path: root/macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/')
1 files changed, 2079 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/ b/macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..12c1b951c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/
@@ -0,0 +1,2079 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'PERL_BADLANG=x;export PERL_BADLANG;: \
+;exec perl -x -S -- "$0" ${1+"$@"};#'if 0;
+eval 'setenv PERL_BADLANG x;exec perl -x -S -- "$0" $argv:q;#'.q+
+#!perl -w
+package Htex::img_bbox; $0=~/(.*)/s;unshift@INC,'.';do($1);die$@if$@;__END__+if !1;
+# This Perl script was generated by JustLib2 at Sun Feb 9 23:57:24 2003.
+# Don't touch/remove any lines above;
+package just; BEGIN{$INC{''}=''}
+BEGIN{ $just::VERSION=2 }
+sub end(){1}
+sub main(){}
+BEGIN{$ INC{''}=''} {
+package integer;
+use just;
+# by at Wed Jan 10 12:42:08 CET 2001
+sub import { $^H |= 1 }
+sub unimport { $^H &= ~1 }
+BEGIN{$ INC{''}=''} {
+package strict;
+use just;
+# by at Wed Jan 10 12:42:08 CET 2001
+require 5.002;
+sub bits {
+ (grep{'refs'eq$_}@_ && 2)|
+ (grep{'subs'eq$_}@_ && 0x200)|
+ (grep{'vars'eq$_}@_ && 0x400)|
+ ($@ || 0x602)
+sub import { shift; $^H |= bits @_ }
+sub unimport { shift; $^H &= ~ bits @_ }
+BEGIN{$ INC{'Pts/'}='Pts/'} {
+package Pts::string;
+# by at Sat Dec 21 21:32:18 CET 2002
+use just;
+use integer;
+use strict;
+#** @param $_[0] a string
+#** @param $_[1] index of first bit to return. Bit 128 of byte 0 is index 0.
+#** @param $_[2] number of bits to return (<=32)
+#** @return an integer (negative on overflow), bit at $_[1] is its MSB
+sub get_bits_msb($$$) {
+ # assume: use integer;
+ my $loop=$_[1];
+ my $count=$_[2];
+ my $ret=0;
+ ($ret+=$ret+(1&(vec($_[0],$loop>>3,8)>>(7-($loop&7)))), $loop++) while $count--!=0;
+ $ret
+#** @param $_[0] a string
+#** @return value if $_[0] represents a floating point numeric constant
+#** in the C language (without the LU etc. modifiers) -- or undef. Returns
+#** undef for integer constants
+sub c_floatval($) {
+ my $S=$_[0];
+ no integer; # very important; has local scope
+ return 0.0+$S if $S=~/\A[+-]?(?:[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.])(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?\Z(?!\n)/;
+ undef
+#** @param $_[0] a string
+#** @return value if $_[0] represents a floating point or integer numeric
+#** constant in the C language (without the LU etc. modifiers) -- or undef
+sub c_numval($) {
+ my $S=$_[0];
+ no integer; # very important; has local scope
+ return 0+$S if $S=~/\A[+-]?(?:[0-9]*\.[0-9]+(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?|[0-9]+\.?)\Z(?!\n)/;
+ undef
+#** @param $_[0] a string
+#** @return the integer value of $_[0] in C -- or undef
+sub c_intval($) {
+ my $S=$_[0];
+ my $neg=1;
+ $neg=-1 if $S=~s@\A([+-])@@ and '-'eq$1;
+ return $neg*hex $1 if $S=~/\A0[xX]([0-9a-fA-F]+)\Z(?!\n)/;
+ return $neg*oct $1 if $S=~/\A0([0-7]+)\Z(?!\n)/;
+ return $neg*$1 if $S=~/\A([0-9]+)\Z(?!\n)/;
+ undef
+sub import {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $package = (caller())[0];
+ shift; # my package
+ for my $p (@_ ? @_ : qw{get_bits_msb c_floatval c_numval c_intval}) { *{$package."::$p"}=\&{$p} }
+BEGIN{$ INC{'Htex/'}='Htex/'} {
+package Htex::dimen;
+# by at Sat Dec 21 21:26:15 CET 2002
+use just;
+use integer;
+use strict;
+use Pts::string qw(c_numval);
+my %bp_mul;
+{ no integer; %bp_mul=(
+ 'bp'=>1, # 1 bp = 1 bp (big point)
+ 'in'=>72, # 1 in = 72 bp (inch)
+ 'pt'=>72/72.27, # 1 pt = 72/72.27 bp (point)
+ 'pc'=>12*72/72.27, # 1 pc = 12*72/72.27 bp (pica)
+ 'dd'=>1238/1157*72/72.27, # 1 dd = 1238/1157*72/72.27 bp (didot point) [about 1.06601110141206 bp]
+ 'cc'=>12*1238/1157*72/72.27, # 1 cc = 12*1238/1157*72/72.27 bp (cicero)
+ 'sp'=>72/72.27/65536, # 1 sp = 72/72.27/65536 bp (scaled point)
+ 'cm'=>72/2.54, # 1 cm = 72/2.54 bp (centimeter)
+ 'mm'=>7.2/2.54, # 1 mm = 7.2/2.54 bp (millimeter)
+) }
+#** @param $_[0] a (real or integer) number, optionally postfixed by a
+#** TeX dimension specifier (default=bp)
+#** @return the number in bp, or undef
+sub dimen2bp($) {
+ no integer;
+ my $S=$_[0];
+ my $mul;
+ $mul=$bp_mul{$1} if $S=~s/\s*([a-z][a-z0-9]+)\Z(?!\n)// and exists $bp_mul{$1};
+ my $val=c_numval($S);
+ $val*=$mul if defined $val and defined $mul;
+ $val
+BEGIN{$ INC{'Htex/'}='Htex/'} {
+package Htex::ImgBBox;
+# ImgBBox -- extract file format and size from image files
+# by at Sat Dec 7 21:31:01 CET 2002
+# JustLib2 at Sat Dec 21 21:29:21 CET 2002
+# Dat: we know most of xloadimage-1.16, most of of file(1)-debian-potato,
+# all of sam2p-0.40, all of xv-3.10
+# Dat: only in xloadimage: g3Ident, g3Load, "G3 FAX Image", (hard to identify file format)
+# Dat: only in xloadimage: macIdent, macLoad, "MacPaint Image", (stupid, black-white)
+# Imp: multiple paper sizes
+use just;
+use integer;
+use strict;
+use Htex::dimen;
+use Pts::string;
+# use Data::Dumper;
+# Dat: BBoxInfo is a hashref:
+# Dat: Info.* keys has FileFormat-dependent meaning (thus Info.depth may have
+# different meanings for different FileFormats)
+# { 'FileFormat' => 'TIFF' # ...
+# 'SubFormat' => 'PPM'
+# 'Error' => 0
+# 'LLX' => ... # lower left x (usually 0)
+# 'LLY' => ... # lower left y (usually 0)
+# 'URX' => ... # upper right x (usually width)
+# 'URY' => ... # upper right y (usually height)
+# }
+# Dat: \usepackage[hiresbb]{graphicx}
+# Dat: pdfTeX graphicx.sty doesn't respect PDF CropBox. For
+# /MediaBox[a b c d], \ht=d, \wd=c, and no overwrite below (a,b)
+# ---
+#** import will set them
+my $have_pdf;
+my $have_paper;
+#** May moves the file offset, but only relatively (SEEK_CUR).
+#** @param $_[0] \*FILE
+#** @return BBoxInfo
+sub calc($) {
+ my $F=$_[0];
+ my $dummy;
+ my @L;
+ my $head;
+ #** BBoxInfo to return
+ my $bbi={
+ # 'FileFormat' => '.IO.error',
+ 'FileFormat' => 'unknown',
+ 'LLX' => 0, 'LLY' => 0, # may be float; in `bp'
+ # 'URX' => 0, 'URY' => 0 # default: missing; may be float; in `bp'
+ };
+ binmode $F;
+ if (0>read $F, $head, 256) { IOerr: $bbi->{Error}="IO: $!"; goto done }
+ if (length($head)==0) { $bbi->{FileFormat}='Empty'; return $bbi }
+ if ($head=~m@\A\s*/[*]\s+XPM\s+[*]/@) { # XPM
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='XPM';
+ goto IOerr if !seek $F, -length($head), 1;
+ select($F); $/='"'; select(STDOUT); <$F>;
+ $head=<$F>;
+ if ($head!~/\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+).*"\Z(?!\n)/s) { SYerr: $bbi->{Error}='syntax'; goto done }
+ # width, height, length(palette), length(pixelchar)
+ $bbi->{URX}=0+$1;
+ $bbi->{URY}=0+$2;
+ } elsif ($head=~m@\A\s*\/\*\s*Format_version=\S*\s+@i) {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='XBM1'; # ??
+ goto IOerr if 0>read $F, $head, 256-length($head), length($head);
+ $head=~s@\*\/.*@@s; # keep only header
+ goto SYerr if $head!~m@\s+Width=(\d+)@i;
+ $bbi->{URX}=0+$1;
+ goto SYerr if $head!~m@\s+Height=(\d+)@i;
+ $bbi->{URY}=0+$1;
+ } elsif ($head=~m@\A(?:/[*].*?[*]/)?\s*#define\s+.*?_width\s+(\d+)\s*#define\s+.*?_height\s+(\d+)\s*@) { # XBM (1)
+ # Dat: this `if' must be after checking XPM
+ # Imp: recognise a longer comment (that does not fit into $head)
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='XBM';
+ $bbi->{URX}=0+$1;
+ $bbi->{URY}=0+$2;
+ } elsif ($head=~m@\A(?:/[*].*?[*]/)?\s*#define\s+.*?_height\s+(\d+)\s*#define\s+.*?_width\s+(\d+)\s*@) { # XBM (2)
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='XBM';
+ $bbi->{URX}=0+$2;
+ $bbi->{URY}=0+$1;
+ } elsif ($head=~m@\AP([1-6])[\s#]@) { # PNM
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='PNM';
+ my @subformats=qw{- PBM.text PGM.text PPM.text PBM.raw PGM.raw PPM.raw};
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}=$subformats[0+$1];
+ goto IOerr if 0>read $F, $head, 1024-length($head), length($head);
+ $head=~s@#.*@@g; # remove comments
+ goto SYerr if ($head!~/\AP[1-6]\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s/);
+ $bbi->{URX}=0+$1; $bbi->{URY}=0+$2;
+ } elsif (substr($head, 0, 4) eq "MM\000\052" or substr($head, 0, 4) eq "II\052\000") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='TIFF';
+ my $LONG="N";
+ my $SHORT="n";
+ if (substr($head, 0, 1) eq "I") {
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='LSBfirst';
+ $LONG="V"; $SHORT="v";
+ } else {
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='MSBfirst';
+ }
+ my($dummy,$ifd_ofs)=unpack $LONG.$LONG, $head;
+ goto IOerr if !seek $F, $ifd_ofs-length($head), 1;
+ my $ifd_len;
+ goto IOerr if 2!=read $F, $ifd_len, 2;
+ $ifd_len=unpack($SHORT,$ifd_len);
+ while ($ifd_len--!=0) {
+ my($entry,$tag,$type,$count,$value);
+ goto IOerr if 12!=read $F, $entry, 12;
+ ($tag,$type,$count)=unpack($SHORT.$SHORT.$LONG, $entry);
+ # vvv Dat: we discard tags with $value longer than 4 bytes
+ # Unfortunately BitsPerSample may be such a tag for RGB
+ if ($type==3) { $value=unpack($SHORT,substr($entry,8,2)) }
+ elsif ($type==4) { $value=unpack($LONG, substr($entry,8,4)) }
+ else { $value=vec($entry,8,8); }
+ if ($tag==256 and $count==1) { $bbi->{URX}=$value } # ImageWidth
+ elsif ($tag==257 and $count==1) { $bbi->{URY}=$value } # ImageLength
+ elsif ($tag==258 and $count<=2) { $bbi->{BitsPerSample}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==259) { $bbi->{"Info.Compression"}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==254) { $bbi->{"Info.NewSubfileType"}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==255) { $bbi->{"Info.SubfileType"}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==262) { $bbi->{"Info.PhotometricInterpretation"}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==263) { $bbi->{"Info.Thresholding"}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==264) { $bbi->{"Info.CellWidth"}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==265) { $bbi->{"Info.CellLength"}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==266) { $bbi->{"Info.FillOrder"}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==274) { $bbi->{"Info.Orientation"}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==277) { $bbi->{SamplesPerPixel}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==278) { $bbi->{"Info.RowsPerStrip"}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==280) { $bbi->{"Info.MinSampleValue"}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==281) { $bbi->{"Info.MaxSampleValue"}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==284) { $bbi->{"Info.PlanarConfiguration"}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==290) { $bbi->{"Info.GrayResponseUnit"}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==296) { $bbi->{"Info.ResolutionUnit"}=$value }
+ elsif ($tag==338 and $count<=2) { $bbi->{"Info.ExtraSamples"}=$value }
+ }
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A\12[\0-\005]\001[\001-\10]/) {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='PCX'; # PC Paintbrush image
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{LLX},$bbi->{LLY},$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=unpack("A4vvvv",$head);
+ $bbi->{URX}++; $bbi->{URY}++;
+ # pinfo->w = 1+ (hdr[PCX_XMAXL] + ((int) hdr[PCX_XMAXH]<<8)) - (hdr[PCX_XMINL] + ((int) hdr[PCX_XMINH]<<8));
+ # pinfo->h = 1+ (hdr[PCX_YMAXL] + ((int) hdr[PCX_YMAXH]<<8)) - (hdr[PCX_YMINL] + ((int) hdr[PCX_YMINH]<<8));
+ } elsif ($head=~/\AGIF(8[79]a)/) {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='GIF';
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}=$1;
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=unpack("A6vv",$head);
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A(\377+\330)\377/g) {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='JPEG';
+ die if !seek $F, length($1)-length($head), 1;
+ my $id_rgb=0;
+ my $had_jfif=0;
+ my $cpp;
+ my $colortransform=-1; # as defined by the Adobe APP14 marker
+ my $tag;
+ my $w;
+ while (1) {
+ goto IOerr if !defined($tag=getc($F)) or ord($tag)!=255;
+ 1 while defined($tag=getc($F)) and 255==($tag=ord($tag));
+ goto IOerr if !defined($tag);
+ if ($tag==0xC0) { # SOF0 marker: Baseline JPEG file
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='Baseline';
+ goto IOerr if 2!=read $F, $w, 2;
+ $dummy=unpack('n',$w)-2; # length includes itself
+ goto IOerr if $dummy<9 or $dummy!=read($F, $w, $dummy);
+ $bbi->{BitsPerSample}=vec($w,0,8);
+ $bbi->{URY}=(vec($w,1,8)<<8)|vec($w,2,8);
+ $bbi->{URX}=(vec($w,3,8)<<8)|vec($w,4,8);
+ $cpp=vec($w,5,8);
+ goto SYerr if ($dummy-=6)!=3*$cpp or $cpp>6 or $cpp<1;
+ $bbi->{'Info.hvs'}=vec($w,7,8); # HVSamples ?
+ $id_rgb=1 if $cpp==3 and $w=~/\A......R..G..B/s;
+ } elsif (0xC1<=$tag and $tag<=0xCF and $tag!=0xC4 and $tag!=0xC8) { # SOFn
+ $bbi->{Subformat}="SOF".($tag-0xC0);
+ last
+ } elsif ($tag==0xD9 or $tag==0xDA) { # EOI or SOS marker; we're almost done
+ if (!defined $cpp) {
+ } elsif ($cpp==1) {
+ $bbi->{'ColorSpace'}='Gray';
+ } elsif ($cpp==3) {
+ $bbi->{'ColorSpace'}='YCbCr';
+ if ($had_jfif!=0 or $colortransform==1) {}
+ elsif ($colortransform==0 or $id_rgb) { $bbi->{'ColorSpace'}='RGB' }
+ } elsif ($cpp==4) {
+ $bbi->{'ColorSpace'}='CMYK';
+ if ($colortransform==2) { $bbi->{'ColorSpace'}='YCCK' }
+ }
+ last
+ } else {
+ # skip over a variable-length block; assumes proper length marker
+ # ($tag==0xE0) # APP0: JFIF application-specific marker
+ # ($tag==0xEE) # APP14: Adobe application-specific marker
+ goto IOerr if 2!=read $F, $w, 2;
+ $dummy=unpack('n',$w)-2; # length includes itself
+ goto IOerr if $dummy!=read $F, $w, $dummy;
+ $colortransform=ord($1) if
+ $tag==0xEE and $dummy==12 and $w=~/\AAdobe[\001-\377].....(.)/s;
+ $had_jfif=1 if
+ $tag==0xE0 and $dummy==14 and $w=~/\AJFIF\0/;
+ } ## IF
+ } ## WHILE
+ $bbi->{'Info.id_rgb'}=$id_rgb;
+ $bbi->{'Info.had_jfif'}=$had_jfif;
+ $bbi->{'Info.ColorTransform'}=$colortransform;
+ $bbi->{SamplesPerPixel}=$cpp;
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,8) eq "\211PNG\r\n\032\n") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='PNG';
+ goto SYerr if $head!~/\A........\0\0\0[\15-\77]IHDR/s;
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=unpack("A16NN",$head);
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,5) eq "%PDF-") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='PDF'; # Adobe Portable Document Format
+ # Dat: this routine cannot read encrypted PDF files
+ # Dat: example $bbi return: {
+ # 'URY' => 792, 'LLX' => '0', 'LLY' => '0', 'URX' => 612
+ # 'FileFormat' => 'PDF', 'SubFormat' => '1.2', 'Info.linearized' => 1, 'Info.binary' => 'Binary',
+ # 'Info.MediaBox' => [ 0, 0, 612, 792 ],
+ # 'Info.CropBox' => [ 41, 63, 572, 729 ],
+ # };
+ # Dat: $bbi->{'Info.num_pages'} is not reported for Linearized PDF.
+ # Imp: report much more specific error messages
+ # Imp: better distinguish between IOerr and SYerr
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}=$1 if $head=~/\A%PDF-([\d.]+)/;
+ $bbi->{'Info.binary'}=($head=~/\A[^\r\n]+[\r\n]+[ -~]*[^\n\r -~]/) ? 'Binary' : 'Clean7Bit';
+ # die $have_pdf;
+ goto done if !$have_pdf;
+ # if ($head=~m@\A(?:%[^\r\n]*[\r\n])*.{0,40}/Linearized@s and $head=~m@\A(?:%[^\r\n]*[\r\n])*.{0,200}/O\s+(\d+)@s) {
+ my $had_pdfboxes=($head=~m@/Type\s*/pdfboxes%@); # `%' is important
+ $head=pdf_rewrite($head,1);
+ my $page1obj;
+ $bbi->{'Info.linearized'}=0;
+ $bbi->{'Info.pdfboxes'}=0;
+ if (defined $head) {
+ $head=~s@\bendobj.*@@s;
+ if ($had_pdfboxes) {
+ # a hint of very strict format, by
+ $head="";
+ goto IOerr if !seek($F, 0, 0) or 20>read($F, $head, 2048);
+ goto SYerr unless $head=~/\d\s+\d+\s+obj\s*(.*?)\bendobj/s;
+ $head=$1; goto SYerr unless $head=~m@/Type\s*/pdfboxes%@;
+ while ($head=~m@^\s*/(\w+Box)\s*\[\s*(-?[\d.]+)\s+(-?[\d.]+)\s+(-?[\d.]+)\s+(-?[\d.]+)\s*\]@gm) {
+ ## print "($1) ($2) ($3) ($4) ($5)\n";
+ ($bbi->{LLX},$bbi->{LLY},$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=($2,$3,$4,$5) if $1 eq 'MediaBox';
+ $bbi->{"Info.$1"}=[$2,$3,$4,$5];
+ }
+ $bbi->{'Info.pdfboxes'}=1;
+ goto done;
+ } elsif ($head=~m@/Linearized\s+@ and $head=~m@/O\s+(\d+)@) {
+ $bbi->{'Info.linearized'}=1;
+ $page1obj=$bbi->{'Info.page1obj'}=$1+0;
+ }
+ }
+ goto IOerr if !seek $F, -1024, 2 and !seek $F, 0, 0;
+ goto IOerr if 1>read $F, $head, 1024;
+ goto SYerr if $head!~/startxref\s+(\d+)\s*%%EOF\s*\Z(?!\n)/
+ and $head!~/startxref\s+(\d+)\s*%%EOF/;
+ # ^^^ Dat: some PDF files contain binary junk at the end
+ my $xref_ofs=$1+0;
+ goto IOerr if !seek $F, $xref_ofs, 0;
+ # die pdf_read_obj($F);
+ my $xref=[];
+ my $trailer=pdf_read_xref($F,$xref);
+ goto SYerr if !defined $trailer;
+ my $pages;
+ my $type;
+ if (!defined $page1obj) { do_pdf_slow:
+ ## die $trailer;
+ ## die pdf_ref($F,$xref,37550,0);
+ ## die pdf_get($F,$xref,$trailer,'/ID');
+ ## die pdf_get($F,$xref,$trailer,'/Root');
+ ## die pdf_get($F,$xref,$trailer,'/Size');
+ ## die pdf_get($F,$xref,$trailer,'/Sizez');
+ my $root=pdf_get($F,$xref,$trailer,'/Root');
+ goto IOerr if !defined $root; goto SYerr if !length $root;
+ $type=pdf_get($F,$xref,$root,'/Type');
+ goto IOerr if !defined $type; goto SYerr if $type ne ' /Catalog';
+ # die $root;
+ # vvv Dat: reading xref for /Pages in a linearized PDF is quite slow
+ $pages=pdf_get($F,$xref,$root,'/Pages');
+ goto IOerr if !defined $pages; goto SYerr if !length $pages;
+ ## die $pages;
+ my $kids;
+ while (1) {
+ $type=pdf_get($F,$xref,$pages,'/Type');
+ goto IOerr if !defined $type;
+ last if $type ne ' /Pages';
+ pdf_get_boxes($F, $xref, $pages, $bbi);
+ $kids=pdf_get($F,$xref,$pages,'/Kids');
+ goto IOerr if !defined $kids; goto SYerr if !length $kids;
+ ## die $kids;
+ $pages=pdf_get($F,$xref,$kids,0);
+ ## die $pages;
+ goto IOerr if !defined $pages; goto SYerr if !length $pages;
+ }
+ goto SYerr if $type ne ' /Page';
+ # Dat: cannot set $page1obj properly here, because it might be a direct object
+ $bbi->{'Info.page1obj'}=$Htex::PDFread::pdf_last_ref0;
+ } else {
+ # die $page1obj;
+ $pages=pdf_ref($F, $xref, $page1obj, 0);
+ goto IOerr if !defined $pages;
+ $type=pdf_get($F,$xref,$pages,'/Type');
+ goto IOerr if !defined $type;
+ goto SYerr if $type ne ' /Page';
+ my $mediabox=pdf_get($F,$xref,$pages,'/MediaBox');
+ goto IOerr if !defined $mediabox;
+ goto do_pdf_slow if !length $mediabox;
+ }
+ pdf_get_boxes($F, $xref, $pages, $bbi);
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,4) eq "%!PS") {
+ # Dat: the user should not trust Val.languagelevel blindly. There are far
+ # too many PS files hanging around that do not conform to any standard.
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}=$bbi->{SubFormat}=
+ ($head=~/\A[^\n\r]*?\bEPSF-/) ? "EPS" : "PS";
+ goto SYerr if $head!~s@[^\n\r]*[\n\r]+@@;
+ # vvv Dat `+' is `or' with full boolean eval
+ until ($head=~s@[\n\r]%%EndComments.*@@s + $head=~s@[\n\r](?:[^%]|%[^%]).*@@s) {
+ goto IOerr if 0>read $F, $head, 1024, length($head);
+ }
+ my $headlen=length($head);
+ $head=~s@(?:\r\n|\n\r|[\n\r])@\n@g; # uniformize newlines
+ $head=~s@\s*\n%%[+]\s*@ @g; # unify line continuations
+ my %H;
+ my $had_hires=0; # HiresBoundingBox overrides normal
+ my $val;
+ while ($head=~/^%%([A-Za-z]+):?\s*((?:.*\S)?)/gm) {
+ next if $2 ne '(atend)';
+ # read additional ADSC comments from the last 1024 bytes of the file
+ goto IOerr if !seek $F, -1024, 2 and !seek $F, 0, 0; # Dat: seek to EOF
+ $dummy=tell $F;
+ goto IOerr if $dummy<$headlen and $headlen-$dummy!=read $F, $val, $headlen-$dummy;
+ goto IOerr if 0>read $F, $val, 1024;
+ $val=~s@(?:\r\n|\n\r|[\n\r])@\n@g; # uniformize newlines
+ $val=~s@\s*\n%%[+]\s*@ @g; # unify line continuations
+ $val=~s@^(?:[^%]|%[^%]).*\n?@@mg; # remove non-DSC lines
+ # vvv Dat: appending is schemantically correct here
+ $head.="\n$val"; last
+ }
+ while ($head=~/^%%([A-Za-z]+):?[ \t]*((?:.*\S)?)/gm) { # iterate over Adobe DSC comments
+ $dummy=lc($1); $val=$2;
+ next if $dummy eq 'enddata' or $dummy eq 'trailer' or $dummy eq 'eof';
+ $bbi->{"Val.$dummy"}=$2;
+ if ($dummy eq 'documentdata') {
+ $dummy=lc($2);
+ $bbi->{'Info.binary'}='Clean7Bit' if $dummy eq 'clean7bit';
+ $bbi->{'Info.binary'}='Clean8Bit' if $dummy eq 'clean8bit';
+ $bbi->{'Info.binary'}='Binary' if $dummy eq 'binary';
+ } elsif ($dummy eq 'creator' and $val=~/\bMetaPost\b/) {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='EPS';
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='MPS'; # useful for graphicP.sty
+ } elsif ($dummy eq 'boundingbox' and $val=~/\A([+-]?\d+)\s+([+-]?\d+)\s+([+-]?\d+)\s+([+-]?\d+)\Z(?!\n)/) {
+ ($bbi->{LLX},$bbi->{LLY},$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=($1+0,$2+0,$3+0,$4+0) if !$had_hires;
+ } elsif (($dummy eq 'hiresboundingbox' or $dummy eq 'exactboundingbox')
+ and $val=~/\A([+-]?[0-9eE.-]+)\s+([+-]?[0-9eE.-]+)\s+([+-]?[0-9eE.-]+)\s+([+-]?[0-9eE.-]+)\Z(?!\n)/
+ and defined c_numval($1) and defined c_numval($2) and defined c_numval($3) and defined c_numval($4)
+ ) {
+ # Dat: capitalized names are: HiResBoundingBox, ExactBoundingBox
+ no integer;
+ ($bbi->{LLX},$bbi->{LLY},$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=($1+0,$2+0,$3+0,$4+0);
+ $had_hires=1;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($head=~/\AFORM....ILBMBMHD/s) {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='LBM';
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=unpack("A20nn",$head);
+ } elsif ($head=~/\AFORM....(RGB[8N])/s) { # /etc/magic
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}="IFF.$1";
+ # dimension info not available
+ } elsif ($head=~/\ABM....\0\0\0\0....[\014-\177]\0\0\0/s) { # PC bitmaps (OS/2, Windoze BMP files) (Greg Roelofs,
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='BMP';
+ if (vec($head,14,8)==12) {
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='OS/2 1.x';
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=unpack("A18vv",$head);
+ } elsif (vec($head,14,8)==64) {
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='OS/2 2.x';
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=unpack("A18vv",$head);
+ } elsif (vec($head,14,8)==40) {
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='Windows';
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY},$dummy,$bbi->{"Info.depth"})=unpack("A18VVvv",$head);
+ } else { goto SYerrr }
+ #0 string BM PC bitmap data
+ #>14 leshort 12 \b, OS/2 1.x format
+ #>>18 leshort x \b, %d x
+ #>>20 leshort x %d
+ #>14 leshort 64 \b, OS/2 2.x format
+ #>>18 leshort x \b, %d x
+ #>>20 leshort x %d
+ #>14 leshort 40 \b, Windows 3.x format
+ #>>18 lelong x \b, %d x
+ #>>22 lelong x %d x
+ #>>28 leshort x %d
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,10) eq "\367\002\001\203\222\300\34;\0\0") { FF__DVI:
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='DVI';
+ # read 1st page of the DVI file, look for TeX \special{papersize=21cm,29.7cm},
+ # as understood by dvips and xdvi
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{'Info.version_id'},$bbi->{'Info.numerator'},
+ $bbi->{'Info.denominator'},$bbi->{'Info.magnification'})=unpack('CCNNN',$head);
+ goto IOerr if !seek $F, 15-length($head), 1;
+ $dummy=vec($head,14,8);
+ goto IOerr if $dummy!=read $F, $bbi->{'Info.jobname'}, $dummy;
+ my($tag,$action);
+ my @actions=(0)x256; # skip that char
+ $actions[139]=15; # Bop
+ @actions[248,249,140,223]=(16,16,16,16); # stop parsing file
+ @actions[128,133,143,148,153,157,162,167,235]=(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1); # read 1 extra bytes
+ @actions[129,134,144,149,154,158,163,168,236]=(2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2); # read 2 extra bytes
+ @actions[130,135,145,150,155,159,164,169,237]=(3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3); # read 2 extra bytes
+ @actions[131,136,146,151,156,160,165,170,238]=(4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4); # read 2 extra bytes
+ @actions[132,137]=(8,8); # read 8 extra bytes
+ @actions[243,244,245,246]=(17,18,19,20); # Fnt_def
+ @actions[239,240,241,242]=(33,34,35,26); # Special (XXX)
+ while (1) {
+ goto IOerr if !defined($tag=getc($F)); # Dat: EOF is error
+ $tag=$actions[ord($tag)];
+ if ($tag==0) {
+ } elsif ($tag==16) {
+ last
+ } elsif ($tag==15) { # Bop
+ last if exists $bbi->{'Info.page1_nr'};
+ goto IOerr if 44!=read $F, $dummy, 44;
+ $bbi->{'Info.page1_nr'}=unpack "N", $dummy;
+ } else {
+ # read number of ($tag&15) bytes in MSBfirst byte order
+ $dummy="\0\0\0\0";
+ goto IOerr if ($tag&15)!=read $F, $dummy, ($tag&15), 4;
+ $dummy=unpack("N",substr($dummy,-4));
+ if ($tag>=33) { # Special
+ goto IOerr if $dummy!=read $F, $tag, $dummy;
+ @L=split /\s*=\s*/, $tag, 2;
+ if ($#L) {
+ $bbi->{"Val.$L[0]"}=$L[1];
+ if ($L[0] eq 'papersize') {
+ @L=split /,/, $L[1], 2;
+ $bbi->{URX}=Htex::dimen::dimen2bp($L[0]);
+ $bbi->{URY}=Htex::dimen::dimen2bp($L[1]);
+ if (!defined $bbi->{URX} or !defined $bbi->{URY}) {
+ delete $bbi->{URX}; delete $bbi->{URY};
+ }
+ }
+ } else { $bbi->{'Info.special'}=$tag; }
+ } elsif ($tag>=17) { # Fnt_def
+ goto IOerr if 14!=read $F, $tag, 14;
+ $dummy=vec($tag,12,8)+vec($tag,13,8);
+ goto IOerr if $dummy!=read $F, $tag, $dummy;
+ }
+ } # IF
+ } # WHILE
+ } elsif ($head=~/\Aid=ImageMagick\r?\n/) {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='MIFF';
+ # goto IOerr if 0>read $F, $head, 128-length($head), length($head);
+ goto SYerr if $head!~/\bcolumns=(\d+)\s+rows=(\d+)/;
+ $bbi->{URX}=0+$1; $bbi->{URY}=0+$2;
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,3) eq 'FWS') {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='SWF'; # Macromedia ShockWave Flash
+ my $nbits=get_bits_msb($head, 64, 5);
+ no integer;
+ $bbi->{URX}=get_bits_msb($head, 69+ $nbits, $nbits)/20.0;
+ $bbi->{LLX}=get_bits_msb($head, 69, $nbits)/20.0;
+ $bbi->{URY}=get_bits_msb($head, 69+3*$nbits, $nbits)/20.0;
+ $bbi->{LLY}=get_bits_msb($head, 69+2*$nbits, $nbits)/20.0;
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,14) eq "gimp xcf file\0") { # GIMP XCF image data
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='version.000';
+ do_XCF:
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='XCF';
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY},$dummy)=unpack("A14NNN", $head);
+ if ($dummy==0) { $bbi->{ColorSpace}='RGB' }
+ elsif ($dummy==1) { $bbi->{ColorSpace}='Gray' }
+ elsif ($dummy==2) { $bbi->{ColorSpace}='Indexed' }
+ } elsif ($head=~/\Agimp xcf v(\d\d\d)\0/) {
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}="version.$1";
+ goto do_XCF;
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A\0\0\001\0[\001-\50]\0/) { # Windows ICO icon
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='ICO';
+ # An .ico file may contain multiple icons (hence [\001-50]); we report the
+ # properties of the very first one. Code based on ImageMagick.
+ # Imp: WinXP True color icons
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY},$bbi->{'Info.colors'},$bbi->{'Info.reserved'},
+ $bbi->{'Info.planes'},$bbi->{BitsPerSample})=unpack("A6CCCCvv", $head);
+ # more precisely: BitsPerSample is bits per pixel;
+ # Dat: Info.reserved, BitsPerSample and Info.planes are often 0
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,4)eq"8BPS") { # PSD image data (Adobe Photoshop bitmap)
+ # based on PHP 4.2 image.c; untested
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='PSD';
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URY},$bbi->{URX})=unpack("A14NN",$head);
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,8) eq "\%bitmap\0") { # Fuzzy Bitmap (FBM) image; untested
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='FBM';
+ @L=unpack("A8A8A8A8A8A8A12A12A12A12A80A80",$head); # <=256 chars OK
+ for (@L) { s@\0.*@@s } # make strings null-terminated
+ $bbi->{"Info.credits"}=pop(@L); # string
+ $bbi->{"Info.title"}=pop(@L); # string
+ goto SYerr if !defined ($bbi->{aspect}=c_numval(pop(@L)));
+ shift(@L); # magic
+ for my $item (@L) { goto SYerr if !defined($item=c_intval($item)) }
+ ( $bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY},$bbi->{"Info.planes"},$bbi->{"Info.bits"},
+ $bbi->{"Info.physbits"},$bbi->{"Info.rowlen"},$bbi->{"Info.plnlen"},
+ $bbi->{"Info.clrlen"})=@L;
+ # char cols[8]; /* Width in pixels */
+ # char rows[8]; /* Height in pixels */
+ # char planes[8]; /* Depth (1 for B+W, 3 for RGB) */
+ # char bits[8]; /* Bits per pixel */
+ # char physbits[8]; /* Bits to store each pixel */
+ # char rowlen[12]; /* Length of a row in bytes */
+ # char plnlen[12]; /* Length of a plane in bytes */
+ # char clrlen[12]; /* Length of colormap in bytes */
+ # char aspect[12]; /* ratio of Y to X of one pixel */
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,4)eq"\x59\xa6\x6a\x95") { # Sun raster images; untested
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='SunRaster';
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=unpack("NNN",$head);
+ #0 belong 0x59a66a95 Sun raster image data
+ #>4 belong >0 \b, %d x
+ #>8 belong >0 %d,
+ #>12 belong >0 %d-bit,
+ ##>16 belong >0 %d bytes long,
+ #>20 belong 0 old format,
+ ##>20 belong 1 standard,
+ #>20 belong 2 compressed,
+ #>20 belong 3 RGB,
+ #>20 belong 4 TIFF,
+ #>20 belong 5 IFF,
+ #>20 belong 0xffff reserved for testing,
+ #>24 belong 0 no colormap
+ #>24 belong 1 RGB colormap
+ #>24 belong 2 raw colormap
+ #>28 belong >0 colormap is %d bytes long
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,4)eq"\xf1\x00\40\xbb") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='CMUWM'; # from xloadimage; untested
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY},$bbi->{"Info.depth"})=unpack("NNNn",$head);
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,4) eq "\361\0\100\273") { # CMU window manager raster image data
+ # from xvl untested
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='CMUWM';
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY},$bbi->{'Info.num_bits'})=unpack("VVVV",$head);
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,2)eq"\x52\xCC") { # Utah Raster Toolkit RLE images; untested
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='RLE'; # from xloadimage
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY},$bbi->{LLX},$bbi->{LLY})=unpack("A6vvvv",$head);
+ $bbi->{BitsPerSample}=vec($head,12,8)/vec($head,11,8);
+ $bbi->{SamplesPerPixel}=vec($head,11,8);
+ #0 leshort 0xcc52 RLE image data,
+ #>6 leshort x %d x
+ #>8 leshort x %d
+ #>2 leshort >0 \b, lower left corner: %d
+ #>4 leshort >0 \b, lower right corner: %d
+ #>10 byte&0x1 =0x1 \b, clear first
+ #>10 byte&0x2 =0x2 \b, no background
+ #>10 byte&0x4 =0x4 \b, alpha channel
+ #>10 byte&0x8 =0x8 \b, comment
+ #>11 byte >0 \b, %d color channels
+ #>12 byte >0 \b, %d bits per pixel
+ #>13 byte >0 \b, %d color map channels
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,32)eq"\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377") { # Kodak Photograph on CD Image
+ # derived from xloadimage; untested
+ $dummy=3587-length($head);
+ goto IOerr if $dummy=read $F, $head, $dummy, length($head);
+ goto SYerr if substr($head,2048,7) ne "PCD_IPI";
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='PCD';
+ # vvv funny: an image format with fixed (hard-wired) image size
+ if ((vec($head,3586,8)&1)!=0) { ($bbi->{URY},$bbi->{URX})=(768,512) }
+ else { ($bbi->{UXY},$bbi->{URY})=(768,512) }
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A\0\0..\0\0\0[\001-\50]\0\0\0[\0-\002]\0\0\0([\001-\77])/s) {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='XWD';
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='MSBfirst';
+ $bbi->{'Info.depth'}=ord($1);
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=unpack("A16NN",$head);
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A..\0\0[\001-\50]\0\0\0[\0-\002]\0\0\0([\001-\77])\0\0\0/s) {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='XWD';
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='LSBfirst';
+ $bbi->{'Info.depth'}=ord($1);
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=unpack("A16VV",$head);
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A\0\001\0[\010-\377](?:\0.|\001\0)\0.....(?:[\001-\37].|\0[^\0]|\40\0){2}/s) { # GEM Bit image
+ # from xloadimage; untested
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='GEM';
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{'Info.hlen'},$bbi->{'Info.colors'},$bbi->{'Info.patlen'},
+ $bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY},$bbi->{'Info.llen'},$bbi->{'Info.lines'})=unpack("nnnnnnnn",$head);
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A....\0\0\0\004....\0\0[\0-\001].\0\0[\0-\003]./s) { # McIDAS areafile
+ # from xloadimage; untested
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='McIDAS';
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='MSBfirst';
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URY},$bbi->{URX})=unpack("A32NN",$head);
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A....\004\0\0\0.....[\0-\001]\0\0.[\0-\003]\0\0/s) { # McIDAS areafile
+ # from xloadimage; untested
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='McIDAS';
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='LSBfirst';
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URY},$bbi->{URX})=unpack("A32VV",$head);
+ } elsif ($head=~/\AVIEW/) {
+ # from xv; untested
+ $dummy="NNNNNN"; $bbi->{SubFormat}='MSBfirst';
+ do_PM:
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='PM';
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{'Info.num_planes'},$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY},
+ $bbi->{'Info.num_bands'}, $bbi->{'Info.pixel_format'})=unpack($dummy,$head);
+ } elsif ($head=~/\AWEIV/) {
+ $dummy="VVVVVV"; $bbi->{SubFormat}='LSBfirst';
+ goto do_PM;
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A\001\332/) { # SGI 'rgb' image data
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='MSBfirst'; $dummy="nCCnnnn";
+ do_SGI:
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='SGI'; # from xv IRIS; untested
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{'Info.compression'},$bbi->{'Info.precision'},$bbi->{'Info.dimension'},
+ $bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY},$bbi->{SamplesPerPixel})=unpack($dummy,$head);
+ if ($bbi->{'Info.compression'}==0) { $bbi->{'Info.compression'}='None' }
+ elsif ($bbi->{'Info.compression'}==1) { $bbi->{'Info.compression'}='RLE' }
+ $dummy=substr($head,80);
+ $bbi->{'Info.comment'}=$1 if $dummy=~m@\A([^\0])\0@s;
+ # Dat: Info.dimension is 2 or 3
+ ## See
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A\332\001/) { # SGI 'rgb' image data
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='MSBfirst'; $dummy="vCCvvvvv";
+ goto do_SGI;
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,9) eq "SIMPLE =") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='FITS';
+ while ($head!~/\bEND/) {
+ goto IOerr if 1>read $F, $head, 1024, length($head);
+ }
+ $bbi->{'Info.bits_per_pixel'}=$1 if $head=~/\bBITPIX\s*=\s*(\d+)/;
+ $bbi->{'Info.num_axis'}=$1 if $head=~/\bNAXIS\s*=\s*(\d+)/;
+ $bbi->{URX}=$1 if $head=~/\bNAXIS1\s*=\s*(\d+)/;
+ $bbi->{URY}=$1 if $head=~/\bNAXIS2\s*=\s*(\d+)/;
+ $bbi->{'Info.depth'}=$1 if $head=~/\bNAXIS3\s*=\s*(\d+)/;
+ $bbi->{'Info.data_max'}=$1 if $head=~/\bDATAMAX\s*=\s*(\d+)/;
+ $bbi->{'Info.data_min'}=$1 if $head=~/\bDATAMIN\s*=\s*(\d+)/;
+ # Dat: it would be quite hard to extract the dimensions...
+ ## FITS is the Flexible Image Transport System, the de facto standard for
+ ## data and image transfer, storage, etc., for the astronomical community.
+ ## (FITS floating point formats are big-endian.)
+ #0 string SIMPLE\ \ = FITS image data
+ #>109 string 8 \b, 8-bit, character or unsigned binary integer
+ #>108 string 16 \b, 16-bit, two's complement binary integer
+ #>107 string \ 32 \b, 32-bit, two's complement binary integer
+ #>107 string -32 \b, 32-bit, floating point, single precision
+ #>107 string -64 \b, 64-bit, floating point, double precision
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A(?:NJPL1I|CCSD3Z|LBLSIZE=)/) {
+ # from xv, imagemagick; untested
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='VICAR';
+ while ($head!~/\bEND/) {
+ goto IOerr if 1>read $F, $head, 1024, length($head);
+ }
+ $bbi->{URX}=$1 if $head=~/\b(?:IMAGE_LINES|LINES|NL)\s*=\s*(\d+)/;
+ $bbi->{URY}=$1 if $head=~/\b(?:LINE_SAMPLES|NS)\s*=\s*(\d+)/;
+ ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ## vicar: file(1) magic for VICAR files.
+ ##
+ ## From: Ossama Othman <
+ ## VICAR is JPL's in-house spacecraft image processing program
+ ## VICAR image
+ #0 string LBLSIZE= VICAR image data
+ #>32 string BYTE \b, 8 bits = VAX byte
+ #>32 string HALF \b, 16 bits = VAX word = Fortran INTEGER*2
+ #>32 string FULL \b, 32 bits = VAX longword = Fortran INTEGER*4
+ #>32 string REAL \b, 32 bits = VAX longword = Fortran REAL*4
+ #>32 string DOUB \b, 64 bits = VAX quadword = Fortran REAL*8
+ #>32 string COMPLEX \b, 64 bits = VAX quadword = Fortran COMPLEX*8
+ ## VICAR label file
+ #43 string SFDU_LABEL VICAR label file
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,4) eq "IT01" or substr($head,0,4) eq "IT02") { # untested
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='FIT'; # do not cunfuse FIT and FITS
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY},$bbi->{'Info.num_bits'})=unpack("NNNN",$head);
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,4) eq "#FIG") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='FIG';
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}=$1 if $head=~/\A....[ \t]+(\S+)/s;
+ ## FIG (Facility for Interactive Generation of figures), an object-based format
+ ## (as handled by xfig). There is no size information, fig2dev saves bounding
+ ## box as EPS
+ #0 string #FIG FIG image text
+ #>5 string x \b, version %.3s
+## These file formats below are known to the Debian potato file(1) command,
+## but the magic(5) file doesn't tell us how to extract size information
+## NITF is defined by United States MIL-STD-2500A
+#0 string NITF National Imagery Transmission Format
+#>25 string >\0 dated %.14s
+## NIFF (Navy Interchange File Format, a modification of TIFF) images
+#0 string IIN1 NIFF image data
+## ITC (CMU WM) raster files. It is essentially a byte-reversed Sun raster,
+## 1 plane, no encoding.
+## Artisan
+#0 long 1123028772 Artisan image data
+#>4 long 1 \b, rectangular 24-bit
+#>4 long 2 \b, rectangular 8-bit with colormap
+#>4 long 3 \b, rectangular 32-bit (24-bit with matte)
+#0 string ARF_BEGARF PHIGS clear text archive
+#0 string @(#)SunPHIGS SunPHIGS
+## version number follows, in the form m.n
+##>40 string SunBin binary
+##>32 string archive archive
+## GKS (Graphics Kernel System)
+#0 string GKSM GKS Metafile
+#>24 string SunGKS \b, SunGKS
+## CGM image files
+#0 string BEGMF clear text Computer Graphics Metafile
+## XXX - questionable magic
+#0 beshort&0xffe0 0x0020 binary Computer Graphics Metafile
+#0 beshort 0x3020 character Computer Graphics Metafile
+## MGR bitmaps (Michael Haardt,
+#0 string yz MGR bitmap, modern format, 8-bit aligned
+#0 string zz MGR bitmap, old format, 1-bit deep, 16-bit aligned
+#0 string xz MGR bitmap, old format, 1-bit deep, 32-bit aligned
+#0 string yx MGR bitmap, modern format, squeezed
+## image file format (Robert Potter,
+#0 string Imagefile\ version- iff image data
+## this adds the whole header (inc. version number), informative but longish
+#>10 string >\0 %s
+## other images
+#0 string This\ is\ a\ BitMap\ file Lisp Machine bit-array-file
+#0 string \!\! Bennet Yee's "face" format
+## From SunOS 5.5.1 "/etc/magic" - appeared right before Sun raster image
+## stuff.
+#0 beshort 0x1010 PEX Binary Archive
+## Visio drawings
+#03000 string Visio\ (TM)\ Drawing %s
+#0 string IC PC icon data
+#0 string PI PC pointer image data
+#0 string CI PC color icon data
+#0 string CP PC color pointer image data
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,2) eq "\37\x9d") {
+ # .Z compress(1)ed file; may be an image (i.e pbm.Z)
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='compress'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='compress';
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,2) eq "\37\x8b") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='compress'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='gzip';
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,2) eq "\37\x36") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='compress'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='pack';
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A(?:\377\037|\037\377)/) {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='compress'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='compact';
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,3) eq "BZh") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='compress'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='bzip2';
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,2) eq "BZ") { # check must be after bzip
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='compress'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='bzip1';
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,2) eq "\x76\xff") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='compress'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='squeeze';
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,2) eq "\x76\xfe") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='compress'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='crunch';
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,2) eq "\x76\xfd") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='compress'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='LZH';
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,2) eq "\037\237") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='compress'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='freeze2';
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,2) eq "\037\236") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='compress'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='freeze1';
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,2) eq "\037\240") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='compress'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='SCO.LZH';
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,9) eq "\x89\x4c\x5a\x4f\x00\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='compress'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='lzop';
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,2) eq "\x60\xEA") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='archive'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='ARJ';
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A..-l[hz]/s) {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='archive'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='LHA';
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,4) eq "Rar!") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='archive'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='RAR';
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,4) eq "UC2\x1A") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='archive'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='UC2';
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,4) eq "PK\003\004") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='archive'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='ZIP';
+ } elsif (substr($head,0,4) eq "\xDC\xA7\xC4\xFD") {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='archive'; $bbi->{SubFormat}='ZOO';
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A.PC Research, Inc/s) {
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='G3';
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='Digifax';
+ # Dat: determining $bbi->{URX} and $bbi->{URY} would require a complex
+ # and full parsing of the G3 facsimile data
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A\367[\002-\005]/) {
+ # Dat: \005 is rather arbitrary here
+ goto FF__DVI;
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A[\36-\77](?:\001[\001\11]|\0[\002\12\003\13])\0\0/ and
+ vec($head, 1, 8)<=11 and (vec($head, 16, 8)<=8 or vec($head, 16, 8)==24)) { # potato magic
+ my @types=(0,'Map','RGB','Gray',0,0,0,0,0,'Map.RLE','RGB.RLE','Gray.RLE');
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='TGA';
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}=$types[vec($head,2,8)];
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{LLX},$bbi->{LLY},$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=unpack("A8vvvv",$head);
+ # Imp: verify LLX!=0 URX-LLX
+ } elsif (30<=vec($head, 0, 8) and vec($head, 0, 8)<=63 and
+ vec($head, 1, 8)<=11 and (vec($head, 16, 8)<=8 or vec($head, 16, 8)==24)) {
+ # ^^^ Dat: TGA doesn't have a fixed-format header, so this detection is quite
+ # weak. That's why it is the last one we perform.
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='TGA';
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='fallback';
+ ($dummy,$bbi->{LLX},$bbi->{LLY},$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=unpack("A8vvvv",$head);
+ # Imp: verify LLX!=0 URX-LLX
+ } elsif ($head=~/^PicData:\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)/m) { # grayscale Faces Project imagegrayscale Faces Project image; untested
+ # ^^^ Dat: regexp match is quite weak; perform check last
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='Faces'; # from xloadimage
+ $bbi->{URX}=$1+0; $bbi->{URY}=$2+0; $bbi->{"Info.bitdepth"}=$3+0;
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A\001\0/s) { # really weak
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='G3';
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='MSBfirst.bytepad';
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A\0\001/s) { # really weak
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='G3';
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='LSBfirst.bytepad';
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A\24\0/s) { # really weak
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='G3';
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='MSBfirst.raw';
+ } elsif ($head=~/\A\0\24/s) { # really weak
+ $bbi->{FileFormat}='G3';
+ $bbi->{SubFormat}='LSBfirst.raw';
+ # Dat: determining $bbi->{URX} and $bbi->{URY} would require a complex
+ # and full parsing of the G3 facsimile data
+ } else {
+ $bbi->{Error}='unrecognised FileFormat'
+ }
+ done:
+ if ($have_paper and exists $bbi->{URX} and exists $bbi->{URY}) {
+ ($bbi->{Paper},$bbi->{PaperWidth},$bbi->{PaperHeight})=@L[0,1,2] if
+ @L=Htex::papers::valid_bp($bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY},$bbi->{LLX},$bbi->{LLY});
+ } else {
+ delete $bbi->{LLX} if !exists $bbi->{URX};
+ delete $bbi->{LLY} if !exists $bbi->{URY};
+ }
+ $bbi
+sub import {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $package=(caller())[0];
+ shift;
+ ($have_paper,$have_pdf)=(1,1);
+ for my $p (@_) {
+ if ($p eq '-PDF') { $have_pdf=0 }
+ elsif ($p eq '-paper') { $have_paper=0 }
+ else { *{$package."::$p"}=\&{$p} }
+ }
+ if ($have_pdf) { require Htex::PDFread; import Htex::PDFread }
+ if ($have_paper) { require Htex::papers; import Htex::papers }
+BEGIN{$ INC{''}=''} {
+package vars;
+use just;
+# by at Wed Jan 10 12:42:08 CET 2001
+require 5.002;
+sub import {
+ my $callpack = caller;
+ my ($sym, $ch, $sym9);
+ shift;
+ for $sym0 (@_) {
+ die("Can't declare another package's variables") if $sym0 =~ /::/;
+ ($ch, $sym) = unpack('a1a*', $sym0);
+ *{"${callpack}::$sym"} =
+ ( $ch eq "\$" ? \$ {"${callpack}::$sym"}
+ : $ch eq "\@" ? \@ {"${callpack}::$sym"}
+ : $ch eq "\%" ? \% {"${callpack}::$sym"}
+ : $ch eq "\*" ? \* {"${callpack}::$sym"}
+ : $ch eq "\&" ? \& {"${callpack}::$sym"}
+ : die("'$ch$sym' is not a valid variable name\n")
+ );
+ }
+BEGIN{$ INC{'Htex/'}='Htex/'} {
+package Htex::PDFread;
+# by at Sat Dec 21 21:28:09 CET 2002
+use just;
+use integer;
+use strict;
+use Pts::string;
+use vars qw($pdf_last_ref0);
+my @pdf_classify;
+#** @param $_[0] a string in PDF source format
+#** @return a rewritten string, or "" if $_[0] is truncated, or undef if
+#** there is a parse error
+sub pdf_rewrite($;$) {
+ my $explicit_term_p=$_[1];
+ my $L=length($_[0]);
+ return "" if $L==0;
+ my $S="$_[0]\n>> "; # add sentinel
+ my $I=0;
+ my $O;
+ my $RET="";
+ if (!@pdf_classify) {
+ # Dat: PDF whitespace(0) is [\000\011\012\014\015\040]
+ # Dat: PDF separators(10) are < > { } [ ] ( ) / %
+ # Dat: PDF regular(40) character is any of [\000-\377] which is not whitespace or separator
+ @pdf_classify=(40)x256;
+ @pdf_classify[ord('<'),ord('>'),ord('{'),ord('}'),ord('['),ord(']'),
+ ord('('),ord(')'),ord('/'),ord('%')]=(10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19);
+ @pdf_classify[000,011,012,014,015,040]=(0,0,0,0,0,0);
+ }
+ while ($I<$L) {
+ $O=$pdf_classify[vec($S,$I,8)];
+ if ($O==0) { # whitespace
+ } elsif (12<=$O and $O<=15) { # one-char token
+ $RET.=" ".substr($S,$I,1);
+ } elsif ($O==18 or $O==40) { # name or /name
+ my $P=0;
+ if ($O==18) { $I++; $RET.=" /" } else { $RET.=" "; $P=1 }
+ my $T="";
+ $T.=chr($O) while $pdf_classify[$O=vec($S,$I++,8)]==40;
+ $I--;
+ ## die $I;
+ $T=~s@([^A-Za-z0-9_.-])@sprintf"#%02x",ord$1@ge; # make name safe
+ $RET.=$T;
+ return $RET if $P and ($T eq "stream" or $T eq "endobj" or $T eq "startxref");
+ next
+ } elsif ($O==11) { # `>'
+ return "" if ++$I==$L; # only `>' has arrived
+ return undef if vec($S,$I,8)!=62; # err(">> expected");
+ $RET.=" >>";
+ } elsif ($O==16) { # string
+ my $T="";
+ my $depth=1; $I++;
+ while ($I<$L) {
+ $O=vec($S,$I++,8); bcont:
+ ## print chr($O),":$depth\n";
+ if ($O==40) { $depth++ }
+ elsif ($O==41) { last unless --$depth }
+ elsif ($O==92) { # a backslash
+ $O=vec($S,$I++,8);
+ if (48<=$O && $O<=55) {
+ my $P=$O-48; $O=vec($S,$I++,8);
+ if (48<=$O && $O<=55) {
+ my $Q=$O-48; $O=vec($S,$I++,8);
+ if (48<=$O && $O<=55) { $T.=chr(255&($P<<6|$Q<<3|($O-48))) }
+ else { $T.=chr($P<<3|$Q); goto bcont }
+ } else { $T.=chr($P); goto bcont }
+ } elsif ($O==110) { $O=10 }
+ elsif ($O==114) { $O=13 }
+ elsif ($O==116) { $O=9 }
+ elsif ($O== 98) { $O=8 }
+ elsif ($O==102) { $O=12 }
+ }
+ $T.=chr($O)
+ } # WHILE
+ return "" if $depth; # err("unterminated string")
+ $T=~s@([^A-Za-z0-9_.-])@sprintf"\\%03o",ord$1@ge; # make string safe
+ $RET.=" ($T)"; next
+ } elsif ($O==10) { # hex string
+ $O=vec($S,++$I,8);
+ if ($O==60) { $RET.=" <<"; $I++; next }
+ # parse hexadecimal string
+ my $half=0x100;
+ my $T="";
+ while (1) {
+ 1 until $pdf_classify[$O=vec($S,$I++,8)]; # skip whitespace
+ if ($O==62) { $T.=chr($half&0xFF) if $half&0x1000; last } # '>'
+ return undef if $pdf_classify[$O]!=40; # err("unexpected token in hex")
+ if (65<=$O and $O<=70) { $half+=$O-55 }
+ elsif (97<=$O and $O<=102) { $half+=$O-87 }
+ elsif (48<=$O and $O<=57) { $half+=$O-48 }
+ else { return undef } # err("illegal hex digit")
+ if ($half&0x1000) { $T.=chr($half&0xFF); $half=0x100 }
+ else { $half<<=4 }
+ }
+ $T=~s@([^A-Za-z0-9_.-])@sprintf"\\%03o",ord$1@ge; # make string safe
+ $RET.=" ($T)"; next
+ } elsif ($O==19) { # single-line comment
+ $I++ while ($O=vec($S,$I,8))!=13 && $O!=10;
+ ## print STDERR "I=$I L=$L\n";
+ next
+ } else { return undef } # err("token expected") # $O==11, $O==17
+ $I++
+ } ## WHILE
+ ## print STDERR "XI=$I L=$L\n";
+ # die $explicit_term_p;
+ return "" if $explicit_term_p;
+ ($I>$L) ? "" : $RET
+# Unit test:
+#die unless pdf_rewrite("hello \n\t world\n\t") eq " hello world";
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('(hel\)lo\n\bw(or)ld)') eq ' (hel\051lo\012\010w\050or\051ld)';
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('(hel\)lo\n\bw(orld)') eq '';
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('[ (hel\)lo\n\bw(or)ld)>>') eq ' [ (hel\051lo\012\010w\050or\051ld) >>';
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('>') eq "";
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('<') eq "";
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('< ') eq "";
+#die unless !defined pdf_rewrite('< <');
+#die unless !defined pdf_rewrite('> >');
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('[ (hel\)lo\n\bw(or)ld) <') eq "";
+#die unless pdf_rewrite("<\n3\t1\r4f5C5 >]") eq ' (1O\134P) ]';
+#die unless pdf_rewrite("<\n3\t1\r4f5C5") eq "";
+#die unless !defined pdf_rewrite("<\n3\t1\r4f5C5]>");
+#die unless pdf_rewrite("% he te\n<\n3\t1\r4f5C5 >]endobj<<") eq ' (1O\134P) ] endobj';
+#die unless pdf_rewrite("") eq "";
+#die unless pdf_rewrite("<<") eq " <<";
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('%hello') eq '';
+#die unless pdf_rewrite("alma\n%korte\n42") eq ' alma 42';
+#die unless pdf_rewrite('/Size 42') eq ' /Size 42';
+#die "OK";
+#** Reads a single PDF indirect object (without its stream) from a PDF file.
+#** Does some trivial transformations on it to make later regexp matching
+#** easier. Stops at `stream', `endobj' and `startxref'.
+#** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), correctly positioned in the PDF
+#** file to the beginning of the object data (i.e just before `5 0 obj')
+#** @return string containing PDF source code, or undef on error
+sub pdf_read_obj($) {
+ my $F=$_[0]; my $L=1024; my $M; my $S=""; my $RET;
+ while (1) { # read as much data as necessary
+ return undef if 0>($M=read $F, $S, $L, length($S));
+ $RET=pdf_rewrite($S,1);
+ ## print "($S)\n";
+ return undef if !defined $RET; # parse error
+ return $RET if length $RET; # OK, found object
+ return undef if $M==0; # cannot read more, reached EOF
+ $L<<=1;
+ }
+ #$S=~m@[\000\011\012\014\015\040]*(
+ # %[^\r\n]*[\r\n]|
+ # /?[^\000\011\012\014\015\040<>{}\[\]()/%]*(?=[\000\011\012\014\015\040<>{}\[\]()/%])| # unterminated
+ # <<|>>|\{|}|\[|]|
+ # <[a-fA-F0-9\000\011\012\014\015\040]*>| # hex string
+ # \((?:[^\\()]+|\\[\000-\377])*\)| # literal string, the easy way
+ # \( # an unfinished string, needs special care
+ #)@gx
+#** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), containing a PDF file, positioned
+#** just before an `xref' table
+#** @param $_[1] an xref table: $_[1][4][56] is the file offset of object 56
+#** from generation 4; will be extended
+#** @return the `trailer' section after the `xref'; or undef
+sub pdf_read_xref($$) {
+ # made much faster at Wed Dec 18 09:50:23 CET 2002
+ my $T;
+ my $E;
+ my $F=$_[0];
+ my $XREF=$_[1];
+ return undef if 8>read $F, $T, 1024;
+ return undef unless $T=~s@\A\s*xref\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(?=\S)@@;
+ my ($first,$len,$flen);
+ while (1) {
+ ($first,$len)=($1+0,$2+0);
+ ## print " $first + $len\n";
+ $flen=($len*=20)-length($T)+20;
+ return undef unless $flen<1 or $flen==read $F, $T, $flen, length($T);
+ for (my $I=0;$I<$len;$I+=20, $first++) {
+ $E=substr($T, $I, 20);
+ return undef unless $E=~/\A(\d{10})\s(\d{5})\s([nf])\s\s/;
+ ## print "($1 $2 $3)\n";
+ $XREF->[$2+0][$first]=$1+0 if $3 eq 'n';
+ }
+ $E=substr($T, $len);
+ last if $E!~s@\A\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s+(?=\S)@@; # next section
+ $T=$E;
+ }
+ # die(-length($T)+$len);
+ ## die tell($F);
+ return undef if length($T)!=$len and !seek $F, -length($T)+$len, 1;
+ ## die tell($F);
+ return undef unless defined($T=pdf_read_obj($F));
+ $XREF->[0][0]=undef if defined $XREF->[0];
+ $XREF->[0][0]=$1+0 if $T=~m@ /Prev (\d+)@; # remember /Prev xref table
+ return undef unless $T=~m@\A trailer( .*) startxref\Z(?!\n)@s;
+ $1
+#** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), containing a PDF file
+#** @param $_[1] an xref table: $_[1][4][56] is the file offset of object 56
+#** from generation 4
+#** @param $_[2] an object number
+#** @param $_[3] a generation number
+#** @return PDF source code of the reference, or undef
+sub pdf_ref($$$$) {
+ my $F=$_[0]; my $XREF=$_[1]; my $ON=$_[2]+0; my $GN=$_[3]+0;
+ my $T;
+ $pdf_last_ref0=$ON if $GN==0;
+ ## print "REF $ON $GN;\n";
+ until (ref $XREF->[$GN] and defined ($T=$XREF->[$GN][$ON])) {
+ return undef if !ref $XREF->[0] or !defined $XREF->[0][0]; # no /Prev entry, `$ON $GN R' not found
+ return undef unless seek $F, $XREF->[0][0], 0;
+ return undef if !defined pdf_read_xref($F,$XREF);
+ }
+ ## print "REF at $T;\n";
+ return undef unless seek $F, $T, 0;
+ return undef unless defined($T=pdf_read_obj($F));
+ ## print "REF=($T);\n";
+ return undef unless $T=~s@\A (\d+) (\d+) obj\b(.*) (endobj|stream)\Z(?!\n)@$3@s;
+ $T
+#** Gets a key from a direct dict, and resolves it if it is an indirect object
+#** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), containing a PDF file
+#** @param $_[1] an xref table: $_[1][4][56] is the file offset of object 56
+#** from generation 4
+#** @param $_[2] a PDF source dict (`<< ... >>') or array
+#** @param $_[3] a key (`/...')
+sub pdf_get($$$$) {
+ my $F=$_[0]; my $XREF=$_[1]; my $S=$_[2]; my $KEY=$_[3]; my $POS=0;
+ my $DEPTH=0; my $IS_DICT; my $C=0; my $N=0;
+ ## print "\n";
+ while ($S=~/\G (\S+)/g) {
+ $C=vec($1,0,8); $POS=pos($S);
+ ## print "($1) $DEPTH $N\n";
+ if ($1 eq '>>' or $1 eq ']') {
+ return undef if 0==$DEPTH--;
+ last if !$DEPTH;
+ $N++ if 1==$DEPTH;
+ }
+ elsif ($DEPTH==1 and !$IS_DICT and $KEY==$N) { $POS=pos($S)-=length($1)+1; goto do_ret }
+ elsif ($1 eq '<<') { $IS_DICT=1 if 0==$DEPTH++ }
+ elsif ($1 eq '[') {
+ if (0==$DEPTH++) {
+ $IS_DICT=0;
+ return undef if $KEY!~/\A(\d+)\Z(?!\n)/; # err("non-numeric key in array")
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (0==$DEPTH) { return undef } # not in a composite object
+ elsif (1!=$DEPTH) { next }
+ elsif (!$IS_DICT) { $N++ }
+ elsif ($C==40) { $N++ } # `(': string or bare name
+ elsif ($C>=47 and $C<=57) { # '/': /name 0..9: number
+ ## print "TRY ($1) KEY=$KEY.\n";
+ next if ($N++&1)==1 or $1 ne $KEY;
+ do_ret:
+ ## print substr($S,pos($S)),";;\n";
+ return pdf_ref $F, $XREF, $1, $2 if $S=~/\G (\d+) (\d+) R\b/gc;
+ ## print substr($S,pos($S)),"::\n";
+ $DEPTH=0;
+ while ($S=~/\G( \S+)/g) {
+ if ($1 eq ' <<' or $1 eq ' [') { $DEPTH++ }
+ elsif ($1 eq ' >>' or $1 eq ' ]') {
+ ## die "($1)\n";
+ return undef if 0==$DEPTH--; # err("nesting")
+ return substr($S,$POS,pos($S)-$POS) if 0==$DEPTH;
+ } elsif ($DEPTH==0) { return $1 }
+ }
+ } else { $N++ } # bare name
+ }
+ return undef if $POS!=length($S); # err("invalid source dict");
+ "" # not found
+# Unit test:
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ al makorte 42 ]', 0) eq ' al';
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ al makorte 42 ]', 1) eq ' makorte';
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ al makorte 42 ]', 2) eq ' 42';
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ al makorte 42 ]', 3) eq '';
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ << >> ]', 0) eq ' << >>';
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ << >> ]', 1) eq '';
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ << >> [ al makorte 42 ] ]', 1) eq ' [ al makorte 42 ]';
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' << /Alma [ 1 2 ] /Korte [ 3 4 ] >>', '/Korte') eq ' [ 3 4 ]';
+#die unless !defined pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' [ al makorte 42 ]', '/Name');
+#die unless !defined pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' << al makorte 42 >>', 42);
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' << al makorte 42 137 >>', 42) eq ' 137';
+#die unless pdf_get(\*STDIN, 0, ' << al makorte >>', 'al') eq "";
+#die "OK";
+#** Reported boxes: /MediaBox /CropBox /BleedBox /TrimBox /ArtBox
+#** @param $_[0] a filehandle (e.g \*STDIN), containing a PDF file
+#** @param $_[1] an xref table: $_[1][4][56] is the file offset of object 56
+#** from generation 4
+#** @param $_[2] a PDF source dict (`<< ... >>') of /Type/Catalog
+#** /Type/Pages or /Type/Page
+#** @param $_[3] hashref to update. $_[3]{BleedBox}[2] will be the URX corner
+#** of the BleedBox
+sub pdf_get_boxes($$$$) {
+ my $F=$_[0]; my $XREF=$_[1]; my $S=$_[2]; my $bbi=$_[3];
+ return if !defined $S;
+ for my $name (qw{MediaBox CropBox BleedBox TrimBox ArtBox}) {
+ my $box=pdf_get($F, $XREF, $S, "/$name");
+ next if !defined $box or !length $box
+ or $box!~m@ \[ ([0-9eE.-]+) ([0-9eE.-]+) ([0-9eE.-]+) ([0-9eE.-]+) \]\Z(?!\n)@
+ or !defined c_numval($1) or !defined c_numval($2) or !defined c_numval($3) or !defined c_numval($4);
+ ($bbi->{LLX},$bbi->{LLY},$bbi->{URX},$bbi->{URY})=($1+0,$2+0,$3+0,$4+0) if $name eq 'MediaBox';
+ my $name2="Info.$name";
+ ($bbi->{$name2}[0],$bbi->{$name2}[1],$bbi->{$name2}[2],$bbi->{$name2}[3])=($1+0,$2+0,$3+0,$4+0);
+ }
+sub import {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $package=(caller())[0];
+ shift;
+ for my $p (@_ ? @_ : qw{pdf_get_boxes pdf_get pdf_read_xref pdf_read_obj
+ pdf_rewrite pdf_ref}) { *{$package."::$p"}=\&{$p} }
+BEGIN{$ INC{'Htex/'}='Htex/'} {
+package Htex::papers;
+# contains paper size information
+# by at Sun Dec 22 00:30:58 CET 2002
+use just;
+use integer;
+use strict;
+use Htex::dimen;
+my @papers=(
+# paper.txt
+# by at Tue Jan 16 18:21:59 CET 2001
+# by at Tue Jan 16 19:13:16 CET 2001
+# Examined: dvips, gs, libpaperg
+# all units are measured in Big Points (bp)
+# 72 bp == 1 in
+# 2.54 cm == 1 in
+# papername width height
+qw{Comm10 297 684},
+qw{Monarch 279 540},
+qw{halfexecutive 378 522},
+qw{Legal 612 1008},
+qw{Statement 396 612},
+qw{Tabloid 792 1224},
+qw{Ledger 1224 792},
+qw{Folio 612 936},
+qw{Quarto 610 780},
+qw{7x9 504 648},
+qw{9x11 648 792},
+qw{9x12 648 864},
+qw{10x13 720 936},
+qw{10x14 720 1008},
+qw{Executive 540 720},
+qw{ISOB0 2835 4008},
+qw{ISOB1 2004 2835},
+qw{ISOB2 1417 2004},
+qw{ISOB3 1001 1417},
+qw{ISOB4 709 1001},
+qw{ISOB5 499 709},
+qw{ISOB6 354 499},
+qw{ISOB7 249 354},
+qw{ISOB8 176 249},
+qw{ISOB9 125 176},
+qw{ISOB10 88 125},
+qw{C7 230 323},
+qw{DL 312 624},
+qw{a3 842 1190}, # defined by Adobe
+qw{a4 595 842}, # defined by Adobe; must precede a4small
+# a4small should be a4 with an ImagingBBox of [25 25 570 817].},
+qw{a4small 595 842},
+qw{letter 612 792}, # must precede lettersmall
+# lettersmall should be letter with an ImagingBBox of [25 25 587 767].
+qw{lettersmall 612 792},
+# note should be letter (or some other size) with the ImagingBBox
+# shrunk by 25 units on all 4 sides.
+qw{note 612 792},
+qw{letterLand 792 612},
+# End of Adobe-defined page sizes
+qw{a0 2380 3368},
+qw{a1 1684 2380},
+qw{a2 1190 1684},
+qw{a5 421 595},
+qw{a6 297 421},
+qw{a7 210 297},
+qw{a8 148 210},
+qw{a9 105 148},
+qw{a10 74 105},
+qw{b0 2836 4008},
+qw{b1 2004 2836},
+qw{b2 1418 2004},
+qw{b3 1002 1418},
+qw{b4 709 1002},
+qw{b5 501 709}, # defined by Adobe
+qw{a0Land 3368 2380},
+qw{a1Land 2380 1684},
+qw{a2Land 1684 1190},
+qw{a3Land 1190 842},
+qw{a4Land 842 595},
+qw{a5Land 595 421},
+qw{a6Land 421 297},
+qw{a7Land 297 210},
+qw{a8Land 210 148},
+qw{a9Land 148 105},
+qw{a10Land 105 74},
+qw{b0Land 4008 2836},
+qw{b1Land 2836 2004},
+qw{b2Land 2004 1418},
+qw{b3Land 1418 1002},
+qw{b4Land 1002 709},
+qw{b5Land 709 501},
+qw{c0 2600 3677},
+qw{c1 1837 2600},
+qw{c2 1298 1837},
+qw{c3 918 1298},
+qw{c4 649 918},
+qw{c5 459 649},
+qw{c6 323 459},
+# vvv U.S. CAD standard paper sizes
+qw{archE 2592 3456},
+qw{archD 1728 2592},
+qw{archC 1296 1728},
+qw{archB 864 1296},
+qw{archA 648 864},
+qw{flsa 612 936}, # U.S. foolscap
+qw{flse 612 936}, # European foolscap
+qw{halfletter 396 612},
+qw{csheet 1224 1584}, # ANSI C 17x22
+qw{dsheet 1584 2448}, # ANSI D 22x34
+qw{esheet 2448 3168}, # ANSI E 34x44
+qw{17x22 1224 1584}, # ANSI C 17x22
+qw{22x34 1584 2448}, # ANSI D 22x34
+qw{34x44 2448 3168}, # ANSI E 34x44
+#** @param $_[0] width, in bp
+#** @param $_[1] height, in bp
+#** @return () or ("papername", width.bp, height.bp)
+sub valid_bp($$;$$) {
+ no integer;
+ my ($W1,$H1)=(defined$_[2]?$_[2]:0,defined$_[3]?$_[3]:0);
+ my ($WW,$HH)=(Htex::dimen::dimen2bp($_[0]-$W1), Htex::dimen::dimen2bp($_[1]-$H1));
+ # Dat: 1mm == 720/254bp; 3mm =~ 8.5bp
+ no integer;
+ for (my $I=0; $I<@papers; $I+=3) {
+ return @papers[$I,$I+1,$I+2] if abs($papers[$I+1]-$WW)<=8.5 and abs($papers[$I+2]-$HH)<=8.5;
+ }
+ ()
+#** @param $_[0] "width width_unit, height, height_unit"
+#** @return () or ("papername", width.bp, height.bp)
+sub valid($) { # valid_papersize
+ my $S=lc shift;
+ $S=~/^\s*(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*([a-z][a-z0-9]+)\s*,\s*(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*([a-z][a-z0-9]+)\s*\Z(?!\n)/ ?
+ valid_bp("$1$3","$4$6") : ();
+BEGIN{$ INC{'Htex/'}='Htex/'}
+package Htex::img_bbox;
+# -- extract file format and size from image files
+# This file contains embedded perldoc(1) POD documentation.
+# by at Sat Dec 7 21:31:01 CET 2002
+# JustLib2 at Sat Dec 21 21:29:21 CET 2002
+# is a standalone Perl script that can extract file format,
+# width, height, bounding box and
+# other meta-information from image files. Supported vector formats are:
+# PDF, Flash SWF, EPS, PS, DVI and FIG. Supported raster image formats are:
+# IFF, Windows and OS/2 BMP, MIFF, Gimp XCF, Windows ICO, Adobe PSD, FBM,
+# SunRaster, CMUWM, Utah RLE, Photo CD PCD, XWD, GEM, McIDAS, PM, SGI IRIS,
+# FITS, VICAR, PDS, FIT, Fax G3, Targa TGA and Faces.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# Extracting the image size is not supported for: other IFF, FIG.
+use just 1;
+use integer; # important
+use strict; # not so important
+# use Htex::ImgBBox qw(calc -PDF -paper);
+use Htex::ImgBBox qw(calc);
+sub delete0($$) {
+ delete $_[0]{$_[1]};
+ ""
+#** @param $_[0] $bbi hashref
+#** @return a multiline dump of all key--value pairs, sorted by key
+sub all($) {
+ my $bbi=$_[0];
+ my $RET="";
+ for my $key (sort keys %$bbi) { if (1<length $key) {
+ my $val=$bbi->{$key};
+ $RET.=" $key = ".(ref($val)eq'ARRAY' ? "[ @$val ]\n" : "$val\n");
+ } }
+ $RET
+my %texq;
+#** @param $_[0] arbitrary binary string
+#** @return the string quoted, so it can be safely placed inside TeX
+#** \message{...} or \special{...}
+sub texq($) {
+ if (!keys %texq) {
+ $texq{' '}='\iftrue\space\fi '; # won't collapse two spaces into one
+ $texq{'\\'}='\expandafter\@secondoftwo\string\\\\';
+ $texq{'{'}='\expandafter\@secondoftwo\string\{';
+ $texq{'}'}='\expandafter\@secondoftwo\string\}';
+ $texq{'%'}='\expandafter\@secondoftwo\string\%';
+ $texq{'#'}='\expandafter\@secondoftwo\string\#';
+ $texq{'^'}='\expandafter\@secondoftwo\string\^'; # no danger of ^^
+ $texq{'~'}='\expandafter\@secondoftwo\string\~';
+ $texq{'`'}='\expandafter\@secondoftwo\string\`';
+ $texq{'"'}='\expandafter\@secondoftwo\string\"';
+ # vvv will work only if the token is expanded only once
+ #$texq{'~'}='\noexpand~';
+ #$texq{'`'}='\noexpand`';
+ #$texq{'"'}='\noexpand"';
+ }
+ my $S=$_[0];
+ $S=~s@(\W)@exists$texq{$1}?$texq{$1}:$1@ge;
+ $S=~s~([\000-\037\177-\377])~sprintf"\\expandafter\\\@secondoftwo\\string\\^^%02x",ord$1~ge;
+ $S
+sub aq($$) {
+ $_[0] eq ":t" ? texq($_[1]) : $_[1]
+my $t_short="%{FileName} %{FileFormat:-??} %{LLX:-??} %{LLY:-??} %{URX:-??} %{URY:-??}%{Paper?+ %{Paper}}%{Error?+ error:%{Error}}\n";
+my $t_long="%{FileName}%{FileName?0}\n%{all}";
+# my $t_tex='\graphicPmeta{%{FileName:t}%{c}{%{FileFormat:-?}%{c}{%{LLX:-?}%{c}{%{LLY:-?}%{c}{%{URX:-?}%{c}{%{URY:-?}%{c}%{n}';
+my $t_tex='\graphicPmeta{%{FileName:t}%{c}{%{FileFormat:-?}%{SubFormat?+.%{SubFormat}}%{c}{%{LLX:-?}%{c}{%{LLY:-?}%{c}{%{URX:-?}%{c}{%{URY:-?}%{c}%{n}';
+sub compile_template($) {
+ my $template=$_[0];
+ # convert $template to Perl code
+ $template=~s@([\\'])@\\$1@g;
+ $template=~s@([}])|[%][{]([\w.-]+)(:t)?(:-|[?][+0-]|)@
+ defined($1) ? "').'" :
+ $4 eq "" && $2 eq "all" ? "'.(all(\$bbi).'" :
+ $4 eq "" ? "'.(!defined\$bbi->{'$2'}?'':aq('".($3||"")."',\$bbi->{'$2'}).'" :
+ $4 eq "?+" ? "'.(!defined\$bbi->{'$2'}?'':'" :
+ $4 eq "?-" ? "'.(defined\$bbi->{'$2'}?'':'" :
+ $4 eq ":-" ? "'.(defined\$bbi->{'$2'}?aq('".($3||"")."',\$bbi->{'$2'}):'" :
+ $4 eq "?0" ? "'.(delete0(\$bbi,'$2').'" :
+ "[$1]($2)($4)" # should never happen
+ @ge;
+ my $sub=eval "sub { my \$bbi=\$_[0]; '$template' }";
+ die "$0: template syntax error: $@" if $@ or ref($sub) ne 'CODE';
+ $sub
+sub work($$) {
+ my($sub,$filename)=@_;
+ my $bbi;
+ # die "$0: $filename: $!\n" unless open F, "< $filename";
+ if (open F, "< $filename") {
+ ## print STDERR "$filename\n";
+ $bbi=calc(\*F);
+ } else {
+ $bbi->{Error}="open: $!"
+ }
+ $bbi->{FileName}=$filename;
+ $bbi->{n}="\n";
+ $bbi->{p}="%";
+ $bbi->{c}="}";
+ print $sub->($bbi);
+sub usage() {
+ die "This is by pts\, version 0.08
+This program is free software, licensed under the GNU GPL.
+This software comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY. Use at your own risk!
+Usage: $0 [<template>] <filename.image> [...]
+Template is one of: -- --short --long --tex --template <t>
+I can extract file format, width, height, bounding box and other
+meta-information from image files. Run this to get more docs:
+ perldoc '$0'\n"
+usage if !@ARGV;
+my $template=$t_short;
+if ($ARGV[0] eq '--' or $ARGV[0] eq '--short') { }
+elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--long') { $template=$t_long; shift @ARGV }
+elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--tex') { $template=$t_tex; shift @ARGV }
+elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--template') { usage if @ARGV<2; $template=$ARGV[1]; splice @ARGV, 0, 2 }
+elsif ($ARGV[0]=~/\A--/) { goto usage }
+my $sub=compile_template($template);
+for my $filename (@ARGV) { work $sub, $filename }
+=begin man
+.ds pts-dev \*[.T] if '\*[.T]'ascii' .ds pts-dev tty if '\*[.T]'ascii8' .ds pts-dev tty if '\*[.T]'latin1' .ds pts-dev tty if '\*[.T]'nippon' .ds pts-dev tty if '\*[.T]'utf8' .ds pts-dev tty if '\*[.T]'cp1047' .ds pts-dev tty if '\*[pts-dev]'tty' \{\
+.ll 79 33333v IN 2n
+.\} n
+=head1 NAME
+ - Extract file format and size from image files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ S<[ C<--> | C<--short>>
+ S<| C<--long>>
+ S<| C<--tex>>
+ S<| C<--template> I<template> ]>
+ S<I<filename.image>> S<[ ... ]>
+ is a standalone Perl script that can extract file format,
+width, height, bounding box and
+other meta-information from image files. Supported vector formats are:
+PDF, Flash SWF, EPS, PS, DVI and FIG. Supported raster image formats are:
+IFF, Windows and OS/2 BMP, MIFF, Gimp XCF, Windows ICO, Adobe PSD, FBM,
+SunRaster, CMUWM, Utah RLE, Photo CD PCD, XWD, GEM, McIDAS, PM, SGI IRIS,
+FITS, VICAR, PDS, FIT, Fax G3, Targa TGA and Faces.
+ writes the extracted information to STDOUT, in a format
+determined by the template specified on the command line. The default
+template is C<--short>. Templates are:
+=over 10
+=item C<--short>
+writes the file name, file format and the four
+bounding box coordinates (lower left x, lower left y, upper right x, upper
+right y), separated by spaces.
+=item C<--long>
+writes a multi-line entry for each file containing all key--value pairs
+that was able to extract.
+=item C<--tex>
+writes output suitable for C<\input> in TeX. The file name, file format and
+bounding box is dumped
+=item C<--pat>
+lets the user specify an individual pattern, see later.
+=head1 PATTERNS
+Individual patterns can be specified after C<--pat>. Built-in patterns are:
+ --short: %{FileName} %{FileFormat:-??} %{LLX:-??} %{LLY:-??} %{URX:-??} %{URY:-??}%{Paper?+ %{Paper}}%{Error?+ error:%{Error}}%{n}
+ --long : %{FileName}%{FileName?0}%{n}%{all}
+ --tex : \graphicPmeta{%{FileName:t}%{c}{%{FileFormat:-?}%{c}{%{LLX:-?}%{c}{%{LLY:-?}%{c}{%{URX:-?}%{c}{%{URY:-?}%{c}%{n}
+Expressions of the form
+ C<%{> I<key> [ I<quoting> ] I<method> I<body> C<}>
+ are substituted.
+I<key>s of interest will be enumerated later in this subsection.
+I<quoting> is one of
+=over 7
+=item (none)
+The string is inserted as-is.
+=item C<:t>
+Quotes all TeX and LaTeX control characters.
+The interpretation of I<body> depends on I<method>. The default action is to
+append the contents of I<body> verbatim after the substitution. I<body> is
+an empty string most of the time.
+I<method> is one of
+=over 7
+=item (none)
+Expands to the value of I<key>, or an empty string. I<body> must be empty.
+=item C<:->
+Expands to the value of I<key>, or I<body>.
+=item C<?0>
+Deletes I<key>, and expands to I<body>.
+=item C<?+>
+Expands to I<body> if I<key> exists, or an empty string.
+=item C<?->
+Expands to I<body> if I<key> is missing, or an empty string.
+I<key>s of interest are:
+=over 20
+=item n
+a newline
+=item p
+a percent sign
+=item c
+a close brace
+=item all
+A detailed, multi-line key--value listing of all information extracted, as
+output by the C<--long> template.
+=item FileName
+=item FileFormat
+=item SubFormat
+=item LLX
+Zero for most file formats.
+=item LLY
+Zero for most file formats.
+=item URX
+The width for most file formats.
+=item URY
+The height for most file formats.
+=item SamplesPerPixel
+=item BitsPerSample
+=item ColorSpace
+Gray, RGB, YCbCr, CMYK, YCCK, Indexed etc.
+=item Error
+the first I/O or other error
+=item Info.
+various file format specific keys begin with C<Info.>
+=item Val.
+various key--value pairs read from the file, beginning with C<Val.>
+=item Info.MediaBox
+PDF only
+=item Info.CropBox
+PDF only
+=item Info.BleedBox
+PDF only
+=item Info.TrimBox
+PDF only
+=item Info.ArtBox
+PDF only
+=item Info.Compression
+TIFF only
+=item Info.NewSubfileType
+TIFF only
+=item Info.PhotometricInterpretation
+TIFF only
+=item Info.Thresholding
+TIFF only
+=item Info.CellWidth
+TIFF only
+=item Info.CellLength
+TIFF only
+=item Info.FillOrder
+TIFF only
+=item Info.Orientation
+TIFF only
+=item Info.RowsPerStrip
+TIFF only
+=item Info.MinSampleValue
+TIFF only
+=item Info.MaxSampleValue
+TIFF only
+=item Info.PlanarConfiguration
+TIFF only
+=item Info.GrayResponseUnit
+TIFF only
+=item Info.ResolutionUnit
+TIFF only
+=item Info.ExtraSamples
+TIFF only
+=item Info.hvs
+JPEG only
+=item Info.id_rgb
+JPEG only
+=item Info.had_jfif
+JPEG only
+=item Info.ColorTransform
+JPEG only
+=item Info.binary
+Clean7Bit, Clean8Bit or Binary. PDF and PS only
+=item Info.linearized
+PDF only
+=item Info.denominator
+DVI only
+=item Info.nominator
+DVI only
+=item Info.version_id
+DVI only
+=item Info.maginification
+DVI only
+=item Info.jobname
+DVI only
+=item Info.page1_nr
+DVI only
+=item Info.special
+DVI only
+=item Info.colors
+ICO only
+=item Info.reserved
+ICO only
+=item Info.planes
+ICO only
+=item Info.credits
+FBM only
+=item Info.title
+FBM only
+=item Info.planes
+FBM only
+=item Info.bits
+FBM only
+=item Info.rowlen
+FBM only
+=item Info.plnlen
+FBM only
+=item Info.clrlen
+FBM only
+=item Info.hlen
+GEM only
+=item Info.colors
+GEM only
+=item Info.patlen
+GEM only
+=item Info.llen
+GEM only
+=item Info.lines
+GEM only
+=item Info.num_planes
+PM only
+=item Info.num_bands
+PM only
+=item Info.pixel_format
+PM only
+=item Info.compression
+SGI only
+=item Info.comment
+SGI only
+=item Info.bits_per_pixel
+FITS only
+=item Info.num_axis
+FITS only
+=item Info.depth
+FITS only
+=item Info.data_max
+FITS only
+=item Info.data_min
+FITS only
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Szabó Péter <F<>>
+=head1 SEE ALSO