path: root/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc')
8 files changed, 982 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/README.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/README.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4bf82368f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/README.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+\ProvidesFile{README.tex}[2012/03/18 make README.pdf]
+% \small %% 2011/02/14
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/blog.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/blog.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..712eeeb986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/blog.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+\ProvidesFile{blog.tex}[2013/01/04 documenting blog.sty]
+ Generating \HTML\ Quickly with \TeX\thanks{This
+ document describes version
+ \textcolor{blue}{\UseVersionOf{\jobname.sty}}
+ of \textsf{\jobname.sty} as of \UseDateOf{\jobname.sty}.}}
+% \listfiles
+{ \RequirePackage{makedoc}
+ \ProcessLineMessage{}
+ %% three section levels 2012/08/07:
+ \renewcommand\mdSectionLevelOne {\string\subsection}
+ \renewcommand\mdSectionLevelTwo {\string\subsubsection}
+ \renewcommand\mdSectionLevelThree{\string\paragraph}
+ \MainDocParser{\SectionLevelThreeParseInput}
+ \HeaderLines{16} %% 2012/10/03
+ \MakeSingleDoc{blog.sty}
+ \HeaderLines{18} %% 2012/11/28
+ \MakeSingleDoc{blogligs.sty}
+ \HeaderLines{18} %% 2012/11/28
+ \MakeSingleDoc{markblog.sty}
+ \HeaderLines{18} %% 2012/10/05
+ \MakeSingleDoc{lnavicol.sty}
+ \HeaderLines{17} %% 2012/10/05
+ \MakeSingleDoc{blogdot.sty}
+\documentclass[fleqn]{article}%% TODO paper dimensions!?
+\sfcode`-=1001 %% 2011/10/15
+\input{makedoc.cfg} %% shared formatting settings
+\usepackage{filesdo} \MDfinaldatechecks %% 2012/12/20
+ %% \tagcode seems to be a quite recent pdfTeX primitive,
+ %% cf. microtype.pdf ... %% 2010/11/06
+\newcommand*{\HTML}{\acro{HTML}} %% 2011/09/08
+\newcommand*{\CSS}{\acro{CSS}} %% 2011/11/09
+\newcommand*{\secref}[1]{Sec.~\ref{sec:#1}} %% 2011/11/23
+\providecommand*{\LuaTeX}{Lua\TeX} %% 2012/12/20
+'blog.sty' provides \TeX\ macros for generating web pages,
+based on processing text files using the 'fifinddo' package.
+Some \LaTeX\
+commands %%% command names
+are redefined to access their \HTML\
+equivalents, other new macro names ``quote" the names of \HTML\ elements.
+The package has evolved in several little steps
+each aiming at getting pretty-looking ``hypertext" \textbf{notes}
+with little effort,
+where ``little effort" also has meant avoiding studying
+documentation of similar packages already existing.
+[\textcolor{blue}{TODO:} list them!]
+% Version v0.3 is the remainder of v0.2 after moving some stuff
+% to 'fifinddo.sty' (especially `\CopyFile');
+% moreover, the new `\BlogCopyFile' replaces empty source lines
+% by \HTML's \xmltagcode{p} (starting a new paragraph).---Real
+% \emph{typesetting} from the same `.tex' source
+% (pretty printable output) has not been tried yet.
+%% <- 2011/01/24 ->
+The package %%% rather
+\emph{``misuses"} \TeX's macro language
+for generating \HTML\ code and entirely \emph{ignores}
+\TeX's typesetting capabilities.%%%---What about
+% such a ``small" \TeX\ with macros only and
+% \emph{no} typesetting capabilities ...!?
+---'lnavicol.sty' adds a more \strong{professional} look
+(towards CMS?), and 'blogdot.sty' uses 'blog.sty'
+for \HTML\ \strong{beamer} presentations.
+\section{Installing and Usage}
+The file 'blog.sty' is provided ready,
+\strong{installation} only requires
+putting it somewhere where \TeX\ finds it
+(which may need updating the filename data
+ base).\urlfoot{ukfaqref}{inst-wlcf}
+\strong{User commands} are described near their implementation below.
+However, we must present an \strong{outline} of the procedure
+for generating \HTML\ files:
+At least one \strong{driver} file and one \strong{source} file are
+The \strong{driver} file's name is stored in `\jobname'.
+It loads 'blog.sty' by
+ \RequirePackage{blog}
+and uses file handling commands from 'blog.sty' and
+(cf. `mdoccheat.pdf' from the \ctanpkgref{nicetext} bundle).\urlfoot{CtanPkgRef}{nicetext}
+%% <- \urlfoot 2012/11/30
+It chooses \strong{source} files and the name(s) for the resulting
+\HTML\ file(s). It may also need to load local settings, such as
+%% 2012/11/29:
+`\uselangcode' with the \ctanpkgdref{langcode} package %% dref 2012/11/30
+and settings for converting the editor's text encoding
+into the encoding that the head of the resulting \HTML\ file
+advertises---or into \HTML\ named entities
+(for me, `atari_ht.fdf' has done this).
+The driver file could be run a terminal dialogue in order to choose source
+and target files and settings. So far, I rather have programmed a
+dialogue just for converting UTF-8 into an encoding that my
+Atari editor \textsc{xEDIT} can deal with.
+I do not present this now because it was conceptually mistaken,
+I must set up this conversion from scratch some time.
+% [TODO: present in 'nicetext']. %% 2011/01/24
+The \strong{source} file(s) should contain user commands defined below
+to generate the necessary \xmltagcode{head} section and the
+\xmltagcode{body} tags.
+\subsection{Hello World!}
+This is the \strong{source} code for a ``Hello World" example,
+in `hellowor.tex':
+The \HTML\ file `hellowor.htm' is generated from `hellowor.tex'
+by the following \strong{driver} file `mkhellow.tex':
+ \iffalse %% 2012/11/29
+\subsection{A Very Plain Style}
+My ``\TeX-generated
+ uwe\string_lueck/texmap.htm}}
+use a \strong{driver} file `makehtml.tex'.
+To choose a page to generate, I ``uncomment"ed just one
+of several lines that set the ``current conversion job"
+from a list (for some time).
+I choose the example of a simple ``site map:"
+`texmap.htm' is generated from \strong{source} file
+`texmap.tex'.---More recently however, I have started to
+read the job name and perhaps extra settings from a file
+`jobname.tex' that is created by a Bash script.
+In order to make it easier for the reader to see what is essential,
+I~have moved many `.cfg'-like extra definitions into a file
+`texblog.fdf'. Some of these definitions may later move into
+`blog.sty'. You should find `makehtml.tex', `texmap.tex', and
+`texblog.fdf' in a directory `demo/texblog'
+(or `texblog.fdf' may be together with the `.sty' files),
+perhaps you can use them as templates.
+ \MakeOther\|
+% \MakeOther\`\MakeOther\' %% disables \tt! 2011/09/08
+ \MakeOther\<
+ \MakeActive\ \def{\"o} %% 2011/10/10
+ \MakeActive\ \def{\"u}
+ \hfuzz=\textwidth \advance \hfuzz by 28pt
+\subsubsection{Driver File `makehtml.tex'}
+ %% <- TODO \file needs protection for PDF 2011/09/08
+ \enlargethispage{1\baselineskip}
+ \listinginput[5]{1}{CTAN/morehype/demo/texblog/makehtml.tex}
+\subsubsection{Source File \texttt{texmap.tex}}
+ \listinginput[5]{1}{CTAN/morehype/demo/texblog/texmap.tex}
+ \fi
+\subsection{A Style with a Navigation Column}
+A style of web pages looking more professional
+% than %% rm. 2012/11/29
+% `texmap.htm' %% was `texhax.hmt' 2011/09/02
+(while perhaps becoming outdated) has a small navigation column
+on the left, side by side with a column for the main content.
+Both columns are spanned by a header section above and a footer
+section below. The package 'lnavicol.sty' provides commands
+(and some more) for structuring the source so that the code
+following `\PAGEHEAD' generates the header, the code following
+`\PAGENAVI' forms the content of the navigation column, etc.
+Its code is presented in Sec.~\ref{sec:lnavicol}.
+For real professionality, somebody must add some fine \acro{CSS},
+and the macros mentioned may need to be redefined to use the `@class'
+attribute. Also, I am not sure about the table macros in 'blog.sty',
+so much may change later.
+With things like these, can 'blog.sty' become a part of a
+``\Wikienref{content management system}" for \TeX\ addicts?
+This idea rather is based on the
+\wikideref{Content Management System}{\meta{German}}
+Wikipedia article.
+As an example, I present parts of the source for my
+``home page"{\foothttpurlref{
+ uwe\string_lueck/schreibt.html}}.
+As the footer is the same on all pages of this style,
+it is added in the driver file `makehtml.tex'.
+`schreibt.tex' is the source file for generating `schreibt.html'.
+You should find \emph{this} `makehtml.tex', a cut down version of
+`schreibt.tex', and `writings.fdf' with my extra macros for these pages
+in a directory
+`blogdemo/writings', %% blog 2012/11/30
+hopefully useful as templates.
+ \MakeActive\ \def{\"a} %% 2011/10/05
+ \MakeActive\ \def{\"u}
+ \hfuzz=\textwidth \advance \hfuzz by 10pt
+ %% 2012/11/29 CTAN/morehype/demo -> blogdemo:
+\subsubsection{Driver File `makehtml.tex'}
+ \listinginput[5]{1}{blogdemo/writings/makehtml.tex}
+\subsubsection{Source File `schreibt.tex'}
+ \listinginput[5]{1}{blogdemo/writings/schreibt.tex}
+\pagebreak %% 2013/01/04
+\section{The File \file{blog.sty}} %% 2011/11/09
+% \section{The File \texttt{blog.sty}}
+% \section{The File {\tt blog.sty}}
+%% <- strange 2011/11/08 ->
+% \section{The File `blog.sty'} %% 2011/10/04 allow other files
+\subsection{Preliminaries} %% 2012/10/03
+\subsubsection{Package File Header (Legalese)} %% ize -> ese, subsub 2012/10/03
+\section{``Pervasive Ligatures" with 'blogligs.sty'} %% 2012/11/29
+% \AddQuotes
+This is the code and documentation of the package mentioned in
+Sec.~\ref{sec:ligs}, loadable by option |[ligs]|.
+See below for what is offered.
+% \DontAddQuotes
+\section{Wiki Markup by 'markblog.sty'} %% 2012/11/29
+\subsection{Introduction} %% 2012/12/20
+This is the code and documentation of the package mentioned in
+Sec.~\ref{sec:ligs}, loadable by option |[mark]|.
+See below for what is offered. You should also find a file
+`markblog.htm' that sketches it. Moreover, `texlinks.pdf'
+describes in detail to what extent Wikipedia's
+``\wikiref{Help:Links#Piped_links}{piped links}"
+with `[[<wikipedia-link>]]' is supported. %% <...> 2012/12/20
+\subsection{Similar Packages} %% 2012/12/20
+'wiki.sty' from the \ctanpkgdref{nicetext} bundle has offered
+some Wikipedia-like markup as a front-end for ordinary
+typesetting with \LaTeX\ (for \acro{DVI}/\acro{PDF}),
+implemented in a way very different from what is going on here,
+rather converting markup sequences \emph{during} typesetting.
+More similar to the present approach is the way how
+Wikipedia section titles in package documentation
+is implemented by 'makedoc' from the 'nicetext' bundle,
+based on \strong{preprocessing} by 'fifinddo'.
+In general, John MacFarlane's
+(cf.~\wikideref{pandoc}{German Wikipedia})
+converts between wiki-like (simplified) markup and
+\LaTeX\ markup. (It deals with rather fixed
+markup rules, while we here process markup sequences
+independently of an entire markup \emph{language}.)
+Another straightforward and well-documented way to
+\emph{preprocess} source files for converting simplified
+markup into \TeX\ markup is \ctanpkgauref{isambert}{Paul Isambert}'s
+\ctanpkgref{interpreter}. It relies on \wikiref{LuaTeX}{\LuaTeX}
+where Lua does the preprocessing.
+\subsection{Package File Header} %% 2012/12/20
+%% rm. \pagebreak 2013/01/04
+\section{Real Web Pages with 'lnavicol.sty'}
+This is the code and documentation of the package mentioned in
+\section{Beamer Presentations with 'blogdot.sty'}
+'blogdot.sty' extends 'blog.sty' in order to construct ``\HTML\
+slides." One ``slide" is a 3$\times$3 table such that
+ \item it \strong{fills} the computer \strong{screen},
+ \item the center cell is the \strong{``type area,"}
+ \item the ``margin cell" below the center cell
+ is a \strong{link} to the \strong{next} ``slide,"
+ \item the lower right-hand cell is a \strong{``restart"} link.
+Six \strong{size parameters} listed in Sec.~\ref{sec:dot-size}
+must be adjusted to the screen in `blogdot.cfg'
+(or in a file with project-specific definitions).
+We deliver a file |blogdot.css| containing \strong{\acro{CSS}} font size
+declarations that have been used so far; you may find better ones
+or ones that work better with your screen size, or you may need to add
+style declarations for additional \HTML\ elements.
+Another parameter that the user may want to modify is the
+\strong{``restart" anchor name} |\BlogDotRestart|
+(see Sec.~\ref{sec:dot-fin}).
+Its default value is |START| for the ``slide" opened by the command
+|\titlescreenpage| that is defined in Sec.~\ref{sec:dot-start}.
+That slide is meant to be the ``\strong{title} slide"
+of the presentation. In order to \strong{display} it,
+I recommend to make and use a \strong{link} to |START| somewhere
+(such as with 'blog.sty''s `\ancref' command).
+The \emph{content} of the title slide is \emph{centered} horizontically,
+so certain commands mentioned \emph{below}
+(centering on other slides) may be useful.
+\emph{After} `\titlescreenpage', the next main \strong{user commands}
+ \cmdboxitem|\nextnormalscreenpage{<anchor-name>}| \
+ starts a slide whose content is aligned flush left,
+ \cmdboxitem|\nextcenterscreenpage{<anchor-name>}| \
+ starts a slide whose content is centered horizontally.
+---cf.~Sec.~\ref{sec:dot-next}. Right after these commands,
+as well as right after `\title'\-`screen`\-'page', code is used to
+generate the content of the \strong{type area} of the corresponding
+slide. Another `\next...' command closes that content and opens
+another slide. The presentation (the content of the very last slide)
+may be finished using |\screenbottom{<final>}| where <final> may be
+arbitrary, or `START' may be a fine choice for <final>.
+Finally, there are user commands for \strong{centering} slide content
+horizontically (cf.~Sec.~\ref{sec:dot-type}):
+ \cmdboxitem|\cheading{<digit>}{<title>}| \
+ ``printing" a heading centered horizontically---even on slides
+ whose remaining content is aligned \emph{flush left}
+ (I have only used <digit>=2 so far),
+ \cmdboxitem|\begin{textblock}{<width>}| \ %% not metavar 2012/07/19
+ ``printing" the content of a `{textblock}' environment with
+ maximum line width <width> flush left,
+ while that ``block" as a whole may be centered
+ horizontically on the slide due to choosing
+ `\nextcenterscreenpage'---especially for \strong{list}
+ environments with entry lines that are shorter than the
+ type area width and thus would not look centered
+ (below a centered heading from `\cheading').
+The so far single \strong{example} of a presentation prepared using 'blogdot'
+is \ctanfileref{info/fifinddo-info}{dantev45.htm}
+%% <- 2011/10/21 ->
+(\ctanpkgref{fifinddo-info} bundle),
+a sketch of applying 'fifinddo' to package
+documentation and \HTML\ generation. A ``driver" file is needed
+for generating the \HTML\ code for the presentation from a `.tex'
+source by analogy to generating any \HTML\ file using 'blog.sty'.
+For the latter purpose, I have named my driver files `makehtml.tex'.
+For `dantev45.htm', I have called that file |makedot.tex|,
+the main difference to `makehtml.tex' is loading `blogdot.sty'
+in place of `blog.sty'.
+This example also uses a file `dantev45.fdf' that defines some
+commands that may be more appropriate as user-level commands
+than the ones presented here (which may appear to be still too
+ \cmdboxitem|\teilpage{<number>}{<title>}|
+ making a ``cover slide" for announcing a new ``part"
+ of the presentation in German,
+ \cmdboxitem|\labelsection{<label>}{<title>}|
+ starting a slide with heading <title>
+ and with anchor <label>
+ (that is displayed on clicking a \emph{link} to
+ <label>)---using
+ \[`\nextnormalscreenpage{<label>}'\mbox{ and }
+ `\cheading2{<title>}',\]
+ \cmdboxitem|\labelcentersection{<label>}{<title>}|
+ like the previous command except that the slide content will be
+ \emph{centered} horizontally, using
+ \[`\nextcenterscreenpage{<title>}'.\]
+%% 2011/10/10:
+\strong{Reasons} to make \HTML\ presentations may be:\ \
+(i)~As opposed to office software, this is a transparent light-weight
+approach.\ \
+Considering \emph{typesetting} slides with \TeX,\ \
+(ii)~\TeX's advanced typesetting abilities such as automatical
+page breaking are not very relevant for slides;\ \
+(iii)~a typesetting run needs a second or a few seconds,
+while generating \HTML\ with 'blog.sty' needs a fraction of a second;\ \
+(iv)~adjusting formatting parameters such as sizes and colours
+needed for slides is somewhat more straightforward with \HTML\
+than with \TeX.
+%% 2011/10/11, 2011/10/15:
+\strong{Limitations:} \
+First I was happy about how it worked on my netbook,
+but then I realized how difficult it is to present the ``slides" ``online."
+Screen sizes (centering) are one problem.
+(Without the ``restart" idea, this might be much easier.)
+Another problem is that the ``hidden links" don't work with
+\Wikienref{Internet Explorer} as they work with
+\Wikienref{Firefox}, \Wikienref{Google Chrome}, and
+\Wikiendisambref{Opera}{web browser}.
+% I am now working at an easy choice of ``recompiling options."
+And finally, in internet shops some
+\HTML\ entities/symbols were not supported.
+In any case I (again) became aware of the fact
+that \HTML\ is not as \strong{``portable"} as \acro{PDF}.
+Some \strong{workarounds} are described in Sec.~\ref{sec:cfgs}.
+|\FillBlogDotTypeArea| has two effects: \ (i)~providing an additional
+link to the \emph{next} slide for MSIE, \ (ii)~\emph{widening}
+and centering the \emph{type area} on larger screens
+than the one which the presentation originally was made for. \
+An optional argument of |\TryBlogDotCFG| is offered for a `.cfg' file
+overriding the original settings for the presentation.
+Using it, I learnt that for ``portability," some manual line breaks
+(`\\', \xmltagcode{br}) should be replaced by ``ties" between the
+words \emph{after} the intended line break
+(when the line break is too ugly in a wider type area).
+For keeping the original type area width on wider screens
+(for certain ``slides", perhaps when line breaks really are wanted
+ to be preserved), the |{textblock}| environment may be used.
+Better \HTML\ and \acro{CSS} expertise may eventually
+lead to better solutions.
+The \strong{name} \qtd{blogdot} is a ``pun" on the name of the
+\ctanpkgref{powerdot} package (which in turn refers to
+\subsection{File Header}
+2010/11/05 for v0.2
+2010/11/11 for v0.3
+2011/01/23 using readprov and color
+2011/01/27 using \urlfoot
+2011/09/01 using new makedoc.cfg incl. \acro and \foothttp...;
+ extension for twocolpg.sty
+with morehype RELEASE r0.4
+2011/09/02 twocolpg.sty renamed into lnavicol.sty, typo fixes
+2011/09/08 \HTML
+2011/09/23 TODO in abstract blue again
+2011/10/05 umlaut-a in schreibt.tex
+2011/10/07f. blogdot
+2011/10/09 lnavicol
+2011/10/10 tuning; reasons for blogdot
+2011/10/11 limitations of blogdot, corrected makedoc code
+2011/10/15 more on limitations of blogdot;
+ abstract on lnavicol and blogdot
+2011/10/21 links to fifinddo-info/dantev45.htm
+2011/11/05 using \MakeSingleDoc from makedoc.sty v0.42
+2011/11/08 playing with alternatives to defective `blog.sty'
+ in page head
+2011/11/09 so use \file with new makedoc.cfg for hyperref; \CSS
+2011/11/23 \secref
+2012/07/19 `textblock' not metavar
+2012/08/07 three section levels
+2012/10/03 ize -> ese, some restructuring, corr. \HeaderLines
+2012/10/05 adjusted \HeaderLines (differ!)
+2012/11/29 adding `blogligs' and `markblog'
+2012/11/30 hello world, texblog sample removed, url foots
+2012/12/20 filedate checks, doc. more about `markblog'
+2013/01/04 \pagebreak +/-
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/blogexec.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/blogexec.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..791cfdafde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/blogexec.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+\ProvidesFile{blogexec.tex}[2012/12/20 documenting blogexec.sty]
+ \pkg{blog.sty}'s Pure Expansion\thanks{This
+ document describes version
+ \textcolor{blue}{\UseVersionOf{\jobname.sty}}
+ of \textsf{\jobname.sty} as of \UseDateOf{\jobname.sty}.}}
+% \listfiles
+{ \RequirePackage{makedoc}
+ \ProcessLineMessage{} %%% {\message{.}}
+ \MakeJobDoc{17}
+ {\SectionLevelThreeParseInput} }
+\documentclass[fleqn]{article}%% TODO paper dimensions!?
+\input{makedoc.cfg} %% shared formatting settings
+\usepackage{filesdo} \MDfinaldatechecks %% 2012/12/20
+'blog.sty' before v0.7 generated \HTML\ by pure macro expansion
+and could use \LaTeX\ macros (redefined) only to a very limited
+extent. On adding 'blogexec.sty', some macros (configurable) are
+``intercepted" before expansion in a 'blog' run for
+``running" some code, basically `\begin', `\end',
+and a new general `\EXECUTE'.
+A table environment with active characters inside only is
+provided---perhaps ``nicer than \LaTeX."
+% \newpage
+\section{Features and Usage}
+% \subsection{Installing and Calling}
+The file 'blogexec.sty' is provided ready, installation only requires
+putting it somewhere where \TeX\ finds it
+(which may need updating the filename data
+ base).\urlfoot{ukfaqref}{inst-wlcf} %% corr. 2011/02/08
+'blogexec.sty' may be loaded by
+ \RequirePackage{blogexec}
+in a driver file for 'blog.sty'. \strong{Alternatively},
+the following commands in a 'blog' driver file
+(in a certain way even in a \emph{source} file)
+load 'blogexec.sty' and then are carried out according to their
+definitions in 'blogexec':
+ \cmdboxitem|\BlogInterceptExecute| \ intercepts |\EXECUTE| only.
+ \cmdboxitem|\BlogInterceptEnvironments| \ intercepts |\EXECUTE|,
+ |\begin|, and |\end| only; the latter two then work much
+ as with \LaTeX. They expand to \HTML\ code as with 'blog';
+ `\begin{<env>}' additionally executes commands according
+ to an (optional)
+ \[|\MakeBlogBeginRun{<env>}<arguments>{<begin-code>}|.\]
+ \cmdboxitem|\BlogInterceptExtra| \ intercepts all the commands
+ in certain lists (using the \ctanpkgref{dowith} package),
+ including `\EXECUTE', `\begin', `\end'. E.g.,
+ \[|\MakeBlogOneArgInterception{<cmd>}{<run>}{<write>}|\]
+ adds <cmd> to such a list and tells that <run> should be
+ carried out and that <cmd><one-argument> should be replaced
+ by <write> in a line containing <cmd>
+ (not hidden in braces, and there better should not be much more
+ in the line).
+ \cmdboxitem|\BlogInterceptHash| \ does \emph{not} choose an
+ \strong{``interception level"} as the previous commands do,
+ but may be necessary for allowing parameters in macro
+ definitions to be run in the course of an interception.
+ It is automatically (``implicitly") envoked by the star forms
+ of the above commands, i.e., by either of
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item |\BlogInterceptExecute*|
+ \item |\BlogInterceptEnvironments*|
+ \item |\BlogInterceptExtra*|
+ \end{itemize}
+The reader may find additional details in the following sections
+near the code implementing the commands.
+'blogexec.sty' also modifies 'blog.sty''s (v0.7)
+|{stdallrulestable}| environment as follows:
+ \item[\InlineCmdBox{\texttt{&|}}]
+ The vertical stroke becomes an active character
+ that closes a table cell and opens another one
+ (being an alias for 'blog.sty''s v0.7 `\endcell')---just
+ as |&| does it with \TeX/\LaTeX.
+ \cmdboxitem|&| The ampersand becomes an active character
+ that---\strong{differently to \TeX\slash\LaTeX}---as an alias for
+ 'blog.sty''s |\figurespace| produces the Unicode figure space
+ for alignment of figures.
+\emph{Outside} the `{stdallrules}' environment, both characters
+have their ``usual" meaning, i.e., |&| may be used for accessing
+\HTML\ entities (as 'blog.sty' allows it). |\cr| (and |\endline|,
+provided by 'blog.sty' v0.7) ends a table row and starts a new one.
+|\\| is not touched---a \strong{difference to \LaTeX} and may still be
+used for breaking a line within a table cell.
+% \section{Example}
+% \pagebreak
+% \section{Implementation}
+\section{Package File Header (Legalize)}
+2011/11/04 for v0.1 very first
+2011/11/09f. something more
+2011/11/20 star forms
+2012/12/20 for v0.21 date checks
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/fdatechk.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/fdatechk.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b45acd55e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/fdatechk.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+\ProvidesFile{fdatechk.tex}[2012/12/20 morehype filedate checks]
+%% load earlier:
+\FileDateAutoChecks %% 2012/12/20
+ blog,blogexec,hypertoc,markblog,texlinks}{sty,tex}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/hypertoc.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/hypertoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd5091f3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/hypertoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+\ProvidesFile{hypertoc.tex}[2011/01/27 documenting hypertoc.sty]
+\title{\textsf{hypertoc.sty}\\---\\Decent Links
+ in Tables of Contents\thanks{This
+ document describes version
+ \textcolor{blue}{\UseVersionOf{\jobname.sty}}
+ of \textsf{\jobname.sty} as of \UseDateOf{\jobname.sty}.}}
+% \listfiles
+{ \RequirePackage{makedoc} \ProcessLineMessage{}
+ \MakeJobDoc{18}% %% 2011/01/23
+ {\SectionLevelOneParseInput} }
+\documentclass{article}%% TODO paper dimensions!?
+\input{makedoc.cfg} %% shared formatting settings
+\usepackage{color} %% readprov in makedoc.cfg 2011/01/23
+'hypertoc.sty' changes macros for the table of contents
+so that colored frames to indicate links look acceptable.
+In the present version, this is achieved by inserting struts
+and only addresses \LaTeX's standard 'article.cls'.
+By default, the 'hyperref' package highlights sectioning titles
+as printed in the table of contents (TOC) by red-framed boxes.
+It looks horrible, because of
+(\textit{i})~the aggressive color and
+(\textit{ii})~the irregular, ``random" shapes of the boxes.
+To avoid this, it seems to be standard to use 'hyperref''s
+package option `[colorlinks]'. I don't like this either.
+It is confusing as to how the printed output will look like,
+the chosen color doesn't create a much more pleasant look;
+indeed, the publisher's graphical designer may have chosen
+colors for printing the table of contents---this design
+then is spoiled.
+Therefore I prefer (\textit{a})~choosing a more decent color
+and (\textit{b})~using struts so that the boxes have a more
+regular shape.
+In a publisher's package I even have found the idea
+to make a box for the entire TOC entry, including the page number.
+Then the frames look regular indeed, and you need less precision
+in moving the mouse for clicking at an entry.
+It would be nice if this could be integrated here later.
+The file 'hypertoc.sty' is provided ready, installation only requires
+putting it somewhere where \TeX\ finds it
+(which may need updating the filename data
+ base).\urlfoot{ukfaqref}{inst-wlcf} %% 2011/01/27
+Below the `\documentclass' line(s) and above `\begin{document}',
+you load 'hypertoc.sty' (as usually) by
+ \usepackage{hypertoc}
+This controls the \emph{shapes} of the frames.
+The \emph{color} must be chosen by the 'hyperref' package option
+`[linkbordercolor]', I have used
+\[`linkbordercolor={1 .9 .7},'\]
+\section{The Package File}
+The package essentially has just \emph{six} code lines at present.
+2011/01/23 for v0.1, very first
+2011/01/24 \ProvidesFile date corrected
+2011/01/27 uses \urlfoot
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/markblog.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/markblog.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..581ac15de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/markblog.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+\ProvidesFile{markblog.tex}[2012/11/29 extended blog markup]
+ \def\mystrong{\textcolor{\#aa0000}}
+ \def\myalert{\textcolor{red}}}
+\head %%% \texmetadata 2012/09/23
+ \metanamecontent{author}{Uwe L\"uck}
+ \metanamecontent{date}{\isotoday}
+ \robots{index,follow,noarchive}
+\title{blog.sty \& wikis} %%% CMS}
+\heading2{\CtanPkgRef{morehype}{markblog.sty} %%%{{blog[exec].sty}}
+ \&
+ [[Wiki]]s} %%% \wikiref{content management system}{\abbr{CMS}}}
+ \EXECUTE{\let\blogcode\code \def\code#1{\textcolor{\#003300}{\blogcode{#1}}}} %% vs. CSS
+ %% ^^ war 66 2012/09/23
+ \pkg{blog.sty} Syntax | Output | cf. \HTML | cf. \TeX | cf. ... \cr
+ \code{''italics''} | ''italics'' | \xmleltcode{i}{italics}
+ | \code{\{\cs{it} italics\}} | Wikipedia \cr
+ \code{'''boldface'''} | '''boldface''' | \xmleltcode{b}{boldface}
+ | \code{\{\cs{bf} boldface\}} | Wikipedia \cr
+ \code{[[Wikipedia]]} | [[Wikipedia]] | \xmleltattrcode{a}{href=...}{Wikipedia}}
+ | \code{\cs{href}\{...\}\{Wikipedia\}}
+ | Wikipedia \cr
+ \code{**mystrong**} | **mystrong** | \xmleltattrcode{span}{style=...}{mystrong}}
+ | \code{\cs{textcolor}\{...\}\{mystrong\}}
+ | [[Markdown]] \cr
+ \code{***myalert***} | ***myalert*** | \xmleltattrcode{span}{style=...}{myalert}
+ | \code{\cs{textcolor}{red}{myalert}}
+ | [[Markdown]] \cr
+ \code{...} | ... | \code{\&hellip;} | \cs{dots} | \cr
+ \code{--}, \code{---} | --, --- | \code{\&ndash;}, \code{\&mdash;}
+ | \code{--}, \code{---} -- "ligs" | \cr
+ \code{->}, \code{<-} | ->, <- | \code{\&rarr;}, \code{\&larr;}
+ | \cs{to}, \cs{gets} |
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/srcfiles.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/srcfiles.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..186eeda3c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/srcfiles.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+\ProvidesFile{srcfiles.tex}[2012/12/20 file infos -> SrcFILEs.txt]
+%\EmptyFileList[nicefilelist.sty] %%% [readprov.sty,myfilist.sty]
+\MaxBaseEmptyList* %% 2012/11/29
+\FileListRemark[ ----]{-RELEASE.---}
+\FileListRemark[ ----]{-----USE.---}
+ lnavicol,markblog,texlinks}
+%% examples:
+%% documentation main sources:
+\FileListRemark[ ----]{-----DOC.SRC}
+ hellowor,hypertoc,markblog,texlinks,wiki_mwe}
+%% documentation settings and auxiliaries:
+\FileListRemark[ ----]{-----DOC.FMT}
+\ReadFileInfos{fdatechk,mkhellow,srcfiles} %% fdatechk 2012/12/20
+\FileListRemark[ ----]{NICETEXT.---}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/texlinks.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/texlinks.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c81991f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/morehype/docsrc/texlinks.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+\ProvidesFile{texlinks.tex}[2015/05/24 documenting texlinks.sty]
+\title{{\Huge\textsf{texlinks.sty}}\\---\\\TeX-Related Links
+ for \textsf{hyperref}, \textsf{blog.sty}\\
+ (and maybe more)\thanks{This
+ document describes version
+ \textcolor{blue}{\UseVersionOf{\jobname.sty}}
+ of \textsf{\jobname.sty} as of \UseDateOf{\jobname.sty}.}}
+% \listfiles
+{ \RequirePackage{makedoc} \ProcessLineMessage{}
+% %% 2011/01/24:
+ \MakeJobDoc{17}% %% 2011/01/24
+ {\SectionLevelThreeParseInput}
+% \renewcommand*{\mdSectionLevelOne}{\string\subsection}
+% \renewcommand*{\mdSectionLevelTwo}{\string\subsubsection}
+% % \renewcommand*{\mdSectionLevelThree}{\string\paragraph}
+% \HeaderLines{2}
+% \MakeSingleDoc{wikimed.sty}
+\documentclass[fleqn]{article} %% TODO paper dimensions!?
+\input{makedoc.cfg} %% shared formatting settings
+\providecommand*{\URL} {\acro{URL}}
+\providecommand*{\TUG} {\acro{TUG}}
+ \ctanpkgref{#1}\,\urlfoot{CtanPkgRef}{#1}}
+\providecommand*{\secref}[1]{Section~\ref{sec:#1}} %% 2012/12/15
+\providecommand*{\codedots}{\code{...}} %% 2012/12/18
+%% TODO following to new `makedox.sty' 2012/12/30
+%% {example} 2012/12/19, more 2013/01/20:
+ {\trivlist \item[\skiplabelsep\bf #1]}
+ {\endtrivlist}
+ {\example\simplecodefbox{#1}\skiplabelsep
+ for\skiplabelsep \simplecodeoutfbox{#1}%
+ \endexample}}
+\newcommand*{\simplecodefbox}[1]{% %% 2012/12/30
+ \fbox{\def~{\string~}%% TODO etc.
+ \strut\CmdSyntaxVerb#1}}
+ \fbox{\MakeActiveLetHere\&\empty \strut %% 2015/05/21:
+% \pdfstringdefDisableCommands{\MakeActiveLetHere\&\PDFempty}%
+ \let\nvCSV\empty
+ #1}}
+% \newcommand*{\PDFempty}{\134}
+ \fboxrule=0pt
+ \let\simpleexample\innersimpleexample %% 2015/05/21
+ %% <- TODO by Plain TeX ->
+ \center\strong{Examples}\\[\topsep]%
+ \def\arraystretch{1.5}
+ \tabular{|l|l|}%
+ \hline
+% \exampletitlefbox{\strong{Code}}\endcell
+% \exampletitlefbox{\strong {Outcome}}\cr\hline\hline}{%
+%% 2015/05/21:
+ \exampletitlefbox{\strong{Code:}}\endcell
+ \exampletitlefbox{\strong{clickable:}}\cr\hline\hline}{%
+ \endtabular
+ \endcenter}
+ \fbox{\exampletablenarrow#1\exampletablenarrow}}
+\newcommand*{\exampletablenarrow}{\kern-.3333em} %% 2015/05/21
+% \hskip-\fboxsep %% ?? 2015/05/21
+ \exampletablenarrow
+ \simplecodefbox{#1}\exampletablenarrow\endcell
+ \exampletablenarrow
+ \simplecodeoutfbox{#1}\exampletablenarrow\cr
+ \hline}
+\newcommand*{\simpleyields}[1]{% %% 2012/12/30
+ \simplecodefbox{#1} yields \simplecodeoutfbox{#1}}
+\newcommand*{\longsimpleexample}[1]{% %% 2015/05/22f.
+ \example\leavevmode\[\simplecodefbox{#1}\]%
+ \makebox[\mathindent][l]{for}\simplecodeoutfbox{#1}%
+ \endexample}
+% %% 2015/05/23:
+% \newcommand*{\titlefootnote}[1]{%
+% \IfTypesetting{\footnote{#1}{}}}
+% \makeatletter
+\RequirePackage{filesdo} \MDfinaldatechecks %% 2012/12/20
+'texlinks.sty' provides a couple of shorthands for making hyperlinks
+with \ctanpkgref{hyperref}'s\urlpkgfoot{hyperref} `\href' command,
+linking to \URL s %% \ 2012/12/15
+that one often refers to in discussing \TeX-related material.
+\URL s for \TUG\ material %% Especially -> \URL s to 2012/12/16
+(including texhax postings and
+ \TUG boat articles) and %% \ 2012/12/15
+\CTAN\ pages (package descriptions, directories, Catalogue),
+% are supported, also %% rm. 2012/12/16
+the \acro{UK~FAQ}, %% \acro 2012/12/15
+the \LaTeX\
+and the \TeX\ %% 2012/12/16
+Wikibook, %% 2011/08/27
+and Wikipedia
+(where much \TeX-related software is described in a
+ visually appealing manner)
+are generated from minimal identifiers by pure expansion. %% 2012/12/16
+% However, up to now %% rm. 2012/12/16
+I have used them for documenting my packages %% 2012/12/16
+(\acro{PDF}) as well as for %% 2012/12/16
+\HTML\ overviews generated with 'blog.sty'. %% rm. \emph 2012/12/16
+They may furthermore %% was "as well" 2012/12/17
+be useful with better known (and better developed)
+\TeX\,$\to$\,\HTML\ software such as %% \HTML 2012/12/15
+\ctanpkgdref{tex4ht} or %% d 2012/12/16
+\,\urlpkgfoot{latex2html} %% \, 2012/12/16
+(I don't know, doubt latter). %% doubt 2012/12/16
+\MDaddtoabstract{Related packages} %% 2012/12/28
+\ctanpkgref{uri}, \ctanpkgref{url}
+\section{Related Packages} %% 2012/12/30
+ \item \ctanpkgauref{muench-hm}{Martin M\"unch}'s %% u after \" 2012/12/31
+ \ctanpkgref{uri} provides links for
+ scientific online publications. %% TODO landscape?
+ \item \ctanpkgauref{arseneau}{Donald Arseneau}'s
+ \ctanpkgref{url} is about \emph{typesetting} \URL s,
+ especially allowing linebreaks. It becomes relevant for
+ 'texlinks' in \secref{fonts}.
+The file 'texlinks.sty' is provided ready, installation only requires
+putting it somewhere where \TeX\ finds it
+(which may need updating the filename data
+ base).\urlfoot{ukfaqref}{inst-wlcf}
+ % \footnote{\url{}}
+Below the `\documentclass' line(s) and above `\begin{document}',
+you load 'texlinks.sty' (as usually) by
+ \usepackage{texlinks}
+Package options and user commands are described near their definitions
+below in the implementation section.
+%% <- 2013/01/21 for \newlet ->
+\subsection{Package File Header (Legalese)} %% ize -> ese 2012/11/09
+% \section{\file{wikimed.sty}}
+% \ResetCodeLineNumbers
+% \input{wikimed.doc}
+%% rm. 2012/12/30 for \MDfinaldatechecks:
+% \ModDates
+% \CheckDateOfPDFmod{texlinks.sty}
+% \CheckDateOfPDFmod{texlinks.tex}
+2011/01/24 for v0.1, very first
+2011/01/27 for v0.2, use \urlfoot{ukfaq}
+2011/07/23 using \acro
+2011/08/27 mentioning LaTeX Wikibook in abstract
+2011/09/03 \Huge first line
+2011/10/10 [fleqn]
+2011/10/20 \HTML, \URL
+2012/11/09 Legalize -> Legalese
+2012/11/28 \ctanpkgdref
+2012/12/01 date checks
+2012/12/15 \secref, more \acro and \HTML, \TUG
+2012/12/16 mod. abstract
+2012/12/17 color.sty obsolete, \pdfstringDisable..., mod. abstract
+2012/12/18 \secref \provide'd only, \codedots, rm. \pdfstring...
+2012/12/19 {example} etc.
+2012/12/20 filedate checks again
+2012/12/28 folding example defs, {MDabstract}
+2012/12/29 {simpleexamples}
+2012/12/30 \simplecodefbox etc., \simpleyields
+2012/12/31 corr. M\"unch; see sec:fonts
+2013/01/20 {singthm}
+2013/01/21 \section{Preliminaries}
+2015/03/28 wikimed.sty
+2015/05/21 \awfulsimpleexample -- replaced by \nvCSV,
+ \longsimpleexample, \exampletablenarrow
+2015/05/22 \longcodesimpleexample corrected
+2015/05/23 -> longsimpleexample