path: root/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/stripsemantex.lua
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2021-07-04 03:01:24 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-07-04 03:01:24 +0000
commit7994f86ec5e18f9d0d9f90161a2f26dd26d26af7 (patch)
tree88edb7d1a1aed3183a1350202c898716b4ac59ce /macros/latex/contrib/semantex/stripsemantex.lua
parent03fa062b03ce2bb5385f8f30888f94d441fa5cb4 (diff)
CTAN sync 202107040301
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/semantex/stripsemantex.lua')
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 310 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/stripsemantex.lua b/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/stripsemantex.lua
index f50648dd23..0d624cc72d 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/stripsemantex.lua
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/stripsemantex.lua
@@ -1,311 +1,311 @@
--- aliases for protected environments
-local assert, io_open
- = assert,
--- load the ltn12 module
-local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
--- No more global accesses after this point
-if _VERSION == "Lua 5.2" then _ENV = nil end
--- copy a file
-copy_file = function(path_src, path_dst)
- ltn12.pump.all(
- ltn12.source.file(assert(io_open(path_src, "rb"))),
- ltn12.sink.file(assert(io_open(path_dst, "wb")))
- )
-openFile = function(file)
- f =, "r")
- filecontent = f:read("*all")
- local beginDocPosition = filecontent:find('\\begin{document}')
- if not beginDocPosition then
- tex.sprint( [[\begingroup\ExplSyntaxOn
- \msg_fatal:nnn { stripsemantex } { begin_document_not_found } { ]] .. file .. [[ }
- \endgroup]] )
- return
- end
- precontent = filecontent:sub(1,beginDocPosition-1)
- content = filecontent:sub(beginDocPosition,-1)
- f:close()
-closeFile = function(file)
- f =, "w")
- f:write(precontent .. content)
- f:close()
-removeStricttexFormatting = function(str)
- -- We do this in case the package "stricttex" was used
- str = str:gsub('numberZERO','0')
- str = str:gsub('numberONE','1')
- str = str:gsub('numberTWO','2')
- str = str:gsub('numberTHREE','3')
- str = str:gsub('numberFOUR','4')
- str = str:gsub('numberFIVE','5')
- str = str:gsub('numberSIX','6')
- str = str:gsub('numberSEVEN','7')
- str = str:gsub('numberEIGHT','8')
- str = str:gsub('numberNINE','9')
- str = str:gsub('symbolPRIME','\'')
- return str
-addIDsToRegisters = function(str)
- str = removeStricttexFormatting(str)
- content = content:gsub('\\' .. str .. '([^%a])' ,'\\SemantexIDcommand{}\\' .. str .. '%1')
- -- '%f[^%a]' does not work here, as it will not react if the last character of str is a number,
- -- which stricttex allows.
- -- Because of this choice, there will be an issue if you use stricttex and let
- -- \<command> by a SemanTeX command and \<command>' be a non-SemanTeX command.
- -- So simply *don't do that*.
-removeSuperfluousIDs = function()
- local p = content:find('([^\\]%%[^\n]-)\\SemantexIDcommand{}([^\n]-\n)')
- while p do
- content = content:gsub('([^\\]%%[^\n]-)\\SemantexIDcommand{}([^\n]-\n)','%1%2')
- p = content:find('([^\\]%%[^\n]-)\\SemantexIDcommand{}([^\n]-\n)')
- end
- content = content:gsub('parent(%s*)=(%s*)\\SemantexIDcommand{}','parent%1=%2')
- content = content:gsub('class(%s*)=(%s*)\\SemantexIDcommand{}','class%1=%2')
- content = content:gsub('clone(%s*)=(%s*)\\SemantexIDcommand{}','clone%1=%2')
- content = content:gsub('copy(%s*)=(%s*)\\SemantexIDcommand{}','copy%1=%2')
- content = content:gsub('\\New(%w+)Class(%s*{?)\\SemantexIDcommand{}','\\New%1Class%2')
- content = content:gsub('\\NewObject(%s*{?%s*)\\SemantexIDcommand{}(\\%w+%s*}?%s*{?%s*)\\SemantexIDcommand{}', '\\NewObject%1%2')
- content = content:gsub('\\SetupClass(%s*{?%s*)\\SemantexIDcommand{}', '\\SetupClass%1')
- content = content:gsub('\\SetupObject(%s*{?%s*)\\SemantexIDcommand{}', '\\SetupObject%1')
-addNumbersToIDs = function()
- local n = 0
- local p,q = string.find(content,'\\SemantexIDcommand{}')
- while q do
- n = n + 1
- content = content:sub(1,q-1) .. n .. content:sub(q,-1)
- p, q = string.find(content,'\\SemantexIDcommand{}')
- end
-semantexIDluacommand = function(id, source, output)
- local p, q = string.find(content, '\\SemantexIDcommand{' .. id .. '}')
- while p do
- content = content:sub(1,p-1) .. content:sub(q+1,-1)
- source = source:gsub('%s+', '')
- -- We do this in case the package "stricttex" was used
- source = removeStricttexFormatting(source)
- -- This is because #1's in the code becomes ##1
- -- in the .semtex file.
- source = source:gsub('#(%d)', '%1')
- local length = source:len()
- local i = 1
- local s
- while i <= length do
- s = content:sub(p,p)
- if s == source:sub(i,i) then
- content = content:sub(1 , p-1) .. content:sub(p+1, -1)
- i = i + 1
- elseif s:match('%s') then
- content = content:sub(1, p-1) .. content:sub(p+1, -1)
- elseif s == '%' then
- content = content:sub(1 , p-1) .. content:sub(p,-1):gsub('%%.-\n','',1)
- elseif s == '{' then
- -- In this case, we remove the corresponding right brace,
- -- once we find it
- local netto = 1 -- The current brace group level
- local q = 0 -- The position we have moved forward so far
- while netto > 0 do
- q = q + 1
- local e = content:sub(p+q,p+q)
- if e == '}' then
- netto = netto - 1
- elseif e == '{' then
- netto = netto + 1
- elseif e == '\\' then
- q = q + 1
- elseif e == '%' then
- content = content:sub(1, p+q-1) .. content:sub(p+q,-1):gsub('%%.-\n','',1)
- q = q - 1
- end
- end
- content = content:sub(1,p-1) .. content:sub(p+1,p+q-1) .. content:sub(p+q+1,-1)
- elseif s == '<' and content:sub(p+1,p+2) == '[>' then
- content = content:sub(1,p-1) .. content:sub(p+3,-1)
- i = i + 1
- elseif s == '<' and content:sub(p+1,p+2) == ']>' then
- content = content:sub(1,p-1) .. content:sub(p+3,-1)
- i = i + 1
- elseif source:sub(i,i) == '{' then
- -- In this case, we remove the corresponding right brace,
- -- once we find it
- local netto = 1 -- The current brace group level
- local q = 0 -- The position we have moved forward so far
- while netto > 0 do
- q = q + 1
- local e = source:sub(i+q,i+q)
- if e == '}' then
- netto = netto - 1
- elseif e == '{' then
- netto = netto + 1
- elseif e == '\\' then
- q = q + 1
- -- there is no chance that the source contains an unescaped %, so we do not
- -- check for this
- end
- end
- source = source:sub(1,i-1) .. source:sub(i+1,i+q-1) .. source:sub(i+q+1,-1)
- length = source:len()
- else
- tex.sprint( [[\begingroup\ExplSyntaxOn
- \msg_fatal:nnnn { stripsemantex } { source_not_expected } { ]] .. source:sub(i,i) .. [[ } { ]] .. s .. [[ }
- \endgroup]] )
- break
- end
- end
- output = output:gsub('%s*\\sp {', '^{')
- output = output:gsub('%s*\\sb {', '_{')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\big ', '\\bigl')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\big ', '\\bigr')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\Big ', '\\Bigl')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\Big ', '\\Bigr')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\bigg ', '\\biggl')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\bigg ', '\\biggr')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\Bigg ', '\\Biggl')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\Bigg ', '\\Biggr')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathopen %(', '(')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathclose %)', ')')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathopen %[', '[')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathclose %]', ']')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\{', '\\{')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\}', '\\}')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\lbrace', '\\lbrace')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\rbrace', '\\rbrace')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\lbrack', '\\lbrack')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\rbrack', '\\rbrack')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\langle', '\\langle')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\rangle', '\\rangle')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\lvert', '\\lvert')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\rvert', '\\rvert')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\vert', '\\lvert')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\vert', '\\rvert')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\lVert', '\\lVert')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\rVert', '\\rVert')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\Vert', '\\lVert')
- output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\Vert', '\\rVert')
- output = output:gsub('%^{\\prime }', '\'')
- output = output:gsub('%^{\\prime \\prime }', '\'\'')
- output = output:gsub('%^{\\prime \\prime \\prime }', '\'\'\'')
- output = output:gsub('%^{\\prime \\prime \\prime \\prime }', '\'\'\'\'')
- output = output:gsub('%^{\\prime \\prime \\prime \\prime \\prime }', '\'\'\'\'\'')
- output = output:gsub('%s+%f[{}%[%]%(%)%$,]','')
- output = output:gsub('([}%]%)])%f[\\%w%+%-%(%[=]', '%1 ')
- output = output:gsub(',',', ')
- output = output:gsub('%s+$', '')
- -- We now check whether the string we add will follow right
- -- after a control sequence, causing it to be interpreted
- -- as part of that control sequence.
- -- Because we want to allow the user to use stricttex, we
- -- check for alphanumerical control sequences rather than
- -- just alphabetic ones. This could add spaces that
- -- the user might not have intended, but it's a minor issue.
- if output:sub(1,1):match('%w') and content:sub(1, p-1):match('\\%w+$') then
- content = content:sub(1,p-1) .. ' ' .. output .. content:sub(p,-1)
- else
- content = content:sub(1,p-1) .. output .. content:sub(p,-1)
- end
- p, q = string.find(content, '\\SemantexIDcommand{' .. id .. '}')
- end
-stripRemainingSemantexIDs = function()
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexIDcommand{%d+}', '')
-removeParenthesisCommands = function()
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen \\bigg%s?', '\\biggl')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose \\bigg%s?', '\\biggr')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen \\Bigg%s?', '\\Biggl')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose \\Bigg%s?', '\\Biggr')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen \\big%s?', '\\bigl')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose \\big%s?', '\\bigr')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen \\Big%s?', '\\Bigl')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose \\Big%s?', '\\Bigr')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} %(', '(')
- content = content:gsub('%s*\\SemantexMathClose{}%)', ')')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} %[', '[')
- content = content:gsub('%s*\\SemantexMathClose{}%]', ']')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} \\{', '\\{')
- content = content:gsub('%s*\\SemantexMathClose{} \\}', '\\}')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} \\lbrace', '\\lbrace')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{} \\rbrace', '\\rbrace')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} \\lbrack', '\\rbrack')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{} \\rbrack', '\\rbrack')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} \\langle', '\\langle')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{} \\rangle', '\\rangle')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} \\lvert', '\\lvert')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{} \\rvert', '\\rvert')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} \\vert', '\\lvert')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{} \\vert', '\\rvert')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} \\lVert', '\\lVert')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{} \\rVert', '\\rVert')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} \\Vert', '\\lVert')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{} \\Vert', '\\rVert')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} .%s?', '')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{} .%s?', '')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{}', '\\mathopen ')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{}', '\\mathclose ')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpenAuto%s?', '\\SemantexLeft')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathCloseAuto%s?', '\\SemantexRight')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpenNoPar%s?', '')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathCloseNoPar%s?', '')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen%s?', '\\mathopen')
- content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose%s?', '\\mathclose')
-stripComments = function()
- content = content:gsub('\\%%', '\\StripSemantexEscapedPercent')
- content = content:gsub('(\\%w+)%%.-\n%s*', '%1 ')
- content = content:gsub('%%.-\n%s*', '')
- content = content:gsub('\\StripSemantexEscapedPercent', '\\%%')
-addSemtexPackageToFile = function()
- content = [[% The following was added by "stripsemantex":
- \mathopen{}\mathclose\bgroup\left
- \aftergroup\egroup\right
- \mathord{\mathpalette\SemantexBullet@{0.5}}%
- \vcenter{\hbox{\scalebox{#2}{$\m@th#1\bullet$}}}%
-\DeclareRobustCommand\SemantexDoubleBullet{\SemantexBullet \SemantexBullet}
-]] .. content
+-- aliases for protected environments
+local assert, io_open
+ = assert,
+-- load the ltn12 module
+local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
+-- No more global accesses after this point
+if _VERSION == "Lua 5.2" then _ENV = nil end
+-- copy a file
+copy_file = function(path_src, path_dst)
+ ltn12.pump.all(
+ ltn12.source.file(assert(io_open(path_src, "rb"))),
+ ltn12.sink.file(assert(io_open(path_dst, "wb")))
+ )
+openFile = function(file)
+ f =, "r")
+ filecontent = f:read("*all")
+ local beginDocPosition = filecontent:find('\\begin{document}')
+ if not beginDocPosition then
+ tex.sprint( [[\begingroup\ExplSyntaxOn
+ \msg_fatal:nnn { stripsemantex } { begin_document_not_found } { ]] .. file .. [[ }
+ \endgroup]] )
+ return
+ end
+ precontent = filecontent:sub(1,beginDocPosition-1)
+ content = filecontent:sub(beginDocPosition,-1)
+ f:close()
+closeFile = function(file)
+ f =, "w")
+ f:write(precontent .. content)
+ f:close()
+removeStricttexFormatting = function(str)
+ -- We do this in case the package "stricttex" was used
+ str = str:gsub('numberZERO','0')
+ str = str:gsub('numberONE','1')
+ str = str:gsub('numberTWO','2')
+ str = str:gsub('numberTHREE','3')
+ str = str:gsub('numberFOUR','4')
+ str = str:gsub('numberFIVE','5')
+ str = str:gsub('numberSIX','6')
+ str = str:gsub('numberSEVEN','7')
+ str = str:gsub('numberEIGHT','8')
+ str = str:gsub('numberNINE','9')
+ str = str:gsub('symbolPRIME','\'')
+ return str
+addIDsToRegisters = function(str)
+ str = removeStricttexFormatting(str)
+ content = content:gsub('\\' .. str .. '([^%a])' ,'\\SemantexIDcommand{}\\' .. str .. '%1')
+ -- '%f[^%a]' does not work here, as it will not react if the last character of str is a number,
+ -- which stricttex allows.
+ -- Because of this choice, there will be an issue if you use stricttex and let
+ -- \<command> by a SemanTeX command and \<command>' be a non-SemanTeX command.
+ -- So simply *don't do that*.
+removeSuperfluousIDs = function()
+ local p = content:find('([^\\]%%[^\n]-)\\SemantexIDcommand{}([^\n]-\n)')
+ while p do
+ content = content:gsub('([^\\]%%[^\n]-)\\SemantexIDcommand{}([^\n]-\n)','%1%2')
+ p = content:find('([^\\]%%[^\n]-)\\SemantexIDcommand{}([^\n]-\n)')
+ end
+ content = content:gsub('parent(%s*)=(%s*)\\SemantexIDcommand{}','parent%1=%2')
+ content = content:gsub('class(%s*)=(%s*)\\SemantexIDcommand{}','class%1=%2')
+ content = content:gsub('clone(%s*)=(%s*)\\SemantexIDcommand{}','clone%1=%2')
+ content = content:gsub('copy(%s*)=(%s*)\\SemantexIDcommand{}','copy%1=%2')
+ content = content:gsub('\\New(%w+)Class(%s*{?)\\SemantexIDcommand{}','\\New%1Class%2')
+ content = content:gsub('\\NewObject(%s*{?%s*)\\SemantexIDcommand{}(\\%w+%s*}?%s*{?%s*)\\SemantexIDcommand{}', '\\NewObject%1%2')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SetupClass(%s*{?%s*)\\SemantexIDcommand{}', '\\SetupClass%1')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SetupObject(%s*{?%s*)\\SemantexIDcommand{}', '\\SetupObject%1')
+addNumbersToIDs = function()
+ local n = 0
+ local p,q = string.find(content,'\\SemantexIDcommand{}')
+ while q do
+ n = n + 1
+ content = content:sub(1,q-1) .. n .. content:sub(q,-1)
+ p, q = string.find(content,'\\SemantexIDcommand{}')
+ end
+semantexIDluacommand = function(id, source, output)
+ local p, q = string.find(content, '\\SemantexIDcommand{' .. id .. '}')
+ while p do
+ content = content:sub(1,p-1) .. content:sub(q+1,-1)
+ source = source:gsub('%s+', '')
+ -- We do this in case the package "stricttex" was used
+ source = removeStricttexFormatting(source)
+ -- This is because #1's in the code becomes ##1
+ -- in the .semtex file.
+ source = source:gsub('#(%d)', '%1')
+ local length = source:len()
+ local i = 1
+ local s
+ while i <= length do
+ s = content:sub(p,p)
+ if s == source:sub(i,i) then
+ content = content:sub(1 , p-1) .. content:sub(p+1, -1)
+ i = i + 1
+ elseif s:match('%s') then
+ content = content:sub(1, p-1) .. content:sub(p+1, -1)
+ elseif s == '%' then
+ content = content:sub(1 , p-1) .. content:sub(p,-1):gsub('%%.-\n','',1)
+ elseif s == '{' then
+ -- In this case, we remove the corresponding right brace,
+ -- once we find it
+ local netto = 1 -- The current brace group level
+ local q = 0 -- The position we have moved forward so far
+ while netto > 0 do
+ q = q + 1
+ local e = content:sub(p+q,p+q)
+ if e == '}' then
+ netto = netto - 1
+ elseif e == '{' then
+ netto = netto + 1
+ elseif e == '\\' then
+ q = q + 1
+ elseif e == '%' then
+ content = content:sub(1, p+q-1) .. content:sub(p+q,-1):gsub('%%.-\n','',1)
+ q = q - 1
+ end
+ end
+ content = content:sub(1,p-1) .. content:sub(p+1,p+q-1) .. content:sub(p+q+1,-1)
+ elseif s == '<' and content:sub(p+1,p+2) == '[>' then
+ content = content:sub(1,p-1) .. content:sub(p+3,-1)
+ i = i + 1
+ elseif s == '<' and content:sub(p+1,p+2) == ']>' then
+ content = content:sub(1,p-1) .. content:sub(p+3,-1)
+ i = i + 1
+ elseif source:sub(i,i) == '{' then
+ -- In this case, we remove the corresponding right brace,
+ -- once we find it
+ local netto = 1 -- The current brace group level
+ local q = 0 -- The position we have moved forward so far
+ while netto > 0 do
+ q = q + 1
+ local e = source:sub(i+q,i+q)
+ if e == '}' then
+ netto = netto - 1
+ elseif e == '{' then
+ netto = netto + 1
+ elseif e == '\\' then
+ q = q + 1
+ -- there is no chance that the source contains an unescaped %, so we do not
+ -- check for this
+ end
+ end
+ source = source:sub(1,i-1) .. source:sub(i+1,i+q-1) .. source:sub(i+q+1,-1)
+ length = source:len()
+ else
+ tex.sprint( [[\begingroup\ExplSyntaxOn
+ \msg_fatal:nnnn { stripsemantex } { source_not_expected } { ]] .. source:sub(i,i) .. [[ } { ]] .. s .. [[ }
+ \endgroup]] )
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ output = output:gsub('%s*\\sp {', '^{')
+ output = output:gsub('%s*\\sb {', '_{')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\big ', '\\bigl')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\big ', '\\bigr')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\Big ', '\\Bigl')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\Big ', '\\Bigr')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\bigg ', '\\biggl')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\bigg ', '\\biggr')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\Bigg ', '\\Biggl')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\Bigg ', '\\Biggr')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathopen %(', '(')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathclose %)', ')')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathopen %[', '[')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathclose %]', ']')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\{', '\\{')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\}', '\\}')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\lbrace', '\\lbrace')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\rbrace', '\\rbrace')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\lbrack', '\\lbrack')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\rbrack', '\\rbrack')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\langle', '\\langle')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\rangle', '\\rangle')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\lvert', '\\lvert')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\rvert', '\\rvert')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\vert', '\\lvert')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\vert', '\\rvert')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\lVert', '\\lVert')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\rVert', '\\rVert')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathopen \\Vert', '\\lVert')
+ output = output:gsub('\\mathclose \\Vert', '\\rVert')
+ output = output:gsub('%^{\\prime }', '\'')
+ output = output:gsub('%^{\\prime \\prime }', '\'\'')
+ output = output:gsub('%^{\\prime \\prime \\prime }', '\'\'\'')
+ output = output:gsub('%^{\\prime \\prime \\prime \\prime }', '\'\'\'\'')
+ output = output:gsub('%^{\\prime \\prime \\prime \\prime \\prime }', '\'\'\'\'\'')
+ output = output:gsub('%s+%f[{}%[%]%(%)%$,]','')
+ output = output:gsub('([}%]%)])%f[\\%w%+%-%(%[=]', '%1 ')
+ output = output:gsub(',',', ')
+ output = output:gsub('%s+$', '')
+ -- We now check whether the string we add will follow right
+ -- after a control sequence, causing it to be interpreted
+ -- as part of that control sequence.
+ -- Because we want to allow the user to use stricttex, we
+ -- check for alphanumerical control sequences rather than
+ -- just alphabetic ones. This could add spaces that
+ -- the user might not have intended, but it's a minor issue.
+ if output:sub(1,1):match('%w') and content:sub(1, p-1):match('\\%w+$') then
+ content = content:sub(1,p-1) .. ' ' .. output .. content:sub(p,-1)
+ else
+ content = content:sub(1,p-1) .. output .. content:sub(p,-1)
+ end
+ p, q = string.find(content, '\\SemantexIDcommand{' .. id .. '}')
+ end
+stripRemainingSemantexIDs = function()
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexIDcommand{%d+}', '')
+removeParenthesisCommands = function()
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen \\bigg%s?', '\\biggl')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose \\bigg%s?', '\\biggr')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen \\Bigg%s?', '\\Biggl')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose \\Bigg%s?', '\\Biggr')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen \\big%s?', '\\bigl')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose \\big%s?', '\\bigr')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen \\Big%s?', '\\Bigl')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose \\Big%s?', '\\Bigr')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} %(', '(')
+ content = content:gsub('%s*\\SemantexMathClose{}%)', ')')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} %[', '[')
+ content = content:gsub('%s*\\SemantexMathClose{}%]', ']')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} \\{', '\\{')
+ content = content:gsub('%s*\\SemantexMathClose{} \\}', '\\}')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} \\lbrace', '\\lbrace')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{} \\rbrace', '\\rbrace')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} \\lbrack', '\\rbrack')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{} \\rbrack', '\\rbrack')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} \\langle', '\\langle')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{} \\rangle', '\\rangle')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} \\lvert', '\\lvert')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{} \\rvert', '\\rvert')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} \\vert', '\\lvert')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{} \\vert', '\\rvert')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} \\lVert', '\\lVert')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{} \\rVert', '\\rVert')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} \\Vert', '\\lVert')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{} \\Vert', '\\rVert')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{} .%s?', '')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{} .%s?', '')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen{}', '\\mathopen ')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose{}', '\\mathclose ')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpenAuto%s?', '\\SemantexLeft')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathCloseAuto%s?', '\\SemantexRight')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpenNoPar%s?', '')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathCloseNoPar%s?', '')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathOpen%s?', '\\mathopen')
+ content = content:gsub('\\SemantexMathClose%s?', '\\mathclose')
+stripComments = function()
+ content = content:gsub('\\%%', '\\StripSemantexEscapedPercent')
+ content = content:gsub('(\\%w+)%%.-\n%s*', '%1 ')
+ content = content:gsub('%%.-\n%s*', '')
+ content = content:gsub('\\StripSemantexEscapedPercent', '\\%%')
+addSemtexPackageToFile = function()
+ content = [[% The following was added by "stripsemantex":
+ \mathopen{}\mathclose\bgroup\left
+ \aftergroup\egroup\right
+ \mathord{\mathpalette\SemantexBullet@{0.5}}%
+ \vcenter{\hbox{\scalebox{#2}{$\m@th#1\bullet$}}}%
+\DeclareRobustCommand\SemantexDoubleBullet{\SemantexBullet \SemantexBullet}
+]] .. content
end \ No newline at end of file