path: root/macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/')
1 files changed, 863 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/ b/macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..361817cff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/
@@ -0,0 +1,863 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'PERL_BADLANG=x;export PERL_BADLANG;: \
+;exec perl -x -S -- "$0" ${1+"$@"};#'if 0;
+eval 'setenv PERL_BADLANG x;exec perl -x -S -- "$0" $argv:q;#'.q+
+#!perl -w
+package Htex::pdfboxes; $0=~/(.*)/s;unshift@INC,'.';do($1);die$@if$@;__END__+if !1;
+# This Perl script was generated by JustLib2 at Sun Feb 9 23:57:15 2003.
+# Don't touch/remove any lines above;
+package just; BEGIN{$INC{''}=''}
+BEGIN{ $just::VERSION=2 }
+sub end(){1}
+sub main(){}
+BEGIN{$ INC{''}=''} {
+package strict;
+use just;
+# by at Wed Jan 10 12:42:08 CET 2001
+require 5.002;
+sub bits {
+ (grep{'refs'eq$_}@_ && 2)|
+ (grep{'subs'eq$_}@_ && 0x200)|
+ (grep{'vars'eq$_}@_ && 0x400)|
+ ($@ || 0x602)
+sub import { shift; $^H |= bits @_ }
+sub unimport { shift; $^H &= ~ bits @_ }
+BEGIN{$ INC{''}=''} {
+package integer;
+use just;
+# by at Wed Jan 10 12:42:08 CET 2001
+sub import { $^H |= 1 }
+sub unimport { $^H &= ~1 }
+BEGIN{$ INC{'Pts/'}='Pts/'} {
+package Pts::string;
+# by at Sat Dec 21 21:32:18 CET 2002
+use just;
+use integer;
+use strict;
+#** @param $_[0] a string
+#** @param $_[1] index of first bit to return. Bit 128 of byte 0 is index 0.
+#** @param $_[2] number of bits to return (<=32)
+#** @return an integer (negative on overflow), bit at $_[1] is its MSB
+sub get_bits_msb($$$) {
+ # assume: use integer;
+ my $loop=$_[1];
+ my $count=$_[2];
+ my $ret=0;
+ ($ret+=$ret+(1&(vec($_[0],$loop>>3,8)>>(7-($loop&7)))), $loop++) while $count--!=0;
+ $ret
+#** @param $_[0] a string
+#** @return value if $_[0] represents a floating point numeric constant
+#** in the C language (without the LU etc. modifiers) -- or undef. Returns
+#** undef for integer constants
+sub c_floatval($) {
+ my $S=$_[0];
+ no integer; # very important; has local scope
+ return 0.0+$S if $S=~/\A[+-]?(?:[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.])(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?\Z(?!\n)/;
+ undef
+#** @param $_[0] a string
+#** @return value if $_[0] represents a floating point or integer numeric
+#** constant in the C language (without the LU etc. modifiers) -- or undef
+sub c_numval($) {
+ my $S=$_[0];
+ no integer; # very important; has local scope
+ return 0+$S if $S=~/\A[+-]?(?:[0-9]*\.[0-9]+(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?|[0-9]+\.?)\Z(?!\n)/;
+ undef
+#** @param $_[0] a string
+#** @return the integer value of $_[0] in C -- or undef
+sub c_intval($) {
+ my $S=$_[0];
+ my $neg=1;
+ $neg=-1 if $S=~s@\A([+-])@@ and '-'eq$1;
+ return $neg*hex $1 if $S=~/\A0[xX]([0-9a-fA-F]+)\Z(?!\n)/;
+ return $neg*oct $1 if $S=~/\A0([0-7]+)\Z(?!\n)/;
+ return $neg*$1 if $S=~/\A([0-9]+)\Z(?!\n)/;
+ undef
+sub import {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $package = (caller())[0];
+ shift; # my package
+ for my $p (@_ ? @_ : qw{get_bits_msb c_floatval c_numval c_intval}) { *{$package."::$p"}=\&{$p} }
+BEGIN{$ INC{''}=''} {
+package vars;
+use just;
+# by at Wed Jan 10 12:42:08 CET 2001
+require 5.002;
+sub import {
+ my $callpack = caller;
+ my ($sym, $ch, $sym9);
+ shift;
+ for $sym0 (@_) {
+ die("Can't declare another package's variables") if $sym0 =~ /::/;
+ ($ch, $sym) = unpack('a1a*', $sym0);
+ *{"${callpack}::$sym"} =
+ ( $ch eq "\$" ? \$ {"${callpack}::$sym"}
+ : $ch eq "\@" ? \@ {"${callpack}::$sym"}
+ : $ch eq "\%" ? \% {"${callpack}::$sym"}
+ : $ch eq "\*" ? \* {"${callpack}::$sym"}
+ : $ch eq "\&" ? \& {"${callpack}::$sym"}
+ : die("'$ch$sym' is not a valid variable name\n")
+ );
+ }
+BEGIN{$ INC{'Htex/'}='Htex/'} {
+package Htex::PDFread;
+# by at Sat Dec 21 21:28:09 CET 2002
+use just;
+use integer;
+use strict;
+use Pts::string;
+use vars qw($pdf_last_ref0);
+my @pdf_classify;
+#** @param $_[0] a string in PDF source format
+#** @return a rewritten string, or "" if $_[0] is truncated, or undef if
+#** there is a parse error
+sub pdf_rewrite($;$) {
+ my $explicit_term_p=$_[1];
+ my $L=length($_[0]);
+ return "" if $L==0;
+ my $S="$_[0]\n>> "; # add sentinel
+ my $I=0;
+ my $O;
+ my $RET="";
+ if (!@pdf_classify) {
+ # Dat: PDF whitespace(0) is [\000\011\012\014\015\040]
+ # Dat: PDF separators(10) are < > { } [ ] ( ) / %
+ # Dat: PDF regular(40) character is any of [\000-\377] which is not whitespace or separator
+ @pdf_classify=(40)x256;
+ @pdf_classify[ord('<'),ord('>'),ord('{'),ord('}'),ord('['),ord(']'),
+ ord('('),ord(')'),ord('/'),ord('%')]=(10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19);
+ @pdf_classify[000,011,012,014,015,040]=(0,0,0,0,0,0);
+ }
+ while ($I<$L) {
+ $O=$pdf_classify[vec($S,$I,8)];
+ if ($O==0) { # whitespace
+ } elsif (12<=$O and $O<=15) { # one-char token
+ $RET.=" ".substr($S,$I,1);
+ } elsif ($O==18 or $O==40) { # name or /name
+ my $P=0;
+ if ($O==18) { $I++; $RET.=" /" } else { $RET.=" "; $P=1 }
+ my $T="";
+ $T.=chr($O) while $pdf_classify[$O=vec($S,$I++,8)]==40;
+ $I--;
+ ## die $I;
+ $T=~s@([^A-Za-z0-9_.-])@sprintf"#%02x",ord$1@ge; # make name safe
+ $RET.=$T;
+ return $RET if $P and ($T eq "stream" or $T eq "endobj" or $T eq "startxref");
+ next
+ } elsif ($O==11) { # `>'
+ return "" if ++$I==$L; # only `>' has arrived
+ return undef if vec($S,$I,8)!=62; # err(">> expected");
+ $RET.=" >>";
+ } elsif ($O==16) { # string
+ my $T="";
+ my $depth=1; $I++;
+ while ($I<$L) {
+ $O=vec($S,$I++,8); bcont:
+ ## print chr($O),":$depth\n";
+ if ($O==40) { $depth++ }
+ elsif ($O==41) { last unless --$depth }
+ elsif ($O==92) { # a backslash
+ $O=vec($S,$I++,8);
+ if (48<=$O && $O<=55) {
+ my $P=$O-48; $O=vec($S,$I++,8);
+ if (48<=$O && $O<=55) {
+ my $Q=$O-48; $O=vec($S,$I++,8);
+ if (48<=$O && $O<=55) { $T.=chr(255&($P<<6|$Q<<3|($O-48))) }
+ else { $T.=chr($P<<3|$Q); goto bcont }
+ } else { $T.=chr($P); goto bcont }
+ } elsif ($O==110) { $O=10 }
+ elsif ($O==114) { $O=13 }
+ elsif ($O==116) { $O=9 }
+ elsif ($O== 98) { $O=8 }
+ elsif ($O==102) { $O=12 }
+ }
+ $T.=chr($O)
+ } # WHILE
+ return "" if $depth; # err("unterminated string")
+ $T=~s@([^A-Za-z0-9_.-])@sprintf"\\%03o",ord$1@ge; # make string safe
+ $RET.=" ($T)"; next
+ } elsif ($O==10) { # hex string
+ $O=vec($S,++$I,8);
+ if ($O==60) { $RET.=" <<"; $I++; next }
+ # parse hexadecimal string
+ my $half=0x100;
+ my $T="";
+ while (1) {
+ 1 until $pdf_classify[$O=vec($S,$I++,8)]; # skip whitespace
+ if ($O==62) { $T.=chr($half&0xFF) if $half&0x1000; last } # '>'
+ return undef if $pdf_classify[$O]!=40; # err("unexpected token in hex")
+ if (65<=$O and $O<=70) { $half+=$O-55 }
+ elsif (97<=$O and $O<=102) { $half+=$O-87 }
+ elsif (48<=$O and $O<=57) { $half+=$O-48 }
+ else { return undef } # err("illegal hex digit")
+ if ($half&0x1000) { $T.=chr($half&0xFF); $half=0x100 }
+ else { $half<<=4 }
+ }
+ $T=~s@([^A-Za-z0-9_.-])@sprintf"\\%03o",ord$1@ge; # make string safe
+ $RET.=" ($T)"; next
+ } elsif ($O==19) { # single-line comment
+ $I++ while ($O=vec($S,$I,8))!=13 && $O!=10;
+ ## print STDERR "I=$I L=$L\n";
+ next
+ } else { return undef } # err("token expected") # $O==11, $O==17
+ $I++
+ } ## WHILE
+ ## print STDERR "XI=$I L=$L\n";
+ # die $explicit_term_p;
+ return "" if $explicit_term_p;
+ ($I>$L) ? "" : $RET
+# Unit test:
+#die unless pdf_rewrite("hello \n\t world\n\t") eq " hello world";
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('(hel\)lo\n\bw(or)ld)') eq ' (hel\051lo\012\010w\050or\051ld)';
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('(hel\)lo\n\bw(orld)') eq '';
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('[ (hel\)lo\n\bw(or)ld)>>') eq ' [ (hel\051lo\012\010w\050or\051ld) >>';
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('>') eq "";
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('<') eq "";
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('< ') eq "";
+#die unless !defined pdf_rewrite('< <');
+#die unless !defined pdf_rewrite('> >');
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('[ (hel\)lo\n\bw(or)ld) <') eq "";
+#die unless pdf_rewrite("<\n3\t1\r4f5C5 >]") eq ' (1O\134P) ]';
+#die unless pdf_rewrite("<\n3\t1\r4f5C5") eq "";
+#die unless !defined pdf_rewrite("<\n3\t1\r4f5C5]>");
+#die unless pdf_rewrite("% he te\n<\n3\t1\r4f5C5 >]endobj<<") eq ' (1O\134P) ] endobj';
+#die unless pdf_rewrite("") eq "";
+#die unless pdf_rewrite("<<") eq " <<";
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('%hello') eq '';
+#die unless pdf_rewrite("alma\n%korte\n42") eq ' alma 42';
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('/Size 42') eq ' /Size 42';
+#die "OK";
+#** Reads a single PDF indirect object (without its stream) from a PDF file.
+#** Does some trivial transformations on it to make later regexp matching
+#** easier. Stops at `stream', `endobj' and `startxref'.
+#** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), correctly positioned in the PDF
+#** file to the beginning of the object data (i.e just before `5 0 obj')
+#** @return string containing PDF source code, or undef on error
+sub pdf_read_obj($) {
+ my $F=$_[0]; my $L=1024; my $M; my $S=""; my $RET;
+ while (1) { # read as much data as necessary
+ return undef if 0>($M=read $F, $S, $L, length($S));
+ $RET=pdf_rewrite($S,1);
+ ## print "($S)\n";
+ return undef if !defined $RET; # parse error
+ return $RET if length $RET; # OK, found object
+ return undef if $M==0; # cannot read more, reached EOF
+ $L<<=1;
+ }
+ #$S=~m@[\000\011\012\014\015\040]*(
+ # %[^\r\n]*[\r\n]|
+ # /?[^\000\011\012\014\015\040<>{}\[\]()/%]*(?=[\000\011\012\014\015\040<>{}\[\]()/%])| # unterminated
+ # <<|>>|\{|}|\[|]|
+ # <[a-fA-F0-9\000\011\012\014\015\040]*>| # hex string
+ # \((?:[^\\()]+|\\[\000-\377])*\)| # literal string, the easy way
+ # \( # an unfinished string, needs special care
+ #)@gx
+#** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), containing a PDF file, positioned
+#** just before an `xref' table
+#** @param $_[1] an xref table: $_[1][4][56] is the file offset of object 56
+#** from generation 4; will be extended
+#** @return the `trailer' section after the `xref'; or undef
+sub pdf_read_xref($$) {
+ # made much faster at Wed Dec 18 09:50:23 CET 2002
+ my $T;
+ my $E;
+ my $F=$_[0];
+ my $XREF=$_[1];
+ return undef if 8>read $F, $T, 1024;
+ return undef unless $T=~s@\A\s*xref\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(?=\S)@@;
+ my ($first,$len,$flen);
+ while (1) {
+ ($first,$len)=($1+0,$2+0);
+ ## print " $first + $len\n";
+ $flen=($len*=20)-length($T)+20;
+ return undef unless $flen<1 or $flen==read $F, $T, $flen, length($T);
+ for (my $I=0;$I<$len;$I+=20, $first++) {
+ $E=substr($T, $I, 20);
+ return undef unless $E=~/\A(\d{10})\s(\d{5})\s([nf])\s\s/;
+ ## print "($1 $2 $3)\n";
+ $XREF->[$2+0][$first]=$1+0 if $3 eq 'n';
+ }
+ $E=substr($T, $len);
+ last if $E!~s@\A\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s+(?=\S)@@; # next section
+ $T=$E;
+ }
+ # die(-length($T)+$len);
+ ## die tell($F);
+ return undef if length($T)!=$len and !seek $F, -length($T)+$len, 1;
+ ## die tell($F);
+ return undef unless defined($T=pdf_read_obj($F));
+ $XREF->[0][0]=undef if defined $XREF->[0];
+ $XREF->[0][0]=$1+0 if $T=~m@ /Prev (\d+)@; # remember /Prev xref table
+ return undef unless $T=~m@\A trailer( .*) startxref\Z(?!\n)@s;
+ $1
+#** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), containing a PDF file
+#** @param $_[1] an xref table: $_[1][4][56] is the file offset of object 56
+#** from generation 4
+#** @param $_[2] an object number
+#** @param $_[3] a generation number
+#** @return PDF source code of the reference, or undef
+sub pdf_ref($$$$) {
+ my $F=$_[0]; my $XREF=$_[1]; my $ON=$_[2]+0; my $GN=$_[3]+0;
+ my $T;
+ $pdf_last_ref0=$ON if $GN==0;
+ ## print "REF $ON $GN;\n";
+ until (ref $XREF->[$GN] and defined ($T=$XREF->[$GN][$ON])) {
+ return undef if !ref $XREF->[0] or !defined $XREF->[0][0]; # no /Prev entry, `$ON $GN R' not found
+ return undef unless seek $F, $XREF->[0][0], 0;
+ return undef if !defined pdf_read_xref($F,$XREF);
+ }
+ ## print "REF at $T;\n";
+ return undef unless seek $F, $T, 0;
+ return undef unless defined($T=pdf_read_obj($F));
+ ## print "REF=($T);\n";
+ return undef unless $T=~s@\A (\d+) (\d+) obj\b(.*) (endobj|stream)\Z(?!\n)@$3@s;
+ $T
+#** Gets a key from a direct dict, and resolves it if it is an indirect object
+#** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), containing a PDF file
+#** @param $_[1] an xref table: $_[1][4][56] is the file offset of object 56
+#** from generation 4
+#** @param $_[2] a PDF source dict (`<< ... >>') or array
+#** @param $_[3] a key (`/...')
+sub pdf_get($$$$) {
+ my $F=$_[0]; my $XREF=$_[1]; my $S=$_[2]; my $KEY=$_[3]; my $POS=0;
+ my $DEPTH=0; my $IS_DICT; my $C=0; my $N=0;
+ ## print "\n";
+ while ($S=~/\G (\S+)/g) {
+ $C=vec($1,0,8); $POS=pos($S);
+ ## print "($1) $DEPTH $N\n";
+ if ($1 eq '>>' or $1 eq ']') {
+ return undef if 0==$DEPTH--;
+ last if !$DEPTH;
+ $N++ if 1==$DEPTH;
+ }
+ elsif ($DEPTH==1 and !$IS_DICT and $KEY==$N) { $POS=pos($S)-=length($1)+1; goto do_ret }
+ elsif ($1 eq '<<') { $IS_DICT=1 if 0==$DEPTH++ }
+ elsif ($1 eq '[') {
+ if (0==$DEPTH++) {
+ $IS_DICT=0;
+ return undef if $KEY!~/\A(\d+)\Z(?!\n)/; # err("non-numeric key in array")
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (0==$DEPTH) { return undef } # not in a composite object
+ elsif (1!=$DEPTH) { next }
+ elsif (!$IS_DICT) { $N++ }
+ elsif ($C==40) { $N++ } # `(': string or bare name
+ elsif ($C>=47 and $C<=57) { # '/': /name 0..9: number
+ ## print "TRY ($1) KEY=$KEY.\n";
+ next if ($N++&1)==1 or $1 ne $KEY;
+ do_ret:
+ ## print substr($S,pos($S)),";;\n";
+ return pdf_ref $F, $XREF, $1, $2 if $S=~/\G (\d+) (\d+) R\b/gc;
+ ## print substr($S,pos($S)),"::\n";
+ $DEPTH=0;
+ while ($S=~/\G( \S+)/g) {
+ if ($1 eq ' <<' or $1 eq ' [') { $DEPTH++ }
+ elsif ($1 eq ' >>' or $1 eq ' ]') {
+ ## die "($1)\n";
+ return undef if 0==$DEPTH--; # err("nesting")
+ return substr($S,$POS,pos($S)-$POS) if 0==$DEPTH;
+ } elsif ($DEPTH==0) { return $1 }
+ }
+ } else { $N++ } # bare name
+ }
+ return undef if $POS!=length($S); # err("invalid source dict");
+ "" # not found
+# Unit test:
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ al makorte 42 ]', 0) eq ' al';
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ al makorte 42 ]', 1) eq ' makorte';
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ al makorte 42 ]', 2) eq ' 42';
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ al makorte 42 ]', 3) eq '';
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ << >> ]', 0) eq ' << >>';
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ << >> ]', 1) eq '';
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ << >> [ al makorte 42 ] ]', 1) eq ' [ al makorte 42 ]';
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' << /Alma [ 1 2 ] /Korte [ 3 4 ] >>', '/Korte') eq ' [ 3 4 ]';
+#die unless !defined pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ al makorte 42 ]', '/Name');
+#die unless !defined pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' << al makorte 42 >>', 42);
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' << al makorte 42 137 >>', 42) eq ' 137';
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' << al makorte >>', 'al') eq "";
+#die "OK";
+#** Reported boxes: /MediaBox /CropBox /BleedBox /TrimBox /ArtBox
+#** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), containing a PDF file
+#** @param $_[1] an xref table: $_[1][4][56] is the file offset of object 56
+#** from generation 4
+#** @param $_[2] a PDF source dict (`<< ... >>') of /Type/Catalog
+#** /Type/Pages or /Type/Page
+#** @param $_[3] hashref to update. $_[3]{BleedBox}[2] will be the URX corner
+#** of the BleedBox
+sub pdf_get_boxes($$$$) {
+ my $F=$_[0]; my $XREF=$_[1]; my $S=$_[2]; my $bbi=$_[3];
+ return if !defined $S;
+ for my $name (qw{MediaBox CropBox BleedBox TrimBox ArtBox}) {
+ my $box=pdf_get($F, $XREF, $S, "/$name");
+ next if !defined $box or !length $box
+ or $box!~m@ \[ ([0-9eE.-]+) ([0-9eE.-]+) ([0-9eE.-]+) ([0-9eE.-]+) \]\Z(?!\n)@
+ or !defined c_numval($1) or !defined c_numval($2) or !defined c_numval($3) or !defined c_numval($4);
+ ($bbi->{LLX},$bbi->{LLY},$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=($1+0,$2+0,$3+0,$4+0) if $name eq 'MediaBox';
+ my $name2="Info.$name";
+ ($bbi->{$name2}[0],$bbi->{$name2}[1],$bbi->{$name2}[2],$bbi->{$name2}[3])=($1+0,$2+0,$3+0,$4+0);
+ }
+sub import {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $package=(caller())[0];
+ shift;
+ for my $p (@_ ? @_ : qw{pdf_get_boxes pdf_get pdf_read_xref pdf_read_obj
+ pdf_rewrite pdf_ref}) { *{$package."::$p"}=\&{$p} }
+BEGIN{$ INC{'Htex/'}='Htex/'}
+package Htex::pdfboxes;
+# -- extract bounding box information from PDFs and update them
+# see perldoc(1) POD documentation later
+# by at Sat Jan 25 14:26:26 2003
+# docs at Tue Jan 28 11:29:55 CET 2003
+use just +1;
+use strict;
+use integer;
+use Htex::PDFread;
+BEGIN { $Htex::pdfboxes::VERSION=0.05 }
+#** Derived from pdf_read_xref()
+#** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), containing a PDF file, positioned
+#** just before an `xref' table
+#** @param $_[1] a file offset
+#** @param $_[2] number to add to /Size
+#** @param $_[3] arrayref containing xref20 intervals
+#** @param $_[4] retval for original trailer length
+#** @param $_[5] retval for original trailer offset
+#** -param $_[6] arrayref, trailer offsets (not the topmost) will be pushed to
+#** @return the `trailer' section after the `xref'; or undef
+sub my_read_xref($$$$$$) {
+ # made much faster at Wed Dec 18 09:50:23 CET 2002
+ my $T;
+ my $E;
+ my($F,$fofs,$addsize,$xrefs)=@_;
+ my($first,$len,$flen);
+ my $ret_trailer;
+ prev_xref:
+ return undef unless seek $F, $fofs, 0;
+ return undef if 8>read $F, $T, 1024;
+ $fofs+=length($T);
+ return undef unless $T=~s@\A\s*xref\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(?=\S)@@;
+ $fofs-=length($T);
+ while (1) {
+ ($first,$len)=($1+0,$2+0);
+ # Now: ($fofs ... $fofs+20*$len) contains xref enties
+ push @$xrefs, $fofs, $fofs+20*$len;
+ ## print " $first + $len\n";
+ $flen=($len*=20)-length($T)+20; # +20: two-number header of next section
+ return undef unless $flen<1 or $flen==read $F, $T, $flen, length($T);
+ for (my $I=0;$I<$len;$I+=20, $first++) {
+ $E=substr($T, $I, 20);
+ return undef unless $E=~/\A(\d{10})\s(\d{5})\s([nf])\s\s/;
+ ## print "($1 $2 $3)\n";
+ # $XREF->[$2+0][$first]=$1+0 if $3 eq 'n';
+ }
+ $E=substr($T, $len);
+ $fofs+=length($T);
+ last if $E!~s@\A\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s+(?=\S)@@; # next section
+ $fofs-=length($E);
+ $T=$E;
+ }
+ return undef if length($T)!=$len and !seek $F, -length($T)+$len, 1;
+ $fofs+=$len-length($T);
+ return undef if 20>read $F, $T, 2048; # read trailer
+ $T=~s@%.*@ @g; # assume there are no strings
+ return undef unless $T=~s@(\s*>>\s*).*@@s;
+ ($_[4],$_[5])=(length($T)+length($1),$fofs) if !defined $ret_trailer;
+ # push @{$_[6]}, $fofs+length($1), $fofs+length($1)+length($2)
+ push @$xrefs, $fofs+length($1), -($fofs+length($1)+length($2))
+ if defined($ret_trailer)
+ and $T=~m@\A(\s*trailer\s*<<.*?)(\s*/Prev\s+\d+[\000\011\012\014\015\040]*[<>{}\[\]()/]?)@s;
+ return undef if $T!~s/\A\s*trailer\s*<<\s*//;
+ if (!defined $ret_trailer) {
+ return undef if $T!~s@/Size\s+(\d+)@"/Size ".($1+$addsize)@e;
+ ## $T=~y/\r/\n/; die "$T";
+ $ret_trailer=$T;
+ }
+ if ($T=~m@/Prev\s+(\d+)@) { $fofs=$1+0; goto prev_xref }
+ $ret_trailer
+#** Modifies the /Prev value in a PDF trailer, tries not to increase length
+#** of $_[0].
+#** @param $_[0] string containing a PDF trailer /Prev entry
+#** @param $_[1] coderef to calculate modification
+#** @return the modified string, or undef
+sub modify_prev($$) {
+ my($S,$N)=@_;
+ my $lenS=length($S);
+ my $T=$S;
+ return $T unless $T=~s@(/Prev\s+)(\d+)@$1.$N->($2)@e; # preserve spaces
+ if (length($T)>$lenS) { # Imp: test this
+ $T=$S;
+ die unless $T=~s@\s*/Prev\s+(\d+)[\000\011\012\014\015\040]*([<>{}\[\]()/]?)@
+ "/Prev ".$N->($1).(length$2 ? $2 : " ")
+ @;
+ # ^^^ don't check for comments: $T=~s@\s*/Prev\s+(\d+)\s*(?:%.*)*
+ }
+ die unless length($T)>=$lenS or $T=~s@(/Prev\s+\d+)@$1.(" "x(length($T)-$lenS))@e;
+ # Now: length($T)>=$lenS
+ $T
+#** @param $_[0] $bbi hashref
+#** @return a multiline dump of all key--value pairs, sorted by key
+sub all2($) {
+ my $bbi=$_[0];
+ my $RET="";
+ for my $key (sort keys %$bbi) { if ($key=~/\AInfo[.](\w+Box)\Z(?!\n)/) { #1<length $key
+ my $val=$bbi->{$key};
+ $RET.="/$1 ".(ref($val)eq'ARRAY' ? "[@$val]\n" : "$val\n");
+ } }
+ $RET
+sub usage() {
+ die "This is by pts\, version $Htex::pdfboxes::VERSION
+This program is free software, licensed under the GNU GPL.
+This software comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY. Use at your own risk!
+I can extract /MediaBox, /CropBox and other bounding box information from PDF
+files, and write back this information to the begininning of the PDF. Run this
+to get more docs:
+ perldoc '$0'
+Usage: $0 [<action>] <input.pdf> [<output.pdf>]\n
+Action is one of: -- --show\n"
+my $outfilename;
+my $infilename;
+my $show_p=0;
+usage if !@ARGV;
+if (@ARGV==1) {
+ $show_p=1;
+} else {
+ if ($ARGV[0] eq '--') { shift @ARGV; }
+ elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--show') { $show_p=1; shift @ARGV; }
+ elsif ($ARGV[0]=~/\A-/) { print STDERR "$0: unknown option: $ARGV[0]"; usage }
+($infilename,$outfilename)=@ARGV; # $outfilename possibly undef
+# Dat: reading PDF from STDIN not supported, because it is probably unseekable
+die "$0: open $infilename: $!\n" if !open F, "< $infilename";
+die unless binmode F;
+my $head;
+# vvv 2048: file header + max length(/Type/pdfboxes)
+if (32>read F, $head, 2048) {
+ IOerr: die "$0: I/O error in $infilename: $!\n"
+if ($head!~/\A(%PDF-[!-~]+)/) {
+ SYerr: die "$0: syntax error in $infilename. Not a PDF?\n";
+my $firstline=$1;
+my $binary_p=($head=~/\A[^\r\n]+[\r\n]+[ -~]*[^\n\r -~]/) ? 'Binary' : 'Clean7Bit';
+$head=~s@\A(.*?)(\bendobj\s*).*@$1@s; # The first obj decides whether it is linearized
+my $headprelen=length($1)+length($2);
+goto SYerr if $head!~/[\n\r](\d+\s+\d+\s+obj)/g;
+my $obj1ofs=pos($head)-length($1);
+my $page1obj;
+my $linearized_p=0;
+my $was_pdfboxes=0; # the obj # of the already applied
+#if ($head=~s@\A((\d+)\s+\d+\s+obj\s*<<.*?/Type\s*/pdfboxes\b.*?\bendobj\s*)@@s) {
+if ($head=~m@\A(\d+)\s+\d+\s+obj\s*<<.*?/Type\s*/pdfboxes\b@s) {
+ goto SYerr if !defined $headprelen;
+ $obj1ofs=$headprelen; $head="";
+ # ^^^ remove previous instance of /pdfboxes
+ # ^^^ might not be a real obj at $obj1ofs
+ $was_pdfboxes=$1+0;
+} elsif ($head=~m@/Linearized\b@ and $head=~m@/O\s+(\d+)@) {
+ $linearized_p=1;
+ $page1obj=$1+0;
+goto IOerr if !seek F, -1024, 2 and !seek F, 0, 0;
+my $tailofs=tell F;
+goto IOerr if 1>read F, $head, 1024;
+goto SYerr if $head!~/startxref\s+(\d+)\s*%%EOF\s*\Z(?!\n)/
+ and $head!~/startxref\s+(\d+)\s*%%EOF/;
+# ^^^ Dat: some PDF files contain binary junk at the end
+my $xref_ofs=$1+0;
+my $xrefs=[];
+my $oldtrailerlen;
+my $oldtrailerofs;
+# my @trailersofs;
+my $trailerx=my_read_xref(\*F, $xref_ofs, $was_pdfboxes==0, $xrefs, $oldtrailerlen, $oldtrailerofs); # , \@trailersofs);
+## print "(@trailersofs)\n";
+goto SYerr if !defined $trailerx;
+goto SYerr if $trailerx!~m@/Size\s+(\d+)@;
+my $oldSize=$1-1;
+# Imp: remove code duplication with package Htex::ImgBBox
+goto IOerr if !seek \*F, $xref_ofs, 0;
+my $xref=[];
+my $trailer=pdf_read_xref(\*F,$xref);
+goto SYerr if !defined $trailer;
+my $pages;
+my $type;
+my $bbi={};
+if (!defined $page1obj) { do_pdf_slow:
+ my $root=pdf_get(\*F,$xref,$trailer,'/Root');
+ goto IOerr if !defined $root; goto SYerr if !length $root;
+ $type=pdf_get(\*F,$xref,$root,'/Type');
+ goto IOerr if !defined $type; goto SYerr if $type ne ' /Catalog';
+ # die $root;
+ # vvv Dat: reading xref for /Pages in a linearized PDF is quite slow
+ $pages=pdf_get(\*F,$xref,$root,'/Pages');
+ goto IOerr if !defined $pages; goto SYerr if !length $pages;
+ ## die $pages;
+ my $kids;
+ while (1) {
+ $type=pdf_get(\*F,$xref,$pages,'/Type');
+ goto IOerr if !defined $type;
+ last if $type ne ' /Pages';
+ pdf_get_boxes(\*F, $xref, $pages, $bbi);
+ $kids=pdf_get(\*F,$xref,$pages,'/Kids');
+ goto IOerr if !defined $kids; goto SYerr if !length $kids;
+ ## die $kids;
+ $pages=pdf_get(\*F,$xref,$kids,0);
+ ## die $pages;
+ goto IOerr if !defined $pages; goto SYerr if !length $pages;
+ }
+ goto SYerr if $type ne ' /Page';
+ # Dat: cannot set $page1obj properly here, because it might be a direct object
+ $bbi->{'Info.page1obj'}=$Htex::PDFread::pdf_last_ref0;
+} else {
+ # die $page1obj;
+ $pages=pdf_ref(\*F, $xref, $page1obj, 0);
+ goto IOerr if !defined $pages;
+ $type=pdf_get(\*F,$xref,$pages,'/Type');
+ goto IOerr if !defined $type;
+ goto SYerr if $type ne ' /Page';
+ my $mediabox=pdf_get(\*F,$xref,$pages,'/MediaBox');
+ goto IOerr if !defined $mediabox;
+ goto do_pdf_slow if !length $mediabox;
+pdf_get_boxes(\*F, $xref, $pages, $bbi);
+print all2($bbi) if $show_p;
+# -- write it back
+my @tmpfiles;
+END { unlink @tmpfiles }
+if (defined $outfilename) {
+ my $inplace_p=0;
+ if ($outfilename eq $infilename) {
+ # die "$0: cannot modify file in place: $outfilename\n"
+ $inplace_p=1;
+ do { $outfilename.=".tmp.$$" } while -e $outfilename;
+ push @tmpfiles, $outfilename;
+ }
+ if ($outfilename eq '-') {
+ die unless open O, ">&STDOUT";
+ } else {
+ die "$0: open_w $outfilename: $!\n" if !open O, "> $outfilename";
+ }
+ die unless binmode O;
+ # Dat: $newobj destroys the /Linearized property, but never mind.
+ # my $newobj="$oldSize 0 obj\n<</Type/pdfboxes\n/Kis (".scalar(localtime).")>>\nendobj\n";
+ my $newobj="$oldSize 0 obj\n<</Type/pdfboxes%\n".all2($bbi).">>\nendobj\n";
+ my $outhead="$firstline\n";
+ $outhead.="%\307\354\217\242\n" if $binary_p;
+ my $delta=length($outhead)+length($newobj)-$obj1ofs;
+ my $newxrefentry=sprintf"%d 1\n%010d 00000 n \n",
+ $oldSize, length($outhead);
+ my $newtrailer="trailer\n<<\n$trailerx\n>>\n";
+ my $newtrailerlen;
+ my $trailerdelta;
+ do { # iterate until lengths are right
+ $newtrailerlen=length($newtrailer);
+ $trailerdelta=length($newxrefentry)+$newtrailerlen-$oldtrailerlen;
+ $newtrailer=modify_prev($newtrailer, sub { $_[0]+$delta+($_[0]>$xref_ofs ? $trailerdelta : 0) } );
+ } until length($newtrailer)==$newtrailerlen;
+ if (!print O $outhead, $newobj) {
+ OOerr: die "$0: write $outfilename: $!\n"
+ }
+ # die unless seek F, $obj1ofs, 0;
+ my %xrefs=@$xrefs;
+ ## print STDERR "@$xrefs\n";
+ #** F has been dumped 0...$doneofs
+ my $doneofs=$obj1ofs;
+ goto IOerr unless seek F, $doneofs, 0;
+ for my $from (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %xrefs) {
+ ## print STDERR "xrefs $from $xrefs{$from} ($doneofs)\n";
+ my $to=$xrefs{$from};
+ # Copy
+ die "$0: inconsistent offsets: $doneofs > $from" if $doneofs>$from;
+ my $O=$from-4096;
+ my $S;
+ while ($doneofs<$O) {
+ goto IOerr unless 4096==read F, $S, 4096;
+ goto OOerr unless print O $S;
+ $doneofs+=4096;
+ }
+ if ($doneofs<$from) {
+ goto IOerr unless $from-$doneofs==read F, $S, $from-$doneofs;
+ goto OOerr unless print O $S;
+ $doneofs=$from;
+ }
+ if ($to<0) { # /Prev correction for the 2nd, 3rd etc. /Prevs
+ # Example file: examples/lm2.pdf
+ ## print STDERR "/Prev correction $from ... $to ($doneofs)\n";
+ goto IOerr unless -$to-$doneofs==read F, $S, -$to-$doneofs;
+ $S=modify_prev($S, sub { $_[0]+$delta+($_[0]>$xref_ofs ? $trailerdelta : 0) } );
+ die "$0: modified /Prev too long\n" if length($S)!=-$to-$doneofs;
+ goto OOerr unless print O $S;
+ $doneofs=-$to;
+ } else { # xref offset correction
+ die "$0: inconsistent xref interval: $from > $to " if $from>$to or 0!=($to-$from)%20;
+ while ($doneofs<$to) { # Imp: speed up with larger read bursts?
+ goto IOerr unless 20==read F, $S, 20;
+ goto SYerr unless $S=~/\A\d{10} \d{5} [nf]\s\s/;
+ if ($was_pdfboxes and $doneofs==$oldtrailerofs-20) {
+ $S=substr($newxrefentry,-20);
+ } else {
+ my $ofs=0+substr($S,0,10);
+ $ofs+=$trailerdelta if $ofs>$xref_ofs;
+ substr($S,0,10)=sprintf("%010d",$ofs+$delta);
+ }
+ goto OOerr unless print O $S;
+ $doneofs+=20;
+ }
+ if ($doneofs==$oldtrailerofs) { # the xref entry we modify the trailer of
+ ## print "$doneofs -> $oldtrailerofs\n";
+ goto IOerr unless seek F, $oldtrailerlen, 1;
+ $doneofs+=$oldtrailerlen;
+ goto OOerr unless print O ($was_pdfboxes==0 ? $newxrefentry : ""), $newtrailer;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $extra_trailer="trailer\n<<\n>>\n";
+ $extra_trailer="" if $doneofs==$oldtrailerofs+$oldtrailerlen;
+ { my $O=$tailofs-4096;
+ my $S;
+ while ($doneofs<$O) {
+ goto IOerr unless 4096==read F, $S, 4096;
+ goto OOerr unless print O $S;
+ $doneofs+=4096;
+ }
+ if ($doneofs<$tailofs) {
+ goto IOerr unless $tailofs-$doneofs==read F, $S, $tailofs-$doneofs;
+ goto OOerr unless print O $S;
+ $doneofs=$tailofs;
+ }
+ goto IOerr if 16>read(F, $S, 1025) or length($S)>1024;
+ # ^^^ $tailofs is at most 1024 bytes before EOF
+ goto SYerr unless $S=~s@
+ ((?:\btrailer\s*<<.*?>>\s*)?) startxref\s+(\d+)\s*%%EOF
+ ( \s*\Z(?!\n) | )
+ @@sx;
+ # @length($1)?($extra_trailer=""):""@sex;
+ goto OOerr unless print O $S;
+ }
+ die unless printf O "${extra_trailer}startxref\n%d\n%%%%EOF\n", $xref_ofs+$delta;
+ die unless close O;
+ if ($inplace_p) {
+ die "$0: rename $outfilename -> $infilename: $!\n" if !rename $outfilename, $infilename;
+ }
+just::end __END__
+=begin man
+.ds pts-dev \*[.T] if '\*[.T]'ascii' .ds pts-dev tty if '\*[.T]'ascii8' .ds pts-dev tty if '\*[.T]'latin1' .ds pts-dev tty if '\*[.T]'nippon' .ds pts-dev tty if '\*[.T]'utf8' .ds pts-dev tty if '\*[.T]'cp1047' .ds pts-dev tty if '\*[pts-dev]'tty' \{\
+.ll 79 33333v IN 2n
+.\} n
+=head1 NAME
+ - extract bounding box information from PDFs and update them
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ S<[ C<-->>
+ S<| C<--show> ]>
+ S<I<input.pdf> I<output.pdf>>
+ is a standalone Perl script that can extract /MediaBox,
+/CropBox and other bounding box information from PDF files, and
+write back this information to the begininning of the PDF, so other programs,
+such as pdftex.def of the graphicx package of LaTeX can read the bounding
+box by simply reading the first few lines of the PDF output of
+To get the bounding box from other file formats, use from the same
+=head1 COMMENTS
+Breaks a linearized PDF (as defined by Appendix F of PDFRef.pdf) into a
+non-linearized one.