path: root/macros/latex/contrib/shipunov/doc/rusnat-ex-ru.bib
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-10-08 03:00:28 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-10-08 03:00:28 +0000
commite5ffc42ed260285f76383ae18dd0f4a603c07fa8 (patch)
tree7d901aebae17ed14f1c9812c9339a88d68dc74e4 /macros/latex/contrib/shipunov/doc/rusnat-ex-ru.bib
parentba86549c94b1e8b6b19bc82b01e85a7e513e7586 (diff)
CTAN sync 201910080300
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/shipunov/doc/rusnat-ex-ru.bib')
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+ author = "С. А. Айвазян and В. М. и др. Бухштабер",
+ title = "Прикладная статистика. Классификация и снижение размерности.
+ Справочное издание",
+ pages = "607~с.",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1989
+ author = "В. Н. Андреев",
+ title = "Виды {\em Plantago} полярного побережья Европы",
+ journal = "Журн. Рус. бот. о-ва",
+ volume = "Т.~15",
+ number = "{\No}~4",
+ pages = "С.~291--304",
+ year = 1930
+ title = "Атлас ареалов и ресурсов лекарственных растений СССР",
+ key = "Атлас...",
+ pages = "340~с.",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1983
+ author = "Г. И. Бiлик",
+ title = "Новий для флори УРСР вид подорожника --- {\em Plantago
+ schwarzenbergiana} Schur",
+ journal = "Бот. журн. АН УРСР",
+ volume = "Т.~8",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "С.~95--98",
+ year = 1951
+ author = "А. Е. Бородина",
+ title = "Семейство подорожниковые ({\em Plantaginaceae})",
+ booktitle = "Жизнь растений: В 6 т.",
+ volume = "Т.~5",
+ part = "ч.~2",
+ pages = "С.~439--440",
+ year = 1981
+ author = "В. К. и др. Василевская",
+ title = "Строение розеточного растения {\em Plantago major} L. в первый
+ год жизни",
+ journal = "Бот. журн.",
+ volume = "Т.~58",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "С.~33--42",
+ year = 1973
+ author = "А. Н. Васильева",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "Флора Казахстана",
+ volume = "Т.~8",
+ pages = "С.~171--182",
+ address = "Алма-Ата",
+ year = 1965
+ author = "О. Д. Висюлина",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "Флора УРСР",
+ volume = "Т.~10",
+ pages = "С.~69--90",
+ address = "Киев",
+ year = 1961
+ author = "Е. Р. Войцеховская",
+ title = "Морфологические и биохимические признаки {\em P. media} L. в
+ связи с антропогенным воздействием (Ю. Прибайкалье)",
+ journal = "Растительные ресурсы",
+ volume = "Т.~31",
+ number = "вып. 1",
+ pages = "С.~75--79",
+ year = 1995
+ author = "Т. С. Гейдеман",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Определитель высших растений Молдавской ССР",
+ pages = "С.~447--449",
+ year = 1975
+ author = "С. Г. Горшкова",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Маевский П. Ф. Флора средней полосы европейской части СССР",
+ pages = "С.~508--510",
+ address = "Л.",
+ year = 1964
+ author = "С. Г. Горшкова",
+ title = "Сем. {\em Plantaginaceae} --- Подорожниковые",
+ journal = "Флора юго-востока европейской части СССР",
+ volume = "Вып. 6",
+ pages = "С.~248--252",
+ address = "М.; Л.",
+ year = 1936
+ author = "Ю. С. Григорьев",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae} Lindl.",
+ booktitle = "Флора СССР",
+ volume = "Т.~23",
+ pages = "С.~133--164",
+ year = 1958
+ author = "Н. А. Дуброва and Л. А. Малахова and Н. Н. Карташова",
+ title = "Кариологическая характеристика некоторых видов рода {\em
+ Plantago} L. ({\em Plantaginaceae})",
+ journal = "Биол. науки",
+ number = "{\No}~6",
+ pages = "С.~99--101",
+ year = 1976
+ author = "П. Ю. Жмылев and Ю. Е. Алексеев and Е. А. Карпухина",
+ title = "Основные термины и понятия современной биоморфологии растений",
+ pages = "149~с.",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1993
+ author = "Г. Я. Жукова and А. А. Титова",
+ title = "Семейство {\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Сравнительная эмбриология цветковых растений. {\em
+ Davidiaceae}--{\em Asteraceae}",
+ pages = "С.~278--283",
+ address = "Л.",
+ year = 1987
+ author = "Л. А. Жукова",
+ title = "Род Подорожник",
+ journal = "Биологическая флора Московской области",
+ volume = "Вып. 7",
+ pages = "С.~188--209",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1983
+ author = "Л. А. Жукова",
+ title = "Подорожник большой ({\em Plantago major} L.)",
+ booktitle = "Диагностика и ключи возрастных состояний луговых растений",
+ pages = "С.~39--42",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1986
+ author = "Л. А. Жукова and А. С. Комаров",
+ title = "Количественный анализ динамической поливариантности в
+ ценопопуляциях подорожника большого при различной плотности
+ посадок",
+ journal = "Биол. науки",
+ number = "{\No}~8",
+ pages = "С.~51--66",
+ year = 1991
+ author = "Л. А. Жукова and Э. В. Шестакова",
+ title = "Морфологическая поливариантность {\em Plantago major} L. в
+ искусственных посадках",
+ journal = "Бюл. МОИП, отд. биол.",
+ volume = "Т.~100",
+ number = "вып. 3",
+ pages = "С.~95--101",
+ year = 1995
+ author = "Г. Р. Зайцев",
+ title = "Математическая статистика в экспериментальной ботанике",
+ pages = "424~с.",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1984
+ author = "Е. А. Земскова",
+ title = "Кариологическое изучение некоторых видов {\em Plantago} L. ({\em
+ Plantaginaceae})",
+ journal = "Бот. журн.",
+ volume = "Т.~62",
+ number = "{\No}~9",
+ pages = "С.~1301--1305",
+ year = 1977
+ author = "Л. Е. Ищенко and Д. И. Ахмедерова",
+ title = "Онтогенез и возрастные группы {\em Plantago major} и {\em
+ Plantago lanceolata}",
+ journal = "Изв. АН ТССР",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "C. 28--34",
+ year = 1991,
+ series = "Сер. биол."
+ author = "В. К. Казанфарова",
+ title = "Систематика и био-экологические особенности кавказских видов рода
+ {\em Plantago} L.: Автореф. дис. ... канд. биол. наук",
+ pages = "32~с.",
+ address = "Баку",
+ year = 1971
+ author = "В. К. Казанфарова and А. М. Гасанов",
+ title = "Сравнительная морфолого-анатомическая характеристика {\em
+ Plantago media} L. и {\em Plantago stepposa} Kupr.",
+ journal = "Изв. АН АзССР",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "C. 7--11",
+ year = 1973,
+ series = "Сер. биол."
+ author = "А. А. Карлова",
+ title = "Микроспорогенез, развитие тапетума и мужского гаметофита у {\em
+ Plantago media} L.",
+ booktitle = "Онтогенез травянистых поликарпических растений",
+ pages = "С.~90--97",
+ address = "Свердловск",
+ year = 1986
+ author = "Е. Л. Карнаух",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Визначник рослин УРСР",
+ pages = "С.~620--623",
+ address = "Киев",
+ year = 1950
+ author = "А. П. и др. Кирьянов",
+ title = "Подорожники блошный и большой",
+ pages = "16~с.",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1957
+ author = "В. Л. Комаров",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Флора Камчатки",
+ volume = "Вып. 3",
+ pages = "С.~98",
+ address = "Л.",
+ year = 1930
+ author = "Л. А. Жукова",
+ title = "О развитии розеточных побегов подорожника большого ({\em Plantago
+ major} L.)",
+ journal = "Бюл. МОИП, отд. биол.",
+ volume = "Т.~92",
+ number = "вып. 1",
+ pages = "С.~97",
+ year = 1987
+ author = "А. П. Кулаичев",
+ title = "Методы и средства анализа данных в среде Windows. {STADIA} 6.0",
+ pages = "255~с.",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1996
+ author = "Л. А. Куприянова",
+ title = "О степном подорожнике, известном под названием {\em Plantago
+ media} var. urvilleana Rap.",
+ booktitle = "Труды бот. ин-та",
+ volume = "Вып. 3",
+ pages = "С.~277--281",
+ address = "Л.",
+ year = 1936,
+ series = "Сер. 1: Флора и систематика высших растений"
+ author = "В. И. Курбатский",
+ title = "Семейство {\em Plantaginaceae} --- Подорожниковые",
+ booktitle = "Флора Сибири",
+ volume = "Т.~12: {\em Solanaceae}--{\em Lobeliaceae}",
+ pages = "С.~102--110",
+ address = "Новосибирск",
+ year = 1996
+ author = "В. И. Лебедев-Носов",
+ title = "Флавоноиды и иридоиды подорожника большого и азиатского",
+ journal = "Растительные ресурсы",
+ volume = "Т.~16",
+ number = "вып. 3",
+ pages = "С.~403--411",
+ year = 1980
+ author = "В. И. Лебедев-Носов",
+ title = "Применение и химический состав рода {\em Plantago}",
+ booktitle = "Изыскание биологически активных веществ в лекарственных
+ растениях флоры Дальнего Востока",
+ pages = "С.~77--93",
+ address = "Хабаровск",
+ year = 1984
+ author = "К. Линней",
+ title = "Философия ботаники",
+ pages = "456~с.",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1989
+ author = "С. Е. Любарский",
+ title = "Некоторые особенности экологии прорастания семян {\em Plantago
+ major}, {\em Plantago media}, {\em Plantago lanceolata}, {\em
+ Plantago indica}",
+ booktitle = "Биология, экология и взаимоотношения ценопопуляций растений",
+ pages = "С.~102--105",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1982
+ author = "С. Е. и др. Любарский",
+ title = "Изучение взаимоотношений подорожника среднего с другими видами
+ луговых растений",
+ booktitle = "Взаимодействие между компонентами экосистем",
+ pages = "С.~95--99",
+ address = "Казань",
+ year = 1985
+ author = "А. Магуляев",
+ title = "Числа хромосом некоторых видов {\em Asteraceae}, {\em
+ Caryophyllaceae} и {\em Plantaginaceae} с Северного Кавказа",
+ journal = "Биол. науки",
+ number = "{\No}~11",
+ pages = "С.~74--79",
+ year = 1977
+ author = "Л. С. Макаренко",
+ title = "Анатомо-морфологическая и экологическая характеристика {\em
+ Plantago salsa} Pall. в связи с различными условиями
+ местообитания: Автореф. дис. ... канд. биол. наук",
+ pages = "27~с.",
+ address = "Воронеж",
+ year = 1969
+ author = "Л. С. Макаренко",
+ title = "Морфогенез подорожника солончакового",
+ journal = "Научн. тр. Курского пед. ин-та",
+ volume = "Т.~10",
+ pages = "С.~73--94",
+ year = 1972
+ author = "Л. А. Малахова and В. И. Курбатский",
+ title = "Числа хромосом некоторых видов рода {\em Plantago} ({\em
+ Plantaginaceae}) из Южной Сибири",
+ journal = "Бот. журн.",
+ volume = "Т.~80",
+ number = "{\No}~12",
+ pages = "С.~119",
+ year = 1995
+ author = "К. Малиновский",
+ title = "Успешная интродукция подорожника альпийского ({\em P. alpina} L.)
+ в высокогорье Карпат",
+ journal = "Укр. бот. журн.",
+ volume = "Т.~20",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "С.~89--92",
+ year = 1963
+ author = "М. В. Марков",
+ title = "К изучению популяционной экологии трех видов подорожников",
+ booktitle = "Экология и охрана растений нечерноземной зоны РСФСР",
+ pages = "С.~38--43",
+ address = "Иваново",
+ year = 1981
+ author = "М. В. Марков",
+ title = "К популяционной биологии подорожника индийского",
+ journal = "Экология",
+ number = "{\No}~3",
+ pages = "С.~77--79",
+ year = 1989
+ author = "М. В. Марков and И. В. Ботова and Е. И. Плещинская",
+ title = "Структура популяций подорожника приморского на литорали Белого
+ моря",
+ journal = "Экология",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "С.~83--85",
+ year = 1982
+ author = "В. А. Мартыненко",
+ title = "Сем. {\em Plantaginaceae} --- Подорожниковые",
+ booktitle = "Флора северо-востока европейской части СССР",
+ volume = "Т.~4: Сем. {\em Umbelliferae}--{\em Compositae}",
+ pages = "С.~136--138",
+ address = "Л.",
+ year = 1974
+ author = "Д. А. Муравьева",
+ title = "Фармакогнозия",
+ pages = "560~с.",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1991
+ title = "Сем. {\em Plantaginaceae} --- Подорожниковые",
+ key = "Определитель...",
+ booktitle = "Определитель высших растений Крыма / Под ред. Н. И. Рубцова",
+ pages = "С.~444--445",
+ address = "Л.",
+ year = 1972
+ author = "Н. М. Павлова",
+ title = "О мелких систематических единицах сборного вида {\em Plantago
+ major} L. в окрестностях старого Петергофа",
+ journal = "Журн. Рус. бот. о-ва",
+ volume = "Т.~8",
+ pages = "С.~87--110",
+ year = 1923
+ author = "В. В. Пономарев and Л. А. Колесникова",
+ title = "К антэкологии некоторых степных подорожников ({\em Plantago} L.)",
+ journal = "Биол. науки",
+ number = "{\No}~3",
+ pages = "С.~50--56",
+ year = 1974
+ author = "Л. А. Пясеукене and Я. А. Вайцюкене",
+ title = "Подорожники Литвы. Сообщ. 3. Фенология",
+ booktitle = "Тр. АН ЛитССР",
+ volume = "Т.~1",
+ pages = "С.~30--43",
+ year = 1984,
+ series = "Сер. В: Биол. науки"
+ title = "Растительные ресурсы СССР",
+ key = "Растительные ресурсы СССР",
+ volume = "Т.~5: Сем. {\em Caprifoliaceae}--{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ pages = "198~с.",
+ address = "Л.",
+ year = 1990
+ author = "П. Ф. Рокицкий",
+ title = "Биологическая статистика",
+ pages = "328~с.",
+ address = "Минск",
+ year = 1967
+ author = "Д. Сакало",
+ title = "Новий вид роду {\em Plantago} L. флори УРСР",
+ journal = "Бот. журн. АН УРСР",
+ volume = "Т.~4",
+ number = "{\No}~3/4",
+ pages = "С.~84--87",
+ year = 1947
+ author = "А. П. Семенов-Тян-Шаньский",
+ title = "Таксономические границы вида и его подразделений. Опыт точной
+ категоризации систематических единиц",
+ journal = "Зап. Акад. Наук",
+ volume = "Т.~25",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "С.~12--37",
+ year = 1910
+ author = "Е. В. Сергиевская",
+ title = "Новый вид подорожника",
+ journal = "Бот. материалы Гербария Бот. ин-та",
+ volume = "Т.~21",
+ pages = "С.~338--340",
+ year = 1961
+ author = "Л. А. Сергиенко",
+ title = "Заметки о приморских видах рода {\em Plantago} L. на севере
+ европейской части СССР",
+ journal = "Нов. сист. высш. раст.",
+ volume = "Т.~14",
+ pages = "С.~209--216",
+ year = 1977
+ author = "И. Г. Серебряков",
+ title = "Морфология вегетативных органов высших растений",
+ pages = "390~с.",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1952
+ author = "А. К. Скворцов",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Определитель растений Московской области",
+ pages = "С.~298--299",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1966
+ author = "С. А. Смирнова and Н. Н. Каден",
+ title = "Сем. {\em Plantaginaceae} --- Подорожниковые",
+ booktitle = "Уч. зап. Моск. обл. пед. ин-та",
+ volume = "Т.~292: Ботаника",
+ part = "вып. 5",
+ pages = "С.~35--46",
+ year = 1970
+ author = "Д. Д. Соколов and В. Р. Филин",
+ title = "Определитель сосудистых растений окрестностей Беломорской
+ биостанции Московского университета",
+ pages = "170~с.",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1996
+ author = "С. С. Станков and В. И. Талиев",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}. Подорожниковые",
+ booktitle = "Определитель высших растений европейской части СССР",
+ pages = "С.~458--460",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1957
+ author = "Д. П. Сырейщиков",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Иллюстрированная флора Московской губернии",
+ volume = "Ч. 3",
+ pages = "С.~180--185",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1910
+ author = "А. Л. Тахтаджян",
+ title = "Система и филогения цветковых растений",
+ pages = "611~с.",
+ address = "М.; Л.",
+ year = 1966
+ author = "А. Л. Тахтаджян",
+ title = "Система магнолиофитов",
+ pages = "438~с.",
+ address = "Л.",
+ year = 1987
+ author = "В. Н. Тихомиров",
+ title = "О системе цветковых растений",
+ journal = "Биол. науки",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "С.~16--25",
+ year = 1985
+ author = "Н. П. Томин",
+ title = "Сем. {\em Plantaginaceae} --- Подорожниковые",
+ booktitle = "Флора БССР",
+ volume = "Т.~4",
+ pages = "С.~420--426",
+ address = "Минск",
+ year = 1955
+ author = "Ю. Н. Тюрин and Ю. А. Макаров",
+ title = "Анализ данных на компьютере",
+ pages = "384~с.",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1995
+ author = "Л. Д. Утемова",
+ title = "Экология и динамика развития эндомикоризы у {\em Plantago major}
+ L.",
+ booktitle = "Микориза и другие формы консортивных связей в природе",
+ pages = "С.~56--63",
+ address = "Пермь",
+ year = 1987
+ title = "Факторный, дискриминантный и кластерный анализ",
+ key = "Факторный...",
+ responsible = "И. С. Енюков",
+ pages = "215~с.",
+ publisher = "Финансы и статистика",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1989
+ author = "Б. А. Федченко and А. Ф. Флеров",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Флора Европейской России. Иллюстрированный определитель
+ дикорастущих растений Европейской России и Крыма",
+ pages = "С.~415--419",
+ address = "Спб.",
+ year = 1910
+ author = "Феофраст",
+ title = "Исследование о растениях",
+ pages = "591~с.",
+ address = "М.; Л.",
+ year = 1951
+ title = "Хромосомные числа цветковых растений",
+ key = "Хромосомные числа...",
+ pages = "926~с.",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1969
+ author = "Н. Н. Цвелев",
+ title = "Заметки о роде Подорожник ({\em Plantago} L.) в европейской части
+ СССР",
+ journal = "Новости сист. высш. раст.",
+ volume = "Т.~16",
+ pages = "С.~169--175",
+ year = 1979
+ author = "Н. Н. Цвелев",
+ title = "Сем. {\em Plantaginaceae} Juss.",
+ booktitle = "Флора европейской части СССР",
+ volume = "Т.~5",
+ pages = "С.~342--356",
+ address = "Л.",
+ year = 1981
+ author = "Н. Н. Цвелев",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae} Juss.",
+ booktitle = "Арктическая флора СССР",
+ volume = "Т.~8",
+ number = "вып. 2",
+ pages = "С.~16--25",
+ address = "Л.",
+ year = 1983
+ author = "Н. Н. Цвелев",
+ title = "О родах {\em Polemonium} ({\em Polemoniaceae}), {\em Utricularia}
+ ({\em Lentibulariaceae}) и {\em Plantago} ({\em Plantaginaceae})
+ на Дальнем Востоке",
+ journal = "Новости сист. высш. раст.",
+ volume = "Т.~30",
+ pages = "С.~138--147",
+ year = 1996
+ author = "Н. В. Цингер",
+ title = "Поучительные экземпляры {\em Plantago tenuiflora} Waldst. et Kit.",
+ booktitle = "Дневник 2-ого съезда русских естествоиспытателей и врачей в
+ Спб.",
+ pages = "С.~253",
+ year = 1901
+ author = "Н. В. Цингер",
+ title = "{\em Plantago tenuiflora} Waldst. et Kit. и {\em Plantago minor}
+ Fries",
+ journal = "Записки Киевского общ-ва естествоиспытателей",
+ volume = "Т.~19",
+ number = "вып. 1",
+ year = 1904
+ author = "С. К. Черепанов",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Свод дополнений и изменений к <<Флоре СССР>>",
+ pages = "С.~370--371",
+ address = "Л.",
+ year = 1973
+ author = "С. К. Черепанов",
+ title = "Сосудистые растения России и сопредельных государств (в пределах
+ бывшего СССР)",
+ booktitle = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ pages = "С.~642--644",
+ address = "Спб.",
+ year = 1995
+ author = "А. А. Чистяков",
+ title = "Подорожник",
+ pages = "35~с.",
+ address = "Ярославль",
+ year = 1990
+ author = "И. Ф. Шмальгаузен",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Флора Средней и Южной России, Крыма и Северного Кавказа",
+ volume = "Т.~2. Киев",
+ pages = "С.~349--352",
+ year = 1897
+ author = "В. М. Шмидт",
+ title = "Математические методы в ботанике",
+ pages = "288~с.",
+ address = "Л.",
+ year = 1984
+ author = "M. Adanson",
+ title = "Familles naturelles des plantes",
+ volume = "Vol. 1--2",
+ pages = "275~p.",
+ address = "Paris",
+ year = 1763
+ author = "F. Adema",
+ title = "Wat is ``Plantago intermedia''?",
+ journal = "Garteria",
+ volume = "Deel 4",
+ number = "{\No}~12",
+ year = 1969
+ author = "A. D. Q. Agnew and Z. Chalabi-Ka'bi",
+ title = "On a new species of {\em Plantago} from Iraq",
+ journal = "Notes roy. bot. gard. Edinb.",
+ volume = "Vol. 25",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~55--59",
+ year = 1963
+ author = "H. H. Allan",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "Flora of New Zeeland",
+ volume = "Vol. 1. Wellington",
+ pages = "P.~782--783",
+ year = 1961
+ author = "J. R. Amroyd and D. Doogue",
+ title = "{\em Plantago major} L. ssp. {\em intermedia} (DC.) Arcang. ({\em
+ Plantaginaceae}) in Ireland",
+ journal = "Irisch Nat. J.",
+ volume = "Vol. 22",
+ number = "{\No}~10",
+ pages = "P.~441--443",
+ year = 1988
+ author = "E. Andrzejewska-Golec",
+ title = "The morphology of hairs in species {\em Plantago} L. Sections:
+ {\em Novorbis} Decne., {\em Lamprosantha} Decne. and {\em
+ Mesembrynia} Decne.",
+ journal = "Acta Soc. Bot. Pol.",
+ volume = "Vol. 60",
+ number = "{\No}~3/4",
+ pages = "P.~209--247",
+ year = 1991
+ author = "E. Andrzejewska-Golec",
+ title = "Ontogeny of trichomes in taxa of the genus {\em Plantago} L.",
+ journal = "Acta Soc. Bot. Pol.",
+ volume = "Vol. 60",
+ number = "{\No}~3/4",
+ pages = "P.~249--258",
+ year = 1991
+ author = "E. Andrzejewska-Golec",
+ title = "A taxonomic study of {\em Plantago} subg. {\em Psyllium} (Miller)
+ Harms",
+ journal = "Bot. J. Linn. Soc.",
+ volume = "Vol. 108",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~49--53",
+ year = 1992
+ author = "E. Andrzejewska-Golec",
+ title = "Hair morphology in {\em Plantago} sect. {\em Coronopus} ({\em
+ Plantaginaceae})",
+ journal = "Pl. Syst. Evol.",
+ volume = "Vol. 179",
+ number = "{\No}~1/2",
+ pages = "P.~107--113",
+ year = 1992
+ author = "E. Andrzejewska-Golec",
+ title = "The morphology of hairs in species of {\em Plantago} L. Sect.
+ Leucopsyllium Decne.",
+ journal = "Gleditschia",
+ volume = "Vol. 20",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~87--93",
+ year = 1992
+ author = "E. Andrzejewska-Golec",
+ title = "Chemotaxonomical aspects of iridoids occurs in {\em Plantago}
+ subg. {\em Psyllium}",
+ journal = "Pl. Syst. Evol.",
+ volume = "Vol. 185",
+ number = "{\No}~1/2",
+ pages = "P.~85--89",
+ year = 1993
+ author = "E. Andrzejewska-Golec and J. Swietoslawsky",
+ title = "The morphology of hairs in species of {\em Plantago} L.: section
+ {\em Coronopus} DC.",
+ journal = "Acta Soc. Bot. Pol.",
+ volume = "Vol. 56",
+ number = "{\No}~3",
+ pages = "P.~367--369",
+ year = 1987
+ author = "E. Andrzejewska-Golec and J. Swietoslawsky",
+ title = "The morphology of hairs in species of {\em Plantago} L.: sections
+ {\em Leucopsyllium} Decne. and {\em Hymenopsyllium} Pilger",
+ journal = "Acta Soc. Bot. Pol.",
+ volume = "Vol. 57",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~9--19",
+ year = 1988
+ author = "E. Andrzejewska-Golec and J. Swietoslawsky",
+ title = "The morphology of hairs in species of {\em Plantago} L.: sections
+ {\em Bauphula} Decne. and {\em Arnoglossum} Decne.",
+ journal = "Acta Soc. Bot. Pol.",
+ volume = "Vol. 58",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~15--75",
+ year = 1989
+ author = "E. Andrzejewska-Golec and J. Swietoslawsky",
+ title = "The morphology of hairs in taxa of the genus {\em Plantago} L.",
+ journal = "Acta Soc. Bot. Pol.",
+ volume = "Vol. 60",
+ number = "{\No}~1/2",
+ pages = "P.~3--42",
+ year = 1991
+ author = "E. Andrzejewska-Golec and J. Swietoslawsky",
+ title = "Hair anatomy in {\em Plantago} subg. {\em Psyllium}",
+ journal = "Pl. Syst. Evol.",
+ volume = "Vol. 184",
+ number = "{\No}~1/2",
+ pages = "P.~113--123",
+ year = 1992
+ author = "E. Andrzejewska-Golec and L. Swiatek",
+ title = "Badanja chemotaksonomiczna rodzan {\em Plantago}. 1. Analiza
+ frakciji iridoidow",
+ journal = "Herba pol.",
+ volume = "T.~30",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "S.~9--16",
+ year = 1984
+ author = "E. Andrzejewska-Golec and L. Swiatek",
+ title = "Badanja chemotaksonomiczna rodzan {\em Plantago}. 2. Analiza
+ frakciji fenolokwasow",
+ journal = "Herba pol.",
+ volume = "T.~32",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "S.~19--31",
+ year = 1986
+ author = "E. Andrzejewska-Golec and L. Swiatek",
+ title = "Hair morphology in {\em Plantago} section {\em Microcalyx} Pilger
+ ({\em Plantaginaceae})",
+ journal = "Acta Bot. Gallica",
+ volume = "Vol. 140",
+ number = "{\No}~5",
+ pages = "P.~497--505",
+ year = 1993
+ author = "A. Arber",
+ title = "The natural philosophy of plant forms",
+ pages = "255~p.",
+ publisher = "Cambr. Univ. Press",
+ address = "Cambridge",
+ year = 1950
+ author = "A. et al. Badr",
+ title = "Chromosomal studies in the Egyptian flora. 2. Karyotype studies
+ in the genus {\em Plantago} L.",
+ journal = "Cytologia",
+ volume = "Vol. 52",
+ number = "{\No}~4",
+ pages = "P.~725--731",
+ year = 1987
+ author = "F. Baesewinkel and F. Bauman",
+ title = "The seed: structure",
+ booktitle = "Embryology of angiosperms",
+ responsible = "Ed. by B. M. Johri",
+ pages = "P.~567--610",
+ address = "Berlin; Heidelberg",
+ year = 1984
+ author = "F. M. Barneoud",
+ title = "Monographie generale de la familie des {\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ pages = "52~p.",
+ address = "Paris",
+ year = 1845
+ author = "W. Barthlott",
+ title = "Epidermal and seed surface characters of plants: systematic
+ applicability and some evolutionary aspects",
+ journal = "Nord. Journ. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 1",
+ number = "{\No}~3",
+ pages = "P.~345--355",
+ year = 1981
+ author = "W. Barthlott and B. Ziegler",
+ title = "Micromorphologie der Samenschalen als systematiches Merkmal bei
+ Orchideen",
+ journal = "Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges.",
+ volume = "Bd. 94",
+ number = "Hf. 2",
+ pages = "S.~267--273",
+ year = 1981
+ author = "W. Barthlott",
+ title = "Microstructural features of seed surfaces",
+ journal = "Syst. Assoc.",
+ volume = "Vol. 25",
+ pages = "P.~95--105",
+ year = "1984 Spec."
+ author = "I. J. Bassett",
+ title = "The Plantains of Canada",
+ pages = "55~p.",
+ address = "Ottawa",
+ year = 1973
+ author = "I. J. Bassett and C. W. Crompton",
+ title = "Pollen morphology and chromosome numbers of the family {\em
+ Plantaginaceae} in North America",
+ journal = "Can. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 46",
+ pages = "P.~349--361",
+ year = 1968
+ author = "I. J. Bassett and B. P. Baum",
+ title = "Conspecifity of {\em Plantago fastigiata} of North America with
+ {\em Plantago ovata} of the Old World",
+ journal = "Can. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 47",
+ pages = "P.~1865--1868",
+ year = 1969
+ author = "C. Bauhin",
+ title = "Pinax Theatri Botanici",
+ pages = "518~p.",
+ address = "Basileae",
+ year = 1671
+ author = "C. W. P. M. Blom",
+ title = "Effects of trampling and soil compaction on the occurence of some
+ {\em Plantago}",
+ journal = "Acta Oecol.",
+ volume = "Vol. 11",
+ pages = "P.~225--241",
+ year = 1976
+ author = "C. W. P. M. Blom",
+ title = "Effects of trampling and soil compaction of some {\em Plantago}
+ species in coastal sand dunes: Proefsch. Nijmegen",
+ pages = "135~p.",
+ address = "Amsterdam",
+ year = 1979
+ author = "C. W. P. M. Blom",
+ title = "Plasticity of life characteristics in {\em Plantago maritima} L.",
+ journal = "Acta Oecol.",
+ volume = "Vol. 4",
+ number = "{\No}~4",
+ pages = "P.~377--394",
+ year = 1983
+ author = "B. G. Briggs",
+ title = "{\em Plantago multiscapa}, a new species from Australia, and
+ notes on {\em Plantago} in West Australia",
+ journal = "Telopea",
+ volume = "Vol. 2",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~77--81",
+ year = 1980
+ author = "B. G. Briggs and R. C. Carolin and J. M. Pulley",
+ title = "New species and lectotipifications in Australian {\em Plantago}",
+ journal = "Contr. New South Wales Nat. Herb.",
+ volume = "Vol. 4",
+ pages = "P.~395--405",
+ year = 1973
+ author = "W. Brockhaus",
+ title = "Wenigblutiger wegerich ({\em Plantago intermedia} Gilibert) im
+ Sauerlande",
+ journal = "Natur. und heimat.",
+ volume = "Jg. 17",
+ number = "Hf. 2",
+ pages = "S.~37--41",
+ year = 1957
+ author = "W. Brouwer",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Handbuch der samenkunde",
+ pages = "S.~410--414",
+ year = 1955
+ author = "A. Caesalpinus",
+ title = "De plantis libri XVI",
+ pages = "415~p.",
+ address = "Florentia",
+ year = 1583
+ author = "S.~Carlquist",
+ title = "Wood anatomy of insular species of {\em Plantago} and the problem
+ of raylessness",
+ journal = "Bull. Torr. Bot. Club",
+ volume = "Vol. 97",
+ number = "{\No}~6",
+ pages = "P.~353--361",
+ year = 1970
+ author = "D. Cartier",
+ title = "Caryologie des Plantagins de la section {\em Oreades} Decne.",
+ journal = "Comp. Rend. Acad. Sci. (Paris)",
+ volume = "Vol. 261",
+ number = "{\No}~21",
+ pages = "P.~4475--4478",
+ year = 1965
+ author = "D. Cartier",
+ title = "Contribution a l'etude biosystematique du {\em Plantago atrata}
+ Hoppe",
+ journal = "Candollea",
+ volume = "Vol. 44",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~249--256",
+ year = 1989
+ author = "D. Cartier and A. Lenoir",
+ title = "Origine de la poliploidie chez les {\em Plantago serpentina} All.
+ et {\em Plantago alpina} L.",
+ journal = "S. R. Acad. Sc. Ser. D.",
+ volume = "Vol. 266",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "P.~119--122",
+ year = 1968
+ author = "A. O. Chater and D. Cartier",
+ title = "{\em Plantago} L.",
+ booktitle = "Flora Europaea",
+ volume = "Vol. 4",
+ pages = "P.~38--44",
+ address = "Cambridge",
+ year = 1976
+ author = "J. Chrtek and B. Skocdopolova",
+ title = "Notes to the taxonomy of {\em Plantago dostalii} Domin",
+ journal = "Casopis Nar. Mus. Rad. Prir.",
+ volume = "Vol. 164",
+ number = "{\No}~1/4",
+ pages = "P.~11--15",
+ year = 1995
+ author = "G. C. S. Clarke and R. Marilyn",
+ title = "Jones. {\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "The Northwest European Pollen Flora",
+ volume = "Vol. 15",
+ pages = "P.~129--153",
+ year = 1978
+ author = "E. J. H. Corner",
+ title = "{\em Planatginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "The seeds of dicotyledons",
+ pages = "P.~219",
+ address = "Cambridge",
+ year = 1976
+ author = "L. A. Craven",
+ title = "A review of the genus {\em Plantago} L. in New Guinea",
+ journal = "Contr. Herb. Austral.",
+ volume = "Vol. 13",
+ pages = "P.~1--7",
+ year = 1976
+ author = "A. Cronquist",
+ title = "Some realigments in the dicotyledons",
+ journal = "Nord. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 3",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~75--85",
+ year = 1983
+ author = "R. Dahlgren",
+ title = "General aspects of angiosperm evolution and macrosystematics",
+ journal = "Nord. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 3",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~119--150",
+ year = 1983
+ author = "J. Decaisne",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Candolle A. de. Prodromus systematis naturalis. Regni
+ vegetabilis",
+ chapter = "Sect. 1",
+ volume = "Pars. 13",
+ pages = "P.~693--737",
+ year = 1852
+ author = "H. Dietrich",
+ title = "Pollen bastimmungsschussel mitteleuropaischer {\em
+ Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "Wiss. Zeitschr. Fr.-Schiller Univ. Jena. Math.-Naturwiss.
+ Reiche",
+ volume = "Bd. 17",
+ number = "Hf. 3",
+ pages = "S.~359--361",
+ year = 1968
+ author = "H. Dietrich",
+ title = "Zusammenstellung bekannter Chromosomenzachlen und der Vergleich
+ zwischen Grundsahl und Lebensdauer. 2",
+ journal = "Wiss. Zeitschr. Fr.-Schiller Univ. Jena. Math.-Naturwiss. R.",
+ volume = "Bd. 24",
+ pages = "S.~437--461",
+ year = 1975
+ author = "H. Dietrich",
+ title = "Cytologische unterschungen innerhalb der familie der {\em
+ Plantaginaceae}. 3",
+ journal = "Wiss. Zeitschr. Fr.-Schiller Univ. Jena. Math.-Naturwiss. R.
+ (Beitr. Phytotax. 6)",
+ volume = "Bd. 29",
+ number = "Hf. 4",
+ pages = "S.~563",
+ year = 1980
+ author = "P. van Dijk and N. van Delden",
+ title = "Evidence for autotetraploidy in {\em Plantago media} L. and
+ comparison between natural and artificial cytotypes concerning
+ cell size and fertility",
+ journal = "Heredity",
+ volume = "Vol. 65",
+ pages = "P.~349--357",
+ year = 1990
+ author = "P. van Dijk",
+ title = "Genetic variabilty in {\em Plantago} species in relation to their
+ ecology. 4. {\em Plantago major} L.",
+ journal = "Theor. and Appl. Gen.",
+ volume = "Vol. 77",
+ number = "{\No}~5",
+ pages = "P.~749--759",
+ year = 1989
+ author = "P. van et al. Dijk",
+ title = "Single cytotype areas in autopoliploid {\em Plantago media} L.",
+ journal = "Biol. J. Linn. Soc.",
+ volume = "Vol. 46",
+ number = "{\No}~4",
+ pages = "P.~315--331",
+ year = 1992
+ author = "K. Domin",
+ title = "Monograficka studie cekoslovenskych jitrocelu ze skupiny {\em
+ Plantago major} L.",
+ booktitle = "Vestn. Krol. Ceske Spol. Nauk",
+ pages = "47~S.",
+ year = 1932
+ author = "K. Domin",
+ title = "Monograficky prehed cekoslovenskych jitrocelu",
+ booktitle = "Vestn. Krol. Ceske Spol. Nauk",
+ pages = "51~S.",
+ year = 1933
+ author = "S.~L. Endlicher",
+ title = "Enchiridium botanicum exhibam classes et ordines Plantarum
+ accedit nomenctator genericu et officinarum usualium indicatio",
+ pages = "764~p.",
+ address = "Wien",
+ year = 1841
+ author = "W. M. H. G. et al. Engelaar",
+ title = "Root growth of Rumex and {\em Plantago} species in compacted and
+ waterlogged soils",
+ journal = "Acta Bot. Neerl.",
+ volume = "Vol. 42",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~25--35",
+ year = 1993
+ author = "K. F{\ae}gri",
+ title = "Er {\em Plantago intermedia} Gilib. actuele i Norge?",
+ journal = "Blyttia",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "P.~101--102",
+ year = 1963
+ author = "J. Fourrey",
+ title = "{\em Plantago} L.",
+ journal = "Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon",
+ number = "{\No}~17",
+ pages = "P.~140",
+ year = 1869
+ author = "A. Goldberg",
+ title = "Classification and phylogeny of families of Dicotyledons",
+ journal = "Smithsonian Contributions to Botany",
+ volume = "Vol. 58",
+ pages = "308~p.",
+ year = 1986
+ author = "R. Goodwin",
+ title = "Variation in a natural population of {\em Plantago aristata}",
+ journal = "Bull. Torr. Bot. Club",
+ volume = "Vol. 76",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "P.~109--115",
+ year = 1949
+ author = "R. Gorenflot",
+ title = "Introgression, polymorphisme et taxonomie chez les Plantaginacees",
+ journal = "Adansonia",
+ volume = "Vol. 4",
+ number = "{\No}~3",
+ pages = "P.~393--417",
+ year = 1964
+ author = "S. F. Gray",
+ title = "Natural array of british plants",
+ volume = "Vol. 2",
+ pages = "156~p.",
+ address = "L.",
+ year = 1821
+ author = "W. Greuter and H. M. Burdet and G. Long",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "Med-Checklist",
+ volume = "Vol. 4: Dicotyledones ({\em Lauraceae}--{\em Rhamnaceae}).
+ Geneva; Berlin",
+ pages = "P.~296--304",
+ year = 1989
+ author = "J. M. van Groendael",
+ title = "Life history characteristics of two ecotypes of {\em Plantago
+ lanceolata} L.",
+ journal = "Acta Bot. Neerl.",
+ volume = "Vol. 35",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "P.~71--86",
+ year = 1986
+ author = "A. Gundersen",
+ title = "Families of Dicotyledons",
+ pages = "237~p.",
+ address = "Waltham",
+ year = 1950
+ author = "H. Hallier",
+ title = "L'origine et le systeme phyletique des Angiosperms exposes a
+ l'aide de leur arbre genealogique",
+ journal = "Arch. Neerl. Sci. Exact. Nat. Ser.",
+ volume = "Vol. 1",
+ pages = "P.~146--234",
+ year = 1912
+ author = "N. Handjieva and S. Spassov and G. Bodurova and H. Saadi and S.
+ Popov and O. Pureb and J. Zamjansan",
+ title = "Majoroside, an Iridoid Glucoside from {\em Plantago major}",
+ journal = "Phytochemistry",
+ volume = "Vol. 30",
+ number = "{\No}~4",
+ pages = "P.~1317--1318",
+ year = 1991
+ author = "H. Harms and C. Reiche",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Nat. Pflanzenfam.",
+ volume = "Bd. 4",
+ part = "hf. 3b",
+ pages = "S.~363--373",
+ address = "Leipzig",
+ year = 1897
+ author = "H. Hartmann",
+ title = "Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Flora des Karakorum",
+ journal = "Bot. Jahrb.",
+ volume = "Bd. 85",
+ pages = "S.~350--352",
+ year = 1966
+ author = "C. O. Harz",
+ title = "{\em Plantago}",
+ booktitle = "Landwirthschaftliche Samenkunde",
+ volume = "Hf. 1",
+ pages = "S.~391--400",
+ year = 1885
+ author = "W. R. Hawthorn",
+ title = "The biology of Canadian weeds. 4. {\em Plantago major} and {\em
+ Plantago rugelii}",
+ journal = "Can. J. Plant. Sci.",
+ volume = "Vol. 54",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "P.~383--396",
+ year = 1974
+ author = "J. Holub",
+ title = "Kleine Beitrage zur Flora der {CSCR}. 2",
+ journal = "Novit. Bot. Hort. Bot. Univ. Carolinae",
+ volume = "Vol. 21",
+ pages = "P.~21",
+ year = 1961,
+ adrsss = "Praha"
+ author = "J. Holub",
+ title = "New names in phanerogamae. 2",
+ journal = "Folia Geob. Phytotax.",
+ volume = "Vol. 8",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "P.~155--179",
+ year = 1973
+ author = "J. Holub",
+ title = "New names in phanerogamae. 5",
+ journal = "Folia Geobot. Phytotax.",
+ volume = "Vol. 12",
+ number = "{\No}~3",
+ pages = "P.~306",
+ year = 1977
+ author = "J. Hutchinson",
+ title = "The families of flowering plants arranged according to a new
+ system based on their probable phylogeny",
+ edition = "3. ed.",
+ volume = "Vol. 1: Dicotyledones",
+ pages = "511~p.",
+ address = "Oxford",
+ year = 1973
+ title = "Index Kewensis Plantarum phanerogamarum. Nomina et synonyma
+ omnium generum et specierum: 1753--",
+ key = "Index Kewensis...",
+ address = "Oxford",
+ year = "1893--"
+ author = "K. Jamasaki",
+ title = "О {\em Plantago hakusanensis} Koidz.",
+ journal = "J. Jap. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 67",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "P.~116--117",
+ year = 1992,
+ note = "На яп. яз."
+ author = "A. L. de Jussieu",
+ title = "Genera Plantarum secundum ordines naturales disposita, juxta
+ methodum in horto regio parisiensi exaratam, anno",
+ pages = "511~p.",
+ address = "Paris",
+ year = 1789
+ author = "M. Kazuhito",
+ title = "Изменчивость {\em Plantago japonica} и близких видов",
+ journal = "Acta phytotax. et geobot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 40",
+ number = "{\No}~1/4",
+ pages = "P.~37--60",
+ year = 1989,
+ note = "На яп. яз."
+ author = "C. Koch",
+ title = "Beitrage zu einer Flora des orientes",
+ journal = "Linnaea",
+ volume = "Vol. 21",
+ pages = "P.~710",
+ year = 1848
+ author = "W. Koch",
+ title = "Studien uber kritische Scweizerpflanzen 1. {\em Plantago
+ intermedia} Gilibert",
+ journal = "Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges.",
+ volume = "Hf. 37",
+ pages = "S.~44--66",
+ year = 1928
+ author = "H. Kohler",
+ title = "Ein Adventiv-Standart von {\em Plantago aristata} Michx. bei
+ Muhlberg (Elbe)",
+ journal = "Wiss. Z. Martin-Luter-Univ. Hale-Wittenb. Math.-Nath. R.",
+ volume = "Jg. 6",
+ number = "Hf. 6",
+ pages = "S.~933--934",
+ year = 1957
+ author = "N. Kunkel",
+ title = "Ett obeantad svensk fynd aw en nordamericanste volifroinkomling,
+ {\em Plantago rugelii} Decne.",
+ journal = "Acta Soc. pro fauna et flora fennica",
+ volume = "Vol. 72",
+ number = "{\No}~9",
+ pages = "P.~112--113",
+ year = 1955
+ author = "B. A. et al. Kuzmanov",
+ title = "Chemotaxonomical study on genus {\em Plantago} L.",
+ journal = "Фитология",
+ volume = "Кн. 24",
+ pages = "С.~29--34",
+ year = 1984
+ author = "J. B. Lamarck",
+ title = "Encyclopedie Metodique. Botanique",
+ volume = "T.~5 (11)",
+ pages = "198~p.",
+ address = "Paris",
+ year = 1804
+ author = "J. B. Lamarck and A. P. de Candolle",
+ title = "Flora Francaise",
+ volume = "T.~3",
+ pages = "731~p.",
+ address = "Paris",
+ year = 1805
+ author = "J. Lambinon",
+ title = "The problem of variability {\em Plantago major} L. of Corsica",
+ journal = "Candollea",
+ volume = "Vol. 46",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~210--217",
+ year = 1991
+ author = "J. E. Lange and E. van Rompaey",
+ title = "{\em Plantago intermedia} Gilib. in Belgique",
+ journal = "Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat.",
+ volume = "Vol. 32",
+ number = "fasc. 4",
+ pages = "S.~481--487",
+ year = 1962
+ author = "C. F. Ledebour",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "Flora rossica sive enumeratio Plantarum in totius Imperii
+ Rossici provinciis europaeis, asiaticis et americanis hucusque
+ observatorum",
+ volume = "Vol. 3 (1)",
+ pages = "S.~474--490",
+ year = 1849
+ author = "W. de Leonardis and C. Scalia and A. Zizza",
+ title = "The pollen morphology of the genus {\em Plantago} L. in Sicily
+ and its relationships with chromosome number",
+ journal = "Allionia",
+ volume = "Vol. 31",
+ pages = "P.~21--35",
+ year = 1992
+ author = "A. Lewalle and T. Avena",
+ title = "Les graines de {\em Plantago palmata} en microscopie electronique
+ a balayage",
+ journal = "Bull. Mus. nat. hist.",
+ volume = "Vol. 11",
+ number = "{\No}~4",
+ pages = "P.~407--412",
+ year = 1989
+ author = "F. Leydolt",
+ title = "Die Plantagineen in Bezug auf die naturhistorische Spezies",
+ pages = "154~S.",
+ address = "Wien",
+ year = 1836
+ author = "C. Linnaeus",
+ title = "Systema Naturae",
+ edition = "1. ed.",
+ pages = "13~p.",
+ address = "Lugduni Batavorum",
+ year = 1735
+ author = "C. Linnaeus",
+ title = "Species Plantarum",
+ edition = "1. ed.",
+ pages = "1200~p.",
+ address = "Holmiae",
+ year = 1753
+ author = "C. Linnaeus",
+ title = "Systema Naturae",
+ edition = "10. ed.",
+ volume = "Vol. 2",
+ pages = "825~p.",
+ address = "Holmiae",
+ year = 1759
+ author = "C. Linnaeus",
+ title = "Species Plantarum",
+ edition = "2. ed.",
+ pages = "1350~p.",
+ address = "Holmiae",
+ year = 1762
+ author = "Liu Jun-zhe",
+ title = "New plants of {\em Plantago} from China",
+ journal = "Acta phytotax. sin.",
+ volume = "Vol. 27",
+ number = "{\No}~4",
+ pages = "P.~298--300",
+ year = 1989
+ author = "{Jun-zhe} et al. Liu",
+ title = "Морфология семян в роде {\em Plantago} и ее таксономическое
+ значение",
+ journal = "Acta Phytotax. sin.",
+ volume = "Vol. 30",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "P.~118--125",
+ year = 1992,
+ note = "На кит. яз."
+ author = "W. A. P. et al. Lotz",
+ title = "Within-population variability in morphology and life history of
+ {\em Plantago major} ssp. {\em pleiosperma} Pilg. in relative to
+ environment heterogenety",
+ journal = "Oekol. (Heidelb.)",
+ volume = "Vol. 84",
+ number = "{\No}~3",
+ pages = "P.~404--410",
+ year = 1990
+ author = "J. E. Lousley",
+ title = "``Plantago intermedia'' in Britain?",
+ journal = "Proc. Bot. Soc. Brit. Isles",
+ volume = "Vol. 3. Pt. 1",
+ pages = "P.~33--36",
+ year = 1958
+ author = "A. L{\"o}ve and E. Kjelquist",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "Cytotaxonomy of spanisch plants. 4. Dicotyledons. {\em
+ Caesalpiniaceae}--{\em Asteraceae}. Lagascalia",
+ volume = "Vol. 4",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "P.~153--211",
+ year = 1974
+ author = "K. C. Malick and B. Safui",
+ title = "Seed morphological studies in the Indian Isubgal of commerce",
+ journal = "Bull. Bot. Surv. Ind.",
+ volume = "Vol. 27",
+ number = "{\No}~1/4",
+ pages = "P.~63--68",
+ year = 1985
+ author = "{J.-L.} Marcotte",
+ title = "Essai de taxonomie experimentale et numeriquie sur la islandias
+ et sa place ou sein du complete du {\em Plantago maritima} L.
+ s.\,l. Montreal",
+ pages = "150~p.",
+ year = 1973
+ author = "{J.-L.} Marcotte",
+ title = "Essai de croisements experimentaux entre taxa alliees en {\em
+ Plantago maritima} d'orignes diverses",
+ journal = "Can. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 52",
+ number = "{\No}~8",
+ pages = "P.~1913--1917",
+ year = 1974
+ author = "A. C. Martin",
+ title = "The comparative morphology of seeds",
+ journal = "Amer. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 36",
+ pages = "P.~513",
+ year = 1946
+ author = "P. McCullagh",
+ title = "Chromosomes and chromosome morphology in {\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "Genetica",
+ volume = "Vol. 16",
+ pages = "P.~1--44",
+ year = 1934
+ author = "C. R. Metcalfe and L. Chalk",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Anatomy of dicotyledons",
+ volume = "Vol. 2",
+ pages = "P.~1053--1059",
+ address = "Oxford",
+ year = 1950
+ author = "R. C. Misra",
+ title = "Development and structure of angiosperm seed. 3. {\em Plantago}
+ L.",
+ journal = "Bull. Nat. Bot. Gard.",
+ number = "{\No}~105",
+ pages = "14~p.",
+ year = 1964
+ author = "R. C. Misra",
+ title = "Morphological studies in {\em Plantago}",
+ journal = "J. Ind. Bot. Soc.",
+ volume = "Vol. 45",
+ number = "{\No}~1/2",
+ pages = "P.~116--121",
+ year = 1966
+ author = "R. C. Misra",
+ title = "Morphological studies in {\em Plantago}. 3. Nodal anatomy",
+ journal = "Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci.",
+ volume = "Vol. 63. Sect. B",
+ number = "{\No}~5",
+ pages = "P.~271--274",
+ year = 1966
+ author = "R. C. Misra",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "Bull. Ind. Nat. Sci. Acad.",
+ number = "{\No}~41",
+ pages = "P.~298--305",
+ year = 1970
+ author = "P. M{\o}lgaard",
+ title = "{\em Plantago major} ssp. {\em major} and ssp. {\em plejosperma}.
+ Morphology, biology and ecology in Denmark",
+ journal = "Bot. tiddskr.",
+ volume = "Bd. 171",
+ number = "{\No}~1/2",
+ pages = "P.~31--56",
+ year = 1976
+ author = "C. Moncoutie",
+ title = "Les stomates des Plantaginacees",
+ journal = "Rev. Gen. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 76",
+ number = "{\No}~905/906",
+ pages = "P.~491--529",
+ year = 1969
+ author = "C. Moncoutie and R. Gorenflot",
+ title = "Development des stomates chaz les Plantaginacees",
+ journal = "Compt. Rend. Ac. Sci. (Paris)",
+ volume = "Vol. 263",
+ number = "{\No}~4",
+ pages = "P.~354--357",
+ year = 1966
+ author = "D. M. Moore",
+ title = "Studies on bipolar disjunct species. 2. {\em Plantago maritima}
+ L.",
+ journal = "Bot. Not.",
+ volume = "Vol. 125",
+ number = "{\No}~3",
+ pages = "P.~261--272",
+ year = 1972
+ author = "F. L. Morris",
+ title = "North-American Plantagins",
+ journal = "Bull. Torr. Bot. Cl.",
+ volume = "Vol. 28",
+ pages = "P.~112--122",
+ year = 1901
+ author = "R. L. Paliwal and B. Hyde",
+ title = "Apomixis in {\em Plantago coronopus} L.",
+ journal = "Amer. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 46",
+ number = "{\No}~6",
+ pages = "P.~460--466",
+ year = 1959
+ author = "G. Panigrahi",
+ title = "A note on {\em Plantago exigua} ({\em Plantaginaceae}) and
+ certain related taxa",
+ journal = "Kew Bull.",
+ volume = "Vol. 30",
+ number = "{\No}~4",
+ pages = "P.~669--673",
+ year = 1975
+ author = "A. Patzak and K. H. Reichinger",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "Flora Iranica",
+ volume = "Vol. 15",
+ pages = "P.~162--180",
+ address = "Wien",
+ year = 1965
+ author = "T. P{\v e}nkov{\'a}",
+ title = "Contribution to the taxonomy of {\em Plantago major} L. s.{\,}l.",
+ journal = "Preslia",
+ volume = "Vol. 58",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "P.~117--139",
+ year = 1986
+ author = "R. Pilger",
+ title = "{\em Plantago coronopus} und verwandte Arten",
+ journal = "Fedde, Rep.",
+ volume = "Hf. 28",
+ pages = "S.~263--290",
+ year = 1930
+ author = "R. Pilger",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Engler A. Das Pflanzenreich",
+ volume = "Hf. 102 (4, 269)",
+ pages = "432~S.",
+ address = "Leipzig",
+ year = 1937
+ title = "{\em Plantago}: a multidisciplinary study",
+ key = "Plantago...",
+ pages = "368~p.",
+ address = "Berlin",
+ year = 1992
+ author = "R. B. Primack",
+ title = "Phenotypic variation of rare and widespread species of {\em
+ Plantago}",
+ journal = "Rhodora",
+ volume = "Vol. 82",
+ pages = "P.~87--95",
+ year = 1980
+ author = "J. Pykala",
+ title = "Rantapiharatamo ({\em Plantago major} ssp. {\em intermedia})
+ peltorikkarnochona Lohiolla",
+ journal = "Lutunka",
+ volume = "Vol. 3",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~20--21",
+ year = 1987
+ author = "K. Rahn",
+ title = "Experimental and cytological studies in {\em Plantago media} L.",
+ journal = "Bot. tiddskr.",
+ volume = "Bd. 51",
+ pages = "P.~300--307",
+ year = 1954
+ author = "K. Rahn",
+ title = "Chronosome number in {\em Plantago}",
+ journal = "Bot. Tidsskr.",
+ volume = "Vol. 53",
+ pages = "P.~369--378",
+ year = 1957
+ author = "K. Rahn",
+ title = "{\em Plantago} sect. {\em Virginica}. A taxonomical revision of a
+ group of American Plantains, used experimental, taxonomical and
+ classificial methods",
+ journal = "Dansk. Bot. Ar.",
+ volume = "Vol. 30",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "180~p.",
+ year = 1974
+ author = "K. Rahn",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "Opera Bot. Ser. B. Flora of Equador",
+ number = "{\No}~4",
+ pages = "P.~23--38",
+ year = 1975
+ author = "K. Rahn",
+ title = "Nomenclatorial changes within the genus {\em Plantago} L.,
+ infraspecific taxa and subdivisions of the genus",
+ journal = "Bot. Tidsskr.",
+ volume = "Vol. 73",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "P.~106--111",
+ year = 1978
+ author = "K. Rahn",
+ title = "{\em Plantago} ser. {\em Gnaphaloides}, a taxonomic revision",
+ journal = "Bot. tiddskr.",
+ volume = "Bd. 73",
+ number = "{\No}~3/4",
+ pages = "P.~173--194",
+ year = 1978
+ author = "K. Rahn",
+ title = "{\em Plantago} ser. {\em Ovatae}, a taxonomic revision",
+ journal = "Bot. tiddskr.",
+ volume = "Bd. 74",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~13--20",
+ year = 1979
+ author = "K. Rahn",
+ title = "{\em Plantago} ser. {\em Sericeae}, a taxonomic revision",
+ journal = "Nord. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 1",
+ number = "{\No}~3",
+ pages = "P.~297--323",
+ year = 1981
+ author = "K. Rahn",
+ title = "{\em Plantago} ser. {\em Hispidulae}, a taxonomic revision",
+ journal = "Nord. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 2",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~29--39",
+ year = 1982
+ author = "K. Rahn",
+ title = "Phenetic and phylogenetic studies based on measurements of {\em
+ Plantago} ser. {\em Brasiliense}",
+ journal = "Nord. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 3",
+ number = "{\No}~3",
+ pages = "P.~319--329",
+ year = 1983
+ author = "K. Rahn",
+ title = "{\em Plantago} ser. {\em Brasiliense}, a taxonomic revision",
+ journal = "Nord. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 3",
+ number = "{\No}~3",
+ pages = "P.~331--342",
+ year = 1983
+ author = "K. Rahn",
+ title = "{\em Plantago} sect. {\em Oliganthos} in southern S. America, a
+ taxonomic revision",
+ journal = "Nord. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 4 (5)",
+ pages = "P.~601--627",
+ year = 1984
+ author = "K. Rahn",
+ title = "{\em Plantago} sect. {\em Carpophorae}, a taxonomic study",
+ journal = "Nord. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 5",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "P.~143--151",
+ year = 1985
+ author = "K. Rahn",
+ title = "Trichomes within {\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "Nord. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 12",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~3--12",
+ year = 1992
+ author = "K. Rahn",
+ title = "A phylogenetic study of {\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "Bot. Journ. Linn. Soc.",
+ volume = "Vol. 120",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "P.~145--198",
+ year = 1996
+ author = "M. Rapin",
+ title = "Esquise de l'historie naturelle des Plantaginees. Paris",
+ pages = "55~p.",
+ year = 1827
+ author = "J. C. Raymond and J. T. Swarbrick",
+ title = "The identification of the seeds and achenes of the British {\em
+ Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "Ann. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 34",
+ number = "{\No}~138",
+ pages = "P.~1123--1129",
+ year = 1970
+ author = "M. L. Rezk",
+ title = "Seed structure as a phylogenetic criterion: a case of {\em
+ Plantago} seed",
+ journal = "Egypt. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 23",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~51--62",
+ year = 1980
+ author = "H. Runemark",
+ title = "Studies in Aegean flora. 10. Cytologic and morphologic notes on
+ {\em Plantago}",
+ journal = "Bot. notis.",
+ volume = "Vol. 120",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~9--16",
+ year = 1967
+ author = "O. Ryding",
+ title = "A new species of {\em Plantago} ({\em Plantaginaceae}) from
+ Ethiopia",
+ journal = "Nord. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 14",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "P.~205--207",
+ year = 1994
+ author = "A. Rymkiewicz",
+ title = "Badania nad gatukami z rodzai {\em Plantago} L. z uwzglendilniem
+ karpologii i chemotaxonomii",
+ journal = "Monogr. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 57",
+ pages = "P.~71--103",
+ year = 1979
+ title = "{STATISTICA} for Windows. Computer program manual",
+ key = "Statistica...",
+ responsible = "StatSoft, Inc.",
+ address = "Tulsa, OK",
+ year = 1996
+ author = "S. J. Saad",
+ title = "Palynological studies in the genus {\em Plantago} L. ({\em
+ Plantaginaceae})",
+ journal = "Pollen and spores",
+ volume = "Vol. 28",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~43--60",
+ year = 1986
+ author = "G. R. Sagar",
+ title = "{\em Plantago studies}",
+ journal = "Bot. Proc. Soc. Brit. Isles",
+ volume = "Vol. 3",
+ pages = "P.~58--60",
+ year = 1958
+ author = "G. R. Sagar and J. H. Harper",
+ title = "Biological flora of British Isles ({\em Plantago major} L., {\em
+ P. media} L., {\em P. lanceolata} L.)",
+ journal = "J. Ecol.",
+ pages = "P.~189--221",
+ year = 1958
+ author = "G. R. Sagar and J. H. Harper",
+ title = "{\em Plantago major} L., {\em P. media} L. and {\em
+ P.~lanceolata} L.",
+ journal = "J. Ecol.",
+ volume = "Vol. 52",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~12--21",
+ year = 1964
+ author = "N. Sharma and P. Koul and A. K. Koul",
+ title = "Pollination biology of some species of genus {\em Plantago} L.",
+ journal = "Bot. J. Linn. Soc.",
+ volume = "Vol. 111",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "P.~129--138",
+ year = 1993
+ author = "S. et al. Siljak-Jakovlev",
+ title = "Cytogenetic studies of {\em Plantago reniformis} Beck.",
+ journal = "Caryologia",
+ volume = "Vol. 45",
+ number = "{\No}~3/4",
+ pages = "P.~339--346",
+ year = 1992
+ author = "E. W. Skyrma",
+ title = "Seeds of {\em Plantago}",
+ journal = "J. Roy. lucr. soc. Ser. 3",
+ volume = "Vol. 56",
+ pages = "P.~182",
+ year = 1936
+ author = "D. Smit",
+ title = "Grote weedbree als sierplant",
+ journal = "Groei Bloei",
+ number = "{\No}~9",
+ pages = "P.~31",
+ year = 1988
+ author = "P. Sneath and R. Sokal",
+ title = "Numerical taxonomy",
+ pages = "252~p.",
+ address = "S.-Francisco",
+ year = 1973
+ author = "J. Soj{\'a}k",
+ title = "Nomenclatorize poznamky",
+ journal = "Cas. Narod. Muz. (Praha). Ser. Natur.",
+ volume = "Vol. 140",
+ number = "{\No}~3/4",
+ pages = "P.~127--134",
+ year = 1971
+ author = "G. L. Stebbins and A. Day",
+ title = "Cytogenetic evidence for long continued stability of the genus
+ {\em Plantago}",
+ journal = "Evolution",
+ volume = "Vol. 21",
+ number = "{\No}~3",
+ pages = "P.~409--428",
+ year = 1967
+ author = "A. L. Takhtajan",
+ title = "Diversity and classification of flowering plants",
+ pages = "663~p.",
+ publisher = "Columbia University Press",
+ address = "N.~Y.",
+ year = 1997
+ author = "T. et al. Tanaka",
+ title = "On the morphology of the leaf epidermis of chinense and japanense
+ {\em Plantago} spp.",
+ journal = "Shoyakugaku Zasshi",
+ volume = "Vol. 47",
+ number = "{\No}~4",
+ pages = "P.~356--366",
+ year = 1994
+ author = "A. M. Teramura",
+ title = "Localized ecotypic differentiation in the contrasting populations
+ of {\em Plantago lanceolata} L.: Ph.D. Thesis",
+ pages = "23~p.",
+ address = "N~C., Durham: Duke Univ.",
+ year = 1978
+ author = "R. Thorne",
+ title = "An updated phylogenetic classification of the flowering plants",
+ journal = "Aliso",
+ volume = "Vol. 13",
+ pages = "P.~365--389",
+ year = 1992
+ author = "J. P. Tournefort",
+ title = "Institutionis Rei Herbariae",
+ volume = "T.~1",
+ pages = "695~p.",
+ address = "Paris",
+ year = 1719
+ author = "W. Troll",
+ title = "Praktishe Einfuhrung in die Pflanzenmorphologie",
+ volume = "T.~1",
+ pages = "258~S.",
+ address = "Jena",
+ year = 1954
+ author = "B. Tutel and R. R. Mill",
+ title = "Materials for a flora of Turkey",
+ journal = "Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh",
+ volume = "Vol. 38",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~61--64",
+ year = 1980
+ author = "J. L. et al. Ubera",
+ title = "Palynological study of the genus {\em Plantago} in the Iberian
+ Peninsula",
+ journal = "Grana",
+ volume = "Vol. 27",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~1--15",
+ year = 1988
+ author = "P. van Royen",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae} Juss.",
+ journal = "Alpine Flora of New Guinea",
+ volume = "Vol. 4",
+ pages = "P.~2926--2935",
+ year = 1983
+ author = "K. N. Vasudevan",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "Contributions to the cytotaxonomy and cytogeography of the
+ flora of the Western Himalayas (with on attemption to compare it
+ with flora of the Alps). Pt. 3. Ber. Schw. Bot. Gesh.",
+ volume = "Vol. 86",
+ number = "{\No}~3/4",
+ pages = "P.~152--203",
+ year = 1976
+ author = "B. Verdcourt",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Flora of tropical East Africa",
+ pages = "8~p.",
+ address = "L.",
+ year = 1971
+ author = "G. Wagenitz",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ journal = "G. Hegi Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleurope",
+ volume = "Bd. 6",
+ number = "Hf. 1",
+ pages = "S.~559--608",
+ year = 1975
+ author = "S. I. Warwik and J. McNeil",
+ title = "Population variation in {\em Plantago major} from southern
+ Ontario",
+ journal = "Can. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 60",
+ pages = "P.~2846--2856",
+ year = 1982
+ author = "C. L. Willdenow",
+ title = "Enumeratio Plantarum horti regii botanici berolinensis, continens
+ descriptiones omnium vegetabilium in horto dicto cultorum",
+ pages = "1099~p.",
+ address = "Berlin",
+ year = 1809
+ author = "P. Wirtgen",
+ title = "{\em Plantago winteri}",
+ journal = "Vehr. Naturhist. Ver. Rheul. Westph.",
+ volume = "Hf. 23",
+ number = "Correspondenzbl. 2",
+ pages = "P.~44",
+ year = 1866
+ author = "K. Wolff",
+ title = "Analysis of allozyme variability in 3 {\em Plantago} species and
+ a comparison to morphological variability",
+ journal = "Theor. and appl. gen.",
+ volume = "Vol. 81",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~119--126",
+ year = 1991
+ author = "K. Wolff",
+ title = "Genetic analysis of morphological variability in 3 {\em Plantago}
+ species with different mating systems",
+ journal = "Theor. and appl. gen.",
+ volume = "Vol. 81",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~111--118",
+ year = 1991
+ author = "K. Wolff and S. H. Rogstad and B. A. Schaal",
+ title = "Population and species variation of minisatellite {DNA} in {\em
+ Plantago}",
+ journal = "Theor. and appl. gen.",
+ volume = "Vol. 87",
+ number = "{\No}~6",
+ pages = "P.~733--740",
+ year = 1994
+ author = "H. W. Younghen",
+ title = "A comparative study of the seeds and spikes of certain species of
+ {\em Plantago}",
+ journal = "J. Pharm.",
+ volume = "Vol. 106",
+ pages = "P.~157--165",
+ year = 1934
+ author = "Zheng Tai-kun",
+ title = "{\em Plantago aristata} в Китае",
+ journal = "Zhiwu yanjuu",
+ number = "{\No}~4",
+ pages = "P.~373--374",
+ year = 1992,
+ note = "На кит. яз."
+ author = "M. Zohary",
+ title = "On the {\em Plantago} species of the near East",
+ journal = "Palest. Journ. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 1",
+ number = "{\No}~2",
+ pages = "P.~225--232",
+ year = 1938
+ author = "R. D. Meinle",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Flora of Cyprus",
+ volume = "Vol. 2",
+ pages = "P.~1347--1361",
+ year = 1985
+ author = "S. Pignatti",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Flora Italica",
+ volume = "Vol. 2",
+ pages = "P.~627--637",
+ year = 1982
+ author = "H. Rebassoo",
+ title = "The genus {\em Plantago} in Estonia",
+ journal = "Eesti Loodus",
+ volume = "Vol. 25",
+ number = "{\No}~1",
+ pages = "P.~37--41",
+ year = 1982
+ author = "T. J. Rosatti",
+ title = "The {\em Plantaginaceae} in the southeast U.S.",
+ journal = "J. Arn. Arb.",
+ volume = "Vol. 65",
+ number = "{\No}~4",
+ pages = "P.~533--562",
+ year = 1984
+ author = "W. R. Sykes and J. R. Spence",
+ title = "Are {\em Plantago novae-zelandiae} L. Moore and {\em Plantago
+ lanigera} Hook f. different?",
+ journal = "New Zeal. J. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 27",
+ number = "{\No}~4",
+ pages = "P.~499--502",
+ year = 1989
+ author = "J. R. Sventenius",
+ title = "Addendum ad floram Canariensem",
+ booktitle = "[Proc.] Inst. Nac. Invest. Agrok. (Madrid)",
+ pages = "P.~59--61",
+ year = 1960
+ author = "T. Tacik",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Flora Polska",
+ volume = "Vol. 11",
+ pages = "P.~237--257",
+ year = 1967
+ author = "T. Tanaka",
+ title = "[A new form of {\em Plantago}]",
+ journal = "J. Jap. Bot.",
+ volume = "Vol. 65",
+ number = "{\No}~10",
+ pages = "P.~301",
+ year = 1990
+ author = "M. J. Dallwitz and L. Watson",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae} // The families of flowering plants.
+ Interactive identification and information retrieval (with
+ illustrations for screen display)",
+ url = "",
+ year = 1994
+ author = "В. Н. Ворошилов",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae} --- Подорожниковые",
+ booktitle = "Определитель растений советского Дальнего Востока",
+ pages = "С.~518--519",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1982
+ author = "А. Г. и др. Долуханов",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Флора Грузии",
+ volume = "Т.~7",
+ address = "Тбилиси",
+ year = 1952
+ author = "А. М. Гасанов and В. К. Казанфарова",
+ title = "Морфолого-анатомичнеская характеристика {\em Plantago} coronopus
+ L.",
+ journal = "Изв. АН АзССР. Сер. биол.",
+ number = "{\No}~4",
+ pages = "С.~110--113",
+ year = 1972
+ author = "А. Д. Ли",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Флора Средней Азии",
+ volume = "Т.~9",
+ pages = "С.~271--279",
+ address = "Л.",
+ year = 1987
+ author = "М. Х. Моносзон",
+ title = "Морфология пыльцы видов рода {\em Plantago} {L}.",
+ booktitle = "Тр. ин-та геол. и геогр. СОАН СССР",
+ volume = "Вып. 620",
+ pages = "С.~65--73",
+ year = 1985
+ author = "В. В. Никитин",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Флора Туркмении",
+ volume = "Т.~6",
+ pages = "С.~310--318",
+ address = "Ашхабад",
+ year = 1954
+ author = "А. М. Гельдиханов and В. В. Никитин",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Определитель растений Туркменистана",
+ pages = "С.~541--543",
+ address = "Л.",
+ year = 1988
+ title = "Определитель растений Мещеры: В 2 ч.",
+ key = "Определитель растений Мещеры",
+ institution = "Изд-во МГУ",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1986
+ author = "Н. П. Салмина",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Определитель сосудистых растений Среднего Урала",
+ pages = "525~с.",
+ address = "М.",
+ year = 1994
+ author = "В. И. Папава",
+ title = "Новый подорожник с Кавказа",
+ journal = "Сообщ. АН ГрузССР",
+ volume = "Т.~9",
+ number = "{\No}~9/10",
+ pages = "С.~591--594",
+ year = 1948
+ author = "А. П. Чусавина",
+ title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}",
+ booktitle = "Флора Таджикской ССР",
+ volume = "Т.~8",
+ pages = "С.~460--471",
+ address = "Л.",
+ year = 1986
+ title = "Сем. {\em Plantaginaceae} --- Подорожниковые",
+ key = "Определитель высших растений Северо-Запада...",
+ booktitle = "Определитель высших растений Северо-Запада европейской части
+ РСФСР (Ленинградская, Псковская и Новгородская области)",
+ institution = "Изд-во ЛГУ",
+ pages = "С.~311--312",
+ address = "Л.",
+ year = 1981
+ author = "С. Е. Любарский",
+ title = "Подорожники республики Татарстан. Популяционно-экологическое
+ исследование",
+ pages = "149~с.",
+ address = "Казань",
+ year = 1998,
+ keywords = "экология"