path: root/macros/latex/contrib/parades/
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/parades/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/parades/')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/parades/ b/macros/latex/contrib/parades/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a8741b1fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/parades/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# Paragraph designer generation
+import sys, time, os.path
+styles_438dsg48 = []
+def add_style(style):
+ styles_438dsg48.append(style)
+ return style
+class ParagraphOptions:
+ def __init__(self, **kw):
+ arg_names = ('cmd', 'parent', 'space_above', 'space_below', 'fontsize', 'baseline', 'fontcmd', 'stylecmd', 'boxes', 'leftskip', 'moresetup', 'afterpar', 'env', 'hsize', 'preamble_arg1', 'preamble_arg2', 'preamble_arg3', 'preamble_arg4')
+ cmd = kw.get('stylecmd') # 'cmd' or 'stylecmd' are required
+ if not cmd:
+ cmd = kw['cmd']
+ parent = kw.get('parent', None)
+ if parent:
+ for arg in arg_names:
+ if ('cmd' == arg) or ('stylecmd' == arg):
+ setattr(self, arg, None)
+ continue
+ setattr(self, arg, getattr(parent, arg))
+ else:
+ for arg in arg_names:
+ setattr(self, arg, None)
+ for (arg, val) in kw.iteritems():
+ if not (arg in arg_names):
+ raise AttributeError(arg)
+ setattr(self, arg, val)
+ #
+ # Print style as an internal command
+ #
+ def get_style_string(self):
+ s = ''
+ #if self.space_above:
+ # s = "\\ParaSpaceAbove{%s}" % self.space_above
+ fontcmd = self.fontcmd
+ if self.fontsize and self.baseline:
+ s = s + "\\fontsize{%s}{%s}" % (self.fontsize, self.baseline)
+ if not fontcmd:
+ fontcmd = '\\selectfont'
+ if fontcmd:
+ s = s + fontcmd
+ return s
+ #
+ # Print the style as command
+ #
+ def print_command(self, h):
+ if self.stylecmd:
+ s_style = self.get_style_string()
+ h.write("\\newcommand{\\%s}{%s}%%\n" % (self.stylecmd, s_style))
+ if not self.cmd:
+ return
+ if self.boxes:
+ n_boxes = len(self.boxes)
+ else:
+ n_boxes = 0
+ n_lastarg = n_boxes + 1
+ h.write("\\newcommand{\\%s}[%i]{{%%\n" % (self.cmd, n_lastarg))
+ self.write_para_setup(h)
+ if self.boxes:
+ if self.leftskip:
+ h.write("\\advance\\pd@leftskip by %s " % self.leftskip)
+ self.print_boxes(h)
+ h.write("%\n\\the\\everypar ")
+ s_after_par = self.get_after_para()
+ if self.hsize:
+ h.write("\\hsize=%s\\relax\n" % self.hsize)
+ preamble_attr = 'preamble_arg' + str(n_lastarg)
+ s_preamble = getattr(self, preamble_attr, None)
+ if s_preamble is None:
+ s_preamble = ''
+ h.write("%s#%i\\par}%s}\n" % (s_preamble, n_lastarg, s_after_par))
+ def print_env(self, h):
+ if not self.env:
+ return
+ h.write("\\newenvironment{%s}{" % self.env)
+ self.write_para_setup(h)
+ h.write("\ignorespaces}\n{")
+ ap = self.get_after_para()
+ if ap:
+ h.write("\\par\\global\\def\\pd@after@para{%s}\\aftergroup\\pd@after@para" % ap)
+ h.write("}\n")
+ def write_para_setup(self, h):
+ # "space_above" before "moresetup" because the latter
+ # may contain a call to "headbreaker"
+ s_style = self.get_style_string()
+ h.write(s_style)
+ spa = self.space_above or '0pt'
+ if '#natural' != spa:
+ h.write("%%\n\\ParaSpaceAbove{%s}" % spa)
+ if self.moresetup:
+ h.write("%%\n%s" % self.moresetup)
+ h.write("%\n\\noindent ")
+ def get_after_para(self):
+ s_after_par = ''
+ if self.afterpar:
+ s_after_par = self.afterpar
+ if '#natural' != self.space_below:
+ spb = self.space_below or '0pt'
+ s_after_par = s_after_par + ('\\ParaSpaceBelow{%s}' % spb)
+ return s_after_par
+ def print_boxes(self, h):
+ box_i = 0
+ for box in self.boxes:
+ box_i = box_i + 1
+ (offset, width) = box
+ h.write("%%\n\\hbox to 0pt{\\hss\\hbox to %s{#%i\\hss}\\dimen0=%s " % (width, box_i, self.leftskip))
+ h.write("%%\n\\advance\\dimen0 by -%s \\advance\\dimen0 by -%s \\hskip\\dimen0}" % (offset, width))
+def print_styles(h):
+ for style in styles_438dsg48:
+ h.write("\n")
+ style.print_command(h)
+ style.print_env(h)
+# Command-line
+def main(codeword):
+ h = sys.stdout
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ file_name = sys.argv[1]
+ h = open(file_name, 'w')
+ s_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_name))[0]
+ s_date = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
+ h.write("\\ProvidesPackage{%s}[%s Automatically generated paragraph styles for: %s]\n" % (s_name, s_date, s_name))
+ h.write("% RTL hook\n\\let\\pd@leftskip=\\leftskip\n")
+ print_styles(h)
+ if h != sys.stdout:
+ h.close()