path: root/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/appendix.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/appendix.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/appendix.tex')
1 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/appendix.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/appendix.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af36251b4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pitthesis/sample/appendix.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+% master: main
+% format: latex
+This is the 1st appendix. Now alphabetic numbering starts for Appedices.
+ A=
+ \begin{pmatrix}
+ a_{11}&a_{12}&\ldots&a_{1n}\\
+ a_{21}&a_{22}&\ldots&a_{2n}\\
+ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\
+ a_{m1}&a_{m2}&\ldots&a_{mn}
+ \end{pmatrix}
+ A=
+ \left(
+ \begin{array}{cccc}
+ a_{11}&a_{12}&\ldots&a_{1n}\\
+ a_{21}&a_{22}&\ldots&a_{2n}\\
+ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\
+ a_{m1}&a_{m2}&\ldots&a_{mn}
+ \end{array}
+ \right)
+Here is the second appendix. See how equations, figures, and tables in
+appendices are numbered.
+ A=
+ \begin{pmatrix}
+ a_{11}&a_{12}&\ldots&a_{1n}\\
+ a_{21}&a_{22}&\ldots&a_{2n}\\
+ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\
+ a_{m1}&a_{m2}&\ldots&a_{mn}
+ \end{pmatrix}
+ A=
+ \left(
+ \begin{array}{cccc}
+ a_{11}&a_{12}&\ldots&a_{1n}\\
+ a_{21}&a_{22}&\ldots&a_{2n}\\
+ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\
+ a_{m1}&a_{m2}&\ldots&a_{mn}
+ \end{array}
+ \right)
+ \left(\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2}\,dx\right)^2
+ & =& \int_{-\infty}^\infty\int_{-\infty}^\infty
+ e^{-(x^2+y^2)}\,dx\,dy \nonumber \\
+ & =& \int_0^{2\pi}\int_0^\infty e^{-r^2}r\,dr\,d\theta \nonumber \\
+ & =& \int_0^{2\pi}\left(\left. -\frac{e^{-r^2}}{2}
+ \right|_{r=0}^{\infty}\,\right)\,d\theta \nonumber \\
+ & =& \pi
+x \in \mathbb{R} \\
+k=1.38\times10^{-23}\rm\,J/^\circ K.
+% Math-mode symbol & verbatim
+\def\W#1#2{$#1{#2}$ &\ttfamily\string#1\string{#2\string}}
+\def\X#1{$#1$ &\ttfamily\string#1}
+\def\Y#1{$\big#1$ &\ttfamily\string#1}
+\caption{Greek Letters}\label{tab:greek}
+\X\alpha &\X\theta &\X o &\X\tau \\
+\X\beta &\X\vartheta &\X\pi &\X\upsilon \\
+\X\gamma &\X\iota &\X\varpi &\X\phi \\
+\X\delta &\X\kappa &\X\rho &\X\varphi \\
+\X\epsilon &\X\lambda &\X\varrho &\X\chi \\
+\X\varepsilon &\X\mu &\X\sigma &\X\psi \\
+\X\zeta &\X\nu &\X\varsigma &\X\omega \\
+\X\eta &\X\xi \\
+ \\
+\X\Gamma &\X\Lambda &\X\Sigma &\X\Psi \\
+\X\Delta &\X\Xi &\X\Upsilon &\X\Omega \\
+\X\Theta &\X\Pi &\X\Phi
+\caption{Binary Operation Symbols}\label{tab:bin}
+\X\pm &\X\cap &\X\diamond &\X\oplus \\
+\X\mp &\X\cup &\X\bigtriangleup &\X\ominus \\
+\X\times &\X\uplus &\X\bigtriangledown &\X\otimes \\
+\X\div &\X\sqcap &\X\triangleleft &\X\oslash \\
+\X\ast &\X\sqcup &\X\triangleright &\X\odot \\
+\X\star &\X\vee &\X\lhd$^*$ &\X\bigcirc \\
+\X\circ &\X\wedge &\X\rhd$^*$ &\X\dagger \\
+\X\bullet &\X\setminus &\X\unlhd$^*$ &\X\ddagger \\
+\X\cdot &\X\wr &\X\unrhd$^*$ &\X\amalg \\
+\X+ &\X-
+$^*$ Not predefined in \LaTeXe.
+ Use one of the packages \textsf{latexsym}, \textsf{amsfonts} or
+ \textsf{amssymb}.
+\caption{Relation Symbols}\label{tab:rel}
+\X\leq &\X\geq &\X\equiv &\X\models \\
+\X\prec &\X\succ &\X\sim &\X\perp \\
+\X\preceq &\X\succeq &\X\simeq &\X\mid \\
+\X\ll &\X\gg &\X\asymp &\X\parallel \\
+\X\subset &\X\supset &\X\approx &\X\bowtie \\
+\X\subseteq &\X\supseteq &\X\cong &\X\Join$^*$ \\
+\X\sqsubset$^*$ &\X\sqsupset$^*$&\X\neq &\X\smile \\
+\X\sqsubseteq &\X\sqsupseteq &\X\doteq &\X\frown \\
+\X\in &\X\ni &\X\propto &\X= \\
+\X\vdash &\X\dashv &\X< &\X> \\
+$^*$ Not predefined in \LaTeXe.
+ Use one of the packages \textsf{latexsym}, \textsf{amsfonts} or
+ \textsf{amssymb}.
+\caption{Punctuation Symbols}\label{tab:punct}
+\X, &\X; &\X\colon &\X\ldotp &\X\cdotp
+\caption{Arrow Symbols}\label{tab:arrow}
+\X\leftarrow &\X\longleftarrow &\X\uparrow \\
+\X\Leftarrow &\X\Longleftarrow &\X\Uparrow \\
+\X\rightarrow &\X\longrightarrow &\X\downarrow \\
+\X\Rightarrow &\X\Longrightarrow &\X\Downarrow \\
+\X\leftrightarrow &\X\longleftrightarrow &\X\updownarrow \\
+\X\Leftrightarrow &\X\Longleftrightarrow &\X\Updownarrow \\
+\X\mapsto &\X\longmapsto &\X\nearrow \\
+\X\hookleftarrow &\X\hookrightarrow &\X\searrow \\
+\X\leftharpoonup &\X\rightharpoonup &\X\swarrow \\
+\X\leftharpoondown &\X\rightharpoondown &\X\nwarrow \\
+\X\rightleftharpoons &\X\leadsto$^*$
+$^*$ Not predefined in \LaTeXe.
+ Use one of the packages \textsf{latexsym}, \textsf{amsfonts} or
+ \textsf{amssymb}.
+\caption{Miscellaneous Symbols}\label{tab:ord}
+\X\ldots &\X\cdots &\X\vdots &\X\ddots \\
+\X\aleph &\X\prime &\X\forall &\X\infty \\
+\X\hbar &\X\emptyset &\X\exists &\X\Box$^*$ \\
+\X\imath &\X\nabla &\X\neg &\X\Diamond$^*$ \\
+\X\jmath &\X\surd &\X\flat &\X\triangle \\
+\X\ell &\X\top &\X\natural &\X\clubsuit \\
+\X\wp &\X\bot &\X\sharp &\X\diamondsuit \\
+\X\Re &\X\| &\X\backslash &\X\heartsuit \\
+\X\Im &\X\angle &\X\partial &\X\spadesuit \\
+\X\mho$^*$ &\X. &\X|
+$^*$ Not predefined in \LaTeXe.
+ Use one of the packages \textsf{latexsym}, \textsf{amsfonts} or
+ \textsf{amssymb}.
+\caption{Variable-sized Symbols}\label{tab:op}
+\X\sum &\X\bigcap &\X\bigodot \\
+\X\prod &\X\bigcup &\X\bigotimes \\
+\X\coprod &\X\bigsqcup &\X\bigoplus \\
+\X\int &\X\bigvee &\X\biguplus \\
+\X\oint &\X\bigwedge
+\caption{Log-like Symbols}\label{tab:log}
+\Z\arccos &\Z\cos &\Z\csc &\Z\exp &
+ \Z\ker &\Z\limsup &\Z\min &\Z\sinh \\
+\Z\arcsin &\Z\cosh &\Z\deg &\Z\gcd &
+ \Z\lg &\Z\ln &\Z\Pr &\Z\sup \\
+\Z\arctan &\Z\cot &\Z\det &\Z\hom &
+ \Z\lim &\Z\log &\Z\sec &\Z\tan \\
+\Z\arg &\Z\coth &\Z\dim &\Z\inf &
+ \Z\liminf &\Z\max &\Z\sin &\Z\tanh
+\X( &\X) &\X\uparrow &\X\Uparrow \\
+\X[ &\X] &\X\downarrow &\X\Downarrow \\
+\X\{ &\X\} &\X\updownarrow &\X\Updownarrow \\
+\X\lfloor &\X\rfloor &\X\lceil &\X\rceil \\
+\X\langle &\X\rangle &\X/ &\X\backslash \\
+\X| &\X\|
+\caption{Large Delimiters\label{tab:ldels}}
+\Y\rmoustache& \Y\lmoustache& \Y\rgroup& \Y\lgroup\\[5pt]
+\Y\arrowvert& \Y\Arrowvert& \Y\bracevert
+\caption{Math mode accents}\label{tab:accent}
+\W\hat{a} &\W\acute{a} &\W\bar{a} &\W\dot{a} &\W\breve{a}\\
+\W\check{a} &\W\grave{a} &\W\vec{a} &\W\ddot{a} &\W\tilde{a}\\
+\caption{Some other constructions}\label{tab:other}
+\W\widetilde{abc} &\W\widehat{abc} \\
+\W\overleftarrow{abc} &\W\overrightarrow{abc} \\
+\W\overline{abc} &\W\underline{abc} \\
+\W\overbrace{abc} &\W\underbrace{abc} \\[5pt]
+\W\sqrt{abc} &$\sqrt[n]{abc}$&\verb|\sqrt[n]{abc}| \\
+$f'$&\verb|f'| &$\frac{abc}{xyz}$&\verb|\frac{abc}{xyz}|
+Here is the third appendix.
+Watch the number of Figure \ref{fig:3} in this appendix.
+ \centering
+ \unitlength 1in % make unit length to be 1 inch
+ \begin{picture}(6,4)(0,0) % picture coordinates 6 in width, 4 in height,
+ % origin 0,0
+ \put(1.4,2.6){\line(3,-1){3.0}} % draw a straight line at slope -1/3
+ % starting at (1.4,2.6) of length 3.0
+ \put(0,0){\vector(1,0){5.5}}
+ \put(0,0){\vector(0,1){3}}
+ \end{picture}
+ \caption{A Picture Drawn with \LaTeX\ Commands}\label{fig:3}