path: root/macros/latex/contrib/magaz
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/magaz
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/magaz')
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3 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000000..61ae96222c
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/magaz/magaz.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/magaz/magaz.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/magaz/magaz.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6ba7f74ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/magaz/magaz.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+% magaz.sty Ver 0.4 24-Nov-2011 "Magazine style"
+% Copyright 1999-2011, Donald Arseneau,, Vancouver, Canada
+% This software may be freely used, transmitted, reproduced, or modified
+% provided that the copyright notice and this permission is retained.
+% This version is just a single tool from a larger body of tools I am
+% unlikely to implement. I wrote this in 1999 in response to a request
+% on comp.text.tex.
+% Features:
+% Yes Special formatting for first line of text in a paragraph
+% Not Special formatting for for first n lines (allow each different)
+% Not Also for first character (drop caps) (working together)
+% No "Continued on"/"continued from" markers (like varioref marks)
+% No wrapfig spanning columns
+% No wrapfig placed at fixed location on page
+% No Piecing together fragments of gallies to fit page (maybe flowfram)
+% Instructions:
+% \FirstLine{<text>}
+% The "\FirstLine" command takes one argument: Some text.
+% The "\FirstLine" command is placed at the beginning of a paragraph,
+% and takes one argument: Some text. The first line of this text will
+% be formatted according to "\FirstLineFont"; but if the text occupies
+% less than a full line of the paragraph, all that text (and no more)
+% will be affected by "\FirstLineFont".
+% You should define "\FirstLineFont" appropriately as either a switch
+% or a text-command; as in "\renewcommand\FirstLineFont{\MakeUppercase}".
+% The defult definition performed in \pkg{magaz.sty} is
+% "\providecommand\FirstLineFont{\scshape}".
+% The parameter for "\FirstLine" should be ordinary text, not containing
+% lists or displayed equations -- such things will give you a ``Bad text''
+% error. If the parameter text ends with a space, that space will be
+% removed. A line break may sometimes be permitted after the parameter
+% text even if the ensuing text prohibits one (using "~"). Furthermore,
+% the text should be constant, or else the successive measurements made
+% internally will not be consistent, and the output may be corrupted
+% (with words missing or duplicated). Some subtle sources of inconstant
+% text are:
+% - Incrementing a counter (and printing the value).
+% - "\everypar" that executes once and is cleared. (This occurs after
+% section heads and inside list/quotation/center/etc. environments,
+% but those cases are handled, somewhat.)
+% - A "\FirstLineFont" that affects hyphenation (as "\texttt" or a
+% language setting will).
+% - Changing paragraph-layout parameters in "\FirstLineFont".
+% Other deviations from simple text can give poor formatting. Here are some
+% `advanced' tips:
+% - Using "\FirstLine" in the middle of a paragraph will make a mess.
+% (It should be used to start a paragraph, or placed at the beginning
+% of one started with "\noindent". Using it after "\\" should also
+% work.)
+% - Multiple "\vspace" or "\\*" or "\\[]" will cause failure;
+% a single "\vspace" will be ignored.
+% - Although there is no corruption if used immediately after a
+% "\section" command (or similar) that suppresses indentation,
+% the paragraph will likely be indented anyway. The fix for
+% this (and similar problems) is to begin the paragraph with
+% "\noindent" before "\FirstLine".
+% - Using an inflexible "\parfillskip" might cause some highlighted
+% first-line text to be dragged down to the second line. (Providing
+% more text in the argument will usually solve this.) (If you
+% don't know about "\parfillskip" you probably don't have to worry.)
+% - A large font for "\FirstLineFont" may be too crowded with the
+% second line, and inserting "\vspace" will not help (this should
+% be improved) so you may need to resort to a "\strut", as with
+% "\renewcommand\FirstLineFont{\large\strut\MakeUppercase}"
+% The "\FirstLine" system is intended to be used in a replacement for
+% a normal sectioning command in a document class; "\paragraph" would be
+% appropriate. In particular, this "\paragraph" (or whatever) should
+% insert vertical space and penalties etc., and probably "\noindent"
+% at the start of the argument. The document class should also define
+% "\FirstLineFont" appropriately as either a switch or a text-command;
+% as in "\renewcommand\FirstLineFont{\scshape\textcolor{blue}}". The
+% defult definition is "\providecommand\FirstLineFont{\scshape}".
+\ProvidesPackage{magaz}[2011/11/24 v0.4]
+ \relax\if@inlabel\noindent\fi % produce any pending list item label
+ \begingroup
+ % typeset text 3 times: 1) using all breaks to count segments; 2) with
+ % a full first line and \FirstLineFont to get first line and remaining
+ % segments; 3) Using current font, keeping only `remaining segments'
+ % on a single line.
+ \setbox\z@\box\mz@firstbox \setbox\z@\box\mz@remains % void the global boxes
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox{% 1) use all breaks
+ \hbadness\maxdimen \hfuzz\maxdimen
+ \hsize\z@ \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \parfillskip\fill
+ \parshape\z@ \pretolerance\m@ne \tolerance\@ne
+ \doublehyphendemerits\z@ \finalhyphendemerits\z@
+ #1\global\mathchardef\mz@spf\spacefactor\@@par
+ \global\mathchardef\mz@numl\prevgraf
+ %{\message{^^J^^J^^JText has \number\mz@numl\space segments:}\showhyphens{#1\unskip\unskip}}%
+ }% end vbox "1)"
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox{% 2) first line, plus other segments
+ \parshape \tw@ \z@\linewidth \z@\maxdimen
+ \doublehyphendemerits\z@ \finalhyphendemerits\z@
+ %\linepenalty\z@
+ % note no \hbadness\maxdimen \hfuzz\maxdimen at this stage
+ \pretolerance\m@ne \parfillskip\fill
+ {\FirstLineFont{#1}\@@par}%
+ \ifnum\prevgraf>\tw@ % Bad argument: not simple text or too much text
+ \mz@handlebad{#1}%
+ \else
+ \unskip\unkern\unskip\unpenalty \unskip\unkern\unskip\unpenalty
+ \ifnum\prevgraf<\tw@ % All text fits on first line
+ \global\setbox\mz@firstbox\lastbox % Grab that line
+ %{\message{Entire text fits: }\showhyphens{\unhcopy\mz@firstbox\unskip\unskip\unpenalty}}%
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{\unhcopy\mz@firstbox}%
+ \begingroup
+ \advance\linewidth-0.4em\relax
+ \expandafter\endgroup
+ \ifdim\wd\z@>0.97\linewidth
+ %\message{^^JHandle wide first line: \the\wd\z@\space vs \the\linewidth. }%
+ \global\setbox\mz@firstbox\hbox to\wd\mz@firstbox{%
+ \unhcopy\mz@firstbox\unskip\unskip\unpenalty}% remove \parfillskip
+ \global\setbox\mz@remains\hbox{}% Trigger keeping of full wide line
+ \fi % else \mz@remains remains void
+ \else % 2 lines: text fills first line with some left over
+ \setbox\z@\lastbox % remainders to \z@
+ \ifvoid\z@ % could not grab last line
+ \mz@handlebad{#1}%
+ \else
+ \unskip\unkern\unskip\unpenalty \unskip\unkern\unskip\unpenalty
+ \global\setbox\mz@firstbox\lastbox % grab first line
+ % Note: counting segments in this first line will be wrong if the line
+ % ended with a hyphenation. It could be possible to detect and adjust
+ % for the resulting extra segment if it is deemed desirable to count the
+ % first line directly.
+ %{\message{First line is: }\showhyphens{\unhcopy\mz@firstbox\unskip}}%
+ %{\message{Remaining segments are: }\showhyphens{\unhcopy\z@\unskip\unskip}}%
+ %
+ % 2a) break up "remaining segments":
+ \hsize\z@ \hbadness\maxdimen \hfuzz\maxdimen
+ \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \parfillskip\fill
+ \parshape\z@ \pretolerance\m@ne \tolerance\@ne
+ {\everypar{}\noindent}% mid-par so no \everypar or \parindent
+ \nobreak % \nobreak because leftskip adds breakpoint
+ \unhbox\z@\unskip\unskip\unpenalty\@@par % gives number of "extra segments"
+ %\message{There are \number\mz@numl\space segments in total and \the\prevgraf\space "remaining segments". }%
+ \@tempcnta\mz@numl \advance\@tempcnta-\prevgraf
+ %\message{Number of segs in 1st line: \the\@tempcnta. }%
+ \advance\@tempcnta\@ne % number of segs in 1st line plus 1
+ \edef\@tempa{\the\@tempcnta\space}% 3) Collect "other segments"
+ \@whilenum \@tempcnta>\@ne\do{% build \parshape lines
+ \edef\@tempa{\@tempa \z@\z@}%
+ \advance\@tempcnta\m@ne
+ }%
+ %\message{Parshape: \@tempa \z@\maxdimen}%
+ \parshape \@tempa \z@\maxdimen
+ #1\@@par
+ \unskip\unkern\unskip\unpenalty \unskip\unkern\unskip\unpenalty
+ \global\setbox\mz@remains\lastbox
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }% end vbox "2)"
+ \endgroup
+ \ifvoid\mz@firstbox
+ #1% Error case: just output the text
+ \else
+ {\everypar{}\noindent}\nobreak % everypar was captured in firstbox
+ \ifvoid\mz@remains % partial line only
+ % Unbox the partial line. This allows equal stretching of spaces across
+ % the line, but admits a slight chance that some \FirstLineFont may
+ % carry over to the second line.
+ \unhbox\mz@firstbox
+ \unskip\unskip\unpenalty % remove \rightskip \parfillskip \nobreak
+ \allowbreak % allow a break rather than get dragged to next line (??)
+ \else % full first line
+ % Output whole box to prevent unexpected linebreaks, especially for
+ % an overfull line and at the bogus discretionary that TeX leaves before
+ % a final (used) hyphen.
+ \box\mz@firstbox\break
+ \unhbox\mz@remains
+ \unskip\unskip\unpenalty % remove \rightskip \parfillskip \nobreak
+ % (or remove forced \break for empty remains)
+ \fi
+ \spacefactor\mz@spf
+ \fi
+% In the future, I might allow some non-text material by using \vsplit
+% as a fallback method of grabbing lines, and I might allow more or
+% unusual text in the `remainders' by skipping the step of setting two
+% lines (instead setting one first line plus many tiny lines all together).
+% The following macro would then handle those cases with a secondary
+% algorithm as an error recovery mechanism. Right now it just gives an
+% error message and dumps out the text.
+ \PackageError{magaz}{Bad text for \string\FirstLine\space ending\on@line}{}%
+ \global\setbox\mz@remains\box\mz@firstbox % void first box
+Test file integrity: ASCII 32-57, 58-126: !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/magaz/magaz.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/magaz/magaz.tex
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index 0000000000..6939578f20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/magaz/magaz.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+\documentclass[parskip=half, pagesize=auto, 12pt]{scrartcl}
+\title{The \pkg{magaz} package\thanks{This manual corresponds to \pkg{magaz}~v0.4, dated~24--Nov--2011.}}
+\author{Donald Arseneau, \texttt{}, Vancouver, Canada}
+ \small
+ This software may be freely used, transmitted, reproduced, or modified
+ provided that the copyright notice and this permission is retained.
+This package was intended to eventually be a collection of tools to aid
+magazine-style document formatting, but this version is just a single
+tool I first wrote in 1999 in response to a request on \texttt{comp.text.tex}:
+How to apply a formatting choice (font) the the first line of a paragraph.
+The full list of features is:
+ Yes & Special formatting for first line of text in a paragraph \\
+Maybe & Special formatting for for first $n$ lines (allow each different) \\
+Maybe & Also for first character (drop caps) (working together) \\
+ No & ``Continued on''/``continued from'' markers (like varioref marks) \\
+ No & wrapfig spanning columns \\
+ No & wrapfig placed at fixed location on page \\
+ No & Integration with shapepar, especially cutouts \\
+ No & Piecing together fragments of gallies to fit page (maybe flowfram)
+Most of those features are very unlikely to ever be added to this package.
+\section*{First-Line Formatting}
+\noindent \cmd{\FirstLine}"{"\meta{text}"}"
+The "\FirstLine" command is placed at the beginning of a paragraph,
+and takes one argument: Some text. The first line of this text will
+be formatted according to "\FirstLineFont"; but if the text occupies
+less than a full line of the paragraph, all that text (and no more)
+will be affected by "\FirstLineFont".
+You should define "\FirstLineFont" appropriately as either a switch
+or a text-command; as in "\renewcommand\FirstLineFont{\MakeUppercase}".
+The defult definition performed in \pkg{magaz.sty} is
+The parameter for "\FirstLine" should be ordinary text, not containing
+lists or displayed equations -- such things will give you a ``Bad text''
+error. If the parameter text ends with a space, that space will be
+removed. A line break may sometimes be permitted after the parameter
+text even if the ensuing text prohibits one (using "~"). Furthermore,
+the text should be constant, or else the successive measurements made
+internally will not be consistent, and the output may be corrupted
+(with words missing or duplicated). Some subtle sources of inconstant
+text are:
+\item Incrementing a counter (and printing the value).
+\item "\everypar" that executes once and is cleared. (This occurs after
+ section heads and inside list/quotation/center/etc. environments,
+ but those cases are handled, somewhat.)
+\item A "\FirstLineFont" that affects hyphenation (as "\texttt" or a
+ language setting will).
+\item Changing paragraph-layout parameters in "\FirstLineFont".
+Other deviations from simple text can give poor formatting. Here are some
+`advanced' tips:
+ \item Using "\FirstLine" in the middle of a paragraph will make a mess.
+ (It should be used to start a paragraph, or placed at the beginning
+ of one started with "\noindent". Using it after "\\" should also
+ work.)
+ \item Multiple "\vspace" or "\\*" or "\\[]" will cause failure;
+ a single "\vspace" will be ignored.
+ \item Although there is no corruption if used immediately after a
+ "\section" command (or similar) that suppresses indentation,
+ the paragraph will likely be indented anyway. The fix for
+ this (and similar problems) is to begin the paragraph with
+ "\noindent" before "\FirstLine".
+ \item Using an inflexible "\parfillskip" might cause some highlighted
+ first-line text to be dragged down to the second line. (Providing
+ more text in the argument will usually solve this.) (If you
+ don't know about "\parfillskip" you probably don't have to worry.)
+ \item A large font for "\FirstLineFont" may be too crowded with the
+ second line, and inserting "\vspace" will not help (this should
+ be improved) so you may need to resort to a "\strut", as with\\
+ "\renewcommand\FirstLineFont{\large\strut\MakeUppercase}"
+ \end{itemize}
+The "\FirstLine" system is intended to be used in a replacement for
+a normal sectioning command in a document class; "\paragraph" would be
+appropriate. In particular, this "\paragraph" (or whatever) should
+insert vertical space and penalties etc., and probably "\noindent"
+at the start of the argument. The document class should also define
+"\FirstLineFont" appropriately as either a switch or a text-command;
+as in "\renewcommand\FirstLineFont{\scshape\textcolor{blue}}". The
+defult definition is "\providecommand\FirstLineFont{\scshape}".
+\section*{All Other Features}
+Not implemented.