path: root/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex')
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-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/examples/nqueen.pdfbin0 -> 12971 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/examples/rocket.pdfbin0 -> 30975 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/examples/showfont.pdfbin0 -> 13933 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/tug2013/slide.pdfbin0 -> 247935 bytes
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+LISP on TeX
+lisp-on-tex.sty, lisp-arith.sty,
+lisp-latexutil.sty, lisp-prim.sty,
+lisp-read.sty, lisp-string.sty,
+lisp-util.sty, lisp-mod-fpnum.sty,
+fact.tex, rocket.tex, fpnummodule-mandelbrot.tex
+Copyright (c) 2012 2013 2014 2015 HAKUTA Shizuya
+ All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
+with or without modification, are permitted provided
+that the following conditions are met:
+ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ Copyright 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
+ The LaTeX3 Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere
+ in this file.
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+# LISP on TeX #
+A LISP interpreter written only with TeX macros.
+It works as a style file of LaTeX.
+LISP on TeX adopts static scoping, dynamic typing, and eager evaluation.
+We can program easily with LISP on TeX.
+## Summary ##
+To use LISP on TeX, you should include the `lisp-on-tex` package.
+If you do it, you can write LISP codes as a argument of `\lispinterp`.
+ (\some \LISP 'codes')
+ % example
+ (\define (\sum \a \b) (\+ \a \b))
+In LISP on TeX, a symbol is a control sequence;
+a string is tokens surrounded by quotation marks;
+and an integer is a TeX's integer using colon prefix.
+## Installation ##
+Put all files into your TEXMF tree.
+## Details ##
+### Class Options ###
+| Option Name | Meaning |
+| ----------- | ------------------------------- |
+| `noGC` | Never using GC (default) |
+| `markGC` | Using Mark-Sweep GC |
+| `GCopt=...` | Passing option to the GC engine |
+Currently, LISP on TeX supports Mark-Sweep GC.
+If you want to use it, you should use `markGC` option.
+You can also control heap size by using `GCopt={heapsize=n}`
+where `n` is greater than 3000. The default heap size is 32768.
+For example, the code
+\usepackage[markGC, GCopt={heapsize=5000}]{lisp-on-tex}
+shows that LISP on TeX uses Mark-Sweep GC and the heap size is 5000.
+### Syntax ###
+| Kinds | Literals | Examples |
+| ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------- | ---------------- |
+| CONS Cell | `(` *obj* ... `.` *obj* `)`, `(` *obj* ... `)` | `(\+ :1 :2)` |
+| Integer | `:` *TeX's integer* | `:42`, `:"3A` |
+| String | `'` *TeX's balanced tokens* `'` | `'\foo{bar}baz'` |
+| Symbol | *TeX's control sequence* | `\cs` |
+| Boolean | `/t` or `/f` | |
+| Nil | `()` | |
+| Skip | `@` *TeX's skip* | `@12pt plus 34cm`|
+| Dimen | `!` *TeX's dimen* | `!56pt` |
+### Functions and Special Forms ###
+#### Definition ####
+`\define` : Define a symbol.
+% symbol form
+(\define \foo :42) % ()
+\foo % :42
+% function form
+(\define (\foo \n) (\* \n :2))
+(\foo :3) % :6
+`\defineM` : Define a mutable symbol.
+`\setB` : Rewrite a mutable symbol.
+% symbol form
+(\defineM \foo :42) % ()
+\foo % :42
+(\setB \foo 'bar')
+\foo % 'bar'
+`\defmacro` : Define a macro.
+`\macroexpand` : Expand a macro
+(\defmacro (\foo \x) (\list (\quote \bar) \x \x \x)) % ()
+(\macroexpand (\quote (\foo :1))) % (\bar :1 :1 :1)
+`\lambda` : Create a function.
+% normal form
+((\lambda (\x) (\+ \x :2)) :3) % :5
+% list form
+((\lambda \x \x) :1 :2) % (:1 :2)
+% remain argument form
+((\lambda (\x . \y) \y) :1 :2 :3) % (:2 :3)
+`\let` : Define local symbols.
+(\define \x 'foo')
+(\let ((\x :4) (\y :3)) (\+ \x \y)) % :7
+\x % 'foo'
+`\letM` : Define mutable local symbols.
+(\letM ((\x 'foo'))
+ (\begin (\setB \x 'bar') \x)) % 'bar'
+`\letrec` : Define local symbols recursively.
+ ((\oddQ (\lambda (\n)
+ (\lispif (\= \n :0) /f (\evenQ (\- \n :1)))))
+ (\evenQ (\lambda (\n)
+ (\lispif (\= \n :0) /t (\oddQ (\- \n :1))))))
+ (\oddQ :42)) % /f
+#### Control Flow ####
+`\lispif` : Branch.
+(\lispif /t 'true' 'false') % 'true'
+(\lispif /f 'true' 'false') % 'false'
+`\begin` : Execute expressions.
+(\letM ((\x :1)) (\begin (\setB \s 'foo') \x))
+% 'foo'
+`\callOCC` : One-shot continuation.
+(\defineM \x 'unchanged')
+(\callOCC (\lambda (\c)
+ (\begin (\c '\foo ')
+ (\setB \x 'changed')))) % '\foo '
+\x % 'unchanged'
+(\callOCC (\lambda (\c) :42)) % :42
+#### String Manipulations ####
+`\concat` : Concatenate tokens.
+(\concat '$' '\foo ' '{bar}' '$') % '$\foo {bar}$'
+`\intTOstring` : Convert a integer to TeX's tokens.
+(\intTOstring :42) % '42'
+`\group` : Grouping.
+(\group '\some {tokens}') % '{\some {tokens}}'
+`\ungroup` : Ungrouping.
+(\ungroup '{\some {tokens}}') % '\some {tokens}'
+`\expand` : Expand tokens.
+\newcommand\foo[1]{I got #1!}
+ (\expand '\foo{Foo}') % 'I got Foo!'
+#### Arithmetical Functions ####
+`\+` : Addition.
+(\+) % :0
+(\+ :1 :2) % :3
+(\+ :3 :4 :5) % :12
+`\-` : Subtraction.
+(\- :1) % :-1
+(\- :3 :2) % :1
+(\- :3 :2 :1) % :0
+`\*` : Multiplication.
+(\*) % :1
+(\* :2 :3) % :6
+(\* :3 :4 :5) % :60
+`\/` : Division.
+(\/ 2) % :0 (1/2 -> 0)
+(\/ 7 2) % :3
+`\mod` : Modulo.
+(\mod :42 :23) % :19
+(\mod :3 :2) % :1
+(\mod :3 :-2) % :1
+(\mod :-3 :2) % :-1
+(\mod :-3 :-2) % :-1
+`\>`, `\<`, `\geq`, `\leq` : Comparison.
+(\> :3 :2) % /t
+(\< :2 :3) % /t
+(\geq :3 :2) % /t
+(\geq :3 :3) % /t
+(\leq :2 :3) % /t
+(\leq :3 :3) % /t
+Some predicates.
+(\isZeroQ :0) % /t
+(\positiveQ :42) % /t
+(\negativeQ :-2) % /t
+`\max` : Maximum.
+(\max :-10 :-5 :0 :5 :10) % :10
+`\min` : Minimum.
+(\min :-10 :-5 :0 :5 :10) % :-10
+#### Logical functions ####
+`\and`, `\or`, `\not` : Logical and, or, not
+(\and /t /t) % /t
+(\and /t /f) % /f
+(\or /t /t) % /t
+(\or /t /f) % /t
+(\not /t) % /f
+#### Traditional LISP Functions and Special Forms ####
+`\quote` : Quote.
+(\quote :42) % :42
+(\quote (\+ :1 :2)) % (\+ :1 :2)
+`\cons`, `\car`, `\cdr` : CONS, CAR, CDR
+(\cons :42 'foo') % (:42 . 'foo')
+(\car (\quote (:1 :2))) % :1
+(\cdr (\quote (:1 :2))) % (:2)
+`\list` : Create a list
+(\list :1 :2 (\+ :3 :4)) % (:1 :2 :7)
+`\length` : Get the length of a list.
+(\length ()) % :0
+(\length (\list :1 :2 'three')) % :3
+`\map` : Map function.
+(\define (\f \x \y \z) (\+ \x \y \z))
+(\map \f (\list :1 :2 :3)
+ (\list :4 :5 :6)
+ (\list :7 :8 :9)) % (:12 :15 :18)
+`\nth` : Get the n-th value of a list (starting with 0).
+(\nth (\list 'foo' 'bar' 'baz') :1) % 'bar'
+`\=` : Equality.
+(\= '42' :42) % /f
+(\= :23 :23) % /t
+(\= (\cons :1 'foo') (\cons :1 'foo')) % /f
+(\= 'foo' 'foo') % /t
+`\texprint` : Convert a object to TeX's tokens and output it to the document
+(\texprint (\concat '\foo' (\group '42'))) % return () andoutput \foo{42}
+(\texprint :42) % output 42
+`\print` : (For test) output a object as TeX's tokens
+(\print ()) % output ()
+(\print (\quote \foo)) % output \string\foo
+(\print :42) % output :42
+(\print 'bar') % output 'bar'
+Type predicates
+(\symbolQ (\quote \cs))
+(\stringQ 'foo')
+(\intQ :42)
+(\booleanQ /f)
+(\dimenQ !12pt)
+(\skipQ @12pt plus 1in minus 3mm)
+(\pairQ (\cons :1 :2))
+(\nilQ ())
+(\funcQ \+)
+(\closureQ (\lambda () ()))
+(\defmacro (\x) ())
+(\macroQ \x)
+(\listQ ())
+(\listQ (\list :1 :2))
+(\atomQ :23)
+(\atomQ 'bar')
+(\procedureQ \+)
+(\procedureQ (\lambda () ()))
+#### LaTeX Utils ####
+`\readLaTeXCounter` : Read an integer from LaTeX
+ (\readLaTeXCounter 'foo') % :42
+`\message` : Wrapper of LaTeX's \message
+(\message 'output') % output "message" to console and return ()
+#### Others ####
+`\read` : Read a LISP expression from stdin
+(\read) % input :42 and return it
+`\fgets` : Read a string from stdin.
+(\fgets) % input \some {tokens} and return '\some {tokens}'
+##Additional Packages ##
+### Fixed Point Numbers ###
+The package lisp-mod-fpnum adds fixed point numbers
+to LISP on TeX. Load it by `\usepackage`:
+#### Syntax ####
+| Kinds | Literals | Examples |
+| ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------- | ---------------- |
+| Fixed point number | `+{fpnum::` *number* `}` | `+{fpnum::1.23}` |
+#### Functions ####
+`\fpnumTOstring` : Convert a fixed point number to a string.
+(\fpnumTOstring +{fpnum::1.23}) % '1.23'
+`\fpplus` : Addition.
+(\fpplus +{fpnum::1.2} +{fpnum::1.4}) % 2.59999 (arithmetical error)
+`\fpminus` : Subtraction.
+(\fpminus +{fpnum::4.2} +{fpnum::2.3}) % 1.9
+`\fpmul` : Multiplication.
+(\fpmul +{fpnum::1.2} +{fpnum::1.4}) % 1.67998
+`\fplt` : Comparison.
+(\fplt +{fpnum::1.2} +{fpnum::2.3}) % /t
+### Regular Expressions ###
+The package lisp-mod-l3regex is thin wrapper
+of l3regex. Load it by `\usepackage`:
+#### Functions ####
+`\regMatch`, `\regMatchResult` : Match.
+(\regMatch 'hoge+' 'hogeeeeeee') % /t
+(\regMatchResult '(\w+)\s+is\s+(\w+)\.' 'He is crazy.')
+% ('He is crazy.' 'He' 'crazy')
+`\regExtract` : Extraction.
+(\regExtract '\w+' 'hello regex world') % ('hello' 'regex' 'world')
+`\regReplaceAll`, `\regReplaceOnce` : Replace.
+(\regReplaceAll '(\w+?)to(\w+?)' '$\1\c{to}\2$' 'AtoB BtoC') % '$A\to B$ $B\to C$'
+(\regReplaceOnce 'foo+' '[\0]' 'foooofooooooo') % '[foooo]fooooooo'
+`\regSplit` : Split.
+(\regSplit '/' '/path/to/hogehoge') % ('' 'path' 'to' 'hogehoge')
+## TODOs ##
+* Writing user manual
+* Add functions and special forms
+Oct. 25, 2015 : 2.0
+* Add GC
+* Refine some special forms like \define
+* Add checking #args for some functions.
+* Add thin wrapper of l3regex
+Jul. 12, 2014 : 1.3
+* Add one shot continuations.
+* Add some arithmetical functions.
+* Debug environment.
+Jan. 03, 2014 : 1.2
+* Added TUG2013's examples.
+* Improved the performance.
+Aug. 10, 2013 : 1.1
+* Added \letrec and \expand.
+* debug
+Mar. 04, 2013 : 1.0
+## Licence ##
+Modified BSD (see LICENCE)
+HAKUTA Shizuya <>
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+\lispinterp {
+ (\define (\create \n) (\createAcc \n ()))
+ (\define (\createAcc \n \acc)
+ (\lispif (\= \n :0) \acc (\createAcc (\- \n :1) (\cons () \acc))))
+ (\define \ll (\create :200))
+ (\define (\divII \l)
+ (\lispif (\= \l ()) () (\cons (\car \l) (\divII (\cdr (\cdr \l))))))
+ (\define (\test \l) (\testAcc \l :500)) % original is 300
+ (\define (\testAcc \l \i)
+ (\lispif (\= \i :0) ()
+ (\begin
+ (\lispif (\= (\length (\divII \l)) :100)
+ () (\texprint 'Hmm'))
+ (\lispif (\= (\length (\divII \l)) :100)
+ () (\message 'Hmm'))
+ (\lispif (\= (\length (\divII \l)) :100)
+ () (\message 'Hmm'))
+ (\lispif (\= (\length (\divII \l)) :100)
+ () (\message 'Hmm'))
+ (\texprint \i)
+ (\texprint ' ')
+ (\testAcc \l (\- \i :1)))))
+ \lispinterp{(\test \ll)}
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ (\define \sq (\lambda (\n) (\* \n \n)))
+ (\define \fact (\lambda (\n) (\lispif (\= \n :0) :1 (\* \n (\fact (\- \n :1))))))
+ }
+\newcommand\sq[1]{\lispinterp{(\texprint (\sq :#1))}}
+\newcommand\fact[1]{\lispinterp{(\texprint (\fact :#1))}}
+\section{Factorials and Squares}
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{r||rr}\hline\hline
+ $n$ & $n!$ & $n^2$ \\
+ \hline
+ 1 & \fact{1} & \sq{1} \\
+ 2 & \fact{2} & \sq{2} \\
+ 3 & \fact{3} & \sq{3} \\
+ 4 & \fact{4} & \sq{4} \\
+ 5 & \fact{5} & \sq{5} \\
+ 6 & \fact{6} & \sq{6} \\
+ 7 & \fact{7} & \sq{7} \\
+ 8 & \fact{8} & \sq{8} \\
+ 9 & \fact{9} & \sq{9} \\
+ 10 & \fact{10} & \sq{10} \\
+ 11 & \fact{11} & \sq{11} \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
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+ \ifnum\cstate=1 \global\advance\mlength1
+ \else \vrule width \mlength\mandelunit height \mandelunit depth 0pt \global\mlength1 \fi
+ \global\cstate1}
+ \ifnum\cstate=-1 \global\advance\mlength1
+ \else \hspace*{\mlength\mandelunit}\global\mlength1 \fi
+ \global\cstate-1}
+ \ifnum\cstate=1\hspace*{\mlength\mandelunit}\else\vrule width \mlength\mandelunit height \mandelunit depth 0pt \fi
+ \global\cstate0 \global\mlength0}
+ (\define \maxloop :20)
+ (\define \scale +{fpnum::0.002})
+ (\define \isMandell
+ (\lambda (\a \b \k \x \y)
+ (\lispif (\< \maxloop \k) /t
+ (\lispif (\fplt +{fpnum::4.0} (\fpplus (\fpmul \x \x) (\fpmul \y \y)))
+ /f
+ (\isMandell \a \b (\+ \k :1)
+ (\fpplus \a (\fpmul \x \x) (\fpminus (\fpmul \y \y)))
+ (\fpplus \b (\fpmul +{fpnum::2.0} \x \y)))))))
+ (\define \drawMandell (\lambda (\a \b)
+ (\begin
+ (\lispif (\isMandell \a \b :0 +{fpnum::0} +{fpnum::0})
+ (\texprint '\b') (\texprint '\w'))
+ (\immediatewrite))))
+ (\define \loopMandell (\lambda (\a \b)
+ (\lispif (\fplt \b +{fpnum::-1.0}) ()
+ (\begin
+ (\drawMandell \a \b)
+ (\lispif (\fplt +{fpnum::0.5} \a)
+ (\begin
+ (\texprint '\r\\')
+ (\immediatewrite)
+ (\loopMandell +{fpnum::-1.5} (\fpminus \b \scale)))
+ (\loopMandell (\fpplus \a \scale) \b))))))
+ \thispagestyle{empty}
+ \noindent
+ \leavevmode\baselineskip=\mandelunit
+ \lispinterp{(\loopMandell +{fpnum::-1.5} +{fpnum::1.0})}
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
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+ (\define \nqueen (\lambda (\n)
+ (\callOCC (\lambda (\c) (\nqinner \n () \c)))))
+ (\define \nqinner (\lambda (\n \acc \c)
+ (\lispif (\= (\length \acc) \n)
+ (\lispif (\nqcheck \acc) (\c \acc) ())
+ (\nqinnernext \n \acc \c :1))))
+ (\define \nqinnernext (\lambda (\n \acc \c \k)
+ (\lispif (\< \n \k) ()
+ (\begin
+ (\nqinner \n (\cons \k \acc) \c)
+ (\nqinnernext \n \acc \c (\+ \k :1))))))
+ (\define \seq (\lambda (\n)
+ (\lispif (\= \n :1) (\quote (:1)) (\cons \n (\seq (\- \n :1))))))
+ (\define \nqcheck (\lambda (\lst)
+ (\and (\uniqueQ \lst) (\nqcheckdiag \lst))))
+ (\define \nqcheckdiag (\lambda (\lst) (\nqcheckdiaginner \lst :1)))
+ (\define \nqcheckdiaginner (\lambda (\lst \k)
+ (\lispif (\< (\length \lst) \k) /t
+ (\lispif (\nqcheckdiagK \lst \k :1)
+ (\nqcheckdiaginner \lst (\+ \k :1)) /f))))
+ (\define \nqcheckdiagK (\lambda (\lst \k \n)
+ (\lispif (\> \n (\length \lst)) /t
+ (\let ((\t (\nth \lst (\- \k :1)))
+ (\tt (\nth \lst (\- \n :1)))
+ (\d (\- \n \k)))
+ (\lispif (\and
+ (\not (\= \n \k))
+ (\or (\= \t (\+ \tt \d)) (\= \t (\- \tt \d)) ))
+ /f (\nqcheckdiagK \lst \k (\+ \n :1)))))))
+ (\define \uniqueQ (\lambda (\list)
+ (\lispif (\= \list ()) /t
+ (\and (\not (\existQ (\car \list) (\cdr \list))) (\uniqueQ (\cdr \list))))))
+ (\define \existQ (\lambda (\v \list)
+ (\lispif (\= \list ()) /f
+ (\or (\= \v (\car \list)) (\existQ \v (\cdr \list))))))
+ (\define \reverse (\lambda (\l)
+ (\lispif (\= \l ()) () (\append (\reverse (\cdr \l)) (\car \l)))))
+ (\define \append (\lambda (\l \v)
+ (\lispif (\= \l ()) (\cons \v ()) (\cons (\car \l) (\append (\cdr \l) \v)))))
+hoge\lispinterp{(\print (\nqueen :5))}fuga
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ (\define \repl (\lambda ()
+ (\begin
+ (\stdprint (\eval (\read)))
+ (\repl))))
+ \typeout{LISP on TeX interpretor mode}
+ \lispinterp{(\repl)}
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfff99d340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/examples/rocket.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/examples/rocket.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/examples/rocket.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4ed29648f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/examples/rocket.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+%rocket body
+(\define \rocket
+ (\letM ((\count :11))
+ (\lambda ()
+ (\begin
+ (\setB \count (\- \count :1))
+ (\lispif (\< \count :0)
+ (\texprint '{\small fired...}\\')
+ (\lispif (\= \count :0)
+ (\texprint '{\Large FIRE!}\\')
+ (\texprint (\concat 'count ' (\intTOstring \count) '...\\'))))))))
+(\define \MAX :15)
+%LOOP function
+(\define \loop
+ (\lambda (\n)
+ (\lispif (\= \n \MAX)
+ ()
+ (\begin (\rocket) (\loop (\+ \n :1))))))
+\noindent\lispinterp{(\loop :0)}
+Test done.
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/examples/showfont.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/examples/showfont.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13ef7fce56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/examples/showfont.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/examples/showfont.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/examples/showfont.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31200d9796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/examples/showfont.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+\newcount\hoge \hoge\endlinechar
+\read16 to\tmp
+ (\define \foldl (\lambda (\func \init \list)
+ (\lispif (\= \list ())
+ \init
+ (\foldl \func (\func \init (\car \list)) (\cdr \list)))))
+ (\define \createtoken (\lambda (\code)
+ (\concat '\iffontchar\testfont' (\concat (\intTOstring \code) 't\else f\fi' ))))
+ (\define \MAX :"30000)}
+ (\letrec ((\count :0)
+ (\loop (\lambda ()
+ (\lispif (\< \MAX \count) ()
+ (\begin
+ (\lispif (\= 't' (\expand (\createtoken \count)))
+ (\texprint (\group (\concat '\testfont\char' (\intTOstring \count))))
+ ())
+ (\texprint '\hskip0pt plus1pt')
+ (\immediatewrite)
+ (\setB \count (\+ \count :1))
+ (\loop))))))
+ (\loop))
+ }
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-arith.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-arith.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e4f622dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-arith.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+ \ifx#2\relax
+ \let\@next@plus\@@arith@pm@fin
+ \else\ifx#2\@tlabel@int
+ \advance\@temp@inti#3\relax
+ \let\@next@plus\@arith@plus
+ \else
+ \let\@next@plus\@arith@type@error
+ \fi\fi\@next@plus#1}
+ \ifx#2\relax
+ \let\@next@mul\@@arith@pm@fin
+ \else\ifx#2\@tlabel@int
+ \multiply\@temp@inti#3\relax
+ \let\@next@mul\@arith@mul
+ \else
+ \let\@next@mul\@arith@type@error
+ \fi\fi\@next@mul#1}
+ \expandafter#1\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\@tlabel@int\expandafter{\the\@temp@inti}}}
+\def\@arith@type@error#1#2\relax{% notice #2 is dust
+ \gdef#1{\@tlabel@exception{{-1}%
+ {\@tlabel@string{arithmetical functions takes integer only.}}}}}
+%TODO: error handling of 1st argument
+ \@temp@inti#3\relax
+ \ifx#4\relax
+ \multiply\@temp@inti-1\relax
+ \let\@next@minus\@@arith@pm@fin
+ \else\ifx#4\@tlabel@int
+ \let\@next@minus\@@arith@minus
+ \else
+ \let\@next@minus\@arith@type@error
+ \fi\fi\@next@minus#1#4{#5}}
+ \ifx#2\relax
+ \let\@next@minus\@@arith@pm@fin
+ \else\ifx#2\@tlabel@int
+ \@temp@intii#3\relax % #3 < 0
+ \advance\@temp@inti-\@temp@intii\relax
+ \let\@next@minus\@@arith@minus
+ \else
+ \let\@next@minus\@arith@type@error
+ \fi\fi\@next@minus#1}
+%TODO: error handling of 1st argument
+ \@temp@inti#3\relax
+ \ifx#4\relax
+ \@temp@intii\@temp@inti\relax
+ \@temp@inti1\relax
+ \divide\@temp@inti\@temp@intii\relax
+ \let\@next@div\@@arith@pm@fin
+ \else\ifx#4\@tlabel@int
+ \let\@next@div\@@arith@div
+ \else
+ \let\@next@div\@arith@type@error
+ \fi\fi\@next@div#1#4{#5}}
+ \ifx#2\relax
+ \let\@next@div\@@arith@pm@fin
+ \else\ifx#2\@tlabel@int
+ \divide\@temp@inti#3\relax
+ \let\@next@div\@@arith@div
+ \else
+ \let\@next@div\@arith@type@error
+ \fi\fi\@next@div#1}
+%TODO: error handling
+ \@temp@intii#2\relax
+ \divide\@temp@intii#3\relax
+ \multiply\@temp@intii#3\relax
+ \@temp@inti#2\relax
+ \advance\@temp@inti-\@temp@intii
+ \@@arith@pm@fin#1}
+%TODO: error handling
+ \ifnum#2<#3 \gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{t}}\else\gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{f}}\fi}
+%TODO: error handling
+ \ifnum#2>#3 \gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{t}}\else\gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{f}}\fi}
+%TODO: error handling
+ \ifnum#2<#3 \gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{t}}\else\gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{f}}\fi
+ \ifnum#2=#3 \gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{t}}\fi}
+%TODO: error handling
+ \ifnum#2>#3 \gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{t}}\else\gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{f}}\fi
+ \ifnum#2=#3 \gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{t}}\fi}
+%TODO: error handling
+ \ifnum#2=0 \gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{t}}\else\gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{f}}\fi}
+%TODO: error handling
+ \ifnum#2>0 \gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{t}}\else\gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{f}}\fi}
+%TODO: error handling
+ \ifnum#2<0 \gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{t}}\else\gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{f}}\fi}
+ \ifx#2\@tlabel@int
+ \@temp@inti#3\relax
+ \let\@next@max\@@arith@max
+ \else
+ \let\@next@max\@arith@type@error
+ \fi\@next@max#1}
+ \ifx#2\relax
+ \let\@next@max\@@arith@pm@fin
+ \else\ifx#2\@tlabel@int
+ \ifnum#3>\@temp@inti\@temp@inti#3\relax\fi
+ \let\@next@max\@@arith@max
+ \else
+ \let\@next@max\@arith@type@error
+ \fi\fi\@next@max#1}
+ \ifx#2\@tlabel@int
+ \@temp@inti#3\relax
+ \let\@next@min\@@arith@min
+ \else
+ \let\@next@min\@arith@type@error
+ \fi\@next@min#1}
+ \ifx#2\relax
+ \let\@next@min\@@arith@pm@fin
+ \else\ifx#2\@tlabel@int
+ \ifnum#3<\@temp@inti\@temp@inti#3\relax\fi
+ \let\@next@min\@@arith@min
+ \else
+ \let\@next@min\@arith@type@error
+ \fi\fi\@next@min#1}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-gc.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-gc.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..672593c037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-gc.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+\def\@lisp@gc@alloc@count@max{32768} % memory limit
+\def\@lisp@gc@alloc@local{} % objects on stack
+\def\@lisp@gc@usedenv{} % used local environment
+\def\@lisp@gc@alloc@raw{} % used memory on local
+\def\@lisp@gc@alloc@pinning{} % pinned objects
+\def\@lisp@gc@mark@bitvector{} % mark bitmap
+\def\@lisp@gc@mark@bitvector@{} % mark bitmap (default)
+% execute GC option
+% gc initializer (called by lisp-on-tex.sty)
+ \@lisp@gc@count=0\relax
+ \@lisp@gc@perform@result=\@lisp@gc@alloc@count@max\relax
+ % create mark bits
+ % clear all mark bits
+ \@tempcnta0
+ \@whilenum\@tempcnta<\@lisp@gc@alloc@count@max\do{%
+ \@lisp@gc@off@markbit{\the\@tempcnta}%
+ \advance\@tempcnta1}%
+ % set default value to each memory
+ \@tempcnta0
+ \@whilenum\@tempcnta<\@lisp@gc@alloc@count@max\do{%
+ \expandafter\gdef
+ \csname @lisp@gc@memory@\the\@tempcnta\endcsname
+ {\relax\relax}% initialize
+ \advance\@tempcnta1}}
+% allocator
+% The allocator define #1 to allocated the control sequence
+ % if memory is full, do gc
+ \ifnum\@lisp@gc@count<\@lisp@gc@alloc@count@max\else
+ \@lisp@gc@perform
+ \fi
+ % allocation
+ \def#1{}%
+ \@lisp@gc@alloc@@#1}
+ \csname if@lisp@gc@memory@\the\@lisp@gc@count\endcsname
+ \else % unused memory is found
+ % allocate
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter#1%
+ \expandafter{\csname @lisp@gc@memory@\the\@lisp@gc@count\endcsname}%
+ % clear memory (for marking)
+ \expandafter\gdef
+ \csname @lisp@gc@memory@\the\@lisp@gc@count\endcsname{\relax\relax}%
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\@lisp@gc@count1
+ \let\@@next\@gobble
+ \ifx#1\@empty
+ \ifnum\@lisp@gc@count<\@lisp@gc@alloc@count@max
+ \let\@@next\@lisp@gc@alloc@@
+ \else
+ \def\@@next{%
+ \@lisp@gc@perform
+ \ifnum\@lisp@gc@perform@result=0\relax
+ \expandafter\@gobble % empty
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@lisp@gc@alloc@@
+ \fi}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \@@next#1}
+% GC main routine. The routine is called by the allocator.
+% If you want to call GC manually, you can do it.
+ \message{LISP on TeX: now GCing...^^J}%
+ % reset result
+ \global\@lisp@gc@perform@result\@lisp@gc@alloc@count@max\relax
+ % clear all mark bits
+ \@tempcnta0
+ \@whilenum\@tempcnta<\@lisp@gc@count\do{%
+ \@lisp@gc@off@markbit{\the\@tempcnta}%
+ \advance\@tempcnta1}%
+ % start marking mode
+ \begingroup
+ % define all typelabels to mark mode
+ \@lisp@gc@make@tlabel@mark@mode
+ % init queue and enque root set
+ %% raw memory
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\@lisp@gc@mark@Q\expandafter{\@lisp@gc@alloc@raw}%
+ %% local env
+ \expandafter\@lisp@gc@mark@env\@lisp@gc@usedenv\@lisp@unused\relax
+ %% global env
+ \expandafter\@lisp@gc@mark@env\@lisp@globalenv\@lisp@unused\relax
+ %% pinned objects
+ \@lisp@gc@alloc@pinning
+ %% stack
+ \@lisp@gc@alloc@local
+ % marking start
+ \@lisp@gc@foreachQ\@lisp@gc@mark@Q\@lisp@gc@mark
+ % end marking mode
+ \endgroup
+ % reset counter
+ \global\@lisp@gc@count0
+ % show GC result
+ \message{LISP on TeX: GC done (free \the\@lisp@gc@perform@result)^^J}}
+ \@for\@lisp@on@tex@type:=\@defined@lisp@on@tex\do{%
+ \expandafter\let
+ \csname @tlabel@\@lisp@on@tex@type\endcsname\@gobble}%
+ \def\@tlabel@cons##1{\@lisp@gc@mark@cons##1}%
+ \def\@tlabel@mutable##1{\@lisp@gc@enQ\@lisp@gc@mark@Q{##1}}%
+ \def\@tlabel@closure##1{\@lisp@gc@mark@closure##1}%
+ \def\@tlabel@macro##1{\@lisp@gc@mark@closure##1}%
+ \def\@tlabel@exception##1{\@lisp@gc@mark@exception##1}%
+ \@for\@lisp@on@tex@type:=\@defined@additional@type\do{%
+ \expandafter\@lisp@gc@create@markmode@additional
+ \csname @tlabel@\@lisp@on@tex@type\endcsname
+ \csname @lisp@gc@trace\@lisp@on@tex@type\endcsname}}
+ \@lisp@gc@enQ\@lisp@gc@mark@Q{#1}%
+ \@lisp@gc@enQ\@lisp@gc@mark@Q{#2}}
+ \@lisp@gc@mark@env#2\@lisp@unused\relax
+ #3{#4}}
+ \expandafter\@lisp@gc@create@markmode@additional@\expandafter#1}
+% mark objects in a environment
+ \ifx#1\@lisp@unused
+ \let\@@next\relax
+ \else
+ \def\@@next{#2\@lisp@gc@mark@env}%
+ \fi
+ \@@next}
+% global let for save and restore memory
+% queue
+\def\@lisp@gc@enQ#1#2{% #1 : queue, #2 value
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter#1\expandafter{#1#2}}
+\def\@lisp@gc@deQ#1#2{% #1 : queue, #2 cs
+ \ifx#1\@empty
+ \def#2{}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@lisp@gc@deQ@\expandafter#1\expandafter#2#1\relax
+ \fi}
+ \def#1{#4}\def#2{#3}}
+\def\@lisp@gc@foreachQ#1#2{% #1 : queue, #2 : token -> 'a
+ \@lisp@gc@deQ#1\@lisp@gc@temp@local
+ \ifx\@lisp@gc@temp@local\@empty
+ \let\@@next\relax
+ \else
+ \def\@@next{%
+ \expandafter#2\expandafter{\@lisp@gc@temp@local}%
+ \@lisp@gc@foreachQ#1#2}%
+ \fi\@@next}
+% marker
+ \csname if@lisp@gc@memory@#1\endcsname\else
+ % count down remain memory
+ \global\advance\@lisp@gc@perform@result-1
+ % turn mark bit on
+ \@lisp@gc@on@markbit{#1}%
+ % enqueue if we need
+ \csname @lisp@gc@memory@#1\endcsname
+ \fi}
+% pin a object on global.
+ \expandafter\gdef\expandafter\@lisp@gc@alloc@pinning
+ \expandafter{\@lisp@gc@alloc@pinning#1{#2}}}
+% pinning objects on local.
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\@lisp@gc@alloc@local
+ \expandafter{\@lisp@gc@alloc@local#1}}
+% pinning memories on local.
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\@lisp@gc@alloc@raw
+ \expandafter{\@lisp@gc@alloc@raw#1}}
+% pinning environmnt on local.
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\@lisp@gc@usedenv
+ \expandafter{\@lisp@gc@usedenv#1}}
+% for mark bits
+\def\@lisp@gc@on@markbit#1{\expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname if@lisp@gc@memory@#1\endcsname\iftrue}
+\def\@lisp@gc@off@markbit#1{\expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname if@lisp@gc@memory@#1\endcsname\iffalse} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-latexutil.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-latexutil.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58c612bb08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-latexutil.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+%% READ_LaTeX_Counter : string -> int
+%% (\readLaTeXCounter str) -> i
+%% where i = \the\c@str
+%TODO: error handling
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\gdef
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter#1%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tlabel@int
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\the\csname c@#3\endcsname}}}
+%TODO: error handling
+ \gdef#1{\@tlabel@nil{}}\message{#2}} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-mod-fpnum.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-mod-fpnum.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..291b343baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-mod-fpnum.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+%%% module name :: fpnum
+% regist type and gc
+ \def\@defined@additional@type{fpnum}%
+ \edef\@defined@additional@type{\@defined@additional@type,fpnum}%
+\def\@eval@fpnum#1#2#3{\gdef#3{\@tlabel@fpnum{#1}}} % #1 contents, #2 environment, #3 register
+\def\@apply@fpnum{\errmessage{LISP on TeX [internal apply, module fpnum] cannot apply}}
+\def\@@apply@fpnum{\errmessage{LISP on TeX [function --- apply, module fpnum] cannot apply}}
+%TODO: error handling
+%TODO: error handling
+ \ifx#2\relax
+ \let\@next@fpnum@plus\@@fin@fpnum@plus
+ \else\ifx#2\@tlabel@fpnum
+ \advance\@tempdimeni#3pt\relax
+ \let\@next@fpnum@plus\@mod@fpnum@plus
+ \else
+ \errmessage{LISP on TeX [fpnum --- plus]: Invalid argument}%
+ \fi\fi\@next@fpnum@plus#1}
+%TODO: error handling
+ \ifx#2\relax
+ \let\@next@fpnum@mul\@@fin@fpnum@mul
+ \else\ifx#2\@tlabel@fpnum
+ \@tempdimeni#3\@tempdimeni
+ \let\@next@fpnum@mul\@mod@fpnum@mul
+ \else
+ \errmessage{LISP on TeX [fpnum --- mul]: Invalid argument}%
+ \fi\fi\@next@fpnum@mul#1}
+ \ifx#4\relax
+ \ifx#2\@tlabel@fpnum
+ \@tempdimenii#3pt
+ \@tempdimeni0pt
+ \advance\@tempdimeni-\@tempdimenii
+ \let\@next@fpnum@minus\@@fin@fpnum@minus
+ \else
+ \errmessage{LISP on TeX [fpnum --- minus]: Invalid argument}%
+ \fi
+ \else\ifx#4\@tlabel@fpnum
+ \ifx#2\@tlabel@fpnum
+ \@tempdimeni#3pt
+ \let\@next@fpnum@minus\@@next@fpnum@minus
+ \else
+ \errmessage{LISP on TeX [fpnum --- minus]: Invalid argument}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \errmessage{LISP on TeX [fpnum --- minus]: Invalid argument}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \@next@fpnum@minus#1#4{#5}}
+ \ifx#2\relax
+ \let\@next@fpnum@minus\@@fin@fpnum@minus
+ \else\ifx#2\@tlabel@fpnum
+ \@tempdimenii#3pt
+ \advance\@tempdimeni-\@tempdimenii
+ \let\@next@fpnum@minus\@@next@fpnum@minus
+ \else
+ \errmessage{LISP on TeX [fpnum --- minus]: Invalid argument}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \@next@fpnum@minus#1}
+ \ifdim#2pt<#3pt
+ \gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{t}}%
+ \else
+ \gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{f}}%
+ \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-mod-l3regex.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-mod-l3regex.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03b278d386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-mod-l3regex.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+% wrapper for l3regex
+% \regex_match:nnTF
+\cs_new:Npn \lot_regex_match:Nnn #1#2#3 {
+ \regex_match:nnTF{#2}{#3}{\gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{t}}}{\gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{f}}}
+\cs_new_eq:NN \@lisp@regex@match@ \lot_regex_match:Nnn
+%TODO: error handling
+% \regex_extract_all
+\seq_new:N \lot_regex_extract_seq
+\cs_new:Npn \lot_regex_extract:nnN #1#2#3{
+ \regex_extract_all:nnN{#1}{#2}\lot_regex_extract_seq
+ \seq_map_variable:NNn \lot_regex_extract_seq \lot_regex_tmp
+ {\@lisp@regex@add@sep@result#3\lot_regex_tmp}}
+\cs_new_eq:NN \@lisp@regex@extract@ \lot_regex_extract:nnN
+ \gdef#2{}%
+ \@tfor\@lisp@regex@tmp:=#1\do{%
+ \begingroup
+ \toks0\expandafter{\@lisp@regex@tmp}%
+ \toks1\expandafter{#2}%
+ \xdef#2{\the\toks1 \noexpand\@tlabel@string{\the\toks0}}%
+ \endgroup}}
+ \def#1{}%
+ \@lisp@regex@extract@{#2}{#3}#1%
+ \expandafter\@lisp@regex@add@typelabel\expandafter{#1}#1%
+ \expandafter\@lisp@prim@list@pre\expandafter#1#1\relax\relax}
+% \regex_extract_once
+\seq_new:N \lot_regex_extract_once_seq
+\cs_new:Npn \lot_regex_extract_once:nnN #1#2#3{
+ \regex_extract_once:nnN{#1}{#2}\lot_regex_extract_once_seq
+ \seq_map_variable:NNn \lot_regex_extract_once_seq \lot_regex_tmp
+ {\@lisp@regex@add@sep@result#3\lot_regex_tmp}}
+\cs_new_eq:NN \@lisp@regex@extract@once@ \lot_regex_extract_once:nnN
+ \def#1{}%
+ \@lisp@regex@extract@once@{#2}{#3}#1%
+ \expandafter\@lisp@regex@add@typelabel\expandafter{#1}#1%
+ \expandafter\@lisp@prim@list@pre\expandafter#1#1\relax\relax}
+% \regex_split
+\seq_new:N \lot_regex_split_seq
+\cs_new:Npn \lot_regex_split:nnN #1#2#3{
+ \regex_split:nnN{#1}{#2}\lot_regex_split_seq
+ \seq_map_variable:NNn \lot_regex_split_seq \lot_regex_tmp
+ {\@lisp@regex@add@sep@result#3\lot_regex_tmp}}
+\cs_new_eq:NN \@lisp@regex@split@ \lot_regex_split:nnN
+ \def#1{}%
+ \@lisp@regex@split@{#2}{#3}#1%
+ \expandafter\@lisp@regex@add@typelabel\expandafter{#1}#1%
+ \expandafter\@lisp@prim@list@pre\expandafter#1#1\relax\relax}
+% \regex_replace_once
+\cs_new_eq:NN \@lisp@regex@replace@once@ \regex_replace_once:nnN
+%TODO: error handling
+ \def#1{#4}%
+ \@lisp@regex@replace@once@{#2}{#3}#1%
+ \expandafter\gdef\expandafter#1\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\@tlabel@string\expandafter{#1}}}
+% \regex_replace_all
+\cs_new_eq:NN \@lisp@regex@replace@all@ \regex_replace_all:nnN
+%TODO: error handling
+ \def#1{#4}%
+ \@lisp@regex@replace@all@{#2}{#3}#1%
+ \expandafter\gdef\expandafter#1\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\@tlabel@string\expandafter{#1}}} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-on-tex.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-on-tex.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b6b79688c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-on-tex.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
+%% This is file `lisp-on-tex.sty'.
+%% License: Modified BSD - see LICENSE file
+\ProvidesPackage{lisp-on-tex}[2015/06/22 v2.0]
+% I use bad magic numbers...
+% lisp's global environment and some macros for it
+% Bind a variable (#1) to a value (#2) on global environment.
+% This macro also define [@lisp@env@#1] to #2.
+ \begingroup
+ \toks0{#1{#2}}%
+ \toks2\expandafter{\@lisp@globalenv}%
+ \xdef\@lisp@globalenv{\the\toks0 \the\toks2}%
+ \endgroup
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname @lisp@env@\string#1\endcsname{#2}}
+% for backword compability...
+% Set a control sequence (#1) to the value of a variable (#2)
+% on a local environment (#3) and global environment.
+% If #2 is unbound, it set #1 to an exception object.
+ \def\@lisp@env@tmpmacro##1#2##2##3\@lisp@env@tail{%
+ \gdef#1{##2}}%
+ % I use a sentinel \@lisp@env@get@value@dummy.
+ \@lisp@env@tmpmacro#1#3#2{\@lisp@env@get@value@dummy}%
+ \@lisp@env@tail
+ % #2 is not bound on #3, so I try to get the value
+ % from global environment.
+ \def\@@next#1#2{}%
+ \ifx#1\@lisp@env@get@value@dummy
+ \let\@@next\@lisp@env@get@value@global\fi
+ \@@next#1#2%
+ % not found
+ \def\@@next#1#2{}%
+ \ifx#1\relax\let\@@next\@lisp@env@get@value@notfound\fi
+ \@@next#1#2}
+ \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\expandafter#1%
+ \csname @lisp@env@\string#2\endcsname}
+ \gdef#1{\@tlabel@exception{{-1}{\@tlabel@string{unbound variable #2}}}}}
+% ENTRY point of LISP on TeX. It takes a LISP program (#1)
+% and evaluate the program.
+ \ifx#1\@tlabel@exception% read error
+ \let\@@next\@lisp@read@eval@loop@reader@error
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@lisp@read@eval@loop@normal
+ \fi\@@next#1{#2}}
+ \def\@lisp@tmp@global@i{#1{#2}}%
+ \lispeval\@lisp@tmp@global@i\@lisp@tmp@global@i
+ \expandafter\@lisp@read@eval@loop@normal@\@lisp@tmp@global@i}
+ \ifx#1\@tlabel@exception
+ \let\@@next\@lisp@read@eval@loop@catch@error
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@lisp@read@eval@loop@normal@@
+ \fi
+ \@@next#1{#2}}
+ \@lisp@read@eval@loop@print@err#1}
+% #1 -> error handler id, #2 -> error message
+ \@lisp@read@eval@loop@print@err@#2}
+ \toks0{#2}\errmessage{LISP on TeX ERROR: \the\toks0}%
+ \@lisp@read@eval@loop@gobble@remain}
+%FIXME: Now, the reader cannot tell consuming all input from imcomplete
+% input.
+% get CAR of a CONS cell (#2{#3}) and set it to a control sequence
+% (#1). If the argument is not a CONS cell, it raise an exception.
+ \ifx#2\@tlabel@cons
+ \let\@@next\@lisp@perform@car@normal
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@lisp@perform@car@type@error
+ \fi
+ \@@next#1{#3}}
+ \gdef#1{\@tlabel@exception{{-1}%
+ {\@tlabel@string{Argument of car must be a CONS cell.}}}}}
+% get CDR of a CONS cell (#2{#3}) and set it to a control sequence
+% (#1). If the argument is not a CONS cell, it raise an exception.
+ \ifx#2\@tlabel@cons
+ \let\@@next\@lisp@perform@cdr@normal
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@lisp@perform@cdr@type@error
+ \fi
+ \@@next#1{#3}}
+ \gdef#1{\@tlabel@exception{{-1}%
+ {\@tlabel@string{Argument of cdr must be a CONS cell.}}}}}
+% create a CONS cell whose CAR is #2{#3} and CDR is #4{#5}.
+% It set a control sequence (#1) to the created cell.
+ \@lisp@perform@cons@local#1#2{#3}#4{#5}%
+ \global\let#1#1}
+ \@lisp@gc@save@objects@local{#2{#3}#4{#5}}% pin arguments
+ \@lisp@gc@alloc\@lisp@tmp@local@i
+ \expandafter\@lisp@gc@save@memory@local\expandafter{\@lisp@tmp@local@i}% pin CAR
+ \@lisp@gc@alloc\@lisp@tmp@local@ii
+ \expandafter\gdef\@lisp@tmp@local@i{#2{#3}}%
+ \expandafter\gdef\@lisp@tmp@local@ii{#4{#5}}%
+ \expandafter\@lisp@perform@cons@\expandafter#1%
+ \@lisp@tmp@local@i\@lisp@tmp@local@ii}
+ \expandafter\@lisp@perform@cons@@\expandafter#1%
+ \expandafter#2#3}
+% all primitive types of LISP on TeX.
+ symbol,string,int,bool,dimen,skip,cons,nil,%
+ func,closure,macro,envfunc,mutable,%
+ exception,continuation}
+% all special forms of LISP on TeX
+ lambda,quote,define,if,defmacro,begin,%
+ mdefine,setb,@let,@mlet,macroexpand,callocc}
+% all additional types of LISP on TeX
+% \@tlabel@xxx -> \@eval@xxx\@apply@xxx\@@apply@xxx
+% \@dummy => ;
+% \@eval@xxx#1#2#3 : #1 = cont, #2 = env, #3 = reg
+ \expandafter#1\expandafter#2}
+ \expandafter#1\expandafter#2\expandafter#3}
+ \def#1##1##2##3{\gdef##3{#4{##1}}}%
+ \def#2{\errmessage{LISP on TeX [internal apply]: cannot apply}}%
+ \def#3{\errmessage{LISP on TeX [function --- apply]: cannot apply}}%
+ \def#4{#1#2#3}}
+ \expandafter\@type@define@filed%
+ \csname @eval@\@lisp@on@tex@type\endcsname%
+ \csname @apply@\@lisp@on@tex@type\endcsname%
+ \csname @@apply@\@lisp@on@tex@type\endcsname%
+ \csname @tlabel@\@lisp@on@tex@type\endcsname}
+% write buffer. LISP on TeX's evaluator
+ \expandafter\gdef\expandafter#1\expandafter{#1#2}}
+\def\lispeval#1#2{% #1 : \cs -> S-exp, #2 : target register
+ \gdef\@temp@write@buffer{}%
+ \@lisp@eval@save@envfalse
+ \expandafter\@eval#1{}#2%
+ \@temp@write@buffer}
+ \begingroup
+ % pin target S-exp object.
+ \if@lisp@eval@save@env
+ \@lisp@eval@save@envfalse
+ \expandafter\@lisp@gc@save@env@local
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@gobble
+ \fi{#3}%
+ \@lisp@gc@save@objects@local{#1{#2}}%
+ \expandafter\@@select@eval#1{#2}{#3}#4%
+ \endgroup}
+\def\@eval@symbol#1#2#3{% #1 symbol #2 current env #3 dist
+ \@lisp@env@get@value#3#1{#2}%
+ \expandafter\@eval@symbol@expand@mutable#3#3}
+ \ifx#1\@tlabel@mutable\global\let#3#2\fi}
+ \expandafter\@eval#1{#3}\@temp@i
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifx
+ \expandafter\@@eval@get@typelabel\@temp@i\@tlabel@exception
+ \let\@@next\@@eval@cons@exception\else\let\@@next\@@eval@cons@normal\fi
+ \@@next{#2}{#3}{#4}}
+ \expandafter\@lisp@gc@save@objects@local\expandafter{\@temp@i}% pin evaluated value of CAR
+ \def\@temp@ii{}% init
+ \expandafter\@flatten@args#1\@temp@ii % args are already pined, maybe...
+ %error-check of argument form
+ \ifx\@temp@ii\@@flatten@error@symbol
+ \let\@@next\@@eval@cons@args@error
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@@eval@cons@apply
+ \fi
+ \@@next{#2}{#3}}
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@@select@apply@pre
+ \expandafter\@temp@i\@temp@ii\@{#1}#2}
+ \gdef#2{\@tlabel@exception{%
+ {-1}{\@tlabel@string{Eval Improper List}}}}}
+ \ifx#1\@tlabel@cons
+ \let\@flatten@next\@@flatten@next
+ \else\ifx#1\@tlabel@nil
+ \let\@flatten@next\@@flatten@fin
+ \else
+ \let\@flatten@next\@@flatten@error
+ \fi\fi
+ \@flatten@next#2#3}
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter#3%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter#3#1}%
+ \expandafter\@flatten@args#2#3}
+ \def\@lambda@args{}% init
+ \@create@bind#2{#3}\@lambda@args % convert arg list into internal form
+ \expandafter\@create@closure\@lambda@args\@{#6}#4{#5}#7}
+ \ifx#1\@tlabel@symbol
+ \let\@create@bind@next\@@create@listarg
+ \else\ifx#1\@tlabel@cons
+ \let\@create@bind@next\@@create@normalarg
+ \else\ifx#1\@tlabel@nil
+ \let\@create@bind@next\@@create@finarg
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \@create@bind@next#2#3}
+ \expandafter\@@create@bind@symbol#1#3%
+ \expandafter\@create@bind#2#3}
+% application of define, defineM, defmacro.
+% #1 empty, #2{#3} 1st argument, #4{#5} 2nd argument,
+% #6 env, #7 cs
+ \let\@lisp@define@normal\@apply@define@normal
+ \@apply@define@{#1}#2{#3}#4{#5}\@{#6}#7}
+ \let\@lisp@define@normal\@apply@mdefine@normal
+ \@apply@define@{#1}#2{#3}#4{#5}\@{#6}#7}
+ \let\@lisp@define@normal\@apply@defmacro@normal
+ \@apply@define@{#1}#2{#3}#4{#5}\@{#6}#7}
+% type check
+ \ifx#2\@tlabel@symbol % normal style
+ \let\@@next\@apply@define@@
+ \else\ifx#2\@tlabel@cons % function definition
+ \let\@@next\@apply@define@func
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@apply@define@error
+ \fi\fi
+ \@@next{#1}#2{#3}#4{#5}\@{#6}#7}
+% \define's normal form
+ \expandafter\@lisp@env@add@global\expandafter#1\expandafter{#2}%
+ \gdef#2{\@tlabel@nil{}}}
+% \defineM's normal form
+ \@lisp@gc@save@objects@local{#2}% pin the evaluated value
+ \@lisp@gc@alloc\@lisp@tmp@local@i
+ \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\@lisp@tmp@local@i#2%
+ \expandafter\@apply@mdefine@normal@\@lisp@tmp@local@i#1%
+ \gdef#2{\@tlabel@nil{}}}
+ \@lisp@env@add@global#2{\@tlabel@mutable{#1}}}
+% \defmacro's normal form
+ \expandafter\@apply@defmacro@next\expandafter#1#2%
+ \gdef#2{\@tlabel@nil{}}}
+%TODO: error handling
+ \@lisp@env@add@global#1{\@tlabel@macro{#2}}}
+% normal form
+ \@eval#3{#4}{#5}#6% define does NOT use local environment
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifx
+ \expandafter\@@eval@get@typelabel#6\@tlabel@exception
+ \let\@@next\@apply@define@exception
+ \else\let\@@next\@lisp@define@normal\fi
+ \@@next{#2}{#6}}
+% function form
+ \@apply@define@func@#2#3{#4}\@{#5}#6}
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifx
+ \expandafter\@@eval@get@typelabel#1\@tlabel@symbol
+ \let\@@next\@apply@define@func@@
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@apply@define@error
+ \fi
+ \@@next#1#2#3{#4}\@{#5}#6}
+\def\@apply@define@func@@#1#2#3#4\@#5#6{% notice: no tmp token remain the closure
+ \def\@lisp@tmp@local@i{#3{#4}}% closure body
+ \def\@lisp@tmp@local@ii{\@tlabel@nil{}}%
+ \def\@lisp@tmp@local@iii{\@tlabel@cons{\@lisp@tmp@local@i\@lisp@tmp@local@ii}}%
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\@lisp@tmp@local@iv\expandafter{#2}% formal arguments
+ \def\@lisp@tmp@local@v{\@tlabel@cons{\@lisp@tmp@local@iv\@lisp@tmp@local@iii}}%
+ \def\@lisp@tmp@local@vi{\@tlabel@lambda{}}% \lambda
+ \expandafter\@apply@define@@\expandafter{\expandafter}#1\@tlabel@cons{\@lisp@tmp@local@vi\@lisp@tmp@local@v}\@{#5}#6}
+% type error
+ \gdef#3{\@tlabel@exception{{-1}
+ {\@tlabel@string{The 1st argument of \define or \defineM must be a symbol or valid list.}}}}}
+% catch exception at evaluation
+ \ifx\@tlabel@symbol#2%
+ \let\@@next\@apply@setb@normal
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@apply@setb@argtype@symbol@error
+ \fi
+ \@@next#3#4{#5}{#6}#7}
+ \@lisp@env@get@value#5#1{#4}%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifx
+ \expandafter\@@eval@get@typelabel#5\@tlabel@exception
+ \let\@@next\@apply@setb@raise@exception
+ \else\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifx
+ \expandafter\@@eval@get@typelabel#5\@tlabel@mutable
+ \let\@@next\@apply@setb@normal@
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@apply@setb@argtype@mutable@error
+ \fi\fi
+ \@@next#1#2{#3}{#4}#5}
+ % the environment and the value is already pinned, maybe...
+ \let\@lisp@tmp@local@i#5%
+ \@eval#2{#3}{#4}#5%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifx
+ \expandafter\@@eval@get@typelabel#5\@tlabel@exception
+ \let\@@next\@apply@setb@raise@exception
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@apply@setb@normal@@
+ \fi
+ \@@next#1#2{#3}{#4}#5}
+ \expandafter\@apply@setb@final\@lisp@tmp@local@i#5}
+ \global\let#1#2%
+ \gdef#2{\@tlabel@nil{}}}
+ \gdef#5{\@tlabel@exception{{-1}%
+ {\@tlabel@string{The 1st argument of \setB must be a symbol}}}}}
+ \gdef#5{\@tlabel@exception{{-1}%
+ {\@tlabel@string{The symbol #1 is not defined as a 'mutable'. %
+ Use \defineM, \letM, or \letrec.}}}}}
+%TODO: error handling
+ \@eval#3{#4}{#7}#8%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifx
+ \expandafter\@@eval@get@typelabel#8\@tlabel@exception
+ \let\@@next\@apply@@let@exception
+ \else\let\@@next\@apply@@let@normal\fi
+ \@@next{#2}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}}
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\@temp@env\expandafter{\expandafter#1\expandafter{#5}#4}%
+ \begingroup
+ \toks0\expandafter{\@temp@env}%
+ \toks1{#2{#3}#5}%
+ \toks2\expandafter{#5}%
+ \xdef\@@tco{%
+ \begingroup
+ \noexpand\@lisp@eval@save@envtrue
+ \noexpand\@lisp@gc@save@objects@local{\the\toks2}% pin appended value
+ \noexpand\@@eval@envcs{\the\toks0}\the\toks1
+ \endgroup}%
+ \endgroup
+ \aftergroup\@@tco}
+\def\@apply@@let@exception#1#2#3#4#5{} % #5 is already set the value of exception
+%TODO: error handling
+ \@eval#3{#4}{#7}#8%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifx
+ \expandafter\@@eval@get@typelabel#8\@tlabel@exception
+ \let\@@next\@apply@@let@exception
+ \else\let\@@next\@apply@@mlet@normal\fi
+ \@@next{#2}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}}
+ \expandafter\@lisp@gc@save@objects@local\expandafter{#5}% pin target value
+ \@lisp@gc@alloc\@lisp@tmp@local@i
+ \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\@lisp@tmp@local@i#5%
+ \expandafter\@apply@@mlet@normal@\@lisp@tmp@local@i#1{#4}%
+ \begingroup
+ \toks0\expandafter{\@lisp@tmp@local@ii}%
+ \toks1{#2{#3}#5}%
+ \toks2\expandafter{\@lisp@tmp@local@i}%
+ \xdef\@@tco{%
+ \begingroup
+ \noexpand\@lisp@eval@save@envtrue
+ \noexpand\@lisp@gc@save@memory@local{\the\toks2}% pin the appended value
+ \noexpand\@@eval@envcs{\the\toks0}\the\toks1
+ \endgroup}%
+ \endgroup
+ \aftergroup\@@tco}
+ \def\@lisp@tmp@local@ii{#2{\@tlabel@mutable{#1}}#3}}
+ \@eval#2{#3}{#8}#9%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifx
+ \expandafter\@@eval@get@typelabel#9\@tlabel@exception
+ \let\@@next\@apply@if@exception
+ \else\let\@@next\@apply@if@normal\fi
+ \@@next{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}{#9}}
+ \expandafter\@apply@if@next#6#1{#2}#3{#4}{#5}#6%
+ \aftergroup\@@tco}
+% #1{#2} -> condition, #3{#4} -> then, #5{#6} -> else, #7 -> env, #8 ->cs
+ \ifx#1\@tlabel@bool
+ \ifx#2t%
+ \let\@@next\@apply@if@next@t
+ \else\ifx#2f%
+ \let\@@next\@apply@if@next@f
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@apply@if@next@invalid
+ \fi\fi
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@apply@if@next@type@error
+ \fi
+ \@@next#3{#4}#5{#6}{#7}#8}
+ \gdef\@@tco{\gdef#6{\@tlabel@exception{%
+ {-1}{\@tlabel@string{Fatal. Invalid Boolean}}}}}}
+ \gdef\@@tco{\gdef#6{\@tlabel@exception{%
+ {-1}{\@tlabel@string{The condition must be a bool.}}}}}}
+%% use general
+ \let\@@next@pre\@apply@eval@args@pre@default
+ \ifx#3\relax
+ \let\@@next\@@next@fin
+ \else
+ \let\@@next@pre\@apply@eval@args@pre@i
+ \fi\@@next@pre{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\@@next#1{#2}}
+ \let\@@save#1%
+ \@eval#3{#4}{#2}#1%
+ \expandafter\@lisp@gc@save@objects@local\expandafter{#1}% pin evaluated value
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifx
+ \expandafter\@@eval@get@typelabel#1\@tlabel@exception
+ \let\@@next\@apply@eval@args@exception
+ \else\let\@@next\@apply@eval@args@normal\fi
+ \@@next{#1}}
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter#1\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\@@save#1}%
+ \let\@@next\@apply@eval@args}
+ \def\@temp@i{}%
+ \def\@@dummy@temp@i{}%
+ \@lisp@gc@save@objects@local{\@tlabel@func{#1}}% pin function
+ \@apply@eval@args\@temp@i{#3}#2\relax\relax
+ \ifx\@@dummy@temp@i\@temp@i%
+ \def\@@test@temp@i{\@tlabel@dummy{}}%
+ \else
+ \let\@@test@temp@i\@temp@i
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifx
+ \expandafter\@apply@get@args@head@typelabel\@@test@temp@i\relax\@tlabel@exception
+ \let\@@next\@apply@func@exception
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@apply@func@normal
+ \fi
+ \@@next{#1}{#3}{#4}}
+ \expandafter\@apply@func@next\expandafter{\@temp@i}{#1}{#2}#3}
+ \expandafter\gdef\expandafter#3\expandafter{\@temp@i}}
+ \gdef\@@tco{%
+ % pin arguments because this stack will be fold.
+ \begingroup
+ \@lisp@gc@save@objects@local{#2}%
+ #1#4#2\relax\relax
+ \endgroup}\aftergroup\@@tco}
+ \def\@temp@i{}%
+ \def\@@dummy@temp@i{}%
+ \@lisp@gc@save@objects@local{\@tlabel@envfunc{#1}}% pin function
+ \@apply@eval@args\@temp@i{#3}#2\relax\relax
+ \ifx\@temp@i\@@dummy@temp@i%
+ \def\@@test@temp@i{\@tlabel@dummy{}}%
+ \else
+ \let\@@test@temp@i\@temp@i
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifx
+ \expandafter\@apply@get@args@head@typelabel\@@test@temp@i\relax\@tlabel@exception
+ \let\@@next\@apply@func@exception
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@apply@envfunc@normal
+ \fi
+ \@@next{#1}{#3}{#4}}
+ \expandafter\@apply@envfunc@next\expandafter{\@temp@i}{#1}{#2}#3}
+ \gdef\@@tco{%
+ \begingroup
+ \@lisp@gc@save@objects@local{#2}%
+ \@lisp@eval@save@envtrue%
+ #1#4{#3}#2\relax\relax
+ \endgroup}\aftergroup\@@tco}
+ \def\@temp@i{}%
+ \def\@@dummy@temp@i{}%
+ \@lisp@gc@save@objects@local{\@tlabel@closure{#1}}% pin closure
+ \@lisp@gc@save@objects@local{#2}% pin arguments
+ \@apply@eval@args\@temp@i{#3}#2\relax\relax
+ \ifx\@temp@i\@@dummy@temp@i%
+ \def\@@test@temp@i{\@tlabel@dummy{}}%
+ \else
+ \let\@@test@temp@i\@temp@i
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifx
+ \expandafter\@apply@get@args@head@typelabel\@@test@temp@i\relax\@tlabel@exception
+ \let\@@next\@apply@func@exception
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@apply@closure@normal
+ \fi
+ \@@next{#1}{#3}{#4}}
+ \expandafter\@apply@closure@next\expandafter{\@temp@i}{#1}{#2}#3}
+ \def\@temp@env{}%
+ \@lisp@gc@save@objects@local{#5}% pin arguments
+ \@@apply@create@env\@temp@env#1#5\relax\relax
+ \begingroup
+ \toks0\expandafter{\@temp@env#2}%
+ \toks1{#3{#4}#6}%
+ \xdef\@@tco{%
+ \noexpand\@lisp@eval@save@envtrue
+ \noexpand\@@eval@envcs{\the\toks0}\the\toks1}%
+ \endgroup
+ \aftergroup\@@tco}
+% create an environment using in evaluation of closure's body.
+% It set a control sequence (#1) to the created environment locally.
+% #2 is formal arguments and #3 is rest argument. If there is
+% no rest argument, #3 is \@@unused. If an error occurs, it set
+% #1 to \relax by \let.
+ \def#1{}% initialize
+ \@@apply@create@env@#1{#2}{#3}}
+ \ifx!#2!% If #2 is empty
+ \ifx#3\@@unused
+ \let\@@next\@@apply@create@env@bind@fin
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@@apply@create@env@bind@rest
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@@apply@create@env@bind@one
+ \fi
+ \@@next#1#2|{#3}}
+% end of environment creation. If there are some
+% remaining arguments, it cause error.
+ \ifx#3\relax\else
+ \let#1\relax
+ \def\@@apply@create@env@error@message{Too more arguments}%
+ \fi}
+% bind a formal argument. #5{#6} is an real argument
+% of closure/macro call. If there is no unbound argument,
+% #5 and #6 are \relax (see caller).
+ \ifx#5\relax
+ \let\@@next\@@apply@create@env@bind@one@error
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@@apply@create@env@bind@one@
+ \fi
+ \@@next#1#2{#3}{#4}{#5{#6}}}
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter#1\expandafter{#1#2{#5}}%
+ \@@apply@create@env@#1{#3}{#4}}
+ \def\@@apply@create@env@error@message{Too few arguments}%
+ \let#1\relax}
+% bind a rest argument (#2).
+ \def\@lisp@tmp@local@i{#1#2}%
+ \def\@lisp@tmp@local@ii{}%
+ \@@apply@create@env@bind@rest@}
+% get all remaining arguments and create a list.
+% it set the result to \@lisp@tmp@local@iii
+ \ifx#1\relax
+ \let\@@next\@@apply@create@env@bind@rest@create@cell
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@@apply@create@env@bind@rest@reverse
+ \fi
+ \@@next#1{#2}}
+% reverse the arguments' order and set it to \@lisp@tmp@local@ii
+ \toks0{#1{#2}}%
+ \toks2\expandafter{\@lisp@tmp@local@ii}%
+ \edef\@lisp@tmp@local@ii{\the\toks0 \the\toks2}%
+ \@@apply@create@env@bind@rest@}
+% create a list
+\def\@@apply@create@env@bind@rest@create@cell#1#2{% #1 and #2 is dummy
+ \def\@lisp@tmp@local@iii{\@tlabel@nil{}}%
+ \ifx\@lisp@tmp@local@ii\@empty%if there is no argument
+ \let\@@next\@@apply@create@env@bind@rest@create@cell@fin
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@@apply@create@env@bind@rest@create@cell@alloc
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\@@next\@lisp@tmp@local@ii\relax\relax}
+ \expandafter\@@apply@create@env@bind@rest@create@cell@fin@\@lisp@tmp@local@i}
+ \expandafter\@@apply@create@env@bind@rest@create@cell@fin@@
+ \expandafter{\@lisp@tmp@local@iii}#1#2}
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter#2\expandafter{#2#3{#1}}}
+ \@lisp@gc@alloc\@lisp@tmp@local@iv % CAR
+ \expandafter\gdef\@lisp@tmp@local@iv{#1{#2}}%
+ \@lisp@gc@alloc\@lisp@tmp@local@v % CDR
+ \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\@lisp@tmp@local@v\@lisp@tmp@local@iii
+ \toks0\expandafter{\@lisp@tmp@local@iv}%
+ \toks2\expandafter{\@lisp@tmp@local@v}%
+ \edef\@lisp@tmp@local@iii{\noexpand\@tlabel@cons{\the\toks0 \the\toks2}}%
+ \ifx#3\relax
+ \let\@@next\@@apply@create@env@bind@rest@create@cell@fin
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@@apply@create@env@bind@rest@create@cell@alloc
+ \fi
+ \@@next#3{#4}}
+% koko, @apply to @@apply wo irekaeru beki?
+ \def\@temp@env{}%
+ \@lisp@gc@save@objects@local{#5}% pin arguments
+ \@@apply@create@env\@temp@env#1#5\relax\relax
+ \begingroup
+ \toks0\expandafter{\@temp@env#2}%
+ \toks1{#3{#4}#7}%
+ \toks2{#7{#6}#7}%
+ \xdef\@@tco{%
+ \noexpand\@@eval@envcs{\the\toks0}\the\toks1
+ \noexpand\expandafter\noexpand\@eval\the\toks2}%
+ \endgroup
+ \aftergroup\@@tco}
+\def\@apply@macroexpand#1#2#3\@#4#5{% cont, args, \@ env, reg
+ \let\@@apply@macro@next\@@apply@macro@next@expand@only
+ \@lisp@eval@save@envtrue
+ \@eval#2{#3}{#4}#5%
+ \expandafter\@lisp@gc@save@objects@local\expandafter{#5}% pin tmp result
+ \expandafter\@eval#5{#4}#5}
+ \def\@temp@env{}%
+ \@lisp@gc@save@objects@local{#5}% pin args
+ \@@apply@create@env\@temp@env#1#5\relax\relax
+ \begingroup
+ \toks0\expandafter{\@temp@env#2}%
+ \toks1{#3{#4}#7}%
+ \toks2\expandafter{#7{#6}#7}%
+ \xdef\@@tco{%
+ \begingroup
+ \noexpand\@lisp@eval@save@envtrue
+ \noexpand\@@eval@envcs{\the\toks0}\the\toks1
+ \noexpand\@lisp@eval@save@envtrue
+ \noexpand\@eval@if@macro\the\toks2
+ \endgroup}%
+ \endgroup
+ \aftergroup\@@tco}
+ \ifx#1\@tlabel@cons\@eval@if@macro@#2{#3}#4\fi}
+ \expandafter\@eval#1{#3}\@temp@i
+ \expandafter\@eval@if@macro@@\@temp@i#1#2{#3}#4}
+ \ifx#1\@tlabel@macro\@eval\@tlabel@cons{#3#4}{#5}#6\else\gdef#6{\@tlabel@cons{#3#4}}\fi}
+ \@apply@begin@next#4{#3}#2\relax\relax}
+ \@lisp@gc@save@env@local{#2}% pin environment
+ \ifx#5\relax
+ \let\@@next\@apply@begin@final
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@apply@begin@cont
+ \fi\@@next{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}
+ \gdef\@@tco{%
+ \@lisp@eval@save@envtrue
+ \@eval#3{#4}{#2}#1}%
+ \aftergroup\@@tco}
+ \@eval#3{#4}{#2}#1%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifx
+ \expandafter\@@eval@get@typelabel#1\@tlabel@exception
+ \let\@@next\@apply@begin@exception
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@apply@begin@normal
+ \fi
+ \@@next{#1}{#2}{#5}{#6}}
+ \@apply@begin@next#1{#2}#3{#4}}
+ \advance\c@lisp@continuation@label 1
+ \@lisp@gc@save@env@local{#4}%
+ \@eval#2{#3}{#4}#5%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifx
+ \expandafter\@@eval@get@typelabel#5\@tlabel@exception
+ \let\@@next\@apply@callocc@exception
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@apply@callocc@normal
+ \fi
+ \@@next{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+ \toks0\expandafter{#5}%
+ \edef\@@next{\noexpand\begingroup
+ \noexpand\expandafter\noexpand\@@select@apply\the\toks0
+ \noexpand\@tlabel@continuation{\the\c@lisp@continuation@label}}%
+ \@@next\@{#4}#5\endgroup
+ \expandafter\@apply@callocc@check#5#5}
+ \ifx#1\@tlabel@exception
+ \let\@@next\@apply@callocc@check@contlabel
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@apply@callocc@gobble
+ \fi
+ \@@next#2\@#3}
+ \ifnum#1=\c@lisp@continuation@label
+ \let\@@next\@apply@callocc@hook
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@apply@callocc@gobble@after@check
+ \fi
+ \@@next#3{#2}}
+ \@lisp@gc@save@env@local{#4}%
+ \@eval#2{#3}{#4}#5%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifx
+ \expandafter\@@eval@get@typelabel#5\@tlabel@exception
+ \let\@@next\@apply@continuation@exception
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@apply@continuation@normal
+ \fi
+ \@@next{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+ \toks0\expandafter{#5}%
+ \xdef#5{\noexpand\@tlabel@exception{{#1}{\the\toks0}}}}
+% check #function's arguments
+%#1 #args(*, +, or n), #2 function body
+%#3 reg, #4 args
+ \@lisp@func@heck@args@count0
+ \@lisp@func@check@args@#4\relax\relax
+ \def\@@next@true{#2#3#4\relax}%
+ \def\@@next@few{\gdef#3{%
+ \@tlabel@exception{{-1}%
+ {\@tlabel@string{too few arguments}}}}}%
+ \def\@@next@many{\gdef#3{%
+ \@tlabel@exception{{-1}%
+ {\@tlabel@string{too many arguments}}}}}%
+ \ifx#1*%
+ \let\@@next\@@next@true
+ \else\ifx#1+%
+ \ifnum\@lisp@func@heck@args@count>0
+ \let\@@next\@@next@true
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@@next@few
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum\@lisp@func@heck@args@count=#1
+ \let\@@next\@@next@true
+ \else\ifnum\@lisp@func@heck@args@count>#1
+ \let\@@next\@@next@many
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@@next@few
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi\fi
+ \@@next}
+ \ifx#1\relax
+ \let\@@next\relax
+ \else
+ \advance\@lisp@func@heck@args@count1
+ \let\@@next\@lisp@func@check@args@
+ \fi
+ \@@next}
+% select GC engine
+ \expandafter\RequirePackage\expandafter[\@lisp@opt@gc]{lisp-simple-alloc} \or
+ \expandafter\RequirePackage\expandafter[\@lisp@opt@gc]{lisp-gc} \fi
+% reader
+%arithmetical functions
+%string manipulation
+% connection to TeX world
+% other primitive functions
+% functions defined by LISP codes
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-prim.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-prim.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f921612d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-prim.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+%% Syntax functions
+ \ifx#2\@tlabel@nil
+ \expandafter\gdef\expandafter#1%
+ \expandafter{\expandafter\@tlabel@int\expandafter{\the\@temp@count}}%
+ \let\@length@next\@length@gobble
+ \else\ifx#2\@tlabel@cons
+ \advance\@temp@count1\relax
+ \let\@length@next\@@lisp@length
+ \else
+ \errmessage{LISP on TeX [function--length]: The Argument must be a LIST}%
+ \fi\fi\@length@next#3#1}
+ \gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{f}}%
+ \ifx#2#4%
+ \def\@@temp@eqchecki{#3}%
+ \def\@@temp@eqcheckii{#5}%
+ \ifx\@@temp@eqchecki\@@temp@eqcheckii\gdef#1{\@tlabel@bool{t}}\fi
+ \fi}
+% printing function
+ \ifx#1\@tlabel@int
+ \@add@to@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer{:#2}%
+ \else\ifx#1\@tlabel@symbol
+ \@add@to@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer{\string#2}%
+ \else\ifx#1\@tlabel@string
+ \@add@to@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer{'#2'}%
+ \else\ifx#1\@tlabel@bool
+ \@add@to@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer{/#2}%
+ \else\ifx#1\@tlabel@dimen
+ \@add@to@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer{!#2}%
+ \else\ifx#1\@tlabel@skip
+ \@add@to@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer{@#2}%
+ \else\ifx#1\@tlabel@nil
+ \@add@to@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer{()}%
+ \else\ifx#1\@tlabel@cons
+ \@add@to@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer{(}%
+ \@tex@print@cell#2%
+ \else
+ \@add@to@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer{[INNER]}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ \expandafter\@tex@print@#1%
+ \expandafter\@tex@print@cdr#2}
+ \ifx#1\@tlabel@cons
+ \@add@to@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer{ }%
+ \@tex@print@cell#2%
+ \else\ifx#1\@tlabel@nil
+ \@add@to@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer{)}%
+ \else
+ \@add@to@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer{.}%
+ \@tex@print@#1{#2}%
+ \@add@to@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer{)}%
+ \fi\fi}
+ \gdef#1{\@tlabel@nil{}}\@@tex@texprint#2{#3}}
+ \ifx#1\@tlabel@string
+ \@add@to@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer{#2}%
+ \else\ifx#1\@tlabel@int
+ \@add@to@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer{#2}%
+ \else
+ \@add@to@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer{INNER TOKEN}%
+ \fi\fi}
+ \gdef#1{\@tlabel@nil{}}%
+ \let\@save@write@buffer\@temp@write@buffer
+ \def\@temp@write@buffer{}%
+ \@tex@print@#2{#3}%
+ \toks0\expandafter{\@temp@write@buffer}%
+ \immediate\write16{\the\toks0}%
+ \let\@temp@write@buffer\@save@write@buffer}
+% Type predicates
+ \def#1##1##2##3{\ifx##2#2\gdef##1{\@tlabel@bool{t}}\else\gdef##1{\@tlabel@bool{f}}\fi}}
+ \expandafter\@type@pred@add\csname\@lisp@on@tex@type Q\endcsname
+ \csname @type@\@lisp@on@tex@type\endcsname
+ \expandafter\@type@pred@define\csname @type@\@lisp@on@tex@type\endcsname\csname @tlabel@\@lisp@on@tex@type\endcsname}
+% eval , apply
+\def\@extern@apply#1#2#3#4#5#6{% reg, env, labelfun, contfun, labellist, contlist
+ \def\@lisp@apply@temp{}% init
+ \@flatten@args#5{#6}\@lisp@apply@temp
+ \expandafter\@extern@apply@next\expandafter{\@lisp@apply@temp}#3{#4}{#2}#1}
+\def\@extern@apply@next#1#2#3#4#5{% arglist-flatten, labelfun, contfun env, reg
+ {\expandafter\@@select@@apply#2{#3}#1\@{#4}#5}}
+% values
+% read
+ \read-1 to#1%
+ \def\@lisp@read@stdin@callback##1##2{%
+ \gdef#1{##1{##2}}}%
+ \expandafter\@lispread\expandafter\@lisp@read@stdin@callback#1}
+% create a list
+ \ifx#2\relax
+ \let\@@next\@lisp@prim@list@fin
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@lisp@prim@list@add
+ \fi\@@next#1#2{#3}}
+ \begingroup
+ \toks0\expandafter{#1}%
+ \toks1{#2{#3}}%
+ \xdef#1{\the\toks1 \the\toks0}%reverse arguments
+ \endgroup
+ \@lisp@prim@list#1}
+ \gdef#1{\@tlabel@nil{}}%
+ \@lisp@prim@list@fin@@#1}
+ \ifx#2\relax
+ \def\@@next##1##2##3{}%
+ \else
+ \let\@@next\@lisp@prim@list@fin@@@
+ \fi
+ \@@next#1#2{#3}}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-read.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-read.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcfb7fd4fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-read.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+%% This is file `lisp-read.sty'.
+%% License: Modified BSD - see LICENSE file
+%% End Of Input(EOI)
+%% Reader Macro
+%% @param #1 callback function (which gets a S-exp and do something)
+%% @param #2 the first letter of the input or EOI
+%% @return #1\@tlabel@xxx{contents}
+%% The first branch
+%% @param #1 callback function
+%% @param #2 the first letter of the input or EOI
+\def\@lispread@main#1#2{% Define \@@next, the continuation.
+ \if\noexpand#2(% [Branch 1] CONS cell or NIL
+ \def\@@next{\@lispread@cell#1}%
+ \else\ifcat\noexpand#2\relax% [Branch 2] A control sequence or a control symbol
+ \ifx#2\@end@lispread % [Branch 2-1] EOI
+ \def\@@next{\endgroup#1%
+ \@tlabel@exception{{-1}{\@tlabel@string{!Found End of Input!}}}}%
+ \else
+ \def\@@next{\@lispread@symbol#1#2}% [Branch 2-2] Symbol
+ \fi
+ \else\if\noexpand#2'% [Branch 3] String
+ \def\@@next{\@lispread@string#1\@lispread@string@dummy}%
+ \else\if\noexpand#2/% [Branch 4] Boolean
+ \def\@@next{\@lispread@bool#1}%
+ \else\if\noexpand#2:% [Branch 5] Integer
+ \def\@@next{\@lispread@int#1}%
+ \else\if\noexpand#2!% [Branch 6] Dimension
+ \def\@@next{\@lispread@dimen#1}%
+ \else\if\noexpand#2@% [Branch 7] Skip
+ \def\@@next{\@lispread@skip#1}%
+ \else\if\noexpand#2+% [Branch 8] call a Reader Module
+ \def\@@next{\@lispread@module#1}%
+ \else % Otherwise -- parse error
+ \errmessage{LISP on teX [read]: no such type start with \noexpand#2}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \@@next}
+%% Symbol
+ \endgroup#1\@tlabel@symbol{#2}}
+%% String
+\def\@lispread@string@dummy{} % to avoid consuming group
+ \endgroup\expandafter#1\expandafter\@tlabel@string\expandafter{#2}}
+%% Boolean
+ \endgroup#1\@tlabel@bool{#2}}
+%% Reader Module
+ \@lispread@module@main\@register@lispread@module#2\@@end
+ \endgroup
+ \expandafter#1\@register@lispread@module}
+\def\@lispread@module@main#1#2::#3\@@end{\csname @mod@read@#2\endcsname#1{#3}}
+%% Integer
+ \gdef\@lispread@int@callback{\@lispread@int@main#1}%
+ \afterassignment\@lispread@int@callback
+ \global\@cnt@lispread@int}
+ \endgroup\expandafter#1\expandafter\@tlabel@int\expandafter{\the\@cnt@lispread@int}}
+%% Skip
+ \gdef\@lispread@skip@callback{\@lispread@skip@main#1}%
+ \afterassignment\@lispread@skip@callback
+ \global\@cnt@lispread@skip}
+ \endgroup\expandafter#1\expandafter\@tlabel@skip\expandafter{\the\@cnt@lispread@skip}}
+%% Dimen
+ \gdef\@lispread@dimen@callback{\@lispread@dimen@main#1}%
+ \afterassignment\@lispread@dimen@callback
+ \global\@cnt@lispread@dimen}
+ \endgroup\expandafter#1\expandafter\@tlabel@dimen\expandafter{\the\@cnt@lispread@dimen}}
+%% CONS cell or NIL
+ \if\noexpand#2)% [Branch 1] NIL
+ \def\@@next{\endgroup#1\@tlabel@nil{}}%
+ \else % Otherwise CONS cell
+ \def\@@next{\@lispread@cell@car#1#2}%
+ \fi\@@next}
+%% first part of CONS cell : read CAR
+ \def\@lispread@car@reg##1##2{%
+ \def\@reg@lispread@car{##1{##2}}%
+ \@lispread@cell@dot#1}%
+ \@lispread\@lispread@car@reg}
+ \if\noexpand#2.%
+ \def\@@next{%
+ \def\@lispread@cell@fincheck####1####2{%
+ \def\@reg@lispread@cdr{####1{####2}}%
+ \@lispread@fin#1}%
+ \@lispread\@lispread@cell@fincheck}% kokonaosu
+ \else
+ \def\@@next{\@lispread@cell@cdr#1(#2}%
+ \fi\@@next}
+ \def\@lispread@cdr@reg##1##2{%
+ \expandafter\@lisp@perform@cons@local\expandafter\@reg@tmp\@reg@lispread@car##1{##2}%
+ \expandafter\endgroup\expandafter#1\@reg@tmp}%
+ \@lispread\@lispread@cdr@reg}
+ \if\noexpand#2)%
+ \def\@@next{%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@lisp@perform@cons@local
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@reg@tmp
+ \expandafter\@reg@lispread@car\@reg@lispread@cdr
+ \expandafter\endgroup\expandafter#1\@reg@tmp}%
+ \else
+ \def\@@next{\errmessage{LISP on teX [read]: missing )}}%
+ \fi\@@next}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-simple-alloc.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-simple-alloc.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6213d0cb5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-simple-alloc.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+% gc initializer (called by lisp-on-tex.sty)
+% allocator
+% The allocator define #1 to allocated the control sequence
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter#1\expandafter{%
+ \csname @lisp@gc@memory\the\@lisp@gc@simple@count\endcsname}%
+ \global\advance\@lisp@gc@simple@count1\relax}
+% GC main routine. The routine is called by the allocator.
+% If you want to call GC manually, you can do it.
+% In simple mode, this does not affects.
+% pinning a object on global.
+% In simple mode, this does not affects.
+% pinning objects on local.
+% In simple mode, this does not affects.
+% pinning memories on local.
+% In simple mode, this does not affects.
+% pinning environmnt on local.
+% In simple mode, this does not affects.
+\def\@lisp@gc@save@env@local#1{} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-string.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-string.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c0c011a2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-string.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+%% CONCAT : string -> string -> string
+%% (\concat str1 str2) => str1 ++ str2
+ \let\@@next@str\relax
+ \ifx#2\@tlabel@string
+ \expandafter\def
+ \expandafter\@temp@str
+ \expandafter{\@temp@str#3}%
+ \let\@@next@str\@str@concat
+ \else\ifx#2\relax
+ \let\@@next@str\@str@fin
+ \else
+ \errmessage{LISP on TeX [function --- concat]:%
+ Arguments of concat must be strings}%
+ \fi\fi\@@next@str#1}
+ \expandafter\gdef\expandafter#1%
+ \expandafter{\expandafter\@tlabel@string\expandafter{\@temp@str}}}
+%% INT2STRING : int -> string
+%% (\intTOstring i) -> 'i'
+%% IMMEDIATEWRITE : () -> ()
+%% It outputs the output buffer immediately.
+%% It cause error if the buffer is incomplete.
+ \gdef#1{\@tlabel@nil{}}%
+ \@temp@write@buffer\gdef\@temp@write@buffer{}}
+%% GROUP : string -> string
+%% (\group str) -> '{str}'
+ \ifx#2\@tlabel@string
+ \gdef#1{\@tlabel@string{{#3}}}%
+ \else
+ \errmessage{LISP on TeX [function --- group]:%
+ The argument of group must be a string.}%
+ \fi}
+%% UNGROUP : string -> string
+%% (\group '{str}') -> 'str'
+ \ifx#2\@tlabel@string
+ \@@text@ungroup#1#3\@@end
+ \else
+ \errmessage{LISP on TeX [function --- ungroup]:%
+ The argument of ungroup must be a string.}%
+ \fi}
+ \ifx;#3;%
+ \gdef#1{\@tlabel@string{#2}}%
+ \else
+ \errmessage{LISP on TeX [function --- ungroup]:%
+ The argument of ungroup must be a grouped string.}%
+ \fi}
+%% FGETS : () -> string
+%% (\fgets) -> read tokens from standard-in
+%% EXPAND : string -> string
+%% (\expand '<token>') -> '<token+>' where <token+> is expanded tokens of <token>
+ \edef\@temp@i{#2}%
+ \xdef#1{\noexpand\@tlabel@string{\@temp@i}}}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-util.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-util.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17681f7f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/lisp-util.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+%% Definition of Utility Functions
+(\define \listQ (\lambda (\x) (\or (\pairQ \x) (\= () \x))))
+(\define \procedureQ (\lambda (\x)
+ (\or (\funcQ \x) (\closureQ \x) (\envfuncQ \x) (\macroQ \x))))
+(\define \atomQ (\lambda (\x)
+ (\and (\not (\pairQ \x)) (\not (\= () \x)) )))
+(\define \map (\lambda (\f.\args)
+ (\lispif (\= () (\car \args)) ()
+ (\let ((\cars (\@inner@map \car \args)) (\cdrs (\@inner@map \cdr \args)))
+ (\cons (\apply \f \cars)
+ (\apply \map (\cons \f \cdrs)))))))
+%% @inner@map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
+(\define \@inner@map
+ (\lambda (\f \l)
+ (\lispif (\= () \l) () (\cons (\f (\car \l)) (\@inner@map \f (\cdr \l))))))
+%% not : bool -> bool
+(\define \not (\lambda (\b) (\lispif \b /f /t)))
+%% and : bool... -> bool
+(\define \and
+ (\lambda \l
+ (\lispif (\= () \l)
+ /t
+ (\lispif (\car \l) (\apply \and (\cdr \l)) /f))))
+%% or bool... -> bool
+(\define \or
+ (\lambda \l
+ (\lispif (\= () \l)
+ /f
+ (\lispif (\car \l) /t (\apply \or (\cdr \l))))))
+%% let bindings
+(\defmacro \let
+ (\lambda (\binds \body)
+ (\lispif (\= \binds ())
+ \body
+ (\list \let (\cdr \binds) (\list \@let (\car (\car \binds)) (\car (\cdr (\car \binds))) \body)))))
+(\defmacro \letM
+ (\lambda (\binds \body)
+ (\lispif (\= \binds ())
+ \body
+ (\list \letM (\cdr \binds) (\list \@mlet (\car (\car \binds)) (\car (\cdr (\car \binds))) \body)))))
+% letrec
+(\defmacro \letrec (\lambda (\binds \body) (\list \@letrec \binds \binds \body)))
+(\defmacro \@letrec
+ (\lambda (\binds \save \body)
+ (\lispif (\= \binds ())
+ (\list \@@letrec \save \body)
+ (\list \@letrec (\cdr \binds) \save
+ (\list \begin
+ (\list \setB (\car (\car \binds)) (\car (\cdr (\car \binds))))
+ \body)))))
+(\defmacro \@@letrec
+ (\lambda (\binds \body)
+ (\lispif (\= \binds ())
+ \body
+ (\list \@@letrec (\cdr \binds) (\list \@mlet (\car (\car \binds)) () \body)))))
+% nth
+(\define \nth (\lambda (\lst \n)
+ (\lispif (\= \n :0) (\car \lst) (\nth (\cdr \lst) (\- \n :1)))))
+\makeatother \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/tug2013/slide.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/tug2013/slide.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5cd14ab14d
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/tug2013/slide.pdf
Binary files differ