path: root/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/stex/stex.dtx
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authorNorbert Preining <>2022-02-26 03:00:34 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2022-02-26 03:00:34 +0000
commit740a11f29a3551babe3d7edbb57ac3baa2280a3f (patch)
tree5d6d449e762f5ab95042e3517d03c5ac3ddaf7c3 /macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/stex/stex.dtx
parent157cc9e776520d0b7d488317a69a10d4ae4d493b (diff)
CTAN sync 202202260300
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/stex/stex.dtx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 701 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/stex/stex.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/stex/stex.dtx
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--- a/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/stex/stex.dtx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,701 +0,0 @@
-% \iffalse meta-comment
-% The sTeX packages all at once
-% Copyright (c) 2016 Michael Kohlhase, all rights reserved
-% this file is released under the
-% LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)
-% The original of this file is in the public repository at
-% \fi
-% \iffalse
-%<package>\ProvidesPackage{stex}[2019/03/20 v1.0 Semantic Markup]
-%<logo>\ProvidesPackage{stex-logo}[2019/03/20 v1.0 sTeX Logo]
-% \fi
-% \CheckSum{36}
-% \changes{v1.0}{2015/11/19}{self-documenting package}
-% \changes{v1.0}{2015/12/17}{Package dependency figure}
-% \changes{v1.0}{2016/04/06}{documenting all \protect\sTeX packages}
-% \MakeShortVerb{\|}
-% \title{Semantic Markup in {\TeX/\LaTeX}}
-% \author{Michael Kohlhase\\
-% FAU Erlangen-N\"urnberg\\
-% \url{}}
-% \maketitle
-% \begin{abstract}
-% We present a collection of {\TeX} macro packages that allow to markup {\TeX/\LaTeX}
-% documents semantically without leaving the document format, essentially turning
-% {\TeX/\LaTeX} into a document format for mathematical knowledge management (MKM).
-% \end{abstract}
-% \setcounter{tocdepth}{2}\tableofcontents\newpage
-% \section{Introduction}
-% The last few years have seen the emergence of various content-oriented {\xml}-based,
-% content-oriented markup languages for mathematics on the web, e.g.
-% OpenMath~\cite{BusCapCar:2oms04}, content MathML~\cite{CarIon:MathML03}, or our own
-% {\omdoc}~\cite{Kohlhase:OMDoc1.2}. These representation languages for mathematics, that
-% make the structure of the mathematical knowledge in a document explicit enough that
-% machines can operate on it. Other examples of content-oriented formats for mathematics
-% include the various logic-based languages found in automated reasoning tools
-% (see~\cite{RobVor:hoar01} for an overview), program specification languages (see
-% e.g.~\cite{Bergstra:as89}).
-% The promise if these content-oriented approaches is that various tasks involved in ``doing
-% mathematics'' (e.g. search, navigation, cross-referencing, quality control, user-adaptive
-% presentation, proving, simulation) can be machine-supported, and thus the working
-% mathematician is relieved to do what humans can still do infinitely better than machines:
-% The creative part of mathematics --- inventing interesting mathematical objects,
-% conjecturing about their properties and coming up with creative ideas for proving these
-% conjectures. However, before these promises can be delivered upon (there is even a
-% conference series~\cite{MKM-IG-Meetings:online} studying ``Mathematical Knowledge
-% Management (MKM)''), large bodies of mathematical knowledge have to be converted into
-% content form.
-% Even though {\mathml} is viewed by most as the coming standard for representing
-% mathematics on the web and in scientific publications, it has not not fully taken off in
-% practice. One of the reasons for that may be that the technical communities that need
-% high-quality methods for publishing mathematics already have an established method which
-% yields excellent results: the {\TeX/\LaTeX} system: and a large part of mathematical
-% knowledge is prepared in the form of {\TeX}/{\LaTeX} documents.
-% {\TeX}~\cite{Knuth:ttb84} is a document presentation format that combines complex
-% page-description primitives with a powerful macro-expansion facility, which is utilized
-% in {\LaTeX} (essentially a set of {\TeX} macro packages, see~\cite{Lamport:ladps94}) to
-% achieve more content-oriented markup that can be adapted to particular tastes via
-% specialized document styles. It is safe to say that {\LaTeX} largely restricts content
-% markup to the document structure\footnote{supplying macros e.g. for sections,
-% paragraphs, theorems, definitions, etc.}, and graphics, leaving the user with the
-% presentational {\TeX} primitives for mathematical formulae. Therefore, even though
-% {\LaTeX} goes a great step into the direction of an MKM format, it is not, as it lacks
-% infrastructure for marking up the functional structure of formulae and mathematical
-% statements, and their dependence on and contribution to the mathematical context.
-% \subsection{The {\xml} vs. {\TeX/\LaTeX} Formats and Workflows}
-% {\mathml} is an {\xml}-based markup format for mathematical formulae, it is standardized
-% by the World Wide Web Consortium in {\cite{CarIon:MathML03}}, and is supported by the
-% major browsers. The {\mathml} format comes in two integrated components: presentation
-% {\mathml} presentation MathML and content {\mathml} content MathML. The former provides
-% a comprehensive set of layout primitives for presenting the visual appearance of
-% mathematical formulae, and the second one the functional/logical structure of the
-% conveyed mathematical objects. For all practical concerns, presentation {\mathml} is
-% equivalent to the math mode of {\TeX}. The text mode facilitates of {\TeX} (and the
-% multitude of {\LaTeX} classes) are relegated to other {\xml} formats, which embed
-% {\mathml}.
-% The programming language constructs of {\TeX} (i.e. the macro definition
-% facilities\footnote{We count the parser manipulation facilities of {\TeX}, e.g. category
-% code changes into the programming facilities as well, these are of course impossible for
-% {\mathml}, since it is bound to {\xml} syntax.}) are relegated to the {\xml}
-% programming languages that can be used to develop language extensions.
-% transformation language {\xslt}~\cite{Deach:exls99,Kay:xpr00} or proper {\xml}-enabled
-% The {\xml}-based syntax and the separation of the presentational-, functional- and
-% programming/extensibility concerns in {\mathml} has some distinct advantages over the
-% integrated approach in {\TeX/\LaTeX} on the services side: {\mathml} gives us better
-% \begin{itemize}
-% \item integration with web-based publishing,
-% \item accessibility to disabled persons, e.g. (well-written) {\mathml} contains enough
-% structural information to supports screen readers.
-% \item reusability, searchabiliby and integration with mathematical software systems
-% (e.g. copy-and-paste to computer algebra systems), and
-% \item validation and plausibility checking.
-% \end{itemize}
-% On the other hand, {\TeX/\LaTeX}/s adaptable syntax and tightly integrated programming
-% features within has distinct advantages on the authoring side:
-% \begin{itemize}
-% \item The {\TeX/\LaTeX} syntax is much more compact than {\mathml}, and if needed, the
-% community develops {\LaTeX} packages that supply new functionality in with a succinct
-% and intuitive syntax.
-% \item The user can define ad-hoc abbreviations and bind them to new control sequences to
-% structure the source code.
-% \item The {\TeX/\LaTeX} community has a vast collection of language extensions and best
-% practice examples for every conceivable publication purpose and an established and very
-% active developer community that supports these.
-% \item There is a host of software systems centered around the {\TeX/\LaTeX} language that
-% make authoring content easier: many editors have special modes for {\LaTeX}, there are
-% spelling/style/grammar checkers, transformers to other markup formats, etc.
-% \end{itemize}
-% In other words, the technical community is is heavily invested in the whole
-% {\index*{workflow}}, and technical know-how about the format permeates the
-% community. Since all of this would need to be re-established for a {\mathml}-based
-% workflow, the technical community is slow to take up {\mathml} over {\TeX/\LaTeX}, even
-% in light of the advantages detailed above.
-% \subsection{A {\LaTeX}-based Workflow for {\xml}-based Mathematical Documents}
-% An elegant way of sidestepping most of the problems inherent in transitioning from a
-% {\LaTeX}-based to an {\xml}-based workflow is to combine both and take advantage of the
-% respective advantages.
-% The key ingredient in this approach is a system that can transform {\TeX\LaTeX} documents
-% to their corresponding {\xml}-based counterparts. That way, {\xml}-documents can be
-% authored and prototyped in the {\LaTeX} workflow, and transformed to {\xml} for
-% publication and added-value services, combining the two workflows.
-% There are various attempts to solve the {\TeX/\LaTeX} to {\xml} transformation problem
-% (see ~\cite{StaGinDav:maacl09} for an overview); the most mature is probably Bruce
-% Miller's \latexml system~\cite{Miller:latexml:online}. It consists of two parts: a
-% re-implementation of the {\TeX} {\index*{analyzer}} with all of it's intricacies, and a
-% extensible {\xml} emitter (the component that assembles the output of the parser). Since
-% the {\LaTeX} style files are (ultimately) programmed in {\TeX}, the {\TeX} analyzer can
-% handle all {\TeX} extensions, including all of {\LaTeX}. Thus the \latexml parser can
-% handle all of {\TeX/\LaTeX}, if the emitter is extensible, which is guaranteed by the
-% \latexml binding language: To transform a {\TeX/\LaTeX} document to a given {\xml}
-% format, all {\TeX} extensions\footnote{i.e. all macros, environments, and syntax
-% extensions used int the source document} must have ``\latexml
-% bindings''\index{LaTeXML}{binding}, i.e. a directive to the \latexml emitter that
-% specifies the target representation in {\xml}.
-% \subsection{Generating \protect\omdoc from \protect\sTeX}
-% The \sTeX packages (see Section~\ref{sec:packages}) provide functionalities for marking
-% up the functional structure of mathematical documents, so that the {\LaTeX} sources
-% contain enough information that can be exported to the \omdoc format (\underline{O}pen
-% \underline{M}athematical \underline{Doc}uments; see~\cite{Kohlhase:OMDoc1.2}). For the
-% actual transformation, we use a \latexml plugin~\cite{LaTeXMLsTeX:github:on} that
-% provides the \latexml bindings for the \sTeX packages.
-% \subsection{Conclusion}\label{sec:concl}
-% The {\stex} collection provides a set of semantic macros that extends the familiar and
-% time-tried {\LaTeX} workflow in academics until the last step of Internet publication of
-% the material. For instance, an {\smglom} module can be authored and maintained in
-% {\LaTeX} using a simple text editor, a process most academics in technical subjects are
-% well familiar with. Only in a last publishing step (which is fully automatic) does it get
-% transformed into the {\xml} world, which is unfamiliar to most academics.
-% Thus, {\stex} can serve as a conceptual interface between the document author and MKM
-% systems: Technically, the semantically preloaded {\LaTeX} documents are transformed into
-% the (usually {\xml}-based) MKM representation formats, but conceptually, the ability to
-% semantically annotate the source document is sufficient.
-% The {\stex} macro packages have been validated together with a case
-% study~\cite{Kohlhase04:stex}, where we semantically preload the course materials for a
-% two-semester course in Computer Science at Jacobs University Bremen and transform them to
-% the {\omdoc} MKM format.
-% \subsection{Licensing, Download and Setup}\label{sec:setup}
-% The {\stex} packages are licensed under the {\LaTeX} Project Public License~\cite{LPPL},
-% which basically means that they can be downloaded, used, copied, and even modified by
-% anyone under a set of simple conditions (e.g. if you modify you have to distribute under a
-% different name).
-% \subsubsection{The \protect\sTeX Distribution}
-% The {\stex} packages and classes are available from the Comprehensive {\TeX} Archive
-% Network (CTAN~\cite{CTAN:on}) and are part of the primary {\TeX/\LaTeX} distributions
-% (e.g. TeXlive~\cite{TeXLive:on} and MikTeX~\cite{MiKTeX:on}). The development version is
-% on GitHub~\cite{sTeX:github:on}, it can cloned or forked from the repository URL
-% \begin{center}
-% \url{}
-% \end{center}
-% It is usually a good idea to enlarge the internal memory allocation of the \TeX/\LaTeX executables. This can be done by
-% adding the following configurations in \texttt{texmf.cnf} (or changing them, if they
-% already exist). Note that you will probably need \texttt{sudo} to do this.
-% \begin{footnotesize}\sf
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% max_in_open = 50 % simultaneous input files and error insertions,
-% param_size = 20000 % simultaneous macro parameters, also applies to MP
-% nest_size = 1000 % simultaneous semantic levels (e.g., groups)
-% stack_size = 10000 % simultaneous input sources
-% main_memory = 12000000
-% \end{verbatim}
-% \end{footnotesize}
-% After that, you have to run the
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% sudo fmtutil-sys --all
-% \end{verbatim}
-% With this installation using \sTeX is as painless as using \LaTeX, just make sure the
-% \sTeX distribution is where \texttt{latex} can find it and run \texttt{pdflatex} over
-% the main file.
-% \subsubsection{The \protect\sTeX Plugin for \protect\latexml}
-% For the \omdoc transformation of \sTeX documents we use a \latexml plugin that provides
-% the \latexml bindings for the \sTeX packages. For installation and setup follow the
-% instructions at~\cite{LaTeXMLsTeX:github:on}\ednote{We are working on a CPAN submission
-% that should make installations painless.}
-% \section{The Packages of the \protect\stex Collection}\label{sec:packages}
-% In the following, we will shortly preview the packages and classes in the {\stex}
-% collection. They all provide part of the solution of representing semantic structure in
-% the {\TeX/\LaTeX} workflow. We will group them by the conceptual level they
-% address. Figure~\ref{fig:packages} gives an overview.
-% \subsection{The \protect\sTeX Distribution}\label{pkg:stex}
-% The |stex| package provides |stex.sty| that just loads all packages below and passes
-% around the package options accordingly and |stex-logo.sty| that provides the macros
-% \DescribeMacro{\sTeX}|\sTeX| and \DescribeMacro{\stex}|\stex| that typeset the \sTeX
-% logo.
-% \begin{figure}[ht]\centering
-% \begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=1.1]\tt
-% \node (metakeys) at (0,0) {metakeys};
-% \node (cpath) at (-2,0) {cpath};
-% \node (presentation) at (2.5,0) {presentation};
-% \node (sref) at (0,1) {sref};
-% \node (cmath) at (2.5,1) {cmath};
-% \node (rdfmeta) at (-2,2) {rdfmeta};
-% \node (modules) at (0,2) {modules};
-% \node (omdoc) at (1.5,2) {omdoc};
-% \node (sproof) at (3,2) {sproof};
-% \node (wa) at (-2,3) {workaddress};
-% \node (omtext) at (0,3) {omtext};
-% \node (structview) at (3,3) {structview};
-% \node (dcm) at (-2,4) {dcm};
-% \node (statements) at (0,4) {statements};
-% \node (stex-logo) at (3.5,4) {stex-logo};
-% \node (problem) at (4.5,5) {problem};
-% \node (tikzinput) at (2.5,5) {tikzinput};
-% \node (stex) at (0,5) {stex};
-% \node (smultiling) at (-2,5) {smultiling};
-% \node (smglomsty) at (-2,6) {smglom.sty};
-% \node (mikoslidessty) at (.5,6) {mikoslides.sty};
-% \node (hwexamsty) at (4.5,6) {hwexam.sty};
-% \node (smglomcls) at (-2,7) {smglom.cls};
-% \node (mikoslidescls) at (.5,7) {mikoslides.cls};
-% \node (hwexamcls) at (4.5,7) {hwexam.cls};
-% \node (omdoccls) at (2.5,6.5) {omdoc.cls};
-% \draw[->] (sref) -- (metakeys);
-% \draw[->] (cmath) -- (presentation);
-% \draw[->] (rdfmeta) -- (sref);
-% \draw[->] (wa) -- (modules);
-% \draw[->] (modules) -- (sref);
-% \draw[->] (modules) -- (cpath);
-% \draw[->] (omdoc) -- (sref);
-% \draw[->] (sproof) -- (sref);
-% \draw[->] (dcm) to[bend right=70] (rdfmeta);
-% \draw[->] (dcm) -- (wa);
-% \draw[->] (omtext) -- (modules);
-% \draw[->] (statements) -- (omtext);
-% \draw[->] (stex) -- (statements);
-% \draw[->] (stex) -- (dcm);
-% \draw[->] (stex) to[bend left=5] (sproof);
-% \draw[->] (stex) to[bend left=5] (structview);
-% \draw[->] (structview) -- (modules);
-% \draw[->] (stex) to[bend left=15] (cmath);
-% \draw[->] (stex) to[bend left=20] (omdoc);
-% \draw[->] (stex) -- (stex-logo);
-% \draw[->] (problem) -- (omtext);
-% \draw[->] (smglomsty) -- (smultiling);
-% \draw[->] (smglomsty) -- (statements);
-% \draw[->] (smglomcls) -- (smglomsty);
-% \draw[->] (smglomcls) -- (stex);
-% \draw[->] (mikoslidescls) -- (mikoslidessty);
-% \draw[->] (mikoslidescls) -- (smglomsty);
-% \draw[->] (mikoslidessty) -- (tikzinput);
-% \draw[->] (mikoslidessty) -- (stex);
-% \draw[->] (mikoslidessty) -- (smglomsty);
-% \draw[->] (hwexamcls) -- (hwexamsty);
-% \draw[->] (hwexamsty) -- (problem);
-% \draw[->] (omdoccls) to[bend right=20] (omdoc);
-% \draw[->] (hwexamcls) -- (tikzinput);
-% \draw[->] (hwexamcls) to[bend right=10] (omdoccls);
-% \draw[->] (mikoslidescls) to[bend left=10] (omdoccls);
-% \draw[->] (smglomcls) to[bend right=10] (omdoccls);
-% \end{tikzpicture}
-% \caption{The \protect\sTeX packages and their dependencies.}\label{fig:packages}
-% \end{figure}
-% \subsection{Content Markup of Mathematical Formulae in {\TeX/\LaTeX}}
-% \subsubsection{\texttt{cmath}: Building Content Math Representations}\label{pkg:cmath}
-% The |cmath| package (see~\ctancite{Kohlhase:cmath}) supplies an interface for building
-% content math representations. It gives special macros for marking up variables,
-% applications and bindings. It supports the transformation into both
-% OpenMath~\cite{BusCapCar:2oms04} and content MathML~\cite{CarIon:MathML03}.
-% \subsubsection{{\texttt{presentation}}: Flexible Presentation for Semantic
-% Macros}\label{pkg:presentation}
-% The {\texttt{presentation}} package (see~\ctancite{Kohlhase:ipsmsl}) supplies an
-% infrastructure that allows to specify the presentation of semantic macros, including
-% preference-based bracket elision. This allows to markup the functional structure of
-% mathematical formulae without having to lose high-quality human-oriented presentation in
-% {\LaTeX}. Moreover, the notation definitions can be used by MKM systems for added-value
-% services, either directly from the {\sTeX} sources, or after translation.
-% \subsection{Mathematical Statements}
-% \subsubsection{{\texttt{statements}}: Extending Content Macros for Mathematical
-% Notation}\label{pkg:statements}
-% The \texttt{statements} package (see\ctancite{Kohlhase:smms}) provides semantic markup
-% facilities for mathematical statements like Theorems, Lemmata, Axioms, Definitions,
-% etc. in {\stex} files. This structure can be used by MKM systems for added-value services,
-% either directly from the {\sTeX} sources, or after translation.
-% \subsubsection{{\texttt{sproof}}: Extending Content Macros for Mathematical
-% Notation}\label{pkg:sproof}
-% The \texttt{sproof} package (see~\ctancite{Kohlhase:smp}) supplies macros and environment
-% that allow to annotate the structure of mathematical proofs in {\stex} files. This
-% structure can be used by MKM systems for added-value services, either directly from the
-% {\sTeX} sources, or after translation.
-% \subsubsection{\texttt{omtext}: Mathematical Text}\label{pkg:omtext}
-% \ednote{say something}
-% \subsection{Context Markup for Mathematics}
-% \subsubsection{{\texttt{modules}}: Extending Content Macros for Mathematical\
-% Notation}\label{pkg:modules}
-% The \texttt{modules} package (see~\ctancite{KohAmb:smmssl}) supplies a definition
-% mechanism for semantic macros and a non-standard scoping construct for them, which is
-% oriented at the semantic dependency relation rather than the document structure. This
-% structure can be used by MKM systems for added-value services, either directly from the
-% {\sTeX} sources, or after translation. A side effect of this is that we have an
-% ``object-oriented'' inheritance mechanism for semantic macros: the semantic macros for
-% the mathematical objects described in a module come with the module itself. As a
-% consequence, the \textbf{modules signatures} (only the macro definitions, not the
-% descriptions) need to be loaded before they can be used somewhere else.
-% \subsubsection{\texttt{smultiling}: Multilingual Mathematical
-% Modules}\label{pkg:smultiling}
-% In multilingual settings, i.e. where we have multiple \sTeX documents that are
-% translations of each other, it is better to separate the module signature from the
-% descriptive document. \ednote{continue}
-% \subsubsection{\texttt{structview}: Structures and Views}\label{pkg:structview}
-% \ednote{Say something}
-% \subsection{Mathematical Document Classes}
-% \subsubsection{OMDoc Documents}\label{pkg:omdoc}
-% The \texttt{omdoc} package provides an infrastructure that allows to markup {\omdoc}
-% documents in {\LaTeX}. It provides \texttt{omdoc.cls}, a class with the and
-% {\texttt{omdocdoc.sty}}\ednote{continue}
-% \subsubsection{\texttt{hwexam}: Homeworks and Exams}\label{pkg:hwexam}
-% The \texttt{hwexam} package~\ctancite{Kohlhase:hwexam} provides |hwexam.cls| and
-% |hwexam.sty| for marking up homework assignments, and exams. The content markup strategy
-% employed in \sTeX allows to specify -- and profit from -- administrative metadata such
-% as time and point counts. This package relies on the |problem|
-% package~\ctancite{Kohlhase:problem} which provides markup for problems, hints, and
-% solutions.
-% \subsubsection{\texttt{mikoslides}: Slides and Course Notes}\label{pkg:mikoslides}
-% The |mikoslides| package provides a document class from which we can generate both
-% course slides -- via the |beamer| classs -- and course notes -- via the |omdoc| class --
-% in a transparent way.
-% \subsection{Metadata}
-% \subsubsection{\texttt{rdfmeta}: RDFa Metadata for \protect\sTeX}\label{pkg:rdfmeta}
-% \ednote{Say something}
-% \subsubsection{\texttt{dcm}: Dublin Core Metadata}\label{pkg:dcm}
-% \ednote{Say something}
-% \subsubsection{\texttt{workaddress}: Markup for FOAF Metadata}\label{pkg:workaddress}
-% \ednote{Say something}
-% \subsection{Support for MathHub}
-% The |mathhub| package provides the supplementary packages |mikoslides-mh|,
-% |modules-mh.sty|, |omtext-mh.sty|, |problem-mh.sty|, |smultiling-mh.sty|,
-% |structview-mh.sty|, and |tikzinput-mh.sty| with variants of the user-visible macros
-% that are adapted to the MathHub system -- see Section~\ref{sec:mathhub} for details.
-% \subsection{Auxiliary Packages}
-% \subsubsection{\texttt{metakeys}: An extended key/value Interface}\label{pkg:metakeys}
-% \ednote{Say something}
-% \subsubsection{\texttt{pathsuris}: Managing Relative/Absolute File Paths}\label{pkg:pathsuris}
-% \ednote{Say something}
-% \subsubsection{\texttt{tikzinput}: External TIKZ Pictures as Standalone Images}\label{pkg:tikzinput}
-% \ednote{Say something}
-% \newpage
-% \section{Workflows and Best Practices}\label{sec:workflows}
-% \subsection{The ``Little Modules'' Approach}
-% One of the key advantages of semantic markup with \sTeX is that the \sTeX sources are
-% highly reusable by the ``object-oriented'' inheritance model induced by \sTeX
-% modules. It turned out to be useful to divide \sTeX documents into three kinds of files:
-% \begin{enumerate}
-% \item \textbf{module files}: files that essentially contain a collection of \sTeX
-% modules~\ctancite{KohAmb:smmssl} -- usually a single one whose module name coincides
-% the file name base.
-% \item \textbf{fragment files}: files that contain a group of input references to module-
-% or fragment files -- usually one group deep for flexibility, transition text, and
-% additional remarks.
-% \item \textbf{driver files} that set up the document class, contain the preambles, and
-% input reference fragment files.
-% \end{enumerate}
-% These correspond to the \sTeX documents, but can reuse and share \sTeX fragments and
-% modules. Figure~\ref{fig:reuse} shows a situation, where we have two courses given over
-% multiple years, which results in five course notes documents given by driver files, wich
-% share quite a few components. As drivers and fragment files are mostly content-free --
-% they only contribute document structure, this lets all documents contribute from the
-% development of the modules.
-% \begin{figure}[ht]\centering
-% \begin{tikzpicture}\footnotesize
-% \tikzstyle{course} = [draw,rounded corners,inner sep=0pt]
-% \tikzstyle{topic} = [draw,inner sep=2pt]
-% \node at (-1,0) {modules};
-% \node at (-1,1) {fragments};
-% \node at (-1,2) {drivers};
-% \node[topic] (strings) at (1,0) {strings};
-% \node[topic] (pref) at (2.5,0) {\begin{tabular}{c}prefix\\codes\end{tabular}};
-% \node[topic] (codes) at (1.5,1) {codes};
-% \node[topic] (xml) at (5.3,0) {DAG};
-% \node[topic] (uc) at (4,0) {Trees};
-% \node[topic] (html) at (4.5,1) {GraphTheo};
-% \node[topic] (docbook) at (8,0) {NatDed};
-% \node[topic] (dita) at (6.8,0) {FOL};
-% \node[topic] (man) at (7.5,1) {Logic};
-% \node[course] (gencs) at (3,2) {\begin{tabular}{c}GenCS\\2011\end{tabular}};
-% \node[course] (gencs10) at (1.5,2) {\begin{tabular}{c}GenCS\\2010\end{tabular}};
-% \node[course] (gencs12) at (4.5,2) {\begin{tabular}{c}GenCS\\2012\end{tabular}};
-% \node (gdots) at (3,1) {\ldots};
-% \node[course] (tdm) at (6.5,2) {\begin{tabular}{c}AdvCS\\2011\end{tabular}};
-% \node[course] (tdm12) at (8,2) {\begin{tabular}{c}AdvCS\\2012\end{tabular}};
-% \node (tdots) at (6,1) {\ldots};
-% \draw (gencs) -- (strings) -- (codes);
-% \draw (gencs) -- (html) -- (uc);
-% \draw (tdm) -- (man) -- (docbook);
-% \draw (tdm) -- (html) -- (xml);
-% \draw (codes) -- (pref);
-% \draw (man) -- (dita);
-% \draw (gencs) -- (gdots);
-% \draw (tdm) -- (tdots);
-% \draw (gencs12) -- (codes);
-% \draw (gencs10) -- (codes);
-% \draw (gencs12) -- (gdots);
-% \draw (gencs10) -- (gdots);
-% \draw (gencs12) -- (html);
-% \draw (gencs10) -- (html);
-% \draw (tdm12) -- (html);
-% \draw (tdm12) -- (tdots);
-% \draw (tdm12) -- (man);
-% \end{tikzpicture}
-% \caption{Reuse of Fragments and Modules in a Course Notes Setting}\label{fig:reuse}
-% \end{figure}
-% The downside of this ``object-oriented'' inheritance mechanism is that we need to keep
-% the module signatures (see Section~\ref{pkg:modules}) up to date adding to the
-% complexity of document management.
-% Another advantage of the ``little modules approach'' is that modules can be developed
-% separately. Indeed all modules of a given subject share common pre- and post-ambles which
-% can be developed in special files -- usually named |pre.tex|, |post.tex|, and
-% |preamble.tex| (the latter is included in |pre.tex|). Given such a setup, the call to
-% |pdflatex| can be suitably adapted to handle the pre/postfixes.
-% \subsection{Basic Utilities \& Makefiles}\label{sec:utilities}
-% The \sTeX distribution contains three basic command line utilities to manage \sTeX
-% documents in the |bin| directory of the distribution.
-% \begin{description}
-% \item[\texttt{sms}] computes the \stex module signatures for a given \stex file
-% (see~\ctancite{KohAmb:smmssl} details).
-% \item[\texttt{filedate} and \texttt{checksum}] that help keeping the metadata of the
-% self-documenting {\LaTeX} packages in the \stex distribution up to date.
-% \item[\texttt{}] that installs the fonts necessary for chinese \sTeX
-% documents.
-% \end{description}
-% These are supplemented by a set of UNIX |Makefiles| in the |lib/make| directory. The way
-% to use them is to include them into a |Makefile| in the directory and then run one of
-% the targets |pdf| and |mpdf| to make the PDF versions of the drivers and
-% modules\ednote{MK: what about the fragments?} and |omdoc| and |mods| to generate
-% \omdoc. Note that we need to |make sms| in order to make the respective \sTeX module
-% signatures for the modules.
-% \subsection{MathHub: a Portal for Active Mathematical Documents}\label{sec:mathhub}
-% MathHub (\url{} see~\cite{IanJucKoh:sdm14}) is a portal for Active
-% Mathematical Documents -- documents that are made context-aware and interactive by
-% semantic annotations. \sTeX is one of the main input formats for informal active
-% documents. MathHub supports \sTeX documents in three ways:
-% \begin{enumerate}
-% \item MathHub offers free/open hosting in document repositories for (mathematical) \sTeX
-% document collections.
-% \item the backend system supports the large-scale change- and error-management for \sTeX
-% documents in the ``little modules'' paradigm.
-% \item the front-end displays interactive (HTML5) documents generated from the \sTeX
-% sources (via \omdoc).
-% \end{enumerate}
-% The MathHub system is probably the best way of developing and hosting larger \sTeX
-% document collections. It offers two authoring workflows an online authoring workflow via
-% a direct web interface~\cite{MathHub:oa:on} or casual users and an offline authoring
-% workflow that we describe next.
-% \subsection{\texttt{lmh}: MathHub's Build System Locally}\label{sec:lmh}
-% As direct web editing workflows are not efficient for larger document collections, the
-% MathHub system offers an offline authoring system. This uses GIT repositories for
-% distribution -- the author develops the document collection on a local working copy and
-% then commits for inclusion to MathHub. The MathHub build system can be used locally for
-% efficient development via the |localmh| system~\cite{lmh:github:on}. In a nutshell --
-% see~\cite{MathHub:law:on} for details --
-% \begin{enumerate}
-% \item |localmh| is installed in a docker container that supplies the build system and
-% provides the |lmh| command suite.
-% \item |lmh pdf| formats \sTeX modules to PDF -- building all dependencies, e.g. module
-% signatures, first.
-% \item |lmh omdoc| generates \omdoc for \sTeX documents -- again with dependencies.
-% \item |lmh xhtml| generates active documents (in XHTML5) from the \sTeX sources or their
-% \omdoc versions.
-% \item |lmh| \meta{gitsc} distributes the git subcommand \meta{gitsc} over multiple
-% repositories.
-% \end{enumerate}
-% Various other |lmh| subcommands help with large-scale editing problems like renaming or
-% moving modules, translations in multilingual settings, etc.
-% \StopEventually{\newpage\PrintIndex\newpage\PrintChanges\newpage\printbibliography}\newpage
-% \newpage
-% \section{The Implementation}\label{sec:implementation}
-% \subsection{Package Options}\label{sec:impl:options}
-% The first step is to declare (a few) package options that handle whether certain
-% information is printed or not. They all come with their own conditionals that are set by
-% the options.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{structview}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{sproofs}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{omdoc}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{cmath}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{dcm}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Then we make sure that the necessary packages are loaded (in the right versions).
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{The \protect\sTeX Logo}\label{sec:impl:ids}
-% To provide default identifiers, we tag all elements that allow |xml:id| attributes by
-% executing the |numberIt| procedure from |omdoc.sty.ltxml|.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \@ifundefined{texorpdfstring}%
- {\let\texorpdfstring\@firstoftwo}%
- {}%
- \texorpdfstring{\raisebox{-.5ex}S\kern-.5ex\TeX}{sTeX}\xspace%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \Finale
-% \iffalse
-%%% Local Variables:
-%%% mode: doctex
-%%% TeX-master: t
-%%% End:
-% \fi
-% LocalWords: GPL structuresharing STR dtx pts keyval xcomment CPERL DefKeyVal iffalse
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-% LocalWords: stopsolution fileversion filedate maketitle setcounter tocdepth newpage uc
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-% LocalWords: TeXlive TeXLive texmf.cnf pdflatex ednote cmath cmath ctancite ipsmsl lmh
-% LocalWords: centering tikzpicture xscale cpath cpath rdfmeta rdfmeta sproof sproof
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-% LocalWords: mikoslides.sty hwexamsty hwexam.sty smglomcls smglom.cls mikoslidescls
-% LocalWords: mikoslides.cls hwexamcls hwexam.cls omdoccls omdoc.cls smms KohAmb smmssl
-% LocalWords: omdocdoc.sty hwexam hwexam mikoslides mikoslides mathhub modules-mh.sty
-% LocalWords: omtext-mh.sty problem-mh.sty smultiling-mh.sty structview-mh.sty docbook
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-% LocalWords: gitsc gitsc