path: root/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogexec.sty
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogexec.sty
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogexec.sty')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogexec.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogexec.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0767561cc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/use/blogexec.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] %% \newcommand* etc.
+\ProvidesPackage{blogexec}[2012/12/20 v0.21
+ assignments with blog.sty (UL)]
+%% copyright (C) 2011 Uwe Lueck,
+%% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below.
+%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
+%% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
+%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
+%% == Requirements ==
+%% The \ctanpkgref{dowith} package is needed for managing
+%% and running lists of macros to be intercepted:
+%% Admittedly, `\do' and `\@elt' lists (as discussed in `dowith.pdf')
+%% would be faster than the 'dowith' method, which might be relevant
+%% here (TODO: how much?). I may abandon 'dowith' later, I just cannot
+%% afford removing it now (2011/11/05, TODO).
+%% == Processing Source Files ==
+%% With |\BlogInterceptExtra|, 'blog.sty'
+%% deals with \emph{empty} input lines just like
+%% \[`\BlogCopyFile[<changes>]{<src-file>}'\]
+%% does; \emph{otherwise} the content of `\fdInputLine' is copied to
+%% |\fdOutputCode|. Before the latter is writen to the output file
+%% <output> (as determined by a recent `\ResultFile{<output>}'),
+%% |\BlogInterceptions| is run, its purpose is to extract assignment and other
+%% ``execution" commands and to turn `\fdOutputCode' into an
+%% expandable macro. We use `\def' because 'blog.sty' may have
+%% provided a preliminary definition earlier:
+ \let\BlogProcessLine\BlogAllowIntercepting
+ \let\BlogInterceptions\AllBlogInterceptions}
+%% And this is the default setting (TODO!?):
+%% Below, there are commands for restricted (faster---TODO: relevant?
+%% or less complex, to reduce danger)
+%% interception functionality. (Maybe the file should be restructured.)
+%% |\AllBlogInterceptions| first is nothing:
+%% ---and should become more below.
+%% |\BlogAllowIntercepting| stores the difference to 'blog.sty':
+ \let\fdOutputCode\fdInputLine
+ \BlogInterceptions
+%% When, after removing the intercepted command, the line is
+%% empty, it is \emph{not} written into output:
+ \ifx\fdOutputCode\@empty \else
+ \WriteResult{%
+ \ProcessExpandedWith\fdOutputCode\BlogOutputJob}%
+%% ... enabling ``ligatures" with 'blog.sty' v0.7. %% 2011/11/21
+ \fi}
+%% ... TODO: in 'fifinddo' with something like `\fdInterceptions'?
+%% Especially for storing file-specific macro definitions
+%% with `\EXECUTE' (below), a parameter character
+%% (usually hash mark) is needed.
+%% %% mod. 2011/11/20:
+%% 'fifinddo.sty' (so far---2011/11/20)
+%% does not include it with `\BasicNormalCatCodes',
+%% and 'blog.sty'
+%% does not include it with `\BlogCodes'
+%% ---the following |\BlogInterceptHash| does.
+%% Moreover, |\MakeHashParameter| enables such definitions
+%% when placed in a source file within the argument of a
+%% separate(!) `\EXECUTE'.
+\providecommand*{\MakeHashParameter}{\catcode`\#6 }
+ \ToListMacroAdd\BlogCodes\MakeHashParameter
+ \MakeHashParameter}
+%% TODO: default? 0-arg interception?
+%% == Intercepting Single-Parameter Commands ==
+%% === The General Method ===
+%% Macros to be intercepted that have a single argument will be
+%% collected in |\blogOneArgInterceptions|:
+ \DoWithAllIn\blogTryOneArgCmd
+ \blogOneArgInterceptions}
+%% Here |\blogTryOneArgCmd{<cmd>}| creates a ``sandbox" for parsing
+%% in a similar way as 'fifinddo' does it, searching for <cmd>.
+%% The method there was made thinking of reading files with
+%% ``plain text" category codes, not aware of 'blog.sty'.
+%% Maybe this was a mistake, and I will reconsider it.
+%% There I also introduce a separate sandbox macro
+%% for each search pattern, thinking of different types of sandboxes.
+%% This is not done/needed here (strangely, TODO).---The sandbox
+%% starts with the parsing macro. The latter's name derives from
+%% <cmd> by prefixing something to its name.
+%% |\StripEsc| is a little helper for removing the backslash
+%% from a macro name.
+%% Name spaces: %% 2012/08/29
+ \csname \blog@x:\StripEsc#1\expandafter\endcsname
+ \fdOutputCode \@gobble#1\@empty\@nil}
+%% Here, `\@empty' is the dummy argument for <cmd>---this is what
+%% must be modified for <cmd> with more than one parameter.
+%% At present (2011/11/05), that tail starting with `\@gobble'
+%% may stay at the end of `\fdOutputCode' for each interception per
+%% `\fdInputLine', until it expands to nothing in the `\write'.
+%% |\MakeBlogOneArgInterception{<cmd>}{<run>}{<write>}| \ \
+%% says that when <cmd> is found in `\fdOutputCode',
+%% <run> should be executed, and `<cmd><arg>' should be replaced
+%% by <write> in `\fdOutputCode' where <arg> is the argument for
+%% <cmd> found in `\fdOutputCode'. Let <arc> be <arg> without
+%% delimiting braces if `<arg>' is `{<arc>}'
+%% (otherwise `<arc>' is the same as `<arg>').
+%% Then use `#2' for referring to <arc> inside <run> and <write>.
+%% (Sorry, I cannot afford replacing `#2' by a more natural
+%% placeholder right now.)
+ \catcode`\|\z@ |MakeOther|\% %% \z@ 2011/11/22
+ |@ifdefinable|MakeBlogOneArgInterception{%
+ |gdef|MakeBlogOneArgInterception#1#2#3{%
+%% First we add <cmd> to `\blogOneArgInterceptions',
+%% unless it is already there: %% 2011/11/07
+ |TestListMacroForToken|blogOneArgInterceptions#1%
+ |ifin@
+ |PackageWarning{blogexec}{Redeclaring |string#1.}%
+ |else
+ |ToListMacroAdd|blogOneArgInterceptions#1%
+ |fi
+%% Now the parsing macro is defined, together with the actions
+%% depending on the result:
+%% %% TODO csnames/namemod.sty 2011/11/22
+ |@namedef{|blog@x:|StripEsc#1}##1#1##2##3|@nil{%
+%% #3 will be empty if and only if <cmd> does \emph{not} occur
+%% in `\fdOutputCode'. A backslash made ``other" will not occur
+%% in `\fdOutputCode', therefore the following
+%% `\ifx' becomes true if and only if #3 is empty, i.e.,
+%% <cmd> does \emph{not} occur in `\fdOutputCode':
+ |ifx\##3\%
+%% In this case we just do nothing.
+ |else
+%% Otherwise, we apply <run> and <write>:
+ #2%
+ |def|fdOutputCode{##1#3##3}%
+ |fi}%
+ }%
+ }%
+%% %% was single `%' 2011/11/20
+%% === &\EXECUTE ===
+%% |\EXECUTE{<run>}| runs <run> and is removed from the
+%% output line:
+%% You can \strong{store settings} <set> for processing a source
+%% file in this file by `\EXECUTE{<set>}'
+%% (e.g., shorthand macros only useful in this single file).
+%% You even can switch off the interception functionality
+%% after running the other settings <set>
+%% by `\EXECUTE{<set>\BlogCopyLines}'.
+%% `\EXECUTE{<run>}' may be a great relief thinking of pure
+%% expansion with 'blog.sty'. You may be happy enough with it
+%% and \emph{restrict} the interception functionality to `\EXECUTE'
+%% by |\BlogInterceptExecute|. Its definition may be a
+%% redefinition of the preliminary macro in 'blog.sty'.
+%% (TODO: option for stopping here, avoid 'dowith'.)
+ \let\BlogProcessLine\BlogAllowIntercepting
+ \def\BlogInterceptions{\blogTryOneArgCmd\EXECUTE}}
+%% === &\begin\ and &\end ===
+%% At present (2011/11/06), only |\begin{<env>}| will run %% box 2012/08/28
+%% settings. Macros `\<env>' and `\end<env>' will expand
+%% in the `.html' as with 'blog.sty' alone, not touched here.
+%% Settings to be \emph{run} must be stored in a macro
+%% `\blogx.b:<env>'. If this has not been done, only `\relax'
+%% (from `\csname') will be ``run."
+%% Indeed, we have a ``modified selection" from \LaTeX's original `\begin':
+ \@ifundefined{#2}%
+ {\def\@tempa{\@latex@error{Environment #2 undefined}\@eha}}%
+ {\def\@tempa{\def\@currenvir{#2}%
+% \edef\@currenvline{\on@line}% %% not in source
+ \csname \blog@x.b:#2\endcsname}}% %% \StripEsc->: 2012/08/28
+ \begingroup \@tempa}{%
+ \csname #2\endcsname}
+%% % %% TODO single token!? %% rm. 2011/12/15
+%% \[|\MakeBlogBeginRun{<env>}<args>{<begin-code>}|\] resembles
+%% \[`\newenvironment*{<env>}<args>{<begin-code>}{<end-code>}'\] except that
+%% it does not have `{<end-code>}':
+%% v0.2 allows redefinition by
+%% \[|\ChangeBlogBeginRun{<env>}<args>{<begin-code>}|\]
+ \expandafter #1\expandafter *%
+ \csname \blog@x.b:#2\endcsname} %% \StripEsc->: 2012/08/28
+%% Moreover, v0.2 allows copying that action by
+%% \[|\CopyBlogBeginRunTo{<env>}{<enw>}|\]
+ \withcsname \let \blog@x.b:#2\expandafter\endcsname
+ \csname \blog@x.b:#1\endcsname}
+%% |\end{<env>}|:
+% \expandafter\show\csname blogx:end\endcsname
+%% \[|\BlogInterceptEnvironments|\] restricts interception functionality
+%% to `\EXECUTE', `\begin', and `\end':
+ \BlogInterceptExecute
+ \ToListMacroAdd\BlogInterceptions{%
+ \blogTryOneArgCmd\begin\blogTryOneArgCmd\end}}
+%% TODO: \ 1.~imitate \LaTeX's toggling with `\emph'
+%% (redefine it in italic environments)
+%% \ 2.~code indenting (cf.~\ctanpkgref{inputtrc})
+%% === Skipping Source Code ===
+%% The |{noblog}| environment ``suppresses" \TeX~source
+%% code in the sense that it does not produce \HTML~code---while
+%% 'blog.sty''s `{commentlines}' produces an \HTML~comment.
+\newenvironment*{noblog}{}{} %% 2012/03/04 from ...
+ \BlogInterceptEnvironments %% 2012/06/22
+ \let\WriteResult\@gobble}
+%% === A Comfortable Table Environment ===
+%% As an application of |\MakeBlogBeginRun| for 'blog.sty''s
+%% |{stdallrulestable}|, we provide \lq`|'\rq\ as an active character
+%% invoking 'blog.sty''s `\endcell' (move to next cell) %% was \cr 2011/11/10
+%% and an active character \lq`&'\rq\ for `\figurespace',
+%% i.e., a Unicode symbol for aligning figures.
+%% Indeed, we are \emph{not} going back to \LaTeX\ and Plain \TeX\
+%% by using `&' for moving to the next cell, I consider the present
+%% choice more intuitive.
+ \MakeActiveDef\|{\endcell}\MakeActiveDef\&{\figurespace}}
+%% I hope nobody will confuse `&' and `8'. A little drawback may be
+%% that you now can't use `&' for inserting \acro{HTML} entities.
+%% However, recall that these settings are restricted to the
+%% `{stdrulestable}' environment, and that you can use
+%% `\MakeBlogBeginRun{stdallrulestable}' again for your own choice
+%% of shorthands.
+%% (TODO: `\MakeActiveLet')
+%% == Intercepting Two-Parameter Macros ==
+%% Here especially I have a macro
+%% |\labelsection{<label>}{<title>}| \emph{in mind}
+%% (TODO).
+%% It could be handled by the one-argument approach
+%% by storing the first argument and inserting another macro
+%% that reads the second argument. Therefore I am not sure ...
+%% (2011/11/04)
+%% == Leaving and HISTORY ==
+%% \enlargethispage{2\baselineskip} %% 2012/08/28
+v0.1 2011/11/04 started; arrived at \EXECUTE
+ 2011/11/05 rm. \blogx@dummy, corrected loop,
+ \BlogInterceptExtra, \BlogInterceptExecute
+ 2011/11/06 \BlogAllowIntercepting, emptiness test
+ with "other" backslash, \begin/\end
+ 2011/11/07 debugging (\catcode... in \@ifdefinable);
+ warning on reusing interceptor,
+ \BlogInterceptEnvironments;
+ doc.: raise interception level in \EXECUTE
+ 2011/11/08 \BlogInterceptHash (understanding needed hours)
+ 2011/11/10 `v0.1' in \Provides..., doc. fix,
+ removing experimental code, doc. all 1-arg
+ interceptions in one section
+ 2011/11/20 \BlogInterceptHash improved
+ 2011/11/20 doc. `%' doubled
+ 2011/11/21 \BlogOutputJob
+ 2011/11/22 TODO + \z@ for \MakeBlogOne...
+ 2011/12/15 rm. TODO
+v0.2 2012/08/28 \begin/\end revised (\StripEsc wrong)
+ 2012/08/29 \ChangeBlogBeginRun, \CopyBlogBeginRun,
+ \blog@x
+v0.21 2012/12/20 {noblog}