path: root/macros/latex/contrib/tagpdf/tagpdf.lua
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authorNorbert Preining <>2021-02-24 03:01:25 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-02-24 03:01:25 +0000
commit55f834f428a0c05dedecc8d33a1c5300e58c91fc (patch)
tree149edecdb34c91f142df481ba9bbb6d74f8f62f6 /macros/latex/contrib/tagpdf/tagpdf.lua
parent22774c08f9f3ee390346355cda22d5e5fa667d78 (diff)
CTAN sync 202102240301
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/tagpdf/tagpdf.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 633 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/tagpdf/tagpdf.lua b/macros/latex/contrib/tagpdf/tagpdf.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e3b2373bc0..0000000000
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/tagpdf/tagpdf.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,633 +0,0 @@
--- tagpdf.lua
--- Ulrike Fischer
-local ProvidesLuaModule = {
- name = "tagpdf",
- version = "0.61", --TAGVERSION
- date = "2019-07-02", --TAGDATE
- description = "tagpdf lua code",
- license = "The LATEX Project Public License 1.3c"
-if luatexbase and luatexbase.provides_module then
- luatexbase.provides_module (ProvidesLuaModule)
-The code has quite probably a number of problems
- - more variables should be local instead of global
- - the naming is not always consistent due to the development of the code
- - the traversing of the shipout box must be tested with more complicated setups
- - it should probably handle more node types
- -
-the main table is named uftag. It contains the functions and also the data
-collected during the compilation.
- will contain mc connected data.
-uftag.struct will contain structure related data. will contain page data
-uftag.tables contains also data from mc and struct (from older code). This needs cleaning up.
- There are certainly dublettes, but I don't dare yet ...
-uftag.func will contain (public) functions.
-uftag.trace will contain tracing/loging functions.
-local funktions starts with __
- uftag.func.get_num_from (tag): takes a tag (string) and returns the id number
- uftag.func.output_num_from (tag): takes a tag (string) and prints (to tex) the id number
- uftag.func.get_tag_from (num): takes a num and returns the tag
- uftag.func.output_tag_from (num): takes a num and prints (to tex) the tag
- uftag.func.store_mc_data (num,key,data): stores key=data in[num]
- uftag.func.store_mc_label (label,num): stores label=num in
- uftag.func.store_mc_kid (mcnum,kid,page): stores the mc-kids of mcnum on page page
- uftag.func.store_mc_in_page(mcnum,mcpagecnt,page): stores in the page table the number of mcnum on this page
- uftag.func.store_struct_mcabs (structnum,mcnum): stores relations structnum<->mcnum (abs)
- uftag.func.mc_insert_kids (mcnum): inserts the /K entries for mcnum by wandering throught the [kids] table
- uftag.func.mark_page_elements(box,mcpagecnt,mccntprev,mcopen,name,mctypeprev) : the main function
- uftag.func.mark_shipout (): a wrapper around the core function which inserts the last EMC
- uftag.func.fill_parent_tree_line (page): outputs the entries of the parenttree for this page
- uftag.func.output_parenttree(): outputs the content of the parenttree
- uftag.func.markspaceon(), uftag.func.markspaceoff(): (de)activates the marking of positions for space chars
- uftag.trace.show_mc_data (num): shows[num]
- uftag.trace.show_all_mc_data (max): shows a maximum about mc's
- uftag.trace.show_seq: shows a sequence (array)
- uftag.trace.show_struct_data (num): shows data of structure num
- uftag.trace.show_prop: shows a prop
- uftag.trace.log
- uftag.trace.showspaces : boolean
-local mctypeattributeid = luatexbase.registernumber ("l__uftag_mc_type_attr")
-local mccntattributeid = luatexbase.registernumber ("l__uftag_mc_cnt_attr")
-local iwspaceattributeid = luatexbase.registernumber ("g__uftag_interwordspace_attr")
-local iwfontattributeid = luatexbase.registernumber ("g__uftag_interwordfont_attr")
-local catlatex = luatexbase.registernumber("catcodetable@latex")
-local tagunmarkedbool= token.create("g__uftag_tagunmarked_bool")
-local truebool = token.create("c_true_bool")
-local tableinsert = table.insert
--- not all needed, copied from lua-visual-debug.
-local nodeid =
-local nodecopy = node.copy
-local nodegetattribute = node.get_attribute
-local nodesetattribute = node.set_attribute
-local nodenew =
-local nodetail = node.tail
-local nodeslide = node.slide
-local noderemove = node.remove
-local nodetraverseid = node.traverse_id
-local nodetraverse = node.traverse
-local nodeinsertafter = node.insert_after
-local nodeinsertbefore = node.insert_before
-local pdfpageref = pdf.pageref
-local HLIST ="hlist")
-local VLIST ="vlist")
-local RULE ="rule")
-local DISC ="disc")
-local GLUE ="glue")
-local GLYPH ="glyph")
-local KERN ="kern")
-local PENALTY ="penalty")
-local LOCAL_PAR ="local_par")
-local MATH ="math")
-local function __uftag_get_mathsubtype (mathnode)
- if mathnode.subtype == 0 then
- subtype = "beginmath"
- else
- subtype = "endmath"
- end
- return subtype
-uftag = uftag or { } = or { } -- mc data
-uftag.struct = uftag.struct or { } -- struct data
-uftag.tables = uftag.tables or { } -- tables created with new prop and new seq.
- -- wasn't a so great idea ... = or { } -- page data, currently only i->{0->mcnum,1->mcnum,...}
-uftag.trace = uftag.trace or { } -- show commands
-uftag.func = uftag.func or { } -- functions
-uftag.conf = uftag.conf or { } -- configuration variables
-local __uftag_log =
- function (message,loglevel)
- if (loglevel or 3) <= tex.count["l__uftag_loglevel_int"] then
- texio.write_nl("tagpdf: ".. message)
- end
- end
-uftag.trace.log = __uftag_log
-local __uftag_get_mc_cnt_type_tag = function (n)
- local mccnt = nodegetattribute(n,mccntattributeid) or -1
- local mctype = nodegetattribute(n,mctypeattributeid) or -1
- local tag = uftag.func.get_tag_from(mctype)
- return mccnt,mctype,tag
-local function __uftag_insert_emc_node (head,current)
- local emcnode = nodenew("whatsit","pdf_literal")
- = "EMC"
- emcnode.mode=1
- head = node.insert_before(head,current,emcnode)
- return head
-local function __uftag_insert_bmc_node (head,current,tag)
- local bmcnode = nodenew("whatsit","pdf_literal")
- = "/"..tag.." BMC"
- bmcnode.mode=1
- head = node.insert_before(head,current,bmcnode)
- return head
-local function __uftag_insert_bdc_node (head,current,tag,dict)
- local bdcnode = nodenew("whatsit","pdf_literal")
- = "/"..tag.."<<"..dict..">> BDC"
- bdcnode.mode=1
- head = node.insert_before(head,current,bdcnode)
- return head
--- this is for debugging the space chars
-local function __uftag_show_spacemark (head,current,color,height)
- local markcolor = color or "1 0 0"
- local markheight = height or 10
- local pdfstring ="whatsit","pdf_literal")
- =
- string.format("q "..markcolor.." RG "..markcolor.." rg 0.4 w 0 %g m 0 %g l S Q",-3,markheight)
- head = node.insert_after(head,current,pdfstring)
- return head
---[[ a function to mark up places where real space chars should be inserted
- it only sets an attribute.
-local function __uftag_mark_spaces (head)
- local inside_math = false
- for n in nodetraverse(head) do
- local id =
- if id == GLYPH then
- local glyph = n
- if and ( == GLUE)
- and not inside_math and ( >0)
- then
- nodesetattribute(,iwspaceattributeid,1)
- nodesetattribute(,iwfontattributeid,glyph.font)
- -- for debugging
- if uftag.trace.showspaces then
- __uftag_show_spacemark (head,glyph)
- end
- elseif and ( and not inside_math then
- local kern =
- if and ( GLUE) and ( >0)
- then
- nodesetattribute(,iwspaceattributeid,1)
- nodesetattribute(,iwfontattributeid,glyph.font)
- end
- end
- elseif id == PENALTY then
- local glyph = n
- -- uftag.trace.log ("PENALTY ".. n.subtype.."VALUE"..n.penalty,3)
- if and ( == GLUE)
- and not inside_math and ( >0) and n.subtype==0
- then
- nodesetattribute(,iwspaceattributeid,1)
- -- nodesetattribute(,iwfontattributeid,glyph.font)
- -- for debugging
- if uftag.trace.showspaces then
- __uftag_show_spacemark (head,glyph)
- end
- end
- elseif id == MATH then
- inside_math = (n.subtype == 0)
- end
- end
- return head
-local function __uftag_activate_mark_space ()
- if not luatexbase.in_callback ("pre_linebreak_filter","markspaces") then
- luatexbase.add_to_callback("pre_linebreak_filter",__uftag_mark_spaces,"markspaces")
- luatexbase.add_to_callback("hpack_filter",__uftag_mark_spaces,"markspaces")
- end
-local function __uftag_deactivate_mark_space ()
- if luatexbase.in_callback ("pre_linebreak_filter","markspaces") then
- luatexbase.remove_from_callback("pre_linebreak_filter","markspaces")
- luatexbase.remove_from_callback("hpack_filter","markspaces")
- end
-local default_space_char =
-local default_fontid ="TU/lmr/m/n/10")
-default_space_char.char = 32
-default_space_char.font = default_fontid
-local function __uftag_insert_space_char (head,n,fontid)
- if luaotfload.aux.slot_of_name(fontid,"space") then
- local space
- -- head, space = node.insert_before(head, n, ) -- Set the right font
- -- n.width = n.width - space.width
- -- space.attr = n.attr
- end
- Now follows the core function
- It wades through the shipout box and checks the attributes
- box: is a box,
- mcpagecnt: num, the current page cnt of mc (should start at -1 in shipout box), needed for recursion
- mccntprev: num, the attribute cnt of the previous node/whatever - if different we have a chunk border
- mcopen: num, records if some bdc/emc is open
- These arguments are only needed for log messages, if not present are replaces by fix strings:
- name: string to describe the box
- mctypeprev: num, the type attribute of the previous node/whatever
- there are lots of logging messages currently. Should be cleaned up in due course.
- One should also find ways to make the function shorter.
-function uftag.func.mark_page_elements (box,mcpagecnt,mccntprev,mcopen,name,mctypeprev)
- local name = name or ("SOMEBOX")
- local mctypeprev = mctypeprev or -1
- local abspage = tex.count["g__uftag_abspage_int"] --["c@abspage"]
- uftag.trace.log ("PAGE " .. abspage,3)
- uftag.trace.log ("FUNC ARGS: pagecnt".. mcpagecnt.." prev "..mccntprev .. " type prev "..mctypeprev,4)
- uftag.trace.log ("TRAVERSING BOX ".. tostring(name).." TYPE ".. node.type(node.getid(box)),3)
- local head = box.head -- AtBeginShipoutBox is a vlist?
- if head then
- mccnthead, mctypehead,taghead = __uftag_get_mc_cnt_type_tag (head)
- uftag.trace.log ("HEAD " .. node.type(node.getid(head)).. " MC"..tostring(mccnthead).." => TAG "..tostring(mctypehead).." => "..tostring(taghead),3)
- else
- uftag.trace.log ("HEAD is ".. tostring(head),3)
- end
- for n in node.traverse(head) do
- local mccnt, mctype, tag = __uftag_get_mc_cnt_type_tag (n)
- local spaceattr = nodegetattribute(n,iwspaceattributeid) or -1
- uftag.trace.log ("NODE ".. node.type(node.getid(n)).." MC"..tostring(mccnt).." => TAG "..tostring(mctype).." => " .. tostring(tag),3)
- if == HLIST
- then -- enter the hlist
- mcopen,mcpagecnt,mccntprev,mctypeprev=
- uftag.func.mark_page_elements (n,mcpagecnt,mccntprev,mcopen,"INTERNAL HLIST",mctypeprev)
- elseif == VLIST then -- enter the vlist
- mcopen,mcpagecnt,mccntprev,mctypeprev=
- uftag.func.mark_page_elements (n,mcpagecnt,mccntprev,mcopen,"INTERNAL VLIST",mctypeprev)
- elseif == GLUE then -- at glue real space chars are inserted, for the rest it is ignored
- -- for debugging
- if uftag.trace.showspaces and spaceattr==1 then
- __uftag_show_spacemark (head,n,"0 1 0")
- end
- if spaceattr==1 then
- local space
- local space_char = node.copy(default_space_char)
- local curfont = nodegetattribute(n,iwfontattributeid)
- uftag.trace.log ("FONT ".. tostring(curfont),3)
- if curfont and luaotfload.aux.slot_of_name(curfont,"space") then
- space_char.font=curfont
- end
- head, space = node.insert_before(head, n, space_char) --
- n.width = n.width - space.width
- space.attr = n.attr
- end
- elseif == LOCAL_PAR then -- local_par is ignored
- elseif == PENALTY then -- penalty is ignored
- elseif == KERN then -- kern is ignored
- uftag.trace.log ("SUBTYPE KERN ".. n.subtype,3)
- else
- -- math is currently only logged.
- -- we could mark the whole as math
- -- for inner processing the mlist_to_hlist callback is probably needed.
- if == MATH then
- uftag.trace.log("NODE "..node.type(node.getid(n)).." "..__uftag_get_mathsubtype(n),3)
- end
- -- endmath
- uftag.trace.log("CURRENT "..mccnt.." PREV "..mccntprev,3)
- if mccnt~=mccntprev then -- a new mc chunk
- uftag.trace.log ("NODE ".. node.type(node.getid(n)).." MC"..tostring(mccnt).." <=> PREVIOUS "..tostring(mccntprev),3)
- if mcopen~=0 then -- there is a chunk open, close it (hope there is only one ...
- box.list=__uftag_insert_emc_node (box.list,n)
- mcopen = mcopen - 1
- uftag.trace.log ("INSERT EMC " .. mcpagecnt .. " MCOPEN = " .. mcopen,2)
- if mcopen ~=0 then
- uftag.trace.log ("!WARNING! open mc" .. " MCOPEN = " .. mcopen,1)
- end
- end
- if[mccnt] then
- if[mccnt]["artifact"] then
- uftag.trace.log("THIS IS AN ARTIFACT of type "..tostring([mccnt]["artifact"]),3)
- if[mccnt]["artifact"] == "" then
- box.list = __uftag_insert_bmc_node (box.list,n,"Artifact")
- else
- box.list = __uftag_insert_bdc_node (box.list,n,"Artifact", "/Type /"[mccnt]["artifact"])
- end
- else
- uftag.trace.log("THIS IS A TAG "..tostring(tag),3)
- mcpagecnt = mcpagecnt +1
- uftag.trace.log ("INSERT BDC "..mcpagecnt,2)
- local dict= "/MCID "..mcpagecnt
- if[mccnt]["raw"] then
- uftag.trace.log("RAW CONTENT"..tostring([mccnt]["raw"]),3)
- dict= dict .. " " ..[mccnt]["raw"]
- end
- if[mccnt]["alt"] then
- uftag.trace.log("RAW CONTENT"..tostring([mccnt]["alt"]),3)
- dict= dict .. " " ..[mccnt]["alt"]
- end
- if[mccnt]["actualtext"] then
- uftag.trace.log("RAW CONTENT"..tostring([mccnt]["actualtext"]),3)
- dict= dict .. " " ..[mccnt]["actualtext"]
- end
- box.list = __uftag_insert_bdc_node (box.list,n,tag, dict)
- uftag.func.store_mc_kid (mccnt,mcpagecnt,abspage)
- uftag.func.store_mc_in_page(mccnt,mcpagecnt,abspage)
- uftag.trace.show_mc_data (mccnt)
- end
- mcopen = mcopen + 1
- else
- uftag.trace.log("THIS HAS NOT BEEN TAGGED",1)
- -- perhaps code that tag a artifact can be added ...
- if tagunmarkedbool.mode == truebool.mode then
- box.list = __uftag_insert_bmc_node (box.list,n,"Artifact")
- end
- mcopen = mcopen + 1
- end
- mccntprev = mccnt
- end
- end -- end if
- end -- end for
- if head then
- mccnthead, mctypehead,taghead = __uftag_get_mc_cnt_type_tag (head)
- uftag.trace.log ("ENDHEAD " .. node.type(node.getid(head)).. " MC"..tostring(mccnthead).." => TAG "..tostring(mctypehead).." => "..tostring(taghead),3)
- else
- uftag.trace.log ("ENDHEAD is ".. tostring(head),3)
- end
- uftag.trace.log ("QUITTING TRAVERSING BOX ".. tostring(name).." TYPE ".. node.type(node.getid(box)),3)
- return mcopen,mcpagecnt,mccntprev,mctypeprev
-function uftag.func.mark_shipout ()
- mcopen = uftag.func.mark_page_elements (["AtBeginShipoutBox"],-1,-100,0,"Shipout",-1)
- if mcopen~=0 then -- there is a chunk open, close it (hope there is only one ...
- local emcnode = nodenew("whatsit","pdf_literal")
- local box =["AtBeginShipoutBox"].list
- = "EMC"
- emcnode.mode=1
- if box then
- box = node.insert_after (box,node.tail(box),emcnode)
- mcopen = mcopen - 1
- uftag.trace.log ("INSERT LAST EMC, MCOPEN = " .. mcopen,2)
- else
- uftag.trace.log ("UPS ",1)
- end
- if mcopen ~=0 then
- uftag.trace.log ("!WARNING! open mc" .. " MCOPEN = " .. mcopen,1)
- end
- end
-function uftag.trace.show_seq (seq)
- if (type(seq) == "table") then
- for i,v in ipairs(seq) do
- __uftag_log ("[" .. i .. "] => " .. tostring(v),1)
- end
- else
- __uftag_log ("sequence " .. tostring(seq) .. " not found",1)
- end
-local __uftag_pairs_prop =
- function (prop)
- local a = {}
- for n in pairs(prop) do tableinsert(a, n) end
- table.sort(a)
- local i = 0 -- iterator variable
- local iter = function () -- iterator function
- i = i + 1
- if a[i] == nil then return nil
- else return a[i], prop[a[i]]
- end
- end
- return iter
- end
-function uftag.trace.show_prop (prop)
- if (type(prop) == "table") then
- for i,v in __uftag_pairs_prop (prop) do
- __uftag_log ("[" .. i .. "] => " .. tostring(v),1)
- end
- else
- __uftag_log ("prop " .. tostring(prop) .. " not found or not a table",1)
- end
- end
-local __uftag_get_num_from =
- function (tag)
- if uftag.tables["g__uftag_role_tags_prop"][tag] then
- a= uftag.tables["g__uftag_role_tags_prop"][tag]
- else
- a= -1
- end
- return a
- end
-uftag.func.get_num_from = __uftag_get_num_from
-function uftag.func.output_num_from (tag)
- local num = __uftag_get_num_from (tag)
- tex.sprint(catlatex,num)
- if num == -1 then
- __uftag_log ("Unknown tag "..tag.." used")
- end
-local __uftag_get_tag_from =
- function (num)
- if uftag.tables["g__uftag_role_tags_seq"][num] then
- a = uftag.tables["g__uftag_role_tags_seq"][num]
- else
- a= "UNKNOWN"
- end
- return a
-uftag.func.get_tag_from = __uftag_get_tag_from
-function uftag.func.output_tag_from (num)
- tex.sprint(catlatex,__uftag_get_tag_from (num))
-function uftag.func.store_mc_data (num,key,data)
-[num] =[num] or { }
-[num][key] = data
- __uftag_log ("storing mc"..num..": "..tostring(key).."=>"..tostring(data))
-function uftag.trace.show_mc_data (num)
- if uftag and and[num] then
- for k,v in pairs([num]) do
- __uftag_log ("mc"..num..": "..tostring(k).."=>"..tostring(v),3)
- end
- if[num]["kids"] then
- __uftag_log ("mc" .. num .. " has " ..[num]["kids"] .. " kids",3)
- for k,v in ipairs([num]["kids"]) do
- __uftag_log ("mc ".. num .. " kid "..k.." =>" .. v.kid.." on page ",3)
- end
- end
- else
- __uftag_log ("mc"..num.." not found",3)
- end
-function uftag.trace.show_all_mc_data (max)
- for i = 1, max do
- uftag.trace.show_mc_data (i)
- end
-function uftag.func.store_mc_label (label,num)
-["labels"] =["labels"] or { }
-[label] = num
-function uftag.func.store_mc_kid (mcnum,kid,page)
- uftag.trace.log("MC"..mcnum.." STORING KID" .. kid.." on page " .. page,3)
-[mcnum]["kids"] =[mcnum]["kids"] or { }
- local kidtable = {kid=kid,page=page}
- tableinsert([mcnum]["kids"], kidtable )
-function uftag.func.mc_num_of_kids (mcnum)
- local num = 0
- if[mcnum] and[mcnum]["kids"] then
- num =[mcnum]["kids"]
- end
- uftag.trace.log ("MC" .. mcnum .. "has " .. num .. "KIDS",4)
- return num
-function uftag.func.mc_insert_kids (mcnum,single)
- if[mcnum] then
- uftag.trace.log("MC-KIDS test " .. mcnum,4)
- if[mcnum]["kids"] then
- if[mcnum]["kids"] > 1 and single==1 then
- tex.sprint("[")
- end
- for i,kidstable in ipairs([mcnum]["kids"] ) do
- local kidnum = kidstable["kid"]
- local kidpage = kidstable["page"]
- local kidpageobjnum = pdfpageref(kidpage)
- uftag.trace.log("MC" .. mcnum .. " insert KID " ..i.. " with num " .. kidnum .. " on page " .. kidpage.."/"..kidpageobjnum,3)
- tex.sprint(catlatex,"<</Type /MCR /Pg "..kidpageobjnum .. " 0 R /MCID "..kidnum.. ">> " )
- end
- if[mcnum]["kids"] > 1 and single==1 then
- tex.sprint("]")
- end
- else
- uftag.trace.log("WARN! MC"..mcnum.." has no kids",0)
- end
- else
- uftag.trace.log("WARN! MC"..mcnum.." doesn't exist",0)
- end
-function uftag.func.store_struct_mcabs (structnum,mcnum)
- uftag.struct[structnum]=uftag.struct[structnum] or { }
- uftag.struct[structnum]["mc"]=uftag.struct[structnum]["mc"] or { }
- -- a structure can contain more than on mc chunk, the content should be ordered
- tableinsert(uftag.struct[structnum]["mc"],mcnum)
- uftag.trace.log("MCNUM "..mcnum.." insert in struct "..structnum,3)
- -- but every mc can only be in one structure
-[mcnum]=[mcnum] or { }
-[mcnum]["parent"] = structnum
-function uftag.trace.show_struct_data (num)
- if uftag and uftag.struct and uftag.struct[num] then
- for k,v in ipairs(uftag.struct[num]) do
- __uftag_log ("struct "..num..": "..tostring(k).."=>"..tostring(v))
- end
- else
- __uftag_log ("struct "..num.." not found ")
- end
--- pay attention: lua counts arrays from 1, tex pages from one
--- mcid and arrays in pdf count from 0.
-function uftag.func.store_mc_in_page (mcnum,mcpagecnt,page)
-[page] =[page] or {}
-[page][mcpagecnt] = mcnum
- uftag.trace.log("PAGE " .. page .. ": inserting MCID " .. mcpagecnt .. " => " .. mcnum,3)
-function uftag.func.fill_parent_tree_line (page)
- -- we need to get page-> i=kid -> mcnum -> structnum
- -- pay attention: the kid numbers and the page number in the parent tree start with 0!
- local numsentry =""
- local pdfpage = page-1
- if[page] and[page][0] then
- uftag.trace.log("PAGETREE PAGE "" has "..mcchunks.."+1 Elements ",3)
- for i=0,mcchunks do
- uftag.trace.log("PAGETREE CHUNKS "[page][i],3)
- end
- if mcchunks == 0 then
- -- only one chunk so no need for an array
- local mcnum =[page][0]
- local structnum =[mcnum]["parent"]
- local propname = "g__uftag_struct_"..structnum.."_prop"
- local objnum = uftag.tables[propname]["objnum"] or "XXXX"
- texio.write_nl("=====>"..tostring(objnum))
- numsentry = pdfpage .. " ".. objnum .. " 0 R"
- uftag.trace.log("PAGETREE PAGE" .. page.. " NUM ENTRY = ".. numsentry,3)
- else
- numsentry = pdfpage .. " ["
- for i=0,mcchunks do
- local mcnum =[page][i]
- local structnum =[mcnum]["parent"] or 0
- local propname = "g__uftag_struct_"..structnum.."_prop"
- local objnum = uftag.tables[propname]["objnum"] or "XXXX"
- numsentry = numsentry .. " ".. objnum .. " 0 R"
- end
- numsentry = numsentry .. "] "
- uftag.trace.log("PAGETREE PAGE" .. page.. " NUM ENTRY = ".. numsentry,3)
- end
- else
- uftag.trace.log ("PAGETREE: NO DATA FOR PAGE ",3)
- end
- return numsentry
-function uftag.func.output_parenttree (abspage)
- for i=1,abspage do
- line = uftag.func.fill_parent_tree_line (i) .. "^^J"
- tex.sprint(catlatex,line)
- end