path: root/macros/latex/contrib/mhequ
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/mhequ
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/mhequ')
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/mhequ/example.pdfbin0 -> 98452 bytes
4 files changed, 443 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/mhequ/README b/macros/latex/contrib/mhequ/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66890d3eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/mhequ/README
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+mhequ package by Martin Hairer
+Version 1.7 dated 25/08/2015
+This package provides an easy way to typeset multilign / multicolumn
+equations and to add subequation numbering. See the example and the
+comments at the beginning of mhequ.sty for usage instructions.
+Files included in the package:
+====== Documentation ======
+===== Files for LaTeX =====
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/mhequ/example.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/mhequ/example.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6813c2b83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/mhequ/example.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/mhequ/example.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/mhequ/example.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0eca63f65
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/mhequ/example.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+\textwidth 13cm
+\textheight 22cm
+\oddsidemargin 0.2cm
+\topmargin 0.3cm
+\title{Using the mhequ package}
+\author{Martin Hairer}
+\date{Version 1.7, \today}
+Here is a simple labelled equation:
+ \sum_{i=1}^5 X_i^j X^j_i = y^j \;.
+Removing or adding the label does not require a change of environment:
+ \sum_{i=1}^5 X_i^j X^j_i = y^j \;.
+However, if the option \texttt{numberall} is set, then every single
+equation is numbered.
+A simple list of equations can be displayed either with one number
+per equation
+ f(x) &= \sin(x) + 1\;, \label{e:equ1}\\
+ h(x) &= f(x) + g(x) -3\;, \label{e:equ3}
+or with one number for the whole list
+ f(x) &= \sin(x) + 1\;, \\
+ h(x) &= f(x) + g(x) -3\;,
+using only a very small modification in the syntax. Of course, it can also have no number at all:
+ f(x) &= \sin(x) + 1\;, \\
+ h(x) &= f(x) + g(x) -3\;.
+Let us make a first group:
+ f(x) &= \sin(x) + 1\;, \label{e:f}\\
+ g(x) &= \cos(x) - x^2 + 4\;,\label{e:g}\\[3mm]
+ h(x) &= f(x) + g(x) -3\;. \label{e:h}
+One can refer to the whole block \eref{otherlabel} or to one
+line, like \eref{e:f} for example.
+It is possible to use any tag one likes with the \texttt{\string\tag}
+ x = y\;. \tag{$\star$}
+Such an equation can be referred to as usual: \eref{mylabel}.
+Of course, \texttt{mhequ} can be used in conjunction with the usual \texttt{equation} environment,
+but \texttt{mhequ} is great, so why would you want to do this?
+ x=y+z
+Typesetting several columns of equations is quite easy and doesn't require 10 different environments
+with awkward names:
+ x&=y+z &\qquad a&= b+c &\qquad x&= v \label{laba}\\
+ x&=y+z &\qquad a&= b+c &\qquad x&= u+1\tag{\ref{laba}'}\label{labtag}\\
+ \multicol{4}{\text{(multicol)}} &\qquad x&=y \\
+ a&= b &\multicol{4}{\qquad\text{(multicol)}} \\
+ x&=y+z &\qquad a^2&= (b-c)^3 +y \\
+\intertext{and also (this is some \texttt{\string\intertext})}
+ x&=y+z &\qquad a&= (b+c)^2 - 5 &\qquad \ell&= m\label{labb}
+We can even extend the block \eref{otherlabel} much later like
+ x&=y+z &\quad x&=y+z &\quad f(x)&= b\label{e:x1}\\
+ x&=y+z & x&=y+z &\quad g(x)&= b\label{e:x2} \\
+ \multicol{6}{\sin^2 x + \cos^2 x = 1} \label{e:x3}
+It is possible to change the type of subnumbering and to use the
+\texttt{\string\text} command without having to load \texttt{amstext}, like so
+ I_1 &= \int_a^b g(x)\,dx\;,&\quad&\text{(First equation)} \label{e:1}\\
+ I_2 &= \int_a^b g(x^2-1)\,dx\;.&\quad&\text{(Second equation)} \label{e:2}
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/mhequ/mhequ.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/mhequ/mhequ.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1708e4bfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/mhequ/mhequ.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+% mhequ.sty v1.7, Copyright 2015 by Martin Hairer
+% This package is public domain. You are strongly encouraged to use
+% it and to distribute it further. If you have some contribution to
+% it, please let me know!
+% You may download the latest version of this package from
+% Notes:
+% mhequ supports the packages "showkeys" (thus the [draft] option is suppressed)
+% and "hyperref".
+% Options:
+% [lefttag] : Puts equation numbers to the left side of the page
+% [righttag]: Puts equation numbers to the right side of the page (default)
+% [numberall]: Numbers all equations
+% Syntax:
+% \begin{equ}[label]
+% label : if a label is given, the equation is numbered. (default : no label)
+% \begin{equs}[n][label]
+% Creates a multiline / multicolumn equation environment.
+% n : number of columns. (default : 5) You can also choose n=0.
+% label : if a label is given, the environment is numbered. (one tag for the whole block)
+% The order of [n] and [label] is irrelevant.
+% If no label is given, one can number each line of the block individually by
+% using the \label command.
+% In the equs environment, the number of '&' signs per line has to be equal to
+% 2*n-1 if n>0 and to 0 if n=0. If there are less '&' signs, they are automatically
+% appended at the end of the line.
+% Provided commands:
+% \tag{theTag} Replaces the number of the current equation by "theTag"
+% \notag Forces to have no tag (only useful if [numberall] is active)
+% \minilab{label} If "label" has already been used, switches to the minilab "label".
+% If not, creates a new minilab. Inside a minilab, equations are labelled
+% (1a), (1b),... instead of (1), (2), etc... You can refer to the number
+% of the minilab with \ref.
+% \setlabtype{style} Sets the style of the numbering of the minilab. Default is
+% \setlabtype{alph}.
+% \intertext{material} Inserts 'material' between two lines in normal text mode.
+% \multicol{n}{material} Spans n columns of the equation array with 'material'. It
+% has to be placed between two & signs, or at the end or the start
+% of the line.
+% \text{material} Creates a \hbox containing 'material'.
+% Warnings:
+% If you use the \tag command, a quite large number of runs may be needed in
+% order to get the desired output.
+ \catcode`\'=12\catcode`\*=12\catcode`\&=12}
+ \else\let\@MHput@lbl\@MHputright\fi
+%%%%% Computes the length of its argument
+\def\computelength#1{\@MHLength=0 \getlength#1\end}
+\def\getlength#1{\ifx#1\end \let\next=\relax \else \advance\@MHLength by1 \let\next=\getlength \fi \next}
+ \@ifundefined{c@lab@#1}{\newcounter{lab@#1}}{}\setcounter{lab@#1}{0}%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\@ifundefined{c@lab@#1}{\string\newcounter{lab@#1}}%
+ {}\string\setcounter{lab@#1}{0}}%
+ \global\expandafter\let\expandafter\c@MHCurrentCount\csname c@lab@#1\endcsname%
+ \global\@namedef{MHused@#1}{}%
+ \def\@currentlabel{\theequation}\MHsavelabel{#1}%
+ }
+ \global\expandafter\let\expandafter\c@MHCurrentCount\csname c@lab@#1\endcsname
+ }
+ {\global\def\@MHeqno{\theequation\sublabeltype{MHCurrentCount}}}%
+ {\global\def\@MHeqno{\ref{\@mylabel}\sublabeltype{MHCurrentCount}}}%
+ }
+\newskip\MHcenter \MHcenter=0pt plus 1000pt minus 1000pt
+\newskip\MHbig \MHbig=1000pt plus 0pt minus 1000pt
+ \advance\baselineskip\dimen@
+ \advance\lineskiplimit\dimen@}
+ \everycr{\noalign{\ifdt@p \global\dt@pfalse \ifdim\prevdepth>-1000\p@
+ \vskip-\lineskiplimit \vskip\normallineskiplimit \fi
+ \else \vskip\@MHlineskip\penalty\interdisplaylinepenalty \fi}}}
+\def\@lign{\tabskip\z@skip\everycr{}}%% restore inside \displ@y
+\def\displaylines#1{\displ@y \tabskip\z@skip
+ \halign{\hbox to\displaywidth{$\@lign\hfil\displaystyle##\hfil$}\crcr
+ #1\crcr}}
+ \if@MHleft\kern\displaywidth\kern0.2truecm\else\kern0.2cm\fi%
+ \MHsavelabel{\@MHcurrentlabel}%
+ \if@MHleft\kern-\displaywidth\kern-0.2truecm\else\kern-0.2cm\fi}
+ \else\refstepcounter{equation}\fi\fi}
+ \hbox{\rm(\@MHeqno)}%
+ \if@MHleft\else\@MHwritelabel\fi%
+ \fi\@MHresetlab}
+ \let\MHsavelabel=\label\let\label=\@MHlabel\let\@MHsavemult\multicol\let\@MHsavetag\notag\let\notag\@MHnotag%
+ \let\multicol\@MHspan\let\@MHsavetext\text\let\text\hbox\let\@MHsaveequation\theequation\let\theequation\@MHequation}
+ \let\multicol\@MHsavemult\let\notag\@MHsavetag\let\text\@MHsavetext\let\theequation\@MHsaveequation\global\def\@MHequation{\@MHsaveequation}}
+ \@MHUseLab{#1}\@ifundefined{MHused@#1}%
+ {\@makelabel{#1}}{\@uselabel{#1}}%
+ \let\label=\MHsavelabel\egroup\global\@ignoretrue}
+%% Preamble commands
+ \MHdecrt@t$\MH@lign\displaystyle{{}\MHsh@rp}$}
+ \tabskip\z@skip&\MHdecrt@t$\MH@lign\displaystyle{{}\MHsh@rp}$}
+\def\MHd@cr{\global\advance\MHrem@inc@ls by -1}
+ \global\advance\MHrem@inc@ls by 1\fi%
+ \global\advance\MHrem@inc@ls by -#1%
+ {\hfill$\displaystyle{#2}$\hfill}}
+%% Building the preamble
+ \global\advance\MHt@tc@ls by 2%
+ \MH@ddonecol\advance\MHC@ls by -1%
+ \let\comm\MH@ddcols\fi\comm}
+ \if#10
+ \global\MHt@tc@ls=0
+ \xdef\MHpre@mble{\MHs@tr@m\hfil$\MH@lign\displaystyle{\MHsh@rp}$\MHpre@nd}
+ \else
+ \MHC@ls=#1
+ \global\MHt@tc@ls=1
+ \xdef\MHpre@mble{\MHpre@mble\MHpre@ne}
+ \MH@ddcols
+ \xdef\MHpre@mble{\MHpre@mble\MHpre@nd}
+ \fi
+ }
+%% Build enough & signs to fill up the box
+ \xdef\MH@nds{\MH@nds &}\global\advance\MHrem@inc@ls by -1%
+ \let\comm\MHm@ke@nds%
+ \fi\comm}
+ \let\MH@restoretag\relax\let\MHsh@rp\relax\let\MH@lign\relax
+ \let\my@MHput\relax\let\MHdecrt@t\relax\let\MHs@tr@m\relax%\let\@MHfill\relax
+ }
+ \let\my@MHput\@MHput@lbl\let\MHdecrt@t\MHd@cr\let\MHs@tr@m\MHr@mto@ne%\let\@MHfill\my@fill
+ \MHpre@mble
+ }
+ \MH@initone
+ \let\MHpre@nd\MHprethr@@
+ \MHm@kepre@mble{#1}
+ \xdef\MHpre@mble{\halign to\displaywidth\bgroup\MH@restoretag\MHpre@mble}
+ \MH@inittwo
+ }
+ \MH@initone
+ \let\MHpre@nd\MHprethr@@notag
+ \MHm@kepre@mble{#1}
+ \xdef\MHpre@mble{\halign to\displaywidth\bgroup\MHpre@mble}
+ \MH@inittwo
+ }
+ \global\@MHtagtrue\global\let\@MHsaveno=\@MHeqno%
+ \global\def\@MHeqno{#1}\egroup}
+ \label{#1}\global\@MHhaslabtrue\fi
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@equbopt}{\@equb}}
+% $$\@saveMHComms\global\@MHnocols=1%
+% \@ifnextchar[{\@equbopt}{\@equb}}
+% \@restoreMHComms$$\global\@ignoretrue}
+ \def\equ{\@saveMHComms
+ \@beginparpenalty\predisplaypenalty
+ \@endparpenalty\postdisplaypenalty
+ \trivlist\item[]\leavevmode
+ \hb@xt@\linewidth\bgroup $\m@th% $
+ \displaystyle
+ \hskip\mathindent\@ifnextchar[\@equlabel\@equnolabel}
+ $\hfil % $
+ \displaywidth\linewidth\hbox{\@MHputnumber}%
+ \egroup
+ \endtrivlist\@restoreMHComms\global\@ignoretrue}
+ \def\equ{$$\@saveMHComms\@ifnextchar[\@equlabel\@equnolabel}
+ \def\endequ{%
+ \if@MHhaslab\if@MHleft\leqno\else\eqno\fi{\@MHputnumber}\fi%
+ \@restoreMHComms$$\global\@ignoretrue}
+ \@MHlabel{#1}\global\@isequatrue\fi%
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@analyzearg}{\if@isequa%
+ \global\let\@MHcr\@MHcrb%
+ $$\@saveMHComms\@equb%
+ \else\@begalign[\the\@MHnocols]\fi}}
+ \@restoreMHComms$$}
+\def\setlabtype#1{\global\expandafter\let\expandafter\sublabeltype\csname #1\endcsname}
+\def\@MHspecial#1{\vtop to \strutdepth{\baselineskip\strutdepth\vss\llap{#1}\null}}