path: root/macros/latex/contrib/selectp
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/selectp
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/selectp')
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/selectp/selectp-doc.pdfbin0 -> 276547 bytes
3 files changed, 432 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/selectp/selectp-doc.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/selectp/selectp-doc.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bafae6dc58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/selectp/selectp-doc.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/selectp/selectp-doc.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/selectp/selectp-doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c85c430ceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/selectp/selectp-doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+\documentclass[pagesize=auto, fontsize=12pt]{scrartcl}
+\title{The \pkg{selectp} package\thanks{This manual corresponds to \pkg{selectp}~v1.0, dated~Sept 25, 1992.}}
+\subtitle{Select pages for output}
+ Donald Arseneau\thanks{\mail{}},%
+ \and based on macros in TUGBoat, 8:2 (1987), p.~217%
+ \and written by Don Knuth,%
+ \and and with suggestions from Hossein Saiedian.%
+\date{Sept 25, 1992}
+This style file defines the command \cmd{\outputonly} which selects specific
+pages for output, much as \cmd{\includeonly} selects certain files for input.
+To use \pkg{selectp.sty} in \LaTeX, specify \opt{selectp} as one of the document
+style options and give the command \cmd{\outputonly}\marg{list of page numbers}
+before \verb|\begin{document}|. Only pages given in the list will be output
+to the DVI file. For example
+ \documentstyle[12pt,selectp,subeqn]{article}
+ \outputonly{1,3, 7-12 16 17}
+which will allow only pages 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17 to be output.
+For \hologo{plainTeX}, use \verb|\input{selectp.sty}|.
+The number list should consist of numbers and number ranges (\verb|7-12|, e.\,g.)\ %
+separated by commas or spaces. The order is not random but \emph{must be the
+order that the pages are produced}; normally this means the numbers must
+always increase. If an invalid page number appears on the list, no pages
+will be output until the list is re-synchronized or the document ends.
+Any time the document's page number does not increment normally,
+\pkg{selectp.sty} tries to re-synchronize the page number with the \cmd{\outputonly}
+list of numbers. This is necessary when \cmd{\includeonly} is used.
+Pages that are labeled with roman numerals or letters should still be
+listed with a normal arabic number; page~xi should be referred to as~6.
+In \LaTeX, unfortunately, pages~i and~1 are both number~1, so it is
+tricky to skip over all the roman-numbered pages and then print
+page~1. If there are 3 roman-numbered pages,
+ will print pages i, ii, iii; not pages 1, 2, 3
+ will print pages i, ii, iii, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
+ will print pages i, ii, iii, 8, 9, 10, 11, 19
+ will print i, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
+ prints pages i, ii, iii only, not pages 4, 5, 6 !!!
+ prints pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, since there is no page~0 and the
+ \verb|outputonly| page list is resynchronized when the actual page
+ number goes back to~1)
+The last example is illuminating. \LaTeX\ looks for page~0, but can't find
+it. It skips pages until the page number goes from~3~(iii) to~1, at which
+point it resynchronizes by reading~\texttt{2} from the list, waiting for page~2
+to be produced, and then writing page~2. Selectp then reads~\texttt{-6}, and
+\emph{Continues} outputting pages until it has done page~6. As long as the
+numbers of the intervening pages are less than~6 (the end of the range),
+those pages will be printed.
+If there are no roman numeral pages, the number list is simple, because
+the numbers must increase monotonically.
+\LaTeX\ will not write auxilliary files while selecting output pages, so
+the cross references and citations must be correct on the run \emph{before}
+using \cmd{\outputonly}. Unfortunately, this means you must produce the
+full-size DVI file at least once.
+If multuple \cmd{\outputonly} commands are given, the lists are concatenated.
+In \hologo{plainTeX}, specify roman numeral pages as negative numbers, but do not
+use ranges until getting to the ordinary (arabic) page numbers (e.\,g.,\ %
+\outputonly{-1,-2,-3,-4, 1-8}). In \hologo{plainTeX} specifying page~1 will \emph{not}
+print page~i.
+If a page number in the list is not found, generally no more pages will be
+printed. For example, suppose a document has 50~pages, the list \verb*|3 5 910 13|
+(which perhaps should read \verb*|9 10|) causes \LaTeX\ to process silently
+through the whole document looking for page~910. Only pages~3 and~5 will
+be printed.
+\emph{Except} if the number terminating a \emph{range} is not found \verb*|{3 5-910 13}|,
+\LaTeX\ continues outputting pages until the end.
+\emph{Except} if the actual page number changes discontinuously, then the number
+list \emph{may} be scanned for the next number greater than the new page number.
+(Jumps are usually due to the numbering being changed from roman to arabic
+with the page reset to~1, or because an included file was skipped due to
+an \cmd{\includeonly} command.) The list is scanned if the page number jumps
+backward, or if it jumps forward \emph{past} the current target page. (``Target
+page'' = the end of the current range or the next number to be printed out,
+as appropriate.)
+Numbers must be integers: \texttt{4.3} is illegal, even if some other style file
+is generating page numbers in that format.
+Of course non-numbers are illegal. Some plausible mistakes:
+ \verb|page|, \verb|xvii|, \verb|IV|, \verb|12--16|, \verb|49ff|, \verb|49-|, \verb|5_7|.
+\verb|5_7| could be a typo for the range \verb|5-7|.
+To specify page~49 and all following (\verb|49ff| or \verb|49-|), use a range
+ending with a non-existent page: \verb|49-99999|.
+The typo \verb|12--16| prints pages~12 and~16, not the range~12 through~16 as
+\section{Examples of use}
+Suppose a document has pages i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, 1, 2, 3,\dots, 33, but pages
+22\dots28 are absent due to \cmd{\includeonly}; here are some examples of valid
+uses of \cmd{\outputonly}.
+ prints only the 6 pages 15...20
+ prints pages i, ii, iii (in \LaTeX)\\
+ \hologo{plainTeX} prints pages 1, 2, 3
+ prints pages i, 1, 2
+ prints pages 1, 2
+ prints pages i, iii, iv, v, vi
+ prints pages iv, 3, 4, 5, 6
+ prints pages v, 2
+ prints only page v only!
+ prints pages v, vi only!
+ prints pages i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi only!
+ prints pages 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
+ prints pages 19, 20, 21, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
+ prints pages 29, 30, 31, 32
+ prints pages 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 32
+ prints pages 4, 31, 32, 33
+Version 0.9 (test), Sept 25, 1992:
+Send problem reports to \mail{}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/selectp/selectp.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/selectp/selectp.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ded64bcb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/selectp/selectp.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+% S E L E C T P . S T Y - Select pages for output
+% Version 1.0 Sept 25, 1992
+% By Donald Arseneau,, based on macros in
+% TUGBoat, 8:2 (1987), p. 217 written by Don Knuth, and with
+% suggestions from Hossein Saiedian.
+% Copyright 1992, Donald Arseneau
+% This software is contributed freely to the public domain.
+% This style allows selection of individual pages to be output by LaTeX
+% or plain TeX by specifying, for example,
+% \outputonly{1,3, 7-12 16 17}
+% The list of numbers should be in the order that TeX generates the pages.
+% The numbers should be separated by commas or spaces, and may include
+% ranges (7-12).
+% More complete instructions follow \endinput
+% First, set catcode of @ in case it isn't a "letter" already
+\expandafter\edef\csname SP@catcode\endcsname
+ {\catcode`\noexpand\@=\the\catcode`\@
+ \let \csname SP@catcode\endcsname \noexpand\UnDefinedButNoAt}
+% Allow plain TeX to use this style:
+ \let\c@page \pageno
+ \def\@empty{}% note: \ifx ignores the \global nature of macros for comparison
+ \let\nofiles\relax
+ \let\typeout\message
+% Read list of selected pages
+\def\outputonly{\begingroup \catcode`\,13 \SP@outonly}
+\begingroup \catcode`\,13
+\gdef\SP@outonly#1{\edef,{\string,}\typeout{Only pages #1 will be output.}%
+ \def,{ }\xdef\SP@geS{\SP@geS\space #1}% make commas be spaces
+ \endgroup
+ \nofiles % prevent writing partial .aux files
+ \let\shipout\SP@shipout% replace shipout command
+ \ifnum\SP@nextpage=-\maxdimen % if first \outputonly command...
+ \SP@getnextpage \fi % get first page number from list
+% replace \shipout command with filter to select pages for output
+\newcount\SP@nextpage \global\SP@nextpage=-\maxdimen % flag as undefined
+\newcount\SP@expectpage \global\SP@expectpage=-\maxdimen
+\def\SP@getnextpage{\ifx\SP@geS\@empty \global\SP@nextpage\maxdimen
+ \else % If more page numbers on list
+ \afterassignment\SP@updPS \global\SP@nextpage\SP@geS\relax
+ \fi}
+\def\SP@shipout{\relax %\showthe\c@page%
+ \ifnum\SP@expectpage=-\maxdimen \global\SP@expectpage\c@page
+ \else \global\advance\SP@expectpage\@ne
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\SP@expectpage=\c@page\else % page number has jumped,
+ \ifnum\SP@nextpage<\z@ % if in middle of a range --
+ \ifnum \AbsVal\c@page >\AbsVal\SP@expectpage\else % and jumping backward --
+ \SP@getnextpage % read next number for sure
+ \fi\fi
+ \SP@catchup % Resynchronize
+ \fi \global\SP@expectpage\c@page
+ \ifnum\SP@nextpage<\z@ % either a `negative' page, or end of range
+ \ifnum\c@page<\z@ % preamble pages in plain only match singly
+ \ifnum\c@page=\SP@nextpage\SP@getnextpage \let\SP@dopage\plain@shipout\fi
+ \else % look for range match
+ \ifnum\c@page>-\SP@nextpage \else \let\SP@dopage\plain@shipout \fi
+ \ifnum\c@page<-\SP@nextpage \else \SP@getnextpage \fi
+ \fi
+ \else % look for single match
+ \ifnum\c@page=\SP@nextpage \SP@getnextpage \let\SP@dopage\plain@shipout \fi
+ \fi \SP@dopage}
+\def\SP@dopage{\deadcycles\z@ \setbox\SP@garbage=}
+% read list of desired pages to get resynchronized with actual page numbers.
+% \SP@catchup is called whenever the page number has a discontinuity.
+ \ifnum \AbsVal\c@page >\AbsVal\SP@nextpage
+ \ifx\SP@geS\@empty \def\SP@catchup{\global\SP@nextpage\maxdimen}\fi
+ \SP@getnextpage
+ \expandafter \SP@catchup
+ \fi}
+% take absolute value of TeX number or dimension
+\SP@catcode % restore @ catcode
+% SELECTP.STY -- Select pages for output
+% This style file defines the command \outputonly which selects specific
+% pages for output, much as \includeonly selects certain files for input.
+% To use selectp.sty in LaTeX, specify "selectp" as one of the document
+% style options and give the command \outputonly{_list_of_page_numbers_}
+% before \begin{document}. Only pages given in the list will be output
+% to the DVI file. For example
+% \documentstyle[12pt,selectp,subeqn]{article}
+% \outputonly{1,3, 7-12 16 17}
+% which will allow only pages 1,3,7,8,9,10,11,12,16,17 to be output.
+% For plain TeX, use \input{selectp.sty}.
+% The number list should consist of numbers and number ranges (7-12, e.g.)
+% separated by commas or spaces. The order is not random but MUST BE THE
+% ORDER THAT THE PAGES ARE PRODUCED; normally this means the numbers must
+% always increase. If an invalid page number appears on the list, no pages
+% will be output until the list is re-synchronized or the document ends.
+% Any time the document's page number does not increment normally,
+% selectp.sty tries to re-synchronize the page number with the \outputonly
+% list of numbers. This is necessary when \includeonly is used.
+% Pages that are labeled with roman numerals or letters should still be
+% listed with a normal arabic number; page xi should be referred to as 6.
+% In LaTeX, unfortunately, pages i and 1 are both number 1, so it is
+% tricky to skip over all the roman-numbered pages and then print
+% page 1. If there are 3 roman-numbered pages,
+% 1-3 will print pages i,ii,iii; not pages 1,2,3
+% 1-3,1-5 will print pages i,ii,iii,1,2,3,4,5
+% 1-3,8-12 will print pages i,ii,iii,8,9,10,11,19
+% 1,1-5 will print i,1,2,3,4,5
+% 1-6 prints pages i,ii,iii only, not pages 4,5,6 !!!
+% 0,2-6 prints pages 2,3,4,5,6, since there is no page 0 and the
+% outputonly page list is resynchronized when the actual page
+% number goes back to 1)
+% The last example is illuminating. LaTeX looks for page 0, but can't find
+% it. It skips pages until the page number goes from 3(iii) to 1, at which
+% point it resynchronizes by reading "2" from the list, waiting for page 2
+% to be produced, and then writing page 2. Selectp then reads "-6", and
+% CONTINUES outputting pages until it has done page 6. As long as the
+% numbers of the intervening pages are less than 6 (the end of the range),
+% those pages will be printed.
+% If there are no roman numeral pages, the number list is simple, because
+% the numbers must increase monotonically.
+% LaTeX will not write auxilliary files while selecting output pages, so
+% the cross references and citations must be correct on the run BEFORE
+% using \outputonly. Unfortunately, this means you must produce the
+% full-size DVI file at least once.
+% If multuple \outputonly commands are given, the lists are concatenated.
+% In plain TeX, specify roman numeral pages as negative numbers, but do not
+% use ranges until getting to the ordinary (arabic) page numbers (e.g.,
+% \outputonly{-1,-2,-3,-4, 1-8}). In plain TeX specifying page 1 will NOT
+% print page i.
+% If a page number in the list is not found, generally no more pages will be
+% printed. For example, suppose a document has 50 pages, the list 3 5 910 13
+% (which perhaps should read "9 10") causes LaTeX to process silently
+% through the whole document looking for page 910. Only pages 3 and 5 will
+% be printed.
+% EXCEPT if the number terminating a RANGE is not found {3 5-910 13},
+% LaTeX continues outputting pages until the end.
+% EXCEPT if the actual page number changes discontinuously, then the number
+% list MAY be scanned for the next number greater than the new page number.
+% (Jumps are usually due to the numbering being changed from roman to arabic
+% with the page reset to 1, or because an included file was skipped due to
+% an \includeonly command.) The list is scanned if the page number jumps
+% backward, or if it jumps forward PAST the current target page. ("Target
+% page" = the end of the current range or the next number to be printed out,
+% as appropriate.)
+% Numbers must be integers: 4.3 is illegal, even if some other style file
+% is generating page numbers in that format.
+% Of course non-numbers are illegal. Some plausible mistakes:
+% page, xvii, IV, 12--16, 49ff, 49-, 5_7.
+% 5_7 could be a typo for the range 5-7.
+% To specify page 49 and all following ("49ff" or "49-"), use a range
+% ending with a non-existent page: 49-99999.
+% The typo 12--16 prints pages 12 and 16, not the range 12 through 16 as
+% intended.
+% Suppose a document has pages i,ii,iii,iv,v,vi,1,2,3,...,33, but pages
+% 22...28 are absent due to \includeonly; here are some examples of valid
+% uses of \outputonly.
+% \outputonly{15-20} -- prints only the 6 pages 15...20
+% \outputonly{1-3} -- prints pages i,ii,iii (in LaTeX)
+% -- plain TeX prints pages 1,2,3
+% \outputonly{1,1,2} -- prints pages i,1,2
+% \outputonly{0,1,2} -- prints pages 1,2
+% \outputonly{1,3-6} -- prints pages i,iii,iv,v,vi
+% \outputonly{4,3-6} -- prints pages iv,3,4,5,6
+% \outputonly{5,2} -- prints pages v,2
+% \outputonly{5-2} -- prints only page v only!
+% \outputonly{5-7} -- prints pages v,vi only!
+% \outputonly{1-33} -- prints pages i,ii,iii,iv,v,vi only!
+% \outputonly{29-99} -- prints pages 29,30,31,32,33
+% \outputonly{19-99} -- prints pages 19,20,21,29,30,31,32,33
+% \outputonly{24-32} -- prints pages 29,30,31,32
+% \outputonly{15-25,32} -- prints pages 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,32
+% \outputonly{0,4,23-27,31-99} -- prints pages 4,31,32,33
+% Version 0.9 (test), Sept 25, 1992:
+% Send problem reports to
+% test integrity:
+% brackets: round, square, curly, angle: () [] {} <>
+% backslash, slash, vertical, hat, tilde: \ / | ^ ~