path: root/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/makeglossaries-lite.lua
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/makeglossaries-lite.lua
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/makeglossaries-lite.lua')
1 files changed, 559 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/makeglossaries-lite.lua b/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/makeglossaries-lite.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f812edacee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/makeglossaries-lite.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env texlua
+ File : makeglossaries-lite.lua
+ Author : Nicola Talbot
+ Lua alternative to the makeglossaries Perl script.
+ Since Lua has limitations, this script isn't an exact
+ replacement to the Perl script. In particular the makeglossaries -d
+ switch isn't implemented in this Lua version.
+ This also doesn't provide the more detailed diagnostics that the Perl
+ version does nor does it attempt any language mappings. Since xindy
+ requires Perl, don't use this script if you want to use xindy. Instead
+ use the Perl makeglossaries script.
+ This file is distributed as part of the glossaries LaTeX package.
+ Copyright 2015 Nicola L.C. Talbot
+ This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+ conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+ of this license or any later version.
+ The latest version of this license is in
+ and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+ version 2005/12/01 or later.
+ This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+ This work consists of the files glossaries.dtx and glossaries.ins
+ and the derived files glossaries.sty, glossaries-prefix.sty,
+ glossary-hypernav.sty, glossary-inline.sty, glossary-list.sty,
+ glossary-long.sty, glossary-longbooktabs.sty, glossary-longragged.sty,
+ glossary-mcols.sty, glossary-super.sty, glossary-superragged.sty,
+ glossary-tree.sty, glossaries-compatible-207.sty,
+ glossaries-compatible-307.sty, glossaries-accsupp.sty,
+ glossaries-babel.sty, glossaries-polyglossia.sty, glossaries.perl.
+ Also makeglossaries and makeglossaries-lite.lua.
+ History:
+ * 4.41:
+ - no change.
+ * 4.40:
+ - no change.
+ * 4.39:
+ - corrected script name in version and help messages
+ * 4.38:
+ - no change.
+ * 4.37:
+ - no change.
+ * 4.36:
+ - fixed check for double-quotes (from \jobname when the file name
+ contains spaces).
+ * 4.35:
+ - no change.
+ * 4.34:
+ - added check for \glsxtr@resource
+ * 4.33:
+ - version number synchronized with glossaries.sty
+ * 1.3
+ - added check for \glsxtr@makeglossaries
+ * 1.2 (2016-05-27)
+ - added check for \@gls@extramakeindexopts
+ - added check for nil codepage
+ * 1.1
+ - changed first line from lua to texlua
+thisversion = "4.41 (2018-07-23)"
+quiet = false
+dryrun = false
+infile = nil
+outfile = nil
+styfile = nil
+logfile = nil
+isxindy = false
+isbib2gls = false
+xindylang = nil
+xindyexec = "xindy"
+makeindex_c = false
+makeindex_g = false
+letterorder = false
+makeindex_r = false
+makeindex_p = nil
+makeindex_extra = nil
+makeindex_m = "makeindex"
+function version()
+ verYear = string.match(thisversion, "%d%d%d%d");
+ print(string.format("makeglossaries-lite version %s", thisversion))
+ print(string.format("Copyright (C) 2015-%s Nicola L C Talbot", verYear))
+ print("This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.")
+function help()
+ version()
+ print([[
+Syntax : makeglossaries-lite [options] <filename>
+For use with the glossaries package to pass relevant
+files to makeindex or xindy.
+<filename> Base name of glossary file(s). This should
+ be the name of your main LaTeX document without any
+ extension. If you do add an extension, only that
+ glossary file will be processed.
+General Options:
+-o <gls> Use <gls> as the output file.
+ (Don't use -o if you have more than one glossary.)
+-s <sty> Employ <sty> as the style file.
+-t <log> Employ <log> as the transcript file.
+ (Don't use -t if you have more than one glossary
+ or the transcripts will be overwritten.)
+-q Quiet mode.
+-l Letter ordering.
+-n Print the command that would normally be executed,
+ but don't execute it (dry run).
+--help Print this help message.
+--version Print the version.
+Xindy Options:
+-L <language> Use <language>.
+-x <file> Full path to xindy executable.
+ (Default assumes xindy is on the operating system's path.)
+Makeindex Options:
+(See makeindex documentation for further details on these options.)
+-c Compress intermediate blanks.
+-g Employ German word ordering.
+-p <num> Set the starting page number to be <num>.
+-r Disable implicit page range formation.
+-m <file> Full path to makeindex executable.
+ (Default assumes makeindex is on the operating system's path.)
+This is a light-weight Lua alternative to the makeglossaries Perl script.
+If you want to use xindy, it's better to use the Perl makeglossaries version
+function dorun(name, glg, gls, glo, language, codepage)
+ if isxindy then
+ doxindy(name, glg, gls, glo, language, codepage)
+ else
+ domakeindex(name, glg, gls, glo)
+ end
+function doxindy(name, glg, gls, glo, language, codepage)
+ if codepage == nil
+ then
+ codepage = "utf8"
+ end
+ cmd = string.format('"%s" -I xindy -L %s -C %s -M "%s" -t "%s" -o "%s"',
+ xindyexec, language, codepage, styfile, glg, gls)
+ if letterorder then cmd = string.format('%s -M ord/letorder', cmd) end
+ if quiet then cmd = string.format('%s -q', cmd) end
+ cmd = string.format('%s "%s"', cmd, glo)
+ if dryrun then
+ print(cmd)
+ else
+ assert(os.execute(cmd),
+ string.format("Failed to execute '%s'", cmd))
+ end
+function domakeindex(name, glg, gls, glo)
+ cmd = string.format('"%s"', makeindex_m)
+ if makeindex_c then cmd = cmd .. " -c" end
+ if makeindex_g then cmd = cmd .. " -g" end
+ if letterorder then cmd = cmd .. " -l" end
+ if makeindex_extra then cmd = cmd .. " " .. makeindex_extra end
+ if quiet then cmd = cmd .. " -q" end
+ if glg ~= nil then cmd = string.format('%s -t "%s"', cmd, glg) end
+ if gls ~= nil then cmd = string.format('%s -o "%s"', cmd, gls) end
+ if makeindex_p ~= nil then
+ cmd = string.format("%s -p %s", cmd, makeindex_p)
+ end
+ if styfile ~= nil then
+ cmd = string.format('%s -s "%s"', cmd, styfile)
+ end
+ cmd = string.format('%s "%s"', cmd, glo)
+ if dryrun then
+ print(cmd)
+ else
+ assert(os.execute(cmd),
+ string.format("Failed to execute '%s'", cmd))
+ end
+if #arg < 1
+ error("Syntax error: filename expected. Use --help for help.")
+i = 1
+while i <= #arg do
+-- General Options
+ if arg[i] == "-q" then
+ quiet = true
+ elseif arg[i] == "-n"
+ then
+ dryrun = true
+ elseif arg[i] == "-o"
+ then
+ i = i + 1
+ if i > #arg then error("-o requires a filename") end
+ outfile = arg[i]
+ elseif arg[i] == "-s"
+ then
+ i = i + 1
+ if i > #arg then error("-s requires a filename") end
+ styfile = arg[i]
+ elseif arg[i] == "-t"
+ then
+ i = i + 1
+ if i > #arg then error("-t requires a filename") end
+ logfile = arg[i]
+ elseif arg[i] == "--version"
+ then
+ version()
+ os.exit()
+ elseif arg[i] == "--help"
+ then
+ help()
+ os.exit()
+-- General options for the Perl version that aren't implemented by
+-- this light-weight version:
+ elseif (arg[i] == "-Q") or (arg[i] == "-k")
+ then
+ print(string.format("Ignoring option '%s' (only available with the Perl version).", arg[i]))
+ elseif arg[i] == "-d"
+ then
+ error(string.format(
+ "The '%s' option isn't available for this light-weight version.\nYou will need to use the Perl version instead.",
+ arg[i]))
+-- Xindy Options
+ elseif arg[i] == "-L"
+ then
+ i = i + 1
+ if i > #arg then error("-L requires a language name") end
+ xindylang = arg[i]
+ elseif arg[i] == "-x"
+ then
+ i = i + 1
+ if i > #arg then error("-x requires a filename") end
+ xindyexec = arg[i]
+-- Makeindex Options
+ elseif arg[i] == "-c"
+ then
+ makeindex_c = true
+ elseif arg[i] == "-g"
+ then
+ makeindex_g = true
+ elseif arg[i] == "-l"
+ then
+ letterorder = true
+ elseif arg[i] == "-r"
+ then
+ makeindex_r = true
+ elseif arg[i] == "-p"
+ then
+ i = i + 1
+ if i > #arg then error("-p requires a page number") end
+ makeindex_p = arg[i]
+ elseif arg[i] == "-m"
+ then
+ i = i + 1
+ if i > #arg then error("-m requires a filename") end
+ makeindex_m = arg[i]
+-- Unknown Option
+ elseif string.sub(arg[i], 1, 1) == "-"
+ then
+ error(
+ string.format("Syntax error: unknown option '%s'. Use '--help' for help.",
+ arg[i]));
+-- Input file
+ elseif infile == nil
+ then
+ infile = arg[i]
+ else
+ error("Syntax error: only one filename permitted");
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+if not quiet then
+ print(string.format("makeglossaries.lua version %s", thisversion))
+if infile == nil
+ error("Syntax error: missing filename")
+i, j = string.find(infile, "%.%a*$")
+ext = nil
+inbase = infile
+if i ~= nil
+ ext = string.sub(infile, i, j);
+ lext = string.lower(ext)
+ inbase = string.sub(infile, 1, i-1);
+ -- Just in case user has accidentally specified the aux or tex file
+ if lext == ".aux" or lext == ".tex"
+ then
+ ext = nil
+ infile = inbase
+ end
+auxfile = inbase..".aux"
+if not quiet then print(string.format("Parsing '%s'", auxfile)) end
+ string.format("Unable to open '%s'", auxfile))
+aux ="*a")
+if string.find(aux, "\\glsxtr@resource") ~= nil
+ isbib2gls = true
+if styfile == nil
+-- v4.36: corrected check for double-quotes
+ styfile = string.match(aux, "\\@istfilename{([^}]*)}")
+ styfile = string.gsub(styfile, "\"", "");
+ if styfile == nil
+ then
+ if isbib2gls
+ then
+ error([[
+No \@istfilename found but found \glsxtr@resource.
+You need to run bib2gls not makeglossaries-lite.
+ ]])
+ else
+ error([[
+No \@istfilename found.
+Did your LaTeX run fail?
+Did your LaTeX run produce any output?
+Did you remember to use \makeglossaries?
+ ]])
+ end
+ end
+i = string.len(styfile)
+if string.sub(styfile, i-3, i) == ".xdy"
+ isxindy = true
+if not letterorder
+ if string.match(aux, "\\@glsorder{letter}") ~= nil
+ then
+ letterorder = true
+ end
+makeindex_extra = string.match(aux, "\\@gls@extramakeindexopts{([^}]*%.?%a*)}")
+if dryrun then print("Dry run mode. No commands will be executed.") end
+onlyname = nil
+glossaries = {}
+for name, glg, gls, glo in
+ string.gmatch(aux, "\\@newglossary{([^}]+)}{([^}]+)}{([^}]+)}{([^}]+)}") do
+ if not quiet then
+ print(string.format("Found glossary type '%s' (%s,%s,%s)",
+ name, glg, gls, glo))
+ end
+ glossaries[name] = {}
+ glossaries[name].glg = glg
+ glossaries[name].gls = gls
+ glossaries[name].glo = glo
+ if "."..glo == ext then
+ onlyname = name
+ end
+ if isxindy then
+ if xindylang == nil then
+ glossaries[name].language = string.match(aux,
+ "\\@xdylanguage{""}{([^}]+)}");
+ else
+ glossaries[name].language = xindylang
+ end
+ glossaries[name].codepage = string.match(aux,
+ "\\@gls@codepage{""}{([^}]+)}");
+ end
+onlytypes = string.match(aux, "\\glsxtr@makeglossaries{([^}]+)}")
+if onlytypes ~= nil
+ if not quiet then
+ print(string.format("Only process subset: '%s'", onlytypes))
+ end
+ onlyglossaries = {}
+ for name in string.gmatch(onlytypes, '([^,]+)') do
+ onlyglossaries[name] = glossaries[name]
+ end
+ glossaries = onlyglossaries
+if ext == nil
+ done = false
+ for name, value in pairs(glossaries) do
+ glg = value.glg
+ gls = value.gls
+ glo = value.glo
+ if logfile == nil then
+ glg = inbase .. "." .. glg
+ else
+ glg = logfile
+ end
+ if outfile == nil then
+ gls = inbase .. "." .. gls
+ else
+ gls = outfile
+ end
+ glo = infile .. "." .. glo
+ dorun(name, glg, gls, glo, value.language, value.codepage)
+ done = true
+ end
+ if not done then
+ error([[
+No \@newglossary commands found in aux file.
+Did you remember to use \makeglossaries?
+Did you accidentally suppress the default glossary using "nomain"
+and not provide an alternative glossary?
+ end
+ if onlyname == nil then
+ glo = infile
+ gls = outfile
+ glg = logfile
+ language = xindylang
+ codepage = 'utf8'
+ if language == nil then language = 'english' end
+ if gls == nil then gls = infile..".gls" end
+ else
+ value = glossaries[onlyname]
+ glg = value.glg
+ gls = value.gls
+ glo = infile
+ if logfile == nil then
+ glg = inbase .. "." .. glg
+ else
+ glg = logfile
+ end
+ if outfile == nil then
+ gls = inbase .. "." .. gls
+ else
+ gls = outfile
+ end
+ end
+ if codepage == nil then
+ codepage = 'utf8';
+ end
+ dorun(onlyname, glg, gls, glo, language, codepage)