path: root/macros/latex/contrib/mdframed/mdframed-example-texsx.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/mdframed/mdframed-example-texsx.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/mdframed/mdframed-example-texsx.tex')
1 files changed, 270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/mdframed/mdframed-example-texsx.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/mdframed/mdframed-example-texsx.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f34f23d9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/mdframed/mdframed-example-texsx.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+ roundcorner=10pt,innertopmargin=0pt,%
+ leftmargin=1cm,rightmargin=1cm,%
+ innerleftmargin=-15pt,innerrightmargin=-15pt,%
+ ignorelastdescenders,%
+ settings={\lstset{resetmargins}},%
+ skipbelow=\topskip,skipabove=\topskip,%
+ innerbottommargin=0pt,backgroundcolor=gray!10]%
+ {tltxmdfexample}
+ roundcorner=10pt,innertopmargin=0pt,%
+ leftmargin=1cm,rightmargin=1cm,%
+ innerleftmargin=-15pt,innerrightmargin=-15pt,%
+ ignorelastdescenders,%
+ settings={\lstset{resetmargins}},%
+ skipbelow=\topskip,skipabove=\topskip,%
+ innerbottommargin=0pt,backgroundcolor=gray!10]%
+ {tltxmdfhighlight}
+\title{The \Pack{mdframed} package}
+\subtitle{Examples for \Opt{framemethod=\Loadedframemethod}}
+\author{\href{}{Marco Daniel}}
+\introduction{In this document I collect various examples for
+ \Opt{framemethod=\Loadedframemethod}.
+ Some presented examples are more or less exorbitant.}
+ An \textit{inhomogeneous linear} differential equation has the form
+ \begin{align}
+ L[v ] = f,
+ \end{align}
+ where $L$ is a linear differential operator, $v$ is
+ the dependent variable, and $f$ is a given non-zero
+ function of the independent variables alone.
+In the preamble only the package \Pack{mdframed} width the option
+\Opt{framemethod=\Loadedframemethod} is loaded. All other modifications will be
+done by \Cmd{mdfdefinestyle} or \Cmd{mdfsetup}.
+\NOTE Every \Cmd{global} inside the examples is necessary to work with my own
+created environment \Env{tltxmdfexample*}.}
+All examples have the following settings:
+ An \textit{inhomogeneous linear} differential equation has the form
+ \begin{align}
+ L[v ] = f,
+ \end{align}
+ where $L$ is a linear differential operator, $v$ is the dependent
+ variable, and $f$ is a given non-zero function of the independent
+ variables alone.
+\Examplesec{Package listings}
+The example below is inspired by the following post on StackExchange
+ when-using-rounded-corners-for-listings-package-listings}%
+ {Background overflows when using rounded corners for listings
+ (package: `listings`)}
+Here the solution which can be decorate as usual.
+ morekeywords={lstlisting}]
+ \begin{mdframed}[<modification>]%
+ \vspace{-0.7em}}
+ \vspace{-0.5em}%
+ \end{mdframed}}
+With the new command \Cmd{surroundwithmdframed} you can use
+ morekeywords={listings}]
+\Examplesec{Package multicol}
+How I wrote in \enquote{Known Problems} you can't combine \Pack{multicol} with
+\Pack{mdframed}. In a simple way without any breaks you can use:
+ \begin{multicols}{2}
+ \lipsum[1]
+ \begin{mdframed}
+ \ExampleText
+ \end{mdframed}
+ \lipsum[2]
+ \end{multicols}
+\twocolumn[\Examplesec{Working in twocolumn mode}]
+ leftmargin=10pt,%
+ rightmargin=10pt,%
+ linecolor=red,
+ backgroundcolor=yellow]
+\Examplesec{Working inside enumerate}
+Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
+\item in the following \ldots
+ \begin{mdframed}[linecolor=blue,middlelinewidth=2]
+ \ExampleText
+ \end{mdframed}
+\item \lipsum[2]
+Text Text Text Text Text Text
+\Examplesec{Position a specific symbol at a line}
+ warningsymbol/.style={
+ rectangle,draw=red,
+ fill=white,scale=1,
+ overlay}}
+ hidealllines=true,leftline=true,
+ skipabove=12,skipbelow=12pt,
+ innertopmargin=0.4em,%
+ innerbottommargin=0.4em,%
+ innerrightmargin=0.7em,%
+ rightmargin=0.7em,%
+ innerleftmargin=1.7em,%
+ leftmargin=0.7em,%
+ middlelinewidth=.2em,%
+ linecolor=red,%
+ fontcolor=red,%
+ firstextra={\path let \p1=(P), \p2=(O) in ($(\x2,0)+0.5*(0,\y1)$)
+ node[warningsymbol] {\$};},%
+ secondextra={\path let \p1=(P), \p2=(O) in ($(\x2,0)+0.5*(0,\y1)$)
+ node[warningsymbol] {\$};},%
+ middleextra={\path let \p1=(P), \p2=(O) in ($(\x2,0)+0.5*(0,\y1)$)
+ node[warningsymbol] {\$};},%
+ singleextra={\path let \p1=(P), \p2=(O) in ($(\x2,0)+0.5*(0,\y1)$)
+ node[warningsymbol] {\$};},%
+\Examplesec{digression-environement inspired by Tobias Weh}
+ font,anchor,let,in,arrow,round,cap,controls,coordinate,%
+ excursus,head,arrows,calc,line,width,and,to,digressionarrows,%
+ base,west},%
+ moretexcs={usetikzlibrary}]
+ excursus arrow/.style={%
+ line width=2pt,
+ draw=gray!40,
+ rounded corners=2ex,
+ },
+ excursus head/.style={
+ fill=white,
+ font=\bfseries\sffamily,
+ text=gray!80,
+ anchor=base west,
+ },
+ singleextra={%
+ \path let \p1=(P), \p2=(O) in (\x2,\y1) coordinate (Q);
+ \path let \p1=(Q), \p2=(O) in (\x1,{(\y1-\y2)/2}) coordinate (M);
+ \path [excursus arrow, round cap-to]
+ ($(O)+(5em,0ex)$) -| (M) |- %
+ ($(Q)+(12em,0ex)$) .. controls +(0:16em) and +(185:6em) .. %
+ ++(23em,2ex);
+ \node [excursus head] at ($(Q)+(2.5em,-0.75pt)$) {Digression};},
+ firstextra={%
+ \path let \p1=(P), \p2=(O) in (\x2,\y1) coordinate (Q);
+ \path [excursus arrow,-to]
+ (O) |- %
+ ($(Q)+(12em,0ex)$) .. controls +(0:16em) and +(185:6em) .. %
+ ++(23em,2ex);
+ \node [excursus head] at ($(Q)+(2.5em,-2pt)$) {Digression};},
+ secondextra={%
+ \path let \p1=(P), \p2=(O) in (\x2,\y1) coordinate (Q);
+ \path [excursus arrow,round cap-]
+ ($(O)+(5em,0ex)$) -| (Q);},
+ middleextra={%
+ \path let \p1=(P), \p2=(O) in (\x2,\y1) coordinate (Q);
+ \path [excursus arrow]
+ (O) -- (Q);},
+ middlelinewidth=2.5em,middlelinecolor=white,
+ hidealllines=true,topline=true,
+ innertopmargin=0.5ex,
+ innerbottommargin=2.5ex,
+ innerrightmargin=2pt,
+ innerleftmargin=2ex,
+ skipabove=0.87\baselineskip,
+ skipbelow=0.62\baselineskip,
+ \ExampleText
+\Examplesec{Theorem style shading background}
+ apptotikzsetting={%
+ \tikzset{mdfbackground/.append style ={%
+ top color=yellow!40!white,
+ bottom color=yellow!80!black},
+ mdfframetitlebackground/.append style={
+ top color=purple!40!white,
+ bottom color=purple!80!black
+ }
+ }%
+ },
+ ,roundcorner=10pt,middlelinewidth=2pt,
+ shadow=true,frametitlerule=true,frametitlerulewidth=4pt,
+ innertopmargin=10pt,%
+ ]{alternativtheorem}{Theorem}
+\begin{alternativtheorem}[Inhomogeneous linear]
+ \endinput