path: root/macros/latex/contrib/morehype
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/morehype
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/morehype')
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/morehype/README.pdfbin0 -> 15153 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/blogexec.pdfbin0 -> 550563 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/hypertoc.pdfbin0 -> 454886 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/texlinks.pdfbin0 -> 667494 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/wiki_mwe.pdfbin0 -> 15150 bytes
39 files changed, 16546 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/README b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90d244bf69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/README
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ README for the `morehype' bundle
+ Some more hypertext tools
+ (C) Uwe Lueck 2012/11/28
+The bundle consists of three (or six) packages:
+ `texlinks.sty' shorthand macros for TeX-related external
+ hyperlinks with hyperref or `blog.sty' below
+ or ...?
+ `hypertoc.sty' with hyperref, colorlinks=false rehabilitated
+ - struts in table of content macros
+ (and decent border colors in `makedoc.cfg')
+ `blog.sty' fast generation of simple HTML by expanding
+ TeX macros (LaTeX names where possible), not
+ involving TeX's typesetting capabilities,
+ based on file processing with `fifinddo.sty'
+ (`nicetext' bundle)
+ `blogdot.sty' beamer presentations with `blog.sty'
+ `blogexec.sty' assignments and "ligatures" with `blog.sty'
+ `lnavicol.sty' web pages with a left-hand navigation column,
+ based on `blog.sty'
+The packages are described in more detail in `blog.pdf',
+`hypertoc.pdf', and `texlinks.pdf' (`doc' CTAN directory;
+typeset using fifinddo.sty, makedoc.sty, niceverb.sty from the
+`nicetext' bundle,
+`morehype' is author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below.
+The files listed in `SrcFILEs.txt' and the PDF files generated
+from them can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+of the LaTeX Project Public License; either version 1.3c of the
+License, or any later version, see
+We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
+Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
+The most recent public version of the bundle is at
+A TDS version of the bundle is available at
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/README.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/README.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6a335015c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/README.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/RELEASEs.txt b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/RELEASEs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ae25c7475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/RELEASEs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+ BUNDLE `morehype' RELEASES:
+r0.83 2015/11/09 texlinks v0.83 CTANology
+TEXLINKS (generating links to TeX-related websites) v0.83
+ * offers choices among certain kinds of CTAN sites
+ (w.r.t. design)
+ * updates Google Search links
+(not a bundle snapshot, just what I need for documenting
+ other packages.)
+r0.82 2013/01/22 texlinks v0.82 improves access to CTAN
+TEXLINKS (generating links to TeX-related websites) v0.82
+improves access to CTAN:
+ * offers replacements for `' (recently useless)
+ and `' (changed functionality recently);
+ Jim Hefferon's views still available while ...
+ * offers choice of favourite CTAN directory views
+ ("new" now included)
+ independently from favourite download site
+ ("opening" files, `' by default)
+See more in the package documentation `texlinks.pdf'.
+The `blogdot' documentation (HTML presentations; `blog.pdf')
+is adjusted to recent functionality of `texlinks'.
+r0.81 2013/01/04 more TeX links; {enumtype}, \-, {noblog}
+TEXLINKS v0.81:
+The advent of "the new" (2012-12-12) falsified
+the `texlinks' documentation and killed links ... so v0.8
+... became wrong the next day ... [out of breath ...]
+`texlinks' v0.81 changes some defaults and offers new
+choices for CTAN package description pages. The
+documentation also gives a little overview of what the
+different interfaces offer.
+`texlinks' v0.81 also generates links to Google search pages
+and Google maps (think of TeX user meetings), moreover to
+question pages on and on, and finally to the Wikibook on TeX.
+These macros generate the full URLs from minimal identifiers
+(and memorizable macro names) in the site-specific way.
+The documentation contains several new examples.
+BLOG v0.81:
+ * \begin{enumtype}{<1/a/A/i/I>} resembling the `enumerate'
+ package becomes "official".
+ * HTML entities added: soft hyphen (\-), ...caron; (\v),
+ ...lig; (\AE etc.)
+ * Documentation of `markblog' in `blog.pdf' mentions
+ alternative implementations of simplified/non-TeX markup
+ (especially `interpreter').
+BLOGEXEC v0.21:
+ * The {noblog} environment becomes "official". It
+ generates no HTML code at all, as opposed to `blog''s
+ {commentlines} that generates an HTML comment.
+r0.8 2012/12/20 -- not installed
+The advent of "the new" (2012-12-12) falsified
+the `texlinks' documentation and killed links to package
+author pages. `texlinks' v0.8 repairs this and offers
+choices between the TUG and WWW package info interfaces and
+The TeX catalogue. The documentation also gives a little
+overview of what the different interfaces offer.
+`texlinks' v0.8 also generates links to Google search pages
+and Google maps (think of TeX user meetings), moreover to
+question pages on and on, and finally to the Wikibook on TeX.
+These macros generate the full URLs from minimal identifiers
+(and memorizable macro names) in the site-specific way.
+To fix the broken links, documentations of packages
+`adhocfilelist', `filedate', `monofill', and `nicefilelist'
+will be regenerated soon.
+ * \begin{enumtype}{<1/a/A/i/I>} resembling the `enumerate'
+ package becomes "official".
+ * \- generates HTML soft hyphen (&shy;).
+ * Documentation of `markblog' in `blog.pdf' mentions
+ alternative implementations of simplified/non-TeX markup
+ (especially `interpreter').
+ * The {noblog} environment becomes "official". It generates
+ no HTML, as opposed to `blog''s {commentlines} that
+ generates an HTML comment.
+r0.71 2012/12/08
+`texlinks.sty' v0.71 has \ctanannpref according to recent
+documentation which conflicted with code and original usage.
+r0.7b 2012/12/07
+In the documentation of `texlinks.sty' v0.7b on Wikipedia's
+"piped links", another mistake corrected: `markblog.sty',
+not `blogexec.sty'.
+r0.7a 2012/12/02
+fixing link ("Piped link") and typo in `texlinks.sty' v0.7a
+-> `texlinks.pdf' (+ `fdatechk.tex - little useful)
+r0.7 2012/11/30
+- Wiki-like syntax announced before moves from personal/
+ experimental `texblog.fdf' to `blogligs.sty' and
+ `markblog.sty', properly documented in `blog.pdf'.
+ Moreover, the HTML file `markblog.htm' provides an
+ overview of the wiki features (and the source code in
+ `markblog.tex' may demonstrate the syntax too).
+- `markblog.sty' and `texlinks.sty' together emulate
+ Wikipedia's "piped links" ([[Pipeline|Pipe]],
+ [[Pipe (computing)|]])
+- `blog.sty' v0.8:
+ - indicating DOCTYPE
+ - commands for various "head" ("meta") element entries
+ - \abbr, \newabbr, \stylespan (for CSS), \textup,
+ \underbar, \xmleltcode, \xmleltattrcode; \newlet
+ - arrows and quotes completed, currencies, small fractions
+ - other additional symbols
+ - modified code spaces with declared attributes
+ - using `langcode.sty'
+ - symbols restructured
+ - documentation fixes
+- `blogexec.sty' v0.2:
+ - \MakeBlogBeginRun revised
+ - new \ChangeBlogBeginRun and \CopyBlogBeginRun
+ - actually, I had failed to upload v0.1!
+- `texlinks.sty' v0.7:
+ - links to
+ - smart parsing for linking to mailing list postings,
+ based on `langcode.sty'
+ - \ctanpkgstyref adds `.sty'
+ - documentation fixes
+- `README' corrected
+- `atari_ht.fdf' uses \MakeActiveLet from `catcodes' bundle
+- `blogdot.sty' v0.41 modifies/corrects \startscreenpage and
+ documentation (Firefox 12 change?)
+- `srcfiles.tex' applies `filesdo.sty' for `filedate' checks
+- `texblog.fdf' contains really "private" and "experimental"
+ code anyway and thus changes within every few days ...
+r0.6 2012/05/30 blog assignments, blog "ligs", langcode
+- The "pure expansion" limitation for the `blog.sty' way to
+ HTML is overcome by "intercepting" certain "commands" such
+ as \EXECUTE, \begin, and \end (configurable). So you can
+ introduce shorthand macros specific for a certain web page
+ within its source `.tex' file, or even limited to an
+ environment. And environment nesting is checked! And we
+ introduce certain nice active characters for an intuitive
+ table syntax.
+- We also use "intercepting" to support "ligatures" (`--',
+ `---', `...', ...) and some Wikipedia and Markdown markup
+ (font switching, highlighting by colours, Wikipedia links).
+ Parsing can be enabled within macro arguments by
+ modifying the two backbone macros that implement "short"
+ HTML elements.
+ This way, `blog.sty' becomes "fun" (but also slow ...)
+ ...
+- A kind of minimalist "multilanguage" approach based on
+ "language codes" and the `dowith' package for adjusting
+ language-dependent settings is used.
+Unfortunately, this upload is somewhat hasty, in order to
+provide the files generating `latexfileinfo_pkgs.htm'
+(`latexfileinfo-pkgs'). Some of the powerful code must
+later move from the "patch" file `texblog.fdf' into proper
+packages and be documented better.
+- `atari_ht.fdf' replaces `atari.fdf' to use HTML entities
+ for umlauts instead of relying on the encoding declaration
+- `blog.sty' accesses some more characters than before
+- `texlinks.sty' uses \langcode for Wiki...
+ + minor additions
+r0.52 2011/10/23 choosing CTAN URLs, HTML towards hyperref
+- `blogdot.sty' ("HTML beamer presentations") v0.4
+ provides \usecurrdirctan for opening CTAN example files
+ from current directory (in case of bad internet access
+ during *presentation*, while *online* version uses CTAN)
+- `texlinks.sty' v0.5:
+ - new \ctanref and \ctanfileref choose web source
+ according to new \usetugctan vs. \usemirrorctan
+ - changes treatment of fonts for URLs, file names,
+ and package names
+ - re-structures code and documentation
+- `blog.sty' v0.62
+ - provides \hyperlink and \hypertarget as aliases of
+ earlier blog.sty commands - towards
+ "HTML and PDF from same source"
+ - provides \textsf
+ - "updates" \textcolor
+- `blog.pdf' links to fifinddo-info/dantev45.htm
+- and a few documentation fixes
+r0.51 2011/10/15 blogdot.sty: HTML beamer presentations
+ + more morehype changes
+`blogdot.sty' extends `blog.sty' in order to construct
+"HTML slides." One "slide" is a 3x3 HTML table filling the
+computer screen, the center cell is the "type area," the
+margin cell below it is a link to the next "slide," and the
+lower right-hand cell is a "restart" link. This is a
+minimalistic, fast, straightforward approach to beamer
+presentations of simple text, avoiding TeX's typesetting.
+Font etc. sizes appropriate for slides are provided in
+`blogdot.css'. Find details in `blog.pdf'.
+QUALIFICATION: may be fine on your laptop, difficult online,
+works with Firefox, Opera, Chrome, rather not with MSIE.
+More changes of the `morehype' bundle:
+- `blog.sty' v0.61:
+ - \item, \endenumerate, \enditemize start with </li>,
+ this fixed links near the end of a blogdot presentation
+ (a quite "deep" .htm) with my Firefox
+ - "universal" attributes completed
+ - \figurespace (Unicode), \metavar (doc.sty's \meta),
+ \acronym, \bdquo, \dagger, \ddagger, \emptycell
+ - modified setup of "HTML environments"
+ - documentation fixes
+- `blog.pdf' includes documentation of `lnavicol.sty'
+ (web pages with left-hand navigation column)
+- `texlinks.sty' v0.41 provides \mirrorctanref,
+ \tugctanfileref, \mirrorctanfileref, \ltxcontrib
+ (see texlinks.pdf pp. 8f.)
+r0.5 2011/10/10 blogdot.sty: HTML beamer presentations
+ + other morehype changes
+about as r0.51, but with some mistakes, blogdot.sty v0.2
+instead of v0.3, blog.sty v0.6 instead of v0.61
+r0.41 2011/09/02 web pages with blog.sty
+- `twocolpg.sty' renamed `lnavicol.sty'
+- typo fixes in `blog.tex'/`blog.pdf'
+r0.4 2011/09/01 texlinks v0.4,
+ blog.sty v0.5 + support for two-column web pages
+A new "raw" macro file `twocolpg.sty' provides macros for
+the web page style with a navigation column at the left of a
+main content column with spanning header and footer -
+towards a content management system for TeX addicts?
+Templates (`demo') are provided, see Section `Examples' in
+`blog.sty' v0.5 has many more macros than v0.41, mainly
+for symbols. Accented letters are near to complete, Greek
+letters are complete. Documentation has been improved at
+some places. I realized that `&thinsp;' allows line breaks
+and therefore redefined \thinspace and \,, but this may be
+difficult with certain browsers.
+`texlinks.sty' v0.4 adds HTTPS, references to CTAN
+announcements, and references to the LaTeX Wikibook.
+Wikipedia macros and parts of documentation have been
+For details, always see the end of the .sty files.
+Throughout, the \acro macro (known from TUGboat macros)
+has been applied to the documentations.
+Moreover, the sample file `atari.fdf' for a little encoding
+conversion has moved to the nicetext bundle, and the macro
+it defines now is \TextCodes instead of \AtariCodes.
+r0.3 2011/02/10 texlinks v0.3 [blog], \urlpkgfoot
+\urlpkgfoot{PKG-ID} abbreviates \urlfoot{CtanPkgRef}{PKG-ID}
+that is needed frequently.
+Package option [blog] suppresses document definitions.
+blog.sty is updated accordingly and at the occasion.
+README points to
+r0.2 2011/01/27 texlinks v0.2 \urlfoot
+\urlfoot displays the URL that some shorthand generates
+in a footnote. E.g., \ukfaqref{LABEL}{TEXT} generates
+an URL that \urlfoot{ukfaqref}{LABEL} displays.
+r0.2a 2011/01/30 makehtml.tex+texmap.tex to `doc',
+TDS with `source'
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/SrcFILEs.txt b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/SrcFILEs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0411d4129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/SrcFILEs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ *File List*
+-RELEASE.--- -- -- -- -- ----
+morehype.RLS 2015/11/09 r0.83 texlinks v0.83 CTANology
+-----USE.--- -- -- -- -- ----
+ blog.sty 2013/01/21 v0.81a simple fast HTML (UL)
+ blogdot.sty 2013/01/22 v0.41b HTML presentations (UL)
+ blogdot.cfg 2011/10/21 -- local blogdot.sty config
+blogexec.sty 2012/12/20 v0.21 assignments with blog.sty (UL)
+blogligs.sty 2012/11/29 v0.2 pervasive blog ligatures (UL)
+hypertoc.sty 2011/01/23 v0.1 pretty TOC links (UL)
+lnavicol.sty 2011/10/13 -- left navigation column with blog.sty
+markblog.sty 2012/11/29 v0.2 wiki markup with blog.sty (UL)
+texlinks.sty 2015/07/20 v0.83 TeX-related links (UL)
+atari_ht.fdf 2012/10/05 -- Atari umlauts for blog.sty
+ texblog.fdf 2013/01/19 -- extra blog settings
+-----DOC.SRC -- -- -- -- ----
+ blog.tex 2015/05/11 -- documenting blog.sty
+blogexec.tex 2014/04/09 -- documenting blogexec.sty
+hellowor.tex 2012/11/30 -- hello world source
+hypertoc.tex 2011/01/27 -- documenting hypertoc.sty
+markblog.tex 2012/11/29 -- extended blog markup
+texlinks.tex 2015/05/24 -- documenting texlinks.sty
+wiki_mwe.tex 2012/12/20 -- texlinks wiki MWE
+-----DOC.FMT -- -- -- -- ----
+ README.tex 2012/03/18 -- make README.pdf
+fdatechk.tex 2012/12/20 -- morehype filedate checks
+mkhellow.tex 2012/11/30 -- blog demo
+srcfiles.tex 2012/12/20 -- file infos -> SrcFILEs.txt
+NICETEXT.--- -- -- -- -- ----
+fifinddo.sty 2012/11/17 v0.61 filtering TeX(t) files by TeX (UL)
+ makedoc.sty 2012/08/28 v0.52 TeX input from *.sty (UL)
+niceverb.sty 2012/11/27 v0.51 minimize doc markup (UL)
+ makedoc.cfg 2014/08/01 -- documentation settings
+mdoccorr.cfg 2012/11/13 -- `makedoc' local typographical corrections
+ ***********
+ List made at 2015/11/09, 10:50
+ from script file srcfiles.tex
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/hellowor/hellowor.htm b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/hellowor/hellowor.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72193c042f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/hellowor/hellowor.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<!-- generated from
+ hellowor.tex, 2012/11/29 hello world source,
+ with blog.sty, 2012-11-30 -->
+ <title>Hello world!</title>
+Hello <a href="" target="_blank">world</a>!
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/hellowor/hellowor.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/hellowor/hellowor.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f7453ba6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/hellowor/hellowor.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+\ProvidesFile{hellowor.tex}[2012/11/30 hello world source]
+\title{Hello world!}
+Hello [[world]]!
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/hellowor/mkhellow.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/hellowor/mkhellow.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac9eac4d24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/hellowor/mkhellow.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+\ProvidesFile{mkhellow.tex}[2012/11/30 blog demo]
+\RequirePackage[ligs,mark]{blog} %% general HTML generation
+\BlogInterceptEnvironments* %% ... using blogexec.sty
+\UseBlogLigs %% smart markup
+\RequirePackage{texlinks} %% basic link shorthands
+\RequirePackage{langcode} %% \uselangcode...
+\RequirePackage{catchdq} %% " typographically
+% \input{jobname} %% call by "echo"
+\newcommand{\htmljob} %% choose filename base
+{hellowor} %% "Hello world!"
+% {hallow} \uselangcode{de} %% "Hallo Welt!"
+% {markblog} %% easy syntax overview
+\BlogProcessFinalFile[%\TextCodes %% encoding settings
+ \catchdqs] %% " typographically
+ {\htmljob.tex}
+\stop %% stop LaTeX run
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/writings/makehtml.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/writings/makehtml.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e321fd9b9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/writings/makehtml.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+\def \GenDate {2012/08/02} %%% {2012/06/07} {2011/11/01}
+ [\GenDate\space TeX engine for "writings"]
+%% reworked 2012/03/13:
+\RequirePackage[autopars]{blog}[2011/11/20] %% auto 2012/08/02
+\input{atari_ht.fdf} %% 2012/06/07
+\NoBlogLigs %% 2012/03/14 TODO remove HTML comments
+% \def \htmljob
+% {_sitemap}
+% {index} \BlogAutoPars
+% {schreibt} \uselangcode{de} \BlogAutoPars %% mod. 2012/02/04
+% {about} \BlogAutoPars
+% {contact} % \tighttrue
+% {kontakt} \uselangcode{de} % \tighttrue
+% {tutor} \uselangcode{de} \BlogAutoPars \deeptrue
+% {writings} \BlogAutoPars \deeptrue
+% {repres} \BlogAutoPars \deeptrue
+% {critedl} \BlogAutoPars \deeptrue
+% {ednworks} \BlogAutoPars
+% {public} \BlogAutoPars \deeptrue
+% {texproj} \BlogAutoPars % \deeptrue
+\WriteResult\writdoctype %% TODO
+% \BlogCopyFile[\TextCodes %% \BlogIntercept:
+\BlogProcessFile[\TextCodes %% 2012/03/13
+ \MakeActiveDef\"{\catchdq}% %% TODO attributes!?
+ ]{\htmljob.tex}
+\WriteResult{\indentii\ueberseeport} %% TODO BlogLigs!?
+\ifdeep \WriteResult{\indenti\vspace{280}} \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/writings/schreibt.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/writings/schreibt.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5784f9ce74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/writings/schreibt.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+\ProvidesFile{schreibt.tex}[2011/08/19 f. schreibt.html]
+\head \charset{ISO-8859-1}
+ \writrobots
+ \writstylesheets
+\title{\Uwe\ schreibt} \body \writtopofpage
+ \headuseskiptitle{%
+ \timecontimgref{writings}{0}{Zeit-Logo}{Russells Zeit}%
+ }{10}{\Uwe\ \dqtd{schreibt}}
+ \fileitem{writings}{Intervallordnungen (Mathematik~etc.)}
+ \fileitem{public}{Publikationen}
+ \hrule
+ \fileitem{critedltx}{Softwarepakete f\"ur kritische Editionen}
+ \fileitem{texproj}{TeX-Projekte} %%% Makro-Projekte}
+ \hrule
+ \fileitem{tutor}{Mathe-Tutor}
+ \indentii\item\href{texmap.htm}{Notizen}
+ \hrule
+ \deFIabout \deFIkontakt
+\strong{Wissenschaft:}\enspace Diese Seiten entstanden zuerst
+zur Prsentation zweier ETC.
+\rightpar{\textit{Worms-Pfeddersheim, den 19.~August 2011,\\\Uwe}}
+% \rightpar{\textit{Mnchen, den 31.~Juli 2011,\\\Uwe}}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/writings/writings.fdf b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/writings/writings.fdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec37c22874
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/blogdemo/writings/writings.fdf
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+\ProvidesFile{writings.fdf}[2012/03/13 writings blog settings]
+\renewcommand*{\htext}{.html} %% vs. texblog.fdf 2011/08/31
+% \newcommand*{\htmakeext}{.htm} %% rm. 2011/10/09
+\renewcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#5c8a5c} %% 2012/03/13
+ %% <- TODO or leave for .css
+\newcommand*{\pagebgcolor}{\#f5f5f5} %% CSS whitesmoke
+% \@bgcolor{\#fafafa} %% needs adjusting logos
+\makeatletter %% 2011/09/01
+ \newcommand*{\pagespacing}{\@cellpadding{4} \@cellspacing{7}}
+\newcommand*{\pagewholewidth} {792}
+%% writings FIRST FILE LINEs
+%% (TODO: from makehtml.tex without macros, then remove ...):
+ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">}
+\newcommand*{\writstylesheets}{% %% order 2011/04/28b
+ \stylesheet{all}{style_ns}^^J\stylesheet{screen}{style}}
+%% font switching:
+\providecommand*{\pkg}{\pkgnamefmt} %% 2011/03/05
+%% 2011/07/31:
+% \newcommand*{\mystrong}{\textcolor{\#aa0000}}
+% \newcommand*{\mystrong}{\textcolor{\#008000}}
+% \newcommand*{\mystrong}[1]{\textbf{\textcolor{\#006600}{#1}}}
+% \newcommand*{\mystrong}{\textcolor{\#882200}}
+% \newcommand*{\mystrong}{\textcolor{\#008800}}
+% \newcommand*{\mystrong}{\textcolor{\#118811}} %% 2011/08/01
+\renewcommand*{\mystrong}[1]{% %% vs. texblog.fdf 2011/08/31
+ \textbf{\textcolor{\#008800}{#1}}}
+%% writings head macros:
+ \inclgrfref{254}{94}{timecont.gif}}
+\newcommand*{\nothingimgref} {%
+ \inclgrfref{250}{49}{nothing250.png}}
+\newcommand*{\usednotimgref} {%
+ \inclgrfref{300}{29}{usednot300.png}}
+ \timecontimgref{schreibt}{0}{Zeit-Logo}%
+ {Russells Zeit | zu U.L.s Homepage}}
+ \usednotimgref{index}{0}{ednotes logo}{to U.L.'s home page}}
+ \nothingimgref{index}{0}{ednotes sample}%
+ {ednotes sample | to U.L.'s home page}}
+ \timecontimgref{index}{0}{time logo}%
+ {Russell's time | go to U.L.'s home page}}
+%% writings navigation macros:
+ \fileitem{schreibt}{%
+% U.L.s Schriften~\endash\
+ U.L. schreibt~\endash\
+ \strong{Homepage}}}
+ \fileitem{about}%
+ {\strong{About}
+ myself\quad\simpleinclgrf{flag_uk.gif}}}
+ \fileitem{kontakt}{\strong{Kontakt}}}
+ \fileitem{index}{U.L.'s writings~\endash\ \strong{home}}}
+ \fileitem{about}{\strong{About} myself}}
+ \fileitem{contact}{\strong{Contact} me}}
+ \fileitem{contacten}%
+ {\strong{Contact} maintainers of \pkg{ednotes}}}
+ \fileitem{critedltx}{Packages for
+% \strong{critical editions}}}
+ critical editions}}
+ \fileitem{ednworks}{\pkg{ednotes} works}}
+ \fileitem{texproj}{Other \LaTeX\ packages}}
+ \fileitem{repres}{%
+ \enqtd{Representing Interval Orders
+ by Arbitrary Real Intervals}}}
+ \fileitem{texproj}{\strong{\TeX} macro projects}}
+ \fileitem{writings}{Scientific writings}}
+ \item\fileref{schreibt}{\strong{deutsch}%
+% \quad\simpleinclgrf{de-flk.gif}}}
+ \quad\simpleinclgrf{flag_de.gif}}}
+%% links to top of page:
+ \rightpar{\ancref{#1}{[\to}|%
+%% top name differs to texblog.fdf 2011/08/31:
+ \ancref{top}{~\uparrow~]}}%
+ \hrule \hanc{#1}{}\\}
+%% page bottom:
+\newcommand*{\Uwe}{Uwe L\"uck} %% UWE LCK
+\newcommand*{\UweNbsp}{Uwe~L\"uck} %% UWE~LCK
+ \rightpar{%
+ \textit{Last~revised~#1,\\%
+ \copyright~\fileref{contact}{\Uwe}}}}
+%% stattdessen texblog.fdf 2011/08/31:
+% \newcommand*{\delastrev}{%
+% \rightpar{%
+% \textit{Letzte \"Anderung~\GenDate\
+% \copyright~\fileref{kontakt.}{\Uwe}}}}
+ Webmaster:
+ \httpref{}{Rainer L\"uck}, Gernsbach}
+ Supported by: A~la~Siesta
+ \httpref{}{H\"angematten} und Kunsthandwerk,
+ Berlin/\httpref{}{Wismar}}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/blog.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/blog.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18bbc21dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/blog.pdf
@@ -0,0 +1,9734 @@
+1 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.1) >>
+4 0 obj
+(Installing and Usage)
+5 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.2) >>
+8 0 obj
+9 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1) >>
+12 0 obj
+(Hello World!)
+13 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.2) >>
+16 0 obj
+(A Style with a Navigation Column)
+17 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.2.2.1) >>
+20 0 obj
+(Driver File `makehtml.tex')
+21 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.2.2.2) >>
+24 0 obj
+(Source File `schreibt.tex')
+25 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3) >>
+28 0 obj
+(The File blog.sty)
+29 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1) >>
+32 0 obj
+33 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.1) >>
+36 0 obj
+(Package File Header \(Legalese\))
+37 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.2) >>
+40 0 obj
+41 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2) >>
+44 0 obj
+45 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.1) >>
+48 0 obj
+49 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.2) >>
+52 0 obj
+(Output File Names)
+53 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.3) >>
+56 0 obj
+(General Insertions)
+57 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.4) >>
+60 0 obj
+(Category Codes etc.)
+61 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.5) >>
+64 0 obj
+(The Processing Loop)
+65 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.6) >>
+68 0 obj
+(Executing Source File Code Optionally)
+69 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.7) >>
+72 0 obj
+(``Ligatures", Package Options)
+73 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.8) >>
+76 0 obj
+(<p> from Empty Line, Package Option)
+77 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.3) >>
+80 0 obj
+(General HTML Matters)
+81 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.3.1) >>
+84 0 obj
+(General Tagging)
+85 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.3.2) >>
+88 0 obj
+89 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.3.3) >>
+92 0 obj
+(Hash Mark)
+93 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.3.4) >>
+96 0 obj
+(``Escaping" HTML Code for ``Verbatim")
+97 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.3.5) >>
+100 0 obj
+101 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.3.6) >>
+104 0 obj
+105 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.3.7) >>
+108 0 obj
+109 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.3.8) >>
+112 0 obj
+113 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.4) >>
+116 0 obj
+(Paragraphs and Line Breaks)
+117 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.5) >>
+120 0 obj
+(Physical Markup \(Inline\))
+121 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.6) >>
+124 0 obj
+(Logical Markup)
+125 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.7) >>
+128 0 obj
+129 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.8) >>
+132 0 obj
+133 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.8.1) >>
+136 0 obj
+(Basic Link Macros)
+137 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.8.2) >>
+140 0 obj
+(Special cases of Basic Link Macros)
+141 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.8.3) >>
+144 0 obj
+(Italic Variants)
+145 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.8.4) >>
+148 0 obj
+(Built Macros for Links to Local Files)
+149 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.8.5) >>
+152 0 obj
+(Built Macros for Links to Remote Files)
+153 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.9) >>
+156 0 obj
+157 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.9.1) >>
+160 0 obj
+(Basic Preliminaries )
+161 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.9.2) >>
+164 0 obj
+(Diacritics )
+165 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.9.3) >>
+168 0 obj
+(Ligatures and the Like)
+169 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.9.4) >>
+172 0 obj
+(Greek )
+173 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.9.5) >>
+176 0 obj
+(Arrows )
+177 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.9.6) >>
+180 0 obj
+(Dashes )
+181 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.9.7) >>
+184 0 obj
+(Spaces )
+185 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.9.8) >>
+188 0 obj
+(Quotes, Apostrophe )
+189 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.9.9) >>
+192 0 obj
+(\(Sub- and\) Superscript Digits/Letters)
+193 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.9.10) >>
+196 0 obj
+(Math )
+197 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.9.11) >>
+200 0 obj
+(Currencies )
+201 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.9.12) >>
+204 0 obj
+(Other )
+205 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.10) >>
+208 0 obj
+209 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.10.1) >>
+212 0 obj
+213 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.10.2) >>
+216 0 obj
+(Describing Macros)
+217 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.11) >>
+220 0 obj
+221 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.11.1) >>
+224 0 obj
+225 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.11.2) >>
+228 0 obj
+(Starting/Ending Tables)
+229 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.11.3) >>
+232 0 obj
+233 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.11.4) >>
+236 0 obj
+237 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.11.5) >>
+240 0 obj
+(``Implicit" Attributes and a ``TeX-like" Interface)
+241 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.11.6) >>
+244 0 obj
+(Filling a Row with Dummy Cells)
+245 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.11.7) >>
+248 0 obj
+(Skipping Tricks)
+249 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.12) >>
+252 0 obj
+253 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.13) >>
+256 0 obj
+(Leaving and HISTORY)
+257 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.4) >>
+260 0 obj
+(``Pervasive Ligatures" with 'blogligs.sty')
+261 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.4.1) >>
+264 0 obj
+('blog' Required)
+265 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.4.2) >>
+268 0 obj
+(Task and Idea )
+269 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.4.3) >>
+272 0 obj
+(Quotation Marks)
+273 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.4.4) >>
+276 0 obj
+(HTML Elements)
+277 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.4.5) >>
+280 0 obj
+(Avoiding ``Ligatures" though)
+281 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.4.6) >>
+284 0 obj
+(The End and HISTORY)
+285 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5) >>
+288 0 obj
+(Wiki Markup by 'markblog.sty')
+289 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1) >>
+292 0 obj
+293 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2) >>
+296 0 obj
+(Similar Packages)
+297 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.3) >>
+300 0 obj
+(Package File Header)
+301 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.4) >>
+304 0 obj
+('blog' Required)
+305 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.5) >>
+308 0 obj
+(Replacement Rules)
+309 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.6) >>
+312 0 obj
+(Connecting to LaTeX commands)
+313 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.7) >>
+316 0 obj
+(The End and HISTORY)
+317 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6) >>
+320 0 obj
+(Real Web Pages with 'lnavicol.sty')
+321 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1) >>
+324 0 obj
+('blog.sty' Required)
+325 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.2) >>
+328 0 obj
+329 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3) >>
+332 0 obj
+(Page Style Settings \(to be set locally\))
+333 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4) >>
+336 0 obj
+(Possible Additions to 'blog.sty')
+337 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.6.4.1) >>
+340 0 obj
+341 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.6.4.2) >>
+344 0 obj
+345 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.6.4.3) >>
+348 0 obj
+(HTTP/Wikipedia tooltips)
+349 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5) >>
+352 0 obj
+(Page Structure)
+353 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.6.5.1) >>
+356 0 obj
+(Page Head Row)
+357 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.6.5.2) >>
+360 0 obj
+(Navigation and Main Row)
+361 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.6.5.3) >>
+364 0 obj
+(Footer Row)
+365 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.6) >>
+368 0 obj
+(The End and HISTORY)
+369 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7) >>
+372 0 obj
+(Beamer Presentations with 'blogdot.sty')
+373 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.1) >>
+376 0 obj
+377 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2) >>
+380 0 obj
+(File Header)
+381 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.3) >>
+384 0 obj
+('blog' Required)
+385 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.4) >>
+388 0 obj
+(Size Parameters)
+389 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.5) >>
+392 0 obj
+(\(Backbone for\) Starting a ``Slide")
+393 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.6) >>
+396 0 obj
+(Finishing a ``Slide" and ``Restart" \(Backbone\))
+397 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.7) >>
+400 0 obj
+(Moving to Next ``Slide" \(User Level\))
+401 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.8) >>
+404 0 obj
+(Constructs for Type Area)
+405 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.9) >>
+408 0 obj
+(Debugging and `.cfg's)
+409 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.10) >>
+412 0 obj
+(The End and HISTORY)
+413 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D [414 0 R /FitH ] >>
+431 0 obj <<
+/Length 2053
+/Filter /FlateDecode
+xY]6}_ee`!)Ȧi"ݶ;.@Dg2@{!Y5I> $y~qhh>kE,#I-E<ˉT,RL4Ѳ^u&]*~X]~# SYpFr7؅Q0'Y2?L[nv$4/߽;SdDr>q_x7"I)~cXt0I.U$hE4ٟE N&H.o(MV&L2$IX?/xH!_-B,ޯč)eQF2Dk4@0{ 
+414 0 obj <<
+/Type /Page
+/Contents 431 0 R
+/Resources 430 0 R
+/MediaBox [0 0 612 792]
+/Parent 454 0 R
+/Annots [ 416 0 R 417 0 R 418 0 R 419 0 R 420 0 R 421 0 R 422 0 R 423 0 R 424 0 R 425 0 R 426 0 R 415 0 R ]
+>> endobj
+416 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [132.772 289.785 252.422 301.74]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1) >>
+>> endobj
+417 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [132.772 267.867 197.717 279.822]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2) >>
+>> endobj
+418 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [147.716 255.912 227.722 267.867]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1) >>
+>> endobj
+419 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [147.716 243.957 324.276 255.912]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.2) >>
+>> endobj
+420 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [170.63 232.002 317.967 243.957]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.2.2.1) >>
+>> endobj
+421 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [170.63 220.047 319.184 232.002]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.2.2.2) >>
+>> endobj
+422 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [132.772 198.129 237.602 210.084]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3) >>
+>> endobj
+423 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [147.716 186.174 229.88 198.129]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1) >>
+>> endobj
+424 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [170.63 174.218 340.882 186.174]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.1) >>
+>> endobj
+425 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [170.63 162.263 241.116 174.218]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.2) >>
+>> endobj
+426 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [147.716 150.308 218.562 162.263]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2) >>
+>> endobj
+415 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[.7 1 1]
+/Rect [148.015 122.074 285.998 133.87]
+>> endobj
+432 0 obj <<
+/D [414 0 R /XYZ 132.768 705.06 null]
+>> endobj
+433 0 obj <<
+/D [414 0 R /XYZ 133.768 667.198 null]
+>> endobj
+446 0 obj <<
+/D [414 0 R /XYZ 133.768 305.324 null]
+>> endobj
+430 0 obj <<
+/Font << /F17 434 0 R /F16 435 0 R /F18 436 0 R /F24 437 0 R /F31 438 0 R /F39 439 0 R /F40 440 0 R /F38 441 0 R /F28 442 0 R /F43 443 0 R /F44 444 0 R /F45 445 0 R /F46 447 0 R /F15 448 0 R /F50 449 0 R /F51 450 0 R /F32 451 0 R /F36 452 0 R /F37 453 0 R >>
+/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ]
+>> endobj
+501 0 obj <<
+/Length 1547
+/Filter /FlateDecode
+xZ]sF}`3Z=Ƙ$; L3Id+6w+ـR$`G=܏uywv1>;i'CADg|#O:_z<9-S*ʅĬ8C"ˀW䞇1cOUB-{Dv"{?-K~0+E@ꇜ?'ͪVR}̕hrd0xf0SK}{tpI}z 3jos?y$N={U=v4a[1sy<SGm*ϓJ|hޓ4ۀ8p1jF. 덜<FK+ozwUavR}Xzt,LDy) IŁ|[WL0FJkQlG5_ieVVKy}wgMbXnS^'ҤA CQ-²7Xd0Y!dๆ'0} jrOdDHJ0@ GaMa=D~BiIIC?!|u9]=xD4+ iK(ҺzӃS:]
+]{x l6U>gV"}?> VEGgQ`)l$߻T U{)}1I
+Ql/-oMpSd.ʆɒmERq[Ю$8<kw& imPAݖAӚ5x\\-'KOx=fp3"҆rRcQ'?3
+500 0 obj <<
+/Type /Page
+/Contents 501 0 R
+/Resources 499 0 R
+/MediaBox [0 0 612 792]
+/Parent 454 0 R
+/Annots [ 427 0 R 428 0 R 429 0 R 455 0 R 456 0 R 457 0 R 458 0 R 459 0 R 460 0 R 461 0 R 462 0 R 463 0 R 464 0 R 465 0 R 466 0 R 467 0 R 468 0 R 469 0 R 470 0 R 471 0 R 472 0 R 473 0 R 474 0 R 475 0 R 476 0 R 477 0 R 478 0 R 479 0 R 480 0 R 481 0 R 482 0 R 483 0 R 484 0 R 485 0 R 486 0 R 487 0 R 488 0 R 489 0 R 490 0 R 491 0 R 492 0 R 493 0 R 494 0 R 495 0 R 496 0 R 497 0 R ]
+>> endobj
+427 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [170.63 653.748 260.017 665.704]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.1) >>
+>> endobj
+428 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [170.63 641.793 288.826 653.748]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.2) >>
+>> endobj
+429 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [170.63 629.838 284.163 641.793]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.3) >>
+>> endobj
+455 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [170.63 617.883 292.59 629.838]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.4) >>
+>> endobj
+456 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [170.63 605.928 296.242 617.883]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.5) >>
+>> endobj
+457 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [170.63 593.973 374.177 605.928]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.6) >>
+>> endobj
+458 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [170.63 582.017 333.598 593.973]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.7) >>
+>> endobj
+459 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [170.63 570.062 371.362 582.017]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.8) >>
+>> endobj
+460 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [147.716 558.107 272.748 570.062]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.3) >>
+>> endobj
+461 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [170.63 546.152 276.275 558.107]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.3.1) >>
+>> endobj
+462 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [170.63 534.197 249.418 546.152]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.3.2) >>
+>> endobj
+463 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .9 .7]
+/Rect [170.63 522.242 253.016 534.197]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.3.3) >>
+>> endobj
+464 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
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+%^GCJjO,H18Y#3{awv0FZQA,Ii@=*1< ,Oħo^XA[d^i
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+<< /Size 1037
+/Root 1035 0 R
+/Info 1036 0 R
+/ID [<35C1D6640775A779095C3B3D6BC759B6> <35C1D6640775A779095C3B3D6BC759B6>] >>
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index 0000000000..edeae554ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/blogexec.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/hypertoc.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/hypertoc.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afaa720a63
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/markblog.htm b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/markblog.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4319d1d8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/markblog.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<!-- generated from
+ markblog.tex, 2012/11/29 extended blog markup,
+ with blog.sty, 2012-11-30 -->
+ <meta name="author" content="Uwe L&uuml;ck">
+ <meta name="date" content="2012-11-30">
+ <meta name="robots" content="index,follow,noarchive">
+ <title>blog.sty &amp; wikis</title>
+<h2><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="font-family:sans-serif">markblog.sty</span></a> &amp; <a href="" target="_blank">Wiki</a>s</h2>
+<table cellpadding="6" width="" frame="box" rules="all">
+ <tbody>
+ <!-- standard all-rules table -->
+ <tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE" style="font-weight:bold">
+ <td>
+<span style="color:#003300"><code>blog.sty</code></span> Syntax </td><td> Output </td><td> cf. <abbr>HTML</abbr></td><td> cf. TeX</td><td> cf. &hellip; </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+<span style="color:#003300"><code>&rsquo;&rsquo;italics&rsquo;&rsquo;</code></span> </td><td> <i>italics</i> </td><td> <span style="color:#003300"><code>&lt;i&gt;italics&lt;/i&gt;</code></span>
+</td><td> <span style="color:#003300"><code>{<span style="color:#003300"><code>\it</code></span> italics}</code></span> </td><td> Wikipedia </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+<span style="color:#003300"><code>&rsquo;&rsquo;&rsquo;boldface&rsquo;&rsquo;&rsquo;</code></span> </td><td> <b>boldface</b> </td><td> <span style="color:#003300"><code>&lt;b&gt;boldface&lt;/b&gt;</code></span>
+</td><td> <span style="color:#003300"><code>{<span style="color:#003300"><code>\bf</code></span> boldface}</code></span> </td><td> Wikipedia </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+<span style="color:#003300"><code>[[Wikipedia]]</code></span> </td><td> <a href="" target="_blank">Wikipedia</a> </td><td> <span style="color:#003300"><code>&lt;a href=...&gt;Wikipedia&lt;/a&gt;</code></span>
+</td><td> <span style="color:#003300"><code><span style="color:#003300"><code>\href</code></span>{...}{Wikipedia}</code></span>
+</td><td> Wikipedia </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+<span style="color:#003300"><code>**mystrong**</code></span> </td><td> <span style="color:#aa0000">mystrong</span> </td><td> <span style="color:#003300"><code>&lt;span style=...&gt;mystrong&lt;/span&gt;</code></span>
+</td><td> <span style="color:#003300"><code><span style="color:#003300"><code>\textcolor</code></span>{...}{mystrong}</code></span>
+</td><td> <a href="" target="_blank">Markdown</a> </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+<span style="color:#003300"><code>***myalert***</code></span> </td><td> <span style="color:red">myalert</span> </td><td> <span style="color:#003300"><code>&lt;span style=...&gt;myalert&lt;/span&gt;</code></span>
+</td><td> <span style="color:#003300"><code><span style="color:#003300"><code>\textcolor</code></span>{red}{myalert}</code></span>
+</td><td> <a href="" target="_blank">Markdown</a> </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+<span style="color:#003300"><code>...</code></span> </td><td> &hellip; </td><td> <span style="color:#003300"><code>&amp;hellip;</code></span> </td><td> <span style="color:#003300"><code>\dots</code></span> </td><td> </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+<span style="color:#003300"><code>--</code></span>, <span style="color:#003300"><code>---</code></span> </td><td> &ndash;, &mdash; </td><td> <span style="color:#003300"><code>&amp;ndash;</code></span>, <span style="color:#003300"><code>&amp;mdash;</code></span>
+</td><td> <span style="color:#003300"><code>--</code></span>, <span style="color:#003300"><code>---</code></span> &ndash; &ldquo;ligs&rdquo; </td><td> </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+<span style="color:#003300"><code>-></code></span>, <span style="color:#003300"><code><-</code></span> </td><td> &rarr;, &larr; </td><td> <span style="color:#003300"><code>&amp;rarr;</code></span>, <span style="color:#003300"><code>&amp;larr;</code></span>
+</td><td> <span style="color:#003300"><code>\to</code></span>, <span style="color:#003300"><code>\gets</code></span> </td><td>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/morehype.RLS b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/morehype.RLS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cfdf2e49d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/morehype.RLS
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+\ProvidesFile{morehype.RLS} %% RELEASE INFO
+ [2015/11/09 r0.83 texlinks v0.83 CTANology]
+ [2013/01/22 r0.82 texlinks v0.82 Jim? new! dir/open]
+ [2013/01/04 r0.81 texlinks v0.81 www.ctan...,
+ blog v0.81 enum...,
+ blogexec v0.21 noblog]
+ [2012/12/20 r0.8 texlinks v0.8 tug.ctan...,
+ blog v0.81 enum...,
+ blogexec v0.21 noblog - NOT INSTALLED]
+ [2012/12/08 r0.71 texlinks.sty v0.71
+ \string\ctanannpref\space corr.]
+ [2012/12/07 r0.7b blog.sty wiki-like | texlinks documentation fix]
+ [2012/12/02 r0.7a blog.sty wiki-like | texlinks fix]
+ [2012/11/30 r0.7 blog.sty wiki-like, more blog^^J&
+ texlinks, piped links, use `langcode']
+ [2012/05/30 r0.6 blogexec, blogligs, langcode, bad]
+ [2011/10/23 r0.52 CTAN URL choice, hyperref]
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/ref_alts.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/ref_alts.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f1984b432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/ref_alts.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+\ProvidesFile{ref_alts.tex}[2012/12/19 texlinks implementations]
+%% a study of alternatives to implement texlinks,
+%% counting tokens, not meant to work.
+\def\baseref{\httpbaseref{<base>}} % 5 + b
+\def\repsubbaseref{\httpbaseref{<base>/<ppath>}} % 6 + b + p → 11 + 2b + p
+ % 2S
+\def\baseurl{<base>} % 2 + b
+\def\urlbaseref{\httpbaseref\baseurl} % 4
+\def\urlsubbaseref{\httpbaseref{\baseurl/<ppath>}} % 7 + p → 13 + b + p
+ % 3S
+\def\subbaseref#1{\baseref{<ppath>/#1}} % 8 + p → 13 + b + p
+ % 2S
+ \mirrorctanref{<cat-path>/bytopic\html\##1} % 9 + c + t
+\def\catpath{<cat-path>/} % 3 + c
+ \mirrorctanref{\catpath bytopic\html\##1} % 9 + t
+ \mirrorctanref{\catpath entries/#1\html}} % 9 + e
+\def\catalogueref#1{\mirrorctanref{<cat-path>/#1}} % 8 + c
+ \catalogueref{bytopic\html\##1}} % 9 + t
+\def\CatPkgRef#1{\catalogueref{entries/#1\html}} % 9 + e
+ %% + #2 ... {\pkgnamefmt{#2}} → 7
+\def\ctanorg{} % 3 + o
+\def\mirrcorg{mirror\ctanorg} % 3 + m
+\def\httpancref#1#2{\httpref{#1\##2}} % 10
+ \httpancref{\mirrcorg\catpath bytopic\html}} % 8 + t
+ \httpref{\mirrcorg\catpath bytopic\html\##1}} % 11 + t
+ \httpref{\mirrcorg\catpath entries/#1\html}} % 11 + e
+ %% + #2 ... {\pkgnamefmt{#2}} → 7
+\def\Ct@nPkgRef#1#2#3{#1{pkg/#2}{\pkgnamefmt{#3}}}% 16 + k
+\def\CtanPkgRef{\Ct@nPkgRef\ctanorgbaseref} % 4
+\def\TugCtanPkgRef{\Ct@nPkgRef\tugctanorgbaseref} % 4
+\def\WwwCtanPkgRef{\Ct@nPkgRef\wwwctanorgbaseref} % 4
+ {\pkgnamefmt{#2}}}% 16 + e
+ \ctanorgbaseref{pkg/#1}{\pkgnamefmt{#2}}} % 15 + k
+ \tugctanorgbaseref{pkg/#1}{\pkgnamefmt{#2}}} % 15 + k
+ \wwwctanorgbaseref{pkg/#1}{\pkgnamefmt{#2}}} % 15 + k
+\def\CatPkgRef...{...} % 16 + e
+\def\mk@pkg@ref#1#2#3{#1{#2}{\pkgnamefmt{#3}}} % 15
+ \mk@pkg@ref\catalogueref{entries/#1\html}} % 10 + e
+ \mk@pkg@ref\ctanorgbaseref{pkg/#1}} % 9 + k
+ \mk@pkg@ref\tugctanorgbaseref{pkg/#1}} % 9 + k
+ \mk@pkg@ref\wwwctanorgbaseref{pkg/#1}} % 9 + k
+\def\Ct@nPkgRef#1#2{\mk@pkg@ref#1{pkg/#2}} % 10 + k
+\def\CtanPkgRef {\Ct@nPkgRef \ctanorgbaseref} % 4
+\def\TugCtanPkgRef{\Ct@nPkgRef\tugctanorgbaseref} % 4
+\def\WwwCtanPkgRef{\Ct@nPkgRef\wwwctanorgbaseref} % 4
+\def\CatPkgRef...{...} % 10 + e
+\def\@double@first@arg#1#2{#1{#2}{#2}} % 11
+\def\ctanpkgref#1{\CtanPkgRef{#1}{#1}} % 10 (4x?? 2x?)
+\def\ctanpkgref{\@double@first@arg\CtanPkgRef} % 4 (4x?? 2x?)
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/texlinks.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/texlinks.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b835af12d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/texlinks.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/wiki_mwe.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/wiki_mwe.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a90dada86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/wiki_mwe.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/wiki_mwe.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/wiki_mwe.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd4c737279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/doc/wiki_mwe.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+\ProvidesFile{wiki_mwe.tex}[2012/12/20 texlinks wiki MWE]
+ Look up \wikiref{Charlie Bucket}{Wikipedia}
+ for \Wikiref{Charlie Bucket}.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/README.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/README.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4bf82368f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/README.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+\ProvidesFile{README.tex}[2012/03/18 make README.pdf]
+% \small %% 2011/02/14
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/blog.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/blog.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..712eeeb986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/blog.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+\ProvidesFile{blog.tex}[2013/01/04 documenting blog.sty]
+ Generating \HTML\ Quickly with \TeX\thanks{This
+ document describes version
+ \textcolor{blue}{\UseVersionOf{\jobname.sty}}
+ of \textsf{\jobname.sty} as of \UseDateOf{\jobname.sty}.}}
+% \listfiles
+{ \RequirePackage{makedoc}
+ \ProcessLineMessage{}
+ %% three section levels 2012/08/07:
+ \renewcommand\mdSectionLevelOne {\string\subsection}
+ \renewcommand\mdSectionLevelTwo {\string\subsubsection}
+ \renewcommand\mdSectionLevelThree{\string\paragraph}
+ \MainDocParser{\SectionLevelThreeParseInput}
+ \HeaderLines{16} %% 2012/10/03
+ \MakeSingleDoc{blog.sty}
+ \HeaderLines{18} %% 2012/11/28
+ \MakeSingleDoc{blogligs.sty}
+ \HeaderLines{18} %% 2012/11/28
+ \MakeSingleDoc{markblog.sty}
+ \HeaderLines{18} %% 2012/10/05
+ \MakeSingleDoc{lnavicol.sty}
+ \HeaderLines{17} %% 2012/10/05
+ \MakeSingleDoc{blogdot.sty}
+\documentclass[fleqn]{article}%% TODO paper dimensions!?
+\sfcode`-=1001 %% 2011/10/15
+\input{makedoc.cfg} %% shared formatting settings
+\usepackage{filesdo} \MDfinaldatechecks %% 2012/12/20
+ %% \tagcode seems to be a quite recent pdfTeX primitive,
+ %% cf. microtype.pdf ... %% 2010/11/06
+\newcommand*{\HTML}{\acro{HTML}} %% 2011/09/08
+\newcommand*{\CSS}{\acro{CSS}} %% 2011/11/09
+\newcommand*{\secref}[1]{Sec.~\ref{sec:#1}} %% 2011/11/23
+\providecommand*{\LuaTeX}{Lua\TeX} %% 2012/12/20
+'blog.sty' provides \TeX\ macros for generating web pages,
+based on processing text files using the 'fifinddo' package.
+Some \LaTeX\
+commands %%% command names
+are redefined to access their \HTML\
+equivalents, other new macro names ``quote" the names of \HTML\ elements.
+The package has evolved in several little steps
+each aiming at getting pretty-looking ``hypertext" \textbf{notes}
+with little effort,
+where ``little effort" also has meant avoiding studying
+documentation of similar packages already existing.
+[\textcolor{blue}{TODO:} list them!]
+% Version v0.3 is the remainder of v0.2 after moving some stuff
+% to 'fifinddo.sty' (especially `\CopyFile');
+% moreover, the new `\BlogCopyFile' replaces empty source lines
+% by \HTML's \xmltagcode{p} (starting a new paragraph).---Real
+% \emph{typesetting} from the same `.tex' source
+% (pretty printable output) has not been tried yet.
+%% <- 2011/01/24 ->
+The package %%% rather
+\emph{``misuses"} \TeX's macro language
+for generating \HTML\ code and entirely \emph{ignores}
+\TeX's typesetting capabilities.%%%---What about
+% such a ``small" \TeX\ with macros only and
+% \emph{no} typesetting capabilities ...!?
+---'lnavicol.sty' adds a more \strong{professional} look
+(towards CMS?), and 'blogdot.sty' uses 'blog.sty'
+for \HTML\ \strong{beamer} presentations.
+\section{Installing and Usage}
+The file 'blog.sty' is provided ready,
+\strong{installation} only requires
+putting it somewhere where \TeX\ finds it
+(which may need updating the filename data
+ base).\urlfoot{ukfaqref}{inst-wlcf}
+\strong{User commands} are described near their implementation below.
+However, we must present an \strong{outline} of the procedure
+for generating \HTML\ files:
+At least one \strong{driver} file and one \strong{source} file are
+The \strong{driver} file's name is stored in `\jobname'.
+It loads 'blog.sty' by
+ \RequirePackage{blog}
+and uses file handling commands from 'blog.sty' and
+(cf. `mdoccheat.pdf' from the \ctanpkgref{nicetext} bundle).\urlfoot{CtanPkgRef}{nicetext}
+%% <- \urlfoot 2012/11/30
+It chooses \strong{source} files and the name(s) for the resulting
+\HTML\ file(s). It may also need to load local settings, such as
+%% 2012/11/29:
+`\uselangcode' with the \ctanpkgdref{langcode} package %% dref 2012/11/30
+and settings for converting the editor's text encoding
+into the encoding that the head of the resulting \HTML\ file
+advertises---or into \HTML\ named entities
+(for me, `atari_ht.fdf' has done this).
+The driver file could be run a terminal dialogue in order to choose source
+and target files and settings. So far, I rather have programmed a
+dialogue just for converting UTF-8 into an encoding that my
+Atari editor \textsc{xEDIT} can deal with.
+I do not present this now because it was conceptually mistaken,
+I must set up this conversion from scratch some time.
+% [TODO: present in 'nicetext']. %% 2011/01/24
+The \strong{source} file(s) should contain user commands defined below
+to generate the necessary \xmltagcode{head} section and the
+\xmltagcode{body} tags.
+\subsection{Hello World!}
+This is the \strong{source} code for a ``Hello World" example,
+in `hellowor.tex':
+The \HTML\ file `hellowor.htm' is generated from `hellowor.tex'
+by the following \strong{driver} file `mkhellow.tex':
+ \iffalse %% 2012/11/29
+\subsection{A Very Plain Style}
+My ``\TeX-generated
+ uwe\string_lueck/texmap.htm}}
+use a \strong{driver} file `makehtml.tex'.
+To choose a page to generate, I ``uncomment"ed just one
+of several lines that set the ``current conversion job"
+from a list (for some time).
+I choose the example of a simple ``site map:"
+`texmap.htm' is generated from \strong{source} file
+`texmap.tex'.---More recently however, I have started to
+read the job name and perhaps extra settings from a file
+`jobname.tex' that is created by a Bash script.
+In order to make it easier for the reader to see what is essential,
+I~have moved many `.cfg'-like extra definitions into a file
+`texblog.fdf'. Some of these definitions may later move into
+`blog.sty'. You should find `makehtml.tex', `texmap.tex', and
+`texblog.fdf' in a directory `demo/texblog'
+(or `texblog.fdf' may be together with the `.sty' files),
+perhaps you can use them as templates.
+ \MakeOther\|
+% \MakeOther\`\MakeOther\' %% disables \tt! 2011/09/08
+ \MakeOther\<
+ \MakeActive\ \def{\"o} %% 2011/10/10
+ \MakeActive\ \def{\"u}
+ \hfuzz=\textwidth \advance \hfuzz by 28pt
+\subsubsection{Driver File `makehtml.tex'}
+ %% <- TODO \file needs protection for PDF 2011/09/08
+ \enlargethispage{1\baselineskip}
+ \listinginput[5]{1}{CTAN/morehype/demo/texblog/makehtml.tex}
+\subsubsection{Source File \texttt{texmap.tex}}
+ \listinginput[5]{1}{CTAN/morehype/demo/texblog/texmap.tex}
+ \fi
+\subsection{A Style with a Navigation Column}
+A style of web pages looking more professional
+% than %% rm. 2012/11/29
+% `texmap.htm' %% was `texhax.hmt' 2011/09/02
+(while perhaps becoming outdated) has a small navigation column
+on the left, side by side with a column for the main content.
+Both columns are spanned by a header section above and a footer
+section below. The package 'lnavicol.sty' provides commands
+(and some more) for structuring the source so that the code
+following `\PAGEHEAD' generates the header, the code following
+`\PAGENAVI' forms the content of the navigation column, etc.
+Its code is presented in Sec.~\ref{sec:lnavicol}.
+For real professionality, somebody must add some fine \acro{CSS},
+and the macros mentioned may need to be redefined to use the `@class'
+attribute. Also, I am not sure about the table macros in 'blog.sty',
+so much may change later.
+With things like these, can 'blog.sty' become a part of a
+``\Wikienref{content management system}" for \TeX\ addicts?
+This idea rather is based on the
+\wikideref{Content Management System}{\meta{German}}
+Wikipedia article.
+As an example, I present parts of the source for my
+``home page"{\foothttpurlref{
+ uwe\string_lueck/schreibt.html}}.
+As the footer is the same on all pages of this style,
+it is added in the driver file `makehtml.tex'.
+`schreibt.tex' is the source file for generating `schreibt.html'.
+You should find \emph{this} `makehtml.tex', a cut down version of
+`schreibt.tex', and `writings.fdf' with my extra macros for these pages
+in a directory
+`blogdemo/writings', %% blog 2012/11/30
+hopefully useful as templates.
+ \MakeActive\ \def{\"a} %% 2011/10/05
+ \MakeActive\ \def{\"u}
+ \hfuzz=\textwidth \advance \hfuzz by 10pt
+ %% 2012/11/29 CTAN/morehype/demo -> blogdemo:
+\subsubsection{Driver File `makehtml.tex'}
+ \listinginput[5]{1}{blogdemo/writings/makehtml.tex}
+\subsubsection{Source File `schreibt.tex'}
+ \listinginput[5]{1}{blogdemo/writings/schreibt.tex}
+\pagebreak %% 2013/01/04
+\section{The File \file{blog.sty}} %% 2011/11/09
+% \section{The File \texttt{blog.sty}}
+% \section{The File {\tt blog.sty}}
+%% <- strange 2011/11/08 ->
+% \section{The File `blog.sty'} %% 2011/10/04 allow other files
+\subsection{Preliminaries} %% 2012/10/03
+\subsubsection{Package File Header (Legalese)} %% ize -> ese, subsub 2012/10/03
+\section{``Pervasive Ligatures" with 'blogligs.sty'} %% 2012/11/29
+% \AddQuotes
+This is the code and documentation of the package mentioned in
+Sec.~\ref{sec:ligs}, loadable by option |[ligs]|.
+See below for what is offered.
+% \DontAddQuotes
+\section{Wiki Markup by 'markblog.sty'} %% 2012/11/29
+\subsection{Introduction} %% 2012/12/20
+This is the code and documentation of the package mentioned in
+Sec.~\ref{sec:ligs}, loadable by option |[mark]|.
+See below for what is offered. You should also find a file
+`markblog.htm' that sketches it. Moreover, `texlinks.pdf'
+describes in detail to what extent Wikipedia's
+``\wikiref{Help:Links#Piped_links}{piped links}"
+with `[[<wikipedia-link>]]' is supported. %% <...> 2012/12/20
+\subsection{Similar Packages} %% 2012/12/20
+'wiki.sty' from the \ctanpkgdref{nicetext} bundle has offered
+some Wikipedia-like markup as a front-end for ordinary
+typesetting with \LaTeX\ (for \acro{DVI}/\acro{PDF}),
+implemented in a way very different from what is going on here,
+rather converting markup sequences \emph{during} typesetting.
+More similar to the present approach is the way how
+Wikipedia section titles in package documentation
+is implemented by 'makedoc' from the 'nicetext' bundle,
+based on \strong{preprocessing} by 'fifinddo'.
+In general, John MacFarlane's
+(cf.~\wikideref{pandoc}{German Wikipedia})
+converts between wiki-like (simplified) markup and
+\LaTeX\ markup. (It deals with rather fixed
+markup rules, while we here process markup sequences
+independently of an entire markup \emph{language}.)
+Another straightforward and well-documented way to
+\emph{preprocess} source files for converting simplified
+markup into \TeX\ markup is \ctanpkgauref{isambert}{Paul Isambert}'s
+\ctanpkgref{interpreter}. It relies on \wikiref{LuaTeX}{\LuaTeX}
+where Lua does the preprocessing.
+\subsection{Package File Header} %% 2012/12/20
+%% rm. \pagebreak 2013/01/04
+\section{Real Web Pages with 'lnavicol.sty'}
+This is the code and documentation of the package mentioned in
+\section{Beamer Presentations with 'blogdot.sty'}
+'blogdot.sty' extends 'blog.sty' in order to construct ``\HTML\
+slides." One ``slide" is a 3$\times$3 table such that
+ \item it \strong{fills} the computer \strong{screen},
+ \item the center cell is the \strong{``type area,"}
+ \item the ``margin cell" below the center cell
+ is a \strong{link} to the \strong{next} ``slide,"
+ \item the lower right-hand cell is a \strong{``restart"} link.
+Six \strong{size parameters} listed in Sec.~\ref{sec:dot-size}
+must be adjusted to the screen in `blogdot.cfg'
+(or in a file with project-specific definitions).
+We deliver a file |blogdot.css| containing \strong{\acro{CSS}} font size
+declarations that have been used so far; you may find better ones
+or ones that work better with your screen size, or you may need to add
+style declarations for additional \HTML\ elements.
+Another parameter that the user may want to modify is the
+\strong{``restart" anchor name} |\BlogDotRestart|
+(see Sec.~\ref{sec:dot-fin}).
+Its default value is |START| for the ``slide" opened by the command
+|\titlescreenpage| that is defined in Sec.~\ref{sec:dot-start}.
+That slide is meant to be the ``\strong{title} slide"
+of the presentation. In order to \strong{display} it,
+I recommend to make and use a \strong{link} to |START| somewhere
+(such as with 'blog.sty''s `\ancref' command).
+The \emph{content} of the title slide is \emph{centered} horizontically,
+so certain commands mentioned \emph{below}
+(centering on other slides) may be useful.
+\emph{After} `\titlescreenpage', the next main \strong{user commands}
+ \cmdboxitem|\nextnormalscreenpage{<anchor-name>}| \
+ starts a slide whose content is aligned flush left,
+ \cmdboxitem|\nextcenterscreenpage{<anchor-name>}| \
+ starts a slide whose content is centered horizontally.
+---cf.~Sec.~\ref{sec:dot-next}. Right after these commands,
+as well as right after `\title'\-`screen`\-'page', code is used to
+generate the content of the \strong{type area} of the corresponding
+slide. Another `\next...' command closes that content and opens
+another slide. The presentation (the content of the very last slide)
+may be finished using |\screenbottom{<final>}| where <final> may be
+arbitrary, or `START' may be a fine choice for <final>.
+Finally, there are user commands for \strong{centering} slide content
+horizontically (cf.~Sec.~\ref{sec:dot-type}):
+ \cmdboxitem|\cheading{<digit>}{<title>}| \
+ ``printing" a heading centered horizontically---even on slides
+ whose remaining content is aligned \emph{flush left}
+ (I have only used <digit>=2 so far),
+ \cmdboxitem|\begin{textblock}{<width>}| \ %% not metavar 2012/07/19
+ ``printing" the content of a `{textblock}' environment with
+ maximum line width <width> flush left,
+ while that ``block" as a whole may be centered
+ horizontically on the slide due to choosing
+ `\nextcenterscreenpage'---especially for \strong{list}
+ environments with entry lines that are shorter than the
+ type area width and thus would not look centered
+ (below a centered heading from `\cheading').
+The so far single \strong{example} of a presentation prepared using 'blogdot'
+is \ctanfileref{info/fifinddo-info}{dantev45.htm}
+%% <- 2011/10/21 ->
+(\ctanpkgref{fifinddo-info} bundle),
+a sketch of applying 'fifinddo' to package
+documentation and \HTML\ generation. A ``driver" file is needed
+for generating the \HTML\ code for the presentation from a `.tex'
+source by analogy to generating any \HTML\ file using 'blog.sty'.
+For the latter purpose, I have named my driver files `makehtml.tex'.
+For `dantev45.htm', I have called that file |makedot.tex|,
+the main difference to `makehtml.tex' is loading `blogdot.sty'
+in place of `blog.sty'.
+This example also uses a file `dantev45.fdf' that defines some
+commands that may be more appropriate as user-level commands
+than the ones presented here (which may appear to be still too
+ \cmdboxitem|\teilpage{<number>}{<title>}|
+ making a ``cover slide" for announcing a new ``part"
+ of the presentation in German,
+ \cmdboxitem|\labelsection{<label>}{<title>}|
+ starting a slide with heading <title>
+ and with anchor <label>
+ (that is displayed on clicking a \emph{link} to
+ <label>)---using
+ \[`\nextnormalscreenpage{<label>}'\mbox{ and }
+ `\cheading2{<title>}',\]
+ \cmdboxitem|\labelcentersection{<label>}{<title>}|
+ like the previous command except that the slide content will be
+ \emph{centered} horizontally, using
+ \[`\nextcenterscreenpage{<title>}'.\]
+%% 2011/10/10:
+\strong{Reasons} to make \HTML\ presentations may be:\ \
+(i)~As opposed to office software, this is a transparent light-weight
+approach.\ \
+Considering \emph{typesetting} slides with \TeX,\ \
+(ii)~\TeX's advanced typesetting abilities such as automatical
+page breaking are not very relevant for slides;\ \
+(iii)~a typesetting run needs a second or a few seconds,
+while generating \HTML\ with 'blog.sty' needs a fraction of a second;\ \
+(iv)~adjusting formatting parameters such as sizes and colours
+needed for slides is somewhat more straightforward with \HTML\
+than with \TeX.
+%% 2011/10/11, 2011/10/15:
+\strong{Limitations:} \
+First I was happy about how it worked on my netbook,
+but then I realized how difficult it is to present the ``slides" ``online."
+Screen sizes (centering) are one problem.
+(Without the ``restart" idea, this might be much easier.)
+Another problem is that the ``hidden links" don't work with
+\Wikienref{Internet Explorer} as they work with
+\Wikienref{Firefox}, \Wikienref{Google Chrome}, and
+\Wikiendisambref{Opera}{web browser}.
+% I am now working at an easy choice of ``recompiling options."
+And finally, in internet shops some
+\HTML\ entities/symbols were not supported.
+In any case I (again) became aware of the fact
+that \HTML\ is not as \strong{``portable"} as \acro{PDF}.
+Some \strong{workarounds} are described in Sec.~\ref{sec:cfgs}.
+|\FillBlogDotTypeArea| has two effects: \ (i)~providing an additional
+link to the \emph{next} slide for MSIE, \ (ii)~\emph{widening}
+and centering the \emph{type area} on larger screens
+than the one which the presentation originally was made for. \
+An optional argument of |\TryBlogDotCFG| is offered for a `.cfg' file
+overriding the original settings for the presentation.
+Using it, I learnt that for ``portability," some manual line breaks
+(`\\', \xmltagcode{br}) should be replaced by ``ties" between the
+words \emph{after} the intended line break
+(when the line break is too ugly in a wider type area).
+For keeping the original type area width on wider screens
+(for certain ``slides", perhaps when line breaks really are wanted
+ to be preserved), the |{textblock}| environment may be used.
+Better \HTML\ and \acro{CSS} expertise may eventually
+lead to better solutions.
+The \strong{name} \qtd{blogdot} is a ``pun" on the name of the
+\ctanpkgref{powerdot} package (which in turn refers to
+\subsection{File Header}
+2010/11/05 for v0.2
+2010/11/11 for v0.3
+2011/01/23 using readprov and color
+2011/01/27 using \urlfoot
+2011/09/01 using new makedoc.cfg incl. \acro and \foothttp...;
+ extension for twocolpg.sty
+with morehype RELEASE r0.4
+2011/09/02 twocolpg.sty renamed into lnavicol.sty, typo fixes
+2011/09/08 \HTML
+2011/09/23 TODO in abstract blue again
+2011/10/05 umlaut-a in schreibt.tex
+2011/10/07f. blogdot
+2011/10/09 lnavicol
+2011/10/10 tuning; reasons for blogdot
+2011/10/11 limitations of blogdot, corrected makedoc code
+2011/10/15 more on limitations of blogdot;
+ abstract on lnavicol and blogdot
+2011/10/21 links to fifinddo-info/dantev45.htm
+2011/11/05 using \MakeSingleDoc from makedoc.sty v0.42
+2011/11/08 playing with alternatives to defective `blog.sty'
+ in page head
+2011/11/09 so use \file with new makedoc.cfg for hyperref; \CSS
+2011/11/23 \secref
+2012/07/19 `textblock' not metavar
+2012/08/07 three section levels
+2012/10/03 ize -> ese, some restructuring, corr. \HeaderLines
+2012/10/05 adjusted \HeaderLines (differ!)
+2012/11/29 adding `blogligs' and `markblog'
+2012/11/30 hello world, texblog sample removed, url foots
+2012/12/20 filedate checks, doc. more about `markblog'
+2013/01/04 \pagebreak +/-
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/blogexec.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/blogexec.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..791cfdafde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/blogexec.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+\ProvidesFile{blogexec.tex}[2012/12/20 documenting blogexec.sty]
+ \pkg{blog.sty}'s Pure Expansion\thanks{This
+ document describes version
+ \textcolor{blue}{\UseVersionOf{\jobname.sty}}
+ of \textsf{\jobname.sty} as of \UseDateOf{\jobname.sty}.}}
+% \listfiles
+{ \RequirePackage{makedoc}
+ \ProcessLineMessage{} %%% {\message{.}}
+ \MakeJobDoc{17}
+ {\SectionLevelThreeParseInput} }
+\documentclass[fleqn]{article}%% TODO paper dimensions!?
+\input{makedoc.cfg} %% shared formatting settings
+\usepackage{filesdo} \MDfinaldatechecks %% 2012/12/20
+'blog.sty' before v0.7 generated \HTML\ by pure macro expansion
+and could use \LaTeX\ macros (redefined) only to a very limited
+extent. On adding 'blogexec.sty', some macros (configurable) are
+``intercepted" before expansion in a 'blog' run for
+``running" some code, basically `\begin', `\end',
+and a new general `\EXECUTE'.
+A table environment with active characters inside only is
+provided---perhaps ``nicer than \LaTeX."
+% \newpage
+\section{Features and Usage}
+% \subsection{Installing and Calling}
+The file 'blogexec.sty' is provided ready, installation only requires
+putting it somewhere where \TeX\ finds it
+(which may need updating the filename data
+ base).\urlfoot{ukfaqref}{inst-wlcf} %% corr. 2011/02/08
+'blogexec.sty' may be loaded by
+ \RequirePackage{blogexec}
+in a driver file for 'blog.sty'. \strong{Alternatively},
+the following commands in a 'blog' driver file
+(in a certain way even in a \emph{source} file)
+load 'blogexec.sty' and then are carried out according to their
+definitions in 'blogexec':
+ \cmdboxitem|\BlogInterceptExecute| \ intercepts |\EXECUTE| only.
+ \cmdboxitem|\BlogInterceptEnvironments| \ intercepts |\EXECUTE|,
+ |\begin|, and |\end| only; the latter two then work much
+ as with \LaTeX. They expand to \HTML\ code as with 'blog';
+ `\begin{<env>}' additionally executes commands according
+ to an (optional)
+ \[|\MakeBlogBeginRun{<env>}<arguments>{<begin-code>}|.\]
+ \cmdboxitem|\BlogInterceptExtra| \ intercepts all the commands
+ in certain lists (using the \ctanpkgref{dowith} package),
+ including `\EXECUTE', `\begin', `\end'. E.g.,
+ \[|\MakeBlogOneArgInterception{<cmd>}{<run>}{<write>}|\]
+ adds <cmd> to such a list and tells that <run> should be
+ carried out and that <cmd><one-argument> should be replaced
+ by <write> in a line containing <cmd>
+ (not hidden in braces, and there better should not be much more
+ in the line).
+ \cmdboxitem|\BlogInterceptHash| \ does \emph{not} choose an
+ \strong{``interception level"} as the previous commands do,
+ but may be necessary for allowing parameters in macro
+ definitions to be run in the course of an interception.
+ It is automatically (``implicitly") envoked by the star forms
+ of the above commands, i.e., by either of
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item |\BlogInterceptExecute*|
+ \item |\BlogInterceptEnvironments*|
+ \item |\BlogInterceptExtra*|
+ \end{itemize}
+The reader may find additional details in the following sections
+near the code implementing the commands.
+'blogexec.sty' also modifies 'blog.sty''s (v0.7)
+|{stdallrulestable}| environment as follows:
+ \item[\InlineCmdBox{\texttt{&|}}]
+ The vertical stroke becomes an active character
+ that closes a table cell and opens another one
+ (being an alias for 'blog.sty''s v0.7 `\endcell')---just
+ as |&| does it with \TeX/\LaTeX.
+ \cmdboxitem|&| The ampersand becomes an active character
+ that---\strong{differently to \TeX\slash\LaTeX}---as an alias for
+ 'blog.sty''s |\figurespace| produces the Unicode figure space
+ for alignment of figures.
+\emph{Outside} the `{stdallrules}' environment, both characters
+have their ``usual" meaning, i.e., |&| may be used for accessing
+\HTML\ entities (as 'blog.sty' allows it). |\cr| (and |\endline|,
+provided by 'blog.sty' v0.7) ends a table row and starts a new one.
+|\\| is not touched---a \strong{difference to \LaTeX} and may still be
+used for breaking a line within a table cell.
+% \section{Example}
+% \pagebreak
+% \section{Implementation}
+\section{Package File Header (Legalize)}
+2011/11/04 for v0.1 very first
+2011/11/09f. something more
+2011/11/20 star forms
+2012/12/20 for v0.21 date checks
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/fdatechk.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/fdatechk.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b45acd55e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/fdatechk.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+\ProvidesFile{fdatechk.tex}[2012/12/20 morehype filedate checks]
+%% load earlier:
+\FileDateAutoChecks %% 2012/12/20
+ blog,blogexec,hypertoc,markblog,texlinks}{sty,tex}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/hypertoc.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/hypertoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd5091f3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/hypertoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+\ProvidesFile{hypertoc.tex}[2011/01/27 documenting hypertoc.sty]
+\title{\textsf{hypertoc.sty}\\---\\Decent Links
+ in Tables of Contents\thanks{This
+ document describes version
+ \textcolor{blue}{\UseVersionOf{\jobname.sty}}
+ of \textsf{\jobname.sty} as of \UseDateOf{\jobname.sty}.}}
+% \listfiles
+{ \RequirePackage{makedoc} \ProcessLineMessage{}
+ \MakeJobDoc{18}% %% 2011/01/23
+ {\SectionLevelOneParseInput} }
+\documentclass{article}%% TODO paper dimensions!?
+\input{makedoc.cfg} %% shared formatting settings
+\usepackage{color} %% readprov in makedoc.cfg 2011/01/23
+'hypertoc.sty' changes macros for the table of contents
+so that colored frames to indicate links look acceptable.
+In the present version, this is achieved by inserting struts
+and only addresses \LaTeX's standard 'article.cls'.
+By default, the 'hyperref' package highlights sectioning titles
+as printed in the table of contents (TOC) by red-framed boxes.
+It looks horrible, because of
+(\textit{i})~the aggressive color and
+(\textit{ii})~the irregular, ``random" shapes of the boxes.
+To avoid this, it seems to be standard to use 'hyperref''s
+package option `[colorlinks]'. I don't like this either.
+It is confusing as to how the printed output will look like,
+the chosen color doesn't create a much more pleasant look;
+indeed, the publisher's graphical designer may have chosen
+colors for printing the table of contents---this design
+then is spoiled.
+Therefore I prefer (\textit{a})~choosing a more decent color
+and (\textit{b})~using struts so that the boxes have a more
+regular shape.
+In a publisher's package I even have found the idea
+to make a box for the entire TOC entry, including the page number.
+Then the frames look regular indeed, and you need less precision
+in moving the mouse for clicking at an entry.
+It would be nice if this could be integrated here later.
+The file 'hypertoc.sty' is provided ready, installation only requires
+putting it somewhere where \TeX\ finds it
+(which may need updating the filename data
+ base).\urlfoot{ukfaqref}{inst-wlcf} %% 2011/01/27
+Below the `\documentclass' line(s) and above `\begin{document}',
+you load 'hypertoc.sty' (as usually) by
+ \usepackage{hypertoc}
+This controls the \emph{shapes} of the frames.
+The \emph{color} must be chosen by the 'hyperref' package option
+`[linkbordercolor]', I have used
+\[`linkbordercolor={1 .9 .7},'\]
+\section{The Package File}
+The package essentially has just \emph{six} code lines at present.
+2011/01/23 for v0.1, very first
+2011/01/24 \ProvidesFile date corrected
+2011/01/27 uses \urlfoot
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/markblog.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/markblog.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..581ac15de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/markblog.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+\ProvidesFile{markblog.tex}[2012/11/29 extended blog markup]
+ \def\mystrong{\textcolor{\#aa0000}}
+ \def\myalert{\textcolor{red}}}
+\head %%% \texmetadata 2012/09/23
+ \metanamecontent{author}{Uwe L\"uck}
+ \metanamecontent{date}{\isotoday}
+ \robots{index,follow,noarchive}
+\title{blog.sty \& wikis} %%% CMS}
+\heading2{\CtanPkgRef{morehype}{markblog.sty} %%%{{blog[exec].sty}}
+ \&
+ [[Wiki]]s} %%% \wikiref{content management system}{\abbr{CMS}}}
+ \EXECUTE{\let\blogcode\code \def\code#1{\textcolor{\#003300}{\blogcode{#1}}}} %% vs. CSS
+ %% ^^ war 66 2012/09/23
+ \pkg{blog.sty} Syntax | Output | cf. \HTML | cf. \TeX | cf. ... \cr
+ \code{''italics''} | ''italics'' | \xmleltcode{i}{italics}
+ | \code{\{\cs{it} italics\}} | Wikipedia \cr
+ \code{'''boldface'''} | '''boldface''' | \xmleltcode{b}{boldface}
+ | \code{\{\cs{bf} boldface\}} | Wikipedia \cr
+ \code{[[Wikipedia]]} | [[Wikipedia]] | \xmleltattrcode{a}{href=...}{Wikipedia}}
+ | \code{\cs{href}\{...\}\{Wikipedia\}}
+ | Wikipedia \cr
+ \code{**mystrong**} | **mystrong** | \xmleltattrcode{span}{style=...}{mystrong}}
+ | \code{\cs{textcolor}\{...\}\{mystrong\}}
+ | [[Markdown]] \cr
+ \code{***myalert***} | ***myalert*** | \xmleltattrcode{span}{style=...}{myalert}
+ | \code{\cs{textcolor}{red}{myalert}}
+ | [[Markdown]] \cr
+ \code{...} | ... | \code{\&hellip;} | \cs{dots} | \cr
+ \code{--}, \code{---} | --, --- | \code{\&ndash;}, \code{\&mdash;}
+ | \code{--}, \code{---} -- "ligs" | \cr
+ \code{->}, \code{<-} | ->, <- | \code{\&rarr;}, \code{\&larr;}
+ | \cs{to}, \cs{gets} |
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/srcfiles.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/srcfiles.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..186eeda3c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/srcfiles.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+\ProvidesFile{srcfiles.tex}[2012/12/20 file infos -> SrcFILEs.txt]
+%\EmptyFileList[nicefilelist.sty] %%% [readprov.sty,myfilist.sty]
+\MaxBaseEmptyList* %% 2012/11/29
+\FileListRemark[ ----]{-RELEASE.---}
+\FileListRemark[ ----]{-----USE.---}
+ lnavicol,markblog,texlinks}
+%% examples:
+%% documentation main sources:
+\FileListRemark[ ----]{-----DOC.SRC}
+ hellowor,hypertoc,markblog,texlinks,wiki_mwe}
+%% documentation settings and auxiliaries:
+\FileListRemark[ ----]{-----DOC.FMT}
+\ReadFileInfos{fdatechk,mkhellow,srcfiles} %% fdatechk 2012/12/20
+\FileListRemark[ ----]{NICETEXT.---}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/texlinks.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/texlinks.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c81991f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/texlinks.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+\ProvidesFile{texlinks.tex}[2015/05/24 documenting texlinks.sty]
+\title{{\Huge\textsf{texlinks.sty}}\\---\\\TeX-Related Links
+ for \textsf{hyperref}, \textsf{blog.sty}\\
+ (and maybe more)\thanks{This
+ document describes version
+ \textcolor{blue}{\UseVersionOf{\jobname.sty}}
+ of \textsf{\jobname.sty} as of \UseDateOf{\jobname.sty}.}}
+% \listfiles
+{ \RequirePackage{makedoc} \ProcessLineMessage{}
+% %% 2011/01/24:
+ \MakeJobDoc{17}% %% 2011/01/24
+ {\SectionLevelThreeParseInput}
+% \renewcommand*{\mdSectionLevelOne}{\string\subsection}
+% \renewcommand*{\mdSectionLevelTwo}{\string\subsubsection}
+% % \renewcommand*{\mdSectionLevelThree}{\string\paragraph}
+% \HeaderLines{2}
+% \MakeSingleDoc{wikimed.sty}
+\documentclass[fleqn]{article} %% TODO paper dimensions!?
+\input{makedoc.cfg} %% shared formatting settings
+\providecommand*{\URL} {\acro{URL}}
+\providecommand*{\TUG} {\acro{TUG}}
+ \ctanpkgref{#1}\,\urlfoot{CtanPkgRef}{#1}}
+\providecommand*{\secref}[1]{Section~\ref{sec:#1}} %% 2012/12/15
+\providecommand*{\codedots}{\code{...}} %% 2012/12/18
+%% TODO following to new `makedox.sty' 2012/12/30
+%% {example} 2012/12/19, more 2013/01/20:
+ {\trivlist \item[\skiplabelsep\bf #1]}
+ {\endtrivlist}
+ {\example\simplecodefbox{#1}\skiplabelsep
+ for\skiplabelsep \simplecodeoutfbox{#1}%
+ \endexample}}
+\newcommand*{\simplecodefbox}[1]{% %% 2012/12/30
+ \fbox{\def~{\string~}%% TODO etc.
+ \strut\CmdSyntaxVerb#1}}
+ \fbox{\MakeActiveLetHere\&\empty \strut %% 2015/05/21:
+% \pdfstringdefDisableCommands{\MakeActiveLetHere\&\PDFempty}%
+ \let\nvCSV\empty
+ #1}}
+% \newcommand*{\PDFempty}{\134}
+ \fboxrule=0pt
+ \let\simpleexample\innersimpleexample %% 2015/05/21
+ %% <- TODO by Plain TeX ->
+ \center\strong{Examples}\\[\topsep]%
+ \def\arraystretch{1.5}
+ \tabular{|l|l|}%
+ \hline
+% \exampletitlefbox{\strong{Code}}\endcell
+% \exampletitlefbox{\strong {Outcome}}\cr\hline\hline}{%
+%% 2015/05/21:
+ \exampletitlefbox{\strong{Code:}}\endcell
+ \exampletitlefbox{\strong{clickable:}}\cr\hline\hline}{%
+ \endtabular
+ \endcenter}
+ \fbox{\exampletablenarrow#1\exampletablenarrow}}
+\newcommand*{\exampletablenarrow}{\kern-.3333em} %% 2015/05/21
+% \hskip-\fboxsep %% ?? 2015/05/21
+ \exampletablenarrow
+ \simplecodefbox{#1}\exampletablenarrow\endcell
+ \exampletablenarrow
+ \simplecodeoutfbox{#1}\exampletablenarrow\cr
+ \hline}
+\newcommand*{\simpleyields}[1]{% %% 2012/12/30
+ \simplecodefbox{#1} yields \simplecodeoutfbox{#1}}
+\newcommand*{\longsimpleexample}[1]{% %% 2015/05/22f.
+ \example\leavevmode\[\simplecodefbox{#1}\]%
+ \makebox[\mathindent][l]{for}\simplecodeoutfbox{#1}%
+ \endexample}
+% %% 2015/05/23:
+% \newcommand*{\titlefootnote}[1]{%
+% \IfTypesetting{\footnote{#1}{}}}
+% \makeatletter
+\RequirePackage{filesdo} \MDfinaldatechecks %% 2012/12/20
+'texlinks.sty' provides a couple of shorthands for making hyperlinks
+with \ctanpkgref{hyperref}'s\urlpkgfoot{hyperref} `\href' command,
+linking to \URL s %% \ 2012/12/15
+that one often refers to in discussing \TeX-related material.
+\URL s for \TUG\ material %% Especially -> \URL s to 2012/12/16
+(including texhax postings and
+ \TUG boat articles) and %% \ 2012/12/15
+\CTAN\ pages (package descriptions, directories, Catalogue),
+% are supported, also %% rm. 2012/12/16
+the \acro{UK~FAQ}, %% \acro 2012/12/15
+the \LaTeX\
+and the \TeX\ %% 2012/12/16
+Wikibook, %% 2011/08/27
+and Wikipedia
+(where much \TeX-related software is described in a
+ visually appealing manner)
+are generated from minimal identifiers by pure expansion. %% 2012/12/16
+% However, up to now %% rm. 2012/12/16
+I have used them for documenting my packages %% 2012/12/16
+(\acro{PDF}) as well as for %% 2012/12/16
+\HTML\ overviews generated with 'blog.sty'. %% rm. \emph 2012/12/16
+They may furthermore %% was "as well" 2012/12/17
+be useful with better known (and better developed)
+\TeX\,$\to$\,\HTML\ software such as %% \HTML 2012/12/15
+\ctanpkgdref{tex4ht} or %% d 2012/12/16
+\,\urlpkgfoot{latex2html} %% \, 2012/12/16
+(I don't know, doubt latter). %% doubt 2012/12/16
+\MDaddtoabstract{Related packages} %% 2012/12/28
+\ctanpkgref{uri}, \ctanpkgref{url}
+\section{Related Packages} %% 2012/12/30
+ \item \ctanpkgauref{muench-hm}{Martin M\"unch}'s %% u after \" 2012/12/31
+ \ctanpkgref{uri} provides links for
+ scientific online publications. %% TODO landscape?
+ \item \ctanpkgauref{arseneau}{Donald Arseneau}'s
+ \ctanpkgref{url} is about \emph{typesetting} \URL s,
+ especially allowing linebreaks. It becomes relevant for
+ 'texlinks' in \secref{fonts}.
+The file 'texlinks.sty' is provided ready, installation only requires
+putting it somewhere where \TeX\ finds it
+(which may need updating the filename data
+ base).\urlfoot{ukfaqref}{inst-wlcf}
+ % \footnote{\url{}}
+Below the `\documentclass' line(s) and above `\begin{document}',
+you load 'texlinks.sty' (as usually) by
+ \usepackage{texlinks}
+Package options and user commands are described near their definitions
+below in the implementation section.
+%% <- 2013/01/21 for \newlet ->
+\subsection{Package File Header (Legalese)} %% ize -> ese 2012/11/09
+% \section{\file{wikimed.sty}}
+% \ResetCodeLineNumbers
+% \input{wikimed.doc}
+%% rm. 2012/12/30 for \MDfinaldatechecks:
+% \ModDates
+% \CheckDateOfPDFmod{texlinks.sty}
+% \CheckDateOfPDFmod{texlinks.tex}
+2011/01/24 for v0.1, very first
+2011/01/27 for v0.2, use \urlfoot{ukfaq}
+2011/07/23 using \acro
+2011/08/27 mentioning LaTeX Wikibook in abstract
+2011/09/03 \Huge first line
+2011/10/10 [fleqn]
+2011/10/20 \HTML, \URL
+2012/11/09 Legalize -> Legalese
+2012/11/28 \ctanpkgdref
+2012/12/01 date checks
+2012/12/15 \secref, more \acro and \HTML, \TUG
+2012/12/16 mod. abstract
+2012/12/17 color.sty obsolete, \pdfstringDisable..., mod. abstract
+2012/12/18 \secref \provide'd only, \codedots, rm. \pdfstring...
+2012/12/19 {example} etc.
+2012/12/20 filedate checks again
+2012/12/28 folding example defs, {MDabstract}
+2012/12/29 {simpleexamples}
+2012/12/30 \simplecodefbox etc., \simpleyields
+2012/12/31 corr. M\"unch; see sec:fonts
+2013/01/20 {singthm}
+2013/01/21 \section{Preliminaries}
+2015/03/28 wikimed.sty
+2015/05/21 \awfulsimpleexample -- replaced by \nvCSV,
+ \longsimpleexample, \exampletablenarrow
+2015/05/22 \longcodesimpleexample corrected
+2015/05/23 -> longsimpleexample
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/atari_ht.fdf b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/atari_ht.fdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..864eb6773d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/atari_ht.fdf
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+\ProvidesFile{atari_ht.fdf}[2012/10/05 Atari umlauts for blog.sty]
+ \MakeActiveDef{\"A}\MakeActiveDef{\"O}\MakeActiveDef{\"U}%
+ \MakeActiveDef{\"a}\MakeActiveDef{\"o}\MakeActiveDef{\"u}%
+ \MakeActiveLet\ss %% 2012/10/05
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blog.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blog.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a93f3084a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blog.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,1609 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{blog}[2013/01/21 v0.81a simple fast HTML (UL)]
+%% copyright (C) 2010 2011 2012 2013 Uwe Lueck,
+%% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below.
+%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
+%% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
+%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
+%% === \cs{newlet} === %% 2012/10/03
+%% |\newlet<cmd><cnd>| is also useful in surrounding files:
+%% == Processing ==
+%% === Requirement ===
+%% We are building on the 'fifinddo' package
+%% (using `\protected@edef' for \secref{ligs}):
+%% === Output File Names ===
+%% |\htmakeext| is the extension of the generated file.
+%% Typically it should be `.html', as set here,
+%% but my Atari emulator needs `.htm'
+%% (see `texblog.fdf'):
+%% === General Insertions ===
+%% |\CLBrk| is a \emph{code line break}
+%% (also saving subsequent comment mark in macro definitions):
+%% |\ | is turned into an alias for `\space',
+%% so it inserts a blank space. It even works at line ends,
+%% thanks to the choice of `\endlinechar' in \secref{catcodes}.
+\let\ \space
+%% %% v0.42:
+%% |\ProvidesFile{<file-name>.tex}[<file-info>]| \ is supported
+%% for use with the \CtanPkgRef{morehype}{myfilist}
+%% package %% TODO \urlpkgfoot!? 2011/02/22
+%% to get a list of source file infos.
+%% In generating the \HTML\ file, the file infos are transformed
+%% into an \HTML\ comment. Actually it is
+%% |\BlogProvidesFile| (for the time being, 2011/02/22):
+ \def\BlogProvidesFile#1[#2]{%
+ <!DOCTYPE html>\CLBrk %% TODO more!? 2012/09/06
+ \comment{ generated from\CLBrk\CLBrk
+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ #1, #2,\CLBrk\CLBrk
+ \ \ \ \ \ with blog.sty,
+ \isotoday\ }}}
+\edef\isotoday{%% texblog 2011/11/02, here 2011/11/20
+ \the\year-\two@digits{\the\month}-\two@digits{\the\day}}
+%% %% changes 2011/02/24:
+%% (TODO: customizable style.)---Due to the limitations
+%% of the approach reading the source file
+%% line by line, the ``optional argument" `[<file-info>]'
+%% of `\ProvidesFile' must appear in the same line as
+%% the closing brace of its mandatory argument.
+%% The feature may require inserting
+%% \[`\let\ProvidesFile\BlogProvidesFile'\]
+%% somewhere, e.g., in `\BlogProcessFile'.
+%% === Category Codes etc. ===
+%% \label{sec:catcodes}
+%% For a while, line endings swallowed inter-word spaces,
+%% until I found the setting of `\endlinechar'
+%% ('fifinddo''s default is `-1')
+%% in |\BlogCodes|:
+\newcommand*{\BlogCodes}{% %% 2010/09/07
+ \endlinechar`\ %
+%% <- Comment character to get space rather than `^^M'!%%% 2011/11/08
+%% ---The tilde |~| is active as in Plain~TeX too, it is so natural to
+%% use it for abbreviating \HTML's `&nbsp;'! %% moved up 2011/11/08
+% \catcode`\~\active
+ \MakeActiveDef\~{&nbsp;}%% for \FDpseudoTilde 2012/01/07
+%% \qtd{&'} for \HTML\ convenience (cf. \secref{quotes}):
+ \MakeActiveLet\'\rq %% actcodes 2012/08/28
+ \BasicNormalCatCodes}
+% \MakeOther\< \MakeOther\> %% rm. 2011/11/20
+%% === The Processing Loop ===
+%% \[|\BlogProcessFile[<changes>]{<source-file>}|\]
+%% %% <- display 2011/11/06
+%% ``copies" the \TeX\ source file <source-file>
+%% into the file specified by `\ResultFile'.
+\newcommand*{\BlogProcessFile}[2][]{% %% 2011/11/05
+ \ProcessFileWith[\BlogCodes
+ \let\ProvidesFile\BlogProvidesFile %% 2011/02/24
+ \let\protect\@empty %% 2011/03/24
+ \let\@typeset@protect\@empty %% 2012/03/17
+ #1]{#2}{%
+ \IfFDinputEmpty
+ {\IfFDpreviousInputEmpty
+ \relax
+ {\WriteResult{\ifBlogAutoPars<p>\fi}}}%
+ \BlogProcessLine %% 2011/11/05
+ }%
+%% 'fifinddo' v0.5 allows the following %% 2011/11/20
+%% \[|\BlogProcessFinalFile[<changes>]{<source-file>}|\]
+%% working just like `\BlogProcessFile' except that the final
+%% `\CloseResultFile' is issued automatically, no more need
+%% having it in the driver file.
+ \FinalInputFiletrue\BlogProcessFile}
+%% TODO: %% 2011/11/20
+%% optionally include `.css' code with \xmltagcode{style}.
+%% === \emph{Executing} Source File Code Optionally ===
+%% For v0.7, %% 2011/11/05
+%% `\BlogCopyFile' is renamed `\BlogProcessFile'; and in its code,
+%% `\CopyLine' is replaced by `\BlogProcessLine'. The purpose
+%% of this is supporting 'blogexec.sty' that allows intercepting
+%% certain commands in the line. We provide initial versions of
+%% 'blogexec''s switching commands that allow invoking 'blogexec'
+%% ``on the fly":
+%% \CtanPkgRef{dowith}{dowith.sty} is used in the %% 2012/01/06
+%% present package to reduce package code and documentation space:
+\DoDoWithAllOf{\BlogInterceptExecute \BlogInterceptEnvironments
+ \BlogInterceptExtra \BlogInterceptHash }
+%% %% <- Hash 2011/11/08
+%% |\BlogCopyLines| switches to the ``copy only"
+%% (``compressing" empty lines) functionality of the original
+%% `\BlogCopyFile':
+% \let\BlogProcessLine\CopyLine}
+ \def\BlogProcessLine{% %% 2011/11/21, corr. 2012/03/14:
+ \WriteResult{\ProcessInputWith\BlogOutputJob}}}
+%% <- This is a preliminary support for ``ligatures"---see
+%% \secref{ligs}. %%% --, not working inside braces.
+%% |\NoBlogLigs| sets the default to mere copying:
+%% TODO more from `texblog.fdf' here, problems with `writings.fdf',
+%% see its `makehtml.tex'
+%% %% 2011/11/06:
+%% % ... and this will be the setting with pure 'blog.sty':
+%% `\BlogCopyLines' %% 2011/11/21
+%% will be the setting with pure 'blog.sty':
+%% OK, let's not remove |\BlogCopyFile| altogether, rebirth:
+%% === ``Ligatures", Package Options ===
+%% \label{sec:ligs}
+%% With v0.7, we introduce a preliminary method to use the
+%% ``ligatures" `--' and `---' with pure expansion.
+%% At this occasion, we also can support the notation
+%% \code{\dots} for `\dots', as well as arrows
+%% (as in `mdoccorr.cfg'). Note that this is somewhat
+%% \strong{dangerous}, especially the source must not
+%% contain ``explicit" \HTML\ comment, comments must use
+%% 'blog.sty''s `\comment' or the `{commentlines}'
+%% environment. Therefore these ``ligatures" must be activated
+%% explicitly by |\UseBlogLigs|:
+%% In order to work inside braces, the source file better should
+%% be preprocessed in ``plain text mode."
+%% (TODO: Use `\ifBlogLigs', and in a group use
+%% `\ResultFile' for an intermediate `\htmljob.lig'.
+%% And TODO: Use `\let\BlogOutputJob'.)
+%% On the other hand, the present approach allows switching
+%% while processing with `\EXECUTE'! Also, intercepted commands
+%% could apply the replacements on their arguments---using
+%% |\ParseLigs{<arg>}|: %% 2011/11/27
+%% (`\ProcessStringWith' is from 'fifinddo'.)---The package
+%% 'blogligs.sty' described in \secref{moreligs} does these
+%% things in a more powerful way. You can load it by calling
+%% 'blog.sty''s package option |[ligs]| (v0.8):
+%% The replacement chain follows (TODO move to `.cfg').
+%% As opposed to the file `mdoccorr.cfg' for 'makedoc.sty',
+%% we are dealing with ``normal \TeX" code
+%% (regarding category codes, 'fifinddo.sty'
+%% as of 2011/11/21 is needed for `\protect').
+%% Moreover, space tokens after patterns are already there
+%% and need not be inserted after control sequences.
+%% <- Cf. thin surrounding spaces with
+%% `\enpardash' ('texblog', maybe \meta{hair space} U+200A
+%% instead of thin space), difficult at code line beginnings
+%% or endings and when a paragraph starts with an emdash.
+%% I.e., perhaps better don't use it if you want to have
+%% such spaces.---\qtd{`---'} must be replaced before \qtd{`--'}!
+%% You also could set `\BlogOutputJob' to a later part of the chain,
+%% or more globally change the following:
+%% % TODO: Seems to slow down processing by a major part of a second.
+%% % Reduce replacements? Maybe do all of this within source file!?
+%% The package 'markblog.sty' described in \secref{mark} extends this
+%% to some markup resembling \Wikiref{wiki} editing.
+%% This package may be loaded by 'blog.sty''s package option |[mark]|
+%% (v0.8):
+%% === \xmltagcode{p} from Empty Line, Package Option ===
+%% \label{sec:autopars}
+%% As in \TeX\ an empty line starts a new paragraph,
+%% we might ``interpret" an empty source line as
+%% \HTML\ tag \xmltagcode{p} for starting a new paragraph.
+%% Empty source lines following some first empty source
+%% line immediately are ignored
+%% (``compression" of empty lines).
+%% However, this sometimes has unwanted effects
+%% (comment lines TODO), %% 2011/11/20
+%% so it must be required explicitly by |\BlogAutoPars|,
+%% or by calling the package with option |[autopars]|.
+%% In the latter case, it can be turned off by
+%% |\noBlogAutoPars|
+%% `\BlogAutoPars' is issued by package option %% 2011/11/20
+%% |[autopars]|:
+%% See \secref{p-br} for other ways of breaking paragraphs.
+%% == General \HTML\ Matters ==
+%% The following stuff is required for any web page
+%% (or hardly evitable).
+%% === General Tagging ===
+%% %% $$ -> \[ ... 2011/10/10 el-name -> elt-name 2012/09/14:
+%% \[|\TagSurr{<elt-name>}{<attr>}{<content>}|\]
+%% (I hoped this way code would be more readable
+%% than with `\TagSurround' ...)
+%% and \[|\SimpleTagSurr{<elt-name>}{<content>}|\]
+%% are used to avoid repeating element names <elt-name> in
+%% definitions of \TeX\ macros that refer to ``entire"
+%% elements---as opposed to elements whose content often
+%% spans lines (as readable \HTML\ code).
+%% We will handle the latter kind of elements
+%% using \LaTeX's idea of ``environments."
+%% `\TagSurr' also inserts specifications of element
+%% \textbf{attributes},
+%% [TODO: 'wiki.sty' syntax would be so nice here]
+%% while `\SimpleTagSurr' is for elements used without
+%% specifying attributes. |\STS| is an abbreviation for
+%% `\SimpleTagSurr' that is useful as the `\SimpleTagSurr'
+%% function occurs so frequently:
+\newlet\STS\SimpleTagSurr %% 2010/05/23
+%% %% 2012/09/08:
+%% With the space in `\declareHTMLattrib' as of 2012/08/28,
+%% we remove the space between #1 and #2.
+%% (Doing this by an option may be better TODO;
+%% any separate attribute definitions must take care of this.)
+% \newcommand*{\TagSurr}[3]{<#1#2>#3</#1>}
+%% ... undone 2012/11/16, bad with ``direct" use of #2
+%% (with attributes not declared):
+\newcommand*{\TagSurr}[3]{<#1 #2>#3</#1>}
+%% === Attributes === %%% (General) %%%
+%% Inspired by the common way to use `@' for referring
+%% to element attributes---i.e., `@<attr>' refers to attribute
+%% `<attr>'---in \HTML/\acro{XML} documentation, we often use
+%% \[`\@<attr>{<value>}' \qquad
+%% \mbox{to ``abbreviate"}\qquad `<attr>="<value>"'\]
+%% within the starting tag of an \HTML\ element.
+%% This does not really
+%% make typing easier or improve readability,
+%% it rather saves \TeX's memory by using a single token
+%% for referring to an attribute.
+%% This ``abbreviation" is declared by
+%% |\declareHTMLattrib{<attr>}|, even with a check
+%% whether `\@<attr>' has been defined before:
+ \def\reserved@a{@#1}%
+ \@ifundefined\reserved@a %% \res... 2012/09/06
+ {\@namedef{@#1}##1{ #1="##1"}}%% space 2012/08/28
+ \@notdefinable}
+%% So after `\declareHTMLattrib{<attr>}', `\@<attr>' is a
+%% \TeX\ macro expecting one parameter for the specification.
+%% % |\declareHTMLattribs{{<attr>}<list>}| essentially issues
+%% % \[`\declareHTMLattrib{<attr>}\declareHTMLattribs{<list>}'\]
+%% % while `\declareHTMLattribs{}' essentially does nothing---great,
+%% % this is an explanation by recursion!
+%% % % \newcommand*{\declareHTMLattribs}{\DoWithAllOf\declareHTMLattrib}
+%% A few frequent attributes are declared this way here.
+%% %% 2011/09/27:
+%% |@class|, |@id|, |@style|, |@title|, |@lang|, and |@dir|
+%% are the ones named on
+%% \wikienref{HTML\#Attributes}{\meta{Wikipedia}}:
+\let\@class\relax %% for tab/arr in latex.ltx
+\let\@title\relax %% for \title in latex.ltx, %% 2011/04/26
+%% |@type| is quite frequent too: %% doc. 2011/09/27
+%% |@href| is most important for that ``hyper-text:"
+%% ... and |@name| (among other uses) is needed for
+%% hyper-text anchors:
+\declareHTMLattrib{name} %% 2010/11/06
+%% |@content| appears with `\MetaTag' below: %% 2011/11/05
+%% |@bgcolor| is used in tables as well as
+%% for the appearance of the entire page:
+%% %%% Attributes (Tables) %%%
+%% Of course, conflicts may occur, as the form
+%% `\@<ASCII-chars>' of macro names is used for internal
+%% (La)\TeX\ macros.
+%% Indeed, `\@width' that we want to have for the |@width|
+%% attribute already ``abbreviates"
+%% \TeX's ``keyword" (\TeX book p.~61) %% 2010/11/27
+%% `width' in \LaTeX\
+%% (for specifying the width of a `\hrule' or `\vrule' from \TeX;
+%% again just saving \TeX\ tokens rather than for readibility).
+\PackageWarning{blog}{Redefining \protect\@width}
+%% Same with |@height|:
+\PackageWarning{blog}{Redefining \protect\@height}
+\declareHTMLattrib{height} %% 2010/07/24
+%% \pagebreak[3] %% 2012/09/08
+%% We can enumerate the specifications allowed for
+%% |@align|: %% reimpl. 2011/04/24
+% \newcommand*{\@align}[1]{ align="#1"}
+\declareHTMLattrib{align} %% 2012/09/08
+%% |@valign@t|:
+% \newcommand*{\@valign@t}{v\@align{top}} %% 2011/04/24
+\newcommand*{\@valign@t}{ valign="top"} %% 2012/09/08
+%% Some other uses of `\declareHTMLattrib' essential for
+%% \emph{tables:} %% emph 2011/04/24
+\declareHTMLattrib{border} %% 2011/04/24
+\declareHTMLattrib{cellpadding} %% 2010/07/18
+\declareHTMLattrib{cellspacing} %% 2010/07/18
+\declareHTMLattrib{colspan} %% 2010/07/17
+\declareHTMLattrib{frame} %% 2010/07/24
+%% \textbf{Another problem} with this namespace idea is that
+%% \emph{either} this reference to attributes cannot be used in
+%% ``author" source files for generating HTML---\emph{or} `@'
+%% cannot be used for ``private" (internal) macros.
+%% % Cf. |\ContentAtt| for \xmltagcode{meta} tags ...
+%% % well, not so bad, as the main purpose of this namespace
+%% % is saving tokens \emph{in macros.}
+%% === Hash Mark ===
+%% |#| is needed for numerical specifications in \HTML,
+%% especially colours and Unicode symbols,
+%% while it plays a different (essential) role in our
+%% definitions of \TeX\ macros here.
+%% We redefine \LaTeX's |\#|
+%% for a kind of ``quoting" `#'
+%% (in macro definitions) %% (...) 2011/11/08
+%% in order to refer to their \HTML\ meaning.%%%---I wonder
+%% %% <- rm. 2011/11/08 ->
+%% % what I had in mind with the |&| things here.
+%% % I cannot find any use of |\AmpMark| in my code
+%% % (including my web pages). There is no real problem
+%% % with calling special \HTML\ symbols, `&' is simply
+%% % made `other' already here for macros calling those symbols
+%% % (below), and in processing source files, it is as well
+%% % `other' by default. The symbols section, however, redefines |\&|
+%% % for calling \HTML's ampersand symbol.
+{ \MakeOther\# \gdef\#{#} %% \M... 2011/11/08
+% \catcode`\&=12 \gdef\AmpMark{&} %% rm. 2011/11/08
+%% ... `\CompWordMark' etc.?
+%% === ``Escaping" \HTML\ Code for ``Verbatim" ===
+%% \label{sec:html-verb} %% 2011/11/23
+%% |\xmltagcode{<chars>}| yields \qtd{\xmltagcode{<chars>}}:
+%% %% elements 2012/09/14:
+%% |\xmleltcode{<name>}{<content>}| displays the code for an entire
+%% <name> element containing <content> without attributes:
+%% |\xmleltcode{<name>}{<attrs>}{<content>}| displays the code for an entire
+%% <name> element \emph{with} attribute text \qtd{<attrs>}
+%% containing <content>:
+\newcommand*{\xmleltattrcode}[3]{\code{\lt#1 #2\gt#3\lt/#1\gt}}
+%% |\xmlentitycode{<name>}| yields the code \qtd{`&&<name>;'} for an
+%% entity with name <name>:
+%% === Head ===
+%% |\head| produces the first two tags that an \HTML\ file must start:
+\newcommand*{\head}{<html><head>} %% ^^J rm 2010/10/10
+%% |\MetaTag{<inside>}| creates a \xmltagcode{meta} tag:
+\newcommand*{\MetaTag}[1]{\indenti<meta #1>}
+%% |\charset{<code-page>}| %% Content-T -> content-t 2012/09/06
+ \MetaTag{ http-equiv="content-type"\@content{text/html; #1}}}
+ %% <- space 2012/09/08
+%% \pagebreak[3] %% 2012/09/07
+%% |\metanamecontent{<name>}{<content>}| obviously: %% 2012/09/06
+ \MetaTag{\@name{#1}\@content{#2}}}
+%% %% 2012/09/07:
+%% |\author{<name>}| and |\date{<date>}| set according metadata,
+%% somewhat opposing \LaTeX\ (TODO!?):
+%% The name of |\metadescription{<text>}| allows using
+%% `\begin{description}' (cf. secref{env}):
+%% |\keywords{<text>}|:
+%% |\robots{<instructions>}|: %% using above 2012/09/06
+ %% #2 juergenf: index, follow, noarchive
+%% |\norobots| for privacy %% 2011/03/16
+%% (cf. \urlhttpref{} %% 2012/09/07
+%% and \wikienref{Robots meta tag\#The_robots_attribute}{%
+%% \meta{Wikipedia}}:
+%% |\metanamelangcontent{<name>}{<lang>}{<content>}|,\\ %% 2012/09/06
+%% in addition to the above, uses language code <lang>: %% 2012/09/07
+ \MetaTag{\@name{#1}\@lang{#2}\@content{#3}}}
+%% So there can be language-dependent descriptions and keywords:\\
+%% |\langdescription{<text>}| and |\langkeywords{<>}|
+\newcommand*{\langkeywords} {\metanamelangcontent{keywords}}
+%% |\stylesheet{<media>}{<css>}| uses <css>`.css' for
+%% `media="<media>"':
+ \space\space %% 2010/09/10
+ <link rel="stylesheet" media="#1"%
+ \@type{text/css}% %% \@type 2011/10/05
+ \@href{#2.css}>}
+%% %% 2011/10/05:
+%% Alternatively, style declarations may occur in the
+%% \xmltagcode{style} element. It can be accessed by the
+%% |{style}| environment (cf. \secref{env}):
+ {<style\@type{text/css} media="#1">}
+ {</style>}
+%% With |\title{<text>}|, <text> heads %% grammar? TODO 2010/04/08
+%% the browser window:
+%% % \renewcommand*{\title}[1]{\space\space<title>#1</title>}
+%% %% <- 2011/12/12 ->
+%% === Body ===
+%% |\body| separates the `head' element from the `body' element
+%% of the page.
+%% |\topofpage| generates an anchor `top-of-page':
+%% |\finish| finishes the page, closing the `body' and `html'
+%% elements.
+%% === Comments ===
+%% |\comment{<comment>}| produces a one-line \HTML\ comment.
+%% By contrast, there is an environment
+%% |{commentlines}{<comment>}|
+%% for multi-line comments. %% was mult-l... 2011/09/08
+%% It is convenient for ``commenting out"
+%% code (unless the latter contains other \HTML\ comments ...)
+%% where <comment> is a \emph{comment} for explaining what is
+%% commented out. %% 2010/11/14
+% \newcommand{\commentlines}[1]{\comment{^^J#1^^J}} %% 2010/05/07
+% %% <- TODO bzw. \endlinechar=`\^^J 2010/05/09 back 2010/05/10
+\newenvironment{commentlines}[1] %% 2010/05/17
+ {<!--#1}
+ {-->}
+%% === \CSS === %% 2012/07/30 spanstyle -> stylespan 2012/10/28
+%% |\stylespan{<css-style>}{<text>}| applies the \CSS\ styling
+%% <css-style> to <text>:
+%% Not sure about \xmltagcode{div} yet ... TODO
+%% == Paragraphs and Line Breaks ==
+%% \label{sec:p-br}
+%% 2010/04/28:
+%% \xmltagcode{br} for manual line breaking
+%% can be generated either by |\newline| or by |\\|:
+%% Automatical insertion of \xmltagcode{p} tags
+%% for starting new paragraphs according to
+%% \secref{autopars} has been difficult,
+%% especially comment lines so far insert unwanted
+%% paragraph breaks (TODO 2011/11/20).
+%% So here are some ways to use \LaTeX/ Plain \TeX\
+%% commands---or ...: %% 2011/11/23
+% \def\par{<p>} %% + empty lines !? 2010/04/26
+%% <- difficult with `\stop'; 2010/09/10:
+%% |\endgraf| produces \xmltagcode{p}---TODO!? %% todo 2011/11/23
+\renewcommand*{\endgraf}{<p>} %% was </p> 2012/11/19
+%% %% 2011/11/23:
+%% However, I rather have decided for inserting a literal
+%% \qtd{\xmltagcode{p}} using an editor (keyboard) shortcut.
+%% |\rightpar{<text>}| places <text> flush right.
+%% I have used this for \qtd{Last revised \dots} and for placing
+%% navigation marks.
+\newcommand*{\rightpar}{\TagSurr p\@align@r} %% 2010/06/17
+%% %% 2011/04/29:
+%% Often I use `\rightpar' with \textit{italics},
+%% now there is |\rightitpar{<text>}| for this purpose:
+%% == Physical Markup (Inline) == %% mod. 2012/09/13
+%% \label{sec:phys}
+%% We ``re-use" some \LaTeX\ commands for specifying font attributes,
+%% rather than (re)defining macros `\i', `\b', `\tt', ...
+%% \[|\textit{<text>}| \qquad
+%% \mbox{just expands to}\qquad
+%% \xmltagcode{i}<text>\xmltagcode{/i}\]
+\renewcommand*{\textit}{\SimpleTagSurr i}
+%% etc. for |\textbf|, |\texttt| ...:
+\renewcommand*{\textbf}{\SimpleTagSurr b}
+\renewcommand*{\texttt}{\SimpleTagSurr{tt}} %% 2010/06/07
+%% |\textsf{<text>}| chooses some sans-serif: %% 2011/10/20 2012/07/30
+%% |\textup{<text>}| may undo surrounding slanting or ...: %% 2012/08/01
+%% |\textcolor{<color>}{<text>}| %% args 2012/08/01
+%% is from \LaTeX's 'color' package
+%% that we won't load for generating \HTML,
+%% so it is ``new" here, it is just natural to use it
+%% for coloured text. %% (2010/05/15):
+%% \xmltagcode{font} is deprecated, use %% 2011/10/20
+%% \xmltagcode{span} instead: %% \span... 2012/07/30:
+%% %% moves here from "Misc." 2012/09/13:
+%% \TeX/\LaTeX's |\underbar{<text>}| is redirected to the \xmltagcode{u}
+%% element: %% 2012/06/07
+\renewcommand*{\underbar}{\SimpleTagSurr u}
+%% == Logical Markup ==
+%% %% \heading moves here from former section 2012/09/13:
+%% |\heading{<level>}{<text>}| prints <text> with size dependent
+%% on <level>. The latter may be one out of
+%% `1', `2', `3', `4', `5', `6'. %% 2011/05/12
+%% ... I might use `\section' etc. one day, I made `\heading'
+%% when I could not control the sizes of the section titles
+%% properly and decided first to experiment with the level numbers.
+%% %% <- TODO re-order alltogether, cf. SelfHTML 2011/05/12
+%% |\code{<text>}| marks <text> as ``code,"
+%% just accessing te \xmltagcode{code} element,
+%% while standard \LaTeX\ does not provide a `\code' command:
+\newcommand*{\code}{\SimpleTagSurr{code}} %% 2010/04/27
+%% |\emph{<text>}| is \LaTeX's command again, but somewhat abused,
+%% expanding to \lq\xmltagcode{em}<text>\xmltagcode{/em}\rq:
+\renewcommand*{\emph} {\SimpleTagSurr{em}}
+%% ... Note that \LaTeX's `\emph' feature of switching to `up'
+%% when `\emph' appears in an italic context doesn't work here ...
+%% |\strong{<text>}| again just calls an \HTML\ element.
+%% It may behave like `\textbf{<text>}', or ... I don't know ...
+%% %% 2011/03/09:
+%% |\var{<symbol(s)>}| accesses the \xmltagcode{var} element:
+%% %% 2011/09/21, 2012/01/06:
+%% For tagging acronyms,
+%% \HTML\ offers the \xmltagcode{acronym} element,
+%% and the \httpref{}{\acro{TUG}boat macros}
+%% provide |\acro{<LETTERS>}|. I have used the latter for some
+%% time in my package documentations anyway. For v0.7, %% 2012/01/06
+%% I add the latter here as an alias for |\acronym{<LETTERS>}|
+%% (supporting both naming policies mentioned in \secref{name-policy}):
+%% %% 2012/02/04:
+%% |\newacronym{<LETTERS>}| saves you from doubling the <LETTERS>
+%% when you want to create the shorthand macro `\<LETTERS>':
+ \expandafter\newcommand\expandafter*\csname#1\endcsname{%
+ \acronym{#1}}}
+%% However, \xmltagcode{acronym} is
+%% \wikienref{HTML elements#Phrase_elements}{deprecated}.
+%% You may use |\abbr{<LETTERS>}| and |\newabbr{<LETTERS>}| instead:
+\newcommand*{\abbr}{\SimpleTagSurr{abbr}} %% 2012/09/13
+ \expandafter\newcommand\expandafter*\csname#1\endcsname{%
+ \abbr{#1}}}
+%% == Environments ==
+%% \label{sec:env}
+%% We reduce \LaTeX's |\begin| and |\end| to their most primitive
+%% core.
+%% \begin{description}
+%% \cmdboxitem|\begin{<command>}| just executes the macro `\<command>',
+%% and
+%% \cmdboxitem|\end{<command>}| just executes the macro `\end<command>'.
+%% \end{description}
+%% They don't constitute a group with local settings.
+%% Indeed, the present (2010/11/07) version of 'blog.sty'
+%% does not allow any assignments while ``copying"
+%% the \TeX\ source into the `.htm'.
+%% There even is no check for proper nesting.
+%% `\begin' and `\end' just represent \HTML\ elements
+%% (their starting/ending tags)
+%% that typically have ``long" content.
+%% (We might ``intercept" `\begin' and `\end' before
+%% copying for executing some assignments in a future version.)
+\def\end#1{\csname end#1\endcsname}
+%% ... moving |{english}| to `xmlprint.cfg'
+%% 2010/05/22 ...%% doc 2010/11/06
+%% As formerly with
+%% \hyperref[sec:phys]{physical markup}, %% \hyperref 2012/01/06
+%% we have \emph{two} policies for
+%% \label{sec:name-policy} %% 2012/01/06 2012/11/28
+%% \textbf{choosing macro names}:
+%% (i)~using an \emph{existing} \HTML\ element name,
+%% (ii)~using a \LaTeX\ command name for accessing a somewhat
+%% similar \HTML\ element having a \emph{different} name.
+%% [\,2011/10/05: so what? TODO\,]
+%% New 2011/10/05:
+%% With |\useHTMLelement{<ltx-env>}{<html-el>}|,
+%% you can access the \xmltagcode{<html-el>} element
+%% by the `<ltx-env>' environment.
+%% The ``starred" form is for ``list" environments
+%% where I observed around 2011/10/01 that certain links
+%% (with Mozilla Firefox) need \xmltagcode{/li}:
+ \@ifstar{\@useHTMLelement[</li>]}{\@useHTMLelement}}
+ \@namedef{#2}{<#3>}%
+ \@namedef{end#2}{#1\CLBrk</#3>}} %% \CLBrk 2012/04/03
+%% Applications:
+%% \acro{CARE:} |{small}| is an environment here,
+%% it is not in \LaTeX:
+%% |{center}|: %% TODO von 2010/07/18, weiter oben
+% \renewenvironment*{center}{<p align="center">}{</p>}
+% \renewenvironment*{center}{<p \@align@c>}{</p>}
+%% The next definitions for |{enumerate}|, |{itemize}|,
+%% `{verbatim}' follow policy~(ii):
+\useHTMLelement*{itemize} {ul}
+%% |\begin{enumtype}{<type>}| starts an enumeration
+%% environment with enumeration type <type>
+%% which can be one out of `1', `a', `A', `i', `I'
+%% (somewhat resembling the functionality of the
+%% \ctanpkgref{enumerate} package):
+\newenvironment{enumtype}[1]{<ol \@type{#1}}{</ol>}
+%% %% 2010/11/16:
+%% With 'blog.sty', |{verbatim}| really doesn't work much
+%% like its original \LaTeX\ variant. \TeX\ macros inside
+%% still are expanded, and you must care yourself for
+%% wanted \dqtd{quoting}:
+\useHTMLelement{verbatim} {pre}
+%% |{quote}|:
+%% For list |\item|s, I tried to get readable \HTML\ code
+%% using `\indenti'. This fails with nested lists.
+%% The indent could be increased for nested lists
+%% if we supported assignments with `\begin' and `\end'.
+%% 2011/10/04 including \xmltagcode{</li>},
+%% repairs more links in \acro{DANTE} talk
+%% (missing again 2011/10/11!?):
+ \indenti</li>\CLBrk %% 2011/10/11
+ \indenti<li>}
+%% \LaTeX's |{description}| environment redefines the
+%% label format for the optional argument of `\item'.
+%% Again, \emph{we} cannot do this here
+%% (we even cannot use optional arguments,
+%% at least not easily).
+%% Instead we define a different |\ditem{<term>}|
+%% having a \emph{mandatory} argument
+%% (TODO star?). %% 2011/10/05
+%% == Links ==
+%% === Basic Link Macros ===
+%% %% doc. fixes + hyperref 2011/10/16:
+%% |\hanc{<name>}{<text>}| makes <text> an anchor with
+%% \HTML\ label <name> like \ctanpkgref{hyperref}'s
+%% |\hypertarget{<name>}{<text>}|
+%% (that we actually provide as well,
+%% towards printing from the same source):
+\newcommand*{\hanc}[1]{\TagSurr a{\@name{#1}}}
+%% |\hancref{<name>}{<target>}{<text>}| makes <text> an anchor with
+%% \HTML\ label <name> and at the same time a link to <target>:
+\newcommand*{\hancref}[2]{\TagSurr a{\@name{#1} \@href{#2}}}
+%% |\href{<name>}{<text>}| makes <text> a link to <name>
+%% (as with 'hyperref'):
+\newcommand*{\href}[1]{\TagSurr a{\@href{#1}}}
+%% === Special cases of Basic Link Macros ===
+%% |\autanc{<text>}| creates an anchor where <text> is
+%% the text and the internal label at the same time:
+\newcommand*{\autanc}[1]{\hanc{#1}{#1}} %% 2010/07/04
+%% |\ancref{<name>}{<text>}| makes <text> a link to
+%% an anchor <name> on the same web page.
+%% This is especially useful for a ``table of contents"---a
+%% list of links to sections of the page.
+%% It is just like 'hyperref''s |\hyperlink{<name>}{<text>}|:
+%% |\autref{<text>}| makes <text> a link to an anchor
+%% named <text> itself:
+\newcommand*{\autref}[1]{\ancref{#1}{#1}} %% 2010/07/04
+%% === Italic Variants ===
+%% Some of the link macros get ``emphasized" or ``italic"
+%% variants. Originally I used ``emphasized," later I decided
+%% to replace it by ``italic," as I found that I had used
+%% italics for another reason than emphasizing.
+%% E.g., <text> may be \qtd{bug,} and I am not referring to
+%% some bug, but to the Wikipedia article \textit{Bug.}
+%% This has been inspired by some Wikipedia typography convention
+%% about referring to titles of books or movies.
+%% (The `em'\,->\,`it' replacement has not been completed yet.)
+% \newcommand*{\emhref}[2]{\href{#1}{\emph{#2}}}
+\newcommand*{\itancref}[2]{\ancref{#1}{\textit{#2}}}%% 2010/05/30
+%% === Built Macros for Links to Local Files ===
+%% Originally, I wanted to refer to my web pages only,
+%% using \[|\fileref{<filename-base>}|.\] I have used
+%% extension `.htm' to avoid disturbing my Atari
+%% editor 'xEDIT' or the the Atari emulator (Hatari).
+%% %% rm. 2011/08/18:
+%% % I could switch to `.html' some time using symbolic links.
+%% The extension I actually use is stored as macro
+%% |\htext| in a more local file (e.g., `.cfg').---Later
+%% I realized that I may want to refer to local files
+%% other than web pages, and therefore I introduced a more
+%% %% mod. 2011/08/18:
+%% general `\FileRef{<filename>}|', overlooking
+%% that it was the same as |\href|.
+% \newcommand*{\FileRef}[1]{\TagSurr a{\@href{#1}}}
+\newcommand*{\htext}{.htm} %% 2011/10/05
+% \newcommand*{\emfileref}[2]{\fileref{#1}{\emph{#2}}}
+%% |\fileancref{<file>}{<anchor>}{<text>}| links to
+%% %% <- `text' added 2011/03/19
+%% anchor <anchor> on web page <file>:
+ \TagSurr a{\@href{#1\htext\##2}}}
+% \newcommand*{\emfileancref}[3]{\fileancref{#1}{#2}{\emph{#3}}}
+%% <- 2010/05/31 ->
+%% === Built Macros for Links to Remote Files ===
+%% 'blog.sty' currently (even 2011/01/24) implements my style
+%% \emph{not} to open a new browser window or tab for \emph{local}
+%% files but to open a new one for \emph{remote} files, i.e.,
+%% when a file is addressed by a full URL.
+%% This may change (as with 'blogdot.sty', 2011/10/12,
+%% or more generally with local non-\HTML\ files),
+%% so let us have a backbone
+%% |\hnewref{<prot>}{<host-path[#frag]>}{<text>}|
+%% that %% 2011/10/21
+%% makes <text> a link to <prot><host-path[#frag]>:
+ \TagSurr a{\@href{#1#2" target="_blank}}}
+%% So \[|\httpref{<host-path[#frag]>}{<text>}|\]
+%% makes <text> a link to \urlfmt{http://}<host-path[#frag]>:
+%% With v0.4, macros based on `\httpref' are moved to 'texlinks.sty':
+%% Former |\urlref| appears as |\urlhttpref| there ...
+%% ... and `\ctanref' has changed its meaning there as of 2011/10/21.
+%% %% 2011/02/07:
+%% 'texlinks' sometimes uses a ``permanent alias"
+%% |\NormalHTTPref| of `\httpref':
+%% |\httpsref| is the analogue of `\httpref' for `https://':
+%% % \pagebreak %% 2012/07/30 rm. 2012/09/13
+%% == Characters/Symbols == %% `Symbols' until 2011/09/25
+%% === Basic Preliminaries ===
+%% |&| is made `other' for using it to call \HTML's
+%% ``character entities." %% dot inside 2011/02/25
+%% Again we have the two policies about choosing macro names
+%% and respectively two new definition commands.
+%% |\declareHTMLsymbol{<name>}| defines a macro `\<name>'
+%% expanding to `&<name>;'. Checking for prior definedness
+%% hasn't been implemented yet.
+%% (TODO; but sometimes redefining ...) %% 2011/02/26
+%% %% TODO replace \@namedef with \defcsname
+%% |\declareHTMLsymbols{<name>}{<list>}| essentially issues %% corr. br. 2012/08/02
+%% \[`\declareHTMLsymbol{<attr>}\declareHTMLsymbols{<list>}'\]
+%% while `\declareHTMLsymbols{}' essentially does nothing---great,
+%% this is an explanation by recursion!
+%% |\renderHTMLsymbol{<macro>}{<name>}| \emph{redefines}
+%% macro <macro> to expand to `&<name>;':
+\newcommand*{\renderHTMLsymbol} [2]{\renewcommand*{#1}{&#2;}}
+%% Redefinitions of |\&| and |\%|
+%% (well, `\PercentChar' is 'fifinddo''s %% add. apostroph 2011/07/22
+%% version of \LaTeX's `\@percentchar'):
+%% === Diacritics === %% changed 2011/03/04
+%% For the difference between \dqtd{diacritic} and
+%% \dqtd{accent,} see \wikienref{Diacritic}{\meta{Wikipedia.}}
+%% %% replacing \ccedil 2011/11/23:
+%% %%|\ccedil|: %%%, |\eacute|, |\ocirc| (``r\^ole")
+%% % \declareHTMLsymbol{ccedil}
+%% %% 2011/03/04, added example results 2011/11/24:
+%% \HTML\ entities |&eacute;| (\'e),
+%% |&ccedil| (\c{c}), %% 2011/11/23
+%% |&ocirc;| (\^o) etc. can be accessed
+%% by \TeX's accent commands |\'|, |\c|, |\^|, |\`|, |\"|:
+% \declareHTMLsymbol{eacute}
+% \declareHTMLsymbol{ocirc}
+%% %% 2012/05/13:
+%% ... former |\uml{<char>}| is obsolete, use |\"<char>|
+%% (or `\"<char>') instead.
+%% % may have been overestimated:
+%% % (useful in macro definitions): %% 2010/11/13
+%% % \newcommand* {\uml}[1] {&#1uml;} %% 2010/08/24
+%% %% 2013/01/01:
+%% |\v{<char>}| just works with $<char>=`s'$ and $<char>=`S'$
+%% for \v{s} and \v{S}:
+%% === Ligatures and the Like === %% 2013/01/01
+%% |\lig{<char1><char2>}| forms a ligature from <char1> and <char2>:
+%% With v0.81, we use this to reimplement
+%% |\ss| from Plain~\TeX\ and \LaTeX\ for the
+%% putative %% 2013/01/01
+%% ``s-z ligature", the German ``\Wikienref{sharp s}"
+%% (``\ss"): %% 2013/01/01
+% \renderHTMLsymbol{\ss}{szlig}
+%% |\AE|, |\ae|, |\OE|, |\oe| (``\AE", ``\ae", ``\OE", ``\oe")
+%% are reimplemented likewise:
+%% === Greek === %% 2011/02/26
+\declareHTMLsymbols{{Alpha}{alpha} %% 2012/01/06
+ {Beta}{beta}{Gamma}{gamma}{Delta}{delta}{Epsilon}{epsilon}
+ {Zeta}{zeta}{Eta}{eta}{Theta}{theta}{Iota}{iota}{Kappa}{kappa}
+ {Lambda}{lambda}{My}{my}{Ny}{ny}{Xi}{xi}{Omikron}{omikron}
+ {Pi}{pi}{Rho}{rho}{Sigma}{sigma}{sigmaf}{Tau}{tau}
+ {Upsilon}{upsilon}{Phi}{phi}{Chi}{chi}{Psi}{psi}
+ {Omega}{omega} %% render -> declare 2011/02/26
+ {thetasym}{upsih}{piv} }
+%% === Arrows ===
+%% ---somewhat completed 2012/07/25.
+%% |\downarrow|, |\leftarrow|, |\leftrightarrow|, |\rightarrow|, |\uparrow|:
+\renderHTMLsymbol {\downarrow} {darr} %% 2010/09/15
+\renderHTMLsymbol {\leftarrow} {larr}
+\renderHTMLsymbol {\leftrightarrow}{harr}
+\renderHTMLsymbol {\rightarrow} {rarr}
+\renderHTMLsymbol {\uparrow} {uarr} %% 2010/09/15
+%% Aliases |\gets| and |\to| were implemented first as stand-alones,
+%% now are treated by `\let':
+\let \gets \leftarrow
+\let \to \rightarrow
+%% |\Downarrow|, |\Leftarrow|, |\Leftrightarrow|,
+%% |\Rightarrow|, |\Uparrow| (i.e., double variants):
+\renderHTMLsymbol {\Downarrow} {dArr}
+\renderHTMLsymbol {\Leftarrow} {lArr}
+\renderHTMLsymbol {\Leftrightarrow}{hArr}
+\renderHTMLsymbol {\Rightarrow} {rArr}
+\renderHTMLsymbol {\Uparrow} {uArr}
+%% |\crarrow| accesses \HTML's `crarr' entity (symbol for return key),
+%% named ``downwards arrow with tip leftwards" in Unicode (U+21b2):
+\newcommand*{\crarrow}{&crarr;} %% 2012/09/13
+%% === Dashes ===
+%% The ligatures `--' and `---' for en~dash and em~dash
+%% don't work in our expanding mode. Now, \HTML's policy
+%% for choosing names often prefers shorter names than
+%% are recommended for (La)\TeX, so here I adopt a \emph{third}
+%% policy %% was "police" 2012/07/25
+%% besides (i) and (ii) earlier; cf. \LaTeX's
+%% `\textemdash' and `\textendash'.---`\newcommand'
+%% does not accept macros whose names start with `end', so:
+%% |\endash|, |\emdash| ...
+\def \endash {&ndash;} %% \end... illegal
+\newcommand*{\emdash} {&mdash;}
+%% === Spaces ===
+%% ``Math" (not only!)\ spaces |\,|, |\enspace|, |\quad|, |\qquad|:
+%% %% <- 2011/04/26
+\renderHTMLsymbol{\quad} {emsp}
+\renewcommand* {\qquad} {\quad\quad}
+%% 2011/07/22: `&thinsp;' allows line breaks,
+%% so we introduce |\thinsp| to access `&thinsp;',
+%% while |\thinspace| and |\,| use Unicode ``Narrow No-Break Space"
+%% (`U+202F', see \meta{Wikipedia \Wikienref{Space (punctuation)}};
+%% browser support?):
+% \renderHTMLsymbol{\thinspace}{thinsp}
+% \renderHTMLsymbol{\,} {thinsp}
+\renderHTMLsymbol{\,} {\#8239}
+%% |\figurespace| %% 2011/09/25
+%% (U+2007, cf.~\wikienref{Figure space}{\meta{Wikipedia}}):
+%% === Quotes, Apostrophe ===
+%% \label{sec:quotes}
+%% |\lq|, |\rq|
+\renderHTMLsymbol{\lq} {lsquo}
+\renderHTMLsymbol{\rq} {rsquo}
+%% In order to use the right single quote for the \HTML\ apostrophe,
+%% we must save other uses before.
+%% %% rm. \screenqtd 2011/11/08:
+%% % |\screentqtd{<text>}| is used for screen messages, and
+%% |\urlapostr| is the version of the right single quote
+%% for \acro{URL}s of Wikipedia articles: %% 2011/08/31
+% \newcommand*{\screenqtd}[1]{`#1'} %% rm. 2011/11/08
+\newcommand*{\urlapostr} {'} %% 2010/09/10
+%% The actual change of |'| is in `\BlogCodes'
+%% (\secref{catcodes}).
+%% %% mod. 2012/10/24f.:
+%% |\bdquo| (bottom), |\ldquo|, |\rdquo|, |\sbquo| (single bottom):
+\declareHTMLsymbol{bdquo} %% 2011/09/23
+\declareHTMLsymbol{sbquo} %% 2010/07/01
+%% Angled quotes |\laquo| and |\raquo| as well as their
+%% ``single" versions |\lsaquo| and |\rsaquo|:
+\declareHTMLsymbols{{laquo}{lsaquo}{raquo}{rsaquo}} %% 2012/10/25
+%% As of 2012/09/17, |\asciidq| and |\asciidqtd{<no-dqs>}|
+%% (e.g., for attributes after `\catchdqs'
+%% or typesetting code)
+%% move to package 'catchdq.sty' in the 'catcodes' bundle.
+%% |\quot| accesses the same symbol in \HTML's terms
+%% (e.g., for displaying code):
+\declareHTMLsymbol{quot} %% 2012/01/21
+%% |\endqtd{<text>}| quotes in the English style using double quote
+%% marks, |\enqtd{<text>}| uses single quote marks instead,
+%% |\dedqtd{<text>}| quotes in German style, %% 2011/12/21:
+%% |\quoted{<text>}| uses straight double quotation marks.
+%% %% 2012/10/24:
+%% Settings from the \ctanpkgref{langcode} package may need to
+%% be overridden. (A warning might be nice then TODO)
+\def\enqtd #1{\lq#1\rq} %% 2010/09/08
+\def\deqtd #1{\sbquo#1\lq} %% corr. 2012/10/25
+\newcommand*{\quoted} [1]{\quot#1\quot} %% 2012/01/21
+%% |\squoted{<text>}| surrounds <text> with ``straight"
+%% single quotation marks, useful for other kinds
+%% of quoting in computer code:
+\newcommand*{\squoted}[1]{\urlapostr#1\urlapostr} %% 2012/01/21
+%% === (Sub- and) Superscript Digits/Letters === %% 2012/10/25
+%% As Plain \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ provides an alias `\sp' for
+%% `^', I use |\spone|, |\sptwo|, |\spthree|, |\spa|, and
+%% |\spo| for superscript 1, 2, 3, \qtd{a}, and \qtd{o}:
+%% For slanted fractions, I think of \ctanpkgref{xfrac}'s
+%% `\sfrac{<numerator>}{<denominator>}'.
+%% |\sfrac{1}{2}|, |\sfrac{1}{4}|, and |\sfrac{3}{4}| work so far:
+%% === Math ===
+%% %% divided/reordered section 2012/08/07
+%% ==== Symbols ====
+%% (\TeX\ math type ``Ord")---|\aleph|:
+%% I provide |\degrees| for the degree symbol.
+%% \LaTeX\ already has `\deg' as an operator,
+%% therefore I do not want to use `\declareHTMLsymbol'
+%% here.
+%% We stick to \TeX's |\emptyset| %% 2011/05/08
+\renderHTMLsymbol{\emptyset}{empty} %% 2011/04/14
+%% |\exists| and |\forall|: %% 2012/10/05
+%% |\prime| can be used for minutes, |\Prime| for seconds:
+\renderHTMLsymbol{\prime}{prime} \declareHTMLsymbol{Prime}
+%% ==== Relations ====
+%% %% doc. extended 2011/05/08:
+%% Because \verb+<+ and \verb+>+ are used for \HTML's
+%% element notation, we provide aliases |\gt|, |\lt|
+%% for mathematical $\lt$ and $\gt$---and for reference
+%% to \HTML\ (or just \acro{XML}) code %% 2011/11/23
+%% (see \secref{html-verb}):
+%% |\ge|, |\le|, and |\ne| for $\geq$, $\leq$, and $\neq$ resp.:
+%% We also provide their \TeX\ aliases
+%% |\geq|, |\leq|, |\neq|: %% 2011/05/11
+\let\geq\ge \let\leq\le \let\neq\ne
+%% Besides \TeX's |\subset| and |\subseteq|,
+%% we provide short versions |\sub| and |\sube| %% 2011/05/08
+%% inspired by \HTML:
+\declareHTMLsymbol{sub} %% 2011/04/04
+\let\subset\sub %% 2011/05/08
+\declareHTMLsymbol{sube} %% 2011/03/29
+\let\subseteq\sube %% 2011/05/08
+%% ==== Delimiters ====
+%% Angle braces |\langle| and |\rangle|:
+%% The one-argument macro |\angled{<angled>}|
+%% allows better readable code %% TODO:
+%% (\textcolor{red}{should be in a more general package}):
+%% Curly braces |\{| and |\}| \textcolor{red}{\dots}:
+ \Delimiters\[\] \gdef\{[{] \gdef\}[}]
+%% ==== Binary Operations ====
+%% \TeX's |\ast| corresponds to the ``lower" version
+%% of the asterisk: %% here 2012/10/05
+\renderHTMLsymbol{\ast}{lowast} %% 2011/03/29
+%% |\pm| renders the plus-minus symbol: %% 2012/08/07
+%% \TeX\ and \HTML\ agree on |\cap|, |\cup|,
+%% and |\times|:
+%% 2011/05/08
+%% 2011/04/04
+\declareHTMLsymbols{{cap}{cup}{times}} %% 2012/01/06
+%% We need |\minus| since math mode switching is
+%% not supported by 'blog': %% 2011/05/08
+\declareHTMLsymbol{minus} %% 2011/03/31
+%% We override \HTML's \lq`&circ;'\rq\ %% \lq\rq 2011/09/08
+%% to get \TeX's \cs{circ}
+%% (i.e., $\circ$; %% 2011/05/08:
+%% \textcolor{red}{but I cannot see it
+%% on my own pages!?}):
+\renderHTMLsymbol{\circ}{\#x2218} %% 2011/04/28
+\renderHTMLsymbol{\cdot}{middot} %% 2011/05/07
+%% |\sdot| generates `&sdot,', a variant of of `&middot;'
+%% reserved for the \Wikienref{dot product} according to
+%% the \wikideref{Malzeichen\#Skalarprodukt}
+%% {German \meta{Wikipedia}} %% 2011/09/08!
+\declareHTMLsymbol{sdot} %% 2011/05/08
+%% ==== Operators ==== %% 2012/08/07
+%% |\prod|, |sum|:
+%% === Currencies === %% 2012/08/06
+%% |\cent|, |\currency|, |\euro|, |\pound|, |\yen|: %% ...symbols 2012/08/07:
+%% You get the \$ symbol simply by |$|.
+%% === Other ===
+%% The tilde |~| is used for its wonderful purpose,
+%% by analogy to \TeX (TODO overridden by `\FDpseudoTilde'):
+%% But now we need a replacement |\tilde| for URLs involving
+%% home directories of institution members
+%% (should better be |\tildechar| or `\TildeChar',
+%% cf.~'fifinddo'): %% 2011/04/29
+{ \MakeOther\~ \gdef\tilde{~} \gdef\tildechar{~}}
+%% % <- more elegant macro %% 2011/05/18
+%% % \newcommand*{\StoreOtherCharAs}[2]{%
+%% % \edef#2{\expandafter\@gobble\string#1}}
+%% Horizontal ellipsis: |\dots| ...
+\renderHTMLsymbol {\dots} {hellip}
+%% Plain~\TeX's and \LaTeX's |\-| becomes a soft hyphen:
+%% |\copyright|:
+%% |\bullet| %% 2011/03/29
+%% \LaTeX's |\S| prints the \dqtd{\Wikienref{section sign}}
+%% \qtd{\S}. In \HTML, the latter accessed by `&sect;',
+%% we \dqtd{redirect} `\S' to this: %% 2011/05/18
+%% |\dagger|, |\ddagger|: %% 2011/10/01
+%% |\P| renders the paragraph sign or pilcrow: %% 2012/08/07
+%% Sometimes (due to certain local settings) the notations
+%% \dqtd{`&&<characters>;'} or \dqtd{`&&&#<number>;'}
+%% (for \Wikienref{Unicode}) may not be available.
+%% We provide
+%% \[|\htmlentity{<characters>}|\]
+%% as well as
+%% \[|\unicodeentity{<decimal>}|\]
+%% and
+%% \[|\unicodehexentity{<hexadecimal>}|\]
+%% for such situations:
+%% == \TeX-related == %% 2010/08/24
+%% Somebody actually using 'blog.sty' must have a need to put down
+%% notes about \TeX\ for her own private purposes at least---I expect.
+%% === Logos ===
+%% ``Program" names might be typeset in a special font,
+%% I once thought, and started tagging program names with
+%% |\prg|. It could be `\texttt' or `\textsf' like in
+%% documentations of \LaTeX\ packages. However,
+%% sans-serif is of doubtable usefulness on web pages,
+%% and typewriter imitations usually look terrible on
+%% web pages. So I am waiting for a better idea and
+%% let `\prg' just remove the braces.
+\newcommand*{\BibTeX}{\prg{BibTeX}} %% 2010/09/13
+\newcommand*{\allTeX}{\prg{(La)TeX}}%% 2010/10/05
+\newcommand*{\XeTeX}{\prg{XeTeX}} %% 2010/10/09
+\newcommand*{\TeXbook}{TeXbook} %% 2010/09/13
+%% === Describing Macros ===
+%% With v0.4, \TeX-related \emph{links} are moved to 'texlinks.sty'.
+%% \leavevmode % \errorcontextlines=15 %% TODO 2011/11/05
+%% |\texcs{\<tex-cmd-name>}| or `\texcs\<tex-cmd-name>'
+%% (care for spacing yourself):
+\newcommand*{\texcs}[1]{\code{\string#1}} %% 2010/11/13
+%% Good old |\cs{<tex-cmd-name>}| may be preferable:
+\def\cs#1{\code{\BackslashChar#1}} %% 2011/03/06
+%% |\metavar{<name>}|: %% 2011/09/22
+%% == Tables ==
+%% %% 2011/04/24: rm. remark on doubtful stability, ordered
+%% I am not so sure about this section ...
+%% === Indenting ===
+%% There are three levels of indenting:
+%% \[|\indenti|, \quad
+%% |\indentii|,\quad \mbox{and}\quad
+%% |\indentiii|.\]
+%% The intention for these was to get readable \HTML\ code. Not sure ...
+{\catcode`\ =12%% 2010/05/19
+\gdef\indenti{ }\gdef\indentii{ }\gdef\indentiii{ }}
+%% === Starting/Ending Tables ===
+%% |\startTable{<attributes>}| and |\endTable| have been made
+%% for appearing in different macros, such as in the two parts
+%% of a `\newenvironment':
+%% %% 2010/07/17:
+\newcommand*{\startTable}[1]{<table #1>}
+%% |\@frame@box| among the `\startTable' <attributes>
+%% draws a frame around the table, |\@frame@groups| %% about -> around
+%% separates ``groups" by rules:
+%% |\begin{allrulestable}{<cell-padding>}{<width>}|
+%% starts a table environment with all possible rules
+%% and some code cosmetic. <width> may be empty ...
+ {\startTable{\@cellpadding{#1} \@width{#2}
+ \@frame@box\ rules="all"}\CLBrk %% \ 2011/10/12
+ \ \tbody} %% <- tbody 2011/10/13, `\ ' 2011/11/09 ->
+ {\ \endtbody\CLBrk\endTable}
+%% \xmltagcode{tbody}...\xmltagcode{/tbody} seemed to be
+%% better with `\HVspace' for 'blogdot.sty', %% 2011/10/13
+%% so it gets an environment |{tbody}|
+%% (i.e., macros |\tbody| and |\endtbody|):
+%% === Rows ===
+%% I first thought it would be good for readability if
+%% some \HTML\ comments explain nesting or briefly describe
+%% the content of some column, row, or cell.
+%% But this is troublesome when you want to comment out
+%% an entire table ...
+%% |\begin{TableRow}{<comment>}{<attributes>}|\\ starts an environment
+%% producing an \HTML\ comment <comment> and a table row
+%% with attributes <attributes>, including code cosmetic.
+\newenvironment*{TableRow}[2]{%% lesser indentation 2011/04/25
+ \ \comment{ #1 }\CLBrk
+ \indenti<tr #2>%
+ }{%
+ \indenti\endtr} %% \endtr 2011/11/08
+%% |\begin{tablecoloredrow}{<comment>}{<background-color>}|\\
+%% is a special case of `{TableRow}' where `@bgcolor' is the only
+%% attribute:
+ {\TableRow{#1}{\@bgcolor{#2}}}
+ {\endTableRow}
+%% |\begin{tablecoloredboldrow}{<comment>}{<background-color>}|\\
+%% is like `{tablecoloredrow}' except that content text is
+%% rendered in boldface (TODO horizontal centering?):
+\newenvironment{tablecoloredboldrow}[2] %% 2011/11/03/08
+ {\TableRow{#1}{\@bgcolor{#2}
+ \@style{font-weight:bold}}}
+ {\endTableRow}
+%% |\begin{tablerow}{<comment>}| %% rm. {<b...>} 2011/12/19
+%% is a special case of `{TableRow}' where the only attribute
+%% yields ``top" vertical alignment (TODO strange):
+%% %% ``top" 2010/05/18:
+ {\endTableRow}
+%% |\starttr| and |\endtr| delimit a row; these commands again
+%% have been made for appearing in different macros.
+%% There is \emph{no} code indenting, probably for
+%% heavy table nesting where indenting was rather useless
+%% (? TODO only in 'texblog.fdf'? there indents would have
+%% been useful).
+%% %% 2010/07/18:
+%% === Cells ===
+%% |simplecell{<content>}| produces the most \emph{simple} kind of
+%% an \HTML\ table cell:
+\newcommand*{\simplecell}{\SimpleTagSurr{td}} %% 2010/07/18
+%% |\TableCell{<attributes>}{<content>}| produces the most
+%% \emph{general} kind of a cell, together with a code indent:
+%% % \newcommand*{\TableCell}[2]{\indentiii<td #1>#2</td>}
+%% % \newcommand*{\TableCell}[2]{\indentiii\TagSurr{td}{#1}{#2}}
+%% %% <- 2010/07/18 ->
+%% |\colorwidthcell{<color>}{<width>}{<content>}|
+%% uses just the `@bgcolor' and the `@width' attribute:
+%% %% 2010/06/15:
+%% |\tablewidthcell{<color>}{<width>}{<content>}|
+%% uses just the `@bgcolor' and the `@width' attribute:
+%% %% |\tablewidthcell{<color>}{<width>}{<content>}| %% 2011/11/09
+%% %% uses just the `@bgcolor' and the `@width' attribute:
+%% %\newcommand*{\tablecolorcell}[1]{\TableCell{\@bgcolor{#1}}}
+%% |\tablecell{<content>}| is like `\simplecell{<content>}',
+%% except that it has a code indent:
+%% |\tableCell{<content>}| is like `\tablecell{<content>}',
+%% except that the content <content> is horizontically centered.
+%% The capital `C' in the name may be considered indicating
+%% ``\strong{c}entered":
+%% Idea: use closing star for environment variants!?
+%% |\begin{bigtablecell}{<comment>}|
+%% starts an \emph{environment} yielding a table cell element
+%% without attributes, preceded by a \HTML\ comment
+%% <comment> unless <comment> is empty. At least the \HTML\ tags
+%% are indented:
+%% %% 2010/05/19:
+ {\endBigTableCell}
+% {\ifx\\#1\\% %% 2010/05/30
+% \indentii\ \comment{#1}\CLBrk
+% \fi
+% \indentiii<td>}
+% {\indentii</td>} %% !? 2010/05/23
+%% |\begin{BigTableCell}{<comment>}{<attributes>}|\\
+%% is like `\begin{bigtablecell{<comment>}}' except that it uses
+%% attributes <attributes>:
+%% %% 2010/06/05:
+ {\ifx\\#1\\\indentii\ \comment{#1}\CLBrk\fi
+ \indentiii\startTd{#2}}
+ {\indentii\endTd} %% TODO indent? 2010/07/18
+%% |\startTd{<attributes>}| and |\endTd| delimit a cell element
+%% and may appear in separate macros, e.g., in an environment
+%% definition. There is no code cosmetic. And finally there is
+%% |\StartTd| that yields less confusing code without attributes:
+%% %% 2010/07/18:
+\newcommand*{\startTd}[1]{<td #1>}
+\newcommand*{\StartTd}{<td>} %% 2011/11/09
+%% |\emptycell| uses \xmltagcode{td /} instead of
+%% \xmltagcode{td}\xmltagcode{/td} for an empty cell:
+\newcommand*{\emptycell}{<td />} %% 2011/10/07
+%% === ``Implicit" Attributes and a ``\TeX-like" Interface ===
+%% %% <- 2011/11/08 ->
+%% After some more experience, much musing, and trying new tricks,
+%% I arrive at the following macros (v0.7). \
+%% (i)\enspace When a page or a site has many tables that use the same
+%% attribute values, these should not be repeated for the single
+%% tables, rather the values should be invoked by shorthand macros,
+%% and the values should be determined at a single separate place.
+%% We will have |\stdcellpadding|, %%% |\stdtableheadrow|,
+%% |\stdtableheadcolor| and
+%% |\stdtableheadstyle|. \
+%% (ii)\enspace As with \TeX, `\cr' should suffice to \emph{close}
+%% a \emph{cell} and a \emph{row}, and then to \emph{open} another
+%% \emph{row} and its first \emph{cell}. And there should be a
+%% single command to close a cell within a row and open a next one.
+%% We use `\providecommand' so the user can determine the values
+%% in a file for 'blog' where 'blogexec' is loaded later.
+%% |\stdcellpadding| should correspond to the \CSS\ settings,
+%% the value of `6' you find here is just what I used recently.
+%% For |\stdtableheadcolor|, I provide a
+%% % ``web-safe" %% very wrong 2012/05/13
+%% gray, `#EEEEEE', that the German Wikipedia uses for articles about
+%% \Wikienref{networking protocol}s
+%% (unfortunately, it doesn't have a
+%% \wikienref{Web colors\#X11_color_names}{%
+%% \CSS-3}\wikienref{X11 color names}{X11} color name):
+%% |\stdtableheadstyle| demands a boldface font.
+%% In general, it is used for the `@style' attribute:
+%% |\begin{stdallrulestable}| starts an `{allrulestable}'
+%% environment with ``standard" cell padding and empty width
+%% attribute, then opens a ``standard" row element
+%% with a ``standard" comment as well as a cell:
+ \allrulestable{\stdcellpadding}{}\CLBrk
+ \TableRow{standard all-rules table}%
+ {\@bgcolor{\stdtableheadcolor}
+ \@style{\stdtableheadstyle}}\CLBrk
+ \indentii\StartTd
+%% `\end{stdallrulestable}' will provide closing of a cell
+%% and a row, including a code cosmetic:
+ }{\indenti\endTd\CLBrk\endTableRow\CLBrk
+ \endallrulestable}
+%% |\endcell| closes a cell and opens a new one. The idea behind
+%% this is that an active character will invoke it. The name is
+%% inspired by `\endgraf' and `\endline' from Plain \TeX\ and
+%% \LaTeX\ (`\newcommand' does not work with `\end'\code{\dots}):
+%% Plain \TeX's and \LaTeX's |\cr| and |\endline| are redefined
+%% for closing and opening rows and cells, including code cosmetic:
+ \indenti\startTR\CLBrk\indentii\StartTd}
+%% |\startTR| is a hook defaulting to `\starttr': %% 2012/08/23
+%% === Filling a Row with Dummy Cells ===
+%% These macros were made, e.g., for imitating a program window
+%% with a title bar (spanning someting more complex below),
+%% perhaps also for a Gantt chart.
+%% |\FillRow{<span>}{<attributes>}| produces a cell without text,
+%% spanning <span> columns, with additional attributes <attributes>.
+%% %% Generalization 2010/06/28:
+%% % \newcommand*{\FillRow}[2]{% %% broke line 2011/01/24
+%% % \indentiii\TagSurr{td}{\@colspan{#1} #2}{}}
+%% %% <- 2010/07/18 ->
+\newcommand*{\FillRow}[2]{\indentiii\startTd{\@colspan{#1} #2}\endTd}
+%% |\fillrow{<span>}| instead only uses the `@colspan' attribute:
+%% |\fillrowcolor{<span>}{<color>}| just uses the `@colspan'
+%% and the `@bgcolor' attributes:
+%% === Skipping Tricks ===
+%% %% 2011/10/13
+%% |\HVspace{<text>}{<width>}{<height>}| may change,
+%% needed for 'blogdot.sty' but also for |\vspace{<height>}|
+%% with 'texblog'. It is now here so I will be careful
+%% when I want to change something. \xmltagcode{tbody}
+%% improved the function of `\HVspace' constructions
+%% as link text with 'blogdot.sty'.
+ \CLBrk
+ \startTable{\@width{#2} \@height{#3}
+ \@border{0}
+ \@cellpadding{0} \@cellspacing{0}}%
+ \tbody
+ \CLBrk %% 2011/10/14
+ \tablerow{HVspace}% %% 2011/10/13
+%% <- inserting text at top for 'blogdot' attempts---that
+%% finally did not help anything (2011/10/15) ->
+ \simplecell{#1}%
+ \endtablerow %% 2011/10/13
+ \CLBrk %% 2011/10/14
+ \endtbody
+ \endTable
+ \CLBrk}
+%% |\hvspace{<width>}{<height>}| ...:
+%% |\vspace{<height>}| ... (TODO: `{0}'!?):
+%% == Misc ==
+%% \TeX's |\hrule| (rather deprecated in \LaTeX) is redefined
+%% to produce an \HTML\ horizontal line:
+%% For references, there were
+% \catcode`\^=\active
+% \def^#1{\SimpleTagSurr{sup}{#1}}
+%% and
+% \newcommand*{\src}[1]{\SimpleTagSurr{sup}{[#1]}}
+%% as of 2010/05/01, inspired by the \xmltagcode{ref} element
+%% of MediaWiki; moved to `xmlprint.tex' 2010/06/02.
+%% == Leaving and HISTORY ==
+v0.1 2010/08/20 final version for DFG
+v0.2 2010/11/08 final documentation version before
+ moving some functionality to 'fifinddo'
+v0.3 2010/11/10 removed ^^J from \head
+ 2010/11/11 moving stuff to fifinddo.sty; \BlogCopyFile
+ 2010/11/12 date updated; broke too long code lines etc.;
+ \CatCode replaced (implemented in niceverb only);
+ \ifBlogAutoPars etc.
+ 2010/11/13 doc: \uml useful in ...; \texcs
+ 2010/11/14 doc: argument for {commentlines},
+ referring to environments with curly braces,
+ more on \ditem
+ 2010/11/15 TODO: usage, templates
+ 2010/11/16 note on {verbatim}
+ 2010/11/23 doc. corr. on \CtanPkgRef
+ 2010/11/27 "keyword"; \CopyLine without `fd'
+ 2010/12/03 \emhttpref -> \ithttpref
+ 2010/12/23 `%' added to \texhaxpref
+ 2011/01/23 more in \Provides...
+ 2011/01/24 updated copyright; resolving `td' ("today")
+ JUST STORED as final version before texlinks.sty
+v0.4 2011/01/24 moving links to texlinks.sty
+v0.41 2011/02/07 \NormalHTTPref
+ 2011/02/10 refined call of `texlinks'
+part of MOREHYPE RELEASE r0.3
+v0.5 2011/02/22 \BlogProvidesFile
+ 2011/02/24 ... in \BlogCopyFile
+ 2011/02/25 ordering symbols
+ 2011/02/26 subsection Greek; note on \declareHTMLsymbol
+ 2011/03/04 diacritics
+ 2011/03/06 \cs
+ 2011/03/09 \var
+ 2011/03/16 \robots
+ 2011/03/19 doc. \fileancref arg.s corr.
+ 2011/03/29 \Sigma, ...
+ 2011/03/31 \minus
+ 2011/04/04 \times, \sub, \delta
+ 2011/04/11 Greek completed
+ 2011/04/14 \emptyset
+ 2011/04/22 \deqtd
+ 2011/04/24 doc.: folding, \stylesheet, ordered "tables";
+ @border, @align, @valign
+ 2011/04/25 lesser indentation with TableRow
+ 2011/04/26 \,, \thinspace, \@title; doc. \@name
+ 2011/04/28 [\circ] PROBLEM still
+ 2011/04/29 \rightitpar
+ 2011/05/07 \cdot
+ 2011/05/08 extended doc. on math symbols; \sdot;
+ \ast replaces \lowast; \subset, \subseteq;
+ \angled
+ 2011/05/09 \euro
+ 2011/05/11 |\geq| etc.; new section "logical markup"
+ 2011/05/12 corr. doc. \heading
+ 2011/05/14 right mark of \deqtd was rsquo instead of lsquo!
+ 2011/05/18 \S and note on \StoreOtherCharAs
+ 2011/06/27 \httpsref; doc: \acro
+ 2011/07/22 \thinspace vs. \thinsp; 'fifinddo''s
+ 2011/07/25 "todo" on \description
+ 2011/08/18f.removing \FileRef, 0.42-> 0.5
+ 2011/08/31 clarified use of \urlapostr
+part of MOREHYPE RELEASE r0.4
+v0.6 2011/09/08 doc. uses \HTML, \lq/\rq with &circ;,
+ doc. fix `mult-'; \degrees
+ 2011/09/21 \acronym
+ 2011/09/22 \metavar; TODO \glqq...
+ 2011/09/23 \bdquo
+ 2011/09/25 doc. `Characters/Symbols'; \figurespace
+ 2011/09/27 "universal" attributes completed, reworked doc.
+ 2011/09/30 end lists with </li>
+ 2011/10/01 \dagger, \ddagger
+ 2011/10/04 \item includes </li> [2011/10/11: ???]
+ 2011/10/05 {style}; doc. \acronym -> \acro, \pagebreak,
+ rm. \description; {center} accesses <center>,
+ \useHTMLenvironment replaces \declareHTMLelement
+ and \renderHTMLelement, message "generating"
+ 2011/10/07 \emptycell
+ 2011/10/10 doc.: page breaks, $$->\[/\]
+part of MOREHYPE RELEASE r0.5
+v0.61 2011/10/11 </li> in \item again, \Provides... v wrong
+ 2011/10/12 \hnewref, `\ ' in allrulestable
+ 2011/10/14 \CLBrk's
+ 2011/10/15 doc. note on \HVspace/blogdot
+part of MOREHYPE RELEASE r0.51
+v0.62 2011/10/16 \hyperlink, \hypertarget; doc. fixes there
+ 2011/10/20 \textcolor by <span>, \textsf
+ 2011/10/21 \ctanref now in texlinks.sty;
+ doc.: grammar with `that'
+ 2011/10/22 \BlogCopyFile message removed
+part of MOREHYPE RELEASE r0.52
+v0.7 2011/11/03 {tablecoloredboldrow}
+ 2011/11/05 \ContentAtt -> \@content,
+ \BlogCopyFile -> \BlogProcessFile (blogexec),
+ doc. different \pagebreak's
+ 2011/11/06 run \BlogCopyLines, doc. \[...\]
+ 2011/11/07 \ProvideBlogExec
+ 2011/11/08 \endtr in \endTableRow, using \MakeOther,
+ right quote change moves to \BlogCodes,
+ \BlogInterceptHash; rm. \AmpMark & doc. about it,
+ mod. on #; doc. for tables; start doc. "implicit"
+ table attributes and "TeX-like" interface
+ 2011/11/09 \tablecolorcell(?); cont. "implicit" etc.;
+ \StartTd
+ 2011/11/20 \isotoday, \BlogProcessFinalFile,
+ catcodes of `<' `>' untouched; restructured,
+ structured processing, misc -> ordinary
+ 2011/11/21 BlogLIGs
+ 2011/11/23 \xmltagcode, \xmlentitycode, \c;
+ doc: <p>, \secref, \pagebreak
+ 2011/11/24 doc: example results for diacritics
+ 2011/11/27 \ParseLigs; doc. rm. \pagebreak
+ 2011/12/12 \title uses \SimpleTagSurr
+ 2011/12/19 doc. fix {tablerow}
+ 2011/12/21 \asciidq, \asciidqtd
+ 2012/01/06 \acro; using dowith.sty (\declareHTMLsymbols);
+ doc.: cross-referring for naming policies
+ 2012/01/07 \MakeActiveDef\~ for \FDpseudoTilde
+ 2012/01/11 (C)
+ 2012/01/21 \quot, \quoted. \squoted
+ 2012/02/04 \newacronym
+ 2012/03/14 removed hidden and another comment with
+ \BlogCopyLines, fixed latter, TODO on \NoBlogLigs
+ 2012/03/17 tweaked \@typeset@protect for \EXECUTE
+ 2012/03/30 space in stdallrules... after @bgcolor
+ 2012/04/03 \CLBrk in \@useHTMLelement
+ 2012/04/09 \htmlentity, \unicodeentity
+ 2012/05/13 \ss; better comment on \uml;
+ #EEEEEE not "web-safe"
+ 2012/05/15 xEDIT folding in tables section
+part of MOREHYPE RELEASE r0.6
+v0.8 2012/06/07 \underbar
+ 2012/07/25 arrows completed [no: 2012/09/13];
+ doc. "police" -> "policy"
+ 2012/07/30 \spanstyle, applied; doc. \pagebreak
+ 2012/08/01 \textup
+ 2012/08/02 doc. corr. braces for \DeclareHTMLsymbols
+ 2012/08/06 sec. currencies
+ 2012/08/07 divided math section, using \declareHTMLsymbols,
+ various additional symbols
+ 2012/08/23 \startTR
+ 2012/08/28 \MakeActiveLet\'\rq with `actcodes.sty',
+ attributes start with space
+ 2012/09/02 about -> around
+ 2012/09/06 Content-T -> content-t - bugfix?,
+ \BlogProvidesFile with DOCTYPE, some attribute
+ lists rely on space from \declareHTMLattrib,
+ there another \reserved@a;
+ "Head": \metanamecontent, \metanamelangcontent
+ 2012/09/07 "Head": \author, \date, \metadescription,
+ \keywords; lang variants
+ 2012/09/08 \TagSurr and \MetaTag without space,
+ \declareHTMLattrib{align}, \@valign@t adjusted;
+ \pagebreak[3]
+ 2012/09/13 \crarrow, "Fonts" -> "Physical markup" etc.,
+ \abbr, \newabbr
+ 2012/09/14 \xmleltcode, \xmleltattrcode; el-name -> elt-name
+ 2012/09/17 \asciidq + \asciidqtd move to `catchdq.sty'
+ 2012/10/03 \newlet;
+ doc.: label process -> catcodes, using \secref
+ 2012/10/05 moved \ast; \exists, \forall
+ 2012/10/24 quotes: completed, override `langcode.sty'
+ 2012/10/25 using \DeclareHTMLsymbols for quotes, corr. there,
+ \spone etc., \sfrac
+ 2012/10/28 spanstyle -> stylespan
+ 2012/11/16 \TagSurr and \MetaTag with space again
+ 2012/11/19 \endgraf -> <p>
+ 2012/11/29 `blogligs.sty', `markblog.sty' ([ligs], [mark])
+part of MOREHYPE RELEASE r0.7
+v0.81 2012/12/20 \-, {enumtype}
+ 2013/01/02 caron, "Ligatures ..." (&aelig; etc.)
+ 2013/01/04 updating copyright
+part of MOREHYPE RELEASE r0.81
+v0.81a 2013/01/21 \newlet in subsubsection
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogdot.cfg b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogdot.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0ca5dfc68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogdot.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+\ProvidesFile{blogdot.cfg}[2011/10/21 local blogdot.sty config]
+%% (U.L.:) For my 1024$\times$600 screen
+%% (with Mozilla Firefox~3.6.22 for Ubuntu canonical~-~1.0),
+%% the following choice of `\leftpagemargin' worked best
+%% for my goal of 640px type area width.
+%% (Finally it turned out that I needed more.)
+%% When I increased it, actually the left margin shrunk.
+%% I am not an HTML expert. I also tried increasing
+%% body width (and "center" value of @align), in vain.
+% \renewcommand*{\rightpagemargin}{\leftpagemargin}
+% \renewcommand*{\upperpagemargin}{80}
+%% I prepared my presentation for a screen of
+%% 600px height and tried to confine myself to a
+%% type area height of 440px; a lower margin of 504px would hide
+%% the next "page"/"slide" even on a screen 1024px high:
+% \renewcommand*{\lowerpagemargin}{504}
+% \renewcommand*{\typeareawidth}{640}
+% \renewcommand*{\typeareaheight}{440}
+% \ShowBlogDotBorders
+% \ShowBlogDotFrame
+%% Overall background color:
+% \renewcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#ffffff}
+%% Language choices:
+% \input{lang-de.fdf}
+% \input{lang-en.fdf}
+%% ... `blogdot.cfg' may be a good idea for general settings;
+%% recompiling the presentation of a given document source
+%% `<job>.tex' may better be controlled in a file `<job>.cfg' ...
+%% Open CTAN files: %% 2011/10/21
+% \usemirrorctan
+% \usecurrdirctan
+%% Stop processing this file:
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogdot.css b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogdot.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31f8e9ddee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogdot.css
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* blogdot.css for blogdot.sty (morehype bundle) 2011/10/05 */
+/* (C) 2011 Uwe Lueck */
+/* 2011/09/21 aus blog/plain.css, 2011/09/26 gekürzt, Versuche, Umbau */
+b, h1, h2, h3, h4, div, p, td, th, body, span, table, ol, li, a, ul {
+font-family:Arial,Verdana,"Lucinda Sans",sans-serif;
+h1 { font-size: 42px; margin-bottom: 21px }
+h2 { font-size: 30px; margin-bottom: 21px }
+h3 { font-size: 24px; }
+h4 { font-size: 21px; }
+/* body, td, th, div, p, ul, li, em, strong */
+td {
+font-family:Arial,Verdana,"Lucinda Sans",sans-serif;
+font-size: 21px
+p { margin-bottom:0px }
+dl, ol, ul {
+/* padding-left: 18px; */
+padding-left: 1em;
+margin-left: 1em; margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 18px;
+vertical-align: middle;
+dt { margin: 0px; margin-top: 18px; margin-bottom: 9px; padding: 0px }
+li { margin: 0px; margin-top: 9px; margin-bottom: 9px; padding: 0px }
+blockquote { margin-left: 2em }
+pre { margin-left:2em; margin-top:0px }
+/* table { margin: 0px; margin-top: 9px; margin-bottom: 18px; padding: 0px} */
+a:link { color:#0000d0; text-decoration:none; }
+a:visited { color:purple; text-decoration:none; }
+a:hover { color:blue; text-decoration:underline; }
+a:active { color:blue; text-decoration:underline; }
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogdot.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogdot.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..abcd41a3ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogdot.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] %% \newcommand* etc.
+\ProvidesPackage{blogdot}[2013/01/22 v0.41b HTML presentations (UL)]
+%% copyright (C) 2011 Uwe Lueck,
+%% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below.
+%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
+%% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
+%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
+%% == 'blog' Required ==
+%% 'blogdot' is an extension of 'blog'
+%% (but what about options? TODO):
+%% == Size Parameters ==
+%% \label{sec:dot-size}
+%% I assume that it is clear what the following
+%% six page dimension parameters
+%% \begin{quote}
+%% |\leftpagemargin|, |\rightpagemargin|,
+%% |\upperpagemargin|,\\|\lowerpagemargin|,
+%% |\typeareawidth|, |\typeareaheight|
+%% \end{quote}
+%% mean.
+%% The choices are what I thought should work best
+%% on my 1024$\times$600 screen (in fullscreen mode);
+%% but I had to optimize the left and right margins experimentally
+%% (with Mozilla Firefox~3.6.22 for Ubuntu canonical~-~1.0).
+%% It seems to be best when the horizontal parameters
+%% together with what the brouswer adds
+%% (scroll bar, probably 32px with me)
+%% sum up to the screen width.
+%% So |\rightpagemargin| ultimately is the same as
+%% |\leftpagemargin| as long as you don't redefine it,
+%% and it suffices to `\renewcommand' `\leftpagemargin'
+%% in order to get a horizontically centered type area
+%% with user-defined margin widths.---Something analogous
+%% applies to |\upperpagemargin| and |\lowerpagemargin|:
+%% A difference to the ``horizontal" parameters is
+%% (I expect) that the position of the type area on the
+%% screen is affected by |\upperpagemargin| only,
+%% and you may choose |\lowerpagemargin| just large enough
+%% that the next slide won't be visible on any computer screen
+%% you can think of.
+%% Centering with respect to web page body may work better on
+%% different screens (2011/10/03), but it doesn't work here
+%% (2011/10/04).
+% \renewcommand*{\body}{%
+% </head>\CLBrk
+% <body \@bgcolor{\bodybgcolor} \@align@c>}
+%% |\CommentBlogDotWholeWidth| procuces no \HTML\ code ...
+%% ... unless calculated with |\SumBlogDotWidth|:
+ \relax{% %% \relax 2011/10/22 magic ...
+ \count@\typeareawidth
+ \advance\count@ \leftpagemargin
+ \advance\count@\rightpagemargin
+ \typeout{ * blogdot slide width = \the\count@\space*}%
+ \xdef\CommentBlogDotWholeWidth{%
+ \comment{ slide width = \the\count@\ }}}}
+%% == (Backbone for) Starting a ``Slide" ==
+%% \label{sec:dot-start}
+%% |\startscreenpage{<style>}{<anchor-name>}|
+\newcommand*{\startscreenpage}[2]{%% 0 2011/09/25!?:
+ \\\CLBrk %% 2012/11/19
+%% <- `\\' suddenly necessary, likewise in `texblog.fdf'
+%% with `\NextView' and `\nextruleview'.
+%% Due to recent `firefox'? %% 2012/11/21
+ \startTable{%
+ \@cellpadding{0} \@cellspacing{0}%
+ \maybe@blogdot@borders %% 2011/10/12
+ \maybe@blogdot@frame %% 2011/10/14
+ }%
+ \CLBrk %% 2011/10/03
+ \starttr
+%% First cell determines both
+%% height of upper page margin |\upperpagemargin|
+%% and
+%% width of left page margin |\leftpagemargin|:
+ \startTd{\@width {\leftpagemargin }%
+ \@height{\upperpagemargin}}%
+% \textcolor{\bodybgcolor}{XYZ}%
+ \endTd
+%% Using |\typeareawidth|:
+% \startTd{\@width{\typeareawidth}}\endTd
+ \simplecell{%
+ \CLBrk
+ \hanc{#2}{\hvspace{\typeareawidth}%
+ {\upperpagemargin}}%
+ \CLBrk
+ }%
+%% Final cell of first row determines right margin width:
+ \startTd{\@width{\leftpagemargin}}\endTd
+ \endtr
+ \starttr
+ \emptycell\startTd{\@height{\typeareaheight}#1}%
+%% |\titlescreenpage| \ (`\STARTscreenpage' TODO?) \ %% 2011/10/03 \ 2012/11/19
+%% opens the title page (I thought). To get it to your screen,
+%% (make and) click a link like
+%% \[`\ancref{START}{start presentation}':\]
+ \startscreenpage{\@align@c}{START}}
+%% == Finishing a ``Slide" and ``Restart" (Backbone) ==
+%% \label{sec:dot-fin}
+%% |\screenbottom{<next-anchor>}| finishes the current slide
+%% and links to the <next-anchor>, the anchor of a slide opened by
+%% \[`\startscreenpage{<style>}{<next-anchor>}'.\]
+%% More precisely, the margin below the type area is that link.
+%% The corner at its right is a link to the anchor to whose name
+%% |\BlogDotRestart| expands.
+ \ifFillBlogDotTypeArea
+ <p>\ancref{#1}{\BlogDotFillText}% %% not </p> 2011/10/22
+ \fi
+ \endTd\emptycell
+ \endtr
+ \CLBrk
+ \tablerow{bottom margin}% %% 2011/10/13
+ \emptycell
+ \CLBrk
+ \startTd{\@align@c}%
+ \ancref{#1}{\HVspace{\BlogDotBottomFill}%
+%% <- seems to be useless now (2011/10/15).
+ {\typeareawidth}%
+ {\lowerpagemargin}}%
+ \endTd
+ \CLBrk
+ \simplecell{\ancref{\BlogDotRestart}%
+ {\hvspace{\rightpagemargin}%
+ {\lowerpagemargin}}}%
+ \endtablerow
+ \CLBrk
+ \endTable
+%% The default for |\BlogDotRestart| is |START|---the title page.
+%% You can `\renew'\-`command' it so you get to a slide
+%% containing an overview of the presentation.
+%% == Moving to Next ``Slide" (User Level) ==
+%% \label{sec:dot-next}
+%% |\nextscreenpage{<style>}{<anchor-name>}|
+%% puts closing the previous slide and opening the next
+%% one---having anchor name `<anchor-name>'---together.
+%% <style> is for style settings for the next page,
+%% made here for choosing between centering the page/slide content
+%% and aligning it flush left.
+ \screenbottom{#2}\CLBrk
+ \hrule \CLBrk
+ \startscreenpage{#1}{#2}}
+%% |\nextcenterscreenpage{<anchor-name>}| chooses centering
+%% the slide content:
+%% |\nextnormalscreenpage{<anchor-name>}| chooses flush left
+%% on the type area determined by |\typeareawidth|:
+%% == Constructs for Type Area ==
+%% \label{sec:dot-type}
+%% If you want to get centered titles with \xmltagcode{h2} etc.,
+%% you should declare this in `.css' files. But you may consider
+%% this way too difficult, and you may prefer to declare this
+%% right in the \HTML\ code. That's what I do! I use
+%% |\cheading{<digit>}{<text>}| for this purpose.
+%% |\begin{textblock}{<width>}| opens a |{textblock}|
+%% environment. The latter will contain text that will be flush left
+%% in a narrower text area---of width <width>---than the one
+%% determined by |\typeareawidth|. It may be used on
+%% "centered" slides. It is made for lists whose entries are
+%% so short that the page would look unbalanced under a
+%% centered title with the list adjusted to the left
+%% of the entire type area. (Thinking of standard \LaTeX,
+%% it is almost the `{minipage}' environment, however lacking
+%% the footnote feature, in that respect it is rather
+%% similar to `\parbox' which however is not an environment.)
+ {\startTable{\@width{#1}}\starttr\startTd{}}
+ {\endTd\endtr\endTable}
+%% == Debugging and `.cfg's ==
+%% \label{sec:cfgs}
+%% |\ShowBlogDotBorders| shows borders of the page margins
+%% and may be undone by |\DontShowBlogDotBorders|:
+ \def\maybe@blogdot@borders{rules="all"}}
+ \let\maybe@blogdot@borders\@empty}
+%% %% 2011/10/14:
+%% |\ShowBlogDotFrame| shows borders of the page margins
+%% and may be undone by |\DontShowBlogDotFrame|:
+ \def\maybe@blogdot@frame{\@frame@box}}
+ \let\maybe@blogdot@frame\@empty}
+%% However, the rules seem to affect horizontal positions ...
+%% |\BlogDotFillText| is a dirty trick ... seems to widen
+%% %% doc. extended 2011/10/13
+%% the type area and this way centers the text on wider screens
+%% than the one used originally. Of course, this can corrupt
+%% intended line breaks.
+\newcommand*{\BlogDotFillText}{% %% 2011/10/11
+ \center
+ \BlogDotFillTextColor{% %% 2011/10/12
+% X\\X %% insufficient
+ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
+ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
+ X X X X X X X X X X
+ X X X X X X X X X X
+% X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
+ }
+ \endcenter
+%% |\FillBlogDotTypeArea| fills `\BlogDotFillText' into the
+%% type area, also as a link to the next slide. This may widen
+%% the type area so that the text is centered on wider screens
+%% than the one the \HTML\ page was made for. The link may serve
+%% as an alternative to the bottom margin link
+%% (which sometimes fails).
+%% `\FillBlogDotTypeArea' %% 2011/10/22
+%% can be undone
+%% by |\DontFillBlogDotTypeArea|:
+ \let\ifFillBlogDotTypeArea\iftrue
+ \typeout{ * blogdot filling type area *}} %% 2011/10/13
+ \let\ifFillBlogDotTypeArea\iffalse}
+%% |\FillBlogDotBottom| fills `\BlogDotFillText' into the
+%% center bottom cell. I tried it before `\FillBlogDotTypeArea'
+%% and I am not sure ...
+%% It can be undone by
+%% |\DontFillBlogDotBottom|:
+ \let\BlogDotBottomFill\BlogDotFillText}
+%% ... actually, it doesn't seem to make a difference!
+%% (2011/10/13)
+%% |\DontShowBlogDotFillText| makes `\BlogDotFillText' invisible,\\
+%% |\ShowBlogDotFillText| makes it visible.
+%% Until 2011/10/22, `\textcolor' ('blog.sty') used the
+%% \xmltagcode{font} element that is deprecated.
+%% I still use it here because it seems to suppress the
+%% `hover' \acro{CSS} indication for the link.
+%% (I might offer a choice---TODO)
+% \def\BlogDotFillTextColor{\textcolor{\bodybgcolor}}}
+ \def\BlogDotFillTextColor{%
+ \TagSurr{font}{color="\bodybgcolor"}}}
+ \def\BlogDotFillTextColor{\textcolor{red}}}
+%% As of 2013/01/22, 'texlinks.sty' provides %% adjusted 2013/01/22
+%% `\ctanfileref{<path>}{<file-name>}' that uses an online
+%% \TeX\ archive randomly chosen or determined by the user.
+%% This is preferable for an online version of the presentation.
+%% In `dantev45.htm', this is used for example files.
+%% When, on the other hand, internet access during the presentation is
+%% bad, such example files may instead be loaded from the
+%% ``current directory." \ |\usecurrdirctan| \ modifies `\ctanfileref'
+%% for this purpose (i.e., it will ignore <path>):
+ \renewcommand*{\ctanfileref}[2]{%
+ \hnewref{}{##2}{\filenamefmt{##2}}}}
+%% (Using a local \acro{TDS} tree would be funny, but I don't
+%% have good idea for this right now. )
+%% |\TryBlogDotCFG| looks for `blogdot.cfg',
+%% \[|\TryBlogDotCFG[<file-name-base>]|\] %% \[...\] 2011/10/21
+%% looks for `<file-name-base>.cfg'
+%% (for recompiling a certain file):
+ \InputIfFileExists{#1.cfg}{%
+ \typeout{
+ * Using local settings from \string`#1.cfg\string' *}%
+ }{}%
+%% %% rm. \pagebreak 2013/01/04
+%% == The End and HISTORY ==
+v0.1 2011/09/21f. started
+ 2011/09/25 spacing/padding off
+ 2011/09/27 \CLBrk
+ 2011/09/30 \BlogDotRestart
+ used for DANTE meeting
+v0.2 2011/10/03 four possibly independent page margin
+ parameters; \hvspace moves to texblog.fdf
+ 2011/10/04 renewed \body commented out
+ 2011/10/07 documentation
+ 2011/10/08 added some labels
+ 2011/10/10 v etc. in \ProvidesPackage
+ part of morehype RELEASE r0.5
+v0.3 2011/10/11 \HVspace, \BlogDotFillText
+ 2011/10/12 commands for \BlogDotFillText
+ 2011/10/13 more doc. on "debugging";
+ \ifFillBlogDotTypeArea, \tablerow, messages
+ 2011/10/14 \maybe@blogdot@frame
+ 2011/10/15 doc. note: \HVspace useless
+ part of morehype RELEASE r0.51
+v0.4 2011/10/21 \usecurrdirctan
+ 2011/10/22 FillText with <p> instead of </p>, its color
+ uses <font>; some more reworking of doc.
+ part of morehype RELEASE r0.6
+v0.41 2012/11/19 \startscreenpage with \\; doc. \
+ 2012/11/21 updating version infos, doc. \pagebreak
+v0.41a 2013/01/04 rm. \pagebreak
+ part of morehype RELEASE r0.81
+v0.41b 2013/01/22 adjusted doc. on `texlinks'
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogexec.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogexec.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0767561cc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogexec.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] %% \newcommand* etc.
+\ProvidesPackage{blogexec}[2012/12/20 v0.21
+ assignments with blog.sty (UL)]
+%% copyright (C) 2011 Uwe Lueck,
+%% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below.
+%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
+%% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
+%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
+%% == Requirements ==
+%% The \ctanpkgref{dowith} package is needed for managing
+%% and running lists of macros to be intercepted:
+%% Admittedly, `\do' and `\@elt' lists (as discussed in `dowith.pdf')
+%% would be faster than the 'dowith' method, which might be relevant
+%% here (TODO: how much?). I may abandon 'dowith' later, I just cannot
+%% afford removing it now (2011/11/05, TODO).
+%% == Processing Source Files ==
+%% With |\BlogInterceptExtra|, 'blog.sty'
+%% deals with \emph{empty} input lines just like
+%% \[`\BlogCopyFile[<changes>]{<src-file>}'\]
+%% does; \emph{otherwise} the content of `\fdInputLine' is copied to
+%% |\fdOutputCode|. Before the latter is writen to the output file
+%% <output> (as determined by a recent `\ResultFile{<output>}'),
+%% |\BlogInterceptions| is run, its purpose is to extract assignment and other
+%% ``execution" commands and to turn `\fdOutputCode' into an
+%% expandable macro. We use `\def' because 'blog.sty' may have
+%% provided a preliminary definition earlier:
+ \let\BlogProcessLine\BlogAllowIntercepting
+ \let\BlogInterceptions\AllBlogInterceptions}
+%% And this is the default setting (TODO!?):
+%% Below, there are commands for restricted (faster---TODO: relevant?
+%% or less complex, to reduce danger)
+%% interception functionality. (Maybe the file should be restructured.)
+%% |\AllBlogInterceptions| first is nothing:
+%% ---and should become more below.
+%% |\BlogAllowIntercepting| stores the difference to 'blog.sty':
+ \let\fdOutputCode\fdInputLine
+ \BlogInterceptions
+%% When, after removing the intercepted command, the line is
+%% empty, it is \emph{not} written into output:
+ \ifx\fdOutputCode\@empty \else
+ \WriteResult{%
+ \ProcessExpandedWith\fdOutputCode\BlogOutputJob}%
+%% ... enabling ``ligatures" with 'blog.sty' v0.7. %% 2011/11/21
+ \fi}
+%% ... TODO: in 'fifinddo' with something like `\fdInterceptions'?
+%% Especially for storing file-specific macro definitions
+%% with `\EXECUTE' (below), a parameter character
+%% (usually hash mark) is needed.
+%% %% mod. 2011/11/20:
+%% 'fifinddo.sty' (so far---2011/11/20)
+%% does not include it with `\BasicNormalCatCodes',
+%% and 'blog.sty'
+%% does not include it with `\BlogCodes'
+%% ---the following |\BlogInterceptHash| does.
+%% Moreover, |\MakeHashParameter| enables such definitions
+%% when placed in a source file within the argument of a
+%% separate(!) `\EXECUTE'.
+\providecommand*{\MakeHashParameter}{\catcode`\#6 }
+ \ToListMacroAdd\BlogCodes\MakeHashParameter
+ \MakeHashParameter}
+%% TODO: default? 0-arg interception?
+%% == Intercepting Single-Parameter Commands ==
+%% === The General Method ===
+%% Macros to be intercepted that have a single argument will be
+%% collected in |\blogOneArgInterceptions|:
+ \DoWithAllIn\blogTryOneArgCmd
+ \blogOneArgInterceptions}
+%% Here |\blogTryOneArgCmd{<cmd>}| creates a ``sandbox" for parsing
+%% in a similar way as 'fifinddo' does it, searching for <cmd>.
+%% The method there was made thinking of reading files with
+%% ``plain text" category codes, not aware of 'blog.sty'.
+%% Maybe this was a mistake, and I will reconsider it.
+%% There I also introduce a separate sandbox macro
+%% for each search pattern, thinking of different types of sandboxes.
+%% This is not done/needed here (strangely, TODO).---The sandbox
+%% starts with the parsing macro. The latter's name derives from
+%% <cmd> by prefixing something to its name.
+%% |\StripEsc| is a little helper for removing the backslash
+%% from a macro name.
+%% Name spaces: %% 2012/08/29
+ \csname \blog@x:\StripEsc#1\expandafter\endcsname
+ \fdOutputCode \@gobble#1\@empty\@nil}
+%% Here, `\@empty' is the dummy argument for <cmd>---this is what
+%% must be modified for <cmd> with more than one parameter.
+%% At present (2011/11/05), that tail starting with `\@gobble'
+%% may stay at the end of `\fdOutputCode' for each interception per
+%% `\fdInputLine', until it expands to nothing in the `\write'.
+%% |\MakeBlogOneArgInterception{<cmd>}{<run>}{<write>}| \ \
+%% says that when <cmd> is found in `\fdOutputCode',
+%% <run> should be executed, and `<cmd><arg>' should be replaced
+%% by <write> in `\fdOutputCode' where <arg> is the argument for
+%% <cmd> found in `\fdOutputCode'. Let <arc> be <arg> without
+%% delimiting braces if `<arg>' is `{<arc>}'
+%% (otherwise `<arc>' is the same as `<arg>').
+%% Then use `#2' for referring to <arc> inside <run> and <write>.
+%% (Sorry, I cannot afford replacing `#2' by a more natural
+%% placeholder right now.)
+ \catcode`\|\z@ |MakeOther|\% %% \z@ 2011/11/22
+ |@ifdefinable|MakeBlogOneArgInterception{%
+ |gdef|MakeBlogOneArgInterception#1#2#3{%
+%% First we add <cmd> to `\blogOneArgInterceptions',
+%% unless it is already there: %% 2011/11/07
+ |TestListMacroForToken|blogOneArgInterceptions#1%
+ |ifin@
+ |PackageWarning{blogexec}{Redeclaring |string#1.}%
+ |else
+ |ToListMacroAdd|blogOneArgInterceptions#1%
+ |fi
+%% Now the parsing macro is defined, together with the actions
+%% depending on the result:
+%% %% TODO csnames/namemod.sty 2011/11/22
+ |@namedef{|blog@x:|StripEsc#1}##1#1##2##3|@nil{%
+%% #3 will be empty if and only if <cmd> does \emph{not} occur
+%% in `\fdOutputCode'. A backslash made ``other" will not occur
+%% in `\fdOutputCode', therefore the following
+%% `\ifx' becomes true if and only if #3 is empty, i.e.,
+%% <cmd> does \emph{not} occur in `\fdOutputCode':
+ |ifx\##3\%
+%% In this case we just do nothing.
+ |else
+%% Otherwise, we apply <run> and <write>:
+ #2%
+ |def|fdOutputCode{##1#3##3}%
+ |fi}%
+ }%
+ }%
+%% %% was single `%' 2011/11/20
+%% === &\EXECUTE ===
+%% |\EXECUTE{<run>}| runs <run> and is removed from the
+%% output line:
+%% You can \strong{store settings} <set> for processing a source
+%% file in this file by `\EXECUTE{<set>}'
+%% (e.g., shorthand macros only useful in this single file).
+%% You even can switch off the interception functionality
+%% after running the other settings <set>
+%% by `\EXECUTE{<set>\BlogCopyLines}'.
+%% `\EXECUTE{<run>}' may be a great relief thinking of pure
+%% expansion with 'blog.sty'. You may be happy enough with it
+%% and \emph{restrict} the interception functionality to `\EXECUTE'
+%% by |\BlogInterceptExecute|. Its definition may be a
+%% redefinition of the preliminary macro in 'blog.sty'.
+%% (TODO: option for stopping here, avoid 'dowith'.)
+ \let\BlogProcessLine\BlogAllowIntercepting
+ \def\BlogInterceptions{\blogTryOneArgCmd\EXECUTE}}
+%% === &\begin\ and &\end ===
+%% At present (2011/11/06), only |\begin{<env>}| will run %% box 2012/08/28
+%% settings. Macros `\<env>' and `\end<env>' will expand
+%% in the `.html' as with 'blog.sty' alone, not touched here.
+%% Settings to be \emph{run} must be stored in a macro
+%% `\blogx.b:<env>'. If this has not been done, only `\relax'
+%% (from `\csname') will be ``run."
+%% Indeed, we have a ``modified selection" from \LaTeX's original `\begin':
+ \@ifundefined{#2}%
+ {\def\@tempa{\@latex@error{Environment #2 undefined}\@eha}}%
+ {\def\@tempa{\def\@currenvir{#2}%
+% \edef\@currenvline{\on@line}% %% not in source
+ \csname \blog@x.b:#2\endcsname}}% %% \StripEsc->: 2012/08/28
+ \begingroup \@tempa}{%
+ \csname #2\endcsname}
+%% % %% TODO single token!? %% rm. 2011/12/15
+%% \[|\MakeBlogBeginRun{<env>}<args>{<begin-code>}|\] resembles
+%% \[`\newenvironment*{<env>}<args>{<begin-code>}{<end-code>}'\] except that
+%% it does not have `{<end-code>}':
+%% v0.2 allows redefinition by
+%% \[|\ChangeBlogBeginRun{<env>}<args>{<begin-code>}|\]
+ \expandafter #1\expandafter *%
+ \csname \blog@x.b:#2\endcsname} %% \StripEsc->: 2012/08/28
+%% Moreover, v0.2 allows copying that action by
+%% \[|\CopyBlogBeginRunTo{<env>}{<enw>}|\]
+ \withcsname \let \blog@x.b:#2\expandafter\endcsname
+ \csname \blog@x.b:#1\endcsname}
+%% |\end{<env>}|:
+% \expandafter\show\csname blogx:end\endcsname
+%% \[|\BlogInterceptEnvironments|\] restricts interception functionality
+%% to `\EXECUTE', `\begin', and `\end':
+ \BlogInterceptExecute
+ \ToListMacroAdd\BlogInterceptions{%
+ \blogTryOneArgCmd\begin\blogTryOneArgCmd\end}}
+%% TODO: \ 1.~imitate \LaTeX's toggling with `\emph'
+%% (redefine it in italic environments)
+%% \ 2.~code indenting (cf.~\ctanpkgref{inputtrc})
+%% === Skipping Source Code ===
+%% The |{noblog}| environment ``suppresses" \TeX~source
+%% code in the sense that it does not produce \HTML~code---while
+%% 'blog.sty''s `{commentlines}' produces an \HTML~comment.
+\newenvironment*{noblog}{}{} %% 2012/03/04 from ...
+ \BlogInterceptEnvironments %% 2012/06/22
+ \let\WriteResult\@gobble}
+%% === A Comfortable Table Environment ===
+%% As an application of |\MakeBlogBeginRun| for 'blog.sty''s
+%% |{stdallrulestable}|, we provide \lq`|'\rq\ as an active character
+%% invoking 'blog.sty''s `\endcell' (move to next cell) %% was \cr 2011/11/10
+%% and an active character \lq`&'\rq\ for `\figurespace',
+%% i.e., a Unicode symbol for aligning figures.
+%% Indeed, we are \emph{not} going back to \LaTeX\ and Plain \TeX\
+%% by using `&' for moving to the next cell, I consider the present
+%% choice more intuitive.
+ \MakeActiveDef\|{\endcell}\MakeActiveDef\&{\figurespace}}
+%% I hope nobody will confuse `&' and `8'. A little drawback may be
+%% that you now can't use `&' for inserting \acro{HTML} entities.
+%% However, recall that these settings are restricted to the
+%% `{stdrulestable}' environment, and that you can use
+%% `\MakeBlogBeginRun{stdallrulestable}' again for your own choice
+%% of shorthands.
+%% (TODO: `\MakeActiveLet')
+%% == Intercepting Two-Parameter Macros ==
+%% Here especially I have a macro
+%% |\labelsection{<label>}{<title>}| \emph{in mind}
+%% (TODO).
+%% It could be handled by the one-argument approach
+%% by storing the first argument and inserting another macro
+%% that reads the second argument. Therefore I am not sure ...
+%% (2011/11/04)
+%% == Leaving and HISTORY ==
+%% \enlargethispage{2\baselineskip} %% 2012/08/28
+v0.1 2011/11/04 started; arrived at \EXECUTE
+ 2011/11/05 rm. \blogx@dummy, corrected loop,
+ \BlogInterceptExtra, \BlogInterceptExecute
+ 2011/11/06 \BlogAllowIntercepting, emptiness test
+ with "other" backslash, \begin/\end
+ 2011/11/07 debugging (\catcode... in \@ifdefinable);
+ warning on reusing interceptor,
+ \BlogInterceptEnvironments;
+ doc.: raise interception level in \EXECUTE
+ 2011/11/08 \BlogInterceptHash (understanding needed hours)
+ 2011/11/10 `v0.1' in \Provides..., doc. fix,
+ removing experimental code, doc. all 1-arg
+ interceptions in one section
+ 2011/11/20 \BlogInterceptHash improved
+ 2011/11/20 doc. `%' doubled
+ 2011/11/21 \BlogOutputJob
+ 2011/11/22 TODO + \z@ for \MakeBlogOne...
+ 2011/12/15 rm. TODO
+v0.2 2012/08/28 \begin/\end revised (\StripEsc wrong)
+ 2012/08/29 \ChangeBlogBeginRun, \CopyBlogBeginRun,
+ \blog@x
+v0.21 2012/12/20 {noblog}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogligs.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogligs.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75beb5beff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogligs.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] %% \newcommand* etc.
+\ProvidesPackage{blogligs}[2012/11/29 v0.2
+ pervasive blog ligatures (UL)]
+%% copyright (C) 2012 Uwe Lueck,
+%% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below.
+%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
+%% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
+%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
+%% == 'blog' Required ==
+%% 'blogdot' is an extension of 'blog', and must be loaded \emph{later}
+%% (but what about options? TODO):
+%% == Task and Idea ==
+%% |\UseBlogLigs| as offered by 'blog.sty' does not work
+%% inside macro arguments. You can use |\ParseLigs{<text>}|
+%% at such locations to enable ``ligatures" again.
+%% 'blogligs.sty' saves you from this manual trick.
+%% Many macros have one ``text" argument only,
+%% others additionally have ``attribute" arguments.
+%% Most macros `<elt-cmd>{<text>}' of the first kind are defined
+%% to expand to `\SimpleTagSurr{<elt>}{<text>}'
+%% or to `\TagSurr{<elt>}{<attrs>}{<text>}' for some
+%% \HTML\ element <elt> and some attribute assignments <attrs>.
+%% When a macro in addition to a ``text" element has
+%% ``attribute" parameters, `\TagSurr' is used as well.
+%% %% 2012/01/08, eigentlich schon 2012/01/04, verloren ...:
+% \let\blogtextcolor\textcolor
+% \renewcommand*{\textcolor}[2]{\blogtextcolor{#1}{\ParseLigs{#2}}}
+%% \pagebreak[2]
+%% == Quotation Marks ==
+%% ``Inline quote" macros `<qtd>{<text>}' to surround <text>
+%% by quotation marks do not follow this rule. We are just
+%% dealing with English and German double quotes
+%% that I have mostly treated by `catchdq.sty'.
+%% `"<text>"' then (eventually) expands to either
+%% `\deqtd{<text>}' or `\endqtd{<text>}', so we redefine these:
+%% %% 2012/01/10:
+%% %% 2012/08/20:
+%% == \HTML\ Elements ==
+%% When the above rule holds:
+%% %% 2012/01/19:
+ \BlogTagSurr{#1}{#2}{\ParseLigs{#3}}}
+ \BlogSimpleTagSurr{#1}{\ParseLigs{#2}}}
+%% == Avoiding ``Ligatures" though ==
+%% |\noligs{<text>}| saves <text> from ``ligature" replacements
+%% (except in arguments of macros inside <text> where
+%% 'blogligs' enables ligatures):
+\newcommand*{\noligs}{} \let\noligs\@firstofone %% !!!
+%% I have found it useful to disable replacements within
+%% |\code{<text>}|:
+%% TODO: kind of mistake, `\STS' has not been affected anyway so far,
+%% then defining `\code' as `\STS{code}' should suffice.
+%% |\NoBlogLigs| has been meant to disable ``ligatures" altogether again.
+%% I am not sure about everything ...
+%% %% 2012/03/14, not optimal TODO:
+ \def\BlogOutputJob{LEAVE}%
+% \let\deqtd\blogdeqtd %% rm. 2012/06/03
+ \let\TagSurr\BlogTagSurr
+ \let\SimpleTagSurr\BlogSimpleTagSurr
+ \FDnormalTilde
+ \MakeActiveDef\~{&nbsp;}% %% TODO new blog cmd
+%% TODO: |\UseBlogLigs| might be redefined likewise
+%% (\textcolor{red}{in fact 'blogligs' activates ligatures
+%% inside text arguments unconditionally at present},
+%% I keep this for now since I have used it this way with `texblog.fdf'
+%% over months, and changing it may be dangerous
+%% where I have used tricky workarounds to overcome the
+%% `texblog.fdf' mistake).
+%% But with \[`\BlogInteceptEnvironments'\] this is not needed
+%% when you use `\NoBlogLigs' for the contents of some \LaTeX\
+%% environment.
+%% == The End and \acro{HISTORY} ==
+v0.1 2012/01/08ff. developed in `texblog.fdf'
+v0.2 2012/11/29 own file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/hypertoc.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/hypertoc.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e78ca6fe8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/hypertoc.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{hypertoc}[2011/01/23 v0.1 pretty TOC links (UL)]
+%% Copyright (C) 2011 Uwe Lueck,
+%% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below --
+%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
+%% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
+%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
+%% Modifying |\@dottedtocline|:
+ \HTOC@@line{#1}{#2}{#3}{\mathstrut#4\mathstrut}}
+%% `\mathstrut' is like `\vphantom{()}', it indeed expands to
+%% `\vphantom(' in \LaTeX\ (as in plain \TeX).
+%% Modifying |\l@section|:
+%% % TODO: next lines appropriate for 'acticle.cls' only!?---and
+%% % `\chapter' still missing ...
+ \HTOC@@section{\mathstrut#1\mathstrut}}
+%% Leaving:
+v0.1 2011/01/23 very first
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/lnavicol.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/lnavicol.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8a4cb399c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/lnavicol.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ left navigation column with blog.sty]
+%% Copyright (C) 2011 Uwe Lueck,
+%% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below --
+%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
+%% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
+%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
+%% == 'blog.sty' Required ==
+%% ---but what about options (TODO)? %% 2011/10/09
+%% == Switches ==
+%% %% introduced 2011/04/29, it seems
+%% There is a ``standard" page width and a ``tight one"
+%% (the latter for contact forms)---|\iftight|:
+%% In order to move an anchor to the \emph{top} of the screen
+%% when the anchor is near the page end, the page must get
+%% some extra length by adding empty space at its
+%% bottom---|\ifdeep|:
+%% == Page Style Settings (to be set locally) ==
+% \newcommand*{\pagebgcolor}{\#f5f5f5} %% CSS whitesmoke
+% \newcommand*{\pagespacing}{\@cellpadding{4} \@cellspacing{7}}
+% \newcommand*{\pagenavicolwidth}{125}
+% \newcommand*{\pagemaincolwidth}{584}
+% \newcommand*{\pagewholewidth} {792}
+%% == Possible Additions to 'blog.sty' ==
+%% === Tables ===
+%% |\begin{spancolscell}{<number>}{<style>}|
+%% opens an environment that contains a row and a single cell
+%% that will span <number> table cells and have style <style>:
+ \starttr\startTd{\@colspan{#1} #2 %
+ \@width{100\%}}% %% TODO works?
+ }{\endTd\endtr}
+%% The |{hiddencells}| einvironment contains cells that do not align
+%% with other cells in the surrounding table. The purpose is using
+%% cells for horizontal spacing.
+ {\startTable{}\starttr}
+ {\endtr\endTable}
+%% |{pagehiddencells}| is like `{hiddencells}' except that
+%% the \HTML\ code is indented:
+ {\indentii\hiddencells}
+ {\indentii\endhiddencells}
+%% |\begin{FixedWidthCell}{<width>}{<style>}| \ opens the
+%% `{FixedWidthCell}' environment. The content will form a cell
+%% of width <width>. <style> are additional formatting parameters:
+ {\startTd{#2}\startTable{\@width{#1}}%
+ \starttr\startTd{}}
+ {\endTd\endtr\endTable\endTd}
+%% |\tablehspace{<width>}| is a variant of \LaTeX's `\hspace{<glue>}'.
+%% It may appear in a table row:
+\newcommand*{\tablehspace}[1]{\startTd{\@width{#1} /}}
+%% === Graphics ===
+%% The command names in this section are inspired by the names
+%% in the standard \LaTeX\ \ctanpkgref{graphics} package.
+%% (They may need some re-organization TODO.)
+%% |\simpleinclgrf{<file>}| embeds a graphic file <file> without
+%% the tricks of the remaining commands.
+\newcommand*{\simpleinclgrf}[1]{\IncludeGrf{alt="" \@border{0}}%
+ {#1}}
+%% |\IncludeGrf{<style>}{<file>}| embeds a graphic file <file>
+%% with style settings <style>:
+\newcommand*{\IncludeGrf}[2]{<img #1 src="#2">}
+%% |\includegraphic{<width>}{<height>}{<file>}{<border>}{<alt>}{<tooltip>}|
+%% ...: %% fine with mdoccorr 2011/10/13
+ \IncludeGrf{%
+ \@width{#1} \@height{#2} %% data; presentation:
+ \@border{#4}
+ alt="#5" \@title{#6}}%
+ {#3}}
+%% |\insertgraphic{<wd>}{<ht>}{<f>}{<b>}{<align>}{<hsp>}{<vsp>}{<alt>}{<t>}|
+%% \\adds <hsp> for the `@hspace' and <vsp> for the `@vspace'
+%% attribute:
+ \IncludeGrf{%
+ \@width{#1} \@height{#2} %% data; presentation:
+ \@border{#4}
+ align="#5" hspace="#6" vspace="#8"
+ alt="#8" \@title{#9}}%
+ {#3}}
+%% |\includegraphic{<wd>}{<ht>}{<file>}{<anchor>}{<border>}{<alt>}{<tooltip>}|
+%% \\uses an image with `\includegraphic' parameters as a link to
+%% <anchor>:
+ \fileref{#4}{\includegraphic{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ {#5}{#6}{#7}}}
+%% === \acro{HTTP}/Wikipedia tooltips ===
+%% |\httptipref{<tip>}{<www>}{<text>}| \ works like \
+%% `\httpref{<www>}{<text>}' except that <tip> appears as ``tooltip":
+ \TagSurr a{\@title{#1}\@href{http://#2}\@target@blank}}
+%% |\@target@blank| abbreviates the `@target' setting for
+%% opening the target in a new window or tab:
+%% % |\wikitipref{<language-code>}{<lemma>}{<text>}| \
+%% |\wikitipref{<lc>}{<lem>}{<text>}|
+%% works like
+%% % \\
+%% % `\wikiref{<language-code>}{<lemma>}{<text>}'
+%% `\wikiref{<lc>}{<lem>}{<text>}'
+%% except that
+%% ``Wikipedia" appears as ``tooltip".
+%% |\wikideref| and |\wikienref| are redefined to use it:
+ \httptipref{Wikipedia}{}}
+%% == Page Structure ==
+%% The body of the page is a table of three rows and two columns.
+%% === Page Head Row ===
+%% |\PAGEHEAD| opens the head row and a single cell that will span
+%% the two columns of the second row.
+ \startTable{%
+ \@align@c\
+ \@bgcolor{\pagebgcolor}%
+ \@border{0}%% %% TODO local
+ \pagespacing
+ \iftight \else \@width\pagewholewidth \fi
+ }\CLBrk
+ %% omitting <tbody>
+ \ \comment{ HEAD ROW }\CLBrk
+ \indenti\spancolscell{2}{}%
+% \newcommand*{\headgrf} [1]{% %% rm. 2011/10/09
+% \indentiii\simplecell{\simpleinclgrf{#1}}}
+% \newcommand*{\headgrfskiptitle}[3]{%
+% \pagehiddencells
+% \headgrf{#1}\CLBrk
+% \headskip{#2}\CLBrk
+% \headtitle1{#3}\CLBrk
+% \endpagehiddencells}
+%% |\headuseskiptitle{<grf>}{<skip>}{<title>}|
+%% first places <grf>, then skips horizontally by <skip>,
+%% and then prints the page title as \xmltagcode{h1}:
+ \pagehiddencells\CLBrk
+ \indentiii\simplecell{#1}\CLBrk
+ \headskip{#2}\CLBrk
+ \headtitle1{#3}\CLBrk
+ \endpagehiddencells}
+%% |\headskip{<skip>}| is like `\tablehspace{<skip>}'
+%% except that the \HTML\ code gets an indent.
+\newcommand*{\headskip} {\indentiii\tablehspace}
+%% Similarly, |\headtitle{<digit>}{<text>}| is like
+%% `\heading<digit>{<text>}' apart from an indent and
+%% being put into a cell:
+%% === Navigation and Main Row ===
+%% |\PAGENAVI| closes the head row and opens the ``navigation"
+%% column, actually including an `{itemize}' environment.
+%% Accordingly, `writings.fdf' has a command `\fileitem'.
+%% But it seems that I have not been sure ...
+ \indenti\endspancolscell\CLBrk
+ \indenti\starttr\CLBrk
+ \ \comment{NAVIGATION COL}\CLBrk
+ \indentii\FixedWidthCell\pagenavicolwidth
+ {\@class{paper}
+%% <- using `@class'=`paper' here is my brother's idea,
+%% not sure about it ...
+ \@valign@t}
+ %% omitting `\@height{100\%}'
+ \itemize}
+%% |\PAGEMAINvar{<width>}| closes the navigation column
+%% and opens the ``main content" column. The latter gets
+%% width <width>:
+ \indentii\enditemize\ \endFixedWidthCell\CLBrk
+ \ \comment{ MAIN COL }\CLBrk
+ \indentii\FixedWidthCell{#1}{}}
+%% ... The width may be specified as |\pagemaincolwidth|,
+%% then |\PAGEMAIN| works like `\PAGEMAINvar{\pagemaincolwidth}':
+%% === Footer Row ===
+%% |\PAGEFOOT| closes the ``main content" column as well as
+%% the second row, and opens the footer row:
+ \indentii\endFixedWidthCell\CLBrk
+% \indentii\tablehspace{96}\CLBrk %% vs. \pagemaincolwidth
+ %% <- TODO margin right of foot
+ \indenti\endtr\CLBrk
+ \ \comment{ FOOT ROW / }\CLBrk
+ \indenti\spancolscell{2}{\@class{paper} \@align@c}%
+%% <- again class ``paper"!?
+%% |\PAGEEND| closes the footer row and provides all the rest
+%% ... needed?
+%% == The End and HISTORY ==
+2011/04/29 started (? \if...)
+2011/09/01 to CTAN as `twocolpg.sty'
+2011/09/02 renamed
+2011/10/09f. documentation more serious
+2011/10/13 `...:' OK
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/markblog.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/markblog.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b0be279b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/markblog.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] %% \newcommand* etc.
+\ProvidesPackage{markblog}[2012/11/29 v0.2
+ wiki markup with blog.sty (UL)]
+%% copyright (C) 2012 Uwe Lueck,
+%% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below.
+%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
+%% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
+%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
+%% == 'blog' Required ==
+%% 'blogdot' is an extension of 'blog' and must be loaded \emph{later}
+%% (but what about options? TODO):
+%% == Replacement Rules ==
+%% 2012/01/06f.:
+%% |[[<wikipedia-link>]]|: a 'fifinddo' job is defined that
+%% passes to the ``ligature" job for arrows in 'blog.sty':
+\def\catchdbrkt#1]]{\Wikiref{#1}} %% + t 2012/01/09
+%% The stars are inspired by \Wikiref{Markdown}
+%% (thanks to Uwe Ziegenhagen October 2011),
+%% while I have own ideas about them.
+ {\protect\doublestar:}{blog[[}
+ {\protect\triplestar:}{blog**}
+% \CopyFDconditionFromTo{blog***}{BlogLIGs}
+%% Apostrophes: %% 2012/01/11:
+ {\protect\doubleapostr:}{blog***}
+ {\protect\tripleapostr:}{blog\string'\string'}
+%% Replacing three apostrophes by `\tripleapostr'
+%% becomes the first job called with `\UseBlogLigs':
+%% == Connecting to \LaTeX\ commands ==
+%% |\MakePairLaTeXcmd#1#2| replaces `#1<text>#1' by `#2{<text>}':
+ \@ifdefinable#1{\def#1:##1#1:{#2{##1}}}}
+ %% ":" for "..." 2012/01/30
+%% %% 2012/01/15:
+%% |**<text>**| is turned into `\mystrong{<text>}',
+%% and |***<text>***| is turned into `\myalert{<text>}'.
+%% I have used two shades of red for them:
+%% As in editing Wikipedia, |''<text>''| renders <text>
+%% in italics (or \emph{slanted}),
+%% and |'''<text>'''| renders <text> bold.
+%% == The End and \acro{HISTORY} ==
+v0.1 2012/01/06ff. developed in `texblog.fdf'
+v0.2 2012/11/29 own file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/texblog.fdf b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/texblog.fdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bcf135ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/texblog.fdf
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+\ProvidesFile{texblog.fdf}[2013/01/19 extra blog settings]
+%% macros I use for my note pages
+%% -- Uwe Lueck,
+%% page head:
+%% TODO: all
+%% 2012/09/06:
+ \metanamecontent{author}{Uwe L\"uck}\CLBrk
+ \metanamecontent{date}{\isotoday}\CLBrk
+ \texrobots}
+%% 2011/04/24:
+\newcommand*{\TeXtopofpage}{%% 2011/06/19, \gt 2012/09/08:
+ \topofpageline{\code{uwe_lueck} \code{\gt} }{\texmapName}}
+%% 2011/05/17, \pubfilename 2012/09/19:
+ \TeXtopofpage{\pardash\fileref\pubfilename{\meta{#1}}%
+ \pardash#2}} %% mv. brace here 2011/12/20
+% \newcommand*{\enreloadthis}{% %% 2011/05/14
+% \pardash\fileref{\htmljob}{reload}}
+%% 2011/06/19:
+% \hanc{top-of-page}{%
+ \CLBrk\indenti %% 2011/10/12
+ \begin{small}%
+ \hanc{top-of-page}{% %% 2012/09/08
+ #1%
+ }% %% 2012/09/08
+ \ifx\htmljob#2\else
+ \CLBrk\indenti
+ \Fileref{#2} \code{\gt} \fi %% \gt 2012/09/08
+ \file\htmljob#3%
+ \end{small}%
+% \CLBrk}% %% 2011/10/12
+ \CLBrk %% 2012/09/08
+ \topofpageline{}{\privmapName}%
+ {\depardash\fileref{\htmljob}{\textit{neu~laden}}%
+ \depardash#1}}
+\makeatletter %% 2011/10/12
+%% {noblog} moves to blogexec.sty 2012/12/20
+%% body colors (started 2010/09/15):
+% </head><body \@bgcolor{\bodybgcolor}>} %% \@bgcolor 2011/10/03
+ </head>%
+ <body\@style{background-color:\bodybgcolor}>} %% 2011/11/09
+ %% <- no space 2012/09/08
+\newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#ffffee} %% td
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fffff8} %% 2012/12/06
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fff8dc} %% cornsilk 2012/12/06
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fefefa} %% baby powder 2012/12/06
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fffff0} %% CSS ivory 2011/08/03
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#ffffe7} %% 2010/11/23 2011/06/29
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#f5f5dc} %% CSS beige 2011/07/31
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#f8f8ff} %% CSS ghostwhite 2011/07/31
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#f0ffff} %% CSS azure 2011/08/01
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fdf5e6} %% CSS oldlace 2011/08/01
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fffafa} %% CSS snow 2011/07/31
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fafad2} %% CSS lightgol... 2011/07/31
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fffaf0} %% CSS floralwhite 2011/07/31
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#ffffe0} %% CSS lightyellow 2011/07/31
+ %% erneut probiert 2011/12/12
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fbfff0} %% 2011/07/31
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fdffee} %% 2011/07/31
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fefedd} %% 2011/07/31
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fcfffc} %% 2011/07/31
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fbffff} %% 2011/07/30
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fffded} %% 2011/06/29
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fcffef} %% 2011/06/28
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#ffffef} %% 2011/06/27
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#ffffff}
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#ffffdd} %% 2010/11/17
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#faffe7} %% 2010/11/17
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fcffe7} %% 2010/11/23
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fbfff0} %% 2010/11/23
+% \newcommand*{\bodybgcolor}{\#fbfffe} %% 2010/11/23
+%% dark body, aus ultrado.tex, gekuerzt, abgewandelt 2012/05/08:
+ \begin{style}{all}\CLBrk
+ b, h1, h2, h3, h4, div, p, td, th, body, span, table, ol, li, a, ul {\CLBrk
+ \lightplaincolor
+ \darkfonts\CLBrk %% light -> dark 2012/05/09
+ \CLBrk}\CLBrk
+ body { \darkbackgroundcolor }\CLBrk
+ \CLBrk
+ a:link { \lightlinkcolor \lightfonts }\CLBrk
+% a:visited { color:\#cc33cc; }\CLBrk
+ a:visited { \lightlinkcolor \lightfonts }\CLBrk
+ a:hover { \lightlinkcolor \lightfonts }\CLBrk
+ a:active { \lightlinkcolor \lightfonts }\CLBrk
+ \end{style}\CLBrk
+ </head><body>\CLBrk
+%% requires:
+% \newcommand*{\plainbody}{</head><body>}
+% \#9999ff; }
+ \#ccffff; } %% 2012/05/10
+% \#99ccff; } %% 2012/05/10
+% white; }
+% \#fff8cc; }
+ \#ffffcc; }
+% \#cccccc; }
+\newcommand*{\boldcss}{font-weight:bold; }
+% \newcommand*{\lightfonts}{\boldcss}
+% \newcommand*{\darkfonts}{\lightfonts}
+% \#333300; }
+% black; }
+% \#221100; }
+% \#222200; }
+ \#001100; } %% 2012/05/10
+% \#110011; } %% 2012/05/10
+% \#111111; } %% 2012/05/10
+%% table cell colors: %% 2011/11/08
+\newcommand*{\mylightblue}{\#eeeeff} %% Wiki TCP/IP
+% \newcommand*{\mylightblue}{\#ddddff} %% auch nicht schlecht 2011/11/10
+% \newcommand*{\mylightblue}{\#ddeeff} %% auch nicht schlecht 2011/11/10
+% \newcommand*{\mylightblue}{\#eeefff} %% dantev45
+\newcommand*{\mylightyellow}{\#fff8cc} %% yellow 2011/11/09
+% \newcommand*{\mylightyellow}{\#ffeebb}
+%% internal navigation:
+\renewcommand*{\autref}[1]{\ancref{#1}{\code{#1}}} %% 2011/05/16
+% \renewcommand*{\autref}[1]{\ancref{#1}{\code{#1}}} %% 2011/05/16
+% \renewcommand*{\autref}[1]{\ancref{\lowercase{#1}}{#1}}
+ %% <- does not expand 2011/05/10
+\newcommand*{\Autref}[1]{\ancref{#1}{#1}} %% 2011/08/16
+\newcommand*{\ancandref}[1]{\hancref{#1}{\##1}} %% 2011/07/04
+% \newcommand*{\lineanc}[1]{\TagSurr a{\@name{#1}}}
+\newcommand*{\lineanc} [1]{\hanc{#1}{}} %% 2011/07/20
+%% TODO: one anchor element with more
+%% than one name!? %% 2011/08/31
+\newcommand*{\sieheuref}[1]{\ancref{#1}{s.\,u.}} %% 2011/12/23
+%% click to move to top of window: %% 2011/07/25 hier 2012/02/07
+ \rightpar{\ancref{top-of-page}{[\textit{\to~top~of~page}~]}}}
+ \rightpar{\ancref{top-of-page}{[\textit{\to Seitenanfang}\,]}}}
+\newcommand*{\nextview}[1]{% %% corr. 2010/09/15
+ \rightpar{\ancref{#1}{[\to}|%
+ \ancref{top-of-page}{~\uparrow~]}}}
+\newcommand*{\Nextview}[1]{% %% 2011/05/12
+ \nextview{#1}\\\lineanc{#1}} %% \\ 2012/11/21
+\newcommand*{\nextruleview}[1]{% %% 2010/09/15
+ \nextview{#1}\hrule\vspace{5}\lineanc{#1}} %% \vspace 2012/11/21 12/01
+\newcommand*{\NRV}{\nextruleview} %% 2011/03/15
+%% Diary date sections:
+% \newcommand*{\datepar}[1]{%
+%% <- 2012/10/24 ->
+% \endgraf\hanc{#1}{\latexdatepar#1\latexdatepar}}%% 2011/08/12:
+% \vspace{3} %%% 2011/08/16 \\%
+ \vspace{12} %% 2012/09/13
+ %% TODO CSS!? <- 2012/09/13 ->
+ \heading4{% %% wieder 2012/12/01
+ \lineanc{\isodateplus#1\isodateplus}%
+ \lineanc{#1}%
+% %% mod. 2012/10/24:
+% \heading4{%
+ \noligs{\isodateplus#1\isodateplus
+ \ifx\@nnil#2\@nnil\else
+ \pardash\ParseLigs{#2}\fi}}}
+% \isodateplus#1\isodateplus}}
+%% #5 allows modifications like time, `b', `f.':
+% \def\latexdatepar#1/#2/#3#4#5\latexdatepar{%
+% \endgraf\heading4{#1-#2-#3#4#5}}
+\def\isodateplus#1/#2/#3#4#5\isodateplus{% %% 2011/08/15
+ #1-#2-#3#4#5}
+\newcommand*{\Isodate}{\expandafter\isodate} %% 2011/08/21
+\newcommand*{\isodateref}[1]{% %% 2011/08/19
+ \ancref{#1}{\isodateplus#1\isodateplus}}
+%% "kw" is "Kalenderwoche" (English term?)
+\newcommand*{\kwsec}[1]{% %% 2011/08/24
+% \heading4{%
+ \endgraf
+ \vspace{9}\endgraf
+ \strong{%
+ \hanc{kw#1}%
+ {KW#1\quad\ancref{kw#1}{\gets}}}%
+% \endgraf
+\newcommand*{\kwrule}[1]{% %% 2011/08/27
+ \nextview{kw#1}\hrule
+ \hanc{kw#1}{\SimpleTagSurr{big}{KW#1}}%
+%% 2012/10/26:
+%% 2011/08/18 [private - 2011/08/26]:
+%% offline links: %% 2012/09/18
+ \hnewref{}{../../www-Kopien/#1}{\offlinetext}}
+\newcommand*{\offlinetext}{\small~[0]\endsmall} %% 2012/09/22
+%% bar of internal links %% 2011/12/23 / 2012/02/07
+% \samehtmlline{% %% irrelevant 2011/12/25
+ [\,\DoSeparateWithMore\ancref
+ \BlogVertNoBreakSep %% 2011/12/25
+ #1\StopDoing\,]}%
+% }
+% \newcommand{\DoSeparateWith}[3]{#1{#3}\do@separate@with#1#2}
+% \def\do@separate@with#1#2#3{%
+% \ifx\StopDoing#3%
+% \else#2#1{#3}%
+% \expandafter\do@separate@with\expandafter
+% #1\expandafter#2\fi}
+%% More 2012/01/17 [`\Do...' moved to `domore.sty' 2012/08/07]:
+% \newcommand*{\make@ancref}[1]{\ancref#1}
+\newcommand*{\BlogVertNoBreakSep}{~|~} %% 2011/12/25
+\newcommand*{\BlogVertSep} {~| } %% 2011/12/25
+\newcommand*{\BlogVertLine} {~|\CLBrk} %% 2012/09/06
+\newcommand*{\ancrefs}[1]{% %% 2011/12/28
+% \DoSeparateWithMore\ancref\BlogVertSep %% 2012/01/17
+ \DoSeparateWithMore\ancref\BlogVertLine %% 2012/01/17
+ #1\StopDoing}
+\newcommand*{\ancrefslist}{} \let\ancrefslist\ancrefs %% 2012/08/02 TODO
+\newcommand*{\varancrefs}[2]{% %% 2012/06/19 /08/07
+ \DoSeparateWithMore\ancref{#1}#2\StopDoing}
+\newcommand*{\autrefs}[1]{% %% 2011/12/28
+ \DoSeparateWith\autref\BlogVertSep #1\StopDoing}
+%% 2012/01/17 later [moved to `domore.sty' 2012/08/07]:
+%% 2012/01/18:
+%% accesses all possibilities:
+%% 2012/08/07 moved to `domodes.sty'
+ \iffalse %% TEST doowith 2012/06/03
+\let\DoWith\DoWithZ %% !!!
+% \renewcommand*{\DoSeparateWithMore}[2]{% %% !!?
+% \DoSeparateWithSetsPresentedAs{#1}{#2}{M}{Z}}
+\renewcommand*{\DoSeparateWithMore}{\DoWithModes{Z}{M}} %% !!?
+% \show\DoSeparateWithMore
+%% ... including shorthand for `\do', 48 macros in mind.
+% \newcommand*{\StripEsc}{\expandafter\@gobble\string}
+%% ... lists of things capable of being an undelimited macro
+%% argument.
+% \newcommand*{\AddAncRef}[1]{\ancref#1~| } %% 2011/12/28
+% \newcommand*{\AddAutRef}[1]{\autref{#1}~| } %% 2011/12/28
+ \fi
+\newcommand*{\topfilesbar}[1]{% %% 2011/12/26
+ |~%
+ \DoSeparateWith \Fileref
+ \BlogVertNoBreakSep
+ #1\StopDoing
+%% internal/external 2011/08/17f.:
+% \newcommand*{\emailpref}{\ancref{email}{E-M@il}}
+% \newcommand*{\emailpref}{%
+% \ancref{email}{@\,}|\httpref{}{\,fm}}
+ \autref{ausfl-w}\pardash\wetterwpref
+%% 2011/08/22:
+ \pardash\vrnpref}
+% \httpref{}%
+ \httpref{}% %% 2011/09/08
+ {VRN}}
+%% 2012/01/15:
+%% TODO mit \EXECUTE auslagern?
+%% link in new code line TODO!? bad in parentheses: %% 2012/09/06
+% \renewcommand*{\href}[1]{\CLBrk\TagSurr a{\@href{#1}}}
+% \renewcommand*{\hnewref}[2]{%
+% \CLBrk\TagSurr a{\@href{#1#2" target="_blank}}}
+%% 2012/09/08:
+ \def\@href##1{\CLBrk\indenti href="##1"}}
+ \def\@href##1{ href="##1"}}
+%% page bottom:
+%% `\isotoday' moves to `blog.sty' 2011/11/20
+\newcommand*{\genlastrev}[2]{% %% 2011/11/02
+ \rightpar{\textit{#1~%
+% \Isodate\GenDate
+ \isotoday %% 2011/11/02
+ \ \copyright~\href{#2.html}{Uwe~L\"uck}}}}
+% Last~revised%
+ Last~generated%
+ }{contact}}
+ Zuletzt neu erzeugt}{kontakt}}
+\newcommand*{\fivebreaks}{\\\\\\\\\\} %% TODO \vspace
+%% external navigation:
+\renewcommand*{\htmakeext}{.htm} %% 2011/10/05
+\newcommand*{\Fileref}[1]{\fileref{#1}{\file{#1}}} %% 2010/09/10
+\newcommand*{\Fileancref}[2]{% %% 2012/09/11
+ \fileancref{#1}{#2}{\file{#1\##2}}} %% 2012/09/11
+\newcommand*{\urlhref}[1]{\href{#1}{\urlfmt{#1}}} %% 2011/08/19
+%% \domainref moves to texlinks.sty 2012/12/15
+\newcommand*{\localfilenewref}{\hnewref{}} %% 2011/10/12
+%% Ubuntu-Wiki 2012/09/13:
+\newcommand*{\siehewiki}[1]{% %% 2011/05/06
+ \to\wikideref{#1}{\textit{Wikipedia}}}
+\newcommand*{\Wref}[1]{\wikiref{#1}{Wikipedia}} %% 2012/01/19
+%% Wikipedia piped links emulation moves to `texlinks.sty' 2012/11/28
+%% 2011/11/23, 2012/01/06, 2012/03/11:
+ \httpbaseref{}}
+% \newcommand*{\Wiktenref}[1]{\wiktionarylangref{en}{#1}{#1}}
+% \newcommand*{\Wiktderef}[1]{\wiktionarylangref{de}{#1}{#1}}
+% \newcommand*{\Wiktref}[1]{% %% 2012/01/13
+% \wiktionarylangref\langcode{#1}{#1}}
+% %% <- 2012/01/13 ->
+% \newcommand*{\Wiktionarylangref}[2]{%
+% \wiktionarylangref{#1}{#2}{#2}}
+%% 2012/12/25
+ \@double@first@arg\wiktionarylangref}
+% \newcommand*{\Wiktderef}{\Wiktionarylangref{de}}
+%% <- 2012/12/25 ->
+% \newcommand*{\Wiktenref}{\Wiktionarylangref{en}}
+%% <- 2012/12/25 ->
+%% 2011/11/23, 2012/01/06, 2012/03/11:
+ \httpbaseref{}}
+%% 2012/11/15:
+ \httpbaseref{}}
+%% to do:
+\newcommand*{\wormsmusref}{% %% 2011/04/30, 2012/03/11
+ \httpbaseref{}}
+%% 2011/08/18:
+ \httpref{}{facebook}}
+% \hanc{wetter}{\mystrong{Wetter:}}
+% \Endash \httpref{
+% }{\code{}}
+% \Endash \httpref{}{\code{}}
+% \Endash \httpref{
+% }{Satellitenbild}
+ \httpref{}{%
+ \code{wol} }|
+ \httpref{}{\code{mww} }|
+ \httpref{}{\code{sat}}
+%% 2011/08/19:
+ \httpbaseref{}}
+ \webdesignref{#1}%
+ {\urlfmt{}}}
+%% TeX links:
+% \newcommand*{\CPR}{\ctanpkgref} %% 2011/03/15, rm. 2011/11/06
+%% `\ctanpkgstyref' moves to `texlinks.sty' 2012/11/27
+\newcommand*{\THPR}{\texhaxpref} %% 2011/03/15
+\newcommand*{\THpref}[1]{\texhaxpref{#1}{texhax}} %% 2011/03/24
+%% month names move to `texlinks.sty' 2012/10/24
+\newcommand*{\TOPref}[1]{\bytopicref{#1}{JF\##1}} %% 2011/04/22
+% \newcommand*{\todobytopic}[1]{% %% 2011/04/22, rm. 2011/11/08
+% \myalert{\to\ \TOPref{#1}}}
+\newcommand*{\UKFAQref}[1]{\ukfaqref{#1}{UK~FAQ}} %% 2011/01/03
+% \useTUGctanbases %% 2012/12/30 rm. 2013/01/19
+\renewcommand*{\ctanpkgauref}{\tugctanpkgauref} %% 2012/12/30 rm. 2013/01/04
+%% SelfHTML:
+ \selfhtmlref{/html/referenz/#1.htm}}
+\newcommand*{\selfhtmlcsseigref}{% %% 2012/09/23
+ \httpbaseref{\selfhtmlurl/css/eigenschaften}}
+%% Recht: %% 2013/01/04
+ \httpref{
+ Gericht=#1&Datum=#2&Aktenzeichen=#3}}
+ \dejuresprechref{#1}{#2}{#3}{#1 v. #2 (#3)}}
+%% BlogLIGs moves to `markblog.sty' 2012/11/28
+%% rm. HVspace etc. 2011/10/13
+%% font switching (logical):
+% \renewcommand*{\textsf}{% %% 2011/05/12
+% \TagSurr{span}%
+% {style="font-size:82\%;
+% font-family:sans-serif"}}
+ %% <- rm. 2011/10/24
+\providecommand*{\file}{\code} %% provide 2011/03/07
+% \newcommand*{\mystrong}{\textcolor{\#aa0000}}
+ %% <- 2012/12/06 TODO \spanclass
+% \newcommand*{\myalert}[1]{%
+% \textcolor{red}{\ParseLigs{#1}}} %% 2011/12/20
+\newcommand*{\prl}[1]{#1} %% prg lang, corr. 2010/12/15
+\providecommand*{\pkg}{\pkgnamefmt} %% 2011/03/05
+% \renewcommand*{\pkgnamefmt}{\code} %% 2011/10/24
+ %% <- for heyctan ->
+\let\pkgnamefmt\@firstofone %% 2011/10/24
+\renewcommand*{\urlfmt}{\code} %% 2011/10/24
+\newcommand*{\meta}{\textit} %% 2011/05/16
+% \newcommand*{\acro}[1]{\small#1\endsmall} %% 2011/06/19
+% \newcommand*{\acro}[1]{#1} %% 2011/06/19
+ %% <- rm. 2012/01/06
+\providecommand*{\metahttpref}[2]{% %% 2011/10/24
+ \httpref{#1}{\meta{#2}}}
+% {\catcode`\'\active \gdef\catchsq#1'{\code{#1}}} %% 2012/01/31
+ %% <- \end occured when \ifeof on line 24 was incomplete
+%% involving font switching for special purposes: %% 2011/07/25
+\newcommand*{\src}[1]{\STS{sup}{[#1]}} %% 2010/09/12
+\newcommand*{\idx}[1]{% %% 2010/11/23:
+ \textcolor{green}{\code{\lt#1\gt}}}
+% \providecommand*{\cb}[1]{\code{{#1}}} %% 2011/03/13
+\providecommand*{\cb}[1]{\code{\{#1\}}} %% 2012/01/31
+\newcommand*{\itqtd}[1]{\textit{\dqtd{#1}}} %% 2011/05/03
+\newcommand*{\ancstrong}[2]{\hanc{#1}{\strong{#2}}} %% 2011/05/05
+% \newcommand*{\answer}[1]{[\textcolor{\#006600}{#1}]}
+\newcommand*{\answer}[1]{\textcolor{\#006600}{[#1]}} %% 2011/07/19
+\newcommand*{\Answer}[1]{\answer{\,#1\,}} %% 2011/08/25
+\newcommand*{\planh}[1]{\answer{#1\,h}} %% 2011/08/18
+\newcommand*{\TODO}{\myalert{\acronym{TODO}}} %% 2011/05/07 2011/12/29
+\newcommand*{\TODOs}{\acronym{TODOs}} %% 2011/12/29
+% \newcommand*{\HTML}{\acronym{HTML}} %% 2011/09/22
+% \newcommand*{\PDF} {\acronym{PDF}} %% 2011/09/22
+% \newcommand*{\CSS} {\acronym{CSS}} %% 2012/01/09
+% \newcommand*{\PHP} {\acronym{PHP}} %% 2012/01/09
+ {WP} %% 2012/10/06
+ \StopDoing %% 2012/02/07
+%% use \ParseLigs -- moves to `blogligs.sty' 2012/11/29 %% corr. 2012/12/21
+%% dashes:
+% \newcommand*{\enpardash}{\,\emdash\,} %% 2011/05/12
+%% language-specific appear in `langcode.sty'
+%% 2012/09/20 -> \renewcommand
+\renewcommand*{\enpardash}{\thinsp\Enpardash} %% 2011/07/28 2012/09/20
+\newcommand*{\Enpardash}{\emdash\thinsp} %% 2011/07/28
+% \newcommand*{\depardash}{~\endash\ } %% 2011/05/12
+\renewcommand*{\depardash}{\ \Endash} %% 2011/07/28 2012/09/20
+\newcommand*{\Endash}{\endash\ } %% starting new line (German)
+ %% 2011/05/26
+\newcommand*{\enpardashed}[1]{% %% 2011/07/28
+ \thinsp\emdash\,#1\,\Enpardash}
+\newcommand*{\depardashed}[1]{% %% 2011/07/28
+ \ \endash~#1~\Endash}
+\def\endashed#1{\endash~#1~\endash} %% 2011/08/20
+%% language codes move to `langcode.sty' 2012/09/17
+%% %% \catchdq moves to own package 2012/09/17
+\newcommand*{\Euro}{\,\euro} %% mod. 2011/05/25 2011/09/08
+\newcommand*{\degC}{\,\degrees C} %% 2011/09/20
+%% avoiding spaces at code line breaks:
+\newcommand*{\bcmt}{<!-- } \newcommand*{\ecmt}{-->} %% 2011/05/02
+\newcommand*{\nix}[1]{} %% join lines without space 2011/07/24
+\newcommand*{\onehtmlline}[1]{#1} %% 2011/08/25
+\newcommand*{\samehtmlline}[1]{\ParseLigs{#1}} %% 2011/12/23
+%% enumeration styles:
+% \newenvironment{enumtype}[1]{<ol \@type{#1}}{</ol>}
+%% <- moves to blog.sty 2012/12/20
+\newenvironment{enumerate-a}{\enumtype a} %% 2011/08/15
+ {\endenumtype}
+\newenvironment{enumerate-i}{\enumtype i} %% 2011/08/17
+ {\endenumtype}
+%% TODO 2012/02/07 for DVI/PDF interface to 'enumerate'
+\newenvironment{tightenum} %% 2012/01/07 "tight" 2012/01/08
+ {<ol \@style{margin:0px; padding:0px;
+ margin-left:2em}>}
+ %% <- TODO mit CSS-inherit auf Eintraege uebertragen? 2012/01/12
+ {\endenumerate}
+\newenvironment{done}{<s>}{</s>} %% 2011/08/15
+\newcommand*{\Dots}{~\dots\ } %% 2011/08/24
+%% 2012/04/01 from autrado.fdf (2012/01/23):
+ {</code>\endquote}
+ \NoBlogLigs %% 2012/01/24
+ \MakeActiveOther\"\MakeActiveOther\' %% actcodes 2012/08/28
+ \MakeActiveLet\<\lt\MakeActiveLet\>\gt %% actcodes 2012/08/28
+ \let\/\\\let\\\BackslashChar}
+%% table rows (before blogexec): %% 2011/09/24 / 2012/02/07
+% \newcommand*{\rowoftwocells}[2]{%
+% \starttr
+% \simplecell{#1}\simplecell{#2}%
+% \endtr}
+%% back for ... 2012/07/03:
+ \starttr
+ \simplecell{#1}\simplecell{#2}\simplecell{#3}%
+ \endtr}
+% \newcommand*{\rowoffourcells}[4]{%
+% \starttr
+% \simplecell{#1}\simplecell{#2}%
+% \simplecell{#3}\simplecell{#4}%
+% \endtr}
+% \newcommand*{\rowoffivecells}[5]{% %% 2011/10/28
+% \starttr
+% \simplecell{#1}\simplecell{#2}\simplecell{#3}%
+% \simplecell{#4}\simplecell{#5}%
+% \endtr}
+% \newcommand*{\rowofsixcells}[6]{% %% 2011/10/28
+% \starttr
+% \simplecell{#1}\simplecell{#2}\simplecell{#3}%
+% \simplecell{#4}\simplecell{#5}\simplecell{#6}%
+% \endtr}
+%% |\begin{stdhiddentablerows}| %% 2012/09/03
+ {\startTable{\@cellpadding\stdcellpadding
+ \@cellspacing{0px}
+ \@style{border-collapse:collapse}}%
+ \startTR}
+ {\endtablerow\endTable}
+ {\def\startTR{\tablerow{hidden}}%
+ \def\cr{\endtr\startTR}}
+%% |\begin{stdhiddentable}| %% 2012/05/15
+% {\startTable{\@cellpadding\stdcellpadding}
+% % \@cellspacing\stdcellspacing} %% 2012/08/28
+% \startTR\StartTd}
+ {\stdhiddentablerows\StartTd}
+% {\endTd\endtablerow\endTable}
+ {\endTd\endstdhiddentablerows}
+%% TODO colgroup alignment
+ \def\startTR{\tablerow{hidden}}% %% 2012/08/23
+ \MakeActiveLet\|\endcell\MakeActiveLet\&\figurespace} %% actcodes 2012/08/28
+% \newcommand*{\stdcellspacing}{6} %% undone 2012/08/29
+% %% |\begin{stdallrulestable*}| %% 2012/06/05
+% %% doesn't work with Firefox,
+% %%;
+% %% CSS seems to support
+% %% alignment attributes for single cells only.
+% \newenvironment{stdallrulestable*}[1]{%
+% %% TODO what is shared with {stdallrulestable}
+% \startTable{\@cellpadding{\stdcellpadding} \@width{}
+% \@frame@box\ rules="all"}\CLBrk %% \ 2011/10/12
+% \ \STS{colgroup}{\DoWith\ColAlign#1\StopDoing}\CLBrk
+% \ \tbody\CLBrk
+% \TableRow{standard all-rules table}%
+% {\@bgcolor{\stdtableheadcolor}
+% \@style{\stdtableheadstyle}}\CLBrk
+% \indentii\StartTd
+% }
+% {\endstdallrulestable}
+% % {\endtbody\endTable}
+% \newcommand*{\ColAlign}[1]{%
+% \CLBrk\indenti<col \csname @align@#1\endcsname>}
+% \MakeBlogBeginRun{stdallrulestable*}{%
+% \MakeActiveDef\|{\endcell}\MakeActiveDef\&{\figurespace}}
+% %% <- TODO or copy ntok(blogx.bstdallrulestable)
+\newcommand*{\UseTabFigspVert}{% %% 2012/07/22
+ \MakeActiveLet\&\figurespace\MakeActiveLet\|\endcell} %% actcodes 2012/08/28
+%% |\crspan{<cols>}| %% 2012/06/07
+ \endTd\endtr\starttr\startTd{\@colspan{#1}}}
+%% 2012/06/12:
+%% |\Crspan{<total-cols>}{<cols>}|
+ \endTd\endtr\starttr\fillrow{#1}\crspan{#2}}
+%% table cell borders 2012/09/02
+\newcommand*{\edge@csname}{\csname edge@}
+% \edef\edge@csname{%
+% \noexpand\csname\noexpand\expandafter
+% \noexpand\StripEsc\withcsname\noexpand edge@\endcsname}
+% \show\edge@csname
+%% <- TODO save a lot of HTML/CSS code!
+\def\do#1{\withcsname\def edge@#1\endcsname}
+\do{b}{bottom} \do{l}{left} \do{r}{right} \do{t}{top}
+% \withcsname\show edge@b\endcsname
+ border-\edge@csname#1\endcsname-width:\cellborderthickness;
+ border-\edge@csname#1\endcsname-style:solid;}
+\newcommand*{\borderedcell}[1]{\csname edges@#1\endcsname}
+\def\do#1{\withcsname\def edges@#1\endcsname}
+\do b{\edgeborderedcell b}
+\do l{\edgeborderedcell l}
+\do r{\edgeborderedcell r}
+\do t{\edgeborderedcell t}
+%% TODO save more tokens?:
+% \withcsname\show edges@rt\endcsname
+\do{}{\simplecell} %% 2012/09/03
+% %% Another try at `\HVspace' with ... %% 2011/11/10
+%% VERGEBLICH %% 2011/11/12
+% \let\HVSP\HVspace %% 2011/11/11
+% \renewcommand*{\HVspace}[3]{%
+% % \TagSurr{div}{\@width{#2} \@height{#3}}{#1}} %% zu flach
+% \TagSurr{div}{\@width{#2} \@height{#3}}{%
+% \HVSP{#1}{#2}{#3}}} %% 2011/11/11
+% % \SimpleTagSurr{div}{\HVSP{#1}{#2}{#3}}}
+% %% % Seiten zu kurz ...
+%% |\cheading{<digit>}{<text>}| as in 'blogdot.sty' %% 2012/05/15
+%% (TODO may crash with 'fifinddo-info'):
+%% |\begin{centerpar}| %% 2012/05/15
+% \newenvironment*{centerpar}{<p \@align@c>}{</p>}
+%% ... fails with tables in `texmap' ... TODO 2012/09/06
+%% |\imagesource{<graphic-file>}|: %% 2012/09/07
+\newcommand*{\imagesource}[1]{<img src="#1">}
+\newcommand*{\deflag}{\imagesource{flag_de.gif}} %% 2012/09/08
+\newcommand*{\ukflag}{\imagesource{flag_uk.gif}} %% 2012/09/08
+%% 2012/09/26:
+ \wikilangref{#1}{#3}{\imagesource{flag_#2.gif}}}
+%% 2012/10/04:
+ \wikideflagref{#1}~\wikienflagref{#2}}
+ \wikidebookref{#1}{\deflag}~\wikienbookref{#2}{\ukflag}}
+\renewcommand*{\acro}{\SimpleTagSurr{abbr}} %% 2012/09/18
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/texlinks.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/texlinks.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49469b247a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/texlinks.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,1554 @@
+\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] %% \newcommand* etc.
+\ProvidesPackage{texlinks}[2015/07/20 v0.83 TeX-related links (UL)]
+%% copyright (C) 2011 2012 2013 2015 Uwe Lueck,
+%% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below.
+%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
+%% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
+%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
+%% === \cs{newlet} === %% 2013/01/21
+%% |\newlet<cmd><cnd>| is a guarded `\let':
+%% == Links in General == %% 2012/12/15
+%% === Outline ===
+%% % Almost %% 2011/07/23
+%% % all the %% including https 2011/08/27
+%% The link macros of 'texlinks' are based on macros
+%% |\httpref| and |\httpsref|. For use of 'texlinks' with 'blog.sty',
+%% the latter provides definitions of `\httpref' and `\httpsref'
+%% suitable for \HTML, where a choice of opening a new
+%% tab or window---or not---is relevant.
+%% For use with 'hyperref' (or ...?), 'texlinks' may
+%% provide definitions of `\httpref' and `\httpsref'
+%% based on `\href'. The decision to do so or not may happen at
+%% `\begin{document}'. 'blog.sty' generates \HTML\ without
+%% using the `{document}' environment, so we might assume
+%% that when `\begin{document}' is found, we are running
+%% 'hyperref', or just \emph{something} that provides a
+%% useful `\href'. We might then execute a definition of
+%% `\httpref' in terms of `\href'. Well, not sure ...
+%% Moreover, a \acro{PDF} file with links may be \emph{printed},
+%% and klicking the links on the paper may fail.
+%% \URL s in main text, on the other hand, sometimes are
+%% troublesome. I consider it a good idea to present
+%% links with their \URL\ as the displayed text in \emph{footnotes}
+%% (or endnotes). It may even be useful with \HTML\ to present
+%% the \URL s displayed in some
+%% %% 2011/01/27: %% rm. 2011/10/20
+%% ``appendix."---This idea has been resumed in v0.2 only, |\urlfoot|
+%% (\secref{urlfoot}). %% 2012/12/15
+%% %
+%% % I tend to introduce something for this ... and there might be a
+%% % package option forcing `\httpref' to use this style.
+%% % Well, better \emph{not today} ... [2011/01/24, TODO]
+%% === Package Options ===
+%% \label{sec:opt} %% 2013/01/21
+%% Somebody may want to suppress a definition of `\httpref'
+%% at `\begin{document}' ... [2011/01/24, TODO]
+%% %% 2011/02/10:
+%% v0.3: Package option |[blog]| suppresses \emph{any}
+%% `\AtBeginDocument' actions---fine for use with 'blog.sty'.
+%% This option may be improved, and another option may be
+%% useful for different purposes than running 'blog.sty'.
+%% === Obvious Shorthands ===
+%% |\htm|, |\html|, and |\pdf| for typical filename extensions
+%% save a few tokens in macro definitions (v0.83):
+\newcommand*{\html}{\htm l} %% 2012/12/08 below previously
+%% |\DoubleArg{<cmd-maybe-args>}{<arg>}| (v0.83) works like
+%% \[`<cmd-maybe-args>{<arg>}{<arg>}'\]
+%% It replaces `\@double@first@arg' from v0.8;
+%% it may also be useful as a user command.
+%% It differs from \LaTeX's `\@dblarg' that adds
+%% a missing optional argument:
+%% === Formatting \URL s and File/Package Names ===
+%% %% <- was "Fonts for" 2013/02/20
+%% \label{sec:fonts} %% 2012/12/19
+%% %% ** Fonts for \URL s, File Names, and Package Names **
+%% %% new 2011/10/19, TODO: `meansltx'? vgl. `makedoc.cfg'
+%% This section ``provides" markup for displaying \URL s (|\urlfmt|),
+%% file names (|\filenamefmt|---thinking of single files
+%% that may be found in the internet or on your computer---,
+%% and ``packages" (|\pkgnamefmt|).
+%% For the latter two, in certain files I use shorthands
+%% |\file| and |\pkg|, resp., ...
+%% `\providecommand' will be used so that the user may choose %% 2012/12/28
+%% the style before loading 'texlinks'.
+%% (Once I may provide a variant of `\providecommand' %% 2012/12/28
+%% that postpones the ``provision" to the ``beginning" of the
+%% ``document", even with 'blog.sty' TODO)
+%% It is usual to use
+%% the same font as with %% 2012/12/28
+%% `\texttt' for formatting \TeX\ code
+%% (``verbatim", `\verb' etc.). It may also be common to use
+%% `\texttt' for file names, perhaps even for \URL s.
+%% Therefore we provide |\urlfmt{<url>}| as follows:
+%% The user may (later) choose a more advanced treatment by
+%% loading \ctanpkgstyref{url} and
+%% \[`\renewcommand{\urlfmt}{\url}'\]
+%% The file name format |\filenamefmt{<file-name>}|
+%% may differ from the format for \URL s---if somebody
+%% wants/adjusts it, \emph{here} it is the \emph{same:}
+%% ...
+%% I favor `\code' over `\texttt' as ``logical markup,"
+%% inspired by the \xmltagcode{code} element in \HTML,
+%% but it is too difficult to provide this right now here ...
+%% (TODO 2012/12/29: This section seems to be relevant for
+%% \secref{url-text} only and might move there.)
+%% %% Instead of |\pkgnamefmt{<pack-name>}|,
+%% %% 'blog.sty' had `\pkg{<pack-name>}', %% was `prg' 2011/10/20
+%% %% without a proper implementation.
+%% |\pkgnamefmt{<package-name>}| displays the name of a ``package".
+%% Using `\textsf' for `\pkgnamefmt'
+%% seems to conform to common practice today---implemented here.
+%% The following code may later be suppressed at some package options,
+%% as with the choice for `\httpref': %% TODO 2011/01/24
+% \@ifdefinable\pkgnamefmt {\let\pkgnamefmt\@firstofone}
+% \AtBeginDocument {\let\pkgnamefmt\textsf}
+%% <- This was here until v0.7, makes a difference for \acro{PDF}
+%% vs.\ 'blog'/\HTML. %% / 2012/12/28
+%% [Cf.~\secref{opt}!? TODO]---%% 2013/01/21
+%% Now we choose the same as with `\urlfmt':
+%% Indeed, the same day we are providing `\textsf' in 'blog.sty'.
+%% However, the rationale of the earlier solution was
+%% that web pages use sans-serif as the \emph{normal} font ...
+%% %% moving \httpsref 2011/08/27:
+%% === Providing &\httpref\ and &\httpsref ===
+%% %% rm. \kern-\baselineskip 2011/10/10
+%% \[|\httpref{<host-path[#frag]>}{<text>}|\]
+%% should display <text>
+%% as a link to `http://<host-path[#frag]>';
+%% \[|\httpsref{<host-path[#frag]>}{<text>}|\]
+%% is the obvious analogue for `https:' \URL s.
+%% In case `\begin{document}' is found with a definition of
+%% `\href' present, we provide definitions of `\httpref'
+%% and `\httpsref' in terms of `\href' there:
+ \@ifundefined{href}{%
+% \PackageError ... TODO!? 2011/01/24
+ }{\newcommand*{\httpref} [1]{\href {http://#1}}%
+ \newcommand*{\httpsref}[1]{\href{https://#1}}}}
+%% === Variants of &\httpref\ and &\httpsref ===
+%% |\NormalHTTPref| may be used as an alias for `\httpref'
+%% in situations where the latter has been redefined %% v0.2
+%% (as in \secref{urlfoot}):
+\AtBeginDocument{\newlet\NormalHTTPref\httpref} %% TODO: sec:opt
+%% |\ithttpref{<url>}{<text>}| displays <text> in italics:
+% \newcommand*{\ithttpref}[2]{\NormalHTTPref{#1}{\textit{#2}}}
+%% However, I seem never to have used it. And I would now
+%% prefer |\metahttpref| TODO ...
+%% ==== Protocol Prefix ==== %% 2012/12/15
+%% |\httpprefix| is an idea that was missing in 'blog.sty' up to v0.3.
+%% It may be used to determine generally whether a display of an
+%% \URL\ should include `http://'. I choose as default what was default
+%% in 'blog.sty'
+%% (i.e., ``don't include"): %% add. 2011/01/27
+\newlet\httpprefix\@empty %% \newlet 2015/05/25
+%% `\let\httpprefix\relax' would be bad for 'blog.sty'
+%% (would display `\relax'),
+%% while it would be somewhat more efficient.%%%---%%%
+%% Now you may customize `\httpprefix' by
+%% \[`\renewcommand{\httpprefix}{http://}'\]
+%% %% v0.2:
+%% ---or by `\let\httpprefix'|\theHTTPprefix|:
+%% With |\urlhttpsref{<url>}|, we \emph{force} displaying \qtd{`https://'}:
+%% ==== The \URL\ (or a Part) as the Link Text Phrase ==== %% (...) 2012/12/28
+%% \label{sec:url-text}
+%% With |\urlhttpref{<url>}|, that \URL\ <url> is displayed:
+ \NormalHTTPref{#1}{\urlfmt{\httpprefix#1}}}
+%% %% moved up here 2011/10/20
+%% In 'blog.sty' (as of 2010/05/26), there was a command
+%% `\urlref' instead of `\urlhttpref'. It did not provide `\urlfmt'.
+%% |\domainref{<domain>}{<path>}| is similar, but is intended
+%% to show the domain part <domain> of the \URL\
+%% `<domain>/<path>' only.
+%% This may be useful when the entire \URL\ does not look
+%% nice, while the domain name is a kind of logo,
+%% and when comparing what different web portals have
+%% to say about the same matter, such as the web versions
+%% of newspapers or magazines. So you may compare how
+%% %% v0.83 new example, \tugctanorg gone:
+%% % \domainref{}{pkg/morehype} and
+%% % \domainref {\tugctanorg}{pkg/morehype} inform about %% \tugc... 2012/12/29
+%% % the 'morehype' bundle (v0.8).
+%% \domainref{}{tex-archive/macros} and
+%% \domainref{}{tex-archive/macros}
+%% display the top-level `macros' directory of the \TeX\ archive.
+%% % The command is also used in \secref{wiki-stack}
+%% % for `'. %% why? rm. 2015/05/24 -- see below
+%% %% texblog 2012/06/08; v0.8 here
+%% Note that on some domains
+%% only domain, an article \acro{ID} and maybe the `.html'
+%% suffix and/or a ``category" between domain and \acro{ID}
+%% is required for a working \URL, as opposed to an \URL
+%% that is displayed in the browser's address line
+%% and contains a kind of transcription of the article's title---e.g.,
+%% \urlhttpref{}.
+%% v0.83 adds \ |\prefixref{<prefix>}{<suffix>}{<text>}| \
+%% just as an alias for `\domainref' because the same function
+%% may be useful in some cases when `<domain>/<path>',
+%% for some code strings <prefix> and <suffix>,
+%% is the same as `<prefix><suffix>' and `<prefix>'
+%% for some <category>,
+%% is the same as `<domain>/<category>':
+%% Then you may compair how
+%% \[\prefixref{}{macros}\]
+%% and \[\prefixref{}{macros}\]
+%% display the `generic' subdirectory of the `macros' directory.
+%% ==== Linking \URL s in Footnotes ==== %% 2011/08/27
+%% \label{sec:urlfoot}
+%% |\foothttpurlref{<url>}| just is like
+%% `\footnote{\urlhttpref{<url>}}':
+%% |\urlfoot{<short>}{<id>}|
+%% redefines `\httpref' so that you can use all the shorthand
+%% macros based on `\httpref' to get the according \URL\
+%% display (as provided by `\urlhttpref')
+%% in a footnote without the need to include the
+%% entire \URL\ in your source code. `\urlfoot' is available
+%% with <short> and <id>
+%% when a shorthand |\<short>{<id>}{<text>}| has been defined
+%% where `\<short>' is the macro name and <id> is the target
+%% identifier (usually part of the \URL\ generated from <id>)
+%% according to the syntax declaration of `\<short>'.
+ \let\httpref\foothttpurlref
+ \let\httpprefix\theHTTPprefix %% TODO customizable!?
+ \csname #1\endcsname{#2}{}}}
+%% \begin{example}\leavevmode
+%% \[`\CtanPkgRef{morehype}{MoreHype}'
+%% \mbox{\quad and\quad } `\ctanpkgref{morehype}'\]
+%% are provided in \secref{sing-pkgs} for linking to
+%% `'.
+%% \begin{itemize}
+%% \item
+%% % Try `CtanPkgRef' \emph{here}:
+%% % \CtanPkgRef{morehype}{MoreHype},\\
+%% % for the \emph{footnote} try
+%% % `\urlfoot{CtanPkgRef}{morehype}';%%%
+%% % \urlfoot{CtanPkgRef}{morehype}
+%% \simpleyields{\CtanPkgRef{morehype}{MoreHype}} %% etc. 2012/12/30
+%% \item
+%% \simplecodefbox{\urlfoot{CtanPkgRef}{morehype}}
+%% yields \urlfoot{CtanPkgRef}{morehype}
+%% \item
+%% % try `ctanpkgref' \emph{here}: \ctanpkgref{morehype},\\
+%% \simpleyields{\ctanpkgref{morehype}}
+%% \item
+%% % for the \emph{footnote} try
+%% % `\urlfoot{ctanpkgref}{morehype}'.%%%
+%% % \urlfoot{ctanpkgref}{morehype}
+%% \simplecodefbox{\urlfoot{ctanpkgref}{morehype}}
+%% yields \urlfoot{ctanpkgref}{morehype}
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% The lonely \qtd{\pkgnamefmt{morehype}} you see there above
+%% demonstrates that it doesn't work with `ctanpkgref' because
+%% `\ctanpkgref' doesn't have separate arguments for
+%% <id> and <text>, it actually doubles <id>.
+%% A local `\let\ctanpkgref\CtanPkgRef' could help,
+%% but right now I prefer waiting for a better idea.
+%% [TODO] %% 2011/01/27
+%% \end{example}
+%% v0.3: Now that using `\urlfoot' and `ctanpkgref' together
+%% is so clumsy, while I use it quite often, %% 2011/02/10
+%% we get |\urlpkgfoot{<package-id>}|, abbreviating
+%% `\urlfoot{CtanPkgRef}{<package-id>}':
+\newcommand* {\urlpkgfoot} {\urlfoot{CtanPkgRef}}
+%% ==== \URL\ Bases ==== %% 2012/03/09
+%% \label{sec:bases}
+%% We typically refer to many web pages under a certain domain,
+%% or in certain subdirectories there. Before v0.6,
+%% I made many definitions like
+%% \[`\newcommand*{\myref}[1]{\httpref{<my-base>/#1}}'\]
+%% for this purpose.
+%% Storing the definition of such a `\myref' uses 8 tokens
+%% %% including parameter ... %% todo done 2012/12/17
+%% in addition to those from <my-base>.
+%% With
+%% \[`\newcommand*{\myref}{\httpbaseref{<my-base>}}'\] %% } 2012/12/17
+%% we need 5 %% was 3 2012/12/17
+%% tokens instead, using \ |\httpbaseref{<base>}{<rest>}{<text>}| \
+%% %% <- added text 2013/01/21
+%% defined as follows:
+%% Then `\myref{<rest>}{<text>}' will work like %% 2013/01/21
+%% \[`\httpref{<my-base>/<rest>}{<text>}'\]
+%% We change many definitions in ensuing sections accordingly---and
+%% with v0.82 we add a shorthand for definitions like the avove one
+%% for `\myref'. \[|\MakeBasedHref{<cmd>}{<base>}|\] may be applied
+%% as \[`\MakeBasedHref{\myref}{<my-base>}'\] above. In the general
+%% situation, `<cmd>{<path>}{<text>}' will work like
+%% \[`\httpref{<base>/<path>}{<text>}'\] %% own line 2015/03/27
+%% v0.83 extends this to `https'
+%% (has been tested in `texblog.fdf' for more than a year):
+\newcommand*{\httpsbaseref}[2]{\httpsref{#1/#2}} %% 2014/03/21
+%% provides |\httpsbaseref{<base>}{<rest>}{<text>}|.
+\newcommand*{\MakeBasedHref}[3][http]{% %% 2014/03/21
+ \ifx#2\@undefined \else \ifx#2\relax %% was \ifx#1 2014/12/23
+ \PackageWarning{texlinks}{Redefining \string#2.}%
+ \fi \fi
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter#2\expandafter{%
+%% ... or `\DefExpandStart' from \ctanpkgstyref{dowith} TODO ...
+ \csname#1baseref\endcsname{#3}}%
+%% This also provides an optional argument for choosing `https'
+%% instead of `http':
+%% \[|\MakeBasedHref[https]{<cmd>}{<base>}|\]
+%% Now `\newcommand*{\mysecureref}{\httpsbaseref{<my-secure-base>}}'
+%% may be replaced by
+%% \[`\MakeBasedHref{\mysecureref}{<my-base>}'\] --
+%% However, `\MakeBasedHref' does not act like `\newcommand'
+%% when <cmd> has been defined earlier, it rather resembles
+%% `\DeclareRobustCommand', in that it just \emph{warns} in such a case.
+%% I don't actually make <cmd> robust because I guess it is anyway:
+%% The reason for allowing redefinitions has been application
+%% to cases where the user should be able to customize commands
+%% (\secref{custom-ref})---well,
+%% I could have `\NewBasedHref' and `\RenewBasedHref' some time
+%% TODO\footnote{And for sections \ref{sec:wiki-back} and
+%% \ref{sec:wikibooks}, an optional argument
+%% would have been nice.};
+%% TODO: `\@onlypreamble'?
+%% The situation is similar with (many) anchors of a (large) web page.
+%% With v0.6, we introduce
+%% \[|\httpancref{<page-url>}{<anchor>}|\]---\emph{perhaps},
+%% with `\mirrorctanref' (\secref{texcat}) etc.? TODO
+% \newcommand*{\httpancref}[2]{\httpref{#1\##2}}
+%% == Google == %% 2012/12/17
+%% |\googleref{<keywords>}{<text>}| \ generates a \Wikiref{Google}
+%% search page with keywords from <keywords> in which they
+%% are separated by \qtdcode{+}, as in
+%% \[`\googleref{tex+friends}{\TeX~\& friends}'\]
+%% which results in (I'm curious ...)
+%% \googleref{tex+friends}{\TeX~\& friends:}
+% \newcommand*{\googleref}[1]{\httpref{\googlecom\#q=#1}}
+%% ... correct link has been very different since 2012: %% 2014/05/25
+%% |\googlemapsref{<keywords>}{<text>}| \ generates a
+%% \wikiref{Google Maps}{Google map} from the <keywords>.
+%% <keywords> may compose an address for a \TeX\ users' meeting,
+%% so Google may show them their way.
+%% \[<keywords>=\mbox{\qtdcode{munich+offenbachstrasse+21}}\]
+%% results in \googlemapsref{munich+offenbachstrasse+21}
+%% {where this has been written.}
+\newcommand*{\googlemapsref}[1]{\httpref{maps.\googlecom maps?q=#1}}
+%% == Wikipedia ==
+%% === Overview ===
+%% \label{sec:wiki-stack}
+%% The present section on links to Wikipedia articles
+%% starts with the rather obvious
+%% \[|\wikilangref{<language-code>}{<lemma>}{<text>}|\]
+%% but then gets somewhat technical. \secref{langcode}
+%% may please the user again by
+%% \[|\Wikiref{<lemma>}|\]
+%% where the language version of the Wikipedia is chosen
+%% according to a macro `\langcode' expanding to \qtdcode{en}
+%% by default. On
+%% \domainref{}{/questions/84878},
+%% I have posted the following ``minimal working example:"
+%% \begin{verbatim}
+%% \documentclass{minimal}
+%% \usepackage{hyperref,texlinks}
+%% \begin{document}
+%% Look up \wikiref{Charlie Bucket}{Wikipedia}
+%% for \Wikiref{Charlie Bucket}.
+%% \end{document}
+%% \end{verbatim}
+%% You may find it as `wiki_mwe.tex' with outcome `wiki_mwe.pdf'.
+%% See \secref{langcode} for more examples. %% 2012/12/30
+%% Apart from `\langcode', more advanced things are
+%% \emph{disambiguation} (\secref{wiki-back}),
+%% ``piped links" (\secref{wiki-pipe}), and
+%% special characters in \URL s (\secref{wiki-urls}).
+%% %% 2015/05/19:
+%% Starting in spring 2015, the 'morehype' bundle offers
+%% an additional package 'wikimed.sty' that includes
+%% Wikipedias ``sister projects" like Wiktionary and
+%% provides a variant of \wikienref{URL encoding}{\URL\ encoding},
+%% converting punctuation and things like umlauts for valid \URL s.
+%% === Backbones ===
+%% \label{sec:wiki-back}
+%% As of v0.6, we have a \dqtd{backbone} macro
+%% \[|\wikilangref{<language-code>}{<lemma>}{<text>}|\]
+%% for links to Wikipedia.
+%% (It was |\wikiref| before, starting with v0.4---sorry!)
+%% <language-code> consists of
+%% two characters like \lq`de'\rq\ for German Wikipedia articles
+%% or \lq`en'\rq\ for English ones. <lemma> is the identifier of
+%% the article, and <text> is displayed as the link:
+% \newcommand*{\wikilangref}[2]{\httpref{}}
+%% <- 2012/03/09 etc. with \secref{bases} ->
+%% There is |\Wikilangref{<language-code>}{<lemma>}|
+%% for the case that <lemma> and <text> are the same.
+%% With v0.7 however, this command becomes more powerful,
+%% see \secref{wiki-pipe}.
+% \newcommand*{\Wikilangref}[2]{\wikilangref{#1}{#2}{#2}}
+%% `\wikilangref{<lang>}[<lemma>]{<text>}' would be nicer;
+%% %% <- shortened 2012/01/06 ->
+%% however, the present code is to work with 'blog.sty'
+%% which does not support optional arguments.%%%---
+%% Quite often, programs share their names with movies,
+%% biological species, etc., then lemma disambiguation is required.
+%% Usually, we don't want to display the disambiguation.
+%% \[|\Wikilangdisambref{<language-code>}{<term>}{<tag>}|\]
+%% will link to
+%% \[`http://<language-code><term>_(<tag>)'\]
+\newcommand*{\Wikilangdisambref}[3]{\wikilangref{#1}{#2 (#3)}{#2}}
+%% There %% was `Their' 2011/07/23
+%% was something like a more general variant |\wikidisambref|,
+%% now I doubt its usefulness and \textcolor{blue}{omit} it
+%% in order to see where it occurs (2011/05/13).
+%% For \strong{anchors}, \qtd{&#} can be used with 'blog.sty'---and
+%% even with 'hyperref'.
+%% \simpleexample{\wikilangref{en}{TeX#History}{history}}
+%% === Piped Links ===
+%% \label{sec:wiki-pipe}
+%% v0.7 emulates Wikipedia's
+%% \wikiref{Help:Links\#Piped_link}{piped links} %% was "Piped links" 2012/12/01
+%% as with Wikipedia source code \[`[[Pipeline|Pipe]]'\]
+%% to get a link to article \qtd{\Wikiref{Pipeline}} %% \Wikiref 2012/12/01
+%% with displayed text
+%% \qtd{\wikiref{Pipeline}{Pipe}}. The same syntax
+%% (double brackets) is actually supported by
+%% 'blog.sty' with 'markblog.sty', %% was `blogexec' 2012/12/06
+%% while otherwise only
+%% \[\GenCmdBox+\Wikilangref{<language-code>}{<lemma>|<text>}+\]
+%% works---with settings more below something like
+%% \GenCmdBox+\Wikiref{<lemma>|<text>}+---which
+%% admittedly is not much better than the equivalent
+%% \[`\wikiref{<lemma>}{<text>}'\]
+%% Even Wikipedia's feature that empty <text> removes
+%% the disambiguation term as with `[[Pipe (computing)|]]'
+%% resulting in \qtd{\wikiref{Pipe (computing)}{Pipe}}
+%% is supported.
+ \@wikilpref{#1}#2\BiteSep|\@nnil\BiteSep\@nil{#2}}
+%% I have introduced `\BiteSep' and this kind of parsing
+%% in the \ctanpkgdref{bitelist} package.
+ \ifx\@nnil#3\@empty
+ \wikilangref{#1}{#5}{#5}%
+ \else
+ \wikilangref{#1}{#2}{%
+ \ifx\@three#3\@three
+ \wiki@noparen#2\@nil%
+ \else
+ #3%
+ \fi}%
+ \fi}
+\def\wiki@noparen#1 (#2\@nil{#1}
+%% (Removing 'bitelist' considerations 2015/05/22 ...
+%% % I have thought about improving 'bitelist.sty', resulting
+%% % in the following code. In the present application,
+%% % I do not consider it superior. It uses
+%% % the same number of tokens but new one has additional
+%% % expansion step. The situation is different to the general case
+%% % because doing everything before `\fi' is okay here.
+%% % \newcommand*{\Wikilangref}[2]{%
+%% % \@wikilPref{#1}#2\BiteSep\@secondoftwo
+%% % |\BiteSep\@firstoftwo\@nil{#2}}
+%% % \def\@wikilPref#1#2|#3\BiteSep#4#5\@nil#6{%
+%% % #4{\wikilangref{#1}{#6}{#6}}%
+%% % {\wikilangref{#1}{#2}{%
+%% % \ifx\@three#3\@three
+%% % \wiki@noparen#2\@nil%
+%% % \else
+%% % #3%
+%% % \fi}}}
+%% === English and German ===
+%% The next macros just save you from typing braces around
+%% the language codes for English and German:
+%% |\wikienref{<lemma>}{<text>}| refers to the English Wikipedia,
+%% |\wikideref{<lemma>}{<text>}| refers to the German one.
+%% |\Wikideref{<lemma>}| refers to article <lemma> in the German
+%% Wikipedia and displays <lemma> as <text>:
+%% |\Wikienref{<lemma>}| is `\Wikideref''s analogue for English:
+%% |\Wikidedisambref{<lemma>}{<tag>}| chooses a disambiguation
+%% according to <tag> for the German Wikipedia,
+%% |\Wikiendisambref{<lemma>}{<tag>}| for the English one:
+%% === ``Implicit" Choice of Language === %% 2012/01/06
+%% \label{sec:langcode}
+%% With v0.6, |\wikiref{<lemma>}{<text>}| works like
+%% \[`\wikilangref{<lc>}{<lemma>}{<text>}'\] %% ref 2012/10/24
+%% when |\langcode| expands to <lc>
+%% (the two-letter language code according to \Wikiref{ISO 639-1}).
+%% The default for <lc> is \qtdcode{en} for English.
+%% It can be overridden even before loading 'texlinks'
+%% (e.g., by an earlier `\newcommand\langcode{de}'):
+%% %% mod. 2012/10/24:
+%% For the German versions, use \ `\renewcommand{\langcode}{de}'. \
+%% The \ctanpkgref{langcode} package provides a command \
+%% |\uselangcode{<lc>}| \ that works like
+%% \ `\renewcommand*{\langcode}{<lc>}' \
+%% and adjusts a number of other settings.
+%% %% adding args 2012/12/17:
+%% |\Wikiref{<lemma>}| and |\Wikidisambref{<term>}{<add>}| %% second \ 2012/12/29
+%% are the obvious analogues (cf. \secref{wiki-back}):
+%% \begin{simpleexamples}
+%% \simpleexample{\Wikiref{LaTeX}}
+%% \simpleexample{\wikiref{LaTeX}{&\LaTeX}}
+%% \simpleexample{\Wikidisambref{Latex}{disambiguation}}
+%% \end{simpleexamples}
+%% === Blanks and Umlauts in \URL s and Anchors ===
+%% \label{sec:wiki-urls}
+%% %% <- renamed 2011/05/17 reworked:
+%% |\underscorechar| seemed to be useful in macro
+%% definitions. The name was inspired by \LaTeX's
+%% `\@backslashchar' and `\@percentchar'.
+%% However, I am now trying what happens without it.
+%% It occurred in `blog.tex' for the documentation of
+%% the 'blog' package, but `\string_' seems to be a good
+%% replacement.
+% \newcommand \underscorechar {}
+% {\@makeother\_ \gdef\underscorechar{_}}
+%% Anyway, in my notes I have a more elegant macro for
+%% providing ``other" versions of special characters.
+%% Guessing what `\underscorechar' was good for (2011-05-17):
+%% Wikipedia lemmas and anchors often or even \emph{typically}
+%% contain \emph{blank spaces}.
+%% The Wikipedia software usually converts them into
+%% underscore characters. Blank spaces in \emph{lemmas}
+%% seem \emph{not} to need treatment here in 'texlinks'.
+%% However, Wikipedia also creates \emph{anchors} from
+%% \emph{section headings}, which typically contain blank spaces.
+%% This has been more difficult ...
+%% Likewise with umlauts: text encoding suffices for \emph{lemmas}
+%% (my `\urluml' is not needed for this purpose).
+%% But umlauts in \emph{anchors}
+%% generated from \emph{section headings} are different.
+%% While umlauts in \emph{lemmas} are represented by sequences
+%% starting with a \emph{percent} character, the anchors
+%% use a \emph{dot} instead of the percent character.
+%% Therefore now |\ancuml{<char>}| is provided:
+\newcommand*{\ancuml}[1]{\csname ancuml:#1\endcsname}
+%% %% comments removed 2012/01/11:
+%% % What you read in the rest of the section is
+%% % \textcolor{blue}{wrong}, the commands are
+%% % \textcolor{blue}{dropped} for testing as of 2011/05/13.
+%% % |\itwikideref| is an italic variant of `\wikideref':
+% \newcommand*{\itwikideref}[2]{\wikideref{#1}{\textit{#2}}}
+%% % By analogy to `\Wikideref',
+%% % The following macros save you from typing the underscore
+%% % (didn't spaces suffice sometimes?) %% TODO 2011/01/24
+%% % and the round parantheses.
+%% % Italic variant |\itwikienref| of `\wikienref'
+%% % ('blog.sty' had `\emwikienref' instead):
+% \newcommand*{\itwikienref}[2]{\wikienref{#1}{\textit{#2}}}
+%% % |\urluml{<ascii-char>}| as of 2010/05/25
+%% % (not sure if it ever worked or was actually needed):
+% \newcommand*{\urluml}[1]{\csname urluml:#1\endcsname}
+% \@namedef{urluml:a}{\#C3\#A4}
+% \@namedef{urluml:o}{\#C3\#B6}
+% \@namedef{urluml:u}{\#C3\#BC}
+% \@namedef{urluml:s}{\#C3\#9F} %% 2010/08/09
+%% == \TeX-related == %% 2010/08/24
+%% === \CTAN ===
+%% \label{sec:ctan}
+%% %% new from scratch 2015/05/16f.:
+%% ==== Personal motivation ====
+%% When I created `texlinks.sty' originally, referring to
+%% \CTAN\ material seemed simple to me. Well, what is \CTAN?
+%% Please don't ask me, see the \wikiref{CTAN}{Wikipedia article}
+%% and/or its major ``home page" \urlhttpref{}---or
+%% \CTAN\ introducing itself on \urlhttpref{}---or
+%% the \ukfaqref{ctan}{\acro{UK FAQ}!}---Well,
+%% in order to generate \wikiref{URL}{\URL}s from human-readable
+%% or memorizable input and to document my macros that try to
+%% serve this purpose, I must guess what a domain or \CTAN\ has in
+%% mind when they provide \URL s, while they don't seem to tell us
+%% what they have in mind and what rules they follow. So I am just
+%% reporting what I observed and what I guess, and I am trying to
+%% introduce two technical terms ... \ The ``discovery" section
+%% (\secref{ctan-discovery}) may be confusing, then I hope that
+%% the ``summarizing section" (\secref{ctan-tables})
+%% will help by its tables.---The present \CTAN\ section (\secref{ctan})
+%% became especially difficult in December 2012
+%% (cf. \ctanannpref{12-12-006718}{\CTAN\ announcement})
+%% and January 2013 when some \URL s stopped to work
+%% or changed their behavior---several times very much
+%% within a few days---and I struggled to follow.
+%% ==== \CTAN ology: kinds of \CTAN\ \URL s (archives, bases) ====
+%% % \subsubsection{\CTAN ology:\titlefootnote{A moment ago,
+%% % \wikienref{L. Ron Hubbard}{L.~Ron Hubbard}
+%% % kindly suggested the section's title to me.}
+%% % \ \ kinds of \CTAN\ \URL s (archives, bases)}
+%% \label{sec:ctan-discovery}
+%% \strong{One thing} are \strong{files} that have been \strong{contributed}
+%% to the \strong{\CTAN\ archive} so that \strong{users} can download
+%% them in order to run \TeX\ on their computers, especially for new
+%% features that have been made available only in recent months.
+%% Such files are submitted to the/a \CTAN\ archive, available through
+%% certain \URL s over the internet.
+%% It seems that after some years it became difficult to understand
+%% what features have been provided by so many contributors and
+%% how to find them. For a while, the `help' subtree of a \CTAN\ archive
+%% tried to help here (especially the \emph{\TeX\ catalogue}) ...
+%% but eventually only experts could understand the abundance.
+%% So a starting page just for providing tools for
+%% \strong{exploring} the \TeX\ archive became useful and was
+%% provided---over certain \URL s. Here I have called pages
+%% available by such \URL s as ``\CTAN\ \strong{description}"
+%% pages or so---\strong{second thing}.
+%% In order to save internet capacity (per time,
+%% and to save users' patience), \strong{\Wikiref{web mirror}}s
+%% of both archive and description pages have been established
+%% and maintained---copies of the central directory structure.
+%% I have seen two kinds of \strong{\URL s} interesting here:
+%% \begin{itemize}
+%% \item \strong{domains} ending on `'
+%% \item \URL s ending on `/tex-archive'
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% \TeX\ \strong{archive} \URL s show (only) a list of top-level
+%% directories `biblio'..., `dviware', `fonts', `graphics',
+%% `help', `indexing', `info', `install', `language'...,
+%% `macros', `obsolete', `support', `systems', `tds',
+%% `usergrps', and `web'. This is what characterizes \TeX\
+%% \emph{archives} or their \emph{roots}, as opposed to
+%% \emph{description} pages, by their \strong{content}
+%% (as opposed to characterization by the form of \strong{\URL s}).
+%% Including deeper subdirectories, the directory structures
+%% of all \TeX\ archives are the same (``mirrors"). They
+%% change by new contributions, but within 24 hours,
+%% other \TeX\ archives copy the changes of the first
+%% one.---There are several \strong{designs} of archive root pages,
+%% varying between archive \emph{mirrors.}
+%% \CTAN\ \strong{description} pages have \emph{roots} as well,
+%% and 'texlinks' previously has chosen macro names containing
+%% `ctanorgbase' for accessing them, so there is an idea to call those roots
+%% \strong{\CTAN\ bases}. In spring 2015, all bases I know
+%% have the same \strong{design}, and they actually \emph{combine}
+%% archive and description: an upper section shows the
+%% archive top-level directories, the remaining page offers
+%% the description/exploring tools. To compare bases with archives
+%% in terms of top-level subdirectories, I know of \CTAN\ base
+%% subdirectories `pkg', `author', `topic', and `tex-archive'.
+%% ==== Summary tables with macro names ====
+%% \label{sec:ctan-tables}
+%% In the following tables, a macro in the right-hand column
+%% is just \emph{one} to access paths under the corresponding
+%% \URL\ in the left-hand column, so the list of macros
+%% probably is not complete here, it just is to give an \emph{idea}
+%% for the following sections. The `\nullctan'\codedots\
+%% macros keep some `\ctan'\codedots\ control sequences free
+%% so the latter are available as shorthands for accessing the users'
+%% favorite domains.
+%% \vskip\medskipamount %%% \noindent
+%% The first table is a list of \URL s resolving to
+%% \CTAN\ description bases according to the previous subsection
+%% (\secref{ctan-discovery}) I know of.
+%% (It shrinked and changed much after some very recent discoveries of mine.)
+%% Sections starting at \secref{sing-pkgs} tell about many more
+%% macros for accessing description pages. %% 2015/05/20
+%% \MakeOther\|\MakeNormal\&
+%% % \noNiceVerb
+%% \begin{center}
+%% \begin{tabular}{|r|r|}
+%% \hline
+%% \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\strong{\CTAN\ bases for package descriptions}} \\
+%% \hline \hline
+%% \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\strong{\URL}} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\strong{macro}} \\
+%% \hline \hline
+%% \urlhttpref{} & `\wwwctanorgbaseref{<path>}{<text>}' \\
+%% \hline
+%% \urlhttpref{} & `\nullctanorgbaseref{<path>}{<text>}' \\
+%% \hline
+%% \urlhttpref{} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{---}\\
+%% \hline
+%% \end{tabular}
+%% \end{center}
+%% \MakeActiveLet\|\nvCmdBox\MakeActiveLet\&\CmdSyntaxVerb
+%% % \useNiceVerb
+%% \strong{Remarks:}\enspace (a)~|| and ||
+%% have the same functionality.
+%% (b)~|\nullctanorgbaseref| appears here rather than |\ctanorgbaseref|
+%% because the latter is used as an alias for either
+%% |\wwwctanorgbaseref| or `\nullctanorgbaseref', by default for
+%% `\ctanorgbaseref', cf. \secref{sing-pkgs}.
+%% (c)~|| just redirects to ||.
+%% \vskip\medskipamount %%% \pagebreak %%% \noindent
+%% The second table is a list of \URL s resolving to
+%% \CTAN\ \TeX\ archives according to the previous subsection
+%% (\secref{ctan-discovery}) I know of.
+%% Macros are described from \secref{texarc} onwards.
+%% \MakeOther\|\MakeNormal\&
+%% % \noNiceVerb
+%% \begin{center}
+%% \begin{tabular}{|r|r|}
+%% \hline
+%% \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\strong{\CTAN\ archives}} \\
+%% \hline \hline
+%% \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\strong{\URL}} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\strong{macro}} \\
+%% \hline \hline
+%% \urlhttpref{} & `\wwwctanref{<path>}{<text>}' \\
+%% \hline
+%% \urlhttpref{} & `\nullctanref{<path>}{<text>}' \\
+%% \hline \hline
+%% \urlhttpref{} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{---} \\
+%% \hline
+%% \urlhttpref{} & `\tugctanref{<path>}{<text>}' \\
+%% \hline
+%% \urlhttpref{} & `\dantectanref{<path>}{<text>}'\\
+%% \hline
+%% \urlhttpref{} & `\sciservref{<path>}{<text>}' \\
+%% \hline \hline
+%% \urlhttpref{} & `\mirrorctanref{<path>}{<text>}'\\
+%% \hline
+%% `<domain>/<path>tex-archive' & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{TODO} \\
+%% \hline
+%% `<domain>/<path>ctan/' & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{TODO} \\
+%% \hline
+%% `<domain>' & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{TODO} \\
+%% \hline
+%% \end{tabular}
+%% \end{center}
+%% \MakeActiveLet\|\nvCmdBox\MakeActiveLet\&\CmdSyntaxVerb
+%% % \useNiceVerb
+%% \strong{Remarks:}\enspace \ \ (a)~|\nullctanref|
+%% rather than |\ctanref| appears here because the latter
+%% is used as an alias for one of the other `ctanref' commands,
+%% by default for `\mirrorctanref', cf. \secref{texarc}.
+%% (b)~||,\quad ||,
+%% \[||\mbox{,\quad and\quad} ||\]
+%% have the same functionality;
+%% which includes (i)~that they show the same page of its own
+%% design and (z)~that this page includes a few lines of links
+%% to the basic functions of `'. The design is much
+%% less heavy than the design of `' with respect
+%% to ($\alpha$)~graphics and to ($\beta$)~the number of columns.
+%% At its bottom, the page describes itself as ``experimental"
+%% and as dating from February~2015 (observed in May 2015).
+%% (c)~\strong{Examples} for |<domain>/<path>/tex-archive|, %%%\quad
+%% |<domain>/<path>ctan| and |<domain>|
+%% (as listed below `')
+%% are \strong{\wikienref{web mirror}{mirrors}} of
+%% \[||\mbox{\quad or \quad}
+%% ||\]
+%% and appear as (somewhat random) resolutions of ||.
+%% <path> may be empty.
+%% || and || listed earlier
+%% actually are examples of the last entry,
+%% and || exemplifies the other
+%% lower entry. The file \ctanfileref{CTAN.sites}
+%% in the root directory of any \TeX\ archive should
+%% contain all the example \URL s to which `'
+%% resolves. However, my intention (which failed) for
+%% the final table entries was that they exemplify mirrors
+%% with rather \emph{simple} directory designs,
+%% as opposed to the \URL s listed in the upper part
+%% of the table.
+%% ==== Some \CTAN\ Domains ====
+%% \label{sec:domains} %% 2015/05/22
+%% |\ctanorg| saves a few tokens, using |\nullctanorg| for ||
+%% (latter new with v0.83, keeping ultimate expansion of `\ctanorg' from prior
+%% versions).
+%% `\nullctanorg' and |\wwwctanorg| are useful both for
+%% description pages and \TeX\ archives:
+%% % Instances are || (|\tugctanorg|),
+%% % || (|\wwwctanorg|):
+%% % || (|\dantectanorg|):
+%% % \newcommand*{\tugctanorg} {tug\ctanorg}
+%% % \newcommand*{\wwwctanorg} {www\ctanorg}
+%% % \newcommand*{\dantectanorg} {dante\ctanorg}
+%% % \newcommand*{\mirrorctanorg}{mirror\ctanorg}
+%% Referring to \strong{``description"} pages
+%% according to \secref{ctan-discovery}
+%% (`\httpbaseref' from \secref{bases}):\MDdocnewline
+%% |\wwwctanorgbaseref{<path>}{<text>}| \ links to ||:
+%% |\nullctanorgbaseref{<path>}{<text>}| is like
+%% the previous command without `www.':
+%% |\metactan@ref{<sub>}{<ref-cmd>}| for some ``null" vs.
+%% `www'-commands that are defined in \secref{sing-pkgs}:
+%% ==== Fixed Macros for Paths in Various \TeX\ Archives ==== %% 2015/05/22
+%% \label{sec:texarc} %% 2013/01/19
+%% \paragraph{Shorthands for paths.}
+%% |\texarchive| saves a few tokens: %% 2015/05/21
+%% Typically, \LaTeX\ macro packages in `macros/latex/contrib/'
+%% are discussed, so here is |\ltxcontrib| saving both characters
+%% and tokens
+%% (no starting slash so it can be used with `\httpbaseref';
+%% likewise no final one---hopefully only used in present demos
+%% before v0.83):
+%% We now proceed along the second table of \secref{ctan-tables}:
+%% \paragraph{Advanced design of directories.}
+%% \TeX\ archive directories on ||
+%% and || show an advanced design,
+%% as compared with mirror \TeX\ archives.
+%% They can be accessed by
+%% \begin{itemize}
+%% \item |\wwwctanref{<path>}{<text>}| and
+%% \item |\nullctanref{<path>}{<text>}| respectively
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% (<path> without starting slash):
+\MakeBasedHref{\wwwctanref} {\wwwctanorg/\texarchive}
+%% \begin{simpleexamples}
+%% \simpleexample{\wwwctanref{}{Archive root}}
+%% \simpleexample{\wwwctanref{macros/generic}{generic macros}}
+%% \simpleexample{\nullctanref{macros/generic}{generic macros}}
+%% % \longsimpleexample{\nullctanref{macros/generic}{generic macros}}
+%% \simpleexample{\nullctanref{\nvCSV\ltxcontrib/morehype}{hypertext}}
+%% \end{simpleexamples}
+%% In the final example, you see that the ``directory" design
+%% even includes something like the corrsponding
+%% \strong{\ctanpkggenref{morehype}{package description}}---especially
+%% the ``\acro{README}" is displayed in a ``frame."
+%% \paragraph{Advanced root page design.}
+%% Next, there are archive roots showing a special \emph{starting page},
+%% while subdirectories show a rather simple design.
+%% \begin{itemize}
+%% \item |\tugctanref{<path>}{<text>}|,
+%% \item |\dantectanref{<path>}{<text>}|, and
+%% \item |\sciservref{<path>}{<text>}|
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% make <text> a link to a \TeX~Archive directory or file <path>
+%% on the corresponding domain:
+%% (`' once behaved like `',
+%% Jim Hefferon's former \CTAN\ interface.)
+%% Using the \emph{empty} <path> may be most interesting
+%% for that starting page; otherwise they may simply serve as
+%% (known) \emph{nearby mirrors}---speed preferred over design.
+%% \begin{simpleexamples}
+%% \simpleexample{\tugctanref{}{Archive root}}
+%% \simpleexample{\tugctanref{info}{Info}}
+%% \end{simpleexamples}
+%% \paragraph{Random mirrors.}
+%% For speed, saving energy (i.e., the \emph{world}),
+%% and certain servers from overload,
+%% using || is recommended,
+%% which automatically chooses a \CTAN\ \wikienref{web mirror}{\emph{mirror}}.
+%% \[|\mirrorctanref{<path>}{<text>}|.\] %% 2011/10/10 :->.2011/10/21:
+%% is provided for this purpose:
+%% Resulting design may be poor ...
+%% \begin{simpleexamples}
+%% \simpleexample{%
+%% \mirrorctanref{}{Archive root}}
+%% \simpleexample{%
+%% \mirrorctanref{help}{Help}}
+%% \end{simpleexamples}
+%% ==== \cs{ctanref} for Favourite Mirror, Customizing ==== %% fav. 2015/05/21
+%% \label{sec:custom-ref}
+%% |\ctanref| should work like one out of
+%% \begin{itemize}
+%% \item `\wwwctanref', `\nullctanref',
+%% \item `\tugctanref', `\dantectanref', `\sciservctanref', and
+%% \item `\mirrorctanref',
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% %%%(as introduced in \secref{texarc})
+%% (as listed in the second table of \secref{ctan-tables})
+%% depending on which out of
+%% \begin{itemize}
+%% \item |\usewwwctan|, |\usenullctan|,
+%% \item |\usetugctan|, |\usedantectan|, |\usesciservctan|, and
+%% \item |\usemirrorctan|,
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% appeared most recently.
+%% By \strong{default}, `\ctanref' works like `\mirrorctanref'.
+%% So in any case its syntax is \[|\ctanref{<path>}{<text>}|.\]
+%% The idea is that it is a shorthand to access the user's
+%% favourite \CTAN\ mirror, or just to save the `www'
+%% in `\wwwctanref', for instance. It may also be modified directly
+%% using
+%% \[|\MakeBasedHref{\ctanref}{<ctan-mirror>}|\]
+%% where <ctan-mirror> is a \URL\ of a root of
+%% a \CTAN\ mirror (imitate code from \secref{texarc}---TODO:
+%% more \URL s in \secref{domains}?),
+%% or by
+%% \[|\renewcommand{\ctanref}{\<prefix>ctanref}|\]
+\newcommand*{\let@ctanref}{\let\ctanref} %% v0.83 2015/05/22
+ %% v0.83 rm. reminiscence of \let\ctanfileref
+%% |\usemirrorctan| \emph{sets} the \strong{default}
+%% meaning for |\ctanref| as announced
+%% (so it uses \urlhttpref{}):
+%% TODO `\DoDoWithMore'?
+\DoWithMore\do{\usewwwctan \wwwctanref }
+ {\usenullctan \nullctanref }
+ {\usetugctan \tugctanref }
+ {\usedantectani \dantectanref}
+ {\usesciservctan \sciservref }\StopDoing
+%% v0.83 drops |\myctanref|, while it might be useful for the user's
+%% preferred mirror. However, \secref{texarc} should show how to
+%% set up `\myctanref' then, and
+%% \[|\renewcommand*{\ctanref}{\myctanref}|\]
+%% could replace the |\usemyctan| I haven't put here.
+%% % \begin{singthm}{Remark} (TODO) \ Another implementation
+%% % of adjusting `\ctanref' I consider is
+%% % using some `\ctanurl'\-`prefix' that you can redefine for
+%% % accessing your favourite mirror.
+%% % \end{singthm}
+%% ==== Opening/Downloading Files from an Archive ==== %% 2015/05/25
+%% %% moved down 2015/05/18
+%% You may actually want to \emph{open} a file <file-name> in <path>
+%% of a \TeX\ archive
+%% % <file-name> displayed as the link text, %% 2011/10/21
+%% % by %% 2013/01/21
+%% by clicking on <file-name> (which is formatted by
+%% |\filenamefmt| from \secref{fonts})---or
+%% to \emph{offer} this opportunity to readers of your document.
+%% In this case, the formatting of \CTAN\ pages
+%% (directories) doesn't matter at all,
+%% so a randomly chosen archive mirror should do:
+%% |\mirrorctanfileref{<path>}{<file-name>}|
+%% |\ctanfileref{<path>}{<file-name>}| is provided as an alias
+%% or shorthand for `\mirrorctanfileref':
+%% \begingroup\hfuzz=14pt %% TODO
+%% \begin{simpleexamples}
+%% \simpleexample{\ctanfileref{\nvCSV\ltxcontrib/filedate/doc}{filedate.pdf}}
+%% \simpleexample{\ctanfileref{\nvCSV\ltxcontrib/filedate}{README}}
+%% \simpleexample{\ctanfileref{\nvCSV\ltxcontrib}{}}
+%% \end{simpleexamples}
+%% \endgroup
+%% %% 2013/01/21: rm. \tugctanfileref %%%% 2015/05/21
+%% |\mirrorctanfileref| should not be changed,
+%% while the user might
+%% \[|\renewcommand*{\ctanfileref}{\CTANfileref<archive-ref>}|\]
+%% with <archive-ref> from the previous section or the
+%% second table in \secref{ctan-tables}
+%% (immitate the earlier definition of `\mirrorctanfiler'),
+%% or s(h)e might
+%% \[|\newcommand*{\myctanfileref}{\CTANfileref<archive-ref>}|\]
+%% and (temporarily)
+%% \[|\renewcommand*{\ctanfileref}{\myctanfileref}|\]
+%% (|\filectanref| that I earlier offered for customizing
+%% is dropped with v0.83.)
+%% It may be psychologically useful to have an \emph{opposite}
+%% to `\ctanfileref' %% 2015/05/23: filectan -> ctanfile
+%% that can easily be recognized as such,
+%% while `\ctanref' may be unclear. I offer
+%% |\dirctanref{<path>}{<text>}| ...
+%% %. It may be an alias %% was \dirfile... 2015/05/21
+%% %for `\ctanref', even respecting the `\use'\codedots\ commands
+%% %from above. Another proposal above is dangerous with the present idea:
+%% as a kind of alias for `\ctanref'---you might change that
+%% by `\renewcommand':
+%% \strong{Note:}\enspace Links for opening \CTAN\ files
+%% with a different link text than the filename
+%% can be generated by `ctanref' commands discribed earlier.
+%% ==== The \TeX\ Catalogue OnLine ====
+%% \label{sec:texcat} %% 2012/12/18
+%% % We are not providing access to everything in the
+%% % \catalogueref{}{\TeX~catalogue}.
+%% Before v0.8, only
+%% J\"urgen Fenn's Topical Index of the Catalogue
+%% was supported. v0.8 adds package descriptions displayed
+%% by the Catalogue. The following shorthand
+%% |\catalogueref{<path[#frag]>}{<text>}| is an auxiliary for
+%% both of them (and other <path>s the user might want).
+%% With empty <path>,
+%% it generates an \URL\ of a \catalogueref{}{root}
+%% in a \CTAN\ mirror %% shorthand 2012/12/17
+%% of \meta{The \TeX~Catalogue OnLine}:
+%% The user may modify this by
+%% \begin{center}
+%% `\renewcommand*{\catalogueref}[1]{\myctanref{help/Catalogue/#1}}'
+%% \end{center}
+%% or by
+%% \begin{center}
+%% `\MakeBasedHref{\catalogueref}{texcatalogue\ctanorg}'
+%% \end{center}
+%% ---cf. \urlhttpref{texcatalogue\ctanorg}.
+%% Some mirrors seem to display the Catalogue's root directory
+%% only this way, while others display the ``Welcome" page.
+%% |\cataloguestartref{<text>}| accesses the
+%% \cataloguestartref{\strong{Welcome} (\strong{start})} page surely:
+%% |\bytopicref{<anchor>}{<text>}|
+%% \ %% 2011/10/21
+%% makes <text> a link to <anchor> of
+%% \strong{J\"urgen Fenn's Topical Index} %% 2012/12/18
+%% of the \TeX\ Catalogue. You find the <anchor>
+%% by clicking at the respective \acro{TOC} entry on top of the page
+%% and then read the \URL\ from the browser's navigation display.
+%% \simpleexample{\bytopicref{html}{&\TeX~to HTML}}
+%% \par %% recplaces \[\] 2015/05/20
+%% |\catpkgref{<pkg-name>}| makes <pkg-name>
+%% a link to the description of the \strong{package} <pkg-name>
+%% in \meta{The \TeX~Catalogue Online}.
+%% \[|\CatPkgRef{<name>}{<Name>}|\]
+%% is a variant for the cases where authors have a special idea
+%% <Name> using some capital letters when they describe their packages
+%% (\acro{ASCII} %%% ASCII %% 2012/12/14
+%% versions of ``logos" such as `BibTeX') %% was Logos 2012/10/24
+%% while the identifier <name> doesn't allow capital letters.
+%% %% 2011/01/24:
+%% Also, <Name> may be a package from a \emph{bundle} <name>
+%% where <name> has a description page while <Name>
+%% doesn't have its \emph{own} description page~...
+%% \simpleexample{\CatPkgRef{morehype}{texlinks}}
+% \cat@ctan@pkg@ref\catalogueref{entries/#1\html}}
+%% <- v0.83 2015/05/20 ->
+ \newcommand*{\CatPkgRef}{\cat@ctan@pkg@ref\catpkggenref}
+%% v0.83 introduces |\catpkggenref{<pkg-name>}{<text>}|
+%% where formatting <text> is up to the user
+%% (or not special formatting required):
+%% |\cat@ctan@pkg@ref<cmd>{<path>}{<text>}| %% 2012/12/19, rm. frag 2015/05/26
+%% \ ensures that <Name> is typeset as the argument of
+%% `\pkgnamefmt' (\secref{fonts}).
+%% It is used in \secref{sing-pkgs} again:
+%% \simpleexample{\catpkgref{morehype}}
+%% % \begin{example}
+%% % \makeatletter \def\ex@mple{\catpkgref{morehype}}%
+%% % \fbox{\strut\expandafter\code\expandafter{\expandafter&\ex@mple}}%
+%% % %% <- bad spaces
+%% % \hskip\labelsep for\hskip\labelsep
+%% % \fbox{\strut\ex@mple}
+%% % |\catpkgref{morehype}| \ for \
+%% % \fbox{\catpkgref{morehype}}
+%% % \end{example}
+%% ==== Single Packages without The \TeX~Catalogue ====
+%% \label{sec:sing-pkgs} %% 2012/12/19
+%% v0.83 introduces a way to refer to a package description without
+%% telling a package's name. |\wwwctanpkggenref{<id>}{<text>}|
+%% does not coerce <text> into a special format:
+%% \longsimpleexample
+%% {\wwwctanpkggenref{morehype}{an awesome bundle}}
+%% |\nullctanpkggenref{<id>}{<text>}| similarly without `www.':
+%% |\wwwctanpkgref{<pkg-name>}| makes <pkg-name> %% 2015/05/26
+%% a link to a package info page for the package <pkg-name>
+%% on `'. <pkg-name> is displayed and formatted
+%% by `\pkgnamefmt{<pkg-name>}'. |\WwwCtanPkgRef{<name>}{<Name>}|
+%% is a variant of `\wwwctanpkgref' relating to the latter
+%% as `\CatPkgRef' relates to `\catpkgref' (\secref{texcat}):
+% %% Using `\cat@ctan@pkg@ref' from \secref{texcat}:
+% \newcommand*{\Ct@nPkgRef}[2]{\cat@ctan@pkg@ref#1{pkg/#2}}
+%% |\wwwctanpkgstyref{<name>}| %% 2012/11/27
+%% adds \qtdcode{.sty} to the package name:
+%% Likewise |\nullctanpkgstyref{<name>}| etc.:
+%% Command names \ |\ctanpkgstyref|, \ |\ctanpkgref|, \ |\CtanPkgRef|, \
+%% and \ |\ctanpkggenref| \ interrelate analogously.
+%% I expect these ones are mainly used.
+%% Their exact behavior can be chosen from the `\nullctan'\codedots,
+%% `\wwwctan'\codedots\ things, they even can use the \TeX\ catalogue:
+%% v0.83 abolishes `tugctanorgbaseref' as
+%% \urlhttpref{} no longer has a
+%% `pkg' top-level subdirectory:
+% \newcommand*{\useTUGpkgpages}{\let\CtanPkgRef\TugCtanPkgRef}
+%% After |\useWWWpkgpages|,
+%% the package descriptions from `' are used:
+%% After |\useOpkgpages|, `\CtanPkgRef' and `\ctanpkgref'
+%% use the package descriptions from `'. This command
+%% and the previous |\useOpkgpages| also decide whether
+%% author (\secref{pkg-au}), topic, and search pages
+%% (\secref{pkg-search}) have `www.' in their \URL\ or not:
+%% And the latter is the \strong{default:}
+%% After |\useCATpkgpages|, `\CtanPkgRef' and `\ctanpkgref'
+%% use the \TeX~Catalogue to display package informations.
+%% The content should be much the same as with
+%% [`www.']`', the same database is used,
+%% it is the design that differs:
+%% Finally, we provide experimental
+%% \[|\AllPkgRefs{<name>}{<Name>}| \mbox{\quad and\quad}
+%% |\allpkgrefs{<name>}|\]
+%% offering choice between the two interfaces for each package.
+%% \qtdcode{c} will stand for The \TeX~Catalogue and
+%% \qtdcode{w} for `'. After |\useALLpkgpages|,
+%% this is what `\CtanPkgRef' and `\ctanpkgref' offer:
+ \pkgnamefmt{#2}\,[\CatPkgRef{#1}{c}\textbar
+ % \TugCtanPkgRef{#1}{t}\textbar %% rm. v0.83
+ \WwwCtanPkgRef{#1}{w}]}
+%% \simpleexample{\allpkgrefs{morehype}}
+%% (With 'blog.sty', this requires some `\def\textbar{|}' TODO.)
+%% ==== Package Author Pages ====
+%% \label{sec:pkg-au}
+%% |\wwwctanpkgauref{<id>}{<description>}| creates a link
+%% to the list of packages somebody described by <description>
+%% maintains:
+%% \simpleexample{\wwwctanpkgauref{lueck}{mine}}
+%% |\nullctanpkgauref{<id>}{<description>}| removes `www.':
+%% |\ctanpkgauref{<id>}{<description>}| chooses from the former
+%% possibilities according to the `\use'\codedots\ commands
+%% in the previous \secref{sing-pkgs}:
+%% ==== Other Ways to Search for Packages ====
+%% \label{sec:pkg-search} %% 2012/12/29
+%% |\wwwctanpkgtopicref{<topic-id>}{<text>}| accesses a list of
+%% packages belonging to the ``topic" with identifier <topic-id>.
+ \metactan@topicref\wwwctanorgbaseref}
+%% \longsimpleexample{\wwwctanpkgtopicref{cvt-html}{make HTML}}
+%% |\nullctanpkgtopicref{<topic-id>}{<text>}| without `www.':
+ \metactan@topicref\nullctanorgbaseref}
+%% |\nullctanpkgsearch{<text>}| \ and \ |\wwwctanpkgsearch{<text>}| \
+%% create links to a page for searching packages
+%% with several options for search criteria:
+ \metactan@searchref\nullctanorgbaseref}
+%% \simpleexample{\ctanpkgsearchref{CTAN~search}}
+ \metactan@searchref\wwwctanorgbaseref}
+%% |\ctanpkgtopicref| and |\ctanpkgsearchref| choose
+%% according to the `\use'\codedots\ commands in \secref{sing-pkgs}:
+%% The \TeX\ Catalogue OnLine has offered searching as well,
+%% yet today this search page is just the same as the one you
+%% get by \wwwctanpkgsearchref.
+%% === Mailing Lists ===
+%% \label{sec:mail}
+%% This section mainly provides tools for referring %% 2015/05/28
+%% to pages of or postings to the \CTAN\ announcments
+%% (\secref{ctan-ann}) and texhax (\secref{texhax}) mailing lists.
+%% v0.7 relies on package \ctanpkgref{langcode} for
+%% |\enmonthname{<month-number>}| and |\demonthname{<month-number>}|,
+%% for tricks with language codes extending those in
+%% \secref{langcode}:
+%% The next definitions are backbones for generating links to
+%% web pages about \TeX\ mailing lists.
+%% |\TL@piper@parse<year>-<month-number>-<id>| will be used
+%% for referring to single postings:
+%% \[|\texlistyearmonthref<list-ref>{<2-digits>-<month-no>}|\]
+%% will generate \ |<list-ref>{<path>}| \ for linking to the list of postings
+%% of the <month-no>th month in the year 20<2-digits>:
+%% \qtd{<path>} will be \qtdcode{20<2-digits>-<month>},
+%% and <month> will be the \emph{English} name of the
+%% <month-no>th month of the year.
+%% \[|\texlanglistmonthref<month-cmd><list-ref>{<2-digits>-<month-no>}|\]
+%% will generate \ |<list-ref>{<path>}{<month>}| \
+%% where <month> is determined from <month-no> by <month-cmd>:
+ #2{20#3-\enmonthname{#4}}{#1{#4}}}
+%% |\detexlistmonthref<list-ref>{<2-digits>-<month-no>}| \
+%% now could be used for `<list-ref>{<path>}{<month>}'
+%% \emph{German} <month> ...
+%% ... as could be \ |\entexlistmonthref<list-ref>{<2-digits>-<month-no>}| \
+%% for \emph{English} <month> ...
+%% With proper use of \ctanpkgref{langcode} however,
+%% \[|\texlistmonthref<list-ref>{<2-digits>-<month-no>}|\]
+%% \emph{automatically} chooses between English and German <month>
+%% (according to intention ...):
+%% === \CTAN\ Announcements === %% 2011/06/27
+%% \label{sec:ctan-ann} %% 2015/05/28
+%% |\ctanannref{<id>}{<text>}| makes <text> a link
+%% to the DANTE web page displaying a \CTAN\
+%% announcement. You find <id> by searching
+%% \[\texttt{}\]
+%% and then reading the \URL.
+%% <id> is composed as
+%% \[`<year>-<month>/<6-digits>.html'\]%%%, \[\] 2012/10/24
+%% %% 2012/10/24:
+%% where <year> consists of 4 digits and <month> is an \emph{English}
+%% month name:
+ \httpsref{}}
+%% |\ctanannpref{<id-code>}{<text>}| is a variant
+%% of `\ctanannref' where in place of <id>
+%% you only type the third and fourth digit of the
+%% year (<2-digits>), then a \qtdcode{-}, then the (arabic)
+%% number <month-no> of the month (cf. \secref{mail} so far),
+%% then another \qtdcode{-},
+%% and then the actual internal identifier <running-no>
+%% (a number of six digits preceding \qtdcode{.html} of the \URL).
+%% I.e., \qtd{<id-code>} is \qtdcode{<2-digits>-<month-no>-<running-no>}.
+ \ctanannref{20\TL@piper@parse#1/\html}} %% `20' 2012/12/08
+%% \[|\ctanannyearmonthref{<2-digits>-<month-no>}|\] generates
+%% `\ctanannref{<path>}' from \qtdcode{<2-digits>-<month-no>}---<path>
+%% as in \secref{mail} ...
+%% \[|\ctanannmonthref{<2-digits>-<month-no>}|\] generates
+%% `\ctanannref{<path>}{<month>}' where <month> obeys `\langcode' ...
+%% % from \qtdcode{<2-digits>-<month-no>}
+%% === \code{\dots stack\dots} Forums === %% 2012/12/17/18
+%% |\stackexref{<id-no>}{<text>}| \ shows exchange about
+%% Question No.~<id-no> on \urlhttpref{}.
+%% <id-no> is the number following \qtdcode{/questions/}
+%% in the \URL\
+%% (the part of the \URL\ reflecting the caption are not needed).
+%% See an example from
+%% $<id-no>=\stackexref{84878}{84878}$ in \secref{wiki-stack}.
+%% Likewise, \ |\stackoverref{<id-no>}{<text>}| \ links to
+%% \urlhttpref{}
+%% ($<id-no>=\stackoverref{2118972}{2118972}$ is about file dates):
+%% === \TUG === %% \TUG 2012/12/15
+%% \label{sec:tug} %% 2012/12/29
+%% |\tugref{<path>}{<text>}| makes <text> a link
+%% to <path> on domain `':
+%% ==== texhax ====
+%% \label{sec:texhax} %% 2015/05/28
+%% |\texhaxref{<id>}{<text>}| makes <text> a link
+%% to the \TUG\ web page displaying
+%% a texhax posting. You find <id> by searching
+%% `' and then reading the \URL.
+%% <id> is composed as `<year>-<month>/<6-digits>.html'.
+%% |\THref{<id>}| saves you from choosing <text>
+%% and uses `texhax' instead.
+%% (It was `\prg{texhax}' in 'blog.sty', to have something
+%% logo-like, without a good idea how to implement it.)
+%% |\texhaxpref{<id-code>}{<text>}| is a variant
+%% of `\texhaxref' where in place of <id>
+%% you only type the third and fourth digit of the
+%% year, then a `-', then the (arabic) number of
+%% the month, then another `-', and then the actual
+%% internal identifier
+%% (a number of six digits preceding `.html' of the \URL).
+%% I made this macro because I prefer typing to copying
+%% from the \URL.
+\newcommand*{\texhaxpref}[1]{% %% 2010/09/07
+ \texhaxref{20\TL@piper@parse#1/\html}} %% 2011/05/03
+%% |\THpref{<id-code>}| is a variant of `\THref' using
+%% <id-code> as with `\texhaxpref':
+\newcommand*{\THpref}[1]{\texhaxpref{#1}{texhax}} %% 2011/03/24
+%% TODO: `\texhaxPref#1' searches list of offsets
+%% to determine year/month from id ...
+%% \[|\texhaxyearmonthref{<2-digits>-<month-no>}|\] generates
+%% `\texhaxref{<path>}' from \qtdcode{<2-digits>-<month-no>}---<path>
+%% as in \secref{mail} ...
+%% \[|\texhaxmonthref{<2-digits>-<month-no>}|\] generates
+%% `\texhaxref{<path>}{<month>}' where <month> obeys `\langcode' ...
+%% ==== Other ====
+%% %% 2011/04/27 corr. doc. vol/issue
+%% |\tugbartref{tb<vol>-<issue>/<filename-base>}{<text>}|
+%% makes <text> a link to the \TUG boat article
+%% `<filename-base>.pdf' in vol.~<vol> and issue~<issue>:
+% \newcommand*{\tugbartref}[1]{\tugref{TUGboat/Articles/#1\pdf}}
+%% %% <- 2011/04/30
+%% That `tb' can be dropped with
+%% \[|\tugbArtref{<vol>-<issue>/<filename-base>}{<text>}|\]
+%% %% <- 2015/03/27 ->
+%% after this definition:
+%% |\tugiref{<anchor>}{<text>}| makes <text> %% <text> 2012/07/23 tugi 2012/08/05
+%% a link to an <anchor>
+%% on the \TUG\ web page entitled \qtd{TeX Resources on the Web}
+%% (e.g., $<anchor>=\mbox{\qtdcode{web}}$ shows the section entitled
+%% \tugiref{web}{\qtd{\TeX~web projects}}):
+%% It was `\TUGIref' until v0.6, we keep this for compatibility
+%% (deprecated):
+%% === \acro{UK FAQ} ===
+%% |\ukfaqref{<label>}{<text>}| makes <text> a link to
+%% the UK~\TeX~FAQ page with ``label"~= <label>:
+}} %% 2015/07/20
+%% === Wikibooks ===
+%% \label{sec:wikibooks} %% 2013/01/21
+%% |\wikilangbooksref{<language-code>}{<book>/<subject>}{<text>}|
+%% %% <- ref 2012/10/04, <book>/<subject>
+\newcommand*{\wikilangbooksref}[1]{% %% `lang' 2012/01/06
+ \httpbaseref{}}
+%% |\latexwikibookref{<subject>}{<text>}| \ %% \ 2012/12/16
+%% refers to the %% rm. extra arg. 2012/10/24
+%% (English) \latexwikibookref{}{\emph{\LaTeX} wikibook:} %% lc 2012/12/16
+%% The German
+%% \wikilangbooksref{de}{LaTeX-Kompendium}{\dqtd{\LaTeX-Kompendium}}
+%% is somewhat difficult, I leave it for now~...
+%% %% 2012/12/16:
+%% |\texwikibookref{<subject>}{<text>}| \ refers to the
+%% % \texwikibookref{}{\emph{\TeX} wikibook.}
+%% \wikilangbooksref{en}{TeX}{\emph{\TeX} wikibook.}
+%% E.g., <subject> may access a description of the
+%% \wikilangbooksref{en}{TeX#TeX_Primitives}{\TeX\ \emph{primitive}}
+%% `\<subject>', such as `\texwikibookref{if}{\cs{if}}'
+%% for \texwikibookref{if}{\cs{if}}. However, some primitives
+%% have not been described yet, and the whole \TeX\ wikibook
+%% largely is just a list of what needs to be done.
+%% == Leaving and Version HISTORY == %% 2012/03/09
+v0.1 2011/01/24 new file, code from blog.sty v0.3
+v0.2 2011/01/27 \urlfoot, \NormalHTTPref, \foothttpurlref,
+ "outline" adjusted;
+ more consistent use of \newcommand and
+ \@ifdefinable (TODO: guarded \let)
+v0.3 2011/02/10 [blog]; \urlpkgfoot
+v0.4 2011/04/27 doc. \tugbartref\ corrected
+ 2011/04/30 shortened link in \tugbartref
+ 2011/05/03 \TL@piper@parse, tried \ctanannref
+ 2011/05/13 reworking Wikipedia, arbitrary languages
+ 2011/06/27 doc.: \acro; \httpsref, \ctanannref
+ 2011/07/23 doc.: typo \acro{TUG}, `Almost all', page breaks;
+ \Wikidisambref: different order of arg.s
+ 2011/08/18 doc.: \acro with UK; wikibooks
+ 2011/08/27 doc. \acro with URL and PDF;
+ more doc and code changes for https
+uploaded with MOREHYPE r0.4 (not touched by r0.41)
+v0.41 2011/09/03 doc.: more specific on \urluml/Wikipedia
+ 2011/10/06 \mirrorctanref, \tugctanfileref,
+ \mirrorctanfileref, \ltxcontrib
+ 2011/10/10 doc. formatting of previous
+uploaded with MOREHYPE r0.5(1)
+v0.5 2011/10/19 doc. fix LaTeX Wikibook
+ 2011/10/20 \urlfmt, \filenamefmt and \pkgnamefmt
+ changed and moved, modified doc. on them,
+ doc. uses \URL
+ 2011/10/21 re-order CTAN, \pagebreak's, \ctanref and
+ choice for it, doc. modified; rm. \ithttpref
+uploaded with MOREHYPE r0.52
+v0.6 2012/01/06 \wikilangref etc., \wikiref etc. depend on
+ \langcode
+ 2012/01/11 removed old comments for Wikipedia; (C)
+ 2012/03/09 "URL bases" (\httpbaseref etc.), applied;
+ \bytopicref uses \mirrorctanref
+ 2012/03/12 fixed \texhaxref
+ 2012/04/09 \ctanorgbaseref, \ctanpkgauref
+ 2012/04/10 makedoc link works!
+ 2012/05/13 example for \wikilangref corrected
+uploaded with MOREHYPE r0.6
+v0.7 2012/07/23 doc.: <text>
+ 2012/08/05 \tugiref
+ 2012/10/04 doc. wikibooks: ref
+ 2012/10/24 ...monthref... requiring `langcode.sty', moving
+ links to mailing list pages from `texblog.fdf'
+ here; doc.: \pagebreak s, wikibooks: <book>...,
+ corr. args, \wikiref refers to `langcode.sty',
+ `ref', using \qtdcode (new in `makedoc.cfg')
+ 2012/11/08 doc.: Jim corr.
+ 2012/11/27 \ctanpkgstyref from 'texblog.fdf'
+ 2012/11/28 [[...|...]]
+uploaded with MOREHYPE r0.7
+v0.7a 2012/12/01 link fix "Piped link"
+ -> r0.7a
+v0.7b 2012/12/06 there again: blogexec -> markblog, above entry ...
+ -> r0.7b
+v0.71 2012/12/08 \ctanannpref like \texhaxpref
+ -> r0.71
+v0.8 2012/12/15 \domainref from `texblog.fdf'
+ doc.: \secref, gathering first subsections in
+ new section "Links in General"
+ 2012/12/16 \texwikibooksref; \domainref 1 code line,
+ mod. doc. LaTeX wikibook
+ 2012/12/17 \google..., \stackexref, \catalogueref;
+ doc.: todo done + corr. in sec:bases,
+ wiki extended, suffix -> tag
+ 2012/12/18 \cataloguestartref, \html
+ 2012/12/19 \cat@ctan@pkg@ref, \@double@first@arg;
+ doc. uses {example}, \fbox, etc.
+ 2012/12/20 \ctanpkgtopicref
+ -> r0.8
+v0.81 2012/12/28 doc.: "fonts" \provide, corr. \pkgnamefmt,
+ reworked \urlfoot
+ 2012/12/29 \tugctanorg; doc.: TODO on "fonts",
+ more on Jim ... \tugctanorg
+ 2012/12/30 ... in sec:search-pkg; mod. doc. \ctanpkgauref,
+ more doc. wiki "overview", \simplecodefbox etc.,
+ 2012/12/31 doc. "the" Welcome ...
+ -> r0.81
+v0.82 2013/01/18 \tugctanorg ->
+ 2013/01/19 reworking doc. on CTAN; \pagebreak
+ 2013/01/20 updated (C), reworking doc. on CTAN
+ 2013/01/21 \MakeBasedHref, \wwwctanref, \usewwwctan,
+ \newlet; doc.: typo fix, updated
+ 2013/01/21 applying \newlet, \myctanref, \usemyctan,
+ \ctanfileref reimplemented, \filectanref,
+ \dirctanref; doc.: \ltxcontrib with {example}
+ -> r0.82
+v0.83 2013/02/04 comment out code for and
+ reduce doc. on it -- started
+ 2013/02/20 \tugbArtref; sec. "Obvious Shorthands":
+ \hmtl moves, \htm, \pdf, \DoubleArg;
+ some adjustments for AZ's vanishing;
+ doc. "Fonts for" -> "Formatting"
+ 2014/05/25 updated Google search link
+ 2015/03/27 doc. lines on "dropped" and "URL bases";
+ 2015/05/16 short UK FAQ URL
+ 2015/05/17f. new doc. CTAN: overview/summary
+ 2015/05/18 rm. old doc. on Jim, reducing CTAN base cmd.s
+ 2015/05/19 CTAN domains, description pages reworked
+ 2015/05/20 more discovering, tidyingm and reworking
+ w.r.t. CTAN
+ 2015/05/21 doc. fix \dirctanref, ren. titles; \sciservref,
+ fewer CTAN domains, \texarchive and reworked ...
+ \awfulexample ... replaced
+ 2015/05/22 rm. bitelist considerations/\pagebreaks,
+ different titles
+ 2015/05/23 typo fix; \nullctanorgbases, reduce table text;
+ \paragraph -> again reworking early parts of
+ CTAN section
+ 2015/05/24 opening CTAN files ready; \prefixref;
+ doc.: removing page breaks
+ 2015/05/25 another \newlet; again reworking the CTAN
+ tables section.
+ 2015/05/26 doc. \cat@ctan...; \nullctanorgbaseref etc.
+ -- finished CTAN section
+ 2015/05/28 some more doc. on mailing lists; \THpref;
+ rm. "short UK FAQ" -- did *not* work!
+ 2015/06/14 rm. spurious section title
+ 2015/07/20 another short URL for the UK FAQ