path: root/macros/latex/contrib/hvfloat/doc/hvfloat.tex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2021-06-27 03:01:41 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-06-27 03:01:41 +0000
commita090105758cdab68b58246a8aea7cb79dc168501 (patch)
tree367d8c9718710cbba51d660b61273b20fb056080 /macros/latex/contrib/hvfloat/doc/hvfloat.tex
parent3d1055e1e00548f29b9d4ba0a79c717b9b6b2ae3 (diff)
CTAN sync 202106270301
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/hvfloat/doc/hvfloat.tex')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/hvfloat/doc/hvfloat.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/hvfloat/doc/hvfloat.tex
index 90bea8a9eb..5382371f7e 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/hvfloat/doc/hvfloat.tex
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/hvfloat/doc/hvfloat.tex
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-%% $Id: hvfloat.tex 114 2021-06-15 13:20:03Z herbert $
+%% $Id: hvfloat.tex 122 2021-06-26 12:35:53Z herbert $
@@ -10,25 +10,29 @@
+ backgroundcolor=\color{black!15},
% frame={tb},%
-% lineskip=-1pt,%
+ lineskip=-1pt,%
-% numbers=left,%
-% stepnumber=1,%
-% numberstyle=\tiny,%
-% xleftmargin=2em,%
- breaklines=true}
+ numbers=left,%
+ stepnumber=1,%
+ numberstyle=\tiny,%
+ xleftmargin=2em,%
+ breaklines=true,
+ }
@@ -86,8 +90,6 @@
\index{#1@\texttt{#1} (keyword)}\index{Keyword!#1@\texttt{#1}}
\index{#2@\texttt{#2} (value)}\index{Value!#2@\texttt{#2}}}
@@ -160,6 +162,13 @@
@@ -301,57 +310,106 @@ Internally the style is saved in a macro named \verb|\hv@<name>|.
There are the following keywords:
+ \def\rowvsp{\rule{0pt}{9pt}}%
+ \def\rowhsp{\hspace*{\normalparindent}}%
+ \def\rownl{\newline\rowhsp}%
+ \def\none{{\itshape none}}%
+ \def\arraystretch{0.96}%
\begin{xltabular}{\textwidth}{@{} l>{\small\ttfamily}cX @{}}
\caption{The optional keywords for the macro \nxLcs{hvFloat}}\label{tab:options}\\\toprule
-\emph Keyword & \emph Default & \emph Description\\\midrule
+\emph{K\kern-.1em eyword} & \rmfamily\emph{Default} & \emph{Description}\\\midrule
-\emph Keyword & \emph Default & \emph Description\\\midrule
+\emph{K\kern-.1em eyword} & \rmfamily\emph{Default} & \emph{Description}\\\midrule
-\Lkeyword{floatPos} & \texttt{tbp} & This is the same default placement setting like the one from standard \LaTeX, but maybe not always
-the best setting. \\
-\Lkeyword{rotAngle} & 0& The value for the angle if both, the object and the caption, should be rotated together.\\
-\Lkeyword{capWidth} & n& The width of the caption. Can be »\texttt{n}« like a natural width given by the current linewidth,
- »\texttt{w}« for the width of the object, »\texttt{h}« for the height of the object, or a scale for \verb|\columnwidth|.\\
-\Lkeyword{capAngle} & 0 & The integer value for the angle if the caption should be rotated. Counted counter clockwise.\\
-\Lkeyword{capPos} & bottom& The position of the caption relative to the object. Possible values are\\
- & & \Lkeyval{before}: \emph{always} before (left) from the object.\\
- & & \Lkeyval{top}: \emph{always} on top of the object.\\
- & & \Lkeyval{left}: \emph{always} before (left) from the object, but on the \emph{same page} in twocolumn mode.\\
- & & \Lkeyval{after}: \emph{always} after (right) from the object.\\
- & & \Lkeyval{bottom}: \emph{always} on the bottom of the object.\\
- & & \Lkeyval{right}: \emph{always} after (right) from the object, but on the \emph{same page} in twocolumn mode.\\
- & & \Lkeyval{inner}: in twoside mode always typeset at the inner margin.\\
- & & \Lkeyval{outer}: in twoside mode always typeset at the outer margin.\\
- & & \Lkeyval{evenPage}: in twoside mode with fullpage objects always on an even page.\\
- & & \Lkeyval{oddPage}: in twoside mode with fullpage objects always on an odd page.\\
-\Lkeyword{capVPos}& center& This is only important for \texttt{capPos=left|right}. Only in this case the
- caption can vertically placed at the \Lkeyval{bottom}, \Lkeyval{center} and \Lkeyval{top}.\\
-\Lkeyword{objectPos} & center & The horizontal placement of the object relative to the document.
-Possible values are (\textbf{l})eft|(\textbf{c})enter|(\textbf{r})ight.\\
-\Lkeyword{objectAngle} & 0 & The integer value for the angle if the object should be rotated. Counted counter clockwise.\\
-\Lkeyword{floatCapSep} & 5pt & The additional space between the object and a left or right placed caption.\\
-\Lkeyword{useOBox} & false & Instead of passing the object as parameter to the \Lcs{hvFloat}, the contents maybe saved in the box \texttt{\textbackslash hvOBox} With \texttt{useOBox=true} the contents of this box will be used.\\
-\Lkeyword{onlyText} & false & The caption will be printed as normal text and there is no entry in the list of \ldots.\\
-\Lkeyword{nonFloat} & false & The object isn't put in a floating environment. It is printed as standard text with an additional caption. The float counter is increased as usual and can be referenced.\\
-\Lkeyword{wide} & false & The float can use \Ldim{textwidth}+\Ldim{marginparwidth} as horizontal width.\\
-\Lkeyword{objectFrame} & false & put a frame with no separation around the float object.\\
-\Lkeyword{style} & --- & Use a defined style\\
-\Lkeyword{capFormat} & --- & Define formatting options for \Lcs{caption} (see documentation of package \Lpack{caption}).\\
-\Lkeyword{subcapFormat} & --- & Define formatting options for \Lcs{subcaption}.\\
-\Lkeyword{fullpage} & false & Use a complete column in twocolumn mode.\\
-\Lkeyword{FULLPAGE} & false & Use the complete paper width/height for the object.\\
-\Lkeyword{FullPage} & false & Use the complete text area for the object.\\
-\Lkeyword{doublePage} & false & Use the textarea on a doublepage with additional text.\\
-\Lkeyword{doublePAGE} & false & Use the textarea on a doublepage without additional text.\\
-\Lkeyword{doubleFULLPAGE} & false & Use the paperwidth on a doublepage without additional text.\\
-\Lkeyword{vFill} & false & Put a \Lcs{vfill} between every two objects in a multi- or subfloat.\\
+\Lkeyword{floatPos} & \texttt{tbp} & This is the same default placement
+ setting as in standard \LaTeX; maybe not always the best setting.\\
+\Lkeyword{rotAngle} & 0& \rowvsp The value for the angle if both the object and
+ the caption should be rotated together.\\
+\Lkeyword{capWidth} & n& \rowvsp The width of the caption. Can be \texttt{n}
+ for a natural width given by the current linewidth,
+ \texttt{w} for the width of the object,
+ \rownl\texttt{h} for the height of the object,
+ or a scale factor for \Lcs{columnwidth}.\\
+\Lkeyword{capAngle} & 0 & \rowvsp The integer value for the angle if the caption
+ should be rotated. Positive is counter-clockwise.\\
+\Lkeyword{capPos} & bottom& \rowvsp The position of the caption relative to the
+ object. Possible values:\\
+ & & \rowhsp\Lkeyval{before}: \emph{always} before (left) from the object.\\
+ & & \rowhsp\Lkeyval{top}: \emph{always} on top of the object.\\
+ & & \rowhsp\Lkeyval{left}: \emph{always} before (left) from the object,
+ but on the same page in twocolumn mode.\\
+ & & \rowhsp\Lkeyval{after}: \emph{always} after (right) from the object.\\
+ & & \rowhsp\Lkeyval{bottom}: \emph{always} on the bottom of the object.\\
+ & & \rowhsp\Lkeyval{right}: \emph{always} after (right) from the
+ object, but on the same page in twocolumn mode.\\
+ & & \rowhsp\Lkeyval{inner}: in twoside mode always typeset at the inner
+ margin.\\
+ & & \rowhsp\Lkeyval{outer}: in twoside mode always typeset at the outer
+ margin.\\
+ & & \rowhsp\Lkeyval{evenPage}: in twoside mode with fullpage objects
+ always on an even page.\\
+ & & \rowhsp\Lkeyval{oddPage}: in twoside mode with fullpage objects
+ always on an odd page.\\
+\Lkeyword{capVPos}& center& \rowvsp Only used when
+ \texttt{capPos=left$\,|\,$right}; in these cases, the caption can
+ be vertically placed at the \Lkeyval{bottom}, \Lkeyval{center} or
+ \Lkeyval{top}.\\
+\Lkeyword{objectPos} & center & \rowvsp Horizontal placement of the object
+ relative to the document. Possible values are
+ (\textbf{l})eft, (\textbf{c})enter, (\textbf{r})ight.\\
+\Lkeyword{objectAngle} & 0 & \rowvsp Integer value for the angle if
+ the object should be rotated. Positive is counter-clockwise.\\
+\Lkeyword{floatCapSep} & 5pt & \rowvsp Additional space between the
+ object and a left- or right-placed caption.\\
+\Lkeyword{useOBox} & false & \rowvsp Instead of passing the object as a
+ parameter to \Lcs{hvFloat}, with \texttt{useOBox=true} the contents
+ of the predefined box \texttt{\textbackslash hvOBox} is used.\\
+\Lkeyword{onlyText} & false & \rowvsp The caption is printed as normal
+ text with no entry in any list of \ldots\\
+\Lkeyword{nonFloat} & false & \rowvsp The object isn't put in a floating
+ environment, but printed as standard text with an additional caption.
+ \rownl The float counter is increased as usual and can be referenced.\\
+\Lkeyword{wide} & false & \rowvsp The float can use
+ \Ldim{textwidth}$\,+\,$\Ldim{marginparwidth} as horizontal width.\\
+\Lkeyword{objectFrame} & false & \rowvsp Put a frame with no separation
+ around the float object.\\
+\Lkeyword{style} & \none & \rowvsp Use a defined style.\\
+\Lkeyword{capFormat} & \none & \rowvsp Define formatting options for
+ \Lcs{caption}; see documentation of package \Lpack{caption}.\\
+\Lkeyword{subcapFormat} & \none & \rowvsp Define formatting options for
+ \Lcs{subcaption}.\\
+\Lkeyword{fullpage} & false & \rowvsp Use a complete column in twocolumn mode.\\
+\Lkeyword{FullPage} & false & \rowvsp Use the full text area for the object.\\
+\Lkeyword{FULLPAGE} & false & \rowvsp Use the full paper width/height for the object.\\
+\Lkeyword{doublePage} & false & \rowvsp Use the text area on a doublepage with additional text.\\
+\Lkeyword{doublePAGE} & false & \rowvsp Use the text area on a doublepage without additional text.\\
+\Lkeyword{doubleFULLPAGE} & false & \rowvsp Use the paperwidth on a doublepage without additional text.\\
+\Lkeyword{vFill} & false & \rowvsp Put a \Lcs{vfill} between every two objects in a multi- or subfloat.\\
+\Lkeyword{sameHeight} & false & \rowvsp use the same text height on both pages for a \Lkeyword{doublePage} object.\\
+% {table}
+% {}
+% [The optional keywords for the \newline\Lcs{hvFloat} macro]
+% {The optional keywords for the \protect\Lcs{hvFloat} macro.}
+% {tab:options}
@@ -786,10 +844,12 @@ The code for figure \ref{fig:5}:
The code for figure \ref{fig:6}:
- capWidth=0.25,
- capPos=right,
+ capWidth=0.25,%
+ capPos=right,%
capVPos=center,% the default
-]{figure}{\frame{\includegraphics{images/rose}}}{Caption centered right beside the float}{fig:6}
+ \frame{\includegraphics[origin=c,angle=180]{images/rose}}}%
+ {Caption centered right beside the float}{fig:6}
@@ -798,7 +858,9 @@ The code for figure \ref{fig:6}:
capVPos=center,% the default
-]{figure}{\frame{\includegraphics{images/rose}}}{Caption centered right beside the float}{fig:6}
+ \frame{\includegraphics[origin=c,angle=180]{images/rose}}}%
+ {Caption centered right beside the float}{fig:6}
\section{Caption format}
@@ -1633,6 +1695,9 @@ which is before the caption.
@@ -1641,6 +1706,11 @@ which is before the caption.
These settings make no sense in \Index{onecolumn} mode.
\subsection{Using the paper size}
It belongs to the user to create an object which fills the complete page. However, with the
@@ -1695,6 +1765,8 @@ the paper dimensions \Ldim{paperwidth} and
Multifloats is the name for more than one image and/or tabular in \emph{one} floating
@@ -2542,7 +2614,7 @@ in the inner margin on both pages.
@@ -2589,7 +2661,7 @@ and the right part on page~\pageref{bar-2}. All three labels points to the same
- {A caption for a double-sided image that will be placed before
+ {A caption for a double-sided image that will be placed \textbf{after}
the image. The image begins on the left edge of the paper.
No further text is placed on the pages. A short form is used for the LOF.
The parameter is \texttt{doubleFULLPAGE}}%
@@ -2602,7 +2674,7 @@ and the right part on page~\pageref{bar-2}. All three labels points to the same
- {A caption for a double-sided image that will be placed before
+ {A caption for a double-sided image that will be placed \textbf{after}
the image. The image begins on the left edge of the paper.
No further text is placed on the pages. A short form is used for the LOF.
The parameter is \texttt{doubleFULLPAGE}}%
@@ -2613,14 +2685,17 @@ and the right part on page~\pageref{bar-2}. All three labels points to the same
- {A caption for a double-sided image that will be placed after
+ {A caption for a double-sided image that will be placed \textbf{before}
the image. The image begins on the left edge of the paper.
No further text is placed on the pages. A short form is used for the LOF.
The parameter is \texttt{doubleFULLPAGE}}%
@@ -2631,7 +2706,7 @@ and the right part on page~\pageref{bar-2}. All three labels points to the same
- {A caption for a double-sided image that will be placed after
+ {A caption for a double-sided image that will be placed \textbf{before}
the image. The image begins on the left edge of the paper.
No further text is placed on the pages. A short form is used for the LOF.
The parameter is \texttt{doubleFULLPAGE}}%
@@ -2673,7 +2748,7 @@ There will be pagenumbers and a caption can be rotated on the right of the objec
The parameter is \texttt{doublePAGE}}%
@@ -2697,7 +2772,7 @@ and the rest of the text area is filled with text.
\marginnote{Fig. \ref{fig:doublePage0sH}}
@@ -2717,6 +2792,8 @@ and the rest of the text area is filled with text.
@@ -2730,7 +2807,7 @@ and the rest of the text area is filled with text.
\marginnote{Fig. \ref{fig:doublePage0}}
@@ -2747,7 +2824,7 @@ and the rest of the text area is filled with text.
@@ -2765,7 +2842,7 @@ and the rest of the text area is filled with text.
\marginnote{Fig. \ref{fig:doublePage0sH2}}
@@ -2782,7 +2859,7 @@ and the rest of the text area is filled with text.
@@ -2947,12 +3024,10 @@ With \Lcs{hvDefFloatStyle} one can define a special style to get rid of the indi
For example:
-\hvDefFloatStyle{RightCaption}{floatPos=htb, capWidth=0.5, capPos=after, capVPos=bottom, objectPos=center}
+\hvDefFloatStyle{RightCaption}{floatPos=htb, capWidth=0.5, capPos=after,
+ capVPos=bottom, objectPos=center}
{Caption vertically centered right beside the float with a caption width of
\texttt{0.5\textbackslash columnwidth}.}{fig:style}
@@ -2967,10 +3042,6 @@ For example:
\texttt{0.5\textbackslash columnwidth}.}{fig:style}
\section{Global float setting}
Instead of writing the following sequence into the preamble:
@@ -2990,7 +3061,7 @@ optional package options to set the global placement: