path: root/macros/latex/contrib/utorontothesis
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/utorontothesis
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/utorontothesis')
2 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/utorontothesis/utorontothesis.cls b/macros/latex/contrib/utorontothesis/utorontothesis.cls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9499578bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/utorontothesis/utorontothesis.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+% University of Toronto Thesis LaTex2e Class definition.
+% Written by Robert Bernecky 1997-07-10, based on
+% the thesis.sty written at UofT by fpitt.
+\ProvidesClass{utthesis}[1997/07/15 University of Toronto Thesis class definition]
+% The idea here is to modify the "report" class to meet the outdated,
+% hard-to-read standards of the UofToronto School of Graduate Studies
+% requirements for theses. These standards require more expenditure
+% of paper than a sensible format (being double-spaced) and are
+% also harder to read, being a one-column format, but that's
+% tradition for you...
+% This is the first LaTeX class definition I have written, so if something
+% looks wrong, it probably IS wrong.
+% The following options are what you get if you do not specify ANY options.
+% E.g., \documentclass{utthesis}
+% Basically, it is your camera copy.
+% If you want a cheap-and-cheerful draft copy, try options such
+%% \documentclass[draft,twoside,11pt]{utthesis}
+% Set up handling of "draft" option.
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{all}{draftcopy}%
+ \PassOptionsToClass{draft}{report}%
+ \AtEndOfClass{%
+ \RequirePackage{draftcopy}%
+ % I wanted to print timestamp of each file, but I don't see
+ % how to do that...
+ \draftcopyName{DRAFT: \today}{60 } % text for overprinting if in "draft" mode
+ }%
+% Pass ALL options to report.cls.
+ \PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{report}
+% Set up environments for thesis sections.
+% clearemptydoublepage from page 92 of The LaTeX Companion 1993.
+{\clearemptydoublepage \begin{center}
+ \section*{Abstract}
+ \end{center}
+ \begin{center}
+ {\@title}\\[2ex]
+ {\@author}\\
+ {\@degree}\\
+ Graduate Department of {\@department}\\
+ University of Toronto\\
+ {\@gyear}
+ \end{center}
+ \begingroup
+ \begin{center}
+ \section*{Acknowledgements}
+ \end{center}
+ \begingroup
+ \begin{center}
+ \section*{Dedication}
+ \end{center}
+ \begingroup
+% Default values for title page.
+%% To produce output with the desired line spacing, the argument of
+%% \spacing should be multiplied by 5/6 = 0.8333, so that 1 1/2 spaced
+%% corresponds to \spacing{1.5} and double spaced is \spacing{1.66}.
+\def\normalspacing{1.25} % default line spacing
+\global\def\@gyear{\number\year} % Default year is current year
+%% Change \maketitle to follow the SGS guidelines.
+ \setcounter{page}{1}
+ %% Set the line spacing to 1 for the title page.
+ \begin{spacing}{1}
+ \begin{large}
+ \begin{center}
+ \mbox{}
+ \vfill
+ \begin{sc}
+ {\@title}\\
+ \end{sc}
+ \vfill
+ by \\
+ \vfill
+ {\@author}\\
+ \vfill
+ \vfill
+ A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements\\
+ for the degree of {\@degree}\\
+ Graduate Department of {\@department}\\
+ University of Toronto\\
+ \vfill
+ Copyright {\copyright} {\@gyear} by {\@author}\\
+ \vspace*{.2in}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{large}
+ \end{spacing}
+ \end{titlepage}
+ \setcounter{page}{2}
+%% Footnotes are always single-spaced.
+%% Define the "thesis" page style.
+\if@twoside % If two-sided printing.
+ \def\@oddfoot{}
+ \let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot
+ \def\@oddhead{
+ {\sc\rightmark} \hfil \rm\thepage
+ }
+ \def\@evenhead{
+ \rm\thepage \hfil {\sc\leftmark}
+ }
+ \def\chaptermark##1{\markboth{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
+ Chapter\ \thechapter. \ \fi ##1}{}}
+ \def\sectionmark##1{\markright{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\z@
+ \thesection. \ \fi ##1}}}
+\else % If one-sided printing.
+ \def\@oddfoot{}
+ \def\@oddhead{
+ {\sc\rightmark} \hfil \rm\thepage
+ }
+ \def\chaptermark##1{\markright{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
+ Chapter\ \thechapter. \ \fi ##1}}}
+% Set up page layout.
+\setlength{\textheight}{9in} % Height of the main body of the text
+\setlength{\topmargin}{-.5in} % .5" margin on top of page
+\setlength{\headsep}{.5in} % space between header and top of body
+\addtolength{\headsep}{-\headheight} % See The LaTeX Companion, p 85
+\setlength{\footskip}{.5in} % space between footer and bottom of body
+\setlength{\textwidth}{6.25in} % width of the body of the text
+\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{.25in} % 1.25" margin on the left for odd pages
+\setlength{\evensidemargin}{0in} % 1.25" margin on the right for even pages
+% Marginal notes
+\setlength{\marginparwidth}{.75in} % width of marginal notes
+\setlength{\marginparsep}{.125in} % space between marginal notes and text
+% Make each page fill up the entire page. comment this out if you
+% prefer.
+\setcounter{tocdepth}{3} % Number the subsubsections
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/utorontothesis/utorontothesis.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/utorontothesis/utorontothesis.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f21f5c616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/utorontothesis/utorontothesis.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+%% (c) 1996,1997 by Francois Pitt (last updated 1997 February 7)
+%% (c) 1997 Robert bernecky 1997-09-02
+%% Skeleton LaTeX file for theses at UofToronto.
+%% To be used in conjunction with 'utthesis.cls'.
+%% This is for LaTeX2e only. If you are using earlier versions
+%% of LaTeX, use Francois Pitt's thesis.sty.
+%% Formats theses to conform to the SGS guidelines. To generate
+%% single-spaced quotes or quotations, use the "longquote" and
+%% "longquotation" environments just like "quote" and "quotation".
+%% See the companion file 'utthesis.cls' for more details.
+%% For rough copies (drafts), use \documentclass[...,draft]{thesis}.
+%% Rough copies havethe word "DRAFT" and the current date
+%% on every page,
+%% NOTE: The spacing can now be changed in
+%% draft mode (to leave room for comments)!
+%% Decomment next line to use PostScript fonts
+%% %%
+%% *** I M P O R T A N T *** %%
+%% %%
+%% Fill in the following fields with the required information: %%
+%% - \department{...} name of the graduate department %%
+%% - \degree{...} name of the degree obtained %%
+%% - \author{...} name of the author %%
+%% - \title{...} title of the thesis %%
+%% - \gyear{...} year of graduation %%
+\department{Computer Science}
+\degree{Master of Science}
+\author{Robert Bernecky}
+\title{APEX:\\ the APL parallel Executor}
+%% *** NOTE ***
+%% You should put all of your '\newcommand', '\newenvironment', and
+%% '\newtheorem's (in other words, all the global definitions that you
+%% will need throughout your thesis) in a separate file and use
+%% "\input{filename}" to input it here.
+%% *** Set the line spacing. ***
+%% spacing must be at least 1.25 to comply with SGS guidelines)
+\begin{spacing}{\normalspacing} % default is 1.25 (change to 1.66 if you prefer)
+%% This sets the page style and numbering for preliminary sections.
+%% This generates the title page from the information given above.
+%% This generates the abstract page, with the line spacing adjusted
+%% according to SGS guidelines.
+%% *** Put your Abstract here. ***
+%% (150 words for M.Sc. and 350 words for Ph.D.)
+%% This generates the acknowledgements page.
+%% *** Put your Acknowledgements here. ***
+%% This generates the Table of Contents on a separate page.
+%% This generates the List of Tables on a separate page, if needed.
+%% (uncomment to have it appear in the document)
+%% This generates the List of Figuress on a separate page, if needed.
+%% (uncomment to have it appear in the document)
+%% End of the preliminary sections: reset page style and numbering.
+%% %%
+%% *** I M P O R T A N T *** %%
+%% %%
+%% Put your Chapters here; the easiest way to do this is to keep each %%
+%% chapter in a separate file and \include all the files right here. %%
+%% Note that each chapter file should start with the line %%
+%% "\chapter{ChapterName}". Note that using "\include" instead of %%
+%% "\input" makes each chapter start on a new page. %%
+%% This adds a line for the Bibliography in the Table of Contents.
+%% *** Set the bibliography style. ***
+\bibliographystyle{plain} % (change according to your preference)
+%% *** Set the bibliography file. ***
+\bibliography{thesis} % (`thesis.bib' by default)
+%% *** NOTE ***
+%% If you don't use bibliography files, comment out the previous line
+%% and use \begin{thebibliography}...\end{thebibliography}. (In that
+%% case, you should probably put the bibliography in a separate file
+%% and \include or \input it here).
+\end{spacing} % This ends the \normalspacing set at beginning of document.