path: root/macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo')
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/impnattypo-fr.pdfbin0 -> 84319 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/impnattypo.pdfbin0 -> 82522 bytes
5 files changed, 1096 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/ b/macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11300805ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+[![Build Status](](
+[![CTAN license](](
+This package provides useful macros implementing recommendations by the French Imprimerie Nationale. The documentation of this package is in French.
+Ce paquet fournit des macros utiles implémentant des recommendations de l'Imprimerie Nationale Française.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/impnattypo-fr.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/impnattypo-fr.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58030516a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/impnattypo-fr.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/impnattypo.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/impnattypo.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..856c15c2db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/impnattypo.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,1026 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% Copyright (C) 2011-2015 by Raphaël Pinson <>
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Raphaël Pinson.
+% This work consists of the files impnattypo.dtx and impnattypo.ins
+% and the derived filebase impnattypo.sty.
+% \fi
+% \iffalse
+ [2019/03/04 1.5 Typographic utilities inspired by the French Imprimerie Nationale]
+\expandafter\ifx\csname ifenglish\endcsname\relax
+ \expandafter\newif\csname ifenglish\endcsname
+ \englishtrue
+\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
+ \DocInput{impnattypo.dtx}
+ \PrintChanges
+ \PrintIndex
+% \fi
+% \CheckSum{121}
+% \CharacterTable
+% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+% \changes{1.5}{2019/03/04}{Fix support for TexLive 2016 (new luatex
+% compatibility). Thanks to Michal Hoftich}
+% \changes{1.4}{2015/02/25}{Fix release date}
+% \changes{1.3}{2015/02/25}{Fix French documentation}
+% \changes{1.2}{2013/06/18}{Fix French documentation}
+% \changes{1.1}{2013/06/17}{Fix French documentation}
+% \changes{1.0}{2011/09/20}{Improve documentation, simplify internal variables}
+% \changes{0.9}{2011/09/20}{River detection returns false by default}
+% \changes{0.8}{2011/09/20}{Add river detection}
+% \changes{0.7}{2011/09/20}{Add homoioteleuton detection}
+% \changes{0.6}{2011/09/19}{Words contain at least one character}
+% \changes{0.5}{2011/09/19}{Add homeoarchy detection}
+% \changes{0.4}{2011/09/15}{Add draft mode}
+% \changes{0.3}{2011/09/13}{Add parindent and lastparline options}
+% \changes{0.2}{2011/09/13}{Add nosingleletter option}
+% \changes{0.1}{2011/09/11}{First version}
+% \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment}
+% \providecommand*{\url}{\texttt}
+% \GetFileInfo{impnattypo.dtx}
+% \ifenglish
+% \title{The \textsf{impnattypo} package}
+% \else
+% \title{Le paquet \textsf{impnattypo}}
+% \fi
+% \author{Raphaël Pinson \\ \url{}}
+% \ifenglish
+% \date{\fileversion~from \filedate}
+% \else
+% \date{\fileversion~en date du \filedate}
+% \fi
+% \maketitle
+% \section{Introduction}
+% \ifenglish
+% When it comes to French typography,
+% the \emph{Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l'Imprimerie Nationale}
+% is a definite reference.
+% While the majority of the recommendations of this book has been implemented
+% in the \textsf{frenchb} module for \textsf{babel},
+% other recommendations still deserve to be automatized in order to be
+% implemented in \LaTeX.
+% Such is the original goal of this package, initiated by a question on the
+%\footnote{\url{}} website,
+% and which implements several of the rules listed in this booklet
+% so as to make them more easily applicable to texts edited with \LaTeX.
+% As this package grew, functionalities were added, including some
+% that were not directly related to the booklet, but improved
+% the typographic quality of documents.
+% \else
+% En matière de typographie française,
+% le \emph{Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l'Imprimerie Nationale}
+% est une référence incontournable.
+% Si la majorité des recommandations de cet ouvrage est implémentée dans
+% le module \textsf{frenchb} pour \textsf{babel},
+% certaines autres recommandations méritent encore d'être automatisées pour être
+% implémentées en \LaTeX.
+% C'est le but original de ce paquet, initié par une question sur le site
+% et qui implémente plusieurs règles édictées dans ce lexique
+% afin de les rendre plus facilement applicables aux textes édités avec \LaTeX.
+% Au fur et à mesure que ce paquet a grandi, des fonctionnalités sont venues
+% s'ajouter, dont certaines ne sont pas directement liées au lexique,
+% mais améliorent la qualité typographique des documents.
+% \fi
+% \ifenglish
+% \section{Usage}
+% \else
+% \section{Utilisation}
+% \fi
+% \ifenglish
+% In order to use the \texttt{impnattypo} package, use the following line:
+% \else
+% Pour utiliser le paquet \texttt{impnattypo}, entrez la ligne:
+% \fi
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \usepackage[<options>]{impnattypo}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \ifenglish
+% The package options are described in the following sections.
+% \else
+% Les options du paquet sont décrites dans les sections suivantes.
+% \fi
+% \ifenglish
+% \subsection{Hyphenation}
+% \DescribeMacro{hyphenation}
+% Besides the general hyphenation rules, the booklet indicates
+% that we should ``prevent hyphenation of words on more
+% than two consecutive lines.''
+% In order to simplify the code, the suggested implementation
+% strongly discourages hyphenation at the end of pages, as well
+% as hyphenation on two consecutive lines.
+% To active this functionality, use the \texttt{hyphenation} option:
+% \else
+% \subsection{Césures}
+% \DescribeMacro{hyphenation}
+% En dehors des règles générales de coupure des mots, le lexique indique
+% qu'il faut \og [éviter] les coupures de mots sur plus de trois lignes
+% consécutives. \fg{}
+% Afin de simplifier le code, l'implémentation proposée décourage fortement
+% les césures en fin de page, ainsi que les césures sur deux lignes
+% consécutives.
+% Pour activer cette fonctionnalité, utilisez l'option \texttt{hyphenation}:
+% \fi
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \usepackage[hyphenation]{impnattypo}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \ifenglish
+% \subsection{Paragraph formatting}
+% \DescribeMacro{parindent}
+% The booklet advises to indent paragraphs by 1em.
+% This |\parindent| setting can be achieved by using
+% the \texttt{parindent} option:
+% \else
+% \subsection{Formatage des paragraphes}
+% \DescribeMacro{parindent}
+% Le lexique conseille une indentation des paragraphes de 1em.
+% Ce réglage de |\parindent| peut être obtenu par l'utilisation
+% de l'option \texttt{parindent}:
+% \fi
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \usepackage[parindent]{impnattypo}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \DescribeMacro{lastparline}
+% \ifenglish
+% Moreover, it is indicated in the ``Hyphenation'' section
+% that ``the last line of a paragraph must contain a word or
+% the end of a word of a width at least equal to the double
+% of the indent of the next paragraph.'' Since implementing
+% this solution exactly is quite tricky, the \texttt{lastparline}
+% option ensures that the last line of a paragraph is at least
+% as long as the double value of |\parindent|.\footnote{\url{}}
+% When \LuaTeX{} is used, the solution provided by Patrick Gundlach\footnote{\url{\#28361}}
+% is used. With other rendering engines, it is the native solution provided by
+% Enrico Gregorio\footnote{\url{\#28358}}
+% that serves as an implementation:
+% \else
+% De plus, il est indiqué dans la section \og Coupure des mots \fg{}
+% que \og la dernière ligne d'un alinéa doit comporter un mot ou
+% une fin de mot de longueur au moins égale au double du renfoncement
+% de l'alinéa suivant. \fg{} À défaut d'implémenter exactement cette
+% solution, l'option \texttt{lastparline} s'assure que la dernière
+% ligne d'un alinéa est au moins aussi longue que le double
+% de la valeur de |\parindent|.\footnote{\url{}}
+% Lorsque \LuaTeX{} est utilisé, la solution de Patrick Gundlach\footnote{\url{\#28361}}
+% est utilisée. Avec les autres moteurs de rendu, c'est la solution native de
+% Enrico Gregorio\footnote{\url{\#28358}}
+% qui fait office d'implémentation:
+% \fi
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \usepackage[lastparline]{impnattypo}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \ifenglish
+% When the \texttt{draft} option is activated and \LuaTeX{} is used,
+% the inserted ties are colored in
+% {\color{\intlastparlinecolor}\intlastparlinecolor}.
+% The color can be tuned with the \texttt{lastparlinecolor} option.
+% \else
+% Lorsque l'option \texttt{draft} est activée et que \LuaTeX{} est utilisé,
+% les espaces insécables insérés sont colorés en
+% {\color{\intlastparlinecolor}\intlastparlinecolor}.
+% La couleur utilisée peut être ajustée par l'option \texttt{lastparlinecolor}.
+% \fi
+% \DescribeMacro{nosingleletter}
+% \ifenglish
+% It is also recommended to avoid hyphenation points that would isolate a single letter.
+% The solution proposed by Patrick Gundlach\footnote{\url{}}
+% allows to fix this by using \LuaTeX. To activate this functionality,
+% you can use the \texttt{nosingleletter} option:
+% \else
+% Il est également recommandé d'éviter les coupures isolant une lettre.
+% La solution proposée par Patrick Gundlach\footnote{\url{}}
+% permet de remédier à cela en utilisant \LuaTeX. Pour activer cette
+% fonctionalité, il faut utiliser l'option \texttt{nosingleletter}:
+% \fi
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \usepackage[nosingleletter]{impnattypo}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \ifenglish
+% When this option is activated, only \LuaTeX{} (with the |lualatex| command)
+% can render the document.
+% When the \texttt{draft} option is activated,
+% the inserted ties are colored in
+% {\color{\intnosinglelettercolor}\intnosinglelettercolor}.
+% The color can be tuned by setting the \texttt{nosinglelettercolor} option.
+% \else
+% Lorsque cette option est activée, seul \LuaTeX{} (via la commande |lualatex|)
+% pourra effectuer le rendu du document.
+% Lorsque l'option \texttt{draft} est activée,
+% les espaces insécables insérés sont colorés en
+% {\color{\intnosinglelettercolor}\intnosinglelettercolor}.
+% La couleur utilisée peut être ajustée par l'option \texttt{nosinglelettercolor}.
+% \fi
+% \DescribeMacro{homeoarchy}
+% \ifenglish
+% When two consecutive lines begin (homeoarchy) or end (homoioteleuton)
+% with the same word or series of letters,
+% it can confuse the reader, so this has to be avoided.
+% Fixing this problem automatically is very complex
+% and generally not a good idea.\footnote{\url{}}
+% For this reason, the \texttt{homeoarchy} option in this package
+% only detects and highlights them. Fixing them will usually
+% be a matter of introducing ties in the paragraph:
+% \else
+% Lorsque deux lignes consécutives commencent ou finissent
+% par le même mot ou la même série de lettres,
+% cela peut induire le lecteur en erreur et cela est donc à éviter.
+% La correction automatique de ce phénomène est très complexe
+% et en général non souhaitable.\footnote{\url{}}
+% C'est pourquoi l'option
+% \texttt{homeoarchy} de ce paquet se contente
+% de les détecter et de les afficher. Leur correction
+% consistera en général en l'introduction d'une
+% espace insécable dans le paragraphe:
+% \fi
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \usepackage[homeoarchy]{impnattypo}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \ifenglish
+% When this option is activated, only \LuaTeX{} (with the |lualatex| command)
+% can render the document.
+% This option is only effective if the \texttt{draft} option is activated.
+% The inserted ties are colored with two colors:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item Entire words are colored in
+% {\color{\inthomeoarchywordcolor}\inthomeoarchywordcolor}
+% and this color can be set with the \texttt{homeoarchywordcolor} option;
+% \item Partial words are colored in
+% {\color{\inthomeoarchycharcolor}\inthomeoarchycharcolor}
+% and this color can be set by means of the \texttt{homeoarchycharcolor} option;
+% \end{itemize}
+% A glyph sequence is considered problematic when:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item The number of entire matching words is greater than \inthomeoarchymaxwords.
+% This parameter can be tuned with the \texttt{homeoarchymaxwords} option;
+% \item The number of matching characters is greaterr than \inthomeoarchymaxchars.
+% This parameter can be tuned with the \texttt{homeoarchymaxchars} option;
+% \end{itemize}
+% \else
+% Lorsque cette option est activée, seul \LuaTeX{} (via la commande |lualatex|)
+% pourra effectuer le rendu du document.
+% Cette option n'est effective que si l'option \texttt{draft} est activée.
+% Les espaces insécables insérées sont colorées de deux couleurs:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item Les mots entiers sont colorés en
+% {\color{\inthomeoarchywordcolor}\inthomeoarchywordcolor}
+% et cette couleur peut être ajustée par l'option \texttt{homeoarchywordcolor};
+% \item Les mots partiels sont colorés en
+% {\color{\inthomeoarchycharcolor}\inthomeoarchycharcolor}
+% et cette couleur peut être ajustée par l'option \texttt{homeoarchycharcolor};
+% \end{itemize}
+% Une séquence de glyphes est considérée comme problématique si:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item Le nombre de mots entiers trouvés dans les deux lignes consécutives est supérieur à \inthomeoarchymaxwords.
+% Ce paramètre peut être ajusté par l'option \texttt{homeoarchymaxwords};
+% \item Le nombre de caractères trouvés dans les deux lignes consécutives est supérieur à \inthomeoarchymaxchars.
+% Ce paramètre peut être ajusté par l'option \texttt{homeoarchymaxchars};
+% \end{itemize}
+% \fi
+% \DescribeMacro{rivers}
+% \ifenglish
+% A river is a vertical alignment of spaces in a paragraph.
+% The \texttt{rivers} option allows to color rivers so as to
+% identify them. This option does not fix the detected rivers:
+% \else
+% Une lézarde est un alignement vertical d'espaces dans un paragraphe.
+% L'option \texttt{rivers} permet de colorer les lézardes afin de les
+% identifier. Cette option ne corrige pas les lézardes détectées:
+% \fi
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \usepackage[rivers]{impnattypo}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \ifenglish
+% When this option is activated, only \LuaTeX{} (with the |lualatex| command)
+% can render the document.
+% This option is only effective if the \texttt{draft} option is activated.
+% The inserted ties are colored in
+% {\color{\intriverscolor}\intriverscolor}.
+% This color can be tuned by means of the \texttt{riverscolor} option.
+% \else
+% Lorsque cette option est activée, seul \LuaTeX{} (via la commande |lualatex|)
+% pourra effectuer le rendu du document.
+% Cette option n'est effective que si l'option \texttt{draft} est activée.
+% Les espaces insécables insérées sont colorées en
+% {\color{\intriverscolor}\intriverscolor}.
+% Cette couleur peut être ajustée par l'option \texttt{riverscolor}.
+% \fi
+% \ifenglish
+% \subsection{Chapter numbering}
+% \else
+% \subsection{Numérotation des chapitres}
+% \fi
+% \DescribeMacro{frenchchapters}
+% \ifenglish
+% When it comes to chapter numbering, the booklet indicates:
+% ``In a title, chapter numbers are typeset in roman capital numbers,
+% except for the ordinal `premier' written in letters in spite
+% of the current fashion to write it in the cardinal form Chapter I.''
+% The \texttt{frenchchapters} option of the package implements
+% this recommendation:
+% \else
+% Concernant la numérotation des chapitres, le lexique indique:
+% \og Dans un titre, on compose en chiffres romains grandes capitales
+% les numéros de chapitres, à l'exception de l'ordinal \og premier \fg{}
+% en toutes lettres malgré la tendance actuelle qui tend à lui substituer
+% la forme cardinale Chapitre I. \fg{}
+% L'option \texttt{frenchchapters} du paquet implémente cette recommandation:
+% \fi
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \usepackage[frenchchapters]{impnattypo}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \ifenglish
+% Should you wish to use the ordinal form `premier'
+% without using roman numbers for chapter numbering,
+% you can redefine the \texttt{frenchchapter} macro, for example:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \let\frenchchapter\arabic % use arabic numbers
+% \let\frenchchapter\babylonian % use babylonian numbers
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \else
+% Si vous souhaitez bénéficier de la forme ordinale \og premier \fg{}
+% sans pour autant utiliser une numérotation des chapitres en chiffres romains,
+% il est possible de redéfinir la macro \texttt{frenchchapter}, par exemple:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \let\frenchchapter\arabic % numérotation en chiffres arabes
+% \let\frenchchapter\babylonian % numérotation en chiffres babyloniens
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \fi
+% \ifenglish
+% \subsection{Widows and Orphans}
+% It is recommended not to leave widows and orphans in a document.
+% For this reason, we recommend you use the |nowidow| package:
+% \else
+% \subsection{Lignes orphelines et veuves}
+% Il est fortement recommandé de ne pas laisser de lignes orphelines
+% dans un document. Pour cela, nous vous conseillons d'utiliser le paquet
+% |nowidow|:
+% \fi
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \usepackage[all]{nowidow}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \ifenglish
+% See the package documentation for more options.
+% \else
+% Voir la documentation de ce paquet pour plus d'options.
+% \fi
+% \ifenglish
+% \subsection{Draft mode}
+% The \textsf{impnattypo} package features a draft mode
+% allowing to visualize the penalties (ties) inserted by the
+% \texttt{nosingleletter} and \texttt{lastparline} options,
+% as well as the information added by the \texttt{homeoarchy}
+% and \texttt{rivers} options. In draft mode,
+% places where ties were inserted are indicated
+% by colored squares.
+% To activate the draft mode, use the \texttt{draft} option,
+% for example:
+% \else
+% \subsection{Mode brouillon}
+% \DescribeMacro{draft}
+% Le paquet \textsf{impnattypo} dispose d'un mode brouillon
+% permettant de visualiser les pénalités (espaces insécables)
+% ajoutés par les options \texttt{nosingleletter} et
+% \texttt{lastparline}, ainsi que les informations
+% ajoutées par les options \texttt{homeoarchy}
+% et \texttt{rivers}. En mode brouillon,
+% les emplacements des espaces insécables insérés
+% sont marqués par des rectangles de couleur.
+% Pour activer le mode brouillon, utilisez l'option \texttt{draft},
+% par exemple:
+% \fi
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \usepackage[draft,lastparline]{impnattypo}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \ifenglish
+% This document is generated with the \texttt{draft} option on
+% in order to demonstrate its effects.
+% \else
+% Cet document est générée avec l'option \texttt{draft} afin d'en
+% montrer les effets.
+% \fi
+% \StopEventually{}
+% \section{Implementation}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ family=impnattypo,
+ prefix=int,
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \marginpar{No page finishes with an hyphenated word}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \brokenpenalty=10000
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \marginpar{Discourage hyphenation on two lines in a row}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \doublehyphendemerits=1000000000
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \marginpar{Number chapters}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\frenchchapter\Roman
+ \renewcommand{\thechapter}{%
+ \ifnum\value{chapter}=1
+ premier%
+ \else
+ \frenchchapter{chapter}%
+ \fi
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \marginpar{No single letter}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifluatex
+ \RequirePackage{luatexbase,luacode}
+ \begin{luacode}
+ local glyph_id = "glyph"
+ local glue_id = "glue"
+ local hlist_id = "hlist"
+ local prevent_single_letter = function (head)
+ while head do
+ if == glyph_id then -- glyph
+ if unicode.utf8.match(unicode.utf8.char(head.char),"%a") then -- some kind of letter
+ if == glue_id and == glue_id then -- only if we are at a one letter word
+ local p ="penalty")
+ p.penalty = 10000
+ \ifintdraft
+ local w ="whatsit","pdf_literal")
+ = "q \usecolor{\intnosinglelettercolor} 0 0 m 0 5 l 2 5 l 2 0 l b Q"
+ node.insert_after(head,head,w)
+ node.insert_after(head,w,p)
+ \else
+ node.insert_after(head,head,p)
+ \fi
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ head =
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ luatexbase.add_to_callback("pre_linebreak_filter",prevent_single_letter,"~")
+ \end{luacode}
+ \else
+ \PackageError{The nosingleletter option only works with LuaTeX}
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \marginpar{Paragraph indentation}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \marginpar{Last line of paragraph}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifluatex
+ \RequirePackage{luatexbase,luacode}
+ \begin{luacode}
+ local glyph_id = "glyph"
+ local glue_id = "glue"
+ local hlist_id = "hlist"
+ last_line_twice_parindent = function (head)
+ while head do
+ local _w,_h,_d = node.dimensions(head)
+ if == glue_id and head.subtype ~= 15 and (_w < 2 * tex.parindent) then
+ -- we are at a glue and have less then 2*\parindent to go
+ local p ="penalty")
+ p.penalty = 10000
+ \ifintdraft
+ local w ="whatsit","pdf_literal")
+ = "q \usecolor{\intlastparlinecolor} 0 0 m 0 5 l 2 5 l 2 0 l b Q"
+ node.insert_after(head,head.prev,w)
+ node.insert_after(head,w,p)
+ \else
+ node.insert_after(head,head.prev,p)
+ \fi
+ end
+ head =
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ luatexbase.add_to_callback("pre_linebreak_filter",last_line_twice_parindent,"lastparline")
+ \end{luacode}
+ \else
+ \setlength{\parfillskip}{0pt plus\dimexpr\textwidth-2\parindent}
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \marginpar{Detect homeoarchies}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifintdraft
+ \ifluatex
+ \RequirePackage{luatexbase,luacode}
+ \begin{luacode}
+ local glyph_id = "glyph"
+ local glue_id = "glue"
+ local hlist_id = "hlist"
+ compare_lines = function (line1,line2)
+ local head1 = line1.head
+ local head2 = line2.head
+ local char_count = 0
+ local word_count = 0
+ while head1 and head2 do
+ if ( == glyph_id and == glyph_id
+ and head1.char == head2.char) -- identical glyph
+ or ( == glue_id and == glue_id) then -- glue
+ if == glyph_id then -- glyph
+ char_count = char_count + 1
+ elseif char_count > 0 and == glue_id then -- glue
+ word_count = word_count + 1
+ end
+ head1 =
+ head2 =
+ elseif ( == 0 or == 0) then -- end of line
+ break
+ elseif ( ~= glyph_id and ~= glue_id) then -- some other kind of node
+ head1 =
+ elseif ( ~= glyph_id and ~= glue_id) then -- some other kind of node
+ head2 =
+ else -- no match, no special node
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ -- analyze last non-matching node, check for punctuation
+ if ((head1 and == glyph_id and head1.char > 49)
+ or (head2 and == glyph_id and head2.char > 49)) then
+ -- not a word
+ elseif char_count > 0 then
+ word_count = word_count + 1
+ end
+ return char_count,word_count,head1,head2
+ end
+ compare_lines_reverse = function (line1,line2)
+ local head1 = node.tail(line1.head)
+ local head2 = node.tail(line2.head)
+ local char_count = 0
+ local word_count = 0
+ while head1 and head2 do
+ if ( == glyph_id and == glyph_id
+ and head1.char == head2.char) -- identical glyph
+ or ( == glue_id and == glue_id) then -- glue
+ if == glyph_id then -- glyph
+ char_count = char_count + 1
+ elseif char_count > 0 and == glue_id then -- glue
+ word_count = word_count + 1
+ end
+ head1 = head1.prev
+ head2 = head2.prev
+ elseif ( == 0 or == 0) then -- start of line
+ break
+ elseif ( ~= glyph_id and ~= glue_id) then -- some other kind of node
+ head1 = head1.prev
+ elseif ( ~= glyph_id and ~= glue_id) then -- some other kind of node
+ head2 = head2.prev
+ elseif ( == glyph_id and head1.char < 48) then -- punctuation
+ head1 = head1.prev
+ elseif ( == glyph_id and head2.char < 48) then -- punctuation
+ head2 = head2.prev
+ else -- no match, no special node
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ -- analyze last non-matching node, check for punctuation
+ if ((head1 and == glyph_id and head1.char > 49)
+ or (head2 and == glyph_id and head2.char > 49)) then
+ -- not a word
+ elseif char_count > 0 then
+ word_count = word_count + 1
+ end
+ return char_count,word_count,head1,head2
+ end
+ highlight = function (line,nend,color)
+ local n ="whatsit","pdf_literal")
+ -- get dimensions
+ local w,h,d = node.dimensions(line.head,nend)
+ local w_pts = w/65536 -- scaled points to points
+ -- set data
+ = "q " .. color .. " 0 0 m 0 5 l " .. w_pts .. " 5 l " .. w_pts .. " 0 l b Q"
+ -- insert node
+ = line.head
+ line.head = n
+ node.slide(line.head)
+ end
+ highlight_reverse = function (nstart,line,color)
+ local n ="whatsit","pdf_literal")
+ -- get dimensions
+ local w,h,d = node.dimensions(nstart,node.tail(line.head))
+ local w_pts = w/65536 -- scaled points to points
+ -- set data
+ = "q " .. color .. " 0 0 m 0 5 l " .. w_pts .. " 5 l " .. w_pts .. " 0 l b Q"
+ -- insert node
+ node.insert_after(line.head,nstart,n)
+ end
+ homeoarchy = function (head)
+ local cur_line = head
+ local prev_line -- initiate prev_line
+ local max_char = tonumber(\inthomeoarchymaxchars)
+ local max_word = tonumber(\inthomeoarchymaxwords)
+ while head do
+ if == hlist_id then -- new line
+ prev_line = cur_line
+ cur_line = head
+ if == hlist_id then
+ -- homeoarchy
+ char_count,word_count,prev_head,cur_head = compare_lines(prev_line,cur_line)
+ if char_count >= max_char or word_count >= max_word then
+ local color
+ if word_count >= max_word then
+ color = "q \usecolor{\inthomeoarchywordcolor}"
+ else
+ color = "q \usecolor{\inthomeoarchycharcolor}"
+ end
+ -- highlight both lines
+ highlight(prev_line,prev_head,color)
+ highlight(cur_line,cur_head,color)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ head =
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ luatexbase.add_to_callback("post_linebreak_filter",homeoarchy,"homeoarchy")
+ homoioteleuton = function (head)
+ local cur_line = head
+ local prev_line -- initiate prev_line
+ local max_char = tonumber(\inthomeoarchymaxchars)
+ local max_word = tonumber(\inthomeoarchymaxwords)
+ local linecounter = 0
+ while head do
+ if == hlist_id then -- new line
+ linecounter = linecounter + 1
+ if linecounter > 1 then
+ prev_line = cur_line
+ cur_line = head
+ if == hlist_id then
+ -- homoioteleuton
+ char_count,word_count,prev_head,cur_head = compare_lines_reverse(prev_line,cur_line)
+ if char_count >= max_char or word_count >= max_word then
+ local color
+ if word_count >= max_word then
+ color = "q \usecolor{\inthomeoarchywordcolor}"
+ else
+ color = "q \usecolor{\inthomeoarchycharcolor}"
+ end
+ -- highlight both lines
+ highlight_reverse(prev_head,prev_line,color)
+ highlight_reverse(cur_head,cur_line,color)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ head =
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ luatexbase.add_to_callback("post_linebreak_filter",homoioteleuton,"homoioteleuton")
+ \end{luacode}
+ \else
+ \PackageError{The homeoarchy option only works with LuaTeX}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \marginpar{Detect rivers}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifintdraft
+ \ifluatex
+ \RequirePackage{luatexbase,luacode}
+ \begin{luacode}
+local glyph_id = "glyph"
+local glue_id = "glue"
+local hlist_id = "hlist"
+river_analyze_line = function(line,dim1,dim2,precision)
+ local head = line.head
+ while head do
+ if == glue_id then -- glue node
+ local w1,h1,d1 = node.dimensions(line.glue_set,line.glue_sign,line.glue_order,line.head,head.prev)
+ local w2,h2,d2 = node.dimensions(line.glue_set,line.glue_sign,line.glue_order,line.head,head)
+ --print("dim1:"..dim1.."; dim2:"..dim2.."; w1:"..w1.."; w2:"..w2)
+ if w1 > dim2 + precision then -- out of range
+ return false,head
+ elseif w1 < (dim2 + precision) and w2 > (dim1 - precision) then -- found
+ return true,head
+ end
+ end
+ head =
+ end
+ return false,head
+rivers = function (head)
+ local prev_prev_line
+ local prev_line
+ local cur_line = head
+ local cur_node
+ local char_count
+ local linecounter = 0
+ while head do
+ if == hlist_id then -- new line
+ linecounter = linecounter + 1
+ prev_prev_line = prev_line
+ prev_line = cur_line
+ cur_line = head
+ if linecounter > 2 then
+ cur_node = cur_line.head
+ char_count = 0
+ while cur_node do
+ if == glyph_id then -- glyph
+ char_count = char_count + 1
+ elseif == glue_id and char_count > 0 and then -- glue node
+ -- prev_line
+ local w1,h1,d1 = node.dimensions(head.glue_set,head.glue_sign,head.glue_order,head.head,cur_node.prev)
+ local w2,h2,d2 = node.dimensions(head.glue_set,head.glue_sign,head.glue_order,head.head,cur_node)
+ -- if we allow up to 45° diagonal rivers, then there can be up to + or - line height between spaces
+ local w_p,h_p,d_p = node.dimensions(prev_line.head,cur_line.head) -- calculate line height
+ found_p,head_p = river_analyze_line(prev_line,w1,w2,h_p)
+ if found_p then
+ -- prev_prev_line
+ local w1,h1,d1 = node.dimensions(prev_line.glue_set,prev_line.glue_sign,prev_line.glue_order,prev_line.head,head_p.prev)
+ local w2,h2,d2 = node.dimensions(prev_line.glue_set,prev_line.glue_sign,prev_line.glue_order,prev_line.head,head_p)
+ -- if we allow up to 45° diagonal rivers, then there can be up to + or - line height between spaces
+ local w_p,h_p,d_p = node.dimensions(prev_prev_line.head,prev_line.head) -- calculate line height
+ found_pp,head_pp = river_analyze_line(prev_prev_line,w1,w2,h_p)
+ if found_pp then
+ local n_pp ="whatsit","pdf_literal")
+ = "q \usecolor{\intriverscolor} 0 0 m 0 5 l 5 5 l 5 0 l b Q"
+ node.insert_after(prev_prev_line,head_pp.prev,n_pp)
+ local n_p ="whatsit","pdf_literal")
+ = "q \usecolor{\intriverscolor} 0 0 m 0 5 l 5 5 l 5 0 l b Q"
+ node.insert_after(prev_line,head_p.prev,n_p)
+ local n_c ="whatsit","pdf_literal")
+ = "q \usecolor{\intriverscolor} 0 0 m 0 5 l 5 5 l 5 0 l b Q"
+ node.insert_after(cur_line,cur_node.prev,n_c)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ cur_node =
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ head =
+ end
+ return true
+ \end{luacode}
+ \else
+ \PackageError{The homeoarchy option only works with LuaTeX}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+%% Set language to French
+\expandafter\newif\csname ifenglish\endcsname
+% \fi
+% \Finale
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/impnattypo.ins b/macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/impnattypo.ins
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f8d7d1dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/impnattypo.ins
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+%% Copyright (C) 2011-2015 by Raphaël Pinson <>
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Raphaël Pinson.
+%% This work consists of the files impnattypo.dtx and impnattypo.ins
+%% and the derived filebase impnattypo.sty.
+\input docstrip.tex
+This is a generated file.
+Copyright (C) 2011-2015 by Raphaël Pinson <>
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+The latest version of this license is in
+and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+version 2005/12/01 or later.
+ \file{impnattypo.sty}{\from{impnattypo.dtx}{package}}%
+ \file{impnattypo-fr.tex}{\from{impnattypo.dtx}{fr}}%
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following *}
+\Msg{* file into a directory searched by TeX: *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* impnattypo.sty *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file impnattypo.dtx *}
+\Msg{* through LaTeX. *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* Happy TeXing! *}
+\Msg{* *}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/impnattypo.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/impnattypo.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..173447f245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/impnattypo/impnattypo.pdf
Binary files differ