path: root/macros/latex/contrib/zref-vario/zref-vario.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2023-06-15 03:03:06 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2023-06-15 03:03:06 +0000
commit9eb6f85105699320d8cbdbb33bcdc88c41ea709a (patch)
tree6e85740b17273391cbcf76437e1241588db70329 /macros/latex/contrib/zref-vario/zref-vario.tex
parent68da45b74eea591538f6378878a0dca04e541bb9 (diff)
CTAN sync 202306150303
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/zref-vario/zref-vario.tex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 374 deletions
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--- a/macros/latex/contrib/zref-vario/zref-vario.tex
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-% \iffalse meta-comment
-% File: zref-vario.tex
-% This file is part of the LaTeX package "zref-vario".
-% Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Gustavo Barros
-% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
-% LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this
-% license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version
-% of this license is in the file:
-% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-% version 2005/12/01 or later.
-% This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status) by
-% Gustavo Barros.
-% This work consists of the files zref-vario.dtx,
-% zref-vario.ins,
-% zref-vario.tex,
-% zref-vario-code.tex,
-% and the files generated from them.
-% The released version of this package is available from CTAN.
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-% The development version of the package can be found at
-% for those people who are interested.
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-% \fi
-% The package itself *must* be loaded so that \GetFileInfo can pick up date
-% and version data.
-\usepackage[scale=.88]{tgheros} % sans
-\usepackage[varqu,scaled=1.03]{inconsolata} % tt
- language=[LaTeX]TeX,
- % moretexcs={
- % }
- style=code,
- % moretexcs={
- % }
- style=zrefvario,
- basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,
- columns=fullflexible,
- keepspaces,
- xleftmargin=\leftmargin,
- xrightmargin=.5\leftmargin,
- \renewcommand{\lstlistingname}{Example}%
- \lstset{#1}%
- The \pkg{zref-vario} package%
- \thanks{This file describes \fileversion, released \filedate.}%
- \texorpdfstring{\\{}\medskip{}}{ - }%
- User manual%
- \texorpdfstring{\medskip{}}{}%
- Gustavo Barros%
- \thanks{\url{}}%
- {\bfseries \abstractname\vspace{-.5em}\vspace{0pt}}
- \pkg{zref-vario} offers a compatibility layer for \pkg{varioref} to be used
- alongside \pkg{zref-clever}. It provides
- ``\texttt{\textbackslash{}z}\dots{}'' counterparts to \pkg{varioref}'s main
- reference commands, each of which essentially does some (scoped) setup for
- \pkg{varioref}, then calls the original one.
-\section{Loading the package}
-As usual:
-\pkg{zref-vario} loads \pkg{zref-clever}, and will load \pkg{varioref} at
-\texttt{begindocument/before}, if it hasn't already been loaded. However,
-considering \pkg{varioref} has known load order interaction with other
-packages, prominently with \pkg{hyperref}, you may wish to load it explicitly
-to ensure its load order requirements are met.
-\section{Package options}
-Package options can be set by means of \cs{zvsetup}.
- \begin{syntax}
- \cs{zvsetpup}\marg{options}
- \end{syntax}
-Available options are:
-\DescribeOption{pageprop} %
-\pkg{varioref} uses the \texttt{page} field of the standard label to check
-whether a reference and its label are on the same page, nearby, or far away.
-And has no real alternative data to use for the purpose. Possibly for this
-reason, the basic mechanism of page comparison in \pkg{varioref} is restricted
-to arabic numbered pages. Any other page numbering scheme results in
-\pkg{varioref} making no distinction between one or many pages off. But with
-\pkg{zref} it is trivial to detach the printed representation of the reference
-and the data used to make page comparisons. And that's what the
-\opt{pageprop} option allows to control. It receives a \pkg{zref} property as
-value to be used by \pkg{zref-vario} to make page comparisons, and defaults to
-the \texttt{page} property, which corresponds to the usual \pkg{varioref}
-behavior. The property must be defined and be included in \pkg{zref}'s main
-list at the time the setting is performed. The natural intended use case of
-this option is the \texttt{abspage} property provided by the
-\pkg{zref-abspage} module, which already handles these two requirements.
-Thus, loading this module and setting \opt{pageprop} to \texttt{abspage} gives
-us page comparisons independent of the page numbering scheme, which works in
-the front matter with roman numbering, across front and main matter
-boundaries, etc. In sum, regardless of whether the page numbering is arabic
-or anything else.
-\section{Reference commands}
- \begin{syntax}
- \cs{zvref}\meta{*}\oarg{options}\marg{label}
- \end{syntax}
- \begin{syntax}
- \cs{zvpageref}\meta{*}\oarg{options}\marg{label}
- \end{syntax}
- \begin{syntax}
- \cs{zvrefrange}\meta{*}\oarg{options}\marg{label}\marg{label}
- \end{syntax}
- \begin{syntax}
- \cs{zvpagerefrange}\meta{*}\oarg{options}\marg{label}\marg{label}
- \end{syntax}
- \begin{syntax}
- \cs{zfullref}\meta{*}\oarg{options}\marg{label}
- \end{syntax}
-These user commands work pretty much as their \pkg{varioref}
-counterparts.\footnote{If you are not acquainted with them, see
- \pkg{varioref}'s documentation.} Indeed, they are just wrappers around
-them. As such, differently from \pkg{zref-clever}'s commands, these can
-receive single labels as arguments, not lists of them. In all of them the
-starred version inhibits hyperlinking, and they (locally) set \pkg{varioref}'s
-\opt{nospace} option, so that the this syntax can be used unambiguously.
-All of them have a single optional argument, which can receive any of
-\cs{zcref}'s options, and those are set for calls to \cs{zcref} or
-\cs{zpageref} which are part of the building blocks of the reference formats
-and strings set for \pkg{varioref}. However, there is indeed some potential
-friction and caveats stemming from the use of these options, which were
-designed to work for single calls of \cs{zcref}, to apply to \emph{pairs} of
-them. Hence, whether each and every of these options is meaningful, useful,
-or potentially harmful in this context depends on the case, and it is up to
-the user to make proper use of them. Of course, one can always split the pair
-using \cs{zcref} and then \cs{zvpageref}, \cs{zvpagerefrange}, or
-\cs{zcpageref}, and have more control over each part. Anyway, the package
-does what it says: passes the options along to the underlying call(s) to
-\cs{zcref}.\footnote{Note that the options given to each call of these user
- macros are set \emph{before} the call to the original \pkg{varioref}
- counterpart. This means that options given to \cs{zcref} or \cs{zpageref}
- in the strings and formats in \cs{zvLanguageSetup} will have precedence over
- the former. Which is useful, so that we can distinguish to some degree the
- first from the second call of \cs{zcref}/\cs{zpageref} done in the formats,
- but does not eliminate the limitations which arise from the underlying
- problem.}
-\DescribeOption{vcurrent} %
-\DescribeOption{vother} %
-Besides \cs{zcref}'s options, mentioned above, two other ones are provided for
-\pkg{zref-vario}'s reference commands, corresponding to \pkg{varioref}'s
-commands optional arguments: \opt{vcurrent} (the first optional argument) and
-\opt{vother} (the second optional argument). Of course, these are only
-available when the underlying \pkg{varioref} command supports them.
-\section{Reference format}
- \begin{syntax}
- \cs{zvLanguageSetup}\marg{language}\marg{options}
- \end{syntax}
-User interface for customization of ``strings'' and ``formats'' for
-\meta{language}. \meta{language} must be known to \pkg{zref-clever}. The
-\meta{options} are familiar to users of \pkg{varioref}:
-\opt{reftextfaceafter}, \opt{reftextfacebefore}, \opt{reftextafter},
-\opt{reftextbefore}, \opt{reftextcurrent}, \opt{reftextfaraway},
-\opt{reftextpagerange}, \opt{reftextlabelrange}, \opt{vrefformat},
-\opt{vrefrangeformat}, and \opt{fullrefformat}.\footnote{For details, see
- \pkg{varioref}'s documentation.} Their meaning is the same as the ones they
-have in \pkg{varioref} and, indeed, they work by setting those \pkg{varioref}
-macros to the values given to the corresponding options in
-\cs{zvLanguageSetup}. If you are setting up a language which has no built-in
-support, you should set at least the whole set of ``\texttt{reftext}\dots{}''
-options. Language independent default values are provided for the
-``\dots{}\texttt{format}'' options (equivalent to the ones from
-\pkg{varioref}, which are adequate for most use cases), so you may omit them.
-But, if you need to adjust them, the default values can be overridden by
-setting the corresponding options in \cs{zvLanguageSetup}.
- \begin{syntax}
- \cs{zvhyperlink}\marg{text}
- \end{syntax}
-Inside the options of \cs{zvLanguageSetup}, and also inside the \opt{vcurrent}
-and \opt{vother} options of \pkg{zref-vario}'s reference commands,
-\cs{zvhyperlink} can be used to produce a hyperlink to the label of the
-reference. For example, one could set \texttt{reftextafter=\{on the
- \cs{zvhyperlink}\{next page\}\}} to get ``next page'' hyperlinked.
-\cs{zvhyperlink} can be used regardless of \opt{hyperref} being enabled for
-\pkg{zref-clever}, it will just pass on the \meta{text} argument if it is not.
-On range reference commands, \cs{zvhyperlink} only produces a link when both
-labels fall on the same page, in which case it hyperlinks to the first label.
-As far as \pkg{zref-vario} is concerned, \pkg{varioref}'s options are (mostly)
-not taken into account: the language options are disregarded (settings made
-with \cs{zvLanguageSetup} are used instead), the \opt{nospace} option is
-hard-coded (locally) for the ``\texttt{\textbackslash{}z}\dots{}'' commands,
-and \opt{draft} and \opt{final} are typically given to \cs{documentclass},
-though they do affect \pkg{zref-vario}'s commands, just as they do with
-\section{Integration with \pkg{zref-check}}
-When package \pkg{zref-check} is loaded, \pkg{zref-vario} provides one further
-option to its user commands: \opt{vcheck}. The purpose of this option is to
-check the relative position of label and reference within the same page. It
-can receive two values: \texttt{above} and \texttt{below}, being those the
-names of the \pkg{zref-check}'s checks which are meaningful for the use case
-at hand. Of course, these could also be performed with \cs{zcref}'s
-\opt{check} option, which is available for \pkg{zref-vario}'s commands as
-well. The difference here is that the check specified in \opt{vcheck} is only
-performed when the referenced label -- or labels, in the case of a range --
-fall on the same page as the reference itself.\footnote{There's another
- technical difference between them. \pkg{zref-check}'s checks, and hence
- those of the \opt{check} option, make sure the whole reference passes each
- check by setting labels both at the start and the end of the reference, and
- verifying if each one of them passes the checks. But, since \pkg{varioref}
- already has it's own mechanism to handle references which cross page
- boundaries, \opt{vcheck}'s checks set only one label, at the end of the
- reference, the same position \pkg{varioref} uses to check whether label and
- reference are on the same page.} In other words, when \opt{vcurrent} would
-be used (if provided). For this reason, only the commands which support
-\opt{vcurrent} offer \pkg{vcheck}. Also, \opt{vcheck} cannot receive
-\pkg{zref-check}'s options, as \opt{check} is able to, but the latter can be
-used for the purpose of locally controlling the behavior of the checks
-performed by \opt{vcheck}. Consult \pkg{zref-check}'s documentation for
-details and limitations of these checks and envisaged workflows for their
-reliable use.
-A number of people have contributed to \pkg{zref-vario}. Suggestions,
-ideas, solutions to problems, bug reports or even encouragement were
-generously provided by (in chronological order):
- Matteo Ferrigato, % 'matteo339'
- % 2023-01-02:
- Ulrike Fischer,
- % 2023-01-02: (comments)
- David Carlisle,
- % 2023-01-02:
- % and following discussion.
- and Joseph Wright.
- % 2023-01-02:
- % and following discussion.
-The package's language settings have been provided or improved thanks to:
- Matteo Ferrigato (Italian). % 'matteo339'
- % 2023-01-02:
-If I have inadvertently left anyone off the list I apologize, and please let
-me know, so that I can correct the oversight.
-Thank you all very much!
-\section{Change history}
-A change log with relevant changes for each version, eventual upgrade
-instructions, and upcoming changes, is maintained in the package's repository,
-at \url{}. The
-change log is also distributed with the package's documentation through CTAN
-upon release so, most likely, \texttt{texdoc zref-vario/changelog} should
-provide easy local access to it. An archive of historical versions of the
-package is also kept at \url{}.