path: root/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCMulPiecesPuzzle.tex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2023-08-01 03:01:19 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2023-08-01 03:01:19 +0000
commit84777905249300f2ab97a23141e31f952bceb865 (patch)
tree5621415ee6ecbcbe62e4c500977af3c41aeebd9c /macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCMulPiecesPuzzle.tex
parent17d547a1effe2cafcdfbf704bdf8cb0484790ef2 (diff)
CTAN sync 202308010301
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCMulPiecesPuzzle.tex')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCMulPiecesPuzzle.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCMulPiecesPuzzle.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56a7ad6943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCMulPiecesPuzzle.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+% Pièces de puzzle pour multiplication
+ \useKVdefault[ClesPuzzleMul]%
+ \setKV[ClesPuzzleMul]{#1}%
+ \setsepchar{,}%
+ \readlist*\PfCListePuzzle{#2}%
+ \StrLen{\PfCListePuzzle[1]}[\TaillePuzzle]%
+ \xdef\HauteurPuzzle{\PfCListePuzzlelen}%
+ \toklistepuzzlea{}%
+ \foreachitem\compteur\in\PfCListePuzzle{\expandafter\UpdatetoksPuzzleA\compteur\nil}%
+ \BuildPuzzle{\the\toklistepuzzlea}%
+ def PreDrawPuzzle ( expr ww, hh, uu ) =
+ %randomseed := random_seed;
+ def rand (expr x) =
+ (((x)+(uniformdeviate 10))/100)
+ enddef;
+ w := ww;
+ h := hh;
+ un := uu/100;
+ boolean swapone; swapone := false;
+ boolean swaptwo; swaptwo := false;
+ path p[], pw[], ph[];
+ def buildpath (expr len, num) =
+ for j=1 upto num:
+ clearxy;
+ swaptwo := not swaptwo;
+ if odd num:
+ swapone := not swaptwo;
+ else:
+ swapone := swaptwo;
+ fi;
+ for i=0 upto len+1:
+ x[i]c = ((i*100)*un);
+ y[i]c = ((j*100)*un);
+ x[i]m = (x[i]c+50*un);
+ if swapone:
+ y[i]m = (y[i]c-25*un)
+ else:
+ y[i]m = (y[i]c+25*un)
+ fi;
+ x[i]l = (rand(85)[x[i]c,x[i]m]);
+ x[i]r = (rand(15)[x[i]m,x[i+1]c]);
+ y[i]l = y[i]r=y[i]c;
+ x[i]ll = (rand(75)[x[i]c,x[i]m]);
+ x[i]rr = (rand(25)[x[i]m,x[i+1]c]);
+ y[i]ll = y[i]rr=.50[y[i]c,y[i]m];
+ endfor;
+ p[j] :=
+ for i=0 upto len:
+ z[i]c..z[i]l..z[i]ll..z[i]m..z[i]rr..z[i]r..
+ endfor
+ z[len+1]c ;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ pw[1] := (100*un,100*un)--(100*un,(h+1)*100*un);
+ pw[w+1] := ((w+1)*100*un,100*un)--((w+1)*100*un,(h+1)*100*un);
+ ph[1] := (100*un,100*un)--((w+1)*100*un,100*un);
+ ph[h+1] := (100*un,(h+1)*100*un)--((w+1)*100*un,(h+1)*100*un);
+ buildpath (w+1,h);
+ for k=2 upto h:
+ ph[k] := p[k] cutbefore pw[1];
+ ph[k] := ph[k] cutafter pw[w+1];
+ endfor;
+ buildpath (h+1,w);
+ for k=2 upto w:
+ pw[k] := p[w-k+2] rotated 90 shifted ((w+2)*100*un,0);
+ pw[k] := pw[k] cutbefore ph[1];
+ pw[k] := pw[k] cutafter ph[h+1];
+ endfor;
+ path phw[][];
+ for kh=1 upto h:
+ for kw=1 upto w:
+ phw[kh][kw] := buildcycle (ph[kh], pw[kw], ph[kh+1], pw[kw+1]);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+def DrawWholePuzzle =
+ for k=1 upto h+1:
+ draw ph[k] withpen pencircle scaled (2.5*un) shifted (-100*un,-100*un);
+ endfor;
+ for k=1 upto w+1:
+ draw pw[k] withpen pencircle scaled (2.5*un) shifted (-100*un,-100*un);
+ endfor;
+def DrawPuzzlePiece (expr ww, hh) =
+draw phw[ww][hh] withpen pencircle scaled (2.5*un) shifted (-100*un,-100*un);
+def DrawPuzzleBorder =
+draw (pw[1]--ph[1]--pw[w+1]--ph[h+1]--cycle)
+withpen pencircle scaled (2.5*un) shifted (-100*un,-100*un);
+vardef AffichagePiece(text t)=
+for p_=t:
+for k=1 upto Taille:
+if substring(k-1,k) of p_="X":
+if Solution:
+path titi;
+fill (titi shifted (-100*un,-100*un)) withcolor CoulSolution;
+draw titi withpen pencircle scaled (2.5*un) shifted (-100*un,-100*un);
+ \ifluatex
+ \mplibforcehmode
+ \begin{mplibcode}
+ \BuildPuzzleCode
+ Taille:=\TaillePuzzle;
+ Hauteur:=\HauteurPuzzle;
+ Unite:=\useKV[ClesPuzzleMul]{Unite};
+ boolean Solution;
+ Solution=\useKV[ClesPuzzleMul]{Solution};
+ color CoulSolution;
+ CoulSolution=\useKV[ClesPuzzleMul]{Couleur};
+ PreDrawPuzzle(Taille, Hauteur, Unite);
+ AffichagePiece(#1);
+ \end{mplibcode}
+ \else%
+ \begin{mpost}[mpsettings={\BuildPuzzleCode;Taille:=\TaillePuzzle;Hauteur:=\HauteurPuzzle;Unite:=\useKV[ClesPuzzleMul]{Unite};boolean Solution;Solution=\useKV[ClesPuzzleMul]{Solution};color CoulSolution;CoulSolution=\useKV[ClesPuzzleMul]{Couleur};}]
+ PreDrawPuzzle(Taille, Hauteur, Unite);
+ AffichagePiece(#1);
+ \end{mpost}
+ \fi%
+}% \ No newline at end of file