path: root/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-euclide/latex/tkz-obj-eu-points.tex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2022-07-16 03:00:55 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2022-07-16 03:00:55 +0000
commit24ae0c3844b308d81bc4684e57817d43c0b29a13 (patch)
tree91058aa850845b445f48d52794ce128c9b0d419f /macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-euclide/latex/tkz-obj-eu-points.tex
parent672664411215c14fc71db763da169731d3c6a361 (diff)
CTAN sync 202207160300
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-euclide/latex/tkz-obj-eu-points.tex')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-euclide/latex/tkz-obj-eu-points.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-euclide/latex/tkz-obj-eu-points.tex
index 7f8088b225..5bb4f41e88 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-euclide/latex/tkz-obj-eu-points.tex
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-euclide/latex/tkz-obj-eu-points.tex
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status “maintained”.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Alain Matthes.
-\typeout{2022/02/25 4.051b tkz-obj-eu-points.tex}
+\typeout{2022/07/14 4.2c tkz-obj-eu-points.tex}
% init def point
@@ -115,57 +115,6 @@
% \def\tkz@drawnode#1{\path[coordinate](\tkzpt@xa,\tkzpt@ya) coordinate(#1);
% \tkz@DrawPt{#1}
% }
-% tkzSetUpPoint définit la forme d'un point
- size/.store in = \tkz@pt@size,
- color/.store in = \tkz@pt@color,
- fill/.store in = \tkz@pt@fill,
- shape/.store in = \tkz@pt@shape,
- size = \tkz@euc@pointsize,
- color = \tkz@euc@pointcolor,
- fill = \tkz@euc@pointcolor,
- shape = \tkz@euc@pointshape,
- /tkzsetuppt/.search also = {/tikz},
- }
- \tkz@SetUpPoint[]}}
-% redefine point style with new values
-\tikzset{point style/.style={draw = \tkz@pt@color,
- inner sep = 0pt,
- shape = \tkz@pt@shape,
- minimum size = \tkz@pt@size,
- fill = \tkz@pt@fill}}
-}% end setup
-% Draw Point
- size/.code = {\tikzset{point style/.append style={minimum size = #1}}},
- size = \tkz@euc@pointsize,
- /tkzdrawpt/.search also = {/tikz},
- \pgfqkeys{/tkzdrawpt}{#1}
- \node[point style,/tkzdrawpt/.cd,#1] at (#2) {};%2016
- \pgfqkeys{/tkzdrawpt}{#1}
- \foreach \point in {#2}{\node[point style,/tkzdrawpt/.cd,#1] at (\point) {};} %2016
\def\tkzRenamePoint(#1)#2{\coordinate (#2) at (#1);}
@@ -191,110 +140,6 @@
\coordinate (#3) at (#2);
-% tkzLabelPoint Affichage des LABELS pour un point
- \node[label style,#1] at (#2) {#3};}%
- \foreach \point in {#2}{
- \node[label style,#1] at (\point) {$\point$};}
- size/.store in = \tkz@pt@size,
- color/.store in = \tkz@pt@color,
- fill/.store in = \tkz@pt@fill,
- shape/.store in = \tkz@pt@shape,
- size = \tkz@euc@pointsize,
- color = \tkz@euc@pointcolor,
- fill = \tkz@euc@pointcolor,
- shape = \tkz@euc@pointshape,
- /tkzsetuppt/.search also = {/tikz},
- }
- \tkz@SetUpPoint[]}}
-% redefine point style with new values
-\tikzset{point style/.style={draw = \tkz@pt@color,
- inner sep = 0pt,
- shape = \tkz@pt@shape,
- minimum size = \tkz@pt@size,
- fill = \tkz@pt@fill}}
-}% end setup
- \tkz@SetUpLabel[]}}
-\tikzset{label style/.style={#1}}
-}% end setup
- center/.store in = \tkz@center,
- dist/.store in = \tkz@dist,
- dist = 0.15,
- /tkzautolab/.search also = {/tikz},
- \foreach \point in {#2}{
- \path (\tkz@center) -- ($ (\point) + \tkz@dist*($(\point)-(\tkz@center)$) $) node[/tkzautolab/.cd,#1]{$\point$};}
-% PointShowCoord
- xlabel/.store in = \tkz@xlabel,
- ylabel/.store in = \tkz@ylabel,
- xstyle/.code = {\tikzset{xcoord style/.append style={#1}}},
- ystyle/.code = {\tikzset{ycoord style/.append style={#1}}},
- noxdraw/.is if = tkz@coord@noxdraw,
- noxdraw/.default = true,
- noydraw/.is if = tkz@coord@noydraw,
- noydraw/.default = true,
- xlabel = {},
- ylabel = {},
- xstyle = {},
- ystyle = {},
- noxdraw = false,
- noydraw = false,
- /tkzprcoord/.search also = {/tikz},
-% 2019 for showcoord
- \iftkznodedefined{tkz@xline}{}{%
- \path (0,0) --(1,0) node(tkz@xline){};
- \path (0,0) --(0,1) node(tkz@yline){};
- }
-\iftkz@coord@noxdraw\else\draw[arrow coord style,/tkzprcoord/.cd,#1] (#2)--(#2 |- tkz@xline);\fi
-\iftkz@coord@noydraw\else\draw[arrow coord style,/tkzprcoord/.cd,#1] (#2)--(#2 -| tkz@yline);\fi
-\path (#2)--(#2 |- tkz@xline)
- node[xcoord style] {\tkz@xlabel};
- \path (#2)--(#2 -| tkz@yline)
- node[ycoord style] {\tkz@ylabel};
% Coordonnées d'un point
% result in #2x et #2y #1 est le point et on récupère ses coordonnées