path: root/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-kv.dtx
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2020-08-02 03:03:49 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2020-08-02 03:03:49 +0000
commit1498fd91bffe57cfb36b3164ea5237cff0915559 (patch)
tree7f6d434ce2d84f807d78b9e557d0dbf89c15e232 /macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-kv.dtx
parent614c1765c3e9a6f5665cbf4f4fb60e768054c2d4 (diff)
CTAN sync 202008020303
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-kv.dtx')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-kv.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-kv.dtx
index bdac30899d..7859126274 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-kv.dtx
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-kv.dtx
@@ -210,25 +210,47 @@
+ \define@key{thmdef}{\tmp@keyname}{%
+ \thmt@trytwice{%
+ \thmt@setparent{#1}
+ \thmt@setsibling{}%
+ }{}%
+ }%
+ \def\thmt@parent
+ \define@key{thmdef}{\tmp@keyname}{%
+ \thmt@trytwice{%
+ \thmt@setsibling{#1}%
+ \thmt@setparent{}%
+ }{}%
+ }%
+ \def\thmt@sibling
+ \define@key{thmdef}{\tmp@keyname}{\thmt@trytwice{\thmt@setthmname{#1}}{}}%
+ \def\thmt@thmname
+ \define@key{thmdef}{\tmp@keyname}[]{\thmt@trytwice{\thmt@isnumberedfalse}{}}%
\def\thmt@UNIQUE{unless unique}
@@ -237,27 +259,38 @@
- \ifuniq{\thmt@envname}{%
- \thmt@isnumberedfalse
- }{%
- \thmt@isnumberedtrue
- }%
+ \thmt@isunlessuniquetrue
\PackageError{thmtools}{Unknown value `#1' to key numbered}{}%
}{% trytwice: after definition
- \addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname]{\setuniqmark{\thmt@envname}}%
- \addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname]{\def\thmt@dummyctrautorefname{\thmt@thmname\@gobble}}
+ \ifx\thmt@parent\@empty
+ \addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname]{\setuniqmark{\thmt@envname}}%
+ \else
+ \protected@edef\thmt@tmp{%
+ % expand \thmt@envname and \thmt@parent
+ \@nx\addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname @unique]{\@nx\setuniqmark{\thmt@envname.\@nx\@nameuse{the\thmt@parent}}}%
+ \@nx\addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname @numbered]{\@nx\setuniqmark{\thmt@envname.\@nx\@nameuse{the\thmt@parent}}}%
+ \@nx\addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname @unique]{\def\@nx\thmt@dummyctrautorefname{\thmt@thmname\@nx\@gobble}}%
+ \@nx\addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname @numbered]{\def\@nx\thmt@dummyctrautorefname{\thmt@thmname\@nx\@gobble}}%
+ }%
+ \thmt@tmp
+ \fi
+ % \addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname]{\def\thmt@dummyctrautorefname{\thmt@thmname\@gobble}}%
+ \thmt@trytwice{}{\addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname]{#1}}}
+ \thmt@trytwice{}{\addtotheorempostheadhook[\thmt@envname]{#1}}}
+ \thmt@trytwice{}{\addtotheoremprefoothook[\thmt@envname]{#1}}}
+ \thmt@trytwice{}{\addtotheorempostfoothook[\thmt@envname]{#1}}}
@@ -296,52 +329,116 @@
- \def\thmt@parent{#1}%
- \def\thmt@sibling
- \def\thmt@thmname
\thmt@mkextendingkeyhandler{thmdef}{thmdef}{\string\declaretheorem\space key}
+% \declaretheorem[option list 1]{thmname list}[option list 1]
+% #1 = option list 1
+% #2 = thmname list
+ % TODO: use \NewDocumentCommand from xparse?
+ % xparse will be part of latex2e format from latex2e 2020 Oct.
+ \@ifnextchar[%
+ {\declaretheorem@i{#1}{#2}}
+ {\declaretheorem@i{#1}{#2}[]}%
+% #1 = option list 1
+% #2 = thmname list
+% #3 = option list 2
+ \@for\thmt@tmp:=#2\do{%
+ % strip spaces, \KV@@sp@def is defined in keyval.sty
+ \@xa\KV@@sp@def\@xa\thmt@tmp\@xa{\thmt@tmp}%
+ \@xa\declaretheorem@ii\@xa{\thmt@tmp}{#1,#3}%
+ }%
+% #1 = single thmname (#1 and #2 are exchanged)
+% #2 = option list
% why was that here?
- \def\thmt@envname{#2}%
- \thmt@setthmname{\thmt@modifycase #2}%
+ % init options
- \thmt@isnumberedtrue%
- \@thmt@firstkeysettrue%
- \kvsetkeys{thmdef0}{#1}%
- \kvsetkeys{thmdef}{#1}%
+ \thmt@isnumberedtrue
+ \thmt@isunlessuniquefalse
+ \def\thmt@envname{#1}%
+ \thmt@setthmname{\thmt@modifycase #1}%
+ % use true code in \thmt@trytwice{<true>}{<false>}
+ \@thmt@firstkeysettrue
+ % parse options
+ \kvsetkeys{thmdef0}{#2}% parse option "style" first
+ \kvsetkeys{thmdef}{#2}%
+ % call patched \newtheorem
+ \ifthmt@isunlessunique
+ \ifx\thmt@parent\@empty
+ % define normal "unless unique" thm env
+ \ifuniq{#1}{\thmt@isnumberedfalse}{\thmt@isnumberedtrue}%
+ \declaretheorem@iii{#1}%
+ \else
+ % define special "unless unique" thm env,
+ % when "numbered=unless unique" and "numberwithin=<counter>" are both used
+ \declaretheorem@iv{#1}%
+ \thmt@isnumberedtrue
+ \declaretheorem@iii{#1@numbered}%
+ \thmt@isnumberedfalse
+ \declaretheorem@iii{#1@unique}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % define normal thm env
+ \declaretheorem@iii{#1}%
+ \fi
+ % use false code in \thmt@trytwice{<true>}{<false>}
+ \def\thmt@envname{#1}%
+ \@thmt@firstkeysetfalse
+ % uniquely ugly kludge: some keys make only sense afterwards.
+ % and it gets kludgier: again, the default-inherited
+ % keys need to have a go at it.
+ \kvsetkeys{thmdef0}{#2}%
+ \kvsetkeys{thmdef}{#2}%
+% define normal thm env, call \thmt@newtheorem
- \ifthmt@isnumbered\else *\fi
- {#2}%
- \ifx\thmt@sibling\@empty\else [\thmt@sibling]\fi
- {\thmt@thmname}%
- \ifx\thmt@parent\@empty\else [\thmt@parent]\fi
+ \ifthmt@isnumbered
+ {#1}%
+ \ifx\thmt@sibling\@empty\else [\thmt@sibling]\fi
+ {\thmt@thmname}%
+ \ifx\thmt@parent\@empty\else [\thmt@parent]\fi
+ \else
+ *{#1}{\thmt@thmname}%
+ \fi
\relax% added so we can delimited-read everything later
- % (recall newtheorem is patched)
- }%\show\thmt@tmp
+ }%
+ \thmt@debug{Define theorem `#1' by ^^J\meaning\thmt@tmp}%
+ \thmt@tmp
+% define special thm env
+ \protected@edef\thmt@tmp{%
+ % expand \thmt@envname and \thmt@parent
+ \@nx\newenvironment{#1}{%
+ \@nx\ifuniq{\thmt@envname.\@nx\@nameuse{the\thmt@parent}}{%
+ \def\@nx\thmt@rawenvname{#1@unique}%
+ }{%
+ \def\@nx\thmt@rawenvname{#1@numbered}%
+ }%
+ \begin{\@nx\thmt@rawenvname}%
+ }{%
+ \end{\@nx\thmt@rawenvname}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \thmt@debug{Define special theorem `#1' by ^^J\meaning\thmt@tmp}%
- % uniquely ugly kludge: some keys make only sense
- % afterwards.
- % and it gets kludgier: again, the default-inherited
- % keys need to have a go at it.
- \@thmt@firstkeysetfalse%
- \kvsetkeys{thmdef0}{#1}%
- \kvsetkeys{thmdef}{#1}%
@@ -379,13 +476,14 @@
- \def\thmt@tmpkey{#1}%
- \ifx\thmt@tmpkey\@empty
- \def\thmt@tmpkey{\thmt@quark}%
- \fi
- \@onelevel@sanitize\thmt@tmpkey
+% FIXME: not used?
+% \def\thmt@splitopt#1=#2\thmt@quark{%
+% \def\thmt@tmpkey{#1}%
+% \ifx\thmt@tmpkey\@empty
+% \def\thmt@tmpkey{\thmt@quark}%
+% \fi
+% \@onelevel@sanitize\thmt@tmpkey
+% }