path: root/macros/latex/contrib/pdfreview/pdfreview.sty
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/pdfreview/pdfreview.sty
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/pdfreview/pdfreview.sty')
1 files changed, 561 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pdfreview/pdfreview.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/pdfreview/pdfreview.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c307557fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pdfreview/pdfreview.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+% This package is covered by the LaTeX project public license
+% (see \url{}).
+% Please report bugs to the author (Michael Palmer,
+% modifications since 1.1:
+% - added second optional argument to \note (tikz code)
+% - expunged package ifthen, since we require etoolbox anyway
+% - added package name to default pdfcreator string
+% - added 'important' option for applying different note formatting
+% - added 'staggered' option to prevent overlapping placement of notes
+% - added 'scaletopage' option to pick a page other than the first one
+% in case that one has an atypical size, as sometimes happens.
+% - added \pagegrid user macro to draw a grid of helplines over top
+% the included source page.
+% In the docs, we should tell the users that the page environment is, in fact,
+% a tikzpicture - so they can use nodes etc inside it. Maybe we should
+% specify a relative unit for the x axis also? yes, we do now. we also shift
+% the scope, so that the origin is always at the bottom left of the source page.
+% we also need to add to the docs that the leftnotes env can stay - you don't
+% need to remove it when you set twocolumn to false.
+\ProvidesPackage{pdfreview}[2019/02/22 v1.20]
+ adjustbox,
+ calc,
+ environ,
+ etoolbox,
+ fp,
+ graphicx,
+ kvoptions,
+ tikz,
+ twoopt,
+ xstring
+% improve file name handling
+% provide \sout (strikeout)
+ family=annotation,
+ prefix=prv@,
+\DeclareStringOption[{1cm 1cm 1cm 1cm}]{trim}
+% break up trim options - passing raw kvoptions input through to adjustbox fails.
+% count spaces
+\StrCount{\prv@trim}{ }[\prv@trimspaces]
+\typeout{trim option: \prv@trim}
+\typeout{trim spaces: \prv@trimspaces}
+% \ifstrequal from etoolbox doesn't work here
+ % no spaces - trim all four sides the same
+ {\edef\prv@trimleft{\prv@trim}%
+ \edef\prv@trimright{\prv@trim}%
+ \edef\prv@trimtop{\prv@trim}%
+ \edef\prv@trimbottom{\prv@trim}%
+ }{\IfEq{\prv@trimspaces}{1}%
+ % one space - apply separate trimming to h and v
+ {\StrCut{\prv@trim}{ }{\prv@trimh}{\prv@trimv}%
+ \edef\prv@trimleft{\prv@trimh}%
+ \edef\prv@trimright{\prv@trimh}%
+ \edef\prv@trimtop{\prv@trimv}%
+ \edef\prv@trimbottom{\prv@trimv}}
+ {% assume it's different parameters for all four sides
+ \StrCut{\prv@trim}{ }{\prv@trimleft}{\prv@trimtwo}%
+ \StrCut{\prv@trimtwo}{ }{\prv@trimbottom}{\prv@trimthree}%
+ \StrCut{\prv@trimthree}{ }{\prv@trimright}{\prv@trimtop}}}
+\newcommand{\resettrim}[1][0pt]{% may be needed for figure pages
+ \edef\prv@trimleft{#1}%
+ \edef\prv@trimright{#1}%
+ \edef\prv@trimtop{#1}%
+ \edef\prv@trimbottom{#1}%
+% control the split between the included page and the notes pane
+% a length for keeping track of bottom of the last note,
+% to guard against vertical overlap
+% empty space between body and notes
+\newcommand{\prv@notesfont}{\csname \prv@fontsize \endcsname}
+\hypersetup{pdfcreator={LaTeX with the pdfreview package}}
+% global setlength - from
+ \begingroup
+ \setlength\skip@{#2}
+ \global#1=\skip@
+ \endgroup
+ notesfont/.style={ % used for both notes and help line numbers
+ font=\prv@notesfont
+ },
+ %
+ sticky/.style={ % set font and graphics, but not size or anchor
+ notesfont, % operation will shift the whole page up.
+ draw=\prv@notesframe,
+ fill=\prv@notesbg,
+ rounded corners=0.5pt,
+ inner xsep=\prv@xsep,
+ inner ysep=0.4\ht\prv@charbox,
+ outer ysep=0.5pt,
+ outer xsep=0pt,
+ },
+ %
+ notes/.style={
+ sticky,
+ anchor=south west,% 't has to be this way, otherwise, the sbox
+ text width=\prv@notestextwidth,
+ text height=\ht\prv@charbox,
+ alias=NN,
+ append after command={
+ \pgfextra{ % calculate and globally save node height
+ % simplified for height only, from Alain Matthes answer
+ % to
+ % the reason for this is that within tikzpicture the
+ % \ht operator doesn't work on saveboxes for some reason.
+ % so we are forced to extract the height from the node.
+ \coordinate (A) at (NN.south);
+ \coordinate (B) at (NN.north);
+ \pgfpointdiff{\pgfpointanchor{A}{center}}%
+ {\pgfpointanchor{B}{center}}%
+ \pgfmathsetlength{\global\prv@notesboxheight}{\pgf@y}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ %
+ important/.style={
+ notes,
+ draw=\prv@important
+ },
+ %
+ helpnum/.style={
+ notesfont,
+ draw=none,
+ text=\prv@gridcolor,
+ text width=\prv@helpnumwidth,
+ align=center,
+ inner xsep=0pt,
+ inner ysep=-1em, % hack to squash scale y offset caused by node text
+ },
+ %
+ grid/.style={
+ draw=\prv@gridcolor,
+ very thin,
+ },
+ %
+ boxnode/.style={
+ inner sep=0pt,
+ outer sep=0pt,
+ anchor=south west,
+ draw=none
+ },
+ %
+ strutline/.style={
+ draw=white,
+ line width=0pt
+ },
+ %
+ hypertarget/.style={
+ draw=none,
+ inner sep=0pt,
+ outer sep=0pt,
+ alias=targetnode,
+ append after command={
+ node[draw=none,above of=targetnode,yshift=\prv@notesboxheight]
+ {\hypertarget{#1}{}}
+ }
+ },
+ %
+ hyperlink/.style={
+ notes,
+ alias=sourcenode,
+ append after command={
+ let \p1=(sourcenode.north west),
+ \p2=(sourcenode.south east),
+ \n1={\x2-\x1},
+ \n2={\y1-\y2} in
+ node [inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt,anchor=north west,at=(\p1)]
+ {\hyperlink{#1}{\phantom{\rule{\n1}{\n2}}}}
+ }
+ },
+ \ifnumless{\ht\prv@gridboxright}{10}{%
+ \global\sbox{\prv@gridboxright}{%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[y=\prv@unitheight,grid]%
+ \foreach \y in {0, 4, ..., \prv@maxscale}{%
+ \begin{scope}[yshift=\y\prv@unitheight]%
+ \draw (0,0) -- ++(\prv@noteswidth-\prv@helpnumwidth,0) node[helpnum,anchor=west]{$\y$};
+ \ifnumequal{\y}{\prv@maxscale}{}{%
+ \foreach \z/\w in {1/1,2/2.5,3/1}{%
+ \draw (0,\z) -- ++(\w,0);
+ }}%
+ \end{scope}
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}}}{}%
+ \usebox{\prv@gridboxright}%
+ \ifnumless{\ht\prv@gridboxleft}{10}{%
+ \global\sbox{\prv@gridboxleft}{%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[y=\prv@unitheight,grid,xscale=-1]%
+ \foreach \y in {0, 4, ..., \prv@maxscale}{%
+ \begin{scope}[yshift=\y\prv@unitheight]%
+ \draw (0,0) -- ++(\prv@noteswidth-\prv@helpnumwidth,0) node[helpnum,anchor=east]{$\y$};
+ \ifnumequal{\y}{\prv@maxscale}{}{%
+ \foreach \z/\w in {1/1,2/2.5,3/1}{%
+ \draw (0,\z) -- ++(\w,0);
+ }}%
+ \end{scope}
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}}}{}%
+ \usebox{\prv@gridboxleft}%
+% boolean switch for suppressing output of empty pages
+% boolean that is set if code executes inside page environment
+% flag for noteslist
+% flag for initial scaling - we scale dimensions to the first included page
+ \gsetlength{\prv@sourcebodywidth}{\prv@bodywidth\textwidth}%
+ \ifprv@twocolumn%
+ \gsetlength{\prv@noteswidth}{0.5\textwidth-0.5\prv@sourcebodywidth-\prv@bodypadding}%
+ \gsetlength{\prv@bodyoffset}{\prv@noteswidth+\prv@bodypadding-\prv@bodyframe}%
+ \else%
+ \gsetlength{\prv@noteswidth}{\textwidth-\prv@sourcebodywidth-\prv@bodypadding}%
+ \gsetlength{\prv@bodyoffset}{0pt}%
+ \fi%
+ % the x offset for the notes is a bit surprising, because the effective
+ % offset gets altered by the savebox mechanism. This value applies to
+ % the notes in the right margin; for the left margin, we override it locally
+ % in the leftnotes environment.
+ \gsetlength{\prv@notesxoffset}{\textwidth-\prv@noteswidth}%
+ \gsetlength{\prv@notestextwidth}{\prv@noteswidth-\prv@helpnumwidth-2\prv@xsep}%
+ \sbox{\prv@pagebox}{%
+ {\setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}%
+ \adjustbox{clip,trim=\prv@trimleft{} \prv@trimbottom{} \prv@trimright{} \prv@trimtop{},%
+ width=\prv@sourcebodywidth,fbox=\prv@bodyframe}%
+ {\includegraphics[page=\prv@scaletopage]%
+ {\sourcedoc}}%
+ }}%
+ \gsetlength{\prv@pageheight}{\ht\prv@pagebox}%
+ \gsetlength{\prv@unitheight}{\prv@pageheight/\prv@maxscale}%
+ \gsetlength{\prv@unitwidth}{\prv@sourcebodywidth/\prv@maxscale}%
+ \global\setbool{prv@initialscaling}{true}
+ {}%
+ {\prv@scaledo}% use first page to scale internal length parameters
+% first, lets adjust the horizontal shifting
+ {\setlength{\prv@leftshifted}{\prv@trimleft+\prv@trimshift}%
+ \setlength{\prv@rightshifted}{\prv@trimright-\prv@trimshift}}
+ {\setlength{\prv@leftshifted}{\prv@trimleft-\prv@trimshift}%
+ \setlength{\prv@rightshifted}{\prv@trimright+\prv@trimshift}}
+ {\renewcommand*{\prv@pagelabel}{\roman{page}}}%
+ {\renewcommand*{\prv@pagelabel}{\arabic{prv@offsetpage}}}%
+ {\phantomsection%
+ \bookmark[level=1,page=\arabic{page}]{p. \prv@pagelabel}}%
+\begin{tikzpicture}[x=\prv@unitwidth,y=\prv@unitheight,node distance=3pt]%
+ \ifprv@grid
+ \node[boxnode] at (0,0){\prv@drawgridboxleft};
+ \else
+ \draw[strutline](0,0) -- (\prv@noteswidth,0);
+ \fi
+ \node[boxnode,anchor=south east] at (\textwidth,0) {\prv@drawgridboxright};
+ \draw[strutline](\textwidth,0) -- ++(-\prv@noteswidth,0);
+\node[boxnode] at (\prv@bodyoffset,0)
+ {\adjustbox{clip, trim=\prv@leftshifted{} \prv@trimbottom{} \prv@rightshifted{} \prv@trimtop{},%
+ #1,width=\prv@sourcebodywidth,fbox=\prv@bodyframe}%
+ {\includegraphics[page=#2]{\sourcedoc}%
+ }};%
+% create a scope that overlays with the source page, in both
+% one- and two-column mode
+\ifboolexpr{bool {prv@isempty} and bool {prv@withnotesonly}}%
+ {\global\deadcycles=0}%
+ {\noindent\usebox{\prv@wrapper}}%
+\newenvironment{leftnotes}% locally override the xoffset for the notes.
+ \setlength{\prv@notesxoffset}{\prv@helpnumwidth}%
+% allow notes to start from the top again in staggered mode
+ % simple \setlength fails here, but \pgfmathsetlength works
+% a matching no-op environment for the bureaucratically inclined
+% use an insertpage environment for putting out the list of notes if requested
+ % calculate bottom y to place next note on
+ % arguments: requested y pos, alignment. All other variables are global
+ %
+ % scale requested bottom position to source page height
+ \FPdiv{\prv@bottomratio}{#1}{\prv@maxscale}%
+ \setlength{\prv@requestedbottom}{\prv@bottomratio\prv@pageheight}%
+ % correct requested bottom position for alignment
+ \ifstrequal{#2}{b}%
+ {}%
+ {\ifstrequal{#2}{c}%
+ {\addtolength{\prv@requestedbottom}{-0.5\prv@notesboxheight}}%
+ {\addtolength{\prv@requestedbottom}{-\prv@notesboxheight}}}%
+ % adjust actual position to avoid overlap where needed. It seems we need two
+ % steps, since pgf is needed to make it stick globally, but it doesn't take
+ % the \minof operator. Oooh the manifold joys of LaTeX.
+ \ifprv@staggered%
+ \setlength{\prv@workingbottom}{\prv@currentnotebottom-\prv@notesboxheight}
+ \gsetlength{\prv@currentnotebottom}%
+ {\minof{\prv@requestedbottom}{\prv@workingbottom}}
+ \else%
+ \gsetlength{\prv@currentnotebottom}{\prv@requestedbottom}%
+ \fi%
+% draw a grid of help lines over the source page. We don't
+% use this as a global option, and the optional argument
+% to the page environment is already taken; therefore, it
+% just goes into a user macro.
+ \foreach \x in {0,#2,...,100}{
+ \draw[very thin,\prv@gridcolor,#1](0,\x) -- (100,\x);
+ \draw[very thin,\prv@gridcolor,#1](\x,0) -- (\x,100);
+ \ifbool{prv@isempty}%
+ {%
+ \ifbool{prv@withnotesonly}%
+ {\phantomsection%
+ \bookmark[level=1,page=\arabic{page}]{p. \prv@pagelabel}}{}%
+ \global\setbool{prv@isempty}{false}%
+ }%
+ {}%
+ \stepcounter{note}%
+ %
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=-\prv@bodyoffset]
+ \ifprv@inline
+ \sbox\prv@notesbox{\node[notes,#2] {%
+ \vspace{-\baselineskip}\newline% hack to force enough height for tabulars
+ \raggedright\setlength{\parindent}{1em}\noindent%
+ \ifprv@notenumbers\arabic{note})\ \fi%
+ #4
+ };}
+ \prv@calcbottom{#3}{#1}
+ \node[hypertarget=note\arabic{note}] at (\prv@notesxoffset,\prv@currentnotebottom){%
+ \bookmark[level=2,dest=note\arabic{note}]{Note \arabic{note}}\usebox{\prv@notesbox}};
+ \else
+ \sbox\prv@notesbox{\node[notes,#2]{12345.};}
+ \prv@calcbottom{#3}{#1}
+ \node[hypertarget=note\arabic{note},hyperlink=noteitem\arabic{note}]
+ at (\prv@notesxoffset,\prv@currentnotebottom){%
+ \bookmark[level=2,dest=note\arabic{note}]{Note \arabic{note}}%
+ \raggedright\setlength{\parindent}{1em}\noindent%
+ \global\setbool{prv@noteslistempty}{false}
+ \IfSubStr{#2}{important}%
+ {\g@addto@macro\prv@noteslist{\item%
+ \hypertarget{noteitem\arabic{enumi}}{}{\prv@importantitem{}#4}%
+ \hyperlink{note\arabic{enumi}}{~$\uparrow$}}}%
+ {\g@addto@macro\prv@noteslist{\item%
+ \hypertarget{noteitem\arabic{enumi}}{}{#4}%
+ \hyperlink{note\arabic{enumi}}{~$\uparrow$}}}%
+ %
+ \arabic{note}.
+ };
+ \fi
+ \end{scope}}
+ {\PackageWarning{pdfreview}{Not typesetting note outside of page environment}}%
+}% end \note
+% provide for extra pages with text
+\newenvironment{insertpage}[1][General comments]%{}{}%
+% noteslist is like insertpage, except that we don't restore the geometry
+% this will keep the modified margins in place for other appendices like
+% bibliographies
+\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of notes}%
+\section*{List of notes}}
+\AtBeginDocument{% divide up the page. Use package geometry if not yet loaded by user.
+ \@ifpackageloaded{geometry}{}% use of both package options and \newgeometry is intentional.
+ {\RequirePackage[hmargin=0.25cm,vmargin=2.5cm]{geometry}%
+ \newgeometry{hmargin=0.25cm,vmargin=2.5cm}}%
+\ifprv@inline% do nothing
+\else% close the notes list and print it out
+ \ifbool{prv@noteslistempty}{}{%
+ \g@addto@macro\prv@noteslist{\end{enumerate}\end{listofnotes}}
+ \clearpage
+ \prv@noteslist
+ }
+\newcommand{\ssout}[1]{\,\textbf{#1}\,} \ No newline at end of file