path: root/macros/latex/contrib/ifmslide/ifmman.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/ifmslide/ifmman.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/ifmslide/ifmman.tex')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/ifmslide/ifmman.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/ifmslide/ifmman.tex
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index 0000000000..ff29dd8a74
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/ifmslide/ifmman.tex
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+%% user definitions
+\newcommand{\tp}{{\code{texpower{}} \cite{texpower} }}
+\newcommand{\hf}{{\code{hyperref{}} \cite{hyperref} }}
+\hypersetup{pdfauthor={Thomas Emmel}}
+\hypersetup{pdftitle={ifmslide manual}}
+\hypersetup{pdfsubject={examples and commands}}
+ \newcommand{\bs}{{\mtt\\}}}{%
+ \newcommand{\bs}{{$\setminus$}}}%
+\orgname{TU Darmstadt -- Institute of Mechanics -- AG4\footnote{
+This is long ago and I am no member of the institute anymore, see further notes
+ {\mdseries \ifmslide{} v0.47, 2010}\\[1ex]
+ Enhanced presentations with (PDF)\LaTeX{}\\
+ combining the texpower, hyperref and seminar-packages\\
+ \end{center}\end{minipage}}
+\author{\scalebox{1}[1.3]{Thomas Emmel}}
+ {}}
+ \maketitle
+ \section{Note: This is the end!}
+ Yes, it (\ifmslide{}) has ended and it was - hopefully - a very
+ helpful package for all of you. I decided to stop this since the
+ \code{beamer}-class is now much better than it was when I started this
+ package. Indeed, the beamer-class hasn't really existed at this time.
+ Today, it provides more features, more extensions, although it is a bit
+ more complex to learn.\\[2ex]
+ Time has gone and even the insitute doesn't exist anymore! Yes, that's sad
+ but true and has to do a lot with politics, although you can still study
+ mechanics in Darmstadt, have a look at the web-page.\\[3ex]
+ Thank you all for the feedback, I will still maintain \code{ticket.sty}...
+ \section{About ifmslide.sty}
+% testing margins
+ Early in May 2000 ...\\[1ex]
+ OK! Cancel this annoying story about my problems generating
+ printouts for my presentations.\\
+ {\color{section1} What can \ifmslide{} do for you?}
+ \begin{center}
+ You like to do nice presentations of your business with beamers or on a
+ screen?\\
+ You are not sure that all these things work when you need them?\\
+ You feel better with a stack of printed slides in your bag?
+ \end{center}
+ \ifmslide{} provides both: getting a presentation with PDF\LaTeX{} and
+ printouts with \LaTeX{} and - as a side effect - simple production of
+ your slides using your favorite DVI-viewer.\footnote{\tiny This is
+ {\color{red} not} \code{pdfslide} \cite{pdfslide} as it seems to be in a
+ first view. It was indeed developed from that style but now
+ completely rewritten with many new features implemented and
+ functionally extended. \code{pdfslide} cannot produce printouts without
+ generating a PDF-file and rescaling the output with all
+ difficulties.}
+ You don't need \code{PPower4} to get all these nice effects
+ with page-transitions and stepwise building of the pages. All you need
+ is \tp and \hf for the links and buttons etc. \ifmslide{} makes use of
+ the special features of the classes \code{seminar} and \code{powersem}
+ (part of \TeX{}Power).
+ \section{Features}
+ \stepwise{
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item[...] produces DVI (\LaTeX{}) for printouts and PDF
+ (PDF\LaTeX{}) for direct presentation.
+ \step{\item[...]
+ DVI-Version with extra margins for the printer.}
+ \step{\item[...] draft-mode with simple frames instead of
+ colored boxes (easier to display and debug your slides with
+ your DVI-viewer).}
+ \step{\item[...] direct use of bookmarks
+ to navigate in the PDF-version.}
+ \step{\item[...] local or
+ global configuration file { ifmslide.cfg} for colors and many
+ features.}
+ \step{\item[...] panel position is free: right,
+ left, bottom, top and outside of the slide! You
+ can change it in the document as you like.}
+ \step{\item[...]
+ position of the buttons and the logo is completely free!}
+ \step{\item[...] changing the size of your slide...}
+ \step{\item[...] free choice of button-design, background for
+ the panel and the frame... }
+ \step{\item[...] you can use
+ most of the features of the seminar-package: magnification
+ etc.}
+ \end{itemize}
+ }
+ \section{Options}
+ The following options are provided:
+ \stepwise{
+ \step{{\color{red}\bfseries draft\\}%
+ shows colored boxes as white boxes with frames, efficient for
+ debugging and writing the slides. The { pause}-command is
+ displayed as a small orange box.\\[2ex]}
+ \step{{\color{red}\bfseries display\\}%
+ \TeX{}Power-option: all effects are turned off if not set!\\[2ex]}
+ \step{{\color{red}\bfseries ams, cnav, cnavo, stmo\\}%
+ turn the navigation buttons on and sets the style. Just try it...\\[2ex]}
+ \step{{\color{red}\bfseries button\\}%
+ use definable buttons together with the last option instead of
+ just putting a box around the signs.} } \vfill
+ \footnotetext{\tiny {\bfseries colorinfo} from older versions will
+ be ignored, {\bfseries contnav} and {\bfseries amsnav} are changed
+ to {\bfseries cnav} and {\bfseries ams}}
+ \section{Pagestyles}
+ {\color{red}\bfseries sidebar, panel\\}%
+ Switch the navigation panel on.\\[1ex]
+ {\bfseries plain, myheadings, headings} are redefined to it.\\[2ex]
+ You can put the panel at all positions with
+ \hyperlink{panelpos}{\code{\bs{}panelposition}} \vfill
+ \footnotetext{\tiny pagestyle {\bfseries title} is changed to
+ {\bfseries sidebar} and {\bfseries background} is deleted, because
+ of the \code{\bs{}background}-command}
+ \section*{Pagestyles}
+ {\color{red}\bfseries empty\\}%
+ No panel -- only a frame and background.\\[2ex]
+ But you can put a panel outside of the frame with
+ \hyperlink{panelpos}{\bs{}panelposition} which is not present in
+ \LaTeX-mode and outside of the normal paper-size in PDF\LaTeX-mode!
+ \section*{Pagestyles}
+ \subsection{panelposition}\hypertarget{panelpos}{}
+ \code{\bs{}panelposition\{left/right/top/bottom\}} changes the position of the panel to the given value. The slide is recalculated for every position...\\[2ex]
+ \code{\bs{}panelposition\{outsidebottom\}} set a panel outside of the paper!\\[2ex]
+ \code{\bs{}panelposition\{empty\}} set no panel which is in practice useful with\\
+ \code{\bs{}pagestyle\{empty\}} only.
+\panelposition{top}\begin{slide}Panel on top\end{slide}
+\panelposition{left}\begin{slide}Panel left\end{slide}
+\panelposition{bottom}\begin{slide}Panel on bottom\end{slide}
+\panelposition{right}\begin{slide}Panel right\end{slide}
+\begin{slide}Panel outsidebottom (you cannot see it on the printed slides)!
+\centerslidesfalse \slidepagestyle{sidebar} \releaselogo
+\releasebutton \buttonsize(16mm,7mm)(13,13) \freebutton(236,167)[h]
+ \section{Buttons and logo}
+ If you don't like to put the buttons and the logo into the panel,
+ you can release them with \code{\bs{}releaselogo} and
+ \code{\bs{}releasebutton}.
+ \code{\bs{}catchbutton} catches them ;-).\\
+ \code{\bs{}buttonsize(width$_{max}$,height$_{max}$)(distance$_h$,distance$_v$)]}
+ gives the maximal size of the buttons (aspect-ratio is kept) and the
+ distance between the buttons without length. Keep in mind that the
+ frame and the panel is placed into a picture-environment with
+ \code{\bs{}unitlength=1$mm$} and all positions given in $mm$.\\
+ \code{\bs{}freebutton(pos$_x$,pos$_y$)[h/v]} is the position of the buttons
+ and the direction [h] for horizontal and [v] for vertical buttons.
+ For horizontal buttons the anchor is the lower right point of the
+ right button and for vertical buttons the point between the lowest buttons.\\
+ Use \code{\bs{}nobuttons} to disable buttons all over (e.g. for slides). \\
+ \code{\bs{}freelogo(pos$_x$,pos$_y$)[width]} the anchor for the position is the
+ lower left point of the logo, the width should be clear.\\
+ If you think that the page-counter is too lonely in PDF-mode switch
+ him off with \code{\bs{}pagecounter[off/on]}.
+ \vspace*{10truemm}
+ useful application for this feature....
+ \section{Background}
+ Older versions of \ifmslide{} provide \code{\bs{}pagestyle\{background\}}
+ which makes objectively no sense, due to the fact that one needs a
+ background but no panel or vice versa.
+ The \code{\bs{}background\{filename\}} command substitute it together with the
+ switches \code{\bs{}showbackground} and \code{\bs{}hidebackground}.\\[2ex]
+ A new feature for the panel-background is:\\
+ \code{\bs{}paneltile[on/off](cut$_{llx}$,cut$_{lly}$,cut$_{urx}$,cut$_{ury}$)\{filename\}}\\
+ which is now fully experimental which means that it can change it's
+ definition and possibilities in further versions. Presently it works
+ only for vertical panels. It takes a picture\footnote{\tiny JPEG
+ etc. in PDF-mode and it's EPS-version for DVI-mode (produced with
+ some tool like {\sl xv})} and fill the panel with tiles of it. It
+ takes one tile in x-direction and so many as needed to fill in
+ y-direction. There is still a rest which is filled by a
+ part of the picture defined by the four cut-values...\\
+ That did not work in all cases and in PDF-mode the rest of the tile
+ is printed outside the visible area, but it is pre-alpha so what.
+ \vfill
+ \section{Useful commands}
+ \stepwise{
+ \code{\bs{}setInsideMargin\{left\}\{right\}\{top\}\{bottom\}} set the extra
+ margins inside the frame. This is the easiest way to improve your output.\\[2ex]
+ \step{Take \code{\bs{}headskip=length} to set the
+ {\bs{}section}-title to the correct vertical position.\\[2ex]}
+ \step{Make own buttons and use them with
+ \code{\bs{}OnButton\{file1\}\{file2\}},\\
+ \code{\bs{}OffButton\{file1\}\{file2\}} and
+ \code{\bs{}DraftButton\{file1\}\{file2\}}.\\
+ That is, using these commands you can replace the background buttons on
+ which the control symbols are printed in the button panel. Above, file1
+ and file2 are image files for the wide and small buttons, respectively\footnote{\tiny text by David Cyganski, thank you David}.
+ There is a tiny perl-script called \code{genbutton} coming with \ifmslide{} which can be used to change
+ the color of the standard buttons (\code{button1..}) and write new buttons.}
+ \vfill
+ }
+ \headskip=0pt
+ \section{Hints}
+ \stepwise{
+ The file \code{ifmslide.cfg} can be changed to set
+ up global or local values such as colors, the logo, backgrounds, sizes,
+ the \code{baseurl} of your company, buttons, margins ... without
+ changing \ifmslide{} itself.\\[2ex]
+ \step{Make use of \code{\bs{}setslidelength\{somelength\}\{somesize\}},
+ \code{\bs{}semcm} and \code{\bs{}semin} as described in
+ \code{seminar.cls}.\\[2ex]}
+ \step{Change font sizes with \code{\bs{}slidesmag\{mag\}} and
+ \code{\bs{}ptsize\{size\}} from \code{seminar.cls}.\\[2ex]}
+ \step{Produce an EPS and a PDF-version\footnotemark{} of your
+ pictures
+ and include them with\\
+ \code{\bs{}includegraphics[height=5\bs{}semcm,width=4\bs{}semcm]\{file\}\footnotemark}\\[2ex]}
+ \step{Further information about \code{\bs{}step}, \code{\bs{}pause},
+ \code{\bs{}href}, slides and other stuff
+ can be found in the manuals for the packages
+ \tp, \hf and \code{seminar}.}
+ \vfill}
+ \addtocounter{footnote}{-1}
+ \footnotetext{\tiny\code{epstopdf} is a good tool to convert eps and the
+ \code{graphicx} package knows many formats...}
+ \stepcounter{footnote}
+ \footnotetext{\tiny file is the filename without suffix}
+ \end{slide}
+ \stepwise{
+ \step{\code{\bs{}marginpar} is disabled by \code{seminar.cls}, there is currently no good work-around or replacement.\\[2ex]}
+ \step{\code{\bs{}markboth, \bs{}markright, \bs{}leftmark} and \code{\bs{}rightmark} are currently without any use for all page-styles, since the whole layout is connected with the page headers. I will try to provide some of these in new versions. In addition some free objects are planed, placeable everywhere on the slide ...}
+ }
+There were lots of email concerning questions about required packages and where to find them. In addition to \code{texpower}, \code{hyperref} and \code{seminar} you need (not complete):\\[2ex]
+\code{koma-script}\\ I haven't proved it, but this very useful package seems not to be included in the base-miktex distribution by default.\\[1ex]
+\code{url}\\ used by hyperref...\\[1ex]
+\code{graphicx}\\ someone complained about it :)\\[2ex]
+All packages can be found in the \href{}{CTAN-archive}.
+ \begin{thebibliography}{99}
+ \bibitem{texpower} {\ttfamily texpower}-Package: {\sl Stephan Lehmke},
+ (,
+ \href{}{University of Dortmund} or CTAN.
+ \bibitem{hyperref} {\ttfamily hyperref}-Package: {\sl Sebastian Rahtz},
+ \href{}{}
+ \bibitem{pdfslide} {\ttfamily pdfslide.sty}: {\sl C. V. Radhakrishnan},
+ (, \href{}{CTAN-archive}.
+ \end{thebibliography}
+% LocalWords: PDF ifmslide