path: root/macros/latex/contrib/sdaps/html/sdapspdf.html
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authorNorbert Preining <>2021-11-11 03:00:56 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-11-11 03:00:56 +0000
commit5749e1b65a86cb035a8e4809e7383a98619b0984 (patch)
tree7f699c2ae9ef2ae3f063583650a343e0d37f66da /macros/latex/contrib/sdaps/html/sdapspdf.html
parent3b9a500a47854adcb6f2a248722ae2225d6d7d43 (diff)
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+ <div class="section" id="sdapspdf-package">
+<h1>sdapspdf package<a class="headerlink" href="#sdapspdf-package" title="Permalink to this headline">ΒΆ</a></h1>
+<p>You can use this package to make PDF forms using the SDAPS packages. SDAPS
+itself does not give you a way to submit these though.</p>
+<p>To use this feature simply use the sdapspdf package. You need to wrap everything
+containing PDF form elements inside a <code class="xref tex tex-environ docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">Form</span></code> environment. After this
+enable form generation by simply setting the <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">pdf_form</span></code> option for checkboxes
+and freeform textboxes.</p>
+<div class="admonition note">
+<p class="admonition-title">Note</p>
+<p>The sdapspdf package imports hyperref internally. So some care might need to
+be taken to import it after hyperref itself.</p>
+<p>The following extra options are added to boxes and checkboxes:</p>
+<table class="docutils align-default">
+<col style="width: 19%" />
+<col style="width: 81%" />
+<tr class="row-odd"><th class="head"><p>Option</p></th>
+<th class="head"><p>Purpose</p></th>
+<tr class="row-even"><td><p>pdf_form</p></td>
+<td><p>Turn on PDF form generation (default: <cite>false</cite>)</p></td>
+<tr class="row-odd"><td><p>default</p></td>
+<td><p>Allows enabling a checkbox by default (default: <cite>false</cite>, set to <cite>true</cite> to use)</p></td>
+<tr class="row-even"><td><p>checkboxsymbol</p></td>
+<td><p>The symbol to use for the checkmark (integer, see PDF specification, default: 8)</p></td>
+<div class="admonition warning">
+<p class="admonition-title">Warning</p>
+<p>The default for pdf_form might still change to be <cite>true</cite>.</p>
+<div class="admonition note">
+<p class="admonition-title">Note</p>
+<p>The SDAPS base package will likely add further macros to make setting these options more convenient.</p>
+<div class="figure">
+<div class="tabs">
+<input type="radio" id="tab-code-33" class="tab-code" name="tab-group-33" ><label for="tab-code-33" class="label-code">Example LaTeX code</label><input type="radio" id="tab-rendering-33" class="tab-rendering" name="tab-group-33" checked><label for="tab-rendering-33" class="label-rendering">Result</label><div class="content-code">
+<div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><span class="k">\begin</span><span class="nb">{</span>Form<span class="nb">}</span>
+ <span class="c">% The \my* commands are aliases that are defined in the praemble</span>
+ <span class="c">% Set the pdf_form option for all boxes (*)</span>
+ <span class="k">\mycontextappend</span><span class="nb">{</span>*<span class="nb">}{</span>pdf<span class="nb">_</span>form=true<span class="nb">}</span>
+ <span class="c">% Or for checkboxes and textboxes separately</span>
+ <span class="c">%\mycontextappend{singlechoice}{pdf_form=true}</span>
+ <span class="c">%\mycontextappend{multichoice}{pdf_form=true}</span>
+ <span class="c">%\mycontextappend{textbox}{pdf_form=true}</span>
+ <span class="k">\noindent</span> A checkbox: <span class="k">\mycheckbox</span><span class="nb">{}{}</span> <span class="k">\newline</span>
+ <span class="k">\mycontextappend</span><span class="nb">{</span>multichoice<span class="nb">}{</span>default=true<span class="nb">}</span>
+ A checked checkbox: <span class="k">\mycheckbox</span><span class="nb">{}{}</span> <span class="k">\newline</span>
+ <span class="k">\mycontextappend</span><span class="nb">{</span>multichoice<span class="nb">}{</span>default=true,checkboxsymbol=5<span class="nb">}</span>
+ A checked checkbox with different symbol: <span class="k">\mycheckbox</span><span class="nb">{}{}</span>
+ Please note that the above rendering is slightly broken as the poppler
+ PDF renderer maps the checkboxsymbol incorrectly. Acrobat will show the
+ other symbol.
+ <span class="k">\noindent</span> A non stretching textbox:
+ <span class="k">\mytextboxvhstretch</span><span class="nb">{</span>text<span class="nb">}{</span>4cm<span class="nb">}{</span>0<span class="nb">}</span>
+<span class="k">\end</span><span class="nb">{</span>Form<span class="nb">}</span>
+Required code in preamble:<div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><span class="k">\usepackage</span><span class="nb">{</span>sdapspdf<span class="nb">}</span>
+<span class="c">% Define aliases for the commands we need to use, context_append</span>
+<span class="c">% expands settings, context_set sets them (for the current scope),</span>
+<span class="c">% possibly removing old settings.</span>
+<span class="k">\ExplSyntaxOn</span>
+<span class="k">\let\mycontextappend\sdaps</span><span class="nb">_</span>context<span class="nb">_</span>append:nn
+<span class="k">\let\mycontextset\sdaps</span><span class="nb">_</span>context<span class="nb">_</span>set:nn
+<span class="k">\let\mycheckbox\sdaps</span><span class="nb">_</span>checkbox:nn
+<span class="k">\let\mytextboxvhstretch\sdaps</span><span class="nb">_</span>textbox<span class="nb">_</span>vhstretch:nnn
+<span class="k">\ExplSyntaxOff</span>
+</div><div class="content-rendering">
+<p><img src="_images/sdaps-df7a1db8108564a499998148db3ba5f658896065.svg" alt="\begin{Form}
+ % The \my* commands are aliases that are defined in the praemble
+ % Set the pdf_form option for all boxes (*)
+ \mycontextappend{*}{pdf_form=true}
+ % Or for checkboxes and textboxes separately
+ %\mycontextappend{singlechoice}{pdf_form=true}
+ %\mycontextappend{multichoice}{pdf_form=true}
+ %\mycontextappend{textbox}{pdf_form=true}
+ \noindent A checkbox: \mycheckbox{}{} \newline
+ \mycontextappend{multichoice}{default=true}
+ A checked checkbox: \mycheckbox{}{} \newline
+ \mycontextappend{multichoice}{default=true,checkboxsymbol=5}
+ A checked checkbox with different symbol: \mycheckbox{}{}
+ Please note that the above rendering is slightly broken as the poppler
+ PDF renderer maps the checkboxsymbol incorrectly. Acrobat will show the
+ other symbol.
+ \noindent A non stretching textbox:
+ \mytextboxvhstretch{text}{4cm}{0}
+\end{Form}" /></p>
+</div></div><p class="caption">Using PDF forms</p></div></div>
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