path: root/macros/latex/contrib/utthesis/ICDE-11/p2v.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/utthesis/ICDE-11/p2v.tex
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1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/utthesis/ICDE-11/p2v.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/utthesis/ICDE-11/p2v.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8c344e302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/utthesis/ICDE-11/p2v.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+\section{The P2V pre-processor}
+In Section~\ref{sec:intro}, we enumerated the four primary goals of
+Prairie, viz., uniformity in operator and algorithms; uniformity in
+properties; uniformity in property-transformations; and efficient
+generation of Prairie optimizers. The first three goals are driven by
+the need for conceptual simplicity; however, they alone do not
+necessarily generate efficient optimizers. The P2V pre-processor
+ensures that efficient optimizers can be realized from Prairie
+specifications, by translating them to the Volcano framework and then
+generating an optimizer by compiling with the Volcano search engine.
+This Prairie optimizer-generator paradigm is shown schematically in
+Figure~\ref{fig:ptovmodel}. The pre-processor itself is 4500 lines of
+\texttt{flex} and \texttt{bison} code. In this section, we briefly
+describe the pre-processor steps and explain why the Prairie-to-Volcano
+transformation is non-trivial. A more detailed description of the
+pre-processor is given in \cite{Das94}.
+\rput(4,8.5){\psframebox*{Prairie Rule Set}}
+\rput(4,6.5){P2V Pre-processor}
+\rput(4,4.5){\psframebox*{Volcano Rule Set}}
+\rput(4,2.5){\begin{tabular}{c} Volcano \\ Optimizer-Generator \end{tabular}}
+\rput(4,0.5){\psframebox*{Query Optimizer}}
+\rput[r](1,0.5){Operator Tree}
+\rput[l](7,0.5){Access Plan}
+\caption{The Prairie optimizer-generator paradigm. Double-boxed modules
+ represent software generators, shaded boxes represent
+ generated programs. The outermost double-boxed portion
+ denotes the Prairie optimizer generator.}
+The specification of an optimizer in Volcano consists of a set of
+transformation rules (called ``trans\_rules'') and implementation rules
+(called ``impl\_rules''), a set of properties, and some support
+functions. The join associativity trans\_rule
+(cf.\ Figure~\ref{fig:associativity}) in Volcano is as follows\footnote{There
+are conditions and actions associated with Volcano rules that are not
+shown here.}:
+& &
+(\text{JOIN} \ \text{?op\_arg5}
+ \ ((\text{JOIN} \ \text{?op\_arg4} \ (?1 \ ?2)) \
+ ?3))} \\
+& &
+{\scriptstyle -\!\!>}
+(\text{JOIN} \ \text{?op\_arg7}
+ \ (?1 \
+ (\text{JOIN} \ \text{?op\_arg6} \ (?2 \ ?3))))}
+The important point to note is the use of \emph{operator arguments}
+(denoted by ``op\_arg'' in rules); these arguments contain properties
+used in the rule's actions, but unlike Prairie, they do not contain
+\emph{all} the properties of an operator tree node. There are other
+property classes, like algorithm argument, logical property, system
+property, physical property, and cost. Thus, while Prairie uses a
+uniform descriptor to encode properties, Volcano partitions the
+properties into different classes. The P2V pre-processor partitions a
+Prairie descriptor into the different property classes required by
+Volcano. This is a non-trivial task, since it requires parsing the
+Prairie rules and their actions.
+Impl\_rules in Volcano defer most of the actions associated with the
+rules to support functions. Each algorithm has four support functions
+associated with it. A Prairie specification, on the other hand,
+contains all the actions in the corresponding rule. The P2V
+pre-processor parses a Prairie I-rule, and automatically generates all
+the Volcano support functions from the rule. This is also a complex
+process, since it depends partly on the partitioning of properties
+mentioned in the last paragraph, and also because it requires
+relocating pieces of code from Prairie rules to Volcano support
+The third salient feature of a Volcano specification is the presence of
+implicit, or hidden, algorithms, called \emph{enforcers}. In Prairie,
+all algorithms are explicit. Consider, for example, the Merge\_sort
+algorithm in Figure~\ref{fig:msort}. In a Volcano specification, this
+algorithm would be classified as an enforcer, since it enforces the
+sortedness property. The P2V pre-processor determines the Prairie
+algorithms that are functionally Volcano enforcers, and deletes the
+corresponding Prairie rules to generate the Volcano specification.
+This requires the pre-processor to migrate the (deleted) rule's actions
+to Volcano support functions.
+The P2V pre-processor also generates a set of compact Volcano rules by
+merging Prairie rules whenever possible. Consider, for example, the
+following set of rules in Prairie:
+{\scriptstyle \text{JOIN}(S_1, S_2):\mathbf{D_3}}
+ & \Longrightarrow &
+{\scriptstyle \text{JOPR}(\text{SORT}(S_1):\mathbf{D_4},
+ \text{SORT}(S_2):\mathbf{D_5}):\mathbf{D_6}} \\
+{\scriptstyle \text{SORT}(S_1):\mathbf{D_2}}
+ & \Longrightarrow &
+{\scriptstyle \text{Null}(S_1:\mathbf{D_3}):\mathbf{D_4}} \\
+{\scriptstyle \text{JOPR}(S_1, S_2):\mathbf{D_3}}
+ & \Longrightarrow &
+{\scriptstyle \text{Nested\_loops}(S_1:\mathbf{D_4}, S_2):\mathbf{D_5}}
+The first rule is a T-rule, and the next two are I-rules. The P2V
+pre-processor combines the above set of Prairie rules into a single
+{\scriptstyle \text{JOIN}(S_1, S_2):\mathbf{D_3}}
+ & \Longrightarrow &
+{\scriptstyle \text{Nested\_loops}(S_1:\mathbf{D_4}, S_2):\mathbf{D_5}}
+and then translates it into a single Volcano impl\_rule.