path: root/macros/latex209/contrib/agu
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex209/contrib/agu
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex209/contrib/agu')
4 files changed, 782 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex209/contrib/agu/agugrl-sample.tex b/macros/latex209/contrib/agu/agugrl-sample.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3277c86813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex209/contrib/agu/agugrl-sample.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+% an example of how to use the agujgr macro package
+% By Stephen Gildea <mit-erl!gildea> 22 Feb 89
+% This text is from ``Sample for typeset JGR papers''
+\title{Investigation of Two High-Stress Drop Earthquakes in the
+ Shumagin Seismic Gap, Alaska}
+\author{Leigh House and John Boatwright}
+\address{Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory and Department of
+ Geological Sciences, Columbia University
+ Palisades, New York}
+\author{Keith Preistley\thanks{Also at U.S. Geological Survey,
+ Menlo Park, California.}}
+\address{Seismological Laboratory, Mackay School of Mines, University of
+ Nevada at Reno}
+Two moderate size earthquakes occurred within a local network of
+short-period seismograph stations in the Shumagin Islands, Alaska, on
+April 6, 1974.
+Two moderate size ($m_b =5.8$, $6.0$) earthquakes and their
+aftershocks that occurred within the Shumagin Islands seismic network
+in Alaska have produced a unique data set for a detailed study of
+convergent tectonics at depth in an area that has been identified as a
+seismic gap \cite{kelleher}.
+Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory has operated a network of
+vertical short-period, radio-telemetered station in the Shumagin
+Islands region of Alaska since July 1973 \cite{davies}. As originally
+installed, the network consisted of eight high-gain remote stations that
+telemeter their data to a central recording site at Sand Point (Figure 1).
+\marginboxed{Fig. 1}
+\section{SMA 1 Waveform Analysis}
+Since the Sand Point station was at an {\em SH\/} node, the vertical
+and horizontal components were combined to obtain the incident {\em
+SV\/} pulse shape by using the free surface transformation
+u_{sv}(t) = \frac{\cos 2j}{2 \cos j} u_x(t) + \sin ju_z(t)
+Here $j$ is the angle of incidence of the {\em S\/} save, and $u_x(t)$
+is the horizontal component (positive downward), shown in Figure 2.
+\marginboxed{Fig. 2}
+\subsection{Focal Mechanism of the Main Shocks}
+The focal mechanism of the second main shock ($m_b = 6.0$), shown in
+Figure 3, was determined from long-period arrivals at World-Wide
+Standard Seismographic network stations. Both {\em S\/} and {\em P\/}
+wave first motions were used; however, the solution is more strongly
+constrained by the {\em S\/} wave polarizations. The results are
+shown in Table 1.\marginboxed{Table 1}
+\subsubsection{Magnitudes and b value}
+Magnitudes of most of the earthquakes in this sequence were estimated
+from coda duration measurements similar to the techniques used by R.
+Lee et al.\ (unpublished manuscript, 1984).
+The authors are grateful to L. Sykes and K. Jacob for critical reviews
+of this paper.
+% You can also use BibTeX to generate the bibliography automatically.
+% With BibTeX, use the natsci bibliography format.
+\bibitem[{\em Belt,} 1968]{belt}
+Belt, E.S., Post-Acadian rifts and related facies, eastern Canada, in
+{\em Studies on Appalachian Geology,} edited by E. Zen et al.,
+pp.~95--113, John Wiley, New York, 1968.
+\bibitem[{\em Davies and House,} 1979]{davies}
+Davies, J.R., and House, M.O, Another random paper.
+\bibitem[{\em Kelleher et al.,} 1970]{kelleher}
+Kelleher et al., Can anyone find these two referenced papers for me.
+\bibitem[{\em Orringer,} 1974]{mit}
+Orringer, O., Frontal analysis program, {\em Rep.\ ASRL TR 1023,}
+Aeroelastic and Struct.\ Lab., Mass.\ Inst.\ of Technol., Cambridge, 1974.
+J. Boatwright and L. House, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory and
+Department of Geological Sciences, Columbia University, Palisades NY
+K. Priestley, Seismological Laboratory, Mackay School of Mines,
+University of Nevada at Reno, Reno NV 89557.
+(Received September 17, 1983; \\
+revised June 9, 1984; \\
+accepted June 22, 1984)
+\copyrightnotice{Copyright 1986 by the American Geophysical Union.}
+\papernumber{4B1073. \\ 0148--0227/86/004B--1073\$05.00}
+\runningheads{2}{House et al.: High-Stress Drop Earthquakes}
+Fig.~1. Detail of short-period WWSSN analysis. The lowermost trace
+is the seismogram as digitized with the band-passed seismogram above it.
+% Sometimes captions or tables need to have a different length.
+% The wider environment does this.
+Fig.~2. Source parameters of the earthquake from combined Rayleigh and
+Love wave moment tensor inversion and fault model inversion.
+%% Every table goes in its own table environment.
+ \begin{center}
+ TABLE 1. Average Rate of Change of Line Length
+ \end{center}
+ %% The expandedtabular environment is like tabular, but the table
+ %% is expanded to the current line width.
+ \begin{expandedtabular}{ccrr}
+ \hline
+ &&\multicolumn{2}{c}{{\em dl/dt,} mm/yr} \\ \cline{3-4}
+ From & To & Observed & Model \\ \hline
+ Alamillo & Palvadero & 0.6 + 0.8 & 1.4 \\
+ Campana & Canas & 0.4 + 1.1 & $-0.7$ \\
+ & Chupardera & $-0.5$ + 1.0 & 0.2 \\ \hline
+ \end{expandedtabular}
+ The quoted uncertainty is one standard deviation. These rates were
+ measured using the method described in the paper.
diff --git a/macros/latex209/contrib/agu/agugrl.sty b/macros/latex209/contrib/agu/agugrl.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3084baed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex209/contrib/agu/agugrl.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+%NAME: agugrl.sty
+% For American Geophysical Union
+% Geophysical Research Letters
+% This style option is designed to work with the article document
+% style of LaTeX version 2.09. Use
+% \documentstyle[agugrl]{article}
+% Notes: if your output device is not at least 300dpi AGU will
+% probably reject your paper. AGU requires 12pt type.
+% The rules here are from "Specifications for typeset GRL papers" 5/85.
+% 09 Jul 87
+% Copyright (c) 1987 by Stephen Gildea
+% Permission to copy all or part of this work is granted, provided
+% that the copies are not made or distributed for resale, and that
+% the copyright notice and this notice are retained.
+% If you make any improvements, I'd like to hear about them.
+% Stephen Gildea
+% MIT Earth Resources Lab
+% Cambridge, Mass. 02139
+% mit-erl!gildea
+\oddsidemargin 1.1875in %set left margin to 2 3/16"
+\textwidth 4.125in %or 25 picas or 10.4 cm
+% With such a short line width, line breaking is going to be a
+% problem, so give TeX a break:
+\textheight 8.5in
+\topmargin 0pt
+\footheight 0pt
+\footskip 0pt
+\parindent 1em
+\parskip 0in
+\abovedisplayskip 14pt \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
+\abovedisplayshortskip 14pt \belowdisplayshortskip \abovedisplayshortskip}
+% Set up page style
+\def\ps@agu{\def\@oddhead{\hss\hbox to 7in{\rm\hfil\thepage}\hss}
+ \let\@evenhead\@oddhead
+ \def\@oddfoot{}\def\@evenfoot{}}
+%% Bibliography %%
+ %% default is no labels, for those not using \cite or BibTeX
+ {}{\settowidth\labelwidth{[#1]}\leftmargin\labelwidth
+ \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+ \usecounter{enumi}\@bibsetup}
+ \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus -.07em}
+ \sloppy
+ \sfcode`\.=1000\relax}
+% Don't put the citation in an hbox.
+ \def\@citea{}\@cite{\@for\@citeb:=#2\do
+ {\@citea\def\@citea{\@citesep}\@ifundefined
+ {b@\@citeb}{{\bf ?}\@warning
+ {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
+{\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}{#1}}
+% Use a semicolon instead of a comma between multiple citations.
+\def\@citesep{; }
+% square brackets instead of the round parens that most nat. sci.
+% publications use.
+\def\@cite#1#2{[{#1\if@tempswa , #2\fi}]}
+% Labels should not be printed in References
+% undent first line of a reference by using negative \itemindent.
+% set \itemsep and \parsep to 0pt so there is no space between items.
+\def\@bibsetup{\itemindent=-\leftmargin \itemsep=0pt \parsep=0pt}
+%% Titles %%
+% Use \thispagestyle{empty}
+ \begingroup
+ \def\@makefnmark{\hbox
+ to 0pt{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}}
+ \if@twocolumn
+ \twocolumn[\@maketitle]
+ \else \newpage
+ \global\@topnum\z@ \@maketitle \fi\thispagestyle{empty}\@thanks
+ \endgroup
+ \setcounter{footnote}{0}
+ \let\maketitle\relax
+ \let\@maketitle\relax
+ \gdef\@thanks{}\gdef\@address{}\gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}\let\thanks\relax}
+ \@titleline{\@title}
+ \unvbox\@titlebox}
+% We have to accumulate the author info into a box because \author
+% and \address may be called more than once if there are multiple
+% authors with different addresses.
+ {\@titleline{#1}}}}
+ {\@titleline{#1}}}}
+% AGU allows the title and author to be 8 1/2 in wide, but obviously
+% that will not fit on our paper.
+\def\@titleline#1{\hbox to \hsize{\hss
+ \vbox{\hsize 7.9in\noindent\centering #1}\hss}\vskip 14pt}
+% The abstract environment
+\def\abstract{\vskip 14pt \subsubsection{Abstract}}
+\def\acknowledgments{\vskip 14pt \subsubsection{Acknowledgments}}
+\def\acknowledgements{\vskip 14pt \subsubsection{Acknowledgements}}
+% Headings:
+% for Grade 1 heading use \section
+% for Grade 2 heading use \subsection
+% for Grade 3 heading use \subsubsection
+\def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}{14pt}{14pt}{\centering}}
+\def\subsection{\@startsection {subsection}{2}{\z@}{14pt}{14pt}{\it}}
+\def\subsubsection#1{\par{\it #1.}}
+% Put the boxes in the margin that show the first reference
+% to a figure or table
+% A modification of plain TeX to make the rule shorter.
+ \hrule width 4pc \kern 2.6\p@} % the \hrule is .4pt high
+\def\authorrule{\footnoterule \vskip 2pt \relax}
+% the addresses environment is used at the end of the paper to
+% list the authors' full addresses. Put a blank line between addresses.
+% the received environment for the Received, Revised, Accepted lines
+ \addvspace{2ex}}
+\def\papernumber#1{\noindent Paper number #1}
+% \runningheads prints #1 copies of the text in #2
+ \loop\ifnum\@rhcnt<#1
+ \advance \@rhcnt by 1
+ \rhead{#2}
+ \repeat
+ \par\vskip 6pt}
+\def\rhead#1{\par\noindent\vskip 6pt\hbox to 30pc{#1\hfil}}
+% put this before the figure captions
+\def\captions{\par\parskip 14pt \parindent 0pt}
+% Put each table in a separate table environment.
+% "tables: type each on a separate page"
+\def\table{\newpage\par \vskip 14pt \parskip 0pt \parindent 1em}
+% If figure captions or tables need to be a specific width,
+% put them inside the wider environment. The argument is the
+% width, ala minipage. The advantage over minipage is that the
+% requested width can be wider than \textwidth
+\def\wider#1{\par\noindent\hbox to \textwidth\bgroup
+ \begin{minipage}{#1}}
+% Unfortunately, the default \@arrayparboxrestore clobbers \parindent.
+% This version doesn't.
+ \let\-\@dischyph
+ \let\'\@acci \let\`\@accii \let\=\@acciii
+ \everypar{}\linewidth\hsize
+ \@totalleftmargin\z@ \leftskip\z@ \rightskip\z@ \@rightskip\z@
+ \parfillskip\@flushglue \lineskip\normallineskip
+ \baselineskip\normalbaselineskip\sloppy}
+% The expandedtablar environment is like tabular, but always produces
+% tables that are as wide as the current text length. It does NOT
+% take the optional [] argument that tabular does.
+% This is \@tabular and \@array collapsed.
+\def\expandedtabular#1{\leavevmode \hbox \bgroup $\let\@acol\@tabacol
+ \let\@classz\@tabclassz
+ \let\@classiv\@tabclassiv \let\\\@tabularcr
+ \setbox\@arstrutbox=\hbox{\vrule
+ height\arraystretch \ht\strutbox
+ depth\arraystretch \dp\strutbox
+ width\z@}\@mkpream{#1}\edef\@preamble{\halign to \textwidth
+\bgroup \tabskip 0pt plus 1fil \@arstrut \@preamble \tabskip\z@ \cr}%
+\let\@startpbox\@@startpbox \let\@endpbox\@@endpbox
+ \vcenter
+ \bgroup \let\par\relax
+ \let\@sharp##\let\protect\relax \lineskip\z@\baselineskip\z@\@preamble}
+\def\endexpandedtabular{\crcr\egroup\egroup $\egroup}
diff --git a/macros/latex209/contrib/agu/agujgr-sample.tex b/macros/latex209/contrib/agu/agujgr-sample.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..067cb72a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex209/contrib/agu/agujgr-sample.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+%NAME: agujgr-sample.tex
+% an example of how to use the agujgr macro package
+% By Stephen Gildea <mit-erl!gildea> 22 Feb 89
+% This text is from ``Sample for typeset JGR papers''
+\title{Investigation of Two High-Stress Drop Earthquakes in the
+ Shumagin Seismic Gap, Alaska}
+\author{Leigh House and John Boatwright}
+\address{Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory and Department of
+ Geological Sciences, Columbia University
+ Palisades, New York}
+\author{Keith Preistley\thanks{Also at U.S. Geological Survey,
+ Menlo Park, California.}}
+\address{Seismological Laboratory, Mackay School of Mines, University of
+ Nevada at Reno}
+Two moderate size earthquakes occurred within a local network of
+short-period seismograph stations in the Shumagin Islands, Alaska, on
+April 6, 1974.
+Two moderate size ($m_b =5.8$, $6.0$) earthquakes and their
+aftershocks that occurred within the Shumagin Islands seismic network
+in Alaska have produced a unique data set for a detailed study of
+convergent tectonics at depth in an area that has been identified as a
+seismic gap \cite{kelleher}.
+Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory has operated a network of
+vertical short-period, radio-telemetered station in the Shumagin
+Islands region of Alaska since July 1973 \cite{davies}. As originally
+installed, the network consisted of eight high-gain remote stations that
+telemeter their data to a central recording site at Sand Point (Figure 1).
+\marginboxed{Fig. 1}
+\section{SMA 1 Waveform Analysis}
+Since the Sand Point station was at an {\em SH\/} node, the vertical
+and horizontal components were combined to obtain the incident {\em
+SV\/} pulse shape by using the free surface transformation
+u_{sv}(t) = \frac{\cos 2j}{2 \cos j} u_x(t) + \sin ju_z(t)
+Here $j$ is the angle of incidence of the {\em S\/} save, and $u_x(t)$
+is the horizontal component (positive downward), shown in Figure 2.
+\marginboxed{Fig. 2}
+\subsection{Focal Mechanism of the Main Shocks}
+The focal mechanism of the second main shock ($m_b = 6.0$), shown in
+Figure 3, was determined from long-period arrivals at World-Wide
+Standard Seismographic network stations. Both {\em S\/} and {\em P\/}
+wave first motions were used; however, the solution is more strongly
+constrained by the {\em S\/} wave polarizations. The results are
+shown in Table 1.\marginboxed{Table 1}
+\subsubsection{Magnitudes and b value}
+Magnitudes of most of the earthquakes in this sequence were estimated
+from coda duration measurements similar to the techniques used by R.
+Lee et al.\ (unpublished manuscript, 1984).
+The authors are grateful to L. Sykes and K. Jacob for critical reviews
+of this paper.
+% You can also use BibTeX to generate the bibliography automatically.
+% With BibTeX, use the natsci bibliography format.
+\bibitem[{\em Belt,} 1968]{belt}
+Belt, E.S., Post-Acadian rifts and related facies, eastern Canada, in
+{\em Studies on Appalachian Geology,} edited by E. Zen et al.,
+pp.~95--113, John Wiley, New York, 1968.
+\bibitem[{\em Davies and House,} 1979]{davies}
+Davies, J.R., and House, M.O, Another random paper.
+\bibitem[{\em Kelleher et al.,} 1970]{kelleher}
+Kelleher et al., Can anyone find these two referenced papers for me.
+\bibitem[{\em Orringer,} 1974]{mit}
+Orringer, O., Frontal analysis program, {\em Rep.\ ASRL TR 1023,}
+Aeroelastic and Struct.\ Lab., Mass.\ Inst.\ of Technol., Cambridge, 1974.
+J. Boatwright and L. House, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory and
+Department of Geological Sciences, Columbia University, Palisades NY
+K. Priestley, Seismological Laboratory, Mackay School of Mines,
+University of Nevada at Reno, Reno NV 89557.
+(Received September 17, 1983; \\
+revised June 9, 1984; \\
+accepted June 22, 1984)
+\copyrightnotice{Copyright 1986 by the American Geophysical Union.}
+\papernumber{4B1073. \\ 0148--0227/86/004B--1073\$05.00}
+\runningheads{2}{House et al.: High-Stress Drop Earthquakes}
+Fig.~1. Detail of short-period WWSSN analysis. The lowermost trace
+is the seismogram as digitized with the band-passed seismogram above it.
+% Sometimes captions or tables need to have a different length.
+% The wider environment does this.
+Fig.~2. Source parameters of the earthquake from combined Rayleigh and
+Love wave moment tensor inversion and fault model inversion.
+%% Every table goes in its own table environment.
+ \begin{center}
+ TABLE 1. Average Rate of Change of Line Length
+ \end{center}
+ %% The expandedtabular environment is like tabular, but the table
+ %% is expanded to the current line width.
+ \begin{expandedtabular}{ccrr}
+ \hline
+ &&\multicolumn{2}{c}{{\em dl/dt,} mm/yr} \\ \cline{3-4}
+ From & To & Observed & Model \\ \hline
+ Alamillo & Palvadero & 0.6 + 0.8 & 1.4 \\
+ Campana & Canas & 0.4 + 1.1 & $-0.7$ \\
+ & Chupardera & $-0.5$ + 1.0 & 0.2 \\ \hline
+ \end{expandedtabular}
+ The quoted uncertainty is one standard deviation. These rates were
+ measured using the method described in the paper.
diff --git a/macros/latex209/contrib/agu/agujgr.sty b/macros/latex209/contrib/agu/agujgr.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6b0c64428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex209/contrib/agu/agujgr.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+%NAME: agujgr.sty
+% For American Geophysical Union
+% Journal of Geophysical Research
+% This style option is designed to work with the article document
+% style of LaTeX version 2.09. Use
+% \documentstyle[agujgr]{article}
+% The rules here are from "Information for Contributors" January 1985
+% 09 Jul 87
+% Jan 87 gildea original version
+% Jun 87 gildea revised based on "Sample for typeset JGR papers"
+% Copyright (c) 1987 by Stephen Gildea
+% Permission to copy all or part of this work is granted, provided
+% that the copies are not made or distributed for resale, and that
+% the copyright notice and this notice are retained.
+% If you make any improvements, I'd like to hear about them.
+% Stephen Gildea
+% MIT Earth Resources Lab
+% Cambridge, Mass. 02139
+% mit-erl!gildea
+\oddsidemargin 0in
+\textwidth 20pc
+% With such a short line width, line breaking is going to be a
+% problem, so give TeX a break:
+\textheight 8.5in
+\topmargin 0pt
+\footheight 0pt
+\footskip 0pt
+\parindent 1em
+\parskip 0in
+%% Font sizes %%
+% text: 9/11
+% equations: 6 points space above and below
+\abovedisplayskip 6pt \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
+\abovedisplayshortskip 6pt \belowdisplayshortskip \abovedisplayshortskip}
+% 8/9 is used for lots of things
+% 10/13 for author's names
+% 14/18 for title
+% Set up page style
+\def\ps@agu{\def\@oddhead{\hss\hbox to 7in{\rm\hfil\thepage}\hss}
+ \let\@evenhead\@oddhead
+ \def\@oddfoot{}\def\@evenfoot{}}
+%% Bibliography %%
+ %% default is no labels, for those not using \cite or BibTeX
+ {}{\settowidth\labelwidth{[#1]}\leftmargin\labelwidth
+ \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+ \usecounter{enumi}\@bibsetup}
+ \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus -.07em}
+ \sloppy
+ \sfcode`\.=1000\relax}
+% Don't put the citation in an hbox.
+ \def\@citea{}\@cite{\@for\@citeb:=#2\do
+ {\@citea\def\@citea{\@citesep}\@ifundefined
+ {b@\@citeb}{{\bf ?}\@warning
+ {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
+{\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}{#1}}
+% undent first line of a reference by using negative \itemindent.
+% set \itemsep and \parsep to 0pt so there is no space between items.
+\def\@bibsetup{\itemindent=-\leftmargin \itemsep=0pt \parsep=0pt \small}
+% Use a semicolon instead of a comma between multiple citations.
+\def\@citesep{; }
+% square brackets instead of the round parens that most nat. sci.
+% publications use.
+\def\@cite#1#2{[{#1\if@tempswa , #2\fi}]}
+% Labels should not be printed in References
+%% Titles %%
+% We have to accumulate the title info into a box because \author
+% and \address may be called more than once if there are multiple
+% authors with different addresses.
+\def\title#1{\setbox\@titlebox\vbox{{\hsize 41pc \centering\Large #1\par}
+ \addvspace{16pt}}}
+ {\hsize 41pc \centering\large\sc #1\par}\addvspace{10pt}}}
+ {\hsize 41pc \centering\small\it #1\par}\addvspace{16pt}}}
+ \xdef\@thanks{\@thanks \par\@makefntext{#1}}}
+% To be centered on 8.5in, the title must start a little to the left
+% of 1in in from the left of the page.
+\newdimen\@titleoffset \@titleoffset=-.927pc
+% Handle \thanks differently.
+ \begingroup
+ \def\@makefnmark{\hbox
+ to 0pt{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}}
+ \if@twocolumn
+ \twocolumn[\@maketitle]
+ \else \newpage
+ \global\@topnum\z@ \@maketitle \fi\thispagestyle{empty}
+ \endgroup
+ \setcounter{footnote}{0}
+ \let\maketitle\relax
+ \let\@maketitle\relax
+ \gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}\let\thanks\relax}
+ \hbox{\hskip\@titleoffset \vbox{\unvbox\@titlebox\unskip}}}
+% The abstract environment.
+% Since it is 30pc wide (11pc narrower than the title),
+% we move it to the right a little to keep everything centered.
+\def\abstract{\addvspace{16pt}\small \leftskip=5.5pc \hsize=30pc
+ \addtolength\leftskip\@titleoffset \addtolength\hsize\leftskip}
+ \subsubsection{Acknowledgments}\small}
+ \subsubsection{Acknowledgements}\small}
+% Headings:
+% for level 1 heading use \section
+% for level 2 heading use \subsection
+% for level 3 heading use \subsubsection
+\def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}{11pt}{6pt}{\centering\sc}}
+\def\subsection{\@startsection {subsection}{2}{\z@}{11pt}{6pt}{\it}}
+\def\subsubsection#1{\par{\it #1.}}
+% Put the boxes in the margin that show the first reference
+% to a figure or table
+% A modification of plain TeX to make the rule shorter.
+ \hrule width 4pc \kern 2.6\p@} % the \hrule is .4pt high
+% The addresses environment is used at the end of the paper to
+% list the authors' full addresses. Put a blank line between each address.
+% the received environment for the Received, Revised, Accepted lines
+ \ifx\@thanks\empty \else \addvspace{2\baselineskip}\footnoterule
+ \@thanks\par\vskip\baselineskip \fi
+ #1\par
+ \addvspace{2ex}}}
+\def\papernumber#1{\par\noindent{\small Paper number #1}\par}
+% \runningheads prints #1 copies of the text in #2
+ \loop\ifnum\@rhcnt<#1
+ \advance \@rhcnt by 1
+ \rhead{#2}
+ \repeat
+ \par\vskip 6pt}
+\def\rhead#1{\par\noindent\vskip 6pt\hbox to 30pc
+ {\small\sc #1\hfil}}
+% put this before the figure captions
+\def\captions{\par\parskip 14pt \parindent 0pt \small}
+% Put each table in a separate table environment
+\def\table{\par \vskip 14pt \parskip 0pt \parindent 1em \small}
+% If figure captions or tables need to be a specific width,
+% put them inside the wider environment. The argument is the
+% width, ala minipage. The advantage over minipage is that the
+% requested width can be wider than \textwidth
+\def\wider#1{\par\noindent\hbox to \textwidth\bgroup
+ \begin{minipage}{#1}}
+% Unfortunately, the default \@arrayparboxrestore clobbers \parindent.
+% This version doesn't.
+ \let\-\@dischyph
+ \let\'\@acci \let\`\@accii \let\=\@acciii
+ \everypar{}\linewidth\hsize
+ \@totalleftmargin\z@ \leftskip\z@ \rightskip\z@ \@rightskip\z@
+ \parfillskip\@flushglue \lineskip\normallineskip
+ \baselineskip\normalbaselineskip\sloppy}
+% The expandedtablar environment is like tabular, but always produces
+% tables that are as wide as the current text length. It does NOT
+% take the optional [] argument that tabular does.
+% This is \@tabular and \@array collapsed.
+\def\expandedtabular#1{\leavevmode \hbox \bgroup $\let\@acol\@tabacol
+ \let\@classz\@tabclassz
+ \let\@classiv\@tabclassiv \let\\\@tabularcr
+ \setbox\@arstrutbox=\hbox{\vrule
+ height\arraystretch \ht\strutbox
+ depth\arraystretch \dp\strutbox
+ width\z@}\@mkpream{#1}\edef\@preamble{\halign to \textwidth
+\bgroup \tabskip 0pt plus 1fil \@arstrut \@preamble \tabskip\z@ \cr}%
+\let\@startpbox\@@startpbox \let\@endpbox\@@endpbox
+ \vcenter
+ \bgroup \let\par\relax
+ \let\@sharp##\let\protect\relax \lineskip\z@\baselineskip\z@\@preamble}
+\def\endexpandedtabular{\crcr\egroup\egroup $\egroup}