path: root/macros/latex/contrib/ijsra
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/ijsra
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/ijsra')
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-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/ijsra/ijsra_logo.pngbin0 -> 329827 bytes
5 files changed, 1133 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
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+document class __ijsra__
+_2017/07/24 v1.1_
+Copyright (c) 2017 Lukas C. Bossert
+Email: [](
+This is a document class called *ijsra* which is used for the __[International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology]( (IJSRA)__.
+This style contains:
+- ijsra.tex
+- ijsra.pdf
+and its style:
+* ijsra.cls
+and the required logo:
+* ijsra_logo.png
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+The latest version of this license is in []( and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+version 2005/12/01 or later.
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status _maintained_.
+The current maintainer of this work is [Lukas C. Bossert](
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/ijsra/ijsra.cls b/macros/latex/contrib/ijsra/ijsra.cls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a7a30f71c
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@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+%% This is file `ijsra.cls',
+%% LaTeX Class for ``International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology''.
+%% Copyright (C) 2016,2017-
+%% Lukas C. Bossert
+%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+\newcommand*\IJSRAmonth{{\scshape proof}}
+\newcommand*\IJSRAyear{{\scshape proof}}% \edef\issueyear{\the\year}
+\newcommand*\IJSRAvolume{{\scshape proof}}
+\newcommand*\IJSRAnumber{{\scshape proof}}
+\DeclareOptionX{volume}{\def\IJSRAvolume{Vol.\addspace #1}}
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+ {%\small
+ \list{}{\rightmargin=0em \leftmargin=2em}%
+ \item\relax}
+ {\endlist}
+\alertwarning{\sffamily THIS FEATURE IS DEPRECATED!\newline
+Use \textbackslash blockcquote or \textbackslash foreignblockcquote. \newline
+See the documentation online.}
+ {\end{quote}}
+\RequirePackage[ %% use for bibliography
+ backend=biber,
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+ ]{biblatex}
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+ \ifdefempty{\submission}{}{submission: \ijsradate{\submission}}
+ \ifdefempty{\acceptance}{}{| acceptance: \ijsradate{\acceptance}}
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+ \ifdef{\authortwo}{, \authortwo}{}%
+ \ifdef{\authorthree}{, \authorthree}{}%
+ \ifdef{\authorfour}{, \authorfour}{}%
+ \ifdef{\authorfive}{, \authorfive}{}
+\item \footnotesize\sffamily\textbf\keywordname : \keywords\\
+ \itshape
+ \noindent\item\relax
+ }
+ \begin{center}
+ * * *
+ \end{center}}
+ \edef\tempa{\getpagerefnumber{#1}\booltrue{@page}}%
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+% \pdfbookmark[1]{\shortauthor | \shorttitle}{\shortauthor}
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+ \begin{center}
+ {\Large\scshape%
+ \authorone\ifdef{\bioone}{{\footnote[1]{\bioone}}}{}%
+ \ifdef{\authortwo}{, \authortwo\ifdef{\biotwo}{{\footnote[2]{\biotwo}}}{}}{}%
+ \ifdef{\authorthree}{, \authorthree\ifdef{\biothree}{{\footnote[3]{\biothree}}}{}}{}%
+ \ifdef{\authorfour}{, \authorfour\ifdef{\biofour}{{\footnote[4]{\biofour}}}{}}{}%
+ \ifdef{\authorfive}{, \authorfive\ifdef{\biofive}{{\footnote[5]{\biofive}}}{}}{}%
+ }%
+ \\[1em]
+ \email
+ \ifdef{\affilone}{\\ \textsuperscript{\ifdef{\affiloneauthor}{$\affiloneauthor$}{}}\affilone}{}%
+ \ifdef{\affiltwo}{\\ \ifdef{\affiltwoauthor}{\textsuperscript{$\affiltwoauthor$}}{}\affiltwo}{}%
+ \ifdef{\affilthree}{\\ \ifdef{\affilthreeauthor}{\textsuperscript{$\affilthreeauthor$}}{}\affilthree}{}%
+ \ifdef{\affilfour}{\\ \ifdef{\affilfourauthor}{\textsuperscript{$\affilfourauthor$}}{}\affilfour}{}%
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+ \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography]}
+ \end{refsection}
+ \label{lastpage\IJSRAidentifier}
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+ marginparwidth=0cm, % - width for side note
+International Journal of \\
+Student Research in \\
+ISSN: 2398-2012\\
+Issue \IJSRAnumber\,|\,\IJSRAmonth\ \IJSRAyear
+ \DeclareCaptionFormat{listing}{#1#2#3}
+ \captionsetup[lstlisting]{format=listing,%
+ singlelinecheck=false,
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+ @Article, @Book,@Collection,@Proceedings,@Reference,@Thesis,
+ @Inproceedings,@Talk,@Review,@Inreference,@Incollection,
+ },
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+ unicode,
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+ % bookmarks=true,
+ final=true % = true, only with web-Documents!!
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d9c6ad839
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+% year=2016,
+% month=October,
+% number=1,
+% volume=2,
+ ]{ijsra}
+%--------Author’s names------------
+\def\authorone{Lukas C. Bossert}
+%-------Biographical information-------------
+\def\bioone{The coding of this documentclass is done at \href{}{}
+\alertwarning{Please know that this documentation may be deprecated since all developments are written down it the wiki of the journal’s repository: \url{}.}}
+\def\maintitle{The \texttt{ijsra}-class, Version \IJSRAversion\ -- \IJSRAversiondate}
+\def\abstract{This is a documentation of the class \texttt{ijsra} which is used for the
+ \emph{International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology}.
+ Read this documentation carefully.
+ When you start editing do it according to the structure shown in \cref{document}.}
+\def\keywords{documentclass, \LaTeX , IJSRA}
+ @Book{Winckelmann2006,
+ title = {History of the Art of Antiquity},
+ publisher = {Getty Research Institute},
+ year = {2006},
+ author = {Winckelmann, J. J.},
+ location = {Los Angeles},
+ origdate = {1764},
+ related = {Winckelmann1764},
+ relatedtype = {translationof},
+ translator = {Mallgrave, Harry Francis},
+ }
+ @Book{Winckelmann1764,
+ title = {Geschichte der Kunst des Alterthums},
+ publisher = {Walther},
+ year = {1764},
+ author = {Winckelmann, J. J.},
+ location = {Dresden},
+ }
+ author = {Orengo, H.},
+ title = {Open Source GIS and Geospatial Software in Archaeology},
+ subtitle = {Towards Their Integration into Everyday Archaeological Practice},
+ pages = {64--82},
+ editor = {Wilson, A. T. and Edwards, B.},
+ booktitle = {Open Source Archaeology},
+ booksubtitle = {Ethics and Practice},
+ publisher = {deGruyter Open},
+ location = {Warsaw},
+ year = {2015},
+ author = {Pikirayi, I.},
+ title = {The Future of Archaeology in Africa},
+ journaltitle = {Antiquity},
+ volume = {89},
+ pages = {531--541},
+ year = {2015},
+ issue = {345},
+ author = {Lukas C. Bossert},
+ title = {›ijsra‹ -- bib\LaTeX-style which is used for the \emph{International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology}},
+ subtitle = {Version: 0.1},
+ url = {},
+ keywords = {latex},
+ year ={2016},
+ note = {},
+ owner = {Lukas C. Bossert},
+ timestamp = {2016-07-04},
+\lettrine{E}{very} article\IJSRAsection{starting} starts with a lettrine as the first letter.
+This bigger letter functions as an eye catcher to make clear where the article starts.
+It effects the whole word: The first letter reaches down to the third line, the other letters of the word are capitalised.
+In \cref{lettrine} you see the code how this is achieved.
+ \begin{lstlisting}[label=lettrine,caption={Starting letter}]
+\lettrine{E}{very} article ...
+If you have a letter which is rather slanted you can define the slope.
+Let’s have a look at the letter ›A‹.
+ \begin{lstlisting}[label=lettrine,caption={Starting letter ›A‹}]
+\lettrine[slope=4pt,findent=-3pt]{A}{rchaeologists} …
+And it changes of course if we start the article with a ›W‹.
+ \begin{lstlisting}[label=lettrine,caption={Starting letter ›W‹}]
+\lettrine[slope=-4pt,nindent=-4pt]{W}{hen} ...
+The |tex|-file \IJSRAsection{document class}of each article starts with the definition of the document class.
+Herefor we use the destinctive class |ijsra| and load it with this line:
+\begin{lstlisting}[label=documentclass,caption={First line of tex-file.}]
+For |<options>| you can use e.g. |draft|: this will omitt the figures and gives you a white frame with the size of the figures instead.
+The advantage is faster compiling.
+Each article contains several information about the author(s), title etc.
+The document class can cope easily with one to five authors and their affiliation.
+Above that manual work is needed.
+The information about author, title, affiliation, biography etc are written into curly brackets.
+\begin{lstlisting}[label=information,caption={Information about the article}]
+\def\IJSRAidentifier{\currfilebase} %<---- do not change this!
+%-------Title | Email | Keywords | Abstract-------------
+\def\shorttitle{Jons short title}
+\def\maintitle{Jons very long title about his paper}
+\def\cmail{}%<---- corresponding email-address
+\def\keywords{Research, Archaeology, ...}
+%\def\keywordname{}%<--- redefine the name ›Keywords‹ in needed language
+\def\abstract{In his paper Jon is showing ...}
+%--------Author names------------
+\def\authorone{Jon Doe}
+%\def\authortwo{}%<---- comment/delete if there is no second author.
+%\def\authorthree{}%<---- comment/delete if there is no third author.
+%\def\authorfour{}%<---- comment/delete if there is no fourth author.
+%\def\authorfive{}%<---- comment/delete if there is no fifth author.
+%-------Biographical information-------------
+\def\bioone{Jon Doe is doing his research about ...}
+%\def\biotwo{}%<---- comment/delete if there is no second author.
+%\def\biothree{}%<---- comment/delete if there is no third author.
+%\def\biofour{}%<---- comment/delete if there is no fourth author.
+%\def\biofive{}%<---- comment/delete if there is no fifth author.
+\def\affilone{Jon Doe’s university or institution}
+%\def\affiltwo{}%<---- comment/delete if there is no second author.
+%\def\affilthree{}<---- comment/delete if there is no third author.
+%\def\affilfour{}<---- comment/delete if there is no fourth author.
+%\def\affilfive{}<---- comment/delete if there is no fifth author.
+%--------Mapping of authors to their affiliations------------
+%% authorone:--> * <--- copy/paste that symbol
+%% authortwo:--> † <--- copy/paste that symbol
+%% authorthree:--> ‡ <--- copy/paste that symbol
+%% authorfour: --> § <--- copy/paste that symbol
+%% authorfive: --> ¶ <--- copy/paste that symbol
+%\def\affiloneauthor{}%<---- paste the symbol of the authors into {}
+%\def\affiltwoauthor{}%<---- paste the symbol of the authors into {}
+%\def\affilthreeauthor{}%<---- paste the symbol of the authors into {}
+%\def\affilfourauthor{}%<---- paste the symbol of the authors into {}
+%\def\affilfiveauthor{}%<---- paste the symbol of the authors into {}
+After the definitions there is the block regarding the bibliographical entries.
+Those are written in the section
+\begin{lstlisting}[label=bibliography,caption={Bibliographical information}]
+\begin{filecontents}{\IJSRAidentifier.bib} %<--- do not change this
+ author = {Orengo, H.},
+ title = {Open Source GIS and Geospatial Software in Archaeology},
+ subtitle = {Towards Their Integration into Everyday Archaeological Practice},
+ pages = {64--82},
+ editor = {Wilson, A. T. and Edwards, B.},
+ booktitle = {Open Source Archaeology},
+ booksubtitle = {Ethics and Practice},
+ publisher = {deGruyter Open},
+ location = {Warsaw},
+ year = {2015},
+ author = {Pikirayi, I.},
+ title = {The Future of Archaeology in Africa},
+ journaltitle = {Antiquity},
+ volume = {89},
+ pages = {531--541},
+ year = {2015},
+ issue = {345},
+ author = {Lukas C. Bossert},
+ title = {›ijsra‹ -- bib\LaTeX-style which is used for the \emph{International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology}},
+ subtitle = {Version: 0.1},
+ url = {},
+ keywords = {latex},
+ note = {},
+ owner = {Lukas C. Bossert},
+ timestamp = {2016-07-04},
+ @Book{Winckelmann2006,
+ title = {History of the Art of Antiquity},
+ publisher = {Getty Research Institute},
+ year = {2006},
+ author = {Winckelmann, J. J.},
+ location = {Los Angeles},
+ origdate = {1764},
+ related = {Winckelmann1764},
+ relatedtype = {translationof},
+ translator = {Mallgrave, Harry Francis},
+ }
+ @Book{Winckelmann1764,
+ title = {Geschichte der Kunst des Alterthums},
+ publisher = {Walther},
+ year = {1764},
+ author = {Winckelmann, J. J.},
+ location = {Dresden},
+ }
+After that we have completed the preamble and get to main part of the document.
+Here we define the layout of the headline.
+\begin{lstlisting}[label=headline,caption={Headline layout}]
+\IJSRAopening %<---- do not change or forget this
+Then you can copy/paste the text of the article and make further editing.
+At the very end you have to insert
+Following there is a minimal template how the plain document should look like when you begin to edit and there is only one author.
+\begin{lstlisting}[label=document,caption={Plain document}]
+\def\IJSRAidentifier{\currfilebase} %<---- do not change this!
+\def\shorttitle{Jons short title}
+\def\maintitle{Jons very long title about his paper}
+\def\keywords{Research, Archaeology, ...}
+\def\abstract{In his paper Jon is showing ...}
+\def\authorone{Jon Doe}
+\def\bioone{Jon Doe is doing his research about ...}
+\def\affilone{Jon Doe’s university or institution}
+\lettrine{M}{ain} text ...
+Since we only have one author there is no need to specify the connection of |\authorone| to |\affilone| since this is done automatically.
+As soon as you have more than one author you need to do the mapping by copying the symbols ( * † ‡ § ¶ ) into the right |\affiloneauthor| or |\affiltwoauthor|.
+Before we have a closer look how to do certain editing
+let me give you some advice about naming the |tex|-file and the related figures.
+The |tex|-file has to be saved under an unique and individual name.
+Usually this is the family name of the author: e.g. |winckelmann.tex|
+If you think this is not enough because the author has quite a common family (as it might be with \emph{Johnson})
+plese use a word from the title, e.g. |Johnson_prehistory.tex|.
+Notice there must not be a blank in the name, use instead |_| or |-|.
+The name of the |tex|-file is what we have defined as the |\IJSRAidentifier|,
+with that we can differentiate between all the texts from the authors.
+We need this |IJSRAidentifier| again for the figures:
+put the figures in a folder called |figures|.
+Do not name the figures e.g. |figure1|, |figure2| etc. but use again this
+|IJSRAidentifier| (e.g. |Johnson_prehistory|) and name the figures like this:
+|Johnson_prehistory_fig01.jpg| or |winckelmann_fig01.png|.
+You can also name tables in the same way:
+|Johnson_prehistory_tab01.jpg| or |winckelmann_tab01.png|.
+\alertinfo{But please make sure that the \emph{IJSRAidentifier} is used with correct spelling of the author’s name etc.}
+As \IJSRAsection{sections}a subdivison of the paper into section we use the code |\IJSRAsection{<<section name>>}|.
+Be aware to insert the code \emph{after} the first word of the paragraph under the section heading.
+This\IJSRAsection{New Paragraph} is a new paragraph under the section with the title ›New Paragraph‹.
+There is also the possibility to do a \IJSRAsubsection{subsections} |\IJSRAsubsection{<<subsection name>>}|. It will be displayed as a |\IJSRAsection{<<section name>>}| but in the pdf-bookmarks there is a differentiation.
+\alertwarning{This code may conflict with wrapfigures since the section title and the wrapfigure use the margin space.
+In that case you have to move the wrapfigure further up or further down.}
+How to do quotes:\IJSRAsection{quotes}
+Quotes are inserted between the enviroment |IJSRAquote|.
+Let me give you an example:
+\blockcquote[see][112]{Winckelmann2006}{Grace can never properly be said to exist without beauty; for it is only in the elegant proportions of beautiful forms that can be found that harmonious variety of line and motion which is the essence and charm of grace.}
+It will be displayed as this:
+\blockcquote[see][112]{Winckelmann2006}{Grace can never properly be said to exist without beauty; for it is only in the elegant proportions of beautiful forms that can be found that harmonious variety of line and motion which is the essence and charm of grace.}
+There is also a way to cite foreigntext-quotes:
+\foreignblockcquote{ngerman}[see][12]{Winckelmann1764}{Es kann leichter von der Schönheit gesagt werden, was sie nicht ist, als was sie ist; und es verhält sich einigermaßen mit der Schönheit und ihrem Gegenteile, wie mit Gesundheit und Krankheit: diese fühlen wir und jene nicht.}
+\foreignblockcquote{ngerman}[see][12]{Winckelmann1764}{Es kann leichter von der Schönheit gesagt werden, was sie nicht ist, als was sie ist; und es verhält sich einigermaßen mit der Schönheit und ihrem Gegenteile, wie mit Gesundheit und Krankheit: diese fühlen wir und jene nicht.}
+Of course you can also use |\blockquote[Author]{QUOTE}| for a not-citable author of the quote.
+Same for |\foreignblockquote[Author]{QUOTE}|
+You can\IJSRAsection{separator} insert a separation mark between some paragraphs,
+as it is inserted automatically just before the bibliography.
+For that we edited a special form a separation mark.
+You can use it with |\IJSRAseparator|.
+There \IJSRAsection{figures}are two ways to insert a figure into the text.
+First by using the plain enviroment |figure|
+\caption{<<Description of the figure>>
+ {\normalfont \\ \copyright\ by NAME OF COPYRIGHT HOLDER}}
+Second by using the enhanced enviroment |wrapfigure|
+\caption{<<Description of the figure>>
+ {\normalfont \\ \copyright\ by NAME OF COPYRIGHT HOLDER}}
+Since you (hopefully) place the figures into the folder named |figures| there is no need to tell the path, the figure name is sufficient.
+When suitable \IJSRAsection{caption}we try to insert figures as a |wrapefigure| into the text.
+Otherwise we insert them into the |figure|-enviroment.
+If you have a table which is saved as a figure,
+you have to make a change to the caption.
+I show you how to do that.
+\begin{lstlisting}[label=caption,caption={Modify the caption}]
+\captionof{table}{Put the caption here.}
+Modifying\IJSRAsection{references} e.g. the caption is important for referencing in the text.
+We use the special macro |\cref{label}| to reference to a figure, a table or anything else.
+It makes it easier because we can omit to write ›fig.‹ or ›table‹ before the number of the figure or the table.
+The correct form (›fig.‹ etc.) will be inserted automatically by \LaTeX .
+If you like to have the first letter capitalised you can use |\Cref| instead.
+Furthermore you can insert several |label| into a |\cref| by |\cref{label1,label2,label3}|.
+If you\IJSRAsection{numbers \& units} have a number or a number with an unit,
+please use the macros which are provided my |\SI|.
+Let me show you some examples.
+\begin{labeling}{range phrase (1)}
+\item[meter] |100 m| has to be written as |\SI{100}{\meter}|;
+\item[percent] |75 %| has to be written as |\SI{75}{\percent}|;
+\item[range phrase (1)] |10x10 m| has to be written as |\SIrange{10}{10}{\meter}|;
+\item[range phrase (2)] |10--15 cm| has to be written as |\SIrange[range-phrase=--]{10}{15}{\centi\meter}|;
+\item[number] |23.394| has to be written as |\num{23394}|;
+\item[angle] |56°| has to be written as |\ang{56}|;
+\item[round precision] If you want to make a round precision of your numbers you can set it yourself by |\SI[round-precision=2]{23.3390}{\meter}| which will make |23.34 m|.
+We have\IJSRAsection{Different abstracts} the abstract of the article in english in the beginning,
+just as shown in the template in \cref{document,abstract}.
+If there is another abstract in a different language we put that at the end of the article.
+For that we need also to redefine the keywords and usually the name \emph{keywords} according to the language of the abstract.
+I give you an example how to edit a second abstract.
+\begin{lstlisting}[label=abstract2,caption={Different abstract}]
+\def\keywordname{Mots clés}
+\def\keywords{keywords in French, \LaTeX , IJSRA, journal}
+Abstract\IJSRAsection{Abstract (French)} in French: Copy and paste the abstract in the different language here!
+\def\keywordname{Mots clés}
+\def\keywords{keywords in French, \LaTeX , IJSRA, journal}
+Abstract\IJSRAsection{Abstract (French)} in French: Copy and paste the abstract in the different language here!
+%Do not forget to add the language in the options of the documentclass
+%\begin{lstlisting}[label=abstract2,caption={Add the language of the abstract into the preamble}]
+% french,%<--- add the language if not English
+% ]{ijsra}
+Global options: These options can be used and set to the current number:
+Furthermore you can set the document to |draft| or give the name of the title figure with |titlefigure|.
+The title figure has to be within the folder |figures| and be in an aspect ratio of \SIrange{1000}{400}{pt}.
+Some general information:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item Be aware of different brackets, e.g. |[] {}|;
+% These are part of \LaTeX -programming-language, every opening bracket needs a closing one.
+% \item Replace e.g. |19 %| with |\SI{19}{\percent}| otherwise everything after |%| will be omitted by \LaTeX;
+% \item Replace |&| with |\&|;
+% \item Replace the citation of authors (e.g |Blesser \& Salter 2006|) with |\cite{Blesser2006}|;
+% if you have a page-range write: |\cite[23--45]{Blesser2006}|;
+% \item To compile with bibliography-references;
+% use 1 $\times$ \hologo{XeLaTeX}, then 1 $\times$ compiler ›biber‹, then 1 $\times$ \hologo{XeLaTeX}.
+% \item If you want to know how to cite properly
+% please have a look at the documentation of \texttt{biblatex-ijsra}.\footnote{\cite[see][]{Bossert-ijsra};\\ \url{}}
+% \end{itemize}
+%You find the code using to write this documentation below.
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