path: root/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-berge/doc/latex/TKZdoc-gr-installation.tex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2020-03-10 03:01:27 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2020-03-10 03:01:27 +0000
commit877268a0de707a979be934d888518f6cc02d73a6 (patch)
tree30597445c86d75b20a836b6c90ab6c31b76d902e /macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-berge/doc/latex/TKZdoc-gr-installation.tex
parent0561778af6f8fde0a3a1c334e2aab9a4f1142d6e (diff)
CTAN sync 202003100301
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-berge/doc/latex/TKZdoc-gr-installation.tex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-berge/doc/latex/TKZdoc-gr-installation.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-berge/doc/latex/TKZdoc-gr-installation.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 93224a0f42..0000000000
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-berge/doc/latex/TKZdoc-gr-installation.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-You could simply create a folder (directory) \tikz[remember picture,baseline=(n1.base)]\node [fill=green!50,draw] (n1) {prof}; which path is : \colorbox{red!50}{ texmf/tex/latex/prof}. \colorbox{green!50}{texmf} is generally the personnal folder, here ways of this folder on my two computers:
-\item with OS X \colorbox{blue!30}{\textbf{/Users/ego/Library/texmf}};
-\item with Ubuntu \colorbox{blue!30}{\textbf{/home/ego/texmf}}.
-If you choose a custom location for your files, I suppose that you know why!
-The installation that I propose, is valid only for one user.
-\item Store the files \tikz[remember picture,baseline=(n2.base)]\node [fill=green!50,draw] (n2) {tkz-arith.sty, tkz-graph.sty and tkz-berge.sty}; in the folder \colorbox{green!50}{prof}.
-\item Open a terminal, then type \colorbox{red!50}{|sudo texhash|}
- \begin{center}
- \includegraphics[scale=.5]{term.pdf}
- \end{center}
-\item Check that \textcolor{red}{xkeyval, ifthen and tikz 2.0} are installed because they are obligatory.
-My folder texmf is structured as in the diagram below:
-\begin{tikzpicture} [remember picture,rotate=90]
-\node (texmf) at (4,2) [draw,fill=blue!30 ] {texmf};
-\node (tex) at (6,0) [draw ] {tex};
-\node (doc) at (0,0) [draw ] {doc};
-\node (generic) at (7,-4) [draw ] {generic};
-\node (docgen) at (0,-4) [draw ] {generic};
-\node (latex) at (4,-4) [draw ] {latex};
-\node (pgf) at (7,-7) [draw,fill=orange] {pgf};
-\node (pre) at (6,-7) [draw,fill=orange] {pgf};
-\node (xkey) at (5,-7) [draw ] {xkeyval};
-\node (four) at (4,-7) [draw ] {fourier};
-\node (prof) at (3,-7) [draw,fill=green ] {{prof}};
-\node (etc) at (2,-7) [draw ] {etc...};
-\node (dpgf) at (0,-7) [draw,fill=orange] {pgf};
-\node (cls) at (8,-11) [draw,fill=green ] {prof.cls};
-\node (qcm) at (7,-11) [draw,fill=green ] {alterqcm.sty};
-\node (fonc) at (6,-11) [draw,fill=orange] {tkz-base.sty};
-\node (esp) at (5,-11) [draw,fill=orange] {tkz-fct.sty};
-\node (tuk) at (4,-11) [draw,fill=orange] {tkz-arith.sty};
-\node (tab) at (3,-11) [draw,fill=orange] {tkz-2d.sty};
-\node (base) at (2,-11) [draw,fill=orange] {tkz-tab.sty};
-\node (gra) at (1,-11) [draw,fill=orange] {tkz-berge.sty};
-\node (pcfg) at (0,-11) [draw,fill=green ] {prof.cfg};
-\node (ppcfg) at (-1,-11) [draw,fill=green ] {profparam.cfg};
-\node (bbp) at (-2,-11) [draw,fill=orange] {bbpage.cfg};
-\draw (doc.west) |- (4, 1);
-\draw (tex.west) |- (4, 1);
-\draw (latex.west) |- (6,-2);
-\draw (generic.west) |- (6,-2);
-\draw (xkey.west) |- (5,-6);
-\draw (prof.west) |- (3,-6);
-\draw (four.west) |- (4,-6);
-\draw (pre.west) |- (4,-6);
-\draw (etc.west) |- (4,-6);
-\draw (cls.west) |- (4,-9);
-\draw (qcm.west) |- (7,-9);
-\draw (fonc.west) |- (6,-9);
-\draw (esp.west) |- (5,-9);
-\draw (tuk.west) |- (4,-9);
-\draw (tab.west) |- (3,-9);
-\draw (base.west) |- (2,-9);
-\draw (gra.west) |- (1,-9);
-\draw (pcfg.west) |- (0,-9);
-\draw (ppcfg.west) |- (-1,-9);
-\draw (bbp.west) |- (4,-9);
-\draw[-open triangle 90] (pgf.west) -- (generic.east);
-\draw[-open triangle 90] (4,1) -- (texmf.east);
-\draw[-open triangle 90] (6,-2) -- (tex.east);
-\draw[-open triangle 90] (4,-6) -- (latex.east);
-\draw[-open triangle 90] (3,-9) -- (prof.east);
-\draw[-open triangle 90] (dpgf.west) -- (docgen.east);
-\draw[-open triangle 90] (docgen.west) -- (doc.east);
-\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
- \path[->,thin,red,>=latex] (n1) edge [bend left] (prof);
- \path[->,thin,red,>=latex] (n2) edge [bend left] (prof);
-\endinput \ No newline at end of file