path: root/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/tikzinput/tikzinput.dtx
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authorNorbert Preining <>2022-02-26 03:00:34 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2022-02-26 03:00:34 +0000
commit740a11f29a3551babe3d7edbb57ac3baa2280a3f (patch)
tree5d6d449e762f5ab95042e3517d03c5ac3ddaf7c3 /macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/tikzinput/tikzinput.dtx
parent157cc9e776520d0b7d488317a69a10d4ae4d493b (diff)
CTAN sync 202202260300
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/tikzinput/tikzinput.dtx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 223 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/tikzinput/tikzinput.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/tikzinput/tikzinput.dtx
deleted file mode 100644
index 278f82fa09..0000000000
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/tikzinput/tikzinput.dtx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-% \iffalse meta-comment
-% A LaTeX Package for selective input of external TIKZ pictures
-% Copyright (c) 2015 Michael Kohlhase, all rights reserved
-% this file is released under the
-% LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)
-% The original of this file is in the public repository at
-% \fi
-% \iffalse
-%<package>\ProvidesPackage{tikzinput}[2019/03/20 v1.0 Selective input of TIKZ pictures]
-\def\githubissue#1{\cite{sTeX:github:on}, \hyperlink{}{issue #1}}
-% \fi
-% \changes{v1.0}{2015/10/22}{self-documenting package}
-% \GetFileInfo{tikzinput.sty}
-% \MakeShortVerb{\|}
-% \def\omdoc{OMDoc}
-% \def\latexml{{\LaTeX}ML}
-% \title{\texttt{tikzinput}: Selective Input of TIKZ Pictures\thanks{Version {\fileversion} (last revised
-% {\filedate})}}
-% \author{Michael Kohlhase\\
-% FAU Erlangen-N\"urnberg\\
-% \url{}}
-% \maketitle
-% \begin{abstract}
-% Running |tikz| takes a lot of time in \latexml, therefore it is often more efficient
-% externalize the TIKZ pictures into separate (standalone) files, to let {\LaTeX} handle
-% the TIKZ pictures to generate an image, and just load it via the usual {\LaTeX}
-% graphics packages. The |tikzinput| package supports this workflow, and allows to
-% switch back to native TIKZ via a package option.
-% \end{abstract}
-% Running |tikz| takes a lot of time in \latexml, therefore it is often more efficient
-% externalize the TIKZ pictures into separate (standalone) files, to let {\LaTeX} handle
-% the TIKZ pictures to generate an image, and just load it via the usual {\LaTeX}
-% graphics packages. The |tikzinput| package supports this workflow, and allows to
-% switch back to native TIKZ via a package option.
-% A side-effect of the workflow described above is that the TIKZ pictures can be
-% developed -- and formatted -- independently of the document they are intended
-% for. They can essentially be treated like an image file, which can be included into
-% multiple documents.
-% \begin{omgroup}[id=sec:user]{The User Interface}
-% \begin{omgroup}[id=sec:user:options]{Package Options}
-% The behavior of the |tikzinput| package is determined by whether the
-% \DescribeMacro{image}|image| option is given. If it is not, then the |tikz| package is
-% loaded, all other options are passed on to it and |\tikzinput{|\meta{file}|}| inputs
-% the TIKZ file \meta{file}|.tex|; if not, only the |graphicx| package is loaded and
-% |\tikzinput{|\meta{file}|}| loads an image file \meta{file}|.|\meta{ext} generated
-% from \meta{file}|.tex|.
-% \end{omgroup}
-% \begin{omgroup}{Inputting Standalone TIKZ Pictures}
-% The selective input functionality of the |tikzinput| package assumes that the TIKZ
-% pictures are externalized into a standalone picture file, such as the one
-% Example~\ref{fig:tikzpic}.
-% \begin{exfig}
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% \documentclass{standalone}
-% \usepackage{tikz}
-% \usetikzpackage{...}
-% \begin{document}
-% \begin{tikzpicture}
-% ...
-% \end{tikzpicture}
-% \end{document}
-% \end{verbatim}
-% \caption{A Standalone TIKZ Picture File}\label{fig:tikzpic}
-% \end{exfig}
-% \end{omgroup}
-% \end{omgroup}
-% The |standalone| class is a minimal {\LaTeX} class that when loaded in a document that
-% uses the |standalone| package: the preamble and the |document| environment are
-% disregarded during loading, so they do not pose any problems. In effect, an |\input| of
-% the file in Figure~\ref{fig:tikzpic} only sees the |tikzpicture| environment, but the
-% file itself is standalone in the sense that we can run {\LaTeX} over it separately,
-% e.g. for generating an image file from it.
-% This is exactly where the |tikzinput| package comes in: it supplies the
-% \DescribeMacro{\tikzinput}|\tikzinput| macro, which -- depending on the |image| option
-% -- either directly inputs the TIKZ picture (source) or tries to load an image file
-% generated from it.
-% Concretely, if the |image| option is not set for the |tikzinput| package, then
-% |\tikzinput[|\meta{opt}|]{|\meta{file}|}| disregards the optional argument \meta{opt}
-% and inputs \meta{file}|.tex| via |\input| and resizes it to as specified in the |width|
-% and |height| keys. If it is, |\tikzinput[|\meta{opt}|]{|\meta{file}|}| expands to
-% |\includegraphics[|\meta{opt}|]{|\meta{file}|}|.
-% \begin{omgroup}{Limitations}\label{sec:limitations}
-% In this section we document known limitations. If you want to help alleviate them,
-% please feel free to contact the package author. Some of them are currently discussed in
-% the \sTeX GitHub repository~\cite{sTeX:github:on}.
-% \begin{enumerate}
-% \item We only listen to the |width| and |height| keys in the tikz case, the others are
-% disregarded.
-% \end{enumerate}
-% \end{omgroup}
-% \StopEventually{\newpage\PrintIndex\newpage\PrintChanges\printbibliography}\newpage
-% \begin{omgroup}[id=sec:impl]{Implementation}
-% \begin{omgroup}{Package Options and Required Packages}
-% We define a new switch \DescribeMacro{\iftikzinput@image}|\iftikzinput@image| and the
-% |image| option. Apart from that we accept all options that might come our
-% way.\ednote{MK: Actually we would have liked to pass all options to TIKZ, but that
-% does not work, since that is specific about its options.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Next we require the packages we need, in the |image| case, we have to also provide
-% ``empty'' versions of some TIKZ macros and environments that do not get defined as the
-% |tikz| package is not loaded.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{omgroup}
-% \begin{omgroup}{Inputting Standalone TIKZ Pictures}
-% \begin{macro}{\tikzinput}
-% Depending on the |image| option, we do the necessary things: either we default to the
-% image, or we input the tikz file and resize it according to the |width| and |height|
-% keys present.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\*tikzinput}
-% The variants we define in terms of |\tikzinput|.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \end{omgroup}
-% \end{omgroup}
-% \Finale
-% \endinput
-% Local Variables:
-% mode: doctex
-% TeX-master: t
-% End:
-% LocalWords: iffalse NeedsTeXFormat tikzinput tikzinput.dtx omdoc latexml texttt tikz
-% LocalWords: maketitle externalize newpage tableofcontents newpage omgroup behavior
-% LocalWords: graphicx externalized tikzpic exfig compactenum printbibliography impl
-% LocalWords: ltxml iftikzinput@image iftikzinput@image ednote newif etoolbox doctex
-% LocalWords: includegraphics providecommand usetikzlibrary ctikzinput