path: root/macros/latex/contrib/hvfloat/doc/hvfloat.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/hvfloat/doc/hvfloat.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/hvfloat/doc/hvfloat.tex')
1 files changed, 2577 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/hvfloat/doc/hvfloat.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/hvfloat/doc/hvfloat.tex
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index 0000000000..dca29f2ebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/hvfloat/doc/hvfloat.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,2577 @@
+%% $Id: hvfloat.tex 1072 2019-06-09 14:14:19Z herbert $
+\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase,FakeStretch=0.9]{DejaVu Sans Mono}
+ language=[LaTeX]TeX,%
+ showstringspaces=false,%
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+\hypersetup{urlcolor=blue, linktocpage, colorlinks=true}
+\def\Lfile#1{\texttt{#1}\index{#1@\texttt{#1} (file)}}
+\def\Lext#1{\texttt{.#1}\index{#1@\texttt{.#1} (file extension)}}
+\def\Ldim#1{\texttt{\textbackslash#1}\index{#1@\texttt{\textbackslash#1} (length)}}
+\def\Lenv#1{\texttt{#1}\index{#1@\texttt{#1} (environment)}}
+\def\Lpack#1{\texttt{#1}\index{#1@\texttt{#1} (package)}}
+\def\Lprog#1{\texttt{#1}\index{#1@\texttt{#1} (program)}}
+\def\Loption#1{\texttt{#1}\index{#1@\texttt{#1} (package option)}}
+\def\Lkeyword#1{\texttt{#1}\index{#1@\texttt{#1} (keyword)}}
+\def\Lkeyval#1{\texttt{#1}\index{#1@\texttt{#1} (value)}}
+\def\Lskip#1{\texttt{\textbackslash#1}\index{#1@\texttt{\textbackslash#1} (skip)}}
+ \index{#1@\texttt{#1} (keyword)}\index{Keyword!#1@\texttt{#1}}
+ \index{#2@\texttt{#2} (value)}\index{Value!#2@\texttt{#2}}}
+ {\begin{lrbox}{\boxdef}
+ \def\arraystretch{1.0}
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}l@{}l@{}}}
+ {\end{tabular}\end{lrbox}
+% braces around next block are needed to stop the list env checking for blank lines
+% and the \aftergroups then for making sure no indentation happens ... as i said
+% urg
+ {\BCmd\fbox{\usebox\boxdef}\endBCmd}
+ \aftergroup\@afterindentfalse\aftergroup\@afterheading
+ }
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+ {\@endparpenalty5000
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+\def\OptArg{\@ifnextchar*\OptArg@i{\OptArg@ii*}}% star version without braces
+\newcommand\Larg [1]{{\normalfont\itshape#1\/}}
+\newcommand\Larga[1]{$\langle$\Larg{#1}$\rangle$}% angles
+\newcommand\Largb[1]{\lcb\Larg{#1}\rcb} % curly brace
+\newcommand\Largs[1]{\lsb\Larg{#1}\rsb} % square brackets
+\newcommand\Largr[1]{\lrb\Larg{#1}\rrb} % round brackets
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+\DeclareRobustCommand\false{{\ttfamily false}}
+\DeclareRobustCommand\true{{\ttfamily true}}
+ \marginnote{\fbox{\shortstack{float\\#1}}}\fi
+\title{Package \texttt{hvfloat}\\Rotating and scaling of objects and captions\\ver \hvFileVersion}
+\author{Herbert Voß\thanks{\protect\url{}}}
+The package \texttt{hvfloat} defines a macro to place objects and captions of floats in different
+positions with different rotating angles.
+All objects and captions are framed on the first pages, which is only for some demonstration here and
+has no additional sense!
+To compare the place of the definition of the floating objects in the source and the output a
+marginnote \fbox{float} is set into the margin. This is done also only for demonstration!
+ nonFloat=true,
+ capWidth=0.5,
+ capPos=right,
+ objectAngle=120,
+ capAngle=-210,
+ objectPos=center
+]{figure}{\protect\fbox{\includegraphics[scale=0.9]{images/rose}}}{\protect\fbox{What a nice Caption :-)}}{fig:title}
+\section{The package options}
+\Loption{fbox} & The objects and captions are put into a \Lcs{fbox} command, like in
+this documentation. This doesn't make real sense and is only for some demonstration useful or for locating
+problems if images seems to have too much whitespace.\\
+\Loption{hyperref} & Load package \Lpack{hyperref}. % and also package \Lpack{hypcap}.
+The length \Lskip{belowcaptionskip} is set by \LaTeX{} to 0pt and changed in \Lpack{hvfloat} to the
+same value than \Lskip{abovecaptionskip}. This length can be changed to another value in the usual
+way with \Lcs{setlength} or \Lcs{addtolength}.
+The following packages are loaded by \Lpack{hvfloat} and the optional argument
+\Loption{hypcap} is passed to the packages \Lpack{caption} and \Lpack{subcaption}:
+\Lpack{expl3}, \Lpack{multido},
+\Lpack{ifoddpage}, and
+\section{The Macros and optional arguments}
+The syntax for the macros and \Lcs{setDefaults}, \Lcs{hvSet}, and \CMD{hvFloat} is
+\Lcs{hvset}\Largb{key=value list}\\
+\Lcs{hvFloat}\OptArg*{*}\OptArgs\OptArg*{+}\Largb{float type}\Largb{floating object}\OptArg{short caption}\Largb{long caption}\Largb{label}
+The star version is explained in section~\vref{star-version0} and \vref{star-version} and
+the optional \OptArg*{+} is explained in section~\vref{sec:multifloats}.
+\Lcs{hvSet} allows the global setting of keywords and \Lcs{setDefaults} sets all keywords to
+its default value as shown in Table~\vref{tab:options}.
+If \Lcs{hvFloat} has an empty second parameter \texttt{<float type>}, then \Lcs{hvFloat} switches by default to
+a nonfloat (see table~\ref{tab:options}) object, which is not important for the user. All other parameters
+may also be empty and the short caption as second optional parameter missing. This one is as usual the
+caption for the \Lcs{listoffigures}.
+There are some more macros defined, more or less for internally use in \Lpack{hvfloat}, but they can
+be used for own purposes.
+\Lcs{figcaption}\OptArg{short caption text}\Largb{caption text}\\
+\Lcs{tabcaption}\OptArg{short caption text}\Largb{caption text}
+They are used for the \Lkeyword{nonFloat} keyword, where these macros write captions in the same way but outside of
+a float environment. The default caption cannot be used here. It is no problem to use the \CMD{tabcaption}
+command to place a caption anywhere, like here in an inlined mode:
+\tabcaption[The Caption without sense ...]{A Caption without any sense and any object}\label{dummy}
+A label can be put inside the argument or after the command in the usual way, so that a reference to
+the not existing table~\ref{dummy} is no problem.
+[...] It is no problem to use the \verb|\tabcaption| command to place a caption anywhere,
+like here in an inlined mode: \tabcaption[The Caption without sense ...]{A Caption without any
+sense and any object}\label{dummy} A label can be put inside the argument or after the command
+in the usual way, so that a reference to the not existing table~\ref{dummy} is no problem.
+With the macro \Lcs{defhvstyle} one can define a style which can be used instead of
+the individual setting:
+Internally the style is saved in a macro named \verb|\hv@<name>|.
+%\index{capPos@\texttt {capPos} (keyword)|(}
+%\subsection{The Options}
+There are the following keywords:
+\begin{xltabular}{\textwidth}{@{} l>{\small\ttfamily}cX @{}}
+\caption{The optional keywords for the macro \nxLcs{hvFloat}}\label{tab:options}\\\toprule
+\emph Keyword & \emph Default & \emph Description\\\midrule
+\emph Keyword & \emph Default & \emph Description\\\midrule
+\Lkeyword{floatPos} & \texttt{htb} & This is \emph{not} the same default placement setting like the one from the floats.\\
+\Lkeyword{rotAngle} & 0& The value for the angle if both, the object and the caption should be rotated in the same way.\\
+\Lkeyword{capWidth} & n& The width of the caption. Can be »\texttt{n}« like a natural width,
+ »\texttt{w}« for the width of the object, »\texttt{h}« for the height of the object, or a scale for \verb|\columnwidth|.\\
+\Lkeyword{capAngle} & 0 & The value for the angle if the caption should be rotated. Counted anti clockwise.\\
+\Lkeyword{capPos} & before& The position of the caption relative to the object. Possible values are\\
+ & & \Lkeyval{before}: \emph{always} before (left) from the object.\\
+ & & \Lkeyval{left}: \emph{always} before (left) from the object, but on the \emph{same page} in \Index{twocolumn} mode.\\
+ & & \Lkeyval{after}: \emph{always} after (right) from the object.\\
+ & & \Lkeyval{right}: \emph{always} after (right) from the object, but on the \emph{same page} in \Index{twocolumn} mode.\\
+ & & \Lkeyval{inner}: in \Index{twoside} mode always typeset at the inner margin.\\
+ & & \Lkeyval{outer}: in \Index{twoside} mode always typeset at the outer margin.\\
+ & & \Lkeyval{evenPage}: in \Index{twoside} mode with \Index{fullpage} objects always on an even page.\\
+ & & \Lkeyval{oddPage}: in \Index{twoside} mode with \Index{fullpage} objects always on an odd page.\\
+\Lkeyword{capVPos}& c& This is only important for \texttt{capPos=left|right}. Only in this case the
+ caption can vertically placed at the \Lkeyval{bottom}, \Lkeyval{center} and \Lkeyval{top}.\\
+\Lkeyword{objectPos} & center & The horizontalplacement of the object relative to the document. Possible values are (\textbf{l})eft|(\textbf{c})enter|(\textbf{r})ight.\\
+\Lkeyword{objectAngle} & 0 & The value for the angle if the object should be rotated. Counted anti clockwise.\\
+\Lkeyword{floatCapSep} & 5pt & The additional width between the object and a left or right placed caption.\\
+\Lkeyword{useOBox} & false & Instead of passing the object as parameter to the \Lcs{hvFloat}, the contents maybe saved in the box \texttt{\textbackslash hvOBox} With \texttt{useOBox=true} the contents of this box will be used.\\
+\Lkeyword{nonFloat} & false & The object isn't put in a floating environment. It is printed as standard text with an additional caption. The float counters are increased as usual and can be referenced.\\
+\Lkeyword{wide} & false & The float can use \Ldim{textwidth}+\Ldim{marginparwidth} as horizontal width.\\
+\Lkeyword{objectFrame} & false & put a frame with no separation around the float object.\\
+\Lkeyword{style} & --- & Use a defined style\\
+\Lkeyword{capFormat} & --- & Define formatting options for \Lcs{caption} (see documentation of package \Lpack{caption}).\\
+\Lkeyword{subcapFormat} & --- & Define formatting options for \Lcs{subcaption}.\\
+\section{The default use of floating environments}
+In this case there is no essential difference to the well known \Lenv{figure}
+or \Lenv{table} environment, f.ex.:
+... object ...
+\caption{...}% caption below the object
+\hvFloat{figure}{\includegraphics{images/rose}}{Without any keywords (only the \texttt{fbox} package option)}{fig:0}
+Code for figure \ref{fig:0}:
+\hvFloat{figure}{\includegraphics{images/rose}}{Without any keywords (only the \texttt{fbox} package option)}{fig:0}
+ \rmfamily Name & Type & Description\\\hline
+ \CMD{hvFloat} & command & places object and caption in different ways\\
+ \Lenv{hvFloatEnv} & environment & places object and caption exactly Here\\
+ \CMD{figcaption} & command & writes a figure caption in a non floating environment\\
+ \CMD{tabcaption} & command & writes a table caption in a non floating environment\\
+ \CMD{setDefaults} & command & sets all options to the defaults\\
+ \CMD{defhvstyle} & command & define a user style
+}{With the only Option \texttt{capPos=top} to place the caption on top of the table, which is often the default.}{tab:0}
+Code for table \ref{tab:0}:
+ \rmfamily Name & Type & Description\\\hline
+ \CMD{hvFloat} & command & places object and caption in different ways\\
+ hvFloatEnv & environment & places object and caption exactly Here\\
+ \CMD{figcaption} & command & writes a figure caption in a non floating environment\\
+ \CMD{tabcaption} & command & writes a table caption in a non floating environment\\
+ \CMD{setDefaults} & command & sets all options to the defaults\\
+ \CMD{defhvstyle} & command & define a user style
+{With the only Option \texttt{capPos=top} to place the caption on top of the table, which is often the default.}%
+See section~\ref{sec:tables} for some more informations about tabulars as objects.
+\section{Caption width}
+%\Lkeyword{capWidth} & 0.8& The width of the caption.
+%Can be "\texttt{w}" for the width of the object or
+%"\texttt{h}" for the height of the object
+%or a scale for \verb|\columnwidth|.\\
+\subsection{Default -- natural width}
+The default setting is the natural width of a paragraph with respect to the current linewidth or columnwidth
+for a caption below or above an object. It behaves in the same way as a caption set by one of the default
+floating environments like \Lenv{figure} or \Lenv{table}:
+ {Default caption width setting, which is the natural width with respect to the current linewidth.}{fig:width0}
+ {Default caption width setting, which is the natural width with respect to the current linewidth.}{fig:width0}
+For\marginnote{!!} the following examples the package option \texttt{fbox} is disabled. All
+frames are now set with the macro \Lcs{frame} or the optional keyword \Lkeyword{objectFrame}.
+For a caption beside an object, the \emph{natural} caption width (without the optional argument \Lkeyword{wide})
+is given by the current linewidth
+minus the width of the object and the space between object and caption, which is set by
+\Lkeyword{floatCapSep} (see Table~\vref{tab:options}).
+ {Caption right beside with a \emph{natural} width, which is given by the width of the object,
+ the separation between object and caption, and the current linewidth.}{fig:width1}
+ {Caption right beside with a \emph{natural} width, which is given by the width of the object,
+ the separation between object and caption, and the current linewidth.}{fig:width1}
+\subsection{Relative linewidth}
+With \Lkeyword{capWidth}\texttt{=<number>} the caption width is set to \texttt{<number>}\Ldim{columnwidth}.
+For captions at the bottom or on top of objects the setting is not checked if \texttt{<number>}
+is greater than 1.
+% If the given scale (0.8 in the
+%following example) leads to a
+%greater caption width than this maximal caption width, it will automatically set to the maximal width:
+ {Caption below with a width of 0.9 of the current line width (column width), which is
+ in this special case \the\linewidth. Divide it by 28.82 to get cm.}{fig:width2}
+ {Caption below with a width of 0.9 of the current line width (column width), which is
+ in this special case \the\linewidth. Divide it by 28.82 to get cm.}{fig:width2}
+If such a value like 0.9\Ldim{linewidth} is used for a caption beside an object, then
+the macro does a test if the space beside the object is less equal the defined caption width.
+If not then the width is set to the possible value between object and margin:
+ capPos=after,
+ capWidth=0.9]{figure}{\includegraphics[scale=1.5]{images/rose}}%
+ {Caption right beside with a width setting of \texttt{0.9\textbackslash linewidth}
+ which is too big for this example and therefore corrected
+ by the macro to the maximal width.}{fig:width3}
+ {Caption right beside with a width setting of \texttt{0.9\textbackslash linewidth}
+ which is too big for this example and therefore corrected by the macro to the maximal width.}{fig:width3}
+\subsection{Identical object and caption width}
+With \Lkeyset{capWidth=w} the caption width is like the object width which makes only
+real sense if you have a lot of identical images with respect to its widths.
+ {Caption below with a width of the given object which may be a problem
+ if it is a very small object.}{fig:width4}
+ {Caption below with a width of the given object which may be a problem
+ if it is a very small object.}{fig:width4}
+\subsection{caption width to height of the object}
+With \Lkeyset{capWidth=h} the caption width is like the object height which makes only
+real sense if you want to put a rotated caption beside the object.
+ {Caption beside with a width of the given object height which may be a problem
+ if it is a very small object.}{fig:width5}
+ {Caption beside with a width of the given object height which may be a problem
+ if it is a very small object.}{fig:width5}
+\section{Caption left or right of the object}
+By default the caption is set on the left side of the object. If the caption and the object are set side by side, then
+the keyvalue \Lkeyval{before} is identical to the setting \Lkeyval{left}.
+\subsection{Caption right with specific length}
+Code for figure \ref{fig:1}:
+ [floatPos=htb,
+ capPos=right,
+ objectFrame,
+ objectPos=c]{figure}{\includegraphics[scale=0.9]{images/rose}}%
+ [Caption beside object and vertically centered]%
+ {Caption vertically centered right beside the float with a natural caption width
+ (the default). \blindtext}%
+ {fig:1}
+ [floatPos=htb,
+ capPos=right,
+ objectFrame,
+ objectPos=c]{figure}{\includegraphics[scale=0.9]{images/rose}}%
+ [Caption beside object and vertically centered]%
+ {Caption vertically centered right beside the float with a natural caption width
+ (the default). \blindtext}%
+ {fig:1}
+\subsection{Caption left and rotated}
+Code for figure \ref{fig:2}:
+ [floatPos=htb,
+ capPos=left,
+ capWidth=h,% of \columnwidth
+ capAngle=90,
+ objectFrame
+ ]{figure}{\includegraphics{images/rose}}%
+ [Centered Caption beside Object]%
+ {Caption vertically centered left beside the float with a caption width
+ of \texttt{capWidth=h}, which is the height of the object.}{fig:2}
+ [floatPos=htb,
+ capPos=left,
+ capWidth=h,% of \columnwidth
+ capAngle=90,
+ objectFrame
+ ]{figure}{\includegraphics{images/rose}}%
+ [Centered Caption beside Object]%
+ {Caption vertically centered left beside the float with a caption width
+ of \texttt{capWidth=h}, which is the height of the object.}{fig:2}
+It is no problem to rotate the object, too. But with a different angle value than for the caption.
+Do not ask for the sense, it is only a demonstration of what is possible \ldots\ The object (image)
+is rotated by $-30$ degrees with the macro \Lcs{rotatebox}. Without any definition the caption will be
+placed vertically centered to the object. Important for the height of the object is the surrounding
+orthogonal rectangle.
+Code for figure \ref{fig:3}:
+ capWidth=h,
+ capPos=after,
+ capAngle=180,
+ objectAngle=90,
+ capVPos=center,
+ objectPos=center]{figure}{\frame{\includegraphics{images/rose}}}%
+ [Centered Caption beside Object]{%
+ {Caption vertically centered right beside the float with a caption width of the height
+ of the image and a rotation of the caption and the object.}{fig:3}
+ capWidth=h,% of \columnwidth
+ capPos=after,
+ capAngle=180,
+ objectAngle=90,
+ capVPos=center,
+ objectPos=center]{figure}{\frame{\includegraphics{images/rose}}}%
+ {Caption vertically centered right beside the float with a caption width of the height of the image and
+ a rotation of the caption and the object.}{fig:3}
+\section{Caption inner or outer}
+Setting the caption position to \emph{inner} or \emph{outer} makes only sense for a document in \Index{twoside} mode.
+For a oneside document \emph{inner} is the same as \emph{left} and \emph{outer} is
+the same as \emph{right}. We show only the code for the first image with the setting \Lkeyset{capPos=inner},
+whereas the second one
+chooses only \Lkeyset{capPos=outer}.
+Code for figure~\ref{fig:20}:
+ [Centered Caption on the inner side]{%
+ Caption set with the parameter setting \texttt{capPos=inner}, which will be
+ a caption on the right side for an even page and on the left side for
+ an odd page.}{fig:20}
+ [Centered Caption on the inner side]{%
+ Caption set with the parameter setting \texttt{capPos=inner}, which will be
+ a caption on the right side for an even page and on the left side for
+ an odd page.}{fig:20}
+Now the same Image with \Lkeyset{capPos=outer}. The current pagenumber is~\pageref{page:1}, an \ifoddpage odd \else
+even \fi page. We now set a pagebreak at the end of the second image to see if it works with
+ [Centered Caption on the inner side]{%
+ Caption set with the parameter setting \texttt{capPos=outer}, which will be
+ a caption on the right side for an even page and on the left side for
+ an odd page.}{fig:20b}
+ [Centered Caption on the inner side]{%
+ Caption set with the parameter setting \texttt{capPos=outer}, which will be
+ a caption on the right side for an even page and on the left side for
+ an odd page.}{fig:20b}
+ capWidth=0.5,% of \columnwidth
+ capPos=outer,
+ capAngle=0,%
+ capVPos=bottom,%
+ objectPos=center]{figure}{\includegraphics{images/rose}}%
+ [Centered Caption beside Object]{%
+ Caption at the bottom right beside the float with a caption width
+ of \texttt{0.5\textbackslash columnwidth} and and \texttt{capPos=outer}.}{fig:21}
+We have an \checkoddpage
+\ifoddpage odd \else
+even \fi page, the reason why figure~\ref{fig:20b} has the caption for \emph{inner} on the left side
+and figure~\ref{fig:21} for \emph{outer} on the right side.
+Code for figure \ref{fig:22}:
+ capWidth=0.5,% of \columnwidth
+ capPos=inner,% ====> INNER
+ capAngle=0,
+ capVPos=bottom,
+ objectPos=center]{figure}{\includegraphics{images/rose}}%
+ [Centered Caption beside Object]{%
+ Caption vertically centered right beside the float with a caption
+ width of \texttt{0.5\textbackslash columnwidth} and \texttt{capPos=outer} }{fig:22}
+ capWidth=0.5,% of \columnwidth
+ capPos=inner,
+ capAngle=0,%
+ capVPos=center,%
+ objectPos=center]{figure}{\includegraphics{images/rose}}%
+ [Centered Caption beside Object]{%
+ Caption vertically centered right beside the float with a caption
+width of \texttt{0.5\textbackslash columnwidth} and \texttt{capPos=outer}}{fig:22}
+We have an \checkoddpage
+\ifoddpage odd \else
+even \fi page, the reason why figure~\ref{fig:20} has the caption for \emph{inner} on the right side
+and figure~\ref{fig:21} for \emph{outer} on the left side.
+\section{Vertical Position of the Caption}
+The caption can be placed beside the object in the positions
+The code for figure \ref{fig:4}:
+ floatPos=htb,%
+ capWidth=0.25,%
+ capPos=right,%
+ capVPos=bottom,%
+]{figure}{\frame{\includegraphics{images/rose}}}{Caption at bottom right beside the float}{fig:4}
+ floatPos=htb,%
+ capWidth=0.25,%
+ capPos=right,%
+ capVPos=bottom,%
+]{figure}{\frame{\includegraphics{images/rose}}}{Caption at bottom right beside the float}{fig:4}
+The code for figure \ref{fig:5}:
+ floatPos=htb,
+ capWidth=0.25,
+ capPos=right,
+ capVPos=top,
+]{figure}{\frame{\includegraphics{images/rose}}}{Caption at top left beside the float}{fig:5}
+ floatPos=htb,%
+ capWidth=0.25,%
+ capPos=before,%
+ capVPos=top,%
+]{figure}{\frame{\includegraphics{images/rose}}}{Caption at top left beside the float}{fig:5}
+The code for figure \ref{fig:6}:
+ capWidth=0.25,
+ capPos=right,
+ capVPos=center,% the default
+]{figure}{\frame{\includegraphics{images/rose}}}{Caption centered right beside the float}{fig:6}
+ capWidth=0.25,%
+ capPos=right,%
+ capVPos=center,% the default
+]{figure}{\frame{\includegraphics{images/rose}}}{Caption centered right beside the float}{fig:6}
+\section{Caption format}
+The \Lcs{caption} and \Lcs{subcaption} macros are fully under the control of the package \Lpack{caption}.
+The formatting can be set with the macros \Lcs{captionsetup}, \Lcs{subcaptionsetup}, or via the optional
+argument setting of \Lcs{hvFloat} with the keywords \Lkeyword{capFormat} and \Lkeyword{subcapFormat}.
+The argument itself will then be used internally by \Lcs{captionsetup} and/or \Lcs{subcaptionsetup}
+in a minipage, the reason why it will be local to the current image..
+ capPos=right,
+ capFormat={labelsep=newline,justification=RaggedRight,font={small,it},labelfont=bf}
+ capPos=right,
+ capFormat={labelsep=newline,justification=RaggedRight,font={small,it},labelfont=bf}
+\section{Horizontal Position of the Float}
+The caption is always near the object, only divided by the length \Ldim{floatCapSep}
+which can be set by the keyword of the same name \Lkeyword{floatCapSep}. It accepts only
+a value with any allowed unit. %The default unit is \texttt{pt} and cannot be changed.
+The keyword \Lkeyword{objectPos} refers always to the complete floating object: caption
+\emph{and} object. The meaning of \Lkeyset{objectPos=left} is: Put the object as far as possible to the
+left margin. If \Lkeyset{capPos=left} is also used, then the caption is at the left margin followed by
+the object (see Figure~\vref{fig:700}).
+The code for figure \ref{fig:7}:
+ capWidth=0.25,
+ capPos=right,
+ capVPos=top,
+ objectPos=left,
+ objectFrame,
+ Caption at top right beside the float and object position left}{fig:7}
+ capWidth=0.25,%
+ capPos=right,%
+ capVPos=top,%
+ objectPos=left,%
+ objectFrame,
+ Caption at top right beside the float and object position left}{fig:7}
+The same with \Lkeyset{capPos=left}:
+ capWidth=0.25,%
+ capPos=left,%
+ capVPos=top,%
+ objectPos=left,%
+ objectFrame,
+ Caption at top right beside the float and object position left}{fig:700}
+The code for figure \ref{fig:8}:
+ capWidth=0.25,
+ capPos=before,
+ capVPos=top,
+ objectPos=right,
+ objectFrame,
+ Caption at top leftt beside the float and object position right}{fig:8}
+ capWidth=0.25,%
+ capPos=before,%
+ capVPos=top,%
+ objectPos=right,%
+ objectFrame,
+ Caption at top left beside the float and object position right}{fig:8}
+\section{Wide floats}
+With the optional argument \Lkeyword{wide} the width of the defined \Ldim{marginparwidth} is
+added to the allowed horizontal width of the float.
+The code for figure \ref{fig:70}:
+ capPos=right,
+ capVPos=top,
+ objectPos=left,
+ Caption at top right beside the float and object position left and
+the option \texttt{wide}.}{fig:70}
+ wide,
+ capPos=right,%
+ capVPos=top,%
+ objectPos=left,%
+ Caption at top right beside the float and object position left and
+the option \texttt{wide}.}{fig:70}
+The code for figure \ref{fig:80}:
+ capPos=left,
+ capVPos=top,
+ objectPos=right,
+ ]{figure}{\includegraphics[width=0.75\linewidth]{images/CTAN}}%
+ {Caption at top left beside the object and object position left and
+ the option \texttt{wide}.}{fig:80}
+ capPos=left,%
+ capVPos=top,%
+ {Caption at top left beside the object and object position left and
+ the option \texttt{wide}.}{fig:80}
+For a twosided document it will place the object always in the margin.
+ capPos=inner,
+ capVPos=top,
+Caption at top and inner beside the float and object position right and
+the option \texttt{wide}.}{fig:81}
+ capPos=inner,
+ capVPos=top,
+Caption at top and inner beside the float and object position right and
+the option \texttt{wide}.}{fig:81}
+Now we set the same image with the same setting on the next page. The caption will
+change its side due to the setting \Lkeyset{capPos=outer}.
+ capPos=inner,
+ capVPos=top,
+Caption at top inner beside the float and object position right and
+the option \texttt{wide}.}{fig:811}
+ capPos=inner,
+ capVPos=top,
+Caption at top inner beside the float and object position right and
+the option \texttt{wide}.}{fig:811}
+The caption can be typeset completely into the margin with:
+ capPos=outer,
+ capVPos=top,
+ floatCapSep=\marginparsep,
+Caption at top inner beside the float and object position right and
+the option \texttt{wide}.}{fig:812}
+ capPos=outer,
+ capVPos=top,
+ floatCapSep=\marginparsep,
+Caption at top inner beside the float and object position right and
+the option \texttt{wide}.}{fig:812}
+\section{The star version \Lcs{hvFloat*}}\label{star-version0}
+In the \Index{twocolumn} mode the floating environment can be set over both
+columns with the star version \Lcs{hvFloat*}. The floating environment will
+not be on the bottom of the page. The code for
+the following example (Figure~\vref{default1s2c}) is:
+ {\includegraphics{images/frose}}%
+ [A float with the default caption setting]%
+ {A default caption of a ``'' object with the default setting, which
+ is a ``left'' caption which means that it always appears before the object.
+ This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no
+ real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.}%
+ {fig:0}
+The example shows on page 3 the star version and on page 4 the same without using the star.
+\caption{Output of \texttt{default1s2c} (pages 2 --5)}\label{default1s2c}
+\section{Full Page Width in Landscape Mode}
+If you do not want to load the package \Lpack{lscape} (or \Lpack{pdflscape}) you can use the \Lkeyset{floatPos=p}
+option to put the image on an own page and rotated by 90 degrees (figure~\ref{fig:9}).
+Code for figure \ref{fig:9}:
+ floatPos=p,
+ capPos=bottom,
+ rotAngle=90,
+ objectPos=center,
+ [Object and Caption in landscape mode]{%
+ Caption and object in landscape mode. \blindtext}{fig:9}
+The float can also be put to the left or to the right (above/below in landscape)
+with the \Lkeyset{objectPos=l} parameter
+ floatPos=p,
+ capPos=bottom,
+ rotAngle=90,
+ objectPos=center,
+ [Object and Caption in landscape mode]{%
+ Caption and object in landscape mode. \blindtext}{fig:9}
+The code for figure \ref{fig:10}:
+ floatPos=p,
+ capWidth=h,
+ capPos=right,
+ objectAngle=90,
+ capAngle=-90,
+ objectPos=left,
+ [Rotated Caption in Landscape]{%
+ Caption right beside the float and object position left. The caption rotated by $-90$
+ degrees.\blindtext}{fig:10}
+ floatPos=p,%
+ capWidth=h,%
+ capPos=right,%
+ objectAngle=90,%
+ capAngle=-90,%
+ objectPos=left%
+ [Rotated Caption in Landscape]{%
+ Caption right beside the float and object position left. The caption rotated by $-90$ degrees.
+ \blindtext}{fig:10}
+\section{The \Lkeyword{nonFloat} Option}
+Sometimes it is better to put a ``float'' in a specific position of the page. This is possible
+with the \Lpack{nonfloat} package and the keyword \Lkeyword{nonFloat}.
+Some nonsense text before the following \emph{non floating} object.
+ nonFloat,
+ capWidth=0.25,
+ capPos=right,
+ capVPos=bottom,
+ objectPos=center,
+ objectFrame,
+ [Nonfloat Captions]{%
+ Caption of a ``nonfloat'' Object, using the \texttt{nonfloat} Package}{fig:11}
+Some nonsense text after the preceding \emph{non floating} object.
+Some nonsense text before the following \emph{non floating} object.
+ nonFloat,%
+ capWidth=0.25,%
+ capPos=right,%
+ capVPos=bottom,%
+ objectPos=center,%
+ objectFrame,
+ [Nonfloat Captions]{%
+ Caption of a ``nonfloat'' Object, using the \texttt{nonfloat} Package}{fig:11}
+Some nonsense text after the preceding \emph{non floating} object.
+The image \ref{fig:11} is exactly placed where the command \Lcs{hvFloat} appears.
+There are only commands for \Lenv{figure} and \Lenv{table} environments:
+But it is no problem, to define more \texttt{xxxcaption} commands to support other with the
+\Lpack{float} package defined new floats.
+\section{Tabulars as Objects}\label{sec:tables}
+The object has to be passed as an parameter to the \Lcs{hvFloat} macro. This is no
+problem with images but maybe with tables, so it is easier to use the box \Lcs{hvOBox}
+to save the table in this box and pass it then to \Lcs{hvFloat} with the \Lkeyword{useOBox} option.
+For example see table~\ref{table:1} and \ref{table:2}:
+ \begin{tabular}{>{\small\ttfamily}l|l|l}\hline
+ \rmfamily Name & Type & Description\\\hline
+ \CMD{hvFloat} & command & places object and caption in different ways\\
+ hvFloatEnv & environment & places object and caption exactly Here\\
+ \CMD{figcaption} & command & writes a figure caption in a non floating environment\\
+ \CMD{tabcaption} & command & writes a table caption in a non floating environment\\
+ \CMD{setDefaults} & command & sets all options to the defaults\\\hline
+ \end{tabular}%
+ \begin{tabular}{>{\small\ttfamily}l|l|l}\hline
+ \rmfamily Name & Type & Description\\\hline
+ \CMD{hvFloat} & command & places object and caption in different ways\\
+ hvFloatEnv & environment & places object and caption exactly Here\\
+ \CMD{figcaption} & command & writes a figure caption in a non floating environment\\
+ \CMD{tabcaption} & command & writes a table caption in a non floating environment\\
+ \CMD{setDefaults} & command & sets all options to the defaults\\\hline
+ \end{tabular}%
+The code for table \ref{table:1} and \ref{table:2} is:
+ floatPos=!hb,
+ capPos=top,
+ useOBox=true]{table}{}{Demonstration of the \texttt{useOBox} Parameter}{table:1}
+ floatPos=hb,
+ useOBox=true,
+ objectAngle=90,
+ capPos=right,
+ capVPos=top,
+ capWidth=0.3]{table}{}{Another demonstration of the \texttt{useOBox} Parameter}{table:2}
+In this case leave the third parameter empty.
+ floatPos=!hb,
+ capPos=top,
+ useOBox=true]{table}{}{Demonstration of the \texttt{useOBox} Parameter}{table:1}
+ floatPos=!htb,%
+ useOBox=true,%
+ objectAngle=90,%
+ capPos=right,%
+ capVPos=top,%
+ capWidth=0.3]{table}{}{Demonstration of the \texttt{useOBox} Parameter}{table:2}
+\section{Text and objects}\label{sec:text}
+With the \Lkeyword{onlyText} keyword it is no problem to put some text beside an image without
+getting the caption title Figure/Table. The object still can be a floating one or a nonfloating
+if the \Lkeyword{nonfloat} keyword is used.
+The code for figure \ref{fig:text}:
+ onlyText=true,
+ capAngle=90,
+ capPos=right,
+ capVPos=top,
+ objectFrame,
+ capWidth=h]{}{\includegraphics{images/rose}}%
+ [``\texttt{onlyText}'' Caption]{%
+ Demonstration of the \texttt{onlyText} Parameter, which makes it
+ possible to put some text beside a floating object without getting
+ a starting \texttt{Figure:} or \texttt{Table:}}{fig:text}
+ onlyText=true,%
+ capAngle=90,%
+ capPos=right,%
+ capVPos=top,%
+ objectFrame,
+ capWidth=h]{}{\includegraphics{images/rose}}%
+ [``\texttt{onlyText}'' Caption]{%
+ Demonstration of the \texttt{onlyText} Parameter, which makes it
+ possible to put some text beside a floating object without getting
+ a starting \texttt{Figure:} or \texttt{Table:}}{fig:text}
+\section{Environment \texttt{hvFloatEnv}}\label{sec:env}
+With the environment \Lenv{hvFloatEnv} one can place an object exactly on that position where the
+environment is defined. For captions the use of \Lcs{captionof} is recommended:
+\captionof{table}{A caption for a nice table}
+\begin{tabular}{@{} l c r @{}}\hline
+left & center & right \\
+L & C & R \\\hline
+\captionof{table}{A caption for a nice table}
+\begin{tabular}{@{} l c r @{}}\hline
+left & center & right \\
+L & C & R \\\hline
+The environment has an optional argument for setting the line width which is preset to \Ldim{textwidth}.
+The object is always centered.
+\captionof{table}{A caption for a nice table}
+\begin{tabular}{@{} l c r @{}}\hline
+left & center & right \\
+L & C & R \\\hline
+\captionof{table}{A caption for a nice table}
+\begin{tabular}{@{} l c r @{}}\hline
+left & center & right \\
+L & C & R \\\hline
+\section{Full page objects in onecolumn mode}
+For an image or table which needs the whole space of a page the caption can be
+printed at the bottom of the preceeding or following page. It is possible in
+oneside and twoside mode, but makes only real sense in the twoside mode.
+\Lpack{hvfloat} defines three additional optional arguments for placing
+images in a complete column, page or paper:
+ \def\Gin@ewidth{\columnwidth}%
+ \def\Gin@eheight{\textheight}%
+ \Gin@boolkey{false}{iso}%
+ \def\Gin@ewidth{\paperwidth}%
+ \def\Gin@eheight{\paperheight}%
+ \Gin@boolkey{false}{iso}%
+ \def\Gin@ewidth{\textwidth}%
+ \def\Gin@eheight{\textheight}%
+ \Gin@boolkey{false}{iso}%
+Figure~\vref{fig:fullpage60} shows the meaning of the optional arguments \Lkeyword{fullpage},
+\Lkeyword{FullPage}, and \Lkeyword{FULLPAGE} for \Lcs{inclugegraphics}\OptArg{...}\Largb{tiger}.
+\caption{Output of \texttt{fullpage1s2c} (pages 1--8)}\label{fig:fullpage60}
+\subsection{Using the textarea}
+The setting \Lkeyset{capPos=evenPage} (even) or \Lkeyset{capPos=oddPage} (odd) page for
+a document in \Index{twocolumn} mode makes no real sense. For a twosided document a
+setting like \Lkeyset{capPos=inner} for inner or \Lkeyset{capPos=outer} for outer
+margin makes more sense.
+For an image or table which needs the whole space of a page the caption can be
+printed at the bottom of the preceeding or following page. It is possible in
+oneside and twoside mode, but makes only real sense in the twoside mode.
+Without any additional argument the caption is set first and the object on the follwing page:
+\subsubsection{Using the default or \Lkeyset{capPos=before}}
+Without any additional argument the caption is set first (left) at the bottom of the current page
+and the object on the following page. This is the same setting like \Lkeyset{capPos=left} for a onecolumn document.
+For the \Loption{twocolumn} option it makes more sense to use the setting \Lkeyset{capPos=before} if the
+caption and object can appear on different pages.
+ {figure}%
+ {\includegraphics[fullpage]{images/frose}}%
+ [A fullpage float with the default caption setting]%
+ {A default caption of a ``fullpage'' object with the default setting, which
+ is a ``left'' caption which means that it always appears ``before'' the object.
+ This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no
+ real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.}%
+ {fig:fullpage0}
+\caption{Valid optional arguments for a full page object.}\label{tab:fullpage}
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{>{\small\ttfamily}l|>{\small\ttfamily}l|X}\toprule
+ \rmfamily Name & \rmfamily Type & Description\\\midrule
+\Lkeyword{fullpage} & true|false & Put the caption on the bottom of the preceding or following page and the object alone a page.\\
+%\Lkeyword{FullPage} & true|false & The same for \Index{twocolumn} mode with object over both columns.\\
+\Lkeyword{FULLPAGE} & true|false & The same for full papersize objects over one or two columns.
+The pagestyle is set to \texttt{empty}\\
+\Lkeyword{multiFloat} & true|false & For multiple objects with captions for every object. See section~\vref{sec:multifloats}.\\
+\Lkeyword{subFloat} & true|false & For multiple objects with one main and more subcaptions. See section~\vref{sec:subfloats}.\\
+\Lkeyword{separatorLine} & true & Put a line with a predefined width of 0.4pt between
+ the text and the caption. Only valid for the keyword \Lkeyword{fullpage}.\\
+\Lkeyword{capPos} & value
+ & caption \Lkeyval{before}, \Lkeyval{after} an object or on an
+ \Lkeyval{evenPage} or \Lkeyval{oddPage}.\\
+ \end{tabularx}%
+With this setting the caption is always placed \textit{before} the following object.
+This maybe sufficient for a \Index{oneside} document but not the best solution if
+this document is printed on a duplex machine. In such a case
+it may make sense to have the captions always on an even (left) page, even though the
+socument is typeset in a oneside mode. Figure~\vref{fig:fullpage0} shows the output
+for a oneside document with a setting \Lkeyset{capPos=before}.
+Depending to the
+used documentclass it can be a problem, if the caption should be placed on the first page.
+In such a case use one of the other setting.
+Table~\vref{tab:fullpage} shows the valid optional arguments for a full page floating object.
+\caption{Output of \texttt{default1s1c} (pages 2--9)}\label{fig:fullpage0}
+\subsubsection{Using \Lkeyset{capPos=after}}
+The caption will be printed always on the right side which is the same as \textit{after} the full page object.
+The object appers immediately on the next page and the caption of the next following page at the bottom. There
+is no check for an even or odd page. This behaviour makes only sense for a oneside document.
+\hvFloat[fullpage, capPos=after]%
+ {figure}%
+ {\includegraphics[fullpage]{images/frose}}%
+ [A float which needs the complete page width and height.]%
+ {A Caption of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the next page.
+ This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no
+ real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.}
+ {fig:fullpage1}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{after1s1c} (pages 2--9)}\label{after1s1c}
+\subsubsection{Using \Lkeyset{capPos=evenPage} --- caption on an even page}
+With \Lkeyset{capPos=evenPage} the caption will be printed on an even (left) page,
+the object will always be on an odd (right) page.
+This option makes only real sense for The \Loption{twoside} mode!
+\hvFloat[fullpage, capPos=evenPage]%
+ {figure}%
+ {\includegraphics[fullpage]{images/frose}}%
+ [A float whith a caption on an even page (left)]%
+ {A caption on an even (left) page of a ``fullpage'' object.. \blindtext}
+ {fig:fullpage3}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{even1s1c} (pages 2--9)}\label{fig:fullpage6}
+\subsubsection{Using \Lkeyset{capPos=oddPage} --- caption on an odd page}
+With \Lkeyset{capPos=oddPage} the caption will be printed on an odd (right) page, the object will always be on an even (left) page,
+which is before the caption.
+%This option makes only sense for The \Loption{twoside} mode!
+\hvFloat[fullpage, capPos=oddPage]%
+ {figure}%
+ {\includegraphics[fullpage]{images/frose}}%
+ [A float which needs the complete page width and height.]%
+ {A Caption on an odd page of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the next page.
+ This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no
+ real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.}
+ {fig:fullpage2}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{odd1s1c} (pages 2--9)}\label{fig:fullpage10}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{odd2s1c} (pages 4--11)}\label{fig:fullpage12}
+\subsubsection{Using \Lkeyset{capPos=inner} or \Lkeyset{capPos=outer}--- caption on the inner or outer side}
+These settings make no sense in \Index{onecolumn} mode.
+\subsection{Using the paper size}
+It belongs to the user to create an object which fills the complete page. However, with the
+keyword \Lkeyword{FULLPAGE} which is valis for \Lcs{hvfloat} \emph{and}
+for the macro \Lcs{includegraphics} an image will be scaled to
+the paper dimensions \Ldim{paperwidth} and
+\Ldim{paperheight}. It can be used in one- and twocolumn mode!
+ {figure}%
+ {\includegraphics[FULLPAGE]{frose.png}}%
+ [A fullpage float with the default caption setting]%
+ {A default caption of a ``fullpage'' object with the default setting, which
+ is a ``left'' caption which means that it always appears before the object.
+ This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no
+ real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.}%
+ {fig:fullpage0}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{paper-default1s1c} (pages 2--9)}\label{paper-default1s1c}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{paper-after1s1c} (pages 2--9)}\label{paper-after1s1c}
+Multifloats is the name for more than one image and/or tabular in \emph{one} floating
+environment. Every image and/or tabular has its own caption, which is different to
+a subcaption. The syntax for multiple floats is
+\Lcs{hvFloat}\OptArgs&+\Largb{float type}\Largb{floating object}\OptArg{short caption}\Largb{long caption}\Largb{label}\\
+&+\Largb{float type}\Largb{floating object}\OptArg{short caption}\Largb{long caption}\Largb{label}\\
+&+\Largb{float type}\Largb{floating object}\OptArg{short caption}\Largb{long caption}\Largb{label}
+The + symbol defines an additional Object which will be part of the same floating environment.
+It's up too the user to be sure that one page or one column can hold all defined objects.
+Every object gets its own caption which is the reason why figures and tabulars and \ldots\
+can be mixed:
+ +{figure}{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/CTAN}}%% no 1
+ [Short caption A]%
+ {A Caption A of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or
+ right column. This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no
+ real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.}%
+ {img:demo0}%
+ +{table}{\begin{tabular}{lrcp{3cm}}\hline % no 2
+ Linksbündig & Rechtsbündig & Zentriert & Parbox\\\hline
+ L & R & C & P\\
+ left & right & center & Text with possible linebreaks\\
+ \multicolumn{4}{c}{Multicolumn over all columns}\\\hline
+ \end{tabular}}%
+ [Short Caption B]%
+ {A Caption B of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or
+ right column. This can be an even or odd page.}{}%
+ +{figure}{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/CTAN}}%% no 3
+ {A Caption C of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or
+ right column.}%
+ {img:demo1}
+ +{figure}{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/CTAN}}%% no 4
+ {A Caption C of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or
+ right column.}%
+ {img:demo2}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{multi-default1s1c} (pages 4--11)}\label{multi-default1s1c}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{multi-after1s1c} (pages 4--11)}\label{multi-after1s1c}
+The page with the objects has no additional informations it holds only the figures and/or tabulars.
+If you want it like subfigures or subtabulars then go to section~\vref{sec:subfloats}. The setting
+\Lcs{captionsetup}\Largb{\Lkeyset{singlelinecheck=false}} is needed if you want the captions always
+left aligned.
+\section{Subfloat page}\label{sec:subfloats}
+A subfloat page can have only one type of floats which will have one main caption and
+individual subcaptions. The syntax is similiar to the one for a multifloat page:
+\Lcs{hvFloat}\OptArgs&+\Largb{float type}\Largb{<empty>}\OptArg{short caption}\Largb{long caption}\Largb{label}\\
+&+\Largb{<empty>}\Largb{floating object}\OptArg{short caption}\Largb{long caption}\Largb{label}\\
+&+\Largb{<empty>}\Largb{floating object}\OptArg{short caption}\Largb{long caption}\Largb{label}
+Some arguments are ignored for a subfloat, one can leave them empty. The first line defines only the type and the main caption,
+the object entry is ignored! All aditional lines will have the same float type, the reason why the
+float type entry is ignored.
+ +{figure}{}[Short main caption of the objects]% main short lsi entry
+ {The main caption of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or
+ right column. This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no
+ real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.}% main caption
+ {sub:demo0}%
+ +{}{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/CTAN}}%
+ [Short caption B]%
+ {A Caption B of a ``fullpage'' sub object.}% subcaption
+ {}%
+ +{}{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/CTAN}}%
+ {A Caption C of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or right column.}%
+ {sub:demo1}
+ +{}{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/CTAN}}%
+ {A Caption D of a ``fullpage'' object}%
+ {sub:demo2}
+ +{}{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/CTAN}}%
+ {A Caption E of a ``fullpage'' object}%
+ {sub:demo3}
+The keyword \Lkeyword{subFloat} defines the images or tabulars as subfloats.
+The package \Lpack{subcaption} is loaded by default and should be activated with
+\caption{Output of \texttt{sub-default1s1c} (pages 4--11)}\label{sub-default1s1c}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{sub-after1s1c} (pages 4--11)}\label{sub-after1s1c}
+\section{Full page objects in twocolumn mode}%]
+The filenames always have a ``2c'' for two columns in its names, e.g. \texttt{left2s2c}
+indicates \Lkeyset{capPos=before} and the documentclass setting \Loption{twoside} and \Loption{twocolumn}.
+Depending to the
+used documentclass it can be a problem, if the caption should be placed on the first page of the whole document.
+In such a case use one of the other setting.
+Table~\vref{tab:fullpage} shows the valid optional arguments for a full page floating object.
+%In the following we use some blind text to show the other setting for full page objects.
+%Such text has no meaning here.
+\subsection{Default setting}
+For the \Index{twocolumn} mode the caption can be in the left (first) or right (second) column.
+With the default setting (without using the keyword \Lkeyword{capPos})
+it is equivalent to the setting \Lkeyset{capPos=before}, the caption is always placed \emph{before} (left of)
+the object. This can be the first or the second column and both can be on different pages.
+With \Lkeyset{capPos=before} (uppercase L) it is possible to get the caption and the object in the twocolumn mode always on one page.
+This is then the left (first) column for the caption (see figure~\vref{default2s2c}).
+\caption{Output of \texttt{default2s2c} (pages 2--9)}\label{default2s2c}
+ {\includegraphics[width=\columnwidth,height=0.9\textheight]{images/frose}}%
+ [A float which needs the complete column width and height.]%
+ {A Caption of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the next column.
+ This is always the right column on an even or odd page. And some more
+ text whch has no real meaning because it fills only the space for a long
+ caption.}%
+ {fig:fullpage0-2}
+The example~\vref{default2s2c} shows that the caption and the object can be on different
+pages. If you do not like this behaviour, then use the setting \Lkeyset{capPos=left}, which puts
+the caption before the object, but always on the \emph{same page} (see Figure~\vref{left2s2c}).
+\caption{Output of \texttt{left2s2c} (pages 2--9)}\label{left2s2c}
+\subsubsection{Using \Lkeyset{capPos=after}}
+The caption will be printed always right of the object which is the same as \textit{after} the full page object.
+With \Lkeyset{capPos=after} it is possible to get the caption in the twocolumn mode always in
+the right (second) column (see figure~\vref{right2s2c})
+\hvFloat[fullpage, capPos=after]{figure}%
+ {\includegraphics[fullpage]{images/rose}}%
+ [A float which needs the complete column width and height.]%
+ {A Caption of a ``fullpage'' object, which is on the left column.
+ This is always the right column on an even or odd page. And some more
+ text whch has no real meaning because it fills only the space for a long
+ caption.}%
+ {fig:fullpage1-2}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{after2s2c} (pages 2--9)}\label{after2s2c}
+The caption and the object can be on different pages (Figure~\vref{after2s2c}).
+If you do not like this behaviour, then use the setting \Lkeyset{capPos=right} instead
+of \Lkeyset{capPos=after}. Figure~{right2s2c} shows that caption and object in this case
+are always on the same page.
+\caption{Output of \texttt{right2s2c} (pages 2--9)}\label{right2s2c}
+\subsubsection{Using \Lkeyset{capPos=evenPage} --- caption on an even page}
+There can be a problem if there is not enough space on the bottom of the
+even page. Then the caption will be on the next page which is an odd one.
+In such a case use a manually \Lcs{clearpage} or wait for an update
+of \Lpack{hvfloat}.
+\caption{Output of \texttt{even1s2c} (pages 2--9)}\label{even1s2c}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{even2s2c} (pages 2--9)}\label{even2s2c}
+\subsubsection{Using \Lkeyset{capPos=oddPage} --- caption on an odd page}
+There can be a problem if there is not enough space on the bottom of the
+even page. Then the caption will be on the next page which is an odd one.
+In such a case use a manually \Lcs{clearpage} or wait for an update
+of \Lpack{hvfloat}.
+\caption{Output of \texttt{odd1s2c} (pages 2--9)}\label{odd1sc2}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{odd2s2c} (pages 2--9)}\label{odd2s2c}
+\subsubsection{Using \Lkeyset{capPos=inner} --- caption in the inner column}
+The caption will be printed in the right column for an even page and
+in the left column for an odd page.
+ [A float which needs the complete column width and height.]%
+ {A Caption of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or right column.
+ This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no
+ real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.}{fig:fullpage3-2}
+ {\includegraphics[fullpage]{images/rose}}%
+ [A float which needs the complete column width and height.]%
+ {A Caption of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or
+ right column.
+ This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no
+ real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.}{fig:fullpage3-2}
+%\caption{Output of \texttt{inner1s2c} (pages 2--9)}\label{inner1s2c}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{inner2s2c} (pages 2--9)}\label{inner2s2c}
+\subsubsection{Using \Lkeyset{capPos=outer} --- caption on the outer column}
+The caption will be printed on the left column an odd page, the object can appear before
+or after this caption.
+\hvFloat[fullpage, capPos=outer]{figure}%
+ {\includegraphics[fullpage]{images/rose}}%
+ [A float which needs the complete page width and height with \texttt{capPos=outer}.]%
+ {A Caption of a ``fullpage'' object, which has the caption position in the
+ outer page. This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no
+ real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.}{fig:fullpage2-2a}
+\hvFloat[fullpage, capPos=outer]{figure}%
+ {\includegraphics[fullpage]{images/rose}}%
+ [A float which needs the complete page width and height with \texttt{capPos=outer}.]%
+ {A Caption of a ``fullpage'' object, which has the caption position in the
+ outer page. This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no
+ real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.}{fig:fullpage2-2a}
+%\caption{Output of \texttt{outer1s2c} (pages 2--9)}\label{outer1s2c}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{outer2s2c} (pages 2--9)}\label{outer2s2c}
+\subsection{Using full page in twocolumn mode}\label{star-version}
+With the star version of \Lcs{hvfloat} The object ist placed over both columns, the whole page.
+In such a case the only useful caption position is \Lkeyset{capPos=inner} for \emph{inner}.
+\hvFloat*[fullpage, capPos=inner]{figure}%
+ {\includegraphics[FullPage]{images/rose}}%
+ [A float which needs the complete page width and height with \texttt{capPos=outer}.]%
+ {A caption of a ``fullpage'' object in twocolumn mode: It uses the star version
+ of \textbackslash hvFloat. The object goes over both columns.}{fig:two}
+\hvFloat*[fullpage, capPos=inner]{figure}%
+ {\includegraphics[FullPage]{images/rose}}%
+ [Star version with \texttt{capPos=outer}.]%
+ {A caption of a ``fullpage'' object in twocolumn mode: It uses the star version
+ of \textbackslash hvFloat. The object goes over both columns.}{fig:two}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{paper-default2s2c} (pages 2--9)}\label{paper-default2s2c}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{paper-inner2s2c} (pages 2--9)}\label{paper-inner2s2c}
+Multifloats is the name for more than one image and/or tabular in \emph{one} floating
+environment. Every image and/or tabular has its own caption, which is different to
+a subcaption.
+The + symbol defines an additional Object which will be part of the same floating environment.
+It's up too the user to be sure that one page or one column can hold all defined objects.
+Every object gets its own caption which is the reason why figures and tabulars and \ldots\
+can be mixed:
+ +{figure}{\includegraphics[height=0.4\textheight]{images/rose}}%% no 1
+ [Short caption A]%
+ {A Caption A of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or
+ right column. This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no
+ real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.}%
+ {multi:demo0}%
+ +{table}{\begin{tabular}{lr}\hline % no 2
+ Linksbündig & Rechtsbündig\\
+ L & R \\
+ left & right \\
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{Multicolumn}\\\hline
+ \end{tabular}}%
+ [Short Caption B]%
+ {A Caption B of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or
+ right column. This can be an even or odd page.}%
+ {}%
+ +{figure}{\includegraphics[height=0.4\textheight]{images/rose}}%% no 3
+ {A Caption C of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or
+ right column.}%
+ {multi:demo1}
+ +{figure}{\includegraphics[height=0.4\textheight]{images/rose}}%% no 1
+ [Short caption A]%
+ {A Caption A of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or
+ right column. This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no
+ real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.}%
+ {multi:demo0}%
+ +{table}{\begin{tabular}{lr}\hline % no 2
+ Linksbündig & Rechtsbündig\\
+ L & R \\
+ left & right \\
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{Multicolumn}\\\hline
+ \end{tabular}}%
+ [Short Caption B]%
+ {A Caption B of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or
+ right column. This can be an even or odd page.}{}%
+ +{figure}{\includegraphics[height=0.4\textheight]{images/rose}}%% no 3
+ {A Caption C of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or
+ right column.}%
+ {multi:demo1}
+The page with the objects has no additional informations it holds only the figures and/or tabulars.
+If you want it like subfigures or subtabulars then go to section~\vref{sec:subfloats}. The setting
+\Lcs{captionsetup}\Largb{\Lkeyset{singlelinecheck=false}} is needed if you want the captions always
+left aligned.
+\caption{Output of \texttt{multi-default2s2c} (pages 2-9)}\label{multi-defaults2s2c}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{multi-inner2s2c} (pages 2-9)}\label{multi-inners2s2c}
+\section{Subfloat page}
+A subfloat page can have only one type of floats which will have one main caption and
+individual subcaptions.
+Some arguments are ignored for a subfloat, one can leave them empty. The first line defines only the type and the main caption,
+the object entry is ignored! All aditional lines will have the same float type, the reason why the
+float type entry is ignored.
+ +{figure}{}[Short main caption of the objects]% main short lsi entry
+ {The main caption of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or
+ right column. This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no
+ real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.}% main caption
+ {sub:demo00}%
+ +{}{\includegraphics[height=0.28\textheight]{images/rose}}%
+ [Short caption B]%
+ {A Caption B of a ``fullpage'' sub object.}% subcaption
+ {}%
+ +{}{\includegraphics[height=0.28\textheight]{images/rose}}%
+ {A Caption C of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or right column.}%
+ {sub:demo10}
+ +{}{\includegraphics[height=0.28\textheight]{images/rose}}%
+ {A Caption D of a ``fullpage'' object}%
+ {sub:demo20}
+The keyword \Lkeyword{subFloat} defines the images or tabulars as subfloats.
+The package \Lpack{subcaption} is loaded by default. For the subcaptions the \Lkeyword{singlelinecheck}
+should be true (see listing).
+ +{figure}{}[Short main caption of the objects]%
+ {The main caption of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or
+ right column. This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no
+ real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.}%
+ {sub:demo00}%
+ +{}{\includegraphics[height=0.28\textheight]{images/rose}}%
+ [Short caption B]%
+ {A Caption B of a ``fullpage'' sub object.}%
+ {}%
+ +{}{\includegraphics[height=0.28\textheight]{images/rose}}%
+ {A Caption C of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the left or
+ right column.}%
+ {sub:demo10}
+ +{}{\includegraphics[height=0.28\textheight]{images/rose}}%
+ {A Caption D of a ``fullpage'' object}%
+ {sub:demo20}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{sub-default2s2c} (pages 2--9)}\label{sub-default2s2c}
+\caption{Output of \texttt{sub-after2s2c} (pages 2--9)}\label{sub-after2s2c}
+%\index{capPos@\texttt {capPos} (keyword)|)}
+\section{References to the page}\label{varioref}
+%Whith loading package \texttt{hyperref} references to floating objects with a caption left or right of the object
+%are no problem in difference to captions below othe object or on another page (using \texttt{fullpage} option).
+%With loading package \texttt{hypcap}
+With the command \CMD{pageref} one can have a reference to the page number of a caption. For the
+\Lkeyword{fullpage} option this can be the wrong page if someone wants a refence to the page where
+the object is set. Let's assume that we use something like
+ {\IncludeGraphics{images/frose}}%
+ [A float which needs the complete paper width and height.]%
+ {A Caption of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the next page.
+ This can be an even or odd page. The object uses the complete paper dimensions}%
+ {demo:fullpage}
+The label \texttt{demo:fullpage} is used for the \emph{image} and not for the caption! Internally another label
+called \texttt{demo:fullpage-cap} is set on the caption page which can be before or
+behind the opject (depending to the optional argument of \Lkeyword{capPos}).
+For example:
+The caption of figure~\ref{demo:fullpage-cap} is on page~\pageref{demo:fullpage-cap}, but
+the image itself is on page~\pageref{demo:fullpage}.
+The caption of figure~\ref{demo:fullpage-cap} is on page~\pageref{demo:fullpage-cap}, but
+the image itself is on page~\pageref{demo:fullpage}.
+With package \Lpack{varioref} it is:
+Whith the package \Lpack{varioref} (\url{})
+one can get something like: see figure~\vref{demo:fullpage}, which uses a
+correct page number of the floatinmg object and not the caption
+page number which is~\vpageref{demo:fullpage-cap}.
+The figure~\ref{demo:fullpage} is on page~\pageref{demo:fullpage}
+and the caption on page~\pageref{demo:fullpage-cap}
+Whith the package \Lpack{varioref} (\url{})
+one can get something like: see figure~\vref{demo:fullpage}, which uses a
+correct page number of the floating object and not the caption
+pagenumber which is~\vpageref{demo:fullpage-cap}.
+The figure~\ref{demo:fullpage} is on page~\pageref{demo:fullpage}
+and the caption on page~\pageref{demo:fullpage-cap}
+\section{Defining a style}
+With \Lcs{defhvstyle} one can define a special style to get rid of the individual setting:
+For example:
+\defhvstyle{RightCaption}{floatPos=htb, capWidth=0.5, capPos=after, capVPos=bottom, objectPos=center}
+ {Caption vertically centered right beside the float with a caption width of
+ \texttt{0.5\textbackslash columnwidth}.}{fig:style}
+\defhvstyle{RightCaption}{floatPos=htb, capWidth=0.5, capPos=after, capVPos=bottom, objectPos=center}
+ {Caption at bottom right beside the float with a caption width of
+ \texttt{0.5\textbackslash columnwidth}.}{fig:style}
+\section{Global float setting}
+Instead of writing the following sequence into the preamble:
+you can change the global setting of floats by loading the package \Lpack{hvfloat-fps}. It allows
+optional package options to set the global placement:
+ {\includegraphics[FULLPAGE]{images/frose}}%
+ [A float which needs the complete paper width and height.]%
+ {A Caption of a ``fullpage'' object, which follows on the next page.
+ This can be an even or odd page. The object uses the complete paper dimensions}%
+ {demo:fullpage}
+%\item[] With the \texttt{nonfloat} option all objects are left aligned, \verb|\centering| doesn't work here. Only God knows why ...\hfill \textbf{solved!}
+\section{The Package Source}