_push))
- nodeinsertafter(line.head,line.head,kern_back)
- nodeinsertafter(line.head,line.head,rule_zebra)
- end
- return (head)
-function pdf_print (...)
- for _, str in ipairs({...}) do
- pdf.print(str .. " ")
- end
- pdf.print("\n")
-function move (p)
- pdf_print(p[1],p[2],"m")
-function line (p)
- pdf_print(p[1],p[2],"l")
-function curve(p1,p2,p3)
- pdf_print(p1[1], p1[2],
- p2[1], p2[2],
- p3[1], p3[2], "c")
-function close ()
- pdf_print("h")
-function linewidth (w)
- pdf_print(w,"w")
-function stroke ()
- pdf_print("S")
-function strictcircle(center,radius)
- local left = {center[1] - radius, center[2]}
- local lefttop = {left[1], left[2] + 1.45*radius}
- local leftbot = {left[1], left[2] - 1.45*radius}
- local right = {center[1] + radius, center[2]}
- local righttop = {right[1], right[2] + 1.45*radius}
- local rightbot = {right[1], right[2] - 1.45*radius}
- move (left)
- curve (lefttop, righttop, right)
- curve (rightbot, leftbot, left)
-function disturb_point(point)
- return {point[1] + math.random()*5 - 2.5,
- point[2] + math.random()*5 - 2.5}
-function sloppycircle(center,radius)
- local left = disturb_point({center[1] - radius, center[2]})
- local lefttop = disturb_point({left[1], left[2] + 1.45*radius})
- local leftbot = {lefttop[1], lefttop[2] - 2.9*radius}
- local right = disturb_point({center[1] + radius, center[2]})
- local righttop = disturb_point({right[1], right[2] + 1.45*radius})
- local rightbot = disturb_point({right[1], right[2] - 1.45*radius})
- local right_end = disturb_point(right)
- move (right)
- curve (rightbot, leftbot, left)
- curve (lefttop, righttop, right_end)
- linewidth(math.random()+0.5)
- stroke()
-function sloppyline(start,stop)
- local start_line = disturb_point(start)
- local stop_line = disturb_point(stop)
- start = disturb_point(start)
- stop = disturb_point(stop)
- move(start) curve(start_line,stop_line,stop)
- linewidth(math.random()+0.5)
- stroke()
--- End of File `chickenize.lua'.