path: root/macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.raster.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.raster.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.raster.tex')
1 files changed, 946 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.raster.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.raster.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a9c7524aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.raster.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,946 @@
+% !TeX root = tcolorbox.tex
+% include file of tcolorbox.tex (manual of the LaTeX package tcolorbox)
+\section{Library \mylib{raster}}\label{sec:raster}%
+The library is loaded by a package option or inside the preamble by:
+%This also loads the package |xparse| \cite{latexproject:xparse}.
+%The purpose of this library is to give comfortable access to the
+%powerful document command production with |xparse| for |tcolorbox|.
+%See the |xparse| package documentation \cite{latexproject:xparse}
+%for details about the argument \meta{specification} used in this section.
+\subsection{Concept of Rasters}\label{subsec:raster_overview}
+A \emph{raster} is used to align several colored boxes in a regular way.
+It can be seen as a far related counterpart to the |matrix| construct
+of \tikzname, but it differs in many aspects.
+In principle, |tcolorbox|es are arranged in rows and columns when put
+inside a \refEnv{tcbraster} environment. The boxes are fluently added to the
+raster like adding text to a paragraph.
+Especially, line/row breaks are done
+automatically and one cannot end a line/row ahead of schedule.
+Further, a \emph{raster} is not restricted to a single page but may
+break into an arbitrary series of pages.
+\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,size=tight,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,
+ top=5mm,bottom=5mm,colback=yellow!20!white,
+ borderline={0.4pt}{0pt}{dashed,yellow!50!black},
+ finish={
+ \draw[thick,<->] ([yshift=-1.3cm]frame.north west)-- node[below]{\refKey{/tcb/raster width}}
+ ([yshift=-1.3cm]frame.north east);
+ \draw[thick,<->] ([xshift=5mm,yshift=-5mm]frame.north east)-- node[left,pos=.75]{\refKey{/tcb/raster height}}
+ ([xshift=5mm,yshift=5mm]frame.south east);
+ }]
+ \begin{tcbitemize}[enhanced,fontupper=\tiny,
+ title={Box \#\thetcbrasternum},
+ colframe=red!50!black!30!white,colback=red!10!white!40!white,
+ colupper=black!20!white,
+ raster equal height=rows,
+ raster left skip=5mm,raster right skip=5mm,
+ raster before skip=5mm,raster after skip=5mm,
+ raster row skip=3mm,raster column skip=3mm,
+ ]
+ \tcbitem[finish={%
+ \draw[thick,<->] (frame.west)-- node[below right]{\refKey{/tcb/raster left skip}}+(-0.5,0);
+ \draw[thick,<->] (frame.north)-- node[right]{\refKey{/tcb/raster before skip}} +(0,0.5);
+ \draw[thick,<->] (frame.south)-- node[above]{\refKey{/tcb/raster row skip}} +(0,-0.3);
+ }] \lipsum[1]
+ \tcbitem[finish={
+ \draw[thick,<->] (frame.east)-- node[below left]{\refKey{/tcb/raster right skip}}+(0.5,0);
+ \draw[thick,<->] ([yshift=5mm]frame.south west)-- node[above]{\refKey{/tcb/raster column skip}}+(-0.3,0);
+ }] \lipsum[2]
+ \tcbitem[finish={%
+ \draw[thick,<->] (frame.south)-- node[right]{\refKey{/tcb/raster after skip}} +(0,-0.5);
+ }] \lipsum[3]
+ \tcbitem \lipsum[4]
+ \end{tcbitemize}
+\begin{tcbraster}[raster columns=3,raster rows=3,raster height=\linewidth,
+ enhanced,size=small,sharp corners,arc=8mm,colframe=red!50!black,
+ colback=yellow!10!white,watermark overzoom=1.0,fit algorithm=hybrid* ]
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[rounded corners=northwest,boxrule=0pt,
+ watermark graphics=lichtspiel.jpg]\end{tcolorbox}
+ \tcboxfit{\lipsum[1]}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[rounded corners=northeast,boxrule=0pt,
+ watermark graphics=goldshade.png]\end{tcolorbox}
+ \tcboxfit{\lipsum[2]}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[valign=center,halign=center]Nine Boxes.\end{tcolorbox}
+ \tcboxfit{\lipsum[3]}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[rounded corners=southwest,boxrule=0pt,
+ watermark graphics=goldshade.png]\end{tcolorbox}
+ \tcboxfit{\lipsum[4]}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[rounded corners=southeast,boxrule=0pt,
+ watermark graphics=lichtspiel.jpg]\end{tcolorbox}
+\tcbinputlisting{base example,listing only,listing style=mydocumentation}
+\subsection{Macros of the Library}\label{subsec:raster_macros}
+\begin{docEnvironment}[doc new and updated={2014-11-10}{2017-02-01}]{tcbraster}{\oarg{options}}
+A raster arranges enclosed boxes in a regular way, mainly into rows and
+columns. The \meta{options} are used to control the raster
+parameters and to set the properties for the enclosed boxes.
+\item The \emph{raster} is only allowed to contain a series of
+ \refEnv{tcolorbox} environments or derived constructs.
+ With some small restrictions, boxes created with \refCom{tcboxfit} can also be added.
+ Boxes created with \refCom{tcbox} are not reasonable here, but may be
+ used to a certain degree.
+\item Do not add anything else between the boxes inside the raster with
+ exception of white\-space. Especially, do not use |\\| or |\par| to end
+ a row; row breaks are done automatically.
+\item The boxes inside a raster are numbered automatically.
+ \docAuxCommand{thetcbrasternum} may be used inside a box to access
+ this number.
+\begin{tcbraster}[raster columns=3, raster equal height,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white,colbacktitle=red!50!white,
+ title={Box \# \thetcbrasternum}]
+ \begin{tcolorbox}First box\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}Second box\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}This is a box\\with a second line\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}Another box\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}A box again\end{tcolorbox}
+\begin{tcbraster}[raster columns=2, raster equal height=rows,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white,colbacktitle=red!50!white,
+ title={Box \# \thetcbrasternum}]
+ \begin{tcolorbox}First box\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}Second box\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}This is a box\\with a second line\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}Another box\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}A box again\end{tcolorbox}
+\begin{docEnvironment}[doc new=2014-11-10]{tcbitemize}{\oarg{options}}
+This is a special case of a \refEnv{tcbraster} with the given \meta{options}.
+\item Here, the enclosed boxes are created using \refCom{tcbitem}.
+\item There has to be at least one \refCom{tcbitem}.
+\item One cannot use anything else than \refCom{tcbitem} to add something
+ to the \emph{raster}.
+This leads to a very compact syntax.
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=2, raster equal height=rows,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white,colbacktitle=red!50!white,
+ title={Box \# \thetcbrasternum}]
+ \tcbitem First box
+ \tcbitem Second box
+ \tcbitem This is a box\\with a second line
+ \tcbitem[colback=yellow,colbacktitle=yellow!50!black] Another box
+ \tcbitem A box again
+\refEnv{tcbitemize} has more restrictions than \refEnv{tcbraster}.
+Especially, the \refKey{/tcb/capture} mode has to be \docValue{minipage}.
+For example, \refKey{/tcb/fit} cannot be used safely.
+If \refKey{/tcb/fit} should be used, turn over to \refEnv{tcbraster}.
+\begin{docCommand}[doc new=2014-11-10]{tcbitem}{\oarg{options}}
+ Used inside \refEnv{tcbitemize} to create a new \refEnv{tcolorbox}
+ with the given \meta{options}.
+\begin{docEnvironment}[doc new=2016-02-19]{tcboxedraster}{\oarg{raster options}\marg{box options}}
+ This is a convenience environment which combines a \refEnv{tcolorbox} with
+ an embedded \refEnv{tcbraster}. The \meta{box options} are given to the
+ outer \refEnv{tcolorbox}, while the \meta{raster options} are given to the
+ embedded \refEnv{tcbraster}.
+ This environment is especially useful for rasters inside rasters.
+\begin{tcboxedraster}[raster columns=3, raster equal height,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white,colbacktitle=red!50!white,
+ title={Box \# \thetcbrasternum}]
+ {colback=yellow!10,fonttitle=\bfseries,title=Boxed Raster}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}First box\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}Second box\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}This is a box\\with a second line\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}Another box\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}A box again\end{tcolorbox}
+% \tcbuselibrary{skins}
+\begin{tcbraster}[raster columns=2, raster equal height,
+ raster every box/.style={size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white,
+ valign=center,halign=center}]
+ \begin{tcolorbox}One\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}Two\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcboxedraster}{blankest}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}Three\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}Four\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}Five\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}Six\end{tcolorbox}
+ \end{tcboxedraster}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}Seven\end{tcolorbox}
+\begin{docEnvironment}[doc new=2016-04-27]{tcboxeditemize}{\oarg{raster options}\marg{box options}}
+ This is a convenience environment which combines a \refEnv{tcolorbox} with
+ an embedded \refEnv{tcbitemize}. The \meta{box options} are given to the
+ outer \refEnv{tcolorbox}, while the \meta{raster options} are given to the
+ embedded \refEnv{tcbitemize}.
+ This environment is especially useful for rasters inside rasters.
+\begin{tcboxeditemize}[raster columns=3, raster equal height,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white,colbacktitle=red!50!white,
+ title={Box \# \thetcbrasternum}]
+ {colback=yellow!10,fonttitle=\bfseries,title=Boxed Itemize}
+ \tcbitem First box
+ \tcbitem Second box
+ \tcbitem This is a box\\with a second line
+ \tcbitem Another box
+ \tcbitem A box again
+\subsection{Option Keys of the Library}\label{subsec:raster_options}
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster columns}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |2|}
+ Sets the \meta{number} of columns for a \emph{raster}.
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=3,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=4,
+ size=small,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!10!white]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster rows}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |2|}
+ Sets the \meta{number} of rows for a \emph{raster}.
+ Note that this is only relevant in connection with setting \refKey{/tcb/raster height}
+ to a value greater than |0pt|. Then, it defines the number of rows \emph{per} given
+ height.
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster width}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially \cs{linewidth}}
+ Sets the total raster width to the given \meta{length}.
+ \refKey{/tcb/raster left skip} and \refKey{/tcb/raster right skip} are part
+ of the total width. Note that both skip values are not changed by this option.
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster width=\linewidth/2,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2018-11-30]{raster width flush left}{=\meta{length}}{style, no default}
+ Sets the total \refKey{/tcb/raster width} to \cs{linewidth} and adapts
+ \refKey{/tcb/raster left skip} and \refKey{/tcb/raster right skip} to
+ place the raster on the left hand side
+ with a visual width of the given \meta{length}.
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster width flush left=\linewidth/2,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+Note that the results of \refKey{/tcb/raster width} and \refKey{/tcb/raster width flush left}
+look identical, but differ on technical side since the later always fills
+the available \cs{linewidth}.
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2018-11-30]{raster width center}{=\meta{length}}{style, no default}
+ Sets the total \refKey{/tcb/raster width} to \cs{linewidth} and adapts
+ \refKey{/tcb/raster left skip} and \refKey{/tcb/raster right skip} to center
+ the raster with a visual width of the given \meta{length}.
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster width center=\linewidth/2,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2018-11-30]{raster width flush right}{=\meta{length}}{style, no default}
+ Sets the total \refKey{/tcb/raster width} to \cs{linewidth} and adapts
+ \refKey{/tcb/raster left skip} and \refKey{/tcb/raster right skip} to
+ place the raster on the right hand side
+ with a visual width of the given \meta{length}.
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster width flush right=\linewidth/2,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster height}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |0pt|}
+ Sets the raster height \emph{per} \refKey{/tcb/raster rows} to the given \meta{length}.
+ This forces an appropriate height for the enclosed boxes.
+ \refKey{/tcb/raster before skip} and \refKey{/tcb/raster after skip}
+ are not part of this calculation.
+ If the \meta{length} is set to |0pt|, this feature is deactivated.
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster height=4cm, raster rows=2,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem[enhanced,
+ finish={\draw[blue,very thick,<->] (frame.south)
+ -- node[right,pos=.75]{4cm} +(0,4); }]
+ Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+ \tcbitem Five
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new and updated={2014-11-10}{2014-12-16}]{raster before skip}{=\meta{glue}}{no default, initially |2mm|}
+ Space of the given \meta{glue} is inserted vertically before the \emph{raster}.
+ This space is discardable.
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new and updated={2014-11-10}{2014-12-16}]{raster after skip}{=\meta{glue}}{no default, initially |2mm|}
+ Space of the given \meta{glue} is inserted vertically after the \emph{raster}.
+ This space is discardable.
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2015-01-08]{raster equal skip}{=\meta{length}}{style, no default}
+ Shortcut to set
+ \refKey{/tcb/raster before skip},
+ \refKey{/tcb/raster after skip},
+ \refKey{/tcb/raster column skip}, and
+ \refKey{/tcb/raster row skip}
+ to the same \meta{length} value.
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster equal skip=4mm,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster left skip}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |0pt|}
+ Space of the given \meta{length} is inserted horizontally left of the \emph{raster}.
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster left skip=2cm,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster right skip}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |0pt|}
+ Space of the given \meta{length} is inserted horizontally right of the \emph{raster}.
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster right skip=2cm,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster column skip}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |2mm|}
+ Space of the given \meta{length} is inserted horizontally between the columns.
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster column skip=2cm,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster row skip}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |2mm|}
+ Space of the given \meta{length} is inserted vertically between the rows.
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster row skip=0pt,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster halign}{=\meta{alignment}}{no default, initially \docValue{left}}
+ Defines the horizontal alignment for the boxes of the rows of a \emph{raster},
+ if these rows are not completely filled (mainly: the last one).
+ Feasible values for \meta{alignment} are:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docValue{left}: align to the left side,
+ \item\docValue{center}: align to the center,
+ \item\docValue{right}: align to the right side.
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster halign=center,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster valign}{=\meta{alignment}}{no default, initially \docValue{center}}
+ Defines the vertical alignment for the boxes of a row,
+ if the boxes do not have equal height. This sets the
+ \refKey{/tcb/box align} option.
+ Feasible values for \meta{alignment} are:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docValue{top}: align to the top side,
+ \item\docValue{center}: align to the center,
+ \item\docValue{bottom}: align to the bottom side.
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster valign=top, raster columns=3,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+ \tcbitem \Huge One
+ \tcbitem \Large Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster valign=center, raster columns=3,
+ size=small,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!10!white]
+ \tcbitem \Huge One
+ \tcbitem \Large Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster valign=bottom, raster columns=3,
+ size=small,colframe=green!50!black,colback=green!10!white]
+ \tcbitem \Huge One
+ \tcbitem \Large Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new and updated={2014-11-10}{2017-02-28}]{raster equal height}{=\meta{type}}{default \docValue{all}, initially \docValue{none}}
+ Puts the enclosed boxes into a common \refKey{/tcb/equal height group}.
+ The \meta{id} of the equal height group is chosen automatically, but
+ it may be set manually by \refKey{/tcb/raster equal height group}.
+ Also see \refKey{/tcb/minimum for current equal height group}.
+ Feasible values for \meta{type} are:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docValue{none}: no equal height setting,
+ \item\docValue{rows}: all boxes in a row are set to equal height,
+ \item\docValue{all}: all boxes in the raster are set to equal height.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Note that you have to compile twice to see changes.
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster equal height=rows,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem \Huge Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster equal height,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem \Huge Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster equal height group}{=\meta{id}}{no default}
+ Overwrites the automatically chosen id with the given \meta{id}.
+ If this is used to share a common height between the \emph{raster} and
+ another raster or box, the \refKey{/tcb/raster equal height} option
+ should be set to \docValue{all}.
+\begin{tcolorbox}[equal height group=raster-manual-id]
+ A single box
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster equal height,raster equal height group=raster-manual-id]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem \Huge Two
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster force size}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |true|}
+ Enforces the raster size computations onto the enclosed boxes.
+ If set to \docValue{false}, individual settings can be used (for the better or worse).
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster force size=false, raster halign=center,
+ size=small,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem[add to width=-3cm] Three
+ \tcbitem[add to width=-3cm] Four
+ \tcbitem[add to width=-3cm] Five
+ \tcbitem[add to width=3cm] Six
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster reset}{}{no value}
+ Sets all raster settings back to their default values.
+ Note that \refKey{/tcb/reset} does not execute this option.
+ Style settings like \refKey{/tcb/raster odd column} etc. are not
+ touched by \refKey{/tcb/raster reset}.
+\subsection{Adding Styles for Specific Boxes}\label{subsec:raster_styles}
+The following styles can be defined to address certain boxes inside
+a \emph{raster}. Note that such style definitions are not removed by
+\refKey{/tcb/reset} or \refKey{/tcb/raster reset}.
+The style definitions are used in the order given below.
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-24]{raster every box}{}{style}
+This style is used for every box.
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster odd column}{}{style}
+This style is used for every box in an odd column.
+ raster odd column/.style={colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!10!white}]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster even column}{}{style}
+This style is used for every box in an even column.
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster column n}{}{style}
+This style is used for every box in the |n|-th column.
+|n| has to be replaced by a number.
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster odd row}{}{style}
+This style is used for every box in an odd row.
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster even row}{}{style}
+This style is used for every box in an even row.
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster row m}{}{style}
+This style is used for every box in the |m|-th row.
+|m| has to be replaced by a number.
+ raster row 2/.style={colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!10!white}]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster odd number}{}{style}
+This style is used for every box with an odd number.
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster even number}{}{style}
+This style is used for every box with an even number.
+ raster columns=3,
+ raster even number/.style={colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!10!white}]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+ \tcbitem Five
+ \tcbitem Six
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster row m column n}{}{style}
+This style is used for the box in the
+|m|-th row and |n|-th column.
+|m| and |n| have to be replaced by numbers.
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2014-11-10]{raster number n}{}{style}
+This style is used for the box with number |n|.
+|n| has to be replaced by a number.
+ raster number 4/.style={colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!10!white}]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+\subsection{Combining Columns or Rows}\label{subsec:raster_multicolrow}
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2016-02-19]{raster multicolumn}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially unset}
+ This option has to be set inside the option list of a \refEnv{tcolorbox}
+ inside a \refEnv{tcbraster} or inside \refCom{tcbitem} inside \refEnv{tcbitemize}.
+ It merges the given \meta{number} of boxes into one single box
+ on the same line. The resulting box gets the \docAuxCommand{thetcbrasternum}
+ of the first box.
+ If there are not enough boxes available on the current line, this option
+ is ignored and a warning is given.
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster equal height=rows,raster columns=3,
+ title=\thetcbrasternum,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white]
+\tcbitem[colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!10!white,raster multicolumn=1]
+ multicolumn=1
+\tcbitem[colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!10!white,raster multicolumn=2]
+ multicolumn=2
+\tcbitem[colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!10!white,raster multicolumn=3]
+ multicolumn=3
+\tcbitem[colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!10!white,raster multicolumn=2]
+ multicolumn=2
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2016-02-19]{raster multirow}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially unset}
+ This option has to be set inside the option list of a \refEnv{tcolorbox}
+ inside a \refEnv{tcbraster} or inside \refCom{tcbitem} inside \refEnv{tcbitemize}.
+ This option not really merges boxes, but simply sizes the current box to fit
+ the space of \meta{number} rows.
+ \begin{marker}
+ \refKey{/tcb/raster multirow} needs \refKey{/tcb/raster height} to be set.
+ How to achieve a similar result for boxes without fixed \refKey{/tcb/raster height}
+ is shown afterwards.
+ \end{marker}
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster rows=3,raster columns=3,raster height=6cm,
+ raster every box/.style={colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white}]
+\tcbitem[colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!10!white,raster multirow=2]
+ multirow=2
+\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=2,raster multirow=2,blankest]
+ \begin{tcbitemize}[raster rows=2,raster columns=2,raster height=\tcbtextheight]
+ \tcbitem
+ \tcbitem
+ \tcbitem
+ \tcbitem
+ \end{tcbitemize}
+For rasters without fixed \refKey{/tcb/raster height}, \refKey{/tcb/raster multirow}
+cannot be used. Note that \refCom{tcbtextheight} also cannot be used like
+in the previous example.
+But, with combination of \refKey{/tcb/raster equal height} and
+\refKey{/tcb/space to}, a similar effect can be created:
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=3,raster equal height=rows,
+ raster every box/.style={colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white}]
+ \lipsum[2]
+\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=2,blankest,space to=\myspace]
+ \begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=2]
+ \tcbitem This is a box of the inner raster.
+ \tcbitem
+ \tcbitem[height=\myspace]
+ \tcbitem[height=\myspace]
+ \end{tcbitemize}
+\subsection{Rasters inside Rasters}\label{subsec:raster_insideraster}
+A \emph{raster} inside a \emph{raster} cannot be used directly, because
+a \emph{raster} can only contain a \emph{tcolorbox} or something
+derived from a \emph{tcolorbox}. So, a \emph{raster} can be put inside
+a \emph{tcolorbox} inside a \emph{raster}.
+Some examples for such constructions can be found at \refEnv{tcboxedraster},
+\refKey{/tcb/raster multicolumn},
+\refKey{/tcb/raster multirow}.
+\subsubsection{Raster Setup}
+The intermediating \refEnv{tcolorbox} can be made invisible by using
+\begin{tcbraster}[raster equal height=rows,
+ raster every box/.style={colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white}]
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[blankest]
+ \begin{tcbraster}[raster columns=1]
+ \begin{tcolorbox}One\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}Two\end{tcolorbox}
+ \end{tcbraster}
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}raster+tcolorbox+raster\end{tcolorbox}
+\begin{tcbraster}[raster equal height=rows,
+ raster every box/.style={colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white}]
+ \begin{tcboxedraster}[raster columns=1]{blankest}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}One\end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}Two\end{tcolorbox}
+ \end{tcboxedraster}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}raster+tcboxedraster\end{tcolorbox}
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster equal height=rows,
+ raster every box/.style={colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white}]
+ \tcbitem[blankest]
+ \begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=1]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \end{tcbitemize}
+ \tcbitem tcbitemize+tcbitem+tcbitemize
+\subsubsection{Placing Spaces}
+If the heights of boxes inside staggered rasters should be matched, the
+space has to be distributed accordingly.
+\item For fixed height boxes/rasters using \refKey{/tcb/raster height},
+ the height of boxes is available by \refCom{tcbtextheight}. This can be
+ used to size deeper layered boxes/rasters.
+\item For boxes/rasters layed out using \refKey{/tcb/raster equal height},
+ space can be distributed by \refKey{/tcb/space to}.
+ It can take several compilations until all spaces are distributed correctly.
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster rows=2,raster height=6cm,
+ raster every box/.style={colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white}]
+ \tcbitem[blankest]
+ \begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=1,raster rows=2,raster height=\tcbtextheight]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \end{tcbitemize}
+ \tcbitem This is a fixed height box.
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=4,raster rows=4,raster height=0.8\linewidth,
+ raster every box/.style={size=small,beamer,
+ colframe=blue!75!yellow,colback=red!75!yellow!20,
+ center title,title=Box}]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem Two
+ \tcbitem Three
+ \tcbitem Four
+ \tcbitem[raster multirow=2,blankest]
+ \begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=1,raster rows=2,raster height=\tcbtextheight]
+ \tcbitem Twelve
+ \tcbitem Eleven
+ \end{tcbitemize}
+ \tcbitem[raster multirow=2,raster multicolumn=2,
+ colframe=red!75!yellow,colback=blue!75!yellow!20]
+ This is an example with fixed height boxes.
+ \tcbitem[raster multirow=2,blankest]
+ \begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=1,raster rows=2,raster height=\tcbtextheight]
+ \tcbitem Five
+ \tcbitem Six
+ \end{tcbitemize}
+ \tcbitem Ten
+ \tcbitem Nine
+ \tcbitem Eight
+ \tcbitem Seven
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster equal height=rows,
+ raster every box/.style={colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white}]
+ \tcbitem[blankest,space to=\myspace]
+ \begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=1]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem[add to natural height=\myspace]
+ This box will adapt its height.
+ \end{tcbitemize}
+ \tcbitem This is a flexible height box.
+ \tcbitem \lipsum[4]
+ \tcbitem[blankest,space to=\myspace]
+ \begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=1]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem[add to natural height=\myspace]
+ This box will adapt its height.
+ \end{tcbitemize}
+\begin{tcbitemize}[raster equal height=rows,
+ raster every box/.style={colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!10!white}]
+ \tcbitem[blankest,space to=\myspace]
+ \begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=1]
+ \tcbitem One
+ \tcbitem[add to natural height=\myspace]
+ This box will adapt its height.
+ \tcbitem \lipsum[4]
+ \end{tcbitemize}
+ \tcbitem[blankest,space to=\myspace]
+ \begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=1]
+ \tcbitem[blankest]\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{goldshade.png}
+ \tcbitem[add to natural height=\myspace]
+ This box will adapt its height.
+ \end{tcbitemize}