path: root/macros/latex/contrib/incgraph/incgraph.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/incgraph/incgraph.tex
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1 files changed, 1156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/incgraph/incgraph.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/incgraph/incgraph.tex
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/incgraph/incgraph.tex
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+% \LaTeX-Main\
+%% The LaTeX package incgraph - version 1.12 (2015/03/12)
+%% incgraph.tex: Manual
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2012-2013 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
+%% This work consists of all files listed in README
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+ pdftitle={Manual for the incgraph package},
+ pdfauthor={Thomas F. Sturm},
+ pdfsubject={graphics inclusion},
+ pdfkeywords={graphics inclusion page}
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+ incgraph,incmultigraph,n,ni,nn,nt,igrset,igrpage,igrcenter,igrcenterfit,
+ igrtargetset,igrboxset,igrboxcenter,igrpagestyle,igrboxtikz,igrboxtikzpage,
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+{\bfseries\LARGE The \texttt{incgraph} package\par}\medskip
+{\large Manual for version \version\ (\datum)\par}
+{\large Thomas F.~Sturm%
+ \footnote{Prof.~Dr.~Dr.~Thomas F.~Sturm, Institut f\"{u}r Mathematik und Informatik,
+ Universit\"{a}t der Bundeswehr M\"{u}nchen, D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany;
+ email: \href{}{}} }
+ \begin{center}\bfseries Abstract\end{center}
+ |incgraph| provides tools for including graphics on full paper size.
+ The graphics can be centered for a given paper format or the paper may be
+ resized to the graphics dimensions.
+ The main use case for the package |incgraph| is to transform one or many scans
+ or taken pictures to a PDF document. It can also be applied for full paper size
+ \LaTeX\ created graphics.
+ The package |incgraph| provides a tool box with basic macros and a
+ convenience user interface which wraps the well-known |includegraphics|.
+ Also, bookmarking is especially supported.
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[title={Caveat\hfill --- Page \thepage\ ---},
+ colframe=red!65!black,colback=red!10!white,fonttitle=\Large\bfseries,
+ fontupper=\large,arc=0mm,outer arc=0mm]
+ This documentation contains a lot of effects which can only be seen
+ when viewed on a computer screen. If you read this text on paper, you
+ will not notice the paper resizing and the bookmarks. Also, pages in landscape may probably
+ be rotated by your printer.
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+The main purpose of this package is to include one or more graphics on full
+paper size. This means that a graphic is either centered on a blank page
+presumable of the given document paper size or the page is resized
+to the dimensions of the graphic.
+For the graphics, JPG files or PDF files or other supported formats may be
+used by inclusion. Alternatively, the graphics (or whatever) can be produced
+by \LaTeX\ code.
+An important use case for the package |incgraph| is to transform one or many scans
+or taken pictures to a PDF document. Optionally, the included graphics can
+be commented with bookmarks for the resulting PDF document.
+The well-known |graphicx| package \cite{carlisle:1999a} allows the inclusion
+of several types of external graphics files. The convenience user interface
+of |incgraph| described in Section \ref{sec:interface} relies on this package and adds
+assistance for the described purpose. Note that the package is designed for and
+tested with |pdflatex| to produce PDF directly. Some features like the paper
+resizing may not be applicable for other work-flows.
+Many of the features of the convenience user interface can be used directly
+with various basic macros. These are collected and described
+as a 'basic tool box' in Section \ref{sec:basictoolbox}.
+If this package does not aid your intended purpose, you may take a look
+at the |pdfpages| package \cite{matthias:2012a} which also supports the insertion of
+external multi-page PDF documents.
+\subsection{Loading the Package}
+|incgraph| is loaded in the usual manner in the preamble:
+The package |incgraph| loads the package
+|pgfkeys| \cite{tantau:2013a}. If no options are given, it also
+loads the packages |pgf|, |pgffor| \cite{tantau:2013a},
+the package |graphicx| \cite{carlisle:1999a}, and the
+package |bookmark| \cite{oberdiek:2011a}.
+\item The option |nopgf| prevents the loading of |pgf| and |pgffor|.\\
+ The opposite option |pgf| resets to loading the packages.
+\item The option |nographicx| prevents the loading of |graphicx|.\\
+ The opposite option |graphicx| resets to loading the package.
+\item The option |nobookmark| prevents the loading of |bookmark|.\\
+ The opposite option |bookmark| resets to loading the package.
+So, the minimal package loading is done with the following:
+Note that you can always load the mentioned packages yourself. This is
+intended to avoid possible option clashes the easy way.
+\section{User Interface}\label{sec:interface}
+\subsection{Inclusion Macros for External Graphics}
+The macros of this section rely on the |\includegraphics| command from
+the package |graphicx| \cite{carlisle:1999a}.
+%Section \ref{sec:basictoolbox} describes more basic commands.
+\begin{docCommand}{incgraph}{\oarg{options}\oarg{graphics options}\marg{file name}}
+ The picture file with the given \meta{file name} is included in the center
+ of a separate page. Depending on the \meta{options}, this page keeps the
+ document size or is resized to the graphics dimensions.
+ The applicable \meta{options} are listed in Section \ref{sec:keys}.
+ If \meta{graphics options} are given, these are added to the options for
+ the underlying |\includegraphics| command. See the documentation of
+ |graphicx| \cite{carlisle:1999a} for a list of applicable \meta{graphics options}.
+\begin{texexptitled}[listing only,before={\par\medskip}]%
+ {The hand-drawn example (centered); see page~\pageref{exacenter}}{exacenter.listing}
+\incgraph[paper=current,label={exacenter},overlay page number at bottom,
+ bookmark={The hand-drawn example (centered)}]{example.jpg}
+\begin{texexptitled}[listing only,before={\par\medskip}]%
+ {The hand-drawn example (resized page); see page~\pageref{exaresized}}{exaresized.listing}
+ bookmark={The hand-drawn example (resized page)}]{example.jpg}
+\begin{texexptitled}[listing only,before={\par\medskip}]%
+ {The hand-drawn example (rotated and oversized); see page~\pageref{exarotated}}{exarotated.listing}
+ bookmark={The hand-drawn example (rotated and oversized)}]%
+ [angle=30,scale=3]{example.jpg}
+\begin{docCommand}{incmultigraph}{\oarg{options}\oarg{graphics options}\marg{file name pattern}\marg{list}}
+ All picture files matching the given \meta{file name pattern} where some
+ parts are substituted by elements of the \meta{list}
+ are included in the center of a separate page. Depending on the \meta{options}, the pages keep the
+ document size or are resized to the graphics dimensions.
+ The applicable \meta{options} are listed in Section \ref{sec:keys}.
+ If \meta{graphics options} are given, these are added to the options for
+ the underlying |\includegraphics| command. See the documentation of
+ |graphicx| \cite{carlisle:1999a} for a list of applicable \meta{graphics options}.\\
+ The \meta{list} may contain any construction allowed for the |\foreach| statement \cite{tantau:2013a},
+ especially a list of numbers.
+ The elements of the list can be used inside the \meta{file name pattern}
+ with the following macros:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docAuxCommand{n}: The current element of the list (may be a number).
+ \item\docAuxCommand{ni}: The position of the current element inside the list, i.\,e.\ |\ni|
+ counts from 1 to the size of the list.
+ \item\docAuxCommand{nn}: The zero-filled |\n|, if |\n| is a number. The digit
+ number of |\nn| is determined by \refKey{/igr/zerofill}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ The resolved \meta{file name pattern} is stored inside the macro:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docAuxCommand{nt}: This file name may be used for bookmarking.
+ \end{itemize}
+ In the default behavior, non existing files are ignored.
+\begin{texexptitled}[listing only,before={\par\medskip}]%
+ {A series of pictures; see from page~\pageref{exaseries.1}. The image files
+ exaimage-0001.png to exaimage-0150.png are included but only three
+ of them exist.}{exaseries.listing}
+\incmultigraph[zerofill=4,bookmark={A series of pictures: \nt},
+ paper=current,label={exaseries.\n}]{exaimage-\nn.png}{1,...,150}
+\subsection{Inclusion Macro for Internal Graphics}
+ The environment content is included in the center
+ of a separate page. Depending on the \meta{options}, this page keeps the
+ document size or is resized to the content dimensions.
+ The applicable \meta{options} are listed in Section \ref{sec:keys}.
+\begin{texexptitled}[listing only,before={\par\medskip}]%
+ {Some text on a shrunk paper; see page~\pageref{inctext1}}{inctext1.listing}
+\begin{inctext}[paper=graphics,label={inctext1},bookmark={A huge ABC}]
+ \Huge ABC
+\begin{texexptitled}[listing only,before={\par\medskip}]%
+ {A tikzpicture as text content; see page~\pageref{inctext2}}{inctext2.listing}
+ overlay page number at bottom=8mm]
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[zustand/.style={circle,fill=Gold,draw},scale=2]
+ \draw node[zustand] (s0) {$s_0$}
+ +(30:3cm) node[zustand] (s1) {$s_1$}
+ ++(-30:3cm) node[zustand] (s2) {$s_2$}
+ +(30:3cm) node[zustand] (s3) {$s_3$};
+ \path[very thick,-latex]
+ (s0) edge node[above left] {a} (s1)
+ edge node[below left] {b} (s2)
+ (s1) edge[out=-120,in=120] node[left] {b} (s2)
+ edge node[above right] {a} (s3)
+ (s2) edge[out=60,in=-60] node[right] {a} (s1)
+ edge node[below right] {b} (s3);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\subsection{(Global) Option Setting}
+ Sets options for \refCom{incgraph}, \refCom{incmultigraph}, and
+ \refEnv{inctext} inside the current \TeX\ group.
+ For example, the options \refKey{/igr/paper} and
+ \refKey{/igr/zerofill} may be defined for the whole document by this:
+\section{Option Keys}\label{sec:keys}
+\subsection{Paper (Media) Size}\label{sec:papersize}
+\begin{docIgrKey}{currentpaper}{}{no value}
+ The paper size keeps unchanged at the current size
+ except if \refKey{/igr/landscape} is used.
+ The current paper size has not to
+ be the document paper size.
+ See page \pageref{exacenter} for the output
+ of Example \ref{exacenter.listing} on page \pageref{exacenter.listing}.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{documentpaper}{}{no value}
+ The paper size is set to the initial document paper size.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{graphicspaper}{}{no value, initially set}
+ The paper is resized to the dimensions of the included image.
+ The \refKey{/igr/landscape} option is ignored for this paper.
+ See page \pageref{exaresized} for the output
+ of Example \ref{exaresized.listing} on page \pageref{exaresized.listing}.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{paper size}{=\meta{width}:\meta{height}}{no default}
+ The paper is resized to the given \meta{width} and \meta{height}.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{paper}{=\meta{name}}{no default}
+ The paper size is chosen according to the given \meta{name}.
+ Feasible values for the \meta{name} are
+ |current|, |document|, |graphics|,
+ |a0|, |a1|, |a2|, |a3|, |a4|, |a5|, |a6|, |a7|, |a8|, |a9|, |a10|,
+ |b0|, |b1|, |b2|, |b3|, |b4|, |b5|, |b6|, |b7|, |b8|, |b9|, |b10|,
+ |c0|, |c1|, |c2|, |c3|, |c4|, |c5|, |c6|, |c7|, |c8|, |c9|, |c10|,
+ |d0|, |d1|, |d2|, |d3|, |d4|, |d5|, |d6|, |d7|,
+ executive, letter, legal, ledger.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{landscape}{}{no value}
+ If set the width and height of the chosen paper are switched. Note that
+ this turns the paper by 90 degrees but the contents of the paper is not
+ turned.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{portrait}{}{no value, initially set}
+ Disables the \refKey{/igr/landscape} mode.
+\foreach \x in {a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,
+ b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10,
+ c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,
+ d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,
+ executive,letter,legal,ledger}
+{\begin{docIgrKey}{\x paper}{}{no value}
+ \igrset{\x paper}%
+ The paper size is set to
+ \texttt{\igr@target@width} $\times$ \texttt{\igr@target@height}.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{center}{}{no value, deprecated}
+ An alias for \refKey{/igr/currentpaper}.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{page}{}{no value, deprecated}
+ An alias for \refKey{/igr/graphicspaper}.
+\subsection{Graphics Inclusion}
+\begin{docIgrKey}{options}{=\marg{graphics options}}{no default, initially empty}
+ The \meta{graphics options} are applied to the underlying |\includegraphics| command.
+ See the documentation of
+ |graphicx| \cite{carlisle:1999a} for a list of applicable \meta{graphics options}.
+\begin{texexptitled}[listing only,before={\par\medskip}]%
+ {A resized image; see page~\pageref{exagraphresize}}{exagraphresize.listing}
+\igrset{options={width=10cm,height=10cm}, paper=graphics,
+ overlay page number at top=5mm
+ }
+\incgraph[bookmark={A resized image}, label={exagraphresize}]%
+ {exaimage-0037.png}
+\begin{docIgrKey}{options add}{=\marg{graphics options}}{no default, initially empty}
+ The \meta{graphics options} are added to the current list of options
+ for the underlying |\includegraphics| command.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{include command}{\colOpt{=\meta{macro}}}{default and initially \cs{includegraphics}}
+ Replaces the internally used \cs{includegraphics} command by the given \meta{macro}.
+ Note that \meta{macro} has to have the same signature as \cs{includegraphics},
+ i.\,e.\ it has to take two arguments where the first argument is optional.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{existence check}{=\meta{macro}}{no default}
+ Replaces the internally used \cs{IfFileExists} command by the given \meta{macro}.
+ Note that \meta{macro} has to have the same signature as \cs{IfFileExists},
+ i.\,e.\ it has to take three arguments.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{fail on not found}{}{no value}
+ Stops the compilation with an error if the included file does not exist.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{ignore on not found}{}{no value, initially set}
+ Not existing included files are ignored without warning.
+\subsection{Hypertargets, Labels, and Bookmarks}
+\begin{docIgrKey}{hyper}{}{no value, initially set}
+ An automated hyper target is set to the current image. The hyper target is placed
+ at the top left corner of the page. It is used internally, when a bookmark is added.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{no hyper}{}{no value}
+ No automated hyper target is set to the current image. Use this option, if
+ the package |bookmark| is not included.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{target}{=\meta{anchor}}{no default}
+ The next hypertarget destination value is set to \meta{anchor} instead of
+ an automatically created value. This may be used for hyperlinks.
+\hyperlink{oversized}{This is linked to the oversized example (click me)}.
+The target value '|oversized|' was defined in Example~\ref{exarotated.listing},
+see page~\pageref{exarotated.listing}.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{label}{=\meta{text}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Adds a \LaTeX\ label to the included image.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{bookmark}{=\meta{text}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Adds a PDF bookmark with the given \meta{text} to the current image.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{bookmark options}{=\marg{bookmark options}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the options for a bookmark.
+ See the documentation of
+ |bookmark| \cite{oberdiek:2011a} for a list of applicable \meta{bookmark options}.
+\begin{texexptitled}[listing only,before={\par\medskip}]%
+ {Bookmark options; see page~\pageref{exabookmark}}{exabookmark.listing}
+% not every PDF reader will show the effect!
+\igrset{bookmark options={bold,color={red}},currentpaper}
+\incgraph[bookmark={This ugly image again!},label={exabookmark}]%
+ {example.jpg}
+\begin{docIgrKey}{bookmark heading}{=\meta{text}}{no default, initially empty}
+ For \refCom{incmultigraph}, an additional bookmark with the given \meta{text}
+ is set as a heading before the images are included.
+\begin{texexptitled}[listing only,before={\par\medskip}]%
+ {A series of pictures; see from page~\pageref{exaheading.1}}{exaheading.listing}
+ bookmark heading={A series of pictures},
+ bookmark heading options={level=subsection},
+ bookmark={\nt},bookmark options={level=subsubsection},
+ overlay page number at bottom,
+ label={exaheading.\n}]{exaimage-\nn.png}{1,...,150}
+\begin{docIgrKey}{bookmark heading options}{=\marg{bookmark options}}{no default, initially empty}
+ Sets the options for a \refKey{/igr/bookmark heading}.
+ See the documentation of
+ |bookmark| \cite{oberdiek:2011a} for a list of applicable \meta{bookmark options}.
+The following settings enlarge or shrink the picture box, if
+\refKey{/igr/graphicspaper} is used. For other paper settings, the result
+will be just a certain shift of the picture box since the enlarged box
+will be centered on the paper.
+\begin{docIgrKey}[][doc new=2015-03-12]{left border}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |0pt|}
+Adds a space of \meta{length} at the left hand side.
+\begin{docIgrKey}[][doc new=2015-03-12]{bottom border}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |0pt|}
+Adds a space of \meta{length} at the bottom.
+\begin{docIgrKey}[][doc new=2015-03-12]{right border}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |0pt|}
+Adds a space of \meta{length} at the right hand side.
+\begin{docIgrKey}[][doc new=2015-03-12]{top border}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |0pt|}
+Adds a space of \meta{length} at the top.
+\begin{docIgrKey}[][doc new=2015-03-12]{horizontal border}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |0pt|}
+Adds a space of \meta{length} at the left hand side and the right hand side.
+\begin{docIgrKey}[][doc new=2015-03-12]{vertical border}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |0pt|}
+Adds a space of \meta{length} at the top and bottom.
+\begin{docIgrKey}[][doc new=2015-03-12]{border}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |0pt|}
+Adds a space of \meta{length} at all four sides.
+\subsection{Map and Match}
+\begin{docIgrKey}{set matches}{=\marg{list}}{no default, initially empty}
+ The \meta{list} is a comma separated list of \meta{key}=\meta{value} pairs.
+ For every pair, the given \meta{key} is mapped to the given \meta{value}.
+ Later, this \meta{value} can be retrieved by
+ \refKey{/igr/if match code},
+ \refKey{/igr/if match set}, and
+ \refKey{/igr/if match set bookmark}.
+\begin{tcblisting}{docexample,listing only}
+\igrset{set matches={
+ foo = bar,
+ 1 = A very red image,
+ 37 = A not so centered number,
+ 123 = A greenish example}}
+\begin{docIgrKey}{if match code}{=\marg{key}\marg{then}\marg{else}}{no default}
+ If the \meta{key} was defined by \refKey{/igr/set matches},
+ \refCom{igrsetmatchvalue}, or \refCom{igrsetmatches},
+ the corresponding value is put in the
+ macro |\igrmatchvalue| and the \meta{then} code is
+ executed. If the \meta{key} is unknown, the \meta{else} code is
+ executed.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{if match set}{=\marg{key}\marg{then}\marg{else}}{no default}
+ If the \meta{key} was defined by \refKey{/igr/set matches},
+ \refCom{igrsetmatchvalue}, or \refCom{igrsetmatches},
+ the corresponding value is put in the
+ macro |\igrmatchvalue| and |\igrset{|\meta{then}|}| is executed.
+ If the \meta{key} is unknown, |\igrset{|\meta{else}|}| is executed.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{if match set bookmark}{=\marg{key}\marg{then}\marg{else}}{no default}
+ If the \meta{key} was defined by \refKey{/igr/set matches},
+ \refCom{igrsetmatchvalue}, or \refCom{igrsetmatches},
+ the corresponding value is put in the
+ macro |\igrmatchvalue| and the current PDF bookmark is set to \meta{then}.
+ If the \meta{key} is unknown, the current PDF bookmark is set to \meta{else}.
+\begin{texexptitled}[listing only,before={\par\medskip}]%
+ {Map and match example; see from page~\pageref{examatch.1}}{examatch.listing}
+ bookmark heading={Map and match example},
+ bookmark heading options={level=subsection},
+ bookmark options={level=subsubsection},
+ if match set bookmark={\n}{\igrmatchvalue\ (\n)}{\nt},
+ overlay page number at bottom,
+ label={examatch.\n}]{exaimage-\nn.png}{1,...,150}
+\begin{docIgrKey}{disable match}{}{no value, initially set}
+ Disables the statements by
+ \refKey{/igr/if match code},
+ \refKey{/igr/if match set}, and
+ \refKey{/igr/if match set bookmark}.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{overlay}{=\marg{tikz code}}{no default, initially unset}
+ Introduces arbitrary \meta{tikz code} to be drawn over the included image.
+ Note that the |tikz| package \cite{tantau:2013a} has to be loaded separately.
+ To support positioning inside the picture, two |tikz| nodes named
+ |box| and |page| are defined. |box| takes the dimensions of the included image
+ and |page| takes the dimensions of the image or of the page depending on the usage of
+ \refKey{/igr/paper}.
+\begin{texexptitled}[listing only,before={\par\medskip}]%
+ {Overlay; see page~\pageref{overlay}}{overlay.listing}
+\igrset{bookmark options={level=subsection}, paper=current}
+\incgraph[bookmark={Picture with overlay},label={overlay},
+ overlay={
+ \node[draw=red,line width=3pt,fill=red,fill opacity=0.1,
+ minimum width=14cm,circle] (circ) at ( {};
+ \node[fill=blue!5!white,below right,text width=4cm] (A)
+ at ([xshift=1cm,yshift=-1cm]page.north west)
+ {This included image is overlayed with |tikz| code.};
+ \node[fill=green!10!white,above,text width=7cm] (B)
+ at ([yshift=2cm]page.south)
+ {Image Name: \nt\\Page number: \thepage\\
+ Example~\ref{overlay.listing} on page~\pageref{overlay.listing}};
+ \draw[line width=2pt,->] (A)--(circ);
+ \draw[line width=2pt,green!50!black,dashed]
+ (box.south west)--(box.south east);
+ \draw[line width=2pt,->,green!50!black] (B)--(box.south);
+ }]{example.jpg}
+\begin{docIgrKey}{overlay page number at}{=\meta{position}}{no default, initially unset}
+ Overlays the page number at the given |tikz| \meta{position}.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{overlay page number at bottom}{\colOpt{=\meta{length}}}{default |1.5cm|}
+ Overlays the page number at \meta{length} above the bottom edge of the paper.
+ See Example~\ref{exacenter.listing} on page~\pageref{exacenter.listing}
+ and the result on page~\pageref{exacenter}.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{overlay page number at top}{\colOpt{=\meta{length}}}{default |1.5cm|}
+ Overlays the page number at \meta{length} below the top edge of the paper.
+ See Example~\ref{exagraphresize.listing} on page~\pageref{exagraphresize.listing}
+ and the result on page~\pageref{exagraphresize}.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{no overlay}{}{no value, initially set}
+ Removes the overlay setting.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{pagestyle}{=\meta{page style}}{no default, initially |empty|}
+ Sets the \meta{page style} for the included graphics.
+\begin{docIgrKey}{zerofill}{=\meta{digits}}{no default, initially |0|}
+ For \refCom{incmultigraph}, the current number element
+ is filled up with leading zeros until the \meta{digits} count is reached.
+ If \meta{digits} is 0 or 1, nothing is added. A \meta{digits} value
+ greater than 10 is treated as 10 which is the maximum number of
+ possible digits. The result is accessible as |\nn|, see \refCom{incmultigraph}.
+ Note that |zerofill| should be set to |0| if the list elements
+ in \refCom{incmultigraph} are not numbers.
+\bookmark[level=section,dest=optkeyexamples]{User Interface Examples}
+\igrset{bookmark options={level=subsubsection}}
+\foreach \n in {1,...,11} {\inputlisting{\n}}
+\subsection{Including some Scans to Standard Paper}
+In this scenario, we have some scans (or images from whatever source) which
+should be combined to a PDF document for our paperless office.
+The paper size of the PDF document is set to a standard paper (here: letter size)
+to allow the document to be printed.
+The following Example \ref{somescans} is a complete template for such a document.
+Here, the images |example.jpg|,
+|exaimage-0037.png|, and
+|exaimage-0123.png| are used for the resulting document.
+All included images are automatically bookmarked with the page number and
+the file name of the source image.
+\tcbinputlisting{listing file=\thecurrentexample,listing only,
+ example={\texttt{\thecurrentexample}}{somescans}}
+The compiled result of this stand-alone source code is not found in this document but as
+a separate file in the documentation directory of the package.
+\subsection{Creating a Picture Book}
+For this example, we assume again that a bunch of image files is to be
+combined to a PDF document. This time, the target document should be read or
+displayed mainly on computer screens and may never be printed. Therefore,
+the paper size is set flexible for the current image.
+The following Example \ref{picturebook} is a complete template for such a document.
+All included images are resized to a common width, but this is not necessary.
+The resulting document is considered as an e-book where the bookmarks are the
+most important navigation accessory.
+Single page inclusions with \refCom{incgraph} are bookmarked directly, but
+multi-page inclusions with \refCom{incmultigraph} can be bookmarked using the
+map-and-match feature of the package.
+The example shows a mixed usage of the macros.
+Note that the bookmarks of the multi-page part are matched with the numbers
+contained in the file names of |exaimage-0001.png| to |exaimage-0150.png|.
+\tcbinputlisting{listing file=\thecurrentexample,listing only,
+ example={\texttt{\thecurrentexample}}{picturebook}}
+The compiled result of this stand-alone source code is not found in this document but as
+a separate file in the documentation directory of the package.
+\subsection{Reformatting from Letter to DIN A4 (and vice versa)}
+In this scenario, we assume to have a PDF document with the 'wrong' paper size.
+Here, |incgraph-example-a.pdf| has the letter format, but DIN A4 paper
+is needed. |incgraph| is used to reformat to the desired paper size.
+Of course, it also works the other way around.
+The following Example \ref{reformatting} is a complete template for such a document.
+The document gets the desired paper size with the \refKey{/igr/paper} option.
+Then, all four pages of the original document are imported to the new paper
+size. Note that the actual document content itself is not resized because
+letter and DIN A4 are not so very different. If needed, the content could be
+shrunk or enlarged easily by adding a |scale| option for the underlying
+|\includegraphics| macro.
+\tcbinputlisting{listing file=\thecurrentexample,listing only,
+ example={\texttt{\thecurrentexample}}{reformatting}}
+The compiled result of this stand-alone source code is not found in this document but as
+a separate file in the documentation directory of the package.
+\subsection{Drawing on Full Paper Size}
+In the following examples, no external image is included to the document.
+Instead, the image (or whatever) is created inside the document and put
+on a separate page which could be resized or take the original document
+paper size.
+In Example \ref{fullpaperdrawing1}, a |tikzpicture| is drawn. The whole
+picture is put inside an \refEnv{inctext} environment which puts the drawing
+on a separate page which gets the dimensions of the drawing.
+\begin{texexptitled}[listing only]{Creation of a special text page (resized)}{fullpaperdrawing1}
+\begin{inctext}[paper=graphics, bookmark=My special text page (resized)]
+ \coordinate (A) at (0,0); \coordinate (B) at (16,16);
+ \path[use as bounding box,top color=Goldenrod!25,bottom color=Navy!25]
+ (A) rectangle (B);
+ \coordinate (C) at ([xshift=1cm,yshift=1cm]A);
+ \coordinate (D) at ([xshift=-1cm,yshift=-1cm]B);
+ \path (C) -- coordinate (E) (D);
+ \draw[rounded corners=5mm,very thick,Navy] (C) rectangle (D);
+ \path (C) |-
+ node [pos=0.75,fill=white,draw=Navy,very thick,inner sep=3mm]
+ {My Special Page \thepage} (D);
+ \node[text width=10cm,align=flush center,font=\Large] at (E) {
+ This is my special page. It takes the dimensions of the underlying
+ |tikzpicture| as seen in the source code of Example~\ref{fullpaperdrawing1}
+ on page~\pageref{fullpaperdrawing1}.};
+See the result on the following page.
+In Example \ref{fullpaperdrawing2}, nearly the same |tikzpicture| is drawn.
+This time, the current paper size is used which puts the drawing
+on a separate page but without resizing the paper.
+To draw seamlessly, the document paper size of 21cm to 29.7cm is used
+directly inside the |tikzpicture|.
+\begin{texexptitled}[listing only]{Creation of a special text page (fitted)}{fullpaperdrawing2}
+\begin{inctext}[paper=current, target=mytarget,
+ bookmark=My special text page (fitted)]
+ \coordinate (A) at (0,0); \coordinate (B) at (21,29.7);
+ \path[use as bounding box,top color=Goldenrod!25,bottom color=Navy!25]
+ (A) rectangle (B);
+ \coordinate (C) at ([xshift=1cm,yshift=1cm]A);
+ \coordinate (D) at ([xshift=-1cm,yshift=-1cm]B);
+ \path (C) -- coordinate (E) (D);
+ \draw[rounded corners=5mm,very thick,Navy] (C) rectangle (D);
+ \path (C) |-
+ node [pos=0.75,fill=white,draw=Navy,very thick,inner sep=3mm]
+ {My Special Page \thepage} (D);
+ \node[text width=10cm,align=flush center,font=\Large] at (E) {
+ This is my special page. It consumes the whole document paper size with
+ an underlying |tikzpicture| as seen in the source code of
+ Example~\ref{fullpaperdrawing2} on page~\pageref{fullpaperdrawing2}.};
+See the result on the following \hyperlink{mytarget}{page}.
+\section{Basic Tool Box}\label{sec:basictoolbox}
+In this section, some basic macros of the package are documented.
+It is assumed that most users will only need the macros from the
+user interface described in Section \ref{sec:interface} and Section \ref{sec:keys}.
+\subsection{Full Page Commands}
+ The \meta{text} is put on a separate page which is resized to fit the
+ dimensions of the \meta{text}. \meta{text} may be single letter, an
+ included picture, or any \LaTeX\ code.
+ The page number is stored into \docAuxCommand{theigrpage} and
+ \docAuxCommand{igrAutoTarget} holds a hyper target value for bookmarking.
+ The style of the separate page is set to
+ the content of the macro
+ \docAuxCommand{igrpagestyle} which defaults to 'empty' but can be
+ redefined.
+ The \meta{text} is put in the center of a separate page which has the
+ current document dimensions. \meta{text} may be single letter, an
+ included picture or any \LaTeX\ code.
+ The page number is stored into \docAuxCommand{theigrpage} and
+ \docAuxCommand{igrAutoTarget} holds a hyper target value for bookmarking.
+ The style of the separate page is set to
+ the content of the macro
+ \docAuxCommand{igrpagestyle} which defaults to 'empty' but can be
+ redefined.
+ The \meta{text} is put in the center of a separate page which
+ is resized to the given \meta{width} and \meta{height}.
+ \meta{text} may be single letter, an
+ included picture or any \LaTeX\ code.
+ The page number is stored into \docAuxCommand{theigrpage} and
+ \docAuxCommand{igrAutoTarget} holds a hyper target value for bookmarking.
+ The style of the separate page is set to
+ the content of the macro
+ \docAuxCommand{igrpagestyle} which defaults to 'empty' but can be
+ redefined.
+ The next value for \docAuxCommand{igrAutoTarget} is set to \meta{anchor}.
+ This can be used for hand-made hyperlinks or bookmarks.
+ An application for |igrtargetset| is found in Example~\ref{fullpaperdrawing2}
+ on page~\pageref{fullpaperdrawing2}.
+\subsection{Box Commands}
+ The \meta{text} is put into a \TeX\ box named \docAuxCommand{igrbox}.
+ Additionally, some auxiliary macros are defined:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docAuxCommand{igrAutoTarget}: unique value for a hyper target.
+ \item\docAuxCommand{igrBoxWidth}: width of the |\igrbox|.
+ \item\docAuxCommand{igrBoxHeight}: total height of the |\igrbox|.
+ \item\docAuxCommand{igrBoxht}: height of the |\igrbox|.
+ \item\docAuxCommand{igrBoxdp}: depth of the |\igrbox|.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \igrboxset{This is an example}
+ |\igrAutoTarget| = \igrAutoTarget, |\igrBoxWidth| = \igrBoxWidth,
+ |\igrBoxHeight| = \igrBoxHeight,\\
+ |\igrBoxht| = \igrBoxht, |\igrBoxdp| = \igrBoxdp;
+ The current content of the |\igrbox|
+ is put in the center of a separate page which has the
+ current |pdfpage| dimensions.\\
+ The style of the separate page is set to
+ the content of the macro
+ \docAuxCommand{igrpagestyle} which defaults to 'empty' but can be
+ redefined.
+ Note that a |\clearpage| or similar has to be inserted before this command.
+ The current content of the |\igrbox| is embedded into a |\node| command
+ from the |tikz| package \cite{tantau:2013a} which has to be loaded separately.
+ Also, the bounding box is adjusted to the |\igrbox|.\\
+ To support positioning inside the picture, two |tikz| nodes named
+ |box| and |page| are defined which both take the dimensions of the |\igrbox|.
+ \igrboxtikz%
+ \draw[blue,very thick] (0,0) rectangle (\igrBoxWidth,\igrBoxHeight);
+ \draw[red] (0,0) grid (\igrBoxWidth,\igrBoxHeight);
+ \draw[black] ([xshift=-1cm,yshift=-1cm]page.north east) circle (1cm);
+The boxing macros can also be used nested (see the result on the following page):
+ \begin{tikzpicture}%
+ \igrboxtikz%
+ \draw[blue,very thick] (0,0) rectangle (\igrBoxWidth,\igrBoxHeight);
+ \draw[red] (0,0) grid (\igrBoxWidth,\igrBoxHeight);
+ \draw[black] ([xshift=1cm,yshift=-1cm]page.north west) circle (1cm);
+ This is an alias for \refCom{igrboxtikz}.
+ The current content of the |\igrbox| is embedded into a |\node| command
+ from the |tikz| package \cite{tantau:2013a} which has to be loaded separately.
+ This node is placed in the center of a bounding box which takes the current
+ page dimensions. Afterwards, |\igrBoxWidth| and |\igrBoxHeight| are
+ redefined to the dimensions of the total page.\\
+ To support positioning inside the picture, two |tikz| nodes named
+ |box| and |page| are defined. |box| takes the dimensions of the |\igrbox|
+ and |page| takes the dimensions of the |tikzpicture|.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}%
+ \igrboxtikzcenter%
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (\igrBoxWidth,\igrBoxHeight);
+ \draw[dashed] (box.south west) rectangle (box.north east);
+ \draw[very thick,<->] (page.north west)--(box.north west);
+ \draw[very thick,<->] (page.north east)--(box.north east);
+ \draw[very thick,<->] (page.south west)--(box.south west);
+ \draw[very thick,<->] (page.south east)--(box.south east);
+See the result on the following page.
+\subsection{Map and Match Commands}
+ The given \meta{key} is mapped to the given \meta{value}. Later, this
+ \meta{value} can be retrieved by \refCom{igrifmatch}.
+\igrsetmatchvalue{my key A}{my value A}
+\def\keytester#1{\igrifmatch{#1}{Hurray: '\igrmatchvalue'}{'#1' unknown}}
+\keytester{my key A}
+ The \meta{list} is a comma separated list of \meta{key}=\meta{value} pairs.
+ On every pair, the \refCom{igrsetmatchvalue} macro is applied.
+\igrsetmatches{my key A = my value A, bar = Shakespeare}
+\def\keytester#1{\igrifmatch{#1}{Hurray: '\igrmatchvalue'}{'#1' unknown}}
+\keytester{my key A}
+ If a \meta{key} was defined by \refCom{igrsetmatchvalue} or
+ \refCom{igrsetmatches}, the corresponding value is put in the
+ macro \docAuxCommand{igrmatchvalue} and the \meta{then} code is
+ executed. If the \meta{key} is unknown, the \meta{else} code is
+ executed.
+\igrsetmatches{1 = January, 2 = February, 3 = March, apr = April}
+\def\monthname#1{\igrifmatch{#1}{The name of month #1\ is \igrmatchvalue.}{%
+ You are kidding.}}
+\monthname{1} \monthname{foo} \monthname{2}\\
+\monthname{3} \monthname{apr} \monthname{35}
+\subsection{Zero Filling Commands}
+ With this command, a new \meta{macro} can be defined which takes a
+ non negative number as parameter.
+ This number is filled up with leading zeros until the
+ \meta{digits} count is reached.
+ If \meta{digits} is 0 or 1, nothing is added. A \meta{digits} value
+ greater than 10 is treated as 10 which is the maximum number of
+ possible digits.
+\myfill{7}, \myfill{12}, \myfill{934}, \myfill{665234}.\\
+\myfill{7}, \myfill{12}, \myfill{934}, \myfill{665234}.\\
+\myfill{7}, \myfill{12}, \myfill{934}, \myfill{665234}.\\
+\myfill{7}, \myfill{12}, \myfill{934}, \myfill{665234}.\\
+\myfill{7}, \myfill{12}, \myfill{934}, \myfill{665234}.
+\foreach \n in {2,...,100} {, \threedigits{\n}}.
+% Actually, it is not a good idea to include the references like this!
+% Do not follow this bad example ...
+ author = {Till Tantau},
+ title = {The TikZ and PGF Packages},
+ subtitle = {Manual for version 3.0.0},
+ url = {},
+ date = {2013-12-20},
+ author = {D. P. Carlisle and S. P. Q. Rahtz},
+ title = {The graphicx package},
+ url = {},
+ date = {1999-02-16},
+ }
+ author = {Andreas Matthias},
+ title = {The pdfpages Package},
+ url = {},
+ date = {2012-04-03},
+ author = {Heiko Oberdiek},
+ title = {The bookmark Package},
+ url = {},
+ date = {2011-12-02},