path: root/macros/latex/contrib/shipunov/doc/exam-ex.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-10-08 03:00:28 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-10-08 03:00:28 +0000
commite5ffc42ed260285f76383ae18dd0f4a603c07fa8 (patch)
tree7d901aebae17ed14f1c9812c9339a88d68dc74e4 /macros/latex/contrib/shipunov/doc/exam-ex.tex
parentba86549c94b1e8b6b19bc82b01e85a7e513e7586 (diff)
CTAN sync 201910080300
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/shipunov/doc/exam-ex.tex')
1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/shipunov/doc/exam-ex.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/shipunov/doc/exam-ex.tex
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+% ===
+\providecommand*{\LIN}[1][2em]{\leavevmode\hbox to #1{\hrulefill}}
+\vbox{\hrule \hbox to\textwidth{\vrule\,\strut\itshape
+BIOL 154 \hfil \NUMBER\ (Page \thepage)\,%
+\vbox{\hrule \hbox to\textwidth{\vrule\,\Bigstrut\itshape
+BIOL 154 \hfil ID \LIN[12cm] \hfil
+% ===
+\renewcommand{\NUMBER}{Exam 4}
+\emph{Start time \LIN[5cm] \hfill End time \LIN[5cm]}
+\section{Multiple choice (58 points)}
+Each question in this section costs either 2 or 0. Please \textbf{mark} the appropriate answer on the \textbf{scantron}.
+\item Which of the following groups is tightly adapted to insect pollination?
+ \be
+ \item Orchids
+ \item Grasses
+ \item Ferns
+ \ee
+\item Which life form is prevalent in North Dakota?
+ \be
+ \item Phanerophytes
+ \item Cryptophytes
+ \item Xerophytes
+ \ee
+\item What is the botanical name of organs like potato vegetable?
+ \be
+ \item Bulb
+ \item Tuber
+ \item Rhizome
+ \ee
+\item A pollen grain is:
+ \be
+ \item Composed of 5 cells, each is a spore
+ \item Male gametophyte
+ \item Diplont
+ \ee
+\item An embryo is:
+ \be
+ \item Composed of $1n$ tissue
+ \item Composed of $2n$ tissue
+ \item A mature gametophyte
+ \ee
+\item Gametophytes in ferns, conifers, and flowering plants tend to be:
+ \be
+ \item Small
+ \item Diploid
+ \item Dominant
+ \ee
+\item The name for the complete female zone of a flower is the:
+ \be
+ \item Ovule
+ \item Gynoecium
+ \item Perianth
+ \ee
+\item All of the \_ taken together compose a corolla.
+ \be
+ \item Petals
+ \item Anthers
+ \item Sepals and petals
+ \ee
+\item Which choice does NOT belong to the pistil?
+ \be
+ \item Macrosporangium
+ \item Ovule
+ \item Endoderm
+ \ee
+\item Microspores (male spores) are produced by:
+ \be
+ \item Mitosis
+ \item Meiosis
+ \ee
+\item In a flowering plant life cycle, female gametophyte is:
+ \be
+ \item Gynoecium
+ \item Pollen grain
+ \item Embryo sac
+ \ee
+\item Which of the following choices represents the correct sequence?
+ \be
+ \item Microspores $\rightarrow$ meiosis $\rightarrow$ gametophyte $\rightarrow$ sperm cell
+ \item Meiosis $\rightarrow$ microspores $\rightarrow$ gametophyte $\rightarrow$ sperm cell
+ \item Gametophyte $\rightarrow$ meiosis $\rightarrow$ egg cell $\rightarrow$ megaspore
+ \ee
+\item The oocyte (egg cell) is:
+ \be
+ \item Diploid
+ \item Triploid
+ \item Haploid
+ \ee
+\item The endosperm$_2$ (endosperm of angiosperms) is:
+ \be
+ \item Tetraploid
+ \item Triploid or diploid
+ \item Haploid
+ \ee
+\item The endosperm$_1$ (endosperm of gymnosperms) is:
+ \be
+ \item Tetraploid
+ \item Triploid or diploid
+ \item Haploid
+ \ee
+\item Double fertilization in flowering plants refers to the union of:
+ \be
+ \item One sperm with the egg and one sperm with nucellus
+ \item Two sperms with two eggs
+ \item One sperm with the egg and one sperm with central cell
+ \ee
+\item ABC-genes are involved in:
+ \be
+ \item Determination of different parts of flower
+ \item Determination of different parts of fruit
+ \item Determination of different parts of seed
+ \ee
+\item Flowers pollinated by bats should:
+ \be
+ \item Open at nights
+ \item Have big size
+ \item Both of above
+ \ee
+\item Which is NOT part of a seed?
+ \be
+ \item Embryo
+ \item Pericarp
+ \item Endosperm
+ \ee
+\item The reproductive cycle of the bryophytes resembles other land plants because:
+ \be
+ \item Their life cycle is gametic
+ \item Their life cycle is sporic
+ \item Their diploid stage is dominant
+ \ee
+\item Which of the following is the adaptation for animal distribution?
+ \be
+ \item Wings on the fruit or seed
+ \item Hard seed coat
+ \item Floatable pericarp
+ \ee
+\item Male heads of the \textit{Mnium} moss contain all of the following except:
+ \be
+ \item Paraphyses
+ \item Antheridia
+ \item Venter surrounding the egg
+ \ee
+\item Which of the following is NOT true for seed plants?
+ \be
+ \item They took female gametophyte under the cover of mother sporophyte
+ \item They invented pollination
+ \item They did not resolve a conflict between sizes of gametophyte and sporophyte
+ \ee
+\item Which group is more basal?
+ \be
+ \item Angiosperms
+ \item Conifers
+ \item Cycads
+ \ee
+\item Which of the following is NOT a conifer?
+ \be
+ \item Fir
+ \item Cedar
+ \item Ginkgo
+ \item Cypress
+ \ee
+\item Second fertilization in angiosperms:
+ \be
+ \item Issues a finishing signal to endosperm development
+ \item Starts the development of normal embryo
+ \item Helps plant to avoid the creation of non-fertilized seeds
+ \ee
+\item Mature pine tree is:
+ \be
+ \item An angiosperm
+ \item A haploid plant body
+ \item A sporophyte
+ \item All of the above
+ \ee
+\item The most ancestral living angiosperm is:
+ \be
+ \item \emph{Gikngo}
+ \item \emph{Amborella}
+ \item \emph{Archaefructus}
+ \ee
+\section{Short answers (42 or even more points)}
+\item Mycoparasitic, achlorophyllous plant \emph{Lacandonia schismatica} (below) grows in the rain forests of Mexico. It is called ``\emph{schismatica}'' (i.e. heretical) because its flowers have pistils placed outside of stamens, and stamens---in the center of flower. How could this placement be favorable for the plant? (\emph{plausible explanation $=10$ points})
+\item Please describe what could be a plant ``located'' at the point \textbf{A} in the morphospace of life forms below. How might this plant look? If you have an example in mind, please list it here. (\emph{plausible explanation with example $= 10$ points, without example $= 5$ points})