path: root/macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe')
5 files changed, 1036 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe/README b/macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f97a00efda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe/README
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ pageframe.sty
+ pgframedoc.tex
+ pgframetest.tex
+"pageframe.sty" is a LaTeX style file primarily intended
+to assist in preparing books, although it is also useful
+when other types of documents are being designed. Using
+the "pageframe" option causes LaTeX to put corner marks
+and tag lines on the pages of the document, and optionally
+allows the user to include a graph-paper-like grid over
+the text area (for measuring indentations, space around
+heads or figures, etc.) and/or rules that outline the
+text area, header, and footer (so you can see the effects
+of such parameters as \textheight, \evensidemargin,
+\topsep, \footskip, etc.) and/or rules that outline the
+trimmed size of the page (assuming that the ultimate size
+of the document is smaller than the size of the paper on
+which it is being printed).
+"pageframe.sty" has been privately tested by me and a few
+friends who are doing book production work, so I think it's
+free of major bugs, but comments and suggestions for enhancements
+are very welcome.
+"pgframedoc.tex" is a (lengthy) documentation file (for LaTeX)
+that explains and illustrates the features provided by
+"pageframe.sty" (and incidentally explains a few quirks and
+even bugs of LaTeX that affect the use of "pageframe").
+"pgframetest.tex" is a short document that illustrates
+the use of "pageframe" without explaining anything.
+I put a lot of work into the documentation file (with help
+from beta testers). It is my wish that the style file
+"pageframe.sty" NEVER EVER be distributed without the
+documentation file "pgframedoc.tex". If you want to place
+these files in an archive, you may re-package the Unix-oriented
+compressed tar archive into ".arc" or ".zoo" or ".lzh" or ".shar"
+or other format, but PLEASE DO NOT place the style file itself
+(separately from the doc file) into your archive. Please
+DO NOT EVEN MAKE IT POSSIBLE for a user of your archive
+to retrieve the style file without the documentation file.
+Of course, this request also applies to "private" transfers:
+please NEVER EVER give anyone the style file without the
+[ Yes, I know about "doc.sty", but although I have successfully
+read documentation that was prepared with it, and extracted
+style files that are in that format, I haven't been able to
+find the file "doc.doc" that explains how to *create* a self-
+documenting style file. I don't have Volume 10 of TUGboat (which
+I believe included an article about it) -- I wasn't a TUG member
+back then -- and I didn't feel like deducing the usage of
+the "doc.sty" macros from other peoples' documentation files. ]
+--Cameron Smith
diff --git a/macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe/pagefram.sty b/macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe/pagefram.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ca5749fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe/pagefram.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+%% pageframe.sty by Cameron Smith
+%% 18 Sept 1990, 16 Oct 1990, 21 Nov 1990, 14 Nov 1991
+%% By default, draws a frame around the text area to represent
+%% the edge of the paper -- useful when pages for a book of size
+%% 7x9 inches (for example) is being proofed on 8 1/2 x 11 inch
+%% paper. If \pageframefalse is executed, the part of the frame
+%% beside the text is removed, leaving only the corner marks
+%% to use for checking registration and for cropping.
+%% The full frame can be restored by executing \pageframetrue.
+%% This shows the results of
+%% \pageframetrue and \pageframefalse
+%% _|__________|_ _| |_
+%% | |
+%% | |
+%% | |
+%% | |
+%% | |
+%% | |
+%% _|__________|_ _ _
+%% | | | |
+%% This style option also prints (outside the page area) a timestamp,
+%% a job ID, and the page number and a sequence number on each page.
+%% The sequence number advances throughout the document, so even if
+%% there is a page (i) and several pages 1, only the first page
+%% will have sequence number 1.
+%% An oversight in the original version sometimes caused the tag line
+%% to be printed in an unusual font (if that was the last-used font
+%% on the preceding page). The current version explicitly sets the
+%% font for the tag line so that this won't happen. The default is
+%% to use cmr10, since it's highly unlikely that there are any TeX
+%% sites that don't have this font available, but the \pffont macro
+%% is provided in case another font is desired.
+%% Two more features have been added: an "inner skeleton", consisting
+%% of rules that demarcate the header, footer, and text area, and a
+%% "text grid" that can be placed inside the text area. Use
+%% "\innerskeltrue" or "\innerskelfalse" to control the skeleton
+%% and "\textgridtrue" or "\textgridfalse" to control the text grid.
+%% Use (for example) "\gridsize{10pt}{12pt}" to make a grid whose
+%% squares have width 10pt and height 12pt.
+%% To use this style option, include pageframe as an optional argument
+%% in the \documentstyle command, e.g.
+%% \documentstyle[pageframe]{book}
+%% Also you must tell LaTeX the height of the paper you are using
+%% (it can deduce the width for itself). You do this by including
+%% a declaration such as
+%% \paperheight{9in}
+%% in the preamble of your document. This *must* appear before
+%% the first page of output, because the new output routine
+%% uses this value. (If you forget to specify it, then two
+%% things will happen: the vertical rules at the sides of the
+%% text will disappear, because LaTeX thinks they have height 0pt,
+%% and the rule that represents the bottom of the paper will be
+%% flush against the bottom of the footer.)
+%% Since this style file modifies (a part of) LaTeX's output routine,
+%% it is exceedingly unlikely to be compatible with any other style
+%% option that also modifies the output routine.
+%% Please direct comments and bug reports by electronic mail
+%% This is the timestamp
+\divide\@tempcntb by 60\multiply\@tempcntb by 60\advance\@tempcnta-\@tempcntb
+\divide\@tempcntb by 60
+\edef\@@@timestamp{\vrule height.4in depth .3in width 0pt%
+ \hskip.5in\today\space\space
+ \ifnum\@tempcntb<10 0\fi
+ \number\@tempcntb:\ifnum\@tempcnta<10 0\fi\number\@tempcnta
+ \space\space\space\space\space\space\jobname
+ \space\space\space\space\space\space
+%% \pffont lets us specify the font to use for the tag line
+%% By default we use whatever font is current when this file is
+%% being loaded. This will normally be cmr10; in any case we're
+%% selecting a font which is (a) certainly available on the system
+%% were running on and (b) probably suitable for this purpose
+%% (normal-sized roman text).
+%% This is the code that makes the "inner skeleton".
+\@@@gridwd 10pt \@@@gridht 10pt
+\def\@@@innerskel{\vbox to 0pt{%
+\vskip \topmargin
+\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hrule width\textwidth}%
+\vskip \headheight
+\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hrule width\textwidth}%
+\vskip \headsep
+\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hrule width\textwidth}%
+\vbox to 0pt{\vbox to \textheight{%
+\leaders\vbox to \@@@gridht{\vss\hrule width\textwidth}\vfil
+\hbox to \textwidth{\llap{\vrule height\textheight}%
+\iftextgrid\leaders\hbox to\@@@gridwd{\hfil\vrule height\textheight}\fi\hfil
+\vrule height\textheight}%
+\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hrule width\textwidth}%
+\vskip \footskip
+\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hrule width\textwidth}%
+\vskip -\footheight
+\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hrule width\textwidth}%
+%% The paper width can be deduced from the text width and margins,
+%% but the paper height must be specified.
+%% The part of the output routine that puts the frame on the
+%% page to represent the edge of the paper is surrounded by
+%% \ifpageframe...\fi so that it can be suppressed.
+%% \@@@cropmark should be followed by two letters, the first of which
+%% is t or b (for top or bottom) and the second l or r (left or right).
+%% It makes a box of height, width, and depth 0pt, but with a
+%% crop mark extending above or below and left or right of the base point.
+%% The arms of the crop mark do not quite meet, but are positioned
+%% so that if they were extended to meet, the meeting point would be
+%% the corner of the paper. This is to allow a little leeway for
+%% positioning and cutting the paper.
+\vbox to 0pt{%
+\hbox to .5in{\if#2r\hfil\fi
+\vrule width .45in height .4pt depth 0pt\if#2l\hfil\fi}%
+\hbox to .5in{\if#2l\hfil\fi\vrule height .45in depth 0pt\if#2r\hfil\fi}%
+\hbox to .5in{\if#2r\hfil\fi
+\vrule width .45in height .4pt depth 0pt\if#2l\hfil\fi}%
+\def\@outputpage{\begingroup\catcode`\ =10
+ \let\-\@dischyph \let\'\@acci \let\`\@accii \let\=\@acciii
+ \if@specialpage
+ \global\@specialpagefalse\@nameuse{ps@\@specialstyle}\fi
+ \if@twoside
+ \ifodd\count\z@ \let\@thehead\@oddhead \let\@thefoot\@oddfoot
+ \let\@themargin\oddsidemargin
+ \let\@theothermargin\evensidemargin
+ \else \let\@thehead\@evenhead
+ \let\@thefoot\@evenfoot \let\@themargin\evensidemargin
+ \let\@theothermargin\oddsidemargin
+ \fi\fi
+ \global\advance\@@@sheetcount by1%
+ \shipout
+ \vbox{\normalsize \baselineskip\z@ \lineskip\z@
+ \let\par\@@par %% 15 Sep 87
+ \vbox to 0pt{\vss
+ \hbox{\@@@pffont\@@@timestamp
+ Sheet number \number\@@@sheetcount
+ \space\space Page number \thepage
+ }
+ \hrule height 0pt depth 0pt
+ }
+ \@@@pagewidth\@themargin\advance\@@@pagewidth\textwidth
+ \advance\@@@pagewidth\@theothermargin
+ \hbox{\@@@cropmark tl\hskip\@@@pagewidth\@@@cropmark tr}
+ \ifpageframe\vbox to0pt{\vss\hrule width\@@@pagewidth}\fi
+ \hbox{%
+ \ifpageframe\llap{\vrule height0pt depth\@@@pageheight}\else
+ \vrule height0pt depth\@@@pageheight width0pt\fi
+ \hskip\@themargin
+ \vtop{\ifinnerskel\@@@innerskel\fi
+ \vskip \topmargin
+ \setbox\@tempboxa
+ \vbox to\headheight{\vfil \hbox to\textwidth
+ {\let\label\@gobble \let\index\@gobble
+ \@thehead}} %% 22 Feb 87
+ \dp\@tempboxa\z@
+ \box\@tempboxa
+ \vskip \headsep
+ \box\@outputbox
+ \baselineskip\footskip
+ \hbox to\textwidth{\let\label\@gobble
+ \let\index\@gobble %% 22 Feb 87
+ \@thefoot}%
+ }%
+ \ifpageframe
+ \hskip\@theothermargin
+ \rlap{\vrule height0pt depth\@@@pageheight}\fi
+ }
+ \ifpageframe\vbox to0pt{\hrule width\@@@pagewidth\vss}\fi
+ \hbox{\@@@cropmark bl\hskip\@@@pagewidth\@@@cropmark br}
+ }
+ \global\@colht\textheight
+ \endgroup\stepcounter{page}\let\firstmark\botmark}
+%% End of "pageframe.sty"
diff --git a/macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe/pageframe.sty b/macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe/pageframe.sty
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..d274c90fc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe/pageframe.sty
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+pagefram.sty \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe/pgframed.tex b/macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe/pgframed.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eaf2ee86bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe/pgframed.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+%% Parameters used by pageframe
+\footheight 10pt
+%% Macros to make filler text
+\newcount\foo\def\testsen{\advance\foo by1%
+This is filler sentence number \the\foo. }%
+\newcount\bar\def\testpar{\advance\bar by1%
+This is filler paragraph number \the\bar.
+%% The basic style we're using is "book" style,
+%% but we re-define many parameters:
+%% white space between paragraphs
+\parskip 12pt
+%% handling of short text pages
+%% numbering of sections
+%% left-hand running heads (usually set by \chapter,
+%% but this document doesn't have any \chapter's)
+\markboth{The {\tt pageframe} document style option}{}
+%% right-hand running heads (set by \section; we omit
+%% the \uppercase macro so the heads don't SCREAM at us)
+%% margins
+\evensidemargin 1in
+\oddsidemargin .75in
+\topmargin .5in
+\headsep .2in
+\textwidth 4.65in
+\advance\textheight by\topskip
+%% space around list environments (including center)
+\topsep 0pt
+%% footnotes (use a dagger instead of a numeral)
+%\long\gdef\@makefntext#1{\parindent 1em\noindent
+% \hbox to 1.8em{\hss$^{\dag}$\ }#1}
+%% Thanks to (Anita Marie Hoover)
+%% for this code, which causes footnotes always to appear at
+%% the bottom of a page even if the page isn't full of text.
+%% She posted the fix in comp.text.tex
+%% (article <> on 14 Oct 91 at 14:26:22 GMT).
+%% This modifies part of LaTeX's output routine; the original
+%% lines are commented out.
+\def\@makecol{\ifvoid\footins \setbox\@outputbox\box\@cclv
+ \else\setbox\@outputbox
+% \vbox{\boxmaxdepth \maxdepth
+% \unvbox\@cclv\vskip\skip\footins\footnoterule\unvbox\footins}\fi
+ \vbox to\@colht{\boxmaxdepth\maxdepth\unvbox\@cclv\vfill\relax
+ \vskip\skip\footins\footnoterule\unvbox\footins}\fi
+ \xdef\@freelist{\@freelist\@midlist}\gdef\@midlist{}\@combinefloats
+ \setbox\@outputbox\vbox to\@colht{\boxmaxdepth\maxdepth
+ \@texttop\dimen128=\dp\@outputbox\unvbox\@outputbox
+ \vskip-\dimen128\@textbottom}%
+ \global\maxdepth\@maxdepth}
+The {\tt pageframe} document style option}\\[5pt]
+{\large Cameron Smith}\\[5pt]
+version current as of 2 December 1991
+The \verb"pageframe" document style option was written as an aid
+for people who are using \LaTeX\ to make books. It assumes that
+the pages generated by \LaTeX\ are printed on paper larger than the
+ultimate trimmed and bound size of the leaves of the book
+(for example, pages of a $7{\rm in}\times9{\rm in}$ book printed
+on $8\frac12{\rm in}\times11{\rm in}$ paper). The \verb"pageframe"
+style option provides the following services:
+\item Corner marks to serve as guides in trimming the page to final size
+\item An identifying line of text (commonly called a tag line)
+ across the top of each printed page,
+ outside the final trim area, containing
+\item the name of the job that produced the page
+ (this is the name of the main input file),
+\item the time and date when the job was run,
+\item the folio (the number of the page in the document's
+ own numbering system---this number may be a roman numeral,
+ and it may not be unique within the document), and
+\item the absolute sequence number of the sheet within the document
+ (this starts at number 1 and increases throughout the document)
+\item A frame around the trim area of the page
+\item Frames around the running head, text body, and footline
+\item A grid (of user-specified dimensions) within the text body
+The tag line and corner marks are always printed; the other
+features may be turned on (separately) for draft or proof runs
+but would be turned off when the final form of the document is
+being generated.
+This document illustrates and explains the features that the
+\verb"pageframe" style provides. The pages of the document are printed
+with different combinations of the \verb"pageframe" option settings;
+you may want to look at the \LaTeX\ source for the document
+to see how these are specified. You will find
+a summary of the \verb"pageframe" commands near the end
+of this document.
+\section{The Page Frame}
+The page frame is a rectangle that outlines the entire area of the
+final trimmed page. (The edges of this rectangle therefore line up
+with the lines that make up the corner marks.)
+It's useful in drafts to allow the designer to see where
+the design elements (folios, running heads and feet,
+displays, text body, etc.) will fall in relation to the edges
+of the printed page. The page you're now reading
+has this frame. This feature is turned on
+by default when the \verb"pageframe" style is used, but you can
+turn it off and back on with the commands
+The setting (false=off or true=on) that is in effect when a page
+is actually emitted to the \verb"dvi" file (that is, when \LaTeX's
+``output routine'' is invoked) is the one that is obeyed, so if you
+change this setting partway through a document it may take effect
+a page or so before or after you expected. (This happens because
+\TeX\ is typically in the middle of page $n+1$ before it realizes
+that it has accumulated enough material to fill page $n$.)
+\section{The Inner Skeleton}
+The \verb"pageframe" style also allows the designer to outline
+the headline, footline, and text body rectangle of a page.
+I call this the ``inner skeleton'' of the page (for want of a
+better name), and you can turn it on or off with
+This feature is off by default, because it's distracting,
+but it's useful in the early stages of design when you want
+to judge the precise placement of the heads and feet, or
+later when you want to see how unusual features like
+displayed material or marginal notes fit on the page in relation
+to the main text.
+When the page frame and inner skeleton are both turned on,
+you can see at a glance almost all the parameters that
+\LaTeX\ uses to lay out a page. The width of the text rectangle
+is \verb"\textwidth", the distance from the edge of the
+text rectangle to the outer edge of the (trimmed) paper is
+and the distance from the text rectangle to the inner edge of the
+paper is \verb"\oddsidemargin". The distance from the top of
+the (trimmed) paper to the rule that represents the top of
+the page header is \verb"\topmargin", the distance from the top
+of the header to the bottom is \verb"\headheight", and the distance
+from the bottom of the header to the top of the text rectangle is
+\verb"\headsep". The height of the text rectangle is \verb"\textheight",
+the distance from the baseline of the text rectangle to the
+baseline of the footer is \verb"\footskip", and the distance
+from the top to the bottom of the footer is \verb"\footheight".
+The section {\it Things You Need To Know\/} later in this document
+has a more detailed discussion of some of these parameters.
+The inner skeleton can be turned on
+without the page frame, although that seems to me to be
+of questionable value. I can see wanting the page frame
+without the inner skeleton, but not vice versa. However,
+the switches are independent.
+\section{The Text Grid}
+Another optional feature is a grid laid
+over\footnote{well, actually under---it's
+laid on the page {\em before\/} the text---but you usually
+won't be able to tell the difference} the text body.
+This can be useful for measuring the leading
+(\LaTeX's \verb"\baselineskip" parameter), or space above and
+below a display or section head. The text grid will not be
+displayed unless the \verb"innerskel" switch is on. Even then,
+the grid is omitted unless the \verb"textgrid" switch is also on,
+which it is by default. As usual, you can turn it off and on
+with the commands
+Although a grid makes it almost impossible to read the text
+on a page, it can be useful when you are trying
+to gauge parameters that affect the layout of the text
+within the text rectangle
+(rather than the parameters listed earlier, which
+affect the way the larger features of the page --- header,
+footer, and text area as a whole --- are arranged). Text
+layout parameters include the \verb"\baselineskip", the
+\verb"\parskip", the \verb"\parindent", the \verb"\topskip",
+the space above and below section heads
+(usually specified in a style file as arguments to the
+\verb"\@startsection" macro), space around figures, tables,
+and lists, space above footnotes, and many others.
+The next two pages show grids of different sizes laid
+over the text body. The first page uses the default grid,
+which is composed of squares 10pt on a side. The grid on the
+following page has rectangles 10 picas wide and 15 points high;
+this was specified with the command
+The grid size that is in effect when a page is
+actually sent to the \verb"dvi" file is the one that is used
+for that page.
+This page has the default grid, which consists of squares 10pt on a side.}
+This page has a grid with vertical lines 10pc apart and
+horizontal lines 15pt apart.}
+\columnsep 2pc
+\section{Two-Column Format}
+As you can see, the inner skeleton does work on a page in
+two-column format, but it still outlines the text body as
+a whole (rather than outlining each column separately).
+Similarly, a text grid on a two-column page
+covers both columns together
+(not each column separately). To treat the columns
+as separate objects, I would have had to alter
+much more of \LaTeX's output routine than I was
+comfortable with. And that approach still would not
+be able to handle \LaTeX\ extensions like
+Frank Mittelbach's \verb"multicol" style option, which are
+increasingly used instead of \LaTeX's built-in
+two-column feature. So I decided to punt.
+The rest of this page is simply filler.
+\section{Things You Need To Know}
+This section details a few more things you need to know before you
+use the \verb"pageframe" document style option.
+One of the basic assumptions underlying the \verb"pageframe" code
+is that your document is being laid out for back-to-back two-sided
+printing (remember, \verb"pageframe" was created primarily to assist in book
+production). As explained below, this assumption is used in calculating
+the width of the trimmed pages, so the frame may have the wrong width
+if you use \verb"pageframe" with a one-sided document
+style. Note that the standard \LaTeX\ \verb"article" and \verb"report"
+document styles both accept \verb"twoside" as an option, so a document
+that begins
+(for example) should come out just fine.
+Strictly speaking,
+\LaTeX\ doesn't know how wide your page is---it doesn't place anything
+on the page to the right of the text body, so it doesn't care how
+much farther out the edge of the paper is. For this reason \LaTeX\ only
+provides parameters to specify the widths of the left-hand margins
+(\verb"\oddsidemargin" for odd-numbered pages, and \verb"\evensidemargin"
+for even-numbered pages). How then do we figure out where
+to put the corner marks and rules that mark the right-hand edge
+of the paper? We do it by assuming that the right-side margin
+on a recto (= right-hand-side = odd-numbered) page is equal to
+the left-side margin on a verso (= left-hand-side = even-numbered) page,
+and vice versa. This is usually the case, because
+otherwise the text rectangles of the pages on the
+opposite sides of a leaf wouldn't line up
+back-to-back.\footnote{Books are occasionally designed that way,
+but it often looks horrible,
+because the mass of ink in the text area on the back of a page is usually
+dark enough to show through.
+That isn't a problem if the text rectangles are aligned, because the text
+ink is dark enough that the eye doesn't notice the ``ghost'' from the
+other side of the leaf.}
+Therefore the \verb"pageframe" style option assumes that the
+\verb"\evensidemargin" is the fore-edge margin for all pages (recto
+and verso), and the \verb"\oddsidemargin" is the gutter
+margin for all pages.\footnote{This is correct: note that the left edge
+of a recto page is in the gutter, while the left edge of a verso page
+is at the fore-edge.}
+It computes the width of a (trimmed) page
+to be the sum of the width of the text body (which is given by \LaTeX's
+\verb"\textwidth" parameter) and the widths of the fore-edge and gutter
+margins. (I could remove this assumption, having the user instead specify
+the page width explicitly, and I will do so if user feedback shows
+a demand for this.)
+Unfortunately, there is
+no parameter, or sum of parameters, that tells us the
+total height of a page. Once again, \LaTeX\ doesn't need
+to know that. It simply starts at the top of the page, laying down
+space above the header (the \verb"\topmargin"), then the header
+(a box of height \verb"\headheight"), then space below the header and
+above the text body (the \verb"\headsep"), then the text body
+(a box of height \verb"\textheight"), then the footer
+(a box of height \verb"\footheight" whose baseline is a distance
+\verb"\footskip" below the bottom of the text body).
+Since \LaTeX\ places nothing on the page below the footer,
+it doesn't care---and doesn't know---how far below the footer
+the physical edge of the printed page will fall.
+And there's no clever assumption that we can make to figure
+it out, as we did in computing the paper width.
+The top-to-bottom analogue of the left-to-right reflection argument
+given above doesn't work: there's no reason why the distance
+below the footer on recto
+pages should equal the distance above the header on verso
+pages.\footnote{If books were bound across the top
+instead of along the side, this would be true---but then
+the left and right margins would be
+independent and you'd have to specify the width of a page. You can't win.}
+This means that
+in order for the bottom corner marks to be placed in the right
+positions I had to provide a way for you to specify the
+trim height of the paper.
+You do it this way:
+This declaration goes in the preamble of your \LaTeX\ document (after
+the \verb"\documentstyle" command but before the \verb"\begin{document}"
+command). If you omit it, the rules that outline
+the left and right edges of the page in the page frame will disappear,
+and the bottom corner marks will abut the footer.
+There is a half-truth in the preceding paragraph, regarding the height
+of the page footer. The \LaTeX\ manual does state
+(on page 163) that \verb"\footheight" is the height of the
+box into which the page's footer is placed, and the code for
+\verb"pageframe" acts as if this were so.
+But \LaTeX\ doesn't actually work that way.
+In fact, the file \verb"latex.tex" contains a comment
+to the effect that the \verb"\footheight" parameter is never
+used by \LaTeX{}, and this does seem to be the case.
+The standard \verb"article", \verb"book", and \verb"report" document
+styles do not even specify a value for \verb"\footheight", leaving it
+at its default setting of 0pt. With this setting, the upper and lower
+rules drawn by \verb"\innerskeltrue" to demarcate the footer will coincide,
+so you'll only see a single line on the page, representing the baseline of
+the page footer. The document you're now reading arbitrarily
+sets \verb"\footheight"
+to 10pt just to illustrate how the inner skeleton was intended to look,
+but you should be aware that it's not a bug in the \verb"pageframe" code
+if you see only a single line indicating the position of the footer.
+I reset the page number counter to 1 on this page to demonstrate
+that the sheet sequence number in the tag line at the top of a page
+is independent of the page number printed on the page.
+Even if a book design calls for a roman-numeral page $i$ and
+a new page 1 for every part or chapter, there will still
+be only one page with sheet number 1.
+By default the tag line across the top of the page
+is printed in whatever font is current while \LaTeX\ is
+loading the \verb"pageframe" style file (this is ordinarily
+\verb"cmr10", but some installations might be configured
+with different fonts). You can select any font you like for
+the tag lines with the \verb"\pffont" command.
+I reset the tag line font on this page to \verb"cmti10" by putting
+the declaration \verb"\pffont{cmti10}" just before this paragraph.
+A tag line font that you declare in this way takes effect as soon as
+\LaTeX\ ships out the next page to the \verb"dvi" file, and
+remains in effect through the end of the document (unless you
+give another \verb"\pffont" command). Remember that because of the
+way output routines work in \TeX\ the next page shipped out
+might actually be the page before or after the one on which the
+\verb"\pffont" declaration would seem to fall by its position
+in the source file.
+Observe that the arms of the corner marks do not quite meet,
+but are positioned
+so that if they were extended to meet, the meeting point would be
+the corner of the paper. The gap allows leeway for
+positioning and cutting the paper. The current version of
+\verb"pageframe" doesn't allow you to control the lengths of the
+corner marks, the size of the gaps between them and the page corners,
+or the distance between the tag line and the top of the page
+frame, but it wouldn't be too hard to parametrize these.
+I didn't do it because I didn't see a reason to, but I will
+if there's demand.
+Just in case you're worried about all these extra words and rules
+on the page
+throwing off the measurements, relax! The code for \verb"pageframe"
+uses constructions like \verb"\llap" and \verb"\rlap" to ``hide'' the
+height, width, and depth of every mark that it places on the page,
+so that the marks placed by your document (text, illustrations,
+or whatever) fall into exactly the same positions when you
+use \verb"pageframe" as when you don't.
+Piet van~Oostrum has written the \verb"fancyheadings" style option
+to provide enhanced formatting capabilities for running heads
+and feet. This style option allows for
+\item three-part headers and footers
+\item rules in header and footer
+\item headers and footers wider than \verb|\textwidth|
+\item multiline headers and footers
+\item separate headers and footers for even and odd pages
+\item separate headers and footers for chapter pages
+To provide extra-wide headers and footers, \verb"fancyheadings"
+defines a new dimension parameter, \verb"\headwidth", which it uses
+instead of \verb"\textwidth" to specify the widths of the
+boxes in which the running heads and feet are constructed.
+The \verb"pageframe" style option does not take account of this
+new parameter, and continues to draw its rules outlining header
+and footer at width \verb"\textwidth". It would be possible
+to make \verb"pageframe" sensitive to \verb"fancyheadings", using
+\verb"\headwidth" if \verb"fancyheadings" is in effect and
+\verb"\textwidth" otherwise.
+I'm willing to do this if there is any demand for it.
+(Keep those cards and letters coming in, folks!)
+The use of the margin parameters (\verb"\topmargin",
+\verb"\evensidemargin", and \verb"\oddsidemargin") calls for
+further comment. The \LaTeX\ manual (on page 163 again) defines
+the margin parameters to be ``one inch less than the distance
+from the [top or left] edge of the paper'' to the running head
+or the text (as appropriate). Why ``one inch less''? Well,
+it so happens (although the \LaTeX\ manual doesn't tell you this) that
+\TeX\ always uses a point one inch down from the top edge of the
+paper and one inch right of the left edge of the paper as the
+origin of its coordinate system, and all the marks on the paper
+are positioned relative to that point. You'll have to read
+{\it \TeX: The Program\/} (Volume B of the Computers \& Typesetting
+series) for an explanation of why it's done
+that way (or do what I'm doing: wait for the movie). At any rate,
+\LaTeX's margin parameters are {\em really\/} measuring relative
+to \TeX's origin point, not the corner of the paper. For that reason
+I used that point as the upper left corner of the ``virtual'' page
+area (to which the larger actual paper will be trimmed when the
+book is bound), and that's why this document speaks of \verb"\topmargin",
+\verb"\evensidemargin", and \verb"\oddsidemargin" as specifying the
+actual margins (relative to the trimmed page area) rather than
+``one inch less than'' the actual margins.
+Incidentally, suppose you're working with a document design
+that calls for pages a bit wider than $7\frac12{\rm in}$ or taller
+than $10{\rm in}$, and you want to proof the document on
+$8\frac12{\rm in}\times11{\rm in}$ paper. Does the fact that
+\TeX's origin is set down and in by one inch make this impossible?
+No! Should you use negative values of \verb"\topmargin",
+\verb"\evensidemargin", and \verb"\oddsidemargin" to move the text
+farther up and to the left than it would ordinarily go? Well,
+you can, but you will get very confusing results---for example,
+a negative \verb"\topmargin" will cause the running head to overstrike
+the tag line that \verb"pageframe" puts across the top of the sheet.
+Mind you, \verb"pageframe" doesn't complain or malfunction; it just
+does what you told it to do. Still, to obtain useful results, you should
+always use positive values for the margin parameters. How can you
+fit a wide or tall page onto the paper, then? You can use a feature
+of \TeX\ that (regrettably) isn't documented in the \LaTeX\ manual:
+\verb"\hoffset" and \verb"\voffset". These parameters tell \TeX\ to
+displace its origin horizontally or vertically (respectively) from
+its usual $(1{\rm in},1{\rm in})$ position. They both normally have the
+value 0pt, but if you put
+\verb"\hoffset -0.5in"\\
+\verb"\voffset -0.25in"
+(for example)
+into the preamble of your document, then every mark on every page will
+be shifted a quarter inch up and a half inch to the left of where it
+would have been. Using the \verb"\hoffset" and \verb"\voffset" parameters
+makes a single adjustment in the \verb"dvi" file, so it affects all
+marks the same way (including those made by \verb"pageframe"), and they
+all maintain their relative positions to one another. Of course, if you
+move the origin up too far (more than about half an inch), then the
+tag line across the top of the sheet will fall off the top edge of the
+paper; your device driver may or may not accept this gracefully.
+On the other hand, if you are printing the document directly (rather
+than printing a camera-ready repro from which to make a printing
+plate), you might want to move the origin up one inch and left one
+inch; that way the upper left corner of the virtual page will coincide
+with the physical upper left corner of the paper and you'll only have
+to trim the sheets on two sides instead of four.
+One last caveat: the \verb"pageframe" style option does its work by
+substituting new code for a part of \LaTeX's output routine
+(specifically, the \verb"\@outputpage" subroutine).
+This means that any other document style option that also attempts
+to hook into or replace this part of the output routine will
+be incompatible
+with the \verb"pageframe" option. It isn't very common for style
+files to do this, but it does happen.
+{\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=12 |gdef|bslash{\}}
+{\leftmargin 3.5cm\rightmargin 0cm\labelwidth 3cm\labelsep .5cm
+This section summarizes the user commands provided by the
+\verb"pageframe" style option. The code for \verb"pageframe"
+also defines some ``private'' control sequences that are not intended
+to be used directly; all such control sequences have \verb"@" signs
+in their names.
+\item[\tt\bslash paperheight]
+The command \verb"\paperheight{HT}" (where \verb"HT"
+is a \TeX\ dimension specification) tells the \verb"pageframe"
+code that the trimmed height of the paper on which your document
+will ultimately appear is \verb"HT". This is used to determine
+how far down the page the bottom corner marks are positioned.
+This should be specified in the preamble of your document
+(after the \verb"\documentstyle" command and before the
+\verb"\begin{document}" command). If you forget to declare
+a paper height, the bottom corner marks will be positioned parallel
+with the bottom of the footer.
+\item[\tt\strut\vtop to 0pt{%
+\hbox{\bslash pageframetrue}%
+\hbox{\bslash pageframefalse}%
+The conditional \verb"\ifpageframe" is used
+in the code for \verb"pageframe" to control the printing of the
+rectangle that outlines the trim edges of the paper.
+It is true by default (so the rectangle is printed);
+you will want to turn it off before printing a final copy
+of your document.
+\item[\tt\strut\vtop to 0pt{%
+\hbox{\bslash innerskeltrue}%
+\hbox{\bslash innerskelfalse}%
+The conditional \verb"\ifinnerskel" is used
+to control the printing of the
+rectangle around the text area and the rules that
+outline the header and footer.
+It is false by default (so the inner skeleton is not printed).
+Turning off the inner skeleton also disables the text grid feature.
+\item[\tt\strut\vtop to 0pt{%
+\hbox{\bslash textgridtrue}%
+\hbox{\bslash textgridfalse}%
+The conditional \verb"\iftextgrid" is used, together with the
+\verb"\ifinnerskel" conditional,
+to control the printing of a grid over the main text area of the
+page. It is true by default; however, this is not sufficient to
+cause the text grid to appear.
+If the inner skeleton is turned off, the text grid is not printed,
+regardless of the setting of the \verb"textgrid" switch. The text
+grid is only printed if the \verb"innerskel" and \verb"textgrid"
+switches are both on. The default grid is made up of squares 10pt
+on a side; it can be reset with the \verb"\gridsize" command.
+\item[\tt\bslash gridsize]
+The command \verb"\gridsize{WD}{HT}" (where \verb"WD" and \verb"HT"
+are \TeX\ dimension specifications) causes the text grid to be drawn
+with vertical rules separated by \verb"WD" and horizontal rules
+separated by \verb"HT" (so the grid cells are rectangles of dimensions
+${\tt WD}\times{\tt HT}$).
+\item[\tt\bslash pffont]
+The command \verb"\pffont{FONTSPEC}" causes the tag line across
+the top of each page to be printed in the font specified by
+the \verb"FONTSPEC", which should be a font designation such as
+\verb"cmr10" or {\tt times at 12pt} or {\tt cmbx10 scaled
+\bslash magstep2}.
+The author of the \verb"pageframe" document style option is
+very grateful for the assistance of Irma Tani, who beta tested
+both the \TeX\ code and the documentation and suggested many
+improvements in both. Having professional experience
+in book production (which the author completely lacks), she was able
+to say what features would be useful in real applications.
+Brian Junker also made very helpful comments about the beta
+version of the documentation.
+The author of the \verb"pageframe" document style option
+used it for over a year in both large and
+small documents before releasing it for beta testing, and the code
+went through several conceptual overhauls during that time.
+He now believes it to be, not perfect, but complete enough and
+clean enough to be widely useful.
+Even so, he realizes that errors and pitfalls may remain, and
+he would be grateful to receive reports of them, whether they
+represent coding gaffes that cause malfunctions, or infelicities
+of design that make \verb"pageframe" hard to use. His name is Cameron
+Smith, and he can be reached through electronic mail
+as \verb""
+or \verb"", or by telephone
+at (513) 429-2707.
+\section{Claims and Disclaimers}
+This document and the computer code in the file
+\verb"pageframe.sty" are copyright 1991
+by the author, Cameron Smith. Permission is granted to all to use the
+code (by executing it on a computer) without fee, but {\em not\/} to
+sell it or to incorporate it into other works offered for sale.
+The computer code described in this document is offered in hopes that
+it will be found useful, and in the belief that it is correct,
+but it is offered without any
+warranty of any kind, including warranty of fitness for any purpose.
+Users of this code do so entirely at their own risk. The author
+neither admits nor accepts any liability for any loss, direct,
+indirect, consequential, incidental, or otherwise, resulting
+from the use of the computer code described herein. The statements
+in this document are believed to be complete and accurate but
+are not warranted to be so, and remedy for any omissions or inaccuracies
+is limited to the issuance of a corrected version of the document.
diff --git a/macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe/pgframet.tex b/macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe/pgframet.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8e94e60c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex209/contrib/pageframe/pgframet.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+\footheight 10pt
+\newcount\foo\def\testsen{\advance\foo by1%
+This is test sentence number \the\foo. }%
+\newcount\bar\def\testpar{\advance\bar by1%
+This is test paragraph number \the\bar.