path: root/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/utils/
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2022-09-27 03:02:45 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2022-09-27 03:02:45 +0000
commit358efc294299fa1b336a63da305121fb8b71447b (patch)
tree0c0b70e0c71feb835e4645799d4d9b4eba1fdd3a /macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/utils/
parent3416c5679e9cfa1ebba2296ecf401319a9f1cfe6 (diff)
CTAN sync 202209270302
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/utils/')
1 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/utils/ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/utils/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a9f3c60203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from sys import stderr, stdout
+def monkey_patch():
+ from svgelements import SVGElement
+ def SVGElement__imatmul__(self,other):
+ print('Dummy SVGElement.__imatmul__')
+ return self
+ SVGElement.__imatmul__ = SVGElement__imatmul__
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def open_svg(input):
+ from svgelements import SVG
+ svg = SVG.parse(input,reify=False)
+ print(type(svg[0]),file=stderr)
+ return svg
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def get_bb(svg):
+ llx,lly,urx,ury = svg.bbox()
+ # print(llx,lly,urx,ury)
+ return llx,lly,urx,ury
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def flush_left(svg):
+ from svgelements import Matrix
+ llx,lly,urx,ury = get_bb(svg)
+ svg *= Matrix.translate(-llx,-lly)
+ return svg
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def scale_unit(svg):
+ from svgelements import Matrix
+ llx,lly,urx,ury = get_bb(svg)
+ scale = 1 / max(urx,ury)
+ svg *= Matrix.scale(scale)
+ return svg
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def scale_to_cm(svg,px_per_cm = 37.79531157367762334497):
+ from svgelements import Matrix
+ scale = 1 / px_per_cm
+ svg *= Matrix.scale(scale)
+ return svg
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def shift_to_centre(svg):
+ from svgelements import Matrix
+ llx,lly,urx,ury = get_bb(svg)
+ svg *= Matrix.translate(-urx/2,-ury/2)
+ svg *= Matrix.scale(1,-1)
+ svg.reify()
+ svg.render()
+ return svg
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def flipy(svg):
+ from svgelements import Matrix
+ llx,lly,urx,ury = get_bb(svg)
+ svg *= Matrix.translate(-llx,-lly)
+ svg *= Matrix.scale(1,-1)
+ svg.reify()
+ svg.render()
+ llx,lly,urx,ury = get_bb(svg)
+ svg *= Matrix.translate(0,-lly)
+ return svg
+# ====================================================================
+def get_paths(svg):
+ '''Read in paths from the SVG image
+ This will recurse down groups for path operations
+ Returns
+ -------
+ paths : list
+ List of svg.path.Path objects
+ '''
+ from svgelements import Path, Group
+ from svg.path import parse_path
+ paths = []
+ for e in svg:
+ if isinstance(e,Path):
+ print('Parse path',file=stderr)
+ p = parse_path(e.d())
+ paths.append(p)
+ if isinstance(e,Group):
+ print('Parse group',file=stderr)
+ paths.append(get_paths(e))
+ return paths
+# ====================================================================
+def tikz_point(e,f):
+ '''Ouput a point
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ e : complex
+ The point
+ f : str
+ Floating point format
+ Return
+ ------
+ coord : str
+ The point formatted for Tikz
+ '''
+ return f'({e.real:{f}},{e.imag:{f}})'
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def tikz_move(e,f):
+ '''Output a move-to operation
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ e : complex
+ The point to move to
+ f : str
+ Floating point format
+ Return
+ ------
+ coord : str
+ The point formatted for Tikz
+ '''
+ return tikz_point(e.start,f)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def tikz_line(e,f):
+ '''Output a line-to operation
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ e : complex
+ The point to draw line to
+ f : str
+ Floating point format
+ Return
+ ------
+ line : str
+ The line-to operation to point
+ '''
+ return '-- '+tikz_point(e.end,f)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def tikz_curve(e,f):
+ '''Output a curve-to operation
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ e : curve operation (3 complex numbers)
+ The control points (2 of them) and the point to draw curve to
+ f : str
+ Floating point format
+ Return
+ ------
+ curve : str
+ The curve-to operation to point
+ '''
+ return \
+ '.. controls '+tikz_point(e.control1,f) + \
+ ' and ' +tikz_point(e.control2,f) + \
+ ' ..' +tikz_point(e.end,f)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def tikz_close(e,f):
+ '''Ouput a close (or cycle) operation
+ '''
+ return '-- cycle'
+# ====================================================================
+def path_to_tikz(path,f='8.5f'):
+ '''Convert a svt.path.Path to a TikZ path
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ path : svg.path.Path
+ Path to convert
+ f : str
+ floating point format to use
+ Returns
+ -------
+ code : list
+ List of Tikz path operations as strings
+ '''
+ from svg.path import Line, Move, Close, CubicBezier, Path
+ code = []
+ for e in path:
+ if isinstance(e, Move): code.append(tikz_move(e, f))
+ elif isinstance(e, Line): code.append(tikz_line(e, f))
+ elif isinstance(e, Close): code.append(tikz_close(e,f))
+ elif isinstance(e, CubicBezier): code.append(tikz_curve(e,f))
+ elif isinstance(e, Path): code.extend(path_to_tikz(e,f))
+ else:
+ print(f'Unknown type: {type(e)}',file=stderr)
+ return code
+# ====================================================================
+def doc_header(output=stdout):
+ '''Prinout put standalone document header
+ '''
+ print(r'''%
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def doc_footer(output=stdout):
+ '''Prinout put standalone document footer
+ '''
+ print(r'''%
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def path_to_pic(path,name,output,format):
+ '''Output a Tikz pic definition from the path
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ path : Path
+ The path to convert
+ name : str
+ The name of the pic
+ output : File
+ Output file
+ format : str
+ Floating point format
+ '''
+ print(fr'''\tikzset{{%
+ {name}/.pic={{%
+ \path[pic actions]''',file=output,end='\n ')
+ code = path_to_tikz(path,format)
+ print('\n '.join(code),file=output)
+ print(' ;\n }',file=output)
+ print('}%',file=output)
+# ====================================================================
+# ====================================================================
+def doit(input='soldier_side.svg',
+ centre=True,
+ unit=True,
+ output=stdout,
+ standalone=False,
+ format='8.5f'):
+ svg = open_svg(input)
+ orig_bb = get_bb(svg)
+ if centre or unit:
+ svg = flush_left(svg)
+ if unit:
+ svg = scale_unit(svg)
+ else:
+ svg = scale_to_cm(svg)
+ if centre:
+ svg = shift_to_centre(svg)
+ else:
+ svg = flipy(svg)
+ new_bb = get_bb(svg)
+ paths = get_paths(svg)
+ if standalone:
+ doc_header(output)
+ print(f'% Original bounding box: ({orig_bb[0]},{orig_bb[1]}) ({orig_bb[2]},{orig_bb[3]})',
+ file=output)
+ print(f'% New bounding box: ({new_bb[0]},{new_bb[1]}) ({new_bb[2]},{new_bb[3]})',
+ file=output)
+ pics = []
+ for i, path in enumerate(paths):
+ name = f'pic_{i:03d}'
+ path_to_pic(path,name,output,format)
+ pics.append(name)
+ if standalone:
+ print(r'\begin{tikzpicture}%',file=output)
+ x = 0
+ y = 0
+ for i, name in enumerate(pics):
+ if x > 10:
+ x = 0
+ y += 2
+ print(fr' \pic[draw,fill=red] at ({x},{y}) {{{name}}};%',
+ file=output)
+ x += 2
+ print(r'\end{tikzpicture}%',file=output)
+ doc_footer(output)
+# ====================================================================
+def test(svgfile='soldier_side.svg',tikzfile=stdout,standalone=True):
+ with open(svgfile,'r') as input:
+ with open(tikzfile,'w') if isinstance(tikzfile,str) else tikzfile as output:
+ doit(input=input,output=output,standalone=standalone)
+# ====================================================================
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType
+ ap = ArgumentParser(description='Convert SVG to unit Tikz picture')
+ ap.add_argument('input',type=FileType('r'),nargs='?',default='soldier_side.svg',
+ help='Input SVG file')
+ ap.add_argument('-o','--output',type=FileType('w'),default=None,
+ help='Output Tikz file')
+ ap.add_argument('-s','--standalone',action='store_true',default=True,
+ help='Write standalone document')
+ ap.add_argument('-p','--picture',action='store_false',dest='standalone',
+ help='Only write picture')
+ ap.add_argument('-f','--format',type=str,default='8.5f',
+ help='Format for coordinates')
+ ap.add_argument('-O','--original-size',dest='unit',action='store_false',
+ help='Do no scale paths to unit size')
+ ap.add_argument('-S','--unit-size',dest='unit',action='store_true',
+ help='Scale paths to unit size')
+ ap.add_argument('-Z','--no-centre',dest='centre',action='store_false',
+ help='Do not centre paths')
+ ap.add_argument('-C','--centre',dest='centre',action='store_true',
+ help='Centre paths')
+ args = ap.parse_args()
+ if args.output is None:
+ from pathlib import Path
+ inname = Path(
+ outname = inname.with_suffix('.tex')
+ args.output = open(outname,'w')
+ doit(input = args.input,
+ unit = args.unit,
+ centre = args.centre,
+ output = args.output,
+ standalone = args.standalone,
+ format = args.format)