path: root/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample')
9 files changed, 1932 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/abstract.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/abstract.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed9be80ca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/abstract.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+% master: main
+% format: latex
+\LaTeX\ is a special version of \TeX, a state-of-art command-driven document
+production system. \TeX\ was created by \mbox{Donald Knuth}, a professor in
+the Stanford University, and its domain is public, but \TeX\ logo is the
+trade mark of the American Mathematical Society, and \TeX\ AMSfonts belong to
+the same society. This also implies, which is indeed the fact, that \TeX\ is
+powerful at typesetting formulae, a headache of all typists.
+Leslie Lamport from DEC programmed a collection of macros in \TeX.
+These macros together with some things contributed by other authors make up a
+\TeX\ database package which is known as \LaTeX. \LaTeX\ is actually designed
+for those who want to typeset documents with the high typographic quality of
+\TeX\ but do not want to learn the sophisticated \TeX\ programming. For a
+non-computer-science graduate student or faculty member, who may need to
+typeset a paper, resume, thesis, book, manual or a letter with high quality and
+who does not mind learning a command-driven text formatter, \LaTeX\ is probably
+an ideal package. The \LaTeX\ had the major update from \LaTeX\ 2.09 to
+\LaTeXe\ in 1994.
+This sample \LaTeXe\ file will serve as a user guide to the \LaTeXe\ document
+class for theses at Univ. of Pittsburgh. As a modified version of Leslie
+Lamport's \texttt{sample2e.tex} file is included, this file will also serve to
+help beginners understand how some of the important \LaTeXe\ commands work.
+ \LaTeXe\ document class &
+ Pitt engineering thesis \\
+ Pitt standard thesis &
+ Thesis document sample file \\
+ University of Pittsburgh
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/ackn.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/ackn.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c19a7d6ce
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/ackn.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Write your acknowledgment texts here.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/appendix.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/appendix.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af36251b4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/appendix.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+% master: main
+% format: latex
+This is the 1st appendix. Now alphabetic numbering starts for Appedices.
+ A=
+ \begin{pmatrix}
+ a_{11}&a_{12}&\ldots&a_{1n}\\
+ a_{21}&a_{22}&\ldots&a_{2n}\\
+ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\
+ a_{m1}&a_{m2}&\ldots&a_{mn}
+ \end{pmatrix}
+ A=
+ \left(
+ \begin{array}{cccc}
+ a_{11}&a_{12}&\ldots&a_{1n}\\
+ a_{21}&a_{22}&\ldots&a_{2n}\\
+ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\
+ a_{m1}&a_{m2}&\ldots&a_{mn}
+ \end{array}
+ \right)
+Here is the second appendix. See how equations, figures, and tables in
+appendices are numbered.
+ A=
+ \begin{pmatrix}
+ a_{11}&a_{12}&\ldots&a_{1n}\\
+ a_{21}&a_{22}&\ldots&a_{2n}\\
+ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\
+ a_{m1}&a_{m2}&\ldots&a_{mn}
+ \end{pmatrix}
+ A=
+ \left(
+ \begin{array}{cccc}
+ a_{11}&a_{12}&\ldots&a_{1n}\\
+ a_{21}&a_{22}&\ldots&a_{2n}\\
+ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\
+ a_{m1}&a_{m2}&\ldots&a_{mn}
+ \end{array}
+ \right)
+ \left(\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2}\,dx\right)^2
+ & =& \int_{-\infty}^\infty\int_{-\infty}^\infty
+ e^{-(x^2+y^2)}\,dx\,dy \nonumber \\
+ & =& \int_0^{2\pi}\int_0^\infty e^{-r^2}r\,dr\,d\theta \nonumber \\
+ & =& \int_0^{2\pi}\left(\left. -\frac{e^{-r^2}}{2}
+ \right|_{r=0}^{\infty}\,\right)\,d\theta \nonumber \\
+ & =& \pi
+x \in \mathbb{R} \\
+k=1.38\times10^{-23}\rm\,J/^\circ K.
+% Math-mode symbol & verbatim
+\def\W#1#2{$#1{#2}$ &\ttfamily\string#1\string{#2\string}}
+\def\X#1{$#1$ &\ttfamily\string#1}
+\def\Y#1{$\big#1$ &\ttfamily\string#1}
+\caption{Greek Letters}\label{tab:greek}
+\X\alpha &\X\theta &\X o &\X\tau \\
+\X\beta &\X\vartheta &\X\pi &\X\upsilon \\
+\X\gamma &\X\iota &\X\varpi &\X\phi \\
+\X\delta &\X\kappa &\X\rho &\X\varphi \\
+\X\epsilon &\X\lambda &\X\varrho &\X\chi \\
+\X\varepsilon &\X\mu &\X\sigma &\X\psi \\
+\X\zeta &\X\nu &\X\varsigma &\X\omega \\
+\X\eta &\X\xi \\
+ \\
+\X\Gamma &\X\Lambda &\X\Sigma &\X\Psi \\
+\X\Delta &\X\Xi &\X\Upsilon &\X\Omega \\
+\X\Theta &\X\Pi &\X\Phi
+\caption{Binary Operation Symbols}\label{tab:bin}
+\X\pm &\X\cap &\X\diamond &\X\oplus \\
+\X\mp &\X\cup &\X\bigtriangleup &\X\ominus \\
+\X\times &\X\uplus &\X\bigtriangledown &\X\otimes \\
+\X\div &\X\sqcap &\X\triangleleft &\X\oslash \\
+\X\ast &\X\sqcup &\X\triangleright &\X\odot \\
+\X\star &\X\vee &\X\lhd$^*$ &\X\bigcirc \\
+\X\circ &\X\wedge &\X\rhd$^*$ &\X\dagger \\
+\X\bullet &\X\setminus &\X\unlhd$^*$ &\X\ddagger \\
+\X\cdot &\X\wr &\X\unrhd$^*$ &\X\amalg \\
+\X+ &\X-
+$^*$ Not predefined in \LaTeXe.
+ Use one of the packages \textsf{latexsym}, \textsf{amsfonts} or
+ \textsf{amssymb}.
+\caption{Relation Symbols}\label{tab:rel}
+\X\leq &\X\geq &\X\equiv &\X\models \\
+\X\prec &\X\succ &\X\sim &\X\perp \\
+\X\preceq &\X\succeq &\X\simeq &\X\mid \\
+\X\ll &\X\gg &\X\asymp &\X\parallel \\
+\X\subset &\X\supset &\X\approx &\X\bowtie \\
+\X\subseteq &\X\supseteq &\X\cong &\X\Join$^*$ \\
+\X\sqsubset$^*$ &\X\sqsupset$^*$&\X\neq &\X\smile \\
+\X\sqsubseteq &\X\sqsupseteq &\X\doteq &\X\frown \\
+\X\in &\X\ni &\X\propto &\X= \\
+\X\vdash &\X\dashv &\X< &\X> \\
+$^*$ Not predefined in \LaTeXe.
+ Use one of the packages \textsf{latexsym}, \textsf{amsfonts} or
+ \textsf{amssymb}.
+\caption{Punctuation Symbols}\label{tab:punct}
+\X, &\X; &\X\colon &\X\ldotp &\X\cdotp
+\caption{Arrow Symbols}\label{tab:arrow}
+\X\leftarrow &\X\longleftarrow &\X\uparrow \\
+\X\Leftarrow &\X\Longleftarrow &\X\Uparrow \\
+\X\rightarrow &\X\longrightarrow &\X\downarrow \\
+\X\Rightarrow &\X\Longrightarrow &\X\Downarrow \\
+\X\leftrightarrow &\X\longleftrightarrow &\X\updownarrow \\
+\X\Leftrightarrow &\X\Longleftrightarrow &\X\Updownarrow \\
+\X\mapsto &\X\longmapsto &\X\nearrow \\
+\X\hookleftarrow &\X\hookrightarrow &\X\searrow \\
+\X\leftharpoonup &\X\rightharpoonup &\X\swarrow \\
+\X\leftharpoondown &\X\rightharpoondown &\X\nwarrow \\
+\X\rightleftharpoons &\X\leadsto$^*$
+$^*$ Not predefined in \LaTeXe.
+ Use one of the packages \textsf{latexsym}, \textsf{amsfonts} or
+ \textsf{amssymb}.
+\caption{Miscellaneous Symbols}\label{tab:ord}
+\X\ldots &\X\cdots &\X\vdots &\X\ddots \\
+\X\aleph &\X\prime &\X\forall &\X\infty \\
+\X\hbar &\X\emptyset &\X\exists &\X\Box$^*$ \\
+\X\imath &\X\nabla &\X\neg &\X\Diamond$^*$ \\
+\X\jmath &\X\surd &\X\flat &\X\triangle \\
+\X\ell &\X\top &\X\natural &\X\clubsuit \\
+\X\wp &\X\bot &\X\sharp &\X\diamondsuit \\
+\X\Re &\X\| &\X\backslash &\X\heartsuit \\
+\X\Im &\X\angle &\X\partial &\X\spadesuit \\
+\X\mho$^*$ &\X. &\X|
+$^*$ Not predefined in \LaTeXe.
+ Use one of the packages \textsf{latexsym}, \textsf{amsfonts} or
+ \textsf{amssymb}.
+\caption{Variable-sized Symbols}\label{tab:op}
+\X\sum &\X\bigcap &\X\bigodot \\
+\X\prod &\X\bigcup &\X\bigotimes \\
+\X\coprod &\X\bigsqcup &\X\bigoplus \\
+\X\int &\X\bigvee &\X\biguplus \\
+\X\oint &\X\bigwedge
+\caption{Log-like Symbols}\label{tab:log}
+\Z\arccos &\Z\cos &\Z\csc &\Z\exp &
+ \Z\ker &\Z\limsup &\Z\min &\Z\sinh \\
+\Z\arcsin &\Z\cosh &\Z\deg &\Z\gcd &
+ \Z\lg &\Z\ln &\Z\Pr &\Z\sup \\
+\Z\arctan &\Z\cot &\Z\det &\Z\hom &
+ \Z\lim &\Z\log &\Z\sec &\Z\tan \\
+\Z\arg &\Z\coth &\Z\dim &\Z\inf &
+ \Z\liminf &\Z\max &\Z\sin &\Z\tanh
+\X( &\X) &\X\uparrow &\X\Uparrow \\
+\X[ &\X] &\X\downarrow &\X\Downarrow \\
+\X\{ &\X\} &\X\updownarrow &\X\Updownarrow \\
+\X\lfloor &\X\rfloor &\X\lceil &\X\rceil \\
+\X\langle &\X\rangle &\X/ &\X\backslash \\
+\X| &\X\|
+\caption{Large Delimiters\label{tab:ldels}}
+\Y\rmoustache& \Y\lmoustache& \Y\rgroup& \Y\lgroup\\[5pt]
+\Y\arrowvert& \Y\Arrowvert& \Y\bracevert
+\caption{Math mode accents}\label{tab:accent}
+\W\hat{a} &\W\acute{a} &\W\bar{a} &\W\dot{a} &\W\breve{a}\\
+\W\check{a} &\W\grave{a} &\W\vec{a} &\W\ddot{a} &\W\tilde{a}\\
+\caption{Some other constructions}\label{tab:other}
+\W\widetilde{abc} &\W\widehat{abc} \\
+\W\overleftarrow{abc} &\W\overrightarrow{abc} \\
+\W\overline{abc} &\W\underline{abc} \\
+\W\overbrace{abc} &\W\underbrace{abc} \\[5pt]
+\W\sqrt{abc} &$\sqrt[n]{abc}$&\verb|\sqrt[n]{abc}| \\
+$f'$&\verb|f'| &$\frac{abc}{xyz}$&\verb|\frac{abc}{xyz}|
+Here is the third appendix.
+Watch the number of Figure \ref{fig:3} in this appendix.
+ \centering
+ \unitlength 1in % make unit length to be 1 inch
+ \begin{picture}(6,4)(0,0) % picture coordinates 6 in width, 4 in height,
+ % origin 0,0
+ \put(1.4,2.6){\line(3,-1){3.0}} % draw a straight line at slope -1/3
+ % starting at (1.4,2.6) of length 3.0
+ \put(0,0){\vector(1,0){5.5}}
+ \put(0,0){\vector(0,1){3}}
+ \end{picture}
+ \caption{A Picture Drawn with \LaTeX\ Commands}\label{fig:3}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/bridge.eps b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/bridge.eps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..323c7c3971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/bridge.eps
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
+%%Creator: jpeg2ps V1.5 by Thomas Merz
+%%Title: bridge_842.jpg
+%%CreationDate: Wed Aug 18 14:11:23 1999
+%%BoundingBox: 20 20 592 592
+%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit
+%%LanguageLevel: 2
+%%Page: 1 1
+/languagelevel where {pop languagelevel 2 lt}{true} ifelse {
+ (JPEG file 'bridge_842.jpg' needs PostScript Level 2!\n) dup print flush
+ /Helvetica findfont 20 scalefont setfont 100 100 moveto show showpage stop
+} if
+/RawData currentfile /ASCII85Decode filter def
+/Data RawData << >> /DCTDecode filter def
+20 20 translate
+572.00 572.00 scale
+/DeviceRGB setcolorspace
+{ << /ImageType 1
+ /Width 256
+ /Height 256
+ /ImageMatrix [ 256 0 0 -256 0 256 ]
+ /DataSource Data
+ /BitsPerComponent 8
+ /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1]
+ >> image
+ Data closefile
+ RawData flushfile
+ showpage
+ restore
+} exec
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/main.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/main.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15b3505f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/main.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+% format: latex
+%% This is a sample LaTeX2e input file for the University of Pittsburgh
+%% thesis document class (pitthesis.cls).
+%% Wonkoo Kim (,, September 23, 1999
+%% A '%' character causes TeX to ignore all remaining text on the line,
+%% and is used for comments like this line.
+%\documentclass [12pt,proposal]{pitthesis}
+%\documentclass [12pt]{pitthesis}
+\documentclass [10pt]{pitthesis}
+%\documentclass [12pt,twoside]{pitthesis}
+%% Pitt Thesis Document Class:
+%% This document class loads latex2e's report class.
+%% A latex2e thesis document starts with
+%% \documentclass[options]{pitthesis}
+%% Additional class options to the report class are provided for
+%% Pitt thesis styles.
+%% Pitt Thesis Document Class Options:
+%% pitteng Pitt Engineering thesis (selected by default)
+%% pittstd Pitt (Standard) thesis (selects nofloatchap by default)
+%% phd Ph.D thesis (selected by default)
+%% ms M.S. thesis
+%% proposal for proposal presentation
+%% headings default running heads with page numbers
+%% noheadings do not put default running heads
+%% floatchap floats (figures and tables) are numbered by chapters
+%% nofloatchap floats (figures and tables) are numbered sequentially
+%% single single line spacing
+%% onehalf one and half (1.5) line spacing (selected by default)
+%% double double line spacing
+%% (And, all `report' class options can be used.)
+%% Default Options: 11pt, pitteng, phd, noheadings, onehalf
+%% floatchap -- for pitteng
+%% nofloatchap -- for pittstd
+%% If no options were given for pitthesis class, then
+%% [11pt,pitteng,phd,noheading,onehalf] are selected by default.
+%% For example, a typical 12pt Pitt Engineering Ph.D thesis document will
+%% start with
+%% \documentclass[12pt]{pitthesis}
+%% or, \documentclass[12pt,pitteng,phd]{pitthesis}
+%% Numbering Floats (Figures and Tables):
+%% For Engineering thesis, floats(figures,tables) are numbered by
+%% chapters and appendices if `nofloatchap' class option was not given.
+%% When `nofloatchap' option is chosen, all figures and tables are numbered
+%% sequentially throughtout the whole document including appendices. If you
+%% want to number figures and tables in appendices separately, then the
+%% command \floatsbyappendix can be used anywhere before appendix in a
+%% document. Then figures and tables in appendices are numbered like A-1,
+%% A-2, B-1, etc.
+%% \documentclass[nofloatchap]{pitthesis}
+%% -- floats(figures,tables) are numbered sequentially
+%% throughout the whole document.
+%% \floatsbyappendix -- floats(figures,tables) are numbered by appendices
+%% if this command is used in a user document.
+% The preamble begins here.
+ {\AMStrue\usepackage{amsmath,amsthm,amsfonts}}
+ {\usepackage{latexsym}}
+% Declares the document's title.
+--- A Sample Document File}
+%\proposal{Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal} % print on title page by 'proposal' option
+\author{Wonkoo Kim} % Declares the author's name.
+% Declares formerly earned degrees
+\degrees{B.S. in E.E., Sogang University, Korea, 1979\\
+M.S. in E.E., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 1982}
+% Declares degree to earn
+%\degree{Master of Science\\in\\Electrical Engineering} % for M.S.
+\school{School of Engineering} % for School of Engineering thesis
+%\school{School of Arts and Science} % for other Pitt schools
+\university{University of Pittsburgh} % the University
+\date{September 23, 1999} % Deleting this command produces today's date.
+\year{1999} % year in title page
+%\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.3} % line spacing
+\maketitle % Produces the title.
+\begin{committeesignature}[5] % begin the committee the signature page.
+% It has an optional argument for the number of committee members.
+% If you have more or less than 5 committee members, give the number in the
+% optional argument for better spacing between signature fields.
+% e.g., \begin{committeesignature}[4] for 4 committee members including advisor.
+%% Committee members in {committeesignature} environment must be placed with
+%% proper ordering, as those members will be typeset immediately at the
+%% commands.
+%% \chairperson{} is the synonym of \advisor{}.
+%% \cochairperson is the synonym of \coadvisor{}.
+%% Use \committeemember{} for additional committee members
+%% For Ph.D. Thesis
+\advisor{Firstname1 Lastname1, Ph.D. (Electrical Engneering)}
+ % \chairperson is a synonym of \advisor{}
+%\coadvisor{Prof. Foo Bar, Ph.D.} % if you have a Co-advisor
+ % \cochairperson is a synonym of \coadvisor{}
+\committeemember{Firstname2 Lastname2, Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering)}
+\committeemember{Firstname3 Lastname3, Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering)}
+\committeemember{Firstname4 Lastname4, Ph.D. (Mathematics)}
+\committeemember{Firstname5 Lastname5, Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering)}
+\end{committeesignature} % end the committee signature page.
+%% For M.S. Thesis
+% \begin{committeesignature}
+% \advisor{Prof. Foo Bar, Ph.D.}
+% \end{committeesignature}
+\advisorname{Firstname1 Lastname1, Ph.D.} % for PhD thesis abstract page
+\abstract % generate the heading of abstract page
+\input{notation} % nomenclature and abbreviations
+\include{appendix} % appendices
+%% \bibliography{ref}
+%% \bibliographystyle{ieeetr}
+\bibitem{lp:latex} \mbox{Leslie Lamport}, \emph{A Document Preparation
+ System: \LaTeX\ User's Guide \& Reference Manual}, Published by
+Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1994.
+\bibitem{jbw:tex} \mbox{Jingbai Wang}, \emph{An Introduction to
+\TeX/\LaTeX}, the \textbf{on-line documentation} written for CIS,
+ University of Pittsburgh, 1988.
+\bibitem{pitteng:thesis} \mbox{Engineering Graduate Administrative Committee},
+\emph{A Manual for Preparation of Theses and Dissertations
+for the School of Engineering}, School of Engineering, University of
+Pittsburgh, 1995
+\bibitem{pittstd:thesis} \mbox{Kit Ayars}, \emph{Style And Form Manual for
+Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Preparation at the University of Pittsburgh},
+Office of the Provost, University of Pittsburgh, 1995.
+\end{document} % End of document.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/notation.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/notation.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..387ee75529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/notation.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+% master: main
+% format: latex
+\begin{list} {} {\labelwidth 6em \leftmargin 8em \labelsep 1.5em}
+\item[$:=$] denotes definition.
+\item[$\left\lfloor \cdot \right\rfloor$] The largest integer less than
+ $\cdot$.
+\item[$H(z)$] The Z-transform of a coefficient sequence $h[n]$ is
+ defined by
+ $$
+ H(z) := \sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty h[n] z^{-n}.
+ $$
+\item[$\rho(\mathbf{A})$] The spectral radius of a matrix $\mathbf{A}$ is defined
+ by
+ \[
+ \rho(\mathbf{A}) := \limsup_{m\rightarrow\infty} \left\|\mathbf{A}^m\right\|^{1/m}.
+ \]
+\item[$\sigma(\mathbf{A})$] The largest eigenvalue of a matrix $\mathbf{A}$ is
+ defined by
+ \[
+ \sigma(\mathbf{A}) := \max\{\:\left|\lambda\right|\::\: \mbox{$\lambda$ is an
+ eigenvalue of $\mathbf{A}$}\}.
+ \]
+ Note that $\rho(\mathbf{A}) = \sigma(\mathbf{A}).$
+\begin{list} {} {\labelwidth 6em \leftmargin 8em \labelsep 1.5em}
+\item[AMS] American Mathematical Society
+\item[CTAN] Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network, e.g., \\
+ \verb||,
+ \verb||
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/part1.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/part1.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d3492db66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/part1.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+% master: main
+% format: latex
+\part{\LaTeXe\ Document Class for Pitt Theses}
+This document will illustrate some of the \LaTeX\ powers in typesetting
+a thesis at University of Pittsburgh. The source file of this document
+will be used as a sample \LaTeXe\ file for thesis writing.
+It is to be compiled with \LaTeXe, and the following class files should be
+accessible for writing thesis at University of Pittsburgh during the
+compilation: \\
+\texttt{pitthesis.cls} & the main Pitt thesis document class file \\
+\texttt{pitteng.clo} & class option file for Pitt Engineering thesis \\
+\texttt{pittstd.clo} & class option file for Pitt standard thesis \\
+\end{tabular} \\
+The document is divided into three parts. The first part describes the usage of
+the document class \texttt{pitthesis}. The second part is the level one sample
+input. Except some sectioning headings added in by the current author for
+illustration and clarity, it is the verbatim copy of the Leslie~Lamport's
+\texttt{sample2e.tex} (which is a sample file from the \LaTeXe\ package).
+Effort is made for the user to see most of the likely needed \LaTeXe\ commands
+in writing a thesis. The User should compare this source file with the
+document result as well as the \LaTeXe\ Manual.\cite{lp:latex}
+The third part is for the mathematical equations (instead of simple formula)
+and figures/tables and the third part is about the special symbols.
+I recommend the user compare every command used in this file with the document
+result and the \LaTeXe\ Manual, but some of the commands may not be found there,
+in AMS\LaTeX\ by the American Mathematical Society, which can be obtained from
+CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network) sites, e.g.,
+The bibliography is also sneaked in. The user should also watch out for it.
+Pitt thesis document class package (including this document) borrowed some
+Jinbai Wang's work on \LaTeX 2.09 style files for theses at the University of
+Pittsburgh\cite{jbw:tex} and is completely rewritten by the current author
+for \LaTeXe 's report class, so that all options of report class can be used.
+The reader should also notice that the document class \textbf{pittthesis} that
+I wrote has two important class options, \texttt{pitteng} and \texttt{pittstd},
+namely, \textbf{engineering thesis} (by default) and \textbf{Pitt standard
+thesis}, respectively. One has to give the option ``\texttt{pittstd}'' for
+Pitt standard thesis style, otherwise ``\texttt{pitteng}'' is assumed.
+\documentclass{pitthesis} % document class for Engineering thesis.
+\documentclass[pittstd]{pitthesis} % for Pitt standard thesis.
+These classes are designed so close as possible to the thesis requirements set
+by various schools at the University of Pittsburgh (including the School of
+Engineering)\cite{pitteng:thesis,pittstd:thesis}. However, minor modifications
+may have to be done by the individual users to fit individual needs.
+A \LaTeXe\ document for a Pitt thesis starts with
+Note that any report class options may be used and additional class options are
+provided by the \texttt{pitthesis} class for theses at the University of
+Pittsburgh, which are listed in Table \ref{tab:pitthesis}.
+ \centering
+ \caption{\{\texttt{pitthesis}\} document class options}
+ \label{tab:pitthesis}
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \hline
+ \verb|pitteng|* & Pitt Engineering thesis \\
+ \verb|pittstd| & Pitt (Standard) thesis
+ (selects \texttt{nofloatchap} by default)\\
+ \verb|phd|* & Ph.D. thesis \\
+ \verb|ms| & M.S. thesis \\
+ \verb|proposal| & for proposal presentation \\
+ \verb|headings| & default running heads with page numbers \\
+ \verb|noheadings|* & do not put default running heads \\
+ \verb|floatchap|* & floats (figures and tables) are numbered by chapters \\
+ \verb|nofloatchap|& floats (figures and tables) are numbered sequentially\\
+ \verb|single| & single line spacing \\
+ \verb|onehalf|* & 1.5 line spacing \\
+ \verb|double| & double line spacing \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular} \\
+ (* are the default options.)
+The default options are \texttt{11pt}, \texttt{pitteng}, \texttt{phd},
+\texttt{noheadings}, \texttt{onehalf}. And, \texttt{floatchap} is selected
+by default for \texttt{pitteng} and \texttt{nofloatchap} for \texttt{pittstd},
+ \documentclass{pitthesis}
+is equivalent to
+ \documentclass[11pt,pitteng,phd,noheadings,onehalf,floatchap]{pitthesis}
+ \documentclass[pittstd]{pitthesis}
+is equivalent to
+ \documentclass[11pt,pittstd,phd,noheadings,onehalf,nofloatchap]{pitthesis}
+For Engineering thesis, floats (figures,tables) will be numbered by
+chapters and appendices if the class option \texttt{nofloatchap} is not given.
+If the option \texttt{nofloatchap} is given, all figures and tables will be
+numbered sequentially throughtout the whole document including appendices.
+If you want to number figures and tables separately for appendices, then the
+command \verb|\floatsbyappendix| can be used anywhere before appendix
+environment in the document. Then figures and tables in appendices are numbered
+like A-1, A-2, B-1, etc.
+A typical 12pt Pitt Engineering Ph.D. thesis document may start with
+ \documentclass[12pt]{pitthesis}
+For double-sided printing, which would be handy for personal copies,
+ \documentclass[12pt,twoside]{pitthesis}
+will typeset even and odd pages differently with proper margins for binding
+and the page numbers are printed away from the bound sides of papers.
+The \texttt{twoside} option may not change the page numbers unless
+a \verb|\part{}| sectioning command is used in a thesis.
+\section{Line Spacing}
+The line spacing of texts can be selected by the class options of
+\texttt{single}, \texttt{onehalf}, and \texttt{double}. The default line
+spacing is \texttt{onehalf} (1.5 line spacing), which I prefer for the final
+printout, but double line spaced texts will give more space for proofreading.
+A double line spaced thesis can be created by
+ \documentclass[12pt,double]{pitthesis}
+The line spacing of texts can be further controlled by using
+\verb|\baselinestretch| in the preamble of your document. For example,
+ \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.3}
+will stretch the line spacing of texts. As \verb|\baselineskip| is set
+right after \verb|\begin{document}| by \texttt{pitthesis} class,
+\verb|\baselinestretch| does not change the line spacing of the main texts
+but the line spacing of other texts like tables.
+\chapter{USING \texttt{pittthesis} DOCUMENT CLASS}
+\section{Thesis Title Page}
+Thesis title page carries much more information than the original \LaTeXe 's
+\verb|\maketitle| can handle. Therefore, more fields are introduced to
+\verb|\maketitle| for the thesis classes (Please look at the source file
+(\texttt{part1.tex}) of this document). Beside the standard fields, i.e.
+\verb|\title{}|, \verb|\author{}|, and \verb|\date{}|, the following additional
+fields are introduced (these can not be found in the \LaTeXe\ manual).
+ \item \verb|\degrees{}| -- for the degrees earned,
+ \item \verb|\degree{}| -- for the candidate degree (the degree the thesis is
+ for),
+ \item \verb|\school{}| -- such as School of Engineering or
+ School of Arts and Science
+ \item \verb|\university{}| -- such as University of Pittsburgh
+ \item \verb|\year{}| -- year to be printed in the title page
+ and the abstract page
+\section{Preparing a Thesis Proposal}
+The class option \texttt{proposal} will prepare the title page for a proposal.
+For example,
+ \documentclass[12pt,proposal,phd]{pitthesis}
+and, in preamble (i.e., before \verb|\begin{document}|),
+ \proposal{Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal}
+will typeset the title page for a thesis proposal.
+A thesis proposal does not create a Committee Signature Page and does not
+make the signature field for advisor's signature in the abstract page.
+(It ignores \verb|\begin{committeesignature}| environment in the document, if
+\section{Committee Signature Page}
+The heading of the committee signature page is generated by
+and an optional argument of the number of committee members may be added by
+where \verb|#| controls the spacing of signature fields of committee members.
+If this number is not given, the committee signature page will be typeset best
+for 5 committee members (including the advisor). If there are more or less
+committee members than five, it would be better to give the number to the
+optional argument for a proper spacing of committee members on the page. (e.g.,
+\verb|\begin{committeesignature}[4]|) The committee members in
+\verb|{committeesignature}| environment must be placed in a proper order, as
+those members will be typeset immediately at each command of the following:
+ \item \verb|\advisor{}| (or \verb|\chairperson{}|)
+ \item \verb|\coadvisor{}| (or \verb|\cochairperson{}|)
+ \item \verb|\committeemember{}|
+A \verb|\committeemember{}| is added for each additional committee member.
+The committee signature environment is ended by the following:
+\section{Abstract Page}
+The advisor's name to be printed in the abstract page of Pitt thesis is defined
+by either of the following commands:
+ \advisorname{Firstname1 Lastname1, Ph.D.}
+ \chairpersonname{Firstname1 Lastname1, Ph.D.}
+Otherwise, the name defined by \verb|\advisor{}| (or \verb|\chairperson{}|) will be
+used instead. The following command
+will generate the heading of the abstract page with a signature field,
+advisor's name, thesis title, author's name and title, and the name of
+a university. For Pitt standard thesis, the year (set by \verb|\year{}|)
+will be printed after the university name with a comma. The texts of thesis
+abstract will immediately follow the \verb|\abstract| command.
+The author's title may be explicitly set by \verb|\authortitle{}| command
+to change the default value set by the \texttt{pitthesis} class. For example,
+ \authortitle{M.A.}
+before \verb|\abstract| command will set the author's title to ``M.A.'' in the
+Abstract page.
+A list of key-words is listed under the heading ``DESCRIPTOR'' after the
+abstract texts. The descriptor list of this document was created by the
+following commands:
+ \LaTeXe\ document class &
+ Pitt engineering thesis \\
+ Pitt standard thesis &
+ Thesis document sample file \\
+ University of Pittsburgh
+Appendix chapters are enclosed by the environment \verb|{appendices}|:
+\chapter{...} % the first appendix
+ ...
+\chapter{...} % the second appendix
+ ...
+for multiple appendix chapters. Each appendix chapters are numbered
+alphbetically: APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, APPENDIX C, and so on.
+If there is only one appendix chapter in a thesis, the single appendix chapter
+may not be numbered, which should be enclosed by a \verb|{singleappendix}|
+\begin{singleappendix} % single appendix chapter
+ ...
+This single appendix chapter is referred by just APPENDIX without a chapter
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/part2.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/part2.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4127d844c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/part2.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+% master: main
+% format: latex
+\part{Sample2e.tex for \LaTeXe}
+This part is essentially the \texttt{sample2e.tex} file by Leslie~Lamport
+except some added sectioning commands.
+\newcommand{\ip}[2]{(#1, #2)}
+ % Defines \ip{arg1}{arg2} to mean
+ % (arg1, arg2).
+%\newcommand{\ip}[2]{\langle #1 | #2\rangle}
+ % This is an alternative definition of
+ % \ip that is commented out.
+This is an example input file. Comparing it with
+the output it generates can show you how to
+produce a simple document of your own.
+\section{Ordinary Text}
+% Produces section heading. Lower-level sections are begun with similar
+% \subsection and \subsubsection commands.
+The ends of words and sentences are marked
+ by spaces. It doesn't matter how many
+spaces you type; one is as good as 100. The
+end of a line counts as a space.
+One or more blank lines denote the end
+of a paragraph.
+Since any number of consecutive spaces are treated
+like a single one, the formatting of the input
+file makes no difference to
+ \LaTeX, % The \LaTeX command generates the LaTeX logo.
+but it makes a difference to you. When you use
+\LaTeX, making your input file as easy to read
+as possible will be a great help as you write
+your document and when you change it. This sample
+file shows how you can add comments to your own input
+\subsection{Quotations Marks and Dash}
+Because printing is different from typewriting,
+there are a number of things that you have to do
+differently when preparing an input file than if
+you were just typing the document directly.
+\subsubsection{Quotation Marks}
+Quotation marks like
+ ``this''
+have to be handled specially, as do quotes within
+ ``\,`this' % \, separates the double and single quote.
+ is what I just
+ wrote, not `that'\,''.
+\paragraph{Doube Quotes}
+Double Quotes are really two characters, not a single character
+\verb|"| that may be found on a keyboard.
+Dashes come in three sizes: an
+ intra-word
+dash, a medium dash for number ranges like
+ 1--2,
+and a punctuation
+ dash---like
+A sentence-ending space should be larger than the
+space between words within a sentence. You
+sometimes have to type special commands in
+conjunction with punctuation characters to get
+this right, as in the following sentence.
+ Gnats, gnus, etc.\ all % `\ ' makes an inter-word space.
+ begin with G\@. % \@ marks end-of-sentence punctuation.
+You should check the spaces after periods when
+reading your output to make sure you haven't
+forgotten any special cases. Generating an
+ \ldots\ % `\ ' is needed after `\ldots' because TeX
+ % ignores spaces after command names like \ldots
+ % made from \ + letters.
+ %
+ % Note how a `%' character causes TeX to ignore
+ % the end of the input line, so these blank lines
+ % do not start a new paragraph.
+ %
+with the right spacing around the periods requires
+a special command.
+\subsection{Reserved symbols}
+\LaTeX\ interprets some common characters as
+commands, so you must type special commands to
+generate them. These characters include the
+ \$ \& \% \# \{ and \}.
+\subsection{Emphasis vs. Italics}
+In printing, text is usually emphasized with an
+ \emph{italic}
+type style.
+ A long segment of text can also be emphasized
+ in this way. Text within such a segment can be
+ given \emph{additional} emphasis.
+\subsection{Word Mode (No Line-break)}
+It is sometimes necessary to prevent \LaTeX\ from
+breaking a line where it might otherwise do so.
+This may be at a space, as between the ``Mr.'' and
+``Jones'' in
+ ``Mr.~Jones'', % ~ produces an unbreakable interword space.
+or within a word---especially when the word is a
+symbol like
+ \mbox{\emph{itemnum}}
+that makes little sense when hyphenated across
+Footnotes\footnote{This is an example of a footnote.}
+pose no problem.
+\subsection{Simple Formula}
+\LaTeX\ is good at typesetting mathematical formulas
+ \( x-3y + z = 7 \)
+ \( a_{1} > x^{2n} + y^{2n} > x' \)
+ \( \ip{A}{B} = \sum_{i} a_{i} b_{i} \).
+The spaces you type in a formula are
+ignored. Remember that a letter like
+ $x$ % $ ... $ and \( ... \) are equivalent
+is a formula when it denotes a mathematical
+symbol, and it should be typed as one.
+\section{Displayed Text}
+Text is displayed by indenting it from the left
+margin. Quotations are commonly displayed. There
+are short quotations
+ This is a short a quotation. It consists of a
+ single paragraph of text. See how it is formatted.
+and longer ones.
+ This is a longer quotation. It consists of two
+ paragraphs of text, neither of which are
+ particularly interesting.
+ This is the second paragraph of the quotation. It
+ is just as dull as the first paragraph.
+Another frequently-displayed structure is a list.
+The following is an example of an \emph{itemized}
+ \item This is the first item of an itemized list.
+ Each item in the list is marked with a ``tick''.
+ You don't have to worry about what kind of tick
+ mark is used.
+ \item This is the second item of the list. It
+ contains another list nested inside it. The inner
+ list is an \emph{enumerated} list.
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item This is the first item of an enumerated
+ list that is nested within the itemized list.
+ \item This is the second item of the inner list.
+ \LaTeX\ allows you to nest lists deeper than
+ you really should.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ This is the rest of the second item of the outer
+ list. It is no more interesting than any other
+ part of the item.
+ \item This is the third item of the list.
+You can even display poetry.
+ There is an environment
+ for verse \\ % The \\ command separates lines
+ Whose features some poets % within a stanza.
+ will curse.
+ % One or more blank lines separate stanzas.
+ For instead of making\\
+ Them do \emph{all} line breaking, \\
+ It allows them to put too many words on a line when they'd rather be
+ forced to be terse.
+Mathematical formulas may also be displayed. A
+displayed formula
+one-line long; multiline
+formulas require special formatting instructions.
+ \[ \ip{\Gamma}{\psi'} = x'' + y^{2} + z_{i}^{n}\]
+Don't start a paragraph with a displayed equation,
+nor make one a paragraph by itself.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/part3.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/part3.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7690fe9b28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/part3.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+% master: main
+% format: latex
+\part{Mathematical Equations, Figures and Tables}
+In a thesis, one may need to write many more equations than simple in-text
+formula and display formula. In this part, some more involved
+formula are included and they will be put in the equation like environments.
+The user should also pay attention to the way the equations being numbered,
+labeled and cross-referenced.
+The following equation (\ref{eq:1}) is in the \textbf{equation}
+environment and it is labeled,
+ = ? \label{eq:1}
+\LaTeX\ numbers the equation as long as it is in the equation
+or eqnarray environment. The following is an un-labeled equation,
+\LaTeX\ still numbers it
+ A=
+ \begin{pmatrix}
+ a_{11}&a_{12}&\ldots&a_{1n}\\
+ a_{21}&a_{22}&\ldots&a_{2n}\\
+ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\
+ a_{m1}&a_{m2}&\ldots&a_{mn}
+ \end{pmatrix}
+ A=
+ \left(
+ \begin{array}{cccc}
+ a_{11}&a_{12}&\ldots&a_{1n}\\
+ a_{21}&a_{22}&\ldots&a_{2n}\\
+ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\
+ a_{m1}&a_{m2}&\ldots&a_{mn}
+ \end{array}
+ \right)
+If one does not need to number and label a equation, he can place it
+inside the math display environment or delimiters, i.e., \textbf{displaymath}
+environment and
+\[ ... \]
+$$ ... $$
+delimiter pairs, e.g.,
+\left(\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}+
+\frac{\partial^2}{\partial y^2}\right)\left|\varphi(x+iy)\right|^2 = 0
+ 2\uparrow\uparrow k\mathrel{\mathop=^{\rm def}}
+ 2^{2^{2^{\cdot^{\cdot^{\cdot^2}}}}}
+ \vbox{\hbox{$\Bigr\}\scriptstyle k$}\kern0pt}
+ =\sum_{n\ge0}z^n\,\left(\sum_
+ {\stackrel{\scriptstyle k_0,k_1,\ldots\ge0}
+ {\scriptstyle k_0+k_1+\cdots=n}}
+ a_{0k_0}a_{1k_1}\ldots\,\right)
+If there are more than one equation in a group or there are many lines
+in an equation, one can use the \textbf{eqnarray} environment, but he should
+pay special attention to those multi-line equations (otherwise all the lines
+will be numbered) by using \textbf{nonumber} command as shown below,
+ \left(\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2}\,dx\right)^2
+ & =& \int_{-\infty}^\infty\int_{-\infty}^\infty
+ e^{-(x^2+y^2)}\,dx\,dy \nonumber \\
+ & =& \int_0^{2\pi}\int_0^\infty e^{-r^2}r\,dr\,d\theta \nonumber \\
+ & =& \int_0^{2\pi}\left(\left. -\frac{e^{-r^2}}{2}
+ \right|_{r=0}^{\infty}\,\right)\,d\theta \nonumber \\
+ & =& \pi
+k=1.38\times10^{-23}\rm\,J/^\circ K.
+Figures and tables are essential ingredients in a non-trivial engineering or
+science thesis. Before the computer typesetting became good enough, these
+things took authors lots of time to hand-draw. Nowadays, the computer seems
+to be able to draw any kind of simple and fancy figures and tables. Many
+users are still computer-generating figures and tables separately from
+typesetting the thesis, and then cut-and-paste. However, with good
+packages such as \TeX/\LaTeX, one can avoid this type of waste most of times.
+In the following, we will see how the figures can be inserted into the
+thesis. The figure itself is generated otherwise, and the table is produced
+by \LaTeX\ commands.
+\section{Figures--Inserting, Captioning and Importing}
+Shown in Figure~\ref{fig:1} is a figure (Pitt Engineering Thesis Guide
+Manual has a good definition as for what is called a figure). This Figure
+is generated by:
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=3in]{bridge.eps}
+ \caption{The ``Bridge'' image}
+ \label{fig:1}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=4in]{bridge.eps}
+ \caption{The ``Bridge'' image}
+ \label{fig:1}
+\texttt{bridge.eps} is a postscript file converted from an image file.
+Note that figure \ref{fig:1} is also labeled and cross-referenced here.
+For more details about graphics file inclusion, please refer to
+\texttt{graphics} package of \LaTeXe. \LaTeXe\ has a few commands to draw
+simple pictures. Figure \ref{fig:2} shows a picture drawn with \LaTeXe\
+commands in the \texttt{picture} environment. The user can read
+\cite{lp:latex} for details.
+ \centering
+\unitlength 0.8in % make unit length to be 0.8 inch
+\begin{picture}(6,4)(0,0) % picture coordinates 6 in width, 4 in height,
+ % origin 0,0
+\put(1.4,2.6){\line(3,-1){3.0}} % draw a straight line at slope -1/3
+ % starting at (1.4,2.6) of length 3.0
+\caption{A Picture Drawn with \LaTeX\ Commands}\label{fig:2}
+\section{Tables-Inserting and Drawing}
+Tables and figures are inserted labeled and so on in rather similar ways
+except the caption for a table usually appears on top of the table instead
+of below that. An example of table is given in Table~\ref{tab:1}. Note
+also that this table is written in \textbf{minipage} environment.
+\caption{Text Formatting and Word Processing Packages}\label{tab:1}
+\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline
+ & Scribe \\ \cline{2-2}
+ & \TeX \\ \cline{2-2}
+Text Formatters\footnote{All the text formatters listed are command-driven}%
+ & \LaTeX \\ \cline{2-2}
+ & troff \\ \hline
+ & WordStar \\ \cline{2-2}
+Word processors \footnote{All the word processors listed are menu-driven}%
+ & Word Perfect \\ \cline{2-2}
+ & Ms Word \\ \cline{2-2}
+ & MacWrite \\ \hline
+Note also that Table~\ref{tab:1} is labeled and referenced. It will be
+listed in the LIST OF TABLES.
+\TeX\ has pre-defined many useful special symbols, such as the Greek
+letters, mathematical symbols, accented European letters. The newer
+version of \TeX\ has even introduced some sets of fonts for some foreign
+For a thesis writer, the most essential knowledge he needs about the
+special symbols is Greek letters and mathematical symbols.
+\section{Greek Letters}
+In \TeX\ and \LaTeXe\ Greek letters are called by their English names,
+e.g., alpha, beta. If the first letter is in capital, then \TeX\ outputs
+a capital Greek letter (but many capital Greek letters coincide with
+English letters, and hence no commands are designed for them).
+The commands for all the Greek letters are listed in
+Table \ref{tab:greek}. Note that Greek letters have to be in math mode,
+e.g., $\alpha$.
+\section{Other Mathematical Symbols}
+Beside the Greek letters there are many more math symbols, for example
+the Calligraphic letter $\cal F$ which may used for Fourier and
+$\cal L$ for Laplace. The user can refer to the \LaTeXe\ Manual\cite{lp:latex}
+pp. 41--50 for more information. Many mathematical
+symbols are listed in Appendix \ref{sec:mathsym}.
+\section{Accented European Letters}
+In the \LaTeXe\ Manual\cite{lp:latex} pp. 38--39, one can find some help as
+for how typeset accented European letters.