path: root/macros/latex/contrib/sciposter/sciposterexample/sciposter-example.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/sciposter/sciposterexample/sciposter-example.tex
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1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
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+% uncomment for grey background to \section boxes
+% for use with default option boxedsections
+% uncomment for light blue background to \section boxes
+% for use with default option boxedsections
+% uncomment for dark blue \section text
+\title{Generalized Pattern Spectra Sensitive to Spatial Information}
+% Note: only give author names, not institute
+\author{Michael H. F. Wilkinson}
+% insert correct institute name
+\institute{Institute for Mathematics and Computing Science,\\
+ University of Groningen\\}
+\email{} % shows author email address below institute
+%\date is unused by the current \maketitle
+% The following commands can be used to alter the default logo settings
+%\leftlogo[0.9]{logoWenI}{ % defines logo to left of title (with scale factor)
+%\rightlogo[0.52]{RuGlogo} % same but on right
+% NOTE: This will require presence of files logoWenI.eps and RuGlogo.eps,
+% or other supported format in the current directory
+%%% Begin of Document
+%define conference poster is presented at (appears as footer)
+\conference{{\bf ICPR 2002}, 16th International Conference on Pattern
+ Recognition, 11-15 August 2002, Qu\'ebec City, Canada}
+% Uncomment to put footer logo on left side, and
+% conference name on right side of footer
+% Some examples of caption control (remove % to check result)
+%\renewcommand{\algorithmname}{Algoritme} % for Dutch
+%%% Begin of Multicols-Enviroment
+%%% Abstract
+Morphological pattern spectra computed from granulometries are frequently used
+to classify the size classes of details in textures and images. An extension
+of this technique, which retains information on the spatial
+distribution of the details in each size class is developed. Algorithms for
+computation of these spatial pattern spectra for a large number of
+granulometries on binary images are presented.
+%%% Introduction
+\PARstart{G}{ranulometries} are ordered sets of morphological openings or closings, each of
+which removes image details below a certain size. These can be used for texture
+through the use of \emph{pattern spectra}, which show how the number of
+foreground pixels in the image changes as a function of the size parameter
+A drawback of the classical definition of pattern spectra is that spatial
+information is not included in a pattern spectrum as shown below.
+ In this paper, \emph{spatial pattern spectra} are developed which retain information on the distribution of these details at different scales.
+\begin{tabular}{c c}
+{\resizebox{\imsize}{!}{\includegraphics{blocks1}}} &
+(a) & (b) \\
+{\resizebox{\imsize}{!}{\includegraphics{blocks3}}} &
+(c) & (d) \\
+\caption{ Parts (a) through (c) show three images consisting of squares of
+different sizes;
+(d) shows the pattern spectra, denoting the number of foreground pixels
+ removed by openings by reconstruction by $\lambda \times \lambda$ squares. No
+granulometry is capable of separating the patterns, because the only
+differences between the images lie in the distributions of the
+connected components. }\label{fig:blocks}
+Let binary images $X$ and $Y$ be defined as a subset of the image domain
+${\mathbf M}\subset {\mathbb Z}^n$ or ${\mathbb R}^n$ (usually $n=2$).
+A binary
+granulometry is a set of operators $\{\alpha_r\}$ with $r$ from some ordered
+set $\Lambda$ (usually $\Lambda \subset {\mathbb R}$ or ${\mathbb Z}$), with
+the following three properties
+ \alpha_r(X) & \subset X \label{eq:antiext} \\
+ X \subset Y & \Rightarrow \alpha_r(X) \subset \alpha_r(Y)
+ \label{eq:increasing} \\
+ \alpha_r(\alpha_s(X)) & = \alpha_{\max(r,s)}(X) \label{eq:idempot},
+for all $r,s \in \Lambda$.
+The pattern spectrum $s_{\alpha}(X)$ obtained by applying
+granulometry $\{\alpha_r\}$ to a binary image $X$ is defined as
+ (s_{\alpha}(X))(u) =
+ - \frac{\partial A(\alpha_r(X))}{\partial r}\bigg{\vert}_{r=u}
+in which $A(X)$ is a function denoting the Lebesgue measure in
+${\mathbb R}^n$.
+In the case of discrete images, and with $r \in \Lambda \subset {\mathbb Z}$,
+this differentiation reduces to
+ (s_{\alpha}(X))(r) & = \#(\alpha_{r}(X) \setminus \alpha_{r^+}(X)) \\
+ & = \#(\alpha_{r}(X)) - \#(\alpha_{r^+}(X)),
+with $r^+ = \min\{ r' \in \Lambda \vert r' > r \}$, and $\#(X)$ the
+numnber of elements of $X$.
+The opening transform \cite{Nacken:thesis} $\Omega_X$ of a binary image $X$
+for a granulometry ${\alpha_r}$ is
+ \Omega_X(x) = \max\{ r \in \Lambda \vert x \in \alpha_r(X) \}
+The pattern spectrum of a binary image $X$ using granulometry
+$\{\alpha_r\}$ is the histogram of $\Omega_X$ obtained with the same
+size distribution \cite{Nacken:thesis}, disregarding the bin for grey level 0.
+\caption{ \label{fig:opentransf} Opening transform with $\{\alpha_r\}$ as in
+ Fig. \ref{fig:blocks}: (left) original image; (right) opening transform
+(contrast stretched for clarity).
+\section{Spatial pattern spectra}
+Pattern spectra only retain the amount of detail present at scale $r$.
+This can be amended by computing some parameterization of the spatial
+distribution in an image $\alpha_r(X) \setminus \alpha_{r+}(X)$ as a function of $r$.
+Let ${M}(X)$ be some parameterization of the spatial distribution of detail
+in the image $X$. The spatial pattern spectrum ${S}_{{M},\alpha}$ is
+then defined as
+ ({S}_{{M},\alpha}(X))(r) = {M}(\alpha_r(X) \setminus \alpha_{r+}(X)).
+An obvious parameterization of the spatial distribution is through
+the use of moments. Focusing on the case of 2-D binary images, the
+moment $m_{ij}$ of order $ij$ of an image $X$ is given by
+ m_{ij}(X) = \sum_{(x,y) \in \mathbf X} x^i y^j.
+The spatial moment spectrum $S_{m_{ij},\alpha}$ of order $ij$ is
+ (S_{m_{ij},\alpha}(X))(r) = m_{i,j}(\alpha_r(X) \setminus \alpha_{r^+}(X)).
+For $i=0$ and $j=0$ we obtain the standard pattern spectrum.
+For each $r$, $(S_{m_{ij},\alpha}(X))(r)$ is just the moment of an image,
+therefore, derived parameters such as coordinates of the centre of mass,
+(co-)variances, skewness and kurtosis of the distribution of details at each
+scale can be computed easily. We can then define pattern mean
+spectra, pattern (co-)variance spectra, pattern kurtosis spectra, etc. The
+pattern mean-$x$ and variance-$x$ spectra
+($S_{\bar x,\alpha}$ and $S_{\sigma(x),\alpha}$) are defined as:
+ S_{\bar x,\alpha} & = \frac{S_{m_{10},\alpha}} {S_{m_{00},\alpha}} \\
+ S_{\sigma(x),\alpha} & = \sqrt{\frac{S_{m_{20},\alpha}}
+ {S_{m_{00},\alpha}}
+ - S_{\bar x, \alpha}}.
+ \end{align}
+These two are shown in Figures \ref{fig:tauspect} and \ref{fig:binspect}. Note that
+these definitions hold only where $(S_{m_{00},\alpha}(f))(r) \neq 0$. For all
+other values of $r$ they will be defined as zero. Further post-processing can
+be done to compute central moments and moment invariant from pattern moment
+spectra \cite{Flusser:Suk:93,Hu:62}.
+\section{An Algorithm}
+Nacken \cite{Nacken:thesis} derived an algorithm for computation
+of pattern spectra for granulometries based on openings by discs of increasing
+radius for various metrics, using the opening transform. After the
+opening transform has been computed, it is straightforward to compute the
+pattern spectrum:
+\item Set all elements of array {\tt S} to zero
+\item For all $x \in X$ increment {\tt S}[$\Omega_X(x)$] by one.
+To compute the pattern \emph{moment} spectrum, the only thing that needs to be
+changed is the way {\tt S}[$\Omega_X(x)$] is incremented. As shown in Algorithm
+\item Set all elements of array {\tt S} to zero
+\item For all $(x,y) \in X$ increment {\tt S}[$\Omega_X(x,y)$] by
+\caption{ Algorithm for computation of pattern moment
+spectrum of order $ij$. \label{alg:spect}}
+This algorithm can
+readily be adapted to other granulometries, simply by computing the
+appropriate opening transform.
+\begin{tabular}{c c}
+{\resizebox{\imsize}{!}{\includegraphics{blocks3op}}} &
+(a) & (b)\\
+(c) & (d) \\
+\caption{ \label{fig:tauspect}
+The opening transform using city-block metric: (a) opening transform of
+Fig. 1(c); (b) pattern spectrum; (c) pattern variance-$x$;
+(d) variance-$y$ spectra.}
+\caption{ \label{fig:binspect} Pattern mean-$x$ (top) and variance-$x$
+(bottom) spectra: the three collumns show spectra for Fig. 1(a), (b) and (c)
+from left to right respectively. Unlike the standard pattern spectra,
+these spatial pattern spectra can distinguish the three images.}
+Spatial pattern spectra form a useful supplement to ordinary pattern
+spectra, because of their ability to retain spatial information.
+Pattern moment spectra, in particular, are easily computed concurrently with
+computation of the standard pattern spectrum. Post-processing of these pattern
+moment spectra can be done to yield a number of easily interpreted spectra,
+such as pattern mean, variance, skew, and kurtosis spectra, which have reduced
+covariance compared to the ``raw'' pattern moment spectra. Invariance to
+rotation, translation or scale change can also be achieved by post-processing
+In the future grey scale versions of these spatial pattern spectra will be
+developed. I expect that the efficient grey level algorithms for area and
+attribute pattern spectra
+can be adapted to spatial pattern spectra as well.
+%%% References
+%% Note: use of BibTeX als works!!
+J.~Flusser and T.~Suk.
+\newblock Pattern recognition by affine moment invariants.
+\newblock {\em Pattern Recognition}, 26:167--174, 1993.
+M.~K. Hu.
+\newblock Visual pattern recognition by moment invariants.
+\newblock {\em IRE Transactions on Information Theory}, IT-8:179--187, 1962.
+\newblock Pattern spectrum and multiscale shape representation.
+\newblock {\em IEEE Trans. Patt. Anal. Mach. Intell.}, 11:701--715, 1989.
+A.~Meijster and M.~H.~F. Wilkinson.
+\newblock A comparison of algorithms for connected set openings and closings.
+\newblock {\em IEEE Trans. Patt. Anal. Mach. Intell.}, 24(4):484--494, 2002.
+P.~F.~M. Nacken.
+\newblock {\em Image Analysis Methods Based on Hierarchies of Graphs and
+ Multi-Scale Mathematical Morphology}.
+\newblock PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
+ 1994.