path: root/macros/latex/contrib/leftindex/leftindex.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2020-08-26 03:03:51 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2020-08-26 03:03:51 +0000
commit886387126dfc5fa942f9206222789ad55e0374bc (patch)
tree2b21943244ce8912826b88f77c44238d0e726d96 /macros/latex/contrib/leftindex/leftindex.tex
parentdfbdba4c53651477b0d82164c0126e0f41f8bdb1 (diff)
CTAN sync 202008260303
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/leftindex/leftindex.tex')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/leftindex/leftindex.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/leftindex/leftindex.tex
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+ \textlangle\textrm{\textit{#1}}\textrangle
+ language=[LaTeX]TeX,
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,
+ commentstyle=\itshape\ttfamily\small,
+ escapechar=@,
+ alsoletter=\\,
+ breaklines=true,
+ breakindent={0pt},
+ captionpos=t,
+ pos=r,
+ tabsize=2,
+ inputencoding=utf8,
+ extendedchars=true,
+ explpreset={numbers=none,},
+\title{\pkgleftindex\ -- left indices with better spacing (v0.1$\beta$)}
+\author{Sebastian \O rsted (\href{}{})}
+ pdfauthor={Sebastian \O rsted},
+ pdftitle={leftindex -- left indices with better spacing},
+The package \pkgleftindex provides commands for typesetting left indices.
+Unlike any other similar package I know of, \pkgleftindex also indents the left superscript, providing much better spacing in general:
+ \leftindex^a_b{f}
+ \qquad\text{(compare to $\leftindex[]^a_b{f}$)}
+ .
+As \TeX\ provides no metrics for the indentation of left superscripts,
+the only way to accomplish this is to measure the negative indentation of the right subscript and then use that value.
+This works well for most symbols, with a few exceptions, which can be dealt with by
+supplying a few extra arguments.
+The package is a generalization of egreg's excellent code on
+ \url{}
+\chapter*{The commands}
+The fundamental, user-level command of~\pkgleftindex is called~\lstinline!\leftindex! and has
+the syntax
+\leftindex^{@<left superscript>@}_{@<left subscript>@}{@<symbol>@}
+Both the arguments <left superscript> and <left subscript>
+are optional. Let us see it in action:
+$ \leftindex^a_b {f} $,
+$ \leftindex^t {X} $
+$ \leftindex_b {J} $,
+$ \leftindex_v^u {\Pi} $,
+$ \leftindex{A} $,
+ \leftindex^1_0 { \int }
+ f(x)\, dx
+For the indentaiton of the left superscript, the package always
+uses the negative indentation of the right subscript. This yields good results
+most of the time, as seen above. However, there are cases where this goes wrong,
+the most notable example being the Greek letter~$ \Gamma $ in many fonts (not in Computer Modern, though). Less serious examples arise with letters like $P$ and $L$:
+$ \Gamma^a_b $
+$ \leftindex^a_b {\Gamma} $,
+$ L^a_b $
+$ \leftindex^a_b {L} $,
+$ P^a_b $
+$ \leftindex^a_b {P} $
+To solve this issue, \lstinline!\leftindex! takes two
+additional, optional arguments:
+\leftindex[@<slanting phantom>@][@<height phantom>@]
+ ^{@<left superscript>@}_{@<left subscript>@}{@<symbol>@}
+The package will then use the <slanting phantom> instead of the <symbol> to calculate the indentation of the superscript. The argument can be left empty, in which
+case the left superscript will not be indented at all, which is the right solution for the symbol~$ \Gamma $:
+$\leftindex[]^a_b {\Gamma}$,
+$\leftindex[I]^a_b {L}$,
+$\leftindex[I]^a_b {P}$
+The <slanting phantom> will never be used for calculating the height of the indices.
+For this, you can supply a <height phantom>:
+I doubt anyone will ever really need this much in practice, but the option is provided for completeness.
+I provide a more primitive, underlying command with four mandatory arguments:
+\manualleftindex{@<height phantom>@}{@<slanting phantom>@}
+ {@<left superscript>@}{@<left subscript>@}
+This one is mainly intended for use in commands and by other packages.
+Note that the arguments <height phantom> and <slanting phantom> have
+switched places compared to the command~\lstinline!\leftindex!.
+This is because <height phantom> is regarded as a ``more important''
+argument than <slanting phantom> from an implementation point of view,
+but the user is probably less likely to change it. Therefore,
+the user-level command~\lstinline!\leftindex! has <slanting phantom>
+before <height phantom>.
+Note also that \lstinline!\manualleftindex! does not take a <symbol>;
+you will have to write this yourself afterwards:
+$\manualleftindex{P}{I}{a}{b} P$
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file