path: root/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework')
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/iihw.pdfbin0 -> 309084 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/ithw.pdfbin0 -> 83095 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/thucoursework.pdfbin0 -> 252421 bytes
10 files changed, 4094 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/Makefile b/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2872ec98f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Makefile for thucoursework
+# Compiling method: xelatex/pdflatex
+PACKAGE = thucoursework
+INSTALL_PACKAGE = install-tl-unx.tar.gz
+INSTALL_DIR = ./install-texlive
+# automatic configuration of mirror
+# Set opts for latexmk if you use it
+LATEXMKOPTS = -xelatex -halt-on-error -interaction=nonstopmode
+.PHONY: doc all archive pre_install_dep install_dep after_install_dep clean test
+all: after_install_dep iihw.pdf ithw.pdf
+pre_install_dep: $(INSTALL_PACKAGE)
+after_install_dep: install_dep
+ # tricky, to make variable assignment in recipe, and to execute shell command and assign the print result to a variable.
+ $(eval PLATFORM1=`$(INSTALL_DIR)/install-tl --print-platform`)
+ $(eval PLATFORM2=$(shell echo $(PLATFORM1)))
+ $(eval PLATFORM3=$(shell pwd))
+ $(eval export PATH :=$(PLATFORM3)/texlive/bin/$(PLATFORM2):$(PATH))
+ echo $$PATH
+ # to make tlmgr work, we need perl
+ tlmgr install xkeyval matlab-prettifier caption doublestroke xcolor listings l3kernel l3packages ms ulem fontspec environ trimspaces booktabs moreenum mathtools oberdiek enumitem fmtcount etoolbox latex-bin
+install_dep: pre_install_dep
+ mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DIR)
+ tar -zxvf $(INSTALL_PACKAGE) -C $(INSTALL_DIR) --strip-components 1
+ $(INSTALL_DIR)/install-tl -profile tl.profile
+ rm -fr $(INSTALL_DIR)
+ rm -f *.idx *.ilg *.glo *.gls *.hd *.ind *.log *.out *.synctex.gz *.toc *.aux
+iihw.pdf: iihw.tex after_install_dep
+ pdflatex iihw.tex
+ithw.pdf: ithw.tex after_install_dep
+ xelatex ithw.tex
+ # make tar.gz which is submitted to
+ # first copy the necessary files to the dist dir
+ cp iihw.pdf ithw.pdf iihw.tex ithw.tex matlabscript.m pdf_normal.eps thucoursework.dtx thucoursework.pdf Makefile thucoursework/
+ # then tar it
+ COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar -zcvf thucoursework.tar.gz thucoursework/
+doc : $(PACKAGE).pdf
+$(PACKAGE).pdf : $(PACKAGE).dtx
+ #latexmk $(LATEXXMKOPTS) $(PACKAGE).dtx
+ xelatex $(PACKAGE).dtx
+ makeindex -s -o $(PACKAGE).ind $(PACKAGE).idx
+ makeindex -s -o $(PACKAGE).gls $(PACKAGE).glo
+ xelatex $(PACKAGE).dtx
+ xelatex -synctex=1 $(PACKAGE).dtx
+ # first clear out root texlive bin dir
+ $(eval export PATH := /bin:/usr/bin)
+ echo $$PATH
+ $(eval PLATFORM1=`$(INSTALL_DIR)/install-tl --print-platform`)
+ $(eval PLATFORM2=$(shell echo $(PLATFORM1)))
+ $(eval PLATFORM3=$(shell pwd))
+ $(eval export PATH := $(PLATFORM3)/texlive/bin/$(PLATFORM2):$(PATH))
+ echo $$PATH
+ tlmgr --version
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/ b/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5791713aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# THU coursework Template
+[![Build Status](](
+LaTeX package for students in Tsinghua University to write coursework more efficiently, also can be used by students from other university.
+Notice that the package itself does not import ctex package, to use it with Chinese writing, see example file `ithw.tex` for detail.
+## Features
+ * support custom courseheader
+ * automatic header setting
+ * support coursework counter
+ * definition of common math symbols
+## ToDo
+ * automatic enumerate environment labeling and reference
+## Compile from source
+Use `make doc` or run the following commands one by one:
+ xelatex thucoursework.dtx
+ makeindex -s -o thucoursework.ind thucoursework.idx
+ makeindex -s -o thucoursework.gls thucoursework.glo
+ xelatex thucoursework.dtx
+ xelatex thucoursework.dtx
+## Usage
+`\usepackage{iidef}` and you are ready to go!
+## Help
+ see manual `thucoursework.pdf`
+## Sample File
+ * `iihw.tex` is the homework of **Information Inference**
+ * `ithw.tex` is the homework of **Information Theory**, chinese version (to make it work, use `ctex` package in user file.)
+## Contributors
+ TA xiangxiangxu revised this template, zhaofeng-shu33 made it a latex package.
+## License
+ see []( for detail.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/iihw.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/iihw.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9582fec98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/iihw.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/iihw.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/iihw.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b444b3d01b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/iihw.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+% Sample tex file for usage of iidef.sty
+% Homework template for Inference and Information
+% UPDATE: October 12, 2017 by Xiangxiang
+% UPDATE: 22/03/2018 by zhaofeng-shu33
+\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm}
+% amsmath: equation*, amssymb: mathbb, amsthm: proof
+\usepackage{booktabs} % toprule
+ style = Matlab-editor,
+ captionpos =b,
+ basicstyle = \mlttfamily,
+ escapechar = ",
+ mlshowsectionrules = true,
+\usepackage[thehwcnt = 6]{iidef}
+\thecourseinstitute{Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute}
+\thecoursename{Information Inference}
+\theterm{Fall 2017}
+\name{YOUR NAME}
+\item {\bf Acknowledgments: \/}
+ This template takes some materials from course CSE 547/Stat 548 of Washington University: \small{\url{}}.
+ If you refer to other materials in your homework, please list here.
+\item {\bf Collaborators: \/}
+ I finish this template by myself. If you finish your homework all by yourself, make a similar statement. If you get help from others in finishing your homework, state like this:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item 1.2 (b) was solved with the help from \underline{\hspace{3em}}.
+ \item Discussion with \underline{\hspace{3em}} helped me finishing 1.3.
+ \end{itemize}
+You may use \texttt{enumerate} to generate answers for each question:
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{3\parskip}
+ \item Type of commonly used notations. Use another \texttt{enumerate} to start generate answers for sub-questions:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Use \verb|$ $| to get an inline equation: $\Prob(A) = \E[\1_A(\omega)]$.
+ \item Use \texttt{equation} to have equation in display math mode:
+ \begin{equation}
+ \frac{a + b}{2} \geq \sqrt{ab}
+ \label{eq:1}
+ \end{equation}
+ \item Use \verb|\eqref| to get reference for equations: \eqref{eq:1} holds when $a\geq 0, b\geq 0$.
+ \item Now we would introduce some commonly used notations:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Use \verb|\mathbb{P}, \mathbb{R}, \mathbb{E}| to type $\mathbb{P}, \mathbb{R}, \mathbb{E}$.
+ \item Use \verb|\mathcal{A}, \mathcal{X}, \mathcal{Y}, \mathcal{N}| to type $\mathcal{A}, \mathcal{X}, \mathcal{Y}, \mathcal{N}$.
+ \item Use \verb|\underline{x}, \underline{y}| to type vectors $\underline{x}, \underline{y}$.
+ \item Use \verb|\mathsf{x}, \mathsf{y}, \mathsf{z}| to type random variables $\rvx, \rvy, \rvz$. For simplicity, I have defined several macros so you could simply type \verb|\rvx, \rvy, \rvz|. Don't forget \verb|$ $|!
+ \item Thanks to these macros, we could have $\reals, \E[\rvx], \Var(\rvy), \Prob(A), \independent, \1$ by typing \verb|\reals, \E[\rvx], \Var(\rvy), \Prob(A),\independent,| \verb|\1|.
+ \item Now you can use \verb|\ux, \uy, \uz| to type vectors $\ux, \uy, \uz$, and use \verb|\urvx, \urvy, \urvz| to type random vectors $\urvx, \urvy, \urvz$.
+ \item Remember that $P_{\rvx|\rvy}(x|y) \defas \Prob(\rvx = x|\rvy = y)$.
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Writing $\Prob(x)$ is wrong. $\Prob$ should only operate on events.
+ \item $\rvx$ is a random variable, while $x$ is a real number.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \item You may find \url{} useful.
+ \item Writing \LaTeX\ online may be easier for beginners:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item ShareLaTeX: \url{}.
+ \item Overleaf: \url{}.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \item You may need aligned equations for your homework, here are several examples:
+ Total propability rule:
+ \begin{equation*}
+ \begin{aligned}
+ \Prob(\rvx = x)
+ &= \sum_{y \in \mathcal{Y}} \Prob(\rvx = x, \rvy = y)\\
+ &= \sum_{y \in \mathcal{Y}} \Prob(\rvx = x| \rvy = y) \Prob(\rvy = y),\\
+ \end{aligned}
+ \end{equation*}
+ or
+ \begin{equation*}
+ \begin{aligned}
+ &\quad~ P_{\rvx}(x)\\
+ &= \sum_{y \in \mathcal{Y}} P_{\rvx\rvy}(x,y)\\
+ &= \sum_{y \in \mathcal{Y}} P_{\rvx|\rvy}(x|y)P_{\rvy}(y).\\
+ \end{aligned}
+ \end{equation*}
+ Indicator function:
+ \begin{equation*}
+ \1_A(\omega)=
+ \left\{
+ \begin{aligned}
+ 1, &\quad\text{if}~ \omega \in A,\\
+ 0, &\quad\text{if}~ \omega \notin A.
+ \end{aligned}
+ \right.
+ \end{equation*}
+ \item You may need to add figure and source codes in your homework. Figure \ref{fig:1} is an example that compares the empirical distribution (histogram) and probability density function of the Gaussian random variable.
+ \begin{figure}[htbp]
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{pdf_normal.eps}
+ \caption{Gaussian PDF and histogram of samples}
+ \label{fig:1}
+ \end{figure}
+ The source code to plot Figure \ref{fig:1} could be found in Appendix \ref{sec:a:code}. Here are the core codes:
+ \lstinputlisting[firstline=4,lastline=4, firstnumber=4]{matlabscript.m}
+ \lstinputlisting[firstline=6,lastline=7, firstnumber=6]{matlabscript.m}
+ To understand line 6, note that if we have $n$ samples of $\rvx$ denoted by $x^{(i)}, i = 1, 2, \cdots, n$, then the probability density function $p_{\rvx}$ could be estimated as
+ \begin{equation*}
+ \begin{aligned}
+ p_{\rvx}(x_0) &= \left.\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x} \Prob(\rvx \leq x) \right|_{x = x_0} \\
+ &\approx \frac{\Prob(x_0 - \Delta x < \rvx \leq x_0)}{\Delta x}\\
+ &\approx \frac{1}{n\Delta x} \sum_{i = 1}^n \1_{x^{(i)} \in (x_0 - \Delta x, x_0]}.
+ \end{aligned}
+ \end{equation*}
+\item An example of hypothesis testing:
+ \begin{equation*}
+ \log \frac{\Prob(\rvH = H_1|\rvy = y)}{\Prob(\rvH = H_0|\rvy = y)}
+ \mathop{\gtreqless}_{\hat{\rvH} = H_0}^{\hat{\rvH} = H_1} \gamma
+ \end{equation*}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \newpage
+ \appendix
+ \section{Source code}
+ \label{sec:a:code}
+ % \lstlistoflistings
+ Source code for plotting Figure \ref{fig:1} is shown as follows.
+ \lstinputlisting[caption=FigurePlot]{matlabscript.m}
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End:
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/ithw.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/ithw.pdf
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/ithw.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/ithw.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/ithw.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..053257193d
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/ithw.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+% Homework template for Inference and Information
+% UPDATE: September 26, 2017 by Xiangxiang
+proofname = \heiti{证明}
+\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm}
+% amsmath: equation*, amssymb: mathbb, amsthm: proof
+\usepackage{booktabs} % toprule
+\usepackage[thehwcnt = 1]{iidef}
+\name{YOUR NAME}
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{3\parskip}
+ \item 设$X$和$Y$是各有均值$m_x,m_y$,方差为$\sigma_x^2,\sigma_y^2$,且相互独立的高斯随机变量,已知$U=X+Y,V=X-Y$。试求$I(U;V)$。
+1 & 1\\
+1 & -1\\
+\sigma_x^2 & 0\\
+0 & \sigma_x^2\\
+1 & 1\\
+1 & -1\\
+\sigma_x^2+\sigma_y^2 & \sigma_x^2-\sigma_y^2\\
+\sigma_x^2-\sigma_y^2 & \sigma_x^2+\sigma_y^2\\
+h(U)=\frac{1}{2}\log ((2\pi e)^2 |\Lambda_{U,V}|)=\frac{1}{2}\log(16\pi^2 e^2 \sigma^2_x\sigma^2_y)
+h(U|V)=\E_{V}[h(U|V=v)]=\frac{1}{2}\log(2\pi e \frac{4\sigma_x^2\sigma_y^2}{\sigma_x^2+\sigma_y^2})\Rightarrow
+I(U;V)=& h(U)-h(U|V)\\
+=&\frac{1}{2}\log(16\pi^2 e^2 \sigma^2_x\sigma^
+2_y)-\frac{1}{2}\log(2\pi e \frac{4\sigma_x^2\sigma_y^2}{\sigma_x^2+\sigma_y^2})\\
+=&\frac{1}{2}\log(2\pi e (\sigma_x^2+\sigma_y^2))
+%p(u,v)=\frac{1}{4\pi \sigma_x\sigma_y}\exp(-\frac{(\frac{u+v}{2}-\mu_x)^2+(\frac{u+v}{2}-\mu_y)^2}{2})
+\item 设有随机变量$X,Y,Z$均取值于$\{0,1\}$,已知$I(X;Y)=0,I(X;Y|Z)=1$。求证$H(Z)=1,H(X,Y,Z)=2$
+$I(X;Y|Z)=H(X|Z)-H(X|Y,Z)\leq H(X|Z)\leq H(X)\leq \log(2)=1$
+所以等号全都成立$\Rightarrow X\sim B(\frac{1}{2})$。
+同理可知$Y\sim B(\frac{1}{2})$。
+另外$H(Y|Z)=H(Y)\Rightarrow I(Y;Z)=0\Rightarrow H(Z|Y)=H(Z)$
+&H(X|Y,Z)=0 \\
+\iff &H(X,Y,Z)=H(Y,Z)\\
+\iff &H(X,Y)+H(Z|X,Y)=H(Y)+H(Z|Y)\\
+\iff &2+H(Z|X,Y)=1+H(Z)\\
+\iff &H(Z)=1+H(Z|X,Y)
+由上式推出$H(Z)\geq 1$,又$H(Z)\leq 1\Rightarrow H(Z)=1\Rightarrow H(X,Y,Z)=2$
+分别独立处理$X$和$Y$。试证:$I(X;Z)\leq I(X;Y)$
+$I(X;Z)=H(Z)-H(Z|X)=H(Z);I(Y;Z)=H(Y)$因为$Z$是$Y$的函数$\Rightarrow H(Z)\leq H(Y) \Rightarrow I(X;Z)\leq I(X;Y)$
+\item 已知随机变量$X$和$Y$的联合概率密度$p(a_k,b_j)$满足
+$H(X,Y)=H(X)+H(Y)-I(X;Y)\leq H(X)+H(Y)=\frac{7}{6}+\log 3$
+等号成立当且仅当$X,Y$相互独立$\Rightarrow p(x,y)=p(x)p(y)$
+\item 设随机变量$X,Y,Z$满足$p(x,y,z)=p(x)p(y|x)p(z|y)$。求证$I(X;Y)\geq I(X;Y|Z)$
+因为$p(x,y,z)=p(x)p(y|x)p(z|y,x)\Rightarrow p(z|y,x)=p(z|x)\Rightarrow x$ 与$z$关于$y$条件独立$\Rightarrow I(X;Y|Z)=H(X|Z)-H(X|Y,Z)= H(X|Z)-H(X|Y)\leq H(X)-H(X|Y) =I(X;Y)$
+\item 求证$I(X;Y;Z)=H(X,Y,Z)-H(X)-H(Y)-H(Z)+I(X;Y)+I(Y;Z)+I(Z;X)$,其中
+$I(X;Y;Z)\triangleq I(X;Y)-I(X;Y|Z)$
+I(X;Y;Z) =& I(X;Y)-I(X;Y|Z) \\
+=& H(X)+H(Y)-H(X,Y)-(H(X|Z)-H(X|Y,Z))\\
+=& H(X)+H(Y)-H(X,Y)-(H(X,Z)-H(Z))+H(X,Y,Z)-H(Y,Z)\\
+=& H(X,Y,Z)-H(X)-H(Y)-H(Z)+(H(X)+H(Y)-H(X,Y))\\
+=& H(X,Y,Z)-H(X)-H(Y)-H(Z)+I(X;Y)+I(Y;Z)+I(Z;X)
+\item 令$p=(p_1,p_2,\dots,p_a)$是一个概率分布,满足$p_1\geq p_2\geq \dots p_a$,假设$\epsilon >0 $使得$p_1-\epsilon \geq p_2+\epsilon$成立,证明:$H(p_1,p_2,\dots,p_a)
+\leq H(p_1-\epsilon,p_2+\epsilon,p_3,\dots,p_a)$
+由已知$0\leq \epsilon \frac{p_2-p_1}{2}$
+$f'(\epsilon)=\log\frac{p_2+\epsilon}{p_1-\epsilon}\leq 0$
+$\Rightarrow f(\epsilon)\leq f(0)\Rightarrow H(p_1,p_2,\dots,p_a)\leq H(p_1-\epsilon,p_2+\epsilon,p_3,\dots,p_a)$
+\item 设$p_i(x)\sim N(\mu_i,\sigma_i^2)$,试求相对熵$D(p_2||p_1)$
+D(p_2||p_1)=& \int_{\mathbb{R}} p_2(x) \log \frac{p_2(x)}{p_1(x)}dx\\
+=& \int_{\mathbb{R}} p_2(x) \left(\log \frac{\sigma_1^2}{\sigma_2^2}+\frac{1}{2}((x-\mu_1)^2-(x-\mu_2)^2)\log e\right)dx\\
+=& 2\log \frac{\sigma_1}{\sigma_2}+\frac{1}{2}(\mu_1^2-\mu_2^2)\log e+(\mu_2-\mu_1)\mu_2\log e\\
+=& 2\log \frac{\sigma_1}{\sigma_2}+\frac{1}{2}(\mu_1-\mu_2)^2\log e
+\item 若$f(x)$分别是区间$(0,0.01),(0,0.5),(0,1),(0,2),(0,5)$上均匀分布的分布函数,计算$f(x)$的微分熵。
+设$U_t$是$(0,t)$上的均匀分布,则$h(U_t)=\log t$
+\item $h(U_{0.01})=\log 0.01$
+\item $h(U_{0.5})=-1$
+\item $h(U_{1})=0$
+\item $h(U_{2})=1$
+\item $h(U_{5})=\log 5$
+\item 设
+p_1(x,y)=& \frac{1}{2\pi \sigma_x\sigma_y}\exp[-\frac{1}{2}(\frac{x^2}{\sigma_x^2}+\frac{y^2}{\sigma_y^2})]\\
+p_2(x,y)=& \frac{1}{2\pi \sigma_x\sigma_y\sqrt{1-\rho^2}}\exp[-\frac{1}{2(1-\rho^2)}(\frac{x^2}{\sigma_x^2}-2\rho\frac{xy}{\sigma_x\sigma_y}+\frac{y^2}{\sigma_y^2})]
+试求$D(p_2||p_1)$和$I(X;Y)$,其中$X,Y\sim p_2$
+D(p_2||p_1) = & \iint_{\mathbb{R}^2} p_2(x,y)\log \frac{p_2(x,y)}{p_1(x,y)}dxdy \\
+ -&\frac{1}{2}\log(1-\rho^2)\\
+-&\frac{1}{2}(\log e)\iint_{\mathbb{R}^2} p_2(x,y)\left[\frac{\rho^2 x^2}{\sigma_x^2(1-\rho^2)}+\frac{\rho^2 y^2}{\sigma_y^2(1-\rho^2)}-\frac{2\rho xy}{(1-\rho^2)\sigma_x\sigma_y}\right]dxdy\\
+I(X;Y) = & h(X)-h(X|Y)\\
+= & \frac{1}{2}\log(2\pi e \sigma_x^2) - \frac{1}{2}\log(2\pi e \sigma_x^2(1-\rho^2))\\
+= & \frac{1}{2}\log(\frac{2\pi e}{1-\rho^2})
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: late\rvx
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End:
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/matlabscript.m b/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/matlabscript.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3b0693291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/matlabscript.m
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+n = 1e6; % n samples
+data = randn(1e6, 1); % Generate n Random Gaussian samples.
+nbins = 50; % bins in your histogram
+[cnt, x_hist] = hist(data, nbins); % not to plot, only to get emperical distribution.
+cnt = cnt / n / (x_hist(2) - x_hist(1)); % normalization, be careful :)
+bar(x_hist, cnt); % plot the hist using bar()
+hold on;
+x = -5 : 0.1 : 5;
+plot(x, normpdf(x), 'r', 'linewidth', 2);
+legend({'$\hat{p}_{\sf{x}}(x)$', '$p_{\sf{x}}(x)$'}, 'Interpreter', 'LaTeX', 'fontsize', 15);
+xlabel('$x$', 'Interpreter', 'LaTeX', 'fontsize', 15); % You may change the size accordingly
+ylabel('$p_{\sf{x}}(x)$', 'Interpreter', 'LaTeX', 'fontsize', 15);
+title("\mlplaceholder{your-title-here}") \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/pdf_normal.eps b/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/pdf_normal.eps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de30047208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/thucoursework/pdf_normal.eps
@@ -0,0 +1,2944 @@
+%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
+%%Creator: (MATLAB, The Mathworks, Inc. Version \(R2017a\). Operating System: Windows 7)
+%%Title: (C:/Users/Xiangxiang/iCloudDrive/Documents/Focused/Inference and Information/hw_template/pdf_normal.eps)
+%%CreationDate: 2017-10-09T21:49:05
+%%Pages: (atend)
+%%BoundingBox: 0 0 420 315
+%%LanguageLevel: 3
+%%BeginResource: procset (Apache XML Graphics Std ProcSet) 1.2 0
+%%Version: 1.2 0
+%%Copyright: (Copyright 2001-2003,2010 The Apache Software Foundation. License terms:
+/bd{bind def}bind def
+/ld{load def}bd
+/GR/grestore ld
+/M/moveto ld
+/LJ/setlinejoin ld
+/C/curveto ld
+/f/fill ld
+/LW/setlinewidth ld
+/GC/setgray ld
+/t/show ld
+/N/newpath ld
+/CT/concat ld
+/cp/closepath ld
+/S/stroke ld
+/L/lineto ld
+/CC/setcmykcolor ld
+/A/ashow ld
+/GS/gsave ld
+/RC/setrgbcolor ld
+/RM/rmoveto ld
+/ML/setmiterlimit ld
+/re {4 2 roll M
+1 index 0 rlineto
+0 exch rlineto
+neg 0 rlineto
+cp } bd
+/_ctm matrix def
+/_tm matrix def
+/BT { _ctm currentmatrix pop matrix _tm copy pop 0 0 moveto } bd
+/ET { _ctm setmatrix } bd
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+317.227 228.313 L
+317.227 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+318.982 465 M
+318.982 177.144 L
+326.001 177.144 L
+326.001 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+327.755 465 M
+327.755 130.584 L
+334.775 130.584 L
+334.775 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+336.529 465 M
+336.529 91.24 L
+343.548 91.24 L
+343.548 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+345.303 465 M
+345.303 58.697 L
+352.322 58.697 L
+352.322 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+354.077 465 M
+354.077 42.62 L
+361.096 42.62 L
+361.096 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+362.851 465 M
+362.851 42.471 L
+369.87 42.471 L
+369.87 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+371.625 465 M
+371.625 54.445 L
+378.644 54.445 L
+378.644 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+380.399 465 M
+380.399 86.231 L
+387.418 86.231 L
+387.418 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+389.172 465 M
+389.172 125.459 L
+396.192 125.459 L
+396.192 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+397.946 465 M
+397.946 172.981 L
+404.965 172.981 L
+404.965 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+406.72 465 M
+406.72 221.123 L
+413.739 221.123 L
+413.739 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+415.494 465 M
+415.494 269.206 L
+422.513 269.206 L
+422.513 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+424.268 465 M
+424.268 313.871 L
+431.287 313.871 L
+431.287 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+433.042 465 M
+433.042 354.039 L
+440.061 354.039 L
+440.061 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+441.816 465 M
+441.816 385.335 L
+448.835 385.335 L
+448.835 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+450.59 465 M
+450.59 409.294 L
+457.609 409.294 L
+457.609 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+459.363 465 M
+459.363 428.419 L
+466.383 428.419 L
+466.383 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+468.137 465 M
+468.137 441.514 L
+475.156 441.514 L
+475.156 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+476.911 465 M
+476.911 450.637 L
+483.93 450.637 L
+483.93 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+485.685 465 M
+485.685 456.399 L
+492.704 456.399 L
+492.704 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+494.459 465 M
+494.459 460.271 L
+501.478 460.271 L
+501.478 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+503.233 465 M
+503.233 462.451 L
+510.252 462.451 L
+510.252 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+512.007 465 M
+512.007 463.605 L
+519.026 463.605 L
+519.026 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+520.78 465 M
+520.78 464.187 L
+527.8 464.187 L
+527.8 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+529.554 465 M
+529.554 464.687 L
+536.573 464.687 L
+536.573 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+538.328 465 M
+538.328 464.808 L
+545.347 464.808 L
+545.347 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+547.102 465 M
+547.102 464.901 L
+554.121 464.901 L
+554.121 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+555.876 465 M
+555.876 464.923 L
+562.895 464.923 L
+562.895 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
+564.65 465 M
+564.65 464.978 L
+571.669 464.978 L
+571.669 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+1 0 0 RC
+1 LJ
+3.333 LW
+136.25 464.998 M
+140.775 464.997 L
+145.3 464.996 L
+149.825 464.993 L
+154.35 464.989 L
+158.875 464.983 L
+163.4 464.973 L
+167.925 464.959 L
+172.45 464.937 L
+176.975 464.905 L
+181.5 464.857 L
+186.025 464.788 L
+190.55 464.689 L
+195.075 464.548 L
+199.6 464.348 L
+204.125 464.071 L
+208.65 463.688 L
+213.175 463.165 L
+217.7 462.461 L
+222.225 461.521 L
+226.75 460.28 L
+231.275 458.661 L
+235.8 456.57 L
+240.325 453.902 L
+244.85 450.534 L
+249.375 446.332 L
+253.9 441.15 L
+258.425 434.832 L
+262.95 427.22 L
+267.475 418.157 L
+272 407.5 L
+276.525 395.119 L
+281.05 380.918 L
+285.575 364.838 L
+290.1 346.869 L
+294.625 327.064 L
+299.15 305.54 L
+303.675 282.492 L
+308.2 258.192 L
+312.725 232.987 L
+317.25 207.301 L
+321.775 181.619 L
+326.3 156.478 L
+330.825 132.45 L
+335.35 110.116 L
+339.875 90.05 L
+344.4 72.792 L
+348.925 58.822 L
+353.45 48.54 L
+357.975 42.246 L
+362.5 40.126 L
+367.025 42.246 L
+371.55 48.54 L
+376.075 58.822 L
+380.6 72.792 L
+385.125 90.05 L
+389.65 110.116 L
+394.175 132.45 L
+398.7 156.478 L
+403.225 181.619 L
+407.75 207.301 L
+412.275 232.987 L
+416.8 258.192 L
+421.325 282.492 L
+425.85 305.54 L
+430.375 327.064 L
+434.9 346.869 L
+439.425 364.838 L
+443.95 380.918 L
+448.475 395.119 L
+453 407.5 L
+457.525 418.157 L
+462.05 427.22 L
+466.575 434.832 L
+471.1 441.15 L
+475.625 446.332 L
+480.15 450.534 L
+484.675 453.902 L
+489.2 456.57 L
+493.725 458.661 L
+498.25 460.28 L
+502.775 461.521 L
+507.3 462.461 L
+511.825 463.165 L
+516.35 463.688 L
+520.875 464.071 L
+525.4 464.348 L
+529.925 464.548 L
+534.45 464.689 L
+538.975 464.788 L
+543.5 464.857 L
+548.025 464.905 L
+552.55 464.937 L
+557.075 464.959 L
+561.6 464.973 L
+566.125 464.983 L
+570.65 464.989 L
+575.175 464.993 L
+579.7 464.996 L
+584.225 464.997 L
+588.75 464.998 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+91 465 M
+634 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+91 39 M
+634 39 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+91 465 M
+91 459.57 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+181.5 465 M
+181.5 459.57 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+272 465 M
+272 459.57 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+362.5 465 M
+362.5 459.57 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+453 465 M
+453 459.57 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+543.5 465 M
+543.5 459.57 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+634 465 M
+634 459.57 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+91 39 M
+91 44.43 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+181.5 39 M
+181.5 44.43 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+272 39 M
+272 44.43 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+362.5 39 M
+362.5 44.43 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+453 39 M
+453 44.43 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+543.5 39 M
+543.5 44.43 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+634 39 M
+634 44.43 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 54.6 282.99999] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Helvetica 16.667 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-8 18 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(-6) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 108.9 282.99999] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Helvetica 16.667 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-8 18 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(-4) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 163.2 282.99999] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Helvetica 16.667 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-8 18 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(-2) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 217.5 282.99999] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Helvetica 16.667 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-5 18 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(0) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 271.8 282.99999] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Helvetica 16.667 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-5 18 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(2) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 326.1 282.99999] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Helvetica 16.667 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-5 18 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(4) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 380.4 282.99999] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Helvetica 16.667 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-5 18 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(6) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 217.50015 297.20001] CT
+0.149 GC
+-5.191 20.281 M
+-4.753 20.625 -3.941 20.625 QT
+-3.16 20.625 -2.566 19.875 QT
+-1.972 19.125 -1.753 18.234 QT
+-0.613 13.797 L
+-0.347 12.594 -0.347 12.156 QT
+-0.347 11.531 -0.691 11.062 QT
+-1.035 10.594 -1.66 10.594 QT
+-2.457 10.594 -3.152 11.094 QT
+-3.847 11.594 -4.324 12.351 QT
+-4.8 13.109 -4.988 13.891 QT
+-5.05 14.047 -5.191 14.047 QT
+-5.503 14.047 L
+-5.691 14.047 -5.691 13.828 QT
+-5.691 13.75 L
+-5.441 12.828 -4.855 11.937 QT
+-4.269 11.047 -3.425 10.5 QT
+-2.582 9.953 -1.613 9.953 QT
+-0.691 9.953 0.043 10.437 QT
+0.778 10.922 1.09 11.766 QT
+1.512 11 2.176 10.476 QT
+2.84 9.953 3.637 9.953 QT
+4.168 9.953 4.731 10.141 QT
+5.293 10.328 5.645 10.719 QT
+5.997 11.109 5.997 11.703 QT
+5.997 12.328 5.59 12.789 QT
+5.184 13.25 4.543 13.25 QT
+4.153 13.25 3.879 12.992 QT
+3.606 12.734 3.606 12.344 QT
+3.606 11.812 3.965 11.422 QT
+4.325 11.031 4.825 10.953 QT
+4.387 10.594 3.59 10.594 QT
+2.778 10.594 2.184 11.344 QT
+1.59 12.094 1.356 13 QT
+0.247 17.422 L
+-0.019 18.422 -0.019 19.078 QT
+-0.019 19.703 0.34 20.164 QT
+0.7 20.625 1.309 20.625 QT
+2.481 20.625 3.403 19.594 QT
+4.325 18.562 4.606 17.328 QT
+4.653 17.172 4.809 17.172 QT
+5.106 17.172 L
+5.215 17.172 5.27 17.242 QT
+5.325 17.312 5.325 17.406 QT
+5.325 17.422 5.309 17.469 QT
+4.95 18.969 3.817 20.125 QT
+2.684 21.281 1.262 21.281 QT
+0.34 21.281 -0.402 20.789 QT
+-1.144 20.297 -1.441 19.453 QT
+-1.832 20.187 -2.519 20.734 QT
+-3.207 21.281 -3.988 21.281 QT
+-4.535 21.281 -5.097 21.094 QT
+-5.66 20.906 -6.019 20.516 QT
+-6.378 20.125 -6.378 19.516 QT
+-6.378 18.937 -5.964 18.453 QT
+-5.55 17.969 -4.941 17.969 QT
+-4.535 17.969 -4.253 18.219 QT
+-3.972 18.469 -3.972 18.875 QT
+-3.972 19.406 -4.316 19.797 QT
+-4.66 20.187 -5.191 20.281 QT
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+91 465 M
+91 39 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+634 465 M
+634 39 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+91 465 M
+96.43 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+91 411.75 M
+96.43 411.75 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+91 358.5 M
+96.43 358.5 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+91 305.25 M
+96.43 305.25 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+91 252 M
+96.43 252 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+91 198.75 M
+96.43 198.75 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+91 145.5 M
+96.43 145.5 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+91 92.25 M
+96.43 92.25 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+91 39 M
+96.43 39 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+634 465 M
+628.57 465 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+634 411.75 M
+628.57 411.75 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+634 358.5 M
+628.57 358.5 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+634 305.25 M
+628.57 305.25 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+634 252 M
+628.57 252 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+634 198.75 M
+628.57 198.75 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+634 145.5 M
+628.57 145.5 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+634 92.25 M
+628.57 92.25 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+0.149 GC
+2 setlinecap
+1 LJ
+0.833 LW
+634 39 M
+628.57 39 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 50.6 279] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Helvetica 16.667 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-10 7 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(0) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 50.6 247.05] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Helvetica 16.667 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-34 7 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(0.05) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 50.6 215.1] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Helvetica 16.667 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-24 7 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(0.1) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 50.6 183.15] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Helvetica 16.667 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-34 7 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(0.15) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 50.6 151.2] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Helvetica 16.667 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-24 7 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(0.2) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 50.6 119.25] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Helvetica 16.667 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-34 7 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(0.25) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 50.6 87.29999] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Helvetica 16.667 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-24 7 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(0.3) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 50.6 55.35] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Helvetica 16.667 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-34 7 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(0.35) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 50.6 23.4] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Helvetica 16.667 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-24 7 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(0.4) t
+[0 -0.6 0.6 0 27.2 151.19987] CT
+0.149 GC
+-28.44 -4.156 M
+-28.675 -4.156 -28.675 -4.469 QT
+-28.581 -5.016 -28.346 -5.016 QT
+-27.565 -5.016 -27.253 -5.156 QT
+-26.94 -5.297 -26.768 -5.875 QT
+-23.94 -17.125 L
+-23.768 -17.594 -23.768 -18.328 QT
+-23.768 -19.406 -24.487 -19.406 QT
+-25.268 -19.406 -25.651 -18.469 QT
+-26.034 -17.531 -26.393 -16.109 QT
+-26.393 -15.953 -26.596 -15.953 QT
+-26.893 -15.953 L
+-26.956 -15.953 -27.026 -16.039 QT
+-27.096 -16.125 -27.096 -16.203 QT
+-26.831 -17.281 -26.581 -18.039 QT
+-26.331 -18.797 -25.8 -19.422 QT
+-25.268 -20.047 -24.471 -20.047 QT
+-23.612 -20.047 -22.964 -19.563 QT
+-22.315 -19.078 -22.143 -18.25 QT
+-21.456 -19.047 -20.628 -19.547 QT
+-19.8 -20.047 -18.909 -20.047 QT
+-17.862 -20.047 -17.089 -19.484 QT
+-16.315 -18.922 -15.925 -18.016 QT
+-15.534 -17.109 -15.534 -16.063 QT
+-15.534 -14.438 -16.362 -12.719 QT
+-17.19 -11 -18.596 -9.859 QT
+-20.003 -8.719 -21.612 -8.719 QT
+-22.346 -8.719 -22.94 -9.133 QT
+-23.534 -9.547 -23.862 -10.219 QT
+-25.003 -5.781 L
+-25.05 -5.406 -25.065 -5.344 QT
+-25.065 -5.016 -23.425 -5.016 QT
+-23.159 -5.016 -23.159 -4.703 QT
+-23.253 -4.375 -23.307 -4.266 QT
+-23.362 -4.156 -23.596 -4.156 QT
+-28.44 -4.156 L
+-21.596 -9.375 M
+-20.721 -9.375 -19.979 -10.094 QT
+-19.237 -10.813 -18.768 -11.703 QT
+-18.425 -12.375 -18.128 -13.344 QT
+-17.831 -14.313 -17.612 -15.406 QT
+-17.393 -16.5 -17.393 -17.156 QT
+-17.393 -17.734 -17.542 -18.234 QT
+-17.69 -18.734 -18.042 -19.07 QT
+-18.393 -19.406 -18.971 -19.406 QT
+-19.878 -19.406 -20.69 -18.75 QT
+-21.503 -18.094 -22.159 -17.125 QT
+-22.159 -17.047 L
+-23.55 -11.531 L
+-23.378 -10.641 -22.885 -10.008 QT
+-22.393 -9.375 -21.596 -9.375 QT
+[0 -0.6 0.6 0 27.2 151.19987] CT
+0.149 GC
+/Courier 17.5 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+-15.237 -5.25 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(x) t
+[0 -0.6 0.6 0 27.2 151.19987] CT
+0.149 GC
+1.832 -2.797 M
+0.442 -3.891 -0.566 -5.313 QT
+-1.574 -6.734 -2.214 -8.352 QT
+-2.855 -9.969 -3.175 -11.727 QT
+-3.496 -13.484 -3.496 -15.25 QT
+-3.496 -17.047 -3.175 -18.805 QT
+-2.855 -20.563 -2.199 -22.188 QT
+-1.543 -23.813 -0.535 -25.227 QT
+0.473 -26.641 1.832 -27.703 QT
+1.832 -27.75 1.957 -27.75 QT
+2.192 -27.75 L
+2.254 -27.75 2.317 -27.68 QT
+2.379 -27.609 2.379 -27.531 QT
+2.379 -27.422 2.332 -27.375 QT
+1.114 -26.172 0.301 -24.805 QT
+-0.511 -23.438 -1.003 -21.899 QT
+-1.496 -20.359 -1.714 -18.703 QT
+-1.933 -17.047 -1.933 -15.25 QT
+-1.933 -7.297 2.317 -3.172 QT
+2.379 -3.109 2.379 -2.969 QT
+2.379 -2.906 2.317 -2.828 QT
+2.254 -2.75 2.192 -2.75 QT
+1.957 -2.75 L
+1.832 -2.75 1.832 -2.797 QT
+[0 -0.6 0.6 0 27.2 151.19987] CT
+0.149 GC
+5.758 -9.719 M
+6.195 -9.375 7.008 -9.375 QT
+7.789 -9.375 8.383 -10.125 QT
+8.977 -10.875 9.195 -11.766 QT
+10.336 -16.203 L
+10.602 -17.406 10.602 -17.844 QT
+10.602 -18.469 10.258 -18.938 QT
+9.914 -19.406 9.289 -19.406 QT
+8.492 -19.406 7.797 -18.906 QT
+7.102 -18.406 6.625 -17.649 QT
+6.148 -16.891 5.961 -16.109 QT
+5.898 -15.953 5.758 -15.953 QT
+5.445 -15.953 L
+5.258 -15.953 5.258 -16.172 QT
+5.258 -16.25 L
+5.508 -17.172 6.094 -18.063 QT
+6.68 -18.953 7.523 -19.5 QT
+8.367 -20.047 9.336 -20.047 QT
+10.258 -20.047 10.992 -19.563 QT
+11.727 -19.078 12.039 -18.234 QT
+12.461 -19 13.125 -19.524 QT
+13.789 -20.047 14.586 -20.047 QT
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+16.945 -18.891 16.945 -18.297 QT
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+15.336 -19.406 14.539 -19.406 QT
+13.727 -19.406 13.133 -18.656 QT
+12.539 -17.906 12.305 -17 QT
+11.195 -12.578 L
+10.93 -11.578 10.93 -10.922 QT
+10.93 -10.297 11.289 -9.836 QT
+11.648 -9.375 12.258 -9.375 QT
+13.43 -9.375 14.352 -10.406 QT
+15.273 -11.438 15.555 -12.672 QT
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+16.055 -12.828 L
+16.164 -12.828 16.219 -12.758 QT
+16.273 -12.688 16.273 -12.594 QT
+16.273 -12.578 16.258 -12.531 QT
+15.898 -11.031 14.766 -9.875 QT
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+9.117 -9.813 8.43 -9.266 QT
+7.742 -8.719 6.961 -8.719 QT
+6.414 -8.719 5.852 -8.906 QT
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+6.977 -10.594 6.633 -10.203 QT
+6.289 -9.813 5.758 -9.719 QT
+[0 -0.6 0.6 0 27.2 151.19987] CT
+0.149 GC
+19.718 -2.75 M
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+19.499 -3.078 19.546 -3.125 QT
+23.812 -7.297 23.812 -15.25 QT
+23.812 -23.203 19.593 -27.328 QT
+19.499 -27.391 19.499 -27.531 QT
+19.499 -27.609 19.562 -27.68 QT
+19.624 -27.75 19.718 -27.75 QT
+19.952 -27.75 L
+20.015 -27.75 20.077 -27.703 QT
+21.859 -26.281 23.062 -24.258 QT
+24.265 -22.234 24.819 -19.938 QT
+25.374 -17.641 25.374 -15.25 QT
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+23.468 -6.719 22.468 -5.305 QT
+21.468 -3.891 20.077 -2.797 QT
+20.015 -2.75 19.952 -2.75 QT
+19.718 -2.75 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+1 GC
+498 121 M
+498 56 L
+617 56 L
+617 121 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 333.93772 44] CT
+5.497 -7.453 M
+4.997 -7.984 L
+8.372 -11.344 L
+11.716 -7.984 L
+11.216 -7.453 L
+8.372 -9.953 L
+5.497 -7.453 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 333.93772 44] CT
+-0.625 10.844 M
+-0.859 10.844 -0.859 10.531 QT
+-0.766 9.984 -0.531 9.984 QT
+0.25 9.984 0.563 9.844 QT
+0.875 9.703 1.047 9.125 QT
+3.875 -2.125 L
+4.047 -2.594 4.047 -3.328 QT
+4.047 -4.406 3.328 -4.406 QT
+2.547 -4.406 2.164 -3.469 QT
+1.781 -2.531 1.422 -1.109 QT
+1.422 -0.953 1.219 -0.953 QT
+0.922 -0.953 L
+0.859 -0.953 0.789 -1.039 QT
+0.719 -1.125 0.719 -1.203 QT
+0.984 -2.281 1.234 -3.039 QT
+1.484 -3.797 2.016 -4.422 QT
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+4.203 -5.047 4.852 -4.563 QT
+5.5 -4.078 5.672 -3.25 QT
+6.359 -4.047 7.188 -4.547 QT
+8.016 -5.047 8.906 -5.047 QT
+9.953 -5.047 10.727 -4.484 QT
+11.5 -3.922 11.891 -3.016 QT
+12.281 -2.109 12.281 -1.063 QT
+12.281 0.562 11.453 2.281 QT
+10.625 4 9.219 5.141 QT
+7.813 6.281 6.203 6.281 QT
+5.469 6.281 4.875 5.867 QT
+4.281 5.453 3.953 4.781 QT
+2.813 9.219 L
+2.766 9.594 2.75 9.656 QT
+2.75 9.984 4.391 9.984 QT
+4.656 9.984 4.656 10.297 QT
+4.563 10.625 4.508 10.734 QT
+4.453 10.844 4.219 10.844 QT
+-0.625 10.844 L
+6.219 5.625 M
+7.094 5.625 7.836 4.906 QT
+8.578 4.187 9.047 3.297 QT
+9.391 2.625 9.688 1.656 QT
+9.984 0.687 10.203 -0.406 QT
+10.422 -1.5 10.422 -2.156 QT
+10.422 -2.734 10.273 -3.234 QT
+10.125 -3.734 9.773 -4.07 QT
+9.422 -4.406 8.844 -4.406 QT
+7.938 -4.406 7.125 -3.75 QT
+6.313 -3.094 5.656 -2.125 QT
+5.656 -2.047 L
+4.266 3.469 L
+4.438 4.359 4.93 4.992 QT
+5.422 5.625 6.219 5.625 QT
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 333.93772 44] CT
+/Courier 17.5 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+12.578 9.75 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(x) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 333.93772 44] CT
+29.648 12.203 M
+28.257 11.109 27.249 9.687 QT
+26.241 8.266 25.601 6.648 QT
+24.96 5.031 24.64 3.273 QT
+24.319 1.516 24.319 -0.25 QT
+24.319 -2.047 24.64 -3.805 QT
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+26.273 -8.813 27.28 -10.227 QT
+28.288 -11.641 29.648 -12.703 QT
+29.648 -12.75 29.773 -12.75 QT
+30.007 -12.75 L
+30.069 -12.75 30.132 -12.68 QT
+30.194 -12.609 30.194 -12.531 QT
+30.194 -12.422 30.148 -12.375 QT
+28.929 -11.172 28.116 -9.805 QT
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+30.194 11.891 30.194 12.031 QT
+30.194 12.094 30.132 12.172 QT
+30.069 12.25 30.007 12.25 QT
+29.773 12.25 L
+29.648 12.25 29.648 12.203 QT
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 333.93772 44] CT
+33.573 5.281 M
+34.01 5.625 34.823 5.625 QT
+35.604 5.625 36.198 4.875 QT
+36.792 4.125 37.01 3.234 QT
+38.151 -1.203 L
+38.417 -2.406 38.417 -2.844 QT
+38.417 -3.469 38.073 -3.938 QT
+37.729 -4.406 37.104 -4.406 QT
+36.307 -4.406 35.612 -3.906 QT
+34.917 -3.406 34.44 -2.649 QT
+33.964 -1.891 33.776 -1.109 QT
+33.714 -0.953 33.573 -0.953 QT
+33.26 -0.953 L
+33.073 -0.953 33.073 -1.172 QT
+33.073 -1.25 L
+33.323 -2.172 33.909 -3.063 QT
+34.495 -3.953 35.339 -4.5 QT
+36.182 -5.047 37.151 -5.047 QT
+38.073 -5.047 38.807 -4.563 QT
+39.542 -4.078 39.854 -3.234 QT
+40.276 -4 40.94 -4.524 QT
+41.604 -5.047 42.401 -5.047 QT
+42.932 -5.047 43.495 -4.859 QT
+44.057 -4.672 44.409 -4.281 QT
+44.76 -3.891 44.76 -3.297 QT
+44.76 -2.672 44.354 -2.211 QT
+43.948 -1.75 43.307 -1.75 QT
+42.917 -1.75 42.643 -2.008 QT
+42.37 -2.266 42.37 -2.656 QT
+42.37 -3.188 42.729 -3.578 QT
+43.089 -3.969 43.589 -4.047 QT
+43.151 -4.406 42.354 -4.406 QT
+41.542 -4.406 40.948 -3.656 QT
+40.354 -2.906 40.12 -2 QT
+39.01 2.422 L
+38.745 3.422 38.745 4.078 QT
+38.745 4.703 39.104 5.164 QT
+39.464 5.625 40.073 5.625 QT
+41.245 5.625 42.167 4.594 QT
+43.089 3.562 43.37 2.328 QT
+43.417 2.172 43.573 2.172 QT
+43.87 2.172 L
+43.979 2.172 44.034 2.242 QT
+44.089 2.312 44.089 2.406 QT
+44.089 2.422 44.073 2.469 QT
+43.714 3.969 42.581 5.125 QT
+41.448 6.281 40.026 6.281 QT
+39.104 6.281 38.362 5.789 QT
+37.62 5.297 37.323 4.453 QT
+36.932 5.187 36.245 5.734 QT
+35.557 6.281 34.776 6.281 QT
+34.229 6.281 33.667 6.094 QT
+33.104 5.906 32.745 5.516 QT
+32.385 5.125 32.385 4.516 QT
+32.385 3.937 32.8 3.453 QT
+33.214 2.969 33.823 2.969 QT
+34.229 2.969 34.51 3.219 QT
+34.792 3.469 34.792 3.875 QT
+34.792 4.406 34.448 4.797 QT
+34.104 5.187 33.573 5.281 QT
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 333.93772 44] CT
+47.533 12.25 M
+47.314 12.25 47.314 12.031 QT
+47.314 11.922 47.361 11.875 QT
+51.627 7.703 51.627 -0.25 QT
+51.627 -8.203 47.408 -12.328 QT
+47.314 -12.391 47.314 -12.531 QT
+47.314 -12.609 47.377 -12.68 QT
+47.439 -12.75 47.533 -12.75 QT
+47.767 -12.75 L
+47.83 -12.75 47.892 -12.703 QT
+49.674 -11.281 50.877 -9.258 QT
+52.08 -7.234 52.635 -4.938 QT
+53.189 -2.641 53.189 -0.25 QT
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+51.283 8.281 50.283 9.695 QT
+49.283 11.109 47.892 12.203 QT
+47.83 12.25 47.767 12.25 QT
+47.533 12.25 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
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+552.825 61.757 L
+552.825 84.91 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+10.0 ML
+0.833 LW
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+552.825 61.757 L
+552.825 84.91 L
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+3.875 -2.125 L
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+0.922 -0.953 L
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+10.625 4 9.219 5.141 QT
+7.813 6.281 6.203 6.281 QT
+5.469 6.281 4.875 5.867 QT
+4.281 5.453 3.953 4.781 QT
+2.813 9.219 L
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+2.75 9.984 4.391 9.984 QT
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+-0.625 10.844 L
+6.219 5.625 M
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+5.656 -2.047 L
+4.266 3.469 L
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+/Courier 17.5 F
+[1 0 0 1 0 0] CT
+12.578 9.75 moveto
+1 -1 scale
+(x) t
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 333.93772 62.2] CT
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+24.96 5.031 24.64 3.273 QT
+24.319 1.516 24.319 -0.25 QT
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+26.273 -8.813 27.28 -10.227 QT
+28.288 -11.641 29.648 -12.703 QT
+29.648 -12.75 29.773 -12.75 QT
+30.007 -12.75 L
+30.069 -12.75 30.132 -12.68 QT
+30.194 -12.609 30.194 -12.531 QT
+30.194 -12.422 30.148 -12.375 QT
+28.929 -11.172 28.116 -9.805 QT
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+26.319 -5.359 26.101 -3.703 QT
+25.882 -2.047 25.882 -0.25 QT
+25.882 7.703 30.132 11.828 QT
+30.194 11.891 30.194 12.031 QT
+30.194 12.094 30.132 12.172 QT
+30.069 12.25 30.007 12.25 QT
+29.773 12.25 L
+29.648 12.25 29.648 12.203 QT
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 333.93772 62.2] CT
+/f1608962006{33.573 5.281 M
+34.01 5.625 34.823 5.625 QT
+35.604 5.625 36.198 4.875 QT
+36.792 4.125 37.01 3.234 QT
+38.151 -1.203 L
+38.417 -2.406 38.417 -2.844 QT
+38.417 -3.469 38.073 -3.938 QT
+37.729 -4.406 37.104 -4.406 QT
+36.307 -4.406 35.612 -3.906 QT
+34.917 -3.406 34.44 -2.649 QT
+33.964 -1.891 33.776 -1.109 QT
+33.714 -0.953 33.573 -0.953 QT
+33.26 -0.953 L
+33.073 -0.953 33.073 -1.172 QT
+33.073 -1.25 L
+33.323 -2.172 33.909 -3.063 QT
+34.495 -3.953 35.339 -4.5 QT
+36.182 -5.047 37.151 -5.047 QT
+38.073 -5.047 38.807 -4.563 QT
+39.542 -4.078 39.854 -3.234 QT
+40.276 -4 40.94 -4.524 QT
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+42.932 -5.047 43.495 -4.859 QT
+44.057 -4.672 44.409 -4.281 QT
+44.76 -3.891 44.76 -3.297 QT
+44.76 -2.672 44.354 -2.211 QT
+43.948 -1.75 43.307 -1.75 QT
+42.917 -1.75 42.643 -2.008 QT
+42.37 -2.266 42.37 -2.656 QT
+42.37 -3.188 42.729 -3.578 QT
+43.089 -3.969 43.589 -4.047 QT
+43.151 -4.406 42.354 -4.406 QT
+41.542 -4.406 40.948 -3.656 QT
+40.354 -2.906 40.12 -2 QT
+39.01 2.422 L
+38.745 3.422 38.745 4.078 QT
+38.745 4.703 39.104 5.164 QT
+39.464 5.625 40.073 5.625 QT
+41.245 5.625 42.167 4.594 QT
+43.089 3.562 43.37 2.328 QT
+43.417 2.172 43.573 2.172 QT
+43.87 2.172 L
+43.979 2.172 44.034 2.242 QT
+44.089 2.312 44.089 2.406 QT
+44.089 2.422 44.073 2.469 QT
+43.714 3.969 42.581 5.125 QT
+41.448 6.281 40.026 6.281 QT
+39.104 6.281 38.362 5.789 QT
+37.62 5.297 37.323 4.453 QT
+36.932 5.187 36.245 5.734 QT
+35.557 6.281 34.776 6.281 QT
+34.229 6.281 33.667 6.094 QT
+33.104 5.906 32.745 5.516 QT
+32.385 5.125 32.385 4.516 QT
+32.385 3.937 32.8 3.453 QT
+33.214 2.969 33.823 2.969 QT
+34.229 2.969 34.51 3.219 QT
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+34.792 4.406 34.448 4.797 QT
+34.104 5.187 33.573 5.281 QT
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 333.93772 62.2] CT
+/f-951540597{47.533 12.25 M
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+47.314 11.922 47.361 11.875 QT
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+47.314 -12.391 47.314 -12.531 QT
+47.314 -12.609 47.377 -12.68 QT
+47.439 -12.75 47.533 -12.75 QT
+47.767 -12.75 L
+47.83 -12.75 47.892 -12.703 QT
+49.674 -11.281 50.877 -9.258 QT
+52.08 -7.234 52.635 -4.938 QT
+53.189 -2.641 53.189 -0.25 QT
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+51.283 8.281 50.283 9.695 QT
+49.283 11.109 47.892 12.203 QT
+47.83 12.25 47.767 12.25 QT
+47.533 12.25 L
+[0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0] CT
+1 0 0 RC
+1 LJ
+3.333 LW
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+552.825 103.667 L
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+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+The latest version of this license is in
+and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+version 2005/12/01 or later.
+To produce the documentation run the original source files ending with `.dtx'
+through LaTeX.
+ \Msg{***********************************************************}
+ \Msg{*}
+ \Msg{* To produce the documentation run the files ending with}
+ \Msg{* `.dtx' through XeLaTeX.}
+ \Msg{*}
+ \Msg{* Happy TeXing!}
+ \Msg{***********************************************************}}
+\ProvidesFile{thucoursework.dtx}[2018/05/20 2.5 Tsinghua University Coursework Template]
+ \DocInput{\jobname.dtx}
+% \fi
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+% \GetFileInfo{\jobname.dtx}
+%^^A theses changes are moved from
+%^^A \changes{hversioni}{hdatei}{htexti}
+% \def\xiangxiang{\textit{Xiangxiang}}
+% \def\zhaofeng{\textit{zhaofeng-shu33}}
+% \changes{v1.1}{2017/09/26}{[\xiangxiang] Add mathcal and eucal package.}
+% \changes{v1.1}{2017/09/26}{[\xiangxiang] Add aligned equations in \texttt{iihw.tex}.}
+% \changes{v1.2}{2017/10/09}{[\xiangxiang] Add example for figures in \texttt{iihw.tex}}
+% \changes{v1.2}{2017/10/09}{[\xiangxiang] Add example fro input matlab codes in \texttt{iihw.tex}}
+% \changes{v1.2}{2017/10/09}{[\xiangxiang] No need to set counter style manually}
+% \changes{v1.3}{2017/10/12}{[\xiangxiang] Add example for vector and random vectors(underline) in \texttt{iihw.tex}}
+% \changes{v1.4}{2017/10/30}{[\xiangxiang] Add an example of hypothesis testing in \texttt{iihw.tex}}
+% \def\indexname{索引}
+% \def\glossaryname{修改记录}
+% \IndexPrologue{\section{\indexname}}
+% \GlossaryPrologue{\section{\glossaryname}}
+% \title{\bfseries\color{violet}\thucoursework:清华大学课程作业模板\thanks{本文档在 \textit{xueruini} 的 \href{}{\enspace \textsc{Thu}\-\textsc{Thesis}} 手册基础上进行改动}}
+% \author{{\fangsong 赵丰\thanks{师兄徐祥祥维护到v1.4}}\\[5pt]\texttt{}}
+% \date{v\fileversion\ (\filedate)}
+% \maketitle\thispagestyle{empty}
+% \begin{abstract}\noindent
+% 此宏包旨在建立一个简单易用的清华大学课程作业模板,作业主要针对理论物理、数学、信息科学、通信、理论力学等方面。
+% \end{abstract}
+% \vskip2cm
+% \def\abstractname{免责声明}
+% \begin{abstract}
+% \noindent
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item 本模板的发布遵守 \LaTeX\ Project Public License,使用前请认真阅读协议内
+% 容。
+% \item 任何个人或组织以本模板为基础进行修改、扩展而生成的新的专用模板,请严格遵
+% 守 \LaTeX\ Project Public License 协议。由于违犯协议而引起的任何纠纷争端均与
+% 本模板作者无关。
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \end{abstract}
+% \clearpage
+% \pagestyle{fancy}
+% \begin{multicols}{2}[
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+% \setlength{\columnsep}{18pt}]
+% \tableofcontents
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+% \clearpage
+% \section{模板介绍}
+% \thucoursework\ (\textbf{T}sing\textbf{h}ua \textbf{U}niversity \LaTeX\
+% \textbf{Coursework} Template) 是为了帮助清华大学学生撰写课程作业而编写
+% 的 \LaTeX\ 模板。最初由徐祥祥师兄担任\textit{Information Inference} 这门课助教期间设计出来,当时命名为\texttt{idef.sty}。后来由赵丰接手进行拓展和完善。
+% 本文档将尽量完整的介绍模板的使用方法,如有不清楚之处可以参考示例文档或者根据
+% 第~\ref{sec:howtoask} 节说明提问,有兴趣者都可以参与完善此手册,也非常欢迎对代
+% 码的贡献。
+% \section{安装}
+% \label{sec:installation}
+%^^A 发行版 updated , 2018/5/17
+% 阅读文档可以使用以下命令:
+% \begin{shell}
+% $ texdoc thucoursework
+% \end{shell}
+% 如果要使用开发版,需自己下载,\thucoursework\ 相关链接:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item 主页:\href{}{GitHub}
+% \item 下载:\href{}{CTAN}
+% \end{itemize}
+% \subsection{模板的组成}
+% 下表列出了 \thucoursework\ 的主要文件及其功能介绍:
+% \begin{longtable}{l|p{8cm}}
+% \toprule
+% {\heiti 文件(夹)} & {\heiti 功能描述}\\\midrule
+% \endfirsthead
+% \midrule
+% {\heiti 文件(夹)} & {\heiti 功能描述}\\\midrule
+% \endhead
+% \endfoot
+% \endlastfoot
+% thucoursework.dtx & \textsc{DocStrip} 源文件(开发用)\\\midrule
+% iihw.tex & \xiangxiang 编写的使用模板的英文作业例子\\
+% ithw.tex & \zhaofeng 编写的使用模板的中文作业例子\\ \midrule
+% Makefile & Makefile\\
+% & latexmk 配置文件 \\
+% & Readme\\
+% \textbf{thucoursework.pdf} & 用户手册(本文档)\\\bottomrule
+% \end{longtable}
+% \subsection{生成模板sty文件和用户手册}
+% \label{sec:generate-cls}
+% \note[提示:]{若使用 linux 操作系统,可在含有\file{Makefile}的目录下直接运行 \texttt{make doc} 命令
+% 生成模板sty文件和用户手册}
+% 在使用之前可以用下面的代码生成模板sty文件和用户手册:
+% \begin{shell}
+% $ xelatex thucoursework.dtx
+% $ makeindex -s -o thucoursework.ind thucoursework.idx
+% $ makeindex -s -o thucoursework.gls thucoursework.glo
+% $ xelatex thucoursework.dtx
+% $ xelatex thucoursework.dtx % 生成说明文档 thucoursework.pdf
+% \end{shell}
+% \subsection{生成作业}
+% \label{sec:generate-coursework}
+% 本节介绍几种常见的生成作业的方法。用户可根据自己的情况选择,使用前请仿照例子里的tex文件,使用
+% \begin{latex}
+% \usepackage{iidef}
+% \end{latex}
+% 引用宏包。
+% \subsubsection{\XeLaTeX}
+% \label{sec:xelatex}
+% 很多用户对 \LaTeX\ 命令执行的次数不太清楚。一个基本的原则是多次运行 \LaTeX\ 命
+% 令直至不再出现警告。下面给出生成示例文档的详细过程(\texttt{\#} 开头的行为注
+% 释),首先来看推荐的 \texttt{xelatex} 方式:
+% \begin{shell}
+% # 1. 发现里面的引用关系,文件后缀 .tex 可以省略
+% $ xelatex main
+% # 2. 编译参考文件源文件,生成 bbl 文件
+% $ bibtex main
+% # 3. 下面解决引用
+% $ xelatex main
+% $ xelatex main # 此时生成完整的 pdf 文件
+% \end{shell}
+% \subsubsection{PDF\LaTeX}
+% \label{sec:pdflatex}
+% 当仅使用英文完成课程作业时,可以使用 PDF\LaTeX,编译速度会快很多。按照第~\ref{sec:xelatex} 节的顺序执行即可,只是将命令中
+% \texttt{xelatex} 替换为 \texttt{pdflatex}。
+% 需要注意的是 PDF\LaTeX\ 不能处理常见的 EPS 图形,需要先用 \texttt{epstopdf} 将其转化
+% 成 PDF。不过 PDF\LaTeX\ 增加了对 png,jpg 等格式的支持,比较方便。\TeX Live
+% 自从 2010 版本起自动调用 \texttt{epstopdf} 将 EPS 图形转化为 PDF。
+% \subsubsection{latexmk}
+% \label{sec:latexmk}
+% \texttt{latexmk} 命令支持全自动生成 \LaTeX\ 编写的文档,并且支持使用不同的工具
+% 链来进行生成,它会自动运行多次工具直到交叉引用都被解决。下面给出了一个用
+% \texttt{latexmk} 调用 \texttt{xelatex} 生成最终文档的示例:
+% \begin{shell}
+% # 一句话就够了!
+% $ latexmk -xelatex Assignment
+% \end{shell}
+% \subsubsection{make}
+% \label{sec:make}
+% \note[提示:]{使用 \texttt{make} 编译,需要配合linux 操作系统。}
+% \subsection{升级}
+% \label{sec:updgrade}
+% \section{使用说明}
+% \label{sec:usage}
+% 本手册假定用户已经能处理一般的 \LaTeX\ 文档。如果
+% 从来没有接触过 \TeX\ 和 \LaTeX,建议先学习相关的基础知识。
+% \subsection{关于提问}
+% \label{sec:howtoask}
+% 按照优先级推荐提问的位置如下:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item \href{}{Github Issues}
+% \item \href{!board/TeX}{ctex 论坛}
+% \end{itemize}
+% \subsection{示例文件}
+% \label{sec:userguide}
+% 推荐新用户从模板自带的示例文档入手,里面包括了写作业用到的所有命令及其使用方法,
+% 只需要用自己的内容进行相应替换就可以。对于不清楚的命令可以查阅本手册。下面的例
+% 子描述了模板中作业的组织形式,来自于示例文档,具体内容可以参考模板附带
+% \changes{v2.3}{2018/03/30}{[\zhaofeng] Add sample file \file{ithw.tex}}
+% 的 \file{iihw.tex} 和 \file{ithw.tex}。
+% \lstinputlisting[style=lstStyleLaTeX]{iihw.tex}
+% \subsection{作业选项}
+% \label{sec:option}
+% \DescribeOption{thehwcnt}
+% 指定作业序号,
+% 为可选项。
+% \begin{latex}
+% % 使用默认序号1
+% \usepackage{iidef}
+% % 指定序号为6
+% \usepackage[thehwcnt=6]{iidef}
+% \end{latex}
+% \subsection{基本信息}\label{sec:basic_info}
+% \DescribeMacro{\thecourseinstitute}
+% 指定学校或学院,如果使用中文,请引用\pkg{ctex} 宏包。
+% \begin{latex}
+% % 指定学院是TBSI
+% \thecourseinstitute{Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute}
+% % 指定中文名
+% \thecourseinstitute{清华大学电子工程系}
+% \end{latex}
+% \DescribeMacro{\thecoursename}
+% 指定课程名
+% \begin{latex}
+% % 指定课程名是 Information Inference
+% \thecoursename{Information Inference}
+% % 指定课程名是 "应用信息论"
+% \thecoursename{应用信息论}
+% \end{latex}
+% \DescribeMacro{\theterm}
+% 指定学期
+% \begin{latex}
+% % English example
+% \theterm{Fall 2017}
+% % 中文示例
+% \theterm{2018年春季学期}
+% \end{latex}
+% \DescribeMacro{\hwname}
+% 指定作业名,默认是 Homework
+% \begin{latex}
+% % English example
+% \hwname{Coursework}
+% % 中文示例
+% \hwname{作业}
+% \end{latex}
+% \subsection{标题}
+% \DescribeMacro{\courseheader}
+% 将其放在正文前面生成作业标题
+% \note[提示:]{使用 \cs{courseheader} 前需使用~\ref{sec:basic_info}节描述的宏指定相关基本信息。并且使用了\cs{courseheader}无需再用 \LaTeX\ 里的\cs{maketitle}}
+% \begin{latex}
+% \begin{document}
+% \courseheader
+% \name{YOUR NAME}
+% \end{latex}
+% \DescribeMacro{\name}
+%^^A manually indentation
+% \indent 生成姓名、作业名、日期
+% \note[提示:]{使用 \cs{name} 会直接在文档中输出姓名、作业名、日期,因此如果需要自定义作业名,需要在使用\cs{name} 前用 \cs{hwname} 指定作业名称}
+% \subsection{题目自动编号}
+% 建议使用嵌套的\texttt{enumerate} 环境对题目自动编号,可比较好的解决自动缩进的问题。
+% 本模板设置了一级列表为作业序号加题目序号,比如第6次作业第3题会排版成 \enspace 6.3.\enspace ,对于某一道题目的不同小问,默认是用(a),(b),(c) 进行
+% 顺序编排。
+% \begin{latex}
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item First Problem
+% \item Second Problem
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item first question of the second problem
+% \item second question of the second problem
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \end{latex}
+% 如果需要改变默认的设置,比如不同小问使用罗马数字,则可以在正文开始之前使用
+% \begin{latex}
+% \setlist[enumerate,2]{label=\roman*.}
+% \end{latex}
+% 进行设置。
+% \subsection{证明和解的环境}
+% \myentry{证明}
+% \DescribeEnv{proof}
+% \texttt{proof} 环境是 \pkg{amsthm} 宏包提供的,引用本模板后可以直接使用。
+% \begin{latex}
+% \begin{proof}
+% proof contents go here
+% \end{proof}
+% \end{latex}
+% 在中文作业中,引用\pkg{ctex} 宏包
+% 后 “证明” 的环境会变成 中文,如果需要改变默认文字,可以在序言中使用 \cs{ctexset} 配置
+% \begin{latex}
+% \ctexset{
+% proofname = \heiti{证明}
+% }
+% \begin{document}
+% \end{latex}
+% \myentry{解}
+% \DescribeEnv{solution}
+% \texttt{solution} 环境是本模板提供的,用于回答“求解XXX”之类的问题。
+% \begin{latex}
+% \begin{solution}
+% solution contents go here
+% \end{solution}
+% \end{latex}
+% \DescribeMacro{slname}
+% 在中文作业中,可能需要将 \texttt{solution} 环境默认的 \textit{solution.} 变成中文,为此可以将
+% \begin{latex}
+% \slname{\heiti{解}}
+% \end{latex}
+% 放在使用 \texttt{solution} 环境之前。
+% \subsection{常用数学符号}
+% 本文档预先定义了常用的数学符号,在\file{iihw.tex} 示例文件中对这些符号的使用有详细说明。
+% \section{致谢}
+% \label{sec:thanks}
+% 感谢师兄徐祥祥的最初的作业模板设计, \textsc{Thu}\-\textsc{Thesis} 宏包的文档源码。
+% \changes{v2.4}{2018/04/09}{[\zhaofeng] finish the chinese pdf manual}
+% \changes{v2.5}{2018/05/20}{[\zhaofeng] make documentation more compact by including \texttt{dtx-style.sty} in the \texttt{dtx} file itself.}
+% \StopEventually{\PrintChanges\PrintIndex}
+% \clearpage
+% \section{实现细节}
+% \subsection{基本信息}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \changes{v2.0}{2018/03/22}{[\zhaofeng] Make it a latex package(.sty)}
+[2018/04/09 2.4 Tsinghua University Coursework Template]
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{装载宏包}
+% \label{sec:loadpackage}
+% 引用的宏包和相应的定义。
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% configuration of nested enumerate env
+%% set hwcount key-value option
+%% required by macro DeclareMathOperator
+%% Set up page headers using with fancyhdr
+%define the solution env with amsthm proof
+% \end{macrocode}
+% 定义学期、学院、课程名,作业名
+% \changes{v2.3}{2018/03/30}{[\zhaofeng] User configuration of \cs{hwname}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% semester
+%% institute
+%% coursename
+%% user can rewrite homework name
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{作业选项}
+% \changes{v2.1}{2018/03/22}{[\zhaofeng] Use kvoptions to set the coursework counter.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% \iidef@thehwcnt = 1
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{标题}
+% 定义 \cs{courseheader}
+% \changes{v2.2}{2018/03/27}{[\zhaofeng] Use fancyhdr to set the coursework user file header.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% page header setup, distinguish between first page(plain style)
+%% and second page on (runningpage style)
+\thispagestyle{plain}%first page use native plain style to suppress header
+ \underline{\bf \@hwname\;\thehwcnt} \\
+ \fancyhead[L]{\small\@coursename}
+ \fancyhead[R]{\small\@courseinstitute}
+%% use runningpage style from second page on
+%% *********************************************************************************************
+% \end{macrocode}
+% 定义 \cs{name}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%%name command macro
+ #1\hfill
+ \today
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{题目自动编号}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% enumitem related configuration
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{解的环境}
+% \changes{v2.3}{2018/03/30}{[\zhaofeng] Add \texttt{solution} environment}
+% \changes{v2.3}{2018/03/30}{[\zhaofeng] user configuration of \texttt{solution} environment name}
+% 包装 \pkg{amsthm} 的 \cs{proof},可以通过 \cs{slname} 对默认”解“的文字进行修改。
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%% no qed symbol in solution env
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{常用数学符号}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%%common math symbols go here
+\newcommand{\uc}{\underline{c}} % c, vec
+\newcommand{\uv}{\underline{v}} % x, vec
+\newcommand{\uw}{\underline{w}} % w, vec
+\newcommand{\ux}{\underline{x}} % x, vec
+\newcommand{\uy}{\underline{y}} % y, vec
+\newcommand{\uz}{\underline{z}} % z, vec
+\newcommand{\um}{\underline{m}} % m, vec
+\newcommand{\rvx}{\mathsf{x}} % x, r.v.
+\newcommand{\rvy}{\mathsf{y}} % y, r.v.
+\newcommand{\rvz}{\mathsf{z}} % z, r.v.
+\newcommand{\rvw}{\mathsf{w}} % w, r.v.
+\newcommand{\rvH}{\mathsf{H}} % H, r.v.
+\newcommand{\urvx}{\underline{\mathsf{x}}} % x, r.v. vec
+\newcommand{\urvy}{\underline{\mathsf{y}}} % y, r.v. vec
+\newcommand{\urvz}{\underline{\mathsf{z}}} % z, r.v. vec
+\newcommand{\urvw}{\underline{\mathsf{w}}} % w, r.v. vec
+\newcommand{\defas}{\triangleq} %\coloneqq
+\newcommand{\TT}{\mathrm{T}} % transpose
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm,
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+ headsep=3mm]{geometry}
+ \leavevmode\@bsphack\begingroup\MakePrivateLetters%
+ \Describe@Option}
+ \marginpar{\raggedleft\PrintDescribeOption{#1}}%
+ \thu@special@index{option}{#1}\@esphack\ignorespaces}
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+ \begingroup
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+ \edef\encapchar usage{%
+ \HDorg@encapchar hdclindex{\the\c@HD@hypercount}{usage}%
+ }%
+ \index{#2\actualchar{\string\ttfamily\space#2}
+ (#1)\encapchar usage}%
+ \index{#1:\levelchar#2\actualchar
+ {\string\ttfamily\space#2}\encapchar usage}%
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+ style=lstStyleBase,
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+ language=bash}
+ style=lstStyleBase,
+ frame=l,
+ rulecolor=\color{violet},
+ language=[LaTeX]TeX}
+\DeclareDocumentCommand{\pkg}{s m}{%
+ \texttt{#2}\IfBooleanF#1{\thu@special@index{package}{#2}}}
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+ \marginpar{\raggedleft\color{purple}\bfseries\strut #1}}
+ \color{magenta}{\bfseries #1}\emph{#2}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \Finale
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